diff --git a/doc/Braun_et_al_2008.pdf b/doc/Braun_et_al_2008.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3e209bc490ed76e0f486129134a75a24d269ddfd
Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/Braun_et_al_2008.pdf differ
diff --git a/doc/DOUAR_manual.pdf b/doc/DOUAR_manual.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c547344cf9b95d00739985bd9ac707eaf09c4db3
Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/DOUAR_manual.pdf differ
diff --git a/doc/build-p690 b/doc/build-p690
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..07107381ab1db8867692406120bef444a6f40f82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/build-p690
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+Build recipe for the p690
+Author: Douglas Guptill
+Date: 2009-07-14, 15
+# Edit Makefile.p690
+# a quirk, make will fail otherwise.
+touch Makefile.deps
+# install the Makefile specialization for the p690.
+make p690
+# The default xlf compiler is version 8.1.  
+# It is not up to the task of compiling douar
+# WSMP wants this.
+export OBJECT_MODE=64
+# install the latest version of define_bc
+make bc_20090710
+# build douar.
+# The link will fail if the -extchk option is still there.
+# look at the ouput
+make more-output
+# remove -extchk from FFLAGS and CFLAGS in Makefile.p690
+# install the editted Makefile.p690
+make p690
+# remove all the  object files and libraries created by the previous make
+make distclean
+# build douar again
+# After a successful compile and link....
+# Look at the build output
+make more-output
+# install the binary
+make install
diff --git a/doc/changes-made b/doc/changes-made
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d1f2c70148535c2fa7377c4a06fab7a1c22da4b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/changes-made
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+The original douar I received from Dave Whipp is rev 1 of the "douar" 
+project in the Subversion repository on dome.ocean.dal.ca .
+That repository is in ~dguptill/svn/douar
+To see what changes I have made to douar:
+  1. checkout from svn on dome:
+       cd /tmp
+       svn-checkout douar trunk
+       cd douar_trunk
+  2. diff that with rev 1:
+       svn diff -x -w -x --ignore-eol-style --no-diff-deleted -r 1:HEAD | less
+     "svn-checkout" can be found in ~dguptill/bin" on dome.
+     If that is unavailable, just use the appropriate svn command.
+-Douglas Guptill, 2009-06-10
diff --git a/doc/compile-issues b/doc/compile-issues
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a0f0dfc3d9b853b19ede54eb7dad6727170efa7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/compile-issues
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+in move_surface.f90:
+  type (octreev) ov
+  call octree_interpolate_many (3,ov%octree,ov%noctree,ov%icon,ov%nleaves, &
+  call octree_interpolate_many_derivative (3,ov%octree,ov%noctree,ov%icon,ov%nleaves,
+in module_definitions.f90
+      type octreev
+      integer,dimension(:),pointer::octree
+      integer noctree,nnode,nleaves
+      double precision,dimension(:),pointer::x,y,z,temp
+      double precision,dimension(:),pointer::unode,vnode,wnode
+      double precision,dimension(:),pointer::pressure
+      double precision,dimension(:),pointer::temporary_nodal_pressure
+      integer,dimension(:,:),pointer::icon
+      logical, dimension(:),pointer :: whole_leaf_in_fluid
+      end type octreev
+So  ov%octree is integer(:), pointer
+    ov%icon   is integer(:,:), pointer
+in OCTREE/OctreeBitPlus.f90:
+  subroutine octree_interpolate_many (nf,octree,noctree,icon,nleaves,nfield,x,y,z, 
+  integer noctree,octree(noctree),nleaves,icon(8,nleaves)
+  subroutine octree_interpolate_many_derivative &
+                                    (nf,octree,noctree,icon,nleaves,nfield,x,y,z, &
+  integer noctree,octree(noctree),nleaves,icon(8,nleaves)
+The difference being "pointer", and the "8"
+in CASCADE/find_neighbours, we make a code change:
+c      call indexx(np,points,nodes)
+      call indexx(np,x,nodes)
+c      call delaun (points,np,neighbour,vertices,nt,2*np,
+c     &             vis_tlist,vis_elist,add_tlist,eps,nv_max,
+c     &             mode,inactive,bfirst,itstart,subset)
+      call delaun (points,np,neighbour,vertices,nt,2*np,
+     &             vis_tlist,vis_elist,add_tlist,eps,nv_max,
+     &             mode,dummy1,bfirst,itstart,dummy2)
diff --git a/doc/report-01 b/doc/report-01
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..141612934c75397ea89ae73df23f07a225862a4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/report-01
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+Title: Porting douar
+Author: Douglas Guptill
+Date: 2009-06-04
+Porting to p690
+  - frustrating, time-costly
+  - douar behaviour varies with 
+     + compiler (xlf 8.1, xlf 10.1) 
+     + compiler options
+     + changes in noctreemax
+  - I wonder if the execution time and/or results are being affected
+    by the type mismatches at link time; see below for more.
+  - on the p690, using 16 processors, douar is running at 1/300 of the
+    speed of grace. (David Whipp ran the input.txt file on grace, and
+    sent me the stdout file.)
+  - no run yet has passed the point where douar calls wsmp.
+======== (start) output from grace ===================================
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1    168.0293
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    168.0294      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)       27059       42683
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-04  3.59904E+02
+                                                                        viscosity capped in    212992
+                          wsmp solve    215.1212     47.0919     47.0918
+======== (end) output from grace =====================================
+======== (start) output from p690 (np=16) ============================
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  57001.9888
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  57001.9889      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)       13522       28627
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-04  3.59904E+02
+                                                                        viscosity capped in    212992
+                          wsmp solve  61747.2775   4745.2886   4745.2886
+======== (end) output from p690 (np=16) ==============================
+Porting to mahone.ace-net.ca
+For more about mahone, its hardware and software, see here:
+  https://wiki.ace-net.ca/index.php/Main_Page
+  - PGI compilers
+  - quick and easy
+  - runs about 10% faster (using 4 processes on the head node) than grace.
+  - no run yet has passed the point where it calls wsmp.
+  - no successful run yet; MPI problems, as yet un-diagnosed:
+    [clhead:03784] *** An error occurred in MPI_Send
+    [clhead:03784] *** on communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD
+    [clhead:03784] *** MPI_ERR_COUNT: invalid count argument
+    [clhead:03784] *** MPI_ERRORS_ARE_FATAL (goodbye)
+======== (start) output from mahone (np=4) ===========================
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1    137.5392
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    137.5393      0.0000      0.0000
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)       54619       68563
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-04  3.59904E+02
+                                                                        viscosity capped in    196608
+                          wsmp solve    179.2639     41.7246     41.7246
+======== (end) output from mahone (np=4) =============================
+Type mismatches
+The xlf Fortran compiler on the p690 will, if asked, check for
+mismatches between calling sequences and subroutine definitions.  
+What do I mean by a type mismatch?  An example: parameter #3 in the
+calling list is a scalar, parameter #3 in the dummy argument list of
+the subroutine code is an array.  
+The xlf compiler found type mismatches in douar.  Some I could correct
+easily; others will require a much closer examination of the code to
+determine a fix that doesn't break douar.  There are type mismatches
+in the calls to these routines:
+  nn2d_setup
+  nn2d
+  octree_interpolate_many
+  octree_interpolate_many_derivative
+  show
+  delaun
+  indexx
+  fluvial_erosion
+  diffusion_erosion
+  update_time_step
+There are also mismatches for mpi_ routines; this is common on the
+p690; I believe they can be ignored.  See below for the complete list.
+The C code in NN
+(this section is for detail fanatics)
+The files stack.c, stackpair.c and volume.c had copies with a .cc
+  stack.c      and stack.cc
+  stackpair.c  and stackpair.cc
+  volume.c     and volume.cc
+The actual code in each pair of files (stack.c and stack.cc) was
+identical, except that in one copy there was an underscore at the end
+of some routine names.  
+The reason for these duplicates appears to be the variation in how
+Fortran compilers link to non-Fortran routines; some add an underscore
+to the name of non-Fortran routine, some don't.  This results in two
+possibilities at link time: a reference to, for example, 
+  "stackinit" 
+or to 
+  "stackinit_"
+I believe that the duplicated code is a maintenance problem and a
+potential source of nasty bugs.  So I removed the duplicate files, and
+modified the remaining copy by adding a stub for each routine which
+calls the other.  For example, the code for "stackinit" now looks like
+the snippet below.
+The C routines which were un-typed caused link failures on the p690.
+The cure for this was to add a type (void) for those entry points.
+================= (start) stackinit ======================
+/* prototypes */
+        void stackinit_();
+        void stackinit();
+/* provide an entry point with "_" at the end */
+        void stackinit_() {stackinit();}
+/* the code */
+        void stackinit() 
+	   {
+	     head = (struct node *) malloc(sizeof *head);
+	     z = (struct node *) malloc(sizeof *z);
+	     head->next = z; head->key=0;
+	     z->next = z;
+	     z->key = 0;
+	   }
+================= (end) stackinit ======================
+============ (start) type mismatches from the p690 ====================
+(ld): mismatch
+ld: 0711-189 ERROR: Type mismatches were detected.
+	The following symbols are in error:
+ Symbol                    Hash                   Inpndx  TY CL Source-File(Object-File) OR Import-File{Shared-object}
+ ------------------------- ---------------------- ------- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ .mpi_reduce               ** No Hash **          [IMPORT] -- PR {/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib/libmpi_r.a[mpifort64_r.o]}
+       ** References **                           [249]   ER PR (/home/beaumnt1/software/wsmp/lib/Power4/libpwsmp64.a[pwssmp.o])
+       ** References Without Matching Definitions **
+                           Fort 1C031446 20202020 [499]   ER PR (do_leaf_measurements.o)
+                                                  [497]   ER PR (compute_divergence.o)
+                           Fort 883D2E6F 883D2E6F [520]   ER PR (build_system_wsmp.o)
+ .mpi_allreduce            ** No Hash **          [IMPORT] -- PR {/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib/libmpi_r.a[mpifort64_r.o]}
+       ** References **                           [60]    ER PR (/home/beaumnt1/software/wsmp/lib/Power4/libpwsmp64.a[pwgcomm.o])
+                                                  [26]    ER PR (/home/beaumnt1/software/wsmp/lib/Power4/libpwsmp64.a[pwgcomm.o])
+                                                  [496]   ER PR (/home/beaumnt1/software/wsmp/lib/Power4/libpwsmp64.a[pwgsmp.o])
+                                                  [167]   ER PR (/home/beaumnt1/software/wsmp/lib/Power4/libpwsmp64.a[pwgsmp.o])
+                                                  [1437]  ER PR (/home/beaumnt1/software/wsmp/lib/Power4/libpwsmp64.a[parsymb.o])
+       ** References Without Matching Definitions **
+                           Fort A0C85910 20202020 [577]   ER PR (update_cloud_fields.o)
+                                                  [393]   ER PR (move_cloud.o)
+                                                  [490]   ER PR (move_surface.o)
+                                                  [390]   ER PR (interpolate_velocity_on_surface.o)
+                                                  [477]   ER PR (interpolate_ov_on_osolve.o)
+                                                  [538]   ER PR (improve_osolve.o)
+                                                  [540]   ER PR (erosion.o)
+                                                  [476]   ER PR (compute_pressure.o)
+                                                  [528]   ER PR (build_system_wsmp.o)
+                           Fort 7300E28E 20202020 [413]   ER PR (refine_surface.o)
+                                                  [402]   ER PR (check_delaunay.o)
+ .mpi_bcast                ** No Hash **          [IMPORT] -- PR {/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib/libmpi_r.a[mpifort64_r.o]}
+       ** References **                           [376]   ER PR (/home/beaumnt1/software/wsmp/lib/Power4/libpwsmp64.a[pwgsmp.o])
+                                                  [295]   ER PR (/home/beaumnt1/software/wsmp/lib/Power4/libpwsmp64.a[pwssmp.o])
+                                                  [24]    ER PR (/home/beaumnt1/software/wsmp/lib/Power4/libpwsmp64.a[porder.o])
+                                                  [244]   ER PR (/home/beaumnt1/software/wsmp/lib/Power4/libpwsmp64.a[plda.o])
+       ** References Without Matching Definitions **
+                           Fort D8DDC68E 20202020 [519]   ER PR (solve_with_pwgsmp.o)
+                                                  [528]   ER PR (solve_with_pwssmp.o)
+                                                  [524]   ER PR (erosion.o)
+                           Fort 4955A997 4955A997 [354]   ER PR (read_input_file.o)
+                                                  [272]   ER PR (read_controlling_parameters.o)
+                                                  [450]   ER PR (create_surfaces.o)
+ .nn2d_setup               Fort 415F1726 DC32B44C [47]    LD PR nn.f(NN/libnn_f-q64.a[nn.o])
+       ** References Without Matching Definitions **
+                           Fort 5064C7F3 20202020 [536]   ER PR (erosion.o)
+                                                  [466]   ER PR (create_surfaces.o)
+ .nn2d                     Fort DAF314E0 477683E6 [182]   LD PR nn.f(NN/libnn_f-q64.a[nn.o])
+       ** References Without Matching Definitions **
+                           Fort 14D0B906 20202020 [538]   ER PR (erosion.o)
+ .octree_interpolate_many  Fort 56666C28 C1BA756A [1853]  LD PR OctreeBitPlus.f90(OCTREE/libOctree-q64.a[OctreeBitPlus.o])
+       ** References Without Matching Definitions **
+                           Fort 5C3279C7 20202020 [591]   ER PR (update_cloud_fields.o)
+                                                  [391]   ER PR (move_cloud.o)
+                                                  [480]   ER PR (move_surface.o)
+                                                  [388]   ER PR (interpolate_velocity_on_surface.o)
+                           Fort 8D36C986 20202020 [473]   ER PR (interpolate_ov_on_osolve.o)
+ .octree_interpolate_many_derivative Fort 8F7B9C4E 70645C45 [2013]  LD PR OctreeBitPlus.f90(OCTREE/libOctree-q64.a[OctreeBitPlus.o])
+       ** References Without Matching Definitions **
+                           Fort 7989C8EA 20202020 [482]   ER PR (move_surface.o)
+ .mpi_wtime                ** No Hash **          [IMPORT] -- PR {/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib/libmpi_r.a[mpifort64_r.o]}
+       ** References Without Matching Definitions **
+                           Fort D298D1B5 D298D1B5 [272]   ER PR (toolbox.o)
+                           Fort D8CCB3E4 D8CCB3E4 [501]   ER PR (solve_with_pwgsmp.o)
+                                                  [508]   ER PR (solve_with_pwssmp.o)
+ .show                     Fort 4955A997 0C4AC181 [738]   LD PR OctreeBitPlus.f90(OCTREE/libOctree-q64.a[OctreeBitPlus.o])
+       ** References Without Matching Definitions **
+                           Fort F55DBCFA 20202020 [566]   ER PR (CASCADE/libcascade-q64.a[cascade.o])
+ .delaun                   Fort FCC34CBE F539DC8A [34]    LD PR delaun.f(NN/libnn_f-q64.a[delaun.o])
+       ** References Without Matching Definitions **
+                           Fort FCC34CBE 20202020 [516]   ER PR (CASCADE/libcascade-q64.a[nn_remove.o])
+                                                  [121]   ER PR (NN/libnn_f-q64.a[nn.o])
+                           Fort 61BF4539 20202020 [210]   ER PR (CASCADE/libcascade-q64.a[check_mesh.o])
+                           Fort F6CF495C 20202020 [126]   ER PR (CASCADE/libcascade-q64.a[find_neighbours.o])
+ .indexx                   Fort B1C0D0F4 BDD1E49E [2404]  LD PR nn.f(NN/libnn_f-q64.a[nn.o])
+       ** References Without Matching Definitions **
+                           Fort 410FD164 20202020 [122]   ER PR (CASCADE/libcascade-q64.a[find_neighbours.o])
+                           Fort B1C0D0F4 20202020 [1847]  ER PR (NN/libnn_f-q64.a[nn.o])
+                                                  [1637]  ER PR (NN/libnn_f-q64.a[nn.o])
+                                                  [1451]  ER PR (NN/libnn_f-q64.a[nn.o])
+ .fluvial_erosion          Fort 05493BBF 38B5F94F [15]    LD PR fluvial_erosion.f(CASCADE/libcascade-q64.a[fluvial_erosion.o])
+       ** References Without Matching Definitions **
+                           Fort 6E2E3C6A 20202020 [546]   ER PR (CASCADE/libcascade-q64.a[cascade.o])
+ .diffusion_erosion        Fort 9BE4E4A5 B1655465 [12]    LD PR diffusion_erosion.f(CASCADE/libcascade-q64.a[diffusion_erosion.o])
+       ** References Without Matching Definitions **
+                           Fort A199E5A4 20202020 [548]   ER PR (CASCADE/libcascade-q64.a[cascade.o])
+ .update_time_step         Fort B1E8249C FE6F92E6 [14]    LD PR update_time_step.f(CASCADE/libcascade-q64.a[update_time_step.o])
+       ** References Without Matching Definitions **
+                           Fort 949623C9 20202020 [532]   ER PR (CASCADE/libcascade-q64.a[cascade.o])
+MISMATCH: The return code is 8.
+============ (end) type mismatches from the p690 ====================
diff --git a/doc/report-02 b/doc/report-02
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..010a992ad431ae818eb9eae80f960c21e8c4fd39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/report-02
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+The user forum at 
+  http://www.alphaworks.ibm.com/tech/wsmp/forum
+has only one entry - a question: how much memory does wsmp use?
+It is dated 13 June, 2006.  There is no response.
+douar_wsmp (GNU/Linux) and MPI
+wsmp has these X86_64 builds for GNU/Linux
+  GNU
+  Intel
+  PGI
+MPI options include
+  OpenMPI
+We need to choose an MPI-compiler combination, in which the compiler
+matches one of the wsmp builds.  The possibilites are different for 
+each computer.
+ace-net (mahone)
+  mpich-1.2.7/SunStudio
+    - no wsmp for this (Unless SunStudio is gnu-compatible ?)
+  mpich-1.2.7/gnu
+    - mpif90 not present
+    - Ross Dickson reports:
+        examples pwssmp_ex3.f and pwgsmp_ex1.f both segfault
+  mpich-1.2.7/PGI
+    - Ross Dickson reports:
+      MPICH builds (of the wsmp examples) using PGI compilers were unsuccessful.
+    - douar_wsmp reports (from the first call to wsmp):
+      3 - MPI_COMM_SIZE : Null communicator
+      [3]  Aborting program !
+      [3] Aborting program!
+      2 - MPI_COMM_SIZE : Null communicator
+      [2]  Aborting program !
+      [2] Aborting program!
+      0 - MPI_COMM_SIZE : Null communicator
+  openmpi-1.2.7/PGI-7.1
+    - candidate *
+    - examples have trouble...details on mahone...I forget right now.
+    - The content of the .err file suggests that wsmp has accepted its license;
+      however douar_wsmp reports a license problem:
+        WSMP-> initialisation pb         -900
+  mpich/gnu
+    - candidate
+  mpich/Intel
+    - candidate
+  OpenMPI/gnu
+    - candidate *
+  OpenMPI/Intel
+    - candidate *
+* possible gotcha - does wsmp *need* mpich.?
diff --git a/p690/build-problems b/p690/build-problems
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cb8bb61776a7d7863629dabde3f09b39f870f59e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/p690/build-problems
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+(ld): setopt 64
+(ld): halt 0
+(ld): lrgpage 0
+(ld): savename douar-q64
+(ld): filelist 89 1
+(ld): i /lib/crt0_64.o
+(ld): i module_threads.o
+(ld): i module_constants.o
+(ld): i module_invariants.o
+(ld): i module_gauss.o
+(ld): i module_definitions.o
+(ld): i module_random.o
+(ld): i module_colormap.o
+(ld): i DoRuRe.o
+(ld): i build_surface_octree.o
+(ld): i build_system_wsmp.o
+(ld): i calculate_lsf.o
+(ld): i compute_convergence_criterion.o
+(ld): i check_delaunay.o
+(ld): i compute_dhdx_dhdy_dhdz.o
+(ld): i compute_divergence.o
+(ld): i compute_pressure.o
+(ld): i compute_positive_volume.o
+(ld): i compute_normals.o
+(ld): i create_surfaces.o
+(ld): i define_bc.o
+(ld): i define_bc_ritske.o
+(ld): i define_bc_ritske_isurf.o
+(ld): i define_bc_sphere.o
+(ld): i define_bc_riedel.o
+(ld): i define_bc_3Dpunch.o
+(ld): i define_bc_2Dpunch.o
+(ld): i define_bc_2Dpunch_vert.o
+(ld): i define_bc_folding.o
+(ld): i define_bc_pipo.o
+(ld): i define_bc_jgr.o
+(ld): i define_bc_subduction.o
+(ld): i define_bc_parallipipede.o
+(ld): i define_bc_model1.o
+(ld): i define_surface.o
+(ld): i define_cloud.o
+(ld): i define_ov.o
+(ld): i do_leaf_measurements.o
+(ld): i embed_surface_in_octree.o
+(ld): i erosion.o
+(ld): i find_void_nodes.o
+(ld): i flush.o
+(ld): i heap.o
+(ld): i improve_osolve.o
+(ld): i initialize_temperature.o
+(ld): i interpolate_ov_on_osolve.o
+(ld): i interpolate_velocity_on_surface.o
+(ld): i isostasy.o
+(ld): i make_matrix.o
+(ld): i make_cut.o
+(ld): i make_pressure.o
+(ld): i move_surface.o
+(ld): i move_cloud.o
+(ld): i pressure_cut.o
+(ld): i qsort.o
+(ld): i read_controlling_parameters.o
+(ld): i read_input_file.o
+(ld): i refine_surface.o
+(ld): i solve_with_pwssmp.o
+(ld): i solve_with_pwgsmp.o
+(ld): i strain_history.o
+(ld): i scanfile.o
+(ld): i slices.o
+(ld): i smooth_pressures.o
+(ld): i toolbox.o
+(ld): i update_cloud_structure.o
+(ld): i update_cloud_fields.o
+(ld): i visualise_matrix.o
+(ld): i remove_point.o
+(ld): i wsmp_setup.o
+(ld): i DOUAR.o
+(ld): i write_global_output.o
+(ld): i vrm.o
+(ld): i CASCADE/libcascade-q64.a
+(ld): i NN/libnn-q64.a
+(ld): i OCTREE/libOctree-q64.a
+(ld): i RESAMPLE/libresample-q64.a
+(ld): lib /home/beaumnt1/software/wsmp/lib/Power4/libpwsmp64.a
+(ld): lib /usr/lib/libX11.a
+(ld): lib /home/beaumnt1/software/pgplot-5.2.2-q64/libpgplot.a
+(ld): lib /usr/lib/libpthread.a
+(ld): lib /usr/lib/liblapi_r.a
+(ld): lib /usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib/libmpi_r.a
+(ld): lib /usr/xlf-10.1/usr/lib/libxlf90.a
+(ld): lib /usr/xlf-10.1/usr/lpp/xlf/lib/libxlopt.a
+(ld): lib /usr/xlf-10.1/usr/lib/libxlf.a
+(ld): lib /usr/xlf-10.1/usr/lib/libxlomp_ser.a
+(ld): lib /usr/lib/libm_r.a
+(ld): lib /usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib/libc_r.a
+LIBRARY: Shared object libX11.a[shr_64.o]: 1204 symbols imported.
+LIBRARY: Shared object libpthread.a[shr_xpg5_64.o]: 275 symbols imported.
+LIBRARY: Shared object liblapi_r.a[liblapi64_r.o]: 147 symbols imported.
+LIBRARY: Shared object liblapi_r.a[liblapishm64_r.o]: 5 symbols imported.
+LIBRARY: Shared object libmpi_r.a[mpicore64_r.o]: 628 symbols imported.
+LIBRARY: Shared object libmpi_r.a[mpifort64_r.o]: 1578 symbols imported.
+LIBRARY: Shared object libmpi_r.a[mpipoe64_r.o]: 108 symbols imported.
+LIBRARY: Shared object libmpi_r.a[mpicpp64_r.o]: 24 symbols imported.
+LIBRARY: Shared object libmpi_r.a[dynamic64_r.o]: 22 symbols imported.
+LIBRARY: Shared object libmpi_r.a[pm_chkrst64_r.o]: 3 symbols imported.
+LIBRARY: Shared object libxlf90.a[io_64.o]: 82 symbols imported.
+LIBRARY: Shared object libxlf90.a[math_64.o]: 328 symbols imported.
+LIBRARY: Shared object libxlf90.a[xlfsys_64.o]: 33 symbols imported.
+LIBRARY: Symbols imported from import file /usr/xlf-10.1/usr/lib/libxlf90.a[_xlf_aio.imp]: 10
+LIBRARY: Shared object libxlf90.a[_xlf_posix_64.o]: 88 symbols imported.
+LIBRARY: Shared object libxlomp_ser.a[omp_ser_64.o]: 61 symbols imported.
+LIBRARY: Shared object libc_r.a[shr_64.o]: 2270 symbols imported.
+LIBRARY: Shared object libc_r.a[aio_64.o]: 11 symbols imported.
+LIBRARY: Shared object libc_r.a[pse_64.o]: 5 symbols imported.
+LIBRARY: Shared object libc_r.a[dl_64.o]: 4 symbols imported.
+LIBRARY: Shared object libc_r.a[pty_64.o]: 1 symbols imported.
+FILELIld: 0711-197 ERROR: Type mismatches for symbol: .mpi_reduce
+ld: 0711-197 ERROR: Type mismatches for symbol: .mpi_allreduce
+ld: 0711-197 ERROR: Type mismatches for symbol: .mpi_bcast
+ld: 0711-197 ERROR: Type mismatches for symbol: .nn2d_setup
+ld: 0711-197 ERROR: Type mismatches for symbol: .nn2d
+ld: 0711-197 ERROR: Type mismatches for symbol: .octree_interpolate_many
+ld: 0711-197 ERROR: Type mismatches for symbol: .octree_interpolate_many_derivative
+ld: 0711-197 ERROR: Type mismatches for symbol: .mpi_wtime
+ld: 0711-197 ERROR: Type mismatches for symbol: .fluvial_erosion
+ld: 0711-197 ERROR: Type mismatches for symbol: .diffusion_erosion
+ld: 0711-197 ERROR: Type mismatches for symbol: .update_time_step
+ld: 0711-197 ERROR: Type mismatches for symbol: .delaun
+ld: 0711-197 ERROR: Type mismatches for symbol: .indexx
+ld: 0711-197 ERROR: Type mismatches for symbol: .stackflush
+ld: 0711-197 ERROR: Type mismatches for symbol: .stackempty
+ld: 0711-197 ERROR: Type mismatches for symbol: .pop
+ld: 0711-197 ERROR: Type mismatches for symbol: .push
+ld: 0711-197 ERROR: Type mismatches for symbol: .stackinit
+ld: 0711-197 ERROR: Type mismatches for symbol: .stackpairempty
+ld: 0711-197 ERROR: Type mismatches for symbol: .poppair
+ld: 0711-197 ERROR: Type mismatches for symbol: .pushpair
+ld: 0711-197 ERROR: Type mismatches for symbol: .stackpairflush
+ld: 0711-197 ERROR: Type mismatches for symbol: .stackpairinit
+ld: 0711-197 ERROR: Type mismatches for symbol: .dvdaf
+ld: 0711-197 ERROR: Type mismatches for symbol: .volumef
+ld: 0711-197 ERROR: Type mismatches for symbol: .volumeb
+ld: 0711-197 ERROR: Type mismatches for symbol: .volume
+ld: 0711-197 ERROR: Type mismatches for symbol: .show
+ld: 0711-197 ERROR: Type mismatches for symbol: .fpdisc
+ld: 0711-197 ERROR: Type mismatches for symbol: .free
+ld: 0711-197 ERROR: Type mismatches for symbol: .malloc
+ST: Number of previously inserted files processed: 89
+(ld): initfini poe_remote_main 
+(ld): resolve
+RESOLVE: 3995 of 33543 symbols were kept.
+(ld): addgl /usr/lib/glink64.o
+ADDGL: Glink code added for 172 symbols.
+(ld): er full
+ER: There are no unresolved symbols.
+(ld): mismatch
+ld: 0711-189 ERROR: Type mismatches were detected.
+	The following symbols are in error:
+ Symbol                    Hash                   Inpndx  TY CL Source-File(Object-File) OR Import-File{Shared-object}
+ ------------------------- ---------------------- ------- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ .mpi_reduce               ** No Hash **          [IMPORT] -- PR {/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib/libmpi_r.a[mpifort64_r.o]}
+       ** References **                           [249]   ER PR (/home/beaumnt1/software/wsmp/lib/Power4/libpwsmp64.a[pwssmp.o])
+       ** References Without Matching Definitions **
+                           Fort 1C031446 20202020 [499]   ER PR (do_leaf_measurements.o)
+                                                  [497]   ER PR (compute_divergence.o)
+                           Fort 883D2E6F 883D2E6F [520]   ER PR (build_system_wsmp.o)
+ .mpi_allreduce            ** No Hash **          [IMPORT] -- PR {/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib/libmpi_r.a[mpifort64_r.o]}
+       ** References **                           [60]    ER PR (/home/beaumnt1/software/wsmp/lib/Power4/libpwsmp64.a[pwgcomm.o])
+                                                  [26]    ER PR (/home/beaumnt1/software/wsmp/lib/Power4/libpwsmp64.a[pwgcomm.o])
+                                                  [496]   ER PR (/home/beaumnt1/software/wsmp/lib/Power4/libpwsmp64.a[pwgsmp.o])
+                                                  [167]   ER PR (/home/beaumnt1/software/wsmp/lib/Power4/libpwsmp64.a[pwgsmp.o])
+                                                  [1437]  ER PR (/home/beaumnt1/software/wsmp/lib/Power4/libpwsmp64.a[parsymb.o])
+       ** References Without Matching Definitions **
+                           Fort A0C85910 20202020 [577]   ER PR (update_cloud_fields.o)
+                                                  [393]   ER PR (move_cloud.o)
+                                                  [490]   ER PR (move_surface.o)
+                                                  [390]   ER PR (interpolate_velocity_on_surface.o)
+                                                  [477]   ER PR (interpolate_ov_on_osolve.o)
+                                                  [538]   ER PR (improve_osolve.o)
+                                                  [540]   ER PR (erosion.o)
+                                                  [476]   ER PR (compute_pressure.o)
+                                                  [528]   ER PR (build_system_wsmp.o)
+                           Fort 7300E28E 20202020 [413]   ER PR (refine_surface.o)
+                                                  [402]   ER PR (check_delaunay.o)
+ .mpi_bcast                ** No Hash **          [IMPORT] -- PR {/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib/libmpi_r.a[mpifort64_r.o]}
+       ** References **                           [376]   ER PR (/home/beaumnt1/software/wsmp/lib/Power4/libpwsmp64.a[pwgsmp.o])
+                                                  [295]   ER PR (/home/beaumnt1/software/wsmp/lib/Power4/libpwsmp64.a[pwssmp.o])
+                                                  [24]    ER PR (/home/beaumnt1/software/wsmp/lib/Power4/libpwsmp64.a[porder.o])
+                                                  [244]   ER PR (/home/beaumnt1/software/wsmp/lib/Power4/libpwsmp64.a[plda.o])
+       ** References Without Matching Definitions **
+                           Fort D8DDC68E 20202020 [519]   ER PR (solve_with_pwgsmp.o)
+                                                  [528]   ER PR (solve_with_pwssmp.o)
+                                                  [524]   ER PR (erosion.o)
+                           Fort 4955A997 4955A997 [354]   ER PR (read_input_file.o)
+                                                  [272]   ER PR (read_controlling_parameters.o)
+                                                  [450]   ER PR (create_surfaces.o)
+ .nn2d_setup               Fort 415F1726 DC32B44C [47]    LD PR nn.f(NN/libnn-q64.a[nn.o])
+       ** References Without Matching Definitions **
+                           Fort 5064C7F3 20202020 [536]   ER PR (erosion.o)
+                                                  [466]   ER PR (create_surfaces.o)
+ .nn2d                     Fort DAF314E0 477683E6 [182]   LD PR nn.f(NN/libnn-q64.a[nn.o])
+       ** References Without Matching Definitions **
+                           Fort 14D0B906 20202020 [538]   ER PR (erosion.o)
+ .octree_interpolate_many  Fort 56666C28 C1BA756A [1853]  LD PR OctreeBitPlus.f90(OCTREE/libOctree-q64.a[OctreeBitPlus.o])
+       ** References Without Matching Definitions **
+                           Fort 5C3279C7 20202020 [591]   ER PR (update_cloud_fields.o)
+                                                  [391]   ER PR (move_cloud.o)
+                                                  [480]   ER PR (move_surface.o)
+                                                  [388]   ER PR (interpolate_velocity_on_surface.o)
+                           Fort 8D36C986 20202020 [473]   ER PR (interpolate_ov_on_osolve.o)
+ .octree_interpolate_many_derivative Fort 8F7B9C4E 70645C45 [2013]  LD PR OctreeBitPlus.f90(OCTREE/libOctree-q64.a[OctreeBitPlus.o])
+       ** References Without Matching Definitions **
+                           Fort 7989C8EA 20202020 [482]   ER PR (move_surface.o)
+ .mpi_wtime                ** No Hash **          [IMPORT] -- PR {/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib/libmpi_r.a[mpifort64_r.o]}
+       ** References Without Matching Definitions **
+                           Fort D298D1B5 D298D1B5 [272]   ER PR (toolbox.o)
+                           Fort D8CCB3E4 D8CCB3E4 [501]   ER PR (solve_with_pwgsmp.o)
+                                                  [508]   ER PR (solve_with_pwssmp.o)
+ .fluvial_erosion          Fort 05493BBF 38B5F94F [15]    LD PR fluvial_erosion.f(CASCADE/libcascade-q64.a[fluvial_erosion.o])
+       ** References Without Matching Definitions **
+                           Fort 6E2E3C6A 20202020 [546]   ER PR (CASCADE/libcascade-q64.a[cascade.o])
+ .diffusion_erosion        Fort 9BE4E4A5 B1655465 [12]    LD PR diffusion_erosion.f(CASCADE/libcascade-q64.a[diffusion_erosion.o])
+       ** References Without Matching Definitions **
+                           Fort A199E5A4 20202020 [548]   ER PR (CASCADE/libcascade-q64.a[cascade.o])
+ .update_time_step         Fort B1E8249C FE6F92E6 [14]    LD PR update_time_step.f(CASCADE/libcascade-q64.a[update_time_step.o])
+       ** References Without Matching Definitions **
+                           Fort 949623C9 20202020 [532]   ER PR (CASCADE/libcascade-q64.a[cascade.o])
+ .delaun                   Fort FCC34CBE F539DC8A [34]    LD PR delaun.f(NN/libnn-q64.a[delaun.o])
+       ** References Without Matching Definitions **
+                           Fort FCC34CBE 20202020 [516]   ER PR (CASCADE/libcascade-q64.a[nn_remove.o])
+                                                  [121]   ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[nn.o])
+                           Fort 61BF4539 20202020 [210]   ER PR (CASCADE/libcascade-q64.a[check_mesh.o])
+                           Fort F6CF495C 20202020 [126]   ER PR (CASCADE/libcascade-q64.a[find_neighbours.o])
+ .indexx                   Fort B1C0D0F4 BDD1E49E [2404]  LD PR nn.f(NN/libnn-q64.a[nn.o])
+       ** References Without Matching Definitions **
+                           Fort 410FD164 20202020 [122]   ER PR (CASCADE/libcascade-q64.a[find_neighbours.o])
+                           Fort B1C0D0F4 20202020 [1847]  ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[nn.o])
+                                                  [1637]  ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[nn.o])
+                                                  [1451]  ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[nn.o])
+ .stackflush                C   A9375C1F 51C2DCF0 [49]    LD PR stack.c(NN/libnn-q64.a[stack.o])
+       ** References Without Matching Definitions **
+                           Fort D9B924AC D9B924AC [334]   ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[del_sub.o])
+                                                  [243]   ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[del_sub.o])
+ .stackempty                C   220FD7C4 51C2DCF0 [74]    LD PR stack.c(NN/libnn-q64.a[stack.o])
+       ** References Without Matching Definitions **
+                           Fort C784C8A9 C784C8A9 [332]   ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[del_sub.o])
+                                                  [241]   ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[del_sub.o])
+ .pop                       C   AF362758 51C2DCF0 [100]   LD PR stack.c(NN/libnn-q64.a[stack.o])
+       ** References Without Matching Definitions **
+                           Fort C784C8A9 C784C8A9 [328]   ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[del_sub.o])
+                                                  [235]   ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[del_sub.o])
+ .push                      C   AF362758 51C2DCF0 [127]   LD PR stack.c(NN/libnn-q64.a[stack.o])
+       ** References Without Matching Definitions **
+                           Fort C784C8A9 C784C8A9 [324]   ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[del_sub.o])
+                                                  [233]   ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[del_sub.o])
+ .stackinit                 C   A9375C1F 51C2DCF0 [153]   LD PR stack.c(NN/libnn-q64.a[stack.o])
+       ** References Without Matching Definitions **
+                           Fort D9B924AC D9B924AC [322]   ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[del_sub.o])
+                                                  [231]   ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[del_sub.o])
+ .stackpairempty            C   AF362758 51C2DCF0 [37]    LD PR stackpair.c(NN/libnn-q64.a[stackpair.o])
+       ** References Without Matching Definitions **
+                           Fort C784C8A9 C784C8A9 [95]    ER PR (CASCADE/libcascade-q64.a[del_flip.o])
+                                                  [1837]  ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[nn.o])
+                                                  [1627]  ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[nn.o])
+                                                  [1441]  ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[nn.o])
+                                                  [1280]  ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[nn.o])
+                                                  [1135]  ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[nn.o])
+                                                  [884]   ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[nn.o])
+                                                  [771]   ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[nn.o])
+ .poppair                   C   2DB78479 51C2DCF0 [63]    LD PR stackpair.c(NN/libnn-q64.a[stackpair.o])
+       ** References Without Matching Definitions **
+                           Fort 92E70B55 92E70B55 [91]    ER PR (CASCADE/libcascade-q64.a[del_flip.o])
+                                                  [1839]  ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[nn.o])
+                                                  [1629]  ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[nn.o])
+                                                  [1443]  ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[nn.o])
+                                                  [1282]  ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[nn.o])
+                                                  [1137]  ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[nn.o])
+                                                  [886]   ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[nn.o])
+                                                  [773]   ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[nn.o])
+ .pushpair                  C   2DB78479 51C2DCF0 [91]    LD PR stackpair.c(NN/libnn-q64.a[stackpair.o])
+       ** References Without Matching Definitions **
+                           Fort 92E70B55 92E70B55 [89]    ER PR (CASCADE/libcascade-q64.a[del_flip.o])
+                                                  [1835]  ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[nn.o])
+                                                  [1625]  ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[nn.o])
+                                                  [1439]  ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[nn.o])
+                                                  [1278]  ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[nn.o])
+                                                  [1133]  ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[nn.o])
+                                                  [882]   ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[nn.o])
+                                                  [769]   ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[nn.o])
+ .stackpairflush            C   A9375C1F 51C2DCF0 [121]   LD PR stackpair.c(NN/libnn-q64.a[stackpair.o])
+       ** References Without Matching Definitions **
+                           Fort D9B924AC D9B924AC [97]    ER PR (CASCADE/libcascade-q64.a[del_flip.o])
+                                                  [1841]  ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[nn.o])
+                                                  [1631]  ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[nn.o])
+                                                  [1445]  ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[nn.o])
+                                                  [1284]  ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[nn.o])
+                                                  [1139]  ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[nn.o])
+                                                  [888]   ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[nn.o])
+                                                  [775]   ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[nn.o])
+ .stackpairinit             C   A9375C1F 51C2DCF0 [145]   LD PR stackpair.c(NN/libnn-q64.a[stackpair.o])
+       ** References Without Matching Definitions **
+                           Fort D9B924AC D9B924AC [87]    ER PR (CASCADE/libcascade-q64.a[del_flip.o])
+                                                  [1833]  ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[nn.o])
+                                                  [1623]  ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[nn.o])
+                                                  [1437]  ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[nn.o])
+                                                  [1276]  ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[nn.o])
+                                                  [1131]  ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[nn.o])
+                                                  [880]   ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[nn.o])
+                                                  [767]   ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[nn.o])
+ .dvdaf                     C   AE0B35EF 51C2DCF0 [121]   LD PR volume.c(NN/libnn-q64.a[volume.o])
+       ** References Without Matching Definitions **
+                           Fort A8147C83 20202020 [2041]  ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[nn.o])
+ .volumef                   C   E58E4B91 51C2DCF0 [232]   LD PR volume.c(NN/libnn-q64.a[volume.o])
+       ** References Without Matching Definitions **
+                           Fort 07D91508 20202020 [1972]  ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[nn.o])
+ .volumeb                   C   0A57402F 51C2DCF0 [480]   LD PR volume.c(NN/libnn-q64.a[volume.o])
+       ** References Without Matching Definitions **
+                           Fort 046086C3 20202020 [2039]  ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[nn.o])
+ .volume                    C   E58E4B91 51C2DCF0 [575]   LD PR volume.c(NN/libnn-q64.a[volume.o])
+       ** References Without Matching Definitions **
+                           Fort 07D91508 20202020 [1911]  ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[nn.o])
+ .show                     Fort 4955A997 0C4AC181 [738]   LD PR OctreeBitPlus.f90(OCTREE/libOctree-q64.a[OctreeBitPlus.o])
+       ** References Without Matching Definitions **
+                           Fort F55DBCFA 20202020 [566]   ER PR (CASCADE/libcascade-q64.a[cascade.o])
+ .fpdisc                   Fort 8AE1DD7D 5EE9EEDC [13]    LD PR fpdisc.f(RESAMPLE/libresample-q64.a[fpdisc.o])
+       ** References Without Matching Definitions **
+                           Fort FA65DDB9 20202020 [137]   ER PR (RESAMPLE/libresample-q64.a[fpcurf.o])
+ .free                     ** No Hash **          [IMPORT] -- PR {/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib/libc_r.a[shr_64.o]}
+       ** References **                           [54]    ER PR (/home/beaumnt1/software/wsmp/lib/Power4/libpwsmp64.a[pmwssmp.o])
+                                                  [22]    ER PR (/home/beaumnt1/software/wsmp/lib/Power4/libpwsmp64.a[subset.o])
+                                                  [78]    ER PR (/home/beaumnt1/software/wsmp/lib/Power4/libpwsmp64.a[cg.o])
+                                                  [54]    ER PR (/home/beaumnt1/software/wsmp/lib/Power4/libpwsmp64.a[kuhn.o])
+                                                  [44]    ER PR (/home/beaumnt1/software/wsmp/lib/Power4/libpwsmp64.a[hopcroft.o])
+                                                  [178]   ER PR (/home/beaumnt1/software/wsmp/lib/Power4/libpwsmp64.a[ilu.o])
+                                                  [98]    ER PR (/home/beaumnt1/software/wsmp/lib/Power4/libpwsmp64.a[pmsgs.o])
+                                                  [482]   ER PR (/home/beaumnt1/software/wsmp/lib/Power4/libpwsmp64.a[wsglu.o])
+                                                  [194]   ER PR (/home/beaumnt1/software/wsmp/lib/Power4/libpwsmp64.a[indef.o])
+                                                  [62]    ER PR (/home/beaumnt1/software/wsmp/lib/Power4/libpwsmp64.a[tldlt2.o])
+                                                  [308]   ER PR (/home/beaumnt1/software/wsmp/lib/Power4/libpwsmp64.a[twgsmp.o])
+                                                  [144]   ER PR (/home/beaumnt1/software/wsmp/lib/Power4/libpwsmp64.a[twssmp2.o])
+                                                  [458]   ER PR (/home/beaumnt1/software/wsmp/lib/Power4/libpwsmp64.a[twssmp.o])
+                                                  [120]   ER PR (/home/beaumnt1/software/wsmp/lib/Power4/libpwsmp64.a[wsscmm.o])
+                                                  [160]   ER PR (/home/beaumnt1/software/pgplot-5.2.2-q64/libpgplot.a[xwdriv.o])
+       ** References Without Matching Definitions **
+                            C   20202020 51C2DCF0 [227]   ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[stackpair.o])
+                                                  [220]   ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[stack.o])
+                            C   3C54E9A9 C6C5B495 [746]   ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[volume.o])
+ .malloc                   ** No Hash **          [IMPORT] -- PR {/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib/libc_r.a[shr_64.o]}
+       ** References **                           [52]    ER PR (/home/beaumnt1/software/wsmp/lib/Power4/libpwsmp64.a[pmwssmp.o])
+                                                  [24]    ER PR (/home/beaumnt1/software/wsmp/lib/Power4/libpwsmp64.a[subset.o])
+                                                  [70]    ER PR (/home/beaumnt1/software/wsmp/lib/Power4/libpwsmp64.a[cg.o])
+                                                  [50]    ER PR (/home/beaumnt1/software/wsmp/lib/Power4/libpwsmp64.a[kuhn.o])
+                                                  [46]    ER PR (/home/beaumnt1/software/wsmp/lib/Power4/libpwsmp64.a[hopcroft.o])
+                                                  [172]   ER PR (/home/beaumnt1/software/wsmp/lib/Power4/libpwsmp64.a[ilu.o])
+                                                  [72]    ER PR (/home/beaumnt1/software/wsmp/lib/Power4/libpwsmp64.a[pmsgs.o])
+                                                  [484]   ER PR (/home/beaumnt1/software/wsmp/lib/Power4/libpwsmp64.a[wsglu.o])
+                                                  [184]   ER PR (/home/beaumnt1/software/wsmp/lib/Power4/libpwsmp64.a[indef.o])
+                                                  [306]   ER PR (/home/beaumnt1/software/wsmp/lib/Power4/libpwsmp64.a[twgsmp.o])
+                                                  [148]   ER PR (/home/beaumnt1/software/wsmp/lib/Power4/libpwsmp64.a[twssmp2.o])
+                                                  [456]   ER PR (/home/beaumnt1/software/wsmp/lib/Power4/libpwsmp64.a[twssmp.o])
+                                                  [110]   ER PR (/home/beaumnt1/software/wsmp/lib/Power4/libpwsmp64.a[wsscmm.o])
+                                                  [156]   ER PR (/home/beaumnt1/software/pgplot-5.2.2-q64/libpgplot.a[xwdriv.o])
+       ** References Without Matching Definitions **
+                            C   20202020 51C2DCF0 [229]   ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[stackpair.o])
+                                                  [222]   ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[stack.o])
+                            C   79E64333 29617992 [744]   ER PR (NN/libnn-q64.a[volume.o])
+MISMATCH: The return code is 8.
diff --git a/test/douar.run.mahone b/test/douar.run.mahone
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1e9ba10f1c7b7e807e1837334781919e32a7afcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/douar.run.mahone
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# run douar, on mahone
+# Author: Douglas Guptill
+# 2009-06-03: new, from a copy of the one on p690
+make_dir() {
+  if ! test -d $1;  then mkdir $1; fi
+if test $# -lt 1 ; then
+  echo "Usage: $0 <number-of-processors>"
+  exit
+echo "Will use ${PROCS} processes."
+# For pgplot
+# on mahone, we have removed the .so, so we get a static link
+# For wsmp
+export MALLOC_MMAP_MAX_=0
+# WSMP needs to know where its license file is.
+# export WSMPLICPATH=/home/dguptill/software/wsmp/
+# But this doesn't seem to work....)
+# It looks like the license must be where we start the job.
+# douar needs some directories..
+make_dir DEBUG
+make_dir DEBUG/mpilogs
+make_dir OUT
+# define the binary of douar
+# BIN=/home/dguptill/software/douar/bin/douar.mpich.02
+# on mahone, an ldd of the binary (pgi compiler) shows one library not found
+# We get it like this...
+# There may be an issue here when we start running under SGE
+if test "x$(echo ${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} | grep ${ACML_MV_PATH})" = x ; then
+# For debugging PGI compiled binaries on mahone
+# This probably only works while runnin on the head node.
+export PGI_TERM=debug,trace
+export PGI_TERM_DEBUG="pgdbg -attach %d"
+# ulimits
+# (I put this in while debugging; not sure it helped anything)
+ulimit -s 20480      >>${OUT}
+ulimit -a            >>${OUT}
+# Here is the run command
+# MPICH wants the input file on the command line.
+# We did not have much luck with MPICH; ace-net no longer supports it.
+# COM="/usr/local/mpich.pgi.64/bin/mpirun -arch LINUX -machinefile /home/dguptill/douar/machinefile -np ${PROCS} ${BIN} /home/dguptill/douar/input.txt"
+# For testing on the head node
+COM="mpirun -np ${PROCS} ${BIN}"    
+# For production runs under SGE
+# (more to come here)
+echo "COM is <${COM}>"
+# start douar and go away....
+# nohup ${COM} &
+# echo "douar has been started.  Look in nohup.out ."
+# start douar and watch it........
+${COM} 2>douar.err | tee -a ${OUT} 
diff --git a/test/douar.run.p690 b/test/douar.run.p690
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2c46c80e4bae6c033eb608f5053dec58c34f37c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/douar.run.p690
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+# run douar, on the p690
+# Author: Douglas Guptill
+# 2009-05-25: new
+# 2009-08-03: add -eulib ip to poe
+make_dir() {
+  if ! test -d $1;  then mkdir $1; fi
+if test $# -lt 1 ; then
+  echo "Usage: $0 <number-of-processors>"
+  exit
+echo "Will use ${PROCS} processes."
+# For poe
+# set NLSPATH.
+if test  "x${NLSPATH}" = x ; then
+  export NLSPATH=/usr/lib/nls/msg/%L/%N:/usr/lib/nls/msg/%L/%N.cat
+  echo "setting NLSPATH=${NLSPATH}"
+# The PGPLOT routines need this.
+# However Jean Braun has very kindly commented out the lines in douar
+# that call the routines that need pgplot.
+# export PGPLOT_DIR=/home/beaumnt1/software/pgplot-5.2.2
+# For WSMP
+# WSMP needs to know where its license file is.
+# However the export doesn't seem to work.  
+# export WSMPLICPATH=/home/beaumnt1/software/wsmp/wsmp.lic
+# So copy wsmp.lic to the running directory.
+# For WSMP on AIX
+export SPINLOOPTIME=200
+export RT_GRQ=ON
+# these cause trouble from LoadLeveler
+# export MP_EUILIB=us
+# export MP_EUIDEVICE=css0
+export MP_EUILIB=ip
+# ignored if LoadLeveler not being used.
+# export MP_EUIDEVICE=en0
+export MP_CSS_INTERRUPT=yes
+export MP_WAIT_MODE=nopoll
+# douar needs some directories..
+make_dir DEBUG
+make_dir DEBUG/mpilogs
+make_dir OUT
+# define the binary of douar
+# Here is the run command
+COM="poe ${BIN} -procs ${PROCS} -hostfile ${HOME}/host.list -euilib ip"    
+echo "COM is <${COM}>"
+# ulimits
+ulimit -d unlimited   >${OUT}
+ulimit -s 600000     >>${OUT}
+ulimit -m unlimited  >>${OUT}
+ulimit -a            >>${OUT}
+# start douar and go away....
+# nohup ${COM} &
+# echo "douar has been started.  Look in nohup.out ."
+# start douar and watch it........
+${COM} 2>${ERR} | tee -a ${OUT} 
diff --git a/test/douar.run.sopalepc b/test/douar.run.sopalepc
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..56d084524b9ea0e5f6e577afac6ffa31e8ae2d76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/douar.run.sopalepc
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# run douar, on sopalepc
+# Author: Douglas Guptill
+# 2009-06-19: new, from a copy of the one for mahone
+make_dir() {
+  if ! test -d $1;  then mkdir $1; fi
+if test $# -lt 1 ; then
+  echo "Usage: $0 <number-of-processors>"
+  exit
+echo "Will use ${PROCS} processes."
+# For wsmp
+export MALLOC_MMAP_MAX_=0
+# douar needs some directories..
+make_dir DEBUG
+make_dir DEBUG/mpilogs
+make_dir OUT
+# define the binary of douar
+# ulimits
+# (I put this in while debugging; not sure it helped anything)
+ulimit -s 20480      >>${OUT}
+ulimit -a            >>${OUT}
+# Here is the run command
+COM="mpirun -np ${PROCS} --host localhost,localhost,localhost,localhost \
+--byslot --mca btl sm,self ${BIN}"    
+echo "COM is <${COM}>"
+# start douar and go away....
+# nohup ${COM} &
+# echo "douar has been started.  Look in nohup.out ."
+# start douar and watch it........
+${COM} 2>douar.err | tee -a ${OUT} 
diff --git a/test/douar_stdout.txt b/test/douar_stdout.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..37f4fa19a4d337b8726da7026d3143c218de03a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/douar_stdout.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1523 @@
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ program called with no argument
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Computations  Total time   Step time   Increment
+                       Reading Input      0.0002      0.0002      0.0002
+                       Problem Setup      0.2935      0.2935      0.2934
+                     define surfaces      0.2937      0.2937      0.0001
+                          surface 01      0.2937      0.2937      0.0000
+                        define cloud      0.3095      0.3095      0.0158
+              define velocity octree      0.3097      0.3097      0.0002
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step       1      0.3195
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces      0.3197      0.0002      0.0002
+                          surface 01      0.3197      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+                      refine surface      0.3197      0.0003      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay      0.3337      0.0142      0.0139
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1      0.3379
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve      0.3380      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                F
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct F
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  F
+        compute ref. criterion on ov      0.3396      0.0018      0.0016
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=    4096
+        improve osolve for criterion      0.3411      0.0032      0.0015
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=      -Infinity
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=    4096
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes      0.3412      0.0034      0.0001
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=  434176
+    Smoothen octree after refinement      0.6582      0.3203      0.3170
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=  434176
+                   Build osolve icon      2.1942      1.8563      1.5360
+             Imbed surface in osolve      4.0485      3.7107      1.8543
+                embedding surface  1      4.0488      3.7109      0.0002
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ program called with no argument
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Computations  Total time   Step time   Increment
+                       Reading Input      0.0001      0.0001      0.0001
+                       Problem Setup      0.3187      0.3187      0.3186
+                     define surfaces      0.3187      0.3187      0.0000
+                          surface 01      0.3187      0.3187      0.0000
+                        define cloud      0.3318      0.3318      0.0131
+              define velocity octree      0.3319      0.3319      0.0001
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step       1      0.3416
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces      0.3417      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01      0.3417      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+                      refine surface      0.3417      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay      0.3468      0.0051      0.0051
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1      0.3512
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve      0.3513      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                F
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct F
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  F
+        compute ref. criterion on ov      0.3528      0.0016      0.0016
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=    4096
+        improve osolve for criterion      0.3544      0.0032      0.0016
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=      -Infinity
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=    4096
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes      0.3545      0.0033      0.0001
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=  434176
+    Smoothen octree after refinement      0.6716      0.3204      0.3171
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=  434176
+                   Build osolve icon      2.1915      1.8403      1.5200
+             Imbed surface in osolve      3.8104      3.4591      1.6188
+                embedding surface  1      3.8104      3.4592      0.0001
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=  434176
+          Assessing octree stability    132.8824    132.5312    129.0720
+                                                                        current refine level     4
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=        0 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=   434176 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=        0 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=   434176 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  F
+                     Change 3D cloud    132.9096    132.5584      0.0272
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve    149.2604    148.9092     16.3507
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces    160.5220    160.1708     11.2617
+                           Find void    162.4849    162.1337      1.9629
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid   196608
+          Define boundary conditions    162.5888    162.2376      0.1039
+                         wsmp setup1    162.6166    162.2654      0.0279
+                                                                        n =   698922
+                                                                        nz= 27029961
+                         wsmp setup2    167.7975    167.4463      5.1809
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1    168.0293
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    168.0294      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)       27059       42683
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-04  3.59904E+02
+                                                                        viscosity capped in    212992
+                          wsmp solve    215.1212     47.0919     47.0918
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.3170919 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:              20.2699749 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         4.0266092 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:       165.7119761 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16063.1933253 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.9624178 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0383561 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:          191.3325701 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.80899E-01  0.11421E+01
+                                                                        v : -0.12881E+00  0.18421E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.38890E+00  0.45830E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    406.5988    238.5694    191.4775
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15257E+04  0.15258E+04
+                 Smoothing pressures    406.9503    238.9210      0.3515
+                                                                        smooth pressures : -0.37450E+03  0.30944E+01
+                do leaf measurements    407.0367    239.0074      0.0864
+       compute convergence criterion    407.3943    239.3650      0.3576
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5710589 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> F
+                                                                        current_level -> 4
+                    slicing the cube    407.4115    239.3822      0.0172
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical    407.4122    239.3829      0.0006
+                  Compute divergence    407.4122    239.3829      0.0000
+                        wsmp_cleanup    407.6406    239.6113      0.2284
+              Reset surface geometry    407.6507    239.6213      0.0101
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations     407.6514    239.6221      0.0007
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                         wsmp setup1    407.6718    239.6425      0.0204
+                                                                        n =   232974
+                                                                        nz=  5929000
+                         wsmp setup2    408.7394    240.7101      1.0676
+                        build system    408.8176    240.7883      0.0782
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)       27059       42683
+                                                                        ===================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0000811 s
+                                                                        wsmp: analysis time:               7.5014892 s
+                                                                        wsmp: nb of exp. non-z in factors   182869452
+                                                                        wsmp: nb of exp. Mflops in factorisation 207504.4011855
+                                                                        wsmp: LU time:                    16.8921990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: actual nb of non-z in factors   182869452
+                                                                        wsmp: actual nb of Mflops in factorisation  12287.4867499
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2088301 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0121360 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           24.8069861 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        temp :  0.00000E+00  0.11187E+01
+                                                                        =================================
+                        wsmp_cleanup    440.4120    272.3827     31.5944
+                 Advect the surfaces    440.6456    272.6162      0.2335
+                   Advect surface  1    440.6456    272.6163      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                    Erode surface  1    440.7042    272.6749      0.0586
+                 Update cloud fields    469.9109    301.8816     29.2068
+                    Advect the cloud    475.2267    307.1973      5.3157
+                        Write output    506.7627    338.7334     31.5360
+                    End of time step    517.9713    349.9420     11.2086
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step       2    517.9714
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces    517.9714      0.0000      0.0000
+                          surface 01    517.9714      0.0000      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+                      refine surface    517.9714      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay    517.9811      0.0097      0.0096
+                                                                        S. 1:   35 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1    517.9860
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve    517.9861      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                F
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct F
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             F
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  F
+        compute ref. criterion on ov    517.9877      0.0016      0.0016
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=    4096
+        improve osolve for criterion    518.1387      0.1527      0.1511
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   6.660066E+01
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   6.527429E+01
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=    4096
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes    518.2569      0.2709      0.1182
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=  434176
+    Smoothen octree after refinement    518.5738      0.5878      0.3170
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=  434176
+                   Build osolve icon    520.0938      2.1078      1.5200
+             Imbed surface in osolve    521.8237      3.8377      1.7299
+                embedding surface  1    521.8238      3.8378      0.0001
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=  434176
+          Assessing octree stability    650.8906    132.9046    129.0669
+                                                                        current refine level     4
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=   434176 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=   434176 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=   434176 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=   434176 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud    650.9142    132.9282      0.0235
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve    667.8279    149.8419     16.9137
+                                                                        ov%pressure:     -0.5053E+03 0.4650E+01
+                                                                        osolve%pressure: -0.3745E+03 0.3094E+01
+                      Find bad faces    678.7312    160.7452     10.9034
+                           Find void    680.6563    162.6703      1.9251
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid   196608
+          Define boundary conditions    680.7564    162.7704      0.1001
+                         wsmp setup1    680.7863    162.8003      0.0300
+                                                                        n =   698922
+                                                                        nz= 27029961
+                         wsmp setup2    685.9745    167.9885      5.1882
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1    686.2039
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    686.2039      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)       27059       42683
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-04  4.73035E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in    212992
+                          wsmp solve    734.4003     48.1964     48.1963
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.2316258 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:              20.3056488 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         4.0109699 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:       165.3999331 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16093.4980913 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.9578860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0371420 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:          190.9443481 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.90323E-02  0.11161E+01
+                                                                        v : -0.14402E+00  0.17181E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.47633E+00  0.50369E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    925.4953    239.2915    191.0951
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.11579E+03  0.83714E+02
+                 Smoothing pressures    925.8496    239.6457      0.3543
+                                                                        smooth pressures : -0.65802E+02  0.24927E+00
+                do leaf measurements    925.9531    239.7492      0.1034
+       compute convergence criterion    926.3165    240.1126      0.3634
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.1672622 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 4
+                    slicing the cube    926.3337    240.1298      0.0172
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical    926.3344    240.1306      0.0007
+                  Compute divergence    926.3345    240.1306      0.0000
+                        wsmp_cleanup    926.5624    240.3585      0.2279
+              Reset surface geometry    926.5745    240.3706      0.0121
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations     926.5751    240.3712      0.0006
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                         wsmp setup1    926.5958    240.3919      0.0207
+                                                                        n =   232974
+                                                                        nz=  5929000
+                         wsmp setup2    927.6460    241.4421      1.0501
+                        build system    927.7205    241.5166      0.0746
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)       27059       42683
+                                                                        ===================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0000830 s
+                                                                        wsmp: analysis time:               7.4842472 s
+                                                                        wsmp: nb of exp. non-z in factors   182869452
+                                                                        wsmp: nb of exp. Mflops in factorisation 207504.4011855
+                                                                        wsmp: LU time:                    16.9641008 s
+                                                                        wsmp: actual nb of non-z in factors   182869452
+                                                                        wsmp: actual nb of Mflops in factorisation  12235.4066307
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2020431 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0121160 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           24.9322319 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        temp :  0.00000E+00  0.12351E+01
+                                                                        =================================
+                        wsmp_cleanup    959.5596    273.3557     31.8390
+                 Advect the surfaces    959.7915    273.5876      0.2319
+                   Advect surface  1    959.7915    273.5876      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                    Erode surface  1    959.8403    273.6364      0.0488
+                 Update cloud fields    983.8068    297.6029     23.9665
+                    Advect the cloud    989.3985    303.1946      5.5917
+                        Write output   1022.1014    335.8975     32.7029
+                    End of time step   1033.5868    347.3829     11.4854
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step       3   1033.5869
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   1033.5869      0.0000      0.0000
+                          surface 01   1033.5869      0.0000      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+                      refine surface   1033.5869      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   1033.5944      0.0076      0.0075
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   1033.5989
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   1033.5990      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                F
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct F
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  F
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   1033.6006      0.0016      0.0016
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=    4096
+        improve osolve for criterion   1033.7482      0.1493      0.1476
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   6.628113E+01
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   5.610013E+01
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=    4096
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   1033.8664      0.2675      0.1183
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=  434176
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   1034.1824      0.5835      0.3160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=  434176
+                   Build osolve icon   1035.7056      2.1067      1.5232
+             Imbed surface in osolve   1037.4169      3.8180      1.7112
+                embedding surface  1   1037.4170      3.8180      0.0001
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=  434176
+          Assessing octree stability   1166.8541    133.2552    129.4372
+                                                                        current refine level     4
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=   434176 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=   434176 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=   434176 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=   434176 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   1166.8788    133.2799      0.0247
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   1184.2274    150.6284     17.3485
+                                                                        ov%pressure:     -0.8490E+02 0.4586E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure: -0.6580E+02 0.2493E+00
+                      Find bad faces   1191.6915    158.0926      7.4642
+                           Find void   1193.6233    160.0244      1.9318
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid   196608
+          Define boundary conditions   1193.7252    160.1263      0.1019
+                         wsmp setup1   1193.7575    160.1586      0.0323
+                                                                        n =   698922
+                                                                        nz= 27029961
+                         wsmp setup2   1198.9579    165.3590      5.2004
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   1199.1861
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   1199.1861      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)       27059       42683
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-04  8.65793E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in    212992
+                          wsmp solve   1246.7021     47.5160     47.5160
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.3375721 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:              20.2010119 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         4.0342140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:       164.2253020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16208.6077817 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.9580081 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0368600 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:          189.7942071 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u :  0.00000E+00  0.10831E+01
+                                                                        v : -0.12618E+00  0.26206E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.40763E+00  0.52970E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   1436.6457    237.4596    189.9436
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.54550E+02  0.54404E+02
+                 Smoothing pressures   1437.0126    237.8265      0.3669
+                                                                        smooth pressures : -0.14630E+02  0.00000E+00
+                do leaf measurements   1437.1094    237.9233      0.0968
+       compute convergence criterion   1437.4683    238.2823      0.3589
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.1075870 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 4
+                    slicing the cube   1437.4857    238.2996      0.0174
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   1437.4866    238.3005      0.0009
+                  Compute divergence   1437.4866    238.3005      0.0000
+                        wsmp_cleanup   1437.7183    238.5322      0.2317
+              Reset surface geometry   1437.7309    238.5449      0.0126
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    1437.7316    238.5455      0.0006
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                         wsmp setup1   1437.7520    238.5659      0.0204
+                                                                        n =   232974
+                                                                        nz=  5929000
+                         wsmp setup2   1438.8030    239.6169      1.0510
+                        build system   1438.8782    239.6921      0.0751
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)       27059       42683
+                                                                        ===================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0000811 s
+                                                                        wsmp: analysis time:               7.4918990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: nb of exp. non-z in factors   182869452
+                                                                        wsmp: nb of exp. Mflops in factorisation 207504.4011855
+                                                                        wsmp: LU time:                    16.9326000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: actual nb of non-z in factors   182869452
+                                                                        wsmp: actual nb of Mflops in factorisation  12258.1689529
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2025290 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0120542 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           24.9643869 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        temp :  0.00000E+00  0.13135E+01
+                                                                        =================================
+                        wsmp_cleanup   1470.6924    271.5063     31.8143
+                 Advect the surfaces   1470.9260    271.7400      0.2336
+                   Advect surface  1   1470.9261    271.7400      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                    Erode surface  1   1470.9747    271.7887      0.0486
+                 Update cloud fields   1493.3929    294.2068     22.4182
+                    Advect the cloud   1499.0517    299.8656      5.6588
+                        Write output   1532.3497    333.1636     33.2980
+                    End of time step   1544.1431    344.9570     11.7934
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step       4   1544.1431
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   1544.1432      0.0000      0.0000
+                          surface 01   1544.1432      0.0000      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+                      refine surface   1544.1432      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   1544.1509      0.0078      0.0077
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   1544.1554
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   1544.1555      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                F
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct F
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  F
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   1544.1571      0.0017      0.0016
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=    4096
+        improve osolve for criterion   1544.3065      0.1511      0.1494
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   6.512954E+01
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   5.792272E+01
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=    4096
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   1544.4329      0.2775      0.1264
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=  434176
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   1544.7497      0.5942      0.3168
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=  434176
+                   Build osolve icon   1546.2738      2.1184      1.5241
+             Imbed surface in osolve   1547.9820      3.8265      1.7082
+                embedding surface  1   1547.9820      3.8266      0.0001
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=  434176
+          Assessing octree stability   1677.4144    133.2590    129.4324
+                                                                        current refine level     4
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=   434176 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=   434176 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=   434176 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=   434176 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   1677.4345    133.2791      0.0201
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   1694.9915    150.8361     17.5570
+                                                                        ov%pressure:     -0.1676E+02 0.7618E-01
+                                                                        osolve%pressure: -0.1463E+02 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   1700.0431    155.8877      5.0516
+                           Find void   1701.9784    157.8230      1.9353
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid   196608
+          Define boundary conditions   1702.0763    157.9209      0.0979
+                         wsmp setup1   1702.1023    157.9469      0.0260
+                                                                        n =   698922
+                                                                        nz= 27029961
+                         wsmp setup2   1707.2777    163.1223      5.1754
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   1707.5054
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   1707.5054      0.0000      0.0000
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)       27059       42683
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.25826E-04  2.77222E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in    212992
+                          wsmp solve   1755.0529     47.5475     47.5475
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.3607311 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:              20.3277299 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         4.0358078 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:       164.3769121 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16193.6580591 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.9633529 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0370040 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:          190.1028478 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.47155E-02  0.10807E+01
+                                                                        v : -0.12969E+00  0.19265E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.35192E+00  0.53567E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   1945.3068    237.8015    190.2540
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.42853E+02  0.42715E+02
+                 Smoothing pressures   1945.6632    238.1578      0.3564
+                                                                        smooth pressures : -0.32806E+01  0.00000E+00
+                do leaf measurements   1945.7586    238.2532      0.0954
+       compute convergence criterion   1946.1078    238.6024      0.3492
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0730174 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 4
+                    slicing the cube   1946.1251    238.6198      0.0173
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   1946.1261    238.6207      0.0009
+                  Compute divergence   1946.1261    238.6208      0.0001
+                        wsmp_cleanup   1946.3639    238.8585      0.2377
+              Reset surface geometry   1946.3754    238.8701      0.0116
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    1946.3763    238.8709      0.0008
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                         wsmp setup1   1946.3995    238.8942      0.0233
+                                                                        n =   232974
+                                                                        nz=  5929000
+                         wsmp setup2   1947.4511    239.9458      1.0516
+                        build system   1947.5301    240.0247      0.0789
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)       27059       42683
+                                                                        ===================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0000820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: analysis time:               7.5116599 s
+                                                                        wsmp: nb of exp. non-z in factors   182869452
+                                                                        wsmp: nb of exp. Mflops in factorisation 207504.4011855
+                                                                        wsmp: LU time:                    16.9493830 s
+                                                                        wsmp: actual nb of non-z in factors   182869452
+                                                                        wsmp: actual nb of Mflops in factorisation  12246.0311166
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2026129 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0124860 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           25.0780189 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        temp :  0.00000E+00  0.14017E+01
+                                                                        =================================
+                        wsmp_cleanup   1979.5815    272.0761     32.0514
+                 Advect the surfaces   1979.8160    272.3106      0.2345
+                   Advect surface  1   1979.8162    272.3108      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                    Erode surface  1   1979.8637    272.3583      0.0475
+                 Update cloud fields   1998.8362    291.3308     18.9726
+                    Advect the cloud   2004.6513    297.1459      5.8151
+                        Write output   2038.4955    330.9901     33.8442
+                    End of time step   2050.2551    342.7497     11.7596
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step       5   2050.2553
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   2050.2554      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   2050.2554      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+                      refine surface   2050.2555      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   2050.2620      0.0067      0.0066
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   2050.2653
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   2050.2654      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                F
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct F
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  F
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   2050.2670      0.0018      0.0016
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=    4096
+        improve osolve for criterion   2050.4125      0.1472      0.1455
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   6.436618E+01
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   5.140083E+01
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=    4096
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   2050.5374      0.2722      0.1249
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=  434176
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   2050.8503      0.5850      0.3129
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=  434176
+                   Build osolve icon   2052.3739      2.1086      1.5236
+             Imbed surface in osolve   2054.1735      3.9083      1.7997
+                embedding surface  1   2054.1737      3.9085      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=  434176
+          Assessing octree stability   2183.8168    133.5515    129.6431
+                                                                        current refine level     4
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=   434176 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=   434176 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=   434176 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=   434176 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   2183.8304    133.5651      0.0136
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   2201.5362    151.2709     17.7058
+                                                                        ov%pressure:     -0.3487E+01 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure: -0.3281E+01 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   2202.7813    152.5161      1.2451
+                           Find void   2204.7295    154.4643      1.9482
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid   196608
+          Define boundary conditions   2204.8316    154.5663      0.1020
+                         wsmp setup1   2204.8611    154.5959      0.0296
+                                                                        n =   698922
+                                                                        nz= 27029961
+                         wsmp setup2   2210.0533    159.7880      5.1921
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   2210.2913
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   2210.2914      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)       27059       42683
+                                                                        viscosity range   3.09806E-04  1.26972E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in    212992
+                          wsmp solve   2257.5288     47.2375     47.2374
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.4169340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:              20.1170051 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         3.9956121 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:       163.2416360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16306.2780565 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.9628792 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0369651 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:          188.7722960 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.11237E-01  0.10543E+01
+                                                                        v : -0.13328E+00  0.14841E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.27844E+00  0.50564E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   2446.4491    236.1578    188.9203
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.25934E+02  0.25784E+02
+                 Smoothing pressures   2446.8133    236.5220      0.3642
+                                                                        smooth pressures : -0.79245E+00  0.00000E+00
+                do leaf measurements   2446.9029    236.6116      0.0895
+       compute convergence criterion   2447.2734    236.9821      0.3705
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0594301 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 4
+                    slicing the cube   2447.2906    236.9993      0.0172
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   2447.2914    237.0001      0.0008
+                  Compute divergence   2447.2915    237.0002      0.0001
+                        wsmp_cleanup   2447.5199    237.2287      0.2284
+              Reset surface geometry   2447.5315    237.2402      0.0116
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    2447.5324    237.2411      0.0008
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                         wsmp setup1   2447.5522    237.2609      0.0199
+                                                                        n =   232974
+                                                                        nz=  5929000
+                         wsmp setup2   2448.6019    238.3106      1.0497
+                        build system   2448.6702    238.3789      0.0682
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)       27059       42683
+                                                                        ===================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0000801 s
+                                                                        wsmp: analysis time:               7.4665198 s
+                                                                        wsmp: nb of exp. non-z in factors   182869452
+                                                                        wsmp: nb of exp. Mflops in factorisation 207504.4011855
+                                                                        wsmp: LU time:                    16.9795361 s
+                                                                        wsmp: actual nb of non-z in factors   182869452
+                                                                        wsmp: actual nb of Mflops in factorisation  12224.2840548
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1998639 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0122809 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           25.1174109 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        temp :  0.00000E+00  0.14788E+01
+                                                                        =================================
+                        wsmp_cleanup   2480.6938    270.4025     32.0236
+                 Advect the surfaces   2480.9274    270.6361      0.2336
+                   Advect surface  1   2480.9275    270.6363      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                    Erode surface  1   2480.9760    270.6847      0.0485
+                 Update cloud fields   2498.4937    288.2024     17.5177
+                    Advect the cloud   2504.3671    294.0758      5.8734
+                        Write output   2538.5407    328.2494     34.1735
+                    End of time step   2550.4081    340.1168     11.8674
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step       6   2550.4083
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   2550.4084      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   2550.4084      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+                      refine surface   2550.4084      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   2550.4139      0.0056      0.0054
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   2550.4172
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   2550.4174      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                F
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct F
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  F
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   2550.4190      0.0018      0.0016
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=    4096
+        improve osolve for criterion   2550.5647      0.1474      0.1456
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   6.409702E+01
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   5.137951E+01
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=    4096
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   2550.6935      0.2763      0.1289
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=  434176
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   2551.0096      0.5924      0.3161
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=  434176
+                   Build osolve icon   2552.5483      2.1311      1.5387
+             Imbed surface in osolve   2554.3220      3.9048      1.7738
+                embedding surface  1   2554.3222      3.9050      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=  434176
+          Assessing octree stability   2734.1773    183.7600    179.8550
+                                                                        current refine level     4
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=   434176 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=   434176 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=   434176 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=   434176 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   2734.1932    183.7760      0.0160
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   2749.4678    199.0505     15.2745
+                                                                        ov%pressure:     -0.8091E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure: -0.7924E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   2749.9240    199.5067      0.4562
+                           Find void   2751.8836    201.4664      1.9596
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid   196608
+          Define boundary conditions   2751.9908    201.5736      0.1072
+                         wsmp setup1   2752.0191    201.6019      0.0283
+                                                                        n =   698922
+                                                                        nz= 27029961
+                         wsmp setup2   2757.1903    206.7730      5.1712
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   2757.4212
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   2757.4214      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)       27059       42683
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.98698E-04  9.49640E-01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in    212992
+                          wsmp solve   2805.6284     48.2072     48.2070
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.5335970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:              20.1718328 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         4.0157630 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:       163.8344381 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16247.2770606 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.9706621 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0368619 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:          189.5643780 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.76373E-02  0.10269E+01
+                                                                        v : -0.12324E+00  0.13864E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.21613E+00  0.44693E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   2995.3417    237.9205    189.7133
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12629E+02  0.12495E+02
+                 Smoothing pressures   2995.7043    238.2831      0.3625
+                                                                        smooth pressures : -0.23767E+00  0.00000E+00
+                do leaf measurements   2995.8056    238.3844      0.1014
+       compute convergence criterion   2996.1546    238.7334      0.3489
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0646290 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 4
+                    slicing the cube   2996.1719    238.7507      0.0173
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   2996.1729    238.7517      0.0010
+                  Compute divergence   2996.1729    238.7517      0.0001
+                        wsmp_cleanup   2996.4027    238.9815      0.2298
+              Reset surface geometry   2996.4151    238.9939      0.0124
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    2996.4159    238.9947      0.0008
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                         wsmp setup1   2996.4364    239.0152      0.0205
+                                                                        n =   232974
+                                                                        nz=  5929000
+                         wsmp setup2   2997.4836    240.0624      1.0472
+                        build system   2997.5509    240.1297      0.0673
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)       27059       42683
+                                                                        ===================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0000958 s
+                                                                        wsmp: analysis time:               7.4147830 s
+                                                                        wsmp: nb of exp. non-z in factors   182869452
+                                                                        wsmp: nb of exp. Mflops in factorisation 207504.4011855
+                                                                        wsmp: LU time:                    17.0323141 s
+                                                                        wsmp: actual nb of non-z in factors   182869452
+                                                                        wsmp: actual nb of Mflops in factorisation  12186.4046845
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2059109 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0123830 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           25.1437089 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        temp :  0.00000E+00  0.15469E+01
+                                                                        =================================
+                        wsmp_cleanup   3029.5116    272.0904     31.9607
+                 Advect the surfaces   3029.7442    272.3230      0.2325
+                   Advect surface  1   3029.7443    272.3232      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                    Erode surface  1   3029.7930    272.3718      0.0486
+                 Update cloud fields   3047.7421    290.3209     17.9491
+                    Advect the cloud   3053.6112    296.1900      5.8691
+                        Write output   3088.3393    330.9181     34.7281
+                    End of time step   3100.2905    342.8693     11.9511
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step       7   3100.2907
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   3100.2908      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   3100.2908      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+                      refine surface   3100.2909      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   3100.2980      0.0073      0.0071
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   3100.3025
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   3100.3026      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                F
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct F
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  F
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   3100.3042      0.0018      0.0016
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=    4096
+        improve osolve for criterion   3100.4437      0.1412      0.1394
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   6.413314E+01
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   5.057416E+01
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=    4096
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   3100.5675      0.2651      0.1239
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=  434176
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   3100.8804      0.5779      0.3128
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=  434176
+                   Build osolve icon   3102.4034      2.1010      1.5231
+             Imbed surface in osolve   3104.1684      3.8660      1.7650
+                embedding surface  1   3104.1687      3.8662      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=  434176
+          Assessing octree stability   3313.2467    212.9443    209.0781
+                                                                        current refine level     4
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=   434176 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=   434176 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=   434176 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=   434176 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   3313.2627    212.9602      0.0159
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   3331.3349    231.0324     18.0722
+                                                                        ov%pressure:     -0.2545E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure: -0.2377E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   3331.7853    231.4829      0.4504
+                           Find void   3333.7413    233.4388      1.9560
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid   196608
+          Define boundary conditions   3333.8375    233.5350      0.0962
+                         wsmp setup1   3333.8668    233.5643      0.0293
+                                                                        n =   698922
+                                                                        nz= 27029961
+                         wsmp setup2   3339.0627    238.7602      5.1959
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   3339.2946
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   3339.2948      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)       27059       42683
+                                                                        viscosity range   3.16015E-04  1.39427E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in    212992
+                          wsmp solve   3387.3099     48.0153     48.0151
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.5982368 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:              20.1400878 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         4.0331759 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:       164.0228140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16228.6174840 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      1.2452710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0368302 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:          190.0774920 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.57582E-03  0.10049E+01
+                                                                        v : -0.12076E+00  0.12935E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.18961E+00  0.40227E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   3577.5770    238.2823    190.2671
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.67642E+01  0.66260E+01
+                 Smoothing pressures   3577.9223    238.6277      0.3453
+                                                                        smooth pressures : -0.19466E+00  0.00000E+00
+                do leaf measurements   3578.0176    238.7230      0.0953
+       compute convergence criterion   3578.3694    239.0748      0.3518
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0742502 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 4
+                    slicing the cube   3578.3864    239.0918      0.0170
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   3578.3873    239.0926      0.0009
+                  Compute divergence   3578.3873    239.0927      0.0001
+                        wsmp_cleanup   3578.6164    239.3218      0.2291
+              Reset surface geometry   3578.6274    239.3327      0.0110
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    3578.6282    239.3336      0.0009
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                         wsmp setup1   3578.6487    239.3541      0.0205
+                                                                        n =   232974
+                                                                        nz=  5929000
+                         wsmp setup2   3579.6975    240.4029      1.0488
+                        build system   3579.7701    240.4755      0.0726
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)       27059       42683
+                                                                        ===================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0000851 s
+                                                                        wsmp: analysis time:               7.5326600 s
+                                                                        wsmp: nb of exp. non-z in factors   182869452
+                                                                        wsmp: nb of exp. Mflops in factorisation 207504.4011855
+                                                                        wsmp: LU time:                    17.0063190 s
+                                                                        wsmp: actual nb of non-z in factors   182869452
+                                                                        wsmp: actual nb of Mflops in factorisation  12205.0322185
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2020421 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0123019 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           25.3288782 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        temp :  0.00000E+00  0.16081E+01
+                                                                        =================================
+                        wsmp_cleanup   3611.9315    272.6369     32.1614
+                 Advect the surfaces   3612.1638    272.8692      0.2322
+                   Advect surface  1   3612.1639    272.8693      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                    Erode surface  1   3612.2125    272.9178      0.0485
+                 Update cloud fields   3626.7526    287.4580     14.5402
+                    Advect the cloud   3632.6651    293.3705      5.9125
+                        Write output   3667.5310    328.2364     34.8659
+                    End of time step   3679.6790    340.3844     12.1480
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step       8   3679.6792
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   3679.6793      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   3679.6793      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+                      refine surface   3679.6794      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   3679.6861      0.0068      0.0067
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   3679.6907
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   3679.6908      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                F
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct F
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  F
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   3679.6925      0.0018      0.0016
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=    4096
+        improve osolve for criterion   3679.8320      0.1413      0.1395
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   6.406980E+01
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   4.854481E+01
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=    4096
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   3679.9567      0.2660      0.1247
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=  434176
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   3680.2729      0.5822      0.3162
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=  434176
+                   Build osolve icon   3681.8094      2.1187      1.5365
+             Imbed surface in osolve   3683.5693      3.8786      1.7599
+                embedding surface  1   3683.5695      3.8788      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=  434176
+          Assessing octree stability   3879.8927    200.2021    196.3232
+                                                                        current refine level     4
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=   434176 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=   434176 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=   434176 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=   434176 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   3879.9114    200.2207      0.0186
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   3895.6023    215.9116     15.6909
+                                                                        ov%pressure:     -0.2287E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure: -0.1947E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   3901.8023    222.1117      6.2001
+                           Find void   3903.7893    224.0986      1.9869
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid   196608
+          Define boundary conditions   3903.8920    224.2013      0.1027
+                         wsmp setup1   3903.9308    224.2402      0.0389
+                                                                        n =   698922
+                                                                        nz= 27029961
+                         wsmp setup2   3909.1026    229.4120      5.1718
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   3909.3353
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   3909.3354      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)       27059       42683
+                                                                        viscosity range   3.27029E-04  7.11221E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in    212992
+                          wsmp solve   3956.8223     47.4870     47.4868
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.6620622 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:              20.9286959 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         4.0489881 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:       183.4286239 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14511.7127896 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      4.3394611 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0370772 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:          213.4477439 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u :  0.00000E+00  0.10004E+01
+                                                                        v : -0.11743E+00  0.11994E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.17484E+00  0.39201E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   4170.5535    261.2182    213.7312
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.45989E+01  0.44571E+01
+                 Smoothing pressures   4170.8877    261.5524      0.3342
+                                                                        smooth pressures : -0.17973E+00  0.00000E+00
+                do leaf measurements   4170.9749    261.6397      0.0872
+       compute convergence criterion   4171.3273    261.9920      0.3523
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0555724 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 4
+                    slicing the cube   4171.3447    262.0095      0.0174
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   4171.3455    262.0102      0.0008
+                  Compute divergence   4171.3455    262.0103      0.0001
+                        wsmp_cleanup   4171.5768    262.2415      0.2312
+              Reset surface geometry   4171.5884    262.2531      0.0116
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    4171.5892    262.2540      0.0008
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                         wsmp setup1   4171.6091    262.2739      0.0199
+                                                                        n =   232974
+                                                                        nz=  5929000
+                         wsmp setup2   4172.6590    263.3238      1.0499
+                        build system   4172.7350    263.3997      0.0759
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)       27059       42683
+                                                                        ===================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0000861 s
+                                                                        wsmp: analysis time:               7.5584779 s
+                                                                        wsmp: nb of exp. non-z in factors   182869452
+                                                                        wsmp: nb of exp. Mflops in factorisation 207504.4011855
+                                                                        wsmp: LU time:                    17.0183580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: actual nb of non-z in factors   182869452
+                                                                        wsmp: actual nb of Mflops in factorisation  12196.3982641
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2110701 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0123980 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           25.5622339 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        temp :  0.00000E+00  0.16637E+01
+                                                                        =================================
+                        wsmp_cleanup   4205.1416    295.8063     32.4066
+                 Advect the surfaces   4205.3771    296.0419      0.2356
+                   Advect surface  1   4205.3773    296.0420      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                    Erode surface  1   4205.4258    296.0906      0.0485
+                 Update cloud fields   4219.9153    310.5800     14.4894
+                    Advect the cloud   4225.9529    316.6177      6.0377
+                        Write output   4261.0746    351.7393     35.1216
+                    End of time step   4273.1999    363.8647     12.1254
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step       9   4273.2001
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   4273.2002      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   4273.2002      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+                      refine surface   4273.2003      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   4273.2076      0.0075      0.0073
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   4273.2119
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   4273.2121      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                F
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct F
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  F
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   4273.2137      0.0018      0.0016
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=    4096
+        improve osolve for criterion   4273.3556      0.1437      0.1419
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   6.398082E+01
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   4.664698E+01
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=    4096
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   4273.4775      0.2656      0.1219
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=  434176
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   4273.7906      0.5787      0.3130
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=  434176
+                   Build osolve icon   4275.3152      2.1033      1.5246
+             Imbed surface in osolve   4277.0969      3.8850      1.7817
+                embedding surface  1   4277.0972      3.8853      0.0003
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=  434176
+          Assessing octree stability   4447.2282    174.0163    170.1310
+                                                                        current refine level     4
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=   434176 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=   434176 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=   434176 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=   434176 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   4447.2463    174.0344      0.0180
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   4463.3246    190.1127     16.0783
+                                                                        ov%pressure:     -0.2091E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure: -0.1797E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   4493.6690    220.4571     30.3444
+                           Find void   4495.6344    222.4225      1.9654
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid   196608
+          Define boundary conditions   4495.7223    222.5104      0.0879
+                         wsmp setup1   4495.7450    222.5331      0.0227
+                                                                        n =   699003
+                                                                        nz= 27032364
+                         wsmp setup2   4500.9421    227.7303      5.1972
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   4501.1742
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   4501.1744      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)       27063       42687
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-04  4.24312E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in    213008
+                          wsmp solve   4548.5879     47.4137     47.4135
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.7758930 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:              22.8445249 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         4.0882258 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:       183.1621981 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14455.4282402 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      1.6904209 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0376720 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:          212.6002140 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u :  0.00000E+00  0.10000E+01
+                                                                        v : -0.11412E+00  0.11709E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.15809E+00  0.40457E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   4761.4766    260.3024    212.8887
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.37659E+01  0.36233E+01
+                 Smoothing pressures   4761.8067    260.6325      0.3300
+                                                                        smooth pressures : -0.17019E+00  0.60956E-05
+                do leaf measurements   4761.8964    260.7222      0.0897
+       compute convergence criterion   4762.2554    261.0812      0.3590
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0394506 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 4
+                    slicing the cube   4762.2709    261.0967      0.0155
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   4762.2715    261.0973      0.0006
+                  Compute divergence   4762.2716    261.0974      0.0001
+                        wsmp_cleanup   4762.5030    261.3288      0.2315
+              Reset surface geometry   4762.5142    261.3400      0.0111
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    4762.5150    261.3408      0.0009
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                         wsmp setup1   4762.5348    261.3606      0.0197
+                                                                        n =   233001
+                                                                        nz=  5929525
+                         wsmp setup2   4763.5787    262.4045      1.0439
+                        build system   4763.6567    262.4825      0.0779
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)       27058       42687
+                                                                        ===================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0000970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: analysis time:               7.5549400 s
+                                                                        wsmp: nb of exp. non-z in factors   180599703
+                                                                        wsmp: nb of exp. Mflops in factorisation 197655.4935424
+                                                                        wsmp: LU time:                    15.9145639 s
+                                                                        wsmp: actual nb of non-z in factors   180599703
+                                                                        wsmp: actual nb of Mflops in factorisation  12422.9881916
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2212951 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0123291 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           24.4434860 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        temp :  0.00000E+00  0.17149E+01
+                                                                        =================================
+                        wsmp_cleanup   4794.9219    293.7477     31.2653
+                 Advect the surfaces   4795.1561    293.9819      0.2341
+                   Advect surface  1   4795.1562    293.9820      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                    Erode surface  1   4795.2047    294.0305      0.0485
+                 Update cloud fields   4809.2908    308.1166     14.0861
+                    Advect the cloud   4815.3027    314.1285      6.0120
+                        Write output   4850.5740    349.3998     35.2713
+                    End of time step   4862.9956    361.8214     12.4215
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      10   4862.9958
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   4862.9958      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   4862.9959      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+                      refine surface   4862.9959      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   4863.0113      0.0155      0.0154
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   4863.0145
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   4863.0147      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                F
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct F
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  F
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   4863.0163      0.0018      0.0016
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=    4096
+        improve osolve for criterion   4863.1603      0.1457      0.1440
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   6.399756E+01
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   4.596288E+01
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=    4096
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   4863.2831      0.2686      0.1228
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=  434176
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   4863.5961      0.5815      0.3130
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=  434176
+                   Build osolve icon   4865.1186      2.1041      1.5226
+             Imbed surface in osolve   4866.8534      3.8389      1.7348
+                embedding surface  1   4866.8538      3.8392      0.0003
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=  434176
+          Assessing octree stability   5008.0466    145.0321    141.1929
+                                                                        current refine level     4
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=   434176 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=   434176 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=   434176 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=   434176 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   5008.0602    145.0457      0.0136
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   5025.8793    162.8648     17.8191
+                                                                        ov%pressure:     -0.1982E+00 0.2447E-04
+                                                                        osolve%pressure: -0.1702E+00 0.6096E-05
+                      Find bad faces   5084.0515    221.0369     58.1721
+                           Find void   5086.0020    222.9875      1.9506
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid   198134
+          Define boundary conditions   5086.1009    223.0864      0.0989
+                         wsmp setup1   5086.1259    223.1114      0.0250
+                                                                        n =   704745
+                                                                        nz= 27256176
+                         wsmp setup2   5091.3467    228.3322      5.2208
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   5091.5777
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   5091.5779      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)       27321       42930
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-04  2.18906E+02
+                                                                        viscosity capped in    214779
+                          wsmp solve   5139.5141     47.9364     47.9362
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.7800322 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:              21.2654810 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         4.0871730 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:       184.8293519 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14603.8460771 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      1.6411312 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0379939 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:          212.6424489 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u :  0.00000E+00  0.10000E+01
+                                                                        v : -0.11115E+00  0.12429E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.14192E+00  0.41303E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   5352.4171    260.8393    212.9029
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.34136E+01  0.32712E+01
+                 Smoothing pressures   5352.7484    261.1707      0.3314
+                                                                        smooth pressures : -0.16550E+00  0.53384E-05
+                do leaf measurements   5352.8387    261.2610      0.0903
+       compute convergence criterion   5353.1899    261.6122      0.3512
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0295352 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 4
+                    slicing the cube   5353.2056    261.6279      0.0157
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   5353.2058    261.6280      0.0002
+                  Compute divergence   5353.2058    261.6281      0.0000
+                        wsmp_cleanup   5353.4312    261.8535      0.2254
+              Reset surface geometry   5353.4436    261.8659      0.0124
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    5353.4445    261.8667      0.0008
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                         wsmp setup1   5353.4641    261.8864      0.0197
+                                                                        n =   234915
+                                                                        nz=  5978623
+                         wsmp setup2   5354.5182    262.9405      1.0541
+                        build system   5354.6000    263.0223      0.0818
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)       27318       42929
+                                                                        ===================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0000880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: analysis time:               7.4740741 s
+                                                                        wsmp: nb of exp. non-z in factors   182818259
+                                                                        wsmp: nb of exp. Mflops in factorisation 200716.2010137
+                                                                        wsmp: LU time:                    15.9043021 s
+                                                                        wsmp: actual nb of non-z in factors   182818259
+                                                                        wsmp: actual nb of Mflops in factorisation  12623.7221740
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2345459 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0124640 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           24.3561862 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        temp :  0.00000E+00  0.17623E+01
+                                                                        =================================
+                        wsmp_cleanup   5385.8029    294.2252     31.2029
+                 Advect the surfaces   5386.0354    294.4577      0.2325
+                   Advect surface  1   5386.0356    294.4578      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                    Erode surface  1   5386.0842    294.5064      0.0486
+                 Update cloud fields   5400.0519    308.4742     13.9678
+                    Advect the cloud   5406.1550    314.5772      6.1030
+                        Write output   5441.6072    350.0295     35.4523
+                    End of time step   5453.8097    362.2319     12.2024
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      11   5453.8098
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   5453.8099      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   5453.8099      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+                      refine surface   5453.8100      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   5453.8155      0.0057      0.0056
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   5453.8191
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   5453.8192      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                F
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct F
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  F
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   5453.8208      0.0018      0.0016
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=    4096
+        improve osolve for criterion   5453.9613      0.1423      0.1405
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   6.399973E+01
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   4.744129E+01
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=    4096
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   5454.0856      0.2665      0.1243
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=  434176
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   5454.3987      0.5796      0.3131
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=  434176
+                   Build osolve icon   5455.9190      2.1000      1.5203
+             Imbed surface in osolve   5457.6357      3.8166      1.7167
+                embedding surface  1   5457.6359      3.8168      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=  434176
+          Assessing octree stability   5669.8114    215.9923    212.1755
+                                                                        current refine level     4
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=   434176 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=   434176 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=   434176 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=   434176 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   5669.8268    216.0078      0.0154
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   5686.6203    232.8012     16.7935
+                                                                        ov%pressure:     -0.1927E+00 0.2157E-04
+                                                                        osolve%pressure: -0.1655E+00 0.5338E-05
+                      Find bad faces   5695.8924    242.0734      9.2721
+                           Find void   5697.8359    244.0168      1.9435
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid   199970
+          Define boundary conditions   5697.9319    244.1128      0.0960
+                         wsmp setup1   5697.9626    244.1435      0.0307
+                                                                        n =   710925
+                                                                        nz= 27503508
+                         wsmp setup2   5703.2375    249.4185      5.2750
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   5703.4670
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   5703.4671      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)       27582       43184
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-04  7.85286E+02
+                                                                        viscosity capped in    216764
+                          wsmp solve   5750.9871     47.5201     47.5200
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.9279749 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:              21.5467000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         4.0976081 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:       197.9714620 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14147.0125909 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:     29.5101249 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0382011 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:          254.0933461 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u :  0.00000E+00  0.10000E+01
+                                                                        v : -0.14721E+00  0.14765E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.12729E+00  0.43627E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   6005.3387    301.8717    254.3516
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.32791E+01  0.31285E+01
+                 Smoothing pressures   6005.6753    302.2084      0.3367
+                                                                        smooth pressures : -0.16346E+00  0.68000E-06
+                do leaf measurements   6005.7667    302.2997      0.0914
+       compute convergence criterion   6006.1230    302.6560      0.3563
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0229300 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 4
+                    slicing the cube   6006.1389    302.6720      0.0159
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   6006.1394    302.6724      0.0005
+                  Compute divergence   6006.1394    302.6725      0.0000
+                        wsmp_cleanup   6006.3681    302.9011      0.2287
+              Reset surface geometry   6006.3798    302.9128      0.0117
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    6006.3806    302.9137      0.0009
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                         wsmp setup1   6006.4006    302.9337      0.0200
+                                                                        n =   236975
+                                                                        nz=  6032899
+                         wsmp setup2   6007.4626    303.9956      1.0620
+                        build system   6007.5443    304.0774      0.0817
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)       27582       43184
+                                                                        ===================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0000839 s
+                                                                        wsmp: analysis time:               7.5835309 s
+                                                                        wsmp: nb of exp. non-z in factors   186032823
+                                                                        wsmp: nb of exp. Mflops in factorisation 207555.3009769
+                                                                        wsmp: LU time:                    16.2542520 s
+                                                                        wsmp: actual nb of non-z in factors   186032823
+                                                                        wsmp: actual nb of Mflops in factorisation  12772.7782992
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2416210 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0126932 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           24.9921432 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        temp :  0.00000E+00  0.18066E+01
+                                                                        =================================
+                        wsmp_cleanup   6039.2890    335.8220     31.7447
+                 Advect the surfaces   6039.5224    336.0554      0.2334
+                   Advect surface  1   6039.5225    336.0556      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                    Erode surface  1   6039.5700    336.1030      0.0474
+                 Update cloud fields   6053.8811    350.4141     14.3111
+                    Advect the cloud   6060.0835    356.6165      6.2024
+                        Write output   6095.7891    392.3221     35.7056
+                    End of time step   6108.2745    404.8075     12.4854
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      12   6108.2746
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   6108.2747      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   6108.2747      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+                      refine surface   6108.2748      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   6108.2810      0.0063      0.0062
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   6108.2842
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   6108.2844      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                F
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct F
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  F
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   6108.2860      0.0018      0.0016
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=    4096
+        improve osolve for criterion   6108.4262      0.1420      0.1402
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   6.399997E+01
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   4.871429E+01
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=    4096
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   6108.5503      0.2661      0.1241
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=  434176
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   6108.8666      0.5824      0.3163
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=  434176
+                   Build osolve icon   6110.4121      2.1278      1.5454
+             Imbed surface in osolve   6112.1853      3.9010      1.7732
+                embedding surface  1   6112.1854      3.9012      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=  434176
+          Assessing octree stability   6266.0075    157.7232    153.8220
+                                                                        current refine level     4
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=   434176 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=   434176 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=   434176 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=   434176 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   6266.0223    157.7381      0.0149
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   6285.5921    177.3078     19.5697
+                                                                        ov%pressure:     -0.1899E+00 0.4187E-05
+                                                                        osolve%pressure: -0.1635E+00 0.6800E-06
+                      Find bad faces   6328.0884    219.8042     42.4964
+                           Find void   6330.0631    221.7788      1.9747
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid   200686
+          Define boundary conditions   6330.1640    221.8798      0.1009
+                         wsmp setup1   6330.1937    221.9095      0.0297
+                                                                        n =   713055
+                                                                        nz= 27590838
+                         wsmp setup2   6335.5008    227.2165      5.3070
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   6335.7356
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   6335.7358      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)       27672       43259
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-04  1.00000E+03
+                                                                        viscosity capped in    217474
+                          wsmp solve   6384.3182     48.5826     48.5824
diff --git a/test/input.txt b/test/input.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7c042c9736e9052d62773d61d3029e3730be046f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/input.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,625 @@
+!                                                                              |
+!              ||===\\                                                         | 
+!              ||    \\                                                        |
+!              ||     ||   //==\\   ||  ||   //==||  ||/==\\                   |
+!              ||     ||  ||    ||  ||  ||  ||   ||  ||    ||                  |
+!              ||    //   ||    ||  ||  ||  ||   ||  ||                        |
+!              ||===//     \\==//    \\==\\  \\==\\  ||                        |
+!                                                                              |
+!              Input File                                                      |
+This file is read by two subroutines in the code:
+- read_controlling_parameters
+- read_input_file
+The indications between [] indicate the type of the read parameter. It can be
+an integer [int], a real*8 [dp], a character chain [char] or a boolean [bool].
+[int]debug is a parameter that switches on/off various prints and outputs
+(the level of printing for error, warning and messages of the solver id%cntl(4)
+is set to the debug value).
+if debug is zero, no debugging 
+if debug is equal to one, this triggers the terminal display of some key parameters 
+if debug is equal to two, same as debug equal to one, and the code produces various 
+vtk files in the DEBUG subdirectories (surfaces, olsf, ...), as well as cross sections 
+for all nonlinear iterations. Careful, memory consuming !
+      debug = 1
+[bool]doDoRuRe is a flag that triggers the production of output files needed to produce
+the DoRuRes. DoRuRe stands for 'Douar Run Report'. 
+       doDoRuRe = F
+[bool]compute_qp_gram triggers the production of qpgrams for every grid.
+      compute_qpgram = F
+[bool]compute_reaction_forces toggles on/off the reaction forces computations.
+      compute_reaction_forces = F
+[int]irestart is a restart flag; if irestart is not 0, the run will restart from
+an output file given by [char]restartfile and at step.
+      irestart = 0
+      restartfile=OUT/time_0187.bin
+[dp]dt is the time step length (if dt is negative, courant conidition is used and
+automatic time stepping is turned on)
+      dt=1.d-3
+[int]nstep is the number of time steps
+      nstep = 200
+[dp]courant is only used when dt is negative; it determines the size of the time
+step from the maximum value of the velocity field amplitude. The time step s
+the product of courant by the ratio of the smallest leaf size by the maximum
+      courant=.5d0
+[bool]normaladvect is a flag used to determine which algorithm to use to calculate
+the new geoletry of the normals to the surfaces at the nodes on the surfaces
+if normaladvect is T, the normals are advected using the velocity gradient
+if normaladvect is F, the normals are re-computed from the geometry of the
+      normaladvect = T
+[int]griditer is a flag that allows for nonlinear iterations; when positive, a fixed number
+(griditer) of iterations is permitted; when negative, the number of
+nonlinear iterations is determined by a convergence criterion.
+      griditer = 1
+[dp]octree_refine_ratio is the threshold value used to determine whether the octree 
+has converged or not. the larger the value, the less stringent the test.
+      octree_refine_ratio=1.025d0
+[int]nonlinear_iterations is the maximum number of nonlinear iterations (i.e. the 
+iterations on a given constant grid)
+if nonlinear_iterations is positive, it simply is the number of nonlinear
+iterations performed for each grid. When negative it indicates an upper bound
+of nonlinear iterations, but the actual number of nonlinear iterations is
+determined by a convergence criterion (see the 'tol' parameter)
+      nonlinear_iterations = 1
+[dp]tol is the relative tolerance used to estimate convergence on the computed
+velocity field
+      tol=0.01d0
+[bool]adaptive_tol is a flag that toggles on/off the evolution of the tol parameter
+with the grid level: when velocity convergence is reached on a grid, the
+latest meaure of the velocity difference between the two last obtained
+solutions is put in tol, so that on the following generated grid, the solution
+reaches at least the same level of convergence. It allows to start with a not
+too stringent value of tol at uniform octree level that evolves with every
+grid, assuming that increasing the level of refinement of the octree allows to
+better capture the solution, hence allowing a tighter convergence. 
+      adaptive_tol = F
+[int]leveluniform_oct is the level of uniform discretization of space; note that a
+level is a power of two used to divide the unit cube
+      leveluniform_oct = 4
+[int]levelmax_oct is maximum level of octree discretization
+      levelmax_oct = 6
+[bool]ismooth is a flag to impose an additional level of smoothing after refinement
+for the surfaces and strain rate. It ensures that no leaf is flanked by
+other leaves differing by more than 1 level of refinement
+      ismooth = F
+[int]noctreemax is the maximum size of any octree used in all computations
+      noctreemax=10000000
+[dp]refine_ratio is used to determine octree refinement based on a given criterion. 
+All leaves where the criterion is larger than refine_ratio times the maximum 
+of this criterion are refined 
+      refine_ratio=-10000
+[int]refine_criterion determines which refinement algorithm is to be used.
+Several criteria exist for the refinement of the osolve octree. 1 is the second 
+invariant of the deviatoric strain-rate tensor; 2 is the sum of the squares of the
+diagonal terms of the deviatoric strain-rate tensor; 3 is the second invariant
+of the deviatoric strain rate tensor timses the leaf size. any other value sets
+the criterion to zero and leads to no refinement. 
+      refine_criterion=1
+[int]initial_refine_level is the initial level at which the refinement of the
+octree will be performed. it has to be smaller than levelmax_oct
+this should be used (different from levelmax_oct) in case the flow is very 
+localized (nonlinear/plastic analysis)
+      initial_refine_level = 4
+[bool]renumber_nodes is a flag that can toggle on/off the renumbering of the nodes
+by mean of Sloan's algorithm (T/F)
+      renumber_nodes = T
+[int]smoothing_type is a parameter allows to choose which type of smoothing is to 
+be applied to the pressure field: 0 is none, 1 is center->nodes->center, 2 is the 
+same, but weighted by neighbouring elemental volumes, 3 is regular grid+SPH, and 4 is SPH.  
+      smoothing_type = 1
+[int]npmin and [int]npmax are used to update the 3D volumetric cloud. npmin corresponds
+to the minimum number of particles in any leaf; npmax is the maximum allowable
+number in any leaf
+      npmin=8
+      npmax=27
+[int]levelcut is the number of levels used to estimate the volume integrals in the
+divFEM algorithmi for cut cells; by testing, it has been estimated that a value
+of 2 is very accurate
+      levelcut=2
+[int]levelapprox is the number of levels used to estimate the remaining integrals
+using an improved version of Marthijn's clever algorithm, usually 3 is plenty
+      levelapprox=3
+[dp]penalty is a global penalty parameter used to impose the bad faces or
+incompatible faces linear constraints
+      penalty=1.d8
+[bool]excl_vol is a parameter that toggles off the assumption that lsf's are built
+on top of one another
+      excl_vol = F 
+[dp] ztemp is the height interval between which a linear temperature gradient 
+is set: the temperature is 1 at the bottom, and 0 at ztemp.
+[dp] tempscale
+      calculate_temp = T
+      ztemp = .1d0
+      tempscale=250.d0
+[int]nmat is number of materials
+      nmat=1
+[int]material0 determines what is the material above the 1st surface (the free
+surface) if material0 is 0 then it is the void and the properties "0" are used
+for that part of the model; otherwise the material is one of the material,
+comprised between 1 and nmat
+      material0 = 0
+[dp]densityi, [dp]viscosityi and [dp]penaltyi are the density, viscosity and
+incompressibility used for material i; there should be nmat sets of material
+properties; there should also be a nil material if material0 has been set to 0
+[dp]expon is the nonlinear viscosity exponent
+[dp]diffusivity is the heat diffusivity
+[dp]heat is the heat production
+[char]plasticity_type is the type of plasticity
+- No    -> no plasticity, purely (nonlinear) viscous material
+- vM    -> von Mises yield criterion
+        -> [dp]plasticity_1st_param is the yield value
+- DPI   -> Drucker-Prager type of yield criterion
+        -> the yield locus passes through the outer apices of the Mohr-Coulomb hexagon
+        -> [dp]plasticity_1st_param is the angle phi
+        -> [dp]plasticity_2nd_param is the cohesion c
+- DPII  -> Drucker-Prager type of yield criterion
+        -> the yield locus passes through the inner apices of the Mohr-Coulomb hexagon
+        -> [dp]plasticity_1st_param is the angle phi
+        -> [dp]plasticity_2nd_param is the cohesion c
+- DPIII -> Drucker-Prager type of yield criterion
+        -> [dp]plasticity_1st_param is alpha
+        -> [dp]plasticity_2nd_param is k
+- MC    -> Mohr-Coulomb type of yield criterion
+        -> [dp]plasticity_1st_param is the angle phi
+        -> [dp]plasticity_2nd_param is the cohesion c
+      density0              = 0.d0
+      viscosity0            = 1.d-5
+      penalty0              = 1.d8
+      expon0                = 1.d0
+      diffusivity0          = 1.d0
+      heat0                 = 0.d0
+      activationenergy0     = 0.d0
+      plasticity_type0      = MC
+      plasticity_1st_param0 = 15.d0
+      plasticity_2nd_param0 = 1.72d-3
+      plasticity_3rd_param0 = 0.5d0
+      plasticity_4th_param0 = 1.5d0
+      plasticity_5th_param0 = 5.d0
+      density1              = -.83d0
+      viscosity1            = 9.136d-8
+      penalty1              = 1.d8
+      expon1                = 4.d0
+      diffusivity1          = 1.25d-2
+      heat1                 = 0.d0
+      activationenergy1     = 223.d3
+      plasticity_type1      = MC
+      plasticity_1st_param1 = 15.d0
+      plasticity_2nd_param1 = 10.d-3
+old value for plasticity_2nd_param1 is 3.13d-3
+      plasticity_3rd_param1 = 0.5d0
+      plasticity_4th_param1 = 1.5d0
+      plasticity_5th_param1 = 5.d0
+[dp]viscositymin and viscositymax are bounds on the viscosity (if negative bound is not imposed)
+These bounds are introduced to prevent the viscosity to reach unrealistic values, especially when
+using non-linear (power-law or brittle) rheologies
+      viscositymin=1.d-4
+      viscositymax=1.d3
+[int]ns is number of surfaces to track
+      ns=1
+for each surface, one needs to define a levelt, itype, material, surface_type, activation_time 
+and surface_params .
+- [int]levelt is the inital level for the particles on the surface; to be accurate
+and avoid wholes in the surface during definition of the lsf, one should use
+levelt eq to levelmax_oct+1 for all surfaces as a minimum value; 
+- [int]itype should be 1 for foldable surfaces or 0 for nonfoldable surfaces; 
+- [int]material is the material type refering to the table of material available (max nmat); 
+- [dp]activation_time is the time the surface becomes active (before that time, it
+  is glued to the 0th surface). this parameter is useful when defining stratigraphic horizons; 
+  default is -1, ie the surface is not glued to the free surface
+- [int]surface_type is comprised between 1 and 8. 
+  1 corresponds to  a flat surface, 
+    -> surface_param_01 is the z level
+  2 to a rectangular emboss, 
+    -> surface_param_01 is the z level
+    -> surface_param_02 and 03 are x1,x2 
+    -> surface_param_04 and 05 are y1,y2 
+    -> surface_param_06 is the thickness 
+  3 to a convex spherical emboss, 
+    -> surface_param_01 is the z level
+    -> surface_param_02 and 03 are x0,y0 
+    -> surface_param_04 is the radius 
+  4 to concave spherical emboss,
+    -> surface_param_01 is the z level
+    -> surface_param_02 and 03 are x0,y0 
+    -> surface_param_04 is the radius 
+  5 to a double rectangular emboss, 
+    -> surface_param_01 is the z level
+    -> surface_param_02 and 03 are x1,x2 
+    -> surface_param_04 and 05 are x3,x4 
+    -> surface_param_06 and 07 are y1,y2 
+    -> surface_param_08 and 09 are y3,y4 
+    -> surface_param_10 is the thickness 
+  6 to a sinus, 
+    -> surface_param_01 is the z level
+    -> surface_param_02 is the wavelength 
+    -> surface_param_03 is the amplitude 
+  7 to a noisy surface, 
+    -> surface_param_01 is the z level
+    -> surface_param_02 is the noise amplitude
+  8 to a double sinus.
+    -> surface_param_01 is the z level
+    -> surface_param_02 is the x-wavelength 
+    -> surface_param_03 is the x-amplitude 
+    -> surface_param_04 is the y-wavelength 
+    -> surface_param_05 is the y-amplitude 
+- [int]leveloct is the level at which the octree will be refined in the vicinity of the surface.
+      levelt1             = 6
+      itype1              = 0
+      surface_type_1      = 1
+      rand1               = T
+      surface_param_01_1  = .1d0
+      material1           = 1
+      activation_time_1   = -1. 
+      leveloct1           = 6
+      stretch1            = 1.5d0
+      anglemax1           = 180.d0
+      criterion1          = 1
+      anglemaxoctree1     = 180.d0
+      spread_surface_points1 = 1
+[int]niter_move is the number of iterations used to update particle positions
+using an implicit, mid-point algorithm (default is 10)
+      niter_move = 10
+[dp]stretch is the maximum allowed increase in linear length between two initially
+adjacent particles on any surface; when this stretch is achieved, a new
+particle is inserted on the surface, half-way along the stretched edge
+      stretch = 1.5d0
+[dp]anglemax is the maximum allowed angle between two adjacent normals
+when the angle is reached a new point is inserted beteen the two points to
+reduce the angle between the two normals
+      anglemax=180.d0
+[int]criterion is criterion used to define the octree in the vicinity of the
+sufaces; criterion 1 corresponds to imposing that all leaves that are cut by any of the
+surfaces must be at level levelmax_oct; criterion 2 corresponds
+to imposing that discretization is proportional to the curvature of the
+surface; curvature is calculated from the local divergence of the normals.
+criterion 3 corresponds to imposing that all leaves that contain at
+least one particle of any surface is at levelmax_oct; 
+      criterion = 2
+[dp]anglemaxoctree is only defined for criterion 2; t is the maximum allowable angle
+between two adjacent normals; if the angle is greater than anglemaxoctree, the local
+octree leaves are forced to be at level levelmax_oct; otherwise they are
+proportionally larger (smaller levels) (default is 10)
+     anglemaxoctree = 10.d0
+[int]nboxes is the number of boxes in which the user imposes a set level of
+      nboxes = 1
+for each box we need to specify the two end corners and the level
+the syntax is [dp]boxnx0, [dp]boxnx1, [dp]boxny0, [dp]boxny1, [dp]boxnz0, [dp]boxnz1
+and boxnlevel where n is the box number
+      box1x0=0.d0
+      box1x1=1.d0
+      box1y0=0.d0
+      box1y1=1.d0
+      box1z0=0.0d0
+      box1z1=0.2d0
+      box1level=7
+      box2x0=0.1d0
+      box2x1=0.4d0
+      box2y0=0.0d0
+      box2y1=0.5d0
+      box2z0=0.0d0
+      box2z1=0.2d0
+      box2level=7
+      box3x0=0.6d0
+      box3x1=0.9d0
+      box3y0=0.5d0
+      box3y1=1.0d0
+      box3z0=0.0d0
+      box3z1=0.2d0
+      box3level=7
+[bool]ref_on_faces toggles on/off the user imposed refinement on faces.
+for each of the six faces of the cube, on defines the level at which the
+desired area is to be refined. this area is given by bottom, top, left and
+right coordinates that are comprised between 0 and 1
+faces 1,2,3,4,5,6 respectively correspond to x=0,x=1,y=0,y=1,z=0,z=1
+      ref_on_faces = F
+      level_face1=5
+      b1=.02
+      t1=.51
+      l1=.11
+      r1=.81
+      level_face2=5
+      b2=.45
+      t2=.55
+      l2=.46
+      r2=.56
+      level_face3=5
+      b3=.0
+      t3=.2
+      l3=.3
+      r3=.7
+      level_face4=5
+      b4=.4
+      t4=.5
+      l4=.14
+      r4=.4
+      level_face5=5
+      b5=0.
+      t5=1.
+      l5=0.
+      r5=0.75
+      level_face6=5
+      b6=.26
+      t6=.56
+      l6=.16
+      r6=.86
+[bool]erosion is a flag that toggles on/off the erosion. 
+      erosion = T
+if erosion is on, one also needs to set the erosion level/height, [dp]zerosion
+Note that this is a first attempt at erosion; in future versions, DOUAR
+should be easily linked to a surface processes model like CASCADE
+      zerosion=.1d0
+If erosion is on, one also needs to define a length scale and a velocity scale to
+properly translate the uplift rate produced by DOUAR into something that is adequate
+for CASCADE; 
+[dp]length_scale is the scale of the unit model in km 
+[dp]velocity_scale is the velocity scale in km/Myr. 
+if length_scale is negative, erosion is assumed to be perfect (no call to CASCADE is needed)
+      length_scale=200.d0
+      velocity_scale=10.d0
+One then needs to define the erosion constants in CASCADE
+[dp]fluvial_erosion is the fluvial erosion constant in 1/m^2
+[dp]diffusion_erosion is the diffusion erosion constant in m^2/yr
+(4d-2 32d-2)
+      fluvial_erosion=2.d-2
+      diffusion_erosion=16.d-2
+One finally needs to specify the boundary conditions for CASCADE
+if [int]baselevelx0 is set to 1 then the boundary at x=0 is set at baselevel (water and sediment exit)
+if [int]baselevelx1 is set to 1 then the boundary at x=1 is set at baselevel (water and sediment exit)
+if [int]baselevely0 is set to 1 then the boundary at y=0 is set at baselevel (water and sediment exit)
+if [int]baselevely1 is set to 1 then the boundary at y=1 is set at baselevel (water and sediment exit)
+      baselevelx0=1
+      baselevelx1=1
+      baselevely0=0
+      baselevely1=0
+[bool]visualise_matrix allows the user to turn on the visual representation of the 
+matrices used in the code. Be careful, the generated postscript files are huge !
+      visualise_matrix = F
+[int]nsections is the number of cross-sections to be output. [dp]scale is the scale used to produce the postscript file.
+[int]xyz takes values 1, 2 or 3, and corresponds to planes defined by x=constant, y=constant, and z=constant resp.
+The [bool]flags are self explanatory. [char]colormap is the chosen colormap (jet or hot). [int]ncolours is the number of
+colours used to produce the plot. 
+nsections = 0
+xyz_1          = 1 
+slice_1        = 0.5001
+flag_press_1   = T
+flag_spress_1  = T 
+flag_e2d_1     = T
+flag_e3d_1     = F
+flag_lode_1    = F 
+flag_crit_1    = F 
+flag_grid_1    = T 
+flag_mu_1      = F   
+flag_u_1       = F
+flag_v_1       = F
+flag_w_1       = F
+flag_q_1       = F 
+flag_uvw_1     = F 
+flag_lsf_1     = F 
+flag_vfield_1  = F 
+flag_colour_1  = T
+flag_plastic_1 = F
+flag_velvect_1 = T
+scale_1        = 500.
+colormap_1     = jet
+ncolours_1     = 256
+xyz_2          = 2
+slice_2        = 0.901
+flag_press_2   = T
+flag_e2d_2     = T
+flag_e3d_2     = F 
+flag_lode_2    = F 
+flag_crit_2    = F 
+flag_grid_2    = F 
+flag_mu_2      = F   
+flag_u_2       = F
+flag_v_2       = F
+flag_w_2       = F
+flag_q_2       = F 
+flag_uvw_2     = F 
+flag_lsf_2     = F 
+flag_vfield_2  = F 
+flag_colour_2  = T
+flag_plastic_2 = F
+flag_velvect_2 = F
+scale_2        = 800.
+colormap_2     = jet 
+ncolours_2     = 256
+xyz_3          = 3
+slice_3        = 0.0010
+flag_press_3   = F 
+flag_e2d_3     = F
+flag_e3d_3     = F
+flag_lode_3    = F 
+flag_crit_3    = F 
+flag_grid_3    = F 
+flag_mu_3      = F   
+flag_u_3       = F
+flag_v_3       = F
+flag_w_3       = F
+flag_q_3       = F
+flag_uvw_3     = F 
+flag_lsf_3     = F 
+flag_vfield_3  = F 
+flag_colour_3  = T
+flag_plastic_3 = F
+flag_velvect_3 = F
+scale_3        = 400.
+colormap_3     = jet
+ncolours_3     = 256
diff --git a/test/input_2009-07-10.txt b/test/input_2009-07-10.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..df9c81d3c247e232a9f5308ac834b65187d73f0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/input_2009-07-10.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,718 @@
+!                                                                              |
+!              ||===\\                                                         |
+!              ||    \\                                                        |
+!              ||     ||   //==\\   ||  ||   //==||  ||/==\\                   |
+!              ||     ||  ||    ||  ||  ||  ||   ||  ||    ||                  |
+!              ||    //   ||    ||  ||  ||  ||   ||  ||                        |
+!              ||===//     \\==//    \\==\\  \\==\\  ||                        |
+!                                                                              |
+!              Input File                                                      |
+This file is read by two subroutines in the code:
+- read_controlling_parameters
+- read_input_file
+The indications between [] indicate the type of the read parameter. It can be
+an integer [int], a real*8 [dp], a character chain [char] or a boolean [bool].
+[int]debug is a parameter that switches on/off various prints and outputs
+(the level of printing for error, warning and messages of the solver id%cntl(4)
+is set to the debug value).
+if debug is zero, no debugging 
+if debug is equal to one, this triggers the terminal display of some key
+if debug is equal to two, same as debug equal to one, and the code produces
+various vtk files in the DEBUG subdirectories (surfaces, olsf, ...), as well as
+cross sections for all nonlinear iterations. Careful, memory consuming!
+     debug = 1
+[bool]doDoRuRe is a flag that triggers the production of output files needed to
+produce the DoRuRes. DoRuRe stands for 'Douar Run Report'. 
+      doDoRuRe = F
+[bool]compute_qp_gram triggers the production of qpgrams for every grid.
+     compute_qpgram = F
+[bool]compute_reaction_forces toggles on/off the reaction forces computations.
+     compute_reaction_forces = F
+[int]irestart is a restart flag; if irestart is not 0, the run will restart from
+an output file given by [char]restartfile and at step.
+     irestart=0
+     restartfile=OUT/time_0170.bin
+[dp]dt is the time step length (if dt is negative, courant conidition is used
+and automatic time stepping is turned on)
+     dt=1.d-4
+[int]nstep is the number of time steps
+     nstep = 500
+[dp]courant is only used when dt is negative; it determines the size of the time
+step from the maximum value of the velocity field amplitude. The time step s
+the product of courant by the ratio of the smallest leaf size by the maximum
+     courant=.5d0
+[bool]normaladvect is a flag used to determine which algorithm to use to
+calculate the new geoletry of the normals to the surfaces at the nodes on the
+if normaladvect is T, the normals are advected using the velocity gradient
+if normaladvect is F, the normals are re-computed from the geometry of the
+     normaladvect = T
+[int]griditer is a flag that allows for nonlinear iterations; when positive, a
+fixed number (griditer) of iterations is permitted; when negative, the number of
+nonlinear iterations is determined by a convergence criterion.
+     griditer = -10
+[dp]octree_refine_ratio is the threshold value used to determine whether the
+octree has converged or not. the larger the value, the less stringent the test.
+     octree_refine_ratio=.025d0
+[int]nonlinear_iterations is the maximum number of nonlinear iterations (i.e.
+the iterations on a given constant grid)
+if nonlinear_iterations is positive, it simply is the number of nonlinear
+iterations performed for each grid. When negative it indicates an upper bound
+of nonlinear iterations, but the actual number of nonlinear iterations is
+determined by a convergence criterion (see the 'tol' parameter)
+     nonlinear_iterations = -10
+[dp]tol is the relative tolerance used to estimate convergence on the computed
+velocity field
+     tol=0.01d0
+[bool]adaptive_tol is a flag that toggles on/off the evolution of the tol
+parameter with the grid level: when velocity convergence is reached on a grid,
+the latest meaure of the velocity difference between the two last obtained
+solutions is put in tol, so that on the following generated grid, the solution
+reaches at least the same level of convergence. It allows to start with a not
+too stringent value of tol at uniform octree level that evolves with every
+grid, assuming that increasing the level of refinement of the octree allows to
+better capture the solution, hence allowing a tighter convergence. 
+     adaptive_tol = F
+[int]leveluniform_oct is the level of uniform discretization of space; note that
+a level is a power of two used to divide the unit cube
+     leveluniform_oct = 5
+[int]levelmax_oct is maximum level of octree discretization
+     levelmax_oct = 6
+[bool]ismooth is a flag to impose an additional level of smoothing after
+refinement for the surfaces and strain rate. It ensures that no leaf is flanked
+by other leaves differing by more than 1 level of refinement
+     ismooth = F
+[int]noctreemax is the maximum size of any octree used in all computations
+     noctreemax=100000
+[dp]refine_ratio is used to determine octree refinement based on a given
+criterion. All leaves where the criterion is larger than refine_ratio times the
+maximum of this criterion are refined 
+     refine_ratio=-5500
+[int]refine_criterion determines which refinement algorithm is to be used.
+Several criteria exist for the refinement of the osolve octree. 1 is the second 
+invariant of the deviatoric strain-rate tensor; 2 is the sum of the squares of
+the diagonal terms of the deviatoric strain-rate tensor; 3 is the second
+invariant of the deviatoric strain rate tensor timses the leaf size. any other
+value sets the criterion to zero and leads to no refinement. 
+     refine_criterion=0
+[int]initial_refine_level is the initial level at which the refinement of the
+octree will be performed. it has to be smaller than levelmax_oct
+this should be used (different from levelmax_oct) in case the flow is very 
+localized (nonlinear/plastic analysis)
+     initial_refine_level = 6
+[bool]renumber_nodes is a flag that can toggle on/off the renumbering of the
+nodes by mean of Sloan's algorithm (T/F)
+     renumber_nodes = T
+[int]smoothing_type is a parameter allows to choose which type of smoothing is
+to be applied to the pressure field: 0 is none, 1 is center->nodes->center, 2 is
+the same, but weighted by neighbouring elemental volumes, 3 is regular grid+SPH,
+and 4 is SPH.  
+     smoothing_type = 0
+[int]npmin and [int]npmax are used to update the 3D volumetric cloud. npmin
+corresponds to the minimum number of particles in any leaf; npmax is the maximum
+allowable number in any leaf
+     npmin=1
+     npmax=4
+[int]levelcut is the number of levels used to estimate the volume integrals in
+the divFEM algorithmi for cut cells; by testing, it has been estimated that a
+value of 2 is very accurate
+     levelcut=2
+[int]levelapprox is the number of levels used to estimate the remaining
+integrals using an improved version of Marthijn's clever algorithm, usually 3 is
+     levelapprox=3
+[dp]penalty is a global penalty parameter used to impose the bad faces or
+incompatible faces linear constraints
+     penalty=1.d8
+[bool]excl_vol is a parameter that toggles off the assumption that lsf's are
+built on top of one another
+     excl_vol = F 
+[dp] ztemp is the height interval between which a linear temperature gradient is
+set: the temperature is 1 at the bottom, and 0 at ztemp.
+[dp] tempscale
+     calculate_temp = F
+     ztemp = .357d0
+     tempscale=1350.d0
+     isostasy = T
+     flexure = T
+[int]nmat is number of materials
+     nmat=3
+[int]material0 determines what is the material above the 1st surface (the free
+surface) if material0 is 0 then it is the void and the properties "0" are used
+for that part of the model; otherwise the material is one of the material,
+comprised between 1 and nmat
+     material0 = 0
+[dp]densityi, [dp]viscosityi and [dp]penaltyi are the density, viscosity and
+incompressibility used for material i; there should be nmat sets of material
+properties; there should also be a nil material if material0 has been set to 0
+[dp]expon is the nonlinear viscosity exponent
+[dp]diffusivity is the heat diffusivity
+[dp]heat is the heat production
+[char]plasticity_type is the type of plasticity
+- No    -> no plasticity, purely (nonlinear) viscous material
+- vM    -> von Mises yield criterion
+       -> [dp]plasticity_1st_param is the yield value
+- DPI   -> Drucker-Prager type of yield criterion
+       -> the yield locus passes through the outer apices of the Mohr-Coulomb
+          hexagon
+       -> [dp]plasticity_1st_param is the angle phi
+       -> [dp]plasticity_2nd_param is the cohesion c
+- DPII  -> Drucker-Prager type of yield criterion
+       -> the yield locus passes through the inner apices of the Mohr-Coulomb
+          hexagon
+       -> [dp]plasticity_1st_param is the angle phi
+       -> [dp]plasticity_2nd_param is the cohesion c
+- DPIII -> Drucker-Prager type of yield criterion
+       -> [dp]plasticity_1st_param is alpha
+       -> [dp]plasticity_2nd_param is k
+- MC    -> Mohr-Coulomb type of yield criterion
+       -> [dp]plasticity_1st_param is the angle phi
+       -> [dp]plasticity_2nd_param is the cohesion c
+     density0              = 0.d0
+     viscosity0            = 1.d-5
+     penalty0              = 1.d8
+     expon0                = 1.d0
+     diffusivity0          = 1.d0
+     heat0                 = 0.d0
+     activationenergy0     = 0.d0
+     plasticity_type0      = No
+     density1              = -.83d0
+     viscosity1            = 1.d0
+     penalty1              = 1.d8
+     expon1                = 1.d0
+     diffusivity1          = 0.59d0
+     heat1                 = 0.d0
+     activationenergy1     = 0.d0
+     plasticity_type1      = MC
+     plasticity_1st_param1 = 15.d0
+     plasticity_2nd_param1 = 1.72d-3
+     plasticity_3rd_param1 = 0.5d0
+     plasticity_4th_param1 = 1.5d0
+     plasticity_5th_param1 = 5.d0
+     density2              = -.83d0
+     viscosity2            = 1.d-3
+     penalty2              = 1.d8
+     expon2                = 1.d0
+     diffusivity2          = 0.59d0
+     heat2                 = 0.d0
+     activationenergy2     = 0.d0
+     plasticity_type2      = MC
+     plasticity_1st_param2 = 15.d0
+     plasticity_2nd_param2 = 1.72d-3
+     plasticity_3rd_param2 = 0.5d0
+     plasticity_4th_param2 = 1.5d0
+     plasticity_5th_param2 = 5.d0
+     density3              = -1.d0
+     viscosity3            = 1.d1
+     penalty3              = 1.d8
+     expon3                = 1.d0
+     diffusivity3          = 0.59d0
+     heat3                 = 0.d0
+     activationenergy3     = 0.d0
+     plasticity_type3      = MC
+     plasticity_1st_param3 = 15.d0
+     plasticity_2nd_param3 = 1.72d-3 
+     plasticity_3rd_param3 = 0.5d0
+     plasticity_4th_param3 = 1.5d0
+     plasticity_5th_param3 = 5.d0
+[dp]viscositymin and viscositymax are bounds on the viscosity (if negative bound
+is not imposed) These bounds are introduced to prevent the viscosity to reach
+unrealistic values, especially when using non-linear (power-law or brittle)
+     viscositymin=1.d-5
+     viscositymax=1.d5
+[int]ns is number of surfaces to track
+     ns=3
+for each surface, one needs to define a levelt, itype, material, surface_type,
+activation_time and surface_params.
+- [int]levelt is the inital level for the particles on the surface; to be
+ accurate and avoid holes in the surface during definition of the lsf, one
+ should use levelt eq to levelmax_oct+1 for all surfaces as a minimum value; 
+- [int]itype should be 1 for foldable surfaces or 0 for nonfoldable surfaces; 
+- [int]material is the material type refering to the table of material available
+ (max nmat);
+- [dp]activation_time is the time the surface becomes active (before that time,
+ it is glued to the 0th surface). this parameter is useful when defining
+ stratigraphic horizons; default is -1, ie the surface is not glued to the free
+ surface
+- [int]surface_type is comprised between 1 and 8. 
+ 1 corresponds to  a flat surface, 
+   -> surface_param_01 is the z level
+ 2 to a rectangular emboss, 
+   -> surface_param_01 is the z level
+   -> surface_param_02 and 03 are x1,x2 
+   -> surface_param_04 and 05 are y1,y2 
+   -> surface_param_06 is the thickness 
+ 3 to a convex spherical emboss, 
+   -> surface_param_01 is the z level
+   -> surface_param_02 and 03 are x0,y0 
+   -> surface_param_04 is the radius 
+ 4 to concave spherical emboss,
+   -> surface_param_01 is the z level
+   -> surface_param_02 and 03 are x0,y0 
+   -> surface_param_04 is the radius 
+ 5 to a double rectangular emboss, 
+   -> surface_param_01 is the z level
+   -> surface_param_02 and 03 are x1,x2 
+   -> surface_param_04 and 05 are x3,x4 
+   -> surface_param_06 and 07 are y1,y2 
+   -> surface_param_08 and 09 are y3,y4 
+   -> surface_param_10 is the thickness 
+ 6 to a sinus, 
+   -> surface_param_01 is the z level
+   -> surface_param_02 is the wavelength 
+   -> surface_param_03 is the amplitude 
+ 7 to a noisy surface, 
+   -> surface_param_01 is the z level
+   -> surface_param_02 is the noise amplitude
+ 8 to a double sinus.
+   -> surface_param_01 is the z level
+   -> surface_param_02 is the x-wavelength 
+   -> surface_param_03 is the x-amplitude 
+   -> surface_param_04 is the y-wavelength 
+   -> surface_param_05 is the y-amplitude 
+- [int]leveloct is the level at which the octree will be refined in the vicinity
+ of the surface.
+     levelt1             = 7
+     itype1              = 0
+     surface_type_1      = 1
+     rand1               = T
+     surface_param_01_1  = 0.357d0
+     material1           = 1
+     activation_time_1   = -1. 
+     leveloct1           = 6
+     stretch1            = 1.5d0
+     anglemax1           = 180.d0
+     criterion1          = 1
+     anglemaxoctree1     = 180.d0
+     spread_surface_points1 = 1
+     levelt2             = 7
+     itype2              = 0
+     surface_type_2      = 1
+     rand2               = T
+     surface_param_01_2  = 0.32575d0
+     material2           = 2
+     activation_time_2   = -1.
+     leveloct2           = 6
+     stretch2            = 1.5d0
+     anglemax2           = 180.d0
+     criterion2          = 1
+     anglemaxoctree2     = 180.d0
+     spread_surface_points2 = 0
+     levelt3             = 7
+     itype3              = 0
+     surface_type_3      = 1
+     rand3               = T
+     surface_param_01_3  = 0.2945d0
+     material3           = 3
+     activation_time_3   = -1.
+     leveloct3           = 6
+     stretch3            = 1.5d0
+     anglemax3           = 180.d0
+     criterion3          = 1
+     anglemaxoctree3     = 180.d0
+     spread_surface_points3 = 0
+[int]niter_move is the number of iterations used to update particle positions
+using an implicit, mid-point algorithm (default is 10)
+     niter_move = 10
+[dp]stretch is the maximum allowed increase in linear length between two
+initially adjacent particles on any surface; when this stretch is achieved, a
+new particle is inserted on the surface, half-way along the stretched edge
+     stretch = 1.5d0
+[dp]anglemax is the maximum allowed angle between two adjacent normals
+when the angle is reached a new point is inserted beteen the two points to
+reduce the angle between the two normals
+     anglemax=180.d0
+[int]criterion is criterion used to define the octree in the vicinity of the
+sufaces; criterion 1 corresponds to imposing that all leaves that are cut by any
+of the surfaces must be at level levelmax_oct; criterion 2 corresponds to
+imposing that discretization is proportional to the curvature of the surface;
+curvature is calculated from the local divergence of the normals. criterion 3
+corresponds to imposing that all leaves that contain at least one particle of
+any surface is at levelmax_oct; 
+     criterion = 2
+[dp]anglemaxoctree is only defined for criterion 2; t is the maximum allowable
+angle between two adjacent normals; if the angle is greater than anglemaxoctree,
+the local octree leaves are forced to be at level levelmax_oct; otherwise they
+are proportionally larger (smaller levels) (default is 10)
+    anglemaxoctree = 10.d0
+[int]nboxes is the number of boxes in which the user imposes a set level of
+     nboxes = 2
+for each box we need to specify the two end corners and the level
+the syntax is [dp]boxnx0, [dp]boxnx1, [dp]boxny0, [dp]boxny1, [dp]boxnz0,
+[dp]boxnz1 and boxnlevel where n is the box number
+     box1x0=.25d0
+     box1x1=.75d0
+     box1y0=.0d0
+     box1y1=.6d0
+     box1z0=.2d0
+     box1z1=.4d0
+     box1level=6
+     box2x0=0.d0
+     box2x1=.75d0
+     box2y0=.4d0 
+     box2y1=.6d0
+     box2z0=.2d0
+     box2z1=.4d0
+     box2level=6
+     box3x0=0.d0
+     box3x1=1.d0
+     box3y0=0.d0
+     box3y1=1.d0
+     box3z0=0.d0
+     box3z1=.001d0
+     box3level=6
+     box4x0=.4875d0
+     box4x1=.5125d0
+     box4y0=.4875d0
+     box4y1=.5125d0
+     box4z0=.0d0
+     box4z1=1.d0
+     box4level=9
+[bool]ref_on_faces toggles on/off the user imposed refinement on faces.
+For each of the six faces of the cube, on defines the level at which the
+desired area is to be refined. this area is given by bottom, top, left and
+right coordinates that are comprised between 0 and 1
+faces 1,2,3,4,5,6 respectively correspond to x=0,x=1,y=0,y=1,z=0,z=1
+     ref_on_faces = F
+     level_face1=5
+     b1=.02
+     t1=.51
+     l1=.11
+     r1=.81
+     level_face2=5
+     b2=.45
+     t2=.55
+     l2=.46
+     r2=.56
+     level_face3=5
+     b3=.0
+     t3=.2
+     l3=.3
+     r3=.7
+     level_face4=5
+     b4=.4
+     t4=.5
+     l4=.14
+     r4=.4
+     level_face5=6
+     b5=0.
+     t5=1.
+     l5=0.
+     r5=0.75
+     level_face6=5
+     b6=.26
+     t6=.56
+     l6=.16
+     r6=.86
+[bool]erosion is a flag that toggles on/off the erosion. 
+     erosion = F
+if erosion is on, one also needs to set the erosion level/height, [dp]zerosion
+Note that this is a first attempt at erosion; in future versions, DOUAR
+should be easily linked to a surface processes model like CASCADE
+     zerosion=.357d0
+If erosion is on, one also needs to define a length scale and a velocity scale
+to properly translate the uplift rate produced by DOUAR into something that is
+adequate for CASCADE; 
+[dp]length_scale is the scale of the unit model in km 
+[dp]velocity_scale is the velocity scale in km/Myr. 
+if length_scale is negative, erosion is assumed to be perfect (no call to
+CASCADE is needed)
+     length_scale=350.d0
+     velocity_scale=10.d0
+One then needs to define the erosion constants in CASCADE
+[dp]fluvial_erosion is the fluvial erosion constant in 1/m^2
+[dp]diffusion_erosion is the diffusion erosion constant in m^2/yr
+(4d-2 32d-2)
+     fluvial_erosion=4.d-2
+     diffusion_erosion=32.d-2
+One finally needs to specify the boundary conditions for CASCADE
+if [int]baselevelx0 is set to 1 then the boundary at x=0 is set at baselevel
+(water and sediment exit)
+if [int]baselevelx1 is set to 1 then the boundary at x=1 is set at baselevel
+(water and sediment exit)
+if [int]baselevely0 is set to 1 then the boundary at y=0 is set at baselevel
+(water and sediment exit)
+if [int]baselevely1 is set to 1 then the boundary at y=1 is set at baselevel
+(water and sediment exit)
+     baselevelx0=1
+     baselevelx1=1
+     baselevely0=0
+     baselevely1=1
+[bool]visualise_matrix allows the user to turn on the visual representation of
+the matrices used in the code. Be careful, the generated postscript files are
+     visualise_matrix = F
+[int]nsections is the number of cross-sections to be output. [dp]scale is the
+scale used to produce the postscript file.
+[int]xyz takes values 1, 2 or 3, and corresponds to planes defined by
+x=constant, y=constant, and z=constant resp.
+The [bool]flags are self explanatory. [char]colormap is the chosen colormap (jet
+or hot). [int]ncolours is the number of colours used to produce the plot. 
+nsections = 0
+xyz_1          = 1 
+slice_1        = 0.5001
+flag_press_1   = T
+flag_spress_1  = T 
+flag_e2d_1     = T
+flag_e3d_1     = F
+flag_lode_1    = F 
+flag_crit_1    = F 
+flag_grid_1    = T 
+flag_mu_1      = F   
+flag_u_1       = F
+flag_v_1       = F
+flag_w_1       = F
+flag_q_1       = F 
+flag_uvw_1     = F 
+flag_lsf_1     = F 
+flag_vfield_1  = F 
+flag_colour_1  = T
+flag_plastic_1 = F
+flag_velvect_1 = T
+scale_1        = 500.
+colormap_1     = jet
+ncolours_1     = 256
+xyz_2          = 2
+slice_2        = 0.901
+flag_press_2   = T
+flag_e2d_2     = T
+flag_e3d_2     = F 
+flag_lode_2    = F 
+flag_crit_2    = F 
+flag_grid_2    = F 
+flag_mu_2      = F   
+flag_u_2       = F
+flag_v_2       = F
+flag_w_2       = F
+flag_q_2       = F 
+flag_uvw_2     = F 
+flag_lsf_2     = F 
+flag_vfield_2  = F 
+flag_colour_2  = T
+flag_plastic_2 = F
+flag_velvect_2 = F
+scale_2        = 800.
+colormap_2     = jet 
+ncolours_2     = 256
+xyz_3          = 3
+slice_3        = 0.0010
+flag_press_3   = F 
+flag_e2d_3     = F
+flag_e3d_3     = F
+flag_lode_3    = F 
+flag_crit_3    = F 
+flag_grid_3    = F 
+flag_mu_3      = F   
+flag_u_3       = F
+flag_v_3       = F
+flag_w_3       = F
+flag_q_3       = F
+flag_uvw_3     = F 
+flag_lsf_3     = F 
+flag_vfield_3  = F 
+flag_colour_3  = T
+flag_plastic_3 = F
+flag_velvect_3 = F
+scale_3        = 400.
+colormap_3     = jet
+ncolours_3     = 256
diff --git a/test/input_DT065.txt b/test/input_DT065.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..759e7a44d63fb90b14b899901d70bcf63f141540
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/input_DT065.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,718 @@
+!                                                                              |
+!              ||===\\                                                         |
+!              ||    \\                                                        |
+!              ||     ||   //==\\   ||  ||   //==||  ||/==\\                   |
+!              ||     ||  ||    ||  ||  ||  ||   ||  ||    ||                  |
+!              ||    //   ||    ||  ||  ||  ||   ||  ||                        |
+!              ||===//     \\==//    \\==\\  \\==\\  ||                        |
+!                                                                              |
+!              Input File                                                      |
+This file is read by two subroutines in the code:
+- read_controlling_parameters
+- read_input_file
+The indications between [] indicate the type of the read parameter. It can be
+an integer [int], a real*8 [dp], a character chain [char] or a boolean [bool].
+[int]debug is a parameter that switches on/off various prints and outputs
+(the level of printing for error, warning and messages of the solver id%cntl(4)
+is set to the debug value).
+if debug is zero, no debugging 
+if debug is equal to one, this triggers the terminal display of some key
+if debug is equal to two, same as debug equal to one, and the code produces
+various vtk files in the DEBUG subdirectories (surfaces, olsf, ...), as well as
+cross sections for all nonlinear iterations. Careful, memory consuming!
+      debug = 1
+[bool]doDoRuRe is a flag that triggers the production of output files needed to
+produce the DoRuRes. DoRuRe stands for 'Douar Run Report'. 
+       doDoRuRe = F
+[bool]compute_qp_gram triggers the production of qpgrams for every grid.
+      compute_qpgram = F
+[bool]compute_reaction_forces toggles on/off the reaction forces computations.
+      compute_reaction_forces = F
+[int]irestart is a restart flag; if irestart is not 0, the run will restart from
+an output file given by [char]restartfile and at step.
+      irestart=0
+      restartfile=OUT/time_0000.bin
+[dp]dt is the time step length (if dt is negative, courant conidition is used
+and automatic time stepping is turned on)
+      dt=1.d-4
+[int]nstep is the number of time steps
+      nstep = 500
+[dp]courant is only used when dt is negative; it determines the size of the time
+step from the maximum value of the velocity field amplitude. The time step s
+the product of courant by the ratio of the smallest leaf size by the maximum
+      courant=.5d0
+[bool]normaladvect is a flag used to determine which algorithm to use to
+calculate the new geoletry of the normals to the surfaces at the nodes on the
+if normaladvect is T, the normals are advected using the velocity gradient
+if normaladvect is F, the normals are re-computed from the geometry of the
+      normaladvect = T
+[int]griditer is a flag that allows for nonlinear iterations; when positive, a
+fixed number (griditer) of iterations is permitted; when negative, the number of
+nonlinear iterations is determined by a convergence criterion.
+      griditer = -10
+[dp]octree_refine_ratio is the threshold value used to determine whether the
+octree has converged or not. the larger the value, the less stringent the test.
+      octree_refine_ratio=.025d0
+[int]nonlinear_iterations is the maximum number of nonlinear iterations (i.e.
+the iterations on a given constant grid)
+if nonlinear_iterations is positive, it simply is the number of nonlinear
+iterations performed for each grid. When negative it indicates an upper bound
+of nonlinear iterations, but the actual number of nonlinear iterations is
+determined by a convergence criterion (see the 'tol' parameter)
+      nonlinear_iterations = -10
+[dp]tol is the relative tolerance used to estimate convergence on the computed
+velocity field
+      tol=0.01d0
+[bool]adaptive_tol is a flag that toggles on/off the evolution of the tol
+parameter with the grid level: when velocity convergence is reached on a grid,
+the latest meaure of the velocity difference between the two last obtained
+solutions is put in tol, so that on the following generated grid, the solution
+reaches at least the same level of convergence. It allows to start with a not
+too stringent value of tol at uniform octree level that evolves with every
+grid, assuming that increasing the level of refinement of the octree allows to
+better capture the solution, hence allowing a tighter convergence. 
+      adaptive_tol = F
+[int]leveluniform_oct is the level of uniform discretization of space; note that
+a level is a power of two used to divide the unit cube
+      leveluniform_oct = 5
+[int]levelmax_oct is maximum level of octree discretization
+      levelmax_oct = 6
+[bool]ismooth is a flag to impose an additional level of smoothing after
+refinement for the surfaces and strain rate. It ensures that no leaf is flanked
+by other leaves differing by more than 1 level of refinement
+      ismooth = F
+[int]noctreemax is the maximum size of any octree used in all computations
+      noctreemax=100000
+[dp]refine_ratio is used to determine octree refinement based on a given
+criterion. All leaves where the criterion is larger than refine_ratio times the
+maximum of this criterion are refined 
+      refine_ratio=-5500
+[int]refine_criterion determines which refinement algorithm is to be used.
+Several criteria exist for the refinement of the osolve octree. 1 is the second 
+invariant of the deviatoric strain-rate tensor; 2 is the sum of the squares of
+the diagonal terms of the deviatoric strain-rate tensor; 3 is the second
+invariant of the deviatoric strain rate tensor timses the leaf size. any other
+value sets the criterion to zero and leads to no refinement. 
+      refine_criterion=0
+[int]initial_refine_level is the initial level at which the refinement of the
+octree will be performed. it has to be smaller than levelmax_oct
+this should be used (different from levelmax_oct) in case the flow is very 
+localized (nonlinear/plastic analysis)
+      initial_refine_level = 5
+[bool]renumber_nodes is a flag that can toggle on/off the renumbering of the
+nodes by mean of Sloan's algorithm (T/F)
+      renumber_nodes = T
+[int]smoothing_type is a parameter allows to choose which type of smoothing is
+to be applied to the pressure field: 0 is none, 1 is center->nodes->center, 2 is
+the same, but weighted by neighbouring elemental volumes, 3 is regular grid+SPH,
+and 4 is SPH.  
+      smoothing_type = 1
+[int]npmin and [int]npmax are used to update the 3D volumetric cloud. npmin
+corresponds to the minimum number of particles in any leaf; npmax is the maximum
+allowable number in any leaf
+      npmin=1
+      npmax=4
+[int]levelcut is the number of levels used to estimate the volume integrals in
+the divFEM algorithmi for cut cells; by testing, it has been estimated that a
+value of 2 is very accurate
+      levelcut=2
+[int]levelapprox is the number of levels used to estimate the remaining
+integrals using an improved version of Marthijn's clever algorithm, usually 3 is
+      levelapprox=3
+[dp]penalty is a global penalty parameter used to impose the bad faces or
+incompatible faces linear constraints
+      penalty=1.d8
+[bool]excl_vol is a parameter that toggles off the assumption that lsf's are
+built on top of one another
+      excl_vol = F 
+[dp] ztemp is the height interval between which a linear temperature gradient is
+set: the temperature is 1 at the bottom, and 0 at ztemp.
+[dp] tempscale
+      calculate_temp = T
+      ztemp = .357d0
+      tempscale=1350.d0
+      isostasy = T
+      flexure = T
+[int]nmat is number of materials
+      nmat=3
+[int]material0 determines what is the material above the 1st surface (the free
+surface) if material0 is 0 then it is the void and the properties "0" are used
+for that part of the model; otherwise the material is one of the material,
+comprised between 1 and nmat
+      material0 = 0
+[dp]densityi, [dp]viscosityi and [dp]penaltyi are the density, viscosity and
+incompressibility used for material i; there should be nmat sets of material
+properties; there should also be a nil material if material0 has been set to 0
+[dp]expon is the nonlinear viscosity exponent
+[dp]diffusivity is the heat diffusivity
+[dp]heat is the heat production
+[char]plasticity_type is the type of plasticity
+- No    -> no plasticity, purely (nonlinear) viscous material
+- vM    -> von Mises yield criterion
+        -> [dp]plasticity_1st_param is the yield value
+- DPI   -> Drucker-Prager type of yield criterion
+        -> the yield locus passes through the outer apices of the Mohr-Coulomb
+           hexagon
+        -> [dp]plasticity_1st_param is the angle phi
+        -> [dp]plasticity_2nd_param is the cohesion c
+- DPII  -> Drucker-Prager type of yield criterion
+        -> the yield locus passes through the inner apices of the Mohr-Coulomb
+           hexagon
+        -> [dp]plasticity_1st_param is the angle phi
+        -> [dp]plasticity_2nd_param is the cohesion c
+- DPIII -> Drucker-Prager type of yield criterion
+        -> [dp]plasticity_1st_param is alpha
+        -> [dp]plasticity_2nd_param is k
+- MC    -> Mohr-Coulomb type of yield criterion
+        -> [dp]plasticity_1st_param is the angle phi
+        -> [dp]plasticity_2nd_param is the cohesion c
+      density0              = 0.d0
+      viscosity0            = 1.d-5
+      penalty0              = 1.d8
+      expon0                = 1.d0
+      diffusivity0          = 1.d0
+      heat0                 = 0.d0
+      activationenergy0     = 0.d0
+      plasticity_type0      = No
+      density1              = -.83d0
+      viscosity1            = 1.d0
+      penalty1              = 1.d8
+      expon1                = 1.d0
+      diffusivity1          = 0.59d0
+      heat1                 = 0.d0
+      activationenergy1     = 0.d0
+      plasticity_type1      = MC
+      plasticity_1st_param1 = 15.d0
+      plasticity_2nd_param1 = 1.72d-3
+      plasticity_3rd_param1 = 0.5d0
+      plasticity_4th_param1 = 1.5d0
+      plasticity_5th_param1 = 5.d0
+      density2              = -.83d0
+      viscosity2            = 1.d-1
+      penalty2              = 1.d8
+      expon2                = 1.d0
+      diffusivity2          = 0.59d0
+      heat2                 = 0.d0
+      activationenergy2     = 0.d0
+      plasticity_type2      = MC
+      plasticity_1st_param2 = 15.d0
+      plasticity_2nd_param2 = 1.72d-3
+      plasticity_3rd_param2 = 0.5d0
+      plasticity_4th_param2 = 1.5d0
+      plasticity_5th_param2 = 5.d0
+      density3              = -1.d0
+      viscosity3            = 1.d1
+      penalty3              = 1.d8
+      expon3                = 1.d0
+      diffusivity3          = 0.59d0
+      heat3                 = 0.d0
+      activationenergy3     = 0.d0
+      plasticity_type3      = MC
+      plasticity_1st_param3 = 15.d0
+      plasticity_2nd_param3 = 1.72d-3 
+      plasticity_3rd_param3 = 0.5d0
+      plasticity_4th_param3 = 1.5d0
+      plasticity_5th_param3 = 5.d0
+[dp]viscositymin and viscositymax are bounds on the viscosity (if negative bound
+is not imposed) These bounds are introduced to prevent the viscosity to reach
+unrealistic values, especially when using non-linear (power-law or brittle)
+      viscositymin=1.d-5
+      viscositymax=1.d5
+[int]ns is number of surfaces to track
+      ns=3
+for each surface, one needs to define a levelt, itype, material, surface_type,
+activation_time and surface_params.
+- [int]levelt is the inital level for the particles on the surface; to be
+  accurate and avoid holes in the surface during definition of the lsf, one
+  should use levelt eq to levelmax_oct+1 for all surfaces as a minimum value; 
+- [int]itype should be 1 for foldable surfaces or 0 for nonfoldable surfaces; 
+- [int]material is the material type refering to the table of material available
+  (max nmat);
+- [dp]activation_time is the time the surface becomes active (before that time,
+  it is glued to the 0th surface). this parameter is useful when defining
+  stratigraphic horizons; default is -1, ie the surface is not glued to the free
+  surface
+- [int]surface_type is comprised between 1 and 8. 
+  1 corresponds to  a flat surface, 
+    -> surface_param_01 is the z level
+  2 to a rectangular emboss, 
+    -> surface_param_01 is the z level
+    -> surface_param_02 and 03 are x1,x2 
+    -> surface_param_04 and 05 are y1,y2 
+    -> surface_param_06 is the thickness 
+  3 to a convex spherical emboss, 
+    -> surface_param_01 is the z level
+    -> surface_param_02 and 03 are x0,y0 
+    -> surface_param_04 is the radius 
+  4 to concave spherical emboss,
+    -> surface_param_01 is the z level
+    -> surface_param_02 and 03 are x0,y0 
+    -> surface_param_04 is the radius 
+  5 to a double rectangular emboss, 
+    -> surface_param_01 is the z level
+    -> surface_param_02 and 03 are x1,x2 
+    -> surface_param_04 and 05 are x3,x4 
+    -> surface_param_06 and 07 are y1,y2 
+    -> surface_param_08 and 09 are y3,y4 
+    -> surface_param_10 is the thickness 
+  6 to a sinus, 
+    -> surface_param_01 is the z level
+    -> surface_param_02 is the wavelength 
+    -> surface_param_03 is the amplitude 
+  7 to a noisy surface, 
+    -> surface_param_01 is the z level
+    -> surface_param_02 is the noise amplitude
+  8 to a double sinus.
+    -> surface_param_01 is the z level
+    -> surface_param_02 is the x-wavelength 
+    -> surface_param_03 is the x-amplitude 
+    -> surface_param_04 is the y-wavelength 
+    -> surface_param_05 is the y-amplitude 
+- [int]leveloct is the level at which the octree will be refined in the vicinity
+  of the surface.
+      levelt1             = 7
+      itype1              = 0
+      surface_type_1      = 1
+      rand1               = T
+      surface_param_01_1  = 0.357d0
+      material1           = 1
+      activation_time_1   = -1. 
+      leveloct1           = 6
+      stretch1            = 1.5d0
+      anglemax1           = 180.d0
+      criterion1          = 1
+      anglemaxoctree1     = 180.d0
+      spread_surface_points1 = 1
+      levelt2             = 7
+      itype2              = 0
+      surface_type_2      = 1
+      rand2               = F
+      surface_param_01_2  = 0.32575d0
+      material2           = 2
+      activation_time_2   = -1.
+      leveloct2           = 6
+      stretch2            = 1.5d0
+      anglemax2           = 180.d0
+      criterion2          = 1
+      anglemaxoctree2     = 180.d0
+      spread_surface_points2 = 0
+      levelt3             = 7
+      itype3              = 0
+      surface_type_3      = 1
+      rand3               = F
+      surface_param_01_3  = 0.2945d0
+      material3           = 3
+      activation_time_3   = -1.
+      leveloct3           = 6
+      stretch3            = 1.5d0
+      anglemax3           = 180.d0
+      criterion3          = 1
+      anglemaxoctree3     = 180.d0
+      spread_surface_points3 = 0
+[int]niter_move is the number of iterations used to update particle positions
+using an implicit, mid-point algorithm (default is 10)
+      niter_move = 10
+[dp]stretch is the maximum allowed increase in linear length between two
+initially adjacent particles on any surface; when this stretch is achieved, a
+new particle is inserted on the surface, half-way along the stretched edge
+      stretch = 1.5d0
+[dp]anglemax is the maximum allowed angle between two adjacent normals
+when the angle is reached a new point is inserted beteen the two points to
+reduce the angle between the two normals
+      anglemax=180.d0
+[int]criterion is criterion used to define the octree in the vicinity of the
+sufaces; criterion 1 corresponds to imposing that all leaves that are cut by any
+of the surfaces must be at level levelmax_oct; criterion 2 corresponds to
+imposing that discretization is proportional to the curvature of the surface;
+curvature is calculated from the local divergence of the normals. criterion 3
+corresponds to imposing that all leaves that contain at least one particle of
+any surface is at levelmax_oct; 
+      criterion = 2
+[dp]anglemaxoctree is only defined for criterion 2; t is the maximum allowable
+angle between two adjacent normals; if the angle is greater than anglemaxoctree,
+the local octree leaves are forced to be at level levelmax_oct; otherwise they
+are proportionally larger (smaller levels) (default is 10)
+     anglemaxoctree = 10.d0
+[int]nboxes is the number of boxes in which the user imposes a set level of
+      nboxes = 0
+for each box we need to specify the two end corners and the level
+the syntax is [dp]boxnx0, [dp]boxnx1, [dp]boxny0, [dp]boxny1, [dp]boxnz0,
+[dp]boxnz1 and boxnlevel where n is the box number
+      box1x0=.25d0
+      box1x1=.75d0
+      box1y0=.0d0
+      box1y1=.6d0
+      box1z0=.2d0
+      box1z1=.4d0
+      box1level=6
+      box2x0=0.d0
+      box2x1=.75d0
+      box2y0=.4d0 
+      box2y1=.6d0
+      box2z0=.2d0
+      box2z1=.4d0
+      box2level=6
+      box3x0=0.d0
+      box3x1=1.d0
+      box3y0=0.d0
+      box3y1=1.d0
+      box3z0=0.d0
+      box3z1=.001d0
+      box3level=6
+      box4x0=.4875d0
+      box4x1=.5125d0
+      box4y0=.4875d0
+      box4y1=.5125d0
+      box4z0=.0d0
+      box4z1=1.d0
+      box4level=9
+[bool]ref_on_faces toggles on/off the user imposed refinement on faces.
+For each of the six faces of the cube, on defines the level at which the
+desired area is to be refined. this area is given by bottom, top, left and
+right coordinates that are comprised between 0 and 1
+faces 1,2,3,4,5,6 respectively correspond to x=0,x=1,y=0,y=1,z=0,z=1
+      ref_on_faces = F
+      level_face1=5
+      b1=.02
+      t1=.51
+      l1=.11
+      r1=.81
+      level_face2=5
+      b2=.45
+      t2=.55
+      l2=.46
+      r2=.56
+      level_face3=5
+      b3=.0
+      t3=.2
+      l3=.3
+      r3=.7
+      level_face4=5
+      b4=.4
+      t4=.5
+      l4=.14
+      r4=.4
+      level_face5=6
+      b5=0.
+      t5=1.
+      l5=0.
+      r5=0.75
+      level_face6=5
+      b6=.26
+      t6=.56
+      l6=.16
+      r6=.86
+[bool]erosion is a flag that toggles on/off the erosion. 
+      erosion = T
+if erosion is on, one also needs to set the erosion level/height, [dp]zerosion
+Note that this is a first attempt at erosion; in future versions, DOUAR
+should be easily linked to a surface processes model like CASCADE
+      zerosion=.357d0
+If erosion is on, one also needs to define a length scale and a velocity scale
+to properly translate the uplift rate produced by DOUAR into something that is
+adequate for CASCADE; 
+[dp]length_scale is the scale of the unit model in km 
+[dp]velocity_scale is the velocity scale in km/Myr. 
+if length_scale is negative, erosion is assumed to be perfect (no call to
+CASCADE is needed)
+      length_scale=350.d0
+      velocity_scale=10.d0
+One then needs to define the erosion constants in CASCADE
+[dp]fluvial_erosion is the fluvial erosion constant in 1/m^2
+[dp]diffusion_erosion is the diffusion erosion constant in m^2/yr
+(4d-2 32d-2)
+      fluvial_erosion=4.d-2
+      diffusion_erosion=32.d-2
+One finally needs to specify the boundary conditions for CASCADE
+if [int]baselevelx0 is set to 1 then the boundary at x=0 is set at baselevel
+(water and sediment exit)
+if [int]baselevelx1 is set to 1 then the boundary at x=1 is set at baselevel
+(water and sediment exit)
+if [int]baselevely0 is set to 1 then the boundary at y=0 is set at baselevel
+(water and sediment exit)
+if [int]baselevely1 is set to 1 then the boundary at y=1 is set at baselevel
+(water and sediment exit)
+      baselevelx0=1
+      baselevelx1=1
+      baselevely0=0
+      baselevely1=1
+[bool]visualise_matrix allows the user to turn on the visual representation of
+the matrices used in the code. Be careful, the generated postscript files are
+      visualise_matrix = F
+[int]nsections is the number of cross-sections to be output. [dp]scale is the
+scale used to produce the postscript file.
+[int]xyz takes values 1, 2 or 3, and corresponds to planes defined by
+x=constant, y=constant, and z=constant resp.
+The [bool]flags are self explanatory. [char]colormap is the chosen colormap (jet
+or hot). [int]ncolours is the number of colours used to produce the plot. 
+nsections = 0
+xyz_1          = 1 
+slice_1        = 0.5001
+flag_press_1   = T
+flag_spress_1  = T 
+flag_e2d_1     = T
+flag_e3d_1     = F
+flag_lode_1    = F 
+flag_crit_1    = F 
+flag_grid_1    = T 
+flag_mu_1      = F   
+flag_u_1       = F
+flag_v_1       = F
+flag_w_1       = F
+flag_q_1       = F 
+flag_uvw_1     = F 
+flag_lsf_1     = F 
+flag_vfield_1  = F 
+flag_colour_1  = T
+flag_plastic_1 = F
+flag_velvect_1 = T
+scale_1        = 500.
+colormap_1     = jet
+ncolours_1     = 256
+xyz_2          = 2
+slice_2        = 0.901
+flag_press_2   = T
+flag_e2d_2     = T
+flag_e3d_2     = F 
+flag_lode_2    = F 
+flag_crit_2    = F 
+flag_grid_2    = F 
+flag_mu_2      = F   
+flag_u_2       = F
+flag_v_2       = F
+flag_w_2       = F
+flag_q_2       = F 
+flag_uvw_2     = F 
+flag_lsf_2     = F 
+flag_vfield_2  = F 
+flag_colour_2  = T
+flag_plastic_2 = F
+flag_velvect_2 = F
+scale_2        = 800.
+colormap_2     = jet 
+ncolours_2     = 256
+xyz_3          = 3
+slice_3        = 0.0010
+flag_press_3   = F 
+flag_e2d_3     = F
+flag_e3d_3     = F
+flag_lode_3    = F 
+flag_crit_3    = F 
+flag_grid_3    = F 
+flag_mu_3      = F   
+flag_u_3       = F
+flag_v_3       = F
+flag_w_3       = F
+flag_q_3       = F
+flag_uvw_3     = F 
+flag_lsf_3     = F 
+flag_vfield_3  = F 
+flag_colour_3  = T
+flag_plastic_3 = F
+flag_velvect_3 = F
+scale_3        = 400.
+colormap_3     = jet
+ncolours_3     = 256
diff --git a/test/input_vM_lvl5.txt b/test/input_vM_lvl5.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2cb5cbdd8b1751cd58b6781e63d65e5db5d27852
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/input_vM_lvl5.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,623 @@
+!                                                                              |
+!              ||===\\                                                         | 
+!              ||    \\                                                        |
+!              ||     ||   //==\\   ||  ||   //==||  ||/==\\                   |
+!              ||     ||  ||    ||  ||  ||  ||   ||  ||    ||                  |
+!              ||    //   ||    ||  ||  ||  ||   ||  ||                        |
+!              ||===//     \\==//    \\==\\  \\==\\  ||                        |
+!                                                                              |
+!              Input File                                                      |
+This file is read by two subroutines in the code:
+- read_controlling_parameters
+- read_input_file
+The indications between [] indicate the type of the read parameter. It can be
+an integer [int], a real*8 [dp], a character chain [char] or a boolean [bool].
+[int]debug is a parameter that switches on/off various prints and outputs
+(the level of printing for error, warning and messages of the solver id%cntl(4)
+is set to the debug value).
+if debug is zero, no debugging 
+if debug is equal to one, this triggers the terminal display of some key parameters 
+if debug is equal to two, same as debug equal to one, and the code produces various 
+vtk files in the DEBUG subdirectories (surfaces, olsf, ...), as well as cross sections 
+for all nonlinear iterations. Careful, memory consuming !
+      debug = 1
+[bool]doDoRuRe is a flag that triggers the production of output files needed to produce
+the DoRuRes. DoRuRe stands for 'Douar Run Report'. 
+       doDoRuRe = F
+[bool]compute_qp_gram triggers the production of qpgrams for every grid.
+      compute_qpgram = F
+[bool]compute_reaction_forces toggles on/off the reaction forces computations.
+      compute_reaction_forces = F
+[int]irestart is a restart flag; if irestart is not 0, the run will restart from
+an output file given by [char]restartfile and at step.
+      irestart = 0
+      restartfile=OUT/time_0187.bin
+[dp]dt is the time step length (if dt is negative, courant conidition is used and
+automatic time stepping is turned on)
+      dt=1.d-3
+[int]nstep is the number of time steps
+      nstep = 200
+[dp]courant is only used when dt is negative; it determines the size of the time
+step from the maximum value of the velocity field amplitude. The time step s
+the product of courant by the ratio of the smallest leaf size by the maximum
+      courant=.5d0
+[bool]normaladvect is a flag used to determine which algorithm to use to calculate
+the new geoletry of the normals to the surfaces at the nodes on the surfaces
+if normaladvect is T, the normals are advected using the velocity gradient
+if normaladvect is F, the normals are re-computed from the geometry of the
+      normaladvect = T
+[int]griditer is a flag that allows for nonlinear iterations; when positive, a fixed number
+(griditer) of iterations is permitted; when negative, the number of
+nonlinear iterations is determined by a convergence criterion.
+      griditer = 1
+[dp]octree_refine_ratio is the threshold value used to determine whether the octree 
+has converged or not. the larger the value, the less stringent the test.
+      octree_refine_ratio=1.025d0
+[int]nonlinear_iterations is the maximum number of nonlinear iterations (i.e. the 
+iterations on a given constant grid)
+if nonlinear_iterations is positive, it simply is the number of nonlinear
+iterations performed for each grid. When negative it indicates an upper bound
+of nonlinear iterations, but the actual number of nonlinear iterations is
+determined by a convergence criterion (see the 'tol' parameter)
+      nonlinear_iterations = 1
+[dp]tol is the relative tolerance used to estimate convergence on the computed
+velocity field
+      tol=0.01d0
+[bool]adaptive_tol is a flag that toggles on/off the evolution of the tol parameter
+with the grid level: when velocity convergence is reached on a grid, the
+latest meaure of the velocity difference between the two last obtained
+solutions is put in tol, so that on the following generated grid, the solution
+reaches at least the same level of convergence. It allows to start with a not
+too stringent value of tol at uniform octree level that evolves with every
+grid, assuming that increasing the level of refinement of the octree allows to
+better capture the solution, hence allowing a tighter convergence. 
+      adaptive_tol = F
+[int]leveluniform_oct is the level of uniform discretization of space; note that a
+level is a power of two used to divide the unit cube
+      leveluniform_oct = 5
+[int]levelmax_oct is maximum level of octree discretization
+      levelmax_oct = 6
+[bool]ismooth is a flag to impose an additional level of smoothing after refinement
+for the surfaces and strain rate. It ensures that no leaf is flanked by
+other leaves differing by more than 1 level of refinement
+      ismooth = F
+[int]noctreemax is the maximum size of any octree used in all computations
+      noctreemax=10000000
+[dp]refine_ratio is used to determine octree refinement based on a given criterion. 
+All leaves where the criterion is larger than refine_ratio times the maximum 
+of this criterion are refined 
+      refine_ratio=-10000
+[int]refine_criterion determines which refinement algorithm is to be used.
+Several criteria exist for the refinement of the osolve octree. 1 is the second 
+invariant of the deviatoric strain-rate tensor; 2 is the sum of the squares of the
+diagonal terms of the deviatoric strain-rate tensor; 3 is the second invariant
+of the deviatoric strain rate tensor timses the leaf size. any other value sets
+the criterion to zero and leads to no refinement. 
+      refine_criterion=1
+[int]initial_refine_level is the initial level at which the refinement of the
+octree will be performed. it has to be smaller than levelmax_oct
+this should be used (different from levelmax_oct) in case the flow is very 
+localized (nonlinear/plastic analysis)
+      initial_refine_level = 5
+[bool]renumber_nodes is a flag that can toggle on/off the renumbering of the nodes
+by mean of Sloan's algorithm (T/F)
+      renumber_nodes = T
+[int]smoothing_type is a parameter allows to choose which type of smoothing is to 
+be applied to the pressure field: 0 is none, 1 is center->nodes->center, 2 is the 
+same, but weighted by neighbouring elemental volumes, 3 is regular grid+SPH, and 4 is SPH.  
+      smoothing_type = 1
+[int]npmin and [int]npmax are used to update the 3D volumetric cloud. npmin corresponds
+to the minimum number of particles in any leaf; npmax is the maximum allowable
+number in any leaf
+      npmin=8
+      npmax=27
+[int]levelcut is the number of levels used to estimate the volume integrals in the
+divFEM algorithmi for cut cells; by testing, it has been estimated that a value
+of 2 is very accurate
+      levelcut=2
+[int]levelapprox is the number of levels used to estimate the remaining integrals
+using an improved version of Marthijn's clever algorithm, usually 3 is plenty
+      levelapprox=3
+[dp]penalty is a global penalty parameter used to impose the bad faces or
+incompatible faces linear constraints
+      penalty=1.d8
+[bool]excl_vol is a parameter that toggles off the assumption that lsf's are built
+on top of one another
+      excl_vol = F 
+[dp] ztemp is the height interval between which a linear temperature gradient 
+is set: the temperature is 1 at the bottom, and 0 at ztemp.
+[dp] tempscale
+      calculate_temp = F
+      ztemp = .1d0
+      tempscale=250.d0
+[int]nmat is number of materials
+      nmat=1
+[int]material0 determines what is the material above the 1st surface (the free
+surface) if material0 is 0 then it is the void and the properties "0" are used
+for that part of the model; otherwise the material is one of the material,
+comprised between 1 and nmat
+      material0 = 0
+[dp]densityi, [dp]viscosityi and [dp]penaltyi are the density, viscosity and
+incompressibility used for material i; there should be nmat sets of material
+properties; there should also be a nil material if material0 has been set to 0
+[dp]expon is the nonlinear viscosity exponent
+[dp]diffusivity is the heat diffusivity
+[dp]heat is the heat production
+[char]plasticity_type is the type of plasticity
+- No    -> no plasticity, purely (nonlinear) viscous material
+- vM    -> von Mises yield criterion
+        -> [dp]plasticity_1st_param is the yield value
+- DPI   -> Drucker-Prager type of yield criterion
+        -> the yield locus passes through the outer apices of the Mohr-Coulomb hexagon
+        -> [dp]plasticity_1st_param is the angle phi
+        -> [dp]plasticity_2nd_param is the cohesion c
+- DPII  -> Drucker-Prager type of yield criterion
+        -> the yield locus passes through the inner apices of the Mohr-Coulomb hexagon
+        -> [dp]plasticity_1st_param is the angle phi
+        -> [dp]plasticity_2nd_param is the cohesion c
+- DPIII -> Drucker-Prager type of yield criterion
+        -> [dp]plasticity_1st_param is alpha
+        -> [dp]plasticity_2nd_param is k
+- MC    -> Mohr-Coulomb type of yield criterion
+        -> [dp]plasticity_1st_param is the angle phi
+        -> [dp]plasticity_2nd_param is the cohesion c
+      density0              = 0.d0
+      viscosity0            = 1.d-5
+      penalty0              = 1.d8
+      expon0                = 1.d0
+      diffusivity0          = 1.d0
+      heat0                 = 0.d0
+      activationenergy0     = 0.d0
+      plasticity_type0      = MC
+      plasticity_1st_param0 = 15.d0
+      plasticity_2nd_param0 = 1.72d-3
+      plasticity_3rd_param0 = 0.5d0
+      plasticity_4th_param0 = 1.5d0
+      plasticity_5th_param0 = 5.d0
+      density1              =-1.d0
+      viscosity1            = 1.3088d3
+      penalty1              = 1.d8
+      expon1                = 1.d0
+      diffusivity1          = 0.d0
+      heat1                 = 0.d0
+      activationenergy1     = 0.d0
+      plasticity_type1      = vM
+      plasticity_1st_param1 = 1.73362d-2
+      plasticity_2nd_param1 = 1.73362d-3
+      plasticity_3rd_param1 = 0.25d0
+      plasticity_4th_param1 = 1.25d0
+[dp]viscositymin and viscositymax are bounds on the viscosity (if negative bound is not imposed)
+These bounds are introduced to prevent the viscosity to reach unrealistic values, especially when
+using non-linear (power-law or brittle) rheologies
+      viscositymin=1.d-8
+      viscositymax=1.d8
+[int]ns is number of surfaces to track
+      ns=1
+for each surface, one needs to define a levelt, itype, material, surface_type, activation_time 
+and surface_params .
+- [int]levelt is the inital level for the particles on the surface; to be accurate
+and avoid wholes in the surface during definition of the lsf, one should use
+levelt eq to levelmax_oct+1 for all surfaces as a minimum value; 
+- [int]itype should be 1 for foldable surfaces or 0 for nonfoldable surfaces; 
+- [int]material is the material type refering to the table of material available (max nmat); 
+- [dp]activation_time is the time the surface becomes active (before that time, it
+  is glued to the 0th surface). this parameter is useful when defining stratigraphic horizons; 
+  default is -1, ie the surface is not glued to the free surface
+- [int]surface_type is comprised between 1 and 8. 
+  1 corresponds to  a flat surface, 
+    -> surface_param_01 is the z level
+  2 to a rectangular emboss, 
+    -> surface_param_01 is the z level
+    -> surface_param_02 and 03 are x1,x2 
+    -> surface_param_04 and 05 are y1,y2 
+    -> surface_param_06 is the thickness 
+  3 to a convex spherical emboss, 
+    -> surface_param_01 is the z level
+    -> surface_param_02 and 03 are x0,y0 
+    -> surface_param_04 is the radius 
+  4 to concave spherical emboss,
+    -> surface_param_01 is the z level
+    -> surface_param_02 and 03 are x0,y0 
+    -> surface_param_04 is the radius 
+  5 to a double rectangular emboss, 
+    -> surface_param_01 is the z level
+    -> surface_param_02 and 03 are x1,x2 
+    -> surface_param_04 and 05 are x3,x4 
+    -> surface_param_06 and 07 are y1,y2 
+    -> surface_param_08 and 09 are y3,y4 
+    -> surface_param_10 is the thickness 
+  6 to a sinus, 
+    -> surface_param_01 is the z level
+    -> surface_param_02 is the wavelength 
+    -> surface_param_03 is the amplitude 
+  7 to a noisy surface, 
+    -> surface_param_01 is the z level
+    -> surface_param_02 is the noise amplitude
+  8 to a double sinus.
+    -> surface_param_01 is the z level
+    -> surface_param_02 is the x-wavelength 
+    -> surface_param_03 is the x-amplitude 
+    -> surface_param_04 is the y-wavelength 
+    -> surface_param_05 is the y-amplitude 
+- [int]leveloct is the level at which the octree will be refined in the vicinity of the surface.
+      levelt1             = 6
+      itype1              = 0
+      surface_type_1      = 1
+      rand1               = T
+      surface_param_01_1  = .1d0
+      material1           = 1
+      activation_time_1   = -1. 
+      leveloct1           = 6
+      stretch1            = 1.5d0
+      anglemax1           = 180.d0
+      criterion1          = 1
+      anglemaxoctree1     = 180.d0
+      spread_surface_points1 = 1
+[int]niter_move is the number of iterations used to update particle positions
+using an implicit, mid-point algorithm (default is 10)
+      niter_move = 10
+[dp]stretch is the maximum allowed increase in linear length between two initially
+adjacent particles on any surface; when this stretch is achieved, a new
+particle is inserted on the surface, half-way along the stretched edge
+      stretch = 1.5d0
+[dp]anglemax is the maximum allowed angle between two adjacent normals
+when the angle is reached a new point is inserted beteen the two points to
+reduce the angle between the two normals
+      anglemax=180.d0
+[int]criterion is criterion used to define the octree in the vicinity of the
+sufaces; criterion 1 corresponds to imposing that all leaves that are cut by any of the
+surfaces must be at level levelmax_oct; criterion 2 corresponds
+to imposing that discretization is proportional to the curvature of the
+surface; curvature is calculated from the local divergence of the normals.
+criterion 3 corresponds to imposing that all leaves that contain at
+least one particle of any surface is at levelmax_oct; 
+      criterion = 2
+[dp]anglemaxoctree is only defined for criterion 2; t is the maximum allowable angle
+between two adjacent normals; if the angle is greater than anglemaxoctree, the local
+octree leaves are forced to be at level levelmax_oct; otherwise they are
+proportionally larger (smaller levels) (default is 10)
+     anglemaxoctree = 10.d0
+[int]nboxes is the number of boxes in which the user imposes a set level of
+      nboxes = 0
+for each box we need to specify the two end corners and the level
+the syntax is [dp]boxnx0, [dp]boxnx1, [dp]boxny0, [dp]boxny1, [dp]boxnz0, [dp]boxnz1
+and boxnlevel where n is the box number
+      box1x0=0.d0
+      box1x1=1.d0
+      box1y0=0.d0
+      box1y1=1.d0
+      box1z0=0.0d0
+      box1z1=0.2d0
+      box1level=7
+      box2x0=0.1d0
+      box2x1=0.4d0
+      box2y0=0.0d0
+      box2y1=0.5d0
+      box2z0=0.0d0
+      box2z1=0.2d0
+      box2level=7
+      box3x0=0.6d0
+      box3x1=0.9d0
+      box3y0=0.5d0
+      box3y1=1.0d0
+      box3z0=0.0d0
+      box3z1=0.2d0
+      box3level=7
+[bool]ref_on_faces toggles on/off the user imposed refinement on faces.
+for each of the six faces of the cube, on defines the level at which the
+desired area is to be refined. this area is given by bottom, top, left and
+right coordinates that are comprised between 0 and 1
+faces 1,2,3,4,5,6 respectively correspond to x=0,x=1,y=0,y=1,z=0,z=1
+      ref_on_faces = F
+      level_face1=5
+      b1=.02
+      t1=.51
+      l1=.11
+      r1=.81
+      level_face2=5
+      b2=.45
+      t2=.55
+      l2=.46
+      r2=.56
+      level_face3=5
+      b3=.0
+      t3=.2
+      l3=.3
+      r3=.7
+      level_face4=5
+      b4=.4
+      t4=.5
+      l4=.14
+      r4=.4
+      level_face5=5
+      b5=0.
+      t5=1.
+      l5=0.
+      r5=0.75
+      level_face6=5
+      b6=.26
+      t6=.56
+      l6=.16
+      r6=.86
+[bool]erosion is a flag that toggles on/off the erosion. 
+      erosion = T
+if erosion is on, one also needs to set the erosion level/height, [dp]zerosion
+Note that this is a first attempt at erosion; in future versions, DOUAR
+should be easily linked to a surface processes model like CASCADE
+      zerosion=.1d0
+If erosion is on, one also needs to define a length scale and a velocity scale to
+properly translate the uplift rate produced by DOUAR into something that is adequate
+for CASCADE; 
+[dp]length_scale is the scale of the unit model in km 
+[dp]velocity_scale is the velocity scale in km/Myr. 
+if length_scale is negative, erosion is assumed to be perfect (no call to CASCADE is needed)
+      length_scale=200.d0
+      velocity_scale=10.d0
+One then needs to define the erosion constants in CASCADE
+[dp]fluvial_erosion is the fluvial erosion constant in 1/m^2
+[dp]diffusion_erosion is the diffusion erosion constant in m^2/yr
+(4d-2 32d-2)
+      fluvial_erosion=2.d-2
+      diffusion_erosion=16.d-2
+One finally needs to specify the boundary conditions for CASCADE
+if [int]baselevelx0 is set to 1 then the boundary at x=0 is set at baselevel (water and sediment exit)
+if [int]baselevelx1 is set to 1 then the boundary at x=1 is set at baselevel (water and sediment exit)
+if [int]baselevely0 is set to 1 then the boundary at y=0 is set at baselevel (water and sediment exit)
+if [int]baselevely1 is set to 1 then the boundary at y=1 is set at baselevel (water and sediment exit)
+      baselevelx0=1
+      baselevelx1=1
+      baselevely0=0
+      baselevely1=0
+[bool]visualise_matrix allows the user to turn on the visual representation of the 
+matrices used in the code. Be careful, the generated postscript files are huge !
+      visualise_matrix = F
+[int]nsections is the number of cross-sections to be output. [dp]scale is the scale used to produce the postscript file.
+[int]xyz takes values 1, 2 or 3, and corresponds to planes defined by x=constant, y=constant, and z=constant resp.
+The [bool]flags are self explanatory. [char]colormap is the chosen colormap (jet or hot). [int]ncolours is the number of
+colours used to produce the plot. 
+nsections = 0
+xyz_1          = 1 
+slice_1        = 0.5001
+flag_press_1   = T
+flag_spress_1  = T 
+flag_e2d_1     = T
+flag_e3d_1     = F
+flag_lode_1    = F 
+flag_crit_1    = F 
+flag_grid_1    = T 
+flag_mu_1      = F   
+flag_u_1       = F
+flag_v_1       = F
+flag_w_1       = F
+flag_q_1       = F 
+flag_uvw_1     = F 
+flag_lsf_1     = F 
+flag_vfield_1  = F 
+flag_colour_1  = T
+flag_plastic_1 = F
+flag_velvect_1 = T
+scale_1        = 500.
+colormap_1     = jet
+ncolours_1     = 256
+xyz_2          = 2
+slice_2        = 0.901
+flag_press_2   = T
+flag_e2d_2     = T
+flag_e3d_2     = F 
+flag_lode_2    = F 
+flag_crit_2    = F 
+flag_grid_2    = F 
+flag_mu_2      = F   
+flag_u_2       = F
+flag_v_2       = F
+flag_w_2       = F
+flag_q_2       = F 
+flag_uvw_2     = F 
+flag_lsf_2     = F 
+flag_vfield_2  = F 
+flag_colour_2  = T
+flag_plastic_2 = F
+flag_velvect_2 = F
+scale_2        = 800.
+colormap_2     = jet 
+ncolours_2     = 256
+xyz_3          = 3
+slice_3        = 0.0010
+flag_press_3   = F 
+flag_e2d_3     = F
+flag_e3d_3     = F
+flag_lode_3    = F 
+flag_crit_3    = F 
+flag_grid_3    = F 
+flag_mu_3      = F   
+flag_u_3       = F
+flag_v_3       = F
+flag_w_3       = F
+flag_q_3       = F
+flag_uvw_3     = F 
+flag_lsf_3     = F 
+flag_vfield_3  = F 
+flag_colour_3  = T
+flag_plastic_3 = F
+flag_velvect_3 = F
+scale_3        = 400.
+colormap_3     = jet
+ncolours_3     = 256
diff --git a/test/stdout_grace_2009-07-10.txt b/test/stdout_grace_2009-07-10.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ae647571018a9170678fa83fc8bd098c0e0e1fff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/stdout_grace_2009-07-10.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,151670 @@
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ program called with no argument
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Computations  Total time   Step time   Increment
+                       Reading Input      0.0002      0.0002      0.0002
+                       Problem Setup      0.4304      0.4304      0.4303
+                     define surfaces      0.4305      0.4305      0.0001
+                          surface 01      0.4305      0.4305      0.0001
+                          surface 02      0.4887      0.4887      0.0582
+                          surface 03      0.5469      0.5469      0.0581
+                        define cloud      0.6054      0.6054      0.0586
+              define velocity octree      0.6057      0.6057      0.0003
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step       1      0.7411
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces      0.7413      0.0002      0.0002
+                          surface 01      0.7414      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                      refine surface      0.7414      0.0003      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay      0.7669      0.0258      0.0255
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                          surface 02      0.7830      0.0419      0.0161
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                      refine surface      0.7832      0.0421      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay      0.8089      0.0677      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                          surface 03      0.8250      0.0838      0.0161
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+                      refine surface      0.8251      0.0840      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay      0.8506      0.1094      0.0254
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1      0.8741
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve      0.8743      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov      0.8902      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion      0.8990      0.0248      0.0088
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=      -Infinity
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes      0.8994      0.0253      0.0005
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement      0.9135      0.0394      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon      1.0357      0.1615      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve      1.2210      0.3468      0.1853
+                embedding surface  1      1.2211      0.3470      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2      3.1356      2.2614      1.9144
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3      5.1875      4.3134      2.0519
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability      8.6657      7.7916      3.4782
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=        0 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=        0 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  F
+                     Change 3D cloud      8.6705      7.7963      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve      9.0222      8.1481      0.3518
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces      9.1368      8.2626      0.1146
+                           Find void      9.4083      8.5342      0.2716
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions      9.4369      8.5628      0.0286
+                         wsmp setup1      9.4447      8.5706      0.0078
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2     10.4544      9.5802      1.0096
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1     10.5008
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system     10.5009      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.84103E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve     18.3538      7.8530      7.8529
+  ************************************************************************
+       CONTAINS Runtime Modules of Watson Sparse Matrix Package V 9.1.7.
+        (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 1997, 2008.  All Rights Reserved.
+WARNING**: The environment variable MALLOC_TRIM_THRESHOLD_
+is not set. This may adversely affect the performance of
+WSMP. Please refer to WSMP documentation for more details.
+WARNING**: The environment variable MALLOC_MMAP_MAX_ is
+not set. This may adversely affect the performance of WSMP
+Please refer to WSMP documentation for more details.
+  ************************************************************************
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.1276939 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1511681 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7151010 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4270449 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14419.4484026 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211631 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071781 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5524652 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10441E+01  0.83972E-01
+                                                                        v : -0.22805E+00  0.24870E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.79543E+00  0.64214E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures     34.9234     24.4227     16.5696
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.81950E+03  0.66188E+03
+                 Smoothing pressures     35.1456     24.6449      0.2222
+                do leaf measurements     35.1467     24.6460      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion     35.1884     24.6876      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5419858 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> F
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2     35.1936
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system     35.1984      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve     43.1990      8.0054      8.0006
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0486901 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1135221 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7105839 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3692698 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14492.7234624 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1200881 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071890 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3697221 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.14185E+01  0.12959E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.11521E+01  0.13072E+01
+                                                                        w : -0.21985E+01  0.22608E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures     59.5861     24.3925     16.3871
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.37655E+03  0.17211E+03
+                 Smoothing pressures     59.8054     24.6118      0.2193
+                do leaf measurements     59.8065     24.6129      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion     59.8486     24.6550      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 1.0899006 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> F
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3     59.8539
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system     59.8588      0.0049      0.0049
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve     67.8115      7.9576      7.9527
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0479879 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1104569 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7114100 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4162619 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14433.0679476 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1203380 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071750 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4140229 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.11869E+01  0.46668E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.18482E+01  0.47185E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.16831E+01  0.15142E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures     84.2431     24.3892     16.4316
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.19736E+03  0.81198E+02
+                 Smoothing pressures     84.4630     24.6091      0.2199
+                do leaf measurements     84.4641     24.6102      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion     84.5059     24.6520      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 1.1352673 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> F
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4     84.5111
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system     84.5158      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve     92.4541      7.9430      7.9383
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0493979 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1194930 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7176399 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3701200 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14491.6397691 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207922 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071731 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3850050 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.11184E+01  0.29206E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.56218E+00  0.34129E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.10387E+01  0.14698E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    108.8561     24.3450     16.4020
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.90635E+02  0.34727E+02
+                 Smoothing pressures    109.0786     24.5676      0.2226
+                do leaf measurements    109.0797     24.5686      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion    109.1216     24.6105      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.6903302 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> F
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5    109.1266
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    109.1315      0.0049      0.0049
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve    117.1309      8.0042      7.9994
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0504141 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1195889 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7118180 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3679011 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14494.4684702 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1199272 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071700 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3771970 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10548E+01  0.32523E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95579E-01  0.18202E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.90742E+00  0.17110E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    133.5252     24.3986     16.3943
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.38407E+02  0.13174E+02
+                 Smoothing pressures    133.7448     24.6181      0.2196
+                do leaf measurements    133.7458     24.6192      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion    133.7875     24.6609      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.3382311 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> F
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6    133.7927
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    133.7974      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve    141.7279      7.9352      7.9304
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0499821 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1356699 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7113202 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4611530 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14376.5364129 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1200759 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071971 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4857950 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10377E+01  0.34282E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.60248E-01  0.17858E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.89910E+00  0.21739E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    158.2311     24.4384     16.5032
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.16174E+02  0.48174E+01
+                 Smoothing pressures    158.4518     24.6591      0.2207
+                do leaf measurements    158.4529     24.6601      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion    158.4947     24.7019      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0808172 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> F
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      7    158.4999
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    158.5047      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve    166.4979      7.9980      7.9932
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0496969 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1152401 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7107420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3686268 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14493.5431777 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1202140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071681 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3720601 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10283E+01  0.35089E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.46009E-01  0.14597E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.88393E+00  0.24674E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    182.8872     24.3873     16.3893
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.73539E+01  0.19208E+01
+                 Smoothing pressures    183.1071     24.6072      0.2200
+                do leaf measurements    183.1082     24.6083      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion    183.1505     24.6506      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0549294 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> F
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      8    183.1558
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    183.1607      0.0049      0.0049
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve    191.1461      7.9903      7.9854
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0484869 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1097531 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7127259 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3940940 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14461.1483822 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1201489 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071168 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3927221 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10203E+01  0.34926E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.44038E-01  0.13462E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.86558E+00  0.25252E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    207.5558     24.4000     16.4096
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.40170E+01  0.97653E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures    207.7760     24.6202      0.2202
+                do leaf measurements    207.7771     24.6213      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion    207.8189     24.6631      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0394418 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> F
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      9    207.8242
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    207.8289      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve    215.7587      7.9345      7.9298
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0484159 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1328712 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7188680 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3962731 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14458.3831843 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209621 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071831 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4249880 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10146E+01  0.33884E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.45437E-01  0.12379E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.84637E+00  0.24928E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    232.2004     24.3763     16.4418
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.28139E+01  0.69566E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures    232.4229     24.5987      0.2225
+                do leaf measurements    232.4240     24.5998      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion    232.4658     24.6417      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0315961 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> F
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio     10    232.4711
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    232.4759      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve    240.4523      7.9812      7.9764
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0490670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1258559 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7213318 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3773091 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14482.4828665 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1204109 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072169 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4015949 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10109E+01  0.32758E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47099E-01  0.12220E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.82657E+00  0.24537E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    256.8708     24.3997     16.4184
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.23748E+01  0.60006E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures    257.0906     24.6195      0.2198
+                do leaf measurements    257.0917     24.6206      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion    257.1339     24.6628      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0259877 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> F
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube    257.1373     24.6662      0.0034
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical    257.1374     24.6664      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -515.03181528173059 480.69636092961514
+ def in m -7.88451422206737362E-12 4.99899115158353169E-11
+ dimensionless def  -1.42828318616672328E-16 2.22648363039963071E-17
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range =  0.0000000  0.0000000
+                  Compute divergence    257.3393     24.8683      0.2019
+                        wsmp_cleanup    257.3769     24.9058      0.0375
+              Reset surface geometry    257.3819     24.9108      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations     257.3909     24.9198      0.0090
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces    257.4078     24.9367      0.0170
+                   Advect surface  1    257.4080     24.9369      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:   13 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2    257.6016     25.1305      0.1936
+                                                                        S. 2:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3    257.7977     25.3266      0.1962
+                                                                        S. 3:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields    258.0494     25.5783      0.2517
+                    Advect the cloud    258.1503     25.6792      0.1009
+                        Write output    258.7049     26.2338      0.5545
+                    End of time step    259.5131     27.0420      0.8083
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step       2    259.5133
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces    259.5133      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01    259.5134      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                      refine surface    259.5135      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay    259.5363      0.0230      0.0228
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                          surface 02    259.5562      0.0429      0.0199
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                      refine surface    259.5563      0.0430      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay    259.5794      0.0662      0.0232
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                          surface 03    259.5989      0.0856      0.0194
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+                      refine surface    259.5990      0.0857      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay    259.6224      0.1091      0.0234
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1    259.6467
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve    259.6470      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             F
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  F
+        compute ref. criterion on ov    259.6628      0.0160      0.0158
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion    259.6860      0.0393      0.0233
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes    259.6867      0.0400      0.0007
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement    259.7009      0.0542      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon    259.8244      0.1776      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve    260.0103      0.3636      0.1860
+                embedding surface  1    260.0105      0.3637      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2    261.9785      2.3318      1.9681
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3    264.0947      4.4480      2.1162
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability    267.5850      7.9383      3.4903
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud    267.5898      7.9430      0.0048
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve    267.8818      8.2351      0.2921
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces    267.9885      8.3418      0.1067
+                           Find void    268.2620      8.6152      0.2734
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions    268.2911      8.6444      0.0292
+                         wsmp setup1    268.2982      8.6515      0.0071
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2    269.3072      9.6605      1.0090
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1    269.3549
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    269.3550      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38934E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve    277.3437      7.9888      7.9886
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0535619 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1207442 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7108450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3792131 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14480.0596055 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1201200 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073249 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3921990 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10225E+01  0.24785E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.10366E+00  0.10174E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.80688E+00  0.27185E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    293.7529     24.3980     16.4092
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35225E+00  0.11525E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures    293.9742     24.6194      0.2213
+                do leaf measurements    293.9753     24.6205      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion    294.0172     24.6623      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.6049554 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2    294.0220
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    294.0265      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve    301.9654      7.9434      7.9389
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0484290 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1327221 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7121482 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4566851 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14382.1430826 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1200900 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073149 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4777701 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10212E+01  0.19955E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.59708E-01  0.10368E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.79106E+00  0.24397E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    318.4602     24.4382     16.4948
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12544E+01  0.20333E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures    318.6831     24.6610      0.2228
+                do leaf measurements    318.6842     24.6621      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion    318.7260     24.7040      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0753172 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3    318.7309
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    318.7354      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve    326.7329      8.0020      7.9975
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0469391 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1188078 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7122321 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3745220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14486.0315272 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1204021 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073309 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3806131 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.21637E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43992E-01  0.11912E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.77172E+00  0.24633E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    343.1310     24.4000     16.3980
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15085E+01  0.36707E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures    343.3532     24.6223      0.2223
+                do leaf measurements    343.3544     24.6234      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion    343.3966     24.6656      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0434458 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4    343.4016
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    343.4061      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve    351.4047      8.0032      7.9986
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0488911 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1164958 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7112560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3854098 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14472.1785431 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1200371 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072870 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3897569 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10127E+01  0.23138E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37677E-01  0.12456E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76288E+00  0.24030E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    367.8119     24.4103     16.4071
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.16665E+01  0.44236E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures    368.0342     24.6326      0.2223
+                do leaf measurements    368.0353     24.6337      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion    368.0772     24.6757      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0213280 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5    368.0821
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    368.0865      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve    376.0253      7.9432      7.9387
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0479500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1403310 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7177310 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4006400 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14452.8450787 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209228 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073268 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4352760 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10118E+01  0.24355E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38497E-01  0.12649E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75638E+00  0.23713E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    392.4779     24.3958     16.4526
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.17361E+01  0.46466E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures    392.7020     24.6200      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements    392.7032     24.6211      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion    392.7452     24.6631      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0146899 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6    392.7501
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    392.7545      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve    400.7327      7.9827      7.9782
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0482941 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1212780 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7106221 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3664739 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14496.2883946 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1204550 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072870 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3747900 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10116E+01  0.25380E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41964E-01  0.12681E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74955E+00  0.23503E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    417.1248     24.3748     16.3921
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.17604E+01  0.46138E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures    417.3462     24.5961      0.2214
+                do leaf measurements    417.3474     24.5973      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion    417.3896     24.6395      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0104962 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      7    417.3945
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    417.3991      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve    425.3356      7.9410      7.9365
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0476010 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1206231 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7100840 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4477952 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14393.3116969 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1205850 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072830 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4543519 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10118E+01  0.26159E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.44662E-01  0.12658E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74385E+00  0.23347E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    441.8069     24.4124     16.4713
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.17658E+01  0.44910E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures    442.0292     24.6346      0.2223
+                do leaf measurements    442.0303     24.6358      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion    442.0722     24.6777      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0077950 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube    442.0754     24.6808      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical    442.0755     24.6810      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -7450384671851.8193 88912067825.554535
+ def in m -3.8003566265106201 6.12042695283889771E-2
+ dimensionless def  -1.38284947190965924E-7 1.08581617900303426E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0013792  0.1084069
+                  Compute divergence    442.2813     24.8868      0.2057
+                        wsmp_cleanup    442.3174     24.9229      0.0361
+              Reset surface geometry    442.3252     24.9307      0.0078
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       2    442.9292
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve    442.9293      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov    442.9450      0.0158      0.0156
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion    442.9653      0.0362      0.0204
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes    442.9660      0.0369      0.0007
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement    442.9801      0.0509      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon    443.1022      0.1731      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve    443.2898      0.3606      0.1875
+                embedding surface  1    443.2899      0.3608      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2    445.2460      2.3169      1.9561
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3    447.3253      4.3961      2.0792
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability    450.8181      7.8890      3.4929
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud    450.8225      7.8933      0.0044
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve    451.0946      8.1654      0.2721
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces    451.2801      8.3510      0.1855
+                           Find void    451.5499      8.6208      0.2698
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions    451.5783      8.6491      0.0283
+                         wsmp setup1    451.5854      8.6562      0.0071
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2    452.5989      9.6697      1.0135
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1    452.6459
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    452.6460      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38940E-05  3.76287E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve    460.5609      7.9150      7.9149
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0522292 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1357980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7126410 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4538488 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14385.7044207 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1202450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072172 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4823680 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10245E+01  0.21001E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.10120E+00  0.99839E-01
+                                                                        w : -0.77402E+00  0.26467E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    477.0606     24.4147     16.4997
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35094E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures    477.2831     24.6372      0.2225
+                do leaf measurements    477.2842     24.6383      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion    477.3260     24.6801      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5915366 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2    477.3308
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    477.3354      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.75474E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve    485.3502      8.0194      8.0148
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0479670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1239450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7105060 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3712049 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14490.2572774 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1203020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072010 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3815122 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10220E+01  0.16198E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.51284E-01  0.10760E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.77638E+00  0.23027E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    501.7491     24.4183     16.3989
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12361E+01  0.18218E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures    501.9707     24.6398      0.2215
+                do leaf measurements    501.9718     24.6410      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion    502.0139     24.6831      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0715711 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3    502.0188
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    502.0235      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve    510.0042      7.9853      7.9807
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0481360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1215911 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7098749 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3915992 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14464.3154395 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1200640 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071449 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3987830 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10163E+01  0.17972E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39840E-01  0.12207E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75613E+00  0.23734E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    526.4201     24.4012     16.4159
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14214E+01  0.33427E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures    526.6417     24.6229      0.2217
+                do leaf measurements    526.6428     24.6240      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion    526.6846     24.6657      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360552 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4    526.6894
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    526.6939      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve    534.6235      7.9341      7.9296
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0503342 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1491730 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7185099 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3861430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14471.2467006 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207600 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072122 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4325242 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.19867E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.35834E-01  0.12560E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74711E+00  0.23374E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    551.0727     24.3833     16.4492
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15444E+01  0.39171E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures    551.2971     24.6078      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements    551.2982     24.6088      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion    551.3400     24.6507      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0162729 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5    551.3449
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    551.3494      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve    559.3326      7.9877      7.9832
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0507932 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1294639 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7108021 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3791800 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14480.1017765 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1205721 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072670 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3984611 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10149E+01  0.21493E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39827E-01  0.12719E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74111E+00  0.23177E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    575.7480     24.4031     16.4154
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.16003E+01  0.40444E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures    575.9703     24.6254      0.2222
+                do leaf measurements    575.9714     24.6265      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion    576.0135     24.6686      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0110882 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6    576.0184
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    576.0231      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve    583.9587      7.9403      7.9357
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0480769 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1149621 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7097840 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4561899 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14382.7647527 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1203830 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072582 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4570320 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10144E+01  0.22885E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42871E-01  0.12694E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73548E+00  0.23063E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    600.4325     24.4141     16.4738
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.16249E+01  0.40101E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures    600.6551     24.6367      0.2226
+                do leaf measurements    600.6562     24.6378      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion    600.6990     24.6806      0.0428
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0075569 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube    600.7021     24.6837      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical    600.7023     24.6838      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -9438163999162.3906 735675826993.6178
+ def in m -4.4153337478637695 7.91370347142219543E-2
+ dimensionless def  -2.25869246891566699E-7 1.26152392796107707E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0022524  0.1259323
+                  Compute divergence    600.9072     24.8888      0.2049
+                        wsmp_cleanup    600.9435     24.9250      0.0362
+              Reset surface geometry    600.9473     24.9289      0.0038
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations     600.9555     24.9371      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces    600.9733     24.9549      0.0178
+                   Advect surface  1    600.9735     24.9551      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2    601.1647     25.1463      0.1912
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3    601.3615     25.3431      0.1968
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields    601.6121     25.5937      0.2506
+                    Advect the cloud    601.7130     25.6946      0.1009
+                        Write output    602.2689     26.2505      0.5559
+                    End of time step    603.0508     27.0324      0.7819
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step       3    603.0510
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces    603.0510      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01    603.0511      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                      refine surface    603.0511      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay    603.0734      0.0225      0.0223
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                          surface 02    603.0934      0.0425      0.0200
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                      refine surface    603.0936      0.0426      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay    603.1165      0.0656      0.0230
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                          surface 03    603.1363      0.0853      0.0197
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+                      refine surface    603.1364      0.0855      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay    603.1599      0.1089      0.0234
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1    603.1840
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve    603.1843      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov    603.1999      0.0159      0.0156
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion    603.2237      0.0396      0.0238
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes    603.2244      0.0404      0.0007
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement    603.2385      0.0544      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon    603.3606      0.1766      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve    603.5457      0.3617      0.1851
+                embedding surface  1    603.5459      0.3619      0.0001
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2    605.5034      2.3194      1.9575
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3    607.5943      4.4103      2.0909
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability    611.1221      7.9380      3.5277
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud    611.1268      7.9428      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve    611.4235      8.2395      0.2967
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces    611.5481      8.3640      0.1245
+                           Find void    611.8186      8.6345      0.2705
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions    611.8475      8.6634      0.0289
+                         wsmp setup1    611.8554      8.6713      0.0079
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2    612.8675      9.6835      1.0122
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1    612.9146
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    612.9147      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38941E-05  2.75377E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve    620.8272      7.9126      7.9124
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0527580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1358962 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7114592 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4556968 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14383.3837825 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1203880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072610 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4838200 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10247E+01  0.19587E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.10205E+00  0.10445E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76954E+00  0.27593E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    637.3281     24.4135     16.5009
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35098E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures    637.5508     24.6363      0.2228
+                do leaf measurements    637.5519     24.6374      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion    637.5939     24.6794      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5897588 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2    637.5988
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    637.6034      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.76790E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve    645.6160      8.0172      8.0126
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0481451 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1142662 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7137198 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3749530 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14485.4825702 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1204009 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072670 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3791502 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10215E+01  0.14874E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.49819E-01  0.10618E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.77217E+00  0.22976E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    662.0126     24.4137     16.3965
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12336E+01  0.17886E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures    662.2340     24.6352      0.2214
+                do leaf measurements    662.2351     24.6363      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion    662.2775     24.6787      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0715497 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3    662.2825
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    662.2872      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve    670.2727      7.9901      7.9855
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0482018 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1191978 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7114038 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3845801 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14473.2332608 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1202471 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072429 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3912570 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10178E+01  0.16661E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38878E-01  0.12165E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75183E+00  0.23537E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    686.6808     24.3982     16.4081
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13944E+01  0.32368E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures    686.9033     24.6207      0.2225
+                do leaf measurements    686.9044     24.6218      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion    686.9463     24.6638      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0353012 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4    686.9511
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    686.9557      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve    694.8896      7.9385      7.9340
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0489199 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1421690 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7173979 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3828230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14475.4674665 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209619 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072620 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4198909 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.18638E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.35964E-01  0.12490E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74256E+00  0.23221E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    711.3263     24.3751     16.4366
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15044E+01  0.37062E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures    711.5514     24.6003      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements    711.5526     24.6014      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion    711.5945     24.6434      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159852 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5    711.5994
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    711.6040      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve    719.5815      7.9821      7.9775
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0499411 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1408970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7110839 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3828371 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14475.4495780 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1201980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072339 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4125600 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10160E+01  0.20357E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39621E-01  0.12664E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73697E+00  0.23050E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    736.0109     24.4114     16.4294
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15540E+01  0.38166E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures    736.2338     24.6344      0.2229
+                do leaf measurements    736.2349     24.6355      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion    736.2774     24.6780      0.0425
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0106191 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6    736.2824
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    736.2870      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve    744.2190      7.9366      7.9320
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0490170 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1125631 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7113039 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4543250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14385.1064502 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1204488 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072460 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4552660 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.21849E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42647E-01  0.12632E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73177E+00  0.22964E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    760.6911     24.4088     16.4722
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15778E+01  0.37918E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures    760.9140     24.6316      0.2228
+                do leaf measurements    760.9151     24.6327      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion    760.9571     24.6747      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0079343 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube    760.9602     24.6778      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical    760.9603     24.6779      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -10826265179594.336 1448447312903.6941
+ def in m -4.7143011093139648 9.61800664663314819E-2
+ dimensionless def  -2.71733977964946166E-7 1.34694317408970423E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0027081  0.1345620
+                  Compute divergence    761.1631     24.8807      0.2028
+                        wsmp_cleanup    761.1994     24.9171      0.0363
+              Reset surface geometry    761.2050     24.9227      0.0056
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations     761.2130     24.9306      0.0079
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces    761.2312     24.9488      0.0182
+                   Advect surface  1    761.2313     24.9489      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2    761.4216     25.1392      0.1903
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3    761.6180     25.3356      0.1963
+                                                                        S. 3:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields    761.8697     25.5873      0.2517
+                    Advect the cloud    761.9750     25.6926      0.1053
+                        Write output    762.5434     26.2610      0.5685
+                    End of time step    763.3544     27.0720      0.8110
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step       4    763.3546
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces    763.3546      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01    763.3547      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                      refine surface    763.3547      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay    763.3772      0.0227      0.0225
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                          surface 02    763.3972      0.0426      0.0200
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                      refine surface    763.3973      0.0428      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay    763.4204      0.0659      0.0231
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                          surface 03    763.4400      0.0855      0.0196
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+                      refine surface    763.4402      0.0856      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay    763.4639      0.1093      0.0237
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1    763.4880
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve    763.4883      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov    763.5039      0.0159      0.0156
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion    763.5274      0.0394      0.0235
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes    763.5281      0.0401      0.0007
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement    763.5422      0.0542      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon    763.6644      0.1763      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve    763.8517      0.3637      0.1873
+                embedding surface  1    763.8518      0.3638      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2    765.8069      2.3189      1.9550
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3    767.8920      4.4040      2.0851
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability    771.3894      7.9014      3.4974
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud    771.3951      7.9070      0.0056
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve    771.6728      8.1848      0.2778
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces    771.8388      8.3507      0.1659
+                           Find void    772.1069      8.6189      0.2682
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions    772.1347      8.6467      0.0278
+                         wsmp setup1    772.1412      8.6532      0.0065
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2    773.1507      9.6626      1.0094
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1    773.1966
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    773.1968      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38946E-05  5.04486E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve    781.1158      7.9192      7.9190
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0526650 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1435480 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7089570 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4588990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14379.3643326 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1201720 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072820 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4919031 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10225E+01  0.19007E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.10151E+00  0.10702E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76643E+00  0.28825E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    797.6244     24.4278     16.5087
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35112E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures    797.8476     24.6510      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements    797.8486     24.6520      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion    797.8910     24.6944      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5894876 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2    797.8960
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    797.9006      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.77733E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve    805.9104      8.0144      8.0098
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0471871 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1183488 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7098329 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3774240 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14482.3365861 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1202700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0074332 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3808849 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10198E+01  0.14270E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.49089E-01  0.10484E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76984E+00  0.22921E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    822.3090     24.4131     16.3986
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12321E+01  0.17827E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures    822.5307     24.6347      0.2217
+                do leaf measurements    822.5318     24.6358      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion    822.5745     24.6785      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0715696 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3    822.5795
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    822.5842      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve    830.5703      7.9908      7.9861
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0497801 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1172099 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7099919 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3853190 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14472.2940090 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1201241 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072739 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3900738 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10178E+01  0.16086E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38313E-01  0.12059E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74948E+00  0.23489E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    846.9772     24.3977     16.4069
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13810E+01  0.31748E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures    847.1989     24.6193      0.2217
+                do leaf measurements    847.1999     24.6204      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion    847.2424     24.6628      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0351852 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4    847.2473
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    847.2518      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve    855.1889      7.9416      7.9370
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0498509 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1409149 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7180109 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3897119 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14466.7122352 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209369 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072601 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4270570 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.18117E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.36905E-01  0.12404E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74016E+00  0.23167E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    871.6326     24.3853     16.4437
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14856E+01  0.36081E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures    871.8568     24.6096      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements    871.8579     24.6107      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion    871.9002     24.6530      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159744 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5    871.9052
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    871.9099      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve    879.8873      7.9821      7.9774
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0503919 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1231332 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7110460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3765810 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14483.4097825 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1202829 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073538 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3891730 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10161E+01  0.19869E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39570E-01  0.12597E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73489E+00  0.23025E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    896.2934     24.3882     16.4061
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15324E+01  0.37113E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures    896.5161     24.6109      0.2227
+                do leaf measurements    896.5172     24.6119      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion    896.5598     24.6546      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0106269 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6    896.5649
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    896.5695      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve    904.5032      7.9383      7.9336
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0509191 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1157730 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7102242 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4582448 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14380.1853375 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1202219 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073171 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4630811 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.21397E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42571E-01  0.12578E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72996E+00  0.22933E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    920.9831     24.4183     16.4800
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15558E+01  0.36932E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures    921.2062     24.6414      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements    921.2073     24.6424      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion    921.2496     24.6847      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080117 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube    921.2527     24.6879      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical    921.2529     24.6881      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -13993315333014.768 2920756515260.811
+ def in m -5.5134239196777344 0.24587154388427734
+ dimensionless def  -7.02490125383649613E-7 1.57526397705078122E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0069808  0.1571863
+                  Compute divergence    921.4627     24.8979      0.2098
+                        wsmp_cleanup    921.4995     24.9347      0.0368
+              Reset surface geometry    921.5050     24.9401      0.0055
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations     921.5130     24.9482      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces    921.5310     24.9661      0.0179
+                   Advect surface  1    921.5311     24.9663      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   12 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2    921.7202     25.1553      0.1890
+                                                                        S. 2:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3    921.9169     25.3520      0.1967
+                                                                        S. 3:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields    922.1668     25.6020      0.2499
+                    Advect the cloud    922.2705     25.7057      0.1037
+                        Write output    922.8436     26.2787      0.5731
+                    End of time step    923.6544     27.0895      0.8108
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step       5    923.6545
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces    923.6546      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01    923.6546      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                      refine surface    923.6547      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay    923.6773      0.0228      0.0226
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                          surface 02    923.6974      0.0428      0.0201
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                      refine surface    923.6975      0.0430      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay    923.7207      0.0662      0.0232
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                          surface 03    923.7405      0.0860      0.0198
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+                      refine surface    923.7406      0.0861      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay    923.7642      0.1097      0.0236
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1    923.7885
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve    923.7887      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov    923.8044      0.0159      0.0156
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion    923.8278      0.0394      0.0235
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes    923.8286      0.0401      0.0007
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement    923.8426      0.0541      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon    923.9648      0.1763      0.1221
+             Imbed surface in osolve    924.1526      0.3642      0.1879
+                embedding surface  1    924.1528      0.3643      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2    926.1014      2.3129      1.9486
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3    928.1804      4.3919      2.0790
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability    931.6995      7.9111      3.5191
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud    931.7039      7.9155      0.0044
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve    931.9825      8.1940      0.2786
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces    932.1646      8.3762      0.1821
+                           Find void    932.4373      8.6488      0.2726
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions    932.4657      8.6773      0.0285
+                         wsmp setup1    932.4730      8.6845      0.0073
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2    933.4859      9.6974      1.0129
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1    933.5325
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    933.5327      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38951E-05  6.21144E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve    941.4364      7.9039      7.9037
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0496922 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1344788 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7097361 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4634290 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14373.6821021 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1200268 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072479 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4851770 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10181E+01  0.18801E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.10179E+00  0.10681E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76500E+00  0.29352E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    957.9381     24.4055     16.5017
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35054E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures    958.1611     24.6286      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements    958.1622     24.6297      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion    958.2045     24.6720      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5898990 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2    958.2094
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    958.2140      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79153E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve    966.2212      8.0118      8.0072
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0501390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1102171 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7095249 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3717270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14489.5919524 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1204381 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073040 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3697381 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10176E+01  0.14012E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47796E-01  0.10431E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76881E+00  0.22658E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    982.6088     24.3993     16.3876
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12316E+01  0.17907E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures    982.8308     24.6214      0.2221
+                do leaf measurements    982.8319     24.6225      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion    982.8747     24.6652      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0722751 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3    982.8797
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    982.8843      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve    990.8749      7.9952      7.9906
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0483730 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1128299 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7091200 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4037840 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14448.8604261 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1201711 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072200 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4018960 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10175E+01  0.15820E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37337E-01  0.12021E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74836E+00  0.23323E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   1007.2934     24.4137     16.4185
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13751E+01  0.31452E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   1007.5161     24.6364      0.2227
+                do leaf measurements   1007.5172     24.6375      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   1007.5595     24.6799      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0353640 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4   1007.5644
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   1007.5689      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   1015.5070      7.9426      7.9381
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0506899 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1465020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7164660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3990951 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14454.8039147 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210141 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072639 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4414039 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10166E+01  0.17899E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37126E-01  0.12378E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73902E+00  0.23072E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   1031.9648     24.4004     16.4578
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14774E+01  0.35579E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   1032.1897     24.6253      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements   1032.1908     24.6264      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   1032.2330     24.6686      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159105 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5   1032.2380
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   1032.2425      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   1040.2175      7.9795      7.9750
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0486369 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1198971 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7107699 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3750129 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14485.4063632 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1204681 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073259 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3825221 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10160E+01  0.19675E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39800E-01  0.12580E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73392E+00  0.22964E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   1056.6174     24.3795     16.3999
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15234E+01  0.36634E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   1056.8403     24.6023      0.2229
+                do leaf measurements   1056.8414     24.6034      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   1056.8841     24.6461      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0106692 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6   1056.8891
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   1056.8936      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   1064.8283      7.9393      7.9347
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0476160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1191669 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7099428 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4594631 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14378.6565005 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1203279 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072951 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4642000 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.21221E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42668E-01  0.12559E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72914E+00  0.22898E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   1081.3096     24.4205     16.4812
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15465E+01  0.36481E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   1081.5327     24.6436      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements   1081.5338     24.6447      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   1081.5760     24.6869      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080565 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   1081.5791     24.6900      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   1081.5793     24.6902      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -16484606510268.631 4668719913014.8721
+ def in m -5.9253387451171875 0.33440899848937988
+ dimensionless def  -9.55454281398228372E-7 1.69295392717633936E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0094874  0.1690700
+                  Compute divergence   1081.7839     24.8948      0.2046
+                        wsmp_cleanup   1081.8203     24.9313      0.0365
+              Reset surface geometry   1081.8259     24.9368      0.0056
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    1081.8341     24.9450      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   1081.8519     24.9628      0.0178
+                   Advect surface  1   1081.8521     24.9630      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2   1082.0441     25.1550      0.1920
+                                                                        S. 2:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3   1082.2406     25.3516      0.1965
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields   1082.4892     25.6002      0.2486
+                    Advect the cloud   1082.5920     25.7030      0.1028
+                        Write output   1083.1693     26.2803      0.5773
+                    End of time step   1083.9576     27.0686      0.7883
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step       6   1083.9578
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   1083.9578      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   1083.9579      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                      refine surface   1083.9579      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   1083.9805      0.0227      0.0226
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                          surface 02   1084.0006      0.0428      0.0201
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                      refine surface   1084.0007      0.0430      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   1084.0239      0.0662      0.0232
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                          surface 03   1084.0437      0.0859      0.0198
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+                      refine surface   1084.0438      0.0860      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   1084.0674      0.1096      0.0236
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   1084.0916
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   1084.0918      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   1084.1075      0.0159      0.0157
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   1084.1310      0.0395      0.0236
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   1084.1317      0.0402      0.0007
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   1084.1458      0.0542      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon   1084.2679      0.1764      0.1221
+             Imbed surface in osolve   1084.4543      0.3627      0.1864
+                embedding surface  1   1084.4544      0.3629      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2   1086.4021      2.3106      1.9477
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3   1088.4784      4.3868      2.0762
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability   1091.9662      7.8747      3.4878
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   1091.9707      7.8791      0.0045
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   1092.2621      8.1705      0.2914
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   1092.4331      8.3415      0.1710
+                           Find void   1092.7003      8.6087      0.2672
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions   1092.7288      8.6372      0.0285
+                         wsmp setup1   1092.7362      8.6446      0.0074
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2   1093.7487      9.6571      1.0125
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   1093.7956
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   1093.7958      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38949E-05  4.76173E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   1101.7244      7.9288      7.9287
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0557699 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1336300 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7077971 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4613860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14376.2442320 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1205211 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072610 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4867511 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10159E+01  0.18818E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.10246E+00  0.10680E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76487E+00  0.29309E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   1118.2279     24.4323     16.5035
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35073E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   1118.4551     24.6595      0.2272
+                do leaf measurements   1118.4562     24.6605      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   1118.4983     24.7026      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5898922 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2   1118.5032
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   1118.5077      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.78872E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   1126.5130      8.0098      8.0053
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0484779 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1319540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7100680 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3742609 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14486.3640186 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1205878 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073121 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3930519 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10166E+01  0.13970E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47555E-01  0.10415E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76867E+00  0.22619E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   1142.9231     24.4200     16.4102
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12324E+01  0.17938E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   1143.1447     24.6415      0.2216
+                do leaf measurements   1143.1458     24.6427      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   1143.1883     24.6851      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0723789 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3   1143.1932
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   1143.1978      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   1151.1902      7.9969      7.9923
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0514631 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1315730 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7092662 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4014730 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14451.7890995 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1204178 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072250 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4217901 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.15759E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37385E-01  0.12023E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74799E+00  0.23305E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   1167.6290     24.4358     16.4389
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13738E+01  0.31410E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   1167.8509     24.6576      0.2218
+                do leaf measurements   1167.8519     24.6587      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   1167.8941     24.7008      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0355033 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4   1167.8989
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   1167.9034      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   1175.8379      7.9390      7.9345
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0520160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1533768 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7155058 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3996320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14454.1230986 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210680 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073040 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4493010 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10164E+01  0.17846E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37406E-01  0.12385E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73860E+00  0.23043E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   1192.3043     24.4054     16.4664
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14746E+01  0.35521E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   1192.5296     24.6307      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements   1192.5307     24.6318      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   1192.5727     24.6738      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158695 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5   1192.5777
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   1192.5822      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   1200.5600      7.9823      7.9778
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0497000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1168990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7094128 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3808939 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14477.9210369 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1204638 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073280 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3850970 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10157E+01  0.19629E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39911E-01  0.12587E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73357E+00  0.22927E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   1216.9623     24.3846     16.4023
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15200E+01  0.36547E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   1217.1840     24.6064      0.2218
+                do leaf measurements   1217.1852     24.6075      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   1217.2276     24.6500      0.0425
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0106956 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6   1217.2326
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   1217.2371      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   1225.1724      7.9399      7.9354
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0486820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1128879 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7099209 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4481111 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14392.9145211 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1204450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073080 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4477458 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10151E+01  0.21180E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42717E-01  0.12567E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72887E+00  0.22870E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   1241.6366     24.4041     16.4642
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15426E+01  0.36363E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   1241.8593     24.6268      0.2227
+                do leaf measurements   1241.8604     24.6279      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   1241.9024     24.6699      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080812 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   1241.9055     24.6730      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   1241.9057     24.6732      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -18653910586387.547 6458914995929.6426
+ def in m -6.1905736923217773 0.38907873630523682
+ dimensionless def  -1.11165353230067666E-6 1.7687353406633651E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0110139  0.1765771
+                  Compute divergence   1242.1135     24.8809      0.2078
+                        wsmp_cleanup   1242.1499     24.9173      0.0364
+              Reset surface geometry   1242.1554     24.9228      0.0055
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    1242.1634     24.9309      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   1242.1814     24.9488      0.0179
+                   Advect surface  1   1242.1815     24.9489      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2   1242.3750     25.1424      0.1935
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3   1242.5729     25.3403      0.1979
+                                                                        S. 3:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields   1242.8222     25.5896      0.2493
+                    Advect the cloud   1242.9285     25.6959      0.1063
+                        Write output   1243.5083     26.2758      0.5799
+                    End of time step   1244.3015     27.0689      0.7931
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step       7   1244.3016
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   1244.3017      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   1244.3017      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                      refine surface   1244.3018      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   1244.3245      0.0228      0.0227
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                          surface 02   1244.3448      0.0431      0.0203
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                      refine surface   1244.3449      0.0433      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   1244.3681      0.0665      0.0232
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                          surface 03   1244.3880      0.0864      0.0199
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+                      refine surface   1244.3881      0.0865      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   1244.4116      0.1100      0.0235
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   1244.4359
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   1244.4362      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   1244.4519      0.0159      0.0156
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   1244.4752      0.0392      0.0233
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   1244.4759      0.0399      0.0007
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   1244.4899      0.0540      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon   1244.6121      0.1762      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve   1244.7978      0.3619      0.1857
+                embedding surface  1   1244.7980      0.3620      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2   1246.7197      2.2837      1.9217
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3   1248.7907      4.3547      2.0710
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability   1252.2972      7.8613      3.5065
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   1252.3016      7.8657      0.0044
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   1252.5842      8.1482      0.2825
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   1252.7862      8.3503      0.2020
+                           Find void   1253.0580      8.6220      0.2718
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions   1253.0868      8.6508      0.0288
+                         wsmp setup1   1253.0948      8.6588      0.0080
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2   1254.1064      9.6704      1.0116
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   1254.1534
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   1254.1536      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38945E-05  3.45717E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   1262.0734      7.9200      7.9198
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0533438 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1294069 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7096870 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4582510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14380.1775579 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1201980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072460 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4785159 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.18741E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.10230E+00  0.10649E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76411E+00  0.29148E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   1278.5690     24.4156     16.4957
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35076E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   1278.7913     24.6379      0.2222
+                do leaf measurements   1278.7924     24.6390      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion   1278.8342     24.6808      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5893624 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2   1278.8392
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   1278.8437      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79179E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   1286.8469      8.0077      8.0032
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0497401 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1201100 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7107761 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3768029 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14483.1272032 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073071 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3857639 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.13898E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47563E-01  0.10392E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76821E+00  0.22670E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   1303.2499     24.4107     16.4030
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12320E+01  0.17810E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   1303.4715     24.6324      0.2217
+                do leaf measurements   1303.4727     24.6335      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion   1303.5150     24.6758      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0718959 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3   1303.5199
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   1303.5246      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   1311.5193      7.9994      7.9947
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0498221 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1219928 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7120399 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4033439 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14449.4180908 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1205001 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072920 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4153841 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.15687E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37383E-01  0.11978E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74744E+00  0.23333E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   1327.9519     24.4319     16.4325
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13718E+01  0.31281E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   1328.1733     24.6533      0.2214
+                do leaf measurements   1328.1744     24.6545      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   1328.2162     24.6963      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0357050 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4   1328.2211
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   1328.2256      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   1336.1613      7.9402      7.9357
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0499539 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1437070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7125099 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4080808 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14443.4183566 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211998 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072801 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4431372 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10160E+01  0.17782E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37351E-01  0.12349E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73810E+00  0.23057E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   1352.6216     24.4005     16.4603
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14721E+01  0.35428E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   1352.8458     24.6248      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements   1352.8470     24.6259      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   1352.8888     24.6677      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158843 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5   1352.8937
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   1352.8983      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   1360.8798      7.9861      7.9816
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0485620 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1301951 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7093589 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3784542 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14481.0253535 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1203270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073199 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3946080 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.19564E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39903E-01  0.12559E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73317E+00  0.22949E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   1377.2916     24.3979     16.4118
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15169E+01  0.36411E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   1377.5150     24.6214      0.2234
+                do leaf measurements   1377.5162     24.6225      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion   1377.5585     24.6648      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107053 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6   1377.5635
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   1377.5681      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   1385.5013      7.9378      7.9332
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0513630 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1112030 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7101889 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4539559 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14385.5699704 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1204360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072179 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4547639 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10149E+01  0.21121E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42712E-01  0.12546E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72851E+00  0.22879E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   1401.9739     24.4104     16.4726
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15395E+01  0.36239E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   1402.1955     24.6320      0.2216
+                do leaf measurements   1402.1966     24.6332      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion   1402.2384     24.6750      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080873 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   1402.2415     24.6781      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   1402.2417     24.6782      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -20618572634478.824 8242199278082.2139
+ def in m -6.3776407241821289 0.42090722918510437
+ dimensionless def  -1.20259208338601251E-6 1.82218306405203662E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0119441  0.1818238
+                  Compute divergence   1402.4476     24.8841      0.2059
+                        wsmp_cleanup   1402.4839     24.9204      0.0363
+              Reset surface geometry   1402.4893     24.9258      0.0055
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    1402.4974     24.9339      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   1402.5152     24.9518      0.0179
+                   Advect surface  1   1402.5154     24.9519      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2   1402.7099     25.1464      0.1945
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3   1402.9046     25.3411      0.1947
+                                                                        S. 3:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields   1403.1558     25.5923      0.2512
+                    Advect the cloud   1403.2629     25.6994      0.1071
+                        Write output   1403.8539     26.2904      0.5910
+                    End of time step   1404.6460     27.0826      0.7921
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step       8   1404.6461
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   1404.6462      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   1404.6462      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                      refine surface   1404.6463      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   1404.6690      0.0229      0.0227
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                          surface 02   1404.6891      0.0429      0.0200
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                      refine surface   1404.6892      0.0431      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   1404.7123      0.0661      0.0231
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                          surface 03   1404.7323      0.0862      0.0201
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+                      refine surface   1404.7325      0.0863      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   1404.7561      0.1099      0.0236
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   1404.7803
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   1404.7805      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   1404.7962      0.0159      0.0156
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   1404.8197      0.0394      0.0235
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   1404.8204      0.0401      0.0007
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   1404.8344      0.0542      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon   1404.9566      0.1763      0.1221
+             Imbed surface in osolve   1405.1415      0.3612      0.1849
+                embedding surface  1   1405.1417      0.3614      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2   1407.0923      2.3120      1.9506
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3   1409.1556      4.3753      2.0633
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability   1412.6582      7.8780      3.5027
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   1412.6627      7.8824      0.0044
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   1412.9424      8.1621      0.2798
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   1413.1674      8.3871      0.2250
+                           Find void   1413.4383      8.6581      0.2709
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions   1413.4667      8.6864      0.0283
+                         wsmp setup1   1413.4735      8.6932      0.0068
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2   1414.4853      9.7051      1.0119
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   1414.5325
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   1414.5326      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38943E-05  2.73999E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   1422.4398      7.9074      7.9072
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0508919 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1298690 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7078700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4615870 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14375.9921346 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1204832 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0074298 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4784908 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10186E+01  0.18710E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.10155E+00  0.10599E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76413E+00  0.29006E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   1438.9353     24.4028     16.4954
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35104E+00  0.15221E-02
+                 Smoothing pressures   1439.1583     24.6258      0.2230
+                do leaf measurements   1439.1593     24.6269      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   1439.2021     24.6697      0.0428
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5893326 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2   1439.2070
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   1439.2116      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79945E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   1447.2125      8.0054      8.0008
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0499630 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1240549 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7107470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3780181 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14481.5803452 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1205149 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073521 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3910110 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10163E+01  0.13878E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47252E-01  0.10420E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76822E+00  0.22632E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   1463.6203     24.4133     16.4079
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12328E+01  0.17866E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   1463.8430     24.6359      0.2227
+                do leaf measurements   1463.8441     24.6371      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   1463.8873     24.6802      0.0432
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0721518 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3   1463.8923
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   1463.8970      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   1471.8969      8.0046      7.9999
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0507891 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1191471 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7123790 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3952560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14459.6736801 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1204131 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072970 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4056430 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.15655E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37583E-01  0.11997E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74736E+00  0.23275E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   1488.3196     24.4272     16.4227
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13716E+01  0.31293E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   1488.5416     24.6493      0.2220
+                do leaf measurements   1488.5427     24.6503      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   1488.5854     24.6931      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0357647 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4   1488.5903
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   1488.5948      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   1496.5305      7.9403      7.9358
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0525632 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1357329 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7182560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4178972 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14431.0007908 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211312 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073471 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4533021 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10157E+01  0.17743E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37504E-01  0.12371E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73797E+00  0.23022E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   1513.0008     24.4105     16.4702
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14710E+01  0.35458E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   1513.2258     24.6355      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements   1513.2268     24.6365      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   1513.2697     24.6794      0.0428
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158788 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5   1513.2746
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   1513.2792      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   1521.2638      7.9893      7.9847
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0484970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1122711 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7112451 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3779271 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14481.6962646 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1203949 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073640 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3780751 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10151E+01  0.19525E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40057E-01  0.12573E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73309E+00  0.22911E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   1537.6595     24.3849     16.3957
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15156E+01  0.36425E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   1537.8812     24.6066      0.2217
+                do leaf measurements   1537.8823     24.6077      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   1537.9255     24.6509      0.0432
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0106957 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6   1537.9304
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   1537.9351      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   1545.8738      7.9434      7.9387
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0494151 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1128500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7117460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4463100 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14395.1791670 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1203341 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073621 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4483759 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10145E+01  0.21083E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42812E-01  0.12557E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72849E+00  0.22850E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   1562.3394     24.4090     16.4656
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15379E+01  0.36218E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   1562.5619     24.6315      0.2224
+                do leaf measurements   1562.5630     24.6325      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   1562.6058     24.6753      0.0428
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0081038 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   1562.6088     24.6784      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   1562.6090     24.6786      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -22434150512089.719 9996972747259.7422
+ def in m -6.5319709777832031 0.44599804282188416
+ dimensionless def  -1.27428012234824057E-6 1.86627742222377242E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0126985  0.1861284
+                  Compute divergence   1562.8188     24.8884      0.2098
+                        wsmp_cleanup   1562.8553     24.9249      0.0365
+              Reset surface geometry   1562.8609     24.9304      0.0056
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    1562.8690     24.9386      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   1562.8871     24.9567      0.0181
+                   Advect surface  1   1562.8873     24.9568      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2   1563.0825     25.1520      0.1952
+                                                                        S. 2:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3   1563.2799     25.3495      0.1974
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields   1563.5329     25.6024      0.2530
+                    Advect the cloud   1563.6405     25.7100      0.1076
+                        Write output   1564.2380     26.3076      0.5976
+                    End of time step   1565.0462     27.1158      0.8082
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step       9   1565.0464
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   1565.0464      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   1565.0465      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                      refine surface   1565.0465      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   1565.0693      0.0229      0.0228
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                          surface 02   1565.0893      0.0430      0.0201
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                      refine surface   1565.0895      0.0431      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   1565.1126      0.0662      0.0231
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                          surface 03   1565.1323      0.0859      0.0197
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+                      refine surface   1565.1324      0.0861      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   1565.1559      0.1095      0.0235
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   1565.1801
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   1565.1803      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   1565.1960      0.0159      0.0156
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   1565.2195      0.0394      0.0235
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   1565.2202      0.0401      0.0007
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   1565.2343      0.0542      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon   1565.3565      0.1764      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve   1565.5402      0.3602      0.1838
+                embedding surface  1   1565.5404      0.3604      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2   1567.4965      2.3164      1.9561
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3   1569.5632      4.3832      2.0668
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability   1573.0585      7.8784      3.4953
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   1573.0628      7.8828      0.0043
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   1573.3497      8.1696      0.2868
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   1573.5075      8.3274      0.1578
+                           Find void   1573.7760      8.5959      0.2685
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions   1573.8040      8.6240      0.0280
+                         wsmp setup1   1573.8106      8.6305      0.0066
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2   1574.8245      9.6444      1.0139
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   1574.8720
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   1574.8721      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38940E-05  3.65010E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   1582.7926      7.9206      7.9204
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0521388 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1198401 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7091260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4644220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14372.4370975 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1205499 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072548 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4737549 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10196E+01  0.18701E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.10178E+00  0.10569E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76404E+00  0.29334E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   1599.2830     24.4110     16.4904
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35077E+00  0.20773E-02
+                 Smoothing pressures   1599.5057     24.6337      0.2227
+                do leaf measurements   1599.5068     24.6348      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   1599.5487     24.6767      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5892299 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2   1599.5535
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   1599.5580      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79444E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   1607.5478      7.9942      7.9898
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0477688 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1146641 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7075009 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3802109 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14478.7900386 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206391 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072680 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3784578 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.13878E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47469E-01  0.10423E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76813E+00  0.22676E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   1623.9435     24.3900     16.3958
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12336E+01  0.17930E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   1624.1652     24.6116      0.2216
+                do leaf measurements   1624.1663     24.6127      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   1624.2085     24.6550      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0720582 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3   1624.2135
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   1624.2180      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   1632.2237      8.0102      8.0057
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0514131 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1183391 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7080209 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3987441 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14455.2489589 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207709 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072410 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4049511 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.15644E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37114E-01  0.11980E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74747E+00  0.23279E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   1648.6456     24.4321     16.4219
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13716E+01  0.31333E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   1648.8672     24.6538      0.2217
+                do leaf measurements   1648.8683     24.6548      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   1648.9100     24.6965      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0357573 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4   1648.9147
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   1648.9191      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   1656.8558      7.9411      7.9367
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0504110 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1417282 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7163661 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4185228 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14430.2101296 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210740 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072219 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4557540 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10156E+01  0.17727E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37258E-01  0.12360E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73801E+00  0.23031E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   1673.3286     24.4139     16.4728
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14704E+01  0.35488E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   1673.5540     24.6393      0.2254
+                do leaf measurements   1673.5551     24.6404      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   1673.5970     24.6822      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158664 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5   1673.6018
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   1673.6063      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   1681.5934      7.9916      7.9871
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0479629 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1173131 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7089598 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3749390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14485.5004835 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1205051 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073690 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3774650 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10149E+01  0.19506E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40137E-01  0.12576E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73312E+00  0.22915E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   1697.9882     24.3863     16.3948
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15148E+01  0.36444E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   1698.2105     24.6086      0.2223
+                do leaf measurements   1698.2117     24.6099      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion   1698.2539     24.6520      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107191 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6   1698.2588
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   1698.2633      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   1706.2062      7.9474      7.9428
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0502799 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1193678 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7106020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4387679 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14404.6706054 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1205890 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072370 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4472539 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10143E+01  0.21063E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42874E-01  0.12559E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72849E+00  0.22859E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   1722.6707     24.4119     16.4645
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15371E+01  0.36240E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   1722.8928     24.6340      0.2221
+                do leaf measurements   1722.8939     24.6351      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   1722.9358     24.6770      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0081024 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   1722.9389     24.6801      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   1722.9391     24.6803      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -24119691152354.281 11718424844862.199
+ def in m -6.655327320098877 0.46275663375854492
+ dimensionless def  -1.32216181073869974E-6 1.90152209145682176E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0130676  0.1896940
+                  Compute divergence   1723.1449     24.8861      0.2058
+                        wsmp_cleanup   1723.1816     24.9228      0.0367
+              Reset surface geometry   1723.1871     24.9283      0.0056
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    1723.1953     24.9365      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   1723.2131     24.9543      0.0179
+                   Advect surface  1   1723.2133     24.9545      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2   1723.4033     25.1445      0.1901
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3   1723.5998     25.3410      0.1964
+                                                                        S. 3:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields   1723.8531     25.5943      0.2533
+                    Advect the cloud   1723.9602     25.7014      0.1071
+                        Write output   1724.5565     26.2977      0.5964
+                    End of time step   1725.3503     27.0915      0.7938
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      10   1725.3505
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   1725.3505      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   1725.3506      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                      refine surface   1725.3506      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   1725.3732      0.0228      0.0226
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                          surface 02   1725.3933      0.0429      0.0201
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                      refine surface   1725.3934      0.0430      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   1725.4167      0.0663      0.0233
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                          surface 03   1725.4366      0.0861      0.0198
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+                      refine surface   1725.4367      0.0862      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   1725.4602      0.1097      0.0235
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   1725.4845
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   1725.4847      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   1725.5004      0.0159      0.0156
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   1725.5238      0.0394      0.0235
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   1725.5246      0.0401      0.0007
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   1725.5386      0.0541      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon   1725.6608      0.1763      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve   1725.8484      0.3639      0.1876
+                embedding surface  1   1725.8485      0.3640      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2   1727.7900      2.3055      1.9414
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3   1729.8600      4.3755      2.0700
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability   1733.3738      7.8893      3.5138
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   1733.3781      7.8936      0.0044
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   1733.6928      8.2083      0.3147
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   1733.8616      8.3771      0.1688
+                           Find void   1734.1302      8.6457      0.2686
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions   1734.1576      8.6731      0.0274
+                         wsmp setup1   1734.1639      8.6794      0.0063
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2   1735.1805      9.6960      1.0166
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   1735.2283
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   1735.2285      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38939E-05  2.19531E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   1743.1466      7.9183      7.9181
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0524321 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1170700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7110040 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4625170 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14374.8256638 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1205351 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073750 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4713061 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10204E+01  0.18724E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.10134E+00  0.10635E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76416E+00  0.29228E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   1759.6351     24.4068     16.4885
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35090E+00  0.66969E-06
+                 Smoothing pressures   1759.8574     24.6290      0.2223
+                do leaf measurements   1759.8585     24.6302      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   1759.9007     24.6724      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5886896 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2   1759.9055
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   1759.9100      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79197E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   1767.8974      7.9919      7.9874
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0487919 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1069510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7088668 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3788500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14480.5216800 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073419 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3719928 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10161E+01  0.13904E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47560E-01  0.10411E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76816E+00  0.22736E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   1784.2866     24.3810     16.3892
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12339E+01  0.17957E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   1784.5094     24.6039      0.2229
+                do leaf measurements   1784.5106     24.6051      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   1784.5527     24.6472      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0715741 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3   1784.5575
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   1784.5620      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   1792.5717      8.0142      8.0097
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0499818 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1204820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7097042 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3879678 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14468.9277673 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1202331 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070181 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3957529 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10162E+01  0.15657E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37458E-01  0.11973E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74732E+00  0.23289E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   1808.9845     24.4271     16.4129
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13718E+01  0.31316E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   1809.2069     24.6494      0.2224
+                do leaf measurements   1809.2080     24.6506      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   1809.2503     24.6928      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0357925 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4   1809.2550
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   1809.2594      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   1817.1952      7.9401      7.9358
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0510449 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1505158 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7194419 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4145660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14435.2122803 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210461 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072849 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4642808 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.17734E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37390E-01  0.12358E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73790E+00  0.23026E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   1833.6764     24.4213     16.4812
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14705E+01  0.35542E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   1833.9007     24.6457      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements   1833.9019     24.6468      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   1833.9439     24.6889      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159565 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5   1833.9487
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   1833.9531      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   1841.9438      7.9951      7.9907
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0476129 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1119530 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7121110 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3736131 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14487.1890884 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1204591 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073612 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3734908 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10146E+01  0.19510E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40106E-01  0.12571E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73302E+00  0.22903E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   1858.3346     24.3860     16.3908
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15148E+01  0.36475E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   1858.5564     24.6078      0.2218
+                do leaf measurements   1858.5576     24.6089      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion   1858.6000     24.6513      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107308 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6   1858.6048
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   1858.6094      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   1866.5548      7.9500      7.9454
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0487421 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1032510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7084539 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4317560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14413.5059909 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1204889 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072670 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4203281 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10141E+01  0.21065E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42831E-01  0.12552E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72842E+00  0.22825E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   1882.9917     24.3869     16.4369
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15369E+01  0.36233E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   1883.2149     24.6101      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements   1883.2160     24.6112      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   1883.2580     24.6532      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0081057 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   1883.2611     24.6563      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   1883.2613     24.6564      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -25711479999340.676 13401109476506.145
+ def in m -6.7610034942626953 0.47191524505615234
+ dimensionless def  -1.34832927158900665E-6 1.93171528407505554E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0134018  0.1927545
+                  Compute divergence   1883.4641     24.8593      0.2029
+                        wsmp_cleanup   1883.5005     24.8956      0.0363
+              Reset surface geometry   1883.5059     24.9011      0.0055
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    1883.5140     24.9092      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   1883.5319     24.9271      0.0179
+                   Advect surface  1   1883.5320     24.9272      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   12 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2   1883.7234     25.1186      0.1914
+                                                                        S. 2:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3   1883.9176     25.3128      0.1942
+                                                                        S. 3:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields   1884.1718     25.5670      0.2542
+                    Advect the cloud   1884.2836     25.6787      0.1117
+                        Write output   1884.8865     26.2817      0.6030
+                    End of time step   1885.6854     27.0806      0.7989
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      11   1885.6856
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   1885.6856      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   1885.6857      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                      refine surface   1885.6857      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   1885.7084      0.0228      0.0226
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                          surface 02   1885.7287      0.0431      0.0203
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                      refine surface   1885.7288      0.0432      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   1885.7520      0.0664      0.0232
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                          surface 03   1885.7719      0.0863      0.0199
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+                      refine surface   1885.7720      0.0864      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   1885.7957      0.1101      0.0237
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   1885.8200
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   1885.8203      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   1885.8359      0.0159      0.0156
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   1885.8597      0.0397      0.0238
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   1885.8604      0.0404      0.0007
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   1885.8745      0.0545      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon   1885.9966      0.1766      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve   1886.1806      0.3606      0.1840
+                embedding surface  1   1886.1808      0.3608      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2   1888.1165      2.2965      1.9357
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3   1890.1610      4.3410      2.0444
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability   1893.6562      7.8362      3.4952
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   1893.6606      7.8405      0.0044
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   1893.9543      8.1343      0.2938
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   1894.1371      8.3170      0.1827
+                           Find void   1894.4048      8.5848      0.2678
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions   1894.4333      8.6133      0.0285
+                         wsmp setup1   1894.4404      8.6203      0.0070
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2   1895.4558      9.6358      1.0154
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   1895.5044
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   1895.5046      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38938E-05  2.47454E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   1903.4224      7.9180      7.9178
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0523331 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1130080 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7073121 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4661000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14370.3337838 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1202228 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072682 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4666290 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10209E+01  0.18788E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.10154E+00  0.10509E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76429E+00  0.29412E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   1919.9057     24.4013     16.4833
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35090E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   1920.1288     24.6243      0.2230
+                do leaf measurements   1920.1299     24.6255      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   1920.1719     24.6675      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5898913 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2   1920.1768
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   1920.1813      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79596E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   1928.1634      7.9866      7.9820
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0472238 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1160772 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7085719 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3790839 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14480.2240436 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206570 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071862 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3791702 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10164E+01  0.13969E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47464E-01  0.10362E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76837E+00  0.22615E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   1944.5594     24.3826     16.3960
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12356E+01  0.17983E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   1944.7821     24.6053      0.2227
+                do leaf measurements   1944.7832     24.6064      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   1944.8252     24.6484      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0725928 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3   1944.8300
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   1944.8346      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   1952.8459      8.0159      8.0113
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0471380 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1114030 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7087281 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3933821 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14462.0519901 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206911 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072770 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3889999 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10160E+01  0.15709E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37178E-01  0.11971E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74757E+00  0.23259E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   1969.2516     24.4216     16.4057
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13736E+01  0.31451E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   1969.4743     24.6443      0.2227
+                do leaf measurements   1969.4754     24.6454      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   1969.5173     24.6873      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0358897 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4   1969.5221
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   1969.5266      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   1977.4638      7.9417      7.9372
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0526121 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1420751 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7148900 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4184790 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14430.2655694 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210208 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072699 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4567249 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10150E+01  0.17774E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37213E-01  0.12359E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73814E+00  0.22990E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   1993.9372     24.4151     16.4734
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14720E+01  0.35713E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   1994.1620     24.6398      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements   1994.1631     24.6409      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   1994.2050     24.6829      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158669 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5   1994.2099
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   1994.2145      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   2002.2476      8.0377      8.0332
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0486801 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1119621 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7092910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3704760 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14491.1861005 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1204741 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072720 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3685429 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10144E+01  0.19543E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40106E-01  0.12574E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73325E+00  0.22891E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   2018.6331     24.4232     16.3854
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15159E+01  0.36602E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   2018.8557     24.6457      0.2226
+                do leaf measurements   2018.8568     24.6469      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion   2018.8991     24.6892      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107628 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6   2018.9040
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   2018.9086      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   2026.8560      7.9520      7.9473
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0509810 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1014240 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7098501 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4376509 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14406.0773530 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1251209 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072620 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4326680 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10138E+01  0.21097E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42821E-01  0.12556E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72861E+00  0.22835E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   2043.3055     24.4015     16.4495
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15379E+01  0.36340E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   2043.5279     24.6239      0.2224
+                do leaf measurements   2043.5290     24.6250      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   2043.5709     24.6669      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0081067 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   2043.5740     24.6700      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   2043.5742     24.6701      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -27207345576596.039 15046883501571.492
+ def in m -6.8506889343261719 0.47844797372817993
+ dimensionless def  -1.36699421065194258E-6 1.95733969552176355E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0136075  0.1953594
+                  Compute divergence   2043.7761     24.8721      0.2019
+                        wsmp_cleanup   2043.8123     24.9083      0.0362
+              Reset surface geometry   2043.8178     24.9138      0.0055
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    2043.8259     24.9218      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   2043.8439     24.9399      0.0180
+                   Advect surface  1   2043.8440     24.9400      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2   2044.0367     25.1327      0.1927
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3   2044.2316     25.3276      0.1949
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields   2044.4827     25.5787      0.2511
+                    Advect the cloud   2044.5924     25.6883      0.1097
+                        Write output   2045.2009     26.2969      0.6086
+                    End of time step   2045.9991     27.0951      0.7982
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      12   2045.9992
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   2045.9993      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   2045.9993      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                      refine surface   2045.9994      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   2046.0221      0.0229      0.0227
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                          surface 02   2046.0425      0.0432      0.0204
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                      refine surface   2046.0426      0.0434      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   2046.0658      0.0666      0.0232
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                          surface 03   2046.0857      0.0864      0.0199
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+                      refine surface   2046.0858      0.0866      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   2046.1092      0.1100      0.0234
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   2046.1339
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   2046.1342      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   2046.1498      0.0159      0.0156
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   2046.1736      0.0396      0.0238
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   2046.1743      0.0404      0.0007
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   2046.1883      0.0544      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon   2046.3105      0.1766      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve   2046.4961      0.3622      0.1856
+                embedding surface  1   2046.4963      0.3624      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2   2048.4377      2.3038      1.9414
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3   2050.5052      4.3713      2.0675
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability   2054.0225      7.8886      3.5172
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   2054.0268      7.8929      0.0043
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   2054.3199      8.1860      0.2930
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   2054.4768      8.3429      0.1569
+                           Find void   2054.7496      8.6157      0.2728
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions   2054.7785      8.6446      0.0289
+                         wsmp setup1   2054.7862      8.6522      0.0076
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2   2055.8067      9.6728      1.0206
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   2055.8541
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   2055.8542      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38937E-05  2.57447E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   2063.7590      7.9049      7.9048
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0507519 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1113360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7096419 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4616861 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14375.8677339 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1203170 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072560 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4613941 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10214E+01  0.18759E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.10129E+00  0.10514E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76431E+00  0.29028E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   2080.2369     24.3828     16.4779
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35103E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   2080.4593     24.6053      0.2224
+                do leaf measurements   2080.4604     24.6063      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   2080.5031     24.6490      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5888190 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2   2080.5079
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   2080.5125      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79692E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   2088.4931      7.9852      7.9806
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0501070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1232800 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7096920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3743451 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14486.2568302 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1205990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072720 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3856859 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.13963E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47313E-01  0.10387E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76832E+00  0.22586E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   2104.8958     24.3879     16.4028
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12354E+01  0.18003E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   2105.1178     24.6099      0.2220
+                do leaf measurements   2105.1189     24.6110      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   2105.1616     24.6537      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0718256 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3   2105.1665
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   2105.1710      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   2113.1858      8.0193      8.0147
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0485671 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1221159 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7093220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3865130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14470.7764309 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206682 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072451 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3948171 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.15711E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37479E-01  0.11976E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74743E+00  0.23238E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   2129.5974     24.4309     16.4117
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13741E+01  0.31448E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   2129.8192     24.6527      0.2218
+                do leaf measurements   2129.8203     24.6538      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   2129.8628     24.6963      0.0425
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0358505 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4   2129.8676
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   2129.8721      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   2137.8080      7.9404      7.9359
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0531089 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1374550 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7113900 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4214308 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14426.5360779 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211021 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072360 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4521091 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10146E+01  0.17774E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37544E-01  0.12367E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73806E+00  0.22976E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   2154.2767     24.4091     16.4687
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14725E+01  0.35709E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   2154.5024     24.6348      0.2257
+                do leaf measurements   2154.5035     24.6359      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   2154.5461     24.6785      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158718 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5   2154.5509
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   2154.5555      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   2162.5476      7.9967      7.9921
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0490699 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1076531 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7071290 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3754990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14484.7873248 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206219 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072541 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3676059 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10140E+01  0.19550E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40092E-01  0.12582E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73321E+00  0.22876E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   2178.9325     24.3815     16.3849
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15165E+01  0.36599E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   2179.1547     24.6037      0.2222
+                do leaf measurements   2179.1558     24.6049      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   2179.1987     24.6478      0.0429
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107272 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6   2179.2037
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   2179.2083      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   2187.1587      7.9550      7.9504
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0499320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1049049 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7105131 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4249420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14422.1024173 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1205730 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072501 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4185140 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10135E+01  0.21103E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42790E-01  0.12570E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72864E+00  0.22823E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   2203.5942     24.3905     16.4355
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15382E+01  0.36324E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   2203.8166     24.6129      0.2224
+                do leaf measurements   2203.8177     24.6140      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   2203.8602     24.6565      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0081075 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   2203.8633     24.6596      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   2203.8635     24.6598      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -28664267527217.664 16653352246585.209
+ def in m -6.9275684356689453 0.48201572895050049
+ dimensionless def  -1.37718779700142981E-6 1.97930526733398432E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0136458  0.1976030
+                  Compute divergence   2204.0673     24.8636      0.2038
+                        wsmp_cleanup   2204.1037     24.9000      0.0363
+              Reset surface geometry   2204.1090     24.9053      0.0054
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    2204.1171     24.9135      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   2204.1350     24.9314      0.0179
+                   Advect surface  1   2204.1352     24.9315      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2   2204.3245     25.1209      0.1893
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3   2204.5217     25.3181      0.1972
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields   2204.7768     25.5731      0.2550
+                    Advect the cloud   2204.8873     25.6836      0.1105
+                        Write output   2205.4972     26.2935      0.6098
+                    End of time step   2206.2976     27.0939      0.8004
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      13   2206.2977
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   2206.2978      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   2206.2978      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                      refine surface   2206.2979      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   2206.3211      0.0234      0.0232
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                          surface 02   2206.3416      0.0438      0.0204
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                      refine surface   2206.3417      0.0439      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   2206.3650      0.0673      0.0233
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                          surface 03   2206.3850      0.0872      0.0200
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+                      refine surface   2206.3851      0.0874      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   2206.4086      0.1109      0.0235
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   2206.4331
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   2206.4334      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   2206.4490      0.0159      0.0156
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   2206.4728      0.0396      0.0237
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   2206.4735      0.0403      0.0007
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   2206.4875      0.0544      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon   2206.6097      0.1766      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve   2206.7922      0.3590      0.1825
+                embedding surface  1   2206.7924      0.3592      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2   2208.7450      2.3118      1.9526
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3   2210.8093      4.3762      2.0643
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability   2214.3025      7.8694      3.4932
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   2214.3070      7.8738      0.0044
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   2214.5956      8.1624      0.2886
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   2214.8067      8.3735      0.2111
+                           Find void   2215.0791      8.6459      0.2724
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions   2215.1082      8.6751      0.0291
+                         wsmp setup1   2215.1156      8.6824      0.0074
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2   2216.1332      9.7001      1.0177
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   2216.1801
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   2216.1803      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38937E-05  2.42860E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   2224.0919      7.9118      7.9116
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0521891 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1116788 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7102351 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4773719 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14356.2206457 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1205380 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072999 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4796832 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10217E+01  0.18726E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.10090E+00  0.10452E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76425E+00  0.29082E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   2240.5880     24.4079     16.4961
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35119E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   2240.8109     24.6308      0.2229
+                do leaf measurements   2240.8121     24.6319      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   2240.8543     24.6742      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5891119 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2   2240.8593
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   2240.8638      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.80863E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   2248.8436      7.9844      7.9798
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0494642 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1187069 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7084420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3686941 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14493.4574634 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1203170 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072801 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3732769 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.13953E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.46855E-01  0.10405E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76821E+00  0.22469E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   2265.2340     24.3747     16.3903
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12357E+01  0.18028E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   2265.4561     24.5969      0.2222
+                do leaf measurements   2265.4572     24.5979      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   2265.4996     24.6403      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0719968 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3   2265.5045
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   2265.5090      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   2273.5274      8.0229      8.0184
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0506070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1183519 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7097292 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4037590 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14448.8921448 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206870 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072238 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4107289 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.15710E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37684E-01  0.11994E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74744E+00  0.23191E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   2289.9550     24.4506     16.4276
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13739E+01  0.31405E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   2290.1780     24.6735      0.2230
+                do leaf measurements   2290.1791     24.6746      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   2290.2215     24.7170      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0359222 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4   2290.2263
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   2290.2309      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   2298.1680      7.9416      7.9371
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0503299 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1343269 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7164509 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4257870 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14421.0358795 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211591 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072911 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4557171 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10145E+01  0.17776E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37648E-01  0.12382E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73804E+00  0.22970E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   2314.6399     24.4136     16.4720
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14725E+01  0.35712E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   2314.8656     24.6393      0.2257
+                do leaf measurements   2314.8668     24.6404      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   2314.9090     24.6827      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158931 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5   2314.9139
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   2314.9184      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   2322.9178      8.0039      7.9994
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0478239 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1162291 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7114942 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3732681 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14487.6285364 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1204429 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073080 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3769381 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10139E+01  0.19545E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40182E-01  0.12590E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73317E+00  0.22870E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   2339.3116     24.3977     16.3938
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15162E+01  0.36576E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   2339.5340     24.6200      0.2224
+                do leaf measurements   2339.5351     24.6212      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   2339.5777     24.6638      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107689 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6   2339.5827
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   2339.5872      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   2347.5419      7.9591      7.9547
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0490170 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1083481 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7040050 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4250629 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14421.9498301 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1204779 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072868 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4145730 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10134E+01  0.21097E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42845E-01  0.12575E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72856E+00  0.22820E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   2363.9725     24.3898     16.4306
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15379E+01  0.36306E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   2364.1960     24.6133      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements   2364.1971     24.6144      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   2364.2394     24.6566      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0081028 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   2364.2425     24.6597      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   2364.2426     24.6599      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -30107867536748.141 18285898972754.266
+ def in m -6.9959769248962402 0.48365533351898193
+ dimensionless def  -1.38187238148280553E-6 1.99885054997035437E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0136714  0.1996009
+                  Compute divergence   2364.4471     24.8644      0.2045
+                        wsmp_cleanup   2364.4834     24.9007      0.0363
+              Reset surface geometry   2364.4887     24.9060      0.0053
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    2364.4968     24.9141      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   2364.5148     24.9321      0.0180
+                   Advect surface  1   2364.5150     24.9323      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2   2364.7083     25.1256      0.1933
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3   2364.9022     25.3194      0.1938
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields   2365.1557     25.5730      0.2535
+                    Advect the cloud   2365.2664     25.6836      0.1106
+                        Write output   2365.8809     26.2981      0.6145
+                    End of time step   2366.6779     27.0951      0.7970
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      14   2366.6780
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   2366.6781      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   2366.6781      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                      refine surface   2366.6781      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   2366.7008      0.0228      0.0226
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                          surface 02   2366.7213      0.0433      0.0205
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                      refine surface   2366.7214      0.0434      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   2366.7447      0.0667      0.0232
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                          surface 03   2366.7649      0.0869      0.0202
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+                      refine surface   2366.7650      0.0870      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   2366.7886      0.1106      0.0236
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   2366.8131
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   2366.8133      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   2366.8290      0.0159      0.0156
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   2366.8531      0.0400      0.0241
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   2366.8538      0.0407      0.0007
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   2366.8679      0.0548      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon   2366.9900      0.1769      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve   2367.1749      0.3618      0.1849
+                embedding surface  1   2367.1751      0.3620      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2   2369.1227      2.3096      1.9476
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3   2371.2046      4.3915      2.0819
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability   2374.7065      7.8934      3.5019
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   2374.7109      7.8978      0.0044
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   2375.0280      8.2149      0.3171
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   2375.1694      8.3563      0.1414
+                           Find void   2375.4439      8.6308      0.2745
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions   2375.4732      8.6601      0.0293
+                         wsmp setup1   2375.4806      8.6674      0.0074
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2   2376.4989      9.6858      1.0184
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   2376.5451
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   2376.5452      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38937E-05  2.59816E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   2384.4564      7.9113      7.9112
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0545678 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1131880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7093458 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4605761 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14377.2601874 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1203880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072839 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4657309 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10225E+01  0.18710E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.10096E+00  0.10547E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76388E+00  0.29203E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   2400.9388     24.3938     16.4824
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35098E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   2401.1619     24.6169      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements   2401.1630     24.6180      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   2401.2051     24.6600      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5887256 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2   2401.2100
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   2401.2145      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79673E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   2409.1922      7.9821      7.9776
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0527561 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1100519 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7104759 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3796880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14479.4552821 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1205931 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072629 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3812160 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10175E+01  0.13940E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47410E-01  0.10404E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76813E+00  0.22606E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   2425.5900     24.3799     16.3978
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12355E+01  0.18020E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   2425.8133     24.6033      0.2234
+                do leaf measurements   2425.8144     24.6044      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   2425.8565     24.6465      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0718252 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3   2425.8615
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   2425.8660      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   2433.8854      8.0239      8.0194
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0476542 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1226690 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7098770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3890519 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14467.5505140 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1203501 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072310 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3972092 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10149E+01  0.15702E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37760E-01  0.11981E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74716E+00  0.23255E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   2450.2994     24.4379     16.4139
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13735E+01  0.31376E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   2450.5220     24.6605      0.2226
+                do leaf measurements   2450.5231     24.6616      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   2450.5651     24.7036      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0359368 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4   2450.5699
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   2450.5744      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   2458.5117      7.9418      7.9374
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0488110 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1395111 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7186971 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4310191 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14414.4352221 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072482 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4671249 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10142E+01  0.17770E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37718E-01  0.12377E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73782E+00  0.22991E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   2474.9956     24.4257     16.4839
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14721E+01  0.35714E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   2475.2203     24.6503      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements   2475.2213     24.6514      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   2475.2634     24.6935      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159437 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5   2475.2684
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   2475.2729      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   2483.2736      8.0053      8.0008
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0475111 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1088428 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7098901 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3707511 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14490.8354611 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209519 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072849 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3656070 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10137E+01  0.19539E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40220E-01  0.12587E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73302E+00  0.22881E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   2499.6563     24.3879     16.3826
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15157E+01  0.36560E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   2499.8790     24.6107      0.2228
+                do leaf measurements   2499.8802     24.6118      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   2499.9225     24.6542      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107635 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6   2499.9275
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   2499.9321      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   2507.8914      7.9639      7.9593
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0503099 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0981958 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7062922 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4264991 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14420.1370887 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072660 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4096131 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10133E+01  0.21092E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42867E-01  0.12574E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72841E+00  0.22829E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   2524.3174     24.3898     16.4260
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15374E+01  0.36279E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   2524.5410     24.6134      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements   2524.5421     24.6145      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   2524.5840     24.6565      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0081120 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   2524.5871     24.6596      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   2524.5873     24.6597      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -31536359268135.453 19924732894837.316
+ def in m -7.0591826438903809 0.48621207475662231
+ dimensionless def  -1.38917735644749237E-6 2.01690932682582318E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0137997  0.2014489
+                  Compute divergence   2524.7924     24.8649      0.2051
+                        wsmp_cleanup   2524.8290     24.9015      0.0366
+              Reset surface geometry   2524.8342     24.9067      0.0052
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    2524.8423     24.9147      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   2524.8602     24.9327      0.0180
+                   Advect surface  1   2524.8604     24.9329      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2   2525.0516     25.1240      0.1912
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3   2525.2481     25.3205      0.1965
+                                                                        S. 3:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields   2525.5039     25.5764      0.2559
+                    Advect the cloud   2525.6176     25.6900      0.1136
+                        Write output   2526.2377     26.3101      0.6201
+                    End of time step   2527.0421     27.1145      0.8044
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      15   2527.0422
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   2527.0423      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   2527.0423      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                      refine surface   2527.0423      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   2527.0649      0.0227      0.0226
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                          surface 02   2527.0855      0.0433      0.0205
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                      refine surface   2527.0856      0.0434      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   2527.1089      0.0667      0.0233
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                          surface 03   2527.1291      0.0869      0.0202
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+                      refine surface   2527.1292      0.0870      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   2527.1529      0.1107      0.0237
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   2527.1774
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   2527.1776      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   2527.1933      0.0159      0.0156
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   2527.2168      0.0394      0.0235
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   2527.2175      0.0401      0.0007
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   2527.2316      0.0542      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon   2527.3540      0.1766      0.1224
+             Imbed surface in osolve   2527.5387      0.3613      0.1847
+                embedding surface  1   2527.5389      0.3615      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2   2529.4856      2.3082      1.9467
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3   2531.5644      4.3870      2.0788
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability   2535.0736      7.8962      3.5092
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   2535.0781      7.9007      0.0045
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   2535.3641      8.1867      0.2860
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   2535.5661      8.3887      0.2020
+                           Find void   2535.8305      8.6531      0.2644
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions   2535.8589      8.6815      0.0284
+                         wsmp setup1   2535.8659      8.6885      0.0070
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2   2536.8889      9.7115      1.0230
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   2536.9372
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   2536.9373      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38937E-05  2.77267E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   2544.8450      7.9079      7.9077
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0551789 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1068778 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7118421 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4759789 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14357.9633607 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1205001 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072260 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4779720 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10228E+01  0.18648E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.10041E+00  0.10523E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76363E+00  0.28885E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   2561.3394     24.4023     16.4944
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35109E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   2561.5626     24.6254      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements   2561.5637     24.6265      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   2561.6058     24.6686      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5882290 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2   2561.6108
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   2561.6154      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79082E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   2569.5878      7.9770      7.9724
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0499082 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1172419 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7111111 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3740141 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14486.6783054 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210210 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072801 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3809390 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10177E+01  0.13893E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47582E-01  0.10415E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76792E+00  0.22708E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   2585.9856     24.3748     16.3978
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12356E+01  0.17912E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   2586.2107     24.5999      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements   2586.2118     24.6010      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   2586.2540     24.6432      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0714285 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3   2586.2590
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   2586.2635      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   2594.2818      8.0228      8.0182
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0477631 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1205971 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7064519 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3808489 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14477.9783605 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1205230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072329 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3837960 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10151E+01  0.15671E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37919E-01  0.11985E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74700E+00  0.23243E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   2610.6819     24.4229     16.4001
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13735E+01  0.31338E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   2610.9041     24.6452      0.2223
+                do leaf measurements   2610.9052     24.6463      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   2610.9474     24.6885      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0359111 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4   2610.9524
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   2610.9569      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   2618.8933      7.9410      7.9365
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0494509 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1276801 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7150071 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4434831 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14398.7352653 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210001 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071909 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4641778 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10142E+01  0.17748E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37844E-01  0.12383E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73768E+00  0.22990E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   2635.3741     24.4217     16.4808
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14718E+01  0.35642E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   2635.5992     24.6468      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements   2635.6003     24.6479      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   2635.6424     24.6901      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158830 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5   2635.6474
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   2635.6520      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   2643.6549      8.0075      8.0029
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0489652 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1060569 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7089891 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3793280 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14479.9133740 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1204531 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072160 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3713801 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10136E+01  0.19523E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40154E-01  0.12594E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73287E+00  0.22867E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   2660.0435     24.3961     16.3886
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15152E+01  0.36485E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   2660.2658     24.6184      0.2223
+                do leaf measurements   2660.2669     24.6195      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   2660.3095     24.6620      0.0425
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107581 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6   2660.3145
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   2660.3191      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   2668.2794      7.9650      7.9603
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0513332 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1134529 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7077529 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4116700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14438.8756698 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206071 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072351 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4124162 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10132E+01  0.21079E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42802E-01  0.12584E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72831E+00  0.22815E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   2684.7085     24.3940     16.4290
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15368E+01  0.36204E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   2684.9311     24.6166      0.2226
+                do leaf measurements   2684.9322     24.6177      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   2684.9743     24.6599      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0081137 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   2684.9774     24.6630      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   2684.9776     24.6631      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -32941021321034.633 21535883273678.445
+ def in m -7.1168122291564941 0.48976752161979675
+ dimensionless def  -1.39933577605656217E-6 2.03337492261614109E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0139582  0.2031278
+                  Compute divergence   2685.1816     24.8672      0.2040
+                        wsmp_cleanup   2685.2183     24.9038      0.0366
+              Reset surface geometry   2685.2235     24.9090      0.0052
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    2685.2316     24.9171      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   2685.2496     24.9351      0.0180
+                   Advect surface  1   2685.2497     24.9353      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2   2685.4439     25.1294      0.1941
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3   2685.6410     25.3266      0.1972
+                                                                        S. 3:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields   2685.8949     25.5804      0.2539
+                    Advect the cloud   2686.0098     25.6954      0.1149
+                        Write output   2686.6344     26.3200      0.6246
+                    End of time step   2687.4396     27.1251      0.8051
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      16   2687.4397
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   2687.4398      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   2687.4398      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                      refine surface   2687.4399      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   2687.4655      0.0257      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                          surface 02   2687.4861      0.0463      0.0206
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                      refine surface   2687.4862      0.0465      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   2687.5095      0.0697      0.0233
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                          surface 03   2687.5294      0.0897      0.0199
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+                      refine surface   2687.5295      0.0898      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   2687.5532      0.1135      0.0237
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   2687.5777
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   2687.5780      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   2687.5936      0.0159      0.0156
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   2687.6173      0.0396      0.0237
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   2687.6180      0.0403      0.0007
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   2687.6321      0.0543      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon   2687.7542      0.1765      0.1221
+             Imbed surface in osolve   2687.9380      0.3603      0.1838
+                embedding surface  1   2687.9382      0.3605      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2   2689.8887      2.3109      1.9505
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3   2691.9654      4.3876      2.0767
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability   2695.4986      7.9208      3.5332
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   2695.5031      7.9253      0.0045
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   2695.8213      8.2436      0.3183
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   2695.9548      8.3770      0.1334
+                           Find void   2696.2300      8.6523      0.2753
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions   2696.2593      8.6816      0.0293
+                         wsmp setup1   2696.2666      8.6889      0.0073
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2   2697.2834      9.7057      1.0168
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   2697.3300
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   2697.3301      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38937E-05  3.41328E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   2705.2338      7.9038      7.9036
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0522320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1000891 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7097759 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4521420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14387.8484804 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206582 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071721 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4424980 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10234E+01  0.18692E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.10063E+00  0.10477E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76378E+00  0.29128E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   2721.6929     24.3629     16.4591
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35086E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   2721.9161     24.5861      0.2232
+                do leaf measurements   2721.9172     24.5873      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion   2721.9594     24.6295      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5890023 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2   2721.9643
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   2721.9689      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.80292E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   2729.9347      7.9704      7.9659
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0491850 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1094909 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7109640 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3824501 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14475.9416798 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213238 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072069 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3810070 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10180E+01  0.13946E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47143E-01  0.10390E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76806E+00  0.22502E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   2746.3324     24.3681     16.3976
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12362E+01  0.17960E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   2746.5569     24.5926      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements   2746.5580     24.5937      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   2746.6002     24.6359      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0719649 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3   2746.6050
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   2746.6096      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   2754.6288      8.0238      8.0192
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0486600 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1007481 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7099249 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3876030 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14469.3912521 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1204660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071371 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3749380 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.15712E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37432E-01  0.11964E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74721E+00  0.23167E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   2771.0204     24.4154     16.3916
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13747E+01  0.31450E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   2771.2421     24.6371      0.2217
+                do leaf measurements   2771.2432     24.6381      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   2771.2854     24.6803      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0359683 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4   2771.2902
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   2771.2947      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   2779.2342      7.9441      7.9396
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0498359 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1310401 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7150629 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4427810 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14399.6187889 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211529 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071678 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4674389 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10142E+01  0.17777E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37441E-01  0.12374E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73786E+00  0.22916E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   2795.7184     24.4282     16.4841
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14724E+01  0.35712E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   2795.9428     24.6527      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements   2795.9440     24.6538      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   2795.9862     24.6960      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158449 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5   2795.9911
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   2795.9957      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   2804.0082      8.0171      8.0126
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0513749 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1096940 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7112811 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3724709 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14488.6441975 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1205449 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071509 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3729210 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10137E+01  0.19548E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40319E-01  0.12588E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73302E+00  0.22823E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   2820.3982     24.4071     16.3900
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15161E+01  0.36569E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   2820.6199     24.6288      0.2217
+                do leaf measurements   2820.6210     24.6299      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   2820.6637     24.6726      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107510 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6   2820.6686
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   2820.6732      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   2828.6400      7.9714      7.9668
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0467000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1013792 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7109001 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4121251 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14438.2998151 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1205661 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071149 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3991699 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10132E+01  0.21101E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42934E-01  0.12577E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72844E+00  0.22785E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   2845.0559     24.3873     16.4159
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15377E+01  0.36280E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   2845.2785     24.6099      0.2226
+                do leaf measurements   2845.2795     24.6110      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   2845.3217     24.6532      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0081015 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   2845.3248     24.6562      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   2845.3250     24.6564      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -34304994814359.582 23122342242094.633
+ def in m -7.1684918403625488 0.49443510174751282
+ dimensionless def  -1.41267171927860803E-6 2.04814052581787124E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0140754  0.2046300
+                  Compute divergence   2845.5324     24.8638      0.2074
+                        wsmp_cleanup   2845.5683     24.8997      0.0360
+              Reset surface geometry   2845.5733     24.9048      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    2845.5814     24.9128      0.0080
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   2845.5994     24.9308      0.0180
+                   Advect surface  1   2845.5996     24.9310      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2   2845.7915     25.1229      0.1919
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3   2845.9881     25.3195      0.1966
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields   2846.2417     25.5731      0.2536
+                    Advect the cloud   2846.3565     25.6880      0.1149
+                        Write output   2846.9821     26.3135      0.6256
+                    End of time step   2847.7856     27.1171      0.8035
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      17   2847.7858
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   2847.7858      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   2847.7859      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                      refine surface   2847.7859      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   2847.8084      0.0227      0.0225
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                          surface 02   2847.8290      0.0432      0.0205
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                      refine surface   2847.8291      0.0433      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   2847.8524      0.0666      0.0232
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                          surface 03   2847.8723      0.0866      0.0200
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+                      refine surface   2847.8725      0.0867      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   2847.8961      0.1103      0.0237
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   2847.9208
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   2847.9211      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   2847.9367      0.0159      0.0156
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   2847.9607      0.0399      0.0240
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   2847.9614      0.0406      0.0007
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   2847.9755      0.0547      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon   2848.0976      0.1768      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve   2848.2830      0.3622      0.1853
+                embedding surface  1   2848.2832      0.3624      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2   2850.2287      2.3078      1.9455
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3   2852.3109      4.3901      2.0822
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability   2855.8442      7.9234      3.5333
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   2855.8486      7.9277      0.0044
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   2856.1810      8.2602      0.3324
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   2856.2884      8.3675      0.1074
+                           Find void   2856.5611      8.6403      0.2727
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions   2856.5903      8.6695      0.0292
+                         wsmp setup1   2856.5978      8.6770      0.0075
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2   2857.6135      9.6927      1.0157
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   2857.6602
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   2857.6604      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38937E-05  5.22847E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   2865.5713      7.9111      7.9109
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0503170 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0997250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7083502 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4557698 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14383.2921819 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073581 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4428110 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10230E+01  0.18692E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.99855E-01  0.10549E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76375E+00  0.28932E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   2882.0303     24.3701     16.4590
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35092E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   2882.2543     24.5941      0.2240
+                do leaf measurements   2882.2554     24.5951      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   2882.2976     24.6374      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5883541 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2   2882.3025
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   2882.3070      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.80488E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   2890.2683      7.9658      7.9613
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0477369 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1041310 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7140880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3877430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14469.2134280 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212780 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073659 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3827269 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10180E+01  0.13940E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47331E-01  0.10406E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76787E+00  0.22595E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   2906.6674     24.3649     16.3991
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12368E+01  0.18838E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   2906.8923     24.5898      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements   2906.8934     24.5909      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   2906.9357     24.6331      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0713498 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3   2906.9406
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   2906.9451      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   2914.9644      8.0237      8.0192
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0501211 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1124470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7097969 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3841121 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14473.8282743 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073810 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3848970 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.15702E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37638E-01  0.11980E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74724E+00  0.23201E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   2931.3655     24.4249     16.4011
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13744E+01  0.31412E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   2931.5878     24.6471      0.2223
+                do leaf measurements   2931.5889     24.6483      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   2931.6312     24.6906      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0358350 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4   2931.6361
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   2931.6405      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   2939.5782      7.9421      7.9377
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0497661 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1384661 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7126999 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4546709 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14384.6720020 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206999 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073760 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4840629 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10142E+01  0.17769E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37627E-01  0.12379E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73782E+00  0.22949E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   2956.0784     24.4423     16.5002
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14722E+01  0.35700E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   2956.3019     24.6658      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements   2956.3030     24.6669      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   2956.3452     24.7091      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159981 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5   2956.3501
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   2956.3546      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   2964.3621      8.0120      8.0075
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0467479 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1064391 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7108989 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3857310 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14471.7703359 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073628 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3784580 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10137E+01  0.19540E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40203E-01  0.12590E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73297E+00  0.22847E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   2980.7572     24.4071     16.3951
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15155E+01  0.36536E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   2980.9799     24.6298      0.2227
+                do leaf measurements   2980.9810     24.6309      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   2981.0236     24.6735      0.0425
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107751 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6   2981.0285
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   2981.0331      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   2989.0043      7.9757      7.9711
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0489240 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1090009 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7102480 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4097579 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14441.2954249 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207252 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073569 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4063969 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10131E+01  0.21092E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42829E-01  0.12582E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72838E+00  0.22809E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   3005.4270     24.3984     16.4227
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15372E+01  0.36256E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   3005.6501     24.6216      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements   3005.6512     24.6226      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   3005.6934     24.6648      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0081101 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   3005.6965     24.6679      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   3005.6966     24.6681      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -35623876445664.883 24684264382610.469
+ def in m -7.214148998260498 0.49202626943588257
+ dimensionless def  -1.4057893412453786E-6 2.06118542807442821E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0139552  0.2058700
+                  Compute divergence   3005.9044     24.8758      0.2077
+                        wsmp_cleanup   3005.9405     24.9120      0.0361
+              Reset surface geometry   3005.9456     24.9170      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    3005.9537     24.9251      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   3005.9719     24.9434      0.0182
+                   Advect surface  1   3005.9721     24.9435      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2   3006.1632     25.1346      0.1911
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3   3006.3608     25.3323      0.1977
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields   3006.6143     25.5857      0.2534
+                    Advect the cloud   3006.7285     25.6999      0.1142
+                        Write output   3007.3618     26.3333      0.6334
+                    End of time step   3008.1655     27.1369      0.8036
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      18   3008.1656
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   3008.1657      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   3008.1657      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                      refine surface   3008.1658      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   3008.1886      0.0230      0.0228
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                          surface 02   3008.2091      0.0435      0.0205
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                      refine surface   3008.2092      0.0436      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   3008.2323      0.0667      0.0231
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                          surface 03   3008.2523      0.0867      0.0200
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+                      refine surface   3008.2524      0.0868      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   3008.2759      0.1103      0.0235
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   3008.3006
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   3008.3009      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   3008.3165      0.0159      0.0156
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   3008.3402      0.0395      0.0237
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   3008.3409      0.0403      0.0007
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   3008.3549      0.0543      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon   3008.4771      0.1765      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve   3008.6641      0.3635      0.1869
+                embedding surface  1   3008.6643      0.3636      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2   3010.6165      2.3159      1.9523
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3   3012.6643      4.3637      2.0477
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability   3016.1838      7.8832      3.5196
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   3016.1882      7.8876      0.0044
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   3016.4832      8.1826      0.2949
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   3016.6633      8.3627      0.1802
+                           Find void   3016.9379      8.6373      0.2746
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions   3016.9671      8.6665      0.0292
+                         wsmp setup1   3016.9743      8.6737      0.0072
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2   3017.9855      9.6849      1.0111
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   3018.0336
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   3018.0337      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38938E-05  5.95085E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   3025.9389      7.9053      7.9052
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0510561 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0967619 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7065251 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4636419 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14373.4151478 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207349 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072589 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4463801 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10231E+01  0.18694E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.10033E+00  0.10518E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76371E+00  0.29088E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   3042.4025     24.3689     16.4635
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35083E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   3042.6246     24.5910      0.2221
+                do leaf measurements   3042.6257     24.5921      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   3042.6677     24.6341      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5875202 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2   3042.6725
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   3042.6771      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79069E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   3050.6421      7.9695      7.9650
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0511949 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1023810 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7153611 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3730049 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14487.9638346 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212780 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072100 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3708379 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10178E+01  0.13949E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47839E-01  0.10388E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76801E+00  0.22711E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   3067.0295     24.3570     16.3875
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12365E+01  0.21217E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   3067.2540     24.5814      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements   3067.2551     24.5826      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   3067.3054     24.6329      0.0503
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0707970 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3   3067.3103
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   3067.3148      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   3075.3363      8.0260      8.0215
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0509651 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1104491 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7076609 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3872790 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14469.8029606 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072551 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3847282 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10150E+01  0.15710E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37680E-01  0.11969E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74738E+00  0.23251E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   3091.7376     24.4273     16.4014
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13746E+01  0.31460E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   3091.9605     24.6502      0.2229
+                do leaf measurements   3091.9616     24.6513      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   3092.0036     24.6933      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360684 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4   3092.0084
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   3092.0129      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   3099.9517      7.9434      7.9389
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0482020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1330850 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7151780 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4593709 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14378.7722738 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1205649 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071881 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4841712 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10141E+01  0.17768E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37648E-01  0.12367E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73800E+00  0.22969E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   3116.4524     24.4441     16.5007
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14727E+01  0.35758E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   3116.6759     24.6676      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements   3116.6770     24.6687      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   3116.7189     24.7106      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159011 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5   3116.7238
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   3116.7283      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   3124.7378      8.0140      8.0094
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0487959 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1022270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7085698 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3747270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14485.7704031 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206071 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072489 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3625741 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10136E+01  0.19535E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40235E-01  0.12585E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73315E+00  0.22863E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   3141.1174     24.3936     16.3796
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15161E+01  0.36587E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   3141.3400     24.6162      0.2226
+                do leaf measurements   3141.3411     24.6173      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   3141.3833     24.6595      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107407 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6   3141.3883
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   3141.3929      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   3149.3679      7.9796      7.9750
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0480039 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0948811 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7082279 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4059129 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14446.1636403 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207190 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072169 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3853920 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10131E+01  0.21089E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42860E-01  0.12573E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72852E+00  0.22804E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   3165.7703     24.3820     16.4024
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15381E+01  0.36315E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   3165.9928     24.6045      0.2226
+                do leaf measurements   3165.9939     24.6056      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   3166.0357     24.6474      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0081104 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   3166.0388     24.6506      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   3166.0390     24.6507      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -36925623844253.055 26217130135043.719
+ def in m -7.260749340057373 0.49722471833229065
+ dimensionless def  -1.42064205237797329E-6 2.07449981144496383E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0140507  0.2071303
+                  Compute divergence   3166.2453     24.8570      0.2063
+                        wsmp_cleanup   3166.2829     24.8946      0.0376
+              Reset surface geometry   3166.2878     24.8996      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    3166.2959     24.9076      0.0080
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   3166.3140     24.9257      0.0181
+                   Advect surface  1   3166.3141     24.9258      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2   3166.5070     25.1187      0.1929
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3   3166.7037     25.3154      0.1967
+                                                                        S. 3:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields   3166.9582     25.5699      0.2545
+                    Advect the cloud   3167.0752     25.6869      0.1170
+                        Write output   3167.7046     26.3163      0.6294
+                    End of time step   3168.5090     27.1207      0.8044
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      19   3168.5091
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   3168.5092      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   3168.5092      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                      refine surface   3168.5093      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   3168.5321      0.0229      0.0228
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                          surface 02   3168.5527      0.0435      0.0206
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                      refine surface   3168.5528      0.0437      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   3168.5761      0.0670      0.0233
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                          surface 03   3168.5962      0.0870      0.0200
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+                      refine surface   3168.5963      0.0872      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   3168.6199      0.1107      0.0236
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   3168.6444
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   3168.6446      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   3168.6603      0.0159      0.0156
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   3168.6840      0.0397      0.0238
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   3168.6848      0.0404      0.0007
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   3168.6988      0.0545      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon   3168.8210      0.1766      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve   3169.0036      0.3593      0.1826
+                embedding surface  1   3169.0038      0.3594      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2   3170.9499      2.3055      1.9460
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3   3173.0187      4.3744      2.0689
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability   3176.5492      7.9048      3.5305
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   3176.5536      7.9093      0.0044
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   3176.9198      8.2754      0.3662
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   3177.0505      8.4061      0.1307
+                           Find void   3177.3229      8.6786      0.2724
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions   3177.3522      8.7078      0.0293
+                         wsmp setup1   3177.3596      8.7152      0.0074
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2   3178.3764      9.7320      1.0168
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   3178.4228
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   3178.4230      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38938E-05  7.74228E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   3186.3336      7.9108      7.9107
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0542190 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1096840 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7034349 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4450781 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14396.7286145 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072401 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4406819 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10232E+01  0.18686E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.10050E+00  0.10595E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76378E+00  0.29018E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   3202.7910     24.3682     16.4574
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35118E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   3203.0141     24.5912      0.2230
+                do leaf measurements   3203.0152     24.5924      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   3203.0571     24.6343      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5874536 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2   3203.0621
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   3203.0665      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.78194E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   3211.0234      7.9613      7.9568
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0474041 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1070380 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7140861 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3670809 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14495.5142780 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215069 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072188 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3647280 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10178E+01  0.13946E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48125E-01  0.10388E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76806E+00  0.22776E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   3227.4043     24.3422     16.3809
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12365E+01  0.18180E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   3227.6295     24.5674      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements   3227.6306     24.5685      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   3227.6725     24.6104      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0708434 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3   3227.6774
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   3227.6819      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   3235.7057      8.0282      8.0238
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0474699 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1087101 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7077131 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3958409 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14458.9316017 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1205750 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072219 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3879559 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10150E+01  0.15713E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37633E-01  0.11956E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74730E+00  0.23254E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   3252.1101     24.4326     16.4044
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13746E+01  0.31450E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   3252.3324     24.6550      0.2223
+                do leaf measurements   3252.3335     24.6561      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   3252.3757     24.6983      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0357340 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4   3252.3806
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   3252.3850      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   3260.3247      7.9441      7.9397
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0485740 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1200330 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7099781 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2962871 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14586.3577123 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1205850 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072238 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3030949 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10140E+01  0.17775E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37630E-01  0.12364E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73797E+00  0.22969E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   3276.6448     24.2642     16.3200
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14728E+01  0.35738E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   3276.8668     24.4862      0.2220
+                do leaf measurements   3276.8679     24.4873      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   3276.9099     24.5293      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159807 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5   3276.9148
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   3276.9193      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   3284.9280      8.0132      8.0087
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0508001 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1017458 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7091792 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3824480 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14475.9444087 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1205750 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072570 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3724260 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10134E+01  0.19544E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40291E-01  0.12582E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73313E+00  0.22863E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   3301.3169     24.4021     16.3890
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15165E+01  0.36591E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   3301.5390     24.6242      0.2221
+                do leaf measurements   3301.5402     24.6254      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   3301.5823     24.6676      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107455 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6   3301.5873
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   3301.5919      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   3309.5715      7.9842      7.9797
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0508401 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1008348 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7109852 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3961451 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14458.5456180 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1205111 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072539 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3869929 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10130E+01  0.21100E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42893E-01  0.12575E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72854E+00  0.22802E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   3325.9753     24.3879     16.4037
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15384E+01  0.36322E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   3326.1972     24.6099      0.2220
+                do leaf measurements   3326.1984     24.6110      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   3326.2403     24.6530      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0081151 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   3326.2434     24.6561      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   3326.2436     24.6563      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -38196970461116.648 27726739140526.273
+ def in m -7.3032054901123047 0.5008617639541626
+ dimensionless def  -1.43103361129760735E-6 2.08663014003208692E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0141074  0.2082783
+                  Compute divergence   3326.4466     24.8593      0.2030
+                        wsmp_cleanup   3326.4846     24.8973      0.0380
+              Reset surface geometry   3326.4895     24.9022      0.0049
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    3326.4977     24.9104      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   3326.5146     24.9273      0.0170
+                   Advect surface  1   3326.5148     24.9275      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2   3326.7096     25.1223      0.1948
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3   3326.9075     25.3202      0.1979
+                                                                        S. 3:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields   3327.1596     25.5723      0.2521
+                    Advect the cloud   3327.2780     25.6906      0.1184
+                        Write output   3327.9194     26.3321      0.6414
+                    End of time step   3328.7297     27.1423      0.8103
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      20   3328.7298
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   3328.7299      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   3328.7299      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                      refine surface   3328.7299      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   3328.7523      0.0225      0.0224
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                          surface 02   3328.7729      0.0431      0.0206
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                      refine surface   3328.7731      0.0433      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   3328.7963      0.0665      0.0233
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                          surface 03   3328.8165      0.0867      0.0202
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+                      refine surface   3328.8166      0.0868      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   3328.8402      0.1104      0.0235
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   3328.8647
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   3328.8649      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   3328.8806      0.0159      0.0156
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   3328.9045      0.0398      0.0239
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   3328.9052      0.0406      0.0007
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   3328.9193      0.0546      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon   3329.0415      0.1768      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve   3329.2265      0.3618      0.1850
+                embedding surface  1   3329.2267      0.3620      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2   3331.1745      2.3099      1.9479
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3   3333.2553      4.3906      2.0807
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability   3336.8005      7.9358      3.5452
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   3336.8050      7.9403      0.0046
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   3337.1651      8.3004      0.3601
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   3337.2306      8.3659      0.0655
+                           Find void   3337.5056      8.6409      0.2750
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions   3337.5350      8.6703      0.0294
+                         wsmp setup1   3337.5425      8.6778      0.0075
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2   3338.5589      9.6943      1.0164
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   3338.6048
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   3338.6050      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38938E-05  6.30532E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   3346.5247      7.9199      7.9197
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0514951 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0959759 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7077198 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4441879 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14397.8485506 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1205549 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072010 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4275110 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10232E+01  0.18652E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.10049E+00  0.10592E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76364E+00  0.28690E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   3362.9685     24.3637     16.4438
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35081E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   3363.1923     24.5875      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements   3363.1935     24.5886      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   3363.2355     24.6306      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5883377 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2   3363.2403
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   3363.2448      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.78965E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   3371.1970      7.9567      7.9522
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0488651 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1159120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7157629 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3737850 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14486.9701336 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213779 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071509 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3832369 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10178E+01  0.13920E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48052E-01  0.10349E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76791E+00  0.22736E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   3387.5972     24.3569     16.4002
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12358E+01  0.18866E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   3387.8219     24.5816      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements   3387.8231     24.5827      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion   3387.8651     24.6247      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0710691 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3   3387.8700
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   3387.8745      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   3395.8920      8.0220      8.0175
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0476818 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1182740 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7083681 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3801970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14478.8076320 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207790 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072281 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3829031 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10151E+01  0.15699E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38007E-01  0.11933E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74712E+00  0.23276E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   3412.2912     24.4213     16.3992
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13742E+01  0.31383E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   3412.5138     24.6439      0.2226
+                do leaf measurements   3412.5149     24.6450      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   3412.5569     24.6870      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0359078 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4   3412.5618
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   3412.5663      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   3420.5052      7.9434      7.9389
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0500679 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1238582 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7074261 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4583411 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14380.0644548 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208639 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072541 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4681671 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10142E+01  0.17763E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37988E-01  0.12350E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73782E+00  0.22985E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   3436.9905     24.4287     16.4853
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14725E+01  0.35686E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   3437.2132     24.6514      0.2227
+                do leaf measurements   3437.2143     24.6525      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   3437.2563     24.6945      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159196 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5   3437.2613
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   3437.2658      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   3445.2748      8.0135      8.0090
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0479929 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1017568 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7086430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3875389 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14469.4727437 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207988 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072222 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3743610 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10135E+01  0.19531E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40129E-01  0.12568E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73297E+00  0.22865E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   3461.6655     24.4043     16.3908
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15160E+01  0.36533E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   3461.8880     24.6268      0.2225
+                do leaf measurements   3461.8892     24.6279      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion   3461.9316     24.6703      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107723 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6   3461.9366
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   3461.9412      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   3469.9229      7.9864      7.9818
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0471730 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0966141 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7049711 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3962541 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14458.4073827 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1205471 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072401 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3731809 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10130E+01  0.21081E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42766E-01  0.12564E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72838E+00  0.22805E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   3486.3134     24.3768     16.3905
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15377E+01  0.36267E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   3486.5350     24.5985      0.2216
+                do leaf measurements   3486.5362     24.5996      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion   3486.5784     24.6418      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0081095 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   3486.5815     24.6450      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   3486.5817     24.6451      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -39439591358709.711 29214171041007.488
+ def in m -7.3408727645874023 0.50171804428100586
+ dimensionless def  -1.43348012651715959E-6 2.09739221845354341E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0141443  0.2092898
+                  Compute divergence   3486.7847     24.8481      0.2030
+                        wsmp_cleanup   3486.8214     24.8848      0.0367
+              Reset surface geometry   3486.8264     24.8898      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    3486.8345     24.8979      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   3486.8525     24.9159      0.0180
+                   Advect surface  1   3486.8527     24.9161      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2   3487.0463     25.1097      0.1936
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3   3487.2430     25.3065      0.1968
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields   3487.4935     25.5569      0.2505
+                    Advect the cloud   3487.6108     25.6742      0.1173
+                        Write output   3488.2527     26.3161      0.6419
+                    End of time step   3489.0584     27.1218      0.8058
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      21   3489.0586
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   3489.0586      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   3489.0587      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                      refine surface   3489.0587      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   3489.0815      0.0230      0.0228
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                          surface 02   3489.1022      0.0437      0.0207
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                      refine surface   3489.1024      0.0438      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   3489.1254      0.0669      0.0231
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                          surface 03   3489.1456      0.0871      0.0202
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+                      refine surface   3489.1458      0.0872      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   3489.1694      0.1109      0.0237
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   3489.1940
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   3489.1943      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   3489.2099      0.0159      0.0156
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   3489.2336      0.0396      0.0237
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   3489.2343      0.0403      0.0007
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   3489.2484      0.0544      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon   3489.3706      0.1765      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve   3489.5537      0.3597      0.1831
+                embedding surface  1   3489.5539      0.3599      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2   3491.5043      2.3103      1.9504
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3   3493.5822      4.3882      2.0779
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability   3497.0965      7.9024      3.5143
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   3497.1009      7.9069      0.0044
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   3497.4248      8.2308      0.3239
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   3497.5660      8.3719      0.1411
+                           Find void   3497.8373      8.6433      0.2713
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions   3497.8661      8.6721      0.0288
+                         wsmp setup1   3497.8736      8.6796      0.0075
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2   3498.8858      9.6918      1.0122
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   3498.9340
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   3498.9342      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38939E-05  5.63397E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   3506.8549      7.9208      7.9206
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0506880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0962541 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7100132 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4351208 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14409.2647952 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207101 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073309 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4204829 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10230E+01  0.18619E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.10001E+00  0.10481E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76346E+00  0.28552E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   3523.2921     24.3581     16.4373
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35094E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   3523.5155     24.5814      0.2234
+                do leaf measurements   3523.5165     24.5825      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   3523.5589     24.6249      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5878807 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2   3523.5639
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   3523.5684      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79662E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   3531.5211      7.9573      7.9527
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0483532 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1056750 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7143559 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3861580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14471.2276105 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072420 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3834541 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10177E+01  0.13911E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47398E-01  0.10382E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76803E+00  0.22561E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   3547.9208     24.3570     16.3997
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12369E+01  0.19841E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   3548.1469     24.5831      0.2261
+                do leaf measurements   3548.1480     24.5841      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion   3548.1902     24.6264      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0711348 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3   3548.1952
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   3548.1997      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   3556.2161      8.0210      8.0164
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0516660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1099429 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7091801 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3838921 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14474.1080657 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206720 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072889 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3830171 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.15697E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37779E-01  0.11967E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74722E+00  0.23173E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   3572.6162     24.4210     16.4000
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13753E+01  0.31459E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   3572.8377     24.6426      0.2216
+                do leaf measurements   3572.8388     24.6436      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   3572.8810     24.6859      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0359780 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4   3572.8858
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   3572.8903      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   3580.8293      7.9435      7.9390
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0501661 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1262960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7089481 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4582982 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14380.1183132 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1204531 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073130 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4718468 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10142E+01  0.17762E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37743E-01  0.12370E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73792E+00  0.22906E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   3597.3180     24.4322     16.4887
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14735E+01  0.35750E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   3597.5408     24.6549      0.2227
+                do leaf measurements   3597.5418     24.6560      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   3597.5843     24.6985      0.0425
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158678 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5   3597.5892
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   3597.5937      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   3605.6023      8.0131      8.0086
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0492661 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1060600 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7066729 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3783560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14481.1503670 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211069 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072680 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3690951 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10136E+01  0.19530E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40373E-01  0.12588E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73309E+00  0.22824E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   3621.9883     24.3991     16.3860
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15168E+01  0.36592E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   3622.2109     24.6217      0.2225
+                do leaf measurements   3622.2120     24.6227      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   3622.2545     24.6653      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107479 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6   3622.2595
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   3622.2641      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   3630.2475      7.9880      7.9834
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0503490 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1005480 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7073431 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3961549 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14458.5332160 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1203969 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073118 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3824801 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10130E+01  0.21081E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42938E-01  0.12573E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72850E+00  0.22779E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   3646.6465     24.3870     16.3990
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15383E+01  0.36318E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   3646.8689     24.6094      0.2224
+                do leaf measurements   3646.8700     24.6105      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   3646.9123     24.6528      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0081066 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   3646.9154     24.6559      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   3646.9156     24.6561      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -40656715436120.734 30680512376618.34
+ def in m -7.3782520294189453 0.50466203689575195
+ dimensionless def  -1.44189153398786256E-6 2.10807200840541297E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0142640  0.2102993
+                  Compute divergence   3647.1305     24.8710      0.2149
+                        wsmp_cleanup   3647.1667     24.9072      0.0361
+              Reset surface geometry   3647.1717     24.9122      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    3647.1797     24.9202      0.0080
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   3647.1980     24.9385      0.0183
+                   Advect surface  1   3647.1981     24.9386      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2   3647.3908     25.1313      0.1927
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3   3647.5865     25.3270      0.1957
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields   3647.8396     25.5801      0.2531
+                    Advect the cloud   3647.9580     25.6985      0.1184
+                        Write output   3648.6049     26.3454      0.6470
+                    End of time step   3649.4115     27.1520      0.8066
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      22   3649.4117
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   3649.4117      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   3649.4118      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                      refine surface   3649.4118      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   3649.4350      0.0234      0.0232
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                          surface 02   3649.4556      0.0439      0.0205
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                      refine surface   3649.4557      0.0440      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   3649.4790      0.0673      0.0233
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                          surface 03   3649.4991      0.0875      0.0202
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+                      refine surface   3649.4993      0.0876      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   3649.5229      0.1112      0.0236
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   3649.5474
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   3649.5477      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   3649.5633      0.0159      0.0156
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   3649.5869      0.0395      0.0236
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   3649.5876      0.0402      0.0007
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   3649.6017      0.0543      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon   3649.7240      0.1766      0.1223
+             Imbed surface in osolve   3649.9077      0.3603      0.1837
+                embedding surface  1   3649.9078      0.3604      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2   3651.8385      2.2911      1.9307
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3   3653.9069      4.3595      2.0683
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability   3657.4430      7.8956      3.5361
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   3657.4474      7.9000      0.0044
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   3657.7576      8.2102      0.3102
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   3657.9315      8.3841      0.1739
+                           Find void   3658.2019      8.6545      0.2704
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions   3658.2308      8.6834      0.0289
+                         wsmp setup1   3658.2383      8.6909      0.0075
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2   3659.2551      9.7077      1.0169
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   3659.3010
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   3659.3012      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38939E-05  4.99361E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   3667.2281      7.9271      7.9269
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0553961 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1000381 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7067230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4360991 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14408.0322424 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1203580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072320 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4262111 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10230E+01  0.18694E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.99982E-01  0.10401E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76374E+00  0.28903E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   3683.6709     24.3698     16.4428
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35077E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   3683.8939     24.5928      0.2230
+                do leaf measurements   3683.8950     24.5939      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   3683.9365     24.6354      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5879671 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2   3683.9413
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   3683.9458      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.80025E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   3691.8888      7.9475      7.9430
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0482631 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1087859 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7114940 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3787379 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14480.6642828 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212049 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071199 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3759780 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10176E+01  0.13976E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47512E-01  0.10405E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76821E+00  0.22563E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   3708.2807     24.3393     16.3919
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12375E+01  0.19011E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   3708.5059     24.5646      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements   3708.5070     24.5657      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   3708.5486     24.6072      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0712260 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3   3708.5534
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   3708.5579      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   3716.5700      8.0166      8.0121
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0482581 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1076219 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7058971 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3962681 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14458.3895364 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1203899 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071440 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3859420 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.15738E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37778E-01  0.11986E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74761E+00  0.23158E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   3732.9724     24.4190     16.4025
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13764E+01  0.31582E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   3733.1945     24.6411      0.2221
+                do leaf measurements   3733.1956     24.6422      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   3733.2372     24.6838      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0359190 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4   3733.2420
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   3733.2464      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   3741.1852      7.9432      7.9388
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0495682 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1254320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7045729 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4703460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14365.0142942 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1204810 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071609 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4779301 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10143E+01  0.17791E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37662E-01  0.12394E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73828E+00  0.22912E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   3757.6796     24.4376     16.4944
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14744E+01  0.35851E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   3757.9027     24.6607      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements   3757.9038     24.6618      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   3757.9455     24.7035      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159046 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5   3757.9503
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   3757.9548      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   3765.9626      8.0123      8.0078
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0495901 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0970910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7068660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3747220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14485.7767792 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210899 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071561 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3568811 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10136E+01  0.19553E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40391E-01  0.12610E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73340E+00  0.22835E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   3782.3366     24.3862     16.3739
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15179E+01  0.36714E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   3782.5588     24.6084      0.2222
+                do leaf measurements   3782.5599     24.6096      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   3782.6019     24.6515      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107617 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6   3782.6069
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   3782.6114      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   3790.5987      7.9919      7.9873
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0479159 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0977671 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7043638 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3919759 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14463.8371443 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1220579 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071290 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3715661 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10130E+01  0.21103E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42941E-01  0.12594E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72877E+00  0.22779E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   3806.9868     24.3799     16.3881
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15395E+01  0.36422E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   3807.2098     24.6030      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements   3807.2110     24.6041      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   3807.2525     24.6456      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0081140 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   3807.2556     24.6487      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   3807.2557     24.6489      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -41841409326108.016 32126120412121.965
+ def in m -7.4082808494567871 0.50434261560440063
+ dimensionless def  -1.44097890172685894E-6 2.11665167127336764E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0142921  0.2110992
+                  Compute divergence   3807.4605     24.8536      0.2048
+                        wsmp_cleanup   3807.5004     24.8936      0.0399
+              Reset surface geometry   3807.5051     24.8982      0.0047
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    3807.5133     24.9065      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   3807.5295     24.9226      0.0162
+                   Advect surface  1   3807.5297     24.9228      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2   3807.7251     25.1182      0.1954
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3   3807.9219     25.3150      0.1967
+                                                                        S. 3:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields   3808.1720     25.5652      0.2502
+                    Advect the cloud   3808.2906     25.6837      0.1185
+                        Write output   3808.9381     26.3312      0.6475
+                    End of time step   3809.7496     27.1427      0.8115
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      23   3809.7497
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   3809.7498      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   3809.7498      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                      refine surface   3809.7499      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   3809.7725      0.0228      0.0226
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                          surface 02   3809.7930      0.0433      0.0205
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                      refine surface   3809.7931      0.0434      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   3809.8163      0.0666      0.0232
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                          surface 03   3809.8364      0.0867      0.0201
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+                      refine surface   3809.8366      0.0868      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   3809.8602      0.1105      0.0236
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   3809.8848
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   3809.8850      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   3809.9006      0.0159      0.0156
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   3809.9245      0.0398      0.0239
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   3809.9252      0.0405      0.0007
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   3809.9393      0.0545      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon   3810.0615      0.1767      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve   3810.2426      0.3578      0.1811
+                embedding surface  1   3810.2428      0.3580      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2   3812.1835      2.2987      1.9407
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3   3814.2576      4.3729      2.0741
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability   3817.8070      7.9222      3.5494
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   3817.8114      7.9266      0.0044
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   3818.1601      8.2753      0.3487
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   3818.2627      8.3780      0.1026
+                           Find void   3818.5330      8.6483      0.2703
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions   3818.5619      8.6771      0.0289
+                         wsmp setup1   3818.5695      8.6847      0.0076
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2   3819.5855      9.7008      1.0160
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   3819.6324
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   3819.6326      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38939E-05  5.02243E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   3827.5651      7.9327      7.9325
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0537851 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0921788 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7053580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4356580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14408.5879615 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208801 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071809 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4154181 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10230E+01  0.18734E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.10037E+00  0.10614E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76378E+00  0.29107E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   3843.9978     24.3654     16.4327
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35072E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   3844.2202     24.5878      0.2224
+                do leaf measurements   3844.2214     24.5889      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   3844.2629     24.6305      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5881102 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2   3844.2679
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   3844.2724      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.78156E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   3852.2169      7.9490      7.9445
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0482159 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1037691 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7141120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3810000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14477.7860704 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072470 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3764989 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10177E+01  0.14009E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48142E-01  0.10393E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76814E+00  0.22725E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   3868.6103     24.3424     16.3934
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12369E+01  0.18197E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   3868.8349     24.5670      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements   3868.8360     24.5681      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   3868.8777     24.6098      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0713065 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3   3868.8827
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   3868.8873      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   3876.8940      8.0113      8.0067
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0474470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1011560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7076509 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3895619 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14466.9027171 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211350 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072160 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3745370 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.15766E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37453E-01  0.11969E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74769E+00  0.23212E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   3893.2852     24.4026     16.3913
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13761E+01  0.31550E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   3893.5071     24.6244      0.2219
+                do leaf measurements   3893.5082     24.6256      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   3893.5499     24.6672      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0359763 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4   3893.5548
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   3893.5593      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   3901.4983      7.9435      7.9390
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0484300 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1244340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7115262 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4652429 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14371.4080764 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209431 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072129 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4781661 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10143E+01  0.17812E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37501E-01  0.12385E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73832E+00  0.22937E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   3917.9929     24.4381     16.4946
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14745E+01  0.35836E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   3918.2160     24.6612      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements   3918.2171     24.6623      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   3918.2587     24.7039      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158780 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5   3918.2636
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   3918.2682      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   3926.2744      8.0108      8.0062
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0506859 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1044919 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7075021 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3812950 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14477.4109072 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211081 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072210 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3727038 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10136E+01  0.19573E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40319E-01  0.12599E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73337E+00  0.22837E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   3942.6647     24.4010     16.3902
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15182E+01  0.36712E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   3942.8863     24.6227      0.2216
+                do leaf measurements   3942.8874     24.6238      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   3942.9294     24.6658      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107888 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6   3942.9344
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   3942.9391      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   3950.9317      7.9972      7.9926
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0479081 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1103311 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7077799 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4047730 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14447.6074990 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071280 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3996310 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10131E+01  0.21123E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42874E-01  0.12589E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72871E+00  0.22785E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   3967.3481     24.4137     16.4165
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15399E+01  0.36419E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   3967.5696     24.6351      0.2214
+                do leaf measurements   3967.5707     24.6362      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   3967.6122     24.6778      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0081207 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   3967.6154     24.6810      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   3967.6156     24.6812      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -43010000230225.625 33549528419622.539
+ def in m -7.4367160797119141 0.5048176646232605
+ dimensionless def  -1.44233618463788729E-6 2.12477602277483256E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0143371  0.2118518
+                  Compute divergence   3967.8207     24.8863      0.2051
+                        wsmp_cleanup   3967.8567     24.9223      0.0360
+              Reset surface geometry   3967.8617     24.9273      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    3967.8698     24.9354      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   3967.8878     24.9534      0.0180
+                   Advect surface  1   3967.8880     24.9535      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2   3968.0764     25.1420      0.1885
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3   3968.2746     25.3402      0.1982
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields   3968.5180     25.5835      0.2433
+                    Advect the cloud   3968.6360     25.7015      0.1180
+                        Write output   3969.2868     26.3523      0.6508
+                    End of time step   3970.0946     27.1601      0.8078
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      24   3970.0947
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   3970.0948      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   3970.0948      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                      refine surface   3970.0948      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   3970.1176      0.0229      0.0227
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                          surface 02   3970.1381      0.0434      0.0205
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                      refine surface   3970.1382      0.0435      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   3970.1614      0.0667      0.0232
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                          surface 03   3970.1814      0.0867      0.0200
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+                      refine surface   3970.1815      0.0868      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   3970.2050      0.1103      0.0235
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   3970.2298
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   3970.2300      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   3970.2457      0.0159      0.0156
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   3970.2693      0.0395      0.0236
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   3970.2701      0.0403      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   3970.2842      0.0544      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon   3970.4064      0.1766      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve   3970.5874      0.3577      0.1811
+                embedding surface  1   3970.5876      0.3578      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2   3972.5219      2.2921      1.9343
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3   3974.5933      4.3636      2.0714
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability   3978.1521      7.9223      3.5587
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   3978.1571      7.9273      0.0050
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   3978.5305      8.3007      0.3734
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   3978.6606      8.4308      0.1301
+                           Find void   3978.9299      8.7001      0.2693
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions   3978.9587      8.7289      0.0288
+                         wsmp setup1   3978.9660      8.7362      0.0073
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2   3979.9807      9.7509      1.0147
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   3980.0263
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   3980.0265      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38939E-05  4.22797E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   3987.9609      7.9346      7.9344
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0548649 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0954340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7080369 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4273570 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14419.0545964 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1204960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0077670 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4143291 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10231E+01  0.18741E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.10053E+00  0.10541E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76390E+00  0.28472E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   4004.3921     24.3658     16.4312
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35083E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   4004.6149     24.5886      0.2228
+                do leaf measurements   4004.6160     24.5897      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   4004.6579     24.6316      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5890654 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2   4004.6627
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   4004.6671      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79183E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   4012.6100      7.9474      7.9429
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0490780 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1055820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7135851 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3786600 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14480.7634996 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215079 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072069 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3759861 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10176E+01  0.14007E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48039E-01  0.10326E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76838E+00  0.22620E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   4029.0032     24.3405     16.3931
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12378E+01  0.18029E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   4029.2276     24.5649      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements   4029.2287     24.5660      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   4029.2705     24.6079      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0717981 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3   4029.2753
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   4029.2798      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   4037.2856      8.0103      8.0058
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0501859 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1143432 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7067230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3885250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14468.2198742 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206651 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072041 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3880191 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10151E+01  0.15769E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37502E-01  0.11962E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74762E+00  0.23231E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   4053.6904     24.4151     16.4048
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13771E+01  0.31605E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   4053.9184     24.6431      0.2280
+                do leaf measurements   4053.9195     24.6442      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion   4053.9614     24.6861      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0359869 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4   4053.9662
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   4053.9706      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   4061.9097      7.9435      7.9391
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0498352 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1157589 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7061570 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4563360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14382.5812692 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1204810 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072310 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4561648 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10141E+01  0.17825E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37456E-01  0.12382E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73825E+00  0.22953E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   4078.3824     24.4162     16.4727
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14753E+01  0.35883E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   4078.6055     24.6393      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements   4078.6066     24.6404      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   4078.6484     24.6822      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0157798 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5   4078.6532
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   4078.6576      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   4086.6584      8.0052      8.0008
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0519550 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1100562 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7056181 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3679440 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14494.4137518 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1205349 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072460 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3637271 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10135E+01  0.19589E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40165E-01  0.12605E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73338E+00  0.22854E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   4103.0391     24.3859     16.3807
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15187E+01  0.36732E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   4103.2608     24.6077      0.2218
+                do leaf measurements   4103.2619     24.6088      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   4103.3041     24.6510      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107473 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6   4103.3090
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   4103.3135      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   4111.3060      7.9970      7.9924
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0484929 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1070602 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7053170 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3868399 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14470.3610312 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072079 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3759890 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10130E+01  0.21139E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42766E-01  0.12592E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72873E+00  0.22792E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   4127.6985     24.3895     16.3925
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15401E+01  0.36441E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   4127.9205     24.6115      0.2220
+                do leaf measurements   4127.9216     24.6126      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   4127.9633     24.6543      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0081073 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   4127.9664     24.6574      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   4127.9665     24.6576      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -44164234032746.508 34951246338146.277
+ def in m -7.4646673202514648 0.50685662031173706
+ dimensionless def  -1.44816177231924882E-6 2.13276209150041872E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0144242  0.2125885
+                  Compute divergence   4128.1721     24.8631      0.2056
+                        wsmp_cleanup   4128.2083     24.8993      0.0362
+              Reset surface geometry   4128.2133     24.9043      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    4128.2214     24.9124      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   4128.2394     24.9304      0.0180
+                   Advect surface  1   4128.2395     24.9305      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2   4128.4338     25.1248      0.1942
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3   4128.6277     25.3187      0.1939
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields   4128.8763     25.5673      0.2487
+                    Advect the cloud   4128.9970     25.6880      0.1207
+                        Write output   4129.6517     26.3427      0.6547
+                    End of time step   4130.4642     27.1552      0.8125
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      25   4130.4644
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   4130.4644      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   4130.4645      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                      refine surface   4130.4645      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   4130.4872      0.0229      0.0227
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                          surface 02   4130.5079      0.0436      0.0207
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                      refine surface   4130.5081      0.0437      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   4130.5312      0.0668      0.0231
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                          surface 03   4130.5512      0.0868      0.0200
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+                      refine surface   4130.5513      0.0870      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   4130.5749      0.1105      0.0236
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   4130.5995
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   4130.5998      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   4130.6154      0.0159      0.0156
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   4130.6392      0.0397      0.0238
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   4130.6399      0.0404      0.0007
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   4130.6540      0.0544      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon   4130.7762      0.1766      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve   4130.9613      0.3618      0.1851
+                embedding surface  1   4130.9615      0.3619      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2   4132.9132      2.3137      1.9518
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3   4134.9882      4.3887      2.0750
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability   4138.5593      7.9598      3.5712
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   4138.5647      7.9652      0.0053
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   4138.9470      8.3474      0.3823
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   4139.0119      8.4124      0.0649
+                           Find void   4139.2833      8.6838      0.2714
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions   4139.3122      8.7127      0.0289
+                         wsmp setup1   4139.3199      8.7203      0.0077
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2   4140.3364      9.7369      1.0165
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   4140.3830
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   4140.3831      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38940E-05  4.64697E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   4148.3112      7.9282      7.9280
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0491731 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0960321 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7070282 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4102950 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14440.6155788 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208019 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072870 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3910120 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10231E+01  0.18655E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.10112E+00  0.10617E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76360E+00  0.28483E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   4164.7180     24.3351     16.4069
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35088E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   4164.9417     24.5588      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements   4164.9428     24.5598      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion   4164.9850     24.6020      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5884155 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2   4164.9898
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   4164.9942      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.76999E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   4172.9330      7.9432      7.9388
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0496161 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1056211 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7118938 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3759580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14484.2029453 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211741 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072780 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3719349 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10175E+01  0.13932E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48666E-01  0.10350E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76809E+00  0.22869E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   4189.3215     24.3317     16.3885
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12366E+01  0.18547E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   4189.5462     24.5564      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements   4189.5472     24.5575      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   4189.5894     24.5996      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0712846 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3   4189.5942
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   4189.5987      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   4197.5964      8.0021      7.9976
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0483770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1041520 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7051959 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3839440 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14474.0419818 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1204920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0074260 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3699951 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.15717E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37622E-01  0.11941E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74721E+00  0.23328E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   4213.9826     24.3884     16.3863
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13754E+01  0.31449E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   4214.2058     24.6116      0.2232
+                do leaf measurements   4214.2069     24.6126      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion   4214.2490     24.6548      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0359271 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4   4214.2538
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   4214.2583      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   4222.1958      7.9420      7.9375
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0495749 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1149781 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7060640 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4683430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14367.5231544 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1205268 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072770 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4671550 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10144E+01  0.17783E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37697E-01  0.12362E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73791E+00  0.23007E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   4238.6801     24.4263     16.4844
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14738E+01  0.35749E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   4238.9021     24.6484      0.2220
+                do leaf measurements   4238.9032     24.6494      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   4238.9453     24.6915      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158607 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5   4238.9501
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   4238.9546      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   4246.9512      8.0011      7.9966
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0511649 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0912631 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7069559 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3728809 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14488.1217703 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1202180 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072899 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3501620 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10136E+01  0.19552E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40186E-01  0.12585E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73306E+00  0.22869E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   4263.3180     24.3679     16.3668
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15172E+01  0.36594E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   4263.5405     24.5904      0.2225
+                do leaf measurements   4263.5415     24.5914      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   4263.5933     24.6432      0.0517
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107650 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6   4263.5981
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   4263.6026      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   4271.6015      8.0034      7.9988
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0468731 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1127710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7065370 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3997459 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14453.9785996 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207530 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072820 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3943608 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10131E+01  0.21103E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42789E-01  0.12576E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72847E+00  0.22807E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   4288.0122     24.4141     16.4108
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15386E+01  0.36311E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   4288.2349     24.6368      0.2227
+                do leaf measurements   4288.2359     24.6378      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion   4288.2779     24.6798      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0081148 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   4288.2810     24.6829      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   4288.2812     24.6831      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -45300510137065.266 36333944048056.148
+ def in m -7.4911785125732422 0.50794833898544312
+ dimensionless def  -1.45128096852983729E-6 2.14033671787806917E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0144798  0.2132882
+                  Compute divergence   4288.4809     24.8828      0.1997
+                        wsmp_cleanup   4288.5223     24.9242      0.0414
+              Reset surface geometry   4288.5274     24.9293      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    4288.5355     24.9374      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   4288.5507     24.9526      0.0152
+                   Advect surface  1   4288.5508     24.9527      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2   4288.7424     25.1443      0.1916
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3   4288.9397     25.3416      0.1974
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields   4289.1950     25.5969      0.2553
+                    Advect the cloud   4289.3182     25.7201      0.1232
+                        Write output   4289.9743     26.3762      0.6561
+                    End of time step   4290.7895     27.1914      0.8152
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      26   4290.7896
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   4290.7897      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   4290.7897      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                      refine surface   4290.7898      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   4290.8125      0.0229      0.0227
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                          surface 02   4290.8330      0.0434      0.0205
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                      refine surface   4290.8332      0.0435      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   4290.8563      0.0667      0.0232
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                          surface 03   4290.8765      0.0868      0.0201
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+                      refine surface   4290.8766      0.0870      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   4290.9002      0.1106      0.0236
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   4290.9247
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   4290.9249      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   4290.9406      0.0159      0.0157
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   4290.9647      0.0400      0.0241
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   4290.9654      0.0408      0.0007
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   4290.9795      0.0548      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon   4291.1017      0.1770      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve   4291.2831      0.3584      0.1814
+                embedding surface  1   4291.2832      0.3586      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2   4293.2414      2.3167      1.9581
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3   4295.3522      4.4275      2.1108
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability   4298.9156      7.9909      3.5634
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   4298.9201      7.9955      0.0045
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   4299.2676      8.3429      0.3475
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   4299.3327      8.4080      0.0651
+                           Find void   4299.6088      8.6842      0.2762
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions   4299.6381      8.7134      0.0292
+                         wsmp setup1   4299.6453      8.7206      0.0072
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2   4300.6531      9.7284      1.0078
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   4300.6986
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   4300.6987      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38940E-05  4.39329E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   4308.6337      7.9351      7.9349
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0530660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1083841 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7041750 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4102511 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14440.6710987 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209848 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072300 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4044468 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10231E+01  0.18617E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.99253E-01  0.10556E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76341E+00  0.28406E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   4325.0541     24.3555     16.4205
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35074E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   4325.2778     24.5792      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements   4325.2789     24.5803      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   4325.3212     24.6226      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5894734 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2   4325.3260
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   4325.3305      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.80146E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   4333.2723      7.9463      7.9418
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0500929 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1099820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7121160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3841469 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14473.7840179 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213100 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072250 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3852329 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10177E+01  0.13904E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47424E-01  0.10359E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76783E+00  0.22574E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   4349.6735     24.3474     16.4012
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12373E+01  0.17916E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   4349.8993     24.5733      0.2259
+                do leaf measurements   4349.9005     24.5744      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   4349.9429     24.6169      0.0425
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0720859 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3   4349.9478
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   4349.9523      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   4357.9486      8.0008      7.9963
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0484211 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1008620 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7073269 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3881202 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14468.7342030 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213100 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072691 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3736830 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.15695E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37576E-01  0.11961E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74715E+00  0.23180E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   4374.3390     24.3912     16.3904
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13751E+01  0.31398E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   4374.5617     24.6139      0.2227
+                do leaf measurements   4374.5628     24.6150      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   4374.6057     24.6579      0.0429
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361373 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4   4374.6107
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   4374.6153      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   4382.5537      7.9430      7.9385
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0522830 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1177549 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7078209 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4701798 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14365.2224117 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210539 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072670 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4767470 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10144E+01  0.17769E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37641E-01  0.12377E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73774E+00  0.22925E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   4399.0471     24.4364     16.4934
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14733E+01  0.35701E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   4399.2705     24.6598      0.2233
+                do leaf measurements   4399.2716     24.6609      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   4399.3140     24.7033      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158943 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5   4399.3189
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   4399.3234      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   4407.3168      7.9979      7.9934
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0465748 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1025970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7089629 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3674428 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14495.0527663 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073252 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3540940 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10137E+01  0.19539E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40288E-01  0.12609E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73288E+00  0.22836E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   4423.6871     24.3682     16.3703
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15165E+01  0.36536E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   4423.9092     24.5903      0.2221
+                do leaf measurements   4423.9103     24.5914      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   4423.9530     24.6341      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107818 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6   4423.9580
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   4423.9625      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   4431.9653      8.0073      8.0027
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0475240 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1143389 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7031081 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3961251 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14458.5710269 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207139 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072689 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3894460 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10132E+01  0.21090E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42832E-01  0.12594E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72827E+00  0.22790E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   4448.3711     24.4131     16.4059
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15381E+01  0.36273E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   4448.5936     24.6357      0.2225
+                do leaf measurements   4448.5948     24.6368      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   4448.6480     24.6900      0.0532
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080993 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   4448.6511     24.6932      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   4448.6513     24.6933      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -46418683875380.297 37698831244302.836
+ def in m -7.518956184387207 0.51562237739562988
+ dimensionless def  -1.47320679255894243E-6 2.14827319553920205E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0146840  0.2140281
+                  Compute divergence   4448.8606     24.9027      0.2093
+                        wsmp_cleanup   4448.8967     24.9387      0.0360
+              Reset surface geometry   4448.9018     24.9438      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    4448.9098     24.9518      0.0080
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   4448.9279     24.9699      0.0180
+                   Advect surface  1   4448.9280     24.9700      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2   4449.1190     25.1610      0.1910
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3   4449.3174     25.3594      0.1984
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields   4449.5714     25.6135      0.2541
+                    Advect the cloud   4449.6934     25.7354      0.1220
+                        Write output   4450.3520     26.3940      0.6585
+                    End of time step   4451.1622     27.2042      0.8103
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      27   4451.1624
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   4451.1624      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   4451.1625      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                      refine surface   4451.1625      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   4451.1858      0.0234      0.0233
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                          surface 02   4451.2063      0.0439      0.0205
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                      refine surface   4451.2064      0.0440      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   4451.2296      0.0672      0.0232
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                          surface 03   4451.2495      0.0871      0.0199
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+                      refine surface   4451.2496      0.0872      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   4451.2732      0.1109      0.0236
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   4451.2977
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   4451.2980      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   4451.3136      0.0159      0.0156
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   4451.3374      0.0396      0.0238
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   4451.3381      0.0404      0.0007
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   4451.3521      0.0544      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon   4451.4743      0.1766      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve   4451.6550      0.3573      0.1807
+                embedding surface  1   4451.6552      0.3575      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2   4453.6016      2.3039      1.9464
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3   4455.6959      4.3982      2.0944
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability   4459.2766      7.9789      3.5807
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   4459.2816      7.9839      0.0051
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   4459.6453      8.3476      0.3637
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   4459.7115      8.4138      0.0662
+                           Find void   4459.9874      8.6897      0.2759
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions   4460.0167      8.7190      0.0293
+                         wsmp setup1   4460.0243      8.7266      0.0076
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2   4461.0317      9.7340      1.0074
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   4461.0783
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   4461.0784      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38941E-05  4.66218E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   4469.0267      7.9485      7.9483
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0550580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1005878 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7052982 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4123399 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14438.0280422 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1203690 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071869 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4013071 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10230E+01  0.18605E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.10027E+00  0.10549E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76326E+00  0.28201E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   4485.4441     24.3659     16.4174
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35112E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   4485.6678     24.5896      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements   4485.6690     24.5907      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   4485.7108     24.6325      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5891642 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2   4485.7156
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   4485.7200      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.78494E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   4493.6650      7.9494      7.9450
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0500410 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1179769 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7114711 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3853281 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14472.2824926 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212480 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071559 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3936949 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10176E+01  0.13884E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47864E-01  0.10371E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76777E+00  0.22694E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   4510.0742     24.3586     16.4092
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12369E+01  0.19371E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   4510.3000     24.5845      0.2258
+                do leaf measurements   4510.3011     24.5856      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   4510.3430     24.6274      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0716852 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3   4510.3478
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   4510.3522      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   4518.3503      8.0025      7.9981
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0508320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1133790 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7095311 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3847859 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14472.9716886 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206141 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071790 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3867588 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.15680E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37857E-01  0.11960E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74708E+00  0.23231E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   4534.7537     24.4059     16.4034
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13750E+01  0.31425E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   4534.9762     24.6284      0.2225
+                do leaf measurements   4534.9773     24.6295      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   4535.0195     24.6717      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361153 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4   4535.0243
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   4535.0288      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   4542.9663      7.9419      7.9374
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0511332 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1259639 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7054241 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4595060 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14378.6026530 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206498 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071180 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4702420 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10145E+01  0.17756E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37849E-01  0.12377E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73776E+00  0.22960E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   4559.4528     24.4285     16.4865
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14734E+01  0.35704E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   4559.6761     24.6518      0.2233
+                do leaf measurements   4559.6772     24.6529      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   4559.7191     24.6947      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158848 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5   4559.7239
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   4559.7283      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   4567.7138      7.9900      7.9855
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0526550 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0992172 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7069969 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3674181 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14495.0843841 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1205049 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072339 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3545020 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10137E+01  0.19527E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40205E-01  0.12599E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73295E+00  0.22852E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   4584.0842     24.3604     16.3704
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15164E+01  0.36546E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   4584.3069     24.5830      0.2226
+                do leaf measurements   4584.3080     24.5841      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   4584.3502     24.6263      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107858 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6   4584.3551
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   4584.3596      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   4592.3648      8.0097      8.0052
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0483210 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1107039 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7006941 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3931770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14462.3122598 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1203918 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071669 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3809121 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10132E+01  0.21081E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42773E-01  0.12587E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72836E+00  0.22790E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   4608.7620     24.4070     16.3972
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15378E+01  0.36269E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   4608.9846     24.6295      0.2225
+                do leaf measurements   4608.9857     24.6306      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   4609.0275     24.6725      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0081064 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   4609.0306     24.6756      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   4609.0308     24.6757      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -47511918157458.727 39049290007801.742
+ def in m -7.5446019172668457 0.52303618192672729
+ dimensionless def  -1.49438909121922077E-6 2.15560054779052743E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0148697  0.2147079
+                  Compute divergence   4609.2340     24.8790      0.2032
+                        wsmp_cleanup   4609.2704     24.9154      0.0364
+              Reset surface geometry   4609.2754     24.9204      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    4609.2833     24.9283      0.0079
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   4609.3012     24.9462      0.0179
+                   Advect surface  1   4609.3014     24.9463      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2   4609.4903     25.1353      0.1890
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3   4609.6888     25.3337      0.1984
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields   4609.9418     25.5867      0.2530
+                    Advect the cloud   4610.0625     25.7075      0.1208
+                        Write output   4610.7187     26.3636      0.6561
+                    End of time step   4611.5307     27.1756      0.8120
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      28   4611.5308
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   4611.5309      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   4611.5309      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                      refine surface   4611.5310      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   4611.5534      0.0226      0.0225
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                          surface 02   4611.5740      0.0432      0.0206
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                      refine surface   4611.5741      0.0433      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   4611.5973      0.0665      0.0232
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                          surface 03   4611.6175      0.0867      0.0201
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+                      refine surface   4611.6176      0.0868      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   4611.6410      0.1102      0.0234
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   4611.6657
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   4611.6660      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   4611.6816      0.0159      0.0156
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   4611.7055      0.0398      0.0239
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   4611.7062      0.0405      0.0007
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   4611.7202      0.0545      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon   4611.8424      0.1767      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve   4612.0250      0.3593      0.1826
+                embedding surface  1   4612.0251      0.3594      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2   4613.9734      2.3077      1.9482
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3   4616.0770      4.4113      2.1036
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability   4619.6511      7.9854      3.5741
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   4619.6560      7.9903      0.0048
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   4620.0105      8.3448      0.3546
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   4620.0763      8.4106      0.0658
+                           Find void   4620.3482      8.6825      0.2719
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions   4620.3773      8.7116      0.0291
+                         wsmp setup1   4620.3845      8.7188      0.0072
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2   4621.3928      9.7271      1.0083
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   4621.4387
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   4621.4388      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38941E-05  5.66377E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   4629.3956      7.9569      7.9568
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0506330 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1022079 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7076962 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4080429 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14443.4663516 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1203980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072479 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3966198 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10227E+01  0.18610E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.10053E+00  0.10506E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76321E+00  0.28455E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   4645.8082     24.3695     16.4126
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35081E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   4646.0319     24.5933      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements   4646.0331     24.5945      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion   4646.0752     24.6366      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5885427 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2   4646.0801
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   4646.0845      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.78963E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   4654.0223      7.9422      7.9378
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0491381 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1228440 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7131560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3820450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14476.4568610 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210339 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0075288 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3961380 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.13901E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47700E-01  0.10356E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76793E+00  0.22589E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   4670.4344     24.3543     16.4121
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12369E+01  0.17945E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   4670.6604     24.5803      0.2261
+                do leaf measurements   4670.6616     24.5815      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion   4670.7039     24.6238      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0714079 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3   4670.7089
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   4670.7133      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   4678.7039      7.9950      7.9905
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0488529 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1114032 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7055659 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3817401 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14476.8447114 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072300 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3759170 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.15698E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37615E-01  0.11952E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74716E+00  0.23203E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   4695.0959     24.3870     16.3920
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13753E+01  0.31464E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   4695.3184     24.6096      0.2225
+                do leaf measurements   4695.3196     24.6107      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion   4695.3620     24.6532      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361140 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4   4695.3671
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   4695.3716      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   4703.3112      7.9442      7.9396
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0489671 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1331151 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7062140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4568861 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14381.8907783 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1205130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071850 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4732640 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10144E+01  0.17770E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37587E-01  0.12368E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73786E+00  0.22921E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   4719.8004     24.4334     16.4892
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14737E+01  0.35722E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   4720.0240     24.6569      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements   4720.0251     24.6581      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   4720.0672     24.7002      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158692 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5   4720.0722
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   4720.0766      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   4728.0580      7.9858      7.9814
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0503511 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1151700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7076099 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3760829 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14484.0438808 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1203389 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072589 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3772030 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10137E+01  0.19542E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40347E-01  0.12591E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73306E+00  0.22818E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   4744.4523     24.3801     16.3943
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15170E+01  0.36575E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   4744.6756     24.6034      0.2233
+                do leaf measurements   4744.6768     24.6046      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion   4744.7189     24.6468      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107514 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6   4744.7237
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   4744.7282      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   4752.7405      8.0167      8.0123
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0488570 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1107001 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7088990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3881581 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14468.6860399 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1204481 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072300 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3846781 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10131E+01  0.21095E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42885E-01  0.12583E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72847E+00  0.22772E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   4769.1418     24.4181     16.4013
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15386E+01  0.36314E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   4769.3638     24.6401      0.2220
+                do leaf measurements   4769.3650     24.6412      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   4769.4070     24.6833      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0081077 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   4769.4102     24.6864      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   4769.4103     24.6866      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -48588151116548.305 40383307690855.883
+ def in m -7.5665383338928223 0.52944886684417725
+ dimensionless def  -1.51271104812622081E-6 2.16186809539794954E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0150218  0.2152831
+                  Compute divergence   4769.6123     24.8886      0.2020
+                        wsmp_cleanup   4769.6488     24.9251      0.0364
+              Reset surface geometry   4769.6537     24.9300      0.0049
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    4769.6618     24.9381      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   4769.6792     24.9555      0.0174
+                   Advect surface  1   4769.6793     24.9556      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2   4769.8809     25.1572      0.2016
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3   4770.0760     25.3523      0.1951
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields   4770.3289     25.6052      0.2529
+                    Advect the cloud   4770.4506     25.7269      0.1217
+                        Write output   4771.1126     26.3888      0.6619
+                    End of time step   4771.9297     27.2060      0.8172
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      29   4771.9299
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   4771.9299      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   4771.9300      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                      refine surface   4771.9300      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   4771.9527      0.0228      0.0226
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                          surface 02   4771.9731      0.0432      0.0204
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                      refine surface   4771.9732      0.0433      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   4771.9965      0.0667      0.0234
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                          surface 03   4772.0167      0.0868      0.0201
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+                      refine surface   4772.0168      0.0869      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   4772.0404      0.1105      0.0236
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   4772.0650
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   4772.0652      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   4772.0809      0.0159      0.0156
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   4772.1046      0.0396      0.0237
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   4772.1053      0.0404      0.0007
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   4772.1194      0.0544      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon   4772.2415      0.1766      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve   4772.4233      0.3584      0.1818
+                embedding surface  1   4772.4235      0.3585      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2   4774.3693      2.3043      1.9458
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3   4776.4901      4.4252      2.1209
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability   4780.0456      7.9806      3.5554
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   4780.0505      7.9855      0.0049
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   4780.3952      8.3302      0.3447
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   4780.4590      8.3940      0.0638
+                           Find void   4780.7319      8.6669      0.2729
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions   4780.7612      8.6962      0.0293
+                         wsmp setup1   4780.7685      8.7035      0.0073
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2   4781.7770      9.7121      1.0086
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   4781.8241
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   4781.8242      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38941E-05  4.29072E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   4789.7780      7.9539      7.9538
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0535960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0985990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7040489 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3976710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14456.6099603 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206522 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071521 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3820891 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10226E+01  0.18565E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.10069E+00  0.10498E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76334E+00  0.27880E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   4806.1762     24.3521     16.3981
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35089E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   4806.3995     24.5754      0.2233
+                do leaf measurements   4806.4006     24.5765      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   4806.4420     24.6180      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5883412 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2   4806.4468
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   4806.4513      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.78835E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   4814.3897      7.9429      7.9384
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0493400 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1219161 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7142010 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3943410 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14460.8348996 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071590 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4089410 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.13861E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47667E-01  0.10348E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76783E+00  0.22603E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   4830.8144     24.3676     16.4247
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12371E+01  0.18301E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   4831.0400     24.5932      0.2255
+                do leaf measurements   4831.0411     24.5943      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   4831.0828     24.6360      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0712702 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3   4831.0876
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   4831.0921      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   4839.0786      7.9910      7.9865
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0476141 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1074510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7073760 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3871820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14469.9262657 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1205292 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071809 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3777120 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.15670E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38013E-01  0.11957E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74701E+00  0.23186E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   4855.4722     24.3847     16.3937
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13751E+01  0.31410E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   4855.6949     24.6074      0.2227
+                do leaf measurements   4855.6961     24.6085      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   4855.7379     24.6503      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360953 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4   4855.7427
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   4855.7473      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   4863.6875      7.9447      7.9402
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0496230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1063640 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7073541 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4669809 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14369.2297756 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209741 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071731 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4588358 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10142E+01  0.17751E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37893E-01  0.12378E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73766E+00  0.22939E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   4880.1625     24.4197     16.4750
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14731E+01  0.35644E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   4880.3852     24.6425      0.2228
+                do leaf measurements   4880.3863     24.6436      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   4880.4279     24.6852      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158551 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5   4880.4327
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   4880.4373      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   4888.4184      7.9857      7.9811
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0507960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1022761 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7076030 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3694890 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14492.4441665 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206222 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071590 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3583181 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10135E+01  0.19523E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40212E-01  0.12597E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73283E+00  0.22841E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   4904.7932     24.3605     16.3748
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15165E+01  0.36513E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   4905.0163     24.5836      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements   4905.0174     24.5847      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   4905.0589     24.6261      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107605 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6   4905.0637
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   4905.0682      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   4913.0851      8.0215      8.0170
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0502050 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1080980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7079601 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3971829 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14457.2290119 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208031 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071740 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3917930 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10130E+01  0.21074E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42781E-01  0.12587E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72826E+00  0.22785E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   4929.4927     24.4290     16.4075
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15378E+01  0.36237E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   4929.7159     24.6522      0.2232
+                do leaf measurements   4929.7170     24.6533      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   4929.7585     24.6948      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0081063 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   4929.7616     24.6979      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   4929.7618     24.6981      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -49643196839021.094 41700523742799.141
+ def in m -7.5817499160766602 0.52784758806228638
+ dimensionless def  -1.50813596589224664E-6 2.16621426173618868E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0149458  0.2156662
+                  Compute divergence   4929.9639     24.9002      0.2021
+                        wsmp_cleanup   4930.0050     24.9413      0.0412
+              Reset surface geometry   4930.0102     24.9465      0.0052
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    4930.0184     24.9547      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   4930.0335     24.9698      0.0151
+                   Advect surface  1   4930.0337     24.9700      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2   4930.2293     25.1657      0.1957
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3   4930.4256     25.3619      0.1963
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields   4930.6811     25.6174      0.2555
+                    Advect the cloud   4930.8048     25.7411      0.1237
+                        Write output   4931.4720     26.4083      0.6672
+                    End of time step   4932.2849     27.2212      0.8129
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      30   4932.2850
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   4932.2851      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   4932.2851      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                      refine surface   4932.2852      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   4932.3080      0.0229      0.0228
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                          surface 02   4932.3286      0.0435      0.0206
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                      refine surface   4932.3287      0.0437      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   4932.3518      0.0667      0.0231
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                          surface 03   4932.3718      0.0867      0.0200
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+                      refine surface   4932.3719      0.0868      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   4932.3955      0.1105      0.0237
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   4932.4201
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   4932.4204      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   4932.4360      0.0159      0.0156
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   4932.4599      0.0398      0.0239
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   4932.4606      0.0405      0.0007
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   4932.4747      0.0545      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon   4932.5969      0.1767      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve   4932.7803      0.3601      0.1834
+                embedding surface  1   4932.7804      0.3603      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2   4934.7184      2.2983      1.9380
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3   4936.8319      4.4118      2.1135
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability   4940.3608      7.9406      3.5289
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   4940.3652      7.9451      0.0044
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   4940.7145      8.2943      0.3493
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   4940.8526      8.4325      0.1381
+                           Find void   4941.1253      8.7051      0.2726
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions   4941.1543      8.7341      0.0290
+                         wsmp setup1   4941.1615      8.7414      0.0073
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2   4942.1739      9.7538      1.0124
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   4942.2196
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   4942.2197      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38941E-05  4.60693E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   4950.1873      7.9677      7.9675
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0503368 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1077662 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7049069 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3995650 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14454.2080459 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209750 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072060 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3911819 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10225E+01  0.18611E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.99908E-01  0.10499E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76323E+00  0.28464E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   4966.5948     24.3753     16.4076
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35082E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   4966.8176     24.5980      0.2228
+                do leaf measurements   4966.8187     24.5991      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   4966.8609     24.6413      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5883848 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2   4966.8657
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   4966.8701      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79765E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   4974.8095      7.9438      7.9394
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0515451 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1332779 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7121010 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3975151 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14456.8077365 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215611 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071671 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4235809 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.13904E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47586E-01  0.10359E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76780E+00  0.22583E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   4991.2493     24.3837     16.4398
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12368E+01  0.17994E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   4991.4740     24.6084      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements   4991.4752     24.6095      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   4991.5172     24.6515      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0714707 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3   4991.5220
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   4991.5266      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   4999.5097      7.9876      7.9831
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0503500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1173460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7064810 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3937819 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14461.5444911 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1204100 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072219 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3960042 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.15701E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37691E-01  0.11952E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74723E+00  0.23183E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   5015.9223     24.4002     16.4126
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13750E+01  0.31440E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   5016.1444     24.6224      0.2222
+                do leaf measurements   5016.1456     24.6235      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   5016.1881     24.6660      0.0425
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360798 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4   5016.1930
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   5016.1976      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   5024.1336      7.9407      7.9361
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0522039 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1042461 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7071309 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4742749 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14360.0955780 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208110 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071931 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4662640 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10143E+01  0.17775E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37642E-01  0.12377E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73790E+00  0.22917E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   5040.6156     24.4226     16.4819
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14735E+01  0.35690E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   5040.8397     24.6467      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements   5040.8408     24.6479      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   5040.8828     24.6898      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158925 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5   5040.8876
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   5040.8921      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   5048.8667      7.9791      7.9745
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0507009 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1075940 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7065320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3785319 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14480.9264365 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206090 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071979 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3715909 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10137E+01  0.19545E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40345E-01  0.12605E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73307E+00  0.22818E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   5065.2540     24.3664     16.3873
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15170E+01  0.36573E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   5065.4769     24.5892      0.2228
+                do leaf measurements   5065.4780     24.5903      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   5065.5199     24.6323      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107743 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6   5065.5248
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   5065.5293      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   5073.5514      8.0266      8.0221
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0465410 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1096621 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7064009 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3901520 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14466.1532348 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1205211 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071099 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3808041 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10131E+01  0.21095E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42887E-01  0.12592E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72849E+00  0.22780E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   5089.9484     24.4236     16.3970
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15385E+01  0.36304E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   5090.1720     24.6472      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements   5090.1731     24.6483      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   5090.2151     24.6903      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0081040 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   5090.2182     24.6934      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   5090.2183     24.6935      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -50690550074370.078 42999223006706.07
+ def in m -7.6015768051147461 0.53281581401824951
+ dimensionless def  -1.5223308971949986E-6 2.17187908717564181E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0150615  0.2161800
+                  Compute divergence   5090.4199     24.8951      0.2016
+                        wsmp_cleanup   5090.4601     24.9353      0.0402
+              Reset surface geometry   5090.4651     24.9403      0.0049
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    5090.4731     24.9483      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   5090.4890     24.9642      0.0159
+                   Advect surface  1   5090.4892     24.9644      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2   5090.6861     25.1613      0.1970
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3   5090.8759     25.3511      0.1898
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields   5091.1278     25.6030      0.2519
+                    Advect the cloud   5091.2505     25.7257      0.1226
+                        Write output   5091.9244     26.3997      0.6740
+                    End of time step   5092.7489     27.2241      0.8245
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      31   5092.7491
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   5092.7491      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   5092.7492      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                      refine surface   5092.7492      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   5092.7720      0.0230      0.0228
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                          surface 02   5092.7927      0.0436      0.0207
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                      refine surface   5092.7928      0.0438      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   5092.8159      0.0669      0.0231
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                          surface 03   5092.8361      0.0870      0.0202
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+                      refine surface   5092.8362      0.0872      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   5092.8598      0.1107      0.0235
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   5092.8849
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   5092.8851      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   5092.9008      0.0159      0.0156
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   5092.9246      0.0397      0.0238
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   5092.9253      0.0404      0.0007
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   5092.9393      0.0544      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon   5093.0615      0.1766      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve   5093.2458      0.3609      0.1842
+                embedding surface  1   5093.2459      0.3610      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2   5095.2063      2.3214      1.9603
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3   5097.3128      4.4279      2.1066
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability   5100.8428      7.9579      3.5300
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   5100.8506      7.9657      0.0078
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   5101.2038      8.3189      0.3532
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   5101.3268      8.4419      0.1230
+                           Find void   5101.6015      8.7167      0.2748
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions   5101.6306      8.7457      0.0290
+                         wsmp setup1   5101.6378      8.7529      0.0072
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2   5102.6449      9.7600      1.0071
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   5102.6923
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   5102.6925      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38941E-05  4.87670E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   5110.6636      7.9713      7.9712
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0523708 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1106839 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7058909 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4021881 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14450.8828454 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1202939 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072439 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3990779 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10222E+01  0.18627E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.10001E+00  0.10431E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76339E+00  0.28153E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   5127.0785     24.3862     16.4149
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35091E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   5127.3028     24.6105      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements   5127.3038     24.6115      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   5127.3446     24.6523      0.0408
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5889767 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2   5127.3494
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   5127.3538      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79695E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   5135.2927      7.9433      7.9389
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0504920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1309781 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7115111 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4070048 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14444.7807539 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214318 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072629 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4290650 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.13916E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47579E-01  0.10357E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76809E+00  0.22546E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   5151.7377     24.3883     16.4450
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12377E+01  0.17991E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   5151.9637     24.6144      0.2261
+                do leaf measurements   5151.9648     24.6154      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   5152.0056     24.6562      0.0408
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0717060 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3   5152.0103
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   5152.0147      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   5159.9928      7.9825      7.9781
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0490611 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1135850 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7066531 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3866770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14470.5679706 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206439 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073411 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3843598 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.15711E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37980E-01  0.11966E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74733E+00  0.23183E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   5176.3936     24.3833     16.4008
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13760E+01  0.31498E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   5176.6162     24.6059      0.2226
+                do leaf measurements   5176.6173     24.6071      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   5176.6585     24.6482      0.0411
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361136 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4   5176.6633
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   5176.6678      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   5184.6032      7.9399      7.9354
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0474930 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0918028 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7063200 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4692481 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14366.3894149 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1205380 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071452 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4429171 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10145E+01  0.17786E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37815E-01  0.12397E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73801E+00  0.22925E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   5201.0623     24.3990     16.4591
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14744E+01  0.35748E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   5201.2852     24.6220      0.2229
+                do leaf measurements   5201.2863     24.6231      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   5201.3271     24.6638      0.0408
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158748 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5   5201.3318
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   5201.3363      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   5209.3084      7.9766      7.9722
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0469241 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1124139 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7033651 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3727610 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14488.2745460 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1204879 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072391 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3636031 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10138E+01  0.19553E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40320E-01  0.12619E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73318E+00  0.22830E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   5225.6885     24.3566     16.3800
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15178E+01  0.36625E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   5225.9141     24.5822      0.2256
+                do leaf measurements   5225.9151     24.5833      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   5225.9559     24.6241      0.0408
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107531 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6   5225.9607
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   5225.9651      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   5233.9895      8.0288      8.0244
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0503821 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1085238 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7046659 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4032412 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14449.5482994 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208229 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072730 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3952899 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10132E+01  0.21102E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42862E-01  0.12606E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72857E+00  0.22787E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   5250.4008     24.4401     16.4113
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15393E+01  0.36347E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   5250.6234     24.6627      0.2226
+                do leaf measurements   5250.6245     24.6638      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   5250.6652     24.7046      0.0408
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0081036 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   5250.6683     24.7076      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   5250.6685     24.7078      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -51718353344204.141 44284280979460.984
+ def in m -7.6183271408081055 0.53543323278427124
+ dimensionless def  -1.5298092365264892E-6 2.17666489737374453E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0151084  0.2166052
+                  Compute divergence   5250.8746     24.9140      0.2062
+                        wsmp_cleanup   5250.9148     24.9541      0.0401
+              Reset surface geometry   5250.9191     24.9584      0.0043
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    5250.9276     24.9669      0.0085
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   5250.9438     24.9831      0.0162
+                   Advect surface  1   5250.9439     24.9833      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2   5251.1368     25.1762      0.1929
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3   5251.3284     25.3677      0.1915
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields   5251.5793     25.6187      0.2510
+                    Advect the cloud   5251.7048     25.7441      0.1255
+                        Write output   5252.3834     26.4227      0.6786
+                    End of time step   5253.2037     27.2430      0.8203
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      32   5253.2038
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   5253.2039      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   5253.2039      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                      refine surface   5253.2039      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   5253.2269      0.0231      0.0229
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                          surface 02   5253.2474      0.0436      0.0205
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                      refine surface   5253.2475      0.0437      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   5253.2708      0.0670      0.0233
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                          surface 03   5253.2909      0.0871      0.0201
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+                      refine surface   5253.2910      0.0872      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   5253.3144      0.1106      0.0234
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   5253.3389
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   5253.3391      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   5253.3548      0.0159      0.0156
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   5253.3785      0.0396      0.0238
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   5253.3792      0.0404      0.0007
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   5253.3933      0.0544      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon   5253.5154      0.1766      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve   5253.6963      0.3574      0.1809
+                embedding surface  1   5253.6965      0.3576      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2   5255.6669      2.3280      1.9704
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3   5257.7674      4.4286      2.1005
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability   5261.3098      7.9710      3.5424
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   5261.3148      7.9759      0.0049
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   5261.6727      8.3338      0.3579
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   5261.8100      8.4711      0.1373
+                           Find void   5262.0755      8.7366      0.2655
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions   5262.1039      8.7651      0.0284
+                         wsmp setup1   5262.1107      8.7719      0.0068
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2   5263.1277      9.7888      1.0169
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   5263.1755
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   5263.1756      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38942E-05  4.80263E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   5271.1456      7.9702      7.9700
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0558982 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1103179 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7201948 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4066410 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14445.2414853 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1204700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073011 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4212308 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10222E+01  0.18591E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.10004E+00  0.10508E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76347E+00  0.27883E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   5287.5829     24.4075     16.4373
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35179E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   5287.8051     24.6296      0.2222
+                do leaf measurements   5287.8061     24.6307      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   5287.8479     24.6724      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5897075 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2   5287.8527
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   5287.8572      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.78949E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   5295.7975      7.9448      7.9403
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0516670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1275141 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7106299 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4048090 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14447.5618927 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211889 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072520 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4234571 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.13896E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47764E-01  0.10325E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76811E+00  0.22583E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   5312.2372     24.3845     16.4398
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12372E+01  0.20281E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   5312.4623     24.6096      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements   5312.4634     24.6107      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   5312.5050     24.6523      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0723040 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3   5312.5099
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   5312.5144      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   5320.4874      7.9775      7.9730
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0477400 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1112499 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7069881 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3783031 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14481.2177296 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207769 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073330 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3727992 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.15710E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37482E-01  0.11935E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74702E+00  0.23187E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   5336.8762     24.3663     16.3888
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13760E+01  0.31445E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   5337.0990     24.5892      0.2229
+                do leaf measurements   5337.1001     24.5903      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   5337.1422     24.6323      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360496 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4   5337.1471
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   5337.1517      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   5345.0891      7.9420      7.9373
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0518701 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1027150 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7031529 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4586000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14379.7395178 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1205518 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072830 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4445751 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10144E+01  0.17794E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37495E-01  0.12367E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73772E+00  0.22930E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   5361.5501     24.4030     16.4610
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14746E+01  0.35691E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   5361.7732     24.6261      0.2232
+                do leaf measurements   5361.7743     24.6272      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   5361.8160     24.6689      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159123 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5   5361.8208
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   5361.8253      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   5369.7922      7.9714      7.9669
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0509160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1071160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7048490 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3744969 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14486.0634093 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211691 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072839 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3662300 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10138E+01  0.19565E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40465E-01  0.12595E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73292E+00  0.22840E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   5386.1742     24.3534     16.3820
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15178E+01  0.36560E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   5386.4009     24.5800      0.2266
+                do leaf measurements   5386.4019     24.5811      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   5386.4435     24.6227      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107772 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6   5386.4484
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   5386.4529      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   5394.4777      8.0293      8.0248
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0519159 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1127119 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7043459 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3843529 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14473.5221227 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207101 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072820 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3817410 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10132E+01  0.21117E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42986E-01  0.12584E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72834E+00  0.22787E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   5410.8755     24.4272     16.3978
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15392E+01  0.36286E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   5411.0991     24.6508      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements   5411.1002     24.6518      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion   5411.1417     24.6934      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0081075 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   5411.1448     24.6964      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   5411.1450     24.6966      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -52762249370036.945 45597393914702.984
+ def in m -7.6342029571533203 0.53620308637619019
+ dimensionless def  -1.53200881821768611E-6 2.18120084490094878E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0151028  0.2170068
+                  Compute divergence   5411.3481     24.8997      0.2031
+                        wsmp_cleanup   5411.3905     24.9422      0.0425
+              Reset surface geometry   5411.3955     24.9471      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    5411.4037     24.9553      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   5411.4180     24.9697      0.0144
+                   Advect surface  1   5411.4182     24.9698      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2   5411.6133     25.1649      0.1951
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3   5411.8096     25.3613      0.1963
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields   5412.0566     25.6083      0.2470
+                    Advect the cloud   5412.1845     25.7361      0.1278
+                        Write output   5412.8605     26.4121      0.6760
+                    End of time step   5413.6804     27.2320      0.8199
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      33   5413.6805
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   5413.6806      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   5413.6806      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                      refine surface   5413.6807      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   5413.7035      0.0230      0.0228
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                          surface 02   5413.7240      0.0435      0.0205
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                      refine surface   5413.7241      0.0436      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   5413.7473      0.0668      0.0232
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                          surface 03   5413.7675      0.0870      0.0202
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+                      refine surface   5413.7677      0.0872      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   5413.7913      0.1107      0.0236
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   5413.8159
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   5413.8161      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   5413.8318      0.0159      0.0157
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   5413.8600      0.0441      0.0282
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   5413.8607      0.0448      0.0007
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   5413.8747      0.0589      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon   5413.9969      0.1810      0.1221
+             Imbed surface in osolve   5414.1778      0.3620      0.1809
+                embedding surface  1   5414.1780      0.3621      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2   5416.1530      2.3371      1.9750
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3   5418.2434      4.4275      2.0904
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability   5421.7828      7.9669      3.5394
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   5421.7906      7.9747      0.0078
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   5422.1164      8.3005      0.3258
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   5422.2809      8.4650      0.1645
+                           Find void   5422.5537      8.7379      0.2729
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions   5422.5826      8.7667      0.0288
+                         wsmp setup1   5422.5897      8.7739      0.0072
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2   5423.5977      9.7818      1.0080
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   5423.6453
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   5423.6455      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38942E-05  4.74126E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   5431.6292      7.9839      7.9837
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0528212 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1178548 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7078271 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4043529 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14448.1396947 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206229 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072479 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4111099 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10221E+01  0.18680E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.99894E-01  0.10456E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76342E+00  0.28430E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   5448.0568     24.4115     16.4276
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35105E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   5448.2790     24.6338      0.2222
+                do leaf measurements   5448.2801     24.6348      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion   5448.3222     24.6770      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5885836 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2   5448.3270
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   5448.3314      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79401E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   5456.2832      7.9562      7.9518
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0510740 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1254911 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7155471 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4089830 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14442.2762299 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214578 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072341 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4301598 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.13964E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47702E-01  0.10376E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76814E+00  0.22563E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   5472.7294     24.4023     16.4462
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12380E+01  0.18315E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   5472.9550     24.6280      0.2256
+                do leaf measurements   5472.9560     24.6290      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   5472.9982     24.6712      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0715276 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3   5473.0030
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   5473.0075      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   5480.9896      7.9866      7.9821
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0469592 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1192260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7071078 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3733840 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14487.4809372 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207089 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072980 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3750730 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.15744E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37567E-01  0.11962E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74761E+00  0.23167E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   5497.3807     24.3776     16.3911
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13768E+01  0.31567E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   5497.6049     24.6019      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements   5497.6060     24.6029      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   5497.6484     24.6453      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360746 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4   5497.6532
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   5497.6577      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   5505.5949      7.9416      7.9371
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0492702 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1069510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7038660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4486790 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14392.2005589 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207011 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072820 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4371490 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10144E+01  0.17806E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37567E-01  0.12379E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73822E+00  0.22911E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   5522.0483     24.3950     16.4534
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14752E+01  0.35810E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   5522.2719     24.6186      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements   5522.2729     24.6197      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion   5522.3151     24.6618      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158892 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5   5522.3199
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   5522.3243      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   5530.2860      7.9661      7.9617
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0483592 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1085060 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7124829 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3735750 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14487.2376784 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072300 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3721471 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10137E+01  0.19571E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40583E-01  0.12609E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73336E+00  0.22833E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   5546.6744     24.3545     16.3884
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15187E+01  0.36691E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   5546.9002     24.5803      0.2258
+                do leaf measurements   5546.9012     24.5813      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion   5546.9433     24.6235      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107688 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6   5546.9481
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   5546.9526      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   5554.9727      8.0246      8.0202
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0484810 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1105430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7061191 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3830421 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14475.1888352 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209099 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072379 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3767040 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10131E+01  0.21121E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43057E-01  0.12597E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72873E+00  0.22778E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   5571.3656     24.4175     16.3929
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15402E+01  0.36415E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   5571.5885     24.6403      0.2229
+                do leaf measurements   5571.5895     24.6414      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   5571.6316     24.6835      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0081103 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   5571.6347     24.6865      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   5571.6348     24.6867      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -53855036894445.469 47126178443424.547
+ def in m -7.6499629020690918 0.53781527280807495
+ dimensionless def  -1.5366150651659284E-6 2.18570368630545478E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0151246  0.2174111
+                  Compute divergence   5571.8409     24.8927      0.2060
+                        wsmp_cleanup   5571.8770     24.9289      0.0362
+              Reset surface geometry   5571.8821     24.9339      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    5571.8902     24.9420      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   5571.9080     24.9599      0.0179
+                   Advect surface  1   5571.9082     24.9600      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2   5572.1003     25.1522      0.1921
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3   5572.2976     25.3494      0.1973
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields   5572.5484     25.6002      0.2508
+                    Advect the cloud   5572.6718     25.7237      0.1235
+                        Write output   5573.3477     26.3996      0.6759
+                    End of time step   5574.1649     27.2167      0.8172
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      34   5574.1650
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   5574.1651      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   5574.1651      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                      refine surface   5574.1651      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   5574.1879      0.0229      0.0228
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                          surface 02   5574.2085      0.0435      0.0206
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                      refine surface   5574.2086      0.0436      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   5574.2317      0.0668      0.0231
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                          surface 03   5574.2520      0.0870      0.0202
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+                      refine surface   5574.2521      0.0871      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   5574.2758      0.1108      0.0237
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   5574.3006
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   5574.3009      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   5574.3165      0.0159      0.0156
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   5574.3403      0.0397      0.0238
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   5574.3410      0.0404      0.0007
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   5574.3550      0.0544      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon   5574.4772      0.1766      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve   5574.6614      0.3608      0.1842
+                embedding surface  1   5574.6616      0.3610      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2   5576.6360      2.3354      1.9744
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3   5578.7278      4.4272      2.0918
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability   5582.2831      7.9825      3.5553
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   5582.2909      7.9903      0.0078
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   5582.6056      8.3050      0.3148
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   5582.7107      8.4101      0.1051
+                           Find void   5582.9826      8.6820      0.2719
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions   5583.0116      8.7110      0.0290
+                         wsmp setup1   5583.0190      8.7184      0.0074
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2   5584.0319      9.7313      1.0130
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   5584.0776
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   5584.0778      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38942E-05  4.72748E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   5592.0647      7.9870      7.9869
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0505731 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1133840 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7078409 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4019620 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14451.1693049 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210630 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072200 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4023960 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10220E+01  0.18661E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.99629E-01  0.10521E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76353E+00  0.28127E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   5608.4828     24.4052     16.4182
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35109E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   5608.7067     24.6291      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements   5608.7078     24.6302      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   5608.7490     24.6713      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5887733 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2   5608.7538
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   5608.7581      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79275E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   5616.6959      7.9421      7.9377
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0484059 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1341801 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7158499 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4153011 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14434.2827802 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072310 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4427660 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.13948E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48006E-01  0.10327E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76807E+00  0.22633E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   5633.1548     24.4011     16.4590
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12372E+01  0.20094E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   5633.3806     24.6269      0.2258
+                do leaf measurements   5633.3817     24.6279      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   5633.4229     24.6691      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0715485 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3   5633.4278
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   5633.4322      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   5641.4152      7.9874      7.9829
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0486639 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1069431 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7071059 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3806081 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14478.2847006 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208179 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072000 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3716941 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10151E+01  0.15735E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37586E-01  0.11927E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74758E+00  0.23195E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   5657.8038     24.3760     16.3886
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13760E+01  0.31496E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   5658.0268     24.5990      0.2230
+                do leaf measurements   5658.0279     24.6001      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   5658.0693     24.6416      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361175 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4   5658.0743
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   5658.0788      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   5666.0205      7.9462      7.9417
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0500269 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1165371 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7110231 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4481502 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14392.8653627 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209269 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072150 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4542260 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10142E+01  0.17799E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37550E-01  0.12362E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73820E+00  0.22927E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   5682.4910     24.4168     16.4705
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14746E+01  0.35736E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   5682.7146     24.6404      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements   5682.7157     24.6414      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   5682.7568     24.6825      0.0411
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158665 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5   5682.7617
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   5682.7662      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   5690.7261      7.9644      7.9599
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0508888 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1028111 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7130039 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3692210 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14492.7857661 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212900 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072041 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3647690 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10135E+01  0.19566E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40438E-01  0.12594E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73331E+00  0.22829E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   5707.1067     24.3450     16.3806
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15184E+01  0.36640E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   5707.3331     24.5714      0.2264
+                do leaf measurements   5707.3342     24.5725      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   5707.3753     24.6136      0.0411
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107635 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6   5707.3802
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   5707.3846      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   5715.4059      8.0258      8.0213
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0492210 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1096439 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7087309 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3860331 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14471.3863936 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1205719 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071909 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3817441 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10130E+01  0.21115E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42959E-01  0.12580E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72869E+00  0.22781E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   5731.8034     24.4233     16.3975
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15399E+01  0.36375E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   5732.0274     24.6472      0.2240
+                do leaf measurements   5732.0286     24.6484      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion   5732.0697     24.6895      0.0411
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0081067 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   5732.0728     24.6927      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   5732.0730     24.6928      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -54938036736965.633 48644313110998.664
+ def in m -7.6640849113464355 0.54050964117050171
+ dimensionless def  -1.54431326048714772E-6 2.18973854609898147E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0151762  0.2177638
+                  Compute divergence   5732.2723     24.8922      0.1993
+                        wsmp_cleanup   5732.3153     24.9351      0.0430
+              Reset surface geometry   5732.3202     24.9401      0.0049
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    5732.3284     24.9482      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   5732.3426     24.9624      0.0142
+                   Advect surface  1   5732.3427     24.9626      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2   5732.5335     25.1533      0.1908
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3   5732.7297     25.3495      0.1962
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields   5732.9836     25.6034      0.2539
+                    Advect the cloud   5733.1087     25.7285      0.1251
+                        Write output   5733.7846     26.4044      0.6759
+                    End of time step   5734.5982     27.2180      0.8136
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      35   5734.5983
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   5734.5984      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   5734.5984      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                      refine surface   5734.5985      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   5734.6211      0.0228      0.0227
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                          surface 02   5734.6419      0.0435      0.0207
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                      refine surface   5734.6420      0.0437      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   5734.6652      0.0669      0.0232
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                          surface 03   5734.6852      0.0868      0.0200
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+                      refine surface   5734.6853      0.0870      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   5734.7088      0.1105      0.0235
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   5734.7334
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   5734.7337      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   5734.7495      0.0161      0.0158
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   5734.7732      0.0398      0.0237
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   5734.7739      0.0405      0.0007
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   5734.7881      0.0547      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon   5734.9115      0.1780      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve   5735.0937      0.3603      0.1823
+                embedding surface  1   5735.0939      0.3605      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2   5737.0588      2.3253      1.9649
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3   5739.1664      4.4330      2.1076
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability   5742.6967      7.9633      3.5303
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   5742.7017      7.9683      0.0050
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   5743.0823      8.3488      0.3805
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   5743.1479      8.4145      0.0656
+                           Find void   5743.4199      8.6865      0.2720
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions   5743.4488      8.7154      0.0289
+                         wsmp setup1   5743.4562      8.7227      0.0074
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2   5744.4698      9.7364      1.0136
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   5744.5159
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   5744.5160      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38942E-05  4.83650E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   5752.5072      7.9913      7.9912
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0508962 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1122680 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7050488 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4049890 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14447.3338655 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210890 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072751 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4019432 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10218E+01  0.18536E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.10002E+00  0.10507E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76333E+00  0.27589E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   5768.9254     24.4095     16.4182
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35086E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   5769.1479     24.6320      0.2225
+                do leaf measurements   5769.1490     24.6332      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   5769.1904     24.6745      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5885798 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2   5769.1951
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   5769.1995      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.78592E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   5777.1392      7.9442      7.9397
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0501449 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1273141 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7223248 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4290659 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14416.8985200 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213341 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072441 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4578140 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.13847E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47865E-01  0.10332E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76788E+00  0.22668E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   5793.6132     24.4182     16.4740
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12364E+01  0.17885E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   5793.8388     24.6437      0.2255
+                do leaf measurements   5793.8399     24.6448      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   5793.8813     24.6862      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0713188 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3   5793.8860
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   5793.8905      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   5801.8814      7.9954      7.9909
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0485241 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1115921 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7061472 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3755329 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14484.7442158 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208889 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072701 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3703532 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.15674E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37987E-01  0.11947E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74689E+00  0.23211E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   5818.2680     24.3820     16.3866
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13752E+01  0.31402E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   5818.4916     24.6056      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements   5818.4928     24.6068      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion   5818.5345     24.6485      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360276 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4   5818.5393
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   5818.5439      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   5826.4881      7.9488      7.9442
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0481579 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1178770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7064650 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4479132 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14393.1633155 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208868 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072501 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4489310 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10143E+01  0.17767E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37888E-01  0.12380E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73760E+00  0.22944E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   5842.9534     24.4142     16.4653
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14736E+01  0.35587E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   5843.1768     24.6375      0.2234
+                do leaf measurements   5843.1778     24.6386      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion   5843.2193     24.6801      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158726 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5   5843.2241
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   5843.2286      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   5851.1812      7.9572      7.9527
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0470278 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1116161 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7160130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3739419 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14486.7703165 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215758 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072339 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3777909 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10137E+01  0.19544E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40338E-01  0.12597E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73278E+00  0.22839E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   5867.5756     24.3515     16.3944
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15168E+01  0.36463E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   5867.8010     24.5769      0.2254
+                do leaf measurements   5867.8021     24.5781      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   5867.8434     24.6194      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107552 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6   5867.8482
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   5867.8526      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   5875.8746      8.0264      8.0219
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0479231 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1203029 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7025819 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3913112 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14464.6811447 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072510 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3908229 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10131E+01  0.21099E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42858E-01  0.12592E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72819E+00  0.22791E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   5892.2818     24.4336     16.4072
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15383E+01  0.36196E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   5892.5046     24.6565      0.2229
+                do leaf measurements   5892.5057     24.6576      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   5892.5470     24.6989      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0081030 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   5892.5501     24.7019      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   5892.5502     24.7021      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -56011643769434.375 50151798902406.492
+ def in m -7.6786894798278809 0.54427826404571533
+ dimensionless def  -1.55508075441632941E-6 2.193911279950823E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0152590  0.2181313
+                  Compute divergence   5892.7567     24.9085      0.2064
+                        wsmp_cleanup   5892.7925     24.9444      0.0359
+              Reset surface geometry   5892.7976     24.9495      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    5892.8057     24.9575      0.0080
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   5892.8235     24.9754      0.0179
+                   Advect surface  1   5892.8237     24.9755      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2   5893.0150     25.1668      0.1913
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3   5893.2095     25.3613      0.1945
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields   5893.4626     25.6145      0.2532
+                    Advect the cloud   5893.5873     25.7391      0.1246
+                        Write output   5894.2645     26.4164      0.6772
+                    End of time step   5895.0847     27.2365      0.8202
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      36   5895.0848
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   5895.0849      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   5895.0849      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                      refine surface   5895.0850      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   5895.1081      0.0232      0.0231
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                          surface 02   5895.1285      0.0437      0.0204
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                      refine surface   5895.1286      0.0438      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   5895.1520      0.0671      0.0233
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                          surface 03   5895.1720      0.0872      0.0200
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+                      refine surface   5895.1721      0.0873      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   5895.1956      0.1108      0.0235
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   5895.2202
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   5895.2204      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   5895.2362      0.0160      0.0158
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   5895.2598      0.0396      0.0236
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   5895.2605      0.0403      0.0007
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   5895.2747      0.0545      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon   5895.3981      0.1779      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve   5895.5825      0.3624      0.1845
+                embedding surface  1   5895.5827      0.3625      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2   5897.5391      2.3189      1.9564
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3   5899.6133      4.3931      2.0742
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability   5903.1655      7.9453      3.5522
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   5903.1735      7.9533      0.0080
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   5903.4864      8.2662      0.3130
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   5903.6019      8.3817      0.1155
+                           Find void   5903.8749      8.6548      0.2731
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions   5903.9040      8.6838      0.0291
+                         wsmp setup1   5903.9112      8.6911      0.0072
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2   5904.9206      9.7004      1.0094
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   5904.9668
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   5904.9669      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38943E-05  4.46575E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   5912.9550      7.9883      7.9881
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0540910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1123199 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7063880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3969982 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14457.4634005 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207891 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071299 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3981471 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10215E+01  0.18549E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.99846E-01  0.10543E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76293E+00  0.27623E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   5929.3691     24.4023     16.4140
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35092E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   5929.5916     24.6248      0.2226
+                do leaf measurements   5929.5927     24.6259      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   5929.6338     24.6670      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5889427 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2   5929.6384
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   5929.6427      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.78877E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   5937.5815      7.9431      7.9388
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0521529 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1399899 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7137649 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4195321 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14428.9348285 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211720 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071120 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4541330 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.13834E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47845E-01  0.10343E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76768E+00  0.22656E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   5954.0517     24.4134     16.4703
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12364E+01  0.19138E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   5954.2770     24.6387      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements   5954.2782     24.6398      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   5954.3191     24.6807      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0714756 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3   5954.3239
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   5954.3283      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   5962.3183      7.9945      7.9901
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0467570 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0988212 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7063911 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3782082 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14481.3384983 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1204202 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071349 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3581319 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.15657E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37951E-01  0.11932E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74671E+00  0.23196E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   5978.6929     24.3690     16.3746
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13743E+01  0.31332E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   5978.9163     24.5925      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements   5978.9175     24.5936      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   5978.9589     24.6350      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360159 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4   5978.9637
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   5978.9681      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   5986.9138      7.9501      7.9457
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0480301 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1027379 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7085819 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4416130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14401.0887684 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207149 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071120 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4291961 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10144E+01  0.17753E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37803E-01  0.12365E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73742E+00  0.22941E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   6003.3597     24.3960     16.4459
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14729E+01  0.35575E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   6003.5832     24.6195      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements   6003.5843     24.6206      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   6003.6252     24.6615      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159227 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5   6003.6300
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   6003.6343      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   6011.5861      7.9562      7.9518
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0484700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1077580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7120540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3714931 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14489.8899740 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213279 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071321 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3686390 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10137E+01  0.19527E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40353E-01  0.12591E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73267E+00  0.22834E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   6027.9708     24.3409     16.3847
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15161E+01  0.36447E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   6028.1968     24.5668      0.2260
+                do leaf measurements   6028.1979     24.5679      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   6028.2390     24.6090      0.0411
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107746 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6   6028.2438
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   6028.2482      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   6036.2655      8.0217      8.0173
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0508661 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0989130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7049482 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3856390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14471.8873105 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210551 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071270 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3689721 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10132E+01  0.21082E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42882E-01  0.12585E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72810E+00  0.22784E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   6052.6511     24.4074     16.3856
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15373E+01  0.36161E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   6052.8740     24.6302      0.2229
+                do leaf measurements   6052.8751     24.6313      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   6052.9161     24.6723      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0081123 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   6052.9192     24.6754      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   6052.9193     24.6756      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -57076009002029.781 51649317992772.703
+ def in m -7.6943826675415039 0.5503959059715271
+ dimensionless def  -1.57255973134722032E-6 2.19839504786900092E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0154111  0.2185434
+                  Compute divergence   6053.1177     24.8739      0.1983
+                        wsmp_cleanup   6053.1605     24.9168      0.0429
+              Reset surface geometry   6053.1655     24.9217      0.0049
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    6053.1735     24.9298      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   6053.1877     24.9439      0.0142
+                   Advect surface  1   6053.1879     24.9441      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2   6053.3820     25.1382      0.1941
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3   6053.5791     25.3353      0.1971
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields   6053.8265     25.5827      0.2474
+                    Advect the cloud   6053.9497     25.7060      0.1233
+                        Write output   6054.6317     26.3879      0.6819
+                    End of time step   6055.4580     27.2142      0.8263
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      37   6055.4581
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   6055.4582      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   6055.4582      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                      refine surface   6055.4583      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   6055.4810      0.0229      0.0227
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                          surface 02   6055.5013      0.0432      0.0203
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                      refine surface   6055.5015      0.0433      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   6055.5246      0.0665      0.0232
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                          surface 03   6055.5445      0.0863      0.0198
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+                      refine surface   6055.5446      0.0865      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   6055.5688      0.1107      0.0242
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   6055.5931
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   6055.5934      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   6055.6092      0.0161      0.0158
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   6055.6328      0.0396      0.0236
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   6055.6335      0.0404      0.0007
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   6055.6477      0.0546      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon   6055.7710      0.1779      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve   6055.9528      0.3596      0.1817
+                embedding surface  1   6055.9529      0.3598      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2   6057.9028      2.3097      1.9499
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3   6060.0163      4.4232      2.1135
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability   6063.5623      7.9692      3.5461
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   6063.5704      7.9773      0.0080
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   6063.8973      8.3042      0.3270
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   6063.9922      8.3991      0.0949
+                           Find void   6064.2643      8.6712      0.2720
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions   6064.2931      8.7000      0.0289
+                         wsmp setup1   6064.3004      8.7073      0.0072
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2   6065.3071      9.7139      1.0067
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   6065.3532
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   6065.3534      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38944E-05  4.76589E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   6073.3540      8.0007      8.0006
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0514679 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1067722 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7079489 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3972352 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14457.1627796 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206479 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071180 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3915651 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10215E+01  0.18643E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.99977E-01  0.10556E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76313E+00  0.27951E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   6089.7617     24.4085     16.4077
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35090E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   6089.9854     24.6322      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements   6089.9865     24.6333      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   6090.0283     24.6751      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5886974 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2   6090.0331
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   6090.0375      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79022E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   6097.9761      7.9431      7.9387
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0490370 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1202490 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7123981 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4298699 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14415.8844727 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072460 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4401700 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.13907E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48126E-01  0.10314E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76792E+00  0.22652E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   6114.4322     24.3992     16.4561
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12380E+01  0.18035E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   6114.6577     24.6247      0.2255
+                do leaf measurements   6114.6589     24.6258      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion   6114.7007     24.6676      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0715264 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3   6114.7055
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   6114.7099      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   6122.7068      8.0013      7.9969
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0507271 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0989699 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7076521 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3712959 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14490.1412209 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1204619 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072629 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3567572 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.15696E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37687E-01  0.11923E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74732E+00  0.23200E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   6139.0797     24.3742     16.3729
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13760E+01  0.31522E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   6139.3026     24.5971      0.2229
+                do leaf measurements   6139.3038     24.5983      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion   6139.3459     24.6404      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0359678 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4   6139.3508
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   6139.3553      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   6147.3056      7.9549      7.9503
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0512779 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1018209 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7070291 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4280040 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14418.2381713 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1205270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072570 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4162881 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10145E+01  0.17773E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37577E-01  0.12364E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73793E+00  0.22934E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   6163.7386     24.3879     16.4330
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14741E+01  0.35718E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   6163.9622     24.6114      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements   6163.9634     24.6126      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion   6164.0051     24.6543      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158734 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5   6164.0099
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   6164.0144      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   6171.9627      7.9528      7.9483
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0504122 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1052759 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7119892 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3668251 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14495.8405158 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212358 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072100 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3633161 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10138E+01  0.19546E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40404E-01  0.12595E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73312E+00  0.22831E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   6188.3424     24.3326     16.3798
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15174E+01  0.36604E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   6188.5682     24.5584      0.2258
+                do leaf measurements   6188.5694     24.5595      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   6188.6111     24.6012      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107478 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6   6188.6159
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   6188.6204      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   6196.6301      8.0142      8.0097
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0490680 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1116760 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7058530 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3801060 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14478.9235071 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1204848 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072651 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3748369 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10133E+01  0.21101E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42912E-01  0.12589E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72852E+00  0.22789E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   6213.0209     24.4050     16.3908
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15389E+01  0.36340E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   6213.2434     24.6276      0.2225
+                do leaf measurements   6213.2446     24.6287      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion   6213.2863     24.6705      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0081094 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   6213.2894     24.6735      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   6213.2896     24.6737      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -58126085225213.055 53138637067406.461
+ def in m -7.7070260047912598 0.55376023054122925
+ dimensionless def  -1.58217208726065505E-6 2.20200742994036005E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0154841  0.2188962
+                  Compute divergence   6213.4909     24.8751      0.2014
+                        wsmp_cleanup   6213.5323     24.9165      0.0414
+              Reset surface geometry   6213.5374     24.9216      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    6213.5457     24.9298      0.0083
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   6213.5607     24.9448      0.0150
+                   Advect surface  1   6213.5608     24.9450      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2   6213.7550     25.1391      0.1942
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3   6213.9513     25.3354      0.1963
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields   6214.2035     25.5877      0.2523
+                    Advect the cloud   6214.3304     25.7145      0.1268
+                        Write output   6215.0125     26.3966      0.6821
+                    End of time step   6215.8748     27.2589      0.8623
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      38   6215.8749
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   6215.8750      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   6215.8750      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                      refine surface   6215.8751      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   6215.8978      0.0229      0.0227
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                          surface 02   6215.9182      0.0433      0.0204
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                      refine surface   6215.9184      0.0434      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   6215.9415      0.0666      0.0232
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                          surface 03   6215.9617      0.0867      0.0202
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+                      refine surface   6215.9618      0.0869      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   6215.9855      0.1105      0.0237
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   6216.0101
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   6216.0104      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   6216.0262      0.0161      0.0158
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   6216.0499      0.0398      0.0237
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   6216.0506      0.0405      0.0007
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   6216.0648      0.0547      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon   6216.1890      0.1788      0.1241
+             Imbed surface in osolve   6216.3712      0.3611      0.1823
+                embedding surface  1   6216.3714      0.3612      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2   6218.3295      2.3193      1.9581
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3   6220.4104      4.4002      2.0809
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability   6223.9599      7.9497      3.5495
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   6223.9643      7.9542      0.0044
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   6224.3116      8.3015      0.3474
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   6224.3963      8.3862      0.0847
+                           Find void   6224.6649      8.6548      0.2686
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions   6224.6935      8.6833      0.0285
+                         wsmp setup1   6224.7007      8.6906      0.0073
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2   6225.7070      9.6968      1.0062
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   6225.7537
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   6225.7539      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38944E-05  5.11940E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   6233.7578      8.0041      8.0039
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0502710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1042230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7067060 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3891499 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14467.4260380 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208711 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072620 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3788660 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10213E+01  0.18592E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.99147E-01  0.10496E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76299E+00  0.27898E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   6250.1530     24.3993     16.3952
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35135E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   6250.3758     24.6221      0.2228
+                do leaf measurements   6250.3769     24.6232      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   6250.4183     24.6646      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5884372 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2   6250.4231
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   6250.4275      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79899E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   6258.3660      7.9429      7.9385
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0495431 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1261840 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7139299 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4359651 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14408.2010564 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217890 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072460 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4550531 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.13883E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47710E-01  0.10348E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76781E+00  0.22559E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   6274.8375     24.4144     16.4715
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12367E+01  0.19423E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   6275.0627     24.6395      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements   6275.0638     24.6406      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   6275.1051     24.6820      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0713297 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3   6275.1100
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   6275.1145      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   6283.1156      8.0056      8.0011
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0506022 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1082728 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7092512 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3471799 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14520.9369620 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207712 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073020 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3437700 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.15691E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37692E-01  0.11947E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74713E+00  0.23159E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   6299.4755     24.3655     16.3599
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13751E+01  0.31425E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   6299.6982     24.5882      0.2227
+                do leaf measurements   6299.6994     24.5894      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   6299.7410     24.6310      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360784 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4   6299.7459
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   6299.7505      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   6307.7089      7.9630      7.9584
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0515621 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0991349 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7050750 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4260471 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14420.7075837 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207600 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072911 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4102681 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10145E+01  0.17776E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37601E-01  0.12368E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73780E+00  0.22908E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   6324.1353     24.3894     16.4264
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14738E+01  0.35626E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   6324.3595     24.6136      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements   6324.3606     24.6147      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   6324.4019     24.6560      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158367 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5   6324.4068
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   6324.4113      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   6332.3550      7.9482      7.9437
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0482280 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1028152 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7115920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3750408 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14485.3708407 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214330 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071321 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3666160 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10138E+01  0.19551E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40487E-01  0.12595E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73300E+00  0.22822E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   6348.7377     24.3309     16.3827
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15174E+01  0.36537E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   6348.9648     24.5581      0.2271
+                do leaf measurements   6348.9659     24.5592      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   6349.0074     24.6007      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107660 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6   6349.0123
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   6349.0167      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   6357.0244      8.0122      8.0077
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0471990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0971639 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7082820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3873410 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14469.7241919 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208022 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073099 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3684888 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10132E+01  0.21103E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42974E-01  0.12589E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72841E+00  0.22774E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   6373.4093     24.3970     16.3849
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15387E+01  0.36267E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   6373.6320     24.6197      0.2227
+                do leaf measurements   6373.6330     24.6208      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   6373.6745     24.6622      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0081082 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   6373.6776     24.6653      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   6373.6778     24.6655      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -59165618062763.234 54622428802984.547
+ def in m -7.7176246643066406 0.55411511659622192
+ dimensionless def  -1.5831860474177768E-6 2.20503561837332584E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0154685  0.2191864
+                  Compute divergence   6373.8772     24.8650      0.1995
+                        wsmp_cleanup   6373.9193     24.9071      0.0421
+              Reset surface geometry   6373.9243     24.9120      0.0049
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    6373.9324     24.9202      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   6373.9469     24.9346      0.0145
+                   Advect surface  1   6373.9470     24.9348      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2   6374.1374     25.1252      0.1904
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3   6374.3303     25.3181      0.1929
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields   6374.5765     25.5643      0.2462
+                    Advect the cloud   6374.7030     25.6908      0.1265
+                        Write output   6375.3925     26.3803      0.6895
+                    End of time step   6376.2173     27.2051      0.8248
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      39   6376.2175
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   6376.2175      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   6376.2176      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                      refine surface   6376.2176      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   6376.2404      0.0229      0.0228
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                          surface 02   6376.2611      0.0436      0.0207
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                      refine surface   6376.2612      0.0437      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   6376.2845      0.0670      0.0233
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                          surface 03   6376.3047      0.0873      0.0202
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+                      refine surface   6376.3049      0.0874      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   6376.3286      0.1111      0.0237
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   6376.3533
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   6376.3535      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   6376.3693      0.0161      0.0158
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   6376.3928      0.0395      0.0235
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   6376.3935      0.0403      0.0007
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   6376.4077      0.0544      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon   6376.5311      0.1778      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve   6376.7116      0.3584      0.1806
+                embedding surface  1   6376.7118      0.3585      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2   6378.6709      2.3176      1.9591
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3   6380.7549      4.4016      2.0840
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability   6384.3213      7.9680      3.5664
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   6384.3260      7.9727      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   6384.6573      8.3041      0.3313
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   6384.7728      8.4196      0.1155
+                           Find void   6385.0425      8.6893      0.2697
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions   6385.0709      8.7177      0.0284
+                         wsmp setup1   6385.0781      8.7249      0.0072
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2   6386.0785      9.7252      1.0004
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   6386.1244
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   6386.1246      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38944E-05  5.44521E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   6394.1360      8.0116      8.0114
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0535250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1119320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7021160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3826609 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14475.6736424 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069869 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3785520 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10211E+01  0.18604E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.99590E-01  0.10561E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76301E+00  0.27731E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   6410.5306     24.4063     16.3946
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35091E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   6410.7534     24.6290      0.2228
+                do leaf measurements   6410.7545     24.6302      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   6410.7961     24.6718      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5890862 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2   6410.8009
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   6410.8053      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79050E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   6418.7492      7.9483      7.9439
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0489330 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1262388 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7097342 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4407790 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14402.1385516 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214528 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069520 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4544508 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10164E+01  0.13880E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47942E-01  0.10345E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76782E+00  0.22647E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   6435.2205     24.4196     16.4713
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12370E+01  0.18732E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   6435.4454     24.6445      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements   6435.4466     24.6457      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   6435.4893     24.6883      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0717840 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3   6435.4941
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   6435.4985      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   6443.4994      8.0053      8.0009
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0478802 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1000931 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7074420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3822482 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14476.1985077 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207380 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069571 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3657360 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.15689E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37707E-01  0.11949E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74707E+00  0.23196E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   6459.8808     24.3868     16.3815
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13752E+01  0.31437E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   6460.1049     24.6108      0.2240
+                do leaf measurements   6460.1060     24.6120      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   6460.1480     24.6539      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361303 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4   6460.1528
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   6460.1573      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   6468.1221      7.9693      7.9648
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0494702 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0974290 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7059381 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4247172 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14422.3862320 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210401 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069990 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4059441 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10143E+01  0.17772E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37653E-01  0.12386E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73775E+00  0.22917E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   6484.5447     24.3918     16.4225
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14736E+01  0.35618E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   6484.7679     24.6151      0.2233
+                do leaf measurements   6484.7690     24.6162      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   6484.8106     24.6577      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158898 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5   6484.8153
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   6484.8197      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   6492.7626      7.9472      7.9428
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0494831 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1038761 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7104051 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3788500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14480.5216800 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217501 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071950 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3719261 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10137E+01  0.19549E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40422E-01  0.12612E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73294E+00  0.22840E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   6509.1509     24.3355     16.3883
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15172E+01  0.36530E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   6509.3762     24.5608      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements   6509.3773     24.5620      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   6509.4188     24.6035      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107567 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6   6509.4236
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   6509.4280      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   6517.4353      8.0117      8.0073
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0473189 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1055050 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7038519 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3883131 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14468.4891501 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209309 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069880 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3732738 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10131E+01  0.21103E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42923E-01  0.12602E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72838E+00  0.22788E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   6533.8253     24.4017     16.3900
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15386E+01  0.36264E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   6534.0474     24.6239      0.2221
+                do leaf measurements   6534.0485     24.6250      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   6534.0902     24.6666      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0081105 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   6534.0933     24.6697      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   6534.0934     24.6699      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -60193933342085.734 56097435118784.445
+ def in m -7.7270054817199707 0.55530339479446411
+ dimensionless def  -1.58658112798418327E-6 2.20771585191999152E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0155010  0.2194455
+                  Compute divergence   6534.2923     24.8687      0.1988
+                        wsmp_cleanup   6534.3354     24.9118      0.0431
+              Reset surface geometry   6534.3403     24.9168      0.0049
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    6534.3484     24.9248      0.0080
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   6534.3623     24.9388      0.0140
+                   Advect surface  1   6534.3625     24.9389      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2   6534.5575     25.1339      0.1950
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3   6534.7545     25.3310      0.1970
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields   6535.0072     25.5837      0.2527
+                    Advect the cloud   6535.1338     25.7102      0.1265
+                        Write output   6535.8220     26.3984      0.6882
+                    End of time step   6536.6459     27.2223      0.8239
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      40   6536.6460
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   6536.6461      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   6536.6461      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                      refine surface   6536.6461      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   6536.6690      0.0230      0.0228
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                          surface 02   6536.6896      0.0436      0.0206
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                      refine surface   6536.6897      0.0438      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   6536.7129      0.0669      0.0231
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                          surface 03   6536.7332      0.0872      0.0203
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+                      refine surface   6536.7333      0.0873      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   6536.7569      0.1109      0.0236
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   6536.7816
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   6536.7818      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   6536.7976      0.0160      0.0158
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   6536.8212      0.0396      0.0236
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   6536.8219      0.0403      0.0007
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   6536.8362      0.0545      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon   6536.9595      0.1779      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve   6537.1430      0.3614      0.1835
+                embedding surface  1   6537.1432      0.3616      0.0001
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2   6539.0963      2.3147      1.9531
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3   6541.2046      4.4229      2.1083
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability   6544.7516      7.9700      3.5471
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   6544.7563      7.9747      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   6545.1085      8.3269      0.3521
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   6545.2788      8.4972      0.1704
+                           Find void   6545.5444      8.7627      0.2655
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions   6545.5723      8.7907      0.0280
+                         wsmp setup1   6545.5791      8.7975      0.0068
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2   6546.5869      9.8053      1.0078
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   6546.6330
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   6546.6332      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38944E-05  5.59387E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   6554.6562      8.0232      8.0230
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0510981 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0927811 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7066591 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3964431 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14458.1675191 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207180 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073321 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3754251 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10209E+01  0.18562E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.99711E-01  0.10637E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76271E+00  0.27702E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   6571.0477     24.4147     16.3915
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35081E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   6571.2704     24.6374      0.2227
+                do leaf measurements   6571.2715     24.6385      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   6571.3134     24.6804      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5879603 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2   6571.3181
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   6571.3226      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.78372E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   6579.2676      7.9494      7.9450
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0485229 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1187861 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7077010 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4547119 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14384.6205047 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212950 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073140 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4587438 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10163E+01  0.13841E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48408E-01  0.10339E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76755E+00  0.22787E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   6595.7427     24.4246     16.4752
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12364E+01  0.17944E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   6595.9665     24.6484      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements   6595.9676     24.6494      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   6596.0090     24.6909      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0707339 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3   6596.0138
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   6596.0182      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   6604.0263      8.0125      8.0081
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0471580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1063261 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7047670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3835390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14474.5570278 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207991 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073471 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3703520 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10151E+01  0.15657E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37987E-01  0.11935E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74696E+00  0.23302E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   6620.4136     24.3998     16.3873
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13739E+01  0.31358E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   6620.6350     24.6212      0.2214
+                do leaf measurements   6620.6361     24.6223      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   6620.6778     24.6640      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0359994 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4   6620.6826
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   6620.6871      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   6628.6581      7.9755      7.9709
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0478201 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0967629 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7061789 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4216471 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14426.2629408 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208851 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073380 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4010291 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10141E+01  0.17748E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37840E-01  0.12364E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73759E+00  0.22986E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   6645.0749     24.3923     16.4169
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14724E+01  0.35544E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   6645.2993     24.6168      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements   6645.3004     24.6178      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   6645.3418     24.6592      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159644 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5   6645.3465
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   6645.3509      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   6653.2938      7.9473      7.9428
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0503030 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1058750 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7106540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3851271 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14472.5379785 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214731 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072880 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3811009 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10135E+01  0.19526E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40352E-01  0.12591E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73278E+00  0.22860E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   6669.6917     24.3452     16.3980
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15161E+01  0.36454E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   6669.9182     24.5717      0.2264
+                do leaf measurements   6669.9193     24.5728      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   6669.9606     24.6141      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107486 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6   6669.9653
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   6669.9698      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   6677.9690      8.0037      7.9992
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0497558 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1073751 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7028430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3818269 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14476.7343281 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207321 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073230 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3702581 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10130E+01  0.21081E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42869E-01  0.12586E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72821E+00  0.22802E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   6694.3556     24.3902     16.3866
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15377E+01  0.36201E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   6694.5782     24.6128      0.2226
+                do leaf measurements   6694.5792     24.6139      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   6694.6207     24.6553      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080991 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   6694.6236     24.6583      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   6694.6238     24.6585      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -61215546420720.258 57560619536445.148
+ def in m -7.7388272285461426 0.55995774269104004
+ dimensionless def  -1.59987926483154292E-6 2.21109349387032625E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0156488  0.2197766
+                  Compute divergence   6694.8191     24.8538      0.1953
+                        wsmp_cleanup   6694.8659     24.9005      0.0468
+              Reset surface geometry   6694.8709     24.9056      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    6694.8784     24.9131      0.0075
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   6694.8916     24.9262      0.0132
+                   Advect surface  1   6694.8917     24.9264      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2   6695.0891     25.1238      0.1974
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3   6695.2810     25.3157      0.1919
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields   6695.5323     25.5670      0.2513
+                    Advect the cloud   6695.6612     25.6959      0.1289
+                        Write output   6696.3509     26.3855      0.6897
+                    End of time step   6697.1797     27.2143      0.8288
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      41   6697.1798
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   6697.1799      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   6697.1799      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                      refine surface   6697.1799      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   6697.2028      0.0230      0.0228
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                          surface 02   6697.2234      0.0436      0.0206
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                      refine surface   6697.2235      0.0437      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   6697.2468      0.0670      0.0232
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                          surface 03   6697.2670      0.0872      0.0203
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+                      refine surface   6697.2672      0.0874      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   6697.2908      0.1110      0.0236
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   6697.3154
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   6697.3157      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   6697.3315      0.0161      0.0158
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   6697.3551      0.0397      0.0236
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   6697.3558      0.0404      0.0007
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   6697.3700      0.0546      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon   6697.4934      0.1780      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve   6697.6762      0.3608      0.1828
+                embedding surface  1   6697.6763      0.3609      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2   6699.6382      2.3228      1.9618
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3   6701.7212      4.4058      2.0830
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability   6705.2598      7.9444      3.5386
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   6705.2642      7.9488      0.0044
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   6705.6608      8.3454      0.3966
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   6705.7255      8.4101      0.0647
+                           Find void   6705.9980      8.6826      0.2725
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions   6706.0263      8.7109      0.0283
+                         wsmp setup1   6706.0338      8.7184      0.0075
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2   6707.0298      9.7144      0.9961
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   6707.0757
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   6707.0758      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38945E-05  5.53576E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   6715.1075      8.0318      8.0316
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0523200 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1004860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7059970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3806698 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14478.2061429 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211009 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071850 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3681271 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10209E+01  0.18523E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.99068E-01  0.10583E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76251E+00  0.27454E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   6731.4918     24.4161     16.3843
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35104E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   6731.7151     24.6394      0.2233
+                do leaf measurements   6731.7162     24.6405      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   6731.7573     24.6817      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5891526 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2   6731.7622
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   6731.7666      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79416E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   6739.7123      7.9502      7.9458
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0502839 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1250100 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7130201 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4590039 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14379.2326932 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208079 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071359 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4756360 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10162E+01  0.13808E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47853E-01  0.10337E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76732E+00  0.22634E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   6756.2045     24.4423     16.4921
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12367E+01  0.20442E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   6756.4283     24.6661      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements   6756.4294     24.6672      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   6756.4705     24.7083      0.0411
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0717892 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3   6756.4753
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   6756.4797      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   6764.4881      8.0129      8.0084
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0498850 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0926850 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7053111 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3840361 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14473.9249723 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069950 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3599889 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.15638E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37483E-01  0.11935E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74674E+00  0.23183E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   6780.8644     24.3891     16.3762
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13741E+01  0.31339E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   6781.0881     24.6128      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements   6781.0892     24.6139      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   6781.1306     24.6553      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361019 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4   6781.1355
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   6781.1400      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   6789.1154      7.9799      7.9753
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0493939 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0952439 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7051990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4127798 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14437.4715579 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208110 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072231 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3910298 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10144E+01  0.17734E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37529E-01  0.12365E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73740E+00  0.22922E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   6805.5228     24.3874     16.4075
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14723E+01  0.35507E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   6805.7466     24.6111      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements   6805.7477     24.6122      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   6805.7889     24.6534      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159236 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5   6805.7936
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   6805.7980      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   6813.7443      7.9507      7.9463
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0517390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1228340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7074080 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3863649 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14470.9645957 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1220620 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071471 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3979130 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10138E+01  0.19516E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40482E-01  0.12590E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73262E+00  0.22827E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   6830.1588     24.3652     16.4145
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15155E+01  0.36393E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   6830.3840     24.5904      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements   6830.3851     24.5915      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   6830.4262     24.6326      0.0411
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107810 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6   6830.4310
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   6830.4355      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   6838.4339      8.0029      7.9984
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0486200 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0989602 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7036698 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3822300 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14476.2215529 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208251 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072181 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3619010 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10132E+01  0.21073E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42980E-01  0.12582E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72806E+00  0.22768E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   6854.8125     24.3814     16.3786
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15370E+01  0.36144E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   6855.0346     24.6036      0.2222
+                do leaf measurements   6855.0357     24.6047      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   6855.0771     24.6460      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0081086 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   6855.0802     24.6491      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   6855.0803     24.6493      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -62234651422004.953 59103396289692.742
+ def in m -7.7522096633911133 0.56593024730682373
+ dimensionless def  -1.61694356373378219E-6 2.21491704668317523E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0158375  0.2201576
+                  Compute divergence   6855.2829     24.8518      0.2025
+                        wsmp_cleanup   6855.3231     24.8921      0.0402
+              Reset surface geometry   6855.3279     24.8968      0.0048
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    6855.3360     24.9050      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   6855.3520     24.9209      0.0160
+                   Advect surface  1   6855.3521     24.9211      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2   6855.5387     25.1076      0.1866
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3   6855.7375     25.3064      0.1988
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields   6855.9909     25.5599      0.2535
+                    Advect the cloud   6856.1198     25.6888      0.1289
+                        Write output   6856.8062     26.3751      0.6864
+                    End of time step   6857.6361     27.2050      0.8299
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      42   6857.6362
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   6857.6363      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   6857.6363      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                      refine surface   6857.6364      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   6857.6591      0.0229      0.0228
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                          surface 02   6857.6796      0.0434      0.0205
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                      refine surface   6857.6798      0.0436      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   6857.7029      0.0666      0.0231
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                          surface 03   6857.7231      0.0869      0.0202
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+                      refine surface   6857.7232      0.0870      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   6857.7468      0.1106      0.0236
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   6857.7715
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   6857.7717      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   6857.7875      0.0161      0.0158
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   6857.8112      0.0397      0.0236
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   6857.8119      0.0404      0.0007
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   6857.8261      0.0546      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon   6857.9495      0.1780      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve   6858.1307      0.3592      0.1812
+                embedding surface  1   6858.1308      0.3593      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2   6860.0849      2.3134      1.9541
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3   6862.1788      4.4073      2.0939
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability   6865.6920      7.9205      3.5132
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   6865.6995      7.9280      0.0075
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   6866.0283      8.2568      0.3288
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   6866.1941      8.4226      0.1657
+                           Find void   6866.4678      8.6963      0.2737
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions   6866.4960      8.7246      0.0283
+                         wsmp setup1   6866.5030      8.7315      0.0070
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2   6867.5060      9.7345      1.0030
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   6867.5521
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   6867.5523      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38945E-05  5.28882E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   6875.5725      8.0203      8.0201
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0480242 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1061752 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7053878 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3821080 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14476.3768069 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210899 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072501 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3705430 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10209E+01  0.18522E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.99737E-01  0.10640E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76234E+00  0.27404E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   6891.9600     24.4079     16.3875
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35100E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   6892.1824     24.6303      0.2224
+                do leaf measurements   6892.1835     24.6314      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   6892.2252     24.6731      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5885844 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2   6892.2300
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   6892.2345      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.78387E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   6900.1768      7.9468      7.9424
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0514059 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1154270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7084110 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4642038 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14372.7105914 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207201 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072629 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4677889 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10162E+01  0.13787E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48178E-01  0.10334E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76730E+00  0.22735E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   6916.6611     24.4310     16.4842
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12367E+01  0.17995E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   6916.8844     24.6543      0.2233
+                do leaf measurements   6916.8855     24.6555      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   6916.9271     24.6971      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0711575 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3   6916.9320
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   6916.9365      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   6924.9364      8.0044      7.9999
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0485799 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1013620 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7049479 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3759699 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14484.1877673 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211259 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072889 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3596621 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.15614E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38006E-01  0.11919E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74668E+00  0.23226E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   6941.3124     24.3804     16.3760
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13733E+01  0.31284E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   6941.5347     24.6027      0.2223
+                do leaf measurements   6941.5358     24.6039      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   6941.5778     24.6459      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360625 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4   6941.5828
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   6941.5874      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   6949.5612      7.9784      7.9738
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0511529 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1008749 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7034061 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3969791 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14457.4875958 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213112 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072699 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3813689 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10142E+01  0.17717E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37823E-01  0.12358E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73732E+00  0.22945E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   6965.9590     24.3762     16.3978
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14719E+01  0.35505E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   6966.1815     24.5988      0.2225
+                do leaf measurements   6966.1827     24.5999      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   6966.2243     24.6416      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159989 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5   6966.2292
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   6966.2336      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   6974.1702      7.9410      7.9366
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0484259 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1211431 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7111778 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3816040 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14477.0178710 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213911 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072980 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3914080 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10135E+01  0.19496E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40336E-01  0.12582E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73260E+00  0.22841E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   6990.5775     24.3484     16.4074
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15151E+01  0.36380E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   6990.8031     24.5739      0.2255
+                do leaf measurements   6990.8042     24.5750      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   6990.8457     24.6165      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107614 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6   6990.8505
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   6990.8550      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   6998.8456      7.9951      7.9906
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0472109 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0952399 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7055800 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3799329 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14479.1437354 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207969 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073090 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3564441 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10131E+01  0.21054E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42844E-01  0.12582E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72803E+00  0.22787E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   7015.2183     24.3678     16.3727
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15365E+01  0.36128E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   7015.4408     24.5903      0.2225
+                do leaf measurements   7015.4420     24.5914      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   7015.4838     24.6333      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0081066 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   7015.4869     24.6364      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   7015.4871     24.6366      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -63229500481243.219 60720477564493.82
+ def in m -7.758948802947998 0.56607747077941895
+ dimensionless def  -1.61736420222691136E-6 2.2168425151279994E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0158540  0.2203418
+                  Compute divergence   7015.6798     24.8293      0.1928
+                        wsmp_cleanup   7015.7286     24.8781      0.0487
+              Reset surface geometry   7015.7337     24.8832      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    7015.7409     24.8904      0.0072
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   7015.7542     24.9036      0.0133
+                   Advect surface  1   7015.7543     24.9038      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2   7015.9433     25.0928      0.1890
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3   7016.1382     25.2877      0.1949
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields   7016.3907     25.5402      0.2525
+                    Advect the cloud   7016.5192     25.6687      0.1285
+                        Write output   7017.2193     26.3688      0.7001
+                    End of time step   7018.0443     27.1938      0.8250
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      43   7018.0444
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   7018.0445      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   7018.0445      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                      refine surface   7018.0446      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   7018.0675      0.0231      0.0229
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                          surface 02   7018.0881      0.0437      0.0206
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                      refine surface   7018.0883      0.0438      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   7018.1115      0.0671      0.0233
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                          surface 03   7018.1318      0.0873      0.0202
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+                      refine surface   7018.1319      0.0874      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   7018.1554      0.1110      0.0235
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   7018.1803
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   7018.1805      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   7018.1963      0.0160      0.0158
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   7018.2202      0.0399      0.0238
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   7018.2209      0.0406      0.0007
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   7018.2350      0.0547      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon   7018.3584      0.1781      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve   7018.5397      0.3594      0.1812
+                embedding surface  1   7018.5398      0.3595      0.0001
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2   7020.5008      2.3205      1.9610
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3   7022.5816      4.4013      2.0807
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability   7026.1012      7.9209      3.5197
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   7026.1057      7.9254      0.0045
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   7026.4577      8.2774      0.3520
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   7026.5996      8.4193      0.1419
+                           Find void   7026.8706      8.6903      0.2710
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions   7026.8988      8.7186      0.0282
+                         wsmp setup1   7026.9059      8.7256      0.0071
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2   7027.9100      9.7297      1.0040
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   7027.9566
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   7027.9568      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38946E-05  5.17607E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   7035.9737      8.0171      8.0169
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0495780 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0989978 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7022440 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3815589 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14477.0751875 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208489 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0074818 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3610871 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10208E+01  0.18543E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.99359E-01  0.10585E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76243E+00  0.27773E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   7052.3517     24.3950     16.3780
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35107E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   7052.5742     24.6176      0.2225
+                do leaf measurements   7052.5753     24.6186      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   7052.6170     24.6604      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5884552 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2   7052.6217
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   7052.6262      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.78822E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   7060.5678      7.9461      7.9416
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0509398 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1239052 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7048459 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4643738 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14372.4974745 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0074902 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4728789 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10161E+01  0.13816E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47990E-01  0.10325E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76749E+00  0.22650E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   7077.0572     24.4355     16.4894
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12374E+01  0.18711E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   7077.2809     24.6592      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements   7077.2820     24.6602      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   7077.3236     24.7019      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0715724 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3   7077.3284
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   7077.3330      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   7085.3421      8.0137      8.0091
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0503490 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0905061 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7056170 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3791649 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14480.1208901 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212780 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0074458 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3547220 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.15638E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37883E-01  0.11942E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74693E+00  0.23181E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   7101.7139     24.3855     16.3718
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13741E+01  0.31381E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   7101.9365     24.6081      0.2226
+                do leaf measurements   7101.9377     24.6093      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   7101.9798     24.6514      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360275 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4   7101.9846
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   7101.9892      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   7109.9709      7.9863      7.9817
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0502272 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0876229 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7057230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3995571 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14454.2180220 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207819 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0074122 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3716772 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10142E+01  0.17732E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37743E-01  0.12376E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73754E+00  0.22913E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   7126.3590     24.3744     16.3881
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14726E+01  0.35575E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   7126.5823     24.5977      0.2233
+                do leaf measurements   7126.5834     24.5988      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   7126.6251     24.6406      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158588 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5   7126.6299
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   7126.6343      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   7134.5700      7.9401      7.9356
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0472331 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1115520 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7073209 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3898330 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14466.5583998 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215231 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0074449 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3852770 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10136E+01  0.19511E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40466E-01  0.12604E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73278E+00  0.22818E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   7150.9713     24.3414     16.4013
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15160E+01  0.36469E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   7151.1973     24.5674      0.2260
+                do leaf measurements   7151.1984     24.5685      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   7151.2401     24.6102      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107566 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6   7151.2448
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   7151.2493      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   7159.2386      7.9938      7.9893
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0491738 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1014020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7039561 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3822451 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14476.2024497 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1205850 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0074658 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3651891 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10130E+01  0.21069E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42940E-01  0.12597E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72821E+00  0.22776E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   7175.6205     24.3757     16.3819
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15375E+01  0.36214E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   7175.8440     24.5992      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements   7175.8451     24.6003      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   7175.8872     24.6424      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0081084 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   7175.8902     24.6454      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   7175.8904     24.6456      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -64225462770659.867 62329249247453.586
+ def in m -7.7688384056091309 0.56989884376525879
+ dimensionless def  -1.62828241075788239E-6 2.21966811588832335E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0159789  0.2206186
+                  Compute divergence   7176.0893     24.8445      0.1989
+                        wsmp_cleanup   7176.1285     24.8837      0.0392
+              Reset surface geometry   7176.1335     24.8887      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    7176.1418     24.8970      0.0083
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   7176.1588     24.9140      0.0171
+                   Advect surface  1   7176.1590     24.9142      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2   7176.3513     25.1065      0.1923
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3   7176.5466     25.3018      0.1952
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields   7176.7983     25.5535      0.2517
+                    Advect the cloud   7176.9262     25.6814      0.1279
+                        Write output   7177.6212     26.3764      0.6951
+                    End of time step   7178.4490     27.2042      0.8278
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      44   7178.4491
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   7178.4492      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   7178.4493      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                      refine surface   7178.4493      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   7178.4722      0.0231      0.0229
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                          surface 02   7178.4931      0.0439      0.0208
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                      refine surface   7178.4932      0.0440      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   7178.5163      0.0671      0.0231
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                          surface 03   7178.5364      0.0873      0.0202
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+                      refine surface   7178.5366      0.0874      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   7178.5601      0.1110      0.0236
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   7178.5847
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   7178.5850      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   7178.6008      0.0161      0.0158
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   7178.6243      0.0396      0.0235
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   7178.6250      0.0403      0.0007
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   7178.6392      0.0545      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon   7178.7626      0.1778      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve   7178.9433      0.3585      0.1807
+                embedding surface  1   7178.9434      0.3587      0.0001
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2   7180.8965      2.3118      1.9531
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3   7182.9868      4.4021      2.0903
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability   7186.5061      7.9214      3.5193
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   7186.5112      7.9264      0.0051
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   7186.8535      8.2687      0.3423
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   7187.0029      8.4182      0.1494
+                           Find void   7187.2744      8.6897      0.2715
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions   7187.3026      8.7179      0.0282
+                         wsmp setup1   7187.3097      8.7249      0.0070
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2   7188.3130      9.7283      1.0034
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   7188.3586
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   7188.3587      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38946E-05  4.80944E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   7196.3719      8.0134      8.0132
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0548041 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1148310 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7055960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3895171 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14466.9596506 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209290 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072458 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3932791 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10208E+01  0.18598E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.99132E-01  0.10569E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76255E+00  0.27820E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   7212.7816     24.4231     16.4097
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35089E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   7213.0048     24.6462      0.2232
+                do leaf measurements   7213.0059     24.6473      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   7213.0474     24.6889      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5888484 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2   7213.0521
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   7213.0565      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79452E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   7221.0014      7.9493      7.9449
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0517509 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1302330 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7154939 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4577520 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14380.8038460 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209099 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072191 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4837360 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10160E+01  0.13866E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47884E-01  0.10338E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76757E+00  0.22572E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   7237.5021     24.4500     16.5007
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12373E+01  0.19280E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   7237.7250     24.6729      0.2229
+                do leaf measurements   7237.7261     24.6740      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   7237.7677     24.7156      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0713650 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3   7237.7724
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   7237.7769      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   7245.7860      8.0136      8.0091
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0506060 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1005201 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7038848 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3800151 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14479.0390806 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072260 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3633041 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.15673E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37840E-01  0.11950E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74716E+00  0.23167E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   7262.1658     24.3934     16.3798
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13750E+01  0.31445E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   7262.3899     24.6175      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements   7262.3910     24.6187      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   7262.4329     24.6606      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361030 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4   7262.4378
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   7262.4424      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   7270.4285      7.9907      7.9861
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0508602 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0887589 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7060030 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3973429 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14457.0260829 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206150 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072291 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3711991 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10142E+01  0.17757E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37598E-01  0.12378E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73779E+00  0.22907E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   7286.8161     24.3783     16.3877
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14735E+01  0.35624E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   7287.0392     24.6015      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements   7287.0404     24.6026      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   7287.0819     24.6441      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158975 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5   7287.0866
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   7287.0911      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   7295.0296      7.9429      7.9385
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0475149 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1184771 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7141080 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3918900 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14463.9461201 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212211 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072219 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4008110 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10136E+01  0.19533E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40361E-01  0.12608E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73299E+00  0.22820E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   7311.4467     24.3600     16.4171
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15169E+01  0.36518E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   7311.6726     24.5860      0.2259
+                do leaf measurements   7311.6737     24.5871      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   7311.7152     24.6286      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107539 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6   7311.7200
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   7311.7245      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   7319.7102      7.9902      7.9857
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0509410 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0954089 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7066271 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3778689 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14481.7703084 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210291 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0074019 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3596468 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10131E+01  0.21089E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42867E-01  0.12602E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72838E+00  0.22783E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   7336.0863     24.3663     16.3761
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15386E+01  0.36277E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   7336.3097     24.5898      0.2234
+                do leaf measurements   7336.3109     24.5909      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   7336.3525     24.6326      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0081053 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   7336.3556     24.6356      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   7336.3557     24.6358      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -65209780120311. 63938042263889.516
+ def in m -7.7759718894958496 0.5708317756652832
+ dimensionless def  -1.63094793047223774E-6 2.22170625414167112E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0160200  0.2208112
+                  Compute divergence   7336.5548     24.8349      0.1991
+                        wsmp_cleanup   7336.5960     24.8760      0.0412
+              Reset surface geometry   7336.6011     24.8812      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    7336.6095     24.8895      0.0083
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   7336.6241     24.9041      0.0146
+                   Advect surface  1   7336.6242     24.9042      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2   7336.8197     25.0997      0.1955
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3   7337.0183     25.2983      0.1986
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields   7337.2664     25.5464      0.2481
+                    Advect the cloud   7337.3952     25.6753      0.1289
+                        Write output   7338.0865     26.3666      0.6913
+                    End of time step   7338.9150     27.1950      0.8284
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      45   7338.9151
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   7338.9152      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   7338.9152      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                      refine surface   7338.9152      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   7338.9381      0.0230      0.0229
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                          surface 02   7338.9587      0.0436      0.0206
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                      refine surface   7338.9588      0.0437      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   7338.9825      0.0674      0.0237
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                          surface 03   7339.0028      0.0877      0.0203
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+                      refine surface   7339.0030      0.0879      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   7339.0267      0.1116      0.0237
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   7339.0514
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   7339.0516      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   7339.0674      0.0161      0.0158
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   7339.0909      0.0395      0.0235
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   7339.0916      0.0402      0.0007
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   7339.1058      0.0544      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon   7339.2291      0.1778      0.1233
+             Imbed surface in osolve   7339.4104      0.3590      0.1813
+                embedding surface  1   7339.4105      0.3592      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2   7341.3569      2.3056      1.9464
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3   7343.4598      4.4084      2.1029
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability   7346.9777      7.9264      3.5179
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   7346.9821      7.9307      0.0044
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   7347.3407      8.2894      0.3586
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   7347.4601      8.4087      0.1194
+                           Find void   7347.7286      8.6772      0.2684
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions   7347.7568      8.7055      0.0283
+                         wsmp setup1   7347.7642      8.7129      0.0074
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2   7348.7694      9.7181      1.0052
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   7348.8158
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   7348.8160      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38945E-05  5.25546E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   7356.8158      8.0000      7.9998
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0525529 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1068380 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7062149 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3882918 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14468.5161086 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1204851 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072501 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3819880 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10208E+01  0.18580E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.99775E-01  0.10624E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76263E+00  0.27870E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   7373.2136     24.3978     16.3978
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35089E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   7373.4374     24.6215      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements   7373.4385     24.6226      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   7373.4797     24.6639      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5881662 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2   7373.4845
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   7373.4889      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.77999E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   7381.4307      7.9462      7.9419
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0489571 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1255488 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7055070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4644411 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14372.4131860 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072191 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4726601 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10159E+01  0.13853E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48466E-01  0.10321E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76752E+00  0.22750E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   7397.9192     24.4347     16.4885
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12366E+01  0.19593E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   7398.1436     24.6591      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements   7398.1447     24.6602      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   7398.1860     24.7016      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0710580 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3   7398.1908
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   7398.1953      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   7406.1970      8.0062      8.0018
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0500331 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1043649 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7035470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3739910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14486.7077610 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207850 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071568 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3602359 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.15666E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37665E-01  0.11939E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74710E+00  0.23223E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   7422.5738     24.3829     16.3767
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13741E+01  0.31383E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   7422.7979     24.6070      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements   7422.7990     24.6081      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   7422.8407     24.6499      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0359858 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4   7422.8456
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   7422.8502      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   7430.8398      7.9942      7.9897
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0514309 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1029689 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7022529 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4012728 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14452.0429556 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071719 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3866079 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10143E+01  0.17752E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37583E-01  0.12371E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73773E+00  0.22936E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   7447.2425     24.3969     16.4027
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14729E+01  0.35575E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   7447.4662     24.6206      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements   7447.4673     24.6217      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   7447.5087     24.6630      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159052 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5   7447.5135
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   7447.5179      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   7455.4557      7.9422      7.9378
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0513761 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1139519 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7068911 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4092169 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14441.9801636 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211901 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073819 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4103718 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10137E+01  0.19528E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40436E-01  0.12599E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73293E+00  0.22832E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   7471.8828     24.3693     16.4272
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15164E+01  0.36473E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   7472.1088     24.5953      0.2259
+                do leaf measurements   7472.1098     24.5963      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   7472.1513     24.6378      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107517 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6   7472.1561
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   7472.1605      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   7480.1398      7.9837      7.9793
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0521069 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1031911 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7049549 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3795681 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14479.6078750 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206210 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073030 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3681240 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10132E+01  0.21085E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42921E-01  0.12595E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72831E+00  0.22801E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   7496.5238     24.3677     16.3840
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15382E+01  0.36242E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   7496.7470     24.5909      0.2232
+                do leaf measurements   7496.7481     24.5920      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   7496.7897     24.6337      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0081039 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   7496.7929     24.6368      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   7496.7931     24.6370      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -66187631745617.133 65542808063605.305
+ def in m -7.783818244934082 0.57185959815979004
+ dimensionless def  -1.63388456617082861E-6 2.22394806998116632E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0160611  0.2210267
+                  Compute divergence   7496.9926     24.8366      0.1996
+                        wsmp_cleanup   7497.0310     24.8749      0.0384
+              Reset surface geometry   7497.0360     24.8800      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    7497.0443     24.8882      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   7497.0613     24.9052      0.0171
+                   Advect surface  1   7497.0615     24.9054      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2   7497.2555     25.0994      0.1940
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3   7497.4469     25.2908      0.1914
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields   7497.6973     25.5412      0.2504
+                    Advect the cloud   7497.8260     25.6699      0.1286
+                        Write output   7498.5258     26.3697      0.6998
+                    End of time step   7499.3793     27.2232      0.8535
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      46   7499.3794
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   7499.3795      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   7499.3795      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                      refine surface   7499.3795      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   7499.4022      0.0228      0.0227
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                          surface 02   7499.4228      0.0434      0.0205
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                      refine surface   7499.4229      0.0435      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   7499.4460      0.0666      0.0231
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                          surface 03   7499.4661      0.0867      0.0201
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+                      refine surface   7499.4663      0.0869      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   7499.4899      0.1105      0.0237
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   7499.5146
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   7499.5149      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   7499.5307      0.0160      0.0158
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   7499.5542      0.0396      0.0235
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   7499.5549      0.0403      0.0007
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   7499.5691      0.0545      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon   7499.6925      0.1778      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve   7499.8744      0.3597      0.1819
+                embedding surface  1   7499.8745      0.3599      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2   7501.8301      2.3155      1.9556
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3   7503.9147      4.4001      2.0846
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability   7507.4117      7.8970      3.4970
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   7507.4162      7.9015      0.0045
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   7507.7606      8.2460      0.3445
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   7507.9197      8.4050      0.1590
+                           Find void   7508.1917      8.6771      0.2720
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions   7508.2198      8.7051      0.0281
+                         wsmp setup1   7508.2268      8.7121      0.0070
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2   7509.2308      9.7162      1.0040
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   7509.2773
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   7509.2775      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38946E-05  5.60511E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   7517.2792      8.0020      8.0018
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0529349 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1082280 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7048252 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3825829 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14475.7727908 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1205370 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070438 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3765512 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10463E+01  0.18528E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.99219E-01  0.10598E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76253E+00  0.27415E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   7533.6716     24.3943     16.3924
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35074E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   7533.8962     24.6189      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements   7533.8972     24.6200      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   7533.9387     24.6614      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5887102 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2   7533.9435
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   7533.9478      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.78895E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   7541.8871      7.9436      7.9393
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0476210 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1232560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7062321 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4630702 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14374.1320308 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207900 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070879 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4684660 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10157E+01  0.13804E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48020E-01  0.10328E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76739E+00  0.22659E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   7558.3721     24.4286     16.4850
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12368E+01  0.18063E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   7558.5956     24.6521      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements   7558.5967     24.6532      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   7558.6381     24.6947      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0713703 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3   7558.6429
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   7558.6474      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   7566.6505      8.0075      8.0031
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0481670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0956190 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7052870 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3799870 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14479.0748754 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1202340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071762 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3568928 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.15634E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37748E-01  0.11928E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74684E+00  0.23191E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   7583.0237     24.3807     16.3732
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13739E+01  0.31344E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   7583.2467     24.6038      0.2230
+                do leaf measurements   7583.2478     24.6049      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   7583.2895     24.6466      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0359806 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4   7583.2944
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   7583.2988      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   7591.2952      8.0008      7.9963
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0518730 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0972168 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7021902 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4029989 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14449.8552503 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1204200 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071609 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3822589 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10143E+01  0.17735E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37624E-01  0.12371E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73748E+00  0.22921E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   7607.6929     24.3986     16.3977
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14725E+01  0.35519E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   7607.9172     24.6228      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements   7607.9183     24.6239      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   7607.9598     24.6655      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0160422 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5   7607.9646
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   7607.9690      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   7615.9072      7.9426      7.9382
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0900261 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1099958 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7105911 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3988090 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14455.1667204 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210151 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071671 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4380031 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10137E+01  0.19514E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40423E-01  0.12597E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73270E+00  0.22827E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   7632.3613     24.3967     16.4542
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15159E+01  0.36419E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   7632.5874     24.6228      0.2261
+                do leaf measurements   7632.5885     24.6239      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   7632.6298     24.6652      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107734 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6   7632.6347
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   7632.6392      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   7640.6137      7.9790      7.9745
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0472999 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0949490 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7043381 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3790340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14480.2874534 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1204009 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071940 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3536201 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10132E+01  0.21073E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42907E-01  0.12595E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72811E+00  0.22786E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   7656.9838     24.3491     16.3702
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15374E+01  0.36174E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   7657.2073     24.5726      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements   7657.2085     24.5737      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   7657.2503     24.6155      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0081048 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   7657.2534     24.6187      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   7657.2536     24.6189      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -67162035960488.258 67140776114205.469
+ def in m -7.7939496040344238 0.57587021589279175
+ dimensionless def  -1.64534347397940513E-6 2.22684274400983555E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0161890  0.2213144
+                  Compute divergence   7657.4519     24.8172      0.1983
+                        wsmp_cleanup   7657.4929     24.8582      0.0410
+              Reset surface geometry   7657.4981     24.8634      0.0052
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    7657.5064     24.8717      0.0084
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   7657.5217     24.8870      0.0153
+                   Advect surface  1   7657.5219     24.8871      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2   7657.7185     25.0838      0.1966
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3   7657.9139     25.2792      0.1954
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields   7658.1670     25.5323      0.2531
+                    Advect the cloud   7658.2961     25.6614      0.1291
+                        Write output   7658.9953     26.3606      0.6991
+                    End of time step   7659.8476     27.2128      0.8523
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      47   7659.8477
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   7659.8478      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   7659.8478      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                      refine surface   7659.8478      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   7659.8706      0.0229      0.0227
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                          surface 02   7659.8911      0.0434      0.0205
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                      refine surface   7659.8912      0.0435      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   7659.9145      0.0668      0.0233
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                          surface 03   7659.9346      0.0869      0.0201
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+                      refine surface   7659.9347      0.0870      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   7659.9584      0.1107      0.0237
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   7659.9832
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   7659.9835      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   7659.9993      0.0160      0.0158
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   7660.0227      0.0395      0.0234
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   7660.0234      0.0402      0.0007
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   7660.0376      0.0544      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon   7660.1610      0.1777      0.1233
+             Imbed surface in osolve   7660.3419      0.3587      0.1810
+                embedding surface  1   7660.3421      0.3588      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2   7662.2954      2.3122      1.9533
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3   7664.3940      4.4107      2.0986
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability   7667.9145      7.9312      3.5205
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   7667.9190      7.9357      0.0045
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   7668.3082      8.3249      0.3892
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   7668.3897      8.4064      0.0815
+                           Find void   7668.6578      8.6746      0.2682
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions   7668.6861      8.7029      0.0283
+                         wsmp setup1   7668.6936      8.7104      0.0075
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2   7669.6989      9.7157      1.0053
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   7669.7444
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   7669.7445      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38946E-05  5.50915E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   7677.7476      8.0032      8.0031
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0531330 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1086528 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7037790 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3750601 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14485.3462483 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072541 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3695099 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10203E+01  0.18496E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.98686E-01  0.10630E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76226E+00  0.27524E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   7694.1332     24.3889     16.3856
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35085E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   7694.3569     24.6125      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements   7694.3580     24.6136      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   7694.3995     24.6551      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5877515 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2   7694.4042
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   7694.4087      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79362E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   7702.3482      7.9439      7.9395
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0487649 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1221089 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7070951 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4665999 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14369.7072122 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208930 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072582 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4731140 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10156E+01  0.13785E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47861E-01  0.10339E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76719E+00  0.22635E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   7718.8377     24.4335     16.4895
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12373E+01  0.20110E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   7719.0611     24.6568      0.2234
+                do leaf measurements   7719.0622     24.6579      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   7719.1037     24.6995      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0709970 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3   7719.1085
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   7719.1130      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   7727.1050      7.9965      7.9920
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0505230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0999970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7071111 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3720119 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14489.2289354 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208708 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072188 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3581181 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10150E+01  0.15616E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37836E-01  0.11945E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74690E+00  0.23169E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   7743.4791     24.3705     16.3741
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13736E+01  0.31335E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   7743.7034     24.5949      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements   7743.7046     24.5960      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   7743.7465     24.6380      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360962 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4   7743.7514
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   7743.7559      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   7751.7540      8.0026      7.9981
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0499070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1069951 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7092290 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4058280 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14446.2711421 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211588 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072660 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4007950 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10141E+01  0.17720E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37639E-01  0.12375E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73744E+00  0.22911E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   7768.1715     24.4201     16.4175
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14718E+01  0.35487E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   7768.3948     24.6434      0.2233
+                do leaf measurements   7768.3959     24.6445      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   7768.4375     24.6861      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158817 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5   7768.4423
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   7768.4467      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   7776.3870      7.9447      7.9403
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0485399 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1277499 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7144179 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4087389 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14442.5852865 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214912 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072629 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4286079 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10135E+01  0.19502E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40547E-01  0.12599E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73263E+00  0.22808E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   7792.8317     24.3894     16.4447
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15152E+01  0.36387E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   7793.0584     24.6162      0.2268
+                do leaf measurements   7793.0595     24.6173      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   7793.1011     24.6589      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107612 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6   7793.1059
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   7793.1103      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   7801.0904      7.9845      7.9800
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0479949 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1088681 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7063620 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3706782 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14490.9284366 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210868 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072389 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3626392 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10131E+01  0.21060E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42994E-01  0.12596E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72805E+00  0.22776E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   7817.4697     24.3638     16.3793
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15368E+01  0.36153E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   7817.6926     24.5867      0.2229
+                do leaf measurements   7817.6937     24.5879      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   7817.7356     24.6297      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0081028 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   7817.7387     24.6329      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   7817.7389     24.6330      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -68122331373587.961 68739906479146.945
+ def in m -7.8012299537658691 0.57705593109130859
+ dimensionless def  -1.64873123168945315E-6 2.22892284393310564E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0162363  0.2215180
+                  Compute divergence   7817.9340     24.8281      0.1951
+                        wsmp_cleanup   7817.9753     24.8695      0.0413
+              Reset surface geometry   7817.9805     24.8746      0.0052
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    7817.9889     24.8830      0.0084
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   7818.0038     24.8979      0.0148
+                   Advect surface  1   7818.0039     24.8980      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2   7818.1991     25.0932      0.1952
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3   7818.3958     25.2899      0.1967
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields   7818.6450     25.5391      0.2493
+                    Advect the cloud   7818.7735     25.6676      0.1285
+                        Write output   7819.4761     26.3702      0.7026
+                    End of time step   7820.3040     27.1981      0.8279
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      48   7820.3042
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   7820.3042      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   7820.3043      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                      refine surface   7820.3043      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   7820.3271      0.0229      0.0227
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                          surface 02   7820.3477      0.0435      0.0206
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                      refine surface   7820.3479      0.0437      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   7820.3710      0.0668      0.0232
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                          surface 03   7820.3913      0.0871      0.0202
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+                      refine surface   7820.3914      0.0872      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   7820.4149      0.1107      0.0235
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   7820.4398
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   7820.4401      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   7820.4559      0.0161      0.0158
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   7820.4794      0.0396      0.0236
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   7820.4802      0.0404      0.0007
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   7820.4944      0.0546      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon   7820.6177      0.1779      0.1233
+             Imbed surface in osolve   7820.8003      0.3605      0.1826
+                embedding surface  1   7820.8005      0.3607      0.0001
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2   7822.7584      2.3186      1.9579
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3   7824.8415      4.4017      2.0832
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability   7828.3580      7.9182      3.5165
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   7828.3623      7.9225      0.0043
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   7828.7387      8.2989      0.3764
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   7828.8808      8.4410      0.1421
+                           Find void   7829.1500      8.7102      0.2692
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions   7829.1782      8.7384      0.0282
+                         wsmp setup1   7829.1855      8.7457      0.0073
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2   7830.1912      9.7514      1.0057
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   7830.2373
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   7830.2375      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38946E-05  5.57098E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   7838.2521      8.0148      8.0146
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0521951 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1111670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7065930 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3899221 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14466.4451451 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073371 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3886678 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10202E+01  0.18518E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.98787E-01  0.10553E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76222E+00  0.27727E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   7854.6562     24.4188     16.4041
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35072E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   7854.8803     24.6430      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements   7854.8815     24.6442      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   7854.9226     24.6853      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5885047 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2   7854.9275
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   7854.9321      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.80100E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   7862.8765      7.9490      7.9444
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0488250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1167061 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7013171 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4689848 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14366.7191247 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208189 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073860 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4644418 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.13796E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48078E-01  0.10348E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76724E+00  0.22535E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   7879.3569     24.4294     16.4804
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12368E+01  0.19027E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   7879.5806     24.6531      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements   7879.5818     24.6542      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   7879.6226     24.6951      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0712061 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3   7879.6275
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   7879.6320      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   7887.6235      7.9960      7.9915
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0483201 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1089771 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7086451 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3906341 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14465.5409882 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212201 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0074701 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3856690 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.15623E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37880E-01  0.11944E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74698E+00  0.23139E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   7904.0258     24.3983     16.4023
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13734E+01  0.31348E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   7904.2495     24.6220      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements   7904.2506     24.6231      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   7904.2918     24.6644      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360774 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4   7904.2967
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   7904.3013      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   7912.3069      8.0101      8.0056
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0491390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1034369 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7034130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3971169 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14457.3127860 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208522 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073709 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3817270 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10142E+01  0.17716E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37761E-01  0.12383E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73756E+00  0.22905E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   7928.7041     24.4074     16.3972
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14719E+01  0.35505E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   7928.9279     24.6312      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements   7928.9290     24.6322      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   7928.9699     24.6732      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159644 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5   7928.9747
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   7928.9791      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   7936.9199      7.9452      7.9407
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0478911 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1294141 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7119601 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4123728 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14437.9864175 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073869 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4309838 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10136E+01  0.19497E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40535E-01  0.12608E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73278E+00  0.22815E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   7953.3671     24.3924     16.4472
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15156E+01  0.36419E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   7953.5932     24.6185      0.2261
+                do leaf measurements   7953.5943     24.6196      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   7953.6351     24.6604      0.0408
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107491 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6   7953.6399
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   7953.6444      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   7961.6219      7.9821      7.9776
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0484419 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0925860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7015440 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3858540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14471.6139686 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0074179 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3571291 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10131E+01  0.21055E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42980E-01  0.12598E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72821E+00  0.22776E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   7977.9949     24.3551     16.3730
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15373E+01  0.36192E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   7978.2178     24.5780      0.2229
+                do leaf measurements   7978.2190     24.5791      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   7978.2601     24.6203      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0081051 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   7978.2632     24.6234      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   7978.2634     24.6235      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -69071134618818.039 70338090190735.898
+ def in m -7.8077754974365234 0.58047592639923096
+ dimensionless def  -1.65850264685494545E-6 2.23079299926757831E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0163512  0.2217001
+                  Compute divergence   7978.4588     24.8189      0.1954
+                        wsmp_cleanup   7978.5032     24.8633      0.0443
+              Reset surface geometry   7978.5082     24.8683      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    7978.5161     24.8763      0.0079
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   7978.5300     24.8902      0.0139
+                   Advect surface  1   7978.5302     24.8903      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2   7978.7279     25.0880      0.1977
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3   7978.9260     25.2862      0.1982
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields   7979.1802     25.5403      0.2541
+                    Advect the cloud   7979.3108     25.6710      0.1307
+                        Write output   7980.0152     26.3753      0.7043
+                    End of time step   7980.8461     27.2062      0.8309
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      49   7980.8462
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   7980.8463      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   7980.8463      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                      refine surface   7980.8464      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   7980.8696      0.0233      0.0232
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                          surface 02   7980.8903      0.0440      0.0207
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                      refine surface   7980.8904      0.0442      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   7980.9139      0.0677      0.0235
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                          surface 03   7980.9339      0.0877      0.0200
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+                      refine surface   7980.9341      0.0879      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   7980.9578      0.1116      0.0237
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   7980.9824
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   7980.9826      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   7980.9985      0.0161      0.0158
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   7981.0222      0.0398      0.0237
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   7981.0229      0.0405      0.0007
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   7981.0371      0.0547      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon   7981.1604      0.1780      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve   7981.3436      0.3612      0.1831
+                embedding surface  1   7981.3437      0.3613      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2   7983.3071      2.3247      1.9634
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3   7985.3872      4.4048      2.0800
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability   7988.8936      7.9112      3.5064
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   7988.8979      7.9155      0.0043
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   7989.2682      8.2858      0.3703
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   7989.3732      8.3908      0.1049
+                           Find void   7989.6400      8.6576      0.2668
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions   7989.6681      8.6857      0.0281
+                         wsmp setup1   7989.6749      8.6925      0.0068
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2   7990.6818      9.6994      1.0069
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   7990.7275
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   7990.7277      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38945E-05  5.53192E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   7998.7257      7.9982      7.9980
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0521078 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0968752 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7043560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3902001 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14466.0920684 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073850 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3720229 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10203E+01  0.18507E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.98655E-01  0.10628E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76220E+00  0.27291E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   8015.1133     24.3858     16.3877
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35083E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   8015.3377     24.6102      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements   8015.3388     24.6113      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   8015.3803     24.6528      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5886919 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2   8015.3852
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   8015.3897      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.78863E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   8023.3349      7.9497      7.9452
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0516570 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1008091 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7029130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4682770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14367.6058921 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211178 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073259 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4525111 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.13772E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48203E-01  0.10325E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76722E+00  0.22720E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   8039.8032     24.4180     16.4683
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12365E+01  0.17976E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   8040.0271     24.6420      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements   8040.0282     24.6430      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   8040.0692     24.6841      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0712691 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3   8040.0740
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   8040.0784      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   8048.0614      7.9874      7.9829
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0469060 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1018951 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7073870 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3843470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14473.5297005 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0074069 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3693922 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.15602E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37944E-01  0.11928E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74673E+00  0.23215E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   8064.4475     24.3736     16.3861
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13729E+01  0.31286E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   8064.6709     24.5969      0.2234
+                do leaf measurements   8064.6720     24.5980      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   8064.7132     24.6393      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360228 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4   8064.7180
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   8064.7224      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   8072.7425      8.0245      8.0201
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0482900 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0993259 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7072721 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4008260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14452.6093287 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210122 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073459 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3845029 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10143E+01  0.17702E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37780E-01  0.12373E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73734E+00  0.22935E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   8089.1438     24.4258     16.4013
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14715E+01  0.35478E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   8089.3665     24.6485      0.2227
+                do leaf measurements   8089.3676     24.6496      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   8089.4087     24.6908      0.0411
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159575 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5   8089.4134
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   8089.4178      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   8097.3572      7.9438      7.9394
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0488310 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1226571 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7137921 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4184868 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14430.2556264 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073400 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4332299 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10137E+01  0.19485E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40390E-01  0.12603E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73257E+00  0.22833E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   8113.8066     24.3932     16.4494
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15150E+01  0.36381E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   8114.0329     24.6195      0.2263
+                do leaf measurements   8114.0340     24.6206      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   8114.0749     24.6616      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107659 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6   8114.0797
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   8114.0841      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   8122.0690      7.9893      7.9849
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0505991 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0956430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7046320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3866570 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14470.5934218 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206892 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073421 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3659890 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10132E+01  0.21041E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42887E-01  0.12594E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72800E+00  0.22795E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   8138.4509     24.3712     16.3819
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15366E+01  0.36143E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   8138.6750     24.5953      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements   8138.6761     24.5964      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   8138.7173     24.6376      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0081004 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   8138.7204     24.6407      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   8138.7206     24.6409      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -70008829197967.055 71934695310703.344
+ def in m -7.8143362998962402 0.58035707473754883
+ dimensionless def  -1.65816307067871092E-6 2.23266751425606857E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0163608  0.2218896
+                  Compute divergence   8138.9179     24.8382      0.1973
+                        wsmp_cleanup   8138.9570     24.8773      0.0391
+              Reset surface geometry   8138.9616     24.8819      0.0046
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    8138.9700     24.8903      0.0084
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   8138.9864     24.9067      0.0164
+                   Advect surface  1   8138.9865     24.9068      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2   8139.1812     25.1015      0.1947
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3   8139.3774     25.2977      0.1962
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields   8139.6304     25.5507      0.2530
+                    Advect the cloud   8139.7603     25.6806      0.1299
+                        Write output   8140.4677     26.3880      0.7073
+                    End of time step   8141.3183     27.2386      0.8507
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      50   8141.3185
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   8141.3185      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   8141.3186      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16900points
+                      refine surface   8141.3186      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   8141.3437      0.0252      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface   8141.3720      0.0535      0.0282
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   8141.3951      0.0766      0.0231
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16901points
+                          surface 02   8141.4152      0.0968      0.0202
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                      refine surface   8141.4154      0.0969      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   8141.4401      0.1217      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                          surface 03   8141.4589      0.1404      0.0187
+                                                                        S. 3:    16900points
+                      refine surface   8141.4590      0.1405      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   8141.4855      0.1670      0.0265
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface   8141.5122      0.1937      0.0267
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   8141.5369      0.2184      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16901points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   8141.5609
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   8141.5612      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   8141.5772      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   8141.5999      0.0390      0.0227
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   8141.6007      0.0398      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   8141.6150      0.0541      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon   8141.7384      0.1774      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve   8141.9182      0.3572      0.1798
+                embedding surface  1   8141.9183      0.3574      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2   8143.8787      2.3178      1.9604
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3   8145.9361      4.3752      2.0574
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability   8149.4485      7.8875      3.5124
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   8149.4531      7.8922      0.0046
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   8149.8444      8.2835      0.3913
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   8149.9996      8.4387      0.1552
+                           Find void   8150.2687      8.7078      0.2691
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions   8150.2965      8.7356      0.0278
+                         wsmp setup1   8150.3032      8.7423      0.0067
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2   8151.3075      9.7466      1.0043
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   8151.3531
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   8151.3533      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38945E-05  5.99812E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   8159.3566      8.0035      8.0034
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0519378 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1209142 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7037001 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3768981 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14483.0061012 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072010 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3818941 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10217E+01  0.18532E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.98438E-01  0.10567E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76253E+00  0.27539E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   8175.7553     24.4022     16.3987
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35125E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   8175.9780     24.6249      0.2227
+                do leaf measurements   8175.9791     24.6260      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   8176.0210     24.6678      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5887720 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2   8176.0258
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   8176.0302      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79791E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   8183.9719      7.9461      7.9417
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0510249 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1045430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7037470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4631069 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14374.0859903 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214869 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071661 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4514589 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.13800E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47842E-01  0.10338E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76737E+00  0.22612E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   8200.4394     24.4136     16.4675
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12375E+01  0.18793E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   8200.6630     24.6372      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements   8200.6641     24.6383      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   8200.7057     24.6799      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0713592 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3   8200.7103
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   8200.7146      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   8208.6918      7.9814      7.9772
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0486479 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1082652 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7033031 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3730290 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14487.9331590 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207850 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071409 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3615649 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.15618E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37862E-01  0.11942E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74713E+00  0.23170E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   8225.0697     24.3594     16.3779
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13740E+01  0.31400E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   8225.2930     24.5826      0.2233
+                do leaf measurements   8225.2941     24.5837      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   8225.3357     24.6253      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361047 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4   8225.3405
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   8225.3449      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   8233.3665      8.0260      8.0216
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0492308 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1073928 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7061851 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3861148 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14471.2824569 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209869 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071681 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3774741 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10145E+01  0.17712E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37787E-01  0.12388E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73765E+00  0.22927E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   8249.7594     24.4189     16.3930
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14724E+01  0.35558E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   8249.9841     24.6436      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements   8249.9852     24.6447      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   8250.0268     24.6863      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159903 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5   8250.0316
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   8250.0359      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   8257.9809      7.9493      7.9450
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0527301 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1306930 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7136910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4225481 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14425.1250310 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214550 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071511 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4486411 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10138E+01  0.19494E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40452E-01  0.12614E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73281E+00  0.22841E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   8274.4455     24.4139     16.4646
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15160E+01  0.36468E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   8274.6708     24.6392      0.2254
+                do leaf measurements   8274.6719     24.6403      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   8274.7135     24.6819      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107645 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6   8274.7183
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   8274.7227      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   8282.7144      7.9961      7.9917
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0479140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1030262 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7060401 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3752038 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14485.1631741 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071578 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3606939 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10133E+01  0.21053E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42923E-01  0.12607E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72823E+00  0.22790E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   8299.0911     24.3728     16.3767
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15374E+01  0.36210E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   8299.3146     24.5963      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements   8299.3158     24.5975      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   8299.3576     24.6393      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080979 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   8299.3607     24.6424      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   8299.3609     24.6426      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -70946402496600.141 73523998550714.422
+ def in m -7.8229727745056152 0.58529603481292725
+ dimensionless def  -1.67227438517979228E-6 2.23513507843017591E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0165173  0.2221718
+                  Compute divergence   8299.5570     24.8387      0.1961
+                        wsmp_cleanup   8299.6026     24.8843      0.0456
+              Reset surface geometry   8299.6076     24.8893      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    8299.6156     24.8973      0.0080
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   8299.6289     24.9106      0.0133
+                   Advect surface  1   8299.6290     24.9107      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2   8299.8208     25.1025      0.1918
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3   8300.0163     25.2980      0.1955
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields   8300.2672     25.5489      0.2509
+                    Advect the cloud   8300.3988     25.6805      0.1316
+                        Write output   8301.1107     26.3924      0.7118
+                    End of time step   8301.9425     27.2242      0.8318
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      51   8301.9426
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   8301.9427      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   8301.9427      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16901points
+                      refine surface   8301.9428      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   8301.9681      0.0255      0.0254
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface   8301.9957      0.0530      0.0275
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   8302.0198      0.0772      0.0242
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16902points
+                          surface 02   8302.0388      0.0962      0.0190
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                      refine surface   8302.0390      0.0964      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   8302.0639      0.1213      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                          surface 03   8302.0826      0.1400      0.0187
+                                                                        S. 3:    16901points
+                      refine surface   8302.0828      0.1401      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   8302.1083      0.1657      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface   8302.1357      0.1930      0.0273
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   8302.1602      0.2175      0.0245
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16902points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   8302.1853
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   8302.1856      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   8302.2016      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   8302.2234      0.0381      0.0218
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   8302.2242      0.0389      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   8302.2385      0.0532      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon   8302.3619      0.1765      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve   8302.5419      0.3566      0.1800
+                embedding surface  1   8302.5420      0.3567      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2   8304.4990      2.3137      1.9570
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3   8306.5663      4.3810      2.0674
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability   8310.0798      7.8945      3.5135
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   8310.0846      7.8993      0.0048
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   8310.4923      8.3070      0.4078
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   8310.6468      8.4614      0.1544
+                           Find void   8310.9165      8.7312      0.2698
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions   8310.9447      8.7593      0.0282
+                         wsmp setup1   8310.9517      8.7664      0.0071
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2   8311.9550      9.7697      1.0032
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   8312.0004
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   8312.0006      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38945E-05  7.11046E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   8320.0008      8.0005      8.0002
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0510879 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1057241 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7042189 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4040391 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14448.5372057 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207330 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071518 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3933542 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10199E+01  0.18516E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.98808E-01  0.10632E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76247E+00  0.27272E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   8336.4102     24.4098     16.4094
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35113E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   8336.6341     24.6337      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements   8336.6352     24.6348      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   8336.6767     24.6764      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5883889 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2   8336.6816
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   8336.6860      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79102E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   8344.6300      7.9484      7.9440
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0484481 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0899630 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7057471 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4735239 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14361.0355419 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208441 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071108 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4460292 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.13789E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47973E-01  0.10326E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76740E+00  0.22635E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   8361.0915     24.4099     16.4615
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12370E+01  0.18097E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   8361.3157     24.6341      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements   8361.3167     24.6352      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   8361.3580     24.6765      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0711101 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3   8361.3628
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   8361.3672      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   8369.3357      7.9729      7.9685
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0505419 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1003811 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7056499 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3818438 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14476.7127975 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209471 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071719 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3669300 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.15617E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37720E-01  0.11934E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74703E+00  0.23150E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   8385.7182     24.3554     16.3826
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13735E+01  0.31346E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   8385.9430     24.5802      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements   8385.9441     24.5813      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   8385.9855     24.6227      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360670 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4   8385.9903
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   8385.9947      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   8394.0210      8.0307      8.0263
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0515110 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1056139 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7047441 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3888881 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14467.7585845 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071290 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3798101 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10145E+01  0.17718E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37675E-01  0.12371E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73757E+00  0.22897E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   8410.4163     24.4260     16.3953
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14724E+01  0.35535E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   8410.6409     24.6506      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements   8410.6420     24.6517      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   8410.6833     24.6930      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159457 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5   8410.6880
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   8410.6924      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   8418.6478      7.9598      7.9554
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0484169 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1218462 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7117591 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4330442 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14411.8820029 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210432 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071030 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4436181 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10139E+01  0.19497E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40467E-01  0.12599E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73279E+00  0.22814E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   8435.1085     24.4204     16.4607
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15157E+01  0.36414E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   8435.3335     24.6454      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements   8435.3346     24.6465      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   8435.3758     24.6877      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107516 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6   8435.3805
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   8435.3849      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   8443.3877      8.0072      8.0028
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0496109 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1082032 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7055862 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3747220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14485.7767792 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208370 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071018 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3664470 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10133E+01  0.21058E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42930E-01  0.12597E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72819E+00  0.22770E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   8459.7703     24.3898     16.3826
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15372E+01  0.36185E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   8459.9942     24.6137      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements   8459.9953     24.6148      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   8460.0368     24.6562      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0081000 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   8460.0398     24.6593      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   8460.0400     24.6595      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -71870973535265.359 75114500978168.781
+ def in m -7.8301477432250977 0.58781611919403076
+ dimensionless def  -1.67947462626865941E-6 2.23718506949288505E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0166034  0.2224105
+                  Compute divergence   8460.2377     24.8572      0.1978
+                        wsmp_cleanup   8460.2771     24.8966      0.0393
+              Reset surface geometry   8460.2817     24.9012      0.0047
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    8460.2903     24.9098      0.0085
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   8460.3068     24.9263      0.0165
+                   Advect surface  1   8460.3069     24.9264      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2   8460.5020     25.1215      0.1951
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3   8460.6980     25.3175      0.1961
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields   8460.9491     25.5686      0.2511
+                    Advect the cloud   8461.0821     25.7016      0.1330
+                        Write output   8461.7973     26.4168      0.7152
+                    End of time step   8462.6377     27.2572      0.8404
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      52   8462.6379
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   8462.6379      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   8462.6380      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16902points
+                      refine surface   8462.6380      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   8462.6621      0.0243      0.0241
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16902points
+                          surface 02   8462.6810      0.0432      0.0189
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                      refine surface   8462.6812      0.0433      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   8462.7061      0.0683      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                          surface 03   8462.7248      0.0869      0.0187
+                                                                        S. 3:    16902points
+                      refine surface   8462.7249      0.0871      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   8462.7506      0.1127      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface   8462.7778      0.1400      0.0273
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   8462.8021      0.1643      0.0243
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16903points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   8462.8273
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   8462.8276      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   8462.8436      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   8462.8657      0.0384      0.0221
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   8462.8665      0.0391      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   8462.8807      0.0534      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon   8463.0041      0.1768      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve   8463.1824      0.3551      0.1783
+                embedding surface  1   8463.1825      0.3552      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2   8465.1361      2.3088      1.9536
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3   8467.2079      4.3806      2.0718
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability   8470.7093      7.8819      3.5013
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   8470.7139      7.8866      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   8471.1039      8.2766      0.3900
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   8471.2688      8.4414      0.1648
+                           Find void   8471.5404      8.7131      0.2717
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions   8471.5686      8.7413      0.0281
+                         wsmp setup1   8471.5756      8.7483      0.0071
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2   8472.5781      9.7508      1.0025
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   8472.6240
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   8472.6242      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38945E-05  8.57984E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   8480.6003      7.9763      7.9761
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0526590 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1229970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7064290 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3981621 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14455.9870307 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0074010 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4090521 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10199E+01  0.18466E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.98262E-01  0.10590E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76217E+00  0.27239E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   8497.0252     24.4011     16.4248
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35084E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   8497.2489     24.6249      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements   8497.2501     24.6260      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   8497.2925     24.6684      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5884979 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2   8497.2973
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   8497.3018      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79794E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   8505.2520      7.9547      7.9502
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0501640 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1053910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7064660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4807851 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14351.9525876 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214449 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0074072 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4720681 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.13748E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47856E-01  0.10344E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76711E+00  0.22569E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   8521.7403     24.4429     16.4883
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12365E+01  0.17994E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   8521.9639     24.6666      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements   8521.9650     24.6677      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   8522.0074     24.7101      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0711017 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3   8522.0122
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   8522.0166      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   8529.9746      7.9624      7.9580
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0501740 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1114249 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7088358 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3717139 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14489.6086607 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1219950 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073750 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3719149 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.15586E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37990E-01  0.11948E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74682E+00  0.23148E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   8546.3625     24.3503     16.3879
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13729E+01  0.31289E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   8546.5889     24.5768      0.2265
+                do leaf measurements   8546.5900     24.5779      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   8546.6321     24.6200      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361559 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4   8546.6369
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   8546.6414      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   8554.6643      8.0274      8.0229
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0506101 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1109650 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7058101 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3864050 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14470.9136908 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211851 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073552 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3827262 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10145E+01  0.17692E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37805E-01  0.12377E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73738E+00  0.22907E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   8571.0628     24.4259     16.3985
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14714E+01  0.35429E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   8571.2866     24.6497      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements   8571.2877     24.6507      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   8571.3297     24.6928      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159895 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5   8571.3344
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   8571.3386      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   8579.2821      7.9477      7.9434
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0480800 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1348019 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7097480 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4426260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14399.8138087 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1219578 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073740 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4649830 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10139E+01  0.19475E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40450E-01  0.12598E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73261E+00  0.22807E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   8595.7632     24.4289     16.4812
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15150E+01  0.36362E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   8595.9891     24.6547      0.2258
+                do leaf measurements   8595.9902     24.6558      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   8596.0323     24.6979      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107797 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6   8596.0371
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   8596.0415      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   8604.0431      8.0061      8.0016
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0499370 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1137750 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7061319 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3768470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14483.0710529 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211729 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073619 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3756230 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10133E+01  0.21033E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42920E-01  0.12593E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72806E+00  0.22767E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   8620.4348     24.3977     16.3917
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15365E+01  0.36129E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   8620.6578     24.6207      0.2230
+                do leaf measurements   8620.6589     24.6218      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   8620.7012     24.6641      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0081012 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   8620.7042     24.6672      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   8620.7044     24.6673      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -72779038379026.344 76704280973053.828
+ def in m -7.8329877853393555 0.58592885732650757
+ dimensionless def  -1.67408244950430749E-6 2.23799651009695902E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0165586  0.2225235
+                  Compute divergence   8620.9072     24.8702      0.2028
+                        wsmp_cleanup   8620.9440     24.9069      0.0367
+              Reset surface geometry   8620.9489     24.9118      0.0049
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    8620.9571     24.9201      0.0083
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   8620.9749     24.9378      0.0177
+                   Advect surface  1   8620.9750     24.9380      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2   8621.1724     25.1353      0.1974
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3   8621.3686     25.3315      0.1962
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields   8621.6203     25.5832      0.2517
+                    Advect the cloud   8621.7532     25.7161      0.1329
+                        Write output   8622.4656     26.4286      0.7124
+                    End of time step   8623.3047     27.2676      0.8390
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      53   8623.3048
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   8623.3049      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   8623.3049      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16902points
+                      refine surface   8623.3049      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   8623.3292      0.0244      0.0243
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16902points
+                          surface 02   8623.3483      0.0435      0.0191
+                                                                        S. 2:    16900points
+                      refine surface   8623.3485      0.0437      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   8623.3744      0.0695      0.0259
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface   8623.3973      0.0925      0.0230
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   8623.4219      0.1171      0.0246
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16901points
+                          surface 03   8623.4408      0.1360      0.0188
+                                                                        S. 3:    16903points
+                      refine surface   8623.4409      0.1361      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   8623.4654      0.1606      0.0245
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16903points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   8623.4906
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   8623.4908      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   8623.5069      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   8623.5283      0.0377      0.0215
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   8623.5291      0.0385      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   8623.5434      0.0528      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon   8623.6668      0.1762      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve   8623.8492      0.3586      0.1824
+                embedding surface  1   8623.8494      0.3588      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2   8625.8105      2.3199      1.9611
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3   8627.8795      4.3890      2.0691
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability   8631.3930      7.9024      3.5134
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   8631.3976      7.9070      0.0046
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   8631.7724      8.2818      0.3747
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   8631.8860      8.3954      0.1136
+                           Find void   8632.1542      8.6637      0.2683
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions   8632.1825      8.6919      0.0282
+                         wsmp setup1   8632.1898      8.6992      0.0073
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2   8633.1962      9.7056      1.0064
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   8633.2422
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   8633.2424      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38945E-05  9.60447E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   8641.2171      7.9749      7.9747
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0539999 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1071541 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7083950 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3814669 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14477.1922479 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208379 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072410 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3794730 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10196E+01  0.18505E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.98861E-01  0.10676E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76216E+00  0.27287E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   8657.6126     24.3703     16.3954
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35096E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   8657.8369     24.5947      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements   8657.8381     24.5958      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   8657.8800     24.6378      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5891230 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2   8657.8850
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   8657.8896      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.78663E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   8665.8306      7.9456      7.9410
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0477202 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1034689 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7090490 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4653552 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14371.2673185 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209769 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072789 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4542241 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10151E+01  0.13774E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48298E-01  0.10266E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76716E+00  0.22712E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   8682.3014     24.4164     16.4708
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12366E+01  0.17988E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   8682.5245     24.6396      0.2232
+                do leaf measurements   8682.5256     24.6406      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   8682.5671     24.6822      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0715502 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3   8682.5720
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   8682.5765      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   8690.5290      7.9569      7.9525
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0507281 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1125610 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7128088 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3899841 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14466.3664130 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216249 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072451 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3953431 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.15604E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37740E-01  0.11899E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74676E+00  0.23233E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   8706.9404     24.3684     16.4115
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13729E+01  0.31291E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   8707.1666     24.5946      0.2262
+                do leaf measurements   8707.1677     24.5957      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   8707.2091     24.6371      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361784 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4   8707.2140
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   8707.2185      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   8715.2411      8.0271      8.0226
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0498328 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1046112 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7050450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3872800 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14469.8017488 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1205239 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072341 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3749092 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10144E+01  0.17711E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37571E-01  0.12345E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73733E+00  0.22952E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   8731.6323     24.4183     16.3912
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14715E+01  0.35457E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   8731.8552     24.6411      0.2228
+                do leaf measurements   8731.8563     24.6422      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   8731.8977     24.6837      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158823 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5   8731.9026
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   8731.9070      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   8739.8491      7.9465      7.9421
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0486882 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1256368 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7106910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4478350 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14393.2616366 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210840 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072210 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4615252 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10138E+01  0.19498E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40350E-01  0.12577E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73255E+00  0.22837E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   8756.3271     24.4245     16.4781
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15151E+01  0.36375E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   8756.5501     24.6475      0.2230
+                do leaf measurements   8756.5512     24.6486      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   8756.5927     24.6901      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107665 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6   8756.5974
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   8756.6018      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   8764.6040      8.0066      8.0022
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0491939 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0926661 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7061460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3770471 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14482.8164091 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207290 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0080879 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3542700 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10132E+01  0.21058E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42867E-01  0.12572E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72799E+00  0.22784E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   8780.9747     24.3773     16.3707
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15366E+01  0.36122E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   8781.1970     24.5996      0.2223
+                do leaf measurements   8781.1981     24.6007      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   8781.2399     24.6425      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0081028 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   8781.2430     24.6456      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   8781.2432     24.6458      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -73683600430809.484 78289072534912.438
+ def in m -7.8385157585144043 0.5881342887878418
+ dimensionless def  -1.68038368225097664E-6 2.23957593100411547E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0166333  0.2227153
+                  Compute divergence   8781.4391     24.8417      0.1959
+                        wsmp_cleanup   8781.4846     24.8872      0.0455
+              Reset surface geometry   8781.4895     24.8921      0.0049
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    8781.4974     24.9000      0.0080
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   8781.5108     24.9133      0.0133
+                   Advect surface  1   8781.5109     24.9135      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2   8781.7106     25.1132      0.1997
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3   8781.9087     25.3113      0.1981
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields   8782.1609     25.5635      0.2522
+                    Advect the cloud   8782.2902     25.6928      0.1293
+                        Write output   8783.0024     26.4050      0.7122
+                    End of time step   8783.8427     27.2453      0.8403
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      54   8783.8429
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   8783.8429      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   8783.8430      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16902points
+                      refine surface   8783.8430      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   8783.8677      0.0248      0.0246
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16902points
+                          surface 02   8783.8865      0.0437      0.0189
+                                                                        S. 2:    16901points
+                      refine surface   8783.8867      0.0438      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   8783.9122      0.0693      0.0255
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface   8783.9352      0.0923      0.0230
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   8783.9596      0.1167      0.0243
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16902points
+                          surface 03   8783.9787      0.1358      0.0191
+                                                                        S. 3:    16903points
+                      refine surface   8783.9788      0.1359      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   8784.0059      0.1630      0.0270
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface   8784.0326      0.1897      0.0267
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   8784.0582      0.2153      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16905points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   8784.0826
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   8784.0828      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   8784.0988      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   8784.1201      0.0376      0.0213
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   8784.1209      0.0383      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   8784.1352      0.0526      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon   8784.2586      0.1760      0.1233
+             Imbed surface in osolve   8784.4379      0.3553      0.1793
+                embedding surface  1   8784.4380      0.3554      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2   8786.3647      2.2821      1.9266
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3   8788.4622      4.3796      2.0975
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability   8791.9740      7.8915      3.5119
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   8791.9788      7.8962      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   8792.3793      8.2967      0.4005
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   8792.5092      8.4266      0.1299
+                           Find void   8792.7748      8.6922      0.2656
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions   8792.8028      8.7202      0.0280
+                         wsmp setup1   8792.8096      8.7270      0.0068
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2   8793.8033      9.7207      0.9937
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   8793.8483
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   8793.8485      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38944E-05  9.95035E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   8801.8325      7.9842      7.9840
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0498860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0973451 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7049639 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3719811 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14489.2681222 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208968 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071971 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3526511 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10199E+01  0.18526E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.98669E-01  0.10604E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76218E+00  0.27423E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   8818.2016     24.3533     16.3691
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35088E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   8818.4234     24.5750      0.2217
+                do leaf measurements   8818.4245     24.5761      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   8818.4675     24.6192      0.0431
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5888589 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2   8818.4724
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   8818.4769      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79836E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   8826.4246      7.9523      7.9477
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0474939 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1040151 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7048869 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4485621 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14392.3474219 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071521 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4335229 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10150E+01  0.13789E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47780E-01  0.10310E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76722E+00  0.22570E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   8842.8737     24.4014     16.4491
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12367E+01  0.19657E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   8843.0983     24.6260      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements   8843.0995     24.6271      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   8843.1419     24.6695      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0713508 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3   8843.1467
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   8843.1511      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   8851.0984      7.9517      7.9473
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0483751 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0996161 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7098138 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3803220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14478.6486860 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213210 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071409 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3669701 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.15612E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37998E-01  0.11922E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74689E+00  0.23154E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   8867.4816     24.3349     16.3832
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13731E+01  0.31322E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   8867.7061     24.5594      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements   8867.7072     24.5605      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   8867.7497     24.6030      0.0425
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361801 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4   8867.7545
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   8867.7589      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   8875.7817      8.0272      8.0228
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0515099 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1013422 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7028639 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3855062 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14472.0561088 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071809 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3698008 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10145E+01  0.17709E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37861E-01  0.12363E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73747E+00  0.22900E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   8892.1679     24.4134     16.3862
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14717E+01  0.35483E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   8892.3908     24.6363      0.2229
+                do leaf measurements   8892.3919     24.6374      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   8892.4343     24.6798      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159398 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5   8892.4390
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   8892.4434      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   8900.3862      7.9472      7.9428
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0506449 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1304801 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7072251 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4628701 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14374.3828671 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211641 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071590 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4799309 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10138E+01  0.19491E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40371E-01  0.12594E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73269E+00  0.22809E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   8916.8819     24.4429     16.4957
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15153E+01  0.36398E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   8917.1058     24.6668      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements   8917.1069     24.6679      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   8917.1494     24.7104      0.0425
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107698 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6   8917.1542
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   8917.1587      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   8925.1626      8.0084      8.0040
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0473342 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1088541 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7060440 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3752909 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14485.0523603 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208131 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071819 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3658998 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10133E+01  0.21050E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42853E-01  0.12587E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72811E+00  0.22764E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   8941.5448     24.3906     16.3822
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15369E+01  0.36164E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   8941.7682     24.6140      0.2234
+                do leaf measurements   8941.7694     24.6152      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion   8941.8121     24.6579      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080973 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   8941.8152     24.6610      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   8941.8154     24.6612      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -74587823331601.453 79866374320161.016
+ def in m -7.8442392349243164 0.58966529369354248
+ dimensionless def  -1.68475798198154992E-6 2.24121120997837622E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0166884  0.2229123
+                  Compute divergence   8942.0196     24.8654      0.2042
+                        wsmp_cleanup   8942.0567     24.9025      0.0371
+              Reset surface geometry   8942.0616     24.9074      0.0049
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    8942.0699     24.9157      0.0083
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   8942.0876     24.9334      0.0177
+                   Advect surface  1   8942.0877     24.9335      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2   8942.2823     25.1281      0.1946
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3   8942.4776     25.3234      0.1952
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields   8942.7307     25.5765      0.2531
+                    Advect the cloud   8942.8595     25.7053      0.1289
+                        Write output   8943.5715     26.4173      0.7120
+                    End of time step   8944.4440     27.2898      0.8724
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      55   8944.4441
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   8944.4442      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   8944.4442      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16902points
+                      refine surface   8944.4442      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   8944.4698      0.0257      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16902points
+                          surface 02   8944.4876      0.0436      0.0179
+                                                                        S. 2:    16902points
+                      refine surface   8944.4878      0.0437      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   8944.5141      0.0700      0.0264
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface   8944.5410      0.0969      0.0269
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   8944.5662      0.1221      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16903points
+                          surface 03   8944.5846      0.1405      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 3:    16905points
+                      refine surface   8944.5847      0.1406      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   8944.6111      0.1670      0.0264
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface   8944.6380      0.1939      0.0269
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   8944.6634      0.2193      0.0254
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16906points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   8944.6882
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   8944.6884      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   8944.7044      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   8944.7258      0.0377      0.0214
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   8944.7266      0.0385      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   8944.7409      0.0528      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon   8944.8632      0.1751      0.1223
+             Imbed surface in osolve   8945.0452      0.3570      0.1819
+                embedding surface  1   8945.0453      0.3572      0.0001
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2   8946.9852      2.2971      1.9399
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3   8949.0548      4.3667      2.0696
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability   8952.5644      7.8762      3.5096
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   8952.5690      7.8809      0.0046
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   8952.9369      8.2488      0.3679
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   8953.1363      8.4482      0.1994
+                           Find void   8953.4061      8.7180      0.2698
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions   8953.4343      8.7462      0.0282
+                         wsmp setup1   8953.4416      8.7534      0.0073
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2   8954.4384      9.7503      0.9968
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   8954.4846
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   8954.4848      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38944E-05  9.99744E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   8962.4688      7.9842      7.9840
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0503531 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1044669 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7065601 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3753030 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14485.0368768 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1205330 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073860 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3649850 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10196E+01  0.18538E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.98378E-01  0.10686E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76234E+00  0.27228E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   8978.8505     24.3659     16.3817
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35078E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   8979.0728     24.5882      0.2223
+                do leaf measurements   8979.0739     24.5893      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   8979.1169     24.6323      0.0430
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5893844 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2   8979.1218
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   8979.1264      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79557E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   8987.0817      7.9598      7.9553
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0510991 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1059840 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7070260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4353070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14409.0301644 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211431 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073459 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4282899 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10150E+01  0.13798E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47870E-01  0.10305E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76731E+00  0.22595E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   9003.5259     24.4041     16.4442
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12362E+01  0.17947E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   9003.7490     24.6272      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements   9003.7501     24.6283      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   9003.7926     24.6708      0.0425
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0718933 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3   9003.7975
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   9003.8020      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   9011.7434      7.9459      7.9414
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0512319 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1083989 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7122231 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3892751 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14467.2670389 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211858 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073240 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3900149 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.15621E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37879E-01  0.11938E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74680E+00  0.23164E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   9028.1491     24.3515     16.4057
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13730E+01  0.31308E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   9028.3755     24.5780      0.2264
+                do leaf measurements   9028.3766     24.5791      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   9028.4191     24.6215      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0363110 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4   9028.4238
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   9028.4281      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   9036.4618      8.0381      8.0337
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0523281 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1052821 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7040660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3890421 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14467.5629314 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207850 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073152 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3792090 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10145E+01  0.17717E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37692E-01  0.12370E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73745E+00  0.22905E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   9052.8571     24.4333     16.3953
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14717E+01  0.35479E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   9053.0812     24.6574      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements   9053.0823     24.6585      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   9053.1248     24.7010      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159070 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5   9053.1297
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   9053.1341      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   9061.0743      7.9447      7.9403
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0475509 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1124630 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7054760 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4732950 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14361.3220315 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1204050 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073740 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4669590 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10139E+01  0.19497E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40426E-01  0.12595E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73270E+00  0.22815E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   9077.5577     24.4280     16.4833
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15156E+01  0.36425E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   9077.7809     24.6512      0.2232
+                do leaf measurements   9077.7820     24.6523      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   9077.8246     24.6949      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107703 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6   9077.8295
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   9077.8339      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   9085.8385      8.0090      8.0045
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0473070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1056089 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7090180 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3806701 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14478.2058396 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1205211 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073209 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3708429 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10133E+01  0.21053E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42920E-01  0.12590E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72816E+00  0.22770E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   9102.2256     24.3961     16.3871
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15372E+01  0.36184E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   9102.4494     24.6199      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements   9102.4505     24.6210      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   9102.4932     24.6638      0.0428
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0081008 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   9102.4963     24.6668      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   9102.4965     24.6670      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -75476009715362.406 81446091418731.109
+ def in m -7.8481607437133789 0.58882254362106323
+ dimensionless def  -1.68235012463160928E-6 2.24233164106096529E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0166736  0.2230584
+                  Compute divergence   9102.7090     24.8795      0.2125
+                        wsmp_cleanup   9102.7454     24.9159      0.0364
+              Reset surface geometry   9102.7502     24.9208      0.0049
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    9102.7586     24.9291      0.0084
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   9102.7764     24.9469      0.0177
+                   Advect surface  1   9102.7765     24.9470      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2   9102.9744     25.1449      0.1979
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3   9103.1712     25.3417      0.1968
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields   9103.4246     25.5951      0.2534
+                    Advect the cloud   9103.5573     25.7278      0.1327
+                        Write output   9104.2705     26.4410      0.7132
+                    End of time step   9105.1046     27.2751      0.8341
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      56   9105.1048
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   9105.1048      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   9105.1049      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16902points
+                      refine surface   9105.1049      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   9105.1316      0.0269      0.0267
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface   9105.1544      0.0496      0.0228
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   9105.1793      0.0746      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16904points
+                          surface 02   9105.1975      0.0927      0.0182
+                                                                        S. 2:    16903points
+                      refine surface   9105.1976      0.0929      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   9105.2243      0.1196      0.0267
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface   9105.2470      0.1423      0.0227
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   9105.2730      0.1682      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16905points
+                          surface 03   9105.2904      0.1856      0.0174
+                                                                        S. 3:    16906points
+                      refine surface   9105.2905      0.1858      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   9105.3165      0.2117      0.0259
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface   9105.3435      0.2388      0.0270
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   9105.3687      0.2639      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16907points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   9105.3935
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   9105.3938      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   9105.4096      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   9105.4309      0.0374      0.0213
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   9105.4317      0.0382      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   9105.4458      0.0523      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon   9105.5680      0.1745      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve   9105.7478      0.3543      0.1798
+                embedding surface  1   9105.7480      0.3544      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2   9107.7041      2.3106      1.9562
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3   9109.7986      4.4051      2.0945
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability   9113.3269      7.9334      3.5283
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   9113.3318      7.9383      0.0049
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   9113.7129      8.3194      0.3811
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   9113.8484      8.4548      0.1355
+                           Find void   9114.1177      8.7242      0.2694
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions   9114.1458      8.7523      0.0281
+                         wsmp setup1   9114.1532      8.7597      0.0074
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2   9115.1498      9.7563      0.9966
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   9115.1960
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   9115.1962      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38944E-05  9.79456E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   9123.1894      7.9934      7.9932
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0511470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1045620 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7070808 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3943729 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14460.7943536 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071630 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3854449 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10194E+01  0.18518E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.98543E-01  0.10634E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76220E+00  0.27097E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   9139.5908     24.3948     16.4014
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35091E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   9139.8149     24.6190      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements   9139.8161     24.6201      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   9139.8576     24.6616      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5894434 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2   9139.8625
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   9139.8670      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.80334E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   9147.8301      7.9676      7.9630
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0485289 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0999241 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7063680 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4303970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14415.2196454 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209099 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071750 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4136920 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10150E+01  0.13791E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48010E-01  0.10294E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76740E+00  0.22483E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   9164.2599     24.3974     16.4299
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12367E+01  0.18016E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   9164.4840     24.6215      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements   9164.4851     24.6226      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   9164.5266     24.6641      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0717664 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3   9164.5314
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   9164.5358      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   9172.4790      7.9477      7.9432
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0483990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1053679 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7110400 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3801460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14478.8725461 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070331 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3737969 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.15623E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37834E-01  0.11935E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74684E+00  0.23121E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   9188.8685     24.3371     16.3895
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13740E+01  0.31374E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   9189.0955     24.5642      0.2271
+                do leaf measurements   9189.0966     24.5653      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   9189.1380     24.6067      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362000 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4   9189.1428
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   9189.1473      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   9197.1603      8.0175      8.0130
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0495172 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1066358 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7065160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3802850 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14478.6957021 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208601 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071170 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3713140 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10145E+01  0.17720E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37689E-01  0.12377E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73750E+00  0.22881E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   9213.5476     24.4048     16.3873
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14727E+01  0.35524E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   9213.7705     24.6277      0.2229
+                do leaf measurements   9213.7716     24.6288      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   9213.8128     24.6700      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158869 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5   9213.8176
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   9213.8220      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   9221.7711      7.9535      7.9491
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0483770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1172421 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7139890 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4629238 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14374.3155979 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1205599 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072179 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4707150 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10138E+01  0.19501E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40423E-01  0.12603E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73273E+00  0.22805E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   9238.2582     24.4406     16.4871
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15163E+01  0.36448E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   9238.4815     24.6639      0.2233
+                do leaf measurements   9238.4826     24.6650      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   9238.5240     24.7064      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107596 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6   9238.5288
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   9238.5333      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   9246.5311      8.0023      7.9978
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0488932 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0977478 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.6997859 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3817780 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14476.7964943 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207571 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071700 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3565199 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10134E+01  0.21058E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42907E-01  0.12590E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72818E+00  0.22761E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   9262.9040     24.3752     16.3729
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15377E+01  0.36224E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   9263.1276     24.5988      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements   9263.1288     24.6000      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion   9263.1703     24.6415      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080968 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   9263.1734     24.6446      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   9263.1736     24.6448      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -76361554524016.234 83021261097949.328
+ def in m -7.851287841796875 0.58892565965652466
+ dimensionless def  -1.68264474187578482E-6 2.2432250976562498E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0166848  0.2231862
+                  Compute divergence   9263.3839     24.8551      0.2103
+                        wsmp_cleanup   9263.4202     24.8914      0.0363
+              Reset surface geometry   9263.4254     24.8966      0.0052
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    9263.4338     24.9050      0.0085
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   9263.4517     24.9229      0.0178
+                   Advect surface  1   9263.4518     24.9230      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2   9263.6460     25.1172      0.1941
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3   9263.8349     25.3061      0.1890
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields   9264.0881     25.5593      0.2531
+                    Advect the cloud   9264.2202     25.6914      0.1322
+                        Write output   9264.9377     26.4089      0.7174
+                    End of time step   9265.7668     27.2380      0.8291
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      57   9265.7669
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   9265.7670      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   9265.7670      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16904points
+                      refine surface   9265.7670      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   9265.7939      0.0270      0.0269
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface   9265.8207      0.0538      0.0268
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   9265.8458      0.0789      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16906points
+                          surface 02   9265.8643      0.0974      0.0185
+                                                                        S. 2:    16905points
+                      refine surface   9265.8645      0.0976      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   9265.8896      0.1227      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16905points
+                          surface 03   9265.9079      0.1410      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 3:    16907points
+                      refine surface   9265.9081      0.1412      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   9265.9342      0.1673      0.0261
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface   9265.9607      0.1938      0.0266
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   9265.9860      0.2191      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16908points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   9266.0110
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   9266.0112      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   9266.0271      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   9266.0486      0.0377      0.0215
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   9266.0494      0.0384      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   9266.0636      0.0526      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon   9266.1857      0.1748      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve   9266.3666      0.3556      0.1809
+                embedding surface  1   9266.3667      0.3558      0.0001
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2   9268.3092      2.2982      1.9425
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3   9270.3809      4.3699      2.0717
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability   9273.8827      7.8717      3.5018
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   9273.8873      7.8763      0.0046
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   9274.2706      8.2596      0.3833
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   9274.4841      8.4731      0.2135
+                           Find void   9274.7534      8.7424      0.2693
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions   9274.7817      8.7707      0.0283
+                         wsmp setup1   9274.7891      8.7782      0.0075
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2   9275.7955      9.7845      1.0064
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   9275.8409
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   9275.8411      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38944E-05  9.51721E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   9283.8306      7.9897      7.9895
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0522170 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0889101 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7082310 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3788781 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14480.4858780 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207738 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073731 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3567681 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10239E+01  0.18525E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.98904E-01  0.10724E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76239E+00  0.27111E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   9300.2033     24.3624     16.3727
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35096E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   9300.4269     24.5861      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements   9300.4281     24.5872      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion   9300.4706     24.6298      0.0425
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5887228 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2   9300.4755
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   9300.4799      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.78194E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   9308.4587      7.9832      7.9788
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0474629 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0947270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7068479 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4195080 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14428.9652548 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214111 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0076160 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3979559 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10150E+01  0.13789E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48648E-01  0.10286E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76741E+00  0.22781E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   9324.8732     24.3977     16.4145
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12372E+01  0.19356E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   9325.0962     24.6207      0.2230
+                do leaf measurements   9325.0973     24.6218      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   9325.1392     24.6638      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0713111 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3   9325.1440
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   9325.1483      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   9333.0884      7.9444      7.9401
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0473030 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1027191 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7082288 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3833771 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14474.7628745 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073569 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3709679 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.15613E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37795E-01  0.11911E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74705E+00  0.23227E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   9349.4757     24.3317     16.3873
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13738E+01  0.31382E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   9349.7018     24.5578      0.2261
+                do leaf measurements   9349.7029     24.5589      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   9349.7448     24.6009      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360076 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4   9349.7497
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   9349.7540      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   9357.7600      8.0103      8.0060
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0518470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0939550 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7070379 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3833721 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14474.7692410 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073609 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3647630 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10144E+01  0.17709E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37700E-01  0.12361E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73761E+00  0.22942E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   9374.1405     24.3908     16.3805
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14724E+01  0.35537E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   9374.3635     24.6139      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements   9374.3646     24.6150      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   9374.4067     24.6570      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159492 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5   9374.4114
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   9374.4158      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   9382.3598      7.9484      7.9440
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0509520 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1174860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7084780 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4629178 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14374.3230722 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208370 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073180 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4683809 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10138E+01  0.19492E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40366E-01  0.12596E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73279E+00  0.22852E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   9398.8447     24.4333     16.4849
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15161E+01  0.36459E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   9399.0678     24.6564      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements   9399.0690     24.6575      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   9399.1109     24.6994      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107546 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6   9399.1157
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   9399.1201      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   9407.1134      7.9977      7.9934
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0509782 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0890629 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7064130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3823149 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14476.1136049 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206620 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073690 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3571780 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10133E+01  0.21051E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42871E-01  0.12589E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72822E+00  0.22795E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   9423.4875     24.3718     16.3741
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15375E+01  0.36210E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   9423.7104     24.5947      0.2228
+                do leaf measurements   9423.7115     24.5958      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion   9423.7539     24.6382      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0081060 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   9423.7570     24.6413      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   9423.7572     24.6415      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -77235595033191.688 84595525200572.344
+ def in m -7.853759765625 0.58669149875640869
+ dimensionless def  -1.67626142501831061E-6 2.24393136160714293E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0166243  0.2232898
+                  Compute divergence   9423.9626     24.8470      0.2055
+                        wsmp_cleanup   9423.9990     24.8833      0.0363
+              Reset surface geometry   9424.0039     24.8882      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    9424.0122     24.8965      0.0083
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   9424.0299     24.9142      0.0176
+                   Advect surface  1   9424.0300     24.9143      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   13 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2   9424.2273     25.1116      0.1973
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3   9424.4219     25.3062      0.1946
+                                                                        S. 3:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields   9424.6747     25.5590      0.2528
+                    Advect the cloud   9424.8051     25.6894      0.1304
+                        Write output   9425.5216     26.4060      0.7165
+                    End of time step   9426.3518     27.2361      0.8302
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      58   9426.3520
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   9426.3520      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   9426.3521      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16906points
+                      refine surface   9426.3521      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   9426.3774      0.0255      0.0253
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16906points
+                          surface 02   9426.3953      0.0433      0.0179
+                                                                        S. 2:    16905points
+                      refine surface   9426.3954      0.0435      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   9426.4214      0.0694      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface   9426.4438      0.0919      0.0224
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   9426.4686      0.1167      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16906points
+                          surface 03   9426.4868      0.1349      0.0182
+                                                                        S. 3:    16908points
+                      refine surface   9426.4870      0.1350      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   9426.5143      0.1624      0.0273
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface   9426.5409      0.1889      0.0265
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   9426.5657      0.2137      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16911points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   9426.5905
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   9426.5907      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   9426.6066      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   9426.6276      0.0372      0.0211
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   9426.6284      0.0379      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   9426.6425      0.0521      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon   9426.7647      0.1743      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve   9426.9443      0.3539      0.1796
+                embedding surface  1   9426.9445      0.3540      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2   9428.8899      2.2994      1.9454
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3   9430.9730      4.3825      2.0831
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability   9434.5155      7.9250      3.5425
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   9434.5207      7.9303      0.0052
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   9434.9187      8.3282      0.3979
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   9435.0436      8.4532      0.1250
+                           Find void   9435.3119      8.7214      0.2682
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions   9435.3401      8.7496      0.0282
+                         wsmp setup1   9435.3472      8.7568      0.0072
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2   9436.3521      9.7616      1.0048
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   9436.3981
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   9436.3983      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38944E-05  9.07661E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   9444.3842      7.9861      7.9859
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0505152 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0869360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7036860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3831611 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14475.0375481 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1204069 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073800 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3524721 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10329E+01  0.18536E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.98947E-01  0.10687E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76230E+00  0.27145E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   9460.7530     24.3549     16.3688
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35085E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   9460.9755     24.5775      0.2225
+                do leaf measurements   9460.9767     24.5786      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion   9461.0195     24.6214      0.0428
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5891213 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2   9461.0243
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   9461.0287      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.78874E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   9469.0075      7.9832      7.9788
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0474830 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0860791 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7035880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4145441 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14435.2400194 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207490 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073669 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3801851 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10148E+01  0.13798E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48062E-01  0.10296E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76733E+00  0.22634E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   9485.4036     24.3793     16.3961
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12368E+01  0.19273E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   9485.6279     24.6036      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements   9485.6290     24.6047      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   9485.6714     24.6471      0.0425
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0715260 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3   9485.6761
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   9485.6804      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   9493.6232      7.9471      7.9428
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0497639 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1075041 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7104771 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3871150 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14470.0113989 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210809 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073171 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3836360 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.15619E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37883E-01  0.11920E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74701E+00  0.23179E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   9510.0225     24.3464     16.3993
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13737E+01  0.31353E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   9510.2488     24.5727      0.2263
+                do leaf measurements   9510.2500     24.5738      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   9510.2924     24.6163      0.0425
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361465 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4   9510.2972
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   9510.3015      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   9518.3003      8.0031      7.9988
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0514939 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0944202 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7068121 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3807540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14478.0990752 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207330 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073328 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3619299 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10144E+01  0.17715E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37803E-01  0.12362E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73760E+00  0.22916E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   9534.6781     24.3809     16.3778
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14726E+01  0.35531E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   9534.9024     24.6052      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements   9534.9036     24.6064      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion   9534.9462     24.6491      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159581 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5   9534.9511
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   9534.9556      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   9542.9184      7.9673      7.9628
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0512249 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1197500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7045319 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4620259 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14375.4416181 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206870 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073500 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4659641 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10138E+01  0.19498E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40449E-01  0.12594E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73282E+00  0.22826E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   9559.4008     24.4497     16.4824
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15161E+01  0.36443E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   9559.6289     24.6778      0.2281
+                do leaf measurements   9559.6300     24.6789      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   9559.6723     24.7212      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107482 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6   9559.6770
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   9559.6813      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   9567.6683      7.9913      7.9870
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0485170 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0890779 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7053721 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3745580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14485.9856780 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1205642 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073431 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3458400 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10132E+01  0.21057E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42931E-01  0.12586E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72822E+00  0.22776E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   9584.0301     24.3531     16.3618
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15377E+01  0.36210E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   9584.2529     24.5760      0.2228
+                do leaf measurements   9584.2541     24.5771      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion   9584.2968     24.6198      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0081022 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   9584.2998     24.6229      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   9584.3000     24.6231      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -78116607523071.938 86157826459063.25
+ def in m -7.8599362373352051 0.58892738819122314
+ dimensionless def  -1.68264968054635192E-6 2.2456960678100587E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0166976  0.2235020
+                  Compute divergence   9584.5006     24.8236      0.2006
+                        wsmp_cleanup   9584.5408     24.8638      0.0402
+              Reset surface geometry   9584.5458     24.8688      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    9584.5542     24.8773      0.0084
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   9584.5698     24.8928      0.0155
+                   Advect surface  1   9584.5699     24.8929      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2   9584.7670     25.0901      0.1971
+                                                                        S. 2:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3   9584.9628     25.2859      0.1958
+                                                                        S. 3:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields   9585.2176     25.5407      0.2548
+                    Advect the cloud   9585.3503     25.6734      0.1327
+                        Write output   9586.0657     26.3888      0.7154
+                    End of time step   9586.8941     27.2171      0.8283
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      59   9586.8942
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   9586.8943      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   9586.8943      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16906points
+                      refine surface   9586.8944      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   9586.9218      0.0276      0.0275
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface   9586.9487      0.0545      0.0269
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   9586.9736      0.0794      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16909points
+                          surface 02   9586.9920      0.0978      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 2:    16906points
+                      refine surface   9586.9921      0.0979      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   9587.0192      0.1250      0.0271
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface   9587.0457      0.1515      0.0265
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   9587.0710      0.1768      0.0253
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16909points
+                          surface 03   9587.0889      0.1946      0.0179
+                                                                        S. 3:    16911points
+                      refine surface   9587.0890      0.1948      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   9587.1142      0.2200      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16911points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   9587.1384
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   9587.1386      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   9587.1545      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   9587.1758      0.0374      0.0213
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   9587.1766      0.0382      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   9587.1907      0.0523      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon   9587.3129      0.1745      0.1221
+             Imbed surface in osolve   9587.4937      0.3553      0.1809
+                embedding surface  1   9587.4939      0.3555      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2   9589.4477      2.3093      1.9538
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3   9591.5342      4.3958      2.0865
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability   9595.0512      7.9128      3.5170
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   9595.0559      7.9175      0.0046
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   9595.4490      8.3106      0.3931
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   9595.6248      8.4864      0.1758
+                           Find void   9595.8904      8.7520      0.2656
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions   9595.9185      8.7801      0.0281
+                         wsmp setup1   9595.9258      8.7874      0.0073
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2   9596.9306      9.7922      1.0048
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   9596.9772
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   9596.9773      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38944E-05  8.52804E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   9604.9786      8.0014      8.0012
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0510499 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1010661 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7045639 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3981020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14456.0632308 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210511 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070560 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3832922 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10190E+01  0.18564E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.99122E-01  0.10683E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76262E+00  0.27388E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   9621.3771     24.3999     16.3985
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35102E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   9621.6016     24.6244      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements   9621.6027     24.6255      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   9621.6449     24.6677      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5888940 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2   9621.6498
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   9621.6544      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79318E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   9629.6413      7.9914      7.9869
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0483110 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0946779 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7044730 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4064751 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14445.4516321 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211548 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071011 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3825991 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10151E+01  0.13826E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48023E-01  0.10287E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76747E+00  0.22572E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   9646.0398     24.3900     16.3985
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12372E+01  0.18077E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   9646.2637     24.6139      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements   9646.2648     24.6150      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   9646.3066     24.6568      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0713472 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3   9646.3115
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   9646.3159      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   9654.2590      7.9475      7.9431
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0520251 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1183841 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7093341 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3834231 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14474.7043638 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214042 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070860 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3920770 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.15637E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37644E-01  0.11911E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74735E+00  0.23168E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   9670.6665     24.3551     16.4076
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13741E+01  0.31416E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   9670.8920     24.5806      0.2255
+                do leaf measurements   9670.8931     24.5817      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   9670.9350     24.6235      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361937 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4   9670.9399
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   9670.9444      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   9678.9404      8.0005      7.9960
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0503888 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0988481 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7026980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3908131 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14465.3136041 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1205592 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071259 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3708320 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10146E+01  0.17727E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37606E-01  0.12348E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73786E+00  0.22910E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   9695.3272     24.3873     16.3868
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14730E+01  0.35580E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   9695.5507     24.6109      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements   9695.5519     24.6120      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   9695.5941     24.6542      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159299 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5   9695.5990
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   9695.6036      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   9703.5481      7.9491      7.9445
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0500569 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0936480 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7036939 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4665949 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14369.7134866 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209030 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071039 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4424169 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10139E+01  0.19507E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40446E-01  0.12585E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73302E+00  0.22812E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   9720.0068     24.4078     16.4587
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15168E+01  0.36505E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   9720.2303     24.6313      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements   9720.2314     24.6324      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   9720.2733     24.6743      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107629 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6   9720.2782
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   9720.2826      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   9728.2627      7.9846      7.9801
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0488389 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0902390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7043929 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3662090 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14496.6262223 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207218 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072570 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3380890 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10134E+01  0.21067E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42927E-01  0.12577E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72839E+00  0.22760E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   9744.6173     24.3392     16.3546
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15386E+01  0.36268E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   9744.8401     24.5619      0.2228
+                do leaf measurements   9744.8412     24.5630      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   9744.8830     24.6048      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080911 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   9744.8860     24.6079      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   9744.8862     24.6080      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -78981174048546.594 87723862780073.625
+ def in m -7.8626866340637207 0.58782994747161865
+ dimensionless def  -1.67951413563319599E-6 2.24648189544677718E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0166553  0.2236150
+                  Compute divergence   9745.0926     24.8145      0.2064
+                        wsmp_cleanup   9745.1289     24.8507      0.0362
+              Reset surface geometry   9745.1338     24.8556      0.0049
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    9745.1421     24.8639      0.0083
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   9745.1598     24.8816      0.0177
+                   Advect surface  1   9745.1599     24.8817      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2   9745.3582     25.0800      0.1983
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3   9745.5630     25.2848      0.2047
+                                                                        S. 3:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields   9745.8143     25.5361      0.2513
+                    Advect the cloud   9745.9452     25.6670      0.1309
+                        Write output   9746.6668     26.3886      0.7217
+                    End of time step   9747.4929     27.2147      0.8260
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      60   9747.4930
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   9747.4931      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   9747.4931      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16908points
+                      refine surface   9747.4932      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   9747.5194      0.0264      0.0262
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface   9747.5462      0.0532      0.0268
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   9747.5706      0.0776      0.0244
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16909points
+                          surface 02   9747.5893      0.0963      0.0187
+                                                                        S. 2:    16908points
+                      refine surface   9747.5894      0.0964      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   9747.6133      0.1203      0.0239
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16908points
+                          surface 03   9747.6325      0.1395      0.0192
+                                                                        S. 3:    16911points
+                      refine surface   9747.6326      0.1396      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   9747.6587      0.1657      0.0261
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface   9747.6851      0.1921      0.0264
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   9747.7101      0.2171      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16912points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   9747.7346
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   9747.7349      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   9747.7507      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   9747.7723      0.0376      0.0215
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   9747.7731      0.0384      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   9747.7872      0.0526      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon   9747.9094      0.1748      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve   9748.0923      0.3577      0.1829
+                embedding surface  1   9748.0925      0.3578      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2   9750.0525      2.3179      1.9601
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3   9752.1354      4.4007      2.0828
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability   9755.6692      7.9345      3.5338
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   9755.6742      7.9396      0.0051
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   9756.0739      8.3393      0.3997
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   9756.1816      8.4470      0.1077
+                           Find void   9756.4549      8.7202      0.2733
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions   9756.4834      8.7487      0.0285
+                         wsmp setup1   9756.4904      8.7557      0.0070
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2   9757.4943      9.7596      1.0039
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   9757.5408
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   9757.5410      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38944E-05  7.82829E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   9765.5317      7.9909      7.9908
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0519309 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0948610 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7030060 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3775270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14482.2054825 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207969 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072012 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3557231 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10192E+01  0.18547E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.99150E-01  0.10716E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76244E+00  0.27263E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   9781.9037     24.3629     16.3720
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35096E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   9782.1271     24.5863      0.2234
+                do leaf measurements   9782.1283     24.5875      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   9782.1705     24.6297      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5888046 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2   9782.1754
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   9782.1799      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.78989E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   9790.1745      7.9991      7.9946
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0487120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0908949 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7014780 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4029391 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14449.9310837 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208658 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072160 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3725538 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10151E+01  0.13816E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47917E-01  0.10298E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76738E+00  0.22560E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   9806.5635     24.3881     16.3890
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12367E+01  0.18572E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   9806.7864     24.6110      0.2229
+                do leaf measurements   9806.7875     24.6121      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   9806.8295     24.6541      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0714132 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3   9806.8343
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   9806.8387      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   9814.7760      7.9417      7.9373
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0475452 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1213412 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7086711 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3948610 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14460.1749966 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215839 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072470 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4016712 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.15636E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37782E-01  0.11911E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74715E+00  0.23165E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   9831.1933     24.3590     16.4173
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13739E+01  0.31361E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   9831.4203     24.5860      0.2269
+                do leaf measurements   9831.4214     24.5871      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   9831.4633     24.6290      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360793 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4   9831.4681
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   9831.4726      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   9839.4668      7.9987      7.9942
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0487678 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0996761 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7031298 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3836000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14474.4794199 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209102 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072770 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3637772 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10146E+01  0.17731E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37666E-01  0.12356E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73768E+00  0.22907E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   9855.8472     24.3791     16.3804
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14727E+01  0.35510E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   9856.0706     24.6025      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements   9856.0718     24.6037      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   9856.1141     24.6460      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0160433 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5   9856.1191
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   9856.1236      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   9864.0668      7.9478      7.9432
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0516860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0964849 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7066529 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4674881 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14368.5943382 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212831 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072269 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4512329 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10139E+01  0.19511E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40475E-01  0.12588E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73285E+00  0.22817E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   9880.5341     24.4151     16.4673
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15164E+01  0.36434E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   9880.7586     24.6395      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements   9880.7597     24.6406      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   9880.8017     24.6826      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107680 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6   9880.8065
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   9880.8110      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   9888.7849      7.9783      7.9739
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0485420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0923729 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7041121 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3945851 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14460.5250615 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209421 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071812 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3681440 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10134E+01  0.21070E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42949E-01  0.12583E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72824E+00  0.22771E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   9905.1688     24.3623     16.3840
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15382E+01  0.36212E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   9905.3935     24.5869      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements   9905.3946     24.5881      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   9905.4365     24.6300      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080968 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   9905.4396     24.6331      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   9905.4398     24.6332      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -79834723682695.391 89288211180551.719
+ def in m -7.8643550872802734 0.58441931009292603
+ dimensionless def  -1.66976945740836003E-6 2.24695859636579235E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0165444  0.2236953
+                  Compute divergence   9905.6355     24.8290      0.1957
+                        wsmp_cleanup   9905.6836     24.8771      0.0481
+              Reset surface geometry   9905.6886     24.8821      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    9905.6960     24.8895      0.0074
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   9905.7091     24.9026      0.0131
+                   Advect surface  1   9905.7093     24.9028      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   12 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2   9905.9192     25.1127      0.2100
+                                                                        S. 2:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3   9906.1196     25.3130      0.2003
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields   9906.3793     25.5727      0.2597
+                    Advect the cloud   9906.5110     25.7045      0.1317
+                        Write output   9907.2392     26.4327      0.7282
+                    End of time step   9908.0689     27.2624      0.8297
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      61   9908.0691
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   9908.0691      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   9908.0692      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16907points
+                      refine surface   9908.0692      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   9908.0947      0.0256      0.0255
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface   9908.1219      0.0528      0.0272
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   9908.1461      0.0770      0.0242
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16908points
+                          surface 02   9908.1650      0.0959      0.0189
+                                                                        S. 2:    16908points
+                      refine surface   9908.1652      0.0961      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   9908.1894      0.1203      0.0243
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16908points
+                          surface 03   9908.2078      0.1387      0.0184
+                                                                        S. 3:    16911points
+                      refine surface   9908.2079      0.1389      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   4 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   9908.2362      0.1671      0.0282
+                                                                        S. 3:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface   9908.2624      0.1933      0.0262
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   9908.2872      0.2182      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16915points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   9908.3120
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   9908.3122      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   9908.3281      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   9908.3497      0.0377      0.0215
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes   9908.3504      0.0384      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   9908.3646      0.0526      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon   9908.4868      0.1748      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve   9908.6716      0.3596      0.1849
+                embedding surface  1   9908.6718      0.3598      0.0001
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2   9910.6263      2.3143      1.9545
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3   9912.7233      4.4113      2.0970
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability   9916.2721      7.9601      3.5488
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   9916.2772      7.9652      0.0051
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   9916.6625      8.3505      0.3853
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces   9916.7859      8.4739      0.1234
+                           Find void   9917.0590      8.7470      0.2731
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions   9917.0873      8.7753      0.0283
+                         wsmp setup1   9917.0945      8.7825      0.0073
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2   9918.0978      9.7858      1.0032
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   9918.1444
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   9918.1445      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38944E-05  8.12112E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   9926.1465      8.0022      8.0020
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0519791 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0890849 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7047520 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3802700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14478.7148120 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073199 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3546810 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10192E+01  0.18500E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.98648E-01  0.10680E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76221E+00  0.26722E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   9942.5176     24.3732     16.3711
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35091E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   9942.7414     24.5971      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements   9942.7425     24.5982      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   9942.7851     24.6408      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5893239 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2   9942.7900
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   9942.7945      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79810E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   9950.8024      8.0124      8.0078
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0495830 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0879278 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7066150 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3958840 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14458.8768488 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212790 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073011 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3689508 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.13772E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48227E-01  0.10296E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76735E+00  0.22547E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   9967.1873     24.3973     16.3850
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12357E+01  0.17944E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   9967.4113     24.6213      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements   9967.4123     24.6223      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   9967.4636     24.6736      0.0512
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0718748 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3   9967.4683
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   9967.4724      0.0042      0.0042
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve   9975.4034      7.9352      7.9310
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0502322 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1051710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7121871 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3907669 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14465.3723418 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072939 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3877230 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10156E+01  0.15611E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37563E-01  0.11918E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74674E+00  0.23145E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   9991.8075     24.3392     16.4041
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13732E+01  0.31293E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   9992.0341     24.5658      0.2266
+                do leaf measurements   9992.0352     24.5669      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion   9992.0774     24.6091      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361515 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4   9992.0822
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   9992.0867      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  10000.0644      7.9822      7.9777
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0526030 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0931501 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7056000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3862500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14471.1106465 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212080 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073240 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3665140 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10147E+01  0.17712E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37668E-01  0.12356E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73745E+00  0.22893E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  10016.4472     24.3650     16.3828
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14722E+01  0.35448E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  10016.6710     24.5888      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  10016.6720     24.5898      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  10016.7148     24.6325      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158717 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  10016.7196
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  10016.7241      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  10024.6744      7.9548      7.9503
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0508051 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0900731 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7057691 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4634240 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14373.6883800 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212251 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072589 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4389129 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10140E+01  0.19493E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40619E-01  0.12594E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73269E+00  0.22799E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  10041.1301     24.4105     16.4557
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15159E+01  0.36379E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  10041.3536     24.6339      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements  10041.3546     24.6350      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  10041.3969     24.6773      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107582 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  10041.4017
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  10041.4061      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  10049.3959      7.9942      7.9897
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0492449 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0912859 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7044320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3758829 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14484.2985678 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211782 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073030 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3496940 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10134E+01  0.21051E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43069E-01  0.12584E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72812E+00  0.22756E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  10065.7617     24.3600     16.3658
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15375E+01  0.36142E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  10065.9854     24.5837      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  10065.9865     24.5848      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  10066.0287     24.6270      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080968 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  10066.0317     24.6300      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  10066.0319     24.6302      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -80689410115359.156 90846633713565.766
+ def in m -7.8693094253540039 0.58524990081787109
+ dimensionless def  -1.67214257376534594E-6 2.24837412152971524E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0165547  0.2238708
+                  Compute divergence  10066.2379     24.8362      0.2060
+                        wsmp_cleanup  10066.2739     24.8722      0.0360
+              Reset surface geometry  10066.2789     24.8773      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   10066.2874     24.8857      0.0084
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  10066.3050     24.9033      0.0177
+                   Advect surface  1  10066.3052     24.9035      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  10066.5307     25.1290      0.2255
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  10066.7434     25.3417      0.2127
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  10067.0288     25.6271      0.2854
+                    Advect the cloud  10067.1592     25.7575      0.1304
+                        Write output  10067.8879     26.4862      0.7287
+                    End of time step  10068.7166     27.3150      0.8287
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      62  10068.7168
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  10068.7168      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  10068.7169      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    16905points
+                      refine surface  10068.7169      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  10068.7428      0.0261      0.0259
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  10068.7653      0.0485      0.0225
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  10068.7897      0.0729      0.0244
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16906points
+                          surface 02  10068.8082      0.0914      0.0186
+                                                                        S. 2:    16906points
+                      refine surface  10068.8084      0.0916      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  10068.8388      0.1220      0.0304
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  10068.8617      0.1449      0.0229
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  10068.8861      0.1693      0.0244
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16907points
+                          surface 03  10068.9047      0.1879      0.0186
+                                                                        S. 3:    16912points
+                      refine surface  10068.9048      0.1881      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  10068.9307      0.2139      0.0258
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  10068.9575      0.2407      0.0268
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  10068.9819      0.2651      0.0244
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16913points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  10069.0070
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  10069.0072      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  10069.0231      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  10069.0444      0.0374      0.0213
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  10069.0452      0.0382      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  10069.0594      0.0524      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  10069.1816      0.1746      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  10069.3645      0.3575      0.1829
+                embedding surface  1  10069.3647      0.3577      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  10071.3140      2.3070      1.9493
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  10073.4083      4.4013      2.0943
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  10076.9590      7.9520      3.5507
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  10076.9646      7.9576      0.0056
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  10077.3646      8.3576      0.4000
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  10077.4339      8.4269      0.0693
+                           Find void  10077.7069      8.6999      0.2730
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  10077.7356      8.7286      0.0288
+                         wsmp setup1  10077.7428      8.7358      0.0071
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  10078.7446      9.7376      1.0018
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  10078.7902
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  10078.7904      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38943E-05  8.37773E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  10086.7899      7.9997      7.9995
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0508728 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1047530 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7056510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3851039 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14472.5673766 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1204982 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070639 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3743320 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10306E+01  0.18510E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.98429E-01  0.10662E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76217E+00  0.27172E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  10103.1802     24.3899     16.3902
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35080E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  10103.4032     24.6130      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements  10103.4043     24.6141      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  10103.4464     24.6562      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5890588 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  10103.4513
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  10103.4558      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79685E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  10111.4526      8.0014      7.9969
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0479698 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1005991 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7036369 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4063861 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14445.5642564 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070050 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3865678 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10151E+01  0.13783E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48202E-01  0.10283E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76748E+00  0.22599E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  10127.8555     24.4043     16.4029
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12356E+01  0.18585E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  10128.0786     24.6274      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements  10128.0798     24.6285      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  10128.1215     24.6703      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0716719 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  10128.1263
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  10128.1307      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  10136.0692      7.9429      7.9385
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0536060 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1153579 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7103159 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4062281 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14445.7644481 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212199 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070610 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4141741 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.15615E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37772E-01  0.11908E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74667E+00  0.23157E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  10152.4996     24.3733     16.4304
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13727E+01  0.31285E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  10152.7258     24.5995      0.2262
+                do leaf measurements  10152.7269     24.6006      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  10152.7687     24.6424      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361494 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  10152.7735
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  10152.7780      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  10160.7542      7.9807      7.9762
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0520480 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0864310 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7034969 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3918519 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14463.9945544 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1204360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071130 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3617671 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10146E+01  0.17716E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37677E-01  0.12365E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73740E+00  0.22904E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  10177.1321     24.3586     16.3779
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14721E+01  0.35484E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  10177.3558     24.5823      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  10177.3570     24.5835      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  10177.3989     24.6254      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158968 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  10177.4038
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  10177.4082      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  10185.3447      7.9409      7.9365
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0503390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0795989 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7039909 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4711092 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14364.0585835 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209610 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070841 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4334700 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10139E+01  0.19497E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40637E-01  0.12595E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73271E+00  0.22809E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  10201.7946     24.3908     16.4500
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15157E+01  0.36390E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  10202.0184     24.6146      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  10202.0195     24.6157      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  10202.0612     24.6575      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107448 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  10202.0660
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  10202.0704      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  10210.0400      7.9740      7.9696
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0480521 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0883169 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7040360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3790960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14480.2085705 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070841 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3485010 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10135E+01  0.21056E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43053E-01  0.12595E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72814E+00  0.22780E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  10226.4046     24.3386     16.3646
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15375E+01  0.36170E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  10226.6311     24.5651      0.2264
+                do leaf measurements  10226.6322     24.5662      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  10226.6739     24.6079      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080932 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  10226.6769     24.6109      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  10226.6770     24.6110      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -81527801887569.5 92406148429244.906
+ def in m -7.8726081848144531 0.58409857749938965
+ dimensionless def  -1.66885307856968478E-6 2.24931662423270091E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0165104  0.2239956
+                  Compute divergence  10226.8806     24.8146      0.2036
+                        wsmp_cleanup  10226.9201     24.8541      0.0395
+              Reset surface geometry  10226.9253     24.8594      0.0052
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   10226.9338     24.8678      0.0085
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  10226.9492     24.8832      0.0154
+                   Advect surface  1  10226.9493     24.8834      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  10227.1441     25.0781      0.1947
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  10227.3615     25.2955      0.2174
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  10227.6341     25.5681      0.2726
+                    Advect the cloud  10227.7681     25.7021      0.1340
+                        Write output  10228.4858     26.4198      0.7177
+                    End of time step  10229.3169     27.2509      0.8311
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      63  10229.3170
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  10229.3171      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  10229.3171      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16906points
+                      refine surface  10229.3172      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   5 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  10229.3457      0.0287      0.0285
+                                                                        S. 1:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  10229.3723      0.0553      0.0266
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  10229.3974      0.0804      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16911points
+                          surface 02  10229.4152      0.0981      0.0178
+                                                                        S. 2:    16905points
+                      refine surface  10229.4153      0.0983      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  10229.4419      0.1249      0.0266
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  10229.4684      0.1514      0.0265
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  10229.4933      0.1762      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16907points
+                          surface 03  10229.5114      0.1944      0.0181
+                                                                        S. 3:    16912points
+                      refine surface  10229.5115      0.1945      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  10229.5377      0.2206      0.0261
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  10229.5640      0.2470      0.0264
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  10229.5890      0.2719      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16913points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  10229.6134
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  10229.6137      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  10229.6296      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  10229.6509      0.0374      0.0213
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  10229.6516      0.0382      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  10229.6658      0.0523      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  10229.7880      0.1746      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  10229.9699      0.3565      0.1819
+                embedding surface  1  10229.9701      0.3566      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  10231.9130      2.2996      1.9430
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  10234.0055      4.3921      2.0925
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  10237.5394      7.9259      3.5338
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  10237.5445      7.9311      0.0051
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  10237.9507      8.3373      0.4062
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  10238.0789      8.4655      0.1282
+                           Find void  10238.3488      8.7354      0.2699
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  10238.3770      8.7636      0.0282
+                         wsmp setup1  10238.3844      8.7710      0.0074
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  10239.3879      9.7745      1.0036
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  10239.4335
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  10239.4337      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38943E-05  8.54208E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  10247.4259      7.9923      7.9921
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0535569 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0896389 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7014391 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3820729 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14476.4213823 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207900 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072122 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3551128 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10197E+01  0.18488E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.98188E-01  0.10711E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76211E+00  0.26946E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  10263.7972     24.3636     16.3713
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35089E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  10264.0198     24.5863      0.2226
+                do leaf measurements  10264.0210     24.5874      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  10264.0713     24.6377      0.0503
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5886732 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  10264.0761
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  10264.0807      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79863E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  10272.0834      8.0072      8.0027
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0521221 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0839250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7022350 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3926280 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14463.0092840 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213539 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072379 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3598859 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10151E+01  0.13754E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48242E-01  0.10295E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76727E+00  0.22571E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  10288.4591     24.3830     16.3758
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12359E+01  0.19124E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  10288.6825     24.6063      0.2233
+                do leaf measurements  10288.6836     24.6074      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  10288.7254     24.6493      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0712810 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  10288.7302
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  10288.7345      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  10296.6722      7.9421      7.9377
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0517440 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1247230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7097440 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4102509 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14440.6714004 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215370 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071340 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4254980 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.15590E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37725E-01  0.11922E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74690E+00  0.23137E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  10313.1137     24.3836     16.4415
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13729E+01  0.31309E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  10313.3395     24.6093      0.2258
+                do leaf measurements  10313.3406     24.6105      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  10313.3824     24.6523      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361696 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  10313.3872
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  10313.3916      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  10321.3770      7.9899      7.9854
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0508389 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0940361 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7053721 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3716049 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14489.7474932 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206341 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072279 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3500969 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10146E+01  0.17690E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37653E-01  0.12364E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73750E+00  0.22887E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  10337.7434     24.3562     16.3663
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14718E+01  0.35447E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  10337.9668     24.5796      0.2234
+                do leaf measurements  10337.9679     24.5807      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  10338.0101     24.6229      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158493 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  10338.0150
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  10338.0195      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  10345.9517      7.9367      7.9322
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0494831 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0845320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7048619 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4452770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14396.4784973 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213801 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071850 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4130969 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10141E+01  0.19476E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40590E-01  0.12593E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73272E+00  0.22804E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  10362.3809     24.3659     16.4291
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15154E+01  0.36369E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  10362.6047     24.5898      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  10362.6058     24.5909      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  10362.6476     24.6327      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107344 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  10362.6524
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  10362.6569      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  10370.6223      7.9699      7.9655
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0508530 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0912161 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7072229 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3696792 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14492.2016527 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217752 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071251 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3482499 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10135E+01  0.21035E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43020E-01  0.12590E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72814E+00  0.22756E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  10386.9866     24.3342     16.3643
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15371E+01  0.36157E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  10387.2123     24.5599      0.2257
+                do leaf measurements  10387.2134     24.5610      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  10387.2551     24.6027      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080886 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  10387.2582     24.6057      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  10387.2583     24.6059      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -82369508987353.031 93960215742445.609
+ def in m -7.877497673034668 0.58599883317947388
+ dimensionless def  -1.67428238051278256E-6 2.25071362086704817E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0165555  0.2241712
+                  Compute divergence  10387.4546     24.8022      0.1962
+                        wsmp_cleanup  10387.5039     24.8515      0.0494
+              Reset surface geometry  10387.5091     24.8567      0.0052
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   10387.5166     24.8642      0.0075
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  10387.5296     24.8772      0.0130
+                   Advect surface  1  10387.5298     24.8774      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  10387.7339     25.0815      0.2041
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  10387.9455     25.2931      0.2115
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   12 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  10388.2210     25.5686      0.2755
+                    Advect the cloud  10388.3560     25.7036      0.1350
+                        Write output  10389.0752     26.4228      0.7192
+                    End of time step  10389.9136     27.2612      0.8384
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      64  10389.9138
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  10389.9138      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  10389.9139      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16910points
+                      refine surface  10389.9139      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  10389.9407      0.0270      0.0268
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  10389.9721      0.0583      0.0313
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  10389.9963      0.0826      0.0243
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16913points
+                          surface 02  10390.0153      0.1016      0.0190
+                                                                        S. 2:    16905points
+                      refine surface  10390.0155      0.1017      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  10390.0409      0.1271      0.0254
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  10390.0683      0.1545      0.0274
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  10390.0924      0.1787      0.0242
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16906points
+                          surface 03  10390.1113      0.1976      0.0189
+                                                                        S. 3:    16910points
+                      refine surface  10390.1114      0.1977      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  10390.1364      0.2227      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  10390.1642      0.2505      0.0278
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  10390.1883      0.2746      0.0241
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16911points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  10390.2137
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  10390.2139      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  10390.2298      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  10390.2514      0.0377      0.0216
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  10390.2522      0.0385      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  10390.2663      0.0527      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  10390.3886      0.1749      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  10390.5703      0.3566      0.1817
+                embedding surface  1  10390.5704      0.3568      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  10392.5080      2.2943      1.9376
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  10394.5990      4.3853      2.0909
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  10398.1358      7.9221      3.5368
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  10398.1412      7.9275      0.0055
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  10398.5397      8.3260      0.3985
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  10398.6776      8.4640      0.1379
+                           Find void  10398.9455      8.7318      0.2678
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  10398.9739      8.7603      0.0285
+                         wsmp setup1  10398.9814      8.7677      0.0075
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  10399.9874      9.7737      1.0059
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  10400.0334
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  10400.0336      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38943E-05  8.39784E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  10408.0336      8.0003      8.0000
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0518131 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0888939 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7036669 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3729219 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14488.0695296 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1204672 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071669 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3453281 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10190E+01  0.18524E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.98183E-01  0.10703E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76254E+00  0.27055E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  10424.3960     24.3626     16.3624
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35120E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  10424.6185     24.5852      0.2226
+                do leaf measurements  10424.6196     24.5863      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  10424.6610     24.6277      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5888739 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  10424.6659
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  10424.6704      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79925E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  10432.6751      8.0091      8.0047
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0476892 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0961959 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7050550 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3991358 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14454.7522164 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207800 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070701 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3763070 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10150E+01  0.13792E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48176E-01  0.10271E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76764E+00  0.22597E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  10449.0672     24.4013     16.3922
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12367E+01  0.19255E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  10449.2908     24.6249      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements  10449.2919     24.6259      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  10449.3329     24.6670      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0713570 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  10449.3376
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  10449.3420      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  10457.2755      7.9379      7.9336
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0479910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1116080 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7076609 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4117680 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14438.7516867 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213939 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0168159 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4176111 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10156E+01  0.15613E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37620E-01  0.11897E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74702E+00  0.23169E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  10473.7096     24.3720     16.4341
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13738E+01  0.31387E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  10473.9351     24.5975      0.2255
+                do leaf measurements  10473.9362     24.5986      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  10473.9772     24.6396      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360656 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  10473.9820
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  10473.9864      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  10481.9731      7.9911      7.9867
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0489860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0835040 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7016699 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3883300 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14468.4676440 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071630 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3506730 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10147E+01  0.17712E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37584E-01  0.12349E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73762E+00  0.22905E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  10498.3393     24.3573     16.3662
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14726E+01  0.35525E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  10498.5630     24.5810      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  10498.5641     24.5821      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  10498.6055     24.6235      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159574 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  10498.6103
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  10498.6148      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  10506.5531      7.9428      7.9384
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0505719 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0849051 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7031112 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4344499 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14410.1102507 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206381 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071340 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4011929 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10140E+01  0.19495E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40562E-01  0.12583E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73284E+00  0.22805E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  10522.9709     24.3606     16.4177
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15164E+01  0.36457E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  10523.1943     24.5839      0.2234
+                do leaf measurements  10523.1953     24.5850      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  10523.2364     24.6261      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107292 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  10523.2412
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  10523.2456      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  10531.2148      7.9736      7.9692
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0481498 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0811050 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7070341 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3683069 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14493.9510943 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216588 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072021 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3338180 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10135E+01  0.21053E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43009E-01  0.12580E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72825E+00  0.22760E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  10547.5646     24.3234     16.3498
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15380E+01  0.36218E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  10547.7903     24.5491      0.2257
+                do leaf measurements  10547.7914     24.5502      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  10547.8324     24.5911      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080946 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  10547.8354     24.5942      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  10547.8356     24.5944      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -83194842948435.609 95515740422804.547
+ def in m -7.8802642822265625 0.5854378342628479
+ dimensionless def  -1.67267952646527959E-6 2.25150408063616064E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0165337  0.2242813
+                  Compute divergence  10548.0337     24.7925      0.1981
+                        wsmp_cleanup  10548.0762     24.8350      0.0425
+              Reset surface geometry  10548.0814     24.8402      0.0052
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   10548.0897     24.8485      0.0083
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  10548.1036     24.8624      0.0139
+                   Advect surface  1  10548.1037     24.8625      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  10548.3121     25.0709      0.2083
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  10548.5162     25.2750      0.2041
+                                                                        S. 3:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  10548.7689     25.5277      0.2528
+                    Advect the cloud  10548.9040     25.6628      0.1351
+                        Write output  10549.6325     26.3913      0.7285
+                    End of time step  10550.4809     27.2397      0.8483
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      65  10550.4810
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  10550.4811      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  10550.4811      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16912points
+                      refine surface  10550.4812      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  10550.5081      0.0271      0.0269
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  10550.5351      0.0541      0.0270
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  10550.5596      0.0785      0.0244
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16915points
+                          surface 02  10550.5781      0.0971      0.0186
+                                                                        S. 2:    16905points
+                      refine surface  10550.5783      0.0973      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  10550.6034      0.1224      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  10550.6264      0.1454      0.0231
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  10550.6506      0.1696      0.0242
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16906points
+                          surface 03  10550.6695      0.1885      0.0188
+                                                                        S. 3:    16911points
+                      refine surface  10550.6696      0.1886      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  10550.6949      0.2139      0.0253
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  10550.7179      0.2369      0.0230
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  10550.7420      0.2610      0.0241
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16912points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  10550.7675
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  10550.7677      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  10550.7836      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  10550.8048      0.0374      0.0213
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  10550.8056      0.0382      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  10550.8197      0.0523      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  10550.9419      0.1744      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  10551.1237      0.3562      0.1818
+                embedding surface  1  10551.1238      0.3564      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  10553.0730      2.3055      1.9492
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  10555.1639      4.3964      2.0909
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  10558.6839      7.9164      3.5200
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  10558.6894      7.9219      0.0055
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  10559.0844      8.3170      0.3951
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  10559.1772      8.4098      0.0928
+                           Find void  10559.4485      8.6811      0.2713
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  10559.4767      8.7092      0.0282
+                         wsmp setup1  10559.4837      8.7163      0.0070
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  10560.4858      9.7183      1.0020
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  10560.5308
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  10560.5310      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38943E-05  8.05990E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  10568.5191      7.9883      7.9881
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0513351 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0823121 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7018139 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3945720 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14460.5417028 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208291 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070779 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3582909 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10189E+01  0.18543E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.99116E-01  0.10810E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76272E+00  0.27052E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  10584.8937     24.3629     16.3746
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35110E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  10585.1165     24.5856      0.2227
+                do leaf measurements  10585.1176     24.5867      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  10585.1587     24.6278      0.0411
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5886721 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  10585.1635
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  10585.1678      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.77783E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  10593.1804      8.0170      8.0126
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0495131 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0936768 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7050691 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3852911 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14472.3294674 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208899 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071230 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3619261 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10151E+01  0.13792E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48937E-01  0.10261E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76755E+00  0.22832E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  10609.5587     24.3952     16.3783
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12362E+01  0.20105E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  10609.7817     24.6182      0.2229
+                do leaf measurements  10609.7828     24.6193      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  10609.8238     24.6604      0.0411
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0711160 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  10609.8286
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  10609.8330      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  10617.7717      7.9431      7.9388
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0488811 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1151390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7102289 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4186001 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14430.1125082 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213911 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071461 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4217448 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.15607E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37828E-01  0.11878E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74722E+00  0.23253E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  10634.2091     24.3805     16.4374
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13732E+01  0.31367E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  10634.4355     24.6069      0.2264
+                do leaf measurements  10634.4367     24.6080      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  10634.4778     24.6492      0.0411
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361543 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  10634.4826
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  10634.4870      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  10642.4762      7.9936      7.9892
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0497231 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0914981 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7033591 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3708520 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14490.7069381 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206410 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071580 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3435850 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10146E+01  0.17701E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37757E-01  0.12331E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73775E+00  0.22954E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  10658.8363     24.3537     16.3601
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14721E+01  0.35513E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  10659.0592     24.5766      0.2229
+                do leaf measurements  10659.0603     24.5777      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  10659.1016     24.6190      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158638 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  10659.1065
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  10659.1109      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  10667.0576      7.9511      7.9467
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0504398 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0815110 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7062809 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4387259 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14404.7234473 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211212 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070682 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4054830 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10140E+01  0.19484E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40360E-01  0.12567E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73293E+00  0.22838E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  10683.4799     24.3734     16.4223
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15159E+01  0.36436E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  10683.7034     24.5969      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements  10683.7045     24.5980      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  10683.7456     24.6392      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107316 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  10683.7504
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  10683.7548      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  10691.7009      7.9505      7.9461
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0501640 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0892382 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7073112 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3648171 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14498.4016733 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217229 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071340 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3407891 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10135E+01  0.21045E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42873E-01  0.12570E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72832E+00  0.22781E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  10708.0579     24.3075     16.3570
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15376E+01  0.36204E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  10708.2836     24.5331      0.2257
+                do leaf measurements  10708.2847     24.5343      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  10708.3257     24.5753      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080974 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  10708.3288     24.5783      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  10708.3289     24.5785      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -84015343033539.406 97067319780811.063
+ def in m -7.8825254440307617 0.58406025171279907
+ dimensionless def  -1.66874357632228301E-6 2.25215012686593188E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0164909  0.2243762
+                  Compute divergence  10708.5254     24.7750      0.1965
+                        wsmp_cleanup  10708.5640     24.8135      0.0386
+              Reset surface geometry  10708.5689     24.8185      0.0049
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   10708.5773     24.8268      0.0084
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  10708.5943     24.8439      0.0170
+                   Advect surface  1  10708.5944     24.8440      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  10708.8005     25.0501      0.2061
+                                                                        S. 2:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  10708.9971     25.2467      0.1966
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  10709.2571     25.5067      0.2600
+                    Advect the cloud  10709.3911     25.6406      0.1339
+                        Write output  10710.1253     26.3748      0.7342
+                    End of time step  10710.9645     27.2141      0.8392
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      66  10710.9646
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  10710.9647      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  10710.9647      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16913points
+                      refine surface  10710.9648      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  10710.9909      0.0263      0.0261
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  10711.0179      0.0532      0.0269
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  10711.0421      0.0775      0.0242
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16915points
+                          surface 02  10711.0610      0.0963      0.0189
+                                                                        S. 2:    16906points
+                      refine surface  10711.0611      0.0965      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  10711.0864      0.1217      0.0253
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  10711.1092      0.1445      0.0228
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  10711.1335      0.1688      0.0243
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16907points
+                          surface 03  10711.1522      0.1875      0.0187
+                                                                        S. 3:    16911points
+                      refine surface  10711.1523      0.1877      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  10711.1784      0.2137      0.0261
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  10711.2011      0.2364      0.0227
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  10711.2253      0.2607      0.0242
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16913points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  10711.2505
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  10711.2507      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  10711.2666      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  10711.2884      0.0379      0.0218
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  10711.2892      0.0387      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  10711.3033      0.0529      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  10711.4255      0.1750      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  10711.6065      0.3560      0.1809
+                embedding surface  1  10711.6066      0.3561      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  10713.5584      2.3079      1.9518
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  10715.6389      4.3884      2.0805
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  10719.1579      7.9074      3.5189
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  10719.1625      7.9120      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  10719.5598      8.3093      0.3973
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  10719.7154      8.4649      0.1556
+                           Find void  10719.9823      8.7318      0.2669
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  10720.0102      8.7597      0.0279
+                         wsmp setup1  10720.0171      8.7666      0.0069
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  10721.0226      9.7721      1.0055
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  10721.0676
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  10721.0678      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38943E-05  7.75340E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  10729.0428      7.9753      7.9751
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0526731 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0934861 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7016659 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3833840 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14474.7540827 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208119 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071359 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3595312 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10189E+01  0.18478E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.98164E-01  0.10736E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76240E+00  0.26823E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  10745.4187     24.3511     16.3758
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35107E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  10745.6421     24.5745      0.2234
+                do leaf measurements  10745.6432     24.5756      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  10745.6843     24.6168      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5883744 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  10745.6891
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  10745.6934      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79352E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  10753.7122      8.0232      8.0188
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0512350 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0968051 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7062659 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3923771 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14463.3277039 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212900 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071349 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3754570 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10149E+01  0.13749E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48122E-01  0.10307E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76735E+00  0.22676E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  10770.1038     24.4148     16.3916
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12355E+01  0.18044E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  10770.3271     24.6381      0.2233
+                do leaf measurements  10770.3283     24.6392      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  10770.3694     24.6803      0.0411
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0710169 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  10770.3741
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  10770.3784      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  10778.3162      7.9421      7.9378
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0509291 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1185420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7130511 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4331660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14411.7284298 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217949 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071268 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4449680 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.15582E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38207E-01  0.11910E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74682E+00  0.23171E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  10794.7780     24.4040     16.4618
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13721E+01  0.31242E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  10795.0020     24.6280      0.2240
+                do leaf measurements  10795.0031     24.6291      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  10795.0442     24.6702      0.0411
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361156 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  10795.0490
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  10795.0534      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  10803.0487      7.9997      7.9954
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0501049 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0912030 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7033401 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3820260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14476.4811200 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207399 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071559 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3549359 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10146E+01  0.17687E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38027E-01  0.12358E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73742E+00  0.22899E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  10819.4192     24.3702     16.3705
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14712E+01  0.35402E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  10819.6431     24.5941      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  10819.6443     24.5953      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  10819.6856     24.6366      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159370 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  10819.6904
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  10819.6948      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  10827.6496      7.9592      7.9548
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0493631 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0949759 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7064250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4283371 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14417.8179620 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210899 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070920 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4076321 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10140E+01  0.19472E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40463E-01  0.12596E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73266E+00  0.22805E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  10844.0738     24.3834     16.4242
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15151E+01  0.36341E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  10844.2973     24.6069      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements  10844.2984     24.6080      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  10844.3394     24.6490      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107542 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  10844.3442
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  10844.3486      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  10852.2911      7.9469      7.9426
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0496669 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0823500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7135561 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3798351 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14479.2681098 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212931 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071390 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3542099 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10135E+01  0.21029E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42937E-01  0.12590E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72810E+00  0.22754E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  10868.6608     24.3166     16.3697
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15367E+01  0.36119E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  10868.8868     24.5426      0.2259
+                do leaf measurements  10868.8879     24.5437      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  10868.9289     24.5847      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080885 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  10868.9320     24.5878      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  10868.9321     24.5879      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -84836482755504.813 98611366943243.031
+ def in m -7.8879108428955078 0.58597946166992187
+ dimensionless def  -1.67422703334263384E-6 2.25368881225585946E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0165389  0.2245636
+                  Compute divergence  10869.1284     24.7842      0.1963
+                        wsmp_cleanup  10869.1680     24.8238      0.0396
+              Reset surface geometry  10869.1728     24.8286      0.0048
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   10869.1813     24.8371      0.0085
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  10869.1976     24.8534      0.0163
+                   Advect surface  1  10869.1978     24.8536      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  10869.4005     25.0563      0.2027
+                                                                        removing   4 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  10869.6301     25.2859      0.2296
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  10869.8869     25.5428      0.2569
+                    Advect the cloud  10870.0219     25.6777      0.1349
+                        Write output  10870.7566     26.4124      0.7347
+                    End of time step  10871.5925     27.2483      0.8359
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      67  10871.5926
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  10871.5927      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  10871.5927      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16914points
+                      refine surface  10871.5928      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  10871.6183      0.0257      0.0255
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  10871.6412      0.0486      0.0229
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  10871.6654      0.0727      0.0242
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16915points
+                          surface 02  10871.6844      0.0917      0.0190
+                                                                        S. 2:    16903points
+                      refine surface  10871.6845      0.0919      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   5 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  10871.7127      0.1200      0.0282
+                                                                        S. 2:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  10871.7393      0.1467      0.0266
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  10871.7638      0.1711      0.0245
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16908points
+                          surface 03  10871.7823      0.1897      0.0186
+                                                                        S. 3:    16912points
+                      refine surface  10871.7825      0.1898      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   5 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  10871.8101      0.2174      0.0276
+                                                                        S. 3:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  10871.8371      0.2445      0.0271
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  10871.8611      0.2684      0.0239
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16917points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  10871.8864
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  10871.8866      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  10871.9025      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  10871.9240      0.0376      0.0215
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  10871.9248      0.0384      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  10871.9389      0.0525      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  10872.0610      0.1746      0.1221
+             Imbed surface in osolve  10872.2403      0.3539      0.1793
+                embedding surface  1  10872.2405      0.3541      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  10874.1978      2.3114      1.9573
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  10876.2508      4.3645      2.0530
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  10879.7779      7.8916      3.5271
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  10879.7826      7.8963      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  10880.1514      8.2650      0.3688
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  10880.3309      8.4445      0.1795
+                           Find void  10880.6013      8.7150      0.2704
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  10880.6295      8.7432      0.0282
+                         wsmp setup1  10880.6367      8.7503      0.0071
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  10881.6404      9.7540      1.0037
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  10881.6859
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  10881.6861      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38943E-05  7.94326E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  10889.6513      7.9654      7.9652
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0527809 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0922241 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7020049 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3751121 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14485.2800617 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213169 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070550 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3508930 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10212E+01  0.18512E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.98621E-01  0.10771E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76227E+00  0.27062E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  10906.0184     24.3325     16.3671
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35079E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  10906.2433     24.5574      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  10906.2444     24.5585      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  10906.2856     24.5996      0.0411
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5888751 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  10906.2905
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  10906.2951      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.78691E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  10914.4345      8.1440      8.1394
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0488830 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1104369 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7055941 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3914199 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14464.5430949 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206751 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071220 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3845208 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10149E+01  0.13769E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48518E-01  0.10234E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76729E+00  0.22729E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  10930.8355     24.5450     16.4010
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12360E+01  0.19700E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  10931.0588     24.7683      0.2233
+                do leaf measurements  10931.0599     24.7694      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  10931.1012     24.8108      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0712806 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  10931.1061
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  10931.1107      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  10939.0483      7.9422      7.9377
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0499129 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1178050 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7104101 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4688661 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14366.8678575 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211600 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070100 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4755409 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.15592E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38031E-01  0.11872E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74709E+00  0.23233E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  10955.5400     24.4339     16.4916
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13727E+01  0.31328E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  10955.7668     24.6607      0.2268
+                do leaf measurements  10955.7679     24.6618      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  10955.8090     24.7029      0.0411
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360916 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  10955.8139
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  10955.8185      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  10963.8190      8.0052      8.0005
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0481601 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0959671 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7075210 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3831799 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14475.0135971 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071001 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3629870 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10146E+01  0.17688E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37864E-01  0.12324E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73760E+00  0.22934E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  10980.1984     24.3845     16.3794
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14713E+01  0.35441E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  10980.4208     24.6069      0.2224
+                do leaf measurements  10980.4220     24.6081      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  10980.4635     24.6496      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159667 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  10980.4684
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  10980.4731      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  10988.4352      7.9668      7.9621
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0497811 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0989242 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7040589 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4379728 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14405.6719653 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208110 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071580 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4190798 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10140E+01  0.19474E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40407E-01  0.12562E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73276E+00  0.22819E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  11004.8702     24.4018     16.4350
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15153E+01  0.36393E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  11005.0944     24.6260      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  11005.0955     24.6271      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  11005.1367     24.6683      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107505 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  11005.1416
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  11005.1462      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  11013.0816      7.9400      7.9355
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0508649 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1034222 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7105758 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3728068 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14488.2162296 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211591 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071008 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3663321 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10135E+01  0.21032E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42910E-01  0.12562E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72818E+00  0.22764E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  11029.4646     24.3230     16.3830
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15369E+01  0.36153E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  11029.6896     24.5480      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  11029.6907     24.5491      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  11029.7318     24.5902      0.0411
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080894 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  11029.7350     24.5935      0.0033
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  11029.7352     24.5936      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -85640402543956.813 100159432986673.89
+ def in m -7.8911476135253906 0.58712399005889893
+ dimensionless def  -1.67749711445399689E-6 2.25461360386439734E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0165637  0.2246865
+                  Compute divergence  11029.9312     24.7896      0.1960
+                        wsmp_cleanup  11029.9778     24.8362      0.0466
+              Reset surface geometry  11029.9827     24.8412      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   11029.9907     24.8491      0.0080
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  11030.0044     24.8628      0.0137
+                   Advect surface  1  11030.0046     24.8630      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  11030.2129     25.0713      0.2083
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   18 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  11030.4178     25.2762      0.2049
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   12 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  11030.6986     25.5570      0.2808
+                    Advect the cloud  11030.8324     25.6908      0.1338
+                        Write output  11031.5662     26.4246      0.7338
+                    End of time step  11032.4422     27.3006      0.8760
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      68  11032.4423
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  11032.4424      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  11032.4424      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16914points
+                      refine surface  11032.4425      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  11032.4680      0.0257      0.0255
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  11032.4908      0.0485      0.0228
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  11032.5150      0.0727      0.0242
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16915points
+                          surface 02  11032.5340      0.0917      0.0190
+                                                                        S. 2:    16907points
+                      refine surface  11032.5341      0.0918      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  11032.5580      0.1157      0.0239
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16907points
+                          surface 03  11032.5768      0.1345      0.0188
+                                                                        S. 3:    16914points
+                      refine surface  11032.5769      0.1346      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  11032.6032      0.1609      0.0262
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  11032.6302      0.1879      0.0270
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  11032.6545      0.2122      0.0243
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16916points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  11032.6794
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  11032.6797      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  11032.6956      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  11032.7176      0.0381      0.0220
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  11032.7184      0.0389      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  11032.7325      0.0531      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  11032.8567      0.1772      0.1242
+             Imbed surface in osolve  11033.0355      0.3560      0.1788
+                embedding surface  1  11033.0357      0.3562      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  11034.9795      2.3001      1.9438
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  11037.0466      4.3671      2.0671
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  11040.5796      7.9002      3.5331
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  11040.5843      7.9048      0.0046
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  11040.9672      8.2877      0.3829
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  11041.1716      8.4922      0.2044
+                           Find void  11041.4448      8.7653      0.2731
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  11041.4731      8.7936      0.0283
+                         wsmp setup1  11041.4800      8.8005      0.0069
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  11042.4814      9.8019      1.0014
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  11042.5272
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  11042.5274      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38942E-05  7.78919E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  11050.4899      7.9627      7.9625
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0545211 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0998192 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7067130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3782561 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14481.2775068 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214530 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071039 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3682399 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10187E+01  0.18534E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.98996E-01  0.10700E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76215E+00  0.27146E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  11066.8742     24.3471     16.3844
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35118E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  11067.0996     24.5724      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements  11067.1006     24.5734      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  11067.1413     24.6142      0.0407
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5887239 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  11067.1461
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  11067.1504      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79137E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  11075.1671      8.0210      8.0167
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0494089 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1058881 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7000580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3845980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14473.2105282 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210518 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070472 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3684239 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10151E+01  0.13783E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48302E-01  0.10285E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76734E+00  0.22592E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  11091.5523     24.4062     16.3851
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12356E+01  0.18119E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  11091.7742     24.6281      0.2219
+                do leaf measurements  11091.7752     24.6292      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  11091.8159     24.6698      0.0407
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0712522 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  11091.8206
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  11091.8249      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  11099.7603      7.9396      7.9353
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0482430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1226928 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7125061 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4573369 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14381.3248467 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209760 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069818 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4690940 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.15605E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38216E-01  0.11900E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74691E+00  0.23136E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  11116.2452     24.4246     16.4850
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13722E+01  0.31273E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  11116.4694     24.6488      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  11116.4705     24.6499      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  11116.5113     24.6907      0.0408
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361546 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  11116.5161
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  11116.5205      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  11124.5301      8.0140      8.0096
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0502090 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0930951 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7031510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3907769 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14465.3596254 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070200 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3656061 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10146E+01  0.17702E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38114E-01  0.12353E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73751E+00  0.22886E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  11140.9114     24.3953     16.3813
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14714E+01  0.35447E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  11141.1350     24.6189      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements  11141.1361     24.6200      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  11141.1771     24.6610      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159243 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  11141.1819
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  11141.1863      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  11149.1533      7.9714      7.9669
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0506389 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0901761 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7059569 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4110379 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14439.6754268 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211350 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069489 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3862541 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10140E+01  0.19483E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40596E-01  0.12588E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73275E+00  0.22795E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  11165.5555     24.3736     16.4022
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15153E+01  0.36383E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  11165.7797     24.5978      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  11165.7808     24.5989      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  11165.8215     24.6396      0.0407
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107373 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  11165.8262
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  11165.8305      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  11173.7659      7.9397      7.9354
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0516939 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1178000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7095480 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3802161 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14478.7833652 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216362 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070081 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3882658 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10135E+01  0.21042E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43028E-01  0.12584E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72816E+00  0.22751E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  11190.1699     24.3437     16.4040
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15372E+01  0.36162E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  11190.3958     24.5696      0.2259
+                do leaf measurements  11190.3969     24.5707      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  11190.4376     24.6114      0.0407
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080995 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  11190.4406     24.6144      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  11190.4408     24.6146      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -86442803389454.531 101702926735677.59
+ def in m -7.8938536643981934 0.58667665719985962
+ dimensionless def  -1.67621902057102758E-6 2.25538676125662661E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0165495  0.2247934
+                  Compute divergence  11190.6380     24.8118      0.1972
+                        wsmp_cleanup  11190.6796     24.8533      0.0416
+              Reset surface geometry  11190.6848     24.8586      0.0052
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   11190.6934     24.8672      0.0086
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  11190.7081     24.8819      0.0147
+                   Advect surface  1  11190.7082     24.8820      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   13 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  11190.9171     25.0909      0.2088
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   14 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  11191.1386     25.3124      0.2215
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  11191.3984     25.5722      0.2598
+                    Advect the cloud  11191.5328     25.7066      0.1344
+                        Write output  11192.2575     26.4313      0.7247
+                    End of time step  11193.0871     27.2609      0.8296
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      69  11193.0873
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  11193.0873      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  11193.0874      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16914points
+                      refine surface  11193.0874      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  11193.1142      0.0270      0.0268
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  11193.1411      0.0538      0.0269
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  11193.1653      0.0780      0.0242
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16917points
+                          surface 02  11193.1840      0.0967      0.0187
+                                                                        S. 2:    16904points
+                      refine surface  11193.1841      0.0969      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   5 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  11193.2122      0.1249      0.0280
+                                                                        S. 2:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  11193.2347      0.1474      0.0225
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  11193.2586      0.1714      0.0240
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16909points
+                          surface 03  11193.2777      0.1904      0.0191
+                                                                        S. 3:    16915points
+                      refine surface  11193.2778      0.1906      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  11193.3027      0.2155      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  11193.3257      0.2384      0.0230
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  11193.3498      0.2626      0.0241
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16916points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  11193.3749
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  11193.3751      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  11193.3909      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  11193.4125      0.0377      0.0216
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  11193.4133      0.0385      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  11193.4275      0.0526      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  11193.5496      0.1747      0.1221
+             Imbed surface in osolve  11193.7314      0.3565      0.1818
+                embedding surface  1  11193.7315      0.3567      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  11195.6909      2.3160      1.9593
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  11197.7747      4.3999      2.0839
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  11201.3029      7.9280      3.5281
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  11201.3078      7.9330      0.0050
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  11201.6922      8.3173      0.3844
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  11201.8049      8.4301      0.1127
+                           Find void  11202.0740      8.6991      0.2691
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  11202.1022      8.7273      0.0282
+                         wsmp setup1  11202.1092      8.7343      0.0070
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  11203.1103      9.7355      1.0012
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  11203.1557
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  11203.1559      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38942E-05  8.30356E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  11211.1146      7.9589      7.9587
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0525451 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0902660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7116020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3653839 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14497.6787282 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217568 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072250 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3491721 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10188E+01  0.18484E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.98469E-01  0.10804E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76216E+00  0.26764E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  11227.4801     24.3243     16.3655
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35089E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  11227.7058     24.5500      0.2257
+                do leaf measurements  11227.7069     24.5511      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  11227.7478     24.5920      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5887596 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  11227.7526
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  11227.7570      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79137E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  11235.7739      8.0213      8.0169
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0512459 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0962551 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7052269 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3893321 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14467.1946576 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211529 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071678 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3707650 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10149E+01  0.13741E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48255E-01  0.10279E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76725E+00  0.22644E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  11252.1607     24.4081     16.3868
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12354E+01  0.17951E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  11252.3831     24.6305      0.2224
+                do leaf measurements  11252.3842     24.6316      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  11252.4251     24.6725      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0711167 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  11252.4299
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  11252.4343      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  11260.3672      7.9373      7.9329
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0494502 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1174991 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7070849 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4620101 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14375.4613535 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072410 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4646292 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.15575E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37945E-01  0.11888E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74670E+00  0.23160E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  11276.8479     24.4179     16.4807
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13720E+01  0.31228E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  11277.0719     24.6420      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  11277.0730     24.6431      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  11277.1139     24.6840      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361863 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  11277.1188
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  11277.1232      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  11285.1328      8.0140      8.0096
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0502830 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0922000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7073009 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3783109 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14481.2077162 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208842 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072410 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3566101 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10146E+01  0.17679E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37900E-01  0.12339E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73730E+00  0.22901E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  11301.5061     24.3874     16.3734
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14710E+01  0.35385E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  11301.7323     24.6135      0.2261
+                do leaf measurements  11301.7333     24.6146      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  11301.7746     24.6558      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159483 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  11301.7795
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  11301.7840      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  11309.7572      7.9777      7.9732
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0475621 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0901339 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7054400 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3956800 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14459.1357942 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209888 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072169 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3674340 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10140E+01  0.19466E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40493E-01  0.12578E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73256E+00  0.22810E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  11326.1405     24.3609     16.3833
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15147E+01  0.36311E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  11326.3639     24.5844      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements  11326.3650     24.5855      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  11326.4060     24.6265      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107550 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  11326.4108
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  11326.4151      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  11334.3480      7.9373      7.9329
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0480411 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1149099 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7105269 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3764369 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14483.5931159 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1218631 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072510 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3794320 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10135E+01  0.21027E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42929E-01  0.12577E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72802E+00  0.22768E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  11350.7437     24.3330     16.3957
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15363E+01  0.36094E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  11350.9688     24.5581      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  11350.9699     24.5591      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  11351.0107     24.5999      0.0408
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080866 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  11351.0138     24.6030      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  11351.0140     24.6032      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -87231063570600.219 103247595964368.89
+ def in m -7.8954496383666992 0.5856357216835022
+ dimensionless def  -1.67324491909572057E-6 2.25584275381905702E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0165159  0.2248676
+                  Compute divergence  11351.2098     24.7990      0.1958
+                        wsmp_cleanup  11351.2495     24.8388      0.0398
+              Reset surface geometry  11351.2543     24.8435      0.0047
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   11351.2627     24.8519      0.0084
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  11351.2788     24.8680      0.0161
+                   Advect surface  1  11351.2789     24.8681      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  11351.4778     25.0670      0.1988
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   12 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  11351.6818     25.2710      0.2041
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  11351.9539     25.5431      0.2721
+                    Advect the cloud  11352.0877     25.6769      0.1338
+                        Write output  11352.8209     26.4101      0.7332
+                    End of time step  11353.6558     27.2451      0.8350
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      70  11353.6560
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  11353.6560      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  11353.6561      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16916points
+                      refine surface  11353.6561      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  11353.6827      0.0267      0.0265
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  11353.7094      0.0535      0.0268
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  11353.7343      0.0783      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16918points
+                          surface 02  11353.7523      0.0964      0.0180
+                                                                        S. 2:    16908points
+                      refine surface  11353.7525      0.0965      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  11353.7784      0.1225      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  11353.8058      0.1498      0.0274
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  11353.8300      0.1740      0.0242
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16910points
+                          surface 03  11353.8488      0.1929      0.0188
+                                                                        S. 3:    16914points
+                      refine surface  11353.8490      0.1930      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  11353.8756      0.2196      0.0266
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  11353.8977      0.2417      0.0221
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  11353.9224      0.2665      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16916points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  11353.9473
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  11353.9476      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  11353.9635      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  11353.9846      0.0373      0.0212
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  11353.9854      0.0381      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  11353.9995      0.0522      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  11354.1217      0.1744      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  11354.3026      0.3553      0.1809
+                embedding surface  1  11354.3028      0.3554      0.0001
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  11356.2566      2.3092      1.9538
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  11358.3393      4.3919      2.0827
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  11361.8678      7.9204      3.5285
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  11361.8728      7.9254      0.0050
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  11362.2575      8.3101      0.3847
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  11362.3905      8.4432      0.1330
+                           Find void  11362.6603      8.7130      0.2698
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  11362.6889      8.7415      0.0285
+                         wsmp setup1  11362.6961      8.7488      0.0073
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  11363.6993      9.7519      1.0031
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  11363.7450
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  11363.7452      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38942E-05  7.80393E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  11371.6863      7.9412      7.9411
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0551589 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1054900 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7142282 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3728161 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14488.2043842 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215351 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071020 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3767450 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10189E+01  0.18415E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.97988E-01  0.10700E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76201E+00  0.26755E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  11388.0795     24.3345     16.3932
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35094E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  11388.3053     24.5602      0.2258
+                do leaf measurements  11388.3064     24.5614      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  11388.3478     24.6028      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5893451 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  11388.3526
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  11388.3569      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.80684E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  11396.3726      8.0200      8.0157
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0487850 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1124430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7068889 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3928850 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14462.6830090 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071218 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3893859 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10151E+01  0.13702E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48342E-01  0.10267E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76724E+00  0.22456E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  11412.7779     24.4253     16.4053
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12349E+01  0.17968E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  11413.0017     24.6491      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  11413.0028     24.6502      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  11413.0442     24.6916      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0719027 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  11413.0489
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  11413.0531      0.0042      0.0042
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  11420.9922      7.9433      7.9391
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0497792 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1329300 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7038121 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4715738 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14363.4767401 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209018 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071039 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4865088 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10157E+01  0.15559E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37659E-01  0.11906E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74632E+00  0.23119E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  11437.4946     24.4457     16.5024
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13717E+01  0.31197E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  11437.7185     24.6695      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  11437.7196     24.6707      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  11437.7700     24.7211      0.0504
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362385 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  11437.7747
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  11437.7791      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  11445.7874      8.0127      8.0083
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0487931 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1022372 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7066751 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3866830 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14470.5603959 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210411 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070519 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3728900 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10149E+01  0.17673E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37752E-01  0.12349E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73703E+00  0.22876E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  11462.1764     24.4016     16.3889
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14707E+01  0.35348E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  11462.4007     24.6260      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements  11462.4019     24.6271      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  11462.4435     24.6688      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158790 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  11462.4483
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  11462.4527      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  11470.4411      7.9928      7.9883
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0504420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0959949 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7069371 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4047000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14447.6999207 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207991 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071321 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3864250 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10142E+01  0.19463E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40621E-01  0.12582E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73237E+00  0.22786E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  11486.8432     24.3949     16.4021
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15142E+01  0.36258E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  11487.0674     24.6191      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  11487.0685     24.6202      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  11487.1100     24.6617      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107366 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  11487.1148
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  11487.1191      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  11495.0572      7.9424      7.9381
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0515709 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1327209 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7146530 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3934591 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14461.9542401 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214709 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071099 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4214139 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10137E+01  0.21025E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43043E-01  0.12581E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72787E+00  0.22744E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  11511.4947     24.3799     16.4375
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15358E+01  0.36041E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  11511.7206     24.6058      0.2259
+                do leaf measurements  11511.7217     24.6069      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  11511.7631     24.6483      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080946 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  11511.7661     24.6513      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  11511.7662     24.6515      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -88021148373533.391 104786127469353.47
+ def in m -7.8999485969543457 0.58855372667312622
+ dimensionless def  -1.68158207620893202E-6 2.25712817055838423E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0165938  0.2250234
+                  Compute divergence  11511.9649     24.8501      0.1987
+                        wsmp_cleanup  11512.0064     24.8916      0.0415
+              Reset surface geometry  11512.0114     24.8967      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   11512.0200     24.9052      0.0085
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  11512.0345     24.9197      0.0145
+                   Advect surface  1  11512.0346     24.9199      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  11512.2302     25.1155      0.1956
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   16 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  11512.4417     25.3269      0.2114
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   15 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  11512.7188     25.6040      0.2771
+                    Advect the cloud  11512.8535     25.7387      0.1347
+                        Write output  11513.5885     26.4737      0.7350
+                    End of time step  11514.4251     27.3104      0.8367
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      71  11514.4253
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  11514.4253      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  11514.4254      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16918points
+                      refine surface  11514.4254      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  11514.4525      0.0272      0.0271
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  11514.4752      0.0499      0.0226
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  11514.5000      0.0747      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16921points
+                          surface 02  11514.5185      0.0932      0.0185
+                                                                        S. 2:    16908points
+                      refine surface  11514.5186      0.0933      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   4 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  11514.5459      0.1206      0.0273
+                                                                        S. 2:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  11514.5770      0.1517      0.0311
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  11514.6017      0.1764      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16912points
+                          surface 03  11514.6200      0.1948      0.0184
+                                                                        S. 3:    16913points
+                      refine surface  11514.6202      0.1949      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   4 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  11514.6475      0.2222      0.0273
+                                                                        S. 3:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  11514.6743      0.2490      0.0268
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  11514.6989      0.2736      0.0246
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16917points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  11514.7236
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  11514.7238      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  11514.7397      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  11514.7609      0.0374      0.0213
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  11514.7617      0.0381      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  11514.7759      0.0523      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  11514.8981      0.1745      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  11515.0821      0.3585      0.1840
+                embedding surface  1  11515.0823      0.3587      0.0001
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  11517.0252      2.3016      1.9430
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  11519.0896      4.3661      2.0644
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  11522.5957      7.8721      3.5060
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  11522.6003      7.8768      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  11522.9816      8.2580      0.3813
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  11523.2266      8.5030      0.2449
+                           Find void  11523.4967      8.7731      0.2702
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  11523.5248      8.8012      0.0281
+                         wsmp setup1  11523.5318      8.8082      0.0070
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  11524.5347      9.8111      1.0029
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  11524.5803
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  11524.5805      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38942E-05  7.84955E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  11532.5227      7.9424      7.9422
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0526631 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0972559 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7118130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3842840 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14473.6097231 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213968 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071750 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3749819 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10187E+01  0.18499E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.98498E-01  0.10764E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76205E+00  0.26973E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  11548.9138     24.3334     16.3910
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35075E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  11549.1396     24.5593      0.2259
+                do leaf measurements  11549.1407     24.5604      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  11549.1823     24.6020      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5886716 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  11549.1871
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  11549.1915      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79181E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  11557.2020      8.0148      8.0104
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0483909 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0941670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7060871 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3861911 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14471.1854911 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1204159 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071471 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3628130 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10151E+01  0.13747E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48290E-01  0.10268E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76717E+00  0.22657E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  11573.5805     24.3934     16.3785
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12363E+01  0.20137E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  11573.8038     24.6166      0.2233
+                do leaf measurements  11573.8048     24.6177      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  11573.8465     24.6594      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0711527 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  11573.8512
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  11573.8555      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  11581.7965      7.9453      7.9410
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0504239 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1111090 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7050099 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4626188 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14374.6979944 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208861 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071430 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4575648 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.15569E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37968E-01  0.11887E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74692E+00  0.23192E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  11598.2704     24.4192     16.4739
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13721E+01  0.31278E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  11598.4944     24.6433      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  11598.4955     24.6444      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  11598.5372     24.6860      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361522 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  11598.5419
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  11598.5464      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  11606.5658      8.0238      8.0194
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0510449 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0921011 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7046111 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3827600 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14475.5475106 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208110 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070379 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3587599 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10147E+01  0.17671E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37840E-01  0.12339E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73743E+00  0.22925E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  11622.9412     24.3992     16.3754
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14706E+01  0.35405E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  11623.1649     24.6230      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  11623.1660     24.6241      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  11623.2080     24.6661      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159719 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  11623.2128
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  11623.2173      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  11631.2114      7.9986      7.9942
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0481808 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1093018 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7062099 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3973031 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14457.0765878 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208038 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071590 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3893409 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10140E+01  0.19454E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40476E-01  0.12571E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73265E+00  0.22822E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  11647.6176     24.4048     16.4062
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15144E+01  0.36346E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  11647.8398     24.6270      0.2222
+                do leaf measurements  11647.8409     24.6281      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  11647.8826     24.6698      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107502 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  11647.8872
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  11647.8916      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  11655.8319      7.9446      7.9403
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0502770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1150200 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7106881 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3997550 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14453.9671124 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071292 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4050040 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10135E+01  0.21013E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42941E-01  0.12569E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72808E+00  0.22774E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  11672.2533     24.3660     16.4214
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15362E+01  0.36146E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  11672.4789     24.5916      0.2256
+                do leaf measurements  11672.4800     24.5927      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  11672.5218     24.6345      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080887 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  11672.5248     24.6375      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  11672.5249     24.6377      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -88795371373060.234 106327948953212.61
+ def in m -7.900240421295166 0.58712929487228394
+ dimensionless def  -1.67751227106366847E-6 2.25721154894147573E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0165510  0.2250609
+                  Compute divergence  11672.7323     24.8451      0.2074
+                        wsmp_cleanup  11672.7683     24.8811      0.0360
+              Reset surface geometry  11672.7734     24.8862      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   11672.7817     24.8945      0.0083
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  11672.7989     24.9116      0.0172
+                   Advect surface  1  11672.7990     24.9118      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  11673.0121     25.1248      0.2130
+                                                                        S. 2:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  11673.2106     25.3233      0.1985
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  11673.4803     25.5930      0.2697
+                    Advect the cloud  11673.6159     25.7287      0.1356
+                        Write output  11674.3532     26.4660      0.7373
+                    End of time step  11675.2083     27.3210      0.8550
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      72  11675.2084
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  11675.2085      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  11675.2085      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16919points
+                      refine surface  11675.2086      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  11675.2350      0.0266      0.0264
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  11675.2619      0.0535      0.0269
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  11675.2861      0.0777      0.0242
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16921points
+                          surface 02  11675.3053      0.0969      0.0192
+                                                                        S. 2:    16912points
+                      refine surface  11675.3055      0.0970      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  11675.3320      0.1236      0.0266
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  11675.3591      0.1507      0.0271
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  11675.3832      0.1748      0.0241
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16915points
+                          surface 03  11675.4021      0.1937      0.0189
+                                                                        S. 3:    16915points
+                      refine surface  11675.4023      0.1938      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  11675.4286      0.2202      0.0264
+                                                                        S. 3:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  11675.4556      0.2471      0.0269
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  11675.4808      0.2723      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16918points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  11675.5050
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  11675.5052      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  11675.5211      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  11675.5424      0.0374      0.0213
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  11675.5432      0.0382      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  11675.5573      0.0523      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  11675.6795      0.1745      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  11675.8609      0.3558      0.1814
+                embedding surface  1  11675.8610      0.3560      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  11677.8070      2.3020      1.9460
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  11679.8879      4.3829      2.0810
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  11683.4126      7.9076      3.5247
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  11683.4175      7.9125      0.0049
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  11683.8090      8.3039      0.3915
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  11683.9588      8.4538      0.1499
+                           Find void  11684.2306      8.7256      0.2718
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  11684.2589      8.7539      0.0283
+                         wsmp setup1  11684.2658      8.7608      0.0070
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  11685.2697      9.7647      1.0038
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  11685.3153
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  11685.3154      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38942E-05  7.59159E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  11693.2528      7.9375      7.9374
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0507250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0986211 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7103410 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3796740 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14479.4731805 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215801 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071678 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3684981 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10187E+01  0.18467E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.98528E-01  0.10776E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76198E+00  0.26936E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  11709.6380     24.3227     16.3852
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35087E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  11709.8631     24.5479      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  11709.8642     24.5490      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  11709.9055     24.5902      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5890929 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  11709.9102
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  11709.9145      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79110E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  11717.9204      8.0102      8.0059
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0497479 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0987070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7045040 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3896098 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14466.8418471 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211870 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072720 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3714039 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10150E+01  0.13727E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48184E-01  0.10265E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76719E+00  0.22629E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  11734.3080     24.3978     16.3876
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12356E+01  0.19248E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  11734.5318     24.6215      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  11734.5329     24.6227      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  11734.5741     24.6639      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0714887 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  11734.5788
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  11734.5831      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  11742.5269      7.9480      7.9438
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0515490 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1010981 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7031200 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4603071 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14377.5975749 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209750 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071659 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4446189 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.15562E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38022E-01  0.11905E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74664E+00  0.23183E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  11758.9875     24.4086     16.4606
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13719E+01  0.31241E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  11759.2107     24.6319      0.2233
+                do leaf measurements  11759.2118     24.6330      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  11759.2531     24.6743      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362390 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  11759.2579
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  11759.2622      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  11767.2616      8.0037      7.9994
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0536611 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0976140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7033160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3917398 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14464.1368319 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208811 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072768 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3748779 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10147E+01  0.17664E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37926E-01  0.12349E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73724E+00  0.22916E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  11783.6528     24.3949     16.3912
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14707E+01  0.35383E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  11783.8755     24.6177      0.2228
+                do leaf measurements  11783.8767     24.6189      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  11783.9182     24.6603      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158713 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  11783.9231
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  11783.9275      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  11791.9303      8.0072      8.0028
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0507989 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0931079 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7044699 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4089842 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14442.2747209 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071878 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3857720 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10141E+01  0.19451E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40504E-01  0.12581E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73249E+00  0.22828E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  11808.3319     24.4088     16.4016
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15143E+01  0.36314E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  11808.5558     24.6327      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  11808.5569     24.6338      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  11808.5981     24.6750      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107492 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  11808.6028
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  11808.6071      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  11816.5482      7.9454      7.9412
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0501161 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1119800 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7102091 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4133751 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14436.7184873 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1219049 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071809 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4151630 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10136E+01  0.21010E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42946E-01  0.12576E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72794E+00  0.22768E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  11832.9800     24.3771     16.4317
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15359E+01  0.36100E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  11833.2057     24.6028      0.2257
+                do leaf measurements  11833.2068     24.6039      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  11833.2479     24.6451      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080903 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  11833.2510     24.6481      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  11833.2511     24.6483      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -89576243473906.891 107859721144172.
+ def in m -7.9037966728210449 0.59043711423873901
+ dimensionless def  -1.68696318353925449E-6 2.25822762080601316E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0166372  0.2251789
+                  Compute divergence  11833.4434     24.8406      0.1923
+                        wsmp_cleanup  11833.4917     24.8889      0.0483
+              Reset surface geometry  11833.4966     24.8938      0.0049
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   11833.5049     24.9021      0.0083
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  11833.5191     24.9162      0.0141
+                   Advect surface  1  11833.5192     24.9164      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   16 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  11833.7317     25.1289      0.2125
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   16 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  11833.9582     25.3554      0.2265
+                                                                        S. 3:   14 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  11834.2139     25.6111      0.2557
+                    Advect the cloud  11834.3489     25.7460      0.1350
+                        Write output  11835.0775     26.4747      0.7286
+                    End of time step  11835.9130     27.3102      0.8355
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      73  11835.9131
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  11835.9132      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  11835.9132      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16919points
+                      refine surface  11835.9133      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  11835.9400      0.0268      0.0267
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  11835.9669      0.0538      0.0270
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  11835.9923      0.0792      0.0254
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16921points
+                          surface 02  11836.0102      0.0971      0.0180
+                                                                        S. 2:    16912points
+                      refine surface  11836.0104      0.0973      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   6 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  11836.0390      0.1259      0.0286
+                                                                        S. 2:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  11836.0656      0.1525      0.0266
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  11836.0905      0.1774      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16918points
+                          surface 03  11836.1086      0.1954      0.0180
+                                                                        S. 3:    16918points
+                      refine surface  11836.1087      0.1956      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  11836.1351      0.2220      0.0264
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  11836.1577      0.2445      0.0226
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  11836.1824      0.2693      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16920points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  11836.2067
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  11836.2070      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  11836.2228      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  11836.2446      0.0379      0.0218
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  11836.2454      0.0386      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  11836.2595      0.0528      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  11836.3817      0.1750      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  11836.5638      0.3570      0.1821
+                embedding surface  1  11836.5639      0.3572      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  11838.5287      2.3219      1.9648
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  11840.5964      4.3897      2.0677
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  11844.1340      7.9273      3.5376
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  11844.1391      7.9324      0.0051
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  11844.5315      8.3248      0.3924
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  11844.6823      8.4756      0.1508
+                           Find void  11844.9492      8.7425      0.2669
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  11844.9771      8.7703      0.0278
+                         wsmp setup1  11844.9838      8.7771      0.0068
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  11845.9865      9.7797      1.0026
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  11846.0308
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  11846.0310      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38942E-05  7.34096E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  11853.9808      7.9500      7.9499
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0541470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1079409 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7105129 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3748190 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14485.6532039 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217401 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070570 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3767331 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10284E+01  0.18432E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.98771E-01  0.10804E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76166E+00  0.26967E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  11870.3738     24.3431     16.3930
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35105E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  11870.5992     24.5684      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements  11870.6003     24.5695      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  11870.6419     24.6112      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5886212 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  11870.6467
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  11870.6511      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.78930E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  11878.6619      8.0152      8.0108
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0522571 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0899451 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7049131 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3901570 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14466.1468759 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207659 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071311 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3655391 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10150E+01  0.13694E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48254E-01  0.10268E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76704E+00  0.22608E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  11895.0436     24.3969     16.3817
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12354E+01  0.18107E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  11895.2674     24.6207      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  11895.2686     24.6219      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  11895.3106     24.6639      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0711721 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  11895.3154
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  11895.3198      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  11903.2644      7.9489      7.9446
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0511711 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0994351 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7035239 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4703448 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14365.0157871 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214108 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071061 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4533792 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10156E+01  0.15540E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38062E-01  0.11878E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74641E+00  0.23150E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  11919.7336     24.4182     16.4692
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13709E+01  0.31176E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  11919.9575     24.6420      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  11919.9586     24.6431      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  11920.0092     24.6937      0.0506
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361171 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  11920.0139
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  11920.0182      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  11928.0068      7.9929      7.9886
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0481460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0863349 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7047720 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3783431 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14481.1667525 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209152 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070469 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3459160 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10148E+01  0.17651E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38059E-01  0.12334E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73707E+00  0.22896E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  11944.3690     24.3551     16.3622
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14701E+01  0.35359E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  11944.5923     24.5784      0.2233
+                do leaf measurements  11944.5934     24.5795      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  11944.6353     24.6215      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159729 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  11944.6402
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  11944.6447      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  11952.6561      8.0160      8.0115
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0488479 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0980201 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7048879 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3925560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14463.1006921 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208100 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071261 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3726342 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10141E+01  0.19437E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40594E-01  0.12567E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73236E+00  0.22793E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  11969.0456     24.4054     16.3894
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15137E+01  0.36272E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  11969.2685     24.6283      0.2229
+                do leaf measurements  11969.2696     24.6294      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  11969.3111     24.6710      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107425 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  11969.3158
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  11969.3202      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  11977.2607      7.9448      7.9405
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0503328 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1081340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7077360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4245760 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14422.5644119 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217940 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070560 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4199831 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10136E+01  0.20999E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43013E-01  0.12574E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72784E+00  0.22761E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  11993.6973     24.3815     16.4366
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15352E+01  0.36056E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  11993.9217     24.6059      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  11993.9228     24.6070      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  11993.9644     24.6486      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080783 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  11993.9674     24.6516      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  11993.9676     24.6518      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -90347821931296.969 109391716969722.55
+ def in m -7.9068717956542969 0.59141314029693604
+ dimensionless def  -1.68975182941981723E-6 2.25910622732979898E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0166589  0.2252652
+                  Compute divergence  11994.1640     24.8482      0.1964
+                        wsmp_cleanup  11994.2043     24.8885      0.0403
+              Reset surface geometry  11994.2096     24.8937      0.0053
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   11994.2180     24.9021      0.0084
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  11994.2332     24.9174      0.0153
+                   Advect surface  1  11994.2334     24.9176      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  11994.4326     25.1167      0.1992
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   12 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  11994.6550     25.3391      0.2224
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  11994.9174     25.6015      0.2624
+                    Advect the cloud  11995.0525     25.7367      0.1351
+                        Write output  11995.7894     26.4735      0.7368
+                    End of time step  11996.6272     27.3114      0.8379
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      74  11996.6274
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  11996.6274      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  11996.6275      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16920points
+                      refine surface  11996.6275      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  11996.6533      0.0260      0.0258
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  11996.6806      0.0532      0.0273
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  11996.7164      0.0890      0.0358
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16921points
+                          surface 02  11996.7373      0.1099      0.0209
+                                                                        S. 2:    16915points
+                      refine surface  11996.7374      0.1100      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  11996.7630      0.1357      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  11996.7862      0.1588      0.0231
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  11996.8104      0.1830      0.0242
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16917points
+                          surface 03  11996.8290      0.2017      0.0186
+                                                                        S. 3:    16919points
+                      refine surface  11996.8292      0.2018      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   5 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  11996.8573      0.2299      0.0281
+                                                                        S. 3:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  11996.8838      0.2564      0.0265
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  11996.9081      0.2807      0.0243
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16924points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  11996.9326
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  11996.9328      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  11996.9487      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  11996.9706      0.0380      0.0219
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  11996.9713      0.0388      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  11996.9855      0.0529      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  11997.1076      0.1750      0.1221
+             Imbed surface in osolve  11997.2886      0.3561      0.1810
+                embedding surface  1  11997.2888      0.3562      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  11999.2419      2.3093      1.9531
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  12001.3255      4.3929      2.0836
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  12004.8813      7.9487      3.5558
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  12004.8862      7.9537      0.0050
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  12005.2805      8.3479      0.3942
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  12005.4141      8.4815      0.1336
+                           Find void  12005.6854      8.7528      0.2714
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  12005.7136      8.7810      0.0282
+                         wsmp setup1  12005.7208      8.7882      0.0072
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  12006.7259      9.7933      1.0051
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  12006.7708
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  12006.7710      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38942E-05  6.77712E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  12014.6921      7.9213      7.9211
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0530550 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1147609 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7084050 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3922510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14463.4878271 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211779 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071039 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3971410 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10188E+01  0.18368E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.98109E-01  0.10758E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76166E+00  0.26781E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  12031.1058     24.3350     16.4137
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35074E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  12031.3304     24.5596      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  12031.3315     24.5607      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  12031.3729     24.6021      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5884930 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  12031.3778
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  12031.3824      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79184E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  12039.3696      7.9918      7.9872
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0494149 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1020060 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7057681 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3938360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14461.4757984 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207411 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071762 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3793330 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10149E+01  0.13648E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48029E-01  0.10282E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76690E+00  0.22616E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  12055.7653     24.3875     16.3957
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12348E+01  0.19665E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  12055.9882     24.6104      0.2229
+                do leaf measurements  12055.9893     24.6115      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  12056.0311     24.6534      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0710026 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  12056.0360
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  12056.0407      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  12063.9767      7.9407      7.9360
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0506611 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0939720 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7065649 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4709389 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14364.2717488 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071478 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4504211 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10156E+01  0.15504E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38268E-01  0.11891E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74639E+00  0.23158E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  12080.4434     24.4074     16.4667
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13703E+01  0.31137E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  12080.6667     24.6307      0.2233
+                do leaf measurements  12080.6677     24.6317      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  12080.7091     24.6731      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362735 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  12080.7140
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  12080.7186      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  12088.6989      7.9849      7.9803
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0483010 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0875950 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7037659 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3854420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14472.1376304 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207511 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072110 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3534431 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10148E+01  0.17624E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38171E-01  0.12335E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73701E+00  0.22888E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  12105.0686     24.3546     16.3697
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14693E+01  0.35270E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  12105.2910     24.5770      0.2223
+                do leaf measurements  12105.2921     24.5781      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  12105.3335     24.6195      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159218 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  12105.3384
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  12105.3430      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  12113.3604      8.0220      8.0173
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0517850 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0999169 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7048440 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3930328 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14462.4953621 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1205471 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072031 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3777239 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10142E+01  0.19417E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40488E-01  0.12565E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73229E+00  0.22799E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  12129.7546     24.4162     16.3942
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15129E+01  0.36196E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  12129.9838     24.6453      0.2292
+                do leaf measurements  12129.9848     24.6464      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  12130.0262     24.6878      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107454 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  12130.0311
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  12130.0357      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  12137.9715      7.9404      7.9358
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0506818 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1141491 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7117479 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4287350 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14417.3159688 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1218681 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070090 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4345551 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10137E+01  0.20982E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42941E-01  0.12565E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72779E+00  0.22753E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  12154.4224     24.3913     16.4509
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15346E+01  0.35990E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  12154.6477     24.6166      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements  12154.6487     24.6176      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  12154.6901     24.6590      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080866 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  12154.6933     24.6622      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  12154.6935     24.6624      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -91111691846424.922 110921652997580.81
+ def in m -7.910059928894043 0.59193980693817139
+ dimensionless def  -1.69125659125191817E-6 2.26001712254115523E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0166677  0.2253532
+                  Compute divergence  12154.8924     24.8613      0.1989
+                        wsmp_cleanup  12154.9323     24.9012      0.0399
+              Reset surface geometry  12154.9376     24.9065      0.0053
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   12154.9459     24.9148      0.0084
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  12154.9611     24.9300      0.0152
+                   Advect surface  1  12154.9613     24.9302      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  12155.1570     25.1259      0.1957
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   14 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  12155.3778     25.3467      0.2208
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  12155.6392     25.6081      0.2614
+                    Advect the cloud  12155.7744     25.7433      0.1352
+                        Write output  12156.5130     26.4819      0.7386
+                    End of time step  12157.3487     27.3176      0.8356
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      75  12157.3488
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  12157.3489      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  12157.3489      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16920points
+                      refine surface  12157.3489      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  12157.3749      0.0261      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  12157.4025      0.0537      0.0276
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  12157.4267      0.0779      0.0242
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16922points
+                          surface 02  12157.4456      0.0968      0.0189
+                                                                        S. 2:    16914points
+                      refine surface  12157.4457      0.0969      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  12157.4720      0.1232      0.0263
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  12157.4992      0.1504      0.0272
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  12157.5233      0.1745      0.0241
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16917points
+                          surface 03  12157.5420      0.1933      0.0187
+                                                                        S. 3:    16923points
+                      refine surface  12157.5422      0.1934      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  12157.5686      0.2198      0.0264
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  12157.5913      0.2425      0.0227
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  12157.6172      0.2684      0.0259
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  12157.6398      0.2910      0.0226
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  12157.6646      0.3158      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16926points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  12157.6892
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  12157.6894      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  12157.7053      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  12157.7271      0.0379      0.0218
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  12157.7279      0.0387      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  12157.7420      0.0529      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  12157.8642      0.1750      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  12158.0455      0.3564      0.1813
+                embedding surface  1  12158.0457      0.3565      0.0001
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  12160.0062      2.3171      1.9606
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  12162.1087      4.4195      2.1024
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  12165.6158      7.9266      3.5071
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  12165.6208      7.9316      0.0050
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  12165.9844      8.2952      0.3636
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  12166.1728      8.4837      0.1884
+                           Find void  12166.4451      8.7559      0.2722
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  12166.4734      8.7842      0.0283
+                         wsmp setup1  12166.4806      8.7915      0.0072
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  12167.4833      9.7941      1.0027
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  12167.5282
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  12167.5283      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38941E-05  6.87477E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  12175.4562      7.9281      7.9279
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0535021 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1240509 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7124131 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3997829 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14453.9317439 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214621 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073280 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4189041 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10188E+01  0.18424E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.98416E-01  0.10775E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76153E+00  0.26974E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  12191.8905     24.3623     16.4342
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35078E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  12192.1174     24.5892      0.2269
+                do leaf measurements  12192.1185     24.5903      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  12192.1600     24.6318      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5890118 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  12192.1647
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  12192.1691      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.80011E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  12200.2045      8.0398      8.0354
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0507150 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1024430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7030959 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3844891 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14473.3490466 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207550 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073228 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3691869 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10149E+01  0.13691E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48206E-01  0.10255E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76695E+00  0.22499E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  12216.5902     24.4255     16.3857
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12347E+01  0.18930E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  12216.8130     24.6483      0.2228
+                do leaf measurements  12216.8141     24.6494      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  12216.8560     24.6912      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0714248 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  12216.8608
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  12216.8652      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  12224.8021      7.9413      7.9369
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0515590 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0846970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7040439 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4679608 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14368.0019711 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210549 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072920 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4369819 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10158E+01  0.15541E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38026E-01  0.11898E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74644E+00  0.23128E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  12241.2551     24.3943     16.4530
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13706E+01  0.31160E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  12241.4788     24.6180      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  12241.4799     24.6191      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  12241.5214     24.6606      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0363467 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  12241.5261
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  12241.5305      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  12249.5051      7.9789      7.9746
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0500078 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0915020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7044239 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3829060 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14475.3619553 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208379 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073128 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3573642 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10149E+01  0.17653E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37957E-01  0.12341E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73708E+00  0.22881E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  12265.8788     24.3527     16.3738
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14696E+01  0.35302E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  12266.1036     24.5775      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  12266.1047     24.5786      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  12266.1461     24.6200      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158878 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  12266.1508
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  12266.1552      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  12274.1748      8.0239      8.0196
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0488338 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0976601 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7039878 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3856001 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14471.9367071 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209550 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073230 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3647208 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10144E+01  0.19444E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40529E-01  0.12572E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73237E+00  0.22797E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  12290.5560     24.4051     16.3812
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15134E+01  0.36236E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  12290.7789     24.6281      0.2230
+                do leaf measurements  12290.7800     24.6292      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  12290.8216     24.6707      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107530 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  12290.8262
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  12290.8305      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  12298.7694      7.9432      7.9389
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0504310 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1249321 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7103410 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4448719 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14396.9880379 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212380 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073159 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4594951 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10138E+01  0.21008E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42965E-01  0.12573E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72786E+00  0.22750E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  12315.2455     24.4193     16.4760
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15351E+01  0.36024E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  12315.4703     24.6441      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  12315.4714     24.6451      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  12315.5129     24.6866      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080814 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  12315.5159     24.6897      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  12315.5161     24.6898      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -91866454244448.344 112450496756986.92
+ def in m -7.9142351150512695 0.59496170282363892
+ dimensionless def  -1.69989057949611127E-6 2.26121003287179149E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0167442  0.2254711
+                  Compute divergence  12315.7129     24.8867      0.1969
+                        wsmp_cleanup  12315.7550     24.9288      0.0421
+              Reset surface geometry  12315.7602     24.9340      0.0052
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   12315.7687     24.9425      0.0085
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  12315.7831     24.9569      0.0144
+                   Advect surface  1  12315.7832     24.9570      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   13 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  12316.0044     25.1782      0.2212
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   16 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  12316.2117     25.3855      0.2073
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  12316.4725     25.6463      0.2608
+                    Advect the cloud  12316.6096     25.7833      0.1370
+                        Write output  12317.3453     26.5191      0.7358
+                    End of time step  12318.1766     27.3504      0.8313
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      76  12318.1767
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  12318.1768      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  12318.1768      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16919points
+                      refine surface  12318.1769      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  12318.2028      0.0261      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  12318.2255      0.0488      0.0227
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  12318.2502      0.0734      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16920points
+                          surface 02  12318.2685      0.0918      0.0184
+                                                                        S. 2:    16916points
+                      refine surface  12318.2687      0.0919      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  12318.2954      0.1187      0.0267
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  12318.3220      0.1452      0.0266
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  12318.3466      0.1698      0.0246
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16919points
+                          surface 03  12318.3648      0.1881      0.0182
+                                                                        S. 3:    16925points
+                      refine surface  12318.3649      0.1882      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  12318.3914      0.2147      0.0265
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  12318.4182      0.2415      0.0268
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  12318.4428      0.2660      0.0246
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16927points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  12318.4673
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  12318.4676      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  12318.4834      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  12318.5046      0.0373      0.0212
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  12318.5054      0.0381      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  12318.5195      0.0522      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  12318.6418      0.1744      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  12318.8222      0.3549      0.1804
+                embedding surface  1  12318.8223      0.3550      0.0001
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  12320.7714      2.3041      1.9491
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  12322.8720      4.4047      2.1005
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  12326.4075      7.9402      3.5355
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  12326.4123      7.9450      0.0048
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  12326.7923      8.3250      0.3800
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  12326.9341      8.4668      0.1418
+                           Find void  12327.2026      8.7353      0.2684
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  12327.2306      8.7633      0.0280
+                         wsmp setup1  12327.2368      8.7695      0.0062
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  12328.2384      9.7710      1.0015
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  12328.2819
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  12328.2820      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38942E-05  7.22601E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  12336.2405      7.9586      7.9585
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0520000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1191390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7120180 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4255230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14421.3690051 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216111 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071452 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4378009 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10185E+01  0.18376E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.98160E-01  0.10709E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76173E+00  0.26712E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  12352.6937     24.4118     16.4532
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35096E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  12352.9202     24.6383      0.2265
+                do leaf measurements  12352.9212     24.6394      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  12352.9622     24.6803      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5890524 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  12352.9668
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  12352.9712      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.80033E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  12360.9471      7.9802      7.9759
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0483890 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1057808 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7054482 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3783660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14481.1376228 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207359 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071630 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3662481 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10151E+01  0.13656E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48151E-01  0.10269E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76701E+00  0.22509E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  12377.3299     24.3631     16.3828
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12351E+01  0.18580E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  12377.5530     24.5861      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements  12377.5540     24.5872      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  12377.5953     24.6285      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0715353 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  12377.6000
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  12377.6045      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  12385.5425      7.9425      7.9381
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0507300 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0928419 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7052040 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4706850 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14364.5897172 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209490 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071430 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4480739 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10158E+01  0.15512E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38211E-01  0.11901E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74638E+00  0.23128E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  12402.0067     24.4066     16.4641
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13706E+01  0.31155E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  12402.2300     24.6299      0.2233
+                do leaf measurements  12402.2310     24.6310      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  12402.2720     24.6719      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361909 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  12402.2766
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  12402.2810      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  12410.2405      7.9639      7.9595
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0533981 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0908439 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7057941 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3865809 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14470.6900767 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214249 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071139 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3655241 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10150E+01  0.17632E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38216E-01  0.12353E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73698E+00  0.22878E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  12426.6223     24.3457     16.3818
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14694E+01  0.35272E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  12426.8481     24.5714      0.2258
+                do leaf measurements  12426.8492     24.5725      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  12426.8901     24.6134      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158493 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  12426.8947
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  12426.8991      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  12434.9238      8.0290      8.0247
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0477319 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0970190 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7036781 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4002030 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14453.3991215 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208370 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070729 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3769169 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10144E+01  0.19425E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40488E-01  0.12590E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73226E+00  0.22806E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  12451.3174     24.4227     16.3936
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15131E+01  0.36210E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  12451.5400     24.6453      0.2226
+                do leaf measurements  12451.5411     24.6463      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  12451.5820     24.6873      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107324 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  12451.5867
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  12451.5910      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  12459.5810      7.9943      7.9900
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0478671 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1130149 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7060628 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4539690 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14385.5535011 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215851 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071380 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4500139 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10138E+01  0.20989E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42939E-01  0.12586E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72775E+00  0.22746E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  12476.0471     24.4604     16.4661
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15347E+01  0.35997E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  12476.2703     24.6836      0.2233
+                do leaf measurements  12476.2714     24.6847      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  12476.3123     24.7257      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080865 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  12476.3153     24.7286      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  12476.3155     24.7288      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -92613326531339.844 113978001976568.36
+ def in m -7.909027099609375 0.59326130151748657
+ dimensionless def  -1.69503229004996171E-6 2.25972202845982142E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0166921  0.2253258
+                  Compute divergence  12476.5114     24.9247      0.1959
+                        wsmp_cleanup  12476.5524     24.9657      0.0410
+              Reset surface geometry  12476.5576     24.9709      0.0052
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   12476.5662     24.9795      0.0086
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  12476.5808     24.9941      0.0146
+                   Advect surface  1  12476.5809     24.9943      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  12476.7713     25.1846      0.1903
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   13 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  12476.9914     25.4047      0.2201
+                                                                        removing   4 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  12477.2785     25.6918      0.2872
+                    Advect the cloud  12477.4152     25.8285      0.1367
+                        Write output  12478.1530     26.5663      0.7378
+                    End of time step  12478.9909     27.4042      0.8379
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      77  12478.9910
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  12478.9911      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  12478.9911      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16920points
+                      refine surface  12478.9911      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   4 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  12479.0190      0.0280      0.0278
+                                                                        S. 1:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  12479.0459      0.0549      0.0269
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  12479.0706      0.0796      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16924points
+                          surface 02  12479.0886      0.0976      0.0180
+                                                                        S. 2:    16916points
+                      refine surface  12479.0888      0.0978      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  12479.1143      0.1233      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  12479.1414      0.1504      0.0270
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  12479.1661      0.1751      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16917points
+                          surface 03  12479.1842      0.1932      0.0181
+                                                                        S. 3:    16923points
+                      refine surface  12479.1843      0.1933      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  12479.2103      0.2193      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  12479.2378      0.2468      0.0275
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  12479.2621      0.2711      0.0243
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16925points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  12479.2873
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  12479.2876      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  12479.3035      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  12479.3249      0.0376      0.0215
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  12479.3257      0.0384      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  12479.3399      0.0525      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  12479.4620      0.1747      0.1221
+             Imbed surface in osolve  12479.6423      0.3550      0.1803
+                embedding surface  1  12479.6425      0.3552      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  12481.5971      2.3098      1.9546
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  12483.6631      4.3757      2.0660
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  12487.1781      7.8908      3.5150
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  12487.1828      7.8955      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  12487.5314      8.2441      0.3486
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  12487.7872      8.4998      0.2557
+                           Find void  12488.0571      8.7698      0.2700
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  12488.0854      8.7981      0.0283
+                         wsmp setup1  12488.0928      8.8055      0.0074
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  12489.0956      9.8083      1.0028
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  12489.1400
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  12489.1402      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38941E-05  7.68651E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  12497.0744      7.9343      7.9342
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0519302 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1284790 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7099662 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4092801 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14441.9001886 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214762 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071790 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4286871 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10186E+01  0.18375E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.98540E-01  0.10789E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76150E+00  0.26865E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  12513.5192     24.3792     16.4449
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35082E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  12513.7451     24.6050      0.2258
+                do leaf measurements  12513.7462     24.6062      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  12513.7872     24.6472      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5883059 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  12513.7919
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  12513.7962      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.78875E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  12521.7834      7.9915      7.9872
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0508330 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0979400 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7067819 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3741031 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14486.5650391 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208858 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072300 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3581419 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10151E+01  0.13646E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48080E-01  0.10263E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76679E+00  0.22618E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  12538.1571     24.3651     16.3736
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12349E+01  0.19326E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  12538.3810     24.5891      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  12538.3821     24.5902      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  12538.4236     24.6316      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0708206 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  12538.4284
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  12538.4327      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  12546.3769      7.9485      7.9442
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0493360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1006539 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7034760 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4466319 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14394.7743924 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212978 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071611 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4289339 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10159E+01  0.15503E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38007E-01  0.11880E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74641E+00  0.23169E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  12562.8218     24.3934     16.4449
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13703E+01  0.31151E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  12563.0462     24.6178      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  12563.0473     24.6189      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  12563.0883     24.6599      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361461 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  12563.0930
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  12563.0974      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  12571.0506      7.9576      7.9532
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0482910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0931890 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7122850 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3719630 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14489.2912090 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1218140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071290 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3550370 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10151E+01  0.17624E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38080E-01  0.12334E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73700E+00  0.22900E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  12587.4216     24.3285     16.3710
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14690E+01  0.35248E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  12587.6475     24.5544      0.2259
+                do leaf measurements  12587.6486     24.5555      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  12587.6896     24.5965      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159417 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  12587.6943
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  12587.6987      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  12595.7360      8.0416      8.0373
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0505030 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1041391 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7086070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3866110 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14470.6518994 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070820 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3787529 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10144E+01  0.19419E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40474E-01  0.12569E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73228E+00  0.22799E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  12612.1307     24.4364     16.3947
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15126E+01  0.36178E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  12612.3538     24.6595      0.2232
+                do leaf measurements  12612.3550     24.6606      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  12612.3960     24.7017      0.0411
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107397 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  12612.4008
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  12612.4050      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  12620.3481      7.9474      7.9431
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0490890 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1253800 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7109220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4753580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14358.7401579 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213062 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071940 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4896328 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10138E+01  0.20987E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42939E-01  0.12566E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72776E+00  0.22749E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  12636.8531     24.4524     16.5050
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15346E+01  0.35987E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  12637.0779     24.6772      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  12637.0791     24.6783      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  12637.1200     24.7192      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080840 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  12637.1231     24.7223      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  12637.1232     24.7225      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -93364142984749.391 115492913333698.53
+ def in m -7.9137201309204102 0.59438097476959229
+ dimensionless def  -1.69823135648454957E-6 2.26106289454868867E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0167169  0.2254611
+                  Compute divergence  12637.3166     24.9158      0.1933
+                        wsmp_cleanup  12637.3607     24.9599      0.0441
+              Reset surface geometry  12637.3656     24.9649      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   12637.3737     24.9729      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  12637.3869     24.9861      0.0132
+                   Advect surface  1  12637.3870     24.9863      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  12637.6063     25.2056      0.2193
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  12637.8123     25.4115      0.2059
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  12638.0857     25.6849      0.2734
+                    Advect the cloud  12638.2229     25.8221      0.1372
+                        Write output  12638.9613     26.5606      0.7384
+                    End of time step  12639.8002     27.3994      0.8389
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      78  12639.8003
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  12639.8004      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  12639.8004      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16921points
+                      refine surface  12639.8004      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   4 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  12639.8281      0.0278      0.0277
+                                                                        S. 1:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  12639.8552      0.0549      0.0271
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  12639.8799      0.0796      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16925points
+                          surface 02  12639.8981      0.0978      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 2:    16916points
+                      refine surface  12639.8983      0.0980      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  12639.9237      0.1234      0.0254
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  12639.9508      0.1505      0.0271
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  12639.9756      0.1753      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16917points
+                          surface 03  12639.9938      0.1935      0.0182
+                                                                        S. 3:    16923points
+                      refine surface  12639.9939      0.1936      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  12640.0201      0.2198      0.0262
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  12640.0430      0.2427      0.0229
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  12640.0679      0.2676      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16925points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  12640.0928
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  12640.0930      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  12640.1089      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  12640.1305      0.0377      0.0216
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  12640.1313      0.0385      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  12640.1454      0.0527      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  12640.2676      0.1748      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  12640.4481      0.3554      0.1805
+                embedding surface  1  12640.4483      0.3556      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  12642.3825      2.2897      1.9342
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  12644.4719      4.3791      2.0894
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  12647.9918      7.8991      3.5199
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  12647.9964      7.9037      0.0046
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  12648.3556      8.2628      0.3591
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  12648.5667      8.4740      0.2112
+                           Find void  12648.8366      8.7438      0.2698
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  12648.8646      8.7719      0.0281
+                         wsmp setup1  12648.8715      8.7787      0.0068
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  12649.8730      9.7802      1.0015
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  12649.9172
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  12649.9174      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38941E-05  8.04341E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  12657.8400      7.9228      7.9226
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0513470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1233401 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7144439 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4245820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14422.5568874 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071459 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4428349 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10264E+01  0.18440E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.97944E-01  0.10760E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76162E+00  0.26827E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  12674.2986     24.3814     16.4587
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35095E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  12674.5247     24.6075      0.2261
+                do leaf measurements  12674.5258     24.6086      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  12674.5673     24.6501      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5892916 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  12674.5720
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  12674.5764      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79923E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  12682.5720      7.9999      7.9956
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0494630 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0999901 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7067890 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3739111 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14486.8094900 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072010 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3586729 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.13692E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48414E-01  0.10286E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76698E+00  0.22530E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  12698.9472     24.3752     16.3753
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12352E+01  0.17995E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  12699.1701     24.5981      0.2229
+                do leaf measurements  12699.1712     24.5992      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  12699.2130     24.6410      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0716201 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  12699.2174
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  12699.2218      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  12707.1907      7.9732      7.9689
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0471530 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0965481 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7058051 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4368479 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14407.0888197 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211929 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072081 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4151690 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10161E+01  0.15536E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38260E-01  0.11903E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74645E+00  0.23099E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  12723.6215     24.4041     16.4308
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13708E+01  0.31168E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  12723.8461     24.6286      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  12723.8472     24.6297      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  12723.8886     24.6711      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362696 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  12723.8933
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  12723.8976      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  12731.8535      7.9603      7.9559
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0512960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1046171 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7120841 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3775010 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14482.2385616 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213751 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070031 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3743081 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.17643E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38282E-01  0.12354E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73705E+00  0.22858E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  12748.2431     24.3498     16.3896
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14697E+01  0.35333E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  12748.4697     24.5764      0.2266
+                do leaf measurements  12748.4708     24.5775      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  12748.5123     24.6191      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159452 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  12748.5170
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  12748.5214      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  12756.5582      8.0411      8.0368
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0491710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1053598 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7057612 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3880260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14468.8538548 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207399 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071859 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3766491 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10145E+01  0.19431E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40520E-01  0.12591E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73234E+00  0.22781E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  12772.9509     24.4338     16.3927
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15134E+01  0.36252E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  12773.1796     24.6626      0.2288
+                do leaf measurements  12773.1807     24.6637      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  12773.2221     24.7050      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107664 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  12773.2267
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  12773.2311      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  12781.1707      7.9440      7.9396
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0494809 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1176851 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7082191 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4715190 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14363.5454006 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208200 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070460 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4751801 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10140E+01  0.20992E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42960E-01  0.12585E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72780E+00  0.22734E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  12797.6616     24.4348     16.4909
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15352E+01  0.36046E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  12797.8857     24.6590      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  12797.8868     24.6601      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  12797.9282     24.7015      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080865 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  12797.9312     24.7045      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  12797.9314     24.7046      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -94108149714862.641 117004348820147.53
+ def in m -7.9174413681030273 0.59497654438018799
+ dimensionless def  -1.6999329839433943E-6 2.2621261051722935E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0167292  0.2255640
+                  Compute divergence  12798.1254     24.8986      0.1940
+                        wsmp_cleanup  12798.1658     24.9390      0.0404
+              Reset surface geometry  12798.1708     24.9441      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   12798.1791     24.9524      0.0083
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  12798.1954     24.9687      0.0163
+                   Advect surface  1  12798.1956     24.9688      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   14 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  12798.3941     25.1674      0.1985
+                                                                        S. 2:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  12798.5921     25.3654      0.1980
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   13 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  12798.8579     25.6312      0.2658
+                    Advect the cloud  12798.9948     25.7681      0.1369
+                        Write output  12799.7338     26.5071      0.7390
+                    End of time step  12800.5708     27.3440      0.8370
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      79  12800.5709
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  12800.5710      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  12800.5710      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16924points
+                      refine surface  12800.5710      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  12800.5976      0.0267      0.0266
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  12800.6246      0.0537      0.0269
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  12800.6498      0.0789      0.0253
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16926points
+                          surface 02  12800.6682      0.0973      0.0184
+                                                                        S. 2:    16917points
+                      refine surface  12800.6684      0.0975      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   4 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  12800.6959      0.1250      0.0275
+                                                                        S. 2:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  12800.7228      0.1519      0.0270
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  12800.7477      0.1768      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16921points
+                          surface 03  12800.7660      0.1951      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 3:    16923points
+                      refine surface  12800.7661      0.1952      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  12800.7918      0.2209      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  12800.8141      0.2432      0.0222
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  12800.8389      0.2680      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16924points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  12800.8634
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  12800.8636      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  12800.8795      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  12800.9011      0.0377      0.0216
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  12800.9019      0.0385      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  12800.9167      0.0533      0.0148
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  12801.0389      0.1755      0.1221
+             Imbed surface in osolve  12801.2185      0.3552      0.1797
+                embedding surface  1  12801.2187      0.3553      0.0001
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  12803.1669      2.3035      1.9482
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  12805.2594      4.3960      2.0925
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  12808.7661      7.9027      3.5067
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  12808.7707      7.9073      0.0046
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  12809.1187      8.2553      0.3480
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  12809.3648      8.5015      0.2462
+                           Find void  12809.6336      8.7702      0.2687
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  12809.6615      8.7981      0.0279
+                         wsmp setup1  12809.6682      8.8049      0.0067
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  12810.6721      9.8087      1.0039
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  12810.7162
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  12810.7164      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38941E-05  8.50273E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  12818.6547      7.9385      7.9384
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0504129 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1195161 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7121949 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4419260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14400.6947641 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1222072 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071828 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4538040 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10186E+01  0.18386E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.98914E-01  0.10868E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76145E+00  0.26851E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  12835.1248     24.4086     16.4700
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35076E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  12835.3503     24.6341      0.2255
+                do leaf measurements  12835.3514     24.6352      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  12835.3930     24.6768      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5888977 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  12835.3977
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  12835.4021      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.78319E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  12843.4077      8.0100      8.0057
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0485442 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1041548 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7071140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3817129 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14476.8792823 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208961 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073140 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3701141 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.13652E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48259E-01  0.10250E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76686E+00  0.22683E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  12859.7938     24.3961     16.3861
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12344E+01  0.18008E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  12860.0168     24.6191      0.2229
+                do leaf measurements  12860.0179     24.6202      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  12860.0600     24.6622      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0713082 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  12860.0647
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  12860.0691      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  12868.0281      7.9634      7.9590
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0498872 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1036639 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7070439 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4449050 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14396.9463496 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210511 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073171 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4342570 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10161E+01  0.15508E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38354E-01  0.11867E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74614E+00  0.23184E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  12884.4783     24.4136     16.4502
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13702E+01  0.31127E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  12884.7031     24.6384      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  12884.7042     24.6395      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  12884.7458     24.6811      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362508 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  12884.7504
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  12884.7548      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  12892.6962      7.9457      7.9414
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0528059 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1040721 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7115321 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3797910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14479.3242306 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1218989 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071290 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3776000 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.17625E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38386E-01  0.12327E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73685E+00  0.22905E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  12909.0903     24.3398     16.3941
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14690E+01  0.35256E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  12909.3171     24.5667      0.2268
+                do leaf measurements  12909.3182     24.5677      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  12909.3598     24.6094      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159149 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  12909.3645
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  12909.3689      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  12917.3788      8.0143      8.0099
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0498009 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1132550 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7080641 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3956280 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14459.2017421 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211498 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072899 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3955739 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10146E+01  0.19420E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40463E-01  0.12570E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73214E+00  0.22804E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  12933.7896     24.4251     16.4108
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15128E+01  0.36190E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  12934.0143     24.6498      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  12934.0154     24.6509      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  12934.0572     24.6927      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107407 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  12934.0618
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  12934.0661      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  12942.0093      7.9475      7.9432
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0518260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1198599 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7058909 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4678800 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14368.1032347 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211350 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071878 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4741509 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10139E+01  0.20984E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42917E-01  0.12572E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72767E+00  0.22738E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  12958.4997     24.4380     16.4905
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15343E+01  0.35970E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  12958.7242     24.6624      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  12958.7253     24.6635      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  12958.7668     24.7051      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080841 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  12958.7698     24.7080      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  12958.7700     24.7082      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -94841700194794.453 118516879888196.95
+ def in m -7.9213862419128418 0.59607696533203125
+ dimensionless def  -1.70307704380580351E-6 2.26325321197509784E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0167544  0.2256782
+                  Compute divergence  12958.9731     24.9113      0.2031
+                        wsmp_cleanup  12959.0093     24.9475      0.0361
+              Reset surface geometry  12959.0145     24.9527      0.0052
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   12959.0226     24.9608      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  12959.0400     24.9782      0.0173
+                   Advect surface  1  12959.0401     24.9783      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   14 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  12959.2385     25.1767      0.1984
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  12959.4517     25.3899      0.2132
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  12959.7132     25.6515      0.2616
+                    Advect the cloud  12959.8490     25.7872      0.1357
+                        Write output  12960.5896     26.5278      0.7407
+                    End of time step  12961.4270     27.3652      0.8373
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      80  12961.4271
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  12961.4272      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  12961.4272      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16925points
+                      refine surface  12961.4272      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  12961.4542      0.0271      0.0269
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  12961.4809      0.0538      0.0267
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  12961.5057      0.0786      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16928points
+                          surface 02  12961.5241      0.0970      0.0184
+                                                                        S. 2:    16919points
+                      refine surface  12961.5242      0.0972      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  12961.5498      0.1227      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  12961.5728      0.1457      0.0230
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  12961.5976      0.1705      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16920points
+                          surface 03  12961.6160      0.1889      0.0184
+                                                                        S. 3:    16923points
+                      refine surface  12961.6161      0.1890      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  12961.6407      0.2136      0.0245
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16923points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  12961.6652
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  12961.6655      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  12961.6813      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  12961.7028      0.0376      0.0215
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  12961.7036      0.0383      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  12961.7177      0.0525      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  12961.8399      0.1747      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  12962.0215      0.3563      0.1816
+                embedding surface  1  12962.0217      0.3565      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  12963.9718      2.3066      1.9501
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  12966.0691      4.4039      2.0974
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  12969.5708      7.9056      3.5016
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  12969.5758      7.9106      0.0050
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  12969.9602      8.2949      0.3843
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  12970.1542      8.4890      0.1941
+                           Find void  12970.4260      8.7608      0.2718
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  12970.4542      8.7890      0.0282
+                         wsmp setup1  12970.4614      8.7962      0.0072
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  12971.4642      9.7990      1.0028
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  12971.5091
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  12971.5093      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38941E-05  8.48704E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  12979.4638      7.9547      7.9545
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0522881 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1341209 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7134011 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4480851 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14392.9471936 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216521 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072291 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4771490 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10213E+01  0.18382E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.98204E-01  0.10820E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76131E+00  0.26659E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  12995.9565     24.4473     16.4927
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35097E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  12996.1819     24.6728      0.2254
+                do leaf measurements  12996.1830     24.6739      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  12996.2240     24.7148      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5888059 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  12996.2286
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  12996.2329      0.0042      0.0042
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79447E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  13004.2468      8.0182      8.0139
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0519810 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1081300 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7069290 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3805568 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14478.3499133 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209121 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072980 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3762052 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10151E+01  0.13648E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48424E-01  0.10264E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76673E+00  0.22593E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  13020.6385     24.4098     16.3917
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12353E+01  0.18010E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  13020.8624     24.6338      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  13020.8635     24.6349      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  13020.9048     24.6761      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0713117 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  13020.9096
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  13020.9139      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  13028.8827      7.9731      7.9688
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0479782 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0953588 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7070520 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4198811 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14428.4938130 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213241 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073130 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3993111 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10159E+01  0.15498E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38270E-01  0.11882E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74625E+00  0.23136E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  13045.2983     24.3887     16.4156
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13706E+01  0.31142E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  13045.5217     24.6121      0.2234
+                do leaf measurements  13045.5228     24.6132      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  13045.5638     24.6542      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362067 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  13045.5684
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  13045.5727      0.0042      0.0042
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  13053.5132      7.9448      7.9406
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0477400 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1145320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7117310 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3800151 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14479.0390806 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214159 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072331 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3830581 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.17618E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38297E-01  0.12334E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73687E+00  0.22891E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  13069.9120     24.3436     16.3988
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14692E+01  0.35285E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  13070.1390     24.5706      0.2270
+                do leaf measurements  13070.1401     24.5717      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  13070.1811     24.6127      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159572 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  13070.1858
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  13070.1901      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  13078.2016      8.0157      8.0115
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0494380 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1115291 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7056608 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3821211 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14476.3601290 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216440 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071929 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3779600 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10145E+01  0.19409E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40561E-01  0.12569E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73218E+00  0.22792E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  13094.5957     24.4098     16.3941
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15126E+01  0.36189E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  13094.8193     24.6335      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements  13094.8204     24.6346      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  13094.8614     24.6755      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107608 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  13094.8661
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  13094.8703      0.0042      0.0042
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  13102.8403      7.9742      7.9700
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0508490 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1206059 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7068181 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4641330 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14372.7993671 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209931 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073152 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4711070 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10140E+01  0.20973E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42975E-01  0.12570E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72766E+00  0.22748E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  13119.3270     24.4609     16.4867
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15341E+01  0.35982E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  13119.5518     24.6857      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  13119.5529     24.6868      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  13119.5938     24.7277      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080836 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  13119.5968     24.7307      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  13119.5970     24.7309      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -95569444116974.594 120024101465536.73
+ def in m -7.922795295715332 0.59611570835113525
+ dimensionless def  -1.70318773814610074E-6 2.26365579877580915E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0167491  0.2257153
+                  Compute divergence  13119.7989     24.9328      0.2019
+                        wsmp_cleanup  13119.8350     24.9689      0.0361
+              Reset surface geometry  13119.8402     24.9741      0.0052
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   13119.8483     24.9822      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  13119.8655     24.9994      0.0172
+                   Advect surface  1  13119.8657     24.9996      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   14 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  13120.0759     25.2098      0.2102
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  13120.2872     25.4212      0.2113
+                                                                        S. 3:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  13120.5406     25.6745      0.2534
+                    Advect the cloud  13120.6807     25.8146      0.1401
+                        Write output  13121.4276     26.5615      0.7469
+                    End of time step  13122.2720     27.4059      0.8444
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      81  13122.2721
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  13122.2722      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  13122.2722      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16925points
+                      refine surface  13122.2722      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  13122.2979      0.0258      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  13122.3203      0.0482      0.0224
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  13122.3452      0.0731      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16926points
+                          surface 02  13122.3631      0.0910      0.0179
+                                                                        S. 2:    16918points
+                      refine surface  13122.3633      0.0912      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  13122.3894      0.1173      0.0261
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  13122.4120      0.1399      0.0226
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  13122.4369      0.1648      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16920points
+                          surface 03  13122.4552      0.1831      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 3:    16923points
+                      refine surface  13122.4554      0.1833      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   4 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  13122.4828      0.2107      0.0274
+                                                                        S. 3:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  13122.5095      0.2374      0.0267
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  13122.5343      0.2622      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16927points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  13122.5587
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  13122.5590      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  13122.5748      0.0161      0.0158
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  13122.5967      0.0379      0.0219
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  13122.5975      0.0387      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  13122.6116      0.0529      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  13122.7338      0.1750      0.1221
+             Imbed surface in osolve  13122.9148      0.3560      0.1810
+                embedding surface  1  13122.9149      0.3562      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  13124.8730      2.3142      1.9580
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  13126.9646      4.4058      2.0916
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  13130.5030      7.9443      3.5385
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  13130.5080      7.9493      0.0050
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  13130.9324      8.3736      0.4243
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  13131.0280      8.4692      0.0956
+                           Find void  13131.3006      8.7419      0.2727
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  13131.3291      8.7704      0.0285
+                         wsmp setup1  13131.3365      8.7778      0.0074
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  13132.3402      9.7815      1.0037
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  13132.3858
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  13132.3859      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38941E-05  8.72785E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  13140.3126      7.9269      7.9267
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0540681 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1366799 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7107720 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4652288 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14371.4257087 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207922 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071139 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4950352 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10184E+01  0.18300E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.97669E-01  0.10746E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76105E+00  0.26469E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  13156.8234     24.4376     16.5107
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35071E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  13157.0475     24.6617      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  13157.0486     24.6629      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  13157.0899     24.7041      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5892170 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  13157.0946
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  13157.0989      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79542E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  13165.1096      8.0151      8.0107
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0479710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1035402 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7060902 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3838940 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14474.1056406 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071931 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3697510 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10151E+01  0.13580E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48220E-01  0.10242E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76670E+00  0.22559E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  13181.4958     24.4012     16.3861
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12345E+01  0.20642E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  13181.7192     24.6246      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements  13181.7204     24.6258      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  13181.7620     24.6674      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0716733 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  13181.7668
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  13181.7712      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  13189.7486      7.9817      7.9773
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0480800 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1035330 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7041712 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4057512 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14446.3683782 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207690 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071630 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3898621 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10160E+01  0.15459E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38440E-01  0.11868E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74578E+00  0.23131E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  13206.1548     24.3880     16.4063
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13692E+01  0.31021E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  13206.3776     24.6108      0.2228
+                do leaf measurements  13206.3788     24.6119      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  13206.4201     24.6533      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361182 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  13206.4248
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  13206.4292      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  13214.3661      7.9412      7.9369
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0528009 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1224651 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7114480 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3858702 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14471.5933623 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070791 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4015341 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10151E+01  0.17590E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38463E-01  0.12320E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73651E+00  0.22885E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  13230.7838     24.3590     16.4178
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14681E+01  0.35184E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  13231.0096     24.5848      0.2258
+                do leaf measurements  13231.0107     24.5859      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  13231.0626     24.6377      0.0518
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159262 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  13231.0673
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  13231.0716      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  13239.0766      8.0094      8.0050
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0492201 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1062551 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7065358 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3947401 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14460.3283937 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207161 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071712 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3850131 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10145E+01  0.19385E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40548E-01  0.12560E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73191E+00  0.22789E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  13255.4778     24.4105     16.4011
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15115E+01  0.36098E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  13255.7010     24.6337      0.2232
+                do leaf measurements  13255.7021     24.6349      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  13255.7437     24.6764      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107469 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  13255.7485
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  13255.7529      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  13263.6971      7.9486      7.9442
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0491052 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1152539 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7059820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4625490 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14374.7855987 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208379 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070469 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4611509 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10140E+01  0.20951E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42989E-01  0.12563E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72745E+00  0.22736E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  13280.1740     24.4255     16.4769
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15330E+01  0.35903E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  13280.3988     24.6504      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  13280.3999     24.6515      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  13280.4413     24.6928      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080943 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  13280.4442     24.6957      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  13280.4444     24.6959      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -96281648019180.078 121528977312653.67
+ def in m -7.9253573417663574 0.59825468063354492
+ dimensionless def  -1.70929908752441404E-6 2.26438781193324495E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0168040  0.2257841
+                  Compute divergence  13280.6386     24.8901      0.1942
+                        wsmp_cleanup  13280.6835     24.9350      0.0449
+              Reset surface geometry  13280.6887     24.9403      0.0052
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   13280.6970     24.9485      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  13280.7124     24.9639      0.0154
+                   Advect surface  1  13280.7125     24.9640      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   16 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  13280.9249     25.1764      0.2124
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  13281.1392     25.3907      0.2143
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   13 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  13281.4193     25.6709      0.2802
+                    Advect the cloud  13281.5594     25.8109      0.1400
+                        Write output  13282.3084     26.5599      0.7490
+                    End of time step  13283.1497     27.4012      0.8413
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      82  13283.1498
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  13283.1499      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  13283.1500      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16924points
+                      refine surface  13283.1500      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  13283.1768      0.0270      0.0268
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  13283.2038      0.0539      0.0270
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  13283.2284      0.0786      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16927points
+                          surface 02  13283.2467      0.0969      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 2:    16918points
+                      refine surface  13283.2469      0.0970      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   5 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  13283.2750      0.1251      0.0281
+                                                                        S. 2:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  13283.3016      0.1518      0.0267
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  13283.3266      0.1767      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16923points
+                          surface 03  13283.3448      0.1949      0.0182
+                                                                        S. 3:    16924points
+                      refine surface  13283.3449      0.1951      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  13283.3707      0.2208      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  13283.3978      0.2479      0.0271
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  13283.4226      0.2727      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16925points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  13283.4475
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  13283.4477      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  13283.4636      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  13283.4853      0.0379      0.0217
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  13283.4861      0.0386      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  13283.5002      0.0528      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  13283.6224      0.1750      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  13283.8047      0.3572      0.1823
+                embedding surface  1  13283.8048      0.3574      0.0001
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  13285.7721      2.3246      1.9673
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  13287.8544      4.4069      2.0823
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  13291.3688      7.9213      3.5144
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  13291.3735      7.9261      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  13291.7697      8.3222      0.3962
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  13291.9569      8.5094      0.1872
+                           Find void  13292.2251      8.7776      0.2682
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  13292.2530      8.8056      0.0280
+                         wsmp setup1  13292.2599      8.8125      0.0069
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  13293.2637      9.8163      1.0038
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  13293.3087
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  13293.3089      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38941E-05  8.98776E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  13301.2457      7.9370      7.9368
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0532200 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1222029 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7061381 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4690020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14366.6976214 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210721 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072088 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4792261 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10182E+01  0.18312E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.98172E-01  0.10771E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76105E+00  0.26585E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  13317.7405     24.4318     16.4948
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35088E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  13317.9648     24.6561      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  13317.9660     24.6573      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  13318.0064     24.6977      0.0405
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5885854 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  13318.0111
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  13318.0155      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79579E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  13326.0300      8.0189      8.0145
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0495799 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1084480 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7069612 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3870101 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14470.1447056 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211681 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072272 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3807762 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.13588E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48144E-01  0.10222E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76666E+00  0.22539E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  13342.4269     24.4158     16.3969
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12348E+01  0.18012E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  13342.6499     24.6388      0.2230
+                do leaf measurements  13342.6511     24.6399      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  13342.6919     24.6807      0.0408
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0710893 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  13342.6967
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  13342.7011      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  13350.6913      7.9946      7.9902
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0505991 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0995369 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7068660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4020178 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14451.0985955 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210051 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071940 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3876040 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10160E+01  0.15456E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38531E-01  0.11871E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74606E+00  0.23133E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  13367.0951     24.3984     16.4038
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13694E+01  0.31067E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  13367.3181     24.6215      0.2230
+                do leaf measurements  13367.3192     24.6226      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  13367.3598     24.6631      0.0405
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362211 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  13367.3644
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  13367.3687      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  13375.3073      7.9429      7.9386
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0531890 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1219561 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7154980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4024022 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14450.6115050 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216080 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072100 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4222429 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.17585E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38551E-01  0.12326E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73671E+00  0.22882E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  13391.7446     24.3802     16.4373
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14681E+01  0.35205E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  13391.9718     24.6074      0.2272
+                do leaf measurements  13391.9729     24.6085      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  13392.0134     24.6490      0.0405
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158329 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  13392.0181
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  13392.0225      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  13400.0065      7.9883      7.9840
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0472519 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1155970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7069480 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3842320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14473.6758031 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209879 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072351 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3826599 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10147E+01  0.19380E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40516E-01  0.12568E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73206E+00  0.22784E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  13416.4049     24.3868     16.3984
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15117E+01  0.36138E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  13416.6286     24.6105      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  13416.6298     24.6117      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  13416.6706     24.6524      0.0408
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107311 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  13416.6753
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  13416.6798      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  13424.6183      7.9429      7.9385
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0499580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1030378 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7088928 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4822249 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14350.1529292 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212502 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071809 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4729269 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10141E+01  0.20948E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42957E-01  0.12565E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72759E+00  0.22740E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  13441.1072     24.4319     16.4889
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15333E+01  0.35937E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  13441.3313     24.6559      0.2240
+                do leaf measurements  13441.3324     24.6571      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  13441.3728     24.6974      0.0403
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080851 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  13441.3758     24.7004      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  13441.3759     24.7006      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -96996955390793.172 123032997542051.22
+ def in m -7.925422191619873 0.59910637140274048
+ dimensionless def  -1.71173248972211556E-6 2.26440634046282092E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0168217  0.2257848
+                  Compute divergence  13441.5670     24.8917      0.1911
+                        wsmp_cleanup  13441.6137     24.9384      0.0467
+              Reset surface geometry  13441.6188     24.9435      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   13441.6270     24.9516      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  13441.6406     24.9652      0.0136
+                   Advect surface  1  13441.6407     24.9654      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  13441.8353     25.1600      0.1946
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  13442.0542     25.3788      0.2188
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  13442.3171     25.6418      0.2630
+                    Advect the cloud  13442.4575     25.7822      0.1404
+                        Write output  13443.2073     26.5319      0.7497
+                    End of time step  13444.0492     27.3738      0.8419
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      83  13444.0493
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  13444.0494      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  13444.0494      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16927points
+                      refine surface  13444.0495      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  13444.0769      0.0276      0.0274
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  13444.1036      0.0543      0.0267
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  13444.1285      0.0792      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16930points
+                          surface 02  13444.1465      0.0972      0.0180
+                                                                        S. 2:    16920points
+                      refine surface  13444.1467      0.0973      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  13444.1714      0.1221      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16920points
+                          surface 03  13444.1900      0.1407      0.0186
+                                                                        S. 3:    16924points
+                      refine surface  13444.1902      0.1409      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  13444.2149      0.1656      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16924points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  13444.2394
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  13444.2397      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  13444.2555      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  13444.2769      0.0374      0.0213
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  13444.2776      0.0382      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  13444.2918      0.0523      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  13444.4140      0.1745      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  13444.5969      0.3575      0.1830
+                embedding surface  1  13444.5971      0.3576      0.0001
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  13446.5480      2.3086      1.9510
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  13448.6359      4.3965      2.0879
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  13452.1366      7.8972      3.5007
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  13452.1412      7.9018      0.0046
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  13452.5264      8.2870      0.3852
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  13452.6807      8.4413      0.1543
+                           Find void  13452.9502      8.7108      0.2695
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  13452.9783      8.7389      0.0281
+                         wsmp setup1  13452.9854      8.7459      0.0070
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  13453.9897      9.7503      1.0043
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  13454.0346
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  13454.0347      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38941E-05  8.54793E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  13461.9740      7.9395      7.9393
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0551689 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1283140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7086551 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4648888 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14371.8518853 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208718 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070240 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4852960 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10314E+01  0.18377E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.98159E-01  0.10739E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76131E+00  0.26800E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  13478.4751     24.4405     16.5010
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35074E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  13478.6988     24.6642      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  13478.6999     24.6653      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  13478.7413     24.7067      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5886416 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  13478.7460
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  13478.7504      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.78948E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  13486.7520      8.0060      8.0016
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0493400 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1087871 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7081230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4128320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14437.4055065 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211119 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069790 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4075351 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.13637E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48149E-01  0.10260E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76672E+00  0.22616E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  13503.1759     24.4299     16.4239
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12358E+01  0.19754E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  13503.3986     24.6526      0.2228
+                do leaf measurements  13503.3998     24.6538      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  13503.4414     24.6954      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0709885 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  13503.4462
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  13503.4507      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  13511.4478      8.0015      7.9970
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0477171 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1126430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7075269 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4029529 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14449.9135604 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215079 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070970 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3998151 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10161E+01  0.15480E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38620E-01  0.11875E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74644E+00  0.23127E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  13527.8634     24.4172     16.4157
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13705E+01  0.31178E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  13528.0866     24.6404      0.2232
+                do leaf measurements  13528.0877     24.6415      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  13528.1293     24.6830      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361716 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  13528.1338
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  13528.1382      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  13536.0929      7.9591      7.9548
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0512009 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1426852 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7147770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4050360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14447.2743682 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213031 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070260 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4423828 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.17598E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38645E-01  0.12336E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73700E+00  0.22875E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  13552.5510     24.4172     16.4581
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14688E+01  0.35304E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  13552.7778     24.6439      0.2268
+                do leaf measurements  13552.7789     24.6450      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  13552.8202     24.6864      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159281 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  13552.8250
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  13552.8294      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  13560.8067      7.9817      7.9773
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0512230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1230199 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7092631 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3760202 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14484.1237162 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209030 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071080 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3879070 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10147E+01  0.19391E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40462E-01  0.12572E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73228E+00  0.22785E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  13577.2105     24.3856     16.4039
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15122E+01  0.36220E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  13577.4341     24.6091      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements  13577.4352     24.6102      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  13577.4769     24.6520      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107527 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  13577.4817
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  13577.4862      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  13585.4437      7.9620      7.9575
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0492580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1140089 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7078960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4701600 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14365.2471951 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209991 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070820 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4697788 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10141E+01  0.20956E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42922E-01  0.12567E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72775E+00  0.22723E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  13601.9294     24.4477     16.4857
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15338E+01  0.36016E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  13602.1535     24.6718      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  13602.1546     24.6729      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  13602.1960     24.7143      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080907 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  13602.1990     24.7173      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  13602.1992     24.7174      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -97714649948260.922 124531737210230.69
+ def in m -7.9280471801757812 0.60040402412414551
+ dimensionless def  -1.71544006892612994E-6 2.26515633719308057E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0168512  0.2258583
+                  Compute divergence  13602.3971     24.9154      0.1980
+                        wsmp_cleanup  13602.4369     24.9552      0.0398
+              Reset surface geometry  13602.4423     24.9605      0.0053
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   13602.4506     24.9689      0.0084
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  13602.4655     24.9838      0.0149
+                   Advect surface  1  13602.4657     24.9839      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   14 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  13602.6747     25.1930      0.2090
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  13602.8768     25.3951      0.2021
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  13603.1447     25.6630      0.2679
+                    Advect the cloud  13603.2862     25.8045      0.1415
+                        Write output  13604.0348     26.5531      0.7486
+                    End of time step  13604.9002     27.4184      0.8654
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      84  13604.9003
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  13604.9004      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  13604.9004      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16928points
+                      refine surface  13604.9005      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  13604.9276      0.0273      0.0271
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  13604.9587      0.0584      0.0311
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  13604.9837      0.0833      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16931points
+                          surface 02  13605.0017      0.1014      0.0181
+                                                                        S. 2:    16919points
+                      refine surface  13605.0019      0.1015      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  13605.0284      0.1281      0.0265
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  13605.0558      0.1554      0.0274
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  13605.0810      0.1806      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16921points
+                          surface 03  13605.0991      0.1988      0.0181
+                                                                        S. 3:    16922points
+                      refine surface  13605.0993      0.1989      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  13605.1249      0.2246      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  13605.1475      0.2472      0.0226
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  13605.1722      0.2719      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16923points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  13605.1965
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  13605.1968      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  13605.2126      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  13605.2343      0.0377      0.0216
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  13605.2350      0.0385      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  13605.2492      0.0526      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  13605.3713      0.1748      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  13605.5518      0.3553      0.1805
+                embedding surface  1  13605.5520      0.3554      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  13607.4962      2.2997      1.9443
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  13609.5496      4.3531      2.0534
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  13613.0572      7.8606      3.5075
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  13613.0618      7.8653      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  13613.4527      8.2561      0.3908
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  13613.6720      8.4754      0.2193
+                           Find void  13613.9455      8.7490      0.2736
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  13613.9738      8.7773      0.0283
+                         wsmp setup1  13613.9813      8.7848      0.0075
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  13614.9872      9.7906      1.0058
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  13615.0330
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  13615.0331      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38940E-05  8.23272E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  13622.9640      7.9310      7.9309
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0528650 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1253309 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7074869 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4798589 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14353.1105796 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217129 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071011 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4947309 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10178E+01  0.18335E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.97349E-01  0.10783E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76110E+00  0.26595E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  13639.4741     24.4411     16.5100
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35072E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  13639.6986     24.6656      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  13639.6997     24.6667      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  13639.7407     24.7077      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5885017 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  13639.7454
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  13639.7498      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.80272E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  13647.7426      7.9972      7.9928
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0499041 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1167839 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7065170 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3752029 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14485.1643885 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1219459 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072370 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3779991 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.13608E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48282E-01  0.10278E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76671E+00  0.22500E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  13664.1369     24.3915     16.3943
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12354E+01  0.18786E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  13664.3601     24.6146      0.2232
+                do leaf measurements  13664.3612     24.6157      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  13664.4025     24.6571      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0712024 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  13664.4073
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  13664.4118      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  13672.4220      8.0146      8.0102
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0476329 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1184571 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7086768 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3930390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14462.4874932 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209331 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070779 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3962021 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10162E+01  0.15465E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38398E-01  0.11892E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74624E+00  0.23076E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  13688.8339     24.4266     16.4119
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13697E+01  0.31113E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  13689.0576     24.6503      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  13689.0587     24.6513      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  13689.0998     24.6924      0.0411
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362303 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  13689.1044
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  13689.1088      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  13697.0533      7.9489      7.9446
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0497410 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1311901 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7117109 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4276121 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14418.7327081 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217279 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071871 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4495680 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.17589E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38444E-01  0.12338E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73681E+00  0.22831E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  13713.5185     24.4141     16.4652
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14684E+01  0.35266E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  13713.7442     24.6397      0.2256
+                do leaf measurements  13713.7452     24.6408      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  13713.7863     24.6818      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158939 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  13713.7910
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  13713.7954      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  13721.7797      7.9887      7.9843
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0487711 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1106730 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7081890 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3754110 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14484.8993489 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210480 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072081 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3716860 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10148E+01  0.19378E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40619E-01  0.12578E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73216E+00  0.22756E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  13738.1676     24.3765     16.3879
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15118E+01  0.36180E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  13738.3916     24.6005      0.2240
+                do leaf measurements  13738.3926     24.6016      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  13738.4341     24.6430      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107254 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  13738.4389
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  13738.4434      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  13746.3885      7.9496      7.9451
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0486100 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1093340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7074060 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4573810 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14381.2694830 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071740 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4514799 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10142E+01  0.20943E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43039E-01  0.12574E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72765E+00  0.22711E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  13762.8553     24.4164     16.4669
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15333E+01  0.35977E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  13763.0793     24.6404      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  13763.0803     24.6414      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  13763.1213     24.6824      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080856 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  13763.1243     24.6854      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  13763.1245     24.6856      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -98420014061604.219 126029478726425.55
+ def in m -7.9290151596069336 0.59958195686340332
+ dimensionless def  -1.71309130532400944E-6 2.26543290274483807E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0168236  0.2258860
+                  Compute divergence  13763.3194     24.8805      0.1949
+                        wsmp_cleanup  13763.3658     24.9269      0.0463
+              Reset surface geometry  13763.3709     24.9321      0.0052
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   13763.3783     24.9394      0.0074
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  13763.3914     24.9525      0.0131
+                   Advect surface  1  13763.3916     24.9527      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   16 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  13763.6015     25.1627      0.2100
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  13763.8065     25.3676      0.2049
+                                                                        S. 3:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  13764.0595     25.6206      0.2530
+                    Advect the cloud  13764.1982     25.7593      0.1387
+                        Write output  13764.9463     26.5074      0.7481
+                    End of time step  13765.7905     27.3516      0.8442
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      85  13765.7906
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  13765.7907      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  13765.7907      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16929points
+                      refine surface  13765.7907      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  13765.8158      0.0252      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16929points
+                          surface 02  13765.8340      0.0434      0.0182
+                                                                        S. 2:    16920points
+                      refine surface  13765.8342      0.0436      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  13765.8599      0.0693      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  13765.8826      0.0920      0.0227
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  13765.9077      0.1171      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16921points
+                          surface 03  13765.9258      0.1352      0.0181
+                                                                        S. 3:    16923points
+                      refine surface  13765.9260      0.1354      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  13765.9528      0.1622      0.0268
+                                                                        S. 3:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  13765.9794      0.1888      0.0266
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  13766.0044      0.2138      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16926points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  13766.0287
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  13766.0290      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  13766.0448      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  13766.0665      0.0378      0.0216
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  13766.0673      0.0385      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  13766.0814      0.0527      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  13766.2036      0.1748      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  13766.3830      0.3542      0.1794
+                embedding surface  1  13766.3832      0.3544      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  13768.3291      2.3004      1.9459
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  13770.4025      4.3738      2.0734
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  13773.9012      7.8725      3.4987
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  13773.9058      7.8771      0.0046
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  13774.2708      8.2421      0.3650
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  13774.4687      8.4399      0.1978
+                           Find void  13774.7357      8.7069      0.2670
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  13774.7636      8.7348      0.0279
+                         wsmp setup1  13774.7703      8.7416      0.0067
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  13775.7850      9.7563      1.0147
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  13775.8316
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  13775.8318      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38940E-05  7.99807E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  13783.7615      7.9299      7.9298
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0534439 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1229770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7077010 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4639230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14373.0627115 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071418 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4764791 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10179E+01  0.18338E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.98338E-01  0.10769E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76137E+00  0.26798E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  13800.2536     24.4221     16.4921
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35100E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  13800.4779     24.6463      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  13800.4789     24.6474      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  13800.5206     24.6890      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5887020 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  13800.5253
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  13800.5296      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.78577E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  13808.5132      7.9880      7.9837
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0482578 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1045940 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7040179 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3930550 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14462.4672155 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207240 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071259 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3781760 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.13610E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48317E-01  0.10256E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76679E+00  0.22630E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  13824.9074     24.3822     16.3942
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12352E+01  0.18045E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  13825.1303     24.6050      0.2229
+                do leaf measurements  13825.1314     24.6061      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  13825.1730     24.6477      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0711587 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  13825.1777
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  13825.1820      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  13833.1964      8.0188      8.0144
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0516431 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1132669 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7036800 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3891699 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14467.4005979 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210618 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070930 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3862779 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10162E+01  0.15469E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38562E-01  0.11867E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74623E+00  0.23125E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  13849.5986     24.4210     16.4022
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13699E+01  0.31126E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  13849.8222     24.6445      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements  13849.8233     24.6456      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  13849.8650     24.6873      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361595 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  13849.8697
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  13849.8740      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  13857.8189      7.9492      7.9448
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0533240 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1406560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7123420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4416139 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14401.0875681 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214139 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071652 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4768760 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.17593E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38663E-01  0.12321E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73687E+00  0.22858E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  13874.3111     24.4414     16.4922
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14687E+01  0.35281E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  13874.5383     24.6686      0.2272
+                do leaf measurements  13874.5394     24.6697      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  13874.5811     24.7114      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159287 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  13874.5858
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  13874.5902      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  13882.5815      7.9957      7.9913
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0500190 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1071301 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7069840 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3719199 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14489.3461925 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209261 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071630 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3645320 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10147E+01  0.19388E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40652E-01  0.12562E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73221E+00  0.22765E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  13898.9616     24.3758     16.3801
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15123E+01  0.36203E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  13899.1849     24.5991      0.2233
+                do leaf measurements  13899.1860     24.6002      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  13899.2279     24.6421      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107307 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  13899.2327
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  13899.2372      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  13907.1880      7.9553      7.9508
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0501812 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1037900 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7067752 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4281890 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14418.0047521 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071151 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4172740 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10142E+01  0.20954E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43088E-01  0.12559E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72771E+00  0.22707E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  13923.6215     24.3888     16.4335
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15339E+01  0.35996E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  13923.8452     24.6125      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  13923.8463     24.6136      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  13923.8879     24.6552      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080902 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  13923.8909     24.6582      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  13923.8910     24.6584      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -99116701326657.141 127526765500635.42
+ def in m -7.9289159774780273 0.59951919317245483
+ dimensionless def  -1.71291198049272816E-6 2.26540456499372201E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0168154  0.2258817
+                  Compute divergence  13924.0896     24.8570      0.1986
+                        wsmp_cleanup  13924.1305     24.8978      0.0408
+              Reset surface geometry  13924.1357     24.9030      0.0052
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   13924.1439     24.9113      0.0083
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  13924.1589     24.9262      0.0150
+                   Advect surface  1  13924.1591     24.9264      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  13924.3606     25.1279      0.2015
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  13924.5746     25.3419      0.2140
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  13924.8337     25.6010      0.2591
+                    Advect the cloud  13924.9708     25.7381      0.1371
+                        Write output  13925.7153     26.4826      0.7445
+                    End of time step  13926.5520     27.3193      0.8368
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      86  13926.5522
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  13926.5522      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  13926.5523      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16928points
+                      refine surface  13926.5523      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  13926.5788      0.0266      0.0265
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  13926.6015      0.0494      0.0228
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  13926.6265      0.0743      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16930points
+                          surface 02  13926.6447      0.0925      0.0182
+                                                                        S. 2:    16919points
+                      refine surface  13926.6448      0.0926      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  13926.6711      0.1190      0.0263
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  13926.6986      0.1464      0.0274
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  13926.7246      0.1724      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  13926.7476      0.1954      0.0230
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  13926.7724      0.2203      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16922points
+                          surface 03  13926.7911      0.2389      0.0187
+                                                                        S. 3:    16925points
+                      refine surface  13926.7912      0.2391      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  13926.8183      0.2662      0.0271
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  13926.8450      0.2928      0.0266
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  13926.8704      0.3182      0.0254
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16928points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  13926.8951
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  13926.8954      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  13926.9113      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  13926.9330      0.0379      0.0218
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  13926.9338      0.0387      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  13926.9479      0.0528      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  13927.0701      0.1750      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  13927.2477      0.3526      0.1776
+                embedding surface  1  13927.2479      0.3527      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  13929.1837      2.2886      1.9359
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  13931.2391      4.3440      2.0554
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  13934.7476      7.8525      3.5085
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  13934.7522      7.8571      0.0046
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  13935.1126      8.2175      0.3604
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  13935.3140      8.4189      0.2014
+                           Find void  13935.5874      8.6922      0.2734
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  13935.6162      8.7211      0.0288
+                         wsmp setup1  13935.6233      8.7281      0.0071
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  13936.6359      9.7408      1.0127
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  13936.6800
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  13936.6801      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38940E-05  7.45962E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  13944.6004      7.9205      7.9203
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0529859 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1109469 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7077971 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4685991 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14367.2023680 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209331 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071719 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4688420 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10284E+01  0.18424E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.98319E-01  0.10774E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76153E+00  0.26754E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  13961.0855     24.4055     16.4850
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35082E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  13961.3088     24.6289      0.2234
+                do leaf measurements  13961.3099     24.6299      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  13961.3588     24.6789      0.0489
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5892596 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  13961.3636
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  13961.3680      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79332E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  13969.3410      7.9774      7.9730
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0507071 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1186841 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7166569 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3958580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14458.9098215 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209838 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070930 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4103739 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.13682E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48480E-01  0.10263E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76700E+00  0.22565E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  13985.7672     24.4036     16.4262
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12359E+01  0.18457E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  13985.9905     24.6270      0.2233
+                do leaf measurements  13985.9916     24.6280      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  13986.0329     24.6694      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0715500 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  13986.0377
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  13986.0421      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  13994.0660      8.0283      8.0239
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0513949 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1356032 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7073028 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4029629 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14449.9008711 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209409 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071700 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4257770 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10163E+01  0.15522E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38457E-01  0.11883E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74643E+00  0.23112E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  14010.5074     24.4697     16.4414
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13714E+01  0.31228E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  14010.7310     24.6933      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements  14010.7320     24.6943      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  14010.7734     24.7357      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361221 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  14010.7781
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  14010.7825      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  14018.7226      7.9445      7.9402
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0484538 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1408770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7158380 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4377489 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14405.9539325 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1225400 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071230 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4729900 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.17633E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38616E-01  0.12340E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73706E+00  0.22867E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  14035.2112     24.4331     16.4886
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14699E+01  0.35386E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  14035.4374     24.6592      0.2261
+                do leaf measurements  14035.4384     24.6603      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  14035.4797     24.7016      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159620 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  14035.4845
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  14035.4889      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  14043.4894      8.0049      8.0005
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0503190 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1149721 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7058601 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3728809 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14488.1217703 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209822 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071011 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3724978 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10148E+01  0.19423E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40624E-01  0.12579E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73236E+00  0.22764E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  14059.8776     24.3932     16.3882
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15135E+01  0.36301E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  14060.1017     24.6172      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  14060.1028     24.6183      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  14060.1444     24.6600      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107369 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  14060.1492
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  14060.1537      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  14068.1167      7.9675      7.9630
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0489390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1179180 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7072179 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4216330 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14426.2807079 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071380 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4241631 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10142E+01  0.20987E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43059E-01  0.12572E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72784E+00  0.22726E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  14084.5564     24.4071     16.4397
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15350E+01  0.36084E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  14084.7803     24.6311      0.2240
+                do leaf measurements  14084.7814     24.6322      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  14084.8227     24.6734      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080971 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  14084.8257     24.6764      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  14084.8258     24.6766      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -99809694775221.688 129017585980377.3
+ def in m -7.9293384552001953 0.59883755445480347
+ dimensionless def  -1.71096444129943851E-6 2.26552527291434151E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0167901  0.2258896
+                  Compute divergence  14085.0239     24.8746      0.1980
+                        wsmp_cleanup  14085.0669     24.9177      0.0430
+              Reset surface geometry  14085.0719     24.9226      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   14085.0803     24.9310      0.0084
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  14085.0942     24.9450      0.0140
+                   Advect surface  1  14085.0944     24.9451      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  14085.2871     25.1379      0.1927
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   12 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  14085.4974     25.3482      0.2103
+                                                                        S. 3:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  14085.7522     25.6029      0.2547
+                    Advect the cloud  14085.8915     25.7422      0.1393
+                        Write output  14086.6348     26.4855      0.7433
+                    End of time step  14087.5136     27.3644      0.8789
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      87  14087.5138
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  14087.5138      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  14087.5139      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16930points
+                      refine surface  14087.5139      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  14087.5406      0.0268      0.0267
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  14087.5628      0.0491      0.0222
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  14087.5877      0.0739      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16932points
+                          surface 02  14087.6061      0.0923      0.0184
+                                                                        S. 2:    16920points
+                      refine surface  14087.6062      0.0925      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  14087.6321      0.1183      0.0258
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  14087.6592      0.1455      0.0272
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  14087.6841      0.1703      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16921points
+                          surface 03  14087.7027      0.1890      0.0186
+                                                                        S. 3:    16928points
+                      refine surface  14087.7029      0.1891      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  14087.7284      0.2147      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  14087.7555      0.2417      0.0271
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  14087.7804      0.2666      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16929points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  14087.8047
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  14087.8050      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  14087.8208      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  14087.8426      0.0379      0.0218
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  14087.8434      0.0387      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  14087.8575      0.0528      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  14087.9798      0.1750      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  14088.1594      0.3547      0.1797
+                embedding surface  1  14088.1596      0.3549      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  14090.0988      2.2941      1.9392
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  14092.1567      4.3520      2.0579
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  14095.6463      7.8416      3.4896
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  14095.6510      7.8463      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  14096.0068      8.2021      0.3558
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  14096.2184      8.4137      0.2116
+                           Find void  14096.4901      8.6854      0.2717
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  14096.5187      8.7140      0.0287
+                         wsmp setup1  14096.5257      8.7209      0.0069
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  14097.5396      9.7349      1.0140
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  14097.5858
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  14097.5859      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38940E-05  7.58635E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  14105.5104      7.9246      7.9245
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0556152 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1130888 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7058711 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4723880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14362.4573591 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208301 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071180 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4752939 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10179E+01  0.18375E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.98284E-01  0.10770E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76159E+00  0.26765E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  14122.0016     24.4159     16.4912
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35079E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  14122.2263     24.6405      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  14122.2274     24.6416      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  14122.2691     24.6833      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5884897 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  14122.2738
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  14122.2781      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79212E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  14130.2427      7.9689      7.9646
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0478780 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1184230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7063429 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3785331 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14480.9249194 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215649 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072348 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3803611 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10156E+01  0.13651E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48433E-01  0.10266E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76697E+00  0.22544E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  14146.6392     24.3654     16.3965
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12361E+01  0.19286E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  14146.8641     24.5904      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  14146.8652     24.5915      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  14146.9068     24.6330      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0710264 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  14146.9114
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  14146.9158      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  14154.9400      8.0286      8.0242
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0494730 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1206088 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7095470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3867850 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14470.4307173 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208711 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072541 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3949459 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10164E+01  0.15497E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38440E-01  0.11867E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74659E+00  0.23081E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  14171.3510     24.4396     16.4110
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13710E+01  0.31230E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  14171.5752     24.6637      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  14171.5762     24.6648      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  14171.6178     24.7064      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361545 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  14171.6225
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  14171.6268      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  14179.5705      7.9480      7.9437
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0505602 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1354291 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7118440 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4499621 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14390.5876607 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216900 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072718 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4771650 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10156E+01  0.17615E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38556E-01  0.12325E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73711E+00  0.22854E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  14196.0632     24.4408     16.4927
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14695E+01  0.35356E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  14196.2884     24.6660      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  14196.2895     24.6670      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  14196.3312     24.7087      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158691 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  14196.3359
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  14196.3402      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  14204.3469      8.0111      8.0067
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0485492 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1153970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7084689 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3836701 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14474.3902932 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207991 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072880 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3845541 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10150E+01  0.19407E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40739E-01  0.12563E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73239E+00  0.22766E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  14220.7471     24.4113     16.4002
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15131E+01  0.36273E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  14220.9709     24.6350      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  14220.9720     24.6361      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  14221.0140     24.6781      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107238 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  14221.0188
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  14221.0232      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  14228.9946      7.9758      7.9714
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0513539 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1112800 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7098551 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4132171 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14436.9184339 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216590 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072551 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4150329 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10144E+01  0.20971E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43143E-01  0.12562E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72788E+00  0.22734E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  14245.4253     24.4065     16.4307
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15346E+01  0.36053E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  14245.6500     24.6312      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  14245.6511     24.6323      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  14245.6926     24.6738      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080833 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  14245.6956     24.6768      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  14245.6958     24.6770      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -100502099381147.72 130505322026493.5
+ def in m -7.930964469909668 0.5989881157875061
+ dimensionless def  -1.71139461653573181E-6 2.26598984854561925E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0167906  0.2259338
+                  Compute divergence  14245.8992     24.8804      0.2034
+                        wsmp_cleanup  14245.9351     24.9163      0.0359
+              Reset surface geometry  14245.9401     24.9213      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   14245.9481     24.9293      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  14245.9657     24.9469      0.0175
+                   Advect surface  1  14245.9658     24.9470      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  14246.1726     25.1538      0.2068
+                                                                        S. 2:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  14246.3697     25.3509      0.1971
+                                                                        removing   4 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  14246.6562     25.6375      0.2865
+                    Advect the cloud  14246.7954     25.7766      0.1391
+                        Write output  14247.5450     26.5262      0.7496
+                    End of time step  14248.3851     27.3663      0.8401
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      88  14248.3853
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  14248.3853      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  14248.3854      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16930points
+                      refine surface  14248.3854      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  14248.4118      0.0266      0.0264
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  14248.4345      0.0492      0.0227
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  14248.4593      0.0741      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16932points
+                          surface 02  14248.4777      0.0924      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 2:    16921points
+                      refine surface  14248.4778      0.0926      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  14248.5025      0.1173      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16921points
+                          surface 03  14248.5212      0.1360      0.0187
+                                                                        S. 3:    16925points
+                      refine surface  14248.5214      0.1361      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  14248.5461      0.1609      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16925points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  14248.5707
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  14248.5710      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  14248.5868      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  14248.6086      0.0379      0.0217
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  14248.6094      0.0386      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  14248.6235      0.0528      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  14248.7456      0.1749      0.1221
+             Imbed surface in osolve  14248.9249      0.3542      0.1792
+                embedding surface  1  14248.9251      0.3543      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  14250.8733      2.3026      1.9483
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  14252.9291      4.3584      2.0558
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  14256.4477      7.8770      3.5186
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  14256.4524      7.8816      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  14256.8179      8.2472      0.3655
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  14257.0175      8.4468      0.1996
+                           Find void  14257.2923      8.7216      0.2748
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  14257.3211      8.7504      0.0289
+                         wsmp setup1  14257.3283      8.7576      0.0072
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  14258.3431      9.7723      1.0147
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  14258.3893
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  14258.3895      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38940E-05  7.94130E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  14266.3030      7.9137      7.9135
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0504389 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1212151 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7116201 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4451630 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14396.6218488 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210542 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072131 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4570708 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10210E+01  0.18300E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.98353E-01  0.10798E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76146E+00  0.26193E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  14282.7761     24.3868     16.4731
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35095E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  14282.9998     24.6105      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  14283.0008     24.6115      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  14283.0432     24.6539      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5884809 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  14283.0480
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  14283.0524      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79153E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  14291.0059      7.9579      7.9535
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0481470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1083839 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7146568 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3729661 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14488.0133410 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214988 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072300 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3732500 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.13586E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48279E-01  0.10236E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76691E+00  0.22607E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  14307.3951     24.3471     16.3892
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12347E+01  0.17999E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  14307.6218     24.5738      0.2267
+                do leaf measurements  14307.6229     24.5749      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  14307.6651     24.6172      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0709510 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  14307.6699
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  14307.6743      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  14315.6925      8.0226      8.0182
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0487010 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1245120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7078221 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3827651 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14475.5411434 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208689 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071800 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3922191 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10162E+01  0.15460E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38490E-01  0.11859E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74605E+00  0.23146E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  14332.1000     24.4301     16.4075
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13701E+01  0.31122E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  14332.3241     24.6542      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  14332.3252     24.6552      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  14332.3675     24.6975      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360059 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  14332.3722
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  14332.3766      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  14340.3154      7.9432      7.9389
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0508990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1353531 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7155759 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4504302 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14389.9994714 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207829 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071990 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4806032 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.17588E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38649E-01  0.12321E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73673E+00  0.22882E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  14356.8119     24.4397     16.4964
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14688E+01  0.35242E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  14357.0358     24.6636      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  14357.0369     24.6647      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  14357.0792     24.7070      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159237 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  14357.0839
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  14357.0883      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  14365.0912      8.0073      8.0029
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0511670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1133409 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7094219 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3742189 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14486.4174616 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208081 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071979 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3765230 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10148E+01  0.19385E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40667E-01  0.12557E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73207E+00  0.22777E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  14381.4835     24.3996     16.3923
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15122E+01  0.36157E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  14381.7068     24.6229      0.2233
+                do leaf measurements  14381.7079     24.6240      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  14381.7505     24.6666      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0106988 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  14381.7553
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  14381.7598      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  14389.7431      7.9878      7.9833
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0503709 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1128559 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7090380 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4074659 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14444.1968810 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213951 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071540 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4086490 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10143E+01  0.20953E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43108E-01  0.12559E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72760E+00  0.22740E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  14406.1671     24.4118     16.4240
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15340E+01  0.35963E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  14406.3917     24.6364      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  14406.3927     24.6374      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  14406.4350     24.6797      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080956 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  14406.4380     24.6827      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  14406.4382     24.6829      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -101192166878140.2 131989168138667.11
+ def in m -7.9342608451843262 0.59946566820144653
+ dimensionless def  -1.71275905200413293E-6 2.26693167005266461E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0167975  0.2260242
+                  Compute divergence  14406.6464     24.8911      0.2082
+                        wsmp_cleanup  14406.6826     24.9273      0.0363
+              Reset surface geometry  14406.6876     24.9323      0.0049
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   14406.6956     24.9403      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  14406.7130     24.9577      0.0173
+                   Advect surface  1  14406.7131     24.9578      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  14406.9328     25.1775      0.2196
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  14407.1387     25.3834      0.2059
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  14407.4022     25.6469      0.2635
+                    Advect the cloud  14407.5401     25.7848      0.1379
+                        Write output  14408.2894     26.5341      0.7493
+                    End of time step  14410.2935     28.5382      2.0041
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      89  14410.2937
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  14410.2937      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  14410.2938      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16929points
+                      refine surface  14410.2938      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  14410.3205      0.0269      0.0267
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  14410.3428      0.0491      0.0222
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  14410.3679      0.0742      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16931points
+                          surface 02  14410.3860      0.0923      0.0181
+                                                                        S. 2:    16920points
+                      refine surface  14410.3861      0.0924      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  14410.4127      0.1190      0.0266
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  14410.4398      0.1461      0.0271
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  14410.4650      0.1713      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16922points
+                          surface 03  14410.4833      0.1896      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 3:    16924points
+                      refine surface  14410.4834      0.1897      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  14410.5097      0.2161      0.0263
+                                                                        S. 3:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  14410.5365      0.2429      0.0268
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  14410.5615      0.2678      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16926points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  14410.5865
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  14410.5868      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  14410.6028      0.0163      0.0161
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  14410.6243      0.0377      0.0214
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  14410.6250      0.0385      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  14410.6392      0.0527      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  14410.7613      0.1748      0.1221
+             Imbed surface in osolve  14410.9436      0.3571      0.1823
+                embedding surface  1  14410.9438      0.3573      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  14412.8939      2.3074      1.9501
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  14414.9642      4.3776      2.0702
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  14418.5119      7.9254      3.5477
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  14418.5166      7.9301      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  14418.9290      8.3425      0.4124
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  14419.0073      8.4208      0.0784
+                           Find void  14419.2820      8.6955      0.2746
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  14419.3112      8.7246      0.0292
+                         wsmp setup1  14419.3185      8.7320      0.0074
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  14420.3317      9.7452      1.0132
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  14420.3772
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  14420.3774      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38940E-05  8.48616E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  14428.3157      7.9385      7.9384
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0526068 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1030011 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7076390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4105999 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14440.2296672 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208088 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071530 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4022100 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10352E+01  0.18297E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.97907E-01  0.10778E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76131E+00  0.26327E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  14444.7337     24.3565     16.4180
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35079E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  14444.9575     24.5803      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  14444.9587     24.5814      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  14445.0003     24.6231      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5887454 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  14445.0051
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  14445.0095      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79561E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  14452.9522      7.9471      7.9427
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0490270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1116800 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7112799 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3824770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14475.9074165 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212649 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071442 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3832750 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.13575E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48104E-01  0.10228E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76669E+00  0.22563E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  14469.3506     24.3455     16.3984
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12347E+01  0.19637E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  14469.5776     24.5724      0.2270
+                do leaf measurements  14469.5787     24.5736      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  14469.6204     24.6152      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0710143 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  14469.6251
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  14469.6295      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  14477.6354      8.0103      8.0059
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0477719 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1025810 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7073300 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3850660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14472.6155655 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207452 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071681 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3710589 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10163E+01  0.15447E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38454E-01  0.11849E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74609E+00  0.23145E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  14494.0224     24.3973     16.3870
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13695E+01  0.31077E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  14494.2528     24.6277      0.2304
+                do leaf measurements  14494.2540     24.6288      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  14494.2957     24.6706      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361178 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  14494.3004
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  14494.3047      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  14502.2503      7.9499      7.9456
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0513849 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1315010 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7092490 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4583580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14380.0432108 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1205900 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071781 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4786820 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.17574E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38586E-01  0.12302E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73670E+00  0.22899E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  14518.7443     24.4439     16.4939
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14683E+01  0.35226E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  14518.9686     24.6682      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements  14518.9697     24.6693      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  14519.0114     24.7110      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158887 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  14519.0161
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  14519.0206      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  14527.0162      8.0001      7.9957
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0504529 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1049180 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7103670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3935401 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14461.8513467 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209769 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071392 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3877928 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10150E+01  0.19371E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40611E-01  0.12547E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73204E+00  0.22809E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  14543.4207     24.4045     16.4044
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15116E+01  0.36123E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  14543.6428     24.6267      0.2222
+                do leaf measurements  14543.6440     24.6278      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  14543.6859     24.6698      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107131 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  14543.6908
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  14543.6952      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  14551.6937      8.0029      7.9984
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0510941 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1068950 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7056320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4004219 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14453.1216414 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208348 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071721 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3924539 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10145E+01  0.20937E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43069E-01  0.12550E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72755E+00  0.22755E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  14568.1020     24.4112     16.4083
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15332E+01  0.35917E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  14568.3257     24.6350      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  14568.3268     24.6361      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  14568.3686     24.6778      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080790 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  14568.3716     24.6808      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  14568.3718     24.6810      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -101879176580669.2 133469481713080.22
+ def in m -7.9369292259216309 0.60056817531585693
+ dimensionless def  -1.71590907233101988E-6 2.26769406454903741E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0168217  0.2260927
+                  Compute divergence  14568.5728     24.8821      0.2010
+                        wsmp_cleanup  14568.6123     24.9215      0.0394
+              Reset surface geometry  14568.6167     24.9259      0.0044
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   14568.6250     24.9342      0.0083
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  14568.6408     24.9500      0.0158
+                   Advect surface  1  14568.6409     24.9502      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  14568.8357     25.1449      0.1947
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  14569.0488     25.3580      0.2131
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  14569.3026     25.6119      0.2538
+                    Advect the cloud  14569.4393     25.7485      0.1366
+                        Write output  14570.1895     26.4988      0.7503
+                    End of time step  14599.3549     55.6642     29.1654
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      90  14599.3551
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  14599.3551      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  14599.3552      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16931points
+                      refine surface  14599.3552      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  14599.3807      0.0256      0.0255
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16931points
+                          surface 02  14599.3985      0.0434      0.0178
+                                                                        S. 2:    16920points
+                      refine surface  14599.3986      0.0435      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  14599.4250      0.0699      0.0264
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  14599.4476      0.0926      0.0226
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  14599.4730      0.1179      0.0253
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16921points
+                          surface 03  14599.4911      0.1360      0.0181
+                                                                        S. 3:    16926points
+                      refine surface  14599.4912      0.1362      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  14599.5174      0.1623      0.0261
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  14599.5441      0.1890      0.0267
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  14599.5692      0.2141      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16927points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  14599.5936
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  14599.5938      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  14599.6097      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  14599.6312      0.0376      0.0215
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  14599.6320      0.0384      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  14599.6461      0.0526      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  14599.7683      0.1747      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  14599.9532      0.3596      0.1849
+                embedding surface  1  14599.9533      0.3598      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  14601.9260      2.3324      1.9726
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  14604.0252      4.4317      2.0993
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  14607.5808      7.9872      3.5555
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  14607.5855      7.9920      0.0048
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  14607.9920      8.3985      0.4065
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  14608.0903      8.4967      0.0982
+                           Find void  14608.3597      8.7661      0.2694
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  14608.3878      8.7943      0.0282
+                         wsmp setup1  14608.3949      8.8014      0.0071
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  14609.4033      9.8098      1.0084
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  14609.4494
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  14609.4496      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38940E-05  8.99735E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  14617.3586      7.9092      7.9091
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0558860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1287460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7137399 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4333460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14411.5015323 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1221731 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072479 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4615381 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10309E+01  0.18297E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.98352E-01  0.10838E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76130E+00  0.26263E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  14633.8364     24.3869     16.4777
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35093E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  14634.0627     24.6133      0.2263
+                do leaf measurements  14634.0638     24.6144      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  14634.1054     24.6560      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5884779 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  14634.1102
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  14634.1146      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.78705E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  14642.1006      7.9904      7.9860
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0493259 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1118209 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7084560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3780050 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14481.5970351 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071459 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3759680 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.13566E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48145E-01  0.10232E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76663E+00  0.22626E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  14658.4927     24.3825     16.3921
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12348E+01  0.18338E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  14658.7158     24.6056      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements  14658.7169     24.6067      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  14658.7589     24.6487      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0708712 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  14658.7638
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  14658.7682      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  14666.7129      7.9492      7.9447
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0500219 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1110351 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7067931 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4372630 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14406.5659505 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210301 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071731 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4337070 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10162E+01  0.15437E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38751E-01  0.11851E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74601E+00  0.23145E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  14683.1623     24.3985     16.4493
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13695E+01  0.31065E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  14683.3862     24.6225      0.2240
+                do leaf measurements  14683.3873     24.6235      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  14683.4290     24.6652      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361087 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  14683.4337
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  14683.4382      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  14691.3896      7.9559      7.9515
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0501859 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1248751 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7143331 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3682890 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14493.9738921 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072649 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3871410 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.17567E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38847E-01  0.12314E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73662E+00  0.22885E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  14707.7929     24.3591     16.4032
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14679E+01  0.35193E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  14708.0182     24.5844      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements  14708.0192     24.5855      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  14708.0610     24.6272      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159269 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  14708.0656
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  14708.0699      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  14716.0901      8.0246      8.0202
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0486040 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1108179 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7049129 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4004581 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14453.0756980 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208839 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071621 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3932281 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10149E+01  0.19364E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40548E-01  0.12558E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73195E+00  0.22784E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  14732.4994     24.4338     16.4093
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15113E+01  0.36106E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  14732.7224     24.6568      0.2230
+                do leaf measurements  14732.7235     24.6579      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  14732.7650     24.6995      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107269 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  14732.7698
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  14732.7742      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  14740.7162      7.9464      7.9420
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0525529 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1416669 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7108240 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4552038 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14384.0028655 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071771 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4890490 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10144E+01  0.20930E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43002E-01  0.12560E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72747E+00  0.22739E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  14757.2216     24.4518     16.5054
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15329E+01  0.35906E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  14757.4457     24.6758      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  14757.4467     24.6769      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  14757.4884     24.7186      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080823 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  14757.4914     24.7216      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  14757.4916     24.7218      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -102564696322663.61 134947175978482.03
+ def in m -7.9414567947387695 0.60292947292327881
+ dimensionless def  -1.7226556369236539E-6 2.26898765563964871E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0168810  0.2262149
+                  Compute divergence  14757.6900     24.9202      0.1985
+                        wsmp_cleanup  14757.7328     24.9630      0.0428
+              Reset surface geometry  14757.7378     24.9680      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   14757.7461     24.9763      0.0083
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  14757.7602     24.9904      0.0141
+                   Advect surface  1  14757.7603     24.9905      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  14757.9823     25.2125      0.2220
+                                                                        S. 2:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  14758.1828     25.4130      0.2005
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  14758.4449     25.6751      0.2621
+                    Advect the cloud  14758.5840     25.8142      0.1391
+                        Write output  14759.3332     26.5634      0.7492
+                    End of time step  14760.1904     27.4206      0.8572
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      91  14760.1906
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  14760.1906      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  14760.1907      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16928points
+                      refine surface  14760.1907      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  14760.2172      0.0266      0.0264
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  14760.2440      0.0534      0.0268
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  14760.2691      0.0785      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16930points
+                          surface 02  14760.2874      0.0968      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 2:    16921points
+                      refine surface  14760.2875      0.0970      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  14760.3141      0.1235      0.0266
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  14760.3410      0.1504      0.0269
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  14760.3660      0.1754      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16923points
+                          surface 03  14760.3843      0.1937      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 3:    16926points
+                      refine surface  14760.3844      0.1939      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  14760.4101      0.2195      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  14760.4329      0.2423      0.0228
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  14760.4570      0.2664      0.0241
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16927points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  14760.4824
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  14760.4827      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  14760.4986      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  14760.5199      0.0374      0.0213
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  14760.5207      0.0382      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  14760.5348      0.0524      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  14760.6570      0.1745      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  14760.8411      0.3586      0.1841
+                embedding surface  1  14760.8412      0.3588      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  14762.8001      2.3176      1.9588
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  14764.9091      4.4266      2.1090
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  14768.4216      7.9392      3.5126
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  14768.4265      7.9440      0.0048
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  14768.7844      8.3020      0.3579
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  14768.9372      8.4547      0.1528
+                           Find void  14769.2084      8.7259      0.2712
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  14769.2368      8.7543      0.0284
+                         wsmp setup1  14769.2443      8.7619      0.0075
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  14770.2539      9.7715      1.0096
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  14770.3008
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  14770.3009      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38940E-05  9.28603E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  14778.2285      7.9277      7.9275
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0505731 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1302140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7154279 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4245229 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14422.6315316 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215749 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070848 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4497662 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10176E+01  0.18275E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.97727E-01  0.10850E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76123E+00  0.26074E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  14794.6940     24.3932     16.4656
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35100E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  14794.9203     24.6195      0.2263
+                do leaf measurements  14794.9214     24.6206      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  14794.9629     24.6621      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5887549 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  14794.9677
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  14794.9721      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79868E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  14802.9722      8.0045      8.0001
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0492702 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1078990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7043710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3696830 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14492.1967903 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209159 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0074279 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3599520 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.13554E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48594E-01  0.10239E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76681E+00  0.22540E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  14819.3481     24.3805     16.3759
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12344E+01  0.18714E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  14819.5717     24.6040      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements  14819.5728     24.6051      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  14819.6146     24.6469      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0713886 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  14819.6195
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  14819.6240      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  14827.5735      7.9540      7.9495
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0513310 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1128480 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7089450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4134910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14436.5719236 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211691 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071590 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4153140 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10163E+01  0.15434E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38793E-01  0.11864E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74573E+00  0.23097E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  14844.0044     24.3849     16.4310
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13694E+01  0.31054E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  14844.2287     24.6092      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements  14844.2298     24.6103      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  14844.2713     24.6518      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362566 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  14844.2758
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  14844.2802      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  14852.2173      7.9415      7.9371
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0500951 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1189659 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7137811 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3673759 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14495.1381954 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216469 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072200 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3794799 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.17562E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38840E-01  0.12331E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73648E+00  0.22858E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  14868.6125     24.3367     16.3952
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14681E+01  0.35218E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  14868.8387     24.5629      0.2262
+                do leaf measurements  14868.8397     24.5639      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  14868.8813     24.6055      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0157892 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  14868.8860
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  14868.8905      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  14876.9184      8.0323      8.0279
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0479300 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1161320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7056432 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3798890 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14479.1995520 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1205921 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072050 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3777831 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10149E+01  0.19358E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40786E-01  0.12566E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73188E+00  0.22765E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  14893.3124     24.4264     16.3940
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15115E+01  0.36129E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  14893.5364     24.6504      0.2240
+                do leaf measurements  14893.5375     24.6514      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  14893.5790     24.6930      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0106962 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  14893.5837
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  14893.5881      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  14901.5295      7.9457      7.9414
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0483031 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1319180 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7064490 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4589560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14379.2928282 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210721 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071659 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4742470 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10144E+01  0.20925E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43189E-01  0.12567E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72746E+00  0.22729E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  14918.0199     24.4362     16.4905
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15328E+01  0.35909E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  14918.2437     24.6600      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  14918.2448     24.6611      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  14918.2862     24.7025      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080986 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  14918.2892     24.7055      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  14918.2894     24.7057      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -103236560776177.31 136426244204952.89
+ def in m -7.9436063766479492 0.60449039936065674
+ dimensionless def  -1.7271154267447336E-6 2.26960182189941412E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0169151  0.2262738
+                  Compute divergence  14918.4936     24.9098      0.2042
+                        wsmp_cleanup  14918.5307     24.9470      0.0372
+              Reset surface geometry  14918.5356     24.9519      0.0049
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   14918.5439     24.9602      0.0083
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  14918.5604     24.9767      0.0165
+                   Advect surface  1  14918.5606     24.9768      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  14918.7757     25.1919      0.2151
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  14918.9892     25.4054      0.2135
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  14919.2729     25.6892      0.2838
+                    Advect the cloud  14919.4105     25.8267      0.1375
+                        Write output  14920.1648     26.5810      0.7543
+                    End of time step  14921.0184     27.4346      0.8536
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      92  14921.0185
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  14921.0186      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  14921.0186      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16927points
+                      refine surface  14921.0187      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  14921.0447      0.0261      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  14921.0721      0.0535      0.0274
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  14921.0963      0.0778      0.0243
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16929points
+                          surface 02  14921.1153      0.0968      0.0190
+                                                                        S. 2:    16921points
+                      refine surface  14921.1155      0.0970      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  14921.1400      0.1215      0.0245
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16921points
+                          surface 03  14921.1591      0.1406      0.0191
+                                                                        S. 3:    16924points
+                      refine surface  14921.1592      0.1407      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  14921.1849      0.1664      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  14921.2128      0.1943      0.0279
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  14921.2371      0.2186      0.0243
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16926points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  14921.2623
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  14921.2626      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  14921.2784      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  14921.3001      0.0377      0.0216
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  14921.3008      0.0385      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  14921.3150      0.0526      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  14921.4371      0.1748      0.1221
+             Imbed surface in osolve  14921.6214      0.3591      0.1843
+                embedding surface  1  14921.6216      0.3593      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  14923.5950      2.3326      1.9734
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  14925.6872      4.4249      2.0922
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  14929.2102      7.9479      3.5230
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  14929.2152      7.9529      0.0050
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  14929.5969      8.3345      0.3816
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  14929.7814      8.5191      0.1845
+                           Find void  14930.0525      8.7902      0.2711
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  14930.0808      8.8185      0.0283
+                         wsmp setup1  14930.0878      8.8255      0.0070
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  14931.0952      9.8329      1.0074
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  14931.1408
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  14931.1410      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38940E-05  9.01261E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  14939.0622      7.9214      7.9212
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0560930 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1340880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7145379 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4513719 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14388.8160472 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071950 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4848480 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10183E+01  0.18390E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.98507E-01  0.10803E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76134E+00  0.26555E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  14955.5633     24.4225     16.5011
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35068E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  14955.7893     24.6485      0.2260
+                do leaf measurements  14955.7904     24.6496      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  14955.8320     24.6911      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5886447 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  14955.8367
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  14955.8411      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79134E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  14963.8444      8.0077      8.0033
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0514920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1069958 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7090540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3678849 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14494.4891417 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206810 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072122 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3637140 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10156E+01  0.13644E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48162E-01  0.10224E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76691E+00  0.22600E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  14980.2243     24.3876     16.3799
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12360E+01  0.18569E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  14980.4472     24.6105      0.2230
+                do leaf measurements  14980.4483     24.6116      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  14980.4900     24.6533      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0709345 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  14980.4949
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  14980.4993      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  14988.4633      7.9684      7.9639
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0484810 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1129420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7081521 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4201281 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14428.1817446 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208551 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071220 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4180551 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10163E+01  0.15481E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38972E-01  0.11863E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74648E+00  0.23136E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  15004.8969     24.4020     16.4336
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13708E+01  0.31215E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  15005.1216     24.6267      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  15005.1226     24.6278      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  15005.1641     24.6692      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360630 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  15005.1688
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  15005.1732      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  15013.1153      7.9465      7.9421
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0485020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1134369 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7155979 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3718140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14489.4810708 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212800 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071001 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3781090 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.17592E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39064E-01  0.12326E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73705E+00  0.22880E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  15029.5094     24.3405     16.3941
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14692E+01  0.35366E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  15029.7351     24.5663      0.2258
+                do leaf measurements  15029.7362     24.5673      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  15029.7776     24.6087      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158865 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  15029.7824
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  15029.7868      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  15037.7894      8.0070      8.0026
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0509012 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1223712 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7050860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3918810 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14463.9576232 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207292 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071900 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3985779 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10149E+01  0.19382E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40527E-01  0.12570E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73234E+00  0.22776E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  15054.2041     24.4217     16.4147
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15127E+01  0.36282E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  15054.4274     24.6450      0.2233
+                do leaf measurements  15054.4284     24.6461      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  15054.4698     24.6875      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107069 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  15054.4746
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  15054.4789      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  15062.5263      8.0517      8.0474
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0489292 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1324282 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7076118 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4660130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14370.4428493 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210091 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071859 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4835939 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10144E+01  0.20948E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42983E-01  0.12570E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72784E+00  0.22729E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  15079.0259     24.5513     16.4996
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15344E+01  0.36070E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  15079.2501     24.7755      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  15079.2511     24.7766      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  15079.2926     24.8180      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080825 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  15079.2956     24.8210      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  15079.2957     24.8212      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -103901835256392.75 137903826725017.58
+ def in m -7.9433145523071289 0.60410094261169434
+ dimensionless def  -1.72600269317626946E-6 2.26951844351632262E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0168954  0.2262633
+                  Compute divergence  15079.4910     25.0164      0.1952
+                        wsmp_cleanup  15079.5389     25.0643      0.0479
+              Reset surface geometry  15079.5440     25.0694      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   15079.5505     25.0760      0.0065
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  15079.5635     25.0889      0.0130
+                   Advect surface  1  15079.5636     25.0891      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  15079.7827     25.3081      0.2190
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  15079.9962     25.5216      0.2135
+                                                                        removing   4 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  15080.2823     25.8078      0.2861
+                    Advect the cloud  15080.4213     25.9467      0.1390
+                        Write output  15081.1759     26.7014      0.7546
+                    End of time step  15082.0310     27.5564      0.8550
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      93  15082.0311
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  15082.0312      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  15082.0312      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16927points
+                      refine surface  15082.0313      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  15082.0572      0.0261      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  15082.0799      0.0488      0.0227
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  15082.1048      0.0737      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16928points
+                          surface 02  15082.1232      0.0921      0.0184
+                                                                        S. 2:    16919points
+                      refine surface  15082.1233      0.0922      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  15082.1482      0.1171      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16919points
+                          surface 03  15082.1666      0.1355      0.0184
+                                                                        S. 3:    16922points
+                      refine surface  15082.1667      0.1356      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  15082.1929      0.1618      0.0262
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  15082.2200      0.1889      0.0271
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  15082.2451      0.2140      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  15082.2687      0.2376      0.0237
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  15082.2928      0.2617      0.0240
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16925points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  15082.3182
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  15082.3184      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  15082.3343      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  15082.3561      0.0379      0.0218
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  15082.3569      0.0387      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  15082.3710      0.0528      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  15082.4932      0.1750      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  15082.6806      0.3624      0.1873
+                embedding surface  1  15082.6807      0.3625      0.0001
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  15084.6439      2.3257      1.9632
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  15086.7449      4.4267      2.1010
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  15090.2675      7.9493      3.5225
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  15090.2726      7.9544      0.0051
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  15090.6348      8.3166      0.3623
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  15090.7932      8.4750      0.1584
+                           Find void  15091.0636      8.7454      0.2704
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  15091.0918      8.7736      0.0282
+                         wsmp setup1  15091.0987      8.7805      0.0069
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  15092.1058      9.7876      1.0071
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  15092.1509
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  15092.1510      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38939E-05  8.96322E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  15100.0881      7.9372      7.9370
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0519860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1331780 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7112880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4528399 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14386.9717916 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070970 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4776101 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10187E+01  0.18357E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.97475E-01  0.10840E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76147E+00  0.26492E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  15116.5814     24.4306     16.4934
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35100E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  15116.8057     24.6548      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  15116.8068     24.6559      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  15116.8483     24.6974      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5883675 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  15116.8531
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  15116.8575      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.80250E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  15124.8634      8.0103      8.0060
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0495450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1104691 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7074950 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3881919 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14468.6430266 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210289 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071061 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3842390 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.13632E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48553E-01  0.10284E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76686E+00  0.22513E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  15141.2632     24.4101     16.3998
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12355E+01  0.18612E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  15141.4867     24.6337      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements  15141.4879     24.6348      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  15141.5298     24.6767      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0709268 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  15141.5346
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  15141.5391      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  15149.5160      7.9814      7.9769
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0495739 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1156950 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7071290 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4047670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14447.6150498 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210661 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073221 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4059429 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10164E+01  0.15481E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38957E-01  0.11895E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74651E+00  0.23106E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  15165.9377     24.4030     16.4217
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13704E+01  0.31181E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  15166.1626     24.6280      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  15166.1637     24.6291      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  15166.2054     24.6707      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361701 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  15166.2100
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  15166.2144      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  15174.1509      7.9409      7.9365
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0517831 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1173449 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7169271 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3835158 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14474.5864341 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216810 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073512 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3990030 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10157E+01  0.17595E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39056E-01  0.12348E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73706E+00  0.22862E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  15190.5663     24.3562     16.4153
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14691E+01  0.35326E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  15190.7923     24.5822      0.2260
+                do leaf measurements  15190.7934     24.5834      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  15190.8350     24.6250      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159331 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  15190.8397
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  15190.8441      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  15198.8367      7.9970      7.9926
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0491040 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1192000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7145541 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3805480 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14478.3611360 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070839 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3916259 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10151E+01  0.19386E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40631E-01  0.12584E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73234E+00  0.22773E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  15215.2445     24.4048     16.4078
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15127E+01  0.36252E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  15215.4673     24.6276      0.2227
+                do leaf measurements  15215.4684     24.6287      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  15215.5104     24.6707      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107209 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  15215.5152
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  15215.5197      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  15223.4666      7.9513      7.9469
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0494840 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1183159 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7072499 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4639199 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14373.0665975 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072882 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4678359 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10145E+01  0.20952E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43053E-01  0.12578E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72780E+00  0.22727E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  15239.9502     24.4350     16.4836
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15343E+01  0.36040E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  15240.1743     24.6591      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  15240.1754     24.6602      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  15240.2170     24.7018      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080850 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  15240.2200     24.7048      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  15240.2202     24.7050      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -104562580914591.67 139376480370540.98
+ def in m -7.9437885284423828 0.60293591022491455
+ dimensionless def  -1.72267402921404158E-6 2.26965386526925226E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0168562  0.2262790
+                  Compute divergence  15240.4154     24.9002      0.1952
+                        wsmp_cleanup  15240.4601     24.9449      0.0447
+              Reset surface geometry  15240.4652     24.9500      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   15240.4731     24.9579      0.0080
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  15240.4862     24.9710      0.0131
+                   Advect surface  1  15240.4864     24.9712      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  15240.6830     25.1678      0.1966
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  15240.8808     25.3656      0.1978
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  15241.1597     25.6445      0.2789
+                    Advect the cloud  15241.2981     25.7829      0.1384
+                        Write output  15242.0542     26.5390      0.7560
+                    End of time step  15242.9109     27.3957      0.8567
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      94  15242.9110
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  15242.9111      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  15242.9111      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16928points
+                      refine surface  15242.9112      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  15242.9386      0.0276      0.0275
+                                                                        S. 1:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  15242.9612      0.0502      0.0226
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  15242.9860      0.0750      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16930points
+                          surface 02  15243.0045      0.0935      0.0184
+                                                                        S. 2:    16919points
+                      refine surface  15243.0046      0.0936      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  15243.0297      0.1187      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16919points
+                          surface 03  15243.0478      0.1368      0.0181
+                                                                        S. 3:    16922points
+                      refine surface  15243.0479      0.1369      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  15243.0745      0.1635      0.0266
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  15243.1015      0.1905      0.0269
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  15243.1263      0.2153      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16924points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  15243.1509
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  15243.1511      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  15243.1670      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  15243.1887      0.0378      0.0217
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  15243.1895      0.0386      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  15243.2036      0.0527      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  15243.3258      0.1749      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  15243.5099      0.3590      0.1841
+                embedding surface  1  15243.5100      0.3592      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  15245.4515      2.3006      1.9415
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  15247.5294      4.3785      2.0779
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  15251.0516      7.9007      3.5221
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  15251.0562      7.9053      0.0046
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  15251.4089      8.2580      0.3527
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  15251.6577      8.5068      0.2488
+                           Find void  15251.9279      8.7770      0.2702
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  15251.9562      8.8054      0.0284
+                         wsmp setup1  15251.9633      8.8124      0.0071
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  15252.9722      9.8213      1.0089
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  15253.0178
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  15253.0179      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38939E-05  9.07218E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  15260.9479      7.9301      7.9299
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0539360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1354718 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7093551 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4652870 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14371.3527890 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207850 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073121 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4925280 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.18343E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.97322E-01  0.10882E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76168E+00  0.26214E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  15277.4567     24.4389     16.5088
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35106E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  15277.6805     24.6628      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  15277.6816     24.6638      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  15277.7236     24.7059      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5890326 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  15277.7284
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  15277.7327      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79585E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  15285.7372      8.0089      8.0045
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0486679 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1158960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7107010 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3801239 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14478.9007566 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207440 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072420 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3837631 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10156E+01  0.13613E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48508E-01  0.10249E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76689E+00  0.22582E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  15302.1368     24.4085     16.3996
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12352E+01  0.17993E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  15302.3601     24.6317      0.2233
+                do leaf measurements  15302.3612     24.6328      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  15302.4035     24.6752      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0712634 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  15302.4083
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  15302.4128      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  15310.4127      8.0044      7.9999
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0516162 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1150172 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7089918 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3956699 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14459.1484997 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208680 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072410 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3997791 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.15470E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39005E-01  0.11888E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74628E+00  0.23113E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  15326.8282     24.4199     16.4155
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13701E+01  0.31114E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  15327.0515     24.6432      0.2233
+                do leaf measurements  15327.0526     24.6443      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  15327.0949     24.6866      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361792 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  15327.0995
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  15327.1039      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  15335.0408      7.9412      7.9369
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0519719 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1408892 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7149150 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3916490 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14464.2521695 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212292 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072989 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4283280 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10159E+01  0.17592E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39119E-01  0.12339E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73685E+00  0.22863E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  15351.4852     24.3857     16.4444
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14688E+01  0.35284E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  15351.7114     24.6118      0.2261
+                do leaf measurements  15351.7124     24.6129      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  15351.7544     24.6548      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158989 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  15351.7590
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  15351.7633      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  15359.7490      7.9900      7.9857
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0511341 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1133621 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7068851 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3884921 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14468.2616734 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073140 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3885410 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.19387E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40576E-01  0.12581E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73215E+00  0.22767E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  15376.1533     24.3943     16.4043
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15122E+01  0.36183E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  15376.3766     24.6176      0.2233
+                do leaf measurements  15376.3777     24.6187      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  15376.4201     24.6611      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107327 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  15376.4249
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  15376.4294      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  15384.3626      7.9377      7.9332
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0479870 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1141500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7080541 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4580040 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14380.4875532 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207669 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072720 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4566252 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10146E+01  0.20953E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43017E-01  0.12580E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72764E+00  0.22727E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  15400.8351     24.4102     16.4725
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15338E+01  0.35972E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  15401.0590     24.6341      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  15401.0601     24.6352      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  15401.1022     24.6773      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080840 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  15401.1052     24.6802      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  15401.1053     24.6804      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -105218709865298.77 140846726890615.59
+ def in m -7.946251392364502 0.60462284088134766
+ dimensionless def  -1.72749383108956457E-6 2.270357540675572E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0168964  0.2263485
+                  Compute divergence  15401.3057     24.8807      0.2003
+                        wsmp_cleanup  15401.3456     24.9206      0.0399
+              Reset surface geometry  15401.3507     24.9258      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   15401.3590     24.9340      0.0083
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  15401.3742     24.9492      0.0152
+                   Advect surface  1  15401.3743     24.9494      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  15401.5795     25.1546      0.2052
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  15401.7855     25.3606      0.2060
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  15402.0465     25.6216      0.2610
+                    Advect the cloud  15402.1854     25.7605      0.1389
+                        Write output  15402.9410     26.5161      0.7556
+                    End of time step  15403.7946     27.3697      0.8536
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      95  15403.7948
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  15403.7948      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  15403.7949      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16929points
+                      refine surface  15403.7949      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  15403.8211      0.0263      0.0262
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  15403.8433      0.0486      0.0223
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  15403.8684      0.0736      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16930points
+                          surface 02  15403.8864      0.0917      0.0181
+                                                                        S. 2:    16918points
+                      refine surface  15403.8866      0.0918      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  15403.9112      0.1165      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16918points
+                          surface 03  15403.9296      0.1348      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 3:    16923points
+                      refine surface  15403.9297      0.1349      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  15403.9561      0.1613      0.0264
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  15403.9786      0.1838      0.0225
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  15404.0035      0.2088      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16925points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  15404.0281
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  15404.0283      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  15404.0442      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  15404.0659      0.0378      0.0217
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  15404.0667      0.0386      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  15404.0808      0.0527      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  15404.2030      0.1749      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  15404.3900      0.3619      0.1870
+                embedding surface  1  15404.3901      0.3620      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  15406.3403      2.3122      1.9502
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  15408.4064      4.3783      2.0661
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  15411.9158      7.8877      3.5093
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  15411.9204      7.8923      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  15412.2858      8.2577      0.3653
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  15412.4742      8.4461      0.1884
+                           Find void  15412.7447      8.7166      0.2705
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  15412.7735      8.7454      0.0288
+                         wsmp setup1  15412.7812      8.7531      0.0077
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  15413.7898      9.7617      1.0085
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  15413.8362
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  15413.8363      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38939E-05  9.38247E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  15421.7565      7.9203      7.9202
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0547402 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1250401 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7092180 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4668858 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14369.3489824 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210852 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071900 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4845140 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10206E+01  0.18357E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.97744E-01  0.10813E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76144E+00  0.26399E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  15438.2569     24.4207     16.5003
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35093E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  15438.4803     24.6441      0.2234
+                do leaf measurements  15438.4814     24.6452      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  15438.5234     24.6872      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5893015 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  15438.5281
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  15438.5325      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79673E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  15446.5331      8.0050      8.0006
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0488551 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1098750 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7076030 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3741541 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14486.5000560 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070851 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3686221 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10156E+01  0.13621E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48541E-01  0.10254E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76685E+00  0.22525E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  15462.9173     24.3892     16.3842
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12346E+01  0.17971E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  15463.1407     24.6126      0.2234
+                do leaf measurements  15463.1419     24.6137      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  15463.1841     24.6560      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0714367 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  15463.1889
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  15463.1934      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  15471.1882      7.9993      7.9948
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0512929 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1206899 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7082450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4084620 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14442.9357075 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211760 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072100 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4174318 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.15480E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39095E-01  0.11890E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74604E+00  0.23100E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  15487.6215     24.4326     16.4333
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13692E+01  0.31042E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  15487.8449     24.6560      0.2234
+                do leaf measurements  15487.8460     24.6571      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  15487.8879     24.6990      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362144 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  15487.8926
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  15487.8969      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  15495.8518      7.9592      7.9549
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0487039 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1345999 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7149980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3962741 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14458.3819744 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214840 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070820 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4234970 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10159E+01  0.17604E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39163E-01  0.12339E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73669E+00  0.22865E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  15512.2909     24.3983     16.4391
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14683E+01  0.35245E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  15512.5169     24.6243      0.2260
+                do leaf measurements  15512.5180     24.6255      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  15512.5600     24.6674      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159316 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  15512.5647
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  15512.5691      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  15520.5467      7.9820      7.9776
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0488040 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1124029 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7080269 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3775821 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14482.1353794 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206028 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072541 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3750470 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.19396E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40565E-01  0.12580E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73205E+00  0.22777E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  15536.9377     24.3729     16.3910
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15121E+01  0.36176E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  15537.1610     24.5963      0.2234
+                do leaf measurements  15537.1622     24.5974      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  15537.2044     24.6397      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107499 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  15537.2092
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  15537.2137      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  15545.1508      7.9415      7.9370
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0495031 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1216140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7093298 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4545178 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14384.8642219 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208839 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071290 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4633241 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10146E+01  0.20958E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42996E-01  0.12577E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72759E+00  0.22725E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  15561.6302     24.4209     16.4794
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15336E+01  0.35955E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  15561.8541     24.6448      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  15561.8552     24.6459      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  15561.8971     24.6878      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080861 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  15561.9001     24.6908      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  15561.9003     24.6910      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -105868817399513.28 142314676641778.13
+ def in m -7.9482126235961914 0.60542643070220947
+ dimensionless def  -1.72978980200631273E-6 2.27091789245605473E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0169123  0.2264024
+                  Compute divergence  15562.1026     24.8933      0.2023
+                        wsmp_cleanup  15562.1393     24.9301      0.0368
+              Reset surface geometry  15562.1443     24.9350      0.0049
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   15562.1524     24.9432      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  15562.1693     24.9600      0.0168
+                   Advect surface  1  15562.1694     24.9602      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  15562.3812     25.1719      0.2118
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  15562.5856     25.3763      0.2044
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  15562.8559     25.6467      0.2704
+                    Advect the cloud  15562.9958     25.7866      0.1399
+                        Write output  15563.7501     26.5408      0.7543
+                    End of time step  15564.6012     27.3919      0.8511
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      96  15564.6013
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  15564.6014      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  15564.6014      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16928points
+                      refine surface  15564.6015      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  15564.6264      0.0251      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16928points
+                          surface 02  15564.6446      0.0432      0.0182
+                                                                        S. 2:    16917points
+                      refine surface  15564.6447      0.0434      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  15564.6705      0.0692      0.0258
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  15564.6930      0.0916      0.0225
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  15564.7179      0.1166      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16918points
+                          surface 03  15564.7360      0.1347      0.0181
+                                                                        S. 3:    16923points
+                      refine surface  15564.7362      0.1349      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  15564.7618      0.1605      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  15564.7843      0.1830      0.0225
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  15564.8092      0.2079      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16924points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  15564.8339
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  15564.8341      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  15564.8500      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  15564.8720      0.0381      0.0220
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  15564.8727      0.0388      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  15564.8869      0.0530      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  15565.0091      0.1752      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  15565.1924      0.3585      0.1833
+                embedding surface  1  15565.1926      0.3587      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  15567.1369      2.3030      1.9443
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  15569.2055      4.3716      2.0686
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  15572.7028      7.8689      3.4973
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  15572.7074      7.8735      0.0046
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  15573.0581      8.2242      0.3507
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  15573.2998      8.4659      0.2417
+                           Find void  15573.5708      8.7369      0.2710
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  15573.5992      8.7653      0.0284
+                         wsmp setup1  15573.6066      8.7727      0.0074
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  15574.6026      9.7687      0.9960
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  15574.6467
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  15574.6468      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38939E-05  9.42713E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  15582.5813      7.9346      7.9344
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0523260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1403198 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7096779 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4749560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14359.2431521 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211109 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069649 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5057421 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.18379E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.98106E-01  0.10836E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76147E+00  0.26250E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  15599.1026     24.4559     16.5213
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35115E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  15599.3269     24.6803      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements  15599.3280     24.6813      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  15599.3693     24.7226      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5887781 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  15599.3740
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  15599.3785      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.78908E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  15607.3704      7.9964      7.9919
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0492740 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1187150 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7084961 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3709171 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14490.6239918 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209619 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0074019 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3761709 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.13623E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48420E-01  0.10271E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76688E+00  0.22611E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  15623.7624     24.3884     16.3920
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12351E+01  0.19163E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  15623.9854     24.6114      0.2230
+                do leaf measurements  15623.9865     24.6124      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  15624.0283     24.6543      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0710746 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  15624.0331
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  15624.0377      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  15632.0375      8.0044      7.9999
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0506220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1136570 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7103362 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3915410 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14464.3893056 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210780 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0068810 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3945050 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.15472E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39274E-01  0.11874E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74617E+00  0.23126E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  15648.4480     24.4148     16.4104
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13696E+01  0.31095E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  15648.6712     24.6381      0.2232
+                do leaf measurements  15648.6723     24.6391      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  15648.7137     24.6806      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362168 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  15648.7184
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  15648.7229      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  15656.6647      7.9463      7.9418
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0534520 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1319060 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7150528 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4114029 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14439.2135420 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215811 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069020 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4406939 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10159E+01  0.17592E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39356E-01  0.12332E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73676E+00  0.22873E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  15673.1215     24.4030     16.4567
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14686E+01  0.35305E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  15673.3479     24.6295      0.2265
+                do leaf measurements  15673.3490     24.6306      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  15673.3904     24.6719      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159623 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  15673.3951
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  15673.3996      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  15681.3756      7.9805      7.9760
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0504148 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1170039 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7103999 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3743610 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14486.2364859 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208489 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069189 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3803291 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.19381E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40571E-01  0.12568E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73211E+00  0.22773E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  15697.7718     24.3767     16.3961
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15119E+01  0.36195E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  15698.0009     24.6057      0.2291
+                do leaf measurements  15698.0020     24.6068      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  15698.0437     24.6485      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107511 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  15698.0485
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  15698.0530      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  15706.0013      7.9528      7.9482
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0486140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1078219 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7075830 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4400969 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14402.9972789 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209280 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0068600 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4323051 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10147E+01  0.20946E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42987E-01  0.12572E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72761E+00  0.22733E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  15722.4495     24.4010     16.4482
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15336E+01  0.35984E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  15722.6733     24.6248      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  15722.6743     24.6258      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  15722.7157     24.6672      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080892 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  15722.7186     24.6701      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  15722.7188     24.6703      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -106514556563864.61 143780041135240.59
+ def in m -7.9496049880981445 0.60632550716400146
+ dimensionless def  -1.73235859189714697E-6 2.27131571088518419E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0169313  0.2264415
+                  Compute divergence  15722.9249     24.8764      0.2061
+                        wsmp_cleanup  15722.9613     24.9128      0.0364
+              Reset surface geometry  15722.9662     24.9177      0.0049
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   15722.9743     24.9259      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  15722.9916     24.9431      0.0172
+                   Advect surface  1  15722.9917     24.9432      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  15723.2010     25.1525      0.2093
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  15723.4130     25.3645      0.2120
+                                                                        S. 3:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  15723.6659     25.6174      0.2529
+                    Advect the cloud  15723.8050     25.7565      0.1391
+                        Write output  15724.5566     26.5081      0.7516
+                    End of time step  15725.4098     27.3613      0.8532
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      97  15725.4099
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  15725.4100      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  15725.4100      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16926points
+                      refine surface  15725.4100      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  15725.4348      0.0249      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16926points
+                          surface 02  15725.4532      0.0433      0.0184
+                                                                        S. 2:    16916points
+                      refine surface  15725.4533      0.0434      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  15725.4789      0.0690      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  15725.5014      0.0915      0.0224
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  15725.5261      0.1162      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16917points
+                          surface 03  15725.5445      0.1346      0.0184
+                                                                        S. 3:    16924points
+                      refine surface  15725.5447      0.1348      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  15725.5694      0.1595      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16924points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  15725.5939
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  15725.5941      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  15725.6101      0.0162      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  15725.6319      0.0380      0.0218
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  15725.6327      0.0388      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  15725.6468      0.0530      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  15725.7690      0.1752      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  15725.9504      0.3565      0.1814
+                embedding surface  1  15725.9506      0.3567      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  15727.8727      2.2789      1.9221
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  15729.9491      4.3553      2.0764
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  15733.4672      7.8733      3.5181
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  15733.4718      7.8780      0.0046
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  15733.8272      8.2334      0.3554
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  15734.0464      8.4525      0.2191
+                           Find void  15734.3148      8.7209      0.2685
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  15734.3427      8.7489      0.0279
+                         wsmp setup1  15734.3490      8.7552      0.0063
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  15735.3586      9.7647      1.0096
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  15735.4054
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  15735.4056      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38939E-05  9.34883E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  15743.3387      7.9333      7.9331
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0538058 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1164000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7073369 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4721110 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14362.8042011 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208241 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071888 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4780419 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.18398E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.97868E-01  0.10833E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76138E+00  0.26488E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  15759.8328     24.4274     16.4941
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35070E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  15760.0566     24.6512      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  15760.0578     24.6524      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  15760.0990     24.6936      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5893374 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  15760.1038
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  15760.1082      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79746E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  15768.0931      7.9893      7.9848
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0486541 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1216781 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7066710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3800900 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14478.9438309 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216021 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072060 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3862679 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.13660E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48390E-01  0.10228E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76696E+00  0.22542E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  15784.4953     24.3915     16.4022
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12351E+01  0.18032E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  15784.7190     24.6152      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  15784.7202     24.6164      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  15784.7617     24.6579      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0717207 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  15784.7665
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  15784.7710      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  15792.7864      8.0199      8.0154
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0508270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1122689 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7090340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3896360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14466.8085354 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209478 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071740 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3902879 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10166E+01  0.15506E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39239E-01  0.11861E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74621E+00  0.23114E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  15809.1926     24.4260     16.4062
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13706E+01  0.31161E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  15809.4162     24.6496      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements  15809.4173     24.6508      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  15809.4585     24.6920      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362080 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  15809.4631
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  15809.4674      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  15817.4083      7.9453      7.9409
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0506480 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1348701 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7155569 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4328082 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14412.1795414 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216331 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072110 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4630971 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10158E+01  0.17617E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39404E-01  0.12323E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73685E+00  0.22863E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  15833.8872     24.4241     16.4789
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14692E+01  0.35331E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  15834.1134     24.6504      0.2262
+                do leaf measurements  15834.1146     24.6515      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  15834.1559     24.6928      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159258 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  15834.1606
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  15834.1650      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  15842.1557      7.9951      7.9907
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0498569 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1068082 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7089841 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3784282 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14481.0584273 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206610 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070779 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3721840 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.19409E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40597E-01  0.12568E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73219E+00  0.22789E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  15858.5445     24.3839     16.3888
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15127E+01  0.36236E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  15858.7672     24.6066      0.2227
+                do leaf measurements  15858.7684     24.6078      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  15858.8099     24.6493      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107344 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  15858.8147
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  15858.8192      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  15866.7667      7.9520      7.9475
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0479810 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1134090 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7098441 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4357290 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14408.4984428 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207249 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072050 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4352880 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10147E+01  0.20973E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43016E-01  0.12572E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72769E+00  0.22739E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  15883.2180     24.4033     16.4513
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15343E+01  0.36008E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  15883.4429     24.6282      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  15883.4441     24.6293      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  15883.4853     24.6705      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080885 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  15883.4882     24.6735      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  15883.4884     24.6737      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -107154865907584.63 145241493235888.31
+ def in m -7.9536676406860352 0.60905677080154419
+ dimensionless def  -1.74016220229012613E-6 2.2724764687674389E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0169996  0.2265539
+                  Compute divergence  15883.6856     24.8708      0.1972
+                        wsmp_cleanup  15883.7297     24.9149      0.0441
+              Reset surface geometry  15883.7346     24.9198      0.0049
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   15883.7427     24.9279      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  15883.7562     24.9415      0.0135
+                   Advect surface  1  15883.7563     24.9416      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  15883.9728     25.1581      0.2165
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  15884.1715     25.3568      0.1987
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  15884.4286     25.6139      0.2571
+                    Advect the cloud  15884.5700     25.7552      0.1413
+                        Write output  15885.3297     26.5150      0.7598
+                    End of time step  15886.1829     27.3682      0.8532
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      98  15886.1831
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  15886.1831      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  15886.1832      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16923points
+                      refine surface  15886.1832      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  15886.2080      0.0249      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16923points
+                          surface 02  15886.2262      0.0432      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 2:    16917points
+                      refine surface  15886.2264      0.0433      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   4 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  15886.2540      0.0709      0.0276
+                                                                        S. 2:   12 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  15886.2765      0.0935      0.0226
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  15886.3016      0.1185      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16921points
+                          surface 03  15886.3201      0.1371      0.0186
+                                                                        S. 3:    16923points
+                      refine surface  15886.3203      0.1372      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  15886.3448      0.1617      0.0245
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16923points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  15886.3696
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  15886.3698      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  15886.3857      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  15886.4076      0.0380      0.0219
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  15886.4083      0.0388      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  15886.4225      0.0529      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  15886.5447      0.1751      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  15886.7273      0.3577      0.1826
+                embedding surface  1  15886.7275      0.3579      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  15888.6852      2.3156      1.9577
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  15890.7513      4.3817      2.0661
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  15894.2640      7.8944      3.5126
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  15894.2686      7.8990      0.0046
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  15894.6392      8.2697      0.3707
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  15894.8367      8.4671      0.1974
+                           Find void  15895.1050      8.7354      0.2683
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  15895.1335      8.7640      0.0286
+                         wsmp setup1  15895.1409      8.7713      0.0073
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  15896.1583      9.7887      1.0174
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  15896.2058
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  15896.2059      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38939E-05  9.17609E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  15904.1912      7.9854      7.9853
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0564730 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1198139 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7080541 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4592910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14378.8724925 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207759 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072320 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4719961 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10338E+01  0.18395E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.97907E-01  0.10887E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76163E+00  0.26387E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  15920.6790     24.4732     16.4878
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35093E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  15920.9027     24.6969      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  15920.9038     24.6980      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  15920.9455     24.7397      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5893659 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  15920.9502
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  15920.9546      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79156E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  15928.9382      7.9880      7.9836
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0513289 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1169651 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7085080 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3811309 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14477.6195647 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209791 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072300 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3865190 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.13656E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48385E-01  0.10231E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76694E+00  0.22597E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  15945.3409     24.3907     16.4027
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12350E+01  0.18012E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  15945.5642     24.6140      0.2233
+                do leaf measurements  15945.5653     24.6151      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  15945.6070     24.6568      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0715338 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  15945.6117
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  15945.6161      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  15953.6393      8.0276      8.0233
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0479991 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1098301 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7069829 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3908360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14465.2845383 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208940 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071480 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3840501 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.15506E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39251E-01  0.11854E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74622E+00  0.23124E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  15970.0397     24.4281     16.4004
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13703E+01  0.31131E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  15970.2627     24.6510      0.2230
+                do leaf measurements  15970.2638     24.6521      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  15970.3054     24.6938      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361647 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  15970.3101
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  15970.3144      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  15978.2567      7.9466      7.9423
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0514331 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1305358 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7144220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4284601 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14417.6627584 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214972 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071759 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4538970 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10158E+01  0.17622E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39366E-01  0.12320E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73687E+00  0.22871E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  15994.7264     24.4163     16.4697
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14689E+01  0.35288E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  15994.9515     24.6414      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  15994.9526     24.6425      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  15994.9940     24.6840      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159245 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  15994.9988
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  15995.0032      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  16003.0029      8.0041      7.9997
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0520670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1158710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7096910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3765280 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14483.4771661 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209350 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071990 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3826590 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.19413E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40550E-01  0.12566E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73215E+00  0.22775E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  16019.4014     24.4026     16.3985
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15126E+01  0.36226E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  16019.6262     24.6274      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  16019.6273     24.6285      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  16019.6694     24.6706      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107523 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  16019.6742
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  16019.6786      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  16027.6335      7.9593      7.9549
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0511711 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1057451 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7058270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4275482 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14418.8133292 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212361 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072160 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4191170 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10147E+01  0.20976E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42995E-01  0.12564E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72767E+00  0.22727E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  16044.0683     24.3942     16.4349
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15342E+01  0.36002E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  16044.2926     24.6184      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  16044.2937     24.6195      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  16044.3354     24.6612      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080932 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  16044.3384     24.6642      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  16044.3386     24.6644      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -107793528658332.94 146701443461118.
+ def in m -7.9556121826171875 0.61115097999572754
+ dimensionless def  -1.7461456571306502E-6 2.27303205217633911E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0170490  0.2266085
+                  Compute divergence  16044.5434     24.8693      0.2049
+                        wsmp_cleanup  16044.5794     24.9052      0.0359
+              Reset surface geometry  16044.5843     24.9102      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   16044.5924     24.9182      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  16044.6096     24.9355      0.0172
+                   Advect surface  1  16044.6098     24.9356      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  16044.8011     25.1269      0.1913
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  16044.9988     25.3246      0.1977
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  16045.2691     25.5950      0.2704
+                    Advect the cloud  16045.4083     25.7341      0.1392
+                        Write output  16046.1681     26.4940      0.7598
+                    End of time step  16047.0235     27.3493      0.8554
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      99  16047.0236
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  16047.0237      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  16047.0237      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16923points
+                      refine surface  16047.0238      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  16047.0498      0.0262      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  16047.0720      0.0484      0.0222
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  16047.0972      0.0736      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16924points
+                          surface 02  16047.1152      0.0916      0.0180
+                                                                        S. 2:    16921points
+                      refine surface  16047.1153      0.0917      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  16047.1398      0.1161      0.0244
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16921points
+                          surface 03  16047.1588      0.1352      0.0191
+                                                                        S. 3:    16921points
+                      refine surface  16047.1590      0.1353      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  16047.1830      0.1594      0.0240
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16921points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  16047.2085
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  16047.2087      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  16047.2246      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  16047.2462      0.0377      0.0216
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  16047.2470      0.0385      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  16047.2611      0.0526      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  16047.3833      0.1748      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  16047.5650      0.3565      0.1816
+                embedding surface  1  16047.5651      0.3567      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  16049.5200      2.3115      1.9548
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  16051.6143      4.4058      2.0943
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  16055.1424      7.9339      3.5281
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  16055.1470      7.9385      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  16055.5522      8.3437      0.4051
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  16055.6441      8.4356      0.0920
+                           Find void  16055.9179      8.7094      0.2738
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  16055.9471      8.7386      0.0291
+                         wsmp setup1  16055.9543      8.7458      0.0073
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  16056.9695      9.7610      1.0151
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  16057.0142
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  16057.0143      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38939E-05  8.81577E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  16064.9304      7.9162      7.9161
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0526860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1017799 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7089481 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4643090 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14372.5787750 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211891 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070260 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4562850 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.18331E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.97904E-01  0.10801E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76119E+00  0.26170E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  16081.4029     24.3887     16.4725
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35067E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  16081.6266     24.6125      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  16081.6278     24.6136      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  16081.6690     24.6548      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5889740 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  16081.6737
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  16081.6781      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79331E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  16089.6465      7.9728      7.9684
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0497451 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1147480 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7059951 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3891420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14467.4360323 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217549 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072081 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3889649 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.13604E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48490E-01  0.10268E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76673E+00  0.22515E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  16106.0517     24.3780     16.4052
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12347E+01  0.18083E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  16106.2765     24.6028      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  16106.2777     24.6040      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  16106.3189     24.6452      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0713708 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  16106.3237
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  16106.3281      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  16114.3496      8.0259      8.0215
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0503209 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1169250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7084830 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3899121 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14466.4578635 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072172 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3941600 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.15470E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39505E-01  0.11872E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74594E+00  0.23054E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  16130.7592     24.4355     16.4096
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13695E+01  0.31053E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  16130.9836     24.6599      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  16130.9848     24.6610      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  16131.0261     24.7024      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360998 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  16131.0307
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  16131.0351      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  16138.9744      7.9437      7.9394
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0529020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1317959 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7137671 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4403739 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14402.6484930 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216440 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071740 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4679980 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10158E+01  0.17594E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39556E-01  0.12328E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73663E+00  0.22825E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  16155.4580     24.4273     16.4836
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14682E+01  0.35230E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  16155.6843     24.6536      0.2263
+                do leaf measurements  16155.6855     24.6548      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  16155.7268     24.6961      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159416 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  16155.7316
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  16155.7359      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  16163.7372      8.0056      8.0012
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0485251 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1075599 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7042971 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3757091 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14484.5198705 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207089 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072551 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3644121 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.19384E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40684E-01  0.12567E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73197E+00  0.22762E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  16180.1178     24.3863     16.3807
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15119E+01  0.36159E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  16180.3405     24.6089      0.2227
+                do leaf measurements  16180.3417     24.6101      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  16180.3832     24.6517      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107466 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  16180.3881
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  16180.3926      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  16188.3568      7.9688      7.9643
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0508451 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1005149 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7070789 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4215541 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14426.3803854 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071778 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4087610 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10148E+01  0.20948E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43082E-01  0.12568E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72750E+00  0.22728E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  16204.7813     24.3933     16.4245
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15335E+01  0.35946E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  16205.0062     24.6181      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  16205.0074     24.6193      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  16205.0487     24.6606      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080878 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  16205.0517     24.6636      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  16205.0518     24.6638      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -108422187113704.28 148159708515673.31
+ def in m -7.955411434173584 0.61066734790802002
+ dimensionless def  -1.7447638511657714E-6 2.27297469547816701E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0170292  0.2266019
+                  Compute divergence  16205.2606     24.8725      0.2088
+                        wsmp_cleanup  16205.2964     24.9084      0.0358
+              Reset surface geometry  16205.3013     24.9133      0.0049
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   16205.3093     24.9213      0.0080
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  16205.3268     24.9388      0.0175
+                   Advect surface  1  16205.3269     24.9389      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  16205.5232     25.1351      0.1962
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  16205.7194     25.3313      0.1962
+                                                                        S. 3:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  16205.9724     25.5844      0.2531
+                    Advect the cloud  16206.1152     25.7271      0.1427
+                        Write output  16206.8728     26.4847      0.7576
+                    End of time step  16207.7306     27.3426      0.8579
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     100  16207.7308
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  16207.7308      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  16207.7309      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16924points
+                      refine surface  16207.7309      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  16207.7561      0.0253      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16924points
+                          surface 02  16207.7739      0.0431      0.0178
+                                                                        S. 2:    16921points
+                      refine surface  16207.7740      0.0433      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  16207.7997      0.0689      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  16207.8227      0.0920      0.0231
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  16207.8470      0.1163      0.0243
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16922points
+                          surface 03  16207.8661      0.1354      0.0191
+                                                                        S. 3:    16921points
+                      refine surface  16207.8663      0.1355      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  16207.8905      0.1598      0.0243
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16921points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  16207.9159
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  16207.9162      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  16207.9320      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  16207.9541      0.0381      0.0220
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  16207.9548      0.0389      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  16207.9690      0.0531      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  16208.0912      0.1752      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  16208.2727      0.3568      0.1815
+                embedding surface  1  16208.2729      0.3570      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  16210.2311      2.3152      1.9582
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  16212.2933      4.3773      2.0621
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  16215.7999      7.8839      3.5066
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  16215.8046      7.8887      0.0048
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  16216.1527      8.2367      0.3480
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  16216.3776      8.4617      0.2250
+                           Find void  16216.6493      8.7333      0.2716
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  16216.6782      8.7622      0.0289
+                         wsmp setup1  16216.6855      8.7695      0.0073
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  16217.7025      9.7865      1.0170
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  16217.7497
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  16217.7498      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38939E-05  8.45749E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  16225.6605      7.9108      7.9107
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0539579 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1025829 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7095320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4508641 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14389.4541733 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211839 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072989 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4457979 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10338E+01  0.18334E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.97999E-01  0.10871E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76090E+00  0.26083E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  16242.1220     24.3723     16.4615
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35075E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  16242.3466     24.5969      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  16242.3476     24.5980      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  16242.3901     24.6405      0.0425
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5887723 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  16242.3949
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  16242.3994      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.78993E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  16250.3623      7.9673      7.9629
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0483739 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1089540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7106791 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3771660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14482.6649624 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213350 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072660 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3741519 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.13597E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48398E-01  0.10262E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76668E+00  0.22631E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  16266.7525     24.3576     16.3903
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12342E+01  0.17946E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  16266.9781     24.5831      0.2255
+                do leaf measurements  16266.9792     24.5842      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  16267.0216     24.6267      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0710426 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  16267.0264
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  16267.0309      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  16275.0538      8.0274      8.0229
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0501580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1229360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7056921 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3810902 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14477.6714267 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208141 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071800 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3882439 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10164E+01  0.15463E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39601E-01  0.11868E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74587E+00  0.23142E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  16291.4586     24.4322     16.4049
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13690E+01  0.31034E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  16291.6814     24.6550      0.2228
+                do leaf measurements  16291.6825     24.6561      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  16291.7250     24.6986      0.0425
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360952 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  16291.7297
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  16291.7340      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  16299.6735      7.9438      7.9394
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0527539 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1303830 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7154479 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4470420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14394.2587126 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072830 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4743428 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10157E+01  0.17585E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39636E-01  0.12317E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73662E+00  0.22877E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  16316.1635     24.4338     16.4900
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14680E+01  0.35247E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  16316.3873     24.6576      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  16316.3884     24.6587      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  16316.4309     24.7012      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159513 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  16316.4357
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  16316.4402      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  16324.4456      8.0099      8.0054
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0506701 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1131179 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7037139 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3742609 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14486.3640186 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073280 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3704202 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.19377E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40637E-01  0.12565E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73200E+00  0.22793E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  16340.8324     24.3967     16.3868
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15116E+01  0.36159E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  16341.0555     24.6197      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements  16341.0566     24.6209      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  16341.0994     24.6637      0.0428
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107210 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  16341.1043
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  16341.1088      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  16349.0832      7.9789      7.9744
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0486171 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1069312 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7059910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4180970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14430.7482760 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208370 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071981 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4080410 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10147E+01  0.20939E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43055E-01  0.12560E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72752E+00  0.22737E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  16365.5079     24.4036     16.4246
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15332E+01  0.35952E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  16365.7311     24.6268      0.2232
+                do leaf measurements  16365.7322     24.6279      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  16365.7749     24.6706      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080822 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  16365.7779     24.6736      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  16365.7780     24.6738      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -109046279843587.44 149615952058113.
+ def in m -7.9574565887451172 0.61255282163619995
+ dimensionless def  -1.75015091896057118E-6 2.27355902535574787E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0170744  0.2266604
+                  Compute divergence  16365.9873     24.8830      0.2093
+                        wsmp_cleanup  16366.0238     24.9195      0.0364
+              Reset surface geometry  16366.0287     24.9244      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   16366.0368     24.9325      0.0080
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  16366.0542     24.9499      0.0174
+                   Advect surface  1  16366.0543     24.9500      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  16366.2456     25.1413      0.1913
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  16366.4412     25.3370      0.1957
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  16366.6928     25.5885      0.2516
+                    Advect the cloud  16366.8335     25.7292      0.1407
+                        Write output  16367.5952     26.4909      0.7617
+                    End of time step  16368.4875     27.3832      0.8923
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     101  16368.4876
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  16368.4877      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  16368.4877      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16924points
+                      refine surface  16368.4878      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  16368.5129      0.0252      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  16368.5362      0.0485      0.0233
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  16368.5601      0.0725      0.0240
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16925points
+                          surface 02  16368.5797      0.0920      0.0195
+                                                                        S. 2:    16922points
+                      refine surface  16368.5798      0.0921      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  16368.6040      0.1164      0.0242
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16922points
+                          surface 03  16368.6232      0.1356      0.0192
+                                                                        S. 3:    16921points
+                      refine surface  16368.6234      0.1357      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  16368.6486      0.1610      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  16368.6720      0.1843      0.0233
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  16368.6965      0.2088      0.0245
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16922points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  16368.7217
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  16368.7219      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  16368.7378      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  16368.7600      0.0383      0.0222
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  16368.7608      0.0391      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  16368.7750      0.0533      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  16368.8971      0.1754      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  16369.0806      0.3589      0.1834
+                embedding surface  1  16369.0808      0.3591      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  16371.0350      2.3133      1.9542
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  16373.0991      4.3774      2.0642
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  16376.6338      7.9121      3.5347
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  16376.6385      7.9168      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  16377.0645      8.3428      0.4260
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  16377.1979      8.4762      0.1334
+                           Find void  16377.4699      8.7482      0.2720
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  16377.4988      8.7771      0.0289
+                         wsmp setup1  16377.5059      8.7842      0.0071
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  16378.5208      9.7991      1.0149
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  16378.5678
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  16378.5679      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38939E-05  9.10818E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  16386.4930      7.9252      7.9251
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0525630 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1049340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7058120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4419940 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14400.6092443 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207030 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072351 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4336209 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.18389E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.98350E-01  0.10884E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76122E+00  0.26426E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  16402.9423     24.3745     16.4493
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35099E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  16403.1671     24.5993      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  16403.1681     24.6004      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  16403.2108     24.6431      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5887790 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  16403.2158
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  16403.2205      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.78136E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  16411.1751      7.9593      7.9546
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0487909 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1110179 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7123010 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3811860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14477.5495061 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214330 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072820 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3823760 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.13646E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48345E-01  0.10255E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76673E+00  0.22687E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  16427.5732     24.3574     16.3981
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12355E+01  0.18030E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  16427.7997     24.5839      0.2265
+                do leaf measurements  16427.8008     24.5849      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  16427.8434     24.6275      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0710879 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  16427.8484
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  16427.8530      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  16435.8720      8.0236      8.0189
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0499620 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1177211 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7071850 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3875830 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14469.4166992 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208589 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072811 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3909829 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.15488E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39350E-01  0.11861E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74634E+00  0.23146E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  16452.2789     24.4305     16.4069
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13700E+01  0.31121E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  16452.5026     24.6542      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  16452.5037     24.6553      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  16452.5463     24.6979      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361533 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  16452.5513
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  16452.5559      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  16460.5015      7.9502      7.9455
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0486212 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1364329 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7089040 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4545119 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14384.8717072 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209121 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072889 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4770508 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10158E+01  0.17602E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39577E-01  0.12318E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73691E+00  0.22890E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  16476.9946     24.4433     16.4931
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14688E+01  0.35328E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  16477.2184     24.6672      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  16477.2195     24.6682      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  16477.2621     24.7108      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159766 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  16477.2671
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  16477.2717      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  16485.2751      8.0081      8.0034
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0479050 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1142380 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7085450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3716149 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14489.7347339 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210611 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072460 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3709750 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.19393E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40592E-01  0.12558E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73221E+00  0.22793E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  16501.6620     24.3949     16.3869
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15124E+01  0.36235E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  16501.8855     24.6185      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements  16501.8866     24.6196      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  16501.9296     24.6625      0.0429
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107639 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  16501.9346
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  16501.9393      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  16509.9200      7.9854      7.9807
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0505280 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1111629 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7061279 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3950720 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14459.9072402 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208591 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072591 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3913929 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10148E+01  0.20958E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43020E-01  0.12558E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72770E+00  0.22747E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  16526.3266     24.3920     16.4066
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15339E+01  0.35999E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  16526.5504     24.6159      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  16526.5515     24.6170      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  16526.5941     24.6595      0.0425
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080947 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  16526.5974     24.6628      0.0033
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  16526.5975     24.6629      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -109670715962109.22 151065778557907.63
+ def in m -7.959197998046875 0.6134800910949707
+ dimensionless def  -1.75280026027134496E-6 2.27405657087053567E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0170929  0.2267025
+                  Compute divergence  16526.8019     24.8673      0.2043
+                        wsmp_cleanup  16526.8410     24.9065      0.0392
+              Reset surface geometry  16526.8454     24.9108      0.0044
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   16526.8537     24.9192      0.0083
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  16526.8699     24.9354      0.0162
+                   Advect surface  1  16526.8701     24.9355      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  16527.0608     25.1262      0.1907
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  16527.2501     25.3156      0.1893
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  16527.5049     25.5703      0.2547
+                    Advect the cloud  16527.6462     25.7116      0.1413
+                        Write output  16528.4089     26.4743      0.7627
+                    End of time step  16529.2905     27.3559      0.8816
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     102  16529.2906
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  16529.2907      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  16529.2907      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16925points
+                      refine surface  16529.2908      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  16529.3170      0.0263      0.0262
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  16529.3400      0.0494      0.0231
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  16529.3642      0.0735      0.0241
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16926points
+                          surface 02  16529.3835      0.0929      0.0193
+                                                                        S. 2:    16922points
+                      refine surface  16529.3836      0.0930      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  16529.4088      0.1182      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  16529.4323      0.1417      0.0235
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  16529.4567      0.1661      0.0244
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16923points
+                          surface 03  16529.4757      0.1850      0.0189
+                                                                        S. 3:    16922points
+                      refine surface  16529.4758      0.1852      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  16529.5021      0.2115      0.0263
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  16529.5249      0.2342      0.0227
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  16529.5493      0.2587      0.0244
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16924points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  16529.5745
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  16529.5748      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  16529.5906      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  16529.6125      0.0380      0.0219
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  16529.6133      0.0388      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  16529.6274      0.0529      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  16529.7496      0.1751      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  16529.9321      0.3576      0.1825
+                embedding surface  1  16529.9323      0.3578      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  16531.8793      2.3048      1.9471
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  16533.9520      4.3775      2.0727
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  16537.5007      7.9262      3.5487
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  16537.5056      7.9310      0.0048
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  16537.9199      8.3453      0.4143
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  16538.0261      8.4516      0.1063
+                           Find void  16538.3018      8.7272      0.2756
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  16538.3311      8.7565      0.0293
+                         wsmp setup1  16538.3384      8.7639      0.0074
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  16539.3550      9.7804      1.0165
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  16539.4009
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  16539.4010      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38939E-05  9.14968E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  16547.3205      7.9196      7.9195
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0534439 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1012750 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7102931 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4308629 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14414.6321467 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210549 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072091 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4244940 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10424E+01  0.18378E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.97644E-01  0.10930E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76138E+00  0.26178E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  16563.7609     24.3601     16.4404
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35071E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  16563.9848     24.5839      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  16563.9859     24.5850      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  16564.0286     24.6277      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5886833 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  16564.0334
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  16564.0377      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79121E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  16571.9823      7.9490      7.9446
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0486341 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1138849 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7134109 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3652370 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14497.8660726 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1219671 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072112 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3707120 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10157E+01  0.13637E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48454E-01  0.10238E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76686E+00  0.22622E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  16588.3685     24.3352     16.3862
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12353E+01  0.18428E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  16588.5940     24.5607      0.2255
+                do leaf measurements  16588.5951     24.5618      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  16588.6378     24.6045      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0710868 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  16588.6426
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  16588.6470      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  16596.6607      8.0181      8.0137
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0471408 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1300740 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7102990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3774021 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14482.3645066 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207271 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072799 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3933208 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10166E+01  0.15484E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39341E-01  0.11849E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74628E+00  0.23120E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  16613.0695     24.4269     16.4088
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13704E+01  0.31139E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  16613.2927     24.6501      0.2232
+                do leaf measurements  16613.2938     24.6512      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  16613.3364     24.6939      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361931 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  16613.3412
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  16613.3455      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  16621.2814      7.9402      7.9359
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0502160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1387300 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7099102 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4619670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14375.5154764 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207080 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072210 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4893019 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10159E+01  0.17601E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39548E-01  0.12314E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73689E+00  0.22862E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  16637.7871     24.4459     16.5058
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14693E+01  0.35338E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  16638.0153     24.6741      0.2281
+                do leaf measurements  16638.0163     24.6752      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  16638.0590     24.7178      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158797 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  16638.0637
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  16638.0681      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  16646.0736      8.0099      8.0055
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0524220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1146610 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7110400 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3715489 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14489.8188851 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207650 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072610 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3780639 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.19393E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40678E-01  0.12555E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73221E+00  0.22773E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  16662.4679     24.4042     16.3943
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15126E+01  0.36224E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  16662.6904     24.6267      0.2225
+                do leaf measurements  16662.6915     24.6278      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  16662.7344     24.6707      0.0429
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107383 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  16662.7393
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  16662.7437      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  16670.7307      7.9914      7.9870
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0489001 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1179368 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7103732 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3930800 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14462.4354372 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211679 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072231 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3990848 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10148E+01  0.20960E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43072E-01  0.12562E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72768E+00  0.22727E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  16687.1459     24.4066     16.4151
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15344E+01  0.36023E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  16687.3679     24.6286      0.2220
+                do leaf measurements  16687.3690     24.6297      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  16687.4116     24.6723      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080849 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  16687.4145     24.6753      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  16687.4147     24.6754      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -110293625818284.88 152512031301276.06
+ def in m -7.9619617462158203 0.61613917350769043
+ dimensionless def  -1.76039763859340124E-6 2.2748462132045203E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0171581  0.2267775
+                  Compute divergence  16687.6196     24.8803      0.2049
+                        wsmp_cleanup  16687.6574     24.9182      0.0378
+              Reset surface geometry  16687.6623     24.9230      0.0048
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   16687.6705     24.9312      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  16687.6870     24.9478      0.0166
+                   Advect surface  1  16687.6872     24.9479      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  16687.8831     25.1438      0.1959
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  16688.0904     25.3511      0.2072
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  16688.3444     25.6052      0.2541
+                    Advect the cloud  16688.4845     25.7452      0.1401
+                        Write output  16689.2458     26.5065      0.7613
+                    End of time step  16690.1049     27.3657      0.8591
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     103  16690.1051
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  16690.1051      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  16690.1052      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16926points
+                      refine surface  16690.1052      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  16690.1307      0.0256      0.0254
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  16690.1537      0.0487      0.0231
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  16690.1779      0.0728      0.0242
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16927points
+                          surface 02  16690.1969      0.0918      0.0190
+                                                                        S. 2:    16922points
+                      refine surface  16690.1970      0.0920      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  16690.2213      0.1162      0.0243
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16922points
+                          surface 03  16690.2405      0.1354      0.0191
+                                                                        S. 3:    16924points
+                      refine surface  16690.2406      0.1355      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  16690.2659      0.1608      0.0253
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  16690.2892      0.1841      0.0233
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  16690.3134      0.2083      0.0242
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16925points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  16690.3389
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  16690.3391      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  16690.3550      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  16690.3769      0.0380      0.0219
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  16690.3777      0.0388      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  16690.3918      0.0529      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  16690.5140      0.1751      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  16690.6968      0.3579      0.1828
+                embedding surface  1  16690.6970      0.3581      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  16692.6480      2.3091      1.9510
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  16694.7061      4.3672      2.0581
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  16698.2635      7.9246      3.5574
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  16698.2682      7.9293      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  16698.6930      8.3541      0.4248
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  16698.8161      8.4772      0.1231
+                           Find void  16699.0846      8.7457      0.2685
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  16699.1134      8.7745      0.0288
+                         wsmp setup1  16699.1209      8.7821      0.0075
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  16700.1400      9.8011      1.0190
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  16700.1878
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  16700.1880      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38939E-05  9.42904E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  16708.1215      7.9337      7.9336
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0536828 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1047070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7100470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4190171 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14429.5855564 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071161 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4158208 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10229E+01  0.18305E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.97457E-01  0.10852E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76133E+00  0.25990E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  16724.5533     24.3655     16.4318
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35078E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  16724.7772     24.5893      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  16724.7782     24.5904      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  16724.8206     24.6328      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5880812 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  16724.8254
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  16724.8298      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79635E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  16732.7718      7.9464      7.9420
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0504069 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1202781 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7162151 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3710389 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14490.4687360 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215951 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072000 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3871510 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.13581E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48376E-01  0.10254E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76668E+00  0.22566E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  16749.1754     24.3500     16.4036
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12344E+01  0.17917E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  16749.4006     24.5752      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  16749.4017     24.5763      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  16749.4441     24.6186      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0705575 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  16749.4489
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  16749.4533      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  16757.4631      8.0142      8.0098
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0490110 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1058190 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7080891 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3782651 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14481.2659762 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208451 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070691 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3695061 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.15451E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40008E-01  0.11898E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74597E+00  0.23128E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  16773.8485     24.3997     16.3855
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13689E+01  0.31032E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  16774.0719     24.6230      0.2234
+                do leaf measurements  16774.0730     24.6241      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  16774.1153     24.6664      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361500 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  16774.1201
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  16774.1245      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  16782.0637      7.9437      7.9393
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0507071 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1244538 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7066011 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4567230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14382.0954943 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208649 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071819 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4669361 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10159E+01  0.17577E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40058E-01  0.12347E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73662E+00  0.22877E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  16798.5464     24.4263     16.4826
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14679E+01  0.35239E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  16798.7705     24.6504      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  16798.7716     24.6515      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  16798.8140     24.6939      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159663 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  16798.8188
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  16798.8231      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  16806.8222      8.0034      7.9991
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0510552 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1044579 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7079370 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3707101 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14490.8877217 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207242 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071940 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3624918 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.19372E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40459E-01  0.12587E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73199E+00  0.22786E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  16823.2010     24.3823     16.3789
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15115E+01  0.36148E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  16823.4239     24.6052      0.2229
+                do leaf measurements  16823.4250     24.6063      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  16823.4679     24.6492      0.0429
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107259 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  16823.4727
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  16823.4772      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  16831.4727      8.0000      7.9955
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0478060 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1089311 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7084990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4002721 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14453.3114633 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210959 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071959 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3942170 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10148E+01  0.20937E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42895E-01  0.12579E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72750E+00  0.22739E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  16847.8826     24.4098     16.4098
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15331E+01  0.35936E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  16848.1054     24.6327      0.2229
+                do leaf measurements  16848.1065     24.6338      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  16848.1488     24.6761      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080827 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  16848.1518     24.6791      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  16848.1520     24.6792      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -110902349349894.28 153960522536161.66
+ def in m -7.9614057540893555 0.61473548412322998
+ dimensionless def  -1.75638709749494287E-6 2.2746873583112443E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0171099  0.2267615
+                  Compute divergence  16848.3505     24.8778      0.1986
+                        wsmp_cleanup  16848.3948     24.9221      0.0443
+              Reset surface geometry  16848.3996     24.9269      0.0048
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   16848.4076     24.9349      0.0080
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  16848.4210     24.9482      0.0133
+                   Advect surface  1  16848.4211     24.9484      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  16848.6163     25.1435      0.1951
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  16848.8133     25.3405      0.1970
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  16849.0679     25.5951      0.2546
+                    Advect the cloud  16849.2101     25.7374      0.1423
+                        Write output  16849.9748     26.5020      0.7647
+                    End of time step  16850.8365     27.3637      0.8617
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     104  16850.8366
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  16850.8367      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  16850.8367      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16927points
+                      refine surface  16850.8368      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  16850.8610      0.0244      0.0243
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16927points
+                          surface 02  16850.8799      0.0433      0.0189
+                                                                        S. 2:    16922points
+                      refine surface  16850.8800      0.0434      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  16850.9044      0.0678      0.0243
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16922points
+                          surface 03  16850.9233      0.0867      0.0190
+                                                                        S. 3:    16925points
+                      refine surface  16850.9235      0.0869      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  16850.9488      0.1122      0.0253
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  16850.9719      0.1353      0.0231
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  16850.9960      0.1594      0.0241
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16926points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  16851.0214
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  16851.0217      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  16851.0375      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  16851.0593      0.0379      0.0218
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  16851.0601      0.0386      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  16851.0742      0.0528      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  16851.1964      0.1749      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  16851.3810      0.3596      0.1847
+                embedding surface  1  16851.3812      0.3598      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  16853.3330      2.3116      1.9517
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  16855.4166      4.3952      2.0836
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  16858.9974      7.9760      3.5808
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  16859.0022      7.9808      0.0048
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  16859.4485      8.4270      0.4462
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  16859.5119      8.4905      0.0634
+                           Find void  16859.7869      8.7655      0.2751
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  16859.8163      8.7949      0.0293
+                         wsmp setup1  16859.8236      8.8022      0.0074
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  16860.8405      9.8191      1.0169
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  16860.8868
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  16860.8869      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38939E-05  9.25801E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  16868.8239      7.9371      7.9370
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0560181 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1057270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7093260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4165962 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14432.6453665 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209080 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070820 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4160521 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10377E+01  0.18397E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.97747E-01  0.11022E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76123E+00  0.26286E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  16885.2558     24.3690     16.4319
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35096E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  16885.4802     24.5934      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  16885.4813     24.5945      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  16885.5233     24.6365      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5890291 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  16885.5281
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  16885.5325      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.78402E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  16893.4767      7.9486      7.9442
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0511739 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1111219 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7155101 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3732710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14487.6248919 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1218948 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071750 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3805492 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.13648E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48566E-01  0.10214E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76682E+00  0.22715E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  16909.8733     24.3452     16.3966
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12355E+01  0.19327E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  16910.0985     24.5705      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  16910.0996     24.5715      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  16910.1417     24.6136      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0713247 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  16910.1465
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  16910.1509      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  16918.1516      8.0051      8.0007
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0492239 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1131279 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7077630 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3971150 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14457.3152055 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209900 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071969 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3958220 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10166E+01  0.15490E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39800E-01  0.11856E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74637E+00  0.23180E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  16934.5632     24.4167     16.4116
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13703E+01  0.31158E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  16934.7860     24.6395      0.2228
+                do leaf measurements  16934.7871     24.6406      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  16934.8292     24.6827      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360859 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  16934.8339
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  16934.8383      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  16942.7742      7.9403      7.9359
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0488179 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1308072 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7077601 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4652560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14371.3916396 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211829 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071080 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4813361 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10160E+01  0.17599E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40023E-01  0.12318E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73696E+00  0.22907E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  16959.2721     24.4382     16.4979
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14692E+01  0.35390E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  16959.4955     24.6616      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements  16959.4966     24.6627      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  16959.5386     24.7047      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159101 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  16959.5434
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  16959.5479      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  16967.5391      7.9956      7.9912
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0478311 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1107321 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7046311 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3727801 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14488.2502474 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209610 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071700 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3644919 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.19388E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40478E-01  0.12562E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73225E+00  0.22795E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  16983.9199     24.3765     16.3809
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15127E+01  0.36273E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  16984.1430     24.5996      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements  16984.1441     24.6007      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  16984.1865     24.6431      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107412 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  16984.1914
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  16984.1960      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  16992.1973      8.0059      8.0014
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0508280 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1076851 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7073560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3950279 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14459.9632111 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208801 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071900 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3893859 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10148E+01  0.20955E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42925E-01  0.12559E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72772E+00  0.22740E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  17008.6029     24.4114     16.4055
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15343E+01  0.36046E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  17008.8267     24.6353      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  17008.8278     24.6364      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  17008.8698     24.6784      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080923 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  17008.8728     24.6814      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  17008.8730     24.6816      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -111509175469102.36 155406845811145.72
+ def in m -7.9631948471069336 0.61893504858016968
+ dimensionless def  -1.76838585308619906E-6 2.27519852774483835E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0172185  0.2268130
+                  Compute divergence  17009.0804     24.8890      0.2074
+                        wsmp_cleanup  17009.1165     24.9250      0.0360
+              Reset surface geometry  17009.1214     24.9299      0.0049
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   17009.1295     24.9381      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  17009.1467     24.9553      0.0172
+                   Advect surface  1  17009.1469     24.9554      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  17009.3423     25.1508      0.1954
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  17009.5479     25.3565      0.2056
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  17009.8023     25.6108      0.2544
+                    Advect the cloud  17009.9430     25.7515      0.1407
+                        Write output  17010.7085     26.5170      0.7655
+                    End of time step  17011.5694     27.3779      0.8609
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     105  17011.5695
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  17011.5696      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  17011.5696      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16927points
+                      refine surface  17011.5696      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  17011.5973      0.0278      0.0277
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  17011.6236      0.0541      0.0263
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  17011.6486      0.0791      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16930points
+                          surface 02  17011.6669      0.0974      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 2:    16921points
+                      refine surface  17011.6671      0.0976      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  17011.6936      0.1241      0.0266
+                                                                        S. 2:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  17011.7162      0.1467      0.0225
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  17011.7411      0.1716      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16923points
+                          surface 03  17011.7596      0.1901      0.0185
+                                                                        S. 3:    16926points
+                      refine surface  17011.7597      0.1903      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  17011.7845      0.2150      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16926points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  17011.8090
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  17011.8092      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  17011.8251      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  17011.8471      0.0381      0.0220
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  17011.8479      0.0389      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  17011.8620      0.0530      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  17011.9842      0.1752      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  17012.1693      0.3603      0.1851
+                embedding surface  1  17012.1694      0.3604      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  17014.1221      2.3131      1.9527
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  17016.2260      4.4170      2.1039
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  17019.7975      7.9885      3.5715
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  17019.8023      7.9933      0.0049
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  17020.2334      8.4244      0.4311
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  17020.3013      8.4922      0.0678
+                           Find void  17020.5726      8.7636      0.2713
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  17020.6015      8.7925      0.0289
+                         wsmp setup1  17020.6091      8.8001      0.0076
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  17021.6264      9.8174      1.0174
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  17021.6733
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  17021.6734      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38939E-05  9.06125E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  17029.6243      7.9510      7.9508
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0562799 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1016750 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7061510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4020250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14451.0895302 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070980 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3946650 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10210E+01  0.18408E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.97695E-01  0.10857E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76128E+00  0.26344E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  17046.0352     24.3619     16.4109
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35097E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  17046.2581     24.5848      0.2229
+                do leaf measurements  17046.2592     24.5859      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  17046.3009     24.6276      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5889890 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  17046.3057
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  17046.3101      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79922E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  17054.2496      7.9439      7.9395
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0497079 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1279371 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7100079 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3880079 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14468.8768766 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214619 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070989 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4045889 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.13678E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48396E-01  0.10244E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76677E+00  0.22491E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  17070.6703     24.3646     16.4207
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12356E+01  0.17962E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  17070.8958     24.5900      0.2255
+                do leaf measurements  17070.8968     24.5911      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  17070.9386     24.6329      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0715074 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  17070.9435
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  17070.9480      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  17078.9347      7.9912      7.9867
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0476329 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1028051 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7037499 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3953950 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14459.4973048 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209798 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0065911 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3775260 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10166E+01  0.15513E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40077E-01  0.11885E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74651E+00  0.23092E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  17095.3291     24.3856     16.3944
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13707E+01  0.31167E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  17095.5521     24.6086      0.2229
+                do leaf measurements  17095.5531     24.6096      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  17095.5952     24.6517      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361073 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  17095.6002
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  17095.6047      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  17103.5438      7.9436      7.9390
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0488920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1161468 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7094450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4613829 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14376.2481197 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209118 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071299 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4642849 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10160E+01  0.17621E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40206E-01  0.12345E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73706E+00  0.22858E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  17120.0241     24.4240     16.4804
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14695E+01  0.35376E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  17120.2476     24.6475      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements  17120.2487     24.6485      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  17120.2905     24.6903      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159249 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  17120.2954
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  17120.2999      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  17128.2849      7.9895      7.9850
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0496171 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1144381 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7101960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3772409 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14482.5696650 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208930 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071089 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3798819 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.19411E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40551E-01  0.12589E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73234E+00  0.22776E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  17144.6804     24.3851     16.3956
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15131E+01  0.36273E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  17144.9044     24.6091      0.2240
+                do leaf measurements  17144.9055     24.6102      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  17144.9475     24.6522      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107500 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  17144.9525
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  17144.9570      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  17152.9634      8.0109      8.0064
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0483930 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1148300 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7087512 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3977151 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14456.5540154 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208758 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071869 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3981340 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10149E+01  0.20973E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42973E-01  0.12586E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72780E+00  0.22732E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  17169.3772     24.4247     16.4138
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15348E+01  0.36059E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  17169.6002     24.6477      0.2230
+                do leaf measurements  17169.6012     24.6487      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  17169.6430     24.6905      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080922 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  17169.6460     24.6935      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  17169.6462     24.6937      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -112114221176785.28 156851498965869.63
+ def in m -7.9632377624511719 0.61825871467590332
+ dimensionless def  -1.766453470502581E-6 2.27521078927176331E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0171931  0.2268150
+                  Compute divergence  17169.8501     24.8976      0.2039
+                        wsmp_cleanup  17169.8951     24.9426      0.0450
+              Reset surface geometry  17169.9001     24.9476      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   17169.9082     24.9557      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  17169.9221     24.9696      0.0139
+                   Advect surface  1  17169.9223     24.9698      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  17170.1218     25.1693      0.1996
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  17170.3154     25.3629      0.1936
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  17170.5724     25.6200      0.2570
+                    Advect the cloud  17170.7151     25.7627      0.1427
+                        Write output  17171.4805     26.5280      0.7654
+                    End of time step  17172.3375     27.3850      0.8570
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     106  17172.3376
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  17172.3377      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  17172.3377      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16930points
+                      refine surface  17172.3378      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  17172.3644      0.0268      0.0267
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  17172.3913      0.0537      0.0269
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  17172.4162      0.0786      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16932points
+                          surface 02  17172.4348      0.0971      0.0185
+                                                                        S. 2:    16923points
+                      refine surface  17172.4349      0.0973      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  17172.4599      0.1223      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16923points
+                          surface 03  17172.4782      0.1406      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 3:    16926points
+                      refine surface  17172.4784      0.1408      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  17172.5044      0.1668      0.0261
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  17172.5268      0.1892      0.0224
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  17172.5516      0.2140      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16927points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  17172.5764
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  17172.5766      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  17172.5925      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  17172.6142      0.0378      0.0217
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  17172.6150      0.0386      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  17172.6291      0.0527      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  17172.7513      0.1749      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  17172.9349      0.3585      0.1836
+                embedding surface  1  17172.9351      0.3587      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  17174.8562      2.2798      1.9211
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  17176.9453      4.3689      2.0892
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  17180.5003      7.9239      3.5549
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  17180.5051      7.9287      0.0048
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  17180.9028      8.3264      0.3977
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  17181.1171      8.5407      0.2143
+                           Find void  17181.3920      8.8156      0.2750
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  17181.4214      8.8450      0.0293
+                         wsmp setup1  17181.4288      8.8524      0.0075
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  17182.4449      9.8685      1.0160
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  17182.4910
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  17182.4912      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38939E-05  9.11445E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  17190.4457      7.9547      7.9546
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0497539 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0969939 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7093551 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4004359 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14453.1038081 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206601 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072639 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3848341 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10298E+01  0.18323E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.97097E-01  0.10954E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76131E+00  0.26033E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  17206.8465     24.3555     16.4008
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35096E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  17207.0703     24.5793      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  17207.0714     24.5804      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  17207.1134     24.6224      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5878816 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  17207.1182
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  17207.1226      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79833E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  17215.0561      7.9380      7.9336
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0476050 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1335771 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7138591 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3948839 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14460.1459514 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216240 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072360 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4191771 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10157E+01  0.13610E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48479E-01  0.10283E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76674E+00  0.22582E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  17231.4908     24.3726     16.4347
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12348E+01  0.17868E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  17231.7165     24.5983      0.2257
+                do leaf measurements  17231.7176     24.5994      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  17231.7596     24.6415      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0704865 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  17231.7645
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  17231.7689      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  17239.7559      7.9915      7.9870
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0486951 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1087251 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7090380 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4003921 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14453.1594241 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207299 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072291 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3951859 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.15465E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40045E-01  0.11882E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74628E+00  0.23094E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  17256.1668     24.4023     16.4108
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13698E+01  0.31118E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  17256.3908     24.6263      0.2240
+                do leaf measurements  17256.3919     24.6275      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  17256.4343     24.6698      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361361 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  17256.4392
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  17256.4437      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  17264.3803      7.9412      7.9366
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0545101 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1127999 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7086229 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4649420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14371.7852375 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210940 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071030 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4694400 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10161E+01  0.17581E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40230E-01  0.12331E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73691E+00  0.22844E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  17280.8655     24.4263     16.4851
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14684E+01  0.35275E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  17281.0926     24.6534      0.2271
+                do leaf measurements  17281.0937     24.6545      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  17281.1357     24.6966      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159384 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  17281.1405
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  17281.1450      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  17289.1187      7.9782      7.9738
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0502501 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0993879 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7087641 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3757660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14484.4473165 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208870 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071499 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3625700 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.19375E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40658E-01  0.12569E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73219E+00  0.22760E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  17305.4973     24.3568     16.3785
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15122E+01  0.36199E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  17305.7206     24.5801      0.2234
+                do leaf measurements  17305.7217     24.5812      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  17305.7637     24.6232      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107228 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  17305.7685
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  17305.7730      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  17313.7893      8.0208      8.0163
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0477910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1098702 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7087760 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3953569 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14459.5457092 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208141 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072808 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3902712 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10150E+01  0.20939E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43071E-01  0.12565E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72769E+00  0.22716E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  17330.1956     24.4271     16.4064
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15340E+01  0.35979E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  17330.4181     24.6496      0.2225
+                do leaf measurements  17330.4192     24.6507      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  17330.4614     24.6928      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080859 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  17330.4644     24.6959      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  17330.4646     24.6960      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -112714474492379.39 158298806873373.28
+ def in m -7.9641933441162109 0.61942809820175171
+ dimensionless def  -1.76979456629071924E-6 2.27548381260463173E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0172187  0.2268456
+                  Compute divergence  17330.6686     24.9001      0.2041
+                        wsmp_cleanup  17330.7102     24.9417      0.0416
+              Reset surface geometry  17330.7152     24.9467      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   17330.7236     24.9551      0.0084
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  17330.7381     24.9696      0.0145
+                   Advect surface  1  17330.7382     24.9697      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  17330.9337     25.1652      0.1955
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  17331.1290     25.3604      0.1952
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  17331.3824     25.6139      0.2534
+                    Advect the cloud  17331.5240     25.7554      0.1416
+                        Write output  17332.2907     26.5222      0.7668
+                    End of time step  17333.1464     27.3779      0.8557
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     107  17333.1465
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  17333.1466      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  17333.1466      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16932points
+                      refine surface  17333.1467      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  17333.1721      0.0255      0.0254
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16932points
+                          surface 02  17333.1899      0.0434      0.0178
+                                                                        S. 2:    16923points
+                      refine surface  17333.1900      0.0435      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   4 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  17333.2176      0.0711      0.0275
+                                                                        S. 2:   12 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  17333.2404      0.0939      0.0228
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  17333.2646      0.1181      0.0242
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16927points
+                          surface 03  17333.2838      0.1373      0.0192
+                                                                        S. 3:    16927points
+                      refine surface  17333.2840      0.1374      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  17333.3095      0.1629      0.0255
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  17333.3324      0.1859      0.0230
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  17333.3575      0.2110      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16928points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  17333.3819
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  17333.3821      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  17333.3980      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  17333.4198      0.0379      0.0218
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  17333.4206      0.0387      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  17333.4347      0.0528      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  17333.5570      0.1751      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  17333.7409      0.3590      0.1839
+                embedding surface  1  17333.7411      0.3592      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  17335.6983      2.3164      1.9572
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  17337.8192      4.4373      2.1209
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  17341.4101      8.0282      3.5908
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  17341.4154      8.0334      0.0053
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  17341.8399      8.4580      0.4245
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  17341.9049      8.5230      0.0650
+                           Find void  17342.1768      8.7948      0.2718
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  17342.2058      8.8239      0.0290
+                         wsmp setup1  17342.2131      8.8312      0.0073
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  17343.2316      9.8497      1.0185
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  17343.2779
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  17343.2780      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38939E-05  8.66097E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  17351.2382      7.9604      7.9602
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0534589 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1067629 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7091069 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4066498 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14445.2303139 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209531 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070748 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4043729 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10249E+01  0.18384E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.97320E-01  0.10926E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76143E+00  0.26149E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  17367.6587     24.3808     16.4204
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35069E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  17367.8821     24.6043      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements  17367.8832     24.6054      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  17367.9252     24.6474      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5888857 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  17367.9301
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  17367.9345      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.80511E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  17375.8733      7.9433      7.9389
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0490820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1261008 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7154140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4057269 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14446.3991800 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215501 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071621 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4254160 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10157E+01  0.13650E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48671E-01  0.10251E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76692E+00  0.22462E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  17392.3145     24.3844     16.4411
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12352E+01  0.19595E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  17392.5405     24.6104      0.2260
+                do leaf measurements  17392.5416     24.6115      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  17392.5836     24.6536      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0712718 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  17392.5885
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  17392.5930      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  17400.5706      7.9821      7.9777
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0518420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1116731 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7090430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3798962 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14479.1904514 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071840 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3808501 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.15493E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39872E-01  0.11875E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74641E+00  0.23049E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  17416.9670     24.3785     16.3963
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13704E+01  0.31150E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  17417.1907     24.6021      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  17417.1918     24.6033      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  17417.2342     24.6457      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362141 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  17417.2391
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  17417.2436      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  17425.1809      7.9419      7.9373
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0502329 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1100142 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7098091 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4558020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14383.2517702 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210189 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071630 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4544139 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10161E+01  0.17603E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40113E-01  0.12334E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73701E+00  0.22830E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  17441.6516     24.4125     16.4707
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14694E+01  0.35364E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  17441.8750     24.6359      0.2234
+                do leaf measurements  17441.8761     24.6370      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  17441.9180     24.6789      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159075 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  17441.9229
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  17441.9273      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  17449.8956      7.9727      7.9683
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0492640 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1087191 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7105830 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3804090 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14478.5379718 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217010 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071571 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3782241 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.19394E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40688E-01  0.12575E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73229E+00  0.22750E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  17466.2905     24.3676     16.3949
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15130E+01  0.36254E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  17466.5156     24.5927      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  17466.5167     24.5938      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  17466.5587     24.6358      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107382 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  17466.5636
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  17466.5681      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  17474.5893      8.0257      8.0212
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0491240 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1154342 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7102962 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3870909 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14470.0419986 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207850 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071051 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3901939 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10150E+01  0.20961E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43093E-01  0.12573E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72776E+00  0.22714E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  17490.9955     24.4319     16.4062
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15347E+01  0.36031E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  17491.2192     24.6556      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  17491.2203     24.6567      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  17491.2623     24.6987      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080944 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  17491.2653     24.7017      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  17491.2655     24.7019      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -113305426812437.77 159747210794743.56
+ def in m -7.963719367980957 0.62051868438720703
+ dimensionless def  -1.7729105268205914E-6 2.27534839085170209E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0172408  0.2268310
+                  Compute divergence  17491.4794     24.9158      0.2139
+                        wsmp_cleanup  17491.5158     24.9522      0.0364
+              Reset surface geometry  17491.5207     24.9571      0.0049
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   17491.5288     24.9652      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  17491.5464     24.9828      0.0176
+                   Advect surface  1  17491.5465     24.9829      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  17491.7381     25.1744      0.1915
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  17491.9300     25.3664      0.1920
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  17492.1802     25.6166      0.2502
+                    Advect the cloud  17492.3231     25.7595      0.1429
+                        Write output  17493.0908     26.5272      0.7678
+                    End of time step  17493.9460     27.3824      0.8552
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     108  17493.9462
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  17493.9462      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  17493.9463      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16932points
+                      refine surface  17493.9463      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  17493.9733      0.0271      0.0270
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  17493.9997      0.0536      0.0264
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  17494.0246      0.0785      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16934points
+                          surface 02  17494.0429      0.0968      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 2:    16927points
+                      refine surface  17494.0431      0.0969      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  17494.0693      0.1231      0.0262
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  17494.0960      0.1499      0.0268
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  17494.1212      0.1750      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16928points
+                          surface 03  17494.1394      0.1932      0.0182
+                                                                        S. 3:    16928points
+                      refine surface  17494.1395      0.1933      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  17494.1655      0.2194      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  17494.1923      0.2462      0.0268
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  17494.2174      0.2712      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16929points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  17494.2421
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  17494.2423      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  17494.2582      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  17494.2799      0.0378      0.0217
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  17494.2806      0.0386      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  17494.2948      0.0527      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  17494.4170      0.1749      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  17494.6036      0.3616      0.1866
+                embedding surface  1  17494.6038      0.3617      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  17496.5895      2.3475      1.9857
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  17498.6969      4.4549      2.1074
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  17502.2549      8.0128      3.5580
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  17502.2605      8.0185      0.0056
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  17502.6310      8.3889      0.3704
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  17502.7462      8.5041      0.1152
+                           Find void  17503.0221      8.7800      0.2759
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  17503.0516      8.8096      0.0296
+                         wsmp setup1  17503.0591      8.8170      0.0074
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  17504.0757      9.8337      1.0167
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  17504.1222
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  17504.1224      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38939E-05  8.59001E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  17512.0878      7.9655      7.9654
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0527279 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1126051 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7064240 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4019969 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14451.1251870 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210361 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072901 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4024971 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.18378E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.97636E-01  0.10972E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76152E+00  0.25928E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  17528.5056     24.3833     16.4178
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35068E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  17528.7292     24.6070      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  17528.7303     24.6081      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  17528.7716     24.6494      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5887924 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  17528.7764
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  17528.7808      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79145E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  17536.7214      7.9450      7.9406
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0505700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1361229 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7138009 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4173560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14431.6848550 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214259 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072079 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4468460 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.13651E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48136E-01  0.10227E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76699E+00  0.22589E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  17553.1841     24.4077     16.4627
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12353E+01  0.19359E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  17553.4100     24.6336      0.2258
+                do leaf measurements  17553.4111     24.6347      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  17553.4524     24.6760      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0712290 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  17553.4573
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  17553.4617      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  17561.4404      7.9830      7.9786
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0496612 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1140380 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7091050 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3753641 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14484.9591566 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072651 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3767462 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.15489E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40230E-01  0.11856E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74641E+00  0.23118E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  17577.8329     24.3756     16.3925
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13708E+01  0.31172E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  17578.0562     24.5989      0.2233
+                do leaf measurements  17578.0574     24.6001      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  17578.0990     24.6417      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361410 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  17578.1039
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  17578.1084      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  17586.0452      7.9413      7.9368
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0488000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1007469 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7088652 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4485300 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14392.3878846 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212370 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072908 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4358580 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10159E+01  0.17598E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40367E-01  0.12315E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73703E+00  0.22876E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  17602.4965     24.3926     16.4513
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14697E+01  0.35376E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  17602.7210     24.6171      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  17602.7220     24.6182      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  17602.7633     24.6594      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158982 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  17602.7682
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  17602.7726      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  17610.7339      7.9657      7.9613
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0514419 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1082900 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7115092 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3698859 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14491.9381789 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215129 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072050 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3702409 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.19389E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40511E-01  0.12559E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73231E+00  0.22786E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  17627.1202     24.3520     16.3863
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15136E+01  0.36292E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  17627.3454     24.5772      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  17627.3465     24.5783      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  17627.3879     24.6197      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107296 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  17627.3928
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  17627.3972      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  17635.4220      8.0292      8.0248
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0488279 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1077461 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7088649 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3836439 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14474.4236398 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208351 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072782 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3775849 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10149E+01  0.20954E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42967E-01  0.12559E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72782E+00  0.22742E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  17651.8154     24.4226     16.3934
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15350E+01  0.36048E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  17652.0396     24.6468      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  17652.0407     24.6479      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  17652.0820     24.6892      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080885 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  17652.0850     24.6923      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  17652.0852     24.6924      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -113893179375384.2 161194262302035.88
+ def in m -7.9619851112365723 0.61919486522674561
+ dimensionless def  -1.76912818636213041E-6 2.27485288892473489E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0171970  0.2267831
+                  Compute divergence  17652.2856     24.8928      0.2003
+                        wsmp_cleanup  17652.3249     24.9321      0.0393
+              Reset surface geometry  17652.3294     24.9366      0.0045
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   17652.3378     24.9450      0.0084
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  17652.3540     24.9612      0.0162
+                   Advect surface  1  17652.3541     24.9614      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  17652.5661     25.1733      0.2119
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  17652.7632     25.3705      0.1972
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  17653.0140     25.6212      0.2507
+                    Advect the cloud  17653.1567     25.7639      0.1427
+                        Write output  17653.9239     26.5311      0.7672
+                    End of time step  17654.7775     27.3848      0.8537
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     109  17654.7777
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  17654.7777      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  17654.7778      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16932points
+                      refine surface  17654.7778      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  17654.8029      0.0252      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16932points
+                          surface 02  17654.8211      0.0434      0.0182
+                                                                        S. 2:    16928points
+                      refine surface  17654.8213      0.0436      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  17654.8473      0.0696      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  17654.8742      0.0965      0.0269
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  17654.9000      0.1223      0.0258
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16929points
+                          surface 03  17654.9177      0.1401      0.0177
+                                                                        S. 3:    16929points
+                      refine surface  17654.9179      0.1402      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  17654.9421      0.1644      0.0242
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16929points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  17654.9674
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  17654.9676      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  17654.9835      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  17655.0056      0.0383      0.0221
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  17655.0064      0.0390      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  17655.0206      0.0532      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  17655.1427      0.1754      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  17655.3290      0.3616      0.1863
+                embedding surface  1  17655.3292      0.3618      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  17657.3034      2.3360      1.9742
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  17659.4039      4.4365      2.1005
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  17662.9512      7.9838      3.5473
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  17662.9577      7.9903      0.0065
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  17663.3219      8.3545      0.3642
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  17663.4450      8.4776      0.1231
+                           Find void  17663.7185      8.7512      0.2736
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  17663.7481      8.7807      0.0296
+                         wsmp setup1  17663.7555      8.7881      0.0074
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  17664.7708      9.8034      1.0153
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  17664.8158
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  17664.8160      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38938E-05  8.52166E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  17672.7970      7.9812      7.9811
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0497658 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1143150 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7126601 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3934920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14461.9124773 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210961 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073330 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3991029 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10493E+01  0.18356E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.97593E-01  0.10955E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76149E+00  0.25796E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  17689.2115     24.3957     16.4144
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35069E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  17689.4355     24.6197      0.2240
+                do leaf measurements  17689.4366     24.6207      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  17689.4778     24.6620      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5890251 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  17689.4824
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  17689.4866      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79068E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  17697.4220      7.9397      7.9354
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0482550 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1272161 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7138901 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4147141 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14435.0250441 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1218722 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072351 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4336009 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10157E+01  0.13623E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48271E-01  0.10249E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76689E+00  0.22620E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  17713.8713     24.3890     16.4493
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12349E+01  0.18598E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  17714.0980     24.6156      0.2266
+                do leaf measurements  17714.0991     24.6168      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  17714.1403     24.6580      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0711377 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  17714.1451
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  17714.1495      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  17722.1360      7.9909      7.9866
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0501420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0983241 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7092481 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3718259 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14489.4658817 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208601 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073380 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3581731 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.15476E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40203E-01  0.11862E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74623E+00  0.23122E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  17738.5099     24.3648     16.3739
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13701E+01  0.31101E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  17738.7331     24.5880      0.2232
+                do leaf measurements  17738.7342     24.5891      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  17738.7758     24.6307      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361219 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  17738.7808
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  17738.7852      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  17746.7268      7.9460      7.9415
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0513990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0930860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7062509 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4373569 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14406.4476270 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213300 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0074091 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4172521 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10160E+01  0.17594E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40277E-01  0.12322E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73689E+00  0.22869E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  17763.1591     24.3784     16.4324
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14691E+01  0.35317E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  17763.3836     24.6029      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  17763.3847     24.6040      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  17763.4260     24.6452      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159537 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  17763.4308
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  17763.4353      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  17771.3865      7.9557      7.9513
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0512090 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1227190 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7145910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3698170 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14492.0260024 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213329 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072532 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3873379 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.19385E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40513E-01  0.12567E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73216E+00  0.22773E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  17787.7897     24.3588     16.4031
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15126E+01  0.36212E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  17788.0155     24.5847      0.2258
+                do leaf measurements  17788.0166     24.5858      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  17788.0580     24.6272      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107462 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  17788.0629
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  17788.0673      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  17796.0877      8.0248      8.0204
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0489569 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1115789 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7073081 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3761022 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14484.0192929 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209049 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072010 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3724611 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10150E+01  0.20951E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42951E-01  0.12566E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72764E+00  0.22720E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  17812.4763     24.4135     16.3886
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15344E+01  0.35997E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  17812.7000     24.6372      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  17812.7011     24.6383      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  17812.7424     24.6795      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080875 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  17812.7454     24.6826      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  17812.7456     24.6827      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -114488715197459.86 162631453566341.38
+ def in m -7.9498329162597656 0.62280905246734619
+ dimensionless def  -1.77945443562098914E-6 2.27138083321707579E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0172903  0.2264440
+                  Compute divergence  17812.9436     24.8808      0.1980
+                        wsmp_cleanup  17812.9903     24.9275      0.0467
+              Reset surface geometry  17812.9952     24.9323      0.0048
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   17813.0029     24.9401      0.0078
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  17813.0160     24.9532      0.0131
+                   Advect surface  1  17813.0162     24.9533      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  17813.2114     25.1486      0.1953
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  17813.4081     25.3453      0.1967
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  17813.6600     25.5971      0.2519
+                    Advect the cloud  17813.8027     25.7398      0.1427
+                        Write output  17814.5716     26.5087      0.7689
+                    End of time step  17815.4241     27.3612      0.8525
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     110  17815.4242
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  17815.4243      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  17815.4243      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16932points
+                      refine surface  17815.4244      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  17815.4499      0.0257      0.0255
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16932points
+                          surface 02  17815.4676      0.0434      0.0177
+                                                                        S. 2:    16929points
+                      refine surface  17815.4678      0.0436      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  17815.4919      0.0677      0.0241
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16929points
+                          surface 03  17815.5110      0.0867      0.0190
+                                                                        S. 3:    16929points
+                      refine surface  17815.5111      0.0869      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  17815.5370      0.1128      0.0259
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  17815.5593      0.1351      0.0223
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  17815.5839      0.1597      0.0246
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16930points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  17815.6089
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  17815.6092      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  17815.6252      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  17815.6470      0.0381      0.0219
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  17815.6478      0.0389      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  17815.6621      0.0532      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  17815.7855      0.1766      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  17815.9705      0.3616      0.1851
+                embedding surface  1  17815.9707      0.3618      0.0001
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  17817.9411      2.3322      1.9705
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  17820.0304      4.4214      2.0892
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  17823.5792      7.9703      3.5489
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  17823.5845      7.9756      0.0053
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  17823.9781      8.3692      0.3935
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  17824.0629      8.4540      0.0849
+                           Find void  17824.3339      8.7250      0.2710
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  17824.3627      8.7538      0.0288
+                         wsmp setup1  17824.3700      8.7611      0.0072
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  17825.3830      9.7741      1.0131
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  17825.4297
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  17825.4299      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38938E-05  8.90845E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  17833.4222      7.9925      7.9923
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0536730 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1123500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7085221 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3891940 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14467.3700093 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209641 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072460 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3923631 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10354E+01  0.18385E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.98412E-01  0.11054E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76112E+00  0.26018E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  17849.8305     24.4008     16.4083
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35075E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  17850.0541     24.6244      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements  17850.0552     24.6255      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  17850.0972     24.6675      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5881431 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  17850.1019
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  17850.1063      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.77661E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  17858.0480      7.9461      7.9418
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0495350 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1304059 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7120960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4250710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14421.9395976 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215851 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072739 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4463911 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.13631E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48530E-01  0.10216E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76668E+00  0.22734E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  17874.5099     24.4080     16.4619
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12351E+01  0.20758E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  17874.7370     24.6351      0.2271
+                do leaf measurements  17874.7381     24.6362      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  17874.7801     24.6782      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0706383 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  17874.7849
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  17874.7892      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  17882.7828      7.9979      7.9935
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0499380 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1108150 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7060101 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3775311 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14482.2003234 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209362 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073340 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3729801 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.15471E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40389E-01  0.11832E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74629E+00  0.23216E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  17899.1714     24.3866     16.3887
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13696E+01  0.31098E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  17899.3992     24.6144      0.2278
+                do leaf measurements  17899.4004     24.6155      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  17899.4426     24.6578      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361030 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  17899.4474
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  17899.4519      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  17907.4000      7.9526      7.9482
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0544989 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1025360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7018631 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4293561 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14416.5325203 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209359 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071139 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4167070 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10158E+01  0.17581E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40505E-01  0.12300E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73689E+00  0.22934E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  17923.8324     24.3849     16.4323
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14685E+01  0.35329E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  17924.0564     24.6090      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  17924.0575     24.6101      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  17924.0995     24.6521      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159439 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  17924.1043
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  17924.1087      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  17932.0563      7.9521      7.9477
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0510490 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1173120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7134700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3645651 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14498.7231743 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215091 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072689 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3755910 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.19371E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40461E-01  0.12545E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73218E+00  0.22813E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  17948.4475     24.3432     16.3912
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15123E+01  0.36239E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  17948.6740     24.5698      0.2265
+                do leaf measurements  17948.6751     24.5708      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  17948.7172     24.6129      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107350 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  17948.7219
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  17948.7263      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  17956.7373      8.0153      8.0110
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0476022 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1070700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7059598 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3774118 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14482.3520637 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208100 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072639 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3665290 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10149E+01  0.20935E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42925E-01  0.12547E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72769E+00  0.22751E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  17973.1194     24.3975     16.3821
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15339E+01  0.36002E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  17973.3428     24.6209      0.2234
+                do leaf measurements  17973.3439     24.6220      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  17973.3859     24.6640      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080884 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  17973.3889     24.6670      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  17973.3891     24.6672      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -115095359222328.31 164042872320406.31
+ def in m -7.9599943161010742 0.62344920635223389
+ dimensionless def  -1.78128344672066821E-6 2.27428409031459268E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0173016  0.2267335
+                  Compute divergence  17973.5943     24.8724      0.2052
+                        wsmp_cleanup  17973.6334     24.9115      0.0391
+              Reset surface geometry  17973.6381     24.9162      0.0047
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   17973.6464     24.9245      0.0083
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  17973.6626     24.9407      0.0162
+                   Advect surface  1  17973.6627     24.9408      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  17973.8576     25.1357      0.1949
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  17974.0541     25.3322      0.1965
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  17974.3075     25.5855      0.2533
+                    Advect the cloud  17974.4495     25.7276      0.1420
+                        Write output  17975.2154     26.4935      0.7660
+                    End of time step  17976.0758     27.3539      0.8603
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     111  17976.0759
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  17976.0760      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  17976.0760      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16932points
+                      refine surface  17976.0760      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  17976.1023      0.0264      0.0262
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  17976.1243      0.0484      0.0221
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  17976.1493      0.0734      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16933points
+                          surface 02  17976.1676      0.0917      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 2:    16929points
+                      refine surface  17976.1678      0.0919      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  17976.1928      0.1169      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  17976.2171      0.1412      0.0243
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  17976.2412      0.1653      0.0241
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16930points
+                          surface 03  17976.2607      0.1848      0.0195
+                                                                        S. 3:    16930points
+                      refine surface  17976.2609      0.1850      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  17976.2852      0.2093      0.0243
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16930points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  17976.3102
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  17976.3104      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  17976.3265      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  17976.3484      0.0382      0.0219
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  17976.3491      0.0389      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  17976.3634      0.0532      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  17976.4870      0.1768      0.1235
+             Imbed surface in osolve  17976.6694      0.3592      0.1824
+                embedding surface  1  17976.6695      0.3593      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  17978.6286      2.3184      1.9591
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  17980.7275      4.4173      2.0989
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  17984.2790      7.9688      3.5514
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  17984.2871      7.9769      0.0081
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  17984.6576      8.3474      0.3705
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  17984.7583      8.4481      0.1007
+                           Find void  17985.0293      8.7191      0.2710
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  17985.0585      8.7483      0.0291
+                         wsmp setup1  17985.0658      8.7556      0.0073
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  17986.0652      9.7550      0.9994
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  17986.1123
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  17986.1124      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38938E-05  8.68081E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  17994.1067      7.9945      7.9943
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0522571 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1001160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7069912 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3881569 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14468.6875544 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071411 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3757260 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10582E+01  0.18392E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.97569E-01  0.10929E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76134E+00  0.26007E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  18010.4976     24.3853     16.3908
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35068E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  18010.7218     24.6095      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  18010.7229     24.6106      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  18010.7645     24.6522      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5890443 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  18010.7692
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  18010.7736      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79571E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  18018.7143      7.9451      7.9407
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0520811 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1239650 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7136290 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4259071 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14420.8842176 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215692 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070629 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4445758 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.13654E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48264E-01  0.10218E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76690E+00  0.22601E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  18035.1747     24.4055     16.4604
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12355E+01  0.18106E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  18035.4014     24.6322      0.2267
+                do leaf measurements  18035.4025     24.6333      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  18035.4442     24.6750      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0712997 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  18035.4490
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  18035.4534      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  18043.4589      8.0100      8.0055
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0515621 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1033900 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7081001 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3701429 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14491.6105974 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071959 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3617699 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10166E+01  0.15495E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40420E-01  0.11860E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74637E+00  0.23136E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  18059.8365     24.3875     16.3775
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13705E+01  0.31156E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  18060.0596     24.6106      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements  18060.0607     24.6117      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  18060.1029     24.6539      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360549 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  18060.1078
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  18060.1123      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  18068.0676      7.9598      7.9553
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0510690 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0958459 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7074459 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4208939 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14427.2142977 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208050 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071731 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4035950 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10160E+01  0.17604E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40492E-01  0.12320E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73699E+00  0.22879E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  18084.4870     24.3793     16.4194
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14694E+01  0.35402E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  18084.7111     24.6034      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  18084.7122     24.6045      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  18084.7539     24.6462      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159578 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  18084.7587
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  18084.7632      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  18092.7013      7.9425      7.9381
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0488970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1120448 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7136869 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3682859 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14493.9778438 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215830 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071499 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3720269 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.19393E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40528E-01  0.12562E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73227E+00  0.22791E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  18109.0896     24.3308     16.3883
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15129E+01  0.36279E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  18109.3157     24.5570      0.2262
+                do leaf measurements  18109.3168     24.5581      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  18109.3584     24.5997      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107451 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  18109.3632
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  18109.3676      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  18117.3787      8.0156      8.0112
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0485868 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1085942 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7070031 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3807750 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14478.0723843 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1205509 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071759 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3730679 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10150E+01  0.20959E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42964E-01  0.12565E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72773E+00  0.22736E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  18133.7681     24.4049     16.3893
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15346E+01  0.36061E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  18133.9915     24.6283      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements  18133.9927     24.6295      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  18134.0343     24.6711      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080955 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  18134.0372     24.6741      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  18134.0374     24.6742      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -115697566850386.34 165453118285687.53
+ def in m -7.9666709899902344 0.62761479616165161
+ dimensionless def  -1.79318513189043322E-6 2.2761917114257812E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0174089  0.2269172
+                  Compute divergence  18134.2537     24.8906      0.2163
+                        wsmp_cleanup  18134.2899     24.9268      0.0362
+              Reset surface geometry  18134.2949     24.9318      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   18134.3029     24.9398      0.0080
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  18134.3206     24.9575      0.0177
+                   Advect surface  1  18134.3208     24.9576      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  18134.5116     25.1484      0.1908
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  18134.7073     25.3441      0.1957
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  18134.9617     25.5986      0.2544
+                    Advect the cloud  18135.1043     25.7411      0.1426
+                        Write output  18135.8730     26.5098      0.7687
+                    End of time step  18136.7388     27.3756      0.8658
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     112  18136.7389
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  18136.7390      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  18136.7390      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16933points
+                      refine surface  18136.7391      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  18136.7645      0.0256      0.0255
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  18136.7876      0.0487      0.0230
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  18136.8123      0.0734      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16934points
+                          surface 02  18136.8310      0.0921      0.0187
+                                                                        S. 2:    16930points
+                      refine surface  18136.8311      0.0922      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  18136.8565      0.1176      0.0254
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  18136.8800      0.1411      0.0235
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  18136.9041      0.1652      0.0241
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16931points
+                          surface 03  18136.9232      0.1843      0.0192
+                                                                        S. 3:    16930points
+                      refine surface  18136.9234      0.1845      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  18136.9479      0.2090      0.0246
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16930points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  18136.9724
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  18136.9727      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  18136.9887      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  18137.0108      0.0384      0.0221
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  18137.0116      0.0392      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  18137.0259      0.0535      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  18137.1492      0.1768      0.1233
+             Imbed surface in osolve  18137.3347      0.3622      0.1854
+                embedding surface  1  18137.3348      0.3624      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  18139.3009      2.3285      1.9661
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  18141.3831      4.4107      2.0822
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  18144.9350      7.9626      3.5519
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  18144.9397      7.9673      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  18145.3306      8.3582      0.3909
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  18145.4536      8.4812      0.1230
+                           Find void  18145.7267      8.7542      0.2730
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  18145.7557      8.7833      0.0291
+                         wsmp setup1  18145.7630      8.7906      0.0073
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  18146.7684      9.7959      1.0053
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  18146.8163
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  18146.8164      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38938E-05  8.68622E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  18154.8296      8.0134      8.0132
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0521240 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1160860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7067370 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3827729 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14475.5311379 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217611 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073068 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3871441 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10324E+01  0.18424E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.97464E-01  0.10951E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76149E+00  0.25948E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  18171.2325     24.4162     16.4029
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35082E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  18171.4560     24.6397      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements  18171.4571     24.6408      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  18171.4993     24.6830      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5890979 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  18171.5040
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  18171.5083      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79475E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  18179.4409      7.9369      7.9326
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0480831 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1346681 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7127910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4411259 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14401.7018736 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214731 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072670 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4657612 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10157E+01  0.13676E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48364E-01  0.10248E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76707E+00  0.22513E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  18195.9226     24.4186     16.4817
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12362E+01  0.19549E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  18196.1474     24.6434      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  18196.1485     24.6445      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  18196.1908     24.6868      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0714256 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  18196.1956
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  18196.2000      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  18204.2084      8.0128      8.0084
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0491190 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0994480 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7072451 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3745921 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14485.9422581 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1205950 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072999 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3586679 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.15509E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40305E-01  0.11884E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74650E+00  0.23085E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  18220.5827     24.3871     16.3743
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13710E+01  0.31193E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  18220.8062     24.6106      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements  18220.8073     24.6117      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  18220.8499     24.6543      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361618 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  18220.8547
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  18220.8592      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  18228.8191      7.9643      7.9599
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0488038 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1157441 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7085290 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4073811 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14444.3043536 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071769 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4090910 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10161E+01  0.17614E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40392E-01  0.12342E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73709E+00  0.22850E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  18245.2443     24.3896     16.4252
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14698E+01  0.35446E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  18245.4675     24.6127      0.2232
+                do leaf measurements  18245.4685     24.6138      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  18245.5108     24.6560      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159154 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  18245.5155
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  18245.5198      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  18253.4527      7.9373      7.9329
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0487950 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1183319 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7139010 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3743479 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14486.2531864 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216412 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072808 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3846631 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.19399E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40550E-01  0.12577E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73241E+00  0.22765E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  18269.8534     24.3379     16.4007
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15134E+01  0.36336E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  18270.0781     24.5626      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  18270.0792     24.5637      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  18270.1214     24.6059      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107378 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  18270.1262
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  18270.1307      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  18278.1317      8.0054      8.0010
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0509751 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1257532 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7076268 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3833132 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14474.8441235 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208930 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072589 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3961771 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10151E+01  0.20963E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42964E-01  0.12578E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72788E+00  0.22723E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  18294.5433     24.4171     16.4117
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15351E+01  0.36111E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  18294.7670     24.6407      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  18294.7680     24.6418      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  18294.8102     24.6840      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080958 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  18294.8133     24.6870      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  18294.8134     24.6872      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -116287870454087.28 166867712573733.63
+ def in m -7.9688820838928223 0.62728315591812134
+ dimensionless def  -1.79223758833748964E-6 2.27682345254080621E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0173915  0.2269812
+                  Compute divergence  18295.0124     24.8861      0.1989
+                        wsmp_cleanup  18295.0545     24.9283      0.0422
+              Reset surface geometry  18295.0594     24.9332      0.0049
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   18295.0677     24.9415      0.0083
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  18295.0822     24.9560      0.0145
+                   Advect surface  1  18295.0824     24.9562      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  18295.2750     25.1488      0.1926
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  18295.4717     25.3455      0.1967
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  18295.7259     25.5997      0.2542
+                    Advect the cloud  18295.8694     25.7432      0.1435
+                        Write output  18296.6368     26.5106      0.7674
+                    End of time step  18297.5020     27.3757      0.8651
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     113  18297.5021
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  18297.5022      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  18297.5022      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16934points
+                      refine surface  18297.5023      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  18297.5264      0.0243      0.0242
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16934points
+                          surface 02  18297.5456      0.0435      0.0191
+                                                                        S. 2:    16931points
+                      refine surface  18297.5457      0.0436      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  18297.5700      0.0679      0.0243
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16931points
+                          surface 03  18297.5893      0.0872      0.0194
+                                                                        S. 3:    16930points
+                      refine surface  18297.5895      0.0874      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  18297.6136      0.1115      0.0241
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16930points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  18297.6393
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  18297.6396      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  18297.6556      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  18297.6773      0.0380      0.0217
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  18297.6781      0.0388      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  18297.6924      0.0531      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  18297.8157      0.1764      0.1233
+             Imbed surface in osolve  18298.0005      0.3612      0.1848
+                embedding surface  1  18298.0007      0.3614      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  18299.9642      2.3249      1.9635
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  18302.0593      4.4200      2.0951
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  18305.5936      7.9543      3.5343
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  18305.5983      7.9590      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  18305.9817      8.3424      0.3834
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  18306.1031      8.4638      0.1214
+                           Find void  18306.3725      8.7332      0.2694
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  18306.4010      8.7617      0.0285
+                         wsmp setup1  18306.4083      8.7690      0.0073
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  18307.4171      9.7778      1.0088
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  18307.4646
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  18307.4648      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38938E-05  8.34866E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  18315.4794      8.0147      8.0146
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0507739 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1133778 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7079442 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3857939 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14471.6903336 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209731 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072141 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3864660 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10326E+01  0.18390E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.97665E-01  0.11018E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76155E+00  0.25686E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  18331.8818     24.4172     16.4025
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35083E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  18332.1046     24.6400      0.2228
+                do leaf measurements  18332.1058     24.6411      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  18332.1476     24.6830      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5892108 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  18332.1523
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  18332.1567      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79160E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  18340.0969      7.9445      7.9402
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0484850 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1323900 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7139020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4442911 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14397.7186723 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208720 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0075271 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4678700 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10158E+01  0.13654E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48255E-01  0.10209E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76695E+00  0.22585E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  18356.5807     24.4283     16.4838
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12361E+01  0.18076E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  18356.8041     24.6518      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements  18356.8053     24.6529      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  18356.8471     24.6948      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0713233 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  18356.8519
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  18356.8563      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  18364.8613      8.0094      8.0050
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0484579 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1181121 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7088699 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3713329 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14490.0941304 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209631 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072420 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3753819 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.15493E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40096E-01  0.11846E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74658E+00  0.23126E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  18381.2522     24.4003     16.3910
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13712E+01  0.31206E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  18381.4754     24.6235      0.2232
+                do leaf measurements  18381.4766     24.6247      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  18381.5191     24.6672      0.0425
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361274 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  18381.5239
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  18381.5284      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  18389.5019      7.9780      7.9735
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0513270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0984409 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7065690 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4052980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14446.9424607 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071740 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3903639 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10161E+01  0.17605E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40315E-01  0.12311E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73714E+00  0.22873E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  18405.9080     24.3841     16.4061
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14698E+01  0.35413E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  18406.1323     24.6084      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements  18406.1334     24.6095      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  18406.1753     24.6514      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159428 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  18406.1799
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  18406.1842      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  18414.1179      7.9379      7.9336
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0490870 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1211901 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7139401 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3752851 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14485.0596466 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215041 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071530 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3885500 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10156E+01  0.19396E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40526E-01  0.12555E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73238E+00  0.22775E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  18430.5224     24.3425     16.4045
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15133E+01  0.36309E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  18430.7484     24.5685      0.2260
+                do leaf measurements  18430.7495     24.5696      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  18430.7917     24.6118      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107625 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  18430.7964
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  18430.8008      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  18438.7938      7.9973      7.9929
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0477312 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1214578 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7085211 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3824069 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14475.9965620 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208551 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072792 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3886421 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10151E+01  0.20960E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42958E-01  0.12562E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72784E+00  0.22728E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  18455.1981     24.4017     16.4044
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15350E+01  0.36093E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  18455.4221     24.6257      0.2240
+                do leaf measurements  18455.4233     24.6268      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  18455.4654     24.6690      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080863 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  18455.4684     24.6720      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  18455.4686     24.6722      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -116867099743608.19 168284342847611.22
+ def in m -7.9677886962890625 0.62550252676010132
+ dimensionless def  -1.78715007645743228E-6 2.27651105608258954E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0173350  0.2269544
+                  Compute divergence  18455.6739     24.8775      0.2053
+                        wsmp_cleanup  18455.7131     24.9167      0.0392
+              Reset surface geometry  18455.7176     24.9212      0.0045
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   18455.7261     24.9297      0.0085
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  18455.7422     24.9458      0.0161
+                   Advect surface  1  18455.7424     24.9460      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  18455.9372     25.1408      0.1948
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  18456.1282     25.3318      0.1910
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  18456.3754     25.5790      0.2472
+                    Advect the cloud  18456.5175     25.7211      0.1421
+                        Write output  18457.2890     26.4925      0.7714
+                    End of time step  18458.1530     27.3566      0.8640
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     114  18458.1532
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  18458.1532      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  18458.1533      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16934points
+                      refine surface  18458.1533      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  18458.1775      0.0244      0.0242
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16934points
+                          surface 02  18458.1967      0.0435      0.0192
+                                                                        S. 2:    16931points
+                      refine surface  18458.1968      0.0437      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  18458.2211      0.0680      0.0243
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16931points
+                          surface 03  18458.2402      0.0870      0.0190
+                                                                        S. 3:    16930points
+                      refine surface  18458.2403      0.0872      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  18458.2644      0.1112      0.0241
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16930points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  18458.2899
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  18458.2901      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  18458.3061      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  18458.3276      0.0378      0.0215
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  18458.3284      0.0386      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  18458.3427      0.0528      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  18458.4661      0.1762      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  18458.6490      0.3591      0.1829
+                embedding surface  1  18458.6492      0.3593      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  18460.6167      2.3268      1.9675
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  18462.7070      4.4171      2.0903
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  18466.2443      7.9544      3.5373
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  18466.2491      7.9592      0.0048
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  18466.6645      8.3747      0.4155
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  18466.7688      8.4789      0.1043
+                           Find void  18467.0384      8.7486      0.2696
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  18467.0667      8.7769      0.0283
+                         wsmp setup1  18467.0742      8.7843      0.0075
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  18468.0804      9.7905      1.0062
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  18468.1270
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  18468.1272      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38938E-05  8.91217E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  18476.1387      8.0117      8.0115
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0507810 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1188970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7086930 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3790481 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14480.2695529 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071449 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3855700 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10160E+01  0.18385E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.97303E-01  0.10949E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76142E+00  0.25835E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  18492.5397     24.4127     16.4010
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35085E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  18492.7632     24.6362      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements  18492.7644     24.6374      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  18492.8051     24.6781      0.0407
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5886779 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  18492.8098
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  18492.8142      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.80106E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  18500.7513      7.9415      7.9371
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0509002 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1338160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7090752 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4667439 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14369.5267506 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212468 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071812 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4893332 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10157E+01  0.13658E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48637E-01  0.10270E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76695E+00  0.22435E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  18517.2569     24.4471     16.5056
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12355E+01  0.18019E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  18517.4807     24.6708      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  18517.4818     24.6720      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  18517.5226     24.7128      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0711892 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  18517.5274
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  18517.5318      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  18525.5352      8.0079      8.0034
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0487292 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1155879 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7084389 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3850470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14472.6398116 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206639 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071120 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3859260 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.15498E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39997E-01  0.11886E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74657E+00  0.23053E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  18541.9374     24.4100     16.4021
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13710E+01  0.31208E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  18542.1606     24.6332      0.2232
+                do leaf measurements  18542.1618     24.6344      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  18542.2029     24.6755      0.0411
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361592 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  18542.2077
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  18542.2122      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  18550.1902      7.9825      7.9779
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0503190 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1147001 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7119370 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4014318 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14451.8413810 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208570 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070541 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4066582 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10162E+01  0.17601E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40314E-01  0.12339E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73720E+00  0.22831E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  18566.6129     24.4052     16.4227
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14699E+01  0.35440E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  18566.8364     24.6287      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements  18566.8375     24.6298      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  18566.8783     24.6706      0.0408
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159221 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  18566.8830
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  18566.8874      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  18574.8253      7.9423      7.9379
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0498800 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1274920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7152920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3859720 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14471.4639683 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215699 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070941 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4076490 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10156E+01  0.19388E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40622E-01  0.12578E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73245E+00  0.22760E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  18591.2493     24.3663     16.4240
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15135E+01  0.36320E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  18591.4749     24.5919      0.2256
+                do leaf measurements  18591.4760     24.5930      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  18591.5168     24.6338      0.0408
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107383 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  18591.5215
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  18591.5260      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  18599.5100      7.9885      7.9840
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0496781 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1210840 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7067780 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3851972 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14472.4488756 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071590 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3911269 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.20953E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43031E-01  0.12578E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72791E+00  0.22722E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  18615.9174     24.3959     16.4074
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15352E+01  0.36096E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  18616.1398     24.6183      0.2224
+                do leaf measurements  18616.1410     24.6195      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  18616.1821     24.6606      0.0411
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080877 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  18616.1851     24.6636      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  18616.1853     24.6638      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -117478877783778.08 169694584206121.72
+ def in m -7.9692049026489258 0.62571728229522705
+ dimensionless def  -1.78776366370064857E-6 2.27691568647112178E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0173349  0.2269916
+                  Compute divergence  18616.3825     24.8610      0.1972
+                        wsmp_cleanup  18616.4274     24.9058      0.0448
+              Reset surface geometry  18616.4324     24.9108      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   18616.4404     24.9188      0.0080
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  18616.4539     24.9324      0.0135
+                   Advect surface  1  18616.4541     24.9325      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  18616.6517     25.1302      0.1977
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  18616.8486     25.3270      0.1968
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  18617.1005     25.5790      0.2519
+                    Advect the cloud  18617.2443     25.7228      0.1438
+                        Write output  18618.0184     26.4968      0.7741
+                    End of time step  18618.8835     27.3620      0.8651
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     115  18618.8837
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  18618.8837      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  18618.8838      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16934points
+                      refine surface  18618.8838      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  18618.9083      0.0246      0.0245
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16934points
+                          surface 02  18618.9274      0.0437      0.0191
+                                                                        S. 2:    16931points
+                      refine surface  18618.9275      0.0438      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  18618.9517      0.0680      0.0242
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16931points
+                          surface 03  18618.9708      0.0872      0.0192
+                                                                        S. 3:    16930points
+                      refine surface  18618.9710      0.0873      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  18618.9963      0.1126      0.0253
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  18619.0197      0.1360      0.0234
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  18619.0437      0.1601      0.0241
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16931points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  18619.0693
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  18619.0696      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  18619.0856      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  18619.1069      0.0376      0.0213
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  18619.1077      0.0384      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  18619.1220      0.0526      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  18619.2454      0.1760      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  18619.4264      0.3570      0.1810
+                embedding surface  1  18619.4265      0.3572      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  18621.3761      2.3068      1.9496
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  18623.4840      4.4146      2.1079
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  18627.0239      7.9545      3.5399
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  18627.0289      7.9596      0.0051
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  18627.4501      8.3807      0.4212
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  18627.5427      8.4734      0.0926
+                           Find void  18627.8131      8.7437      0.2704
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  18627.8417      8.7723      0.0286
+                         wsmp setup1  18627.8488      8.7794      0.0071
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  18628.8532      9.7839      1.0045
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  18628.9006
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  18628.9008      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38938E-05  8.73809E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  18636.9053      8.0047      8.0045
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0542910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1182909 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7106090 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3819289 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14476.6045389 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211550 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071640 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3938601 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10217E+01  0.18411E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.97256E-01  0.11000E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76190E+00  0.25598E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  18653.3145     24.4139     16.4092
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35074E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  18653.5383     24.6377      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  18653.5393     24.6388      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  18653.5806     24.6801      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5893522 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  18653.5853
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  18653.5896      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79799E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  18661.5261      7.9408      7.9365
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0489719 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1326640 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7093260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4613121 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14376.3369391 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210520 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071881 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4809151 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10158E+01  0.13674E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48423E-01  0.10244E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76721E+00  0.22545E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  18678.0228     24.4375     16.4967
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12358E+01  0.17959E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  18678.2471     24.6618      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements  18678.2482     24.6629      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  18678.2895     24.7043      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0714659 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  18678.2942
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  18678.2986      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  18686.3014      8.0072      8.0028
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0506530 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1177690 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7078619 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3787131 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14480.6958378 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209559 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073090 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3836730 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.15504E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40275E-01  0.11890E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74663E+00  0.23115E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  18702.7013     24.4071     16.3999
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13714E+01  0.31219E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  18702.9244     24.6302      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements  18702.9255     24.6313      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  18702.9671     24.6729      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362873 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  18702.9718
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  18702.9763      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  18710.9637      7.9918      7.9874
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0510490 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1127989 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7084920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4029751 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14449.8854627 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210599 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071831 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4039660 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10162E+01  0.17608E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40438E-01  0.12340E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73720E+00  0.22873E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  18727.3835     24.4116     16.4198
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14703E+01  0.35467E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  18727.6067     24.6349      0.2233
+                do leaf measurements  18727.6078     24.6360      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  18727.6493     24.6775      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158796 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  18727.6539
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  18727.6583      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  18735.5966      7.9426      7.9383
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0489430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1266181 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7146938 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3930521 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14462.4708473 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215730 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071361 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4124210 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10156E+01  0.19396E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40505E-01  0.12585E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73245E+00  0.22783E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  18752.0252     24.3713     16.4287
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15139E+01  0.36348E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  18752.2506     24.5967      0.2254
+                do leaf measurements  18752.2517     24.5978      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  18752.2930     24.6391      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107379 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  18752.2977
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  18752.3020      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  18760.2769      7.9792      7.9749
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0487249 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1242058 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7101080 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3797431 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14479.3852057 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211441 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072589 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3915880 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.20958E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42929E-01  0.12581E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72791E+00  0.22739E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  18776.6844     24.3867     16.4075
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15354E+01  0.36106E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  18776.9077     24.6100      0.2233
+                do leaf measurements  18776.9088     24.6111      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  18776.9503     24.6527      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080851 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  18776.9533     24.6557      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  18776.9535     24.6559      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -118163714182229.47 171105134672890.56
+ def in m -7.9696636199951172 0.6262814998626709
+ dimensionless def  -1.78937571389334539E-6 2.27704674857003315E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0173410  0.2270042
+                  Compute divergence  18777.1520     24.8544      0.1985
+                        wsmp_cleanup  18777.1916     24.8939      0.0396
+              Reset surface geometry  18777.1961     24.8984      0.0045
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   18777.2046     24.9069      0.0085
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  18777.2206     24.9229      0.0160
+                   Advect surface  1  18777.2207     24.9230      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  18777.4081     25.1104      0.1874
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  18777.6158     25.3182      0.2078
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  18777.8660     25.5683      0.2501
+                    Advect the cloud  18778.0082     25.7106      0.1423
+                        Write output  18778.7843     26.4867      0.7761
+                    End of time step  18779.6534     27.3558      0.8691
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     116  18779.6536
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  18779.6537      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  18779.6537      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16934points
+                      refine surface  18779.6537      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  18779.6793      0.0257      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  18779.7024      0.0489      0.0231
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  18779.7277      0.0741      0.0253
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16935points
+                          surface 02  18779.7458      0.0922      0.0181
+                                                                        S. 2:    16930points
+                      refine surface  18779.7459      0.0924      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  18779.7719      0.1183      0.0259
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  18779.7946      0.1410      0.0227
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  18779.8197      0.1661      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16931points
+                          surface 03  18779.8382      0.1846      0.0185
+                                                                        S. 3:    16931points
+                      refine surface  18779.8383      0.1847      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  18779.8634      0.2098      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16931points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  18779.8883
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  18779.8886      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  18779.9046      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  18779.9261      0.0378      0.0215
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  18779.9269      0.0385      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  18779.9412      0.0528      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  18780.0646      0.1762      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  18780.2463      0.3580      0.1817
+                embedding surface  1  18780.2465      0.3581      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  18782.2053      2.3170      1.9589
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  18784.2981      4.4098      2.0928
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  18787.8027      7.9144      3.5047
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  18787.8074      7.9191      0.0046
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  18788.1998      8.3115      0.3924
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  18788.3839      8.4955      0.1841
+                           Find void  18788.6548      8.7665      0.2710
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  18788.6834      8.7950      0.0285
+                         wsmp setup1  18788.6908      8.8025      0.0075
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  18789.6987      9.8104      1.0079
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  18789.7448
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  18789.7450      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38938E-05  8.96672E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  18797.7488      8.0040      8.0038
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0522029 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1175699 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7088690 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3830941 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14475.1227415 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070980 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3903201 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10158E+01  0.18398E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.97604E-01  0.10931E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76169E+00  0.25873E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  18814.1554     24.4106     16.4066
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35086E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  18814.3783     24.6335      0.2229
+                do leaf measurements  18814.3794     24.6346      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  18814.4207     24.6759      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5887070 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  18814.4254
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  18814.4297      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79794E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  18822.3678      7.9424      7.9381
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0489030 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1223969 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7111609 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4692211 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14366.4231617 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213861 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070651 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4804931 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10156E+01  0.13674E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48615E-01  0.10226E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76709E+00  0.22498E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  18838.8644     24.4391     16.4967
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12357E+01  0.17966E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  18839.0879     24.6625      0.2234
+                do leaf measurements  18839.0889     24.6636      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  18839.1303     24.7049      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0712037 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  18839.1350
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  18839.1394      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  18847.1353      8.0003      7.9959
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0479519 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1141939 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7089770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3767622 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14483.1791047 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209331 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070338 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3762150 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.15517E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40060E-01  0.11874E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74647E+00  0.23111E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  18863.5279     24.3929     16.3926
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13712E+01  0.31196E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  18863.7509     24.6159      0.2230
+                do leaf measurements  18863.7520     24.6170      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  18863.7937     24.6587      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362071 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  18863.7985
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  18863.8029      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  18871.7982      7.9997      7.9953
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0524080 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1198771 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7110391 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3963690 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14458.2615883 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208520 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070891 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4079921 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10160E+01  0.17628E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40268E-01  0.12331E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73705E+00  0.22863E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  18888.2220     24.4236     16.4239
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14702E+01  0.35446E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  18888.4461     24.6476      0.2240
+                do leaf measurements  18888.4471     24.6487      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  18888.4885     24.6900      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158313 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  18888.4931
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  18888.4974      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  18896.4332      7.9401      7.9358
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0503969 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1368601 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7164791 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4109080 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14439.8398540 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212928 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070281 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4433210 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10156E+01  0.19417E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40669E-01  0.12573E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73235E+00  0.22771E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  18912.8925     24.3994     16.4592
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15138E+01  0.36317E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  18913.1195     24.6264      0.2270
+                do leaf measurements  18913.1206     24.6275      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  18913.1619     24.6687      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107227 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  18913.1666
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  18913.1709      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  18921.1540      7.9874      7.9830
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0496502 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1183898 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7096679 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3870959 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14470.0356363 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207261 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071130 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3930140 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10151E+01  0.20981E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43063E-01  0.12575E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72780E+00  0.22730E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  18937.5629     24.3963     16.4089
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15355E+01  0.36100E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  18937.7854     24.6189      0.2225
+                do leaf measurements  18937.7865     24.6200      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  18937.8281     24.6615      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080893 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  18937.8311     24.6646      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  18937.8313     24.6648      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -118849027353495.13 172510443817839.84
+ def in m -7.973940372467041 0.63018494844436646
+ dimensionless def  -1.80052842412676138E-6 2.27826867784772612E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0174391  0.2271240
+                  Compute divergence  18938.0257     24.8592      0.1944
+                        wsmp_cleanup  18938.0687     24.9021      0.0429
+              Reset surface geometry  18938.0737     24.9071      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   18938.0823     24.9157      0.0086
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  18938.0967     24.9301      0.0144
+                   Advect surface  1  18938.0969     24.9303      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  18938.2917     25.1251      0.1948
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  18938.4854     25.3189      0.1938
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  18938.7383     25.5718      0.2529
+                    Advect the cloud  18938.8819     25.7153      0.1435
+                        Write output  18939.6571     26.4906      0.7753
+                    End of time step  18940.5174     27.3508      0.8602
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     117  18940.5175
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  18940.5176      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  18940.5176      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16935points
+                      refine surface  18940.5177      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  18940.5442      0.0267      0.0265
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  18940.5667      0.0491      0.0225
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  18940.5917      0.0742      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16936points
+                          surface 02  18940.6103      0.0927      0.0185
+                                                                        S. 2:    16931points
+                      refine surface  18940.6104      0.0929      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  18940.6353      0.1178      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16931points
+                          surface 03  18940.6536      0.1360      0.0182
+                                                                        S. 3:    16931points
+                      refine surface  18940.6537      0.1362      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  18940.6788      0.1613      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16931points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  18940.7037
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  18940.7039      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  18940.7201      0.0165      0.0162
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  18940.7416      0.0379      0.0215
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  18940.7424      0.0387      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  18940.7567      0.0530      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  18940.8801      0.1764      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  18941.0636      0.3600      0.1835
+                embedding surface  1  18941.0638      0.3601      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  18943.0273      2.3236      1.9635
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  18945.1029      4.3992      2.0756
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  18948.6497      7.9460      3.5468
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  18948.6544      7.9508      0.0048
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  18949.0892      8.3856      0.4348
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  18949.1769      8.4733      0.0877
+                           Find void  18949.4498      8.7461      0.2729
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  18949.4785      8.7749      0.0287
+                         wsmp setup1  18949.4857      8.7820      0.0072
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  18950.4922      9.7885      1.0065
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  18950.5399
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  18950.5401      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38938E-05  8.75401E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  18958.5317      7.9918      7.9916
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0531039 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1147759 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7086551 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3865712 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14470.7024995 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072489 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3916111 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10268E+01  0.18370E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.97892E-01  0.10988E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76129E+00  0.25601E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  18974.9397     24.3998     16.4080
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35082E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  18975.1632     24.6233      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements  18975.1643     24.6244      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  18975.2066     24.6666      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5892831 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  18975.2115
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  18975.2159      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79366E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  18983.1582      7.9467      7.9422
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0514030 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1180470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7101901 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4589760 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14379.2676971 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210899 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072281 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4673002 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10157E+01  0.13633E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48251E-01  0.10213E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76685E+00  0.22560E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  18999.6414     24.4299     16.4832
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12351E+01  0.18023E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  18999.8652     24.6537      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  18999.8663     24.6548      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  18999.9083     24.6968      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0712699 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  18999.9131
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  18999.9175      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  19007.9061      7.9931      7.9886
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0514069 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1055350 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7090681 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3813441 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14477.3484324 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207709 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072901 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3757870 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.15487E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40194E-01  0.11861E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74624E+00  0.23136E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  19024.2972     24.3842     16.3911
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13702E+01  0.31126E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  19024.5209     24.6079      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  19024.5221     24.6090      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  19024.5643     24.6513      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361208 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  19024.5692
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  19024.5736      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  19032.5803      8.0111      8.0067
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0504701 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1207421 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7095671 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3936510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14461.7106273 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209741 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072579 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4030302 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10162E+01  0.17600E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40389E-01  0.12323E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73690E+00  0.22883E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  19048.9994     24.4301     16.4191
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14691E+01  0.35366E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  19049.2284     24.6592      0.2291
+                do leaf measurements  19049.2296     24.6603      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  19049.2715     24.7022      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159040 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  19049.2761
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  19049.2805      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  19057.2216      7.9455      7.9412
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0498960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1232681 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7141659 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4166820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14432.5368617 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214502 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071878 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4329958 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10157E+01  0.19391E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40472E-01  0.12566E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73221E+00  0.22799E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  19073.6706     24.3944     16.4489
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15129E+01  0.36260E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  19073.8965     24.6204      0.2259
+                do leaf measurements  19073.8976     24.6215      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  19073.9395     24.6633      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107389 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  19073.9443
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  19073.9486      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  19081.9362      7.9919      7.9876
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0477660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0949469 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7094300 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3740771 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14486.5981382 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208811 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073061 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3547971 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.20954E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42912E-01  0.12569E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72770E+00  0.22754E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  19098.3063     24.3620     16.3701
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15346E+01  0.36038E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  19098.5302     24.5859      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  19098.5313     24.5870      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  19098.5737     24.6294      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080808 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  19098.5767     24.6324      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  19098.5769     24.6326      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -119527066701849.27 173915056596117.31
+ def in m -7.9732027053833008 0.62988680601119995
+ dimensionless def  -1.79967658860342849E-6 2.27805791582380019E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0174229  0.2270994
+                  Compute divergence  19098.7778     24.8335      0.2010
+                        wsmp_cleanup  19098.8166     24.8723      0.0388
+              Reset surface geometry  19098.8214     24.8770      0.0047
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   19098.8298     24.8855      0.0085
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  19098.8463     24.9019      0.0164
+                   Advect surface  1  19098.8464     24.9021      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  19099.0380     25.0936      0.1916
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  19099.2268     25.2825      0.1889
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  19099.4841     25.5397      0.2572
+                    Advect the cloud  19099.6295     25.6852      0.1455
+                        Write output  19100.3989     26.4545      0.7693
+                    End of time step  19101.2601     27.3158      0.8613
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     118  19101.2603
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  19101.2603      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  19101.2604      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    16936points
+                      refine surface  19101.2604      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  19101.2862      0.0259      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16936points
+                          surface 02  19101.3045      0.0442      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 2:    16931points
+                      refine surface  19101.3046      0.0444      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  19101.3313      0.0710      0.0266
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  19101.3540      0.0938      0.0228
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  19101.3791      0.1188      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16933points
+                          surface 03  19101.3973      0.1371      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 3:    16931points
+                      refine surface  19101.3975      0.1372      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  19101.4226      0.1623      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16931points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  19101.4474
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  19101.4477      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  19101.4637      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  19101.4849      0.0375      0.0212
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  19101.4857      0.0383      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  19101.5000      0.0526      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  19101.6234      0.1760      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  19101.8084      0.3609      0.1850
+                embedding surface  1  19101.8085      0.3611      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  19103.7636      2.3162      1.9551
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  19105.8487      4.4013      2.0851
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  19109.3746      7.9272      3.5259
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  19109.3793      7.9319      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  19109.8087      8.3613      0.4294
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  19109.9868      8.5394      0.1781
+                           Find void  19110.2565      8.8090      0.2697
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  19110.2847      8.8372      0.0282
+                         wsmp setup1  19110.2915      8.8441      0.0069
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  19111.2910      9.8436      0.9995
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  19111.3375
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  19111.3377      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38938E-05  8.58807E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  19119.3338      7.9963      7.9961
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0549128 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1123550 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7058179 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3929050 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14462.6575856 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207421 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070789 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3942258 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10157E+01  0.18414E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.97422E-01  0.11011E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76141E+00  0.25486E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  19135.7443     24.4067     16.4104
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35085E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  19135.9675     24.6300      0.2232
+                do leaf measurements  19135.9686     24.6311      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  19136.0106     24.6731      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5889695 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  19136.0154
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  19136.0198      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79317E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  19143.9609      7.9455      7.9410
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0515020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1019280 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7048111 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4574032 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14381.2416517 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209490 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069990 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4440000 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10156E+01  0.13656E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48316E-01  0.10240E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76701E+00  0.22648E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  19160.4202     24.4048     16.4593
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12359E+01  0.18804E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  19160.6453     24.6299      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  19160.6463     24.6310      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  19160.6880     24.6726      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0709861 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  19160.6927
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  19160.6970      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  19168.6812      7.9885      7.9842
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0495510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1088850 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7085710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3747959 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14485.6826553 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208758 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071301 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3702099 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10166E+01  0.15486E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40661E-01  0.11879E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74642E+00  0.23163E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  19185.0675     24.3748     16.3863
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13707E+01  0.31170E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  19185.2915     24.5989      0.2240
+                do leaf measurements  19185.2926     24.5999      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  19185.3342     24.6415      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361204 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  19185.3389
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  19185.3433      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  19193.3591      8.0202      8.0158
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0502131 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0916970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7051752 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3869612 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14470.2068152 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207931 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070069 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3622479 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10160E+01  0.17596E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40693E-01  0.12336E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73701E+00  0.22890E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  19209.7371     24.3982     16.3781
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14697E+01  0.35458E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  19209.9609     24.6220      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  19209.9620     24.6231      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  19210.0035     24.6646      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159760 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  19210.0082
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  19210.0125      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  19217.9532      7.9451      7.9407
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0488210 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1146920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7082350 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4281821 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14418.0134751 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212611 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070260 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4286110 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10156E+01  0.19384E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40395E-01  0.12582E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73233E+00  0.22803E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  19234.3974     24.3892     16.4441
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15132E+01  0.36323E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  19234.6236     24.6155      0.2263
+                do leaf measurements  19234.6247     24.6165      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  19234.6663     24.6581      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107290 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  19234.6710
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  19234.6754      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  19242.6675      7.9965      7.9921
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0504811 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0838270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7067149 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3746440 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14485.8760661 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071411 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3443398 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10151E+01  0.20948E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42834E-01  0.12584E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72781E+00  0.22738E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  19259.0276     24.3566     16.3601
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15347E+01  0.36077E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  19259.2513     24.5803      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  19259.2524     24.5814      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  19259.3023     24.6313      0.0499
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080794 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  19259.3053     24.6343      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  19259.3055     24.6345      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -120206223785639.73 175314012284884.66
+ def in m -7.97698974609375 0.63369894027709961
+ dimensionless def  -1.81056840079171324E-6 2.27913992745535705E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0175195  0.2272046
+                  Compute divergence  19259.5211     24.8501      0.2157
+                        wsmp_cleanup  19259.5575     24.8865      0.0364
+              Reset surface geometry  19259.5625     24.8915      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   19259.5708     24.8998      0.0083
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  19259.5880     24.9170      0.0173
+                   Advect surface  1  19259.5882     24.9172      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  19259.7764     25.1054      0.1883
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  19259.9826     25.3117      0.2062
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  19260.2308     25.5598      0.2481
+                    Advect the cloud  19260.3739     25.7029      0.1432
+                        Write output  19261.1490     26.4780      0.7751
+                    End of time step  19262.0311     27.3601      0.8821
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     119  19262.0313
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  19262.0313      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  19262.0314      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16936points
+                      refine surface  19262.0314      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  19262.0578      0.0265      0.0264
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  19262.0804      0.0491      0.0226
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  19262.1052      0.0740      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16937points
+                          surface 02  19262.1235      0.0922      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 2:    16932points
+                      refine surface  19262.1237      0.0924      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  19262.1498      0.1185      0.0261
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  19262.1723      0.1410      0.0225
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  19262.1971      0.1659      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16933points
+                          surface 03  19262.2156      0.1843      0.0184
+                                                                        S. 3:    16931points
+                      refine surface  19262.2157      0.1844      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   4 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  19262.2435      0.2122      0.0278
+                                                                        S. 3:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  19262.2706      0.2393      0.0271
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  19262.2956      0.2644      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16935points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  19262.3206
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  19262.3209      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  19262.3369      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  19262.3578      0.0372      0.0209
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  19262.3586      0.0380      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  19262.3729      0.0523      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  19262.4962      0.1756      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  19262.6778      0.3572      0.1816
+                embedding surface  1  19262.6780      0.3574      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  19264.6252      2.3046      1.9472
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  19266.7223      4.4017      2.0971
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  19270.2607      7.9401      3.5384
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  19270.2654      7.9448      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  19270.6856      8.3650      0.4202
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  19270.7973      8.4767      0.1117
+                           Find void  19271.0700      8.7494      0.2727
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  19271.0984      8.7778      0.0285
+                         wsmp setup1  19271.1055      8.7849      0.0071
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  19272.1106      9.7900      1.0051
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  19272.1573
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  19272.1575      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38938E-05  8.27663E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  19280.1418      7.9845      7.9843
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0545990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1090088 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7068040 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3783250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14481.1898135 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1205351 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073240 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3769958 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10375E+01  0.18388E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.96850E-01  0.10966E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76135E+00  0.25576E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  19296.5343     24.3769     16.3924
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35074E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  19296.7583     24.6009      0.2240
+                do leaf measurements  19296.7594     24.6021      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  19296.8018     24.6445      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5898341 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  19296.8066
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  19296.8111      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79534E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  19304.7527      7.9461      7.9416
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0504680 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0974832 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7093258 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4577451 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14380.8125240 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072310 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4435110 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10157E+01  0.13639E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48205E-01  0.10232E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76683E+00  0.22652E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  19321.2120     24.4054     16.4594
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12346E+01  0.18545E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  19321.4361     24.6295      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  19321.4373     24.6307      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  19321.4794     24.6728      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0717591 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  19321.4841
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  19321.4885      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  19329.4643      7.9803      7.9758
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0475390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1078911 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7088668 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3751101 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14485.2824906 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209772 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072451 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3680429 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.15482E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40690E-01  0.11877E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74607E+00  0.23190E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  19345.8477     24.3637     16.3834
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13696E+01  0.31061E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  19346.0721     24.5880      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  19346.0732     24.5891      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  19346.1153     24.6312      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361795 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  19346.1200
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  19346.1244      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  19354.1445      8.0244      8.0200
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0487089 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0913739 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7114460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3859138 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14471.5379075 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210790 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071650 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3660910 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10162E+01  0.17591E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40767E-01  0.12336E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73676E+00  0.22911E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  19370.5265     24.4065     16.3820
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14688E+01  0.35357E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  19370.7501     24.6301      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements  19370.7512     24.6312      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  19370.7933     24.6732      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159855 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  19370.7979
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  19370.8023      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  19378.7408      7.9428      7.9384
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0490921 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1436279 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7175901 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4306121 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14414.9484400 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214271 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072260 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4699631 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10157E+01  0.19381E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40542E-01  0.12580E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73206E+00  0.22823E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  19395.2263     24.4283     16.4855
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15125E+01  0.36232E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  19395.4516     24.6536      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements  19395.4527     24.6548      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  19395.4949     24.6969      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107554 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  19395.4996
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  19395.5040      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  19403.5090      8.0094      8.0051
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0488770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0911150 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7091730 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3779840 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14481.6237389 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1204140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072031 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3551600 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.20944E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42806E-01  0.12581E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72756E+00  0.22771E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  19419.8802     24.3806     16.3712
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15340E+01  0.36000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  19420.1035     24.6040      0.2233
+                do leaf measurements  19420.1047     24.6051      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  19420.1471     24.6475      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080856 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  19420.1501     24.6505      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  19420.1503     24.6507      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -120877215912085.17 176712097757493.03
+ def in m -7.9786291122436523 0.63527709245681763
+ dimensionless def  -1.81507740701947889E-6 2.27960831778390061E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0175527  0.2272498
+                  Compute divergence  19420.3547     24.8552      0.2045
+                        wsmp_cleanup  19420.3913     24.8917      0.0365
+              Reset surface geometry  19420.3962     24.8966      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   19420.4045     24.9049      0.0083
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  19420.4217     24.9221      0.0172
+                   Advect surface  1  19420.4218     24.9223      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  19420.6132     25.1136      0.1914
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  19420.8100     25.3104      0.1968
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  19421.0611     25.5615      0.2511
+                    Advect the cloud  19421.2062     25.7066      0.1451
+                        Write output  19421.9800     26.4804      0.7738
+                    End of time step  19422.8447     27.3451      0.8647
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     120  19422.8448
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  19422.8449      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  19422.8449      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16937points
+                      refine surface  19422.8450      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  19422.8703      0.0254      0.0253
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16937points
+                          surface 02  19422.8886      0.0438      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 2:    16933points
+                      refine surface  19422.8888      0.0439      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  19422.9138      0.0689      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16933points
+                          surface 03  19422.9319      0.0871      0.0181
+                                                                        S. 3:    16935points
+                      refine surface  19422.9320      0.0872      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  19422.9592      0.1144      0.0272
+                                                                        S. 3:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  19422.9819      0.1370      0.0226
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  19423.0071      0.1623      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16938points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  19423.0322
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  19423.0324      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  19423.0484      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  19423.0692      0.0370      0.0207
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  19423.0699      0.0378      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  19423.0842      0.0521      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  19423.2076      0.1754      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  19423.3906      0.3585      0.1830
+                embedding surface  1  19423.3908      0.3586      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  19425.3521      2.3199      1.9613
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  19427.4358      4.4037      2.0837
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  19430.9649      7.9327      3.5291
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  19430.9695      7.9374      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  19431.3703      8.3381      0.4007
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  19431.5575      8.5254      0.1873
+                           Find void  19431.8206      8.7885      0.2631
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  19431.8485      8.8163      0.0279
+                         wsmp setup1  19431.8548      8.8226      0.0063
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  19432.8651      9.8330      1.0104
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  19432.9122
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  19432.9124      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38938E-05  8.28435E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  19440.8952      7.9830      7.9828
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0509150 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1065960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7088151 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3793199 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14479.9236890 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071812 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3741879 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10320E+01  0.18373E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.96888E-01  0.10934E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76137E+00  0.25597E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  19457.2853     24.3731     16.3901
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35082E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  19457.5088     24.5966      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements  19457.5099     24.5977      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  19457.5514     24.6391      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5886626 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  19457.5562
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  19457.5606      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.80359E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  19465.4997      7.9435      7.9390
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0479441 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0915740 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7050929 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4449408 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14396.9013625 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212149 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072181 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4183710 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10156E+01  0.13642E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48504E-01  0.10255E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76686E+00  0.22508E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  19481.9340     24.3779     16.4344
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12361E+01  0.18045E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  19482.1580     24.6018      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  19482.1591     24.6029      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  19482.2003     24.6441      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0710416 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  19482.2050
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  19482.2094      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  19490.1801      7.9751      7.9707
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0510890 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0943048 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7069991 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3688369 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14493.2753999 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1218679 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072110 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3506811 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.15480E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40401E-01  0.11875E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74656E+00  0.23111E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  19506.5461     24.3410     16.3660
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13708E+01  0.31187E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  19506.7722     24.5671      0.2261
+                do leaf measurements  19506.7733     24.5682      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  19506.8144     24.6094      0.0411
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361647 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  19506.8191
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  19506.8235      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  19514.8462      8.0271      8.0227
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0506420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1024370 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7058079 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3913040 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14464.6902270 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208930 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072191 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3786800 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10160E+01  0.17584E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40477E-01  0.12336E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73712E+00  0.22867E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  19531.2409     24.4218     16.3947
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14696E+01  0.35431E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  19531.4643     24.6452      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements  19531.4654     24.6463      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  19531.5066     24.6875      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0160062 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  19531.5113
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  19531.5156      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  19539.4552      7.9439      7.9395
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0523040 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1175170 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7115748 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4406610 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14402.2871182 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217942 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072169 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4514451 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10157E+01  0.19372E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40523E-01  0.12572E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73237E+00  0.22785E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  19555.9221     24.4108     16.4669
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15132E+01  0.36313E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  19556.1524     24.6411      0.2303
+                do leaf measurements  19556.1535     24.6422      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  19556.1947     24.6834      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107461 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  19556.1994
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  19556.2038      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  19564.2176      8.0182      8.0138
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0506270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0959289 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7061031 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3792160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14480.0559648 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210241 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071888 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3604410 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.20937E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42926E-01  0.12575E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72783E+00  0.22745E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  19580.5945     24.3951     16.3769
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15348E+01  0.36083E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  19580.8176     24.6181      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements  19580.8187     24.6192      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  19580.8601     24.6607      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080743 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  19580.8631     24.6637      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  19580.8633     24.6638      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -121554485673805.94 178104808014568.16
+ def in m -7.985931396484375 0.64358794689178467
+ dimensionless def  -1.83882270540509898E-6 2.28169468470982171E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0177748  0.2274538
+                  Compute divergence  19581.0610     24.8615      0.1977
+                        wsmp_cleanup  19581.1036     24.9042      0.0427
+              Reset surface geometry  19581.1087     24.9093      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   19581.1171     24.9177      0.0084
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  19581.1313     24.9318      0.0142
+                   Advect surface  1  19581.1314     24.9320      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  19581.3184     25.1189      0.1870
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  19581.5175     25.3181      0.1992
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  19581.7712     25.5718      0.2537
+                    Advect the cloud  19581.9136     25.7142      0.1424
+                        Write output  19582.6931     26.4937      0.7795
+                    End of time step  19583.5557     27.3563      0.8626
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     121  19583.5559
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  19583.5559      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  19583.5560      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16937points
+                      refine surface  19583.5560      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  19583.5816      0.0257      0.0255
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16937points
+                          surface 02  19583.5996      0.0437      0.0181
+                                                                        S. 2:    16933points
+                      refine surface  19583.5998      0.0439      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  19583.6247      0.0688      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16933points
+                          surface 03  19583.6431      0.0872      0.0184
+                                                                        S. 3:    16938points
+                      refine surface  19583.6432      0.0874      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  19583.6702      0.1143      0.0270
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  19583.6927      0.1368      0.0225
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  19583.7177      0.1618      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16940points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  19583.7429
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  19583.7431      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  19583.7592      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  19583.7807      0.0378      0.0215
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  19583.7815      0.0386      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  19583.7957      0.0528      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  19583.9191      0.1762      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  19584.1017      0.3588      0.1825
+                embedding surface  1  19584.1018      0.3589      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  19586.0468      2.3039      1.9450
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  19588.1451      4.4022      2.0983
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  19591.6947      7.9518      3.5497
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  19591.7005      7.9576      0.0058
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  19592.1639      8.4210      0.4634
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  19592.2822      8.5393      0.1183
+                           Find void  19592.5543      8.8114      0.2721
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  19592.5826      8.8397      0.0283
+                         wsmp setup1  19592.5897      8.8468      0.0071
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  19593.5931      9.8502      1.0034
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  19593.6393
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  19593.6395      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38937E-05  8.06782E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  19601.6095      7.9701      7.9700
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0524919 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0871699 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7064769 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3787220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14480.6846115 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207361 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072761 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3532591 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10214E+01  0.18391E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.97409E-01  0.11035E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76154E+00  0.25562E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  19617.9786     24.3393     16.3691
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35093E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  19618.2031     24.5637      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  19618.2042     24.5649      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  19618.2465     24.6072      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5886505 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  19618.2513
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  19618.2558      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.78552E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  19626.1983      7.9470      7.9425
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0512071 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0858760 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7065730 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4477980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14393.3080998 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211562 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072069 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4202220 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10160E+01  0.13637E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48325E-01  0.10251E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76692E+00  0.22695E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  19642.6343     24.3830     16.4360
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12352E+01  0.19072E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  19642.8586     24.6073      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements  19642.8597     24.6084      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  19642.9017     24.6504      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0707860 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  19642.9065
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  19642.9109      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  19650.8710      7.9645      7.9601
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0507040 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0881801 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7091081 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3754971 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14484.7897535 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216741 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072050 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3527641 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.15471E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40428E-01  0.11865E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74643E+00  0.23172E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  19667.2396     24.3331     16.3686
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13702E+01  0.31154E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  19667.4664     24.5600      0.2269
+                do leaf measurements  19667.4675     24.5611      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  19667.5095     24.6031      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360429 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  19667.5143
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  19667.5187      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  19675.5413      8.0270      8.0226
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0528648 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0917239 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7074549 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3847561 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14473.0095751 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210139 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072391 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3654552 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10163E+01  0.17578E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40587E-01  0.12324E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73702E+00  0.22894E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  19691.9228     24.4085     16.3815
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14693E+01  0.35419E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  19692.1464     24.6321      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements  19692.1475     24.6332      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  19692.1894     24.6751      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0160229 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  19692.1941
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  19692.1984      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  19700.1379      7.9438      7.9395
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0479581 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1134570 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7161551 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4490020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14391.7944533 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208801 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071130 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4549580 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10158E+01  0.19367E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40420E-01  0.12563E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73229E+00  0.22797E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  19716.6081     24.4140     16.4702
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15129E+01  0.36290E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  19716.8331     24.6391      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  19716.8342     24.6401      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  19716.8762     24.6821      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107502 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  19716.8810
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  19716.8854      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  19724.8923      8.0113      8.0069
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0478930 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0904949 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7065470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3794100 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14479.8090114 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208780 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072460 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3528719 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.20936E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42874E-01  0.12571E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72776E+00  0.22752E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  19741.2609     24.3799     16.3686
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15346E+01  0.36052E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  19741.4851     24.6041      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  19741.4862     24.6053      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  19741.5285     24.6475      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080848 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  19741.5314     24.6505      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  19741.5316     24.6507      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -122214853448063.2 179502833789787.28
+ def in m -7.9847841262817383 0.64259928464889526
+ dimensionless def  -1.8359979561397008E-6 2.2813668932233539E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0177510  0.2274210
+                  Compute divergence  19741.7318     24.8508      0.2002
+                        wsmp_cleanup  19741.7711     24.8901      0.0393
+              Reset surface geometry  19741.7757     24.8948      0.0046
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   19741.7843     24.9033      0.0085
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  19741.8004     24.9194      0.0161
+                   Advect surface  1  19741.8005     24.9196      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  19741.9940     25.1130      0.1934
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  19742.1872     25.3062      0.1932
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  19742.4415     25.5605      0.2543
+                    Advect the cloud  19742.5885     25.7076      0.1471
+                        Write output  19743.3738     26.4928      0.7853
+                    End of time step  19744.2405     27.3595      0.8667
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     122  19744.2406
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  19744.2407      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  19744.2407      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16937points
+                      refine surface  19744.2407      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  19744.2668      0.0262      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16937points
+                          surface 02  19744.2849      0.0443      0.0182
+                                                                        S. 2:    16933points
+                      refine surface  19744.2851      0.0445      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  19744.3117      0.0711      0.0266
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  19744.3342      0.0936      0.0226
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  19744.3594      0.1188      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16935points
+                          surface 03  19744.3777      0.1372      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 3:    16940points
+                      refine surface  19744.3779      0.1373      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  19744.4029      0.1623      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16940points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  19744.4277
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  19744.4280      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  19744.4440      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  19744.4654      0.0377      0.0214
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  19744.4662      0.0385      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  19744.4805      0.0527      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  19744.6038      0.1761      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  19744.7836      0.3559      0.1798
+                embedding surface  1  19744.7838      0.3561      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  19746.7360      2.3083      1.9522
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  19748.7930      4.3652      2.0569
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  19752.3023      7.8746      3.5093
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  19752.3070      7.8792      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  19752.7368      8.3090      0.4298
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  19752.9456      8.5178      0.2088
+                           Find void  19753.2156      8.7879      0.2700
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  19753.2436      8.8159      0.0280
+                         wsmp setup1  19753.2506      8.8229      0.0070
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  19754.2502      9.8225      0.9995
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  19754.2964
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  19754.2966      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38937E-05  8.30001E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  19762.2864      7.9900      7.9898
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0554230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0777071 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7052379 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3762190 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14483.8705531 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206229 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070980 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3426509 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.18378E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.97085E-01  0.10976E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76157E+00  0.25527E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  19778.6454     24.3490     16.3590
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35085E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  19778.8683     24.5719      0.2229
+                do leaf measurements  19778.8694     24.5730      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  19778.9107     24.6143      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5889508 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  19778.9155
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  19778.9198      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.80267E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  19786.8664      7.9509      7.9465
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0506968 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0798140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7069221 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4320040 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14413.1933681 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207170 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071270 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3976388 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10159E+01  0.13638E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48269E-01  0.10260E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76694E+00  0.22544E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  19803.2796     24.3641     16.4132
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12354E+01  0.18068E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  19803.5038     24.5884      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  19803.5049     24.5894      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  19803.5458     24.6304      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0712878 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  19803.5506
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  19803.5549      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  19811.5176      7.9671      7.9627
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0487380 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1010289 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7100680 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3726330 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14488.4376520 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071111 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3613520 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.15477E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40424E-01  0.11887E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74649E+00  0.23125E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  19827.8943     24.3438     16.3767
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13705E+01  0.31177E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  19828.1211     24.5705      0.2268
+                do leaf measurements  19828.1222     24.5716      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  19828.1632     24.6127      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362324 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  19828.1679
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  19828.1723      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  19836.1911      8.0231      8.0187
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0486200 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0987370 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7022831 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3879609 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14468.9365520 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208711 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071418 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3659668 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10163E+01  0.17586E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40459E-01  0.12339E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73707E+00  0.22878E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  19852.5731     24.4052     16.3821
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14693E+01  0.35409E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  19852.7970     24.6290      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  19852.7980     24.6301      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  19852.8389     24.6710      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159346 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  19852.8436
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  19852.8480      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  19860.7859      7.9423      7.9379
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0518041 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1155260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7063010 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4546201 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14384.7357753 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071471 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4565749 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10159E+01  0.19378E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40500E-01  0.12578E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73233E+00  0.22786E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  19877.2585     24.4149     16.4726
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15129E+01  0.36292E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  19877.4857     24.6421      0.2271
+                do leaf measurements  19877.4867     24.6431      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  19877.5285     24.6849      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107381 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  19877.5338
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  19877.5382      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  19885.5442      8.0104      8.0060
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0487900 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0841491 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7025578 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3738589 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14486.8759942 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209061 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071290 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3377521 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.20941E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42929E-01  0.12579E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72780E+00  0.22738E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  19901.8973     24.3635     16.3531
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15345E+01  0.36054E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  19902.1209     24.5871      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements  19902.1220     24.5882      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  19902.1633     24.6295      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080830 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  19902.1664     24.6326      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  19902.1665     24.6328      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -122874838530367.94 180894166822689.06
+ def in m -7.985997200012207 0.64469647407531738
+ dimensionless def  -1.84198992592947835E-6 2.28171348571777339E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0178159  0.2274531
+                  Compute divergence  19902.3634     24.8296      0.1968
+                        wsmp_cleanup  19902.4074     24.8736      0.0440
+              Reset surface geometry  19902.4123     24.8785      0.0049
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   19902.4204     24.8867      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  19902.4339     24.9001      0.0135
+                   Advect surface  1  19902.4341     24.9003      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  19902.6318     25.0981      0.1978
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  19902.8210     25.2872      0.1891
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  19903.0689     25.5352      0.2479
+                    Advect the cloud  19903.2167     25.6830      0.1478
+                        Write output  19904.0029     26.4692      0.7862
+                    End of time step  19904.8745     27.3407      0.8715
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     123  19904.8746
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  19904.8747      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  19904.8747      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16937points
+                      refine surface  19904.8747      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  19904.9011      0.0265      0.0264
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  19904.9237      0.0492      0.0227
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  19904.9488      0.0742      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16938points
+                          surface 02  19904.9672      0.0926      0.0185
+                                                                        S. 2:    16935points
+                      refine surface  19904.9674      0.0928      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  19904.9939      0.1193      0.0265
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  19905.0166      0.1420      0.0226
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  19905.0415      0.1669      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16937points
+                          surface 03  19905.0599      0.1853      0.0184
+                                                                        S. 3:    16940points
+                      refine surface  19905.0600      0.1854      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  19905.0849      0.2104      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16940points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  19905.1097
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  19905.1100      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  19905.1260      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  19905.1473      0.0376      0.0213
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  19905.1481      0.0384      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  19905.1624      0.0526      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  19905.2852      0.1755      0.1229
+             Imbed surface in osolve  19905.4632      0.3535      0.1780
+                embedding surface  1  19905.4634      0.3537      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  19907.4117      2.3020      1.9483
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  19909.4835      4.3738      2.0718
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  19913.0012      7.8915      3.5177
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  19913.0058      7.8961      0.0046
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  19913.4333      8.3236      0.4275
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  19913.6677      8.5580      0.2344
+                           Find void  19913.9377      8.8280      0.2699
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  19913.9660      8.8563      0.0284
+                         wsmp setup1  19913.9732      8.8635      0.0071
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  19914.9752      9.8655      1.0021
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  19915.0209
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  19915.0210      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38937E-05  8.23586E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  19923.0102      7.9893      7.9892
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0563879 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0927532 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7067151 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3711131 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14490.3742473 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209419 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072980 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3556030 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.18393E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.97670E-01  0.11030E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76145E+00  0.25430E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  19939.3814     24.3606     16.3712
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35088E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  19939.6051     24.5843      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  19939.6062     24.5854      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  19939.6478     24.6269      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5883007 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  19939.6524
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  19939.6568      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.78875E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  19947.6130      7.9606      7.9562
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0506608 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1026330 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7053330 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4376340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14406.0986740 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210401 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073121 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4250190 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10157E+01  0.13643E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48263E-01  0.10241E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76694E+00  0.22648E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  19964.0541     24.4017     16.4411
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12352E+01  0.18032E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  19964.2782     24.6258      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  19964.2793     24.6269      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  19964.3206     24.6682      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0705954 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  19964.3252
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  19964.3295      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  19972.2755      7.9503      7.9459
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0504360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1048510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7135050 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3704569 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14491.2104088 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216021 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072720 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3685000 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.15476E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40429E-01  0.11871E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74645E+00  0.23178E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  19988.6593     24.3341     16.3838
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13702E+01  0.31157E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  19988.8856     24.5604      0.2264
+                do leaf measurements  19988.8867     24.5615      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  19988.9281     24.6029      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362348 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  19988.9327
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  19988.9370      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  19996.9498      8.0171      8.0128
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0499692 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0937958 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7069330 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3824341 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14475.9619952 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206229 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072069 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3613400 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10162E+01  0.17582E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40516E-01  0.12331E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73705E+00  0.22901E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  20013.3273     24.3946     16.3775
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14693E+01  0.35429E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  20013.5515     24.6188      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  20013.5526     24.6199      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  20013.5939     24.6612      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159491 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  20013.5984
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  20013.6027      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  20021.5413      7.9429      7.9386
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0506709 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1240401 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7063591 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4668391 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14369.4075408 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210330 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072961 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4766240 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10157E+01  0.19369E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40440E-01  0.12572E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73234E+00  0.22798E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  20038.0332     24.4348     16.4919
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15129E+01  0.36309E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  20038.2584     24.6599      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  20038.2595     24.6610      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  20038.3008     24.7024      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107277 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  20038.3055
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  20038.3098      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  20046.3174      8.0120      8.0076
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0492229 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0965781 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7061589 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3823130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14476.1160307 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206491 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072811 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3626230 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.20934E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42871E-01  0.12575E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72782E+00  0.22751E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  20062.6961     24.3906     16.3787
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15347E+01  0.36088E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  20062.9195     24.6141      0.2234
+                do leaf measurements  20062.9207     24.6152      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  20062.9622     24.6567      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080797 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  20062.9652     24.6597      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  20062.9654     24.6599      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -123528833272804.94 182285465094136.47
+ def in m -7.9870266914367676 0.64445948600769043
+ dimensionless def  -1.84131281716482993E-6 2.28200762612479084E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0178145  0.2274820
+                  Compute divergence  20063.1779     24.8724      0.2125
+                        wsmp_cleanup  20063.2139     24.9085      0.0361
+              Reset surface geometry  20063.2189     24.9134      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   20063.2273     24.9218      0.0084
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  20063.2444     24.9389      0.0171
+                   Advect surface  1  20063.2446     24.9391      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  20063.4329     25.1275      0.1884
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  20063.6253     25.3199      0.1924
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  20063.8783     25.5728      0.2530
+                    Advect the cloud  20064.0262     25.7207      0.1479
+                        Write output  20064.8135     26.5080      0.7873
+                    End of time step  20065.6808     27.3753      0.8673
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     124  20065.6809
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  20065.6810      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  20065.6810      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16938points
+                      refine surface  20065.6811      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  20065.7076      0.0267      0.0265
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  20065.7348      0.0538      0.0272
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  20065.7596      0.0787      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16940points
+                          surface 02  20065.7783      0.0974      0.0187
+                                                                        S. 2:    16937points
+                      refine surface  20065.7784      0.0975      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  20065.8056      0.1247      0.0272
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  20065.8280      0.1471      0.0224
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  20065.8530      0.1721      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16940points
+                          surface 03  20065.8713      0.1904      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 3:    16940points
+                      refine surface  20065.8715      0.1906      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  20065.8973      0.2163      0.0258
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  20065.9206      0.2397      0.0233
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  20065.9454      0.2645      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16941points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  20065.9705
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  20065.9708      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  20065.9867      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  20066.0082      0.0376      0.0215
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  20066.0089      0.0384      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  20066.0231      0.0525      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  20066.1452      0.1747      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  20066.3254      0.3548      0.1801
+                embedding surface  1  20066.3255      0.3550      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  20068.2554      2.2849      1.9299
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  20070.3171      4.3466      2.0617
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  20073.8418      7.8713      3.5247
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  20073.8465      7.8760      0.0046
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  20074.2957      8.3252      0.4492
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  20074.5075      8.5369      0.2118
+                           Find void  20074.7770      8.8064      0.2695
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  20074.8051      8.8346      0.0281
+                         wsmp setup1  20074.8124      8.8418      0.0073
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  20075.8075      9.8369      0.9951
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  20075.8529
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  20075.8531      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38937E-05  8.32247E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  20083.8559      8.0030      8.0028
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0511489 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0982230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7043250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3691230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14492.9106788 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071630 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3511171 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10494E+01  0.18390E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.97359E-01  0.10973E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76175E+00  0.25565E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  20100.2230     24.3701     16.3671
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35090E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  20100.4465     24.5936      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements  20100.4477     24.5948      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  20100.4884     24.6355      0.0407
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5886782 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  20100.4931
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  20100.4975      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.80005E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  20108.4621      7.9690      7.9646
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0497561 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1053500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7047162 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4180250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14430.8392767 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208169 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071609 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4062090 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10156E+01  0.13661E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48445E-01  0.10240E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76714E+00  0.22524E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  20124.8834     24.3903     16.4213
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12362E+01  0.18097E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  20125.1082     24.6151      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  20125.1093     24.6162      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  20125.1499     24.6568      0.0406
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0709964 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  20125.1546
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  20125.1589      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  20133.1022      7.9476      7.9433
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0519540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1083219 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7116959 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3701808 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14491.5622819 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212900 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071130 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3709431 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.15495E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40177E-01  0.11868E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74667E+00  0.23137E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  20149.4888     24.3342     16.3866
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13715E+01  0.31251E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  20149.7150     24.5604      0.2262
+                do leaf measurements  20149.7161     24.5615      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  20149.7566     24.6020      0.0405
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362223 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  20149.7613
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  20149.7657      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  20157.7705      8.0093      8.0049
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0502682 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1062129 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7004931 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3850698 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14472.6107163 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071540 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3703489 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10162E+01  0.17599E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40370E-01  0.12339E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73723E+00  0.22890E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  20174.1562     24.3949     16.3857
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14704E+01  0.35494E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  20174.3810     24.6198      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  20174.3822     24.6209      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  20174.4228     24.6615      0.0406
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159716 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  20174.4274
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  20174.4317      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  20182.3672      7.9398      7.9355
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0530860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1168160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7037239 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4657700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14370.7473450 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071380 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4678640 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10158E+01  0.19388E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40482E-01  0.12579E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73246E+00  0.22797E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  20198.8508     24.4234     16.4836
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15140E+01  0.36364E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  20199.0750     24.6476      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  20199.0761     24.6487      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  20199.1167     24.6893      0.0406
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107285 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  20199.1214
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  20199.1258      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  20207.1224      8.0010      7.9967
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0506730 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1054392 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7051241 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3766241 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14483.3548441 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206732 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071371 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3660479 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.20955E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42902E-01  0.12581E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72791E+00  0.22758E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  20223.5046     24.3832     16.3822
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15358E+01  0.36138E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  20223.7283     24.6069      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements  20223.7294     24.6080      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  20223.7701     24.6487      0.0407
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080758 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  20223.7731     24.6517      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  20223.7733     24.6519      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -124180101643786.03 183672942646766.94
+ def in m -7.9895572662353516 0.64558160305023193
+ dimensionless def  -1.84451886585780553E-6 2.28273064749581471E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0178527  0.2275510
+                  Compute divergence  20223.9811     24.8597      0.2078
+                        wsmp_cleanup  20224.0177     24.8963      0.0366
+              Reset surface geometry  20224.0228     24.9014      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   20224.0312     24.9098      0.0084
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  20224.0482     24.9268      0.0170
+                   Advect surface  1  20224.0483     24.9269      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  20224.2433     25.1219      0.1950
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  20224.4353     25.3139      0.1919
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  20224.6896     25.5682      0.2544
+                    Advect the cloud  20224.8361     25.7147      0.1464
+                        Write output  20225.6295     26.5081      0.7934
+                    End of time step  20226.4908     27.3694      0.8612
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     125  20226.4909
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  20226.4910      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  20226.4910      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16940points
+                      refine surface  20226.4910      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  20226.5175      0.0266      0.0265
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  20226.5400      0.0492      0.0225
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  20226.5651      0.0742      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16942points
+                          surface 02  20226.5835      0.0926      0.0184
+                                                                        S. 2:    16940points
+                      refine surface  20226.5837      0.0928      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  20226.6093      0.1184      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  20226.6322      0.1413      0.0229
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  20226.6569      0.1661      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16941points
+                          surface 03  20226.6757      0.1848      0.0187
+                                                                        S. 3:    16941points
+                      refine surface  20226.6758      0.1849      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  20226.7006      0.2097      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16941points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  20226.7255
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  20226.7258      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  20226.7416      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  20226.7632      0.0377      0.0216
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  20226.7640      0.0385      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  20226.7781      0.0526      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  20226.9003      0.1748      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  20227.0812      0.3557      0.1809
+                embedding surface  1  20227.0813      0.3558      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  20229.0415      2.3160      1.9602
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  20231.1388      4.4133      2.0973
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  20234.6754      7.9499      3.5366
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  20234.6801      7.9546      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  20235.1406      8.4151      0.4604
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  20235.2596      8.5340      0.1190
+                           Find void  20235.5320      8.8065      0.2725
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  20235.5602      8.8347      0.0282
+                         wsmp setup1  20235.5672      8.8417      0.0070
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  20236.5701      9.8446      1.0029
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  20236.6163
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  20236.6165      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38937E-05  9.10858E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  20244.6054      7.9891      7.9889
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0548220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1032660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7068160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3769112 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14482.9894081 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1205709 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072389 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3699999 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.18452E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.97275E-01  0.11060E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76160E+00  0.25407E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  20260.9914     24.3751     16.3860
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35084E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  20261.2150     24.5987      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements  20261.2161     24.5997      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  20261.2585     24.6422      0.0425
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5893753 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  20261.2633
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  20261.2677      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79696E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  20269.2429      7.9796      7.9751
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0511880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0951700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7054348 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4074199 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14444.2551454 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209240 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071950 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3877161 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10159E+01  0.13698E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48181E-01  0.10228E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76699E+00  0.22589E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  20285.6464     24.3830     16.4035
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12356E+01  0.17939E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  20285.8707     24.6073      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements  20285.8717     24.6084      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  20285.9137     24.6504      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0712402 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  20285.9182
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  20285.9225      0.0042      0.0042
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  20293.8580      7.9398      7.9356
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0515652 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1175709 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7074561 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3698828 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14491.9421294 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072680 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3754411 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.15523E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40171E-01  0.11868E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74675E+00  0.23187E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  20310.2489     24.3307     16.3909
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13713E+01  0.31229E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  20310.4760     24.5577      0.2270
+                do leaf measurements  20310.4771     24.5589      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  20310.5190     24.6008      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362312 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  20310.5238
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  20310.5281      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  20318.5271      8.0034      7.9991
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0502620 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1059570 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7059469 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3807099 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14478.1551869 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207869 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072360 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3712950 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10164E+01  0.17622E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40384E-01  0.12329E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73730E+00  0.22905E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  20334.9139     24.3901     16.3867
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14704E+01  0.35507E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  20335.1381     24.6144      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements  20335.1392     24.6154      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  20335.1814     24.6576      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158972 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  20335.1861
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  20335.1903      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  20343.1287      7.9426      7.9384
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0505369 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1192031 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7053540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4688470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14366.8917505 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211209 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071700 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4726110 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10159E+01  0.19408E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40293E-01  0.12571E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73251E+00  0.22816E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  20359.6174     24.4314     16.4887
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15144E+01  0.36395E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  20359.8421     24.6561      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  20359.8432     24.6571      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  20359.8852     24.6992      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107629 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  20359.8900
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  20359.8943      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  20367.8887      7.9987      7.9944
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0481329 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0944059 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7077620 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3835430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14474.5518741 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210241 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072751 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3625600 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.20971E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42758E-01  0.12573E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72795E+00  0.22760E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  20384.2671     24.3771     16.3784
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15361E+01  0.36146E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  20384.4911     24.6011      0.2240
+                do leaf measurements  20384.4922     24.6022      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  20384.5345     24.6445      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080807 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  20384.5375     24.6475      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  20384.5377     24.6477      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -124827465576790.36 185061502308520.84
+ def in m -7.9914398193359375 0.6458134651184082
+ dimensionless def  -1.84518132890973769E-6 2.2832685198102678E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0178655  0.2276024
+                  Compute divergence  20384.7421     24.8521      0.2044
+                        wsmp_cleanup  20384.7784     24.8884      0.0362
+              Reset surface geometry  20384.7833     24.8934      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   20384.7915     24.9015      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  20384.8089     24.9189      0.0173
+                   Advect surface  1  20384.8090     24.9190      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  20385.0063     25.1163      0.1972
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  20385.2028     25.3128      0.1965
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  20385.4568     25.5668      0.2540
+                    Advect the cloud  20385.6060     25.7160      0.1492
+                        Write output  20386.3935     26.5035      0.7875
+                    End of time step  20387.2559     27.3659      0.8625
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     126  20387.2561
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  20387.2561      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  20387.2562      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16942points
+                      refine surface  20387.2562      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  20387.2833      0.0273      0.0271
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  20387.3054      0.0493      0.0220
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  20387.3301      0.0741      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16944points
+                          surface 02  20387.3486      0.0925      0.0184
+                                                                        S. 2:    16941points
+                      refine surface  20387.3487      0.0926      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  20387.3748      0.1188      0.0261
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  20387.3975      0.1415      0.0227
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  20387.4222      0.1662      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16942points
+                          surface 03  20387.4409      0.1849      0.0187
+                                                                        S. 3:    16941points
+                      refine surface  20387.4411      0.1850      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  20387.4676      0.2115      0.0265
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  20387.4905      0.2344      0.0229
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  20387.5153      0.2592      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16943points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  20387.5403
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  20387.5406      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  20387.5564      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  20387.5778      0.0375      0.0214
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  20387.5786      0.0383      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  20387.5927      0.0524      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  20387.7149      0.1746      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  20387.8977      0.3574      0.1828
+                embedding surface  1  20387.8979      0.3576      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  20389.8547      2.3144      1.9568
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  20391.9298      4.3895      2.0751
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  20395.4585      7.9182      3.5287
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  20395.4632      7.9229      0.0046
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  20395.8810      8.3406      0.4178
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  20396.0850      8.5446      0.2040
+                           Find void  20396.3574      8.8171      0.2725
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  20396.3859      8.8456      0.0285
+                         wsmp setup1  20396.3930      8.8527      0.0071
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  20397.3947      9.8544      1.0017
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  20397.4405
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  20397.4407      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38937E-05  9.41783E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  20405.4400      7.9995      7.9994
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0551059 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1035101 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7094219 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3706968 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14490.9047368 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208429 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069230 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3668649 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.18368E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.97312E-01  0.11037E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76140E+00  0.25137E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  20421.8231     24.3826     16.3831
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35087E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  20422.0470     24.6065      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  20422.0481     24.6076      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  20422.0889     24.6484      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5892541 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  20422.0939
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  20422.0983      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79108E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  20430.0787      7.9848      7.9804
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0492139 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1044931 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7079670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4059269 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14446.1458241 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207571 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070541 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3957851 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10157E+01  0.13631E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48371E-01  0.10241E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76690E+00  0.22637E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  20446.4902     24.3963     16.4115
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12349E+01  0.18395E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  20446.7139     24.6201      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  20446.7150     24.6212      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  20446.7556     24.6617      0.0405
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0714568 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  20446.7603
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  20446.7646      0.0042      0.0042
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  20454.7025      7.9422      7.9379
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0472660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1263740 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7132099 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3919280 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14463.8979889 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070412 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4076860 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.15478E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40132E-01  0.11859E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74632E+00  0.23143E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  20471.1260     24.3657     16.4235
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13704E+01  0.31141E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  20471.3529     24.5926      0.2269
+                do leaf measurements  20471.3540     24.5936      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  20471.3946     24.6342      0.0406
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0363115 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  20471.3994
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  20471.4037      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  20479.3933      7.9940      7.9896
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0525849 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1069629 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7066472 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3869710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14470.1943933 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208091 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072060 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3815711 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10163E+01  0.17586E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40259E-01  0.12325E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73697E+00  0.22893E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  20495.7908     24.3914     16.3974
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14694E+01  0.35394E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  20496.0141     24.6147      0.2233
+                do leaf measurements  20496.0152     24.6158      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  20496.0559     24.6566      0.0407
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158714 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  20496.0609
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  20496.0653      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  20504.0033      7.9425      7.9380
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0504110 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1025848 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7091091 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4629040 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14374.3404127 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209261 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071630 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4535081 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10159E+01  0.19376E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40540E-01  0.12567E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73223E+00  0.22802E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  20520.4727     24.4119     16.4694
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15133E+01  0.36293E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  20520.6973     24.6364      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  20520.6984     24.6375      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  20520.7390     24.6781      0.0406
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107516 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  20520.7438
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  20520.7482      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  20528.7294      7.9856      7.9812
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0490260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1061192 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7031898 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3758390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14484.3544241 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208179 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071478 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3625271 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.20939E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42954E-01  0.12573E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72772E+00  0.22754E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  20545.1076     24.3638     16.3783
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15349E+01  0.36045E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  20545.3311     24.5873      0.2234
+                do leaf measurements  20545.3322     24.5884      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  20545.3728     24.6290      0.0406
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080845 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  20545.3759     24.6320      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  20545.3760     24.6322      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -125470631683961.64 186448643209472.16
+ def in m -7.9927492141723633 0.64716684818267822
+ dimensionless def  -1.84904813766479489E-6 2.28364263262067519E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0179117  0.2276400
+                  Compute divergence  20545.5629     24.8190      0.1868
+                        wsmp_cleanup  20545.6189     24.8751      0.0561
+              Reset surface geometry  20545.6242     24.8804      0.0053
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   20545.6321     24.8883      0.0078
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  20545.6453     24.9015      0.0132
+                   Advect surface  1  20545.6454     24.9016      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  20545.8406     25.0968      0.1952
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  20546.0412     25.2974      0.2006
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  20546.2902     25.5464      0.2490
+                    Advect the cloud  20546.4348     25.6909      0.1445
+                        Write output  20547.2183     26.4745      0.7835
+                    End of time step  20548.0757     27.3319      0.8575
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     127  20548.0759
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  20548.0759      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  20548.0760      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16944points
+                      refine surface  20548.0760      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  20548.1029      0.0270      0.0268
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  20548.1250      0.0491      0.0221
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  20548.1501      0.0742      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16946points
+                          surface 02  20548.1680      0.0921      0.0179
+                                                                        S. 2:    16942points
+                      refine surface  20548.1682      0.0923      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  20548.1930      0.1171      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16942points
+                          surface 03  20548.2115      0.1356      0.0185
+                                                                        S. 3:    16943points
+                      refine surface  20548.2116      0.1357      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  20548.2363      0.1605      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16943points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  20548.2609
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  20548.2611      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  20548.2770      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  20548.2986      0.0378      0.0217
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  20548.2994      0.0385      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  20548.3135      0.0527      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  20548.4357      0.1748      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  20548.6190      0.3582      0.1833
+                embedding surface  1  20548.6192      0.3583      0.0001
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  20550.5347      2.2738      1.9155
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  20552.5893      4.3284      2.0546
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  20556.1011      7.8402      3.5118
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  20556.1057      7.8449      0.0046
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  20556.4947      8.2338      0.3890
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  20556.7457      8.4849      0.2510
+                           Find void  20557.0136      8.7527      0.2679
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  20557.0418      8.7809      0.0282
+                         wsmp setup1  20557.0490      8.7881      0.0073
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  20558.0545      9.7936      1.0055
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  20558.1007
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  20558.1009      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38937E-05  9.46709E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  20566.1018      8.0011      8.0009
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0515420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1049609 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7057981 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3805671 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14478.3368708 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207249 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071640 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3711550 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.18368E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.97282E-01  0.10939E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76157E+00  0.25435E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  20582.4887     24.3880     16.3869
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35079E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  20582.7131     24.6124      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  20582.7142     24.6135      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  20582.7553     24.6546      0.0411
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5883374 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  20582.7601
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  20582.7645      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79726E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  20590.7513      7.9912      7.9867
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0473750 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0871429 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7078791 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3897331 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14466.6852835 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207731 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071900 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3604798 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10158E+01  0.13638E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48505E-01  0.10227E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76692E+00  0.22586E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  20607.1275     24.3674     16.3762
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12356E+01  0.17984E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  20607.3501     24.5900      0.2226
+                do leaf measurements  20607.3511     24.5910      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  20607.3920     24.6319      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0706958 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  20607.3967
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  20607.4010      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  20615.3390      7.9424      7.9380
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0485339 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1282470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7131460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3901880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14466.1075113 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070622 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4090481 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.15477E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39768E-01  0.11850E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74662E+00  0.23131E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  20631.7637     24.3670     16.4246
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13706E+01  0.31191E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  20631.9906     24.5939      0.2269
+                do leaf measurements  20631.9916     24.5949      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  20632.0325     24.6358      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362130 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  20632.0372
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  20632.0415      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  20640.0274      7.9902      7.9859
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0499508 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0947762 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7041171 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3899779 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14466.3742862 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207581 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071080 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3670700 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10164E+01  0.17581E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40044E-01  0.12321E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73720E+00  0.22884E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  20656.4108     24.3736     16.3834
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14695E+01  0.35443E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  20656.6339     24.5967      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements  20656.6349     24.5978      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  20656.6759     24.6388      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158842 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  20656.6807
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  20656.6852      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  20664.6225      7.9418      7.9373
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0516210 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0919440 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7039680 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4604940 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14377.3630769 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1204500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070579 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4359081 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10159E+01  0.19371E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40569E-01  0.12564E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73244E+00  0.22792E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  20681.0739     24.3931     16.4514
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15134E+01  0.36329E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  20681.2981     24.6174      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  20681.2992     24.6184      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  20681.3400     24.6593      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107281 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  20681.3447
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  20681.3491      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  20689.3241      7.9794      7.9751
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0492711 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1067560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7046390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3842959 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14473.5945673 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208570 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071149 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3733289 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.20937E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42971E-01  0.12568E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72791E+00  0.22750E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  20705.7133     24.3686     16.3892
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15352E+01  0.36101E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  20705.9370     24.5923      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  20705.9380     24.5933      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  20705.9790     24.6343      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080825 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  20705.9820     24.6373      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  20705.9822     24.6375      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -126107494429091.25 187834289118611.78
+ def in m -7.9931039810180664 0.64717262983322144
+ dimensionless def  -1.84906465666634697E-6 2.28374399457659054E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0179163  0.2276450
+                  Compute divergence  20706.1877     24.8430      0.2056
+                        wsmp_cleanup  20706.2238     24.8791      0.0360
+              Reset surface geometry  20706.2288     24.8841      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   20706.2369     24.8922      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  20706.2541     24.9094      0.0171
+                   Advect surface  1  20706.2542     24.9095      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  20706.4504     25.1057      0.1962
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  20706.6499     25.3052      0.1995
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  20706.9041     25.5594      0.2541
+                    Advect the cloud  20707.0479     25.7032      0.1438
+                        Write output  20707.8290     26.4843      0.7811
+                    End of time step  20735.1782     53.8334     27.3492
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     128  20735.1783
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  20735.1783      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  20735.1784      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16946points
+                      refine surface  20735.1784      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  20735.2055      0.0272      0.0271
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  20735.2278      0.0495      0.0222
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  20735.2532      0.0749      0.0254
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16948points
+                          surface 02  20735.2711      0.0928      0.0179
+                                                                        S. 2:    16942points
+                      refine surface  20735.2713      0.0930      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  20735.2974      0.1191      0.0261
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  20735.3198      0.1416      0.0224
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  20735.3450      0.1667      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16943points
+                          surface 03  20735.3634      0.1851      0.0184
+                                                                        S. 3:    16943points
+                      refine surface  20735.3635      0.1852      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  20735.3911      0.2128      0.0276
+                                                                        S. 3:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  20735.4176      0.2393      0.0265
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  20735.4430      0.2647      0.0254
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16946points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  20735.4671
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  20735.4674      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  20735.4834      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  20735.5049      0.0377      0.0215
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  20735.5056      0.0385      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  20735.5199      0.0528      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  20735.6433      0.1762      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  20735.8253      0.3582      0.1820
+                embedding surface  1  20735.8255      0.3584      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  20737.7812      2.3141      1.9557
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  20739.8879      4.4208      2.1067
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  20743.4283      7.9612      3.5404
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  20743.4332      7.9660      0.0049
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  20743.8481      8.3810      0.4150
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  20743.9606      8.4935      0.1125
+                           Find void  20744.2362      8.7691      0.2755
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  20744.2649      8.7978      0.0287
+                         wsmp setup1  20744.2718      8.8047      0.0069
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  20745.2751      9.8080      1.0033
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  20745.3206
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  20745.3208      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38937E-05  9.40752E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  20753.3106      7.9900      7.9898
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0529120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0970681 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7037821 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3939879 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14461.2830387 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209321 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071208 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3761952 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10150E+01  0.18420E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.97136E-01  0.11012E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76187E+00  0.25250E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  20769.7023     24.3817     16.3917
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35126E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  20769.9263     24.6056      0.2240
+                do leaf measurements  20769.9273     24.6067      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  20769.9684     24.6477      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5892940 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  20769.9729
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  20769.9773      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79630E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  20777.9190      7.9460      7.9417
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0493772 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1192338 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7089500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4216180 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14426.2996797 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214111 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070848 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4280701 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10159E+01  0.13671E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48562E-01  0.10252E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76713E+00  0.22565E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  20794.3624     24.3895     16.4435
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12361E+01  0.18116E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  20794.5898     24.6168      0.2273
+                do leaf measurements  20794.5908     24.6179      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  20794.6319     24.6590      0.0411
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0712773 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  20794.6366
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  20794.6409      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  20802.6340      7.9974      7.9930
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0484488 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1011581 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7007370 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3728380 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14488.1764411 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210780 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071659 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3518262 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.15504E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39959E-01  0.11880E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74672E+00  0.23107E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  20819.0014     24.3648     16.3674
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13715E+01  0.31229E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  20819.2258     24.5892      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  20819.2268     24.5903      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  20819.2681     24.6315      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362123 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  20819.2728
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  20819.2773      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  20827.2236      7.9508      7.9464
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0503619 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0873420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7014248 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4416840 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14400.9993428 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208520 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071261 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4091921 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.17608E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40096E-01  0.12341E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73724E+00  0.22865E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  20843.6483     24.3755     16.4247
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14705E+01  0.35506E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  20843.8734     24.6006      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  20843.8744     24.6016      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  20843.9154     24.6426      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159657 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  20843.9201
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  20843.9244      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  20851.8777      7.9577      7.9533
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0480809 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0871890 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7116630 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3762259 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14483.8617502 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215870 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069909 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3521099 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10160E+01  0.19397E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40532E-01  0.12581E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73248E+00  0.22781E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  20868.2461     24.3261     16.3684
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15140E+01  0.36364E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  20868.4727     24.5526      0.2266
+                do leaf measurements  20868.4737     24.5537      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  20868.5149     24.5948      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107552 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  20868.5196
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  20868.5240      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  20876.5431      8.0235      8.0191
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0485229 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0951180 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7055430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3830459 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14475.1839843 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209369 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070460 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3605909 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10156E+01  0.20964E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42944E-01  0.12581E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72792E+00  0.22734E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  20892.9197     24.4001     16.3766
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15359E+01  0.36136E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  20893.1446     24.6250      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  20893.1456     24.6260      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  20893.1866     24.6670      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080811 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  20893.1896     24.6700      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  20893.1897     24.6702      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -126734196521021.81 189220398343556.78
+ def in m -7.9925084114074707 0.6467900276184082
+ dimensionless def  -1.84797150748116639E-6 2.28357383183070596E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0179105  0.2276256
+                  Compute divergence  20893.3933     24.8737      0.2035
+                        wsmp_cleanup  20893.4350     24.9154      0.0417
+              Reset surface geometry  20893.4399     24.9203      0.0049
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   20893.4483     24.9287      0.0084
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  20893.4627     24.9431      0.0143
+                   Advect surface  1  20893.4628     24.9432      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  20893.6605     25.1409      0.1977
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  20893.8592     25.3396      0.1986
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  20894.1104     25.5908      0.2512
+                    Advect the cloud  20894.2561     25.7365      0.1457
+                        Write output  20895.0353     26.5157      0.7792
+                    End of time step  20895.8945     27.3749      0.8592
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     129  20895.8946
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  20895.8947      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  20895.8947      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16948points
+                      refine surface  20895.8948      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  20895.9207      0.0261      0.0259
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  20895.9433      0.0487      0.0226
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  20895.9683      0.0737      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16949points
+                          surface 02  20895.9866      0.0920      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 2:    16943points
+                      refine surface  20895.9868      0.0921      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  20896.0136      0.1189      0.0268
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  20896.0360      0.1413      0.0224
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  20896.0608      0.1662      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16945points
+                          surface 03  20896.0796      0.1849      0.0187
+                                                                        S. 3:    16946points
+                      refine surface  20896.0797      0.1851      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  20896.1065      0.2118      0.0268
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  20896.1288      0.2342      0.0224
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  20896.1535      0.2589      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16948points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  20896.1785
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  20896.1788      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  20896.1948      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  20896.2160      0.0374      0.0212
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  20896.2168      0.0382      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  20896.2311      0.0525      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  20896.3545      0.1759      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  20896.5333      0.3548      0.1788
+                embedding surface  1  20896.5335      0.3549      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  20898.4867      2.3081      1.9532
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  20900.5966      4.4181      2.1099
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  20904.1428      7.9642      3.5462
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  20904.1479      7.9693      0.0051
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  20904.5608      8.3823      0.4130
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  20904.6353      8.4567      0.0745
+                           Find void  20904.9055      8.7269      0.2702
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  20904.9338      8.7553      0.0284
+                         wsmp setup1  20904.9412      8.7627      0.0074
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  20905.9450      9.7665      1.0038
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  20905.9910
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  20905.9912      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38937E-05  9.76787E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  20914.0105      8.0196      8.0194
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0499148 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1073821 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7114620 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3932500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14462.2196512 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210680 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071290 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3906100 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10150E+01  0.18491E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.98168E-01  0.10997E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76175E+00  0.25802E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  20930.4171     24.4261     16.4066
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35108E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  20930.6410     24.6501      0.2240
+                do leaf measurements  20930.6421     24.6511      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  20930.6839     24.6929      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5889211 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  20930.6885
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  20930.6929      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79060E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  20938.6346      7.9461      7.9418
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0476830 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1362541 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7136981 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4350152 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14409.3978863 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1218982 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071750 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4621501 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10157E+01  0.13740E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48370E-01  0.10212E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76711E+00  0.22575E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  20955.1124     24.4238     16.4777
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12358E+01  0.18161E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  20955.3393     24.6508      0.2269
+                do leaf measurements  20955.3404     24.6519      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  20955.3821     24.6936      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0713272 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  20955.3868
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  20955.3912      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  20963.3995      8.0127      8.0083
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0487289 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1070991 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7116289 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3840208 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14473.9443728 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210620 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071881 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3801389 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.15548E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39675E-01  0.11858E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74704E+00  0.23164E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  20979.7952     24.4084     16.3958
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13717E+01  0.31276E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  20980.0194     24.6327      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  20980.0205     24.6338      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  20980.0626     24.6758      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362148 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  20980.0673
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  20980.0718      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  20988.0302      7.9629      7.9584
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0494862 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0989718 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7104731 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4371810 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14406.6692600 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207821 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071800 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4244881 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10164E+01  0.17634E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39993E-01  0.12324E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73756E+00  0.22904E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  21004.4710     24.4037     16.4408
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14709E+01  0.35565E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  21004.6953     24.6280      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements  21004.6964     24.6291      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  21004.7381     24.6708      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159158 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  21004.7428
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  21004.7472      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  21012.6893      7.9464      7.9420
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0488350 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1022100 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7092180 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3805621 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14478.3432404 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216931 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071490 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3700659 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10159E+01  0.19416E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40584E-01  0.12564E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73274E+00  0.22806E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  21029.0753     24.3325     16.3861
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15151E+01  0.36468E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  21029.3014     24.5586      0.2261
+                do leaf measurements  21029.3025     24.5597      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  21029.3443     24.6014      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107702 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  21029.3490
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  21029.3534      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  21037.3646      8.0156      8.0112
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0500681 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1128881 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7073810 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3920710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14463.7163646 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211929 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071590 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3911901 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.20978E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43005E-01  0.12566E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72818E+00  0.22755E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  21053.7710     24.4221     16.4064
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15370E+01  0.36221E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  21054.0001     24.6511      0.2291
+                do leaf measurements  21054.0012     24.6522      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  21054.0429     24.6939      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080812 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  21054.0459     24.6969      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  21054.0461     24.6972      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -127355417092500.41 190604478500835.19
+ def in m -7.9902839660644531 0.64528477191925049
+ dimensionless def  -1.84367077691214405E-6 2.28293827601841514E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0178752  0.2275628
+                  Compute divergence  21054.2440     24.8951      0.1979
+                        wsmp_cleanup  21054.2920     24.9431      0.0480
+              Reset surface geometry  21054.2970     24.9481      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   21054.3038     24.9548      0.0068
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  21054.3168     24.9678      0.0130
+                   Advect surface  1  21054.3170     24.9680      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  21054.5138     25.1649      0.1969
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  21054.7184     25.3694      0.2046
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  21054.9729     25.6240      0.2545
+                    Advect the cloud  21055.1174     25.7685      0.1445
+                        Write output  21055.9023     26.5533      0.7848
+                    End of time step  21056.7690     27.4200      0.8667
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     130  21056.7691
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  21056.7692      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  21056.7692      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16949points
+                      refine surface  21056.7693      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  21056.7945      0.0254      0.0253
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16949points
+                          surface 02  21056.8130      0.0439      0.0185
+                                                                        S. 2:    16944points
+                      refine surface  21056.8131      0.0440      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  21056.8379      0.0688      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16944points
+                          surface 03  21056.8564      0.0873      0.0185
+                                                                        S. 3:    16948points
+                      refine surface  21056.8565      0.0874      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  21056.8825      0.1134      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  21056.9051      0.1360      0.0226
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  21056.9300      0.1609      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16949points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  21056.9549
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  21056.9552      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  21056.9712      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  21056.9925      0.0376      0.0213
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  21056.9933      0.0384      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  21057.0076      0.0527      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  21057.1311      0.1761      0.1235
+             Imbed surface in osolve  21057.3134      0.3585      0.1823
+                embedding surface  1  21057.3135      0.3586      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  21059.2702      2.3152      1.9566
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  21061.3584      4.4035      2.0883
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  21064.9065      7.9515      3.5480
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  21064.9112      7.9563      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  21065.3248      8.3699      0.4136
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  21065.4326      8.4777      0.1078
+                           Find void  21065.7008      8.7458      0.2681
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  21065.7289      8.7740      0.0281
+                         wsmp setup1  21065.7363      8.7814      0.0074
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  21066.7431      9.7881      1.0067
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  21066.7887
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  21066.7890      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38937E-05  9.94067E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  21074.8026      8.0138      8.0136
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0545440 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0981050 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7017121 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3909371 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14465.1561653 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211462 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071559 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3739901 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10150E+01  0.18390E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.97178E-01  0.10927E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76166E+00  0.25146E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  21091.1924     24.4036     16.3898
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35093E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  21091.4166     24.6278      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  21091.4176     24.6289      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  21091.4587     24.6700      0.0411
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5891880 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  21091.4634
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  21091.4677      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.80012E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  21099.4090      7.9455      7.9412
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0515211 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1245022 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7138920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4439499 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14398.1479096 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1219039 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071740 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4633210 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.13669E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48644E-01  0.10248E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76708E+00  0.22502E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  21115.8884     24.4250     16.4794
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12354E+01  0.18959E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  21116.1144     24.6510      0.2260
+                do leaf measurements  21116.1155     24.6520      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  21116.1564     24.6930      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0711821 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  21116.1612
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  21116.1655      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  21124.1806      8.0195      8.0151
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0494859 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0924039 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7022221 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3847361 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14473.0350349 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1218641 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072179 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3583059 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.15511E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40072E-01  0.11883E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74645E+00  0.23111E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  21140.5547     24.3936     16.3741
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13710E+01  0.31167E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  21140.7796     24.6184      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  21140.7807     24.6195      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  21140.8221     24.6609      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362247 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  21140.8269
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  21140.8313      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  21148.7954      7.9685      7.9640
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0499251 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0963800 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7121038 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4179690 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14430.9100894 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212401 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070598 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4050591 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10163E+01  0.17615E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40217E-01  0.12341E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73709E+00  0.22867E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  21165.2157     24.3888     16.4203
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14702E+01  0.35465E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  21165.4407     24.6138      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  21165.4417     24.6148      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  21165.4828     24.6559      0.0411
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159107 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  21165.4875
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  21165.4918      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  21173.4296      7.9422      7.9378
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0492558 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1013160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7097120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3791690 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14480.1157325 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1221590 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072169 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3692040 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10159E+01  0.19403E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40524E-01  0.12585E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73236E+00  0.22778E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  21189.8150     24.3275     16.3853
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15141E+01  0.36350E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  21190.0411     24.5536      0.2261
+                do leaf measurements  21190.0422     24.5547      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  21190.0832     24.5957      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107400 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  21190.0879
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  21190.0923      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  21198.0972      8.0092      8.0049
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0476830 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0970790 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.6998720 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3933771 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14462.0583454 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214499 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070920 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3669322 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.20965E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42933E-01  0.12582E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72782E+00  0.22733E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  21214.4803     24.3924     16.3832
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15358E+01  0.36116E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  21214.7039     24.6159      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements  21214.7049     24.6170      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  21214.7460     24.6580      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080805 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  21214.7490     24.6610      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  21214.7492     24.6612      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -127980589126334.7 191980598021185.88
+ def in m -7.9894142150878906 0.64332067966461182
+ dimensionless def  -1.8380590847560337E-6 2.2826897757393973E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0178285  0.2275352
+                  Compute divergence  21214.9503     24.8623      0.2011
+                        wsmp_cleanup  21214.9921     24.9041      0.0418
+              Reset surface geometry  21214.9969     24.9089      0.0048
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   21215.0053     24.9173      0.0084
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  21215.0194     24.9315      0.0141
+                   Advect surface  1  21215.0196     24.9316      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  21215.2115     25.1235      0.1919
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  21215.4092     25.3212      0.1977
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  21215.6598     25.5719      0.2506
+                    Advect the cloud  21215.8061     25.7181      0.1462
+                        Write output  21216.5897     26.5018      0.7837
+                    End of time step  21217.4637     27.3758      0.8740
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     131  21217.4639
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  21217.4639      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  21217.4640      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16949points
+                      refine surface  21217.4640      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  21217.4913      0.0275      0.0273
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  21217.5140      0.0501      0.0226
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  21217.5389      0.0750      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16952points
+                          surface 02  21217.5574      0.0936      0.0186
+                                                                        S. 2:    16944points
+                      refine surface  21217.5576      0.0937      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   4 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  21217.5852      0.1213      0.0276
+                                                                        S. 2:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  21217.6124      0.1485      0.0272
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  21217.6374      0.1735      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16948points
+                          surface 03  21217.6559      0.1920      0.0185
+                                                                        S. 3:    16949points
+                      refine surface  21217.6561      0.1922      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  21217.6821      0.2182      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  21217.7048      0.2409      0.0227
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  21217.7297      0.2659      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16950points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  21217.7551
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  21217.7553      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  21217.7713      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  21217.7926      0.0375      0.0213
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  21217.7934      0.0383      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  21217.8077      0.0526      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  21217.9311      0.1760      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  21218.1099      0.3549      0.1788
+                embedding surface  1  21218.1101      0.3550      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  21220.0688      2.3138      1.9588
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  21222.1548      4.3998      2.0860
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  21225.6829      7.9278      3.5280
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  21225.6908      7.9357      0.0079
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  21226.0701      8.3151      0.3794
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  21226.2341      8.4790      0.1639
+                           Find void  21226.5059      8.7508      0.2718
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  21226.5342      8.7791      0.0283
+                         wsmp setup1  21226.5410      8.7860      0.0068
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  21227.5426      9.7875      1.0016
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  21227.5887
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  21227.5888      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38937E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  21235.6231      8.0345      8.0343
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0522969 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1066551 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7074480 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3837090 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14474.3408798 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208129 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071621 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3784661 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10147E+01  0.18430E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.97819E-01  0.10974E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76166E+00  0.25191E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  21252.0173     24.4286     16.3941
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35095E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  21252.2409     24.6523      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  21252.2420     24.6534      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  21252.2833     24.6946      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5886990 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  21252.2878
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  21252.2921      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79274E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  21260.2364      7.9485      7.9442
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0524158 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1115742 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7151508 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4572010 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14381.4954296 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070112 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4646490 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10157E+01  0.13685E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48472E-01  0.10245E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76706E+00  0.22574E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  21276.7166     24.4287     16.4802
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12365E+01  0.18285E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  21276.9409     24.6531      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements  21276.9420     24.6542      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  21276.9833     24.6954      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0712522 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  21276.9879
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  21276.9922      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  21284.8425      7.8546      7.8503
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0487020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1034389 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7084191 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3835530 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14474.5391415 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071161 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3724580 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.15508E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39906E-01  0.11870E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74688E+00  0.23158E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  21301.2311     24.2432     16.3886
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13722E+01  0.31301E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  21301.4542     24.4663      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements  21301.4553     24.4674      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  21301.4969     24.5090      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361245 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  21301.5017
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  21301.5061      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  21309.4783      7.9766      7.9722
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0482810 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0945978 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7101581 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4125180 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14437.8027287 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210201 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070741 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3940141 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10164E+01  0.17599E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40111E-01  0.12329E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73742E+00  0.22900E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  21325.8882     24.3865     16.4099
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14709E+01  0.35573E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  21326.1124     24.6107      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  21326.1135     24.6118      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  21326.1547     24.6531      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158975 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  21326.1593
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  21326.1636      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  21334.1037      7.9444      7.9401
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0510859 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1175749 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7133651 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3957188 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14459.0864850 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214058 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070090 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4065440 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10159E+01  0.19385E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40638E-01  0.12570E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73264E+00  0.22786E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  21350.5257     24.3664     16.4220
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15145E+01  0.36430E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  21350.7518     24.5925      0.2261
+                do leaf measurements  21350.7529     24.5936      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  21350.7941     24.6348      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107395 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  21350.7988
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  21350.8031      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  21358.7953      7.9965      7.9922
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0492079 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0969551 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7081501 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3950121 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14459.9831792 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208479 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070109 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3775520 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10156E+01  0.20950E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43060E-01  0.12578E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72808E+00  0.22747E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  21375.1888     24.3900     16.3935
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15362E+01  0.36203E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  21375.4120     24.6132      0.2232
+                do leaf measurements  21375.4131     24.6143      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  21375.4546     24.6558      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080821 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  21375.4576     24.6588      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  21375.4577     24.6590      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -128593784217264.14 193357135931528.84
+ def in m -7.9880280494689941 0.64253765344619751
+ dimensionless def  -1.83582186698913562E-6 2.28229372841971272E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0178068  0.2275004
+                  Compute divergence  21375.6525     24.8538      0.1948
+                        wsmp_cleanup  21375.7005     24.9017      0.0479
+              Reset surface geometry  21375.7055     24.9068      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   21375.7125     24.9137      0.0069
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  21375.7257     24.9269      0.0132
+                   Advect surface  1  21375.7258     24.9271      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  21375.9221     25.1233      0.1962
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  21376.1196     25.3209      0.1976
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  21376.3731     25.5744      0.2535
+                    Advect the cloud  21376.5170     25.7182      0.1439
+                        Write output  21377.3027     26.5039      0.7857
+                    End of time step  21378.1719     27.3731      0.8692
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     132  21378.1720
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  21378.1721      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  21378.1721      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16952points
+                      refine surface  21378.1722      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  21378.1976      0.0256      0.0255
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16952points
+                          surface 02  21378.2157      0.0437      0.0181
+                                                                        S. 2:    16948points
+                      refine surface  21378.2159      0.0439      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  21378.2410      0.0690      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16948points
+                          surface 03  21378.2591      0.0871      0.0182
+                                                                        S. 3:    16950points
+                      refine surface  21378.2593      0.0873      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  21378.2842      0.1122      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16950points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  21378.3089
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  21378.3091      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  21378.3251      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  21378.3465      0.0376      0.0214
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  21378.3473      0.0384      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  21378.3615      0.0527      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  21378.4850      0.1761      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  21378.6637      0.3549      0.1788
+                embedding surface  1  21378.6639      0.3550      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  21380.6171      2.3082      1.9532
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  21382.7044      4.3956      2.0873
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  21386.2429      7.9340      3.5384
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  21386.2475      7.9387      0.0046
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  21386.6538      8.3450      0.4063
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  21386.7754      8.4665      0.1216
+                           Find void  21387.0485      8.7396      0.2731
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  21387.0766      8.7677      0.0281
+                         wsmp setup1  21387.0838      8.7749      0.0072
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  21388.0770      9.7681      0.9932
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  21388.1222
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  21388.1224      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38937E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  21396.1526      8.0303      8.0301
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0525799 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1038411 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7067690 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4045060 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14447.9457800 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213348 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070341 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3964500 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10148E+01  0.18490E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.97255E-01  0.10890E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76149E+00  0.25650E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  21412.5649     24.4427     16.4124
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35066E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  21412.7893     24.6671      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  21412.7904     24.6682      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  21412.8314     24.7092      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5896263 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  21412.8360
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  21412.8403      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.80732E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  21420.7804      7.9444      7.9401
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0499809 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1299911 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7094688 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4609501 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14376.7909220 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209280 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070250 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4787281 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10157E+01  0.13750E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48607E-01  0.10241E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76708E+00  0.22413E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  21437.2743     24.4384     16.4940
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12361E+01  0.17999E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  21437.4985     24.6625      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  21437.4995     24.6636      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  21437.5403     24.7044      0.0408
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0715469 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  21437.5449
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  21437.5493      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  21445.5601      8.0151      8.0108
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0504780 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0885770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7069361 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3836999 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14474.3523995 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209950 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071230 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3582041 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.15558E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39857E-01  0.11886E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74713E+00  0.23071E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  21461.9340     24.3891     16.3740
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13722E+01  0.31309E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  21462.1572     24.6123      0.2232
+                do leaf measurements  21462.1583     24.6134      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  21462.1994     24.6544      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0363246 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  21462.2041
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  21462.2085      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  21470.1897      7.9856      7.9812
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0530641 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0811300 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7038560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3945851 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14460.5250615 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071051 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3610969 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.17637E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40056E-01  0.12338E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73763E+00  0.22855E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  21486.5668     24.3627     16.3771
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14713E+01  0.35611E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  21486.7901     24.5859      0.2232
+                do leaf measurements  21486.7911     24.5870      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  21486.8321     24.6280      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159369 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  21486.8367
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  21486.8410      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  21494.7783      7.9416      7.9373
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0508518 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1172252 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7062552 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3854840 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14472.0842928 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1219800 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070879 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3892930 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10160E+01  0.19419E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40612E-01  0.12577E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73278E+00  0.22770E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  21511.1830     24.3463     16.4047
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15151E+01  0.36489E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  21511.4100     24.5734      0.2271
+                do leaf measurements  21511.4111     24.5744      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  21511.4520     24.6153      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107615 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  21511.4566
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  21511.4609      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  21519.4467      7.9901      7.9858
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0514290 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0930109 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7032950 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3854918 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14472.0742920 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207221 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071440 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3614919 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10156E+01  0.20980E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43010E-01  0.12578E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72817E+00  0.22729E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  21535.8240     24.3674     16.3773
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15369E+01  0.36248E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  21536.0478     24.5912      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  21536.0489     24.5923      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  21536.0899     24.6333      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080828 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  21536.0929     24.6363      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  21536.0930     24.6364      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -129208269014057.84 194725680255457.5
+ def in m -7.9860596656799316 0.64185190200805664
+ dimensionless def  -1.83386257716587617E-6 2.28173133305140905E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0177960  0.2274426
+                  Compute divergence  21536.2963     24.8397      0.2033
+                        wsmp_cleanup  21536.3355     24.8789      0.0392
+              Reset surface geometry  21536.3401     24.8835      0.0046
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   21536.3484     24.8918      0.0083
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  21536.3644     24.9078      0.0160
+                   Advect surface  1  21536.3646     24.9080      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  21536.5589     25.1023      0.1943
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  21536.7552     25.2986      0.1963
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  21537.0082     25.5516      0.2530
+                    Advect the cloud  21537.1540     25.6974      0.1458
+                        Write output  21537.9492     26.4926      0.7953
+                    End of time step  21565.9482     54.4916     27.9990
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     133  21565.9483
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  21565.9484      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  21565.9484      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16952points
+                      refine surface  21565.9485      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  21565.9733      0.0250      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16952points
+                          surface 02  21565.9916      0.0433      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 2:    16948points
+                      refine surface  21565.9918      0.0434      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  21566.0175      0.0691      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  21566.0400      0.0916      0.0225
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  21566.0647      0.1163      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16949points
+                          surface 03  21566.0834      0.1350      0.0187
+                                                                        S. 3:    16950points
+                      refine surface  21566.0835      0.1352      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  21566.1100      0.1617      0.0265
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  21566.1323      0.1840      0.0223
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  21566.1564      0.2081      0.0241
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16952points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  21566.1817
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  21566.1820      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  21566.1978      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  21566.2197      0.0380      0.0219
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  21566.2205      0.0387      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  21566.2346      0.0529      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  21566.3569      0.1751      0.1223
+             Imbed surface in osolve  21566.5353      0.3535      0.1784
+                embedding surface  1  21566.5355      0.3537      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  21568.4803      2.2986      1.9449
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  21570.5473      4.3656      2.0670
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  21574.0387      7.8569      3.4914
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  21574.0433      7.8615      0.0046
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  21574.4048      8.2231      0.3615
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  21574.7029      8.5212      0.2981
+                           Find void  21574.9745      8.7928      0.2716
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  21575.0028      8.8211      0.0283
+                         wsmp setup1  21575.0101      8.8284      0.0073
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  21576.0210      9.8393      1.0109
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  21576.0671
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  21576.0673      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38937E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  21583.9917      7.9246      7.9245
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0567942 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0904438 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7047582 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4727969 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14361.9454844 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072999 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4536920 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10149E+01  0.18479E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.97691E-01  0.10917E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76195E+00  0.25516E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  21600.4614     24.3943     16.4697
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35099E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  21600.6858     24.6187      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  21600.6869     24.6197      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  21600.7284     24.6612      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5890880 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  21600.7332
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  21600.7378      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79972E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  21608.7224      7.9892      7.9845
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0502551 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0987790 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7065558 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3755221 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14484.7578771 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210380 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071380 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3596559 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10156E+01  0.13747E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48245E-01  0.10216E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76723E+00  0.22509E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  21625.0980     24.3648     16.3756
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12360E+01  0.18034E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  21625.3214     24.5882      0.2234
+                do leaf measurements  21625.3225     24.5893      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  21625.3640     24.6308      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0711055 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  21625.3688
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  21625.3735      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  21633.3823      8.0135      8.0089
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0499389 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1025159 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7034631 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3908100 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14465.3175402 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211302 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071099 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3753428 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.15559E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39676E-01  0.11857E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74689E+00  0.23138E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  21649.7739     24.4051     16.3916
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13721E+01  0.31291E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  21649.9973     24.6285      0.2234
+                do leaf measurements  21649.9983     24.6295      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  21650.0398     24.6710      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362292 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  21650.0446
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  21650.0493      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  21657.9866      7.9419      7.9373
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0517390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1288559 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7106879 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4249351 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14422.1111453 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213479 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072410 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4451649 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.17646E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39883E-01  0.12320E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73746E+00  0.22899E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  21674.4480     24.4033     16.4614
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14712E+01  0.35594E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  21674.6743     24.6297      0.2264
+                do leaf measurements  21674.6754     24.6308      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  21674.7169     24.6723      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159112 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  21674.7217
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  21674.7263      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  21682.7189      7.9972      7.9926
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0486360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0893700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7038250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3799109 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14479.1716436 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211631 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072629 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3505330 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10160E+01  0.19427E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40494E-01  0.12565E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73268E+00  0.22798E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  21699.0851     24.3633     16.3662
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15151E+01  0.36479E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  21699.3087     24.5869      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements  21699.3098     24.5880      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  21699.3515     24.6298      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107543 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  21699.3564
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  21699.3611      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  21707.3063      7.9499      7.9452
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0512240 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0783510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7050080 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4381149 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14405.4930014 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210330 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071790 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4012711 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10156E+01  0.20987E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42930E-01  0.12569E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72811E+00  0.22750E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  21723.7239     24.3675     16.4176
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15370E+01  0.36237E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  21723.9474     24.5910      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements  21723.9484     24.5920      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  21723.9899     24.6335      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080826 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  21723.9931     24.6367      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  21723.9933     24.6369      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -129818990408157.05 196091255068157.06
+ def in m -7.9846844673156738 0.64099514484405518
+ dimensionless def  -1.83141469955444343E-6 2.28133841923304964E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0177765  0.2274075
+                  Compute divergence  21724.1979     24.8415      0.2045
+                        wsmp_cleanup  21724.2398     24.8834      0.0419
+              Reset surface geometry  21724.2447     24.8883      0.0049
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   21724.2530     24.8966      0.0083
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  21724.2674     24.9110      0.0144
+                   Advect surface  1  21724.2675     24.9112      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  21724.4634     25.1070      0.1958
+                                                                        S. 2:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  21724.6604     25.3040      0.1970
+                                                                        S. 3:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  21724.9154     25.5590      0.2550
+                    Advect the cloud  21725.0609     25.7045      0.1455
+                        Write output  21725.8509     26.4945      0.7900
+                    End of time step  21726.7273     27.3709      0.8764
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     134  21726.7274
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  21726.7275      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  21726.7275      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16952points
+                      refine surface  21726.7276      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  21726.7516      0.0241      0.0240
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16952points
+                          surface 02  21726.7705      0.0431      0.0189
+                                                                        S. 2:    16949points
+                      refine surface  21726.7706      0.0432      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  21726.7957      0.0683      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  21726.8189      0.0915      0.0232
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  21726.8430      0.1155      0.0240
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16950points
+                          surface 03  21726.8621      0.1347      0.0192
+                                                                        S. 3:    16952points
+                      refine surface  21726.8623      0.1349      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  21726.8869      0.1595      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16952points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  21726.9118
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  21726.9120      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  21726.9279      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  21726.9499      0.0381      0.0220
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  21726.9507      0.0389      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  21726.9648      0.0530      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  21727.0870      0.1752      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  21727.2672      0.3554      0.1802
+                embedding surface  1  21727.2674      0.3556      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  21729.1984      2.2866      1.9310
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  21731.2519      4.3401      2.0536
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  21734.7472      7.8354      3.4952
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  21734.7517      7.8399      0.0046
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  21735.1221      8.2103      0.3704
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  21735.4140      8.5022      0.2919
+                           Find void  21735.6856      8.7738      0.2716
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  21735.7138      8.8021      0.0283
+                         wsmp setup1  21735.7208      8.8090      0.0070
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  21736.7257      9.8139      1.0049
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  21736.7714
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  21736.7715      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38937E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  21744.6962      7.9248      7.9246
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0527999 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1046841 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7048700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4675410 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14368.5280193 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210330 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069480 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4582789 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10147E+01  0.18538E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.96890E-01  0.10867E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76202E+00  0.25595E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  21761.1703     24.3989     16.4741
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35117E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  21761.3942     24.6228      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  21761.3953     24.6239      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  21761.4360     24.6646      0.0408
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5887391 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  21761.4407
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  21761.4453      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.81223E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  21769.4233      7.9825      7.9779
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0503819 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0955791 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7050872 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3744481 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14486.1256556 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208591 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070910 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3538671 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10158E+01  0.13794E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48667E-01  0.10258E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76732E+00  0.22383E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  21785.7929     24.3521     16.3696
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12371E+01  0.18101E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  21786.0163     24.5756      0.2234
+                do leaf measurements  21786.0174     24.5766      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  21786.0581     24.6174      0.0407
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0711948 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  21786.0630
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  21786.0676      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  21794.0860      8.0231      8.0184
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0498180 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1037478 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7036519 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3980250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14456.1609013 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209581 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070291 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3836489 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.15585E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39643E-01  0.11907E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74727E+00  0.23092E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  21810.4853     24.4223     16.3992
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13733E+01  0.31387E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  21810.7100     24.6471      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  21810.7111     24.6482      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  21810.7519     24.6889      0.0407
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0363093 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  21810.7566
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  21810.7612      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  21818.6988      7.9422      7.9376
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0507920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1166310 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7107949 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4262199 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14420.4894302 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069830 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4335570 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10164E+01  0.17662E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39805E-01  0.12355E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73771E+00  0.22864E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  21835.1480     24.3914     16.4492
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14722E+01  0.35701E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  21835.3748     24.6182      0.2268
+                do leaf measurements  21835.3759     24.6193      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  21835.4166     24.6600      0.0408
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159058 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  21835.4215
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  21835.4261      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  21843.4312      8.0097      8.0050
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0491719 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1023660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7076700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3812640 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14477.4503333 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1220169 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070839 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3699870 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10160E+01  0.19437E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40553E-01  0.12599E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73288E+00  0.22780E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  21859.8175     24.3960     16.3863
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15161E+01  0.36576E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  21860.0417     24.6202      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  21860.0428     24.6213      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  21860.0837     24.6622      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107473 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  21860.0886
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  21860.0933      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  21868.0503      7.9617      7.9570
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0480270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0945652 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7051020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4302680 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14415.3823134 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070391 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4066520 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10156E+01  0.20997E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42946E-01  0.12599E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72828E+00  0.22742E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  21884.4729     24.3843     16.4226
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15379E+01  0.36316E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  21884.6971     24.6085      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  21884.6982     24.6096      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  21884.7389     24.6503      0.0407
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080784 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  21884.7421     24.6535      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  21884.7423     24.6536      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -130433421723944.03 197447520051632.63
+ def in m -7.9853363037109375 0.64192873239517212
+ dimensionless def  -1.8340820925576346E-6 2.28152465820312499E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0178077  0.2274292
+                  Compute divergence  21884.9355     24.8469      0.1933
+                        wsmp_cleanup  21884.9831     24.8944      0.0475
+              Reset surface geometry  21884.9882     24.8995      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   21884.9956     24.9070      0.0074
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  21885.0091     24.9205      0.0135
+                   Advect surface  1  21885.0092     24.9206      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  21885.1994     25.1108      0.1902
+                                                                        S. 2:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  21885.4017     25.3130      0.2023
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  21885.6554     25.5668      0.2538
+                    Advect the cloud  21885.8023     25.7137      0.1469
+                        Write output  21886.5908     26.5022      0.7885
+                    End of time step  21887.4532     27.3646      0.8624
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     135  21887.4533
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  21887.4534      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  21887.4534      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16952points
+                      refine surface  21887.4535      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  21887.4787      0.0253      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  21887.5019      0.0486      0.0232
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  21887.5261      0.0727      0.0241
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16953points
+                          surface 02  21887.5452      0.0918      0.0191
+                                                                        S. 2:    16950points
+                      refine surface  21887.5453      0.0920      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  21887.5713      0.1180      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  21887.5945      0.1412      0.0232
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  21887.6188      0.1654      0.0242
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16952points
+                          surface 03  21887.6380      0.1846      0.0192
+                                                                        S. 3:    16952points
+                      refine surface  21887.6381      0.1848      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  21887.6641      0.2108      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  21887.6874      0.2340      0.0232
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  21887.7115      0.2581      0.0241
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16954points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  21887.7370
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  21887.7373      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  21887.7531      0.0161      0.0158
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  21887.7748      0.0377      0.0216
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  21887.7755      0.0385      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  21887.7897      0.0526      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  21887.9118      0.1748      0.1221
+             Imbed surface in osolve  21888.0903      0.3533      0.1785
+                embedding surface  1  21888.0905      0.3535      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  21890.0383      2.3013      1.9478
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  21892.1226      4.3856      2.0843
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  21895.6548      7.9178      3.5322
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  21895.6595      7.9225      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  21896.0832      8.3461      0.4236
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  21896.2427      8.5057      0.1596
+                           Find void  21896.5163      8.7793      0.2736
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  21896.5444      8.8074      0.0281
+                         wsmp setup1  21896.5513      8.8143      0.0069
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  21897.5625      9.8255      1.0112
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  21897.6075
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  21897.6077      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38937E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  21905.5393      7.9318      7.9317
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0537801 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0927780 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7024889 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4584398 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14379.9405821 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212180 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072041 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4362719 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10219E+01  0.18417E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.97833E-01  0.10932E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76200E+00  0.25227E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  21921.9914     24.3839     16.4521
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35078E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  21922.2155     24.6080      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  21922.2166     24.6091      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  21922.2588     24.6513      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5887458 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  21922.2636
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  21922.2679      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79235E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  21930.2385      7.9749      7.9706
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0485880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1007540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7054632 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3750210 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14485.3960404 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217098 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073040 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3592169 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10157E+01  0.13705E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48410E-01  0.10241E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76725E+00  0.22573E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  21946.6136     24.3501     16.3751
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12358E+01  0.17977E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  21946.8400     24.5765      0.2264
+                do leaf measurements  21946.8411     24.5776      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  21946.8833     24.6197      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0710591 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  21946.8880
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  21946.8923      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  21954.9127      8.0247      8.0203
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0487111 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1100049 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7052000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3833671 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14474.7756075 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212790 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072181 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3761451 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.15538E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39554E-01  0.11871E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74676E+00  0.23155E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  21971.3049     24.4169     16.3922
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13719E+01  0.31271E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  21971.5280     24.6400      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements  21971.5290     24.6410      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  21971.5712     24.6832      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361871 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  21971.5759
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  21971.5802      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  21979.5204      7.9445      7.9402
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0489821 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1180611 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7119009 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4481220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14392.9007327 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215482 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072041 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4561861 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10164E+01  0.17637E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39722E-01  0.12328E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73733E+00  0.22900E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  21995.9922     24.4164     16.4718
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14710E+01  0.35548E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  21996.2193     24.6435      0.2271
+                do leaf measurements  21996.2204     24.6446      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  21996.2625     24.6867      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159243 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  21996.2672
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  21996.2716      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  22004.2805      8.0132      8.0089
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0503941 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0903690 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7070239 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3794680 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14479.7352911 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213262 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072682 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3562341 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10160E+01  0.19423E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40615E-01  0.12570E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73256E+00  0.22808E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  22020.6530     24.3857     16.3725
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15148E+01  0.36427E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  22020.8760     24.6087      0.2230
+                do leaf measurements  22020.8770     24.6097      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  22020.9197     24.6524      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107472 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  22020.9244
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  22020.9288      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  22028.8916      7.9672      7.9628
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0500669 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0905721 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7027051 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4145329 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14435.2541905 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213639 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072970 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3868959 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10156E+01  0.20984E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43027E-01  0.12568E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72798E+00  0.22748E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  22045.2942     24.3698     16.4025
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15365E+01  0.36172E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  22045.5192     24.5948      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  22045.5203     24.5959      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  22045.5624     24.6380      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080783 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  22045.5654     24.6410      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  22045.5655     24.6411      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -131042855193210.55 198801928502584.59
+ def in m -7.9859676361083984 0.64424765110015869
+ dimensionless def  -1.84070757457188209E-6 2.28170503888811392E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0178784  0.2274653
+                  Compute divergence  22045.7779     24.8535      0.2124
+                        wsmp_cleanup  22045.8142     24.8898      0.0362
+              Reset surface geometry  22045.8192     24.8947      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   22045.8273     24.9029      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  22045.8444     24.9200      0.0172
+                   Advect surface  1  22045.8446     24.9202      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  22046.0418     25.1174      0.1972
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  22046.2394     25.3149      0.1976
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  22046.5029     25.5785      0.2636
+                    Advect the cloud  22046.6481     25.7237      0.1452
+                        Write output  22047.4399     26.5155      0.7918
+                    End of time step  22048.3435     27.4190      0.9036
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     136  22048.3436
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  22048.3437      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  22048.3437      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16953points
+                      refine surface  22048.3437      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  22048.3687      0.0251      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16953points
+                          surface 02  22048.3868      0.0432      0.0181
+                                                                        S. 2:    16952points
+                      refine surface  22048.3869      0.0433      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  22048.4117      0.0681      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16952points
+                          surface 03  22048.4301      0.0865      0.0184
+                                                                        S. 3:    16953points
+                      refine surface  22048.4303      0.0867      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  22048.4550      0.1114      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16953points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  22048.4797
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  22048.4800      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  22048.4958      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  22048.5178      0.0381      0.0220
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  22048.5186      0.0389      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  22048.5327      0.0530      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  22048.6551      0.1754      0.1224
+             Imbed surface in osolve  22048.8332      0.3535      0.1782
+                embedding surface  1  22048.8334      0.3537      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  22050.7523      2.2726      1.9188
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  22052.8248      4.3451      2.0725
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  22056.3265      7.8468      3.5017
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  22056.3312      7.8515      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  22056.7080      8.2283      0.3768
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  22056.9390      8.4593      0.2311
+                           Find void  22057.2067      8.7270      0.2676
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  22057.2351      8.7554      0.0284
+                         wsmp setup1  22057.2422      8.7625      0.0071
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  22058.2540      9.7743      1.0118
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  22058.2996
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  22058.2997      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38937E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  22066.2217      7.9221      7.9219
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0554140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0974312 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7036178 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4447339 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14397.1616918 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210570 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072200 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4298480 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10148E+01  0.18492E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.97493E-01  0.10915E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76185E+00  0.25351E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  22082.6676     24.3680     16.4459
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35101E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  22082.8915     24.5919      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  22082.8925     24.5929      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  22082.9336     24.6340      0.0411
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5894721 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  22082.9382
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  22082.9425      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.80100E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  22090.9066      7.9684      7.9641
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0513170 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1011820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7092659 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3755620 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14484.7071786 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072420 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3665161 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10156E+01  0.13759E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48439E-01  0.10223E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76719E+00  0.22495E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  22107.2885     24.3503     16.3819
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12364E+01  0.19038E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  22107.5152     24.5770      0.2267
+                do leaf measurements  22107.5163     24.5781      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  22107.5573     24.6191      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0715067 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  22107.5619
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  22107.5662      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  22115.5886      8.0267      8.0224
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0478261 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1129239 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7034321 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3924241 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14463.2680748 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072200 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3851290 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.15573E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39497E-01  0.11857E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74696E+00  0.23127E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  22131.9888     24.4269     16.4002
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13725E+01  0.31293E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  22132.2129     24.6510      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  22132.2140     24.6521      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  22132.2551     24.6932      0.0411
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362798 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  22132.2597
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  22132.2640      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  22140.2020      7.9423      7.9380
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0510390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1100268 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7101991 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4549341 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14384.3414677 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211269 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072551 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4549370 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10164E+01  0.17662E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39697E-01  0.12315E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73750E+00  0.22877E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  22156.6725     24.4128     16.4705
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14716E+01  0.35618E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  22156.8965     24.6369      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  22156.8976     24.6379      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  22156.9387     24.6790      0.0411
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159066 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  22156.9433
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  22156.9476      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  22164.9610      8.0177      8.0134
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0490460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1090271 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7082169 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3816788 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14476.9226479 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072441 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3765121 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10160E+01  0.19442E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40622E-01  0.12559E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73271E+00  0.22780E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  22181.3532     24.4099     16.3921
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15155E+01  0.36481E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  22181.5771     24.6337      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  22181.5781     24.6348      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  22181.6196     24.6763      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107717 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  22181.6242
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  22181.6286      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  22189.6001      7.9758      7.9714
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0512412 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0979111 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7070220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4092062 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14441.9937444 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073080 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3943539 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10156E+01  0.21004E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43039E-01  0.12570E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72812E+00  0.22749E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  22206.0106     24.3864     16.4106
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15374E+01  0.36237E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  22206.2347     24.6105      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  22206.2358     24.6116      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  22206.2768     24.6526      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080826 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  22206.2798     24.6556      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  22206.2800     24.6558      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -131651611372532.22 200147064459895.88
+ def in m -7.9830093383789062 0.6449616551399231
+ dimensionless def  -1.84274758611406589E-6 2.28085981096540173E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0179068  0.2273871
+                  Compute divergence  22206.4789     24.8547      0.1989
+                        wsmp_cleanup  22206.5271     24.9029      0.0483
+              Reset surface geometry  22206.5320     24.9077      0.0048
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   22206.5385     24.9143      0.0065
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  22206.5515     24.9273      0.0130
+                   Advect surface  1  22206.5516     24.9274      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  22206.7583     25.1341      0.2067
+                                                                        S. 2:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  22206.9540     25.3298      0.1958
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  22207.2162     25.5920      0.2621
+                    Advect the cloud  22207.3640     25.7398      0.1478
+                        Write output  22208.1594     26.5351      0.7954
+                    End of time step  22209.0203     27.3961      0.8610
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     137  22209.0205
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  22209.0205      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  22209.0206      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16952points
+                      refine surface  22209.0206      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  22209.0466      0.0262      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  22209.0693      0.0488      0.0226
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  22209.0942      0.0737      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16953points
+                          surface 02  22209.1126      0.0921      0.0184
+                                                                        S. 2:    16952points
+                      refine surface  22209.1128      0.0923      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  22209.1392      0.1188      0.0265
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  22209.1624      0.1419      0.0231
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  22209.1871      0.1666      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16954points
+                          surface 03  22209.2057      0.1852      0.0186
+                                                                        S. 3:    16952points
+                      refine surface  22209.2059      0.1854      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  22209.2315      0.2110      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  22209.2542      0.2337      0.0227
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  22209.2789      0.2584      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16953points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  22209.3039
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  22209.3042      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  22209.3200      0.0161      0.0158
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  22209.3414      0.0374      0.0214
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  22209.3422      0.0382      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  22209.3563      0.0524      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  22209.4785      0.1745      0.1221
+             Imbed surface in osolve  22209.6559      0.3520      0.1775
+                embedding surface  1  22209.6561      0.3522      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  22211.5969      2.2930      1.9408
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  22213.6698      4.3658      2.0729
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  22217.2108      7.9069      3.5410
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  22217.2159      7.9120      0.0051
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  22217.6535      8.3496      0.4376
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  22217.7702      8.4663      0.1167
+                           Find void  22218.0425      8.7386      0.2723
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  22218.0710      8.7670      0.0285
+                         wsmp setup1  22218.0778      8.7739      0.0068
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  22219.0869      9.7829      1.0091
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  22219.1321
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  22219.1323      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38936E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  22227.0566      7.9244      7.9243
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0550208 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1027460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7104380 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4429190 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14399.4450757 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207709 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071728 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4394362 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10147E+01  0.18443E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.97061E-01  0.10899E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76181E+00  0.25258E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  22243.5114     24.3793     16.4549
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35072E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  22243.7359     24.6037      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  22243.7369     24.6048      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  22243.7779     24.6458      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5886527 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  22243.7826
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  22243.7870      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.80597E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  22251.7447      7.9621      7.9577
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0476849 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1023071 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7127352 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3666379 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14496.0791986 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216309 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072091 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3585989 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10156E+01  0.13723E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48518E-01  0.10229E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76710E+00  0.22484E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  22268.1186     24.3361     16.3739
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12356E+01  0.17954E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  22268.3453     24.5627      0.2267
+                do leaf measurements  22268.3464     24.5638      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  22268.3873     24.6047      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0709583 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  22268.3920
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  22268.3964      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  22276.4136      8.0216      8.0172
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0484660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1117721 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7073991 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3854129 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14472.1746033 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212919 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072370 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3819590 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.15546E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39651E-01  0.11870E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74682E+00  0.23110E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  22292.8111     24.4191     16.3975
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13718E+01  0.31239E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  22293.0357     24.6437      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  22293.0368     24.6447      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  22293.0777     24.6856      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362399 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  22293.0823
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  22293.0867      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  22301.0206      7.9382      7.9339
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0522020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1273019 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7088342 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4627559 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14374.5260779 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211421 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071929 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4798019 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10163E+01  0.17637E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39770E-01  0.12330E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73739E+00  0.22875E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  22317.5161     24.4338     16.4955
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14712E+01  0.35548E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  22317.7400     24.6577      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  22317.7411     24.6588      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  22317.7820     24.6997      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158795 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  22317.7867
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  22317.7911      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  22325.8009      8.0142      8.0098
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0502958 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0947011 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7070320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3846011 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14473.2065879 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209819 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072742 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3652651 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10159E+01  0.19423E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40598E-01  0.12571E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73260E+00  0.22776E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  22342.1823     24.3956     16.3814
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15152E+01  0.36432E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  22342.4059     24.6191      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements  22342.4069     24.6202      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  22342.4484     24.6617      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107431 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  22342.4531
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  22342.4576      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  22350.4398      7.9866      7.9822
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0529010 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0959401 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7072380 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4077759 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14443.8044387 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211011 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072241 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3925579 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10156E+01  0.20986E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43005E-01  0.12579E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72805E+00  0.22743E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  22366.8484     24.3953     16.4087
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15368E+01  0.36177E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  22367.0719     24.6188      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements  22367.0730     24.6198      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  22367.1139     24.6608      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080838 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  22367.1169     24.6637      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  22367.1171     24.6639      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -132263982238047.23 201483053466674.41
+ def in m -7.9690217971801758 0.64175736904144287
+ dimensionless def  -1.83359248297555109E-6 2.27686337062290759E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0178237  0.2269753
+                  Compute divergence  22367.3120     24.8588      0.1949
+                        wsmp_cleanup  22367.3612     24.9081      0.0493
+              Reset surface geometry  22367.3662     24.9131      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   22367.3731     24.9199      0.0069
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  22367.3861     24.9330      0.0131
+                   Advect surface  1  22367.3863     24.9331      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  22367.5809     25.1278      0.1946
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  22367.7996     25.3465      0.2187
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   12 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  22368.0689     25.6158      0.2693
+                    Advect the cloud  22368.2160     25.7629      0.1471
+                        Write output  22369.0101     26.5569      0.7940
+                    End of time step  22369.8736     27.4204      0.8635
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     138  22369.8737
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  22369.8738      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  22369.8738      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16953points
+                      refine surface  22369.8738      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  22369.9014      0.0277      0.0276
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  22369.9238      0.0501      0.0224
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  22369.9489      0.0752      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16956points
+                          surface 02  22369.9670      0.0933      0.0181
+                                                                        S. 2:    16952points
+                      refine surface  22369.9671      0.0934      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  22369.9934      0.1197      0.0262
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  22370.0164      0.1427      0.0230
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  22370.0412      0.1675      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16954points
+                          surface 03  22370.0598      0.1861      0.0186
+                                                                        S. 3:    16951points
+                      refine surface  22370.0600      0.1863      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  22370.0856      0.2119      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  22370.1085      0.2348      0.0230
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  22370.1335      0.2598      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16952points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  22370.1582
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  22370.1584      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  22370.1743      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  22370.1960      0.0379      0.0217
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  22370.1968      0.0386      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  22370.2109      0.0528      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  22370.3331      0.1749      0.1221
+             Imbed surface in osolve  22370.5113      0.3531      0.1782
+                embedding surface  1  22370.5114      0.3533      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  22372.4292      2.2710      1.9177
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  22374.4740      4.3158      2.0448
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  22377.9907      7.8326      3.5168
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  22377.9954      7.8372      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  22378.4000      8.2418      0.4046
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  22378.6088      8.4506      0.2088
+                           Find void  22378.8804      8.7222      0.2716
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  22378.9087      8.7506      0.0283
+                         wsmp setup1  22378.9158      8.7577      0.0071
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  22379.9273      9.7691      1.0114
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  22379.9715
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  22379.9716      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38936E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  22387.9094      7.9380      7.9378
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0528030 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0943351 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7071009 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4279020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14418.3669160 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071871 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4110789 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10147E+01  0.18510E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.97132E-01  0.10920E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76165E+00  0.25358E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  22404.3363     24.3648     16.4268
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35095E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  22404.5600     24.5886      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  22404.5611     24.5897      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  22404.6023     24.6308      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5890612 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  22404.6070
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  22404.6113      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.80378E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  22412.5570      7.9500      7.9457
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0522401 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0917900 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7114480 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3742800 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14486.3397265 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216691 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071499 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3589559 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10157E+01  0.13759E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48716E-01  0.10272E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76706E+00  0.22469E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  22428.9317     24.3248     16.3748
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12362E+01  0.18600E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  22429.1580     24.5510      0.2262
+                do leaf measurements  22429.1591     24.5521      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  22429.2002     24.5932      0.0411
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0712452 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  22429.2048
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  22429.2091      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  22437.2209      8.0161      8.0118
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0511889 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1095400 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7061510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3932400 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14462.2323621 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213021 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071549 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3889620 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.15564E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39773E-01  0.11913E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74704E+00  0.23086E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  22453.6255     24.4208     16.4046
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13723E+01  0.31296E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  22453.8488     24.6440      0.2232
+                do leaf measurements  22453.8498     24.6450      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  22453.8908     24.6860      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362045 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  22453.8952
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  22453.8995      0.0042      0.0042
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  22461.8397      7.9444      7.9402
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0508950 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1161129 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7044921 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4577761 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14380.7736225 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208789 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071862 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4577119 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.17648E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39872E-01  0.12363E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73756E+00  0.22853E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  22478.3132     24.4180     16.4736
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14715E+01  0.35623E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  22478.5380     24.6428      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  22478.5391     24.6438      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  22478.5801     24.6848      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159384 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  22478.5847
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  22478.5890      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  22486.5972      8.0124      8.0081
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0492470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0890250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7044179 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3826971 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14475.6275555 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208179 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071039 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3536701 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10161E+01  0.19427E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40586E-01  0.12592E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73273E+00  0.22773E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  22502.9670     24.3823     16.3698
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15152E+01  0.36476E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  22503.1906     24.6059      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements  22503.1917     24.6070      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  22503.2330     24.6483      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107755 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  22503.2377
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  22503.2421      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  22511.2294      7.9917      7.9873
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0476470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0859420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7032619 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4007452 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14452.7117884 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071270 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3657610 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10157E+01  0.20987E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42974E-01  0.12596E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72811E+00  0.22740E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  22527.6103     24.3725     16.3808
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15372E+01  0.36242E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  22527.8341     24.5964      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  22527.8352     24.5975      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  22527.8765     24.6388      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080810 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  22527.8795     24.6418      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  22527.8797     24.6419      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -132895661381110.19 202792303901452.53
+ def in m -7.9769554138183594 0.64250063896179199
+ dimensionless def  -1.8357161113194057E-6 2.27913011823381695E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0178474  0.2272192
+                  Compute divergence  22528.0770     24.8393      0.1973
+                        wsmp_cleanup  22528.1258     24.8880      0.0488
+              Reset surface geometry  22528.1305     24.8928      0.0047
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   22528.1371     24.8994      0.0066
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  22528.1502     24.9125      0.0130
+                   Advect surface  1  22528.1503     24.9126      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  22528.3538     25.1161      0.2035
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  22528.5691     25.3314      0.2153
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  22528.8392     25.6015      0.2701
+                    Advect the cloud  22528.9882     25.7505      0.1490
+                        Write output  22529.7872     26.5494      0.7989
+                    End of time step  22530.6525     27.4148      0.8653
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     139  22530.6527
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  22530.6527      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  22530.6528      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16955points
+                      refine surface  22530.6528      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  22530.6786      0.0260      0.0258
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  22530.7014      0.0487      0.0227
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  22530.7262      0.0735      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16956points
+                          surface 02  22530.7445      0.0919      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 2:    16952points
+                      refine surface  22530.7447      0.0920      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  22530.7709      0.1182      0.0262
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  22530.7941      0.1414      0.0232
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  22530.8188      0.1662      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16954points
+                          surface 03  22530.8371      0.1844      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 3:    16950points
+                      refine surface  22530.8372      0.1846      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   4 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  22530.8647      0.2121      0.0275
+                                                                        S. 3:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  22530.8874      0.2348      0.0227
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  22530.9123      0.2596      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16954points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  22530.9369
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  22530.9371      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  22530.9530      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  22530.9747      0.0378      0.0217
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  22530.9755      0.0386      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  22530.9896      0.0527      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  22531.1118      0.1749      0.1221
+             Imbed surface in osolve  22531.2915      0.3546      0.1797
+                embedding surface  1  22531.2917      0.3548      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  22533.2341      2.2972      1.9424
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  22535.2836      4.3467      2.0495
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  22538.8181      7.8812      3.5345
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  22538.8228      7.8859      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  22539.2682      8.3313      0.4454
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  22539.4278      8.4909      0.1596
+                           Find void  22539.6989      8.7620      0.2711
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  22539.7273      8.7904      0.0284
+                         wsmp setup1  22539.7343      8.7973      0.0069
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  22540.7434      9.8065      1.0091
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  22540.7885
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  22540.7887      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38937E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  22548.7421      7.9536      7.9535
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0556731 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1033990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7068532 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4243660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14422.8295832 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211131 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070841 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4188659 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10242E+01  0.18439E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.97336E-01  0.11024E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76174E+00  0.25147E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  22565.1768     24.3883     16.4347
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35103E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  22565.4005     24.6120      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  22565.4016     24.6130      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  22565.4425     24.6540      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5891057 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  22565.4473
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  22565.4519      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79721E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  22573.3953      7.9480      7.9435
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0500970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1099579 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7150221 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3774080 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14482.3569195 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215658 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069721 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3813932 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10157E+01  0.13711E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48377E-01  0.10211E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76719E+00  0.22589E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  22589.7924     24.3451     16.3971
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12358E+01  0.17910E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  22590.0185     24.5711      0.2261
+                do leaf measurements  22590.0195     24.5722      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  22590.0605     24.6131      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0713144 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  22590.0654
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  22590.0700      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  22598.0702      8.0048      8.0002
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0505400 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1113710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7057109 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3868940 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14470.2922547 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208329 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070560 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3827710 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.15533E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39369E-01  0.11857E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74669E+00  0.23166E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  22614.4689     24.4035     16.3987
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13717E+01  0.31244E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  22614.6917     24.6264      0.2228
+                do leaf measurements  22614.6928     24.6274      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  22614.7337     24.6683      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362578 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  22614.7386
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  22614.7431      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  22622.6822      7.9437      7.9391
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0497339 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1195641 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7061429 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4765730 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14357.2200528 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209810 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070739 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4804668 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.17629E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39689E-01  0.12322E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73728E+00  0.22899E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  22639.1786     24.4400     16.4963
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14709E+01  0.35553E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  22639.4023     24.6638      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  22639.4034     24.6648      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  22639.4442     24.7057      0.0408
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158483 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  22639.4491
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  22639.4537      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  22647.4490      7.9999      7.9953
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0477111 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0981901 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7039781 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3749309 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14485.5108064 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070832 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3531470 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10160E+01  0.19415E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40562E-01  0.12566E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73254E+00  0.22796E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  22663.8178     24.3687     16.3688
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15147E+01  0.36420E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  22664.0413     24.5922      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements  22664.0424     24.5933      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  22664.0836     24.6345      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107282 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  22664.0886
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  22664.0933      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  22672.0894      8.0009      7.9962
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0478640 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1041861 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7034631 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3968508 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14457.6503119 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206651 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071371 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3805439 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10157E+01  0.20976E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42979E-01  0.12570E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72798E+00  0.22747E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  22688.4853     24.3968     16.3959
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15365E+01  0.36181E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  22688.7094     24.6209      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  22688.7105     24.6219      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  22688.7515     24.6629      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080762 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  22688.7547     24.6661      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  22688.7549     24.6663      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -133513952227653.28 204106628984209.53
+ def in m -7.9612102508544922 0.64275872707366943
+ dimensionless def  -1.83645350592476973E-6 2.27463150024414069E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0178606  0.2267702
+                  Compute divergence  22688.9553     24.8667      0.2004
+                        wsmp_cleanup  22689.0012     24.9126      0.0459
+              Reset surface geometry  22689.0060     24.9174      0.0048
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   22689.0136     24.9250      0.0076
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  22689.0271     24.9386      0.0135
+                   Advect surface  1  22689.0273     24.9387      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  22689.2461     25.1575      0.2188
+                                                                        removing   4 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  22689.4770     25.3884      0.2309
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  22689.7368     25.6483      0.2599
+                    Advect the cloud  22689.8857     25.7972      0.1489
+                        Write output  22690.6834     26.5948      0.7977
+                    End of time step  22691.5538     27.4652      0.8704
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     140  22691.5540
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  22691.5540      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  22691.5541      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16953points
+                      refine surface  22691.5541      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  22691.5806      0.0267      0.0265
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  22691.6077      0.0537      0.0270
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  22691.6325      0.0785      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16955points
+                          surface 02  22691.6509      0.0969      0.0184
+                                                                        S. 2:    16950points
+                      refine surface  22691.6510      0.0971      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  22691.6755      0.1216      0.0245
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16950points
+                          surface 03  22691.6939      0.1400      0.0184
+                                                                        S. 3:    16953points
+                      refine surface  22691.6941      0.1401      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  22691.7211      0.1672      0.0270
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  22691.7480      0.1940      0.0269
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  22691.7731      0.2191      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16956points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  22691.7975
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  22691.7978      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  22691.8136      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  22691.8356      0.0380      0.0220
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  22691.8363      0.0388      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  22691.8505      0.0529      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  22691.9726      0.1751      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  22692.1500      0.3524      0.1773
+                embedding surface  1  22692.1501      0.3526      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  22694.0939      2.2963      1.9437
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  22696.1869      4.3893      2.0930
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  22699.7597      7.9622      3.5729
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  22699.7644      7.9669      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  22700.2133      8.4157      0.4488
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  22700.2886      8.4910      0.0753
+                           Find void  22700.5606      8.7631      0.2720
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  22700.5890      8.7915      0.0284
+                         wsmp setup1  22700.5960      8.7985      0.0070
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  22701.6076      9.8101      1.0116
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  22701.6515
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  22701.6517      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38936E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  22709.6140      7.9625      7.9624
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0557489 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0925000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7055039 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4056609 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14446.4828287 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070200 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3879590 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10369E+01  0.18413E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.96839E-01  0.10959E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76177E+00  0.25074E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  22726.0175     24.3660     16.4035
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35082E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  22726.2421     24.5906      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  22726.2432     24.5917      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  22726.2842     24.6327      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5890706 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  22726.2891
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  22726.2936      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.80313E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  22734.2313      7.9423      7.9377
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0511441 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0972691 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7101929 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3791251 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14480.1715565 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217551 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072579 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3671200 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10157E+01  0.13690E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48744E-01  0.10246E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76712E+00  0.22470E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  22750.6142     24.3251     16.3828
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12360E+01  0.18414E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  22750.8400     24.5510      0.2259
+                do leaf measurements  22750.8411     24.5521      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  22750.8822     24.5931      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0713944 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  22750.8871
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  22750.8917      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  22758.8850      7.9979      7.9933
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0503778 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0918601 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7014179 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3816240 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14476.9923972 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207991 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070369 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3534932 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.15529E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39266E-01  0.11872E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74650E+00  0.23071E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  22775.2545     24.3674     16.3696
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13718E+01  0.31232E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  22775.4775     24.5904      0.2229
+                do leaf measurements  22775.4786     24.5915      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  22775.5274     24.6403      0.0488
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361201 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  22775.5323
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  22775.5370      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  22783.4722      7.9398      7.9352
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0508709 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0982389 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7029910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4613888 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14376.2406434 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210182 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070229 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4419060 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.17635E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39490E-01  0.12336E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73714E+00  0.22844E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  22799.9303     24.3980     16.4582
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14711E+01  0.35549E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  22800.1543     24.6220      0.2240
+                do leaf measurements  22800.1554     24.6231      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  22800.1964     24.6640      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159548 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  22800.2013
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  22800.2059      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  22808.1927      7.9915      7.9869
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0484149 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0975940 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7073920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3756630 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14484.5784607 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211169 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070801 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3576300 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10160E+01  0.19426E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40719E-01  0.12580E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73242E+00  0.22763E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  22824.5661     24.3648     16.3734
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15150E+01  0.36416E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  22824.7898     24.5885      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  22824.7909     24.5896      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  22824.8325     24.6312      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107407 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  22824.8374
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  22824.8421      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  22832.8493      8.0119      8.0072
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0498121 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1004670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7053199 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4016740 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14451.5343457 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210999 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071340 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3858919 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10157E+01  0.20989E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43098E-01  0.12585E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72790E+00  0.22740E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  22849.2503     24.4129     16.4010
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15363E+01  0.36143E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  22849.4757     24.6383      0.2254
+                do leaf measurements  22849.4768     24.6394      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  22849.5178     24.6804      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080804 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  22849.5210     24.6836      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  22849.5212     24.6838      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -134155907875085.97 205383866236961.78
+ def in m -7.9602899551391602 0.64476490020751953
+ dimensionless def  -1.84218542916434143E-6 2.27436855861118876E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0179250  0.2267532
+                  Compute divergence  22849.7259     24.8885      0.2047
+                        wsmp_cleanup  22849.7651     24.9277      0.0392
+              Reset surface geometry  22849.7695     24.9320      0.0044
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   22849.7778     24.9404      0.0084
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  22849.7937     24.9563      0.0159
+                   Advect surface  1  22849.7939     24.9564      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  22850.0024     25.1650      0.2086
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  22850.2098     25.3724      0.2074
+                                                                        S. 3:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  22850.4630     25.6256      0.2532
+                    Advect the cloud  22850.6120     25.7746      0.1490
+                        Write output  22851.4148     26.5774      0.8029
+                    End of time step  22852.2860     27.4485      0.8711
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     141  22852.2861
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  22852.2862      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  22852.2862      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16954points
+                      refine surface  22852.2863      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  22852.3132      0.0271      0.0270
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  22852.3357      0.0496      0.0225
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  22852.3605      0.0744      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16956points
+                          surface 02  22852.3790      0.0929      0.0184
+                                                                        S. 2:    16949points
+                      refine surface  22852.3791      0.0930      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  22852.4047      0.1186      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  22852.4274      0.1413      0.0227
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  22852.4522      0.1661      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16950points
+                          surface 03  22852.4705      0.1843      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 3:    16956points
+                      refine surface  22852.4706      0.1845      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  22852.4972      0.2111      0.0266
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  22852.5199      0.2338      0.0227
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  22852.5447      0.2586      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16958points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  22852.5697
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  22852.5699      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  22852.5857      0.0161      0.0158
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  22852.6072      0.0376      0.0215
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  22852.6080      0.0384      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  22852.6222      0.0525      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  22852.7443      0.1747      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  22852.9240      0.3544      0.1797
+                embedding surface  1  22852.9242      0.3546      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  22854.8614      2.2918      1.9372
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  22856.9458      4.3762      2.0844
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  22860.5216      7.9519      3.5758
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  22860.5263      7.9567      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  22860.9575      8.3878      0.4312
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  22861.0873      8.5176      0.1298
+                           Find void  22861.3613      8.7917      0.2740
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  22861.3901      8.8205      0.0288
+                         wsmp setup1  22861.3972      8.8275      0.0070
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  22862.4063      9.8367      1.0091
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  22862.4511
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  22862.4512      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38936E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  22870.4061      7.9550      7.9549
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0527809 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0879161 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7052629 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3974240 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14456.9232597 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208842 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070920 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3717270 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10161E+01  0.18445E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.97540E-01  0.10974E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76175E+00  0.25257E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  22886.7935     24.3425     16.3874
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35096E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  22887.0176     24.5666      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  22887.0187     24.5676      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  22887.0597     24.6087      0.0411
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5890750 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  22887.0643
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  22887.0686      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79555E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  22895.0100      7.9457      7.9413
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0479579 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1142950 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7084670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3863108 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14471.0333786 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071521 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3857770 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10157E+01  0.13716E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48590E-01  0.10245E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76713E+00  0.22562E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  22911.4110     24.3467     16.4011
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12360E+01  0.17976E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  22911.6376     24.5733      0.2266
+                do leaf measurements  22911.6387     24.5744      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  22911.6798     24.6155      0.0411
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0712071 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  22911.6844
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  22911.6888      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  22919.6754      7.9910      7.9866
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0472729 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0898690 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7040970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3897531 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14466.6598460 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207650 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071101 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3592231 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.15540E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39110E-01  0.11868E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74682E+00  0.23115E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  22936.0503     24.3659     16.3749
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13719E+01  0.31278E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  22936.2748     24.5903      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  22936.2758     24.5914      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  22936.3172     24.6328      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361903 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  22936.3219
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  22936.3263      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  22944.2621      7.9401      7.9357
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0500500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0929821 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7043159 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4777651 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14355.7288966 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209240 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070009 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4533911 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.17633E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39318E-01  0.12330E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73742E+00  0.22866E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  22960.7313     24.4093     16.4692
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14711E+01  0.35581E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  22960.9562     24.6343      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  22960.9573     24.6353      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  22960.9982     24.6763      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158563 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  22961.0028
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  22961.0073      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  22968.9848      7.9820      7.9776
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0497420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0816691 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7043929 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3879271 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14468.9795670 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211741 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071950 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3524661 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10161E+01  0.19418E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40680E-01  0.12574E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73263E+00  0.22774E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  22985.3532     24.3504     16.3684
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15150E+01  0.36454E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  22985.5767     24.5738      0.2234
+                do leaf measurements  22985.5777     24.5749      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  22985.6188     24.6160      0.0411
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107408 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  22985.6235
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  22985.6278      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  22993.6447      8.0213      8.0169
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0488899 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0903931 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7036159 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3859808 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14471.4527563 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212461 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071809 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3576949 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10157E+01  0.20980E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43081E-01  0.12584E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72807E+00  0.22736E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  23010.0182     24.3948     16.3735
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15368E+01  0.36199E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  23010.2423     24.6189      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  23010.2434     24.6199      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  23010.2844     24.6609      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080799 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  23010.2874     24.6639      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  23010.2876     24.6641      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -134801659673854.44 206645653568701.22
+ def in m -7.9730534553527832 0.64676421880722046
+ dimensionless def  -1.84789776802062999E-6 2.27801527295793824E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0179914  0.2271132
+                  Compute divergence  23010.4844     24.8609      0.1968
+                        wsmp_cleanup  23010.5293     24.9058      0.0449
+              Reset surface geometry  23010.5341     24.9106      0.0048
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   23010.5420     24.9186      0.0079
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  23010.5552     24.9317      0.0132
+                   Advect surface  1  23010.5553     24.9319      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  23010.7617     25.1382      0.2063
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  23010.9747     25.3512      0.2130
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   14 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  23011.2475     25.6240      0.2728
+                    Advect the cloud  23011.3977     25.7742      0.1502
+                        Write output  23012.1986     26.5752      0.8010
+                    End of time step  23013.0691     27.4457      0.8705
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     142  23013.0693
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  23013.0694      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  23013.0694      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16955points
+                      refine surface  23013.0694      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  23013.0943      0.0250      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16955points
+                          surface 02  23013.1129      0.0436      0.0186
+                                                                        S. 2:    16948points
+                      refine surface  23013.1130      0.0437      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  23013.1393      0.0700      0.0262
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  23013.1620      0.0927      0.0227
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  23013.1869      0.1176      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16950points
+                          surface 03  23013.2052      0.1359      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 3:    16956points
+                      refine surface  23013.2053      0.1360      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  23013.2315      0.1622      0.0262
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  23013.2586      0.1893      0.0270
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  23013.2832      0.2139      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16958points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  23013.3082
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  23013.3085      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  23013.3243      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  23013.3460      0.0378      0.0216
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  23013.3467      0.0385      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  23013.3609      0.0527      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  23013.4830      0.1748      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  23013.6634      0.3552      0.1804
+                embedding surface  1  23013.6636      0.3554      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  23015.5837      2.2755      1.9201
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  23017.6732      4.3650      2.0895
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  23021.2423      7.9341      3.5691
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  23021.2470      7.9388      0.0048
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  23021.6910      8.3828      0.4440
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  23021.8251      8.5169      0.1340
+                           Find void  23022.0979      8.7897      0.2729
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  23022.1269      8.8187      0.0290
+                         wsmp setup1  23022.1340      8.8258      0.0071
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  23023.1413      9.8331      1.0073
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  23023.1852
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  23023.1854      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38936E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  23031.1569      7.9717      7.9716
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0532560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0878100 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7043211 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3949151 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14460.1063169 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070481 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3685040 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10190E+01  0.18396E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.96863E-01  0.10928E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76143E+00  0.25120E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  23047.5411     24.3559     16.3842
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35106E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  23047.7645     24.5793      0.2234
+                do leaf measurements  23047.7656     24.5803      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  23047.8065     24.6213      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5887262 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  23047.8112
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  23047.8155      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.80529E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  23055.7573      7.9461      7.9418
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0482349 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1026721 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7116830 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3954771 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14459.3932363 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213269 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070970 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3868601 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10157E+01  0.13681E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48694E-01  0.10225E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76701E+00  0.22455E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  23072.1596     24.3484     16.4023
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12354E+01  0.18379E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  23072.3862     24.5750      0.2266
+                do leaf measurements  23072.3872     24.5760      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  23072.4282     24.6170      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0709718 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  23072.4329
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  23072.4372      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  23080.4063      7.9734      7.9691
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0511401 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0788639 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7028160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3813400 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14477.3535881 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070939 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3423898 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.15520E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38875E-01  0.11860E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74661E+00  0.23098E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  23096.7645     24.3316     16.3581
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13710E+01  0.31207E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  23096.9891     24.5562      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  23096.9902     24.5573      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  23097.0314     24.5985      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361610 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  23097.0362
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  23097.0406      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  23104.9772      7.9410      7.9366
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0502858 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0888531 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7036228 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4619799 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14375.4993292 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208718 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070949 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4330761 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10166E+01  0.17618E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39015E-01  0.12324E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73726E+00  0.22862E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  23121.4258     24.3896     16.4486
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14704E+01  0.35534E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  23121.6506     24.6144      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  23121.6517     24.6155      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  23121.6927     24.6565      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158958 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  23121.6974
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  23121.7018      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  23129.6733      7.9759      7.9715
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0511231 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0880752 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7049420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3764482 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14483.5788497 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070381 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3488250 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10161E+01  0.19403E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40726E-01  0.12568E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73254E+00  0.22774E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  23146.0381     24.3407     16.3648
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15144E+01  0.36412E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  23146.2630     24.5655      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  23146.2640     24.5666      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  23146.3052     24.6078      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107312 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  23146.3099
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  23146.3142      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  23154.3330      8.0231      8.0188
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0500579 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0889740 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7017510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3893681 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14467.1489276 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208992 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071201 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3585179 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10158E+01  0.20963E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43109E-01  0.12569E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72798E+00  0.22728E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  23170.7073     24.3974     16.3743
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15363E+01  0.36182E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  23170.9313     24.6214      0.2240
+                do leaf measurements  23170.9324     24.6225      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  23170.9732     24.6633      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080783 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  23170.9763     24.6664      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  23170.9765     24.6666      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -135433643756559.67 207910575457340.28
+ def in m -7.977107048034668 0.64547437429428101
+ dimensionless def  -1.84421249798365997E-6 2.27917344229561956E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0179660  0.2272459
+                  Compute divergence  23171.1801     24.8702      0.2036
+                        wsmp_cleanup  23171.2178     24.9079      0.0377
+              Reset surface geometry  23171.2227     24.9128      0.0048
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   23171.2308     24.9209      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  23171.2479     24.9381      0.0172
+                   Advect surface  1  23171.2481     24.9382      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  23171.4721     25.1622      0.2240
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  23171.6868     25.3769      0.2146
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  23171.9471     25.6372      0.2603
+                    Advect the cloud  23172.0936     25.7837      0.1466
+                        Write output  23172.8996     26.5897      0.8060
+                    End of time step  23173.7623     27.4524      0.8627
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     143  23173.7625
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  23173.7625      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  23173.7626      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16952points
+                      refine surface  23173.7626      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  23173.7896      0.0271      0.0270
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  23173.8167      0.0542      0.0271
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  23173.8416      0.0791      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16955points
+                          surface 02  23173.8599      0.0974      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 2:    16948points
+                      refine surface  23173.8600      0.0976      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  23173.8857      0.1232      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  23173.9084      0.1459      0.0227
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  23173.9331      0.1706      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16949points
+                          surface 03  23173.9514      0.1889      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 3:    16957points
+                      refine surface  23173.9516      0.1891      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  23173.9774      0.2149      0.0258
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  23174.0001      0.2376      0.0228
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  23174.0246      0.2621      0.0245
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16958points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  23174.0492
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  23174.0494      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  23174.0653      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  23174.0873      0.0381      0.0220
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  23174.0880      0.0389      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  23174.1022      0.0530      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  23174.2243      0.1752      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  23174.4053      0.3561      0.1809
+                embedding surface  1  23174.4054      0.3563      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  23176.3629      2.3137      1.9574
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  23178.4579      4.4087      2.0950
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  23181.9927      7.9435      3.5348
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  23181.9977      7.9485      0.0051
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  23182.4256      8.3764      0.4279
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  23182.5771      8.5279      0.1515
+                           Find void  23182.8534      8.8042      0.2763
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  23182.8821      8.8329      0.0287
+                         wsmp setup1  23182.8891      8.8399      0.0070
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  23183.8967      9.8476      1.0077
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  23183.9393
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  23183.9395      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38936E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  23191.9211      7.9817      7.9816
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0556440 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0872700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.6985610 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4063101 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14445.6605772 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070851 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3761911 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10276E+01  0.18348E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.97214E-01  0.10914E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76153E+00  0.24937E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  23208.3132     24.3739     16.3922
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35087E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  23208.5378     24.5985      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  23208.5389     24.5996      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  23208.5798     24.6404      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5882869 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  23208.5843
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  23208.5885      0.0042      0.0042
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.80762E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  23216.5283      7.9440      7.9397
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0514741 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1063459 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7098680 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4048159 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14447.5531339 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217759 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070500 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4017160 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10157E+01  0.13645E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48634E-01  0.10226E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76694E+00  0.22437E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  23232.9456     24.3613     16.4173
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12358E+01  0.18036E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  23233.1718     24.5875      0.2262
+                do leaf measurements  23233.1729     24.5886      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  23233.2138     24.6295      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0704616 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  23233.2184
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  23233.2228      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  23241.2044      7.9859      7.9816
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0488069 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1002150 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7009611 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3789511 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14480.3930364 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209459 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070982 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3573771 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.15486E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38877E-01  0.11859E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74673E+00  0.23097E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  23257.5773     24.3589     16.3730
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13715E+01  0.31244E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  23257.8012     24.5827      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  23257.8023     24.5838      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  23257.8435     24.6250      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362101 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  23257.8482
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  23257.8526      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  23265.7887      7.9405      7.9361
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0501890 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0749018 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.6972101 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4611089 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14376.5917402 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069561 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4119129 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.17588E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39001E-01  0.12317E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73734E+00  0.22866E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  23282.2164     24.3682     16.4277
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14703E+01  0.35505E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  23282.4409     24.5927      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  23282.4420     24.5938      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  23282.4828     24.6346      0.0408
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158968 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  23282.4875
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  23282.4918      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  23290.4595      7.9720      7.9677
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0487280 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0881701 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7008810 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3699529 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14491.8527875 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214180 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069599 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3364801 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10160E+01  0.19378E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40661E-01  0.12565E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73256E+00  0.22773E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  23306.8118     24.3243     16.3523
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15142E+01  0.36385E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  23307.0376     24.5501      0.2258
+                do leaf measurements  23307.0387     24.5512      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  23307.0796     24.5922      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107220 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  23307.0843
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  23307.0887      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  23315.1078      8.0235      8.0191
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0479698 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0897181 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7007630 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3865099 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14470.7803699 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209021 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069959 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3532660 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10157E+01  0.20944E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43045E-01  0.12568E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72802E+00  0.22740E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  23331.4767     24.3924     16.3689
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15359E+01  0.36140E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  23331.7006     24.6163      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  23331.7017     24.6173      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  23331.7425     24.6582      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080743 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  23331.7455     24.6612      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  23331.7457     24.6614      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -136054968108322.45 209176403164193.25
+ def in m -7.9757876396179199 0.64391434192657471
+ dimensionless def  -1.83975526264735623E-6 2.27879646846226272E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0179300  0.2272211
+                  Compute divergence  23331.9472     24.8628      0.2015
+                        wsmp_cleanup  23331.9891     24.9048      0.0419
+              Reset surface geometry  23331.9941     24.9098      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   23332.0024     24.9181      0.0083
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  23332.0172     24.9329      0.0148
+                   Advect surface  1  23332.0173     24.9330      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  23332.2233     25.1390      0.2060
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  23332.4283     25.3440      0.2050
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  23332.7071     25.6228      0.2788
+                    Advect the cloud  23332.8553     25.7710      0.1482
+                        Write output  23333.6598     26.5755      0.8045
+                    End of time step  23334.5253     27.4409      0.8655
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     144  23334.5254
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  23334.5255      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  23334.5255      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16954points
+                      refine surface  23334.5256      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  23334.5521      0.0267      0.0265
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  23334.5751      0.0497      0.0230
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  23334.6000      0.0746      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16956points
+                          surface 02  23334.6184      0.0929      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 2:    16948points
+                      refine surface  23334.6185      0.0931      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  23334.6440      0.1186      0.0255
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  23334.6668      0.1414      0.0228
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  23334.6915      0.1661      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16949points
+                          surface 03  23334.7099      0.1845      0.0184
+                                                                        S. 3:    16955points
+                      refine surface  23334.7100      0.1846      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  23334.7350      0.2096      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16955points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  23334.7594
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  23334.7596      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  23334.7755      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  23334.7980      0.0386      0.0225
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  23334.7987      0.0394      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  23334.8129      0.0535      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  23334.9350      0.1757      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  23335.1171      0.3577      0.1821
+                embedding surface  1  23335.1172      0.3579      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  23337.0809      2.3216      1.9637
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  23339.1661      4.4067      2.0852
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  23342.6892      7.9298      3.5230
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  23342.6938      7.9344      0.0046
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  23343.0927      8.3333      0.3989
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  23343.2774      8.5180      0.1847
+                           Find void  23343.5494      8.7901      0.2721
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  23343.5781      8.8188      0.0287
+                         wsmp setup1  23343.5851      8.8258      0.0070
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  23344.5925      9.8331      1.0074
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  23344.6364
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  23344.6365      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38936E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  23352.6349      7.9985      7.9983
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0523300 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1036921 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7026060 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3955901 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14459.2498420 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208119 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070519 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3824420 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10258E+01  0.18452E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.96680E-01  0.10985E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76173E+00  0.25285E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  23369.0330     24.3966     16.3981
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35090E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  23369.2568     24.6204      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  23369.2578     24.6214      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  23369.2990     24.6626      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5887940 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  23369.3037
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  23369.3079      0.0042      0.0042
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.81129E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  23377.2468      7.9431      7.9389
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0506799 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1112940 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7032619 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4143820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14435.4450509 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214211 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069840 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4083841 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.13724E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48680E-01  0.10240E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76715E+00  0.22438E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  23393.6712     24.3675     16.4244
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12359E+01  0.18006E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  23393.8977     24.5941      0.2265
+                do leaf measurements  23393.8988     24.5951      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  23393.9398     24.6362      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0713087 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  23393.9443
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  23393.9485      0.0042      0.0042
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  23401.9342      7.9899      7.9857
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0495591 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0713718 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7010231 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3758268 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14484.3699061 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208601 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070629 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3260689 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.15542E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38987E-01  0.11891E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74688E+00  0.23095E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  23418.2766     24.3323     16.3424
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13721E+01  0.31281E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  23418.4997     24.5554      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements  23418.5008     24.5565      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  23418.5421     24.5978      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362251 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  23418.5468
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  23418.5511      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  23426.4921      7.9453      7.9410
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0506690 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0775530 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7018569 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4428191 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14399.5707848 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1219621 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071321 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4023659 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.17633E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39120E-01  0.12342E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73747E+00  0.22867E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  23442.9099     24.3631     16.4178
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14714E+01  0.35619E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  23443.1351     24.5882      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  23443.1362     24.5893      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  23443.1771     24.6303      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158669 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  23443.1818
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  23443.1860      0.0042      0.0042
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  23451.1499      7.9681      7.9639
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0477860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0856490 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7082839 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3703420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14491.3568686 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070088 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3410161 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10161E+01  0.19416E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40666E-01  0.12581E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73270E+00  0.22776E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  23467.5070     24.3252     16.3571
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15153E+01  0.36483E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  23467.7330     24.5512      0.2260
+                do leaf measurements  23467.7341     24.5523      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  23467.7752     24.5934      0.0411
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107458 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  23467.7799
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  23467.7841      0.0042      0.0042
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  23475.8069      8.0270      8.0228
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0483902 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0829289 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7101209 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3859160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14471.5351802 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071011 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3556540 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10157E+01  0.20977E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43050E-01  0.12589E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72811E+00  0.22739E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  23492.1786     24.3986     16.3716
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15372E+01  0.36235E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  23492.4026     24.6227      0.2240
+                do leaf measurements  23492.4037     24.6238      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  23492.4447     24.6648      0.0411
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080846 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  23492.4477     24.6678      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  23492.4479     24.6680      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -136680886321504. 210506000188916.5
+ def in m -7.9810276031494141 0.64490425586700439
+ dimensionless def  -1.84258358819144122E-6 2.28029360089983257E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0179665  0.2273915
+                  Compute divergence  23492.6517     24.8718      0.2039
+                        wsmp_cleanup  23492.6920     24.9121      0.0402
+              Reset surface geometry  23492.6969     24.9170      0.0049
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   23492.7052     24.9253      0.0083
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  23492.7203     24.9404      0.0151
+                   Advect surface  1  23492.7204     24.9405      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  23492.9306     25.1507      0.2102
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  23493.1459     25.3659      0.2152
+                                                                        S. 3:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  23493.3982     25.6183      0.2523
+                    Advect the cloud  23493.5472     25.7673      0.1491
+                        Write output  23494.3551     26.5752      0.8079
+                    End of time step  23495.2205     27.4406      0.8654
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     145  23495.2207
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  23495.2208      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  23495.2208      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16954points
+                      refine surface  23495.2208      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  23495.2482      0.0276      0.0274
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  23495.2756      0.0549      0.0274
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  23495.3004      0.0797      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16957points
+                          surface 02  23495.3188      0.0981      0.0184
+                                                                        S. 2:    16947points
+                      refine surface  23495.3190      0.0983      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  23495.3437      0.1230      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16947points
+                          surface 03  23495.3619      0.1413      0.0182
+                                                                        S. 3:    16955points
+                      refine surface  23495.3621      0.1414      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  23495.3878      0.1671      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  23495.4104      0.1897      0.0225
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  23495.4353      0.2146      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16956points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  23495.4599
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  23495.4601      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  23495.4761      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  23495.4980      0.0381      0.0219
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  23495.4988      0.0389      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  23495.5131      0.0532      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  23495.6364      0.1765      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  23495.8158      0.3559      0.1794
+                embedding surface  1  23495.8159      0.3560      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  23497.7680      2.3081      1.9520
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  23499.8455      4.3857      2.0776
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  23503.3709      7.9110      3.5254
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  23503.3755      7.9157      0.0046
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  23503.7612      8.3013      0.3857
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  23503.9926      8.5327      0.2313
+                           Find void  23504.2640      8.8041      0.2714
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  23504.2924      8.8325      0.0284
+                         wsmp setup1  23504.2996      8.8397      0.0071
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  23505.3078      9.8479      1.0082
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  23505.3522
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  23505.3523      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38936E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  23513.3477      7.9956      7.9954
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0527940 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0901270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7054999 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3860219 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14471.4006358 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207330 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071969 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3627501 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10377E+01  0.18541E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.97857E-01  0.11019E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76195E+00  0.25330E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  23529.7266     24.3744     16.3789
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35125E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  23529.9495     24.5973      0.2229
+                do leaf measurements  23529.9505     24.5984      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  23529.9921     24.6400      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5890914 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  23529.9967
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  23530.0011      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79508E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  23537.9422      7.9455      7.9411
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0502059 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1075101 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7095098 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4173880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14431.6444723 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072160 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4136360 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.13794E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48643E-01  0.10250E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76730E+00  0.22548E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  23554.3719     24.3752     16.4297
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12364E+01  0.18092E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  23554.5976     24.6009      0.2257
+                do leaf measurements  23554.5987     24.6020      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  23554.6403     24.6436      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0712240 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  23554.6450
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  23554.6493      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  23562.6460      8.0010      7.9967
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0474410 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0754511 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7016711 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3709960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14490.5234245 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209111 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070870 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3239291 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.15587E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38993E-01  0.11894E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74721E+00  0.23149E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  23578.9858     24.3408     16.3398
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13729E+01  0.31357E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  23579.2099     24.5650      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  23579.2110     24.5661      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  23579.2529     24.6079      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362471 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  23579.2575
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  23579.2621      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  23587.2099      7.9524      7.9479
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0509479 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0780602 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7009230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4414508 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14401.2928309 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208210 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071058 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3996818 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10164E+01  0.17660E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39133E-01  0.12349E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73774E+00  0.22899E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  23603.6253     24.3677     16.4154
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14719E+01  0.35698E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  23603.8495     24.5919      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  23603.8505     24.5930      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  23603.8920     24.6345      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159059 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  23603.8967
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  23603.9010      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  23611.8537      7.9570      7.9527
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0482292 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0846012 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7043839 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3744519 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14486.1207974 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215441 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071859 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3407850 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10160E+01  0.19439E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40604E-01  0.12586E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73290E+00  0.22803E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  23628.2103     24.3136     16.3565
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15162E+01  0.36573E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  23628.4367     24.5401      0.2265
+                do leaf measurements  23628.4378     24.5411      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  23628.4793     24.5827      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107540 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  23628.4840
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  23628.4883      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  23636.5078      8.0238      8.0195
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0507801 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0818610 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7006531 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3819230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14476.6121199 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1218729 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071549 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3446162 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10156E+01  0.20997E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43005E-01  0.12585E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72832E+00  0.22752E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  23652.8677     24.3837     16.3599
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15381E+01  0.36318E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  23653.0923     24.6083      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  23653.0933     24.6093      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  23653.1348     24.6508      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080894 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  23653.1378     24.6538      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  23653.1380     24.6540      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -137295275458657.44 211885665774441.28
+ def in m -7.9836502075195312 0.64500457048416138
+ dimensionless def  -1.84287020138331817E-6 2.28104291643415157E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0179812  0.2274880
+                  Compute divergence  23653.3386     24.8547      0.2006
+                        wsmp_cleanup  23653.3813     24.8973      0.0427
+              Reset surface geometry  23653.3863     24.9023      0.0049
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   23653.3944     24.9104      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  23653.4084     24.9244      0.0140
+                   Advect surface  1  23653.4086     24.9246      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  23653.6157     25.1317      0.2072
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   16 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  23653.8307     25.3467      0.2150
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  23654.1100     25.6260      0.2792
+                    Advect the cloud  23654.2600     25.7760      0.1500
+                        Write output  23655.0700     26.5860      0.8100
+                    End of time step  23655.9492     27.4652      0.8792
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     146  23655.9493
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  23655.9494      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  23655.9494      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16956points
+                      refine surface  23655.9495      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  23655.9767      0.0274      0.0273
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  23655.9994      0.0501      0.0227
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  23656.0241      0.0748      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16959points
+                          surface 02  23656.0426      0.0933      0.0185
+                                                                        S. 2:    16945points
+                      refine surface  23656.0428      0.0935      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  23656.0685      0.1192      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  23656.0911      0.1418      0.0227
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  23656.1160      0.1667      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16946points
+                          surface 03  23656.1346      0.1853      0.0186
+                                                                        S. 3:    16953points
+                      refine surface  23656.1347      0.1854      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   4 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  23656.1623      0.2129      0.0275
+                                                                        S. 3:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  23656.1898      0.2405      0.0276
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  23656.2138      0.2645      0.0240
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16957points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  23656.2397
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  23656.2399      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  23656.2559      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  23656.2776      0.0379      0.0217
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  23656.2784      0.0387      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  23656.2927      0.0530      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  23656.4160      0.1764      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  23656.5956      0.3559      0.1795
+                embedding surface  1  23656.5957      0.3560      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  23658.5484      2.3087      1.9527
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  23660.6404      4.4007      2.0920
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  23664.1885      7.9488      3.5481
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  23664.1931      7.9535      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  23664.6138      8.3742      0.4207
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  23664.7401      8.5005      0.1263
+                           Find void  23665.0125      8.7728      0.2723
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  23665.0411      8.8014      0.0286
+                         wsmp setup1  23665.0480      8.8083      0.0069
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  23666.0479      9.8083      0.9999
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  23666.0930
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  23666.0931      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38936E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  23674.1159      8.0230      8.0228
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0505719 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0813401 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7017071 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3949471 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14460.0657750 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208382 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071309 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3569059 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10143E+01  0.18448E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.96452E-01  0.10979E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76190E+00  0.25045E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  23690.4883     24.3954     16.3724
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35120E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  23690.7127     24.6198      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  23690.7138     24.6208      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  23690.7548     24.6619      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5884275 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  23690.7594
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  23690.7637      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.81447E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  23698.7033      7.9438      7.9396
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0477700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0952229 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7078319 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4301569 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14415.5224334 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072761 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4099669 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.13739E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48603E-01  0.10216E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76725E+00  0.22450E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  23715.1282     24.3688     16.4249
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12357E+01  0.18425E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  23715.3548     24.5953      0.2266
+                do leaf measurements  23715.3558     24.5964      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  23715.3967     24.6373      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0708986 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  23715.4014
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  23715.4057      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  23723.4154      8.0140      8.0097
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0517530 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0780132 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.6992128 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3742790 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14486.3409411 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207058 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071599 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3314910 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.15561E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38911E-01  0.11878E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74695E+00  0.23136E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  23739.7627     24.3613     16.3473
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13720E+01  0.31258E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  23739.9863     24.5849      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements  23739.9873     24.5860      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  23740.0286     24.6272      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362326 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  23740.0334
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  23740.0378      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  23747.9939      7.9605      7.9560
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0502400 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0751610 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7034490 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4199979 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14428.3462114 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210589 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070651 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3773448 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10163E+01  0.17654E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38992E-01  0.12339E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73750E+00  0.22881E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  23764.3870     24.3536     16.3931
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14716E+01  0.35604E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  23764.6111     24.5777      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  23764.6121     24.5787      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  23764.6531     24.6197      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158390 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  23764.6578
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  23764.6621      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  23772.6074      7.9496      7.9453
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0511689 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0777030 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7089159 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3862681 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14471.0876176 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214311 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071850 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3530581 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10159E+01  0.19435E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40573E-01  0.12583E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73270E+00  0.22796E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  23788.9758     24.3180     16.3684
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15156E+01  0.36476E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  23789.2029     24.5451      0.2271
+                do leaf measurements  23789.2040     24.5462      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  23789.2449     24.5872      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107259 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  23789.2496
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  23789.2539      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  23797.2610      8.0114      8.0071
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0490270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0929558 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.6996670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3936679 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14461.6891414 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208901 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070779 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3636620 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10156E+01  0.20995E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42972E-01  0.12583E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72810E+00  0.22744E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  23813.6397     24.3901     16.3787
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15374E+01  0.36230E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  23813.8652     24.6156      0.2255
+                do leaf measurements  23813.8663     24.6167      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  23813.9071     24.6575      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080796 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  23813.9102     24.6605      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  23813.9103     24.6607      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -137905959007051.45 213263884176497.66
+ def in m -7.9866409301757812 0.646037757396698
+ dimensionless def  -1.84582216399056565E-6 2.28189740862165175E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0180200  0.2275910
+                  Compute divergence  23814.1059     24.8563      0.1955
+                        wsmp_cleanup  23814.1557     24.9060      0.0498
+              Reset surface geometry  23814.1604     24.9108      0.0048
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   23814.1667     24.9171      0.0063
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  23814.1796     24.9300      0.0129
+                   Advect surface  1  23814.1797     24.9301      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  23814.3738     25.1242      0.1941
+                                                                        S. 2:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  23814.5693     25.3196      0.1955
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  23814.8379     25.5882      0.2686
+                    Advect the cloud  23814.9851     25.7355      0.1473
+                        Write output  23815.7904     26.5408      0.8053
+                    End of time step  23816.6632     27.4136      0.8728
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     147  23816.6634
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  23816.6634      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  23816.6635      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16959points
+                      refine surface  23816.6635      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  23816.6890      0.0256      0.0255
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  23816.7121      0.0488      0.0232
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  23816.7363      0.0730      0.0242
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16960points
+                          surface 02  23816.7553      0.0920      0.0190
+                                                                        S. 2:    16946points
+                      refine surface  23816.7555      0.0921      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  23816.7815      0.1181      0.0261
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  23816.8047      0.1414      0.0232
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  23816.8290      0.1656      0.0243
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16948points
+                          surface 03  23816.8482      0.1848      0.0192
+                                                                        S. 3:    16955points
+                      refine surface  23816.8484      0.1850      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  23816.8749      0.2116      0.0266
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  23816.8982      0.2348      0.0233
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  23816.9223      0.2589      0.0241
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16958points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  23816.9481
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  23816.9483      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  23816.9643      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  23816.9859      0.0378      0.0215
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  23816.9866      0.0386      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  23817.0009      0.0528      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  23817.1243      0.1762      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  23817.3043      0.3562      0.1800
+                embedding surface  1  23817.3044      0.3564      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  23819.2672      2.3191      1.9628
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  23821.3386      4.3905      2.0714
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  23824.8659      7.9178      3.5273
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  23824.8710      7.9229      0.0051
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  23825.2715      8.3234      0.4005
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  23825.4325      8.4844      0.1610
+                           Find void  23825.6984      8.7503      0.2659
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  23825.7267      8.7787      0.0284
+                         wsmp setup1  23825.7330      8.7849      0.0062
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  23826.7339      9.7858      1.0009
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  23826.7789
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  23826.7790      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38936E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  23834.8051      8.0262      8.0260
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0542140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0863361 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7034841 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3807819 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14478.0635885 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207850 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069859 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3529549 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10158E+01  0.18428E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.96455E-01  0.10961E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76183E+00  0.24915E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  23851.1737     24.3948     16.3686
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35087E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  23851.3985     24.6196      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  23851.3996     24.6207      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  23851.4404     24.6615      0.0408
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5889021 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  23851.4450
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  23851.4492      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.80733E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  23859.3930      7.9480      7.9437
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0525579 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1011271 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7068100 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4567142 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14382.1065683 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217029 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069268 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4462500 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10157E+01  0.13705E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48610E-01  0.10253E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76701E+00  0.22510E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  23875.8547     24.4097     16.4617
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12357E+01  0.17962E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  23876.0818     24.6368      0.2271
+                do leaf measurements  23876.0829     24.6379      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  23876.1237     24.6787      0.0408
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0710268 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  23876.1283
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  23876.1326      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  23884.1465      8.0182      8.0139
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0499039 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0810270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7029059 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3794351 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14479.7771569 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070601 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3416679 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.15527E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39120E-01  0.11866E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74695E+00  0.23118E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  23900.5042     24.3758     16.3577
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13717E+01  0.31242E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  23900.7278     24.5995      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements  23900.7289     24.6006      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  23900.7700     24.6417      0.0411
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361821 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  23900.7747
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  23900.7791      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  23908.7413      7.9666      7.9622
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0524461 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0767610 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7085710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4244301 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14422.7486161 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212869 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069962 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3908830 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.17619E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39167E-01  0.12327E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73744E+00  0.22880E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  23925.1472     24.3725     16.4059
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14706E+01  0.35552E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  23925.3723     24.5975      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  23925.3734     24.5986      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  23925.4143     24.6396      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0160140 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  23925.4189
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  23925.4232      0.0042      0.0042
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  23933.3594      7.9405      7.9362
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0483608 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0924802 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7069430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3806081 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14478.2847006 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069771 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3573351 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10160E+01  0.19405E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40629E-01  0.12567E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73258E+00  0.22785E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  23949.7325     24.3136     16.3731
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15145E+01  0.36419E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  23949.9596     24.5407      0.2271
+                do leaf measurements  23949.9607     24.5418      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  23950.0016     24.5827      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107660 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  23950.0062
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  23950.0106      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  23958.0160      8.0098      8.0054
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0475249 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0905130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7010732 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3894520 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14467.0423262 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209781 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070651 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3570020 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10157E+01  0.20966E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43014E-01  0.12580E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72800E+00  0.22753E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  23974.3887     24.3825     16.3727
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15364E+01  0.36177E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  23974.6130     24.6068      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements  23974.6141     24.6079      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  23974.6550     24.6487      0.0408
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080835 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  23974.6579     24.6517      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  23974.6581     24.6518      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -138511192252634.06 214645897756479.56
+ def in m -7.9874053001403809 0.64639735221862793
+ dimensionless def  -1.84684957776750841E-6 2.28211580004010864E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0180417  0.2276327
+                  Compute divergence  23974.8553     24.8490      0.1972
+                        wsmp_cleanup  23974.9056     24.8993      0.0503
+              Reset surface geometry  23974.9102     24.9039      0.0046
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   23974.9161     24.9099      0.0060
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  23974.9290     24.9228      0.0129
+                   Advect surface  1  23974.9292     24.9229      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  23975.1198     25.1136      0.1907
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  23975.3422     25.3359      0.2223
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  23975.6209     25.6147      0.2788
+                    Advect the cloud  23975.7707     25.7645      0.1498
+                        Write output  23976.5774     26.5711      0.8066
+                    End of time step  23977.4583     27.4521      0.8810
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     148  23977.4585
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  23977.4585      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  23977.4586      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16960points
+                      refine surface  23977.4586      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  23977.4846      0.0261      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  23977.5074      0.0489      0.0228
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  23977.5323      0.0738      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16961points
+                          surface 02  23977.5509      0.0925      0.0186
+                                                                        S. 2:    16945points
+                      refine surface  23977.5511      0.0926      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  23977.5817      0.1232      0.0306
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  23977.6089      0.1504      0.0272
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  23977.6337      0.1753      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16947points
+                          surface 03  23977.6523      0.1938      0.0185
+                                                                        S. 3:    16955points
+                      refine surface  23977.6524      0.1940      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  23977.6771      0.2187      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16955points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  23977.7022
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  23977.7024      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  23977.7184      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  23977.7398      0.0376      0.0213
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  23977.7405      0.0384      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  23977.7548      0.0527      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  23977.8782      0.1761      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  23978.0557      0.3535      0.1775
+                embedding surface  1  23978.0559      0.3537      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  23980.0103      2.3081      1.9544
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  23982.0956      4.3934      2.0853
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  23985.6101      7.9079      3.5145
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  23985.6176      7.9154      0.0076
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  23986.0092      8.3071      0.3916
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  23986.2190      8.5169      0.2098
+                           Find void  23986.4868      8.7846      0.2678
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  23986.5145      8.8124      0.0277
+                         wsmp setup1  23986.5214      8.8192      0.0068
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  23987.5245      9.8223      1.0031
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  23987.5689
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  23987.5691      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38936E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  23995.5949      8.0260      8.0258
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0548499 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0866830 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.6998758 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3915741 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14464.3472260 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210790 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071330 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3616021 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10297E+01  0.18384E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.96549E-01  0.10993E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76163E+00  0.24615E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  24011.9717     24.4029     16.3768
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35112E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  24012.1964     24.6276      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  24012.1975     24.6286      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  24012.2384     24.6695      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5889003 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  24012.2429
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  24012.2472      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.80688E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  24020.1905      7.9476      7.9433
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0488830 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1025491 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7085359 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4560940 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14382.8850822 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209600 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071430 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4445610 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10156E+01  0.13667E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48824E-01  0.10227E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76718E+00  0.22491E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  24036.6503     24.4074     16.4598
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12348E+01  0.17924E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  24036.8750     24.6321      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  24036.8761     24.6332      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  24036.9169     24.6740      0.0408
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0711170 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  24036.9215
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  24036.9260      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  24044.9425      8.0209      8.0165
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0483658 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0799901 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7038221 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3721430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14489.0618627 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207249 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071101 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3325372 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.15508E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38835E-01  0.11858E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74635E+00  0.23089E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  24061.2906     24.3691     16.3482
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13710E+01  0.31184E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  24061.5150     24.5934      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  24061.5161     24.5946      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  24061.5571     24.6355      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362595 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  24061.5618
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  24061.5662      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  24069.5405      7.9787      7.9743
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0504360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0759430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7025728 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4091129 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14442.1117471 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208620 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071089 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3664370 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.17613E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38965E-01  0.12326E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73706E+00  0.22858E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  24085.9225     24.3607     16.3819
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14704E+01  0.35522E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  24086.1478     24.5860      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements  24086.1489     24.5871      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  24086.1897     24.6279      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158563 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  24086.1943
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  24086.1986      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  24094.1377      7.9434      7.9391
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0473840 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1024551 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7094991 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3865929 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14470.6749270 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071380 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3751290 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10161E+01  0.19400E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40696E-01  0.12569E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73238E+00  0.22775E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  24110.5285     24.3343     16.3908
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15142E+01  0.36363E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  24110.7547     24.5605      0.2262
+                do leaf measurements  24110.7558     24.5615      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  24110.7966     24.6023      0.0408
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107292 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  24110.8013
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  24110.8056      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  24118.8007      7.9994      7.9951
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0501959 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0877931 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7031641 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3831041 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14475.1100079 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209321 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070879 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3526781 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10157E+01  0.20964E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43087E-01  0.12578E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72785E+00  0.22735E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  24135.1697     24.3685     16.3690
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15361E+01  0.36128E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  24135.3944     24.5931      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  24135.3955     24.5942      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  24135.4365     24.6352      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080856 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  24135.4394     24.6381      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  24135.4396     24.6383      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -139116691096810.52 216025306734973.47
+ def in m -7.9913272857666016 0.65079689025878906
+ dimensionless def  -1.85941968645368311E-6 2.28323636736188592E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0181809  0.2277603
+                  Compute divergence  24135.6412     24.8399      0.2016
+                        wsmp_cleanup  24135.6843     24.8830      0.0431
+              Reset surface geometry  24135.6894     24.8881      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   24135.6975     24.8963      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  24135.7114     24.9102      0.0139
+                   Advect surface  1  24135.7116     24.9103      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   16 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  24135.9189     25.1176      0.2073
+                                                                        S. 2:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  24136.1129     25.3116      0.1940
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  24136.3746     25.5733      0.2617
+                    Advect the cloud  24136.5233     25.7221      0.1488
+                        Write output  24137.3309     26.5297      0.8076
+                    End of time step  24138.2099     27.4087      0.8790
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     149  24138.2101
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  24138.2101      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  24138.2102      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16959points
+                      refine surface  24138.2102      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  24138.2363      0.0263      0.0261
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  24138.2593      0.0492      0.0229
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  24138.2842      0.0741      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16960points
+                          surface 02  24138.3028      0.0927      0.0186
+                                                                        S. 2:    16947points
+                      refine surface  24138.3029      0.0929      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  24138.3289      0.1188      0.0259
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  24138.3562      0.1462      0.0274
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  24138.3811      0.1710      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16948points
+                          surface 03  24138.3997      0.1896      0.0186
+                                                                        S. 3:    16954points
+                      refine surface  24138.3998      0.1898      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  24138.4264      0.2163      0.0266
+                                                                        S. 3:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  24138.4499      0.2398      0.0235
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  24138.4740      0.2640      0.0241
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16957points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  24138.4997
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  24138.5000      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  24138.5160      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  24138.5377      0.0380      0.0217
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  24138.5385      0.0387      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  24138.5528      0.0530      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  24138.6762      0.1764      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  24138.8532      0.3535      0.1770
+                embedding surface  1  24138.8534      0.3536      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  24140.8110      2.3113      1.9577
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  24142.8991      4.3993      2.0881
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  24146.4219      7.9222      3.5228
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  24146.4293      7.9296      0.0074
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  24146.8213      8.3216      0.3920
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  24146.9630      8.4633      0.1417
+                           Find void  24147.2353      8.7355      0.2723
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  24147.2631      8.7634      0.0279
+                         wsmp setup1  24147.2700      8.7703      0.0069
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  24148.2696      9.7698      0.9995
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  24148.3145
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  24148.3147      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38936E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  24156.3414      8.0269      8.0267
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0529859 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0876710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7030299 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3821340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14476.3437545 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212518 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070860 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3545308 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10143E+01  0.18379E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.96494E-01  0.10950E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76154E+00  0.24771E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  24172.7121     24.3976     16.3707
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35099E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  24172.9356     24.6211      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements  24172.9366     24.6221      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  24172.9781     24.6636      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5889442 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  24172.9827
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  24172.9870      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.80689E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  24180.9243      7.9416      7.9373
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0505250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1077631 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7027819 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4619651 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14375.5178686 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214750 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070050 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4518750 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10157E+01  0.13663E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48529E-01  0.10264E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76703E+00  0.22518E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  24197.3919     24.4092     16.4676
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12352E+01  0.18574E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  24197.6170     24.6343      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  24197.6181     24.6354      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  24197.6597     24.6770      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0712032 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  24197.6644
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  24197.6687      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  24205.6794      8.0150      8.0107
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0481031 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0837281 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7040160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3762999 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14483.7676512 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213171 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069931 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3408179 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.15500E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38810E-01  0.11888E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74643E+00  0.23116E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  24222.0354     24.3711     16.3560
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13709E+01  0.31171E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  24222.2603     24.5959      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  24222.2613     24.5969      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  24222.3032     24.6388      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362086 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  24222.3079
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  24222.3124      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  24230.2921      7.9841      7.9797
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0508001 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0874720 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7025509 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3952591 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14459.6697471 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209068 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070472 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3643880 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10166E+01  0.17603E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38947E-01  0.12341E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73704E+00  0.22871E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  24246.6720     24.3641     16.3800
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14700E+01  0.35497E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  24246.8968     24.5889      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  24246.8979     24.5899      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  24246.9394     24.6315      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158765 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  24246.9440
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  24246.9483      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  24254.8864      7.9424      7.9381
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0513740 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1033549 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7098460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3922091 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14463.5411015 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069680 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3857231 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10161E+01  0.19391E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40651E-01  0.12578E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73235E+00  0.22789E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  24271.2879     24.3438     16.4015
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15138E+01  0.36350E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  24271.5156     24.5715      0.2277
+                do leaf measurements  24271.5166     24.5726      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  24271.5583     24.6142      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107273 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  24271.5629
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  24271.5673      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  24279.5538      7.9908      7.9865
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0516129 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0858579 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7043040 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4105020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14440.3536757 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213720 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070231 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3810198 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10158E+01  0.20956E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43053E-01  0.12582E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72784E+00  0.22759E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  24295.9503     24.3874     16.3965
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15356E+01  0.36110E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  24296.1806     24.6177      0.2303
+                do leaf measurements  24296.1817     24.6188      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  24296.2235     24.6606      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080795 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  24296.2265     24.6635      0.0029
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  24296.2266     24.6637      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -139709219524251.56 217409939873001.88
+ def in m -7.990264892578125 0.64955699443817139
+ dimensionless def  -1.85587712696620405E-6 2.28293282645089297E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0181575  0.2277474
+                  Compute divergence  24296.4306     24.8676      0.2039
+                        wsmp_cleanup  24296.4698     24.9068      0.0392
+              Reset surface geometry  24296.4742     24.9112      0.0044
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   24296.4825     24.9195      0.0083
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  24296.4983     24.9353      0.0158
+                   Advect surface  1  24296.4984     24.9355      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  24296.7008     25.1379      0.2024
+                                                                        S. 2:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  24296.8982     25.3353      0.1974
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  24297.1510     25.5880      0.2528
+                    Advect the cloud  24297.3010     25.7380      0.1500
+                        Write output  24298.1116     26.5487      0.8107
+                    End of time step  24299.0101     27.4471      0.8985
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     150  24299.0102
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  24299.0103      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  24299.0103      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16960points
+                      refine surface  24299.0104      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   6 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  24299.0392      0.0290      0.0289
+                                                                        S. 1:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  24299.0663      0.0561      0.0271
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  24299.0906      0.0804      0.0243
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16966points
+                          surface 02  24299.1099      0.0997      0.0193
+                                                                        S. 2:    16948points
+                      refine surface  24299.1101      0.0998      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  24299.1353      0.1251      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  24299.1589      0.1486      0.0236
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  24299.1830      0.1728      0.0242
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16949points
+                          surface 03  24299.2024      0.1922      0.0194
+                                                                        S. 3:    16957points
+                      refine surface  24299.2026      0.1923      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  24299.2285      0.2183      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  24299.2519      0.2417      0.0234
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  24299.2760      0.2658      0.0241
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16959points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  24299.3017
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  24299.3019      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  24299.3179      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  24299.3396      0.0380      0.0217
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  24299.3404      0.0388      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  24299.3547      0.0530      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  24299.4787      0.1770      0.1240
+             Imbed surface in osolve  24299.6561      0.3545      0.1775
+                embedding surface  1  24299.6563      0.3546      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  24301.6117      2.3100      1.9554
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  24303.6985      4.3969      2.0869
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  24307.2020      7.9003      3.5035
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  24307.2066      7.9049      0.0046
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  24307.6340      8.3323      0.4274
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  24307.7802      8.4785      0.1462
+                           Find void  24308.0500      8.7483      0.2698
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  24308.0779      8.7762      0.0279
+                         wsmp setup1  24308.0848      8.7832      0.0069
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  24309.0857      9.7840      1.0009
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  24309.1311
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  24309.1313      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38936E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  24317.1544      8.0233      8.0231
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0518360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0894849 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7046299 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3862162 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14471.1536745 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211529 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071321 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3608620 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10219E+01  0.18346E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.96815E-01  0.11076E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76134E+00  0.24814E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  24333.5307     24.3996     16.3763
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35095E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  24333.7611     24.6300      0.2304
+                do leaf measurements  24333.7621     24.6310      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  24333.8034     24.6723      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5891817 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  24333.8080
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  24333.8122      0.0042      0.0042
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79734E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  24341.7521      7.9442      7.9400
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0487149 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1134081 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7033980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4618549 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14375.6560185 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208398 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070210 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4556241 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10156E+01  0.13622E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48277E-01  0.10200E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76674E+00  0.22666E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  24358.2231     24.4152     16.4710
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12345E+01  0.18488E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  24358.4479     24.6399      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  24358.4490     24.6410      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  24358.4901     24.6821      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0710538 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  24358.4947
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  24358.4989      0.0042      0.0042
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  24366.5115      8.0167      8.0126
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0475371 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0841341 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7047122 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3806319 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14478.2543694 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208050 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071580 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3453979 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.15468E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38848E-01  0.11839E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74626E+00  0.23194E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  24382.8724     24.3777     16.3610
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13697E+01  0.31074E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  24383.0960     24.6013      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements  24383.0971     24.6023      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  24383.1386     24.6439      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361401 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  24383.1433
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  24383.1476      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  24391.1376      7.9943      7.9900
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0497081 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0859389 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7037928 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3970709 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14457.3711563 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210351 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070419 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3649800 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.17577E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38974E-01  0.12313E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73689E+00  0.22933E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  24407.5181     24.3748     16.3805
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14690E+01  0.35429E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  24407.7427     24.5994      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  24407.7438     24.6005      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  24407.7850     24.6417      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159636 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  24407.7896
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  24407.7938      0.0042      0.0042
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  24415.7334      7.9438      7.9396
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0494149 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1045861 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7099538 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4038360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14448.7945726 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216080 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069861 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3967772 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10161E+01  0.19368E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40460E-01  0.12564E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73216E+00  0.22826E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  24432.1459     24.3564     16.4125
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15129E+01  0.36284E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  24432.3722     24.5827      0.2263
+                do leaf measurements  24432.3733     24.5837      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  24432.4146     24.6250      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107589 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  24432.4192
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  24432.4235      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  24440.4041      7.9849      7.9806
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0509901 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0944059 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7040229 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3822579 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14476.1860755 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070679 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3599789 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10157E+01  0.20934E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42904E-01  0.12569E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72765E+00  0.22764E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  24456.7801     24.3609     16.3760
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15346E+01  0.36034E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  24457.0032     24.5840      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements  24457.0043     24.5851      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  24457.0458     24.6265      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080757 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  24457.0487     24.6295      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  24457.0489     24.6297      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -140305136408101.11 218792614676631.38
+ def in m -7.9926137924194336 0.65167868137359619
+ dimensionless def  -1.86193908963884616E-6 2.28360394069126657E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0182308  0.2278324
+                  Compute divergence  24457.2421     24.8229      0.1932
+                        wsmp_cleanup  24457.2866     24.8673      0.0445
+              Reset surface geometry  24457.2914     24.8722      0.0049
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   24457.2998     24.8806      0.0084
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  24457.3137     24.8944      0.0139
+                   Advect surface  1  24457.3138     24.8946      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   14 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  24457.5290     25.1098      0.2152
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   15 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  24457.7385     25.3193      0.2095
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  24457.9999     25.5807      0.2615
+                    Advect the cloud  24458.1503     25.7311      0.1504
+                        Write output  24458.9575     26.5383      0.8072
+                    End of time step  24459.8343     27.4151      0.8768
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     151  24459.8344
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  24459.8345      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  24459.8345      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16964points
+                      refine surface  24459.8346      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  24459.8590      0.0245      0.0244
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16964points
+                          surface 02  24459.8782      0.0438      0.0193
+                                                                        S. 2:    16948points
+                      refine surface  24459.8784      0.0439      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  24459.9020      0.0675      0.0236
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16948points
+                          surface 03  24459.9217      0.0872      0.0197
+                                                                        S. 3:    16958points
+                      refine surface  24459.9218      0.0874      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  24459.9483      0.1139      0.0265
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  24459.9714      0.1370      0.0231
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  24459.9954      0.1610      0.0240
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16961points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  24460.0208
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  24460.0211      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  24460.0371      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  24460.0589      0.0381      0.0218
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  24460.0597      0.0389      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  24460.0740      0.0532      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  24460.1974      0.1765      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  24460.3755      0.3547      0.1782
+                embedding surface  1  24460.3757      0.3549      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  24462.3372      2.3164      1.9615
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  24464.4187      4.3978      2.0815
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  24467.9404      7.9196      3.5217
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  24467.9449      7.9241      0.0046
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  24468.3673      8.3464      0.4223
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  24468.5473      8.5264      0.1800
+                           Find void  24468.8195      8.7987      0.2722
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  24468.8475      8.8267      0.0280
+                         wsmp setup1  24468.8542      8.8334      0.0067
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  24469.8539      9.8330      0.9996
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  24469.8994
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  24469.8995      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38936E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  24477.9093      8.0099      8.0098
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0507810 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0877361 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7039881 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3804600 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14478.4730608 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211529 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070159 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3515220 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10504E+01  0.18412E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.96798E-01  0.11002E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76148E+00  0.24789E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  24494.2762     24.3768     16.3669
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35086E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  24494.5003     24.6009      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  24494.5014     24.6020      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  24494.5421     24.6427      0.0407
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5889445 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  24494.5466
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  24494.5508      0.0042      0.0042
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.80304E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  24502.4919      7.9453      7.9411
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0485370 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1136792 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7058170 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4647470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14372.0297154 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070732 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4614451 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.13670E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48529E-01  0.10226E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76683E+00  0.22562E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  24518.9692     24.4226     16.4773
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12357E+01  0.18337E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  24519.1938     24.6472      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  24519.1949     24.6482      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  24519.2355     24.6889      0.0407
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0711386 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  24519.2402
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  24519.2445      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  24527.2456      8.0054      8.0011
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0483952 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0940769 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7067699 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3757329 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14484.4895131 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071130 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3537281 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.15497E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38915E-01  0.11869E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74659E+00  0.23158E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  24543.6152     24.3750     16.3696
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13710E+01  0.31205E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  24543.8388     24.5986      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements  24543.8399     24.5997      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  24543.8807     24.6405      0.0408
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361020 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  24543.8854
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  24543.8898      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  24551.8864      8.0010      7.9967
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0501418 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0997622 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7060881 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3960938 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14458.6106530 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209319 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069840 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3803709 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.17595E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38854E-01  0.12337E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73716E+00  0.22914E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  24568.2826     24.3972     16.3962
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14698E+01  0.35516E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  24568.5061     24.6207      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements  24568.5072     24.6217      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  24568.5480     24.6626      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159664 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  24568.5526
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  24568.5568      0.0042      0.0042
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  24576.4960      7.9434      7.9392
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0477650 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1076291 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7122209 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3982270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14455.9047838 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216362 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069799 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3948400 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10161E+01  0.19381E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40503E-01  0.12582E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73239E+00  0.22812E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  24592.9067     24.3541     16.4107
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15136E+01  0.36376E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  24593.1337     24.5811      0.2270
+                do leaf measurements  24593.1348     24.5822      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  24593.1755     24.6228      0.0406
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107718 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  24593.1801
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  24593.1843      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  24601.1656      7.9855      7.9813
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0471051 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0942252 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7058849 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3735859 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14487.2237088 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209779 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069611 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3490999 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10158E+01  0.20946E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42937E-01  0.12579E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72785E+00  0.22759E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  24617.5306     24.3505     16.3650
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15355E+01  0.36125E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  24617.7549     24.5748      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements  24617.7560     24.5759      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  24617.7969     24.6168      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080834 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  24617.7998     24.6197      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  24617.8000     24.6199      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -140898971458519.13 220173590502956.94
+ def in m -7.9706635475158691 0.65557312965393066
+ dimensionless def  -1.87306608472551624E-6 2.27733244214739112E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0183559  0.2271673
+                  Compute divergence  24617.9962     24.8161      0.1962
+                        wsmp_cleanup  24618.0350     24.8549      0.0389
+              Reset surface geometry  24618.0395     24.8594      0.0045
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   24618.0478     24.8677      0.0083
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  24618.0637     24.8836      0.0158
+                   Advect surface  1  24618.0638     24.8837      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  24618.2622     25.0821      0.1984
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  24618.4734     25.2933      0.2111
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   14 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  24618.7506     25.5705      0.2772
+                    Advect the cloud  24618.9027     25.7226      0.1521
+                        Write output  24619.7192     26.5391      0.8165
+                    End of time step  24620.5935     27.4134      0.8743
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     152  24620.5937
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  24620.5937      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  24620.5938      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16964points
+                      refine surface  24620.5938      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   4 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  24620.6218      0.0281      0.0280
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  24620.6492      0.0555      0.0274
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  24620.6734      0.0797      0.0241
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16968points
+                          surface 02  24620.6925      0.0988      0.0192
+                                                                        S. 2:    16947points
+                      refine surface  24620.6927      0.0990      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  24620.7193      0.1256      0.0267
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  24620.7468      0.1531      0.0274
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  24620.7711      0.1774      0.0243
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16950points
+                          surface 03  24620.7904      0.1967      0.0193
+                                                                        S. 3:    16958points
+                      refine surface  24620.7905      0.1968      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  24620.8155      0.2219      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  24620.8437      0.2501      0.0282
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  24620.8678      0.2741      0.0241
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16959points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  24620.8935
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  24620.8938      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  24620.9098      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  24620.9312      0.0377      0.0214
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  24620.9320      0.0385      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  24620.9463      0.0528      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  24621.0697      0.1762      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  24621.2498      0.3563      0.1801
+                embedding surface  1  24621.2499      0.3564      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  24623.2084      2.3149      1.9585
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  24625.2932      4.3997      2.0848
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  24628.8022      7.9086      3.5089
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  24628.8067      7.9132      0.0045
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  24629.2542      8.3607      0.4475
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  24629.3998      8.5063      0.1456
+                           Find void  24629.6683      8.7748      0.2685
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  24629.6965      8.8030      0.0282
+                         wsmp setup1  24629.7036      8.8101      0.0071
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  24630.7048      9.8112      1.0011
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  24630.7502
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  24630.7504      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38936E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  24638.7452      7.9950      7.9948
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0553551 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0920331 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7038209 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3844709 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14473.3720828 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070701 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3641498 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10195E+01  0.18370E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.96747E-01  0.10993E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76135E+00  0.24597E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  24655.1251     24.3749     16.3799
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35078E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  24655.3488     24.5986      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  24655.3499     24.5997      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  24655.3909     24.6407      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5892370 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  24655.3958
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  24655.4004      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.80404E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  24663.3447      7.9489      7.9442
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0523551 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1051402 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7068350 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4603560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14377.5362578 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211162 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070369 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4532058 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10159E+01  0.13647E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48671E-01  0.10238E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76678E+00  0.22497E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  24679.8137     24.4179     16.4690
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12356E+01  0.17960E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  24680.0382     24.6424      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  24680.0392     24.6435      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  24680.0800     24.6842      0.0407
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0711991 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  24680.0848
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  24680.0894      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  24688.0804      7.9956      7.9911
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0500960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1029730 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7068591 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3682039 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14494.0824107 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210840 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071840 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3567848 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.15487E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38739E-01  0.11854E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74650E+00  0.23122E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  24704.4540     24.3692     16.3736
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13708E+01  0.31170E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  24704.6769     24.5921      0.2229
+                do leaf measurements  24704.6780     24.5932      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  24704.7190     24.6342      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361879 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  24704.7238
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  24704.7285      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  24712.7346      8.0108      8.0062
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0503612 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1054988 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7046070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3981280 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14456.0302712 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211050 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070970 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3871830 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.17593E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38494E-01  0.12311E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73707E+00  0.22880E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  24729.1369     24.4131     16.4023
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14699E+01  0.35495E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  24729.3623     24.6385      0.2254
+                do leaf measurements  24729.3633     24.6395      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  24729.4041     24.6803      0.0408
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159745 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  24729.4089
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  24729.4135      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  24737.3525      7.9435      7.9390
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0512540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1133101 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7103159 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4286649 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14417.4043941 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070250 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4324949 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10163E+01  0.19383E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40608E-01  0.12560E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73231E+00  0.22793E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  24753.8002     24.3912     16.4477
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15136E+01  0.36345E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  24754.0274     24.6185      0.2272
+                do leaf measurements  24754.0285     24.6195      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  24754.0693     24.6603      0.0408
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107611 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  24754.0741
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  24754.0787      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  24762.0658      7.9917      7.9871
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0485809 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0861700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7034409 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3797591 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14479.3648806 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209359 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071230 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3463871 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10159E+01  0.20947E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43007E-01  0.12569E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72776E+00  0.22748E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  24778.4279     24.3538     16.3621
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15353E+01  0.36100E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  24778.6523     24.5782      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  24778.6533     24.5792      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  24778.6944     24.6203      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080773 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  24778.6976     24.6235      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  24778.6978     24.6237      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -141522018066663.41 221522144663626.69
+ def in m -7.9842653274536133 0.65567392110824585
+ dimensionless def  -1.8733540603092739E-6 2.28121866498674685E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0183670  0.2275770
+                  Compute divergence  24778.9028     24.8286      0.2050
+                        wsmp_cleanup  24778.9389     24.8648      0.0362
+              Reset surface geometry  24778.9439     24.8698      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   24778.9522     24.8781      0.0083
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  24778.9690     24.8949      0.0168
+                   Advect surface  1  24778.9691     24.8950      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  24779.1667     25.0926      0.1976
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  24779.3653     25.2912      0.1986
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  24779.6287     25.5546      0.2634
+                    Advect the cloud  24779.7875     25.7133      0.1587
+                        Write output  24780.6074     26.5333      0.8199
+                    End of time step  24781.4873     27.4132      0.8799
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     153  24781.4875
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  24781.4875      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  24781.4876      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16967points
+                      refine surface  24781.4876      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  24781.5143      0.0268      0.0266
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  24781.5370      0.0496      0.0228
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  24781.5612      0.0737      0.0241
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16969points
+                          surface 02  24781.5804      0.0929      0.0193
+                                                                        S. 2:    16949points
+                      refine surface  24781.5806      0.0931      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  24781.6065      0.1190      0.0259
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  24781.6341      0.1467      0.0277
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  24781.6584      0.1709      0.0242
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16951points
+                          surface 03  24781.6777      0.1903      0.0194
+                                                                        S. 3:    16957points
+                      refine surface  24781.6779      0.1904      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  24781.7038      0.2163      0.0259
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  24781.7268      0.2393      0.0230
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  24781.7515      0.2641      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16958points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  24781.7769
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  24781.7771      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  24781.7931      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  24781.8144      0.0375      0.0213
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  24781.8152      0.0383      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  24781.8296      0.0528      0.0145
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  24781.9530      0.1762      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  24782.1312      0.3544      0.1782
+                embedding surface  1  24782.1314      0.3545      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  24784.0874      2.3106      1.9561
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  24786.1728      4.3959      2.0853
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  24789.6625      7.8856      3.4897
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  24789.6671      7.8902      0.0046
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  24790.1292      8.3523      0.4621
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  24790.3325      8.5556      0.2033
+                           Find void  24790.6023      8.8254      0.2698
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  24790.6301      8.8533      0.0279
+                         wsmp setup1  24790.6374      8.8605      0.0072
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  24791.6417      9.8648      1.0043
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  24791.6872
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  24791.6874      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38936E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  24799.6876      8.0004      8.0002
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0521369 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1001310 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7085268 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3813310 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14477.3651125 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1205890 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071959 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3702610 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10141E+01  0.18418E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.96291E-01  0.11007E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76113E+00  0.24628E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  24816.0735     24.3863     16.3858
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35093E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  24816.2980     24.6109      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  24816.2992     24.6120      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  24816.3409     24.6537      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5889058 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  24816.3456
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  24816.3500      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.81075E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  24824.2913      7.9457      7.9413
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0486841 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0996852 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7078390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4656019 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14370.9580194 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071938 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4503222 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10156E+01  0.13676E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48572E-01  0.10255E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76682E+00  0.22534E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  24840.7576     24.4120     16.4663
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12357E+01  0.18893E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  24840.9816     24.6359      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  24840.9826     24.6370      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  24841.0240     24.6783      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0711457 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  24841.0287
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  24841.0330      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  24849.0129      7.9843      7.9800
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0501549 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0919840 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7084508 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3785079 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14480.9570824 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070839 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3575630 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.15503E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38708E-01  0.11884E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74659E+00  0.23172E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  24865.3862     24.3575     16.3733
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13711E+01  0.31187E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  24865.6114     24.5827      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  24865.6125     24.5838      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  24865.6537     24.6251      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362701 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  24865.6584
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  24865.6627      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  24873.6803      8.0219      8.0176
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0484030 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0933120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7105100 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3842561 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14473.6451880 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209040 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071201 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3648591 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.17602E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38522E-01  0.12338E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73716E+00  0.22911E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  24890.0607     24.4023     16.3804
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14701E+01  0.35540E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  24890.2851     24.6267      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  24890.2862     24.6278      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  24890.3274     24.6690      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159210 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  24890.3320
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  24890.3362      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  24898.2763      7.9443      7.9401
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0511971 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1197681 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7151730 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4277029 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14418.6180952 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217458 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071268 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4430530 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10161E+01  0.19386E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40511E-01  0.12577E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73241E+00  0.22819E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  24914.7352     24.4033     16.4589
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15137E+01  0.36377E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  24914.9614     24.6294      0.2262
+                do leaf measurements  24914.9625     24.6305      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  24915.0038     24.6718      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107469 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  24915.0084
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  24915.0127      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  24923.0086      8.0001      7.9958
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0502110 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0869591 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7066600 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3833921 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14474.7437751 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210830 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072429 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3559151 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10158E+01  0.20951E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42950E-01  0.12579E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72786E+00  0.22762E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  24939.3800     24.3716     16.3714
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15355E+01  0.36132E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  24939.6042     24.5958      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  24939.6053     24.5969      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  24939.6468     24.6384      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080829 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  24939.6498     24.6414      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  24939.6500     24.6416      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -142128444412665.59 222881115163082.97
+ def in m -7.9831790924072266 0.65488153696060181
+ dimensionless def  -1.87109010560171947E-6 2.28090831211635044E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0183516  0.2275563
+                  Compute divergence  24939.8465     24.8381      0.1965
+                        wsmp_cleanup  24939.8893     24.8809      0.0429
+              Reset surface geometry  24939.8944     24.8860      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   24939.9027     24.8943      0.0083
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  24939.9165     24.9080      0.0138
+                   Advect surface  1  24939.9166     24.9082      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  24940.1238     25.1154      0.2072
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  24940.3317     25.3232      0.2079
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  24940.5870     25.5786      0.2554
+                    Advect the cloud  24940.7415     25.7330      0.1544
+                        Write output  24941.5612     26.5527      0.8197
+                    End of time step  24942.4398     27.4314      0.8786
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     154  24942.4399
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  24942.4400      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  24942.4400      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16968points
+                      refine surface  24942.4401      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  24942.4674      0.0275      0.0273
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  24942.4903      0.0504      0.0229
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  24942.5154      0.0754      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16971points
+                          surface 02  24942.5338      0.0939      0.0184
+                                                                        S. 2:    16950points
+                      refine surface  24942.5340      0.0940      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  24942.5596      0.1197      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  24942.5828      0.1428      0.0231
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  24942.6075      0.1676      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16951points
+                          surface 03  24942.6263      0.1863      0.0187
+                                                                        S. 3:    16958points
+                      refine surface  24942.6264      0.1865      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  24942.6510      0.2111      0.0246
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16958points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  24942.6759
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  24942.6761      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  24942.6921      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  24942.7139      0.0380      0.0217
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  24942.7147      0.0388      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  24942.7289      0.0531      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  24942.8523      0.1764      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  24943.0305      0.3547      0.1782
+                embedding surface  1  24943.0307      0.3548      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  24944.9856      2.3097      1.9549
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  24947.0608      4.3849      2.0752
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  24950.6040      7.9281      3.5433
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  24950.6090      7.9331      0.0050
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  24951.0905      8.4146      0.4815
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  24951.2546      8.5787      0.1641
+                           Find void  24951.5265      8.8506      0.2719
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  24951.5545      8.8786      0.0280
+                         wsmp setup1  24951.5612      8.8853      0.0068
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  24952.5538      9.8779      0.9926
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  24952.5991
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  24952.5992      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38936E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  24960.5881      7.9890      7.9889
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0536129 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1018820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7055590 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3827970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14475.5005149 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210611 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071409 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3724570 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10351E+01  0.18339E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.96657E-01  0.11034E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76127E+00  0.24705E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  24976.9759     24.3768     16.3877
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35080E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  24977.2000     24.6009      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  24977.2011     24.6020      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  24977.2424     24.6433      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5887568 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  24977.2474
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  24977.2520      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.80227E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  24985.1886      7.9412      7.9366
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0479140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0992329 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7074540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4477701 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14393.3431722 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210809 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071740 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4310470 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10159E+01  0.13614E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48501E-01  0.10235E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76673E+00  0.22572E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  25001.6352     24.3878     16.4467
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12344E+01  0.18542E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  25001.8597     24.6123      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  25001.8607     24.6133      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  25001.9018     24.6544      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0710701 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  25001.9066
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  25001.9112      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  25009.8851      7.9785      7.9739
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0484068 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0990992 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7050419 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3739450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14486.7663688 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209989 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071640 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3551040 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.15466E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38621E-01  0.11849E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74606E+00  0.23139E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  25026.2559     24.3492     16.3708
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13698E+01  0.31081E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  25026.4824     24.5758      0.2265
+                do leaf measurements  25026.4835     24.5768      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  25026.5245     24.6178      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360441 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  25026.5293
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  25026.5339      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  25034.5513      8.0220      8.0174
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0505190 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0974541 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7041550 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3808870 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14477.9298325 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209111 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071368 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3614731 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.17572E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38533E-01  0.12311E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73681E+00  0.22905E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  25050.9285     24.3992     16.3772
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14688E+01  0.35417E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  25051.1520     24.6227      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements  25051.1531     24.6238      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  25051.1941     24.6648      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159777 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  25051.1990
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  25051.2035      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  25059.1394      7.9404      7.9359
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0491359 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1087339 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7137270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4328699 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14412.1016993 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217289 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070672 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4336631 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10162E+01  0.19361E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40595E-01  0.12565E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73211E+00  0.22807E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  25075.5889     24.3899     16.4495
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15127E+01  0.36284E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  25075.8156     24.6166      0.2267
+                do leaf measurements  25075.8167     24.6177      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  25075.8576     24.6587      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107562 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  25075.8625
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  25075.8670      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  25083.8706      8.0081      8.0036
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0516419 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1030231 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7052999 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3811660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14477.5749818 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208849 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071609 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3695960 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10159E+01  0.20924E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42996E-01  0.12567E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72760E+00  0.22759E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  25100.2559     24.3935     16.3853
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15346E+01  0.36051E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  25100.4801     24.6177      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  25100.4812     24.6188      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  25100.5225     24.6600      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080744 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  25100.5257     24.6633      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  25100.5259     24.6634      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -142739295077690.31 224234019840038.06
+ def in m -7.9881272315979004 0.65602028369903564
+ dimensionless def  -1.87434366771153044E-6 2.28232206617082878E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0183955  0.2277206
+                  Compute divergence  25100.7205     24.8580      0.1946
+                        wsmp_cleanup  25100.7660     24.9036      0.0455
+              Reset surface geometry  25100.7710     24.9085      0.0049
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   25100.7788     24.9164      0.0079
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  25100.7924     24.9299      0.0135
+                   Advect surface  1  25100.7925     24.9301      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   13 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  25101.0013     25.1388      0.2088
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   12 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  25101.2088     25.3463      0.2075
+                                                                        S. 3:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  25101.4645     25.6020      0.2557
+                    Advect the cloud  25101.6178     25.7554      0.1534
+                        Write output  25102.4384     26.5759      0.8206
+                    End of time step  25103.3179     27.4554      0.8795
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     155  25103.3180
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  25103.3181      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  25103.3181      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16970points
+                      refine surface  25103.3181      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  25103.3432      0.0252      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  25103.3669      0.0489      0.0238
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  25103.3912      0.0732      0.0242
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16971points
+                          surface 02  25103.4104      0.0924      0.0192
+                                                                        S. 2:    16950points
+                      refine surface  25103.4106      0.0926      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  25103.4348      0.1168      0.0243
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16950points
+                          surface 03  25103.4541      0.1361      0.0193
+                                                                        S. 3:    16958points
+                      refine surface  25103.4543      0.1363      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   4 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  25103.4818      0.1638      0.0276
+                                                                        S. 3:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  25103.5090      0.1910      0.0272
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  25103.5333      0.2153      0.0243
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16962points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  25103.5594
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  25103.5596      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  25103.5756      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  25103.5976      0.0382      0.0219
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  25103.5984      0.0390      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  25103.6126      0.0533      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  25103.7360      0.1766      0.1233
+             Imbed surface in osolve  25103.9146      0.3552      0.1786
+                embedding surface  1  25103.9147      0.3554      0.0001
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  25105.8749      2.3156      1.9602
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  25107.9571      4.3978      2.0822
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  25111.5008      7.9414      3.5437
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  25111.5054      7.9461      0.0046
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  25111.9612      8.4018      0.4558
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  25112.0847      8.5253      0.1235
+                           Find void  25112.3556      8.7962      0.2708
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  25112.3836      8.8243      0.0281
+                         wsmp setup1  25112.3906      8.8313      0.0070
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  25113.3923      9.8329      1.0017
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  25113.4383
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  25113.4385      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38936E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  25121.4074      7.9692      7.9690
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0512669 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1097560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7038209 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3809769 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14477.8154899 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217771 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070949 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3750539 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10562E+01  0.18361E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.96734E-01  0.11041E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76113E+00  0.24669E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  25137.7979     24.3596     16.3904
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35086E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  25138.0217     24.5835      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  25138.0229     24.5846      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  25138.0641     24.6259      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5894275 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  25138.0691
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  25138.0737      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.80341E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  25146.0096      7.9405      7.9359
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0488491 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0990350 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7045290 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4501071 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14390.4054757 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210802 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071528 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4311309 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.13621E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48433E-01  0.10201E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76673E+00  0.22571E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  25162.4560     24.3869     16.4464
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12350E+01  0.18191E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  25162.6803     24.6112      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements  25162.6814     24.6123      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  25162.7220     24.6529      0.0406
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0713071 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  25162.7270
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  25162.7315      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  25170.6953      7.9683      7.9637
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0483620 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1071980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7056248 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3757360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14484.4855666 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213541 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071409 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3657820 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.15461E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38721E-01  0.11836E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74614E+00  0.23166E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  25187.0767     24.3497     16.3814
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13702E+01  0.31112E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  25187.3035     24.5765      0.2268
+                do leaf measurements  25187.3046     24.5776      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  25187.3453     24.6183      0.0407
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360737 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  25187.3502
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  25187.3547      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  25195.3733      8.0231      8.0186
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0527971 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1015999 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7022769 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3798299 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14479.2747836 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208639 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071449 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3648932 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10164E+01  0.17566E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38568E-01  0.12310E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73684E+00  0.22916E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  25211.7539     24.4038     16.3806
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14692E+01  0.35472E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  25211.9768     24.6266      0.2228
+                do leaf measurements  25211.9779     24.6277      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  25212.0185     24.6683      0.0406
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159875 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  25212.0232
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  25212.0277      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  25219.9665      7.9433      7.9389
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0504811 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1304219 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7109931 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4417360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14400.9339248 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070698 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4622710 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10161E+01  0.19355E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40481E-01  0.12560E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73217E+00  0.22817E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  25236.4455     24.4223     16.4789
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15129E+01  0.36319E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  25236.6688     24.6456      0.2233
+                do leaf measurements  25236.6699     24.6467      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  25236.7105     24.6873      0.0406
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107399 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  25236.7154
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  25236.7199      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  25244.7288      8.0134      8.0089
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0494461 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0959959 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7004690 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3842518 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14473.6506441 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208601 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0068200 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3582120 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10157E+01  0.20919E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42924E-01  0.12567E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72768E+00  0.22768E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  25261.1032     24.3879     16.3744
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15346E+01  0.36088E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  25261.3276     24.6122      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements  25261.3287     24.6133      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  25261.3695     24.6541      0.0408
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080827 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  25261.3728     24.6574      0.0033
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  25261.3730     24.6576      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -143340867667022.16 225590552749312.97
+ def in m -7.9919013977050781 0.65855503082275391
+ dimensionless def  -1.8815858023507255E-6 2.28340039934430802E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0184807  0.2278477
+                  Compute divergence  25261.5700     24.8546      0.1970
+                        wsmp_cleanup  25261.6154     24.9000      0.0454
+              Reset surface geometry  25261.6204     24.9050      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   25261.6283     24.9129      0.0079
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  25261.6417     24.9264      0.0135
+                   Advect surface  1  25261.6419     24.9265      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  25261.8459     25.1305      0.2040
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  25262.0623     25.3469      0.2164
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  25262.3342     25.6188      0.2719
+                    Advect the cloud  25262.4885     25.7731      0.1543
+                        Write output  25263.3106     26.5952      0.8221
+                    End of time step  25264.1957     27.4803      0.8851
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     156  25264.1958
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  25264.1959      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  25264.1959      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16970points
+                      refine surface  25264.1960      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  25264.2209      0.0250      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  25264.2449      0.0490      0.0240
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  25264.2691      0.0733      0.0242
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16971points
+                          surface 02  25264.2885      0.0927      0.0194
+                                                                        S. 2:    16948points
+                      refine surface  25264.2886      0.0928      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   5 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  25264.3164      0.1205      0.0277
+                                                                        S. 2:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  25264.3439      0.1481      0.0276
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  25264.3679      0.1720      0.0239
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16953points
+                          surface 03  25264.3871      0.1913      0.0192
+                                                                        S. 3:    16960points
+                      refine surface  25264.3872      0.1914      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   4 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  25264.4145      0.2187      0.0273
+                                                                        S. 3:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  25264.4423      0.2464      0.0277
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  25264.4663      0.2705      0.0241
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16964points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  25264.4923
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  25264.4925      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  25264.5085      0.0162      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  25264.5301      0.0378      0.0216
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  25264.5309      0.0386      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  25264.5451      0.0529      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  25264.6685      0.1762      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  25264.8477      0.3554      0.1792
+                embedding surface  1  25264.8478      0.3555      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  25266.7986      2.3063      1.9508
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  25268.9016      4.4094      2.1030
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  25272.4288      7.9365      3.5271
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  25272.4334      7.9411      0.0046
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  25272.8808      8.3885      0.4474
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  25273.0720      8.5797      0.1912
+                           Find void  25273.3430      8.8507      0.2710
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  25273.3711      8.8788      0.0281
+                         wsmp setup1  25273.3781      8.8858      0.0070
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  25274.3794      9.8871      1.0013
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  25274.4250
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  25274.4252      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38936E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  25282.4040      7.9790      7.9788
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0525179 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0938871 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7069058 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3778439 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14481.8021717 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207421 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070570 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3593390 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10194E+01  0.18429E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.96741E-01  0.11116E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76141E+00  0.24696E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  25298.7791     24.3541     16.3751
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35077E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  25299.0031     24.5781      0.2240
+                do leaf measurements  25299.0042     24.5792      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  25299.0455     24.6205      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5888312 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  25299.0505
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  25299.0551      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.80847E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  25307.0007      7.9502      7.9456
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0512969 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0914798 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7038820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4398119 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14403.3559876 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207480 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070810 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4146662 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.13689E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48712E-01  0.10208E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76699E+00  0.22489E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  25323.4309     24.3804     16.4302
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12361E+01  0.18210E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  25323.6553     24.6048      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  25323.6564     24.6058      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  25323.6974     24.6469      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0710632 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  25323.7023
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  25323.7068      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  25331.6643      7.9621      7.9575
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0513501 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1049759 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7217109 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3677070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14494.7159239 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070539 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3745520 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.15507E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38390E-01  0.11853E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74673E+00  0.23135E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  25348.0548     24.3526     16.3905
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13712E+01  0.31232E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  25348.2802     24.5780      0.2254
+                do leaf measurements  25348.2813     24.5791      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  25348.3224     24.6201      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362563 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  25348.3273
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  25348.3318      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  25356.3466      8.0193      8.0148
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0499620 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1048059 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7071149 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3787880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14480.6005663 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070350 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3688920 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.17598E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38278E-01  0.12313E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73731E+00  0.22890E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  25372.7311     24.4038     16.3845
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14704E+01  0.35613E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  25372.9545     24.6273      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements  25372.9556     24.6283      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  25372.9968     24.6695      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158800 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  25373.0017
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  25373.0061      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  25380.9412      7.9395      7.9350
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0500312 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1194110 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7097280 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4606049 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14377.2239969 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209092 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070078 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4680741 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10162E+01  0.19379E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40688E-01  0.12563E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73256E+00  0.22801E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  25397.4257     24.4240     16.4845
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15143E+01  0.36473E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  25397.6517     24.6500      0.2260
+                do leaf measurements  25397.6528     24.6511      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  25397.6938     24.6921      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107420 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  25397.6986
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  25397.7032      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  25405.7120      8.0133      8.0088
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0509789 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0904860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7072709 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3762341 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14483.8514296 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208351 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070910 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3532689 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10158E+01  0.20943E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43075E-01  0.12570E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72800E+00  0.22756E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  25422.0809     24.3822     16.3689
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15362E+01  0.36222E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  25422.3040     24.6054      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements  25422.3051     24.6065      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  25422.3465     24.6479      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080820 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  25422.3498     24.6511      0.0033
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  25422.3499     24.6513      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -143932675458239.09 226950429561430.84
+ def in m -7.9931149482727051 0.65903782844543457
+ dimensionless def  -1.88296522412981316E-6 2.28374712807791571E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0185057  0.2278989
+                  Compute divergence  25422.5461     24.8475      0.1962
+                        wsmp_cleanup  25422.5874     24.8888      0.0413
+              Reset surface geometry  25422.5925     24.8939      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   25422.6010     24.9023      0.0084
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  25422.6151     24.9164      0.0141
+                   Advect surface  1  25422.6152     24.9166      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   13 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  25422.8399     25.1413      0.2247
+                                                                        S. 2:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  25423.0409     25.3423      0.2010
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  25423.3022     25.6035      0.2612
+                    Advect the cloud  25423.4549     25.7562      0.1527
+                        Write output  25424.2735     26.5748      0.8186
+                    End of time step  25425.1490     27.4503      0.8755
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     157  25425.1491
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  25425.1492      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  25425.1492      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16968points
+                      refine surface  25425.1493      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  25425.1768      0.0277      0.0276
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  25425.2037      0.0546      0.0269
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  25425.2286      0.0795      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16971points
+                          surface 02  25425.2473      0.0982      0.0187
+                                                                        S. 2:    16953points
+                      refine surface  25425.2474      0.0983      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  25425.2735      0.1243      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  25425.2964      0.1472      0.0229
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  25425.3213      0.1722      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16954points
+                          surface 03  25425.3400      0.1908      0.0187
+                                                                        S. 3:    16963points
+                      refine surface  25425.3401      0.1910      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  25425.3665      0.2174      0.0264
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  25425.3937      0.2446      0.0272
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  25425.4184      0.2693      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16965points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  25425.4434
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  25425.4437      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  25425.4595      0.0161      0.0158
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  25425.4811      0.0377      0.0216
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  25425.4819      0.0385      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  25425.4961      0.0526      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  25425.6182      0.1748      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  25425.7986      0.3552      0.1804
+                embedding surface  1  25425.7988      0.3554      0.0001
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  25427.7504      2.3070      1.9516
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  25429.8439      4.4005      2.0935
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  25433.3710      7.9276      3.5271
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  25433.3756      7.9321      0.0046
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  25433.8007      8.3572      0.4251
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  25434.0030      8.5596      0.2023
+                           Find void  25434.2747      8.8313      0.2718
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  25434.3028      8.8594      0.0281
+                         wsmp setup1  25434.3098      8.8664      0.0070
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  25435.3128      9.8694      1.0030
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  25435.3588
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  25435.3590      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  25443.3477      7.9888      7.9887
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0543830 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0957639 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7086589 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3756459 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14484.6003183 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069530 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3628008 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10253E+01  0.18502E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95987E-01  0.10974E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76183E+00  0.24854E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  25459.7262     24.3674     16.3786
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35140E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  25459.9503     24.5915      0.2240
+                do leaf measurements  25459.9514     24.5925      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  25459.9927     24.6338      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5888274 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  25459.9975
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  25460.0018      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.81868E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  25467.9599      7.9624      7.9581
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0487618 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0952551 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7098229 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4321070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14413.0635133 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210110 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069611 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4142971 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10159E+01  0.13766E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48576E-01  0.10231E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76729E+00  0.22448E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  25484.3898     24.3923     16.4299
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12366E+01  0.17996E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  25484.6141     24.6166      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  25484.6152     24.6177      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  25484.6561     24.6586      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0711927 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  25484.6610
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  25484.6654      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  25492.6113      7.9504      7.9460
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0480051 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0997629 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7134500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3711271 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14490.3563219 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1261752 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069671 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3658750 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.15561E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38709E-01  0.11899E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74717E+00  0.23125E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  25508.9931     24.3321     16.3818
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13727E+01  0.31360E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  25509.2188     24.5579      0.2257
+                do leaf measurements  25509.2199     24.5589      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  25509.2609     24.5999      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362073 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  25509.2656
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  25509.2700      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  25517.2834      8.0178      8.0134
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0488210 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1027651 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7090950 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3805728 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14478.3295912 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210542 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070832 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3697941 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10166E+01  0.17634E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38593E-01  0.12362E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73770E+00  0.22885E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  25533.6689     24.4032     16.3855
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14718E+01  0.35741E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  25533.8933     24.6276      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  25533.8943     24.6287      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  25533.9355     24.6698      0.0411
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158544 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  25533.9401
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  25533.9444      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  25541.8783      7.9382      7.9339
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0514731 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1249559 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7115390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4638071 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14373.2079885 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069361 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4802032 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10162E+01  0.19411E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40520E-01  0.12602E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73289E+00  0.22789E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  25558.3743     24.4342     16.4960
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15158E+01  0.36595E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  25558.5984     24.6582      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  25558.5994     24.6593      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  25558.6404     24.7003      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107177 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  25558.6451
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  25558.6494      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  25566.6515      8.0064      8.0021
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0508749 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1021481 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7084091 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3764329 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14483.5982760 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210458 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070639 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3663640 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10159E+01  0.20971E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42920E-01  0.12603E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72829E+00  0.22764E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  25583.0336     24.3885     16.3821
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15378E+01  0.36352E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  25583.2571     24.6120      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements  25583.2582     24.6131      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  25583.2994     24.6543      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080800 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  25583.3024     24.6573      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  25583.3026     24.6575      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -144518898163934.47 228311719107483.38
+ def in m -7.9915218353271484 0.65535151958465576
+ dimensionless def  -1.87243291309901638E-6 2.28329195295061382E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0184091  0.2278721
+                  Compute divergence  25583.5132     24.8681      0.2106
+                        wsmp_cleanup  25583.5499     24.9048      0.0367
+              Reset surface geometry  25583.5549     24.9098      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   25583.5631     24.9180      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  25583.5801     24.9350      0.0170
+                   Advect surface  1  25583.5803     24.9351      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  25583.7867     25.1416      0.2064
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  25583.9773     25.3322      0.1906
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  25584.2483     25.6032      0.2710
+                    Advect the cloud  25584.3998     25.7547      0.1515
+                        Write output  25585.2206     26.5755      0.8208
+                    End of time step  25586.0930     27.4479      0.8723
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     158  25586.0931
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  25586.0932      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  25586.0932      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16969points
+                      refine surface  25586.0933      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  25586.1199      0.0268      0.0266
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  25586.1430      0.0499      0.0231
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  25586.1683      0.0752      0.0253
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16971points
+                          surface 02  25586.1865      0.0934      0.0182
+                                                                        S. 2:    16954points
+                      refine surface  25586.1866      0.0935      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  25586.2130      0.1198      0.0263
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  25586.2413      0.1482      0.0283
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  25586.2652      0.1721      0.0239
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16957points
+                          surface 03  25586.2849      0.1918      0.0197
+                                                                        S. 3:    16964points
+                      refine surface  25586.2851      0.1920      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  25586.3113      0.2182      0.0263
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  25586.3340      0.2409      0.0227
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  25586.3587      0.2655      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16966points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  25586.3835
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  25586.3837      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  25586.3996      0.0161      0.0158
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  25586.4211      0.0376      0.0215
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  25586.4219      0.0384      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  25586.4360      0.0525      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  25586.5581      0.1747      0.1221
+             Imbed surface in osolve  25586.7417      0.3582      0.1835
+                embedding surface  1  25586.7418      0.3584      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  25588.7041      2.3207      1.9623
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  25590.8100      4.4265      2.1059
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  25594.3560      7.9725      3.5460
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  25594.3608      7.9774      0.0049
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  25594.8117      8.4282      0.4508
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  25594.9273      8.5439      0.1157
+                           Find void  25595.1992      8.8157      0.2718
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  25595.2275      8.8440      0.0283
+                         wsmp setup1  25595.2344      8.8509      0.0069
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  25596.2382      9.8547      1.0038
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  25596.2843
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  25596.2845      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  25604.2836      7.9992      7.9990
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0509882 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0893111 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7067859 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3739970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14486.7001693 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208291 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073051 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3496451 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10220E+01  0.18388E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.96639E-01  0.11041E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76181E+00  0.24770E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  25620.6488     24.3645     16.3653
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35090E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  25620.8728     24.5884      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  25620.8739     24.5895      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  25620.9155     24.6312      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5890073 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  25620.9203
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  25620.9247      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79910E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  25628.8923      7.9720      7.9675
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0501628 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1023211 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7095840 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4171879 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14431.8973199 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206911 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072520 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4076200 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10156E+01  0.13675E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48467E-01  0.10236E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76723E+00  0.22588E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  25645.3156     24.3953     16.4233
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12354E+01  0.19267E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  25645.5398     24.6195      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  25645.5409     24.6206      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  25645.5822     24.6619      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0711943 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  25645.5868
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  25645.5911      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  25653.5322      7.9454      7.9411
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0496540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1016521 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7121651 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3808911 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14477.9246765 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214099 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072761 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3734441 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.15508E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38491E-01  0.11855E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74651E+00  0.23171E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  25669.9209     24.3341     16.3887
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13712E+01  0.31210E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  25670.1480     24.5613      0.2272
+                do leaf measurements  25670.1491     24.5624      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  25670.1910     24.6042      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361610 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  25670.1957
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  25670.2001      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  25678.2027      8.0070      8.0026
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0499499 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1021941 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7061908 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3815279 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14477.1146117 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209221 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072930 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3684969 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10166E+01  0.17602E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38412E-01  0.12322E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73718E+00  0.22916E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  25694.5862     24.3905     16.3835
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14706E+01  0.35595E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  25694.8115     24.6158      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements  25694.8126     24.6169      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  25694.8539     24.6582      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159335 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  25694.8585
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  25694.8628      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  25702.8018      7.9433      7.9390
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0495090 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1126909 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7030520 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4726231 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14362.1630640 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210771 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071809 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4665291 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10162E+01  0.19386E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40616E-01  0.12569E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73244E+00  0.22822E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  25719.2836     24.4251     16.4818
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15144E+01  0.36441E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  25719.5084     24.6498      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  25719.5095     24.6510      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  25719.5508     24.6923      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107332 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  25719.5555
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  25719.5598      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  25727.5573      8.0018      7.9975
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0494518 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1086559 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7068980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3715551 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14489.8109864 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207418 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072520 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3649759 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10159E+01  0.20947E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43025E-01  0.12574E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72792E+00  0.22767E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  25743.9378     24.3824     16.3805
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15361E+01  0.36188E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  25744.1614     24.6060      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements  25744.1626     24.6071      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  25744.2043     24.6489      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080831 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  25744.2073     24.6519      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  25744.2075     24.6520      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -145103319852231.16 229674593013118.88
+ def in m -7.9932546615600586 0.65656459331512451
+ dimensionless def  -1.875898838043213E-6 2.28378704616001675E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0184571  0.2279329
+                  Compute divergence  25744.4081     24.8526      0.2006
+                        wsmp_cleanup  25744.4444     24.8890      0.0364
+              Reset surface geometry  25744.4495     24.8941      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   25744.4577     24.9022      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  25744.4747     24.9192      0.0170
+                   Advect surface  1  25744.4748     24.9193      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  25744.6841     25.1287      0.2093
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  25744.8884     25.3329      0.2043
+                                                                        S. 3:   14 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  25745.1378     25.5823      0.2494
+                    Advect the cloud  25745.2893     25.7339      0.1515
+                        Write output  25746.1120     26.5566      0.8227
+                    End of time step  25746.9803     27.4248      0.8682
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     159  25746.9804
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  25746.9805      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  25746.9805      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16969points
+                      refine surface  25746.9806      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  25747.0071      0.0267      0.0266
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  25747.0342      0.0538      0.0271
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  25747.0590      0.0786      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16971points
+                          surface 02  25747.0777      0.0973      0.0187
+                                                                        S. 2:    16956points
+                      refine surface  25747.0779      0.0975      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   4 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  25747.1054      0.1250      0.0275
+                                                                        S. 2:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  25747.1325      0.1521      0.0272
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  25747.1574      0.1770      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16960points
+                          surface 03  25747.1758      0.1954      0.0185
+                                                                        S. 3:    16966points
+                      refine surface  25747.1760      0.1956      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  25747.2019      0.2215      0.0259
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  25747.2245      0.2441      0.0227
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  25747.2494      0.2690      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16967points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  25747.2739
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  25747.2742      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  25747.2900      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  25747.3117      0.0378      0.0217
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  25747.3125      0.0386      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  25747.3267      0.0527      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  25747.4489      0.1749      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  25747.6325      0.3585      0.1836
+                embedding surface  1  25747.6326      0.3587      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  25749.5913      2.3174      1.9587
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  25751.6910      4.4171      2.0997
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  25755.2432      7.9693      3.5522
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  25755.2490      7.9751      0.0058
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  25755.7072      8.4333      0.4582
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  25755.8220      8.5481      0.1148
+                           Find void  25756.0928      8.8189      0.2708
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  25756.1214      8.8475      0.0286
+                         wsmp setup1  25756.1284      8.8545      0.0070
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  25757.1305      9.8566      1.0021
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  25757.1766
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  25757.1768      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  25765.1750      7.9984      7.9982
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0548842 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1030750 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7091341 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3862729 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14471.0815573 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207709 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071330 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3816490 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10253E+01  0.18334E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95810E-01  0.10964E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76144E+00  0.24432E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  25781.5723     24.3957     16.3973
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35078E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  25781.7968     24.6201      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  25781.7979     24.6213      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  25781.8399     24.6632      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5887361 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  25781.8449
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  25781.8495      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.82334E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  25789.8266      7.9817      7.9771
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0484202 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1024950 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7046270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4064729 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14445.4543495 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212718 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071759 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3908319 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10156E+01  0.13635E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48751E-01  0.10226E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76693E+00  0.22362E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  25806.2332     24.3884     16.4066
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12358E+01  0.18419E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  25806.4566     24.6117      0.2233
+                do leaf measurements  25806.4577     24.6128      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  25806.4995     24.6546      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0711175 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  25806.5044
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  25806.5089      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  25814.4450      7.9407      7.9361
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0501399 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1271751 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7139561 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3825080 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14475.8679988 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216168 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069489 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4027069 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.15479E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38122E-01  0.11861E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74644E+00  0.23053E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  25830.8633     24.3590     16.4183
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13713E+01  0.31193E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  25831.0892     24.5848      0.2258
+                do leaf measurements  25831.0903     24.5859      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  25831.1319     24.6276      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361439 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  25831.1369
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  25831.1415      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  25839.1341      7.9973      7.9926
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0540910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1090791 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7088592 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3773520 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14482.4282386 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210520 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071590 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3779590 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.17580E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38151E-01  0.12320E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73708E+00  0.22843E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  25855.5273     24.3905     16.3932
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14702E+01  0.35541E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  25855.7521     24.6153      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  25855.7533     24.6164      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  25855.7953     24.6584      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159168 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  25855.8003
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  25855.8049      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  25863.7440      7.9438      7.9391
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0499270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1242330 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7084942 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4603350 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14377.5625792 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070941 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4713180 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10163E+01  0.19364E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40754E-01  0.12568E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73236E+00  0.22784E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  25880.2306     24.4303     16.4866
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15139E+01  0.36384E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  25880.4553     24.6550      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  25880.4564     24.6561      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  25880.4981     24.6978      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107323 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  25880.5030
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  25880.5076      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  25888.4916      7.9886      7.9840
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0492249 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1054301 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7085450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3788490 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14480.5228936 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209431 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071421 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3705058 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10159E+01  0.20927E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43120E-01  0.12570E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72783E+00  0.22749E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  25904.8775     24.3745     16.3859
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15357E+01  0.36141E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  25905.1013     24.5983      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  25905.1024     24.5994      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  25905.1444     24.6414      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080822 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  25905.1477     24.6446      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  25905.1478     24.6448      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -145685402322350.16 231032184600213.38
+ def in m -7.9949283599853516 0.65796589851379395
+ dimensionless def  -1.87990256718226845E-6 2.28426524571010041E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0185097  0.2279905
+                  Compute divergence  25905.3550     24.8520      0.2072
+                        wsmp_cleanup  25905.3914     24.8884      0.0364
+              Reset surface geometry  25905.3963     24.8933      0.0049
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   25905.4043     24.9013      0.0080
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  25905.4216     24.9186      0.0173
+                   Advect surface  1  25905.4217     24.9187      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   13 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  25905.6225     25.1195      0.2008
+                                                                        removing   4 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   12 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  25905.8569     25.3539      0.2344
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   12 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  25906.1294     25.6264      0.2724
+                    Advect the cloud  25906.2805     25.7775      0.1511
+                        Write output  25907.0955     26.5925      0.8151
+                    End of time step  25907.9656     27.4626      0.8700
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     160  25907.9657
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  25907.9658      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  25907.9658      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16970points
+                      refine surface  25907.9658      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  25907.9918      0.0261      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  25908.0144      0.0487      0.0226
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  25908.0391      0.0734      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16971points
+                          surface 02  25908.0576      0.0919      0.0184
+                                                                        S. 2:    16956points
+                      refine surface  25908.0577      0.0920      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  25908.0839      0.1182      0.0262
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  25908.1112      0.1455      0.0273
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  25908.1361      0.1704      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16958points
+                          surface 03  25908.1544      0.1887      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 3:    16965points
+                      refine surface  25908.1546      0.1889      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  25908.1804      0.2147      0.0258
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  25908.2073      0.2416      0.0269
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  25908.2320      0.2663      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16966points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  25908.2570
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  25908.2572      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  25908.2731      0.0161      0.0158
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  25908.2945      0.0376      0.0215
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  25908.2953      0.0383      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  25908.3094      0.0525      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  25908.4316      0.1746      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  25908.6149      0.3579      0.1833
+                embedding surface  1  25908.6151      0.3581      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  25910.5785      2.3215      1.9634
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  25912.6724      4.4155      2.0940
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  25916.2221      7.9652      3.5497
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  25916.2268      7.9698      0.0046
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  25916.6836      8.4267      0.4569
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  25916.8046      8.5476      0.1210
+                           Find void  25917.0734      8.8164      0.2688
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  25917.1015      8.8445      0.0281
+                         wsmp setup1  25917.1087      8.8517      0.0072
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  25918.1137      9.8567      1.0050
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  25918.1598
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  25918.1599      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  25926.1711      8.0114      8.0112
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0574379 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1046000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7091699 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3812079 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14477.5216041 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210351 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070858 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3811021 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10552E+01  0.18435E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.96667E-01  0.11058E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76179E+00  0.24662E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  25942.5674     24.4077     16.3963
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35086E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  25942.7916     24.6318      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  25942.7927     24.6329      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  25942.8341     24.6744      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5895989 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  25942.8390
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  25942.8437      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.80238E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  25950.8299      7.9908      7.9862
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0541201 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0996521 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7095349 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3907299 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14465.4192717 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208100 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071149 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3823309 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10156E+01  0.13703E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48414E-01  0.10199E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76719E+00  0.22532E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  25967.2277     24.3886     16.3978
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12366E+01  0.18253E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  25967.4521     24.6131      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  25967.4532     24.6142      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  25967.4943     24.6553      0.0411
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0714243 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  25967.4991
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  25967.5036      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  25975.4432      7.9440      7.9395
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0550261 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1323950 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7146389 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3898149 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14466.5814144 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216881 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070488 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4209859 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.15519E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38491E-01  0.11844E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74682E+00  0.23138E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  25991.8800     24.3808     16.4368
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13722E+01  0.31298E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  25992.1065     24.6074      0.2266
+                do leaf measurements  25992.1076     24.6085      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  25992.1488     24.6497      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360595 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  25992.1537
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  25992.1583      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  26000.1432      7.9895      7.9849
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0509620 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1128650 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7071340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3838899 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14474.1107940 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208849 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071590 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3832722 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.17611E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38324E-01  0.12315E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73736E+00  0.22903E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  26016.5422     24.3885     16.3990
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14711E+01  0.35665E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  26016.7656     24.6119      0.2233
+                do leaf measurements  26016.7667     24.6130      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  26016.8082     24.6545      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159853 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  26016.8131
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  26016.8178      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  26024.7555      7.9424      7.9377
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0502710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0997679 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7050722 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4732962 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14361.3205393 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210792 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070951 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4569452 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10164E+01  0.19393E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40558E-01  0.12564E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73258E+00  0.22822E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  26041.2284     24.4153     16.4729
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15150E+01  0.36514E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  26041.4528     24.6397      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  26041.4539     24.6408      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  26041.4950     24.6819      0.0411
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107548 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  26041.4999
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  26041.5045      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  26049.4789      7.9790      7.9744
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0503559 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1030910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7063711 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3773150 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14482.4752793 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214361 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070381 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3659689 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10160E+01  0.20956E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42972E-01  0.12573E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72801E+00  0.22776E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  26065.8603     24.3604     16.3814
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15368E+01  0.36248E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  26066.0857     24.5858      0.2254
+                do leaf measurements  26066.0868     24.5869      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  26066.1279     24.6280      0.0411
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080881 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  26066.1311     24.6312      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  26066.1313     24.6314      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -146254278917952.13 232398519037646.47
+ def in m -7.9933028221130371 0.65443241596221924
+ dimensionless def  -1.86980690274919781E-6 2.28380080631801053E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0184200  0.2279464
+                  Compute divergence  26066.3237     24.8238      0.1924
+                        wsmp_cleanup  26066.3681     24.8682      0.0444
+              Reset surface geometry  26066.3732     24.8733      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   26066.3814     24.8815      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  26066.3968     24.8969      0.0154
+                   Advect surface  1  26066.3969     24.8970      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   5 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   14 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  26066.6348     25.1349      0.2379
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  26066.8500     25.3501      0.2152
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  26067.1191     25.6192      0.2691
+                    Advect the cloud  26067.2708     25.7709      0.1517
+                        Write output  26068.0926     26.5927      0.8218
+                    End of time step  26068.9616     27.4617      0.8690
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     161  26068.9617
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  26068.9618      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  26068.9618      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16966points
+                      refine surface  26068.9619      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  26068.9892      0.0275      0.0274
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  26069.0116      0.0499      0.0223
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  26069.0364      0.0747      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16969points
+                          surface 02  26069.0547      0.0930      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 2:    16956points
+                      refine surface  26069.0549      0.0932      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  26069.0794      0.1177      0.0245
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16956points
+                          surface 03  26069.0980      0.1363      0.0186
+                                                                        S. 3:    16965points
+                      refine surface  26069.0981      0.1364      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  26069.1227      0.1610      0.0246
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16965points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  26069.1474
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  26069.1476      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  26069.1634      0.0161      0.0158
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  26069.1853      0.0379      0.0218
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  26069.1860      0.0387      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  26069.2002      0.0528      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  26069.3224      0.1750      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  26069.5073      0.3599      0.1849
+                embedding surface  1  26069.5075      0.3601      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  26071.4736      2.3263      1.9661
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  26073.5792      4.4318      2.1056
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  26077.1326      7.9853      3.5535
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  26077.1372      7.9899      0.0046
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  26077.6008      8.4535      0.4636
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  26077.7045      8.5572      0.1037
+                           Find void  26077.9738      8.8264      0.2693
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  26078.0020      8.8547      0.0282
+                         wsmp setup1  26078.0092      8.8618      0.0072
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  26079.0180      9.8707      1.0088
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  26079.0648
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  26079.0650      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  26087.0570      7.9922      7.9920
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0581381 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1009080 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7114801 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3783278 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14481.1861723 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206961 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073681 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3773179 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10556E+01  0.18469E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.96623E-01  0.11058E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76180E+00  0.24635E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  26103.4494     24.3847     16.3924
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35132E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  26103.6738     24.6090      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements  26103.6748     24.6100      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  26103.7169     24.6522      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5892564 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  26103.7219
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  26103.7265      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.80432E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  26111.7230      8.0011      7.9965
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0524821 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1090271 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7056189 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3954070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14459.4821784 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213269 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072460 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3914862 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10157E+01  0.13733E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48635E-01  0.10274E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76710E+00  0.22520E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  26128.1301     24.4083     16.4072
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12366E+01  0.17990E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  26128.3547     24.6328      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  26128.3557     24.6338      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  26128.3978     24.6759      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0714437 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  26128.4027
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  26128.4072      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  26136.3439      7.9412      7.9367
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0538220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1283371 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7175670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4011669 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14452.1771403 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215761 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072880 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4301710 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.15533E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38194E-01  0.11885E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74694E+00  0.23116E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  26152.7896     24.3869     16.4456
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13722E+01  0.31288E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  26153.0157     24.6129      0.2261
+                do leaf measurements  26153.0167     24.6140      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  26153.0584     24.6557      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361246 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  26153.0633
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  26153.0678      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  26161.0422      7.9789      7.9744
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0546510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1114419 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7072251 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3784070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14481.0854326 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209650 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073171 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3804259 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.17615E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38122E-01  0.12343E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73743E+00  0.22882E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  26177.4380     24.3747     16.3958
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14710E+01  0.35664E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  26177.6626     24.5993      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  26177.6637     24.6004      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  26177.7058     24.6425      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0160331 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  26177.7107
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  26177.7153      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  26185.6445      7.9338      7.9292
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0507712 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1039040 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7096109 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4486492 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14392.2380236 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210389 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072908 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4416468 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10163E+01  0.19391E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40600E-01  0.12587E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73264E+00  0.22791E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  26202.1018     24.3911     16.4573
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15148E+01  0.36506E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  26202.3265     24.6158      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  26202.3275     24.6168      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  26202.3692     24.6585      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107462 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  26202.3741
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  26202.3787      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  26210.3457      7.9715      7.9670
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0537422 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1122360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7121801 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3766201 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14483.3600041 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214840 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072792 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3839400 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10159E+01  0.20952E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43010E-01  0.12585E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72804E+00  0.22754E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  26226.7449     24.3708     16.3993
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15369E+01  0.36263E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  26226.9719     24.5977      0.2269
+                do leaf measurements  26226.9729     24.5987      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  26227.0146     24.6405      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080879 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  26227.0179     24.6437      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  26227.0181     24.6439      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -146831045946735.41 233757442859168.56
+ def in m -7.9719047546386719 0.65504473447799683
+ dimensionless def  -1.8715563842228482E-6 2.27768707275390617E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0184498  0.2273102
+                  Compute divergence  26227.2118     24.8377      0.1938
+                        wsmp_cleanup  26227.2609     24.8868      0.0491
+              Reset surface geometry  26227.2661     24.8919      0.0052
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   26227.2737     24.8996      0.0076
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  26227.2873     24.9132      0.0136
+                   Advect surface  1  26227.2875     24.9133      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   12 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  26227.4999     25.1258      0.2125
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  26227.6971     25.3230      0.1972
+                                                                        S. 3:   16 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  26227.9547     25.5805      0.2576
+                    Advect the cloud  26228.1043     25.7301      0.1496
+                        Write output  26228.9338     26.5596      0.8295
+                    End of time step  26229.8052     27.4310      0.8714
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     162  26229.8053
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  26229.8054      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  26229.8054      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16967points
+                      refine surface  26229.8055      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  26229.8329      0.0276      0.0274
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  26229.8598      0.0545      0.0269
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  26229.8846      0.0793      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16970points
+                          surface 02  26229.9029      0.0975      0.0182
+                                                                        S. 2:    16956points
+                      refine surface  26229.9030      0.0977      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   4 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  26229.9306      0.1252      0.0276
+                                                                        S. 2:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  26229.9530      0.1477      0.0224
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  26229.9778      0.1724      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16960points
+                          surface 03  26229.9961      0.1908      0.0184
+                                                                        S. 3:    16965points
+                      refine surface  26229.9963      0.1910      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   4 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  26230.0240      0.2186      0.0277
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  26230.0464      0.2411      0.0224
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  26230.0714      0.2661      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16969points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  26230.0961
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  26230.0963      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  26230.1122      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  26230.1340      0.0379      0.0218
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  26230.1348      0.0387      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  26230.1489      0.0528      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  26230.2718      0.1757      0.1229
+             Imbed surface in osolve  26230.4593      0.3632      0.1875
+                embedding surface  1  26230.4595      0.3634      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  26232.4174      2.3213      1.9580
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  26234.5273      4.4312      2.1099
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  26238.0649      7.9688      3.5376
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  26238.0695      7.9734      0.0046
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  26238.4943      8.3982      0.4247
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  26238.6501      8.5540      0.1558
+                           Find void  26238.9218      8.8257      0.2717
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  26238.9503      8.8542      0.0284
+                         wsmp setup1  26238.9572      8.8611      0.0070
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  26239.9630      9.8669      1.0058
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  26240.0100
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  26240.0102      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  26247.9951      7.9851      7.9849
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0541408 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1099372 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7113411 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3793590 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14479.8739345 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210730 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071959 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3834410 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10302E+01  0.18540E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.96550E-01  0.11047E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76206E+00  0.24815E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  26264.3947     24.3846     16.3995
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35082E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  26264.6186     24.6086      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  26264.6198     24.6097      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  26264.6616     24.6516      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5898836 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  26264.6664
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  26264.6709      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.80937E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  26272.6740      8.0075      8.0031
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0499680 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1193161 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7118859 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3908181 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14465.3072460 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208541 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072160 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4004462 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10157E+01  0.13795E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48490E-01  0.10211E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76749E+00  0.22462E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  26289.0904     24.4239     16.4164
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12365E+01  0.18194E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  26289.3137     24.6472      0.2233
+                do leaf measurements  26289.3148     24.6483      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  26289.3564     24.6900      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0715851 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  26289.3612
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  26289.3656      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  26297.2998      7.9386      7.9342
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0508981 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1345398 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7178180 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4233549 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14424.1062135 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217918 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070820 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4558511 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.15589E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38216E-01  0.11871E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74708E+00  0.23130E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  26313.7707     24.4095     16.4709
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13732E+01  0.31375E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  26313.9975     24.6363      0.2268
+                do leaf measurements  26313.9986     24.6374      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  26314.0401     24.6789      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360716 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  26314.0450
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  26314.0493      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  26322.0381      7.9932      7.9888
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0518122 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1108751 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7083950 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3744059 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14486.1794005 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210310 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072210 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3741162 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.17659E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38133E-01  0.12332E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73766E+00  0.22899E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  26338.4281     24.3832     16.3900
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14724E+01  0.35770E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  26338.6509     24.6060      0.2228
+                do leaf measurements  26338.6521     24.6071      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  26338.6940     24.6490      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159831 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  26338.6988
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  26338.7033      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  26346.6410      7.9422      7.9377
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0513830 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1093819 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7097380 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4446249 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14397.2987584 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072539 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4438860 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10162E+01  0.19435E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40511E-01  0.12577E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73284E+00  0.22811E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  26363.1004     24.4016     16.4594
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15164E+01  0.36607E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  26363.3243     24.6255      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  26363.3255     24.6266      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  26363.3671     24.6682      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107592 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  26363.3719
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  26363.3763      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  26371.3339      7.9621      7.9577
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0490530 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1056621 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7182419 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3766990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14483.2595376 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1219289 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071998 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3791659 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10159E+01  0.20996E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42937E-01  0.12582E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72823E+00  0.22762E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  26387.7288     24.3569     16.3948
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15384E+01  0.36356E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  26387.9549     24.5831      0.2261
+                do leaf measurements  26387.9560     24.5842      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  26387.9975     24.6256      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080952 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  26388.0005     24.6286      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  26388.0006     24.6288      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -147431918052471.47 235082470016517.72
+ def in m -7.9834089279174805 0.65399879217147827
+ dimensionless def  -1.868567977632795E-6 2.28097397940499415E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0184289  0.2276433
+                  Compute divergence  26388.1964     24.8246      0.1958
+                        wsmp_cleanup  26388.2389     24.8670      0.0424
+              Reset surface geometry  26388.2439     24.8720      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   26388.2523     24.8804      0.0084
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  26388.2667     24.8948      0.0144
+                   Advect surface  1  26388.2668     24.8950      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  26388.4724     25.1005      0.2055
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  26388.6792     25.3073      0.2068
+                                                                        removing   4 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  26388.9660     25.5942      0.2869
+                    Advect the cloud  26389.1281     25.7563      0.1621
+                        Write output  26389.9570     26.5851      0.8288
+                    End of time step  26390.8499     27.4781      0.8930
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     163  26390.8501
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  26390.8501      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  26390.8502      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16969points
+                      refine surface  26390.8502      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  26390.8767      0.0266      0.0264
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  26390.8993      0.0492      0.0226
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  26390.9240      0.0739      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16970points
+                          surface 02  26390.9424      0.0923      0.0184
+                                                                        S. 2:    16959points
+                      refine surface  26390.9425      0.0924      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  26390.9687      0.1186      0.0262
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  26390.9913      0.1412      0.0226
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  26391.0162      0.1661      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16961points
+                          surface 03  26391.0344      0.1843      0.0182
+                                                                        S. 3:    16965points
+                      refine surface  26391.0345      0.1844      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  26391.0603      0.2102      0.0258
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  26391.0871      0.2370      0.0268
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  26391.1119      0.2618      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16966points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  26391.1365
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  26391.1368      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  26391.1526      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  26391.1741      0.0376      0.0214
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  26391.1748      0.0383      0.0007
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  26391.1890      0.0525      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  26391.3112      0.1746      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  26391.4985      0.3620      0.1873
+                embedding surface  1  26391.4986      0.3621      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  26393.4358      2.2993      1.9371
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  26395.5239      4.3874      2.0881
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  26399.0593      7.9228      3.5354
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  26399.0640      7.9275      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  26399.5270      8.3905      0.4630
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  26399.6845      8.5480      0.1575
+                           Find void  26399.9584      8.8219      0.2739
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  26399.9869      8.8503      0.0284
+                         wsmp setup1  26399.9950      8.8585      0.0081
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  26400.9994      9.8629      1.0044
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  26401.0461
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  26401.0462      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  26409.0210      7.9750      7.9748
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0549219 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1116891 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7118440 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3741949 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14486.4481307 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208141 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071950 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3810401 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10385E+01  0.18465E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.97202E-01  0.11014E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76175E+00  0.24682E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  26425.4180     24.3719     16.3970
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35072E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  26425.6415     24.5954      0.2234
+                do leaf measurements  26425.6425     24.5965      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  26425.6850     24.6389      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5882277 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  26425.6898
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  26425.6942      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79800E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  26433.7086      8.0189      8.0144
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0522721 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1079979 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7100320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3867800 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14470.4370800 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207101 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071990 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3853951 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10156E+01  0.13745E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48693E-01  0.10233E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76722E+00  0.22504E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  26450.1094     24.4197     16.4008
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12363E+01  0.18080E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  26450.3337     24.6439      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements  26450.3348     24.6450      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  26450.3767     24.6870      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0707272 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  26450.3815
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  26450.3859      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  26458.3255      7.9440      7.9397
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0542860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1235969 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7189200 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4277761 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14418.5257445 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215031 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072038 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4536839 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.15559E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38235E-01  0.11865E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74705E+00  0.23124E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  26474.7950     24.4135     16.4695
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13727E+01  0.31359E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  26475.0204     24.6389      0.2254
+                do leaf measurements  26475.0215     24.6400      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  26475.0635     24.6820      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361371 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  26475.0683
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  26475.0727      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  26483.0712      8.0029      7.9986
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0516410 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1017830 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7087982 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3789611 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14480.3802936 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070720 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3695400 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10166E+01  0.17637E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38092E-01  0.12327E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73765E+00  0.22879E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  26499.4567     24.3883     16.3854
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14715E+01  0.35698E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  26499.6803     24.6120      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements  26499.6813     24.6130      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  26499.7236     24.6553      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159094 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  26499.7284
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  26499.7329      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  26507.6810      7.9526      7.9481
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0507050 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1000001 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7074728 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4338670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14410.8449221 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210740 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069730 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4204710 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10163E+01  0.19416E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40628E-01  0.12569E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73282E+00  0.22785E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  26524.1167     24.3883     16.4357
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15156E+01  0.36567E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  26524.3418     24.6134      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  26524.3429     24.6144      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  26524.3849     24.6565      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107374 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  26524.3897
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  26524.3941      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  26532.3439      7.9542      7.9498
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0507002 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1005108 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7167470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3763711 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14483.6768923 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214190 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071321 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3732650 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10159E+01  0.20975E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43028E-01  0.12573E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72822E+00  0.22750E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  26548.7330     24.3433     16.3890
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15377E+01  0.36320E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  26548.9598     24.5701      0.2268
+                do leaf measurements  26548.9608     24.5712      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  26549.0028     24.6131      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080916 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  26549.0057     24.6160      0.0029
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  26549.0059     24.6162      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -148024376430538.41 236414435474117.72
+ def in m -7.989501953125 0.65249621868133545
+ dimensionless def  -1.86427491051810118E-6 2.28271484374999999E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0183918  0.2278183
+                  Compute divergence  26549.2119     24.8222      0.2060
+                        wsmp_cleanup  26549.2478     24.8581      0.0359
+              Reset surface geometry  26549.2529     24.8632      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   26549.2609     24.8712      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  26549.2779     24.8883      0.0170
+                   Advect surface  1  26549.2781     24.8884      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   4 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  26549.5014     25.1117      0.2233
+                                                                        removing   4 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   14 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  26549.7315     25.3418      0.2301
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  26550.0124     25.6227      0.2809
+                    Advect the cloud  26550.1654     25.7757      0.1530
+                        Write output  26550.9870     26.5973      0.8216
+                    End of time step  26551.8638     27.4741      0.8768
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     164  26551.8639
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  26551.8640      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  26551.8640      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16966points
+                      refine surface  26551.8641      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  26551.8891      0.0252      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16966points
+                          surface 02  26551.9074      0.0435      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 2:    16957points
+                      refine surface  26551.9076      0.0437      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  26551.9347      0.0708      0.0271
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  26551.9616      0.0977      0.0269
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  26551.9866      0.1227      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16960points
+                          surface 03  26552.0049      0.1410      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 3:    16963points
+                      refine surface  26552.0051      0.1411      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  26552.0309      0.1670      0.0259
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  26552.0535      0.1896      0.0226
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  26552.0786      0.2147      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16964points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  26552.1033
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  26552.1036      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  26552.1195      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  26552.1409      0.0376      0.0215
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  26552.1417      0.0383      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  26552.1558      0.0525      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  26552.2780      0.1747      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  26552.4660      0.3627      0.1880
+                embedding surface  1  26552.4662      0.3628      0.0001
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  26554.4413      2.3379      1.9751
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  26556.5311      4.4278      2.0899
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  26560.0894      7.9861      3.5583
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  26560.0945      7.9912      0.0051
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  26560.5247      8.4214      0.4301
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  26560.6334      8.5300      0.1087
+                           Find void  26560.9012      8.7979      0.2679
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  26560.9296      8.8262      0.0283
+                         wsmp setup1  26560.9371      8.8337      0.0075
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  26561.9348      9.8314      0.9977
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  26561.9807
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  26561.9809      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  26569.9552      7.9745      7.9744
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0552518 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1033261 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7085841 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3788381 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14480.5368503 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211991 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071080 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3747001 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10424E+01  0.18390E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.96383E-01  0.11050E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76164E+00  0.24606E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  26586.3453     24.3646     16.3901
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35084E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  26586.5721     24.5914      0.2268
+                do leaf measurements  26586.5732     24.5925      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  26586.6155     24.6348      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5893272 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  26586.6203
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  26586.6247      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.80773E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  26594.6493      8.0290      8.0246
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0509250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1182868 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7152219 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3860910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14471.3127590 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209891 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071120 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3990381 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10157E+01  0.13671E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48384E-01  0.10215E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76715E+00  0.22520E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  26611.0639     24.4436     16.4146
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12357E+01  0.18042E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  26611.2876     24.6673      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  26611.2887     24.6684      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  26611.3307     24.7104      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0714420 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  26611.3355
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  26611.3398      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  26619.2753      7.9399      7.9355
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0522728 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1336741 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7154648 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4368720 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14407.0584856 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1218760 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071180 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4676652 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.15502E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38334E-01  0.11851E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74652E+00  0.23151E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  26635.7587     24.4232     16.4833
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13714E+01  0.31213E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  26635.9846     24.6491      0.2259
+                do leaf measurements  26635.9856     24.6502      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  26636.0278     24.6923      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361575 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  26636.0326
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  26636.0369      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  26644.0483      8.0157      8.0114
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0500171 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1178622 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7104702 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3796980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14479.4425409 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209772 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070350 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3864372 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10166E+01  0.17599E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38118E-01  0.12319E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73715E+00  0.22914E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  26660.4503     24.4177     16.4020
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14706E+01  0.35591E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  26660.6745     24.6419      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  26660.6756     24.6430      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  26660.7180     24.6855      0.0425
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159327 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  26660.7229
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  26660.7273      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  26668.6862      7.9634      7.9589
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0496631 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1090569 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7116590 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4189930 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14429.6159854 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210532 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071151 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4179242 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10162E+01  0.19384E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40526E-01  0.12566E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73243E+00  0.22814E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  26685.1196     24.3967     16.4334
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15145E+01  0.36439E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  26685.3442     24.6213      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  26685.3452     24.6223      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  26685.3873     24.6644      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107303 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  26685.3921
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  26685.3965      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  26693.3341      7.9420      7.9376
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0535030 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1213920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7198470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3813949 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14477.2838353 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217051 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071080 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4053490 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10159E+01  0.20947E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42963E-01  0.12568E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72790E+00  0.22774E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  26709.7550     24.3629     16.4208
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15364E+01  0.36188E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  26709.9818     24.5897      0.2269
+                do leaf measurements  26709.9829     24.5908      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  26710.0250     24.6329      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080861 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  26710.0279     24.6358      0.0029
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  26710.0281     24.6360      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -148605049583289.34 237750387621700.19
+ def in m -7.9910812377929687 0.6519923210144043
+ dimensionless def  -1.86283520289829791E-6 2.28316606794084821E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0183852  0.2278674
+                  Compute divergence  26710.2406     24.8484      0.2125
+                        wsmp_cleanup  26710.2770     24.8849      0.0364
+              Reset surface geometry  26710.2822     24.8900      0.0052
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   26710.2901     24.8980      0.0080
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  26710.3073     24.9152      0.0172
+                   Advect surface  1  26710.3075     24.9154      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  26710.5141     25.1220      0.2066
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  26710.7248     25.3327      0.2107
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  26710.9878     25.5957      0.2631
+                    Advect the cloud  26711.1397     25.7476      0.1519
+                        Write output  26711.9644     26.5722      0.8247
+                    End of time step  26712.8395     27.4474      0.8751
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     165  26712.8396
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  26712.8397      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  26712.8397      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16964points
+                      refine surface  26712.8398      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  26712.8664      0.0268      0.0266
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  26712.8889      0.0493      0.0225
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  26712.9136      0.0739      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16966points
+                          surface 02  26712.9320      0.0923      0.0184
+                                                                        S. 2:    16958points
+                      refine surface  26712.9321      0.0925      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  26712.9583      0.1187      0.0262
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  26712.9809      0.1412      0.0225
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  26713.0058      0.1662      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16960points
+                          surface 03  26713.0241      0.1845      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 3:    16963points
+                      refine surface  26713.0242      0.1846      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  26713.0506      0.2109      0.0263
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  26713.0776      0.2380      0.0271
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  26713.1024      0.2628      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16965points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  26713.1269
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  26713.1271      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  26713.1430      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  26713.1648      0.0379      0.0218
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  26713.1655      0.0386      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  26713.1797      0.0528      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  26713.3018      0.1750      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  26713.4906      0.3637      0.1887
+                embedding surface  1  26713.4907      0.3638      0.0001
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  26715.4458      2.3189      1.9551
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  26717.5614      4.4345      2.1155
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  26721.0818      7.9549      3.5205
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  26721.0865      7.9596      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  26721.5355      8.4086      0.4489
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  26721.6310      8.5041      0.0955
+                           Find void  26721.9038      8.7769      0.2728
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  26721.9326      8.8057      0.0288
+                         wsmp setup1  26721.9400      8.8131      0.0074
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  26722.9464      9.8196      1.0065
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  26722.9936
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  26722.9937      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  26730.9448      7.9512      7.9510
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0574269 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1176989 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7148900 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3773649 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14482.4118503 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216929 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072038 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3966441 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10714E+01  0.18499E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.96335E-01  0.11100E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76213E+00  0.24645E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  26747.3570     24.3634     16.4122
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35100E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  26747.5832     24.5896      0.2262
+                do leaf measurements  26747.5843     24.5907      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  26747.6256     24.6320      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5899322 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  26747.6306
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  26747.6352      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.80913E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  26755.6552      8.0247      8.0201
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0528619 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1090801 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7103531 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3799250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14479.1537460 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072799 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3808558 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10157E+01  0.13754E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48603E-01  0.10219E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76728E+00  0.22522E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  26772.0516     24.4210     16.3964
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12376E+01  0.18113E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  26772.2759     24.6453      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  26772.2770     24.6464      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  26772.3184     24.6879      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0718565 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  26772.3234
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  26772.3280      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  26780.2677      7.9443      7.9398
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0506179 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1416631 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7165220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4510391 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14389.2342680 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070271 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4883909 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.15545E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38036E-01  0.11871E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74717E+00  0.23139E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  26796.7721     24.4487     16.5044
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13736E+01  0.31399E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  26796.9966     24.6732      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  26796.9977     24.6743      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  26797.0390     24.7157      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362559 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  26797.0440
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  26797.0486      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  26805.0560      8.0120      8.0074
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0518179 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1051052 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7104912 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3756371 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14484.6115507 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072370 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3718870 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.17623E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37956E-01  0.12337E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73766E+00  0.22895E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  26821.4434     24.3993     16.3873
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14721E+01  0.35752E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  26821.6676     24.6236      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements  26821.6688     24.6248      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  26821.7104     24.6664      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159284 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  26821.7154
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  26821.7201      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  26829.6904      7.9750      7.9703
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0523601 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1116328 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7117629 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4059269 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14446.1458241 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213219 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071540 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4105301 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10163E+01  0.19403E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40558E-01  0.12588E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73281E+00  0.22812E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  26846.1165     24.4010     16.4261
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15159E+01  0.36589E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  26846.3412     24.6258      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  26846.3423     24.6269      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  26846.3836     24.6682      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107481 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  26846.3885
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  26846.3931      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  26854.3303      7.9418      7.9373
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0535970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1277199 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7152369 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3878312 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14469.1013434 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217082 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073271 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4137969 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10160E+01  0.20962E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42987E-01  0.12588E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72822E+00  0.22767E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  26870.7597     24.3711     16.4293
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15378E+01  0.36337E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  26870.9870     24.5985      0.2273
+                do leaf measurements  26870.9881     24.5996      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  26871.0294     24.6409      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080833 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  26871.0327     24.6441      0.0033
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  26871.0328     24.6443      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -149186503474245.5 239085127067936.81
+ def in m -7.996701717376709 0.65625458955764771
+ dimensionless def  -1.87501311302185056E-6 2.28477191925048833E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0185216  0.2280358
+                  Compute divergence  26871.2398     24.8512      0.2069
+                        wsmp_cleanup  26871.2755     24.8870      0.0358
+              Reset surface geometry  26871.2805     24.8919      0.0049
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   26871.2887     24.9002      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  26871.3058     24.9173      0.0171
+                   Advect surface  1  26871.3060     24.9174      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  26871.4980     25.1095      0.1920
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  26871.7035     25.3150      0.2055
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   15 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  26871.9828     25.5942      0.2793
+                    Advect the cloud  26872.1350     25.7465      0.1522
+                        Write output  26872.9551     26.5666      0.8201
+                    End of time step  26873.8302     27.4416      0.8751
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     166  26873.8303
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  26873.8304      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  26873.8304      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16966points
+                      refine surface  26873.8305      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  26873.8566      0.0262      0.0261
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  26873.8790      0.0486      0.0224
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  26873.9038      0.0735      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16967points
+                          surface 02  26873.9221      0.0918      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 2:    16959points
+                      refine surface  26873.9223      0.0919      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  26873.9482      0.1179      0.0259
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  26873.9709      0.1406      0.0227
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  26873.9958      0.1655      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16960points
+                          surface 03  26874.0141      0.1838      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 3:    16962points
+                      refine surface  26874.0142      0.1839      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  26874.0400      0.2096      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  26874.0672      0.2369      0.0273
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  26874.0926      0.2622      0.0254
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16963points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  26874.1173
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  26874.1176      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  26874.1335      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  26874.1551      0.0378      0.0216
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  26874.1559      0.0385      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  26874.1700      0.0527      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  26874.2922      0.1749      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  26874.4761      0.3588      0.1839
+                embedding surface  1  26874.4763      0.3589      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  26876.4430      2.3257      1.9668
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  26878.5447      4.4273      2.1016
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  26882.0613      7.9439      3.5166
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  26882.0660      7.9486      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  26882.5002      8.3829      0.4343
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  26882.6703      8.5529      0.1701
+                           Find void  26882.9393      8.8220      0.2690
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  26882.9678      8.8505      0.0285
+                         wsmp setup1  26882.9756      8.8583      0.0078
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  26883.9842      9.8668      1.0085
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  26884.0317
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  26884.0318      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  26891.9773      7.9457      7.9455
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0525539 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1258280 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7126520 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3743851 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14486.2058176 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213610 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069709 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3941128 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10473E+01  0.18510E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.96472E-01  0.11054E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76182E+00  0.24757E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  26908.3875     24.3559     16.4102
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35117E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  26908.6140     24.5824      0.2265
+                do leaf measurements  26908.6151     24.5834      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  26908.6563     24.6247      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5888319 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  26908.6613
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  26908.6659      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.80409E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  26916.6821      8.0207      8.0161
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0496211 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1172242 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7108760 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3762250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14483.8629644 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208930 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070701 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3822739 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10156E+01  0.13782E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48543E-01  0.10243E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76727E+00  0.22566E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  26933.0803     24.4190     16.3983
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12360E+01  0.18901E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  26933.3035     24.6422      0.2232
+                do leaf measurements  26933.3046     24.6433      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  26933.3461     24.6848      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0709616 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  26933.3510
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  26933.3556      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  26941.2921      7.9410      7.9365
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0514259 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1342070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7105920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4618690 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14375.6383758 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207981 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070999 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4863498 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.15576E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37920E-01  0.11871E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74722E+00  0.23143E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  26957.7940     24.4429     16.5019
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13725E+01  0.31351E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  26958.0181     24.6671      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  26958.0192     24.6681      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  26958.0605     24.7095      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361992 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  26958.0655
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  26958.0701      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  26966.0745      8.0089      8.0043
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0552340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1073811 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7082758 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3734770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14487.3624956 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071001 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3726871 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.17644E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37906E-01  0.12326E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73780E+00  0.22902E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  26982.4630     24.3975     16.3885
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14719E+01  0.35757E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  26982.6868     24.6213      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  26982.6879     24.6224      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  26982.7296     24.6640      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159762 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  26982.7346
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  26982.7393      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  26990.7235      7.9889      7.9843
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0535171 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1066790 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7056479 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3947451 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14460.3220400 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208072 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071490 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3889091 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10161E+01  0.19418E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40615E-01  0.12572E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73295E+00  0.22812E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  27007.1279     24.3933     16.4044
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15159E+01  0.36611E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  27007.3523     24.6177      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements  27007.3533     24.6187      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  27007.3946     24.6600      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107499 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  27007.3996
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  27007.4041      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  27015.3425      7.9430      7.9384
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0519660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1244371 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7138848 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3929851 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14462.5558929 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216509 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071881 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4124830 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10158E+01  0.20978E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43019E-01  0.12575E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72831E+00  0.22760E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  27031.7705     24.3710     16.4280
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15380E+01  0.36362E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  27031.9973     24.5978      0.2268
+                do leaf measurements  27031.9984     24.5988      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  27032.0397     24.6401      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080868 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  27032.0429     24.6433      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  27032.0431     24.6435      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -149756438447249.16 240424851796630.06
+ def in m -7.9979286193847656 0.65670442581176758
+ dimensionless def  -1.87629835946219307E-6 2.2851224626813615E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0185478  0.2280754
+                  Compute divergence  27032.2538     24.8542      0.2108
+                        wsmp_cleanup  27032.2901     24.8906      0.0363
+              Reset surface geometry  27032.2952     24.8957      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   27032.3031     24.9036      0.0079
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  27032.3207     24.9212      0.0176
+                   Advect surface  1  27032.3209     24.9213      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  27032.5238     25.1243      0.2029
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  27032.7286     25.3290      0.2047
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  27032.9899     25.5903      0.2613
+                    Advect the cloud  27033.1421     25.7426      0.1523
+                        Write output  27033.9677     26.5682      0.8256
+                    End of time step  27034.8434     27.4439      0.8757
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     167  27034.8436
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  27034.8437      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  27034.8437      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16966points
+                      refine surface  27034.8437      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  27034.8698      0.0262      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  27034.8920      0.0484      0.0222
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  27034.9170      0.0734      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16967points
+                          surface 02  27034.9351      0.0915      0.0180
+                                                                        S. 2:    16959points
+                      refine surface  27034.9352      0.0916      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  27034.9615      0.1179      0.0263
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  27034.9839      0.1403      0.0225
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  27035.0090      0.1654      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16961points
+                          surface 03  27035.0274      0.1838      0.0184
+                                                                        S. 3:    16962points
+                      refine surface  27035.0275      0.1839      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  27035.0532      0.2096      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  27035.0759      0.2323      0.0228
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  27035.1012      0.2576      0.0253
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16963points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  27035.1257
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  27035.1260      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  27035.1418      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  27035.1634      0.0377      0.0216
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  27035.1642      0.0385      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  27035.1783      0.0526      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  27035.3005      0.1748      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  27035.4857      0.3600      0.1852
+                embedding surface  1  27035.4859      0.3601      0.0001
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  27037.4174      2.2917      1.9316
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  27039.4952      4.3694      2.0777
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  27043.0263      7.9006      3.5312
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  27043.0310      7.9053      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  27043.4547      8.3290      0.4237
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  27043.6654      8.5397      0.2108
+                           Find void  27043.9331      8.8074      0.2676
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  27043.9612      8.8354      0.0281
+                         wsmp setup1  27043.9681      8.8424      0.0070
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  27044.9797      9.8540      1.0116
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  27045.0265
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  27045.0267      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  27052.9634      7.9369      7.9367
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0547080 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1098230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7180309 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3802559 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14478.7327085 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214819 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072510 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3919261 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10727E+01  0.18479E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.97006E-01  0.11103E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76201E+00  0.24603E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  27069.3704     24.3440     16.4070
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35086E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  27069.5970     24.5705      0.2266
+                do leaf measurements  27069.5981     24.5716      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  27069.6394     24.6130      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5893519 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  27069.6444
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  27069.6489      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.80380E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  27077.6576      8.0132      8.0087
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0505469 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1147799 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7108700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3883920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14468.3888899 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208649 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072391 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3930781 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.13748E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48511E-01  0.10194E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76738E+00  0.22518E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  27094.0662     24.4218     16.4086
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12365E+01  0.18168E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  27094.2898     24.6454      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  27094.2909     24.6465      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  27094.3323     24.6879      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0712607 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  27094.3372
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  27094.3417      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  27102.2777      7.9404      7.9359
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0517111 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1331458 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7120421 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4604368 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14377.4348612 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072041 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4861641 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.15552E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37955E-01  0.11837E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74698E+00  0.23170E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  27118.7792     24.4420     16.5016
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13730E+01  0.31343E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  27119.0042     24.6670      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  27119.0053     24.6681      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  27119.0467     24.7095      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361817 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  27119.0517
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  27119.0562      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  27127.0531      8.0014      7.9969
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0547421 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1095600 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7115190 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3699059 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14491.9126525 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071690 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3739171 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10166E+01  0.17633E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37915E-01  0.12311E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73757E+00  0.22928E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  27143.4428     24.3911     16.3897
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14722E+01  0.35732E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  27143.6670     24.6153      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  27143.6681     24.6164      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  27143.7099     24.6582      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159655 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  27143.7149
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  27143.7195      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  27151.7117      7.9968      7.9922
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0497382 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1182878 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7128930 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4120779 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14438.3595402 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208889 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072651 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4215472 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10162E+01  0.19414E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40541E-01  0.12556E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73275E+00  0.22812E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  27168.1485     24.4336     16.4368
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15161E+01  0.36571E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  27168.3732     24.6583      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  27168.3743     24.6594      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  27168.4157     24.7008      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107407 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  27168.4207
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  27168.4252      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  27176.3599      7.9393      7.9348
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0496829 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1380780 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7194159 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3991599 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14454.7216813 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1218181 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072260 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4357688 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10159E+01  0.20975E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42973E-01  0.12567E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72817E+00  0.22772E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  27192.8116     24.3909     16.4516
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15378E+01  0.36297E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  27193.0383     24.6176      0.2267
+                do leaf measurements  27193.0393     24.6187      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  27193.0807     24.6600      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080851 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  27193.0840     24.6633      0.0033
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  27193.0841     24.6634      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -150321060264885.72 240995305960725.69
+ def in m -8.0014171600341797 0.65510916709899902
+ dimensionless def  -1.87174047742571155E-6 2.28611918858119411E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0185135  0.2281880
+                  Compute divergence  27193.2770     24.8563      0.1929
+                        wsmp_cleanup  27193.3220     24.9013      0.0450
+              Reset surface geometry  27193.3272     24.9065      0.0052
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   27193.3355     24.9148      0.0083
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  27193.3506     24.9299      0.0151
+                   Advect surface  1  27193.3507     24.9301      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   4 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  27193.5707     25.1500      0.2200
+                                                                        removing   6 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  27193.8175     25.3968      0.2468
+                                                                        removing   5 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  27194.1219     25.7012      0.3044
+                    Advect the cloud  27194.2754     25.8547      0.1535
+                        Write output  27195.1003     26.6796      0.8249
+                    End of time step  27195.9758     27.5551      0.8755
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     168  27195.9759
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  27195.9760      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  27195.9760      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16963points
+                      refine surface  27195.9761      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   4 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  27196.0038      0.0279      0.0277
+                                                                        S. 1:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  27196.0308      0.0549      0.0270
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  27196.0556      0.0796      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16967points
+                          surface 02  27196.0739      0.0980      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 2:    16955points
+                      refine surface  27196.0741      0.0981      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  27196.0997      0.1237      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  27196.1232      0.1472      0.0235
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  27196.1470      0.1711      0.0239
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16957points
+                          surface 03  27196.1666      0.1906      0.0195
+                                                                        S. 3:    16958points
+                      refine surface  27196.1667      0.1907      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  27196.1936      0.2176      0.0269
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  27196.2165      0.2406      0.0230
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  27196.2415      0.2655      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16961points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  27196.2661
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  27196.2664      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  27196.2823      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  27196.3039      0.0378      0.0216
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  27196.3047      0.0385      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  27196.3188      0.0527      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  27196.4410      0.1749      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  27196.6269      0.3608      0.1859
+                embedding surface  1  27196.6271      0.3610      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  27198.5945      2.3284      1.9674
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  27200.6777      4.4116      2.0832
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  27204.2061      7.9400      3.5284
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  27204.2112      7.9451      0.0051
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  27204.6629      8.3967      0.4516
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  27204.8051      8.5390      0.1422
+                           Find void  27205.0750      8.8089      0.2700
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  27205.1036      8.8375      0.0286
+                         wsmp setup1  27205.1112      8.8451      0.0076
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  27206.1220      9.8558      1.0107
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  27206.1691
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  27206.1692      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  27214.0898      7.9208      7.9206
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0578101 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1286600 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7139161 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3763559 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14483.6963189 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217570 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072422 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4060981 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10700E+01  0.18513E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.97137E-01  0.11083E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76210E+00  0.24800E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  27230.5115     24.3424     16.4217
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35085E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  27230.7383     24.5693      0.2268
+                do leaf measurements  27230.7394     24.5703      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  27230.7813     24.6123      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5884626 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  27230.7863
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  27230.7909      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79287E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  27238.7931      8.0068      8.0022
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0510538 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1256270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7125850 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3864310 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14470.8806633 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212251 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071621 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4044390 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.13770E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48588E-01  0.10224E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76734E+00  0.22650E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  27255.2128     24.4264     16.4196
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12367E+01  0.18380E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  27255.4370     24.6506      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  27255.4381     24.6517      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  27255.4802     24.6939      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0707478 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  27255.4853
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  27255.4900      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  27263.4283      7.9430      7.9383
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0498898 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1346431 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7125530 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4638650 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14373.1353497 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210611 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073440 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4897270 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.15560E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38220E-01  0.11863E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74721E+00  0.23208E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  27279.9338     24.4485     16.5055
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13730E+01  0.31368E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  27280.1576     24.6723      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  27280.1587     24.6734      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  27280.2006     24.7153      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360363 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  27280.2056
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  27280.2102      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  27288.1987      7.9931      7.9885
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0502620 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1132591 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7046759 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3838048 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14474.2190153 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072582 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3809371 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10164E+01  0.17634E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38087E-01  0.12331E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73771E+00  0.22953E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  27304.5952     24.3896     16.3965
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14721E+01  0.35773E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  27304.8192     24.6136      0.2240
+                do leaf measurements  27304.8203     24.6147      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  27304.8626     24.6569      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159821 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  27304.8676
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  27304.8723      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  27312.8780      8.0104      8.0058
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0511110 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1135340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7103262 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3893089 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14467.2240340 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212411 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071769 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3930590 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10161E+01  0.19412E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40511E-01  0.12571E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73285E+00  0.22834E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  27329.2868     24.4192     16.4088
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15160E+01  0.36600E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  27329.5109     24.6433      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  27329.5120     24.6444      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  27329.5540     24.6864      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107461 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  27329.5590
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  27329.5635      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  27337.4958      7.9369      7.9323
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0538580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1482880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7136559 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4103179 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14440.5866121 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217530 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073049 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4555590 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10158E+01  0.20974E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42946E-01  0.12575E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72823E+00  0.22783E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  27353.9669     24.4079     16.4711
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15380E+01  0.36340E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  27354.1933     24.6344      0.2264
+                do leaf measurements  27354.1944     24.6354      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  27354.2363     24.6774      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080888 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  27354.2395     24.6806      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  27354.2397     24.6808      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -150882099824500.31 242322804641196.16
+ def in m -7.999781608581543 0.65446865558624268
+ dimensionless def  -1.86991044453212184E-6 2.28565188816615512E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0185059  0.2281475
+                  Compute divergence  27354.4455     24.8865      0.2058
+                        wsmp_cleanup  27354.4817     24.9227      0.0362
+              Reset surface geometry  27354.4868     24.9278      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   27354.4947     24.9358      0.0080
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  27354.5118     24.9528      0.0170
+                   Advect surface  1  27354.5119     24.9529      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  27354.7027     25.1437      0.1908
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  27354.9103     25.3513      0.2076
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  27355.1774     25.6184      0.2672
+                    Advect the cloud  27355.3309     25.7719      0.1535
+                        Write output  27356.1537     26.5947      0.8228
+                    End of time step  27357.0302     27.4712      0.8765
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     169  27357.0303
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  27357.0304      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  27357.0304      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16967points
+                      refine surface  27357.0305      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  27357.0565      0.0262      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  27357.0833      0.0530      0.0268
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  27357.1084      0.0781      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16968points
+                          surface 02  27357.1263      0.0960      0.0179
+                                                                        S. 2:    16956points
+                      refine surface  27357.1264      0.0961      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  27357.1527      0.1224      0.0263
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  27357.1802      0.1499      0.0275
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  27357.2050      0.1746      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16958points
+                          surface 03  27357.2233      0.1930      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 3:    16959points
+                      refine surface  27357.2234      0.1931      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  27357.2481      0.2178      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16959points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  27357.2729
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  27357.2732      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  27357.2890      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  27357.3104      0.0375      0.0214
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  27357.3112      0.0382      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  27357.3253      0.0524      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  27357.4475      0.1745      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  27357.6344      0.3614      0.1869
+                embedding surface  1  27357.6345      0.3616      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  27359.6035      2.3306      1.9690
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  27361.7157      4.4428      2.1122
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  27365.2796      8.0067      3.5639
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  27365.2843      8.0114      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  27365.7415      8.4686      0.4572
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  27365.8205      8.5476      0.0791
+                           Find void  27366.0904      8.8174      0.2698
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  27366.1183      8.8454      0.0280
+                         wsmp setup1  27366.1263      8.8534      0.0080
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  27367.1343      9.8614      1.0080
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  27367.1802
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  27367.1803      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  27375.0907      7.9105      7.9104
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0563672 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1374838 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7161860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3844790 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14473.3617771 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216099 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069511 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4234540 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10644E+01  0.18472E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.96223E-01  0.11057E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76207E+00  0.24597E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  27391.5301     24.3500     16.4394
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35082E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  27391.7564     24.5763      0.2263
+                do leaf measurements  27391.7576     24.5774      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  27391.7993     24.6191      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5887049 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  27391.8042
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  27391.8089      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.81047E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  27399.7979      7.9936      7.9889
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0519481 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1221991 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7088678 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3787091 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14480.7009959 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070310 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3898239 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.13746E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48560E-01  0.10226E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76730E+00  0.22504E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  27416.2031     24.3989     16.4053
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12365E+01  0.18164E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  27416.4278     24.6236      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  27416.4290     24.6248      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  27416.4713     24.6671      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0708111 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  27416.4764
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  27416.4811      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  27424.4145      7.9382      7.9335
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0510819 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1305132 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7097392 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4635949 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14373.4740383 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211061 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072980 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4837151 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.15550E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38109E-01  0.11876E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74703E+00  0.23157E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  27440.9135     24.4371     16.4990
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13725E+01  0.31310E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  27441.1381     24.6618      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  27441.1393     24.6629      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  27441.1810     24.7046      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361209 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  27441.1859
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  27441.1906      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  27449.1696      7.9838      7.9791
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0518489 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1209970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7097170 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3770170 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14482.8546506 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210310 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072930 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3882780 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10164E+01  0.17631E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37970E-01  0.12340E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73758E+00  0.22903E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  27465.5730     24.3871     16.4034
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14718E+01  0.35726E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  27465.7979     24.6121      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  27465.7991     24.6132      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  27465.8408     24.6549      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0160091 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  27465.8457
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  27465.8504      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  27473.8665      8.0208      8.0162
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0525320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1178651 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7116308 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3849900 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14472.7122474 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209068 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073221 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3956392 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10161E+01  0.19411E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40515E-01  0.12581E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73276E+00  0.22806E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  27490.2773     24.4316     16.4107
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15160E+01  0.36581E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  27490.5008     24.6551      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements  27490.5019     24.6562      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  27490.5437     24.6980      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107331 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  27490.5486
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  27490.5532      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  27498.4885      7.9399      7.9353
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0514569 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1445842 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7151191 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4266131 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14419.9932685 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215570 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073240 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4670291 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10158E+01  0.20973E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42938E-01  0.12580E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72815E+00  0.22746E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  27514.9711     24.4225     16.4825
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15378E+01  0.36302E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  27515.1979     24.6493      0.2269
+                do leaf measurements  27515.1991     24.6505      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  27515.2407     24.6921      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080868 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  27515.2439     24.6953      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  27515.2440     24.6954      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -151444539227112.13 243644224977317.06
+ def in m -8.0004377365112305 0.65594184398651123
+ dimensionless def  -1.87411955424717499E-6 2.2858393532889229E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0185614  0.2281649
+                  Compute divergence  27515.4473     24.8987      0.2033
+                        wsmp_cleanup  27515.4833     24.9347      0.0360
+              Reset surface geometry  27515.4883     24.9397      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   27515.4963     24.9477      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  27515.5137     24.9652      0.0174
+                   Advect surface  1  27515.5139     24.9653      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  27515.7212     25.1726      0.2073
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  27515.9273     25.3787      0.2061
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  27516.2069     25.6583      0.2796
+                    Advect the cloud  27516.3601     25.8115      0.1532
+                        Write output  27517.1853     26.6367      0.8252
+                    End of time step  27518.0591     27.5105      0.8738
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     170  27518.0592
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  27518.0593      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  27518.0593      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16966points
+                      refine surface  27518.0594      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   4 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  27518.0878      0.0286      0.0284
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  27518.1146      0.0554      0.0268
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  27518.1392      0.0800      0.0246
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16970points
+                          surface 02  27518.1575      0.0983      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 2:    16957points
+                      refine surface  27518.1576      0.0984      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  27518.1833      0.1241      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  27518.2059      0.1467      0.0226
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  27518.2309      0.1716      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16958points
+                          surface 03  27518.2493      0.1901      0.0184
+                                                                        S. 3:    16956points
+                      refine surface  27518.2494      0.1902      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  27518.2765      0.2173      0.0271
+                                                                        S. 3:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  27518.3036      0.2444      0.0271
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  27518.3285      0.2692      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16959points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  27518.3532
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  27518.3534      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  27518.3693      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  27518.3908      0.0376      0.0215
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  27518.3916      0.0384      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  27518.4058      0.0526      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  27518.5279      0.1747      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  27518.7117      0.3585      0.1838
+                embedding surface  1  27518.7119      0.3587      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  27520.6759      2.3227      1.9640
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  27522.7966      4.4434      2.1207
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  27526.3351      7.9819      3.5385
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  27526.3402      7.9870      0.0051
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  27526.8035      8.4503      0.4634
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  27526.9028      8.5496      0.0993
+                           Find void  27527.1732      8.8200      0.2704
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  27527.2019      8.8487      0.0287
+                         wsmp setup1  27527.2097      8.8565      0.0079
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  27528.2181      9.8649      1.0084
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  27528.2639
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  27528.2641      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  27536.1841      7.9202      7.9200
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0569830 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1405141 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7159760 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4068360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14444.9945103 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213849 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070589 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4491169 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10557E+01  0.18388E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.97018E-01  0.11088E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76164E+00  0.24732E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  27552.6487     24.3847     16.4646
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35079E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  27552.8759     24.6119      0.2272
+                do leaf measurements  27552.8770     24.6131      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  27552.9179     24.6539      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5887783 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  27552.9225
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  27552.9268      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79505E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  27560.9027      7.9802      7.9758
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0508540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1244669 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7084949 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3787401 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14480.6615520 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209679 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071151 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3910210 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10158E+01  0.13676E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48498E-01  0.10217E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76707E+00  0.22596E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  27577.3097     24.3872     16.4071
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12353E+01  0.18097E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  27577.5334     24.6109      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  27577.5346     24.6121      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  27577.5758     24.6533      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0711443 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  27577.5806
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  27577.5851      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  27585.5215      7.9409      7.9365
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0532410 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1182458 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7102051 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4502840 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14390.1831443 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212618 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070720 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4606869 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.15506E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38232E-01  0.11852E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74666E+00  0.23164E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  27601.9975     24.4169     16.4760
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13714E+01  0.31223E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  27602.2220     24.6414      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  27602.2232     24.6426      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  27602.2641     24.6835      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361355 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  27602.2689
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  27602.2733      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  27610.2430      7.9741      7.9697
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0516369 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1143610 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7109952 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3742921 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14486.3242403 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215272 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069940 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3801670 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.17600E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38061E-01  0.12320E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73730E+00  0.22904E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  27626.6386     24.3697     16.3956
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14708E+01  0.35615E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  27626.8650     24.5961      0.2264
+                do leaf measurements  27626.8662     24.5973      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  27626.9070     24.6381      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159439 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  27626.9118
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  27626.9162      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  27634.9327      8.0208      8.0164
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0525062 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1177521 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7110069 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3865399 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14470.7421921 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210072 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070059 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3964221 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10163E+01  0.19385E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40598E-01  0.12566E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73252E+00  0.22803E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  27651.3442     24.4324     16.4116
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15148E+01  0.36455E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  27651.5695     24.6577      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements  27651.5706     24.6588      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  27651.6200     24.7082      0.0494
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107290 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  27651.6248
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  27651.6291      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  27659.5653      7.9406      7.9362
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0525601 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1438429 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7172649 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4416692 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14401.0179481 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1221070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069540 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4847550 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10159E+01  0.20950E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43000E-01  0.12576E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72796E+00  0.22763E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  27676.0658     24.4410     16.5005
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15366E+01  0.36195E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  27676.2920     24.6672      0.2262
+                do leaf measurements  27676.2931     24.6683      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  27676.3339     24.7092      0.0408
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080838 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  27676.3369     24.7122      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  27676.3371     24.7123      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -151994249369065.19 244968610932348.28
+ def in m -7.999457836151123 0.65415966510772705
+ dimensionless def  -1.86902761459350606E-6 2.28555938175746383E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0185208  0.2281377
+                  Compute divergence  27676.5294     24.9046      0.1923
+                        wsmp_cleanup  27676.5780     24.9533      0.0486
+              Reset surface geometry  27676.5832     24.9585      0.0052
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   27676.5905     24.9658      0.0073
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  27676.6035     24.9788      0.0130
+                   Advect surface  1  27676.6037     24.9789      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  27676.8185     25.1937      0.2148
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  27677.0416     25.4168      0.2231
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  27677.3171     25.6923      0.2755
+                    Advect the cloud  27677.4688     25.8441      0.1518
+                        Write output  27678.2971     26.6723      0.8283
+                    End of time step  27679.1713     27.5466      0.8742
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     171  27679.1715
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  27679.1715      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  27679.1716      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16968points
+                      refine surface  27679.1716      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  27679.1976      0.0262      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  27679.2205      0.0490      0.0229
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  27679.2452      0.0738      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16969points
+                          surface 02  27679.2637      0.0922      0.0185
+                                                                        S. 2:    16955points
+                      refine surface  27679.2638      0.0924      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  27679.2894      0.1180      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  27679.3121      0.1406      0.0227
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  27679.3370      0.1655      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16956points
+                          surface 03  27679.3553      0.1838      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 3:    16956points
+                      refine surface  27679.3554      0.1840      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  27679.3815      0.2100      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  27679.4039      0.2324      0.0224
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  27679.4288      0.2573      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16957points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  27679.4535
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  27679.4537      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  27679.4695      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  27679.4912      0.0377      0.0216
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  27679.4919      0.0385      0.0007
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  27679.5061      0.0527      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  27679.6283      0.1748      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  27679.8154      0.3619      0.1871
+                embedding surface  1  27679.8155      0.3621      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  27681.7505      2.2971      1.9350
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  27683.8230      4.3696      2.0725
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  27687.3187      7.8653      3.4957
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  27687.3234      7.8699      0.0046
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  27687.7279      8.2745      0.4045
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  27688.0217      8.5683      0.2938
+                           Find void  27688.2909      8.8375      0.2692
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  27688.3193      8.8658      0.0283
+                         wsmp setup1  27688.3265      8.8730      0.0072
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  27689.3346      9.8811      1.0081
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  27689.3804
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  27689.3805      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  27697.3012      7.9208      7.9207
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0569980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1510642 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7179489 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4183660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14430.4083894 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212950 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069642 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4729922 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10552E+01  0.18451E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.96706E-01  0.11074E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76180E+00  0.24655E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  27713.7892     24.4088     16.4880
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35103E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  27714.0155     24.6351      0.2262
+                do leaf measurements  27714.0165     24.6362      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  27714.0576     24.6772      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5890354 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  27714.0623
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  27714.0669      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.80376E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  27722.0569      7.9945      7.9900
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0509961 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1212909 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7088790 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3755779 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14484.6868386 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1206059 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069408 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3846679 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.13723E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48490E-01  0.10199E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76725E+00  0.22546E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  27738.4575     24.3952     16.4006
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12359E+01  0.18055E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  27738.6813     24.6190      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  27738.6824     24.6201      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  27738.7238     24.6615      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0711232 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  27738.7288
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  27738.7335      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  27746.6661      7.9373      7.9326
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0509231 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1225100 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7105598 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4434121 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14398.8246628 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207919 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0068941 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4554679 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.15538E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38030E-01  0.11854E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74676E+00  0.23186E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  27763.1370     24.4082     16.4709
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13725E+01  0.31297E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  27763.3620     24.6331      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  27763.3631     24.6342      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  27763.4040     24.6751      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361206 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  27763.4090
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  27763.4135      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  27771.3700      7.9610      7.9565
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0506260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1204622 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7177072 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3721070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14489.1077313 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214089 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069170 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3895910 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.17624E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37881E-01  0.12324E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73744E+00  0.22919E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  27787.7749     24.3660     16.4050
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14719E+01  0.35705E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  27788.0020     24.5930      0.2271
+                do leaf measurements  27788.0031     24.5941      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  27788.0441     24.6351      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159057 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  27788.0490
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  27788.0535      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  27796.0746      8.0255      8.0210
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0511818 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1229360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7104120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3845391 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14473.2853945 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1205389 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070341 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3970230 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10162E+01  0.19405E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40529E-01  0.12574E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73268E+00  0.22826E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  27812.4867     24.4377     16.4122
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15157E+01  0.36528E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  27812.7114     24.6624      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  27812.7125     24.6635      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  27812.7535     24.7044      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107422 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  27812.7584
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  27812.7630      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  27820.6966      7.9382      7.9336
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0537360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1540079 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7204671 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4627068 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14374.5876684 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211321 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069180 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5193479 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10158E+01  0.20970E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42954E-01  0.12575E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72809E+00  0.22776E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  27837.2312     24.4727     16.5346
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15376E+01  0.36268E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  27837.4562     24.6977      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  27837.4573     24.6989      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  27837.4983     24.7399      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080897 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  27837.5015     24.7431      0.0033
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  27837.5017     24.7433      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -152547664948615.84 246286332854566.31
+ def in m -8.0006465911865234 0.65658414363861084
+ dimensionless def  -1.87595469611031683E-6 2.28589902605329233E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0186042  0.2281781
+                  Compute divergence  27837.6990     24.9405      0.1972
+                        wsmp_cleanup  27837.7396     24.9812      0.0407
+              Reset surface geometry  27837.7444     24.9859      0.0047
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   27837.7525     24.9941      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  27837.7686     25.0102      0.0161
+                   Advect surface  1  27837.7688     25.0104      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  27837.9677     25.2093      0.1990
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  27838.1708     25.4124      0.2031
+                                                                        S. 3:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  27838.4258     25.6674      0.2550
+                    Advect the cloud  27838.5783     25.8199      0.1525
+                        Write output  27839.4066     26.6482      0.8283
+                    End of time step  27840.2783     27.5199      0.8718
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     172  27840.2785
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  27840.2786      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  27840.2786      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16968points
+                      refine surface  27840.2786      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  27840.3048      0.0263      0.0262
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  27840.3316      0.0531      0.0268
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  27840.3570      0.0785      0.0254
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16969points
+                          surface 02  27840.3749      0.0964      0.0179
+                                                                        S. 2:    16955points
+                      refine surface  27840.3751      0.0966      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  27840.4014      0.1229      0.0263
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  27840.4242      0.1457      0.0228
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  27840.4493      0.1708      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16957points
+                          surface 03  27840.4674      0.1889      0.0181
+                                                                        S. 3:    16957points
+                      refine surface  27840.4675      0.1890      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  27840.4934      0.2149      0.0259
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  27840.5206      0.2421      0.0272
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  27840.5455      0.2670      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16958points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  27840.5704
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  27840.5707      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  27840.5865      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  27840.6078      0.0373      0.0212
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  27840.6085      0.0381      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  27840.6227      0.0522      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  27840.7449      0.1744      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  27840.9321      0.3616      0.1872
+                embedding surface  1  27840.9322      0.3618      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  27842.9032      2.3327      1.9710
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  27845.0260      4.4555      2.1228
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  27848.5769      8.0064      3.5509
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  27848.5820      8.0115      0.0051
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  27849.0373      8.4669      0.4553
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  27849.1683      8.5978      0.1310
+                           Find void  27849.4395      8.8690      0.2712
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  27849.4680      8.8976      0.0286
+                         wsmp setup1  27849.4759      8.9054      0.0078
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  27850.4831      9.9126      1.0072
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  27850.5293
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  27850.5294      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  27858.4684      7.9391      7.9390
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0579300 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1528971 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7172701 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4382961 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14405.2647989 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214728 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071452 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4953811 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10451E+01  0.18375E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.96017E-01  0.10997E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76173E+00  0.24564E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  27874.9791     24.4498     16.5107
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35074E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  27875.2064     24.6771      0.2273
+                do leaf measurements  27875.2076     24.6783      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  27875.2491     24.7198      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5884571 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  27875.2541
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  27875.2587      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.81530E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  27883.2621      8.0080      8.0034
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0498440 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1204259 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7122679 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3980460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14456.1342912 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209002 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071650 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4090259 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.13677E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48705E-01  0.10240E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76710E+00  0.22453E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  27899.6873     24.4332     16.4252
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12362E+01  0.17928E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  27899.9102     24.6561      0.2229
+                do leaf measurements  27899.9113     24.6573      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  27899.9532     24.6991      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0709715 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  27899.9582
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  27899.9629      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  27907.9132      7.9550      7.9503
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0528948 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1199291 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7103870 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4354899 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14408.7997469 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210189 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072601 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4473808 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.15502E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38030E-01  0.11869E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74689E+00  0.23099E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  27924.3759     24.4177     16.4627
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13721E+01  0.31258E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  27924.6006     24.6424      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  27924.6017     24.6435      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  27924.6432     24.6850      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361617 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  27924.6482
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  27924.6528      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  27932.6009      7.9527      7.9481
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0519421 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1302168 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7181931 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3751991 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14485.1692461 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071359 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4048200 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.17593E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37868E-01  0.12334E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73747E+00  0.22884E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  27949.0214     24.3732     16.4205
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14714E+01  0.35653E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  27949.2478     24.5996      0.2264
+                do leaf measurements  27949.2489     24.6007      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  27949.2904     24.6423      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159332 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  27949.2954
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  27949.3000      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  27957.3097      8.0143      8.0097
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0534170 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1260221 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7119079 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3891859 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14467.3803064 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1234899 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071161 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4115450 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10161E+01  0.19374E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40685E-01  0.12578E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73268E+00  0.22800E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  27973.7362     24.4407     16.4264
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15152E+01  0.36484E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  27973.9611     24.6657      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  27973.9622     24.6668      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  27974.0037     24.7083      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107307 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  27974.0087
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  27974.0132      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  27981.9530      7.9443      7.9398
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0532210 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1453891 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7131312 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4706590 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14364.6222613 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212931 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072360 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5113339 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10158E+01  0.20938E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43075E-01  0.12582E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72810E+00  0.22754E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  27998.4797     24.4710     16.5267
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15372E+01  0.36244E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  27998.7046     24.6960      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  27998.7057     24.6971      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  27998.7473     24.7386      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080886 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  27998.7504     24.7418      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  27998.7506     24.7420      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -153102652678370.94 247601982389568.69
+ def in m -8.0020914077758789 0.65643554925918579
+ dimensionless def  -1.87553014074053077E-6 2.28631183079310833E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0186132  0.2282232
+                  Compute divergence  27998.9507     24.9420      0.2001
+                        wsmp_cleanup  27998.9890     24.9804      0.0383
+              Reset surface geometry  27998.9938     24.9851      0.0048
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   27999.0020     24.9933      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  27999.0181     25.0095      0.0162
+                   Advect surface  1  27999.0183     25.0096      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  27999.2117     25.2030      0.1934
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  27999.4350     25.4264      0.2234
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  27999.6899     25.6812      0.2548
+                    Advect the cloud  27999.8417     25.8331      0.1519
+                        Write output  28000.6671     26.6584      0.8254
+                    End of time step  28001.5413     27.5327      0.8742
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     173  28001.5415
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  28001.5415      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  28001.5416      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16969points
+                      refine surface  28001.5416      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  28001.5673      0.0258      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16969points
+                          surface 02  28001.5849      0.0435      0.0177
+                                                                        S. 2:    16954points
+                      refine surface  28001.5851      0.0436      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  28001.6116      0.0702      0.0266
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  28001.6387      0.0973      0.0271
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  28001.6636      0.1221      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16956points
+                          surface 03  28001.6818      0.1404      0.0182
+                                                                        S. 3:    16958points
+                      refine surface  28001.6820      0.1405      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  28001.7073      0.1659      0.0253
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16958points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  28001.7322
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  28001.7324      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  28001.7483      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  28001.7700      0.0378      0.0217
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  28001.7708      0.0386      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  28001.7849      0.0527      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  28001.9071      0.1749      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  28002.0932      0.3610      0.1861
+                embedding surface  1  28002.0934      0.3612      0.0001
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  28004.0544      2.3222      1.9610
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  28006.1534      4.4212      2.0990
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  28009.6813      7.9491      3.5278
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  28009.6859      7.9538      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  28010.0945      8.3623      0.4085
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  28010.2714      8.5392      0.1769
+                           Find void  28010.5431      8.8110      0.2718
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  28010.5707      8.8385      0.0276
+                         wsmp setup1  28010.5771      8.8449      0.0064
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  28011.5836      9.8514      1.0065
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  28011.6278
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  28011.6279      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38934E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  28019.5553      7.9275      7.9273
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0568421 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1450040 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7176161 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4383292 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14405.2230626 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215692 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071502 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4868772 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10634E+01  0.18385E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95988E-01  0.11083E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76210E+00  0.24671E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  28036.0573     24.4295     16.5020
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35088E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  28036.2842     24.6564      0.2269
+                do leaf measurements  28036.2853     24.6575      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  28036.3275     24.6997      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5894018 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  28036.3324
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  28036.3368      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.81077E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  28044.3562      8.0239      8.0194
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0522790 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1233821 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7136788 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3745449 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14486.0023780 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210010 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071418 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3923891 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.13674E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48707E-01  0.10213E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76738E+00  0.22528E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  28060.7642     24.4319     16.4080
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12358E+01  0.18325E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  28060.9886     24.6562      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements  28060.9898     24.6574      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  28061.0323     24.6999      0.0425
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0713728 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  28061.0372
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  28061.0417      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  28069.0060      7.9688      7.9643
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0509880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1230860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7138000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4165850 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14432.6595325 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208711 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071111 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4328060 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.15503E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37926E-01  0.11853E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74660E+00  0.23141E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  28085.4540     24.4168     16.4480
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13721E+01  0.31266E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  28085.6788     24.6417      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  28085.6799     24.6428      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  28085.7223     24.6851      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360547 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  28085.7272
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  28085.7316      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  28093.6701      7.9429      7.9385
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0532131 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1255810 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7187271 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3859029 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14471.5518469 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1218061 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070190 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4125969 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10166E+01  0.17600E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37814E-01  0.12328E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73727E+00  0.22897E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  28110.0981     24.3709     16.4280
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14713E+01  0.35651E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  28110.3249     24.5977      0.2268
+                do leaf measurements  28110.3259     24.5988      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  28110.3682     24.6410      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159722 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  28110.3730
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  28110.3775      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  28118.3754      8.0024      7.9980
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0526600 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1336861 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7120340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3852680 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14472.3588647 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210201 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071099 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4121439 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10162E+01  0.19385E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40643E-01  0.12575E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73252E+00  0.22806E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  28134.8025     24.4295     16.4271
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15151E+01  0.36481E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  28135.0271     24.6541      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  28135.0282     24.6552      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  28135.0705     24.6975      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107156 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  28135.0754
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  28135.0798      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  28143.0171      7.9417      7.9373
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0499930 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1435189 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7123060 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4835238 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14348.5297797 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071609 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5178518 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10159E+01  0.20949E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43039E-01  0.12581E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72797E+00  0.22756E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  28159.5503     24.4750     16.5333
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15368E+01  0.36221E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  28159.7754     24.7001      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  28159.7765     24.7012      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  28159.8189     24.7435      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080867 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  28159.8218     24.7464      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  28159.8220     24.7466      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -153645614105842.47 248919947016031.81
+ def in m -8.0008449554443359 0.6559445858001709
+ dimensionless def  -1.87412738800048833E-6 2.2859557015555248E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0186141  0.2281908
+                  Compute divergence  28160.0224     24.9470      0.2004
+                        wsmp_cleanup  28160.0648     24.9894      0.0424
+              Reset surface geometry  28160.0698     24.9944      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   28160.0779     25.0025      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  28160.0921     25.0167      0.0142
+                   Advect surface  1  28160.0922     25.0168      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  28160.3138     25.2384      0.2215
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  28160.5117     25.4364      0.1980
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  28160.7692     25.6938      0.2574
+                    Advect the cloud  28160.9209     25.8455      0.1518
+                        Write output  28161.7566     26.6813      0.8357
+                    End of time step  28162.6271     27.5517      0.8704
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     174  28162.6272
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  28162.6273      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  28162.6273      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16966points
+                      refine surface  28162.6274      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  28162.6545      0.0273      0.0272
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  28162.6819      0.0547      0.0274
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  28162.7067      0.0795      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16968points
+                          surface 02  28162.7252      0.0980      0.0185
+                                                                        S. 2:    16956points
+                      refine surface  28162.7253      0.0981      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  28162.7519      0.1247      0.0266
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  28162.7746      0.1474      0.0227
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  28162.7995      0.1723      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16958points
+                          surface 03  28162.8180      0.1907      0.0185
+                                                                        S. 3:    16957points
+                      refine surface  28162.8181      0.1909      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  28162.8439      0.2166      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  28162.8712      0.2440      0.0273
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  28162.8961      0.2689      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16958points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  28162.9211
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  28162.9214      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  28162.9372      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  28162.9586      0.0374      0.0213
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  28162.9594      0.0382      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  28162.9735      0.0524      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  28163.0957      0.1745      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  28163.2845      0.3633      0.1888
+                embedding surface  1  28163.2846      0.3635      0.0001
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  28165.2394      2.3182      1.9547
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  28167.3410      4.4199      2.1016
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  28170.8760      7.9549      3.5350
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  28170.8811      7.9600      0.0051
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  28171.3135      8.3923      0.4324
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  28171.4692      8.5481      0.1558
+                           Find void  28171.7390      8.8179      0.2698
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  28171.7674      8.8463      0.0284
+                         wsmp setup1  28171.7750      8.8538      0.0075
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  28172.7842      9.8631      1.0093
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  28172.8302
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  28172.8304      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38934E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  28180.7532      7.9230      7.9229
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0551720 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1648030 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7223639 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4597449 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14378.3029097 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209600 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071759 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5305960 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10638E+01  0.18358E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.96316E-01  0.11111E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76147E+00  0.24606E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  28197.2996     24.4694     16.5464
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35098E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  28197.5241     24.6939      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  28197.5252     24.6950      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  28197.5664     24.7362      0.0411
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5895262 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  28197.5712
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  28197.5756      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.80927E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  28205.5875      8.0163      8.0119
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0537989 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1290841 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7137430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3768730 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14483.0379699 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209791 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073409 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4022181 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.13662E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48690E-01  0.10207E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76713E+00  0.22503E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  28222.0055     24.4343     16.4180
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12352E+01  0.18976E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  28222.2296     24.6584      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  28222.2307     24.6595      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  28222.2723     24.7011      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0714338 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  28222.2772
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  28222.2815      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  28230.2553      7.9781      7.9738
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0538831 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1283400 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7150381 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4147592 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14434.9680601 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212108 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072730 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4408920 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.15507E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37725E-01  0.11856E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74628E+00  0.23156E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  28246.7117     24.4345     16.4564
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13715E+01  0.31195E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  28246.9361     24.6589      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  28246.9372     24.6600      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  28246.9782     24.7011      0.0411
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361655 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  28246.9830
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  28246.9873      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  28254.9216      7.9386      7.9343
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0528340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1429129 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7215140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3881500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14468.6963389 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1219289 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072448 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4349658 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10166E+01  0.17608E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37826E-01  0.12324E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73702E+00  0.22917E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  28271.3721     24.3891     16.4506
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14711E+01  0.35617E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  28271.5988     24.6157      0.2266
+                do leaf measurements  28271.5998     24.6168      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  28271.6410     24.6580      0.0411
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158837 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  28271.6458
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  28271.6502      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  28279.6372      7.9914      7.9871
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0533631 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1323950 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7101460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3963752 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14458.2537239 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073519 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4210289 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10162E+01  0.19395E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40692E-01  0.12569E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73233E+00  0.22810E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  28296.0739     24.4281     16.4367
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15149E+01  0.36441E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  28296.2987     24.6529      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  28296.2999     24.6540      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  28296.3414     24.6955      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107313 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  28296.3463
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  28296.3507      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  28304.2842      7.9379      7.9335
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0499890 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1336508 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7146900 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4737301 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14360.7774125 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212339 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072892 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5009758 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10159E+01  0.20963E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43077E-01  0.12573E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72780E+00  0.22772E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  28320.8002     24.4539     16.5159
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15367E+01  0.36178E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  28321.0254     24.6791      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements  28321.0265     24.6802      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  28321.0676     24.7213      0.0411
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080965 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  28321.0705     24.7243      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  28321.0707     24.7244      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -154188853420961.69 250234116685037.22
+ def in m -7.986358642578125 0.65494465827941895
+ dimensionless def  -1.87127045222691118E-6 2.28181675502232149E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0185867  0.2277746
+                  Compute divergence  28321.2608     24.9145      0.1901
+                        wsmp_cleanup  28321.3104     24.9641      0.0497
+              Reset surface geometry  28321.3155     24.9692      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   28321.3230     24.9767      0.0075
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  28321.3359     24.9896      0.0129
+                   Advect surface  1  28321.3361     24.9898      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   5 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  28321.5697     25.2234      0.2336
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  28321.7668     25.4205      0.1971
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  28322.0190     25.6727      0.2522
+                    Advect the cloud  28322.1718     25.8255      0.1528
+                        Write output  28323.0019     26.6556      0.8300
+                    End of time step  28323.8744     27.5281      0.8726
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     175  28323.8746
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  28323.8746      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  28323.8747      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16963points
+                      refine surface  28323.8747      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  28323.8999      0.0254      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16963points
+                          surface 02  28323.9182      0.0437      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 2:    16958points
+                      refine surface  28323.9184      0.0438      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  28323.9440      0.0694      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  28323.9665      0.0920      0.0225
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  28323.9913      0.1167      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16959points
+                          surface 03  28324.0099      0.1353      0.0186
+                                                                        S. 3:    16958points
+                      refine surface  28324.0100      0.1355      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  28324.0360      0.1614      0.0259
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  28324.0585      0.1840      0.0226
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  28324.0834      0.2089      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16959points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  28324.1082
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  28324.1084      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  28324.1243      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  28324.1460      0.0379      0.0218
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  28324.1468      0.0386      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  28324.1609      0.0528      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  28324.2832      0.1750      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  28324.4714      0.3632      0.1882
+                embedding surface  1  28324.4716      0.3634      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  28326.4316      2.3235      1.9601
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  28328.5248      4.4166      2.0932
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  28332.0471      7.9389      3.5223
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  28332.0517      7.9436      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  28332.4567      8.3485      0.4049
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  28332.6110      8.5028      0.1543
+                           Find void  28332.8798      8.7717      0.2689
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  28332.9081      8.8000      0.0283
+                         wsmp setup1  28332.9152      8.8070      0.0071
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  28333.9229      9.8148      1.0077
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  28333.9691
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  28333.9692      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  28341.9055      7.9365      7.9363
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0568419 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1447220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7136810 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4716990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14363.3200177 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215532 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071812 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5160530 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10135E+01  0.18440E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95730E-01  0.11012E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76142E+00  0.24420E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  28358.4373     24.4683     16.5318
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35089E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  28358.6619     24.6928      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  28358.6630     24.6939      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  28358.7042     24.7351      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5892262 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  28358.7091
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  28358.7137      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.82035E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  28366.7234      8.0142      8.0096
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0529780 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1286440 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7130878 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3797910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14479.3242306 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213100 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073161 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4035091 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.13720E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.49030E-01  0.10236E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76705E+00  0.22365E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  28383.1428     24.4337     16.4194
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12368E+01  0.18000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  28383.3659     24.6568      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements  28383.3670     24.6579      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  28383.4132     24.7041      0.0462
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0714881 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  28383.4182
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  28383.4228      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  28391.4091      7.9910      7.9863
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0492969 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1295772 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7124040 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4014969 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14451.7588791 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211729 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072341 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4215670 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.15537E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37558E-01  0.11874E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74691E+00  0.23040E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  28407.8462     24.4280     16.4370
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13726E+01  0.31314E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  28408.0711     24.6529      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  28408.0721     24.6540      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  28408.1134     24.6953      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362652 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  28408.1184
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  28408.1229      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  28416.0606      7.9423      7.9377
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0527759 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1601100 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7178390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4101241 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14440.8319277 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1253641 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072069 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4737859 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10166E+01  0.17623E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38049E-01  0.12338E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73750E+00  0.22844E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  28432.5501     24.4318     16.4895
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14716E+01  0.35718E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  28432.7766     24.6582      0.2265
+                do leaf measurements  28432.7777     24.6594      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  28432.8231     24.7047      0.0454
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158405 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  28432.8281
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  28432.8327      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  28440.8048      7.9767      7.9721
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0513849 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1311531 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7113199 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3885489 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14468.1895850 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210499 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071671 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4109931 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10162E+01  0.19402E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40870E-01  0.12580E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73273E+00  0.22777E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  28457.2311     24.4030     16.4263
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15156E+01  0.36566E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  28457.4557     24.6276      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  28457.4568     24.6287      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  28457.4984     24.6703      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107369 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  28457.5034
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  28457.5081      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  28465.4461      7.9427      7.9380
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0541461 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1259749 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7154381 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4578419 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14380.6910323 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210570 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072498 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4820910 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10159E+01  0.20966E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43214E-01  0.12582E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72816E+00  0.22739E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  28481.9437     24.4403     16.4976
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15376E+01  0.36310E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  28482.1686     24.6652      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  28482.1697     24.6663      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  28482.2109     24.7075      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080838 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  28482.2142     24.7108      0.0033
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  28482.2143     24.7109      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -154755492814531.75 251525354701955.
+ def in m -7.9944643974304199 0.65552377700805664
+ dimensionless def  -1.87292507716587606E-6 2.28413268498011988E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0185977  0.2280056
+                  Compute divergence  28482.4150     24.9116      0.2006
+                        wsmp_cleanup  28482.4553     24.9519      0.0403
+              Reset surface geometry  28482.4602     24.9568      0.0049
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   28482.4684     24.9650      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  28482.4834     24.9800      0.0151
+                   Advect surface  1  28482.4836     24.9802      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  28482.6820     25.1787      0.1985
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  28482.8816     25.3782      0.1996
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  28483.1456     25.6422      0.2640
+                    Advect the cloud  28483.2984     25.7950      0.1528
+                        Write output  28484.1283     26.6249      0.8298
+                    End of time step  28484.9998     27.4965      0.8716
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     176  28485.0000
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  28485.0000      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  28485.0001      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16962points
+                      refine surface  28485.0001      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  28485.0251      0.0251      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16962points
+                          surface 02  28485.0433      0.0433      0.0182
+                                                                        S. 2:    16959points
+                      refine surface  28485.0434      0.0434      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  28485.0687      0.0687      0.0253
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16959points
+                          surface 03  28485.0866      0.0866      0.0179
+                                                                        S. 3:    16958points
+                      refine surface  28485.0868      0.0868      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  28485.1115      0.1115      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16958points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  28485.1362
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  28485.1365      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  28485.1523      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  28485.1738      0.0375      0.0214
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  28485.1745      0.0383      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  28485.1887      0.0524      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  28485.3108      0.1746      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  28485.4961      0.3598      0.1852
+                embedding surface  1  28485.4962      0.3600      0.0001
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  28487.4644      2.3281      1.9682
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  28489.5440      4.4078      2.0796
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  28493.0680      7.9318      3.5240
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  28493.0726      7.9364      0.0046
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  28493.4567      8.3205      0.3841
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  28493.6392      8.5030      0.1825
+                           Find void  28493.9121      8.7759      0.2729
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  28493.9407      8.8045      0.0286
+                         wsmp setup1  28493.9485      8.8122      0.0078
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  28494.9488      9.8126      1.0003
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  28494.9943
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  28494.9945      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38934E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  28502.9259      7.9316      7.9315
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0531690 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1476209 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7071960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4694941 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14366.0812217 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210859 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072801 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5062308 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10511E+01  0.18423E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95957E-01  0.11052E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76165E+00  0.24577E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  28519.4483     24.4539     16.5223
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35085E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  28519.6729     24.6786      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  28519.6741     24.6797      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  28519.7159     24.7216      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5888178 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  28519.7208
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  28519.7252      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.81282E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  28527.7264      8.0056      8.0012
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0515969 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1299710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7130859 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1800139 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14738.0571636 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072069 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2034302 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.13705E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48705E-01  0.10247E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76695E+00  0.22490E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  28543.9455     24.2247     16.2191
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12367E+01  0.18708E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  28544.1692     24.4484      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  28544.1703     24.4495      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  28544.2124     24.4916      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0708485 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  28544.2173
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  28544.2218      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  28552.2197      8.0024      7.9979
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0522280 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1390021 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7142332 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3970060 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14457.4534199 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210649 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072129 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4311612 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.15517E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37796E-01  0.11887E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74696E+00  0.23112E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  28568.6669     24.4496     16.4472
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13726E+01  0.31306E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  28568.8909     24.6736      0.2240
+                do leaf measurements  28568.8920     24.6747      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  28568.9340     24.7167      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361496 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  28568.9388
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  28568.9431      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  28576.8811      7.9424      7.9380
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0527539 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1504550 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7212350 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4131789 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14436.9666873 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1218700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071208 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4669960 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.17606E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37752E-01  0.12346E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73747E+00  0.22887E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  28593.3635     24.4247     16.4823
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14715E+01  0.35692E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  28593.5909     24.6521      0.2274
+                do leaf measurements  28593.5920     24.6532      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  28593.6338     24.6951      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159721 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  28593.6387
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  28593.6431      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  28601.6304      7.9917      7.9873
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0508029 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1258659 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7127609 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3918560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14463.9894082 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071409 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4097888 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10162E+01  0.19390E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40625E-01  0.12583E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73263E+00  0.22798E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  28618.0563     24.4176     16.4259
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15152E+01  0.36516E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  28618.2799     24.6412      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements  28618.2811     24.6424      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  28618.3232     24.6845      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107619 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  28618.3281
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  28618.3326      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  28626.2687      7.9406      7.9361
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0510371 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1254590 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7127090 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4678190 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14368.1797060 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213441 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071669 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4859312 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10159E+01  0.20955E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43006E-01  0.12589E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72802E+00  0.22766E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  28642.7703     24.4421     16.5015
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15370E+01  0.36247E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  28642.9956     24.6675      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements  28642.9967     24.6686      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  28643.0386     24.7104      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080832 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  28643.0416     24.7134      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  28643.0417     24.7136      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -155305835750668.03 252824670685799.16
+ def in m -7.9939498901367187 0.65291368961334229
+ dimensionless def  -1.86546768460954932E-6 2.28398568289620526E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0185120  0.2279899
+                  Compute divergence  28643.2569     24.9287      0.2151
+                        wsmp_cleanup  28643.2928     24.9647      0.0360
+              Reset surface geometry  28643.2976     24.9695      0.0048
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   28643.3058     24.9776      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  28643.3230     24.9948      0.0172
+                   Advect surface  1  28643.3231     24.9950      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  28643.5221     25.1940      0.1990
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  28643.7193     25.3912      0.1972
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  28643.9733     25.6452      0.2540
+                    Advect the cloud  28644.1267     25.7986      0.1534
+                        Write output  28644.9597     26.6316      0.8330
+                    End of time step  28645.8320     27.5038      0.8723
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     177  28645.8321
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  28645.8322      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  28645.8322      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16961points
+                      refine surface  28645.8322      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  28645.8571      0.0250      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16961points
+                          surface 02  28645.8752      0.0431      0.0181
+                                                                        S. 2:    16959points
+                      refine surface  28645.8753      0.0432      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  28645.9016      0.0695      0.0263
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  28645.9237      0.0916      0.0220
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  28645.9488      0.1167      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16960points
+                          surface 03  28645.9669      0.1348      0.0181
+                                                                        S. 3:    16958points
+                      refine surface  28645.9670      0.1349      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  28645.9917      0.1596      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16958points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  28646.0165
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  28646.0168      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  28646.0327      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  28646.0545      0.0379      0.0218
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  28646.0552      0.0387      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  28646.0694      0.0529      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  28646.1916      0.1751      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  28646.3770      0.3605      0.1854
+                embedding surface  1  28646.3772      0.3607      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  28648.3236      2.3070      1.9463
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  28650.3981      4.3816      2.0746
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  28653.9208      7.9042      3.5226
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  28653.9254      7.9089      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  28654.3355      8.3190      0.4101
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  28654.5213      8.5048      0.1858
+                           Find void  28654.7903      8.7738      0.2690
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  28654.8187      8.8022      0.0284
+                         wsmp setup1  28654.8259      8.8093      0.0072
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  28655.8408      9.8243      1.0149
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  28655.8890
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  28655.8892      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  28663.8079      7.9189      7.9187
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0536659 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1414449 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7145000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4706619 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14364.6186784 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211779 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070560 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5088880 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10356E+01  0.18398E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.96169E-01  0.11086E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76153E+00  0.24736E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  28680.3325     24.4435     16.5246
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35095E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  28680.5875     24.6985      0.2549
+                do leaf measurements  28680.5886     24.6996      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  28680.6298     24.7407      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5890179 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  28680.6345
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  28680.6390      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.80601E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  28688.6297      7.9952      7.9907
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0531051 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1286049 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7117469 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3834500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14474.6701064 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212878 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070260 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4055810 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.13683E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48477E-01  0.10219E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76706E+00  0.22596E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  28705.0512     24.4167     16.4215
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12360E+01  0.18313E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  28705.2752     24.6407      0.2240
+                do leaf measurements  28705.2763     24.6418      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  28705.3180     24.6834      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0710542 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  28705.3228
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  28705.3274      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  28713.3372      8.0143      8.0098
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0507421 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1359549 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7150409 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3974390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14456.9042073 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211689 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070710 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4277868 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.15509E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37758E-01  0.11865E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74659E+00  0.23186E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  28729.7808     24.4579     16.4436
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13718E+01  0.31244E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  28730.0047     24.6819      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  28730.0058     24.6830      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  28730.0470     24.7241      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362024 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  28730.0517
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  28730.0561      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  28737.9929      7.9411      7.9368
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0552070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1540229 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7213781 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4305031 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14415.0858454 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1220210 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069339 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4904392 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.17600E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37636E-01  0.12330E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73722E+00  0.22937E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  28754.4997     24.4480     16.5068
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14706E+01  0.35644E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  28754.7272     24.6754      0.2275
+                do leaf measurements  28754.7283     24.6766      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  28754.7694     24.7177      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158811 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  28754.7743
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  28754.7787      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  28762.7784      8.0042      7.9998
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0498061 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1245890 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7128730 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3804190 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14478.5252322 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212060 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069048 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3961618 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10162E+01  0.19385E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40528E-01  0.12576E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73244E+00  0.22833E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  28779.1905     24.4162     16.4120
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15144E+01  0.36462E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  28779.4149     24.6406      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  28779.4160     24.6417      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  28779.4575     24.6832      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107318 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  28779.4623
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  28779.4668      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  28787.4124      7.9500      7.9456
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0512180 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1267531 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7133851 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4375191 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14406.2434184 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212251 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070581 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4575369 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10159E+01  0.20951E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42952E-01  0.12578E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72791E+00  0.22780E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  28803.8857     24.4233     16.4733
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15360E+01  0.36174E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  28804.1105     24.6482      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  28804.1116     24.6493      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  28804.1529     24.6905      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080834 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  28804.1558     24.6935      0.0029
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  28804.1560     24.6936      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -155859581576532.97 254118349144509.41
+ def in m -7.9944014549255371 0.65854179859161377
+ dimensionless def  -1.8815479959760395E-6 2.28411470140729636E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0186683  0.2280047
+                  Compute divergence  28804.3620     24.8997      0.2061
+                        wsmp_cleanup  28804.3981     24.9358      0.0361
+              Reset surface geometry  28804.4030     24.9406      0.0049
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   28804.4111     24.9487      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  28804.4282     24.9659      0.0172
+                   Advect surface  1  28804.4284     24.9660      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  28804.6226     25.1603      0.1943
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  28804.8215     25.3591      0.1988
+                                                                        S. 3:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  28805.0769     25.6146      0.2555
+                    Advect the cloud  28805.2309     25.7686      0.1540
+                        Write output  28806.0638     26.6014      0.8328
+                    End of time step  28806.9371     27.4748      0.8734
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     178  28806.9373
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  28806.9373      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  28806.9374      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16961points
+                      refine surface  28806.9374      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  28806.9632      0.0259      0.0258
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16961points
+                          surface 02  28806.9813      0.0440      0.0181
+                                                                        S. 2:    16960points
+                      refine surface  28806.9814      0.0442      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  28807.0064      0.0691      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16960points
+                          surface 03  28807.0250      0.0877      0.0186
+                                                                        S. 3:    16958points
+                      refine surface  28807.0251      0.0878      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  28807.0518      0.1145      0.0267
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  28807.0743      0.1371      0.0226
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  28807.0993      0.1620      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16960points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  28807.1244
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  28807.1246      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  28807.1405      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  28807.1623      0.0380      0.0218
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  28807.1631      0.0387      0.0007
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  28807.1772      0.0528      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  28807.2994      0.1750      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  28807.4863      0.3619      0.1869
+                embedding surface  1  28807.4865      0.3621      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  28809.4439      2.3196      1.9575
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  28811.5163      4.3920      2.0724
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  28815.0398      7.9155      3.5235
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  28815.0445      7.9201      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  28815.4577      8.3334      0.4132
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  28815.6293      8.5049      0.1716
+                           Find void  28815.9066      8.7823      0.2773
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  28815.9361      8.8118      0.0295
+                         wsmp setup1  28815.9435      8.8192      0.0074
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  28816.9579      9.8336      1.0144
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  28817.0044
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  28817.0045      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  28824.9137      7.9093      7.9091
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0544081 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1337662 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7143462 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4644659 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14372.3821011 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213851 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072458 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4959760 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10325E+01  0.18404E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.96272E-01  0.11012E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76158E+00  0.24524E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  28841.4252     24.4208     16.5115
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35092E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  28841.6498     24.6454      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  28841.6509     24.6465      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  28841.6936     24.6892      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5889322 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  28841.6986
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  28841.7032      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.81014E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  28849.6854      7.9869      7.9823
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0505059 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1389771 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7142220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3770781 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14482.7769537 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072532 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4098220 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.13697E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48783E-01  0.10223E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76719E+00  0.22455E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  28866.1111     24.4125     16.4257
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12356E+01  0.18002E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  28866.3353     24.6367      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  28866.3364     24.6378      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  28866.3791     24.6805      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0712447 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  28866.3841
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  28866.3888      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  28874.4036      8.0195      8.0149
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0509820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1333041 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7129769 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3858311 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14471.6430599 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072649 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4117792 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.15520E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37562E-01  0.11869E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74651E+00  0.23115E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  28890.8310     24.4469     16.4274
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13718E+01  0.31249E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  28891.0552     24.6711      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  28891.0563     24.6721      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  28891.0990     24.7148      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361872 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  28891.1039
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  28891.1085      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  28899.0442      7.9403      7.9357
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0536571 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1433780 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7195749 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4313941 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14413.9623244 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1219358 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072629 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4775569 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.17608E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37854E-01  0.12335E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73721E+00  0.22901E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  28915.5374     24.4335     16.4932
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14710E+01  0.35666E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  28915.7644     24.6605      0.2270
+                do leaf measurements  28915.7655     24.6616      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  28915.8082     24.7043      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158616 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  28915.8132
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  28915.8179      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  28923.8272      8.0140      8.0094
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0533431 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1329138 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7143600 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3863299 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14471.0091379 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072191 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4157300 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10163E+01  0.19392E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40721E-01  0.12580E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73250E+00  0.22806E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  28940.2584     24.4452     16.4312
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15150E+01  0.36492E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  28940.4832     24.6700      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  28940.4842     24.6710      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  28940.5274     24.7142      0.0431
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107267 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  28940.5325
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  28940.5372      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  28948.4953      7.9628      7.9581
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0530682 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1245189 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7165849 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4240000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14423.2916244 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212862 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072839 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4470880 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10160E+01  0.20958E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43130E-01  0.12581E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72798E+00  0.22759E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  28964.9584     24.4259     16.4631
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15367E+01  0.36226E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  28965.1833     24.6508      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  28965.1844     24.6519      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  28965.2271     24.6946      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080908 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  28965.2302     24.6978      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  28965.2304     24.6979      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -156416159959662.84 255405459116190.31
+ def in m -7.9992313385009766 0.661529541015625
+ dimensionless def  -1.89008440290178566E-6 2.28549466814313614E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0187433  0.2281480
+                  Compute divergence  28965.4375     24.9050      0.2070
+                        wsmp_cleanup  28965.4735     24.9410      0.0361
+              Reset surface geometry  28965.4783     24.9458      0.0047
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   28965.4864     24.9539      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  28965.5037     24.9712      0.0174
+                   Advect surface  1  28965.5039     24.9714      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  28965.7030     25.1705      0.1992
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  28965.9025     25.3700      0.1995
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  28966.1601     25.6276      0.2575
+                    Advect the cloud  28966.3136     25.7811      0.1535
+                        Write output  28967.1479     26.6154      0.8343
+                    End of time step  28968.0256     27.4931      0.8777
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     179  28968.0258
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  28968.0258      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  28968.0259      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16961points
+                      refine surface  28968.0259      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  28968.0511      0.0253      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16961points
+                          surface 02  28968.0694      0.0436      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 2:    16960points
+                      refine surface  28968.0695      0.0438      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  28968.0943      0.0685      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16960points
+                          surface 03  28968.1127      0.0869      0.0184
+                                                                        S. 3:    16960points
+                      refine surface  28968.1128      0.0871      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  28968.1369      0.1112      0.0241
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16960points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  28968.1624
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  28968.1626      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  28968.1784      0.0161      0.0158
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  28968.2007      0.0383      0.0222
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  28968.2015      0.0391      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  28968.2156      0.0532      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  28968.3377      0.1754      0.1221
+             Imbed surface in osolve  28968.5241      0.3617      0.1863
+                embedding surface  1  28968.5243      0.3619      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  28970.4854      2.3231      1.9612
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  28972.5712      4.4088      2.0857
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  28976.0978      7.9355      3.5266
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  28976.1025      7.9402      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  28976.5197      8.3574      0.4172
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  28976.6566      8.4943      0.1369
+                           Find void  28976.9292      8.7668      0.2726
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  28976.9585      8.7961      0.0293
+                         wsmp setup1  28976.9661      8.8037      0.0076
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  28977.9848      9.8225      1.0188
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  28978.0324
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  28978.0325      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38934E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  28985.9361      7.9037      7.9035
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0557501 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1290379 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7111919 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4564180 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14382.4783049 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210048 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071800 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4811540 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10590E+01  0.18368E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.96272E-01  0.11103E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76142E+00  0.24554E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  29002.4323     24.3999     16.4962
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35073E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  29002.6573     24.6249      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  29002.6584     24.6260      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  29002.7002     24.6678      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5897509 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  29002.7052
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  29002.7098      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.81118E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  29010.6783      7.9731      7.9686
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0504761 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1342368 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7148070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3767149 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14483.2392016 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1220441 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071681 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4058161 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.13640E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48687E-01  0.10185E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76708E+00  0.22493E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  29027.0999     24.3947     16.4216
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12343E+01  0.17966E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  29027.3259     24.6207      0.2260
+                do leaf measurements  29027.3269     24.6218      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  29027.3687     24.6636      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0715400 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  29027.3737
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  29027.3783      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  29035.3953      8.0216      8.0170
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0522211 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1337140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7150869 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3869770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14470.1868189 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213341 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071950 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4169240 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.15484E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37599E-01  0.11843E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74598E+00  0.23173E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  29051.8278     24.4541     16.4325
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13703E+01  0.31094E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  29052.0521     24.6784      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements  29052.0532     24.6795      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  29052.0950     24.7213      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361702 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  29052.0999
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  29052.1045      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  29060.0452      7.9453      7.9408
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0520389 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1529109 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7227919 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4533851 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14386.2868685 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071630 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5097680 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.17582E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37746E-01  0.12317E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73679E+00  0.22924E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  29076.5705     24.4706     16.5253
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14698E+01  0.35551E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  29076.7958     24.6958      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements  29076.7969     24.6969      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  29076.8387     24.7388      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159137 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  29076.8437
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  29076.8483      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  29084.8562      8.0125      8.0079
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0504930 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1405568 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7119741 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3767719 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14483.1666605 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210749 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072141 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4084582 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10164E+01  0.19369E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40628E-01  0.12569E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73213E+00  0.22831E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  29101.2808     24.4371     16.4246
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15139E+01  0.36393E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  29101.5045     24.6608      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  29101.5056     24.6619      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  29101.5478     24.7041      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107328 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  29101.5528
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  29101.5575      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  29109.5250      7.9722      7.9675
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0508680 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1321940 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7146919 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4124789 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14437.8521945 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211431 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071831 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4389310 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10160E+01  0.20932E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43039E-01  0.12572E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72769E+00  0.22783E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  29125.9798     24.4270     16.4548
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15355E+01  0.36128E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  29126.2046     24.6518      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  29126.2057     24.6529      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  29126.2475     24.6947      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080830 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  29126.2508     24.6980      0.0033
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  29126.2510     24.6982      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -156961476302468.91 256698757311614.81
+ def in m -7.998816967010498 0.65913182497024536
+ dimensionless def  -1.88323378562927229E-6 2.28537627628871398E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0186644  0.2281373
+                  Compute divergence  29126.4487     24.8958      0.1977
+                        wsmp_cleanup  29126.4944     24.9416      0.0457
+              Reset surface geometry  29126.4993     24.9464      0.0049
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   29126.5068     24.9539      0.0075
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  29126.5200     24.9672      0.0132
+                   Advect surface  1  29126.5202     24.9673      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  29126.7186     25.1658      0.1984
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  29126.9160     25.3632      0.1974
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  29127.1732     25.6204      0.2572
+                    Advect the cloud  29127.3273     25.7745      0.1541
+                        Write output  29128.1576     26.6048      0.8303
+                    End of time step  29129.0374     27.4846      0.8798
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     180  29129.0375
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  29129.0376      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  29129.0376      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16961points
+                      refine surface  29129.0377      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  29129.0618      0.0242      0.0241
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16961points
+                          surface 02  29129.0808      0.0432      0.0190
+                                                                        S. 2:    16960points
+                      refine surface  29129.0809      0.0434      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  29129.1048      0.0673      0.0239
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16960points
+                          surface 03  29129.1241      0.0866      0.0193
+                                                                        S. 3:    16960points
+                      refine surface  29129.1243      0.0867      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  29129.1483      0.1108      0.0240
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16960points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  29129.1736
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  29129.1739      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  29129.1897      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  29129.2117      0.0381      0.0220
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  29129.2125      0.0389      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  29129.2267      0.0530      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  29129.3494      0.1758      0.1227
+             Imbed surface in osolve  29129.5366      0.3629      0.1872
+                embedding surface  1  29129.5368      0.3631      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  29131.5000      2.3263      1.9632
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  29133.5643      4.3907      2.0643
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  29137.1046      7.9310      3.5403
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  29137.1094      7.9357      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  29137.5547      8.3810      0.4453
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  29137.6691      8.4955      0.1144
+                           Find void  29137.9457      8.7720      0.2766
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  29137.9752      8.8016      0.0296
+                         wsmp setup1  29137.9831      8.8095      0.0079
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  29139.0026      9.8289      1.0194
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  29139.0502
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  29139.0503      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38934E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  29146.9591      7.9089      7.9088
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0518100 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1325898 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7145569 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4365139 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14407.5096052 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211171 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072672 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4642279 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10604E+01  0.18401E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95742E-01  0.11119E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76135E+00  0.24465E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  29163.4388     24.3886     16.4796
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35073E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  29163.6637     24.6135      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  29163.6647     24.6145      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  29163.7072     24.6571      0.0425
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5894483 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  29163.7122
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  29163.7168      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.82325E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  29171.6738      7.9616      7.9570
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0492442 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1294491 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7221801 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3667550 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14495.9299069 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214640 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071988 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3966410 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.13682E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48570E-01  0.10179E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76699E+00  0.22416E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  29188.0868     24.3746     16.4130
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12359E+01  0.18027E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  29188.3122     24.6000      0.2254
+                do leaf measurements  29188.3132     24.6010      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  29188.3558     24.6436      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0715929 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  29188.3608
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  29188.3655      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  29196.3810      8.0202      8.0156
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0507782 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1335452 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7167201 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3773870 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14482.3836261 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211400 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072761 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4072120 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.15506E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37312E-01  0.11843E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74639E+00  0.23131E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  29212.8043     24.4434     16.4232
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13716E+01  0.31202E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  29213.0286     24.6677      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements  29213.0296     24.6688      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  29213.0723     24.7114      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361963 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  29213.0772
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  29213.0818      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  29221.0152      7.9379      7.9333
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0522120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1586640 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7198980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4583750 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14380.0219668 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209948 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072298 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5177388 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.17599E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37777E-01  0.12315E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73709E+00  0.22910E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  29237.5488     24.4715     16.5336
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14709E+01  0.35658E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  29237.7734     24.6961      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  29237.7744     24.6972      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  29237.8173     24.7401      0.0429
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158936 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  29237.8223
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  29237.8269      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  29245.8345      8.0122      8.0077
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0535369 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1336229 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7206340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3756049 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14484.6525339 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211832 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072789 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4122200 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10163E+01  0.19382E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40659E-01  0.12561E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73240E+00  0.22813E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  29262.2625     24.4401     16.4279
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15146E+01  0.36469E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  29262.4873     24.6649      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  29262.4883     24.6660      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  29262.5314     24.7090      0.0430
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107356 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  29262.5365
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  29262.5412      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  29270.5124      7.9758      7.9712
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0497570 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1332991 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7153010 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3959939 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14458.7373973 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209321 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071740 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4228101 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10160E+01  0.20948E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43083E-01  0.12564E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72789E+00  0.22768E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  29286.9509     24.4143     16.4385
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15362E+01  0.36198E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  29287.1747     24.6382      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  29287.1758     24.6392      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  29287.2184     24.6819      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080912 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  29287.2216     24.6851      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  29287.2218     24.6853      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -157509938574832.47 257987077436161.25
+ def in m -8.0012788772583008 0.66174197196960449
+ dimensionless def  -1.89069134848458428E-6 2.28607967921665732E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0187313  0.2282141
+                  Compute divergence  29287.4315     24.8949      0.2097
+                        wsmp_cleanup  29287.4676     24.9311      0.0361
+              Reset surface geometry  29287.4725     24.9359      0.0049
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   29287.4805     24.9440      0.0080
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  29287.4978     24.9613      0.0173
+                   Advect surface  1  29287.4979     24.9614      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  29287.6899     25.1534      0.1920
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  29287.8896     25.3531      0.1997
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  29288.1439     25.6073      0.2543
+                    Advect the cloud  29288.3000     25.7635      0.1561
+                        Write output  29289.1349     26.5983      0.8349
+                    End of time step  29290.0131     27.4765      0.8782
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     181  29290.0132
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  29290.0133      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  29290.0133      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16961points
+                      refine surface  29290.0134      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  29290.0397      0.0265      0.0264
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  29290.0627      0.0495      0.0230
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  29290.0871      0.0739      0.0245
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16963points
+                          surface 02  29290.1062      0.0930      0.0191
+                                                                        S. 2:    16960points
+                      refine surface  29290.1063      0.0931      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  29290.1315      0.1183      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  29290.1546      0.1414      0.0232
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  29290.1790      0.1658      0.0244
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16961points
+                          surface 03  29290.1979      0.1847      0.0190
+                                                                        S. 3:    16960points
+                      refine surface  29290.1981      0.1849      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  29290.2232      0.2100      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  29290.2464      0.2332      0.0232
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  29290.2706      0.2574      0.0242
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16961points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  29290.2956
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  29290.2958      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  29290.3117      0.0161      0.0158
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  29290.3339      0.0383      0.0222
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  29290.3347      0.0391      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  29290.3488      0.0532      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  29290.4710      0.1754      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  29290.6602      0.3646      0.1892
+                embedding surface  1  29290.6604      0.3648      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  29292.6180      2.3225      1.9577
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  29294.6950      4.3994      2.0769
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  29298.2621      7.9665      3.5671
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  29298.2669      7.9713      0.0048
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  29298.7421      8.4465      0.4753
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  29298.8277      8.5321      0.0856
+                           Find void  29299.1016      8.8061      0.2739
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  29299.1311      8.8355      0.0294
+                         wsmp setup1  29299.1385      8.8429      0.0074
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  29300.1617      9.8661      1.0232
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  29300.2101
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  29300.2102      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38934E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  29308.1310      7.9209      7.9208
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0533891 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1266079 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7136331 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4284770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14417.6414032 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072501 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4508221 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10805E+01  0.18421E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95926E-01  0.11099E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76154E+00  0.24664E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  29324.5969     24.3868     16.4659
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35091E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  29324.8223     24.6122      0.2254
+                do leaf measurements  29324.8234     24.6133      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  29324.8660     24.6560      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5895521 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  29324.8712
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  29324.8758      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.81088E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  29332.8221      7.9510      7.9463
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0527549 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1339600 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7205899 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3711998 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14490.2636575 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217949 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071859 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4078829 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.13695E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48460E-01  0.10188E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76718E+00  0.22558E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  29349.2456     24.3744     16.4235
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12360E+01  0.18257E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  29349.4729     24.6018      0.2273
+                do leaf measurements  29349.4740     24.6029      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  29349.5166     24.6455      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0715436 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  29349.5217
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  29349.5264      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  29357.5284      8.0067      8.0021
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0528789 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1357532 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7174971 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3840189 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14473.9467978 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211331 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072119 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4189169 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.15515E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37527E-01  0.11837E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74648E+00  0.23179E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  29373.9631     24.4414     16.4347
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13723E+01  0.31275E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  29374.1879     24.6662      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  29374.1889     24.6672      0.0009
+       compute convergence criterion  29374.2317     24.7100      0.0428
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361357 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  29374.2367
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  29374.2414      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  29382.1684      7.9316      7.9270
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0556550 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1625640 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7123790 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4662640 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14370.1282073 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214559 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072491 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5259931 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.17602E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37697E-01  0.12308E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73716E+00  0.22938E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  29398.7099     24.4731     16.5415
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14712E+01  0.35707E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  29398.9344     24.6977      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  29398.9355     24.6987      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  29398.9782     24.7414      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158955 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  29398.9833
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  29398.9880      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  29406.9878      8.0045      7.9998
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0495551 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1347239 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7140129 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3798180 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14479.2899514 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212380 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072129 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4069669 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10163E+01  0.19384E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40614E-01  0.12558E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73244E+00  0.22837E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  29423.4102     24.4269     16.4223
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15148E+01  0.36512E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  29423.6349     24.6516      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  29423.6360     24.6527      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  29423.6791     24.6958      0.0430
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107201 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  29423.6843
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  29423.6890      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  29431.6779      7.9936      7.9888
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0496612 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1281278 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7164609 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4084780 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14442.9154847 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211951 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073991 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4317422 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10160E+01  0.20950E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43037E-01  0.12565E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72792E+00  0.22789E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  29448.1250     24.4407     16.4471
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15366E+01  0.36248E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  29448.3503     24.6660      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements  29448.3514     24.6671      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  29448.3942     24.7099      0.0428
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080841 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  29448.3974     24.7131      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  29448.3975     24.7132      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -158052455568114.22 259277789037206.44
+ def in m -8.0006580352783203 0.6596914529800415
+ dimensionless def  -1.8848327228001186E-6 2.2859022957938057E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0186625  0.2281966
+                  Compute divergence  29448.6050     24.9207      0.2074
+                        wsmp_cleanup  29448.6410     24.9567      0.0361
+              Reset surface geometry  29448.6460     24.9617      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   29448.6540     24.9697      0.0080
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  29448.6714     24.9871      0.0174
+                   Advect surface  1  29448.6716     24.9873      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  29448.8613     25.1770      0.1897
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  29449.0604     25.3761      0.1992
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  29449.3170     25.6327      0.2565
+                    Advect the cloud  29449.4731     25.7888      0.1562
+                        Write output  29450.3091     26.6248      0.8360
+                    End of time step  29451.1965     27.5122      0.8874
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     182  29451.1967
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  29451.1967      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  29451.1968      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16963points
+                      refine surface  29451.1968      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  29451.2225      0.0258      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16963points
+                          surface 02  29451.2411      0.0445      0.0187
+                                                                        S. 2:    16961points
+                      refine surface  29451.2413      0.0446      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  29451.2662      0.0695      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16961points
+                          surface 03  29451.2842      0.0876      0.0180
+                                                                        S. 3:    16961points
+                      refine surface  29451.2844      0.0877      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  29451.3092      0.1126      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16961points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  29451.3334
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  29451.3337      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  29451.3495      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  29451.3716      0.0382      0.0221
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  29451.3723      0.0389      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  29451.3865      0.0531      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  29451.5086      0.1752      0.1221
+             Imbed surface in osolve  29451.6967      0.3633      0.1881
+                embedding surface  1  29451.6969      0.3635      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  29453.6506      2.3172      1.9537
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  29455.7343      4.4009      2.0836
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  29459.3099      7.9765      3.5756
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  29459.3146      7.9812      0.0048
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  29459.7967      8.4633      0.4820
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  29459.8761      8.5427      0.0794
+                           Find void  29460.1461      8.8127      0.2700
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  29460.1752      8.8418      0.0291
+                         wsmp setup1  29460.1831      8.8497      0.0079
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  29461.2078      9.8744      1.0247
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  29461.2564
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  29461.2565      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  29469.1890      7.9326      7.9325
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0578289 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1312568 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7147942 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4125340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14437.7825202 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212599 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071981 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4452641 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10927E+01  0.18443E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.96559E-01  0.11168E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76135E+00  0.24749E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  29485.6497     24.3933     16.4607
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35087E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  29485.8747     24.6183      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  29485.8758     24.6195      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  29485.9175     24.6612      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5895313 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  29485.9223
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  29485.9266      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.80193E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  29493.8656      7.9433      7.9390
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0508230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1353970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7207019 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3749540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14485.4813557 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216722 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071962 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4111300 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.13704E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48396E-01  0.10174E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76704E+00  0.22612E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  29510.2921     24.3698     16.4265
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12358E+01  0.18104E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  29510.5194     24.5971      0.2273
+                do leaf measurements  29510.5205     24.5982      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  29510.5622     24.6399      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0715325 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  29510.5670
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  29510.5714      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  29518.5629      7.9959      7.9915
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0533199 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1443059 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7162740 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3766401 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14483.3345079 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209259 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071819 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4190230 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.15517E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37664E-01  0.11832E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74641E+00  0.23214E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  29534.9975     24.4305     16.4346
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13715E+01  0.31210E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  29535.2217     24.6548      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  29535.2229     24.6559      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  29535.2645     24.6976      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360566 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  29535.2693
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  29535.2737      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  29543.2072      7.9379      7.9336
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0521119 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1511362 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7190320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4630010 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14374.2187313 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211100 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070860 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5138400 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.17608E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37561E-01  0.12311E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73708E+00  0.22952E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  29559.7364     24.4671     16.5292
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14709E+01  0.35685E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  29559.9614     24.6921      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  29559.9626     24.6933      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  29560.0042     24.7349      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0160266 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  29560.0090
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  29560.0134      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  29568.0040      7.9950      7.9906
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0523779 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1361010 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7122989 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3830869 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14475.1318369 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212010 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072019 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4126451 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10162E+01  0.19386E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40498E-01  0.12564E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73240E+00  0.22850E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  29584.4318     24.4228     16.4279
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15147E+01  0.36514E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  29584.6569     24.6479      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  29584.6580     24.6490      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  29584.6999     24.6909      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107337 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  29584.7048
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  29584.7093      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  29592.7089      8.0041      7.9996
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0550859 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1368940 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7139890 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4010141 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14452.3708663 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212699 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072310 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4358790 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10158E+01  0.20948E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42941E-01  0.12572E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72788E+00  0.22785E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  29609.1606     24.4558     16.4517
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15364E+01  0.36238E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  29609.3853     24.6805      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  29609.3865     24.6817      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  29609.4280     24.7232      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080818 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  29609.4310     24.7262      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  29609.4312     24.7264      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -158601011046575.09 260561538650091.16
+ def in m -8.0033903121948242 0.66291224956512451
+ dimensionless def  -1.89403499875749849E-6 2.28668294634137841E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0187442  0.2282783
+                  Compute divergence  29609.6412     24.9364      0.2100
+                        wsmp_cleanup  29609.6776     24.9728      0.0364
+              Reset surface geometry  29609.6825     24.9777      0.0049
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   29609.6905     24.9857      0.0080
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  29609.7080     25.0031      0.0174
+                   Advect surface  1  29609.7081     25.0033      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  29609.9084     25.2036      0.2003
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  29610.0981     25.3933      0.1897
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  29610.3512     25.6464      0.2531
+                    Advect the cloud  29610.5082     25.8034      0.1569
+                        Write output  29611.3458     26.6409      0.8376
+                    End of time step  29612.2256     27.5208      0.8799
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     183  29612.2257
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  29612.2258      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  29612.2258      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16963points
+                      refine surface  29612.2259      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  29612.2514      0.0256      0.0255
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16963points
+                          surface 02  29612.2697      0.0439      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 2:    16961points
+                      refine surface  29612.2698      0.0441      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  29612.2957      0.0700      0.0259
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  29612.3180      0.0923      0.0223
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  29612.3431      0.1174      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16962points
+                          surface 03  29612.3612      0.1355      0.0181
+                                                                        S. 3:    16961points
+                      refine surface  29612.3614      0.1356      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  29612.3866      0.1608      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16961points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  29612.4108
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  29612.4111      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  29612.4269      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  29612.4489      0.0380      0.0219
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  29612.4496      0.0388      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  29612.4638      0.0529      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  29612.5860      0.1751      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  29612.7741      0.3632      0.1881
+                embedding surface  1  29612.7742      0.3634      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  29614.7423      2.3315      1.9681
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  29616.8484      4.4376      2.1061
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  29620.4497      8.0389      3.6013
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  29620.4550      8.0442      0.0053
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  29620.9339      8.5231      0.4789
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  29621.0020      8.5911      0.0680
+                           Find void  29621.2755      8.8647      0.2736
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  29621.3052      8.8944      0.0297
+                         wsmp setup1  29621.3128      8.9019      0.0075
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  29622.3341      9.9233      1.0214
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  29622.3822
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  29622.3823      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38934E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  29630.3347      7.9525      7.9523
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0559380 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1337039 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7125762 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3949850 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14460.0176696 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207099 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070810 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4253771 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10699E+01  0.18473E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.96555E-01  0.11179E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76157E+00  0.24858E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  29646.7756     24.3934     16.4409
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35124E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  29647.0002     24.6180      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  29647.0014     24.6191      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  29647.0437     24.6615      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5891747 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  29647.0487
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  29647.0533      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79684E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  29654.9907      7.9420      7.9374
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0513291 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1620839 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7238789 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3823080 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14476.1223984 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214669 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069740 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4483931 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.13740E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48615E-01  0.10190E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76719E+00  0.22675E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  29671.4540     24.4053     16.4633
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12365E+01  0.18131E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  29671.6821     24.6334      0.2281
+                do leaf measurements  29671.6832     24.6346      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  29671.7255     24.6768      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0712400 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  29671.7305
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  29671.7352      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  29679.7175      7.9870      7.9823
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0522680 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1371419 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7157240 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3808649 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14477.9580394 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208138 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071328 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4143050 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.15535E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37590E-01  0.11848E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74681E+00  0.23205E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  29696.1477     24.4171     16.4301
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13725E+01  0.31309E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  29696.3725     24.6419      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  29696.3736     24.6431      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  29696.4161     24.6856      0.0425
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360540 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  29696.4213
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  29696.4260      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  29704.3612      7.9399      7.9352
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0553041 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1379988 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7167220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4645381 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14372.2915372 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070200 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5028820 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10166E+01  0.17617E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37670E-01  0.12318E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73743E+00  0.22931E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  29720.8796     24.4583     16.5184
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14715E+01  0.35735E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  29721.1042     24.6830      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  29721.1054     24.6841      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  29721.1476     24.7264      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159869 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  29721.1526
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  29721.1573      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  29729.1390      7.9863      7.9817
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0527780 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1344359 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7142379 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3791802 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14480.1014731 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208639 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070870 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4089520 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10163E+01  0.19399E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40583E-01  0.12571E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73266E+00  0.22835E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  29745.5637     24.4111     16.4247
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15156E+01  0.36582E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  29745.7876     24.6349      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  29745.7887     24.6360      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  29745.8309     24.6782      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107223 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  29745.8359
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  29745.8406      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  29753.8490      8.0130      8.0084
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0531979 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1367121 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7110100 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3945949 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14460.5126561 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069740 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4238920 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10159E+01  0.20961E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43044E-01  0.12569E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72812E+00  0.22772E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  29770.2884     24.4525     16.4394
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15373E+01  0.36292E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  29770.5124     24.6765      0.2240
+                do leaf measurements  29770.5136     24.6777      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  29770.5557     24.7198      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080937 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  29770.5590     24.7231      0.0033
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  29770.5592     24.7233      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -159143718064484.72 261845012762466.31
+ def in m -8.0052690505981445 0.66518175601959229
+ dimensionless def  -1.90051930291312077E-6 2.28721972874232693E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0187995  0.2283359
+                  Compute divergence  29770.7676     24.9317      0.2084
+                        wsmp_cleanup  29770.8037     24.9678      0.0361
+              Reset surface geometry  29770.8086     24.9727      0.0049
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   29770.8167     24.9808      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  29770.8343     24.9983      0.0175
+                   Advect surface  1  29770.8344     24.9985      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  29771.0268     25.1909      0.1924
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  29771.2256     25.3897      0.1988
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  29771.4792     25.6433      0.2536
+                    Advect the cloud  29771.6346     25.7987      0.1554
+                        Write output  29772.4769     26.6410      0.8423
+                    End of time step  29773.3572     27.5212      0.8802
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     184  29773.3573
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  29773.3574      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  29773.3574      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16963points
+                      refine surface  29773.3575      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  29773.3841      0.0267      0.0266
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  29773.4063      0.0490      0.0223
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  29773.4313      0.0740      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16964points
+                          surface 02  29773.4497      0.0924      0.0184
+                                                                        S. 2:    16962points
+                      refine surface  29773.4498      0.0925      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  29773.4739      0.1166      0.0241
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16962points
+                          surface 03  29773.4928      0.1355      0.0189
+                                                                        S. 3:    16961points
+                      refine surface  29773.4930      0.1357      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  29773.5170      0.1597      0.0241
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16961points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  29773.5425
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  29773.5427      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  29773.5586      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  29773.5808      0.0383      0.0221
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  29773.5815      0.0390      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  29773.5957      0.0532      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  29773.7178      0.1753      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  29773.9066      0.3641      0.1888
+                embedding surface  1  29773.9068      0.3643      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  29775.8795      2.3370      1.9727
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  29778.0029      4.4604      2.1234
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  29781.5869      8.0444      3.5840
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  29781.5924      8.0499      0.0055
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  29782.0711      8.5286      0.4787
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  29782.1358      8.5933      0.0647
+                           Find void  29782.4100      8.8675      0.2741
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  29782.4398      8.8973      0.0298
+                         wsmp setup1  29782.4475      8.9050      0.0077
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  29783.4673      9.9248      1.0199
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  29783.5151
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  29783.5152      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38934E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  29791.4799      7.9648      7.9646
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0558028 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1290350 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7165639 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3996201 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14454.1382137 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214039 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071900 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4300230 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10514E+01  0.18506E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.96188E-01  0.11082E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76210E+00  0.24632E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  29807.9256     24.4105     16.4458
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35075E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  29808.1501     24.6350      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  29808.1512     24.6361      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  29808.1942     24.6791      0.0430
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5901391 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  29808.1992
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  29808.2038      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.81397E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  29816.1407      7.9415      7.9368
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0534770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1568079 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7227809 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4033890 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14449.3609932 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1219561 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071690 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4659791 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.13775E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48672E-01  0.10206E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76755E+00  0.22530E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  29832.6218     24.4226     16.4812
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12365E+01  0.18156E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  29832.8502     24.6510      0.2284
+                do leaf measurements  29832.8513     24.6521      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  29832.8943     24.6951      0.0430
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0720106 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  29832.8994
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  29832.9040      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  29840.8783      7.9790      7.9743
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0540581 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1388910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7181070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3812451 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14477.4742923 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213889 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073121 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4214051 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.15571E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37603E-01  0.11865E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74690E+00  0.23167E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  29857.3155     24.4161     16.4372
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13733E+01  0.31359E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  29857.5402     24.6409      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  29857.5413     24.6420      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  29857.5847     24.6854      0.0434
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361786 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  29857.5899
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  29857.5946      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  29865.5247      7.9348      7.9301
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0536540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1358190 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7166171 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4508071 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14389.5257788 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072041 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4860899 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10166E+01  0.17645E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37755E-01  0.12327E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73754E+00  0.22932E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  29882.0263     24.4364     16.5016
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14725E+01  0.35824E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  29882.2522     24.6623      0.2259
+                do leaf measurements  29882.2533     24.6634      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  29882.2966     24.7067      0.0434
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159430 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  29882.3017
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  29882.3064      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  29890.2741      7.9724      7.9677
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0528228 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1374831 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7174330 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3934281 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14461.9935820 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1222222 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072582 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4310658 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10163E+01  0.19422E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40664E-01  0.12571E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73278E+00  0.22819E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  29906.7210     24.4193     16.4470
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15163E+01  0.36633E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  29906.9476     24.6459      0.2266
+                do leaf measurements  29906.9487     24.6470      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  29906.9916     24.6899      0.0429
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107428 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  29906.9967
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  29907.0013      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  29915.0158      8.0192      8.0145
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0528190 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1430659 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7147920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3867779 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14470.4398069 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213229 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071940 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4263809 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10160E+01  0.20985E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43073E-01  0.12584E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72820E+00  0.22783E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  29931.4575     24.4608     16.4416
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15382E+01  0.36355E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  29931.6815     24.6848      0.2240
+                do leaf measurements  29931.6826     24.6859      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  29931.7256     24.7289      0.0430
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080908 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  29931.7288     24.7321      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  29931.7290     24.7323      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -159677191636697.5 263128812123286.88
+ def in m -8.0039634704589844 0.66296893358230591
+ dimensionless def  -1.89419695309230273E-6 2.28684670584542411E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0187251  0.2283023
+                  Compute divergence  29931.9286     24.9320      0.1997
+                        wsmp_cleanup  29931.9752     24.9785      0.0466
+              Reset surface geometry  29931.9802     24.9835      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   29931.9886     24.9919      0.0084
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  29932.0031     25.0064      0.0145
+                   Advect surface  1  29932.0032     25.0066      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  29932.1994     25.2027      0.1961
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  29932.3963     25.3997      0.1970
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  29932.6506     25.6540      0.2543
+                    Advect the cloud  29932.8073     25.8106      0.1567
+                        Write output  29933.6465     26.6498      0.8392
+                    End of time step  29934.5293     27.5327      0.8829
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     185  29934.5295
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  29934.5296      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  29934.5296      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16964points
+                      refine surface  29934.5296      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  29934.5553      0.0258      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16964points
+                          surface 02  29934.5733      0.0438      0.0180
+                                                                        S. 2:    16962points
+                      refine surface  29934.5734      0.0440      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  29934.5990      0.0695      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16962points
+                          surface 03  29934.6168      0.0873      0.0178
+                                                                        S. 3:    16961points
+                      refine surface  29934.6169      0.0874      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  29934.6441      0.1146      0.0272
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  29934.6661      0.1366      0.0220
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  29934.6909      0.1614      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16963points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  29934.7155
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  29934.7157      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  29934.7316      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  29934.7541      0.0386      0.0225
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  29934.7549      0.0394      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  29934.7690      0.0535      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  29934.8912      0.1757      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  29935.0793      0.3638      0.1881
+                embedding surface  1  29935.0795      0.3640      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  29937.0545      2.3390      1.9750
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  29939.1895      4.4740      2.1351
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  29942.7871      8.0716      3.5975
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  29942.7923      8.0768      0.0053
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  29943.2573      8.5418      0.4650
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  29943.3206      8.6051      0.0633
+                           Find void  29943.5914      8.8759      0.2708
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  29943.6205      8.9050      0.0291
+                         wsmp setup1  29943.6285      8.9131      0.0080
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  29944.6534      9.9379      1.0248
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  29944.7024
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  29944.7025      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38934E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  29952.6772      7.9748      7.9746
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0543768 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1362472 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7146549 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3955429 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14459.3097406 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071740 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4295740 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10913E+01  0.18495E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95767E-01  0.11098E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76204E+00  0.24510E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  29969.1219     24.4195     16.4447
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35082E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  29969.3476     24.6452      0.2257
+                do leaf measurements  29969.3487     24.6463      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  29969.3911     24.6887      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5896802 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  29969.3961
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  29969.4008      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.82423E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  29977.3403      7.9442      7.9395
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0529590 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1603620 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7210109 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4180381 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14430.8227037 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1219730 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072570 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4819782 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.13771E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48829E-01  0.10209E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76744E+00  0.22444E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  29993.8380     24.4419     16.4977
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12370E+01  0.18188E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  29994.0653     24.6692      0.2273
+                do leaf measurements  29994.0665     24.6703      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  29994.1089     24.7127      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0715138 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  29994.1139
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  29994.1187      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  30002.1128      7.9989      7.9941
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0534410 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1389899 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7163739 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3788769 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14480.4873950 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072100 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4164429 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.15565E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37282E-01  0.11862E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74707E+00  0.23143E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  30018.5452     24.4313     16.4324
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13736E+01  0.31380E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  30018.7701     24.6561      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  30018.7712     24.6573      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  30018.8140     24.7001      0.0428
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361511 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  30018.8192
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  30018.8239      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  30026.7637      7.9445      7.9397
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0531871 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1329401 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7146530 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4418800 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14400.7526780 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212931 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072699 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4716501 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.17640E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37872E-01  0.12337E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73764E+00  0.22905E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  30043.2509     24.4318     16.4873
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14728E+01  0.35824E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  30043.4762     24.6570      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  30043.4773     24.6581      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  30043.5197     24.7005      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159182 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  30043.5248
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  30043.5295      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  30051.4851      7.9604      7.9556
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0498180 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1492290 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7234750 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3756878 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14484.5468887 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1220090 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072589 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4278600 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10162E+01  0.19419E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40730E-01  0.12581E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73283E+00  0.22820E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  30067.9290     24.4042     16.4439
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15166E+01  0.36646E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  30068.1552     24.6305      0.2262
+                do leaf measurements  30068.1564     24.6316      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  30068.1986     24.6739      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107331 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  30068.2037
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  30068.2084      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  30076.2299      8.0262      8.0214
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0523698 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1313460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7118471 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3894501 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14467.0447489 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071859 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4141629 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10159E+01  0.20982E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43110E-01  0.12586E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72824E+00  0.22767E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  30092.6591     24.4554     16.4292
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15384E+01  0.36369E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  30092.8849     24.6812      0.2258
+                do leaf measurements  30092.8860     24.6823      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  30092.9284     24.7246      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080866 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  30092.9316     24.7279      0.0033
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  30092.9318     24.7281      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -160211127347953.88 264411250858860.25
+ def in m -8.0057430267333984 0.66352689266204834
+ dimensionless def  -1.89579112189156676E-6 2.28735515049525691E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0187329  0.2283534
+                  Compute divergence  30093.1452     24.9414      0.2134
+                        wsmp_cleanup  30093.1810     24.9773      0.0358
+              Reset surface geometry  30093.1859     24.9822      0.0049
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   30093.1939     24.9901      0.0079
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  30093.2116     25.0079      0.0177
+                   Advect surface  1  30093.2117     25.0080      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  30093.4084     25.2047      0.1967
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  30093.6051     25.4014      0.1967
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  30093.8585     25.6547      0.2533
+                    Advect the cloud  30094.0135     25.8098      0.1551
+                        Write output  30094.8512     26.6475      0.8377
+                    End of time step  30095.7292     27.5255      0.8780
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     186  30095.7293
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  30095.7294      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  30095.7294      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16964points
+                      refine surface  30095.7295      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  30095.7552      0.0259      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16964points
+                          surface 02  30095.7729      0.0436      0.0177
+                                                                        S. 2:    16962points
+                      refine surface  30095.7731      0.0437      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  30095.7988      0.0695      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16962points
+                          surface 03  30095.8165      0.0872      0.0177
+                                                                        S. 3:    16963points
+                      refine surface  30095.8167      0.0873      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  30095.8421      0.1127      0.0254
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16963points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  30095.8659
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  30095.8662      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  30095.8822      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  30095.9044      0.0385      0.0222
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  30095.9052      0.0393      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  30095.9195      0.0535      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  30096.0429      0.1769      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  30096.2329      0.3669      0.1900
+                embedding surface  1  30096.2330      0.3671      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  30098.1935      2.3275      1.9604
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  30100.3151      4.4492      2.1216
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  30103.8572      7.9912      3.5421
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  30103.8623      7.9964      0.0051
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  30104.2815      8.4155      0.4191
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  30104.3975      8.5315      0.1160
+                           Find void  30104.6695      8.8035      0.2720
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  30104.6991      8.8331      0.0296
+                         wsmp setup1  30104.7067      8.8407      0.0076
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  30105.7262      9.8603      1.0196
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  30105.7746
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  30105.7748      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38934E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  30113.7554      7.9808      7.9807
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0550358 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1414931 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7169650 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3927791 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14462.8173914 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211300 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071521 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4349220 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10618E+01  0.18397E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95569E-01  0.11050E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76164E+00  0.24638E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  30130.2061     24.4315     16.4507
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35080E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  30130.4307     24.6561      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  30130.4318     24.6572      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  30130.4744     24.6998      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5896125 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  30130.4792
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  30130.4836      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.81800E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  30138.4254      7.9462      7.9418
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0514231 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1557920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7220910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4365621 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14407.4489337 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217530 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071049 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4950809 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.13698E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48831E-01  0.10236E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76722E+00  0.22494E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  30154.9359     24.4567     16.5104
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12357E+01  0.17946E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  30155.1635     24.6844      0.2277
+                do leaf measurements  30155.1646     24.6854      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  30155.2072     24.7281      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0713617 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  30155.2121
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  30155.2166      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  30163.2241      8.0120      8.0076
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0527081 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1430399 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7161138 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3800049 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14479.0521245 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211269 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072200 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4205761 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.15524E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37423E-01  0.11879E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74651E+00  0.23120E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  30179.6606     24.4485     16.4365
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13721E+01  0.31222E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  30179.8854     24.6733      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  30179.8865     24.6744      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  30179.9296     24.7175      0.0431
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361816 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  30179.9345
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  30179.9390      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  30187.8907      7.9562      7.9517
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0501480 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1322820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7137499 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4335580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14411.2343733 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212959 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072300 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4586310 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.17617E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37875E-01  0.12332E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73718E+00  0.22895E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  30204.3651     24.4306     16.4744
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14714E+01  0.35674E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  30204.5905     24.6560      0.2254
+                do leaf measurements  30204.5915     24.6570      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  30204.6344     24.6999      0.0428
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159215 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  30204.6392
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  30204.6437      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  30212.5932      7.9539      7.9495
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0520508 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1408250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7217619 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3876209 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14469.3685316 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1219351 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072601 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4318192 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10163E+01  0.19400E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40732E-01  0.12578E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73246E+00  0.22811E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  30229.0405     24.4013     16.4474
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15152E+01  0.36499E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  30229.2673     24.6280      0.2267
+                do leaf measurements  30229.2683     24.6291      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  30229.3112     24.6719      0.0428
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107434 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  30229.3161
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  30229.3205      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  30237.3358      8.0197      8.0152
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0530179 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1408560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7160399 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3836892 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14474.3660412 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212139 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071771 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4223590 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10160E+01  0.20964E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43110E-01  0.12577E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72791E+00  0.22757E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  30253.7735     24.4574     16.4377
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15368E+01  0.36218E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  30254.0032     24.6871      0.2297
+                do leaf measurements  30254.0043     24.6882      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  30254.0469     24.7309      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080835 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  30254.0499     24.7338      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  30254.0501     24.7340      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -160738145604477.38 265695503027240.72
+ def in m -8.0035839080810547 0.66104215383529663
+ dimensionless def  -1.88869186810084748E-6 2.28673825945172991E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0186525  0.2282916
+                  Compute divergence  30254.2584     24.9423      0.2083
+                        wsmp_cleanup  30254.2944     24.9783      0.0361
+              Reset surface geometry  30254.2993     24.9832      0.0049
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   30254.3072     24.9912      0.0079
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  30254.3249     25.0089      0.0177
+                   Advect surface  1  30254.3251     25.0090      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  30254.5175     25.2014      0.1924
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  30254.7155     25.3994      0.1980
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  30254.9708     25.6548      0.2554
+                    Advect the cloud  30255.1280     25.8119      0.1572
+                        Write output  30255.9681     26.6521      0.8401
+                    End of time step  30256.8486     27.5325      0.8804
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     187  30256.8487
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  30256.8488      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  30256.8488      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16964points
+                      refine surface  30256.8488      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  30256.8743      0.0256      0.0255
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16964points
+                          surface 02  30256.8925      0.0438      0.0182
+                                                                        S. 2:    16962points
+                      refine surface  30256.8926      0.0439      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  30256.9188      0.0701      0.0262
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  30256.9413      0.0926      0.0225
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  30256.9666      0.1179      0.0253
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16963points
+                          surface 03  30256.9851      0.1364      0.0185
+                                                                        S. 3:    16963points
+                      refine surface  30256.9852      0.1365      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  30257.0108      0.1621      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16963points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  30257.0346
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  30257.0348      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  30257.0509      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  30257.0730      0.0384      0.0222
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  30257.0738      0.0392      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  30257.0881      0.0535      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  30257.2115      0.1769      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  30257.4001      0.3655      0.1886
+                embedding surface  1  30257.4002      0.3656      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  30259.3696      2.3350      1.9693
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  30261.4950      4.4604      2.1254
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  30265.0867      8.0522      3.5918
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  30265.0921      8.0575      0.0054
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  30265.5390      8.5044      0.4469
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  30265.6017      8.5671      0.0626
+                           Find void  30265.8707      8.8361      0.2690
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  30265.8994      8.8648      0.0287
+                         wsmp setup1  30265.9070      8.8724      0.0076
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  30266.9268      9.8923      1.0199
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  30266.9762
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  30266.9765      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38934E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  30274.9842      8.0079      8.0077
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0532000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1555200 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7163599 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3835490 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14474.5442952 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208241 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071211 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4369359 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10757E+01  0.18456E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95935E-01  0.11132E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76166E+00  0.24676E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  30291.4365     24.4603     16.4524
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35074E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  30291.6612     24.6850      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  30291.6623     24.6861      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  30291.7045     24.7283      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5891457 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  30291.7093
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  30291.7137      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.81214E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  30299.6516      7.9423      7.9380
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0528722 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1531551 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7227509 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4456239 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14396.0421624 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1220150 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071049 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5038931 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.13718E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48720E-01  0.10224E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76716E+00  0.22567E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  30316.1711     24.4618     16.5195
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12366E+01  0.18016E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  30316.3967     24.6874      0.2255
+                do leaf measurements  30316.3978     24.6885      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  30316.4400     24.7307      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0712013 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  30316.4449
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  30316.4493      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  30324.4668      8.0219      8.0175
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0536430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1430690 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7164450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3762090 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14483.8833021 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210952 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072758 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4181049 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.15526E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37517E-01  0.11858E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74677E+00  0.23164E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  30340.9001     24.4552     16.4333
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13726E+01  0.31298E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  30341.1252     24.6803      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  30341.1263     24.6814      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  30341.1690     24.7242      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361359 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  30341.1740
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  30341.1784      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  30349.1466      7.9726      7.9682
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0539110 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1307020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7167552 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4221740 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14425.5974570 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1218560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072010 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4529710 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.17613E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37775E-01  0.12329E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73738E+00  0.22919E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  30365.6153     24.4413     16.4687
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14714E+01  0.35724E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  30365.8407     24.6667      0.2254
+                do leaf measurements  30365.8418     24.6678      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  30365.8839     24.7100      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159205 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  30365.8897
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  30365.8942      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  30373.8327      7.9430      7.9385
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0511751 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1456599 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7232058 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3869822 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14470.1801535 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216099 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070970 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4360981 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10164E+01  0.19395E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40654E-01  0.12574E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73261E+00  0.22824E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  30390.2845     24.3948     16.4518
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15154E+01  0.36553E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  30390.5117     24.6220      0.2272
+                do leaf measurements  30390.5128     24.6231      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  30390.5550     24.6653      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107351 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  30390.5600
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  30390.5644      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  30398.5602      8.0002      7.9958
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0509360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1469891 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7142298 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3877070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14469.2591711 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216581 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072281 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4291210 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10161E+01  0.20957E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43044E-01  0.12580E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72806E+00  0.22774E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  30415.0054     24.4455     16.4453
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15370E+01  0.36272E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  30415.2293     24.6694      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  30415.2304     24.6705      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  30415.2726     24.7127      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080738 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  30415.2756     24.7157      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  30415.2758     24.7158      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -161263510347014.47 266975825374644.78
+ def in m -8.0043373107910156 0.66275978088378906
+ dimensionless def  -1.89359937395368299E-6 2.28695351736886164E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0186987  0.2283142
+                  Compute divergence  30415.4828     24.9228      0.2070
+                        wsmp_cleanup  30415.5195     24.9595      0.0367
+              Reset surface geometry  30415.5245     24.9645      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   30415.5326     24.9727      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  30415.5500     24.9900      0.0174
+                   Advect surface  1  30415.5501     24.9902      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  30415.7456     25.1857      0.1955
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  30415.9436     25.3837      0.1980
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  30416.1970     25.6371      0.2534
+                    Advect the cloud  30416.3519     25.7920      0.1549
+                        Write output  30417.1882     26.6282      0.8363
+                    End of time step  30418.0704     27.5104      0.8822
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     188  30418.0705
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  30418.0706      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  30418.0706      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16964points
+                      refine surface  30418.0707      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  30418.0985      0.0280      0.0279
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  30418.1208      0.0502      0.0222
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  30418.1448      0.0743      0.0240
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16967points
+                          surface 02  30418.1641      0.0936      0.0193
+                                                                        S. 2:    16963points
+                      refine surface  30418.1643      0.0937      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  30418.1895      0.1190      0.0253
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  30418.2132      0.1427      0.0237
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  30418.2374      0.1669      0.0242
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16964points
+                          surface 03  30418.2569      0.1864      0.0195
+                                                                        S. 3:    16963points
+                      refine surface  30418.2570      0.1865      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  30418.2813      0.2107      0.0242
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16963points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  30418.3068
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  30418.3070      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  30418.3231      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  30418.3445      0.0377      0.0215
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  30418.3453      0.0385      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  30418.3596      0.0528      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  30418.4829      0.1761      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  30418.6715      0.3648      0.1886
+                embedding surface  1  30418.6717      0.3649      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  30420.6540      2.3472      1.9823
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  30422.7541      4.4473      2.1001
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  30426.2948      7.9880      3.5407
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  30426.2995      7.9927      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  30426.7542      8.4474      0.4547
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  30426.8167      8.5100      0.0625
+                           Find void  30427.0858      8.7790      0.2691
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  30427.1147      8.8079      0.0289
+                         wsmp setup1  30427.1226      8.8158      0.0079
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  30428.1370      9.8302      1.0144
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  30428.1862
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  30428.1863      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  30436.2001      8.0140      8.0138
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0535738 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1321340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7168632 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3834529 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14474.6664684 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210639 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070958 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4145641 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10932E+01  0.18381E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.96023E-01  0.11091E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76134E+00  0.24683E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  30452.6307     24.4445     16.4305
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35077E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  30452.8553     24.6691      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  30452.8564     24.6703      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  30452.8991     24.7129      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5894371 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  30452.9041
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  30452.9087      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.81041E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  30460.8451      7.9410      7.9364
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0537400 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1625810 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7207758 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4585900 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14379.7520842 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073140 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5251830 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.13663E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48625E-01  0.10221E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76697E+00  0.22564E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  30477.3860     24.4820     16.5409
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12351E+01  0.17985E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  30477.6143     24.7103      0.2283
+                do leaf measurements  30477.6155     24.7114      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  30477.6582     24.7541      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0715919 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  30477.6633
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  30477.6680      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  30485.6791      8.0158      8.0111
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0529521 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1463480 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7141171 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3773029 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14482.4907572 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212661 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072041 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4195740 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.15495E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37465E-01  0.11850E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74627E+00  0.23187E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  30502.1150     24.4517     16.4359
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13710E+01  0.31173E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  30502.3386     24.6753      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements  30502.3398     24.6765      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  30502.3829     24.7197      0.0432
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361918 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  30502.3881
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  30502.3928      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  30510.3716      7.9835      7.9788
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0522261 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1360450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7167101 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4003952 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14453.1554947 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212521 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071771 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4341991 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.17591E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37768E-01  0.12324E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73702E+00  0.22937E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  30526.8216     24.4336     16.4500
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14704E+01  0.35622E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  30527.0459     24.6578      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements  30527.0470     24.6590      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  30527.0899     24.7018      0.0429
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159038 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  30527.0949
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  30527.0996      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  30535.0361      7.9411      7.9365
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0524580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1600909 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7206211 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3927691 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14462.8301033 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1221850 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071890 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4556830 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10164E+01  0.19376E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40680E-01  0.12567E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73233E+00  0.22831E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  30551.5077     24.4128     16.4716
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15144E+01  0.36451E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  30551.7343     24.6394      0.2266
+                do leaf measurements  30551.7355     24.6405      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  30551.7782     24.6832      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107475 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  30551.7832
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  30551.7879      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  30559.7743      7.9911      7.9864
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0516260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1466768 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7138059 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3860719 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14471.3370008 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212912 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072579 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4271178 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10161E+01  0.20939E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43091E-01  0.12571E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72783E+00  0.22771E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  30576.2169     24.4337     16.4426
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15360E+01  0.36176E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  30576.4421     24.6589      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  30576.4433     24.6600      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  30576.4864     24.7032      0.0431
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080797 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  30576.4896     24.7064      0.0033
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  30576.4898     24.7066      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -161788756966215. 268252368664395.84
+ def in m -8.0032234191894531 0.66650211811065674
+ dimensionless def  -1.90429176603044778E-6 2.28663526262555821E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0187992  0.2282814
+                  Compute divergence  30576.6947     24.9115      0.2049
+                        wsmp_cleanup  30576.7317     24.9484      0.0370
+              Reset surface geometry  30576.7366     24.9533      0.0049
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   30576.7447     24.9615      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  30576.7617     24.9785      0.0170
+                   Advect surface  1  30576.7619     24.9786      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  30576.9583     25.1750      0.1964
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  30577.1542     25.3710      0.1959
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  30577.4109     25.6277      0.2567
+                    Advect the cloud  30577.5677     25.7845      0.1569
+                        Write output  30578.4032     26.6200      0.8355
+                    End of time step  30579.2839     27.5006      0.8807
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     189  30579.2840
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  30579.2841      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  30579.2841      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16967points
+                      refine surface  30579.2842      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  30579.3094      0.0254      0.0253
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16967points
+                          surface 02  30579.3275      0.0435      0.0181
+                                                                        S. 2:    16964points
+                      refine surface  30579.3277      0.0436      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  30579.3533      0.0693      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  30579.3764      0.0924      0.0232
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  30579.4015      0.1175      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16965points
+                          surface 03  30579.4200      0.1360      0.0186
+                                                                        S. 3:    16963points
+                      refine surface  30579.4202      0.1362      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  30579.4454      0.1614      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16963points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  30579.4703
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  30579.4706      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  30579.4866      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  30579.5080      0.0377      0.0214
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  30579.5088      0.0385      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  30579.5231      0.0528      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  30579.6464      0.1761      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  30579.8350      0.3647      0.1886
+                embedding surface  1  30579.8352      0.3649      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  30581.8055      2.3352      1.9703
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  30583.9305      4.4602      2.1250
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  30587.4571      7.9868      3.5265
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  30587.4622      7.9919      0.0051
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  30587.9150      8.4447      0.4528
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  30587.9771      8.5068      0.0621
+                           Find void  30588.2464      8.7761      0.2693
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  30588.2752      8.8048      0.0288
+                         wsmp setup1  30588.2832      8.8129      0.0081
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  30589.2989      9.8286      1.0156
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  30589.3484
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  30589.3485      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  30597.3514      8.0030      8.0029
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0578709 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1403959 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7177551 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3908660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14465.2463895 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214368 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072191 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4359550 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10633E+01  0.18446E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95403E-01  0.11068E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76144E+00  0.24627E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  30613.8024     24.4540     16.4510
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35077E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  30614.0275     24.6791      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  30614.0286     24.6802      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  30614.0708     24.7224      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5903456 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  30614.0756
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  30614.0800      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.81916E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  30622.0182      7.9426      7.9382
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0512400 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1688480 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7158070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4702189 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14365.1734423 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211622 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071440 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5347939 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.13707E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48826E-01  0.10245E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76704E+00  0.22521E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  30638.5689     24.4934     16.5507
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12361E+01  0.18057E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  30638.7934     24.7178      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  30638.7945     24.7189      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  30638.8367     24.7612      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0720528 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  30638.8416
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  30638.8460      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  30646.8509      8.0093      8.0049
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0535479 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1446500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7156670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3836401 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14474.4284902 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071599 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4261959 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.15523E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37656E-01  0.11880E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74651E+00  0.23141E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  30663.2923     24.4507     16.4414
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13720E+01  0.31247E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  30663.5174     24.6758      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  30663.5185     24.6769      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  30663.5611     24.7195      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362776 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  30663.5660
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  30663.5705      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  30671.5626      7.9967      7.9921
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0524039 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1480861 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7152300 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4081571 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14443.3217638 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072310 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4526780 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.17612E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37786E-01  0.12348E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73718E+00  0.22898E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  30688.0304     24.4644     16.4678
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14711E+01  0.35705E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  30688.2558     24.6898      0.2254
+                do leaf measurements  30688.2569     24.6909      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  30688.2991     24.7331      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158943 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  30688.3039
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  30688.3083      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  30696.2472      7.9433      7.9389
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0517619 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1619780 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7232120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4076209 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14444.0006572 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1219959 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071690 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4741039 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10163E+01  0.19394E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40657E-01  0.12591E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73244E+00  0.22814E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  30712.7367     24.4329     16.4895
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15149E+01  0.36518E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  30712.9639     24.6600      0.2272
+                do leaf measurements  30712.9650     24.6611      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  30713.0072     24.7033      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107668 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  30713.0121
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  30713.0166      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  30720.9958      7.9837      7.9792
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0505590 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1408889 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7173860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3865011 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14470.7915809 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072351 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4239681 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10160E+01  0.20957E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43054E-01  0.12594E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72787E+00  0.22765E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  30737.4354     24.4233     16.4396
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15367E+01  0.36246E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  30737.6608     24.6487      0.2254
+                do leaf measurements  30737.6619     24.6498      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  30737.7045     24.6924      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080794 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  30737.7075     24.6953      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  30737.7076     24.6955      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -162311576298359.69 269523656645367.94
+ def in m -8.0044078826904297 0.66799551248550415
+ dimensionless def  -1.90855860710144036E-6 2.28697368076869428E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0188337  0.2283200
+                  Compute divergence  30737.9237     24.9116      0.2161
+                        wsmp_cleanup  30737.9602     24.9481      0.0365
+              Reset surface geometry  30737.9651     24.9530      0.0049
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   30737.9734     24.9613      0.0083
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  30737.9907     24.9786      0.0173
+                   Advect surface  1  30737.9909     24.9788      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  30738.1804     25.1683      0.1895
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  30738.3766     25.3645      0.1962
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  30738.6290     25.6169      0.2524
+                    Advect the cloud  30738.7849     25.7728      0.1559
+                        Write output  30739.6258     26.6137      0.8409
+                    End of time step  30740.5052     27.4931      0.8795
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     190  30740.5054
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  30740.5055      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  30740.5055      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16967points
+                      refine surface  30740.5055      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  30740.5309      0.0255      0.0254
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16967points
+                          surface 02  30740.5490      0.0437      0.0181
+                                                                        S. 2:    16965points
+                      refine surface  30740.5492      0.0438      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  30740.5741      0.0687      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16965points
+                          surface 03  30740.5925      0.0871      0.0184
+                                                                        S. 3:    16963points
+                      refine surface  30740.5927      0.0873      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  30740.6179      0.1125      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16963points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  30740.6430
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  30740.6433      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  30740.6593      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  30740.6808      0.0378      0.0215
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  30740.6816      0.0386      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  30740.6959      0.0529      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  30740.8194      0.1764      0.1236
+             Imbed surface in osolve  30741.0101      0.3671      0.1907
+                embedding surface  1  30741.0103      0.3673      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  30742.9933      2.3502      1.9829
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  30745.0983      4.4553      2.1051
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  30748.6370      7.9940      3.5387
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  30748.6422      7.9992      0.0052
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  30749.0881      8.4450      0.4459
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  30749.1651      8.5221      0.0770
+                           Find void  30749.4314      8.7884      0.2663
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  30749.4600      8.8170      0.0286
+                         wsmp setup1  30749.4676      8.8246      0.0076
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  30750.4740      9.8310      1.0064
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  30750.5221
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  30750.5222      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  30758.5130      7.9909      7.9908
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0576479 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1406381 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7142241 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3873401 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14469.7254038 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207640 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070970 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4280851 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10255E+01  0.18332E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95584E-01  0.11068E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76135E+00  0.24695E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  30774.9566     24.4346     16.4436
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35101E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  30775.1811     24.6590      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  30775.1822     24.6601      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  30775.2244     24.7023      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5890999 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  30775.2294
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  30775.2340      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.81458E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  30783.1734      7.9440      7.9393
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0507102 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1572301 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7161891 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4672761 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14368.8599185 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212559 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071042 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5201290 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.13629E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48705E-01  0.10223E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76691E+00  0.22564E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  30799.7093     24.4799     16.5359
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12355E+01  0.17915E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  30799.9341     24.7047      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  30799.9351     24.7057      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  30799.9774     24.7480      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0712264 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  30799.9825
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  30799.9872      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  30807.9796      7.9971      7.9924
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0522990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1431658 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7148230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3781750 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14481.3806768 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207938 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071561 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4167860 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.15475E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37388E-01  0.11855E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74600E+00  0.23146E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  30824.4130     24.4304     16.4334
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13708E+01  0.31108E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  30824.6371     24.6546      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  30824.6382     24.6557      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  30824.6809     24.6984      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362041 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  30824.6861
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  30824.6908      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  30832.6932      8.0071      8.0023
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0525980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1508920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7143919 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3865960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14470.6709880 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211841 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070472 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4330969 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10166E+01  0.17585E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37808E-01  0.12319E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73673E+00  0.22901E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  30849.1420     24.4559     16.4488
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14702E+01  0.35582E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  30849.3672     24.6811      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  30849.3683     24.6822      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  30849.4105     24.7244      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158403 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  30849.4155
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  30849.4201      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  30857.3586      7.9431      7.9385
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0512822 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1600609 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7218170 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4214261 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14426.5421009 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071731 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4836638 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10163E+01  0.19371E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40678E-01  0.12568E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73213E+00  0.22807E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  30873.8574     24.4419     16.4988
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15138E+01  0.36376E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  30874.0847     24.6692      0.2273
+                do leaf measurements  30874.0858     24.6703      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  30874.1314     24.7160      0.0457
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107379 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  30874.1366
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  30874.1412      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  30882.1328      7.9963      7.9916
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0543399 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1356082 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7164669 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3807049 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14478.1615564 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211059 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071568 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4157650 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10160E+01  0.20939E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43082E-01  0.12570E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72762E+00  0.22759E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  30898.5639     24.4273     16.4311
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15355E+01  0.36103E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  30898.7889     24.6524      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  30898.7901     24.6535      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  30898.8326     24.6960      0.0425
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080892 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  30898.8358     24.6992      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  30898.8360     24.6994      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -162831330385813.88 270795880961596.78
+ def in m -8.006068229675293 0.66957861185073853
+ dimensionless def  -1.91308174814496738E-6 2.28744806562151246E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0188719  0.2283674
+                  Compute divergence  30899.0511     24.9146      0.2152
+                        wsmp_cleanup  30899.0877     24.9512      0.0366
+              Reset surface geometry  30899.0928     24.9562      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   30899.1008     24.9642      0.0080
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  30899.1186     24.9821      0.0178
+                   Advect surface  1  30899.1188     24.9822      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  30899.3186     25.1820      0.1998
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  30899.5149     25.3783      0.1963
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  30899.7797     25.6431      0.2648
+                    Advect the cloud  30899.9367     25.8002      0.1570
+                        Write output  30900.7783     26.6417      0.8415
+                    End of time step  30901.6576     27.5210      0.8793
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     191  30901.6577
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  30901.6578      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  30901.6578      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16966points
+                      refine surface  30901.6579      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  30901.6831      0.0254      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16966points
+                          surface 02  30901.7012      0.0435      0.0181
+                                                                        S. 2:    16965points
+                      refine surface  30901.7013      0.0436      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  30901.7263      0.0686      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16965points
+                          surface 03  30901.7444      0.0867      0.0181
+                                                                        S. 3:    16962points
+                      refine surface  30901.7446      0.0868      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  30901.7709      0.1132      0.0264
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  30901.7937      0.1360      0.0227
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  30901.8189      0.1611      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16963points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  30901.8440
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  30901.8442      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  30901.8603      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  30901.8816      0.0376      0.0213
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  30901.8823      0.0383      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  30901.8966      0.0526      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  30902.0200      0.1760      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  30902.2092      0.3652      0.1892
+                embedding surface  1  30902.2093      0.3653      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  30904.1873      2.3433      1.9780
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  30906.2838      4.4399      2.0965
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  30909.8255      7.9815      3.5417
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  30909.8303      7.9863      0.0048
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  30910.3024      8.4584      0.4721
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  30910.3675      8.5235      0.0651
+                           Find void  30910.6400      8.7960      0.2725
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  30910.6695      8.8255      0.0295
+                         wsmp setup1  30910.6772      8.8332      0.0077
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  30911.6891      9.8451      1.0119
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  30911.7385
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  30911.7388      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  30919.7183      7.9798      7.9795
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0555332 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1502581 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7145660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3958838 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14458.8771513 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209941 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073259 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4449320 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10350E+01  0.18385E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95942E-01  0.11148E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76129E+00  0.24762E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  30936.1790     24.4404     16.4607
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35084E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  30936.4030     24.6645      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  30936.4041     24.6656      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  30936.4467     24.7081      0.0425
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5896034 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  30936.4516
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  30936.4564      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.81133E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  30944.3947      7.9431      7.9383
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0525582 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1473210 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7170460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4716151 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14363.4250960 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213951 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071311 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5174320 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.13660E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48742E-01  0.10197E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76689E+00  0.22603E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  30960.9276     24.4760     16.5329
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12361E+01  0.17968E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  30961.1527     24.7011      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  30961.1538     24.7022      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  30961.1961     24.7445      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0717346 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  30961.2009
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  30961.2054      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  30969.1939      7.9929      7.9885
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0512109 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1412370 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7162030 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3834121 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14474.7183093 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070620 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4205549 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.15493E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37210E-01  0.11835E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74608E+00  0.23172E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  30985.6299     24.4289     16.4360
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13713E+01  0.31166E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  30985.8551     24.6542      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  30985.8562     24.6552      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  30985.8984     24.6975      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361859 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  30985.9033
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  30985.9077      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  30993.9206      8.0173      8.0128
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0544410 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1466970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7160339 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3962328 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14458.4343036 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212649 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072222 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4422510 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10166E+01  0.17598E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37817E-01  0.12314E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73676E+00  0.22921E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  31010.3779     24.4746     16.4573
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14702E+01  0.35637E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  31010.6035     24.7003      0.2256
+                do leaf measurements  31010.6046     24.7013      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  31010.6469     24.7436      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158377 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  31010.6517
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  31010.6562      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  31018.5925      7.9407      7.9363
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0533841 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1677508 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7213340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4336691 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14411.0943367 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217649 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072360 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5055110 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10163E+01  0.19382E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40688E-01  0.12561E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73213E+00  0.22820E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  31035.1142     24.4625     16.5217
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15138E+01  0.36428E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  31035.3397     24.6880      0.2255
+                do leaf measurements  31035.3408     24.6891      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  31035.3830     24.7312      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107512 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  31035.3878
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  31035.3922      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  31043.3996      8.0118      8.0073
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0510700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1423080 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7141671 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3766749 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14483.2901934 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212370 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071559 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4129679 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10161E+01  0.20947E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43092E-01  0.12571E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72762E+00  0.22761E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  31059.8282     24.4403     16.4286
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15354E+01  0.36146E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  31060.0526     24.6648      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  31060.0537     24.6658      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  31060.0963     24.7085      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080826 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  31060.0993     24.7114      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  31060.0994     24.7116      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -163347156260495.72 272066074091214.97
+ def in m -8.0047073364257812 0.66952657699584961
+ dimensionless def  -1.91293307713099911E-6 2.28705923897879459E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0188624  0.2283320
+                  Compute divergence  31060.3040     24.9162      0.2046
+                        wsmp_cleanup  31060.3404     24.9526      0.0364
+              Reset surface geometry  31060.3454     24.9575      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   31060.3536     24.9657      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  31060.3709     24.9831      0.0173
+                   Advect surface  1  31060.3711     24.9832      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  31060.5637     25.1758      0.1926
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  31060.7604     25.3726      0.1967
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  31061.0161     25.6282      0.2557
+                    Advect the cloud  31061.1716     25.7838      0.1556
+                        Write output  31062.0122     26.6244      0.8406
+                    End of time step  31062.8928     27.5050      0.8806
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     192  31062.8930
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  31062.8930      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  31062.8931      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16966points
+                      refine surface  31062.8931      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  31062.9205      0.0275      0.0273
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  31062.9470      0.0540      0.0265
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  31062.9720      0.0790      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16968points
+                          surface 02  31062.9901      0.0972      0.0182
+                                                                        S. 2:    16965points
+                      refine surface  31062.9903      0.0973      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  31063.0154      0.1224      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16965points
+                          surface 03  31063.0336      0.1407      0.0182
+                                                                        S. 3:    16963points
+                      refine surface  31063.0338      0.1408      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  31063.0618      0.1688      0.0280
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  31063.0880      0.1951      0.0262
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  31063.1138      0.2208      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16966points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  31063.1374
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  31063.1376      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  31063.1537      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  31063.1760      0.0386      0.0223
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  31063.1767      0.0393      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  31063.1910      0.0536      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  31063.3144      0.1770      0.1233
+             Imbed surface in osolve  31063.5034      0.3660      0.1890
+                embedding surface  1  31063.5036      0.3662      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  31065.4795      2.3422      1.9760
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  31067.5525      4.4151      2.0730
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  31071.1117      7.9743      3.5592
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  31071.1164      7.9790      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  31071.5812      8.4438      0.4648
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  31071.6717      8.5343      0.0904
+                           Find void  31071.9423      8.8049      0.2707
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  31071.9712      8.8338      0.0289
+                         wsmp setup1  31071.9790      8.8416      0.0078
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  31072.9943      9.8569      1.0153
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  31073.0435
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  31073.0437      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  31081.0017      7.9582      7.9580
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0545721 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1480179 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7166710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3844500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14473.3987563 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213629 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073822 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4328539 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10475E+01  0.18351E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95687E-01  0.11090E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76104E+00  0.24814E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  31097.4500     24.4065     16.4482
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35087E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  31097.6753     24.6318      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements  31097.6764     24.6329      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  31097.7193     24.6758      0.0429
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5897167 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  31097.7245
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  31097.7292      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.81068E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  31105.6695      7.9450      7.9403
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0542870 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1433141 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7176771 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4573319 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14381.3311313 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212900 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073230 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5016131 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.13630E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48483E-01  0.10210E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76676E+00  0.22642E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  31122.1863     24.4618     16.5168
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12353E+01  0.17889E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  31122.4115     24.6869      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  31122.4125     24.6880      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  31122.4550     24.7305      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0716890 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  31122.4601
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  31122.4647      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  31130.4333      7.9732      7.9685
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0537510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1375542 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7155151 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3778901 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14481.7433005 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1219938 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0074110 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4145131 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.15470E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37366E-01  0.11835E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74591E+00  0.23192E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  31146.8632     24.4032     16.4299
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13705E+01  0.31104E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  31147.0900     24.6299      0.2268
+                do leaf measurements  31147.0911     24.6311      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  31147.1335     24.6734      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361547 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  31147.1385
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  31147.1432      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  31155.1655      8.0270      8.0223
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0538442 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1565590 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7175300 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3780339 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14481.5603174 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215792 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073781 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4353309 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.17576E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37663E-01  0.12309E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73661E+00  0.22933E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  31171.6161     24.4775     16.4505
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14696E+01  0.35590E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  31171.8410     24.7025      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  31171.8421     24.7036      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  31171.8847     24.7462      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158710 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  31171.8898
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  31171.8944      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  31179.8284      7.9386      7.9340
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0535371 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1684580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7242858 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4473162 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14393.9139473 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1218300 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073440 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5231760 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10163E+01  0.19363E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40612E-01  0.12554E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73200E+00  0.22815E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  31196.3674     24.4776     16.5390
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15132E+01  0.36394E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  31196.5923     24.7026      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  31196.5934     24.7036      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  31196.6358     24.7461      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107522 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  31196.6409
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  31196.6455      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  31204.6565      8.0156      8.0109
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0527859 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1381660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7185841 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3743670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14486.2288947 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212208 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072861 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4127879 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10161E+01  0.20929E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43048E-01  0.12561E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72755E+00  0.22768E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  31221.0856     24.4447     16.4291
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15347E+01  0.36109E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  31221.3095     24.6686      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  31221.3106     24.6697      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  31221.3535     24.7126      0.0429
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080850 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  31221.3568     24.7159      0.0033
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  31221.3570     24.7161      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -163862805179241.69 273332383790901.28
+ def in m -8.0035266876220703 0.66865980625152588
+ dimensionless def  -1.9104565892900742E-6 2.28672191074916274E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0188298  0.2283024
+                  Compute divergence  31221.5616     24.9207      0.2047
+                        wsmp_cleanup  31221.5983     24.9574      0.0366
+              Reset surface geometry  31221.6033     24.9624      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   31221.6113     24.9704      0.0080
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  31221.6289     24.9880      0.0176
+                   Advect surface  1  31221.6291     24.9882      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  31221.8192     25.1783      0.1902
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  31222.0266     25.3857      0.2074
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  31222.2795     25.6386      0.2530
+                    Advect the cloud  31222.4349     25.7940      0.1553
+                        Write output  31223.2770     26.6361      0.8422
+                    End of time step  31224.1580     27.5171      0.8810
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     193  31224.1582
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  31224.1583      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  31224.1583      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16968points
+                      refine surface  31224.1583      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  31224.1849      0.0267      0.0266
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  31224.2074      0.0493      0.0225
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  31224.2325      0.0743      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16969points
+                          surface 02  31224.2507      0.0925      0.0182
+                                                                        S. 2:    16964points
+                      refine surface  31224.2508      0.0926      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  31224.2749      0.1167      0.0241
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16964points
+                          surface 03  31224.2944      0.1362      0.0194
+                                                                        S. 3:    16966points
+                      refine surface  31224.2945      0.1363      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  31224.3210      0.1628      0.0265
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  31224.3433      0.1851      0.0223
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  31224.3688      0.2106      0.0255
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16967points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  31224.3929
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  31224.3932      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  31224.4092      0.0162      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  31224.4310      0.0381      0.0219
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  31224.4318      0.0389      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  31224.4461      0.0532      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  31224.5695      0.1766      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  31224.7577      0.3648      0.1882
+                embedding surface  1  31224.7578      0.3649      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  31226.7350      2.3421      1.9772
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  31228.8567      4.4638      2.1216
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  31232.4149      8.0220      3.5582
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  31232.4201      8.0271      0.0052
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  31232.8865      8.4935      0.4664
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  31232.9746      8.5817      0.0882
+                           Find void  31233.2422      8.8493      0.2676
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  31233.2709      8.8780      0.0287
+                         wsmp setup1  31233.2789      8.8859      0.0079
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  31234.2967      9.9038      1.0179
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  31234.3463
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  31234.3464      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  31242.3109      7.9646      7.9645
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0557230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1419501 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7155511 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3780890 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14481.4902206 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211739 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073102 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4201820 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10136E+01  0.18349E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95939E-01  0.11133E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76114E+00  0.24796E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  31258.7463     24.4000     16.4354
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35087E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  31258.9708     24.6245      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  31258.9718     24.6255      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  31259.0150     24.6687      0.0432
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5891017 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  31259.0201
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  31259.0249      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.80784E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  31266.9689      7.9487      7.9440
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0509331 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1355500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7151911 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4465430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14394.8862279 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211350 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072620 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4769740 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.13629E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48814E-01  0.10203E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76683E+00  0.22625E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  31283.4611     24.4409     16.4922
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12356E+01  0.17896E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  31283.6862     24.6660      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  31283.6873     24.6671      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  31283.7296     24.7095      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0712381 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  31283.7347
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  31283.7394      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  31291.6926      7.9579      7.9532
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0502000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1460688 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7189260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3801501 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14478.8673893 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1221979 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072248 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4251280 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.15468E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37279E-01  0.11841E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74595E+00  0.23178E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  31308.1333     24.3986     16.4407
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13706E+01  0.31123E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  31308.3605     24.6258      0.2272
+                do leaf measurements  31308.3615     24.6268      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  31308.4039     24.6692      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361799 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  31308.4090
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  31308.4137      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  31316.4337      8.0248      8.0200
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0541191 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1591609 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7157309 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3909721 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14465.1116592 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072649 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4485750 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.17576E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37879E-01  0.12309E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73667E+00  0.22924E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  31332.8971     24.4881     16.4634
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14695E+01  0.35582E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  31333.1220     24.7130      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  31333.1231     24.7141      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  31333.1654     24.7564      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158249 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  31333.1705
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  31333.1752      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  31341.1130      7.9425      7.9379
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0534129 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1687939 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7200110 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4660029 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14370.4553994 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211071 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072289 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5369070 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10164E+01  0.19364E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40746E-01  0.12562E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73207E+00  0.22828E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  31357.6648     24.4943     16.5518
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15132E+01  0.36386E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  31357.8909     24.7204      0.2261
+                do leaf measurements  31357.8920     24.7214      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  31357.9344     24.7639      0.0425
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107314 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  31357.9395
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  31357.9442      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  31365.9528      8.0133      8.0086
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0508201 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1358590 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7156730 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3828678 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14475.4104660 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210740 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072920 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4139628 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10161E+01  0.20932E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43144E-01  0.12561E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72760E+00  0.22765E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  31382.3821     24.4426     16.4293
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15349E+01  0.36109E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  31382.6075     24.6680      0.2255
+                do leaf measurements  31382.6086     24.6691      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  31382.6513     24.7118      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080907 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  31382.6546     24.7151      0.0033
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  31382.6548     24.7153      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -164377214845052.13 274594638656179.
+ def in m -8.0057888031005859 0.6723753809928894
+ dimensionless def  -1.92107251712254138E-6 2.28736822945731004E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0189292  0.2283732
+                  Compute divergence  31382.8557     24.9162      0.2009
+                        wsmp_cleanup  31382.8952     24.9557      0.0395
+              Reset surface geometry  31382.8997     24.9602      0.0046
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   31382.9080     24.9685      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  31382.9242     24.9847      0.0162
+                   Advect surface  1  31382.9243     24.9848      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  31383.1197     25.1802      0.1953
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  31383.3136     25.3741      0.1939
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  31383.5678     25.6283      0.2542
+                    Advect the cloud  31383.7245     25.7850      0.1567
+                        Write output  31384.5637     26.6242      0.8392
+                    End of time step  31385.4424     27.5029      0.8787
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     194  31385.4426
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  31385.4426      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  31385.4427      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16969points
+                      refine surface  31385.4427      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  31385.4681      0.0256      0.0254
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16969points
+                          surface 02  31385.4864      0.0438      0.0182
+                                                                        S. 2:    16964points
+                      refine surface  31385.4865      0.0440      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  31385.5116      0.0691      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16964points
+                          surface 03  31385.5300      0.0874      0.0184
+                                                                        S. 3:    16967points
+                      refine surface  31385.5301      0.0876      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  31385.5563      0.1138      0.0262
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  31385.5789      0.1363      0.0226
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  31385.6041      0.1615      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16968points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  31385.6287
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  31385.6290      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  31385.6448      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  31385.6669      0.0381      0.0220
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  31385.6676      0.0389      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  31385.6818      0.0530      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  31385.8039      0.1752      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  31385.9945      0.3658      0.1906
+                embedding surface  1  31385.9946      0.3659      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  31387.9756      2.3469      1.9809
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  31390.0847      4.4560      2.1091
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  31393.6602      8.0315      3.5755
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  31393.6663      8.0376      0.0061
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  31394.1615      8.5327      0.4951
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  31394.2263      8.5976      0.0648
+                           Find void  31394.4969      8.8682      0.2706
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  31394.5260      8.8973      0.0291
+                         wsmp setup1  31394.5338      8.9051      0.0078
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  31395.5492      9.9205      1.0154
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  31395.5983
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  31395.5985      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  31403.5821      7.9838      7.9836
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0539000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1413691 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7180040 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3807549 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14478.0978619 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073140 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4231310 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10238E+01  0.18364E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95215E-01  0.11111E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76126E+00  0.24769E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  31420.0202     24.4219     16.4381
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35082E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  31420.2447     24.6464      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  31420.2458     24.6475      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  31420.2887     24.6904      0.0429
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5894561 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  31420.2938
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  31420.2985      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.81848E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  31428.2601      7.9663      7.9615
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0521848 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1461351 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7188380 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4295249 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14416.3196054 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210139 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073440 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4754229 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.13634E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48799E-01  0.10233E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76691E+00  0.22594E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  31444.7509     24.4571     16.4908
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12356E+01  0.17960E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  31444.9763     24.6825      0.2254
+                do leaf measurements  31444.9773     24.6835      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  31445.0197     24.7260      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0713702 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  31445.0248
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  31445.0294      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  31452.9716      7.9467      7.9421
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0528481 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1441510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7231710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3799601 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14479.1091537 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217909 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0075281 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4298029 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.15461E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37376E-01  0.11851E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74616E+00  0.23167E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  31469.4168     24.3920     16.4452
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13710E+01  0.31167E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  31469.6440     24.6192      0.2272
+                do leaf measurements  31469.6450     24.6202      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  31469.6876     24.6628      0.0425
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362315 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  31469.6926
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  31469.6973      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  31477.7033      8.0107      8.0060
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0520439 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1474981 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7170229 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3073530 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14572.0827490 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215858 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071859 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3530560 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.17560E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37801E-01  0.12316E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73690E+00  0.22908E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  31494.0720     24.3794     16.3687
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14700E+01  0.35632E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  31494.2967     24.6041      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  31494.2977     24.6051      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  31494.3404     24.6478      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158933 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  31494.3454
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  31494.3500      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  31502.2898      7.9444      7.9398
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0535159 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1548240 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7174859 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4670420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14369.1532931 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212630 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072989 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5217948 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.19349E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40679E-01  0.12565E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73225E+00  0.22828E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  31518.8277     24.4823     16.5379
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15136E+01  0.36420E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  31519.0522     24.7068      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  31519.0533     24.7079      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  31519.0959     24.7506      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107464 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  31519.1013
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  31519.1060      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  31527.1087      8.0074      8.0026
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0537891 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1386452 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7186742 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3801661 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14478.8470657 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213472 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072081 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4201860 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10162E+01  0.20918E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43076E-01  0.12571E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72776E+00  0.22776E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  31543.5443     24.4430     16.4356
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15353E+01  0.36149E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  31543.7689     24.6676      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  31543.7699     24.6686      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  31543.8128     24.7115      0.0429
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080896 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  31543.8161     24.7148      0.0033
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  31543.8163     24.7150      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -164885650545779.09 275857603779188.97
+ def in m -8.0051183700561523 0.67142564058303833
+ dimensionless def  -1.91835897309439532E-6 2.28717667715890072E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0188899  0.2283591
+                  Compute divergence  31544.0221     24.9208      0.2059
+                        wsmp_cleanup  31544.0600     24.9587      0.0379
+              Reset surface geometry  31544.0650     24.9637      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   31544.0732     24.9719      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  31544.0908     24.9895      0.0176
+                   Advect surface  1  31544.0909     24.9896      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  31544.2855     25.1842      0.1946
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  31544.4827     25.3814      0.1972
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  31544.7360     25.6347      0.2533
+                    Advect the cloud  31544.8937     25.7924      0.1576
+                        Write output  31545.7299     26.6286      0.8362
+                    End of time step  31546.6075     27.5062      0.8777
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     195  31546.6077
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  31546.6078      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  31546.6078      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16969points
+                      refine surface  31546.6078      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  31546.6349      0.0272      0.0270
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  31546.6572      0.0495      0.0223
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  31546.6822      0.0745      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16971points
+                          surface 02  31546.7004      0.0927      0.0182
+                                                                        S. 2:    16964points
+                      refine surface  31546.7005      0.0928      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  31546.7268      0.1192      0.0263
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  31546.7493      0.1416      0.0224
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  31546.7736      0.1659      0.0243
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16965points
+                          surface 03  31546.7927      0.1850      0.0191
+                                                                        S. 3:    16968points
+                      refine surface  31546.7928      0.1851      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  31546.8197      0.2120      0.0269
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  31546.8422      0.2345      0.0225
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  31546.8671      0.2594      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16970points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  31546.8915
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  31546.8918      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  31546.9076      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  31546.9292      0.0376      0.0215
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  31546.9299      0.0384      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  31546.9441      0.0525      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  31547.0663      0.1747      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  31547.2577      0.3661      0.1914
+                embedding surface  1  31547.2578      0.3663      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  31549.2445      2.3530      1.9867
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  31551.3676      4.4760      2.1231
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  31554.9391      8.0475      3.5715
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  31554.9442      8.0526      0.0051
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  31555.4127      8.5212      0.4685
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  31555.4931      8.6016      0.0804
+                           Find void  31555.7639      8.8724      0.2708
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  31555.7933      8.9018      0.0294
+                         wsmp setup1  31555.8008      8.9093      0.0075
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  31556.8155      9.9240      1.0147
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  31556.8651
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  31556.8652      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38934E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  31564.8444      7.9793      7.9792
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0561409 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1408911 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7176940 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3848369 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14472.9068274 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210642 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072501 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4282658 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10137E+01  0.18402E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95591E-01  0.11170E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76159E+00  0.24817E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  31581.2881     24.4230     16.4436
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35099E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  31581.5125     24.6474      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  31581.5136     24.6485      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  31581.5559     24.6908      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5896088 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  31581.5610
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  31581.5657      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.80900E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  31589.5398      7.9788      7.9740
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0502379 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1280260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7157779 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4117811 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14438.7350955 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071220 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4346900 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.13670E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48481E-01  0.10173E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76709E+00  0.22643E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  31605.9903     24.4293     16.4505
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12359E+01  0.18010E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  31606.2156     24.6546      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements  31606.2167     24.6557      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  31606.2588     24.6978      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0715645 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  31606.2639
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  31606.2686      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  31614.2071      7.9432      7.9385
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0511901 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1606688 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7222769 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3825922 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14475.7609657 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1222131 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071900 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4465101 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.15488E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37077E-01  0.11818E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74656E+00  0.23209E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  31630.6689     24.4050     16.4618
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13719E+01  0.31271E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  31630.8961     24.6322      0.2272
+                do leaf measurements  31630.8972     24.6333      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  31630.9391     24.6752      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362171 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  31630.9442
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  31630.9489      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  31638.9432      7.9990      7.9943
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0541608 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1538141 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7152998 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4017160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14451.4811598 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212928 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071418 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4537840 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.17576E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37761E-01  0.12296E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73726E+00  0.22944E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  31655.4120     24.4678     16.4688
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14707E+01  0.35697E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  31655.6372     24.6930      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  31655.6383     24.6941      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  31655.6805     24.7363      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158356 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  31655.6856
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  31655.6904      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  31663.6280      7.9424      7.9376
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0547509 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1478219 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7166851 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4781380 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14355.2625266 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210768 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072010 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5260551 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.19361E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40670E-01  0.12552E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73255E+00  0.22835E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  31680.1701     24.4845     16.5420
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15145E+01  0.36516E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  31680.3955     24.7099      0.2254
+                do leaf measurements  31680.3966     24.7110      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  31680.4384     24.7528      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107384 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  31680.4435
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  31680.4482      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  31688.4441      8.0006      7.9959
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0501058 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1378491 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7160518 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3876100 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14469.3824669 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212721 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070951 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4203491 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10162E+01  0.20927E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43103E-01  0.12553E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72801E+00  0.22771E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  31704.8801     24.4366     16.4360
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15361E+01  0.36222E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  31705.1059     24.6624      0.2258
+                do leaf measurements  31705.1070     24.6635      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  31705.1493     24.7058      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080842 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  31705.1526     24.7091      0.0033
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  31705.1527     24.7092      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -165392453079486.69 277119875817086.66
+ def in m -8.0079002380371094 0.67362672090530396
+ dimensionless def  -1.92464777401515389E-6 2.28797149658203112E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0189442  0.2284417
+                  Compute divergence  31705.3644     24.9209      0.2116
+                        wsmp_cleanup  31705.4010     24.9575      0.0366
+              Reset surface geometry  31705.4060     24.9625      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   31705.4143     24.9707      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  31705.4316     24.9881      0.0174
+                   Advect surface  1  31705.4318     24.9883      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  31705.6222     25.1787      0.1905
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  31705.8188     25.3753      0.1966
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  31706.0735     25.6300      0.2547
+                    Advect the cloud  31706.2348     25.7913      0.1613
+                        Write output  31707.0773     26.6338      0.8425
+                    End of time step  31707.9533     27.5098      0.8760
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     196  31707.9535
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  31707.9535      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  31707.9536      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16971points
+                      refine surface  31707.9536      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  31707.9800      0.0266      0.0264
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  31708.0022      0.0487      0.0222
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  31708.0273      0.0738      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16972points
+                          surface 02  31708.0454      0.0919      0.0180
+                                                                        S. 2:    16965points
+                      refine surface  31708.0455      0.0920      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  31708.0694      0.1159      0.0239
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16965points
+                          surface 03  31708.0886      0.1351      0.0192
+                                                                        S. 3:    16970points
+                      refine surface  31708.0888      0.1353      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  31708.1138      0.1603      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16970points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  31708.1381
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  31708.1383      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  31708.1542      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  31708.1757      0.0376      0.0215
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  31708.1764      0.0383      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  31708.1906      0.0525      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  31708.3128      0.1747      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  31708.5042      0.3661      0.1915
+                embedding surface  1  31708.5044      0.3663      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  31710.4676      2.3295      1.9632
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  31712.5908      4.4527      2.1232
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  31716.1567      8.0186      3.5660
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  31716.1618      8.0237      0.0051
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  31716.6423      8.5042      0.4804
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  31716.7086      8.5705      0.0663
+                           Find void  31716.9780      8.8400      0.2694
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  31717.0069      8.8688      0.0289
+                         wsmp setup1  31717.0146      8.8765      0.0077
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  31718.0215      9.8834      1.0069
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  31718.0705
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  31718.0706      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38934E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  31726.0738      8.0033      8.0031
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0549572 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1482270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7176170 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3797560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14479.3688243 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070589 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4289701 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10203E+01  0.18462E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94952E-01  0.11101E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76177E+00  0.24447E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  31742.5178     24.4474     16.4441
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35088E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  31742.7432     24.6728      0.2254
+                do leaf measurements  31742.7444     24.6739      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  31742.7869     24.7165      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5901615 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  31742.7921
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  31742.7968      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.83606E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  31750.7821      7.9900      7.9853
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0509131 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1479921 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7171001 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3954630 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14459.4110851 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217909 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070460 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4407060 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.13738E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48789E-01  0.10217E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76720E+00  0.22407E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  31767.2388     24.4467     16.4567
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12364E+01  0.18001E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  31767.4656     24.6735      0.2268
+                do leaf measurements  31767.4667     24.6746      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  31767.5088     24.7167      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0719822 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  31767.5138
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  31767.5184      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  31775.4532      7.9394      7.9348
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0532322 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1548369 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7204249 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4042940 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14448.2143018 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216462 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071080 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4619679 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.15538E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37364E-01  0.11860E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74692E+00  0.23122E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  31791.9307     24.4169     16.4775
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13731E+01  0.31335E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  31792.1583     24.6445      0.2276
+                do leaf measurements  31792.1594     24.6456      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  31792.2015     24.6877      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362846 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  31792.2066
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  31792.2113      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  31800.1915      7.9849      7.9803
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0541270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1385009 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7170279 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3845909 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14473.2196212 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211929 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072560 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4231200 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.17615E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37764E-01  0.12329E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73754E+00  0.22890E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  31816.6301     24.4235     16.4385
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14720E+01  0.35782E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  31816.8544     24.6478      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  31816.8555     24.6489      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  31816.8979     24.6914      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158818 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  31816.9031
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  31816.9078      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  31824.8455      7.9424      7.9377
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0504839 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1359951 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7172382 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4588101 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14379.4759287 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070779 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4914351 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10164E+01  0.19395E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40645E-01  0.12573E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73276E+00  0.22796E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  31841.3529     24.4498     16.5074
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15158E+01  0.36590E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  31841.5783     24.6752      0.2254
+                do leaf measurements  31841.5794     24.6763      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  31841.6217     24.7186      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107582 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  31841.6268
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  31841.6315      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  31849.6048      7.9780      7.9733
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0500848 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1459990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7158539 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3775959 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14482.1177779 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070720 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4182332 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10162E+01  0.20959E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43046E-01  0.12576E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72818E+00  0.22756E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  31866.0387     24.4119     16.4339
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15375E+01  0.36305E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  31866.2641     24.6373      0.2254
+                do leaf measurements  31866.2652     24.6384      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  31866.3073     24.6805      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080828 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  31866.3106     24.6838      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  31866.3107     24.6839      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -165878802184671.69 278381289185598.5
+ def in m -8.007573127746582 0.67084157466888428
+ dimensionless def  -1.91669021333966929E-6 2.28787803649902346E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0188540  0.2284362
+                  Compute divergence  31866.5232     24.8964      0.2125
+                        wsmp_cleanup  31866.5596     24.9328      0.0364
+              Reset surface geometry  31866.5646     24.9378      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   31866.5726     24.9458      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  31866.5901     24.9633      0.0174
+                   Advect surface  1  31866.5902     24.9634      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  31866.7824     25.1556      0.1922
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  31866.9876     25.3608      0.2052
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  31867.2405     25.6137      0.2529
+                    Advect the cloud  31867.3980     25.7712      0.1575
+                        Write output  31868.2367     26.6099      0.8387
+                    End of time step  31869.1166     27.4898      0.8799
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     197  31869.1168
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  31869.1168      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  31869.1169      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16972points
+                      refine surface  31869.1169      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  31869.1432      0.0265      0.0263
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  31869.1658      0.0491      0.0226
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  31869.1907      0.0739      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16973points
+                          surface 02  31869.2088      0.0920      0.0181
+                                                                        S. 2:    16964points
+                      refine surface  31869.2089      0.0922      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  31869.2337      0.1169      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16964points
+                          surface 03  31869.2602      0.1435      0.0265
+                                                                        S. 3:    16970points
+                      refine surface  31869.2604      0.1436      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  31869.2861      0.1694      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  31869.3085      0.1917      0.0223
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  31869.3323      0.2155      0.0238
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16971points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  31869.3582
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  31869.3584      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  31869.3743      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  31869.3957      0.0375      0.0214
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  31869.3965      0.0383      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  31869.4106      0.0525      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  31869.5329      0.1747      0.1223
+             Imbed surface in osolve  31869.7238      0.3657      0.1909
+                embedding surface  1  31869.7240      0.3658      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  31871.6907      2.3326      1.9667
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  31873.8120      4.4538      2.1213
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  31877.3635      8.0053      3.5515
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  31877.3698      8.0116      0.0063
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  31877.8526      8.4945      0.4828
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  31877.9214      8.5632      0.0687
+                           Find void  31878.1917      8.8335      0.2703
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  31878.2206      8.8624      0.0289
+                         wsmp setup1  31878.2286      8.8704      0.0081
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  31879.2462      9.8880      1.0175
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  31879.2955
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  31879.2956      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38934E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  31887.2697      7.9743      7.9741
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0552809 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1536400 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7158608 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3876960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14469.2731061 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211741 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073140 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4413431 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10496E+01  0.18498E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95690E-01  0.11141E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76214E+00  0.24776E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  31903.7269     24.4314     16.4572
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35090E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  31903.9511     24.6557      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  31903.9523     24.6568      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  31903.9951     24.6997      0.0428
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5889685 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  31904.0002
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  31904.0052      0.0049      0.0049
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.81147E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  31912.0033      8.0031      7.9981
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0511510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1524661 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7191811 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4104931 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14440.3648395 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213059 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073161 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4623029 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.13768E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48594E-01  0.10217E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76739E+00  0.22629E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  31928.4811     24.4808     16.4777
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12370E+01  0.18055E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  31928.7056     24.7054      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  31928.7067     24.7065      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  31928.7491     24.7489      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0712760 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  31928.7542
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  31928.7589      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  31936.6945      7.9403      7.9357
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0519710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1586671 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7191341 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4101100 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14440.8497307 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1220369 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071890 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4694831 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.15553E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37152E-01  0.11846E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74719E+00  0.23189E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  31953.1804     24.4263     16.4859
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13733E+01  0.31380E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  31953.4069     24.6527      0.2264
+                do leaf measurements  31953.4080     24.6538      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  31953.4505     24.6963      0.0425
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361745 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  31953.4555
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  31953.4602      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  31961.4358      7.9803      7.9756
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0529599 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1449699 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7143431 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3815820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14477.0457710 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214051 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072641 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4228880 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10166E+01  0.17622E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37710E-01  0.12316E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73771E+00  0.22933E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  31977.8746     24.4191     16.4388
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14724E+01  0.35855E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  31978.0996     24.6440      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  31978.1007     24.6452      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  31978.1436     24.6881      0.0429
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159066 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  31978.1488
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  31978.1535      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  31986.0938      7.9451      7.9403
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0504129 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1335490 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7159660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4588501 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14379.4256653 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072010 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4876490 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10164E+01  0.19398E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40622E-01  0.12565E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73286E+00  0.22819E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  32002.5966     24.4478     16.5028
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15161E+01  0.36643E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  32002.8219     24.6731      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements  32002.8230     24.6743      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  32002.8654     24.7167      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107405 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  32002.8705
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  32002.8752      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  32010.8396      7.9690      7.9643
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0537319 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1355581 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7172859 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3756609 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14484.5811929 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1221089 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071940 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4119020 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10161E+01  0.20960E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43049E-01  0.12567E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72822E+00  0.22767E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  32027.2673     24.3968     16.4278
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15378E+01  0.36349E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  32027.4947     24.6242      0.2274
+                do leaf measurements  32027.4958     24.6253      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  32027.5385     24.6680      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080824 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  32027.5417     24.6712      0.0033
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  32027.5419     24.6714      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -166347773190742.44 279648290819455.44
+ def in m -8.0073652267456055 0.66936135292053223
+ dimensionless def  -1.91246100834437767E-6 2.28781863621303008E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0188045  0.2284271
+                  Compute divergence  32027.7504     24.8799      0.2085
+                        wsmp_cleanup  32027.7866     24.9161      0.0362
+              Reset surface geometry  32027.7917     24.9212      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   32027.7999     24.9294      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  32027.8172     24.9467      0.0173
+                   Advect surface  1  32027.8173     24.9468      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  32028.0126     25.1421      0.1953
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  32028.2087     25.3382      0.1961
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  32028.4630     25.5925      0.2543
+                    Advect the cloud  32028.6194     25.7489      0.1564
+                        Write output  32029.4594     26.5889      0.8400
+                    End of time step  32030.3385     27.4680      0.8791
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     198  32030.3386
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  32030.3387      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  32030.3387      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16973points
+                      refine surface  32030.3388      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  32030.3652      0.0266      0.0265
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  32030.3875      0.0489      0.0222
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  32030.4126      0.0740      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16974points
+                          surface 02  32030.4304      0.0918      0.0178
+                                                                        S. 2:    16964points
+                      refine surface  32030.4306      0.0920      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  32030.4566      0.1180      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  32030.4788      0.1402      0.0222
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  32030.5040      0.1654      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16965points
+                          surface 03  32030.5222      0.1836      0.0182
+                                                                        S. 3:    16971points
+                      refine surface  32030.5223      0.1837      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  32030.5483      0.2097      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  32030.5705      0.2319      0.0222
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  32030.5959      0.2573      0.0254
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16972points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  32030.6200
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  32030.6203      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  32030.6361      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  32030.6578      0.0378      0.0217
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  32030.6586      0.0385      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  32030.6727      0.0527      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  32030.7949      0.1748      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  32030.9869      0.3669      0.1920
+                embedding surface  1  32030.9871      0.3670      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  32032.9707      2.3507      1.9837
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  32035.1002      4.4802      2.1295
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  32038.6455      8.0255      3.5453
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  32038.6510      8.0310      0.0054
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  32039.1421      8.5220      0.4911
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  32039.2172      8.5972      0.0752
+                           Find void  32039.4885      8.8685      0.2712
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  32039.5174      8.8974      0.0289
+                         wsmp setup1  32039.5253      8.9053      0.0079
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  32040.5413      9.9212      1.0159
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  32040.5911
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  32040.5912      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38934E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  32048.5618      7.9707      7.9706
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0591259 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1319821 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7145739 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3739471 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14486.7636358 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214871 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073988 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4088678 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10216E+01  0.18422E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95831E-01  0.11133E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76179E+00  0.24757E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  32064.9862     24.3951     16.4244
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35071E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  32065.2111     24.6200      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  32065.2122     24.6211      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  32065.2553     24.6642      0.0431
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5891302 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  32065.2602
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  32065.2647      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.81186E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  32073.2756      8.0154      8.0109
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0505791 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1390669 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7162020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3958662 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14458.8995364 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214681 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0074320 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4309821 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.13709E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48367E-01  0.10188E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76723E+00  0.22621E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  32089.7227     24.4625     16.4471
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12355E+01  0.17894E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  32089.9464     24.6862      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  32089.9475     24.6873      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  32089.9903     24.7301      0.0428
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0712309 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  32089.9952
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  32089.9996      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  32097.9370      7.9418      7.9373
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0509341 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1576362 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7226770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4294221 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14416.4492181 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1222532 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073960 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4906850 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.15518E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37307E-01  0.11828E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74672E+00  0.23209E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  32114.4432     24.4480     16.5063
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13722E+01  0.31286E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  32114.6706     24.6754      0.2274
+                do leaf measurements  32114.6717     24.6765      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  32114.7145     24.7193      0.0428
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361701 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  32114.7195
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  32114.7240      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  32122.7198      8.0003      7.9958
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0521719 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1460521 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7171860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3704698 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14491.1940007 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1251700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073869 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4188042 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10166E+01  0.17601E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37697E-01  0.12297E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73741E+00  0.22945E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  32139.1546     24.4351     16.4348
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14712E+01  0.35715E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  32139.3797     24.6603      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  32139.3808     24.6614      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  32139.4240     24.7046      0.0432
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158638 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  32139.4290
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  32139.4336      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  32147.3835      7.9545      7.9500
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0539880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1420002 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7145901 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4411211 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14401.7078759 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217442 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073030 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4811089 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10164E+01  0.19382E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40617E-01  0.12544E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73263E+00  0.22836E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  32163.8800     24.4510     16.4965
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15151E+01  0.36531E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  32164.1051     24.6761      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  32164.1062     24.6772      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  32164.1490     24.7199      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107331 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  32164.1539
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  32164.1584      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  32172.1090      7.9551      7.9507
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0535331 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1452270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7220559 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3790100 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14480.3180966 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1224949 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073860 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4300599 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10162E+01  0.20944E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43044E-01  0.12553E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72808E+00  0.22770E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  32188.5544     24.4005     16.4453
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15368E+01  0.36250E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  32188.7822     24.6284      0.2279
+                do leaf measurements  32188.7833     24.6295      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  32188.8260     24.6722      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080807 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  32188.8291     24.6753      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  32188.8294     24.6755      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -166819199270213.13 280907585042420.59
+ def in m -8.0076980590820312 0.66978132724761963
+ dimensionless def  -1.91366093499319902E-6 2.28791373116629477E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0188054  0.2284408
+                  Compute divergence  32189.0400     24.8862      0.2107
+                        wsmp_cleanup  32189.0766     24.9228      0.0366
+              Reset surface geometry  32189.0818     24.9279      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   32189.0898     24.9360      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  32189.1072     24.9533      0.0174
+                   Advect surface  1  32189.1073     24.9535      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  32189.3019     25.1480      0.1946
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  32189.4968     25.3430      0.1949
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  32189.7509     25.5971      0.2541
+                    Advect the cloud  32189.9093     25.7555      0.1584
+                        Write output  32190.7465     26.5927      0.8372
+                    End of time step  32191.6241     27.4702      0.8776
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     199  32191.6243
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  32191.6243      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  32191.6244      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16974points
+                      refine surface  32191.6244      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  32191.6506      0.0263      0.0262
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  32191.6728      0.0486      0.0222
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  32191.6969      0.0726      0.0241
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16975points
+                          surface 02  32191.7158      0.0916      0.0189
+                                                                        S. 2:    16965points
+                      refine surface  32191.7160      0.0917      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  32191.7404      0.1161      0.0244
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16965points
+                          surface 03  32191.7589      0.1346      0.0185
+                                                                        S. 3:    16972points
+                      refine surface  32191.7590      0.1348      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  32191.7849      0.1607      0.0259
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  32191.8078      0.1835      0.0228
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  32191.8326      0.2083      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16973points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  32191.8570
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  32191.8573      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  32191.8731      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  32191.8946      0.0375      0.0214
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  32191.8953      0.0383      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  32191.9095      0.0524      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  32192.0316      0.1746      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  32192.2224      0.3654      0.1907
+                embedding surface  1  32192.2225      0.3655      0.0001
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  32194.2058      2.3487      1.9832
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  32196.3171      4.4601      2.1114
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  32199.8385      7.9815      3.5214
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  32199.8433      7.9863      0.0048
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  32200.3145      8.4574      0.4712
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  32200.4210      8.5640      0.1065
+                           Find void  32200.6930      8.8360      0.2720
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  32200.7219      8.8649      0.0289
+                         wsmp setup1  32200.7296      8.8726      0.0077
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  32201.7456      9.8886      1.0160
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  32201.7951
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  32201.7953      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38934E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  32209.7403      7.9452      7.9450
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0532310 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1399841 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7163439 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3729591 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14488.0221489 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072279 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4112918 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10369E+01  0.18474E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.96144E-01  0.11205E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76175E+00  0.24699E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  32226.1669     24.3718     16.4266
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35122E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  32226.3925     24.5974      0.2256
+                do leaf measurements  32226.3936     24.5985      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  32226.4356     24.6405      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5897848 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  32226.4405
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  32226.4449      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.80726E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  32234.4704      8.0299      8.0255
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0520771 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1491461 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7174962 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3930531 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14462.4696367 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212180 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073171 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4406760 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.13737E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48682E-01  0.10200E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76726E+00  0.22585E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  32250.9266     24.4861     16.4562
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12364E+01  0.18486E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  32251.1512     24.7107      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  32251.1523     24.7118      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  32251.1943     24.7538      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0717757 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  32251.1991
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  32251.2037      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  32259.1413      7.9422      7.9377
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0528550 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1673219 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7205160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4293680 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14416.5174837 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1218190 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071630 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4993980 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.15532E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37464E-01  0.11834E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74684E+00  0.23168E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  32275.6563     24.4572     16.5150
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13727E+01  0.31314E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  32275.8839     24.6847      0.2276
+                do leaf measurements  32275.8850     24.6859      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  32275.9270     24.7279      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361496 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  32275.9319
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  32275.9363      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  32283.9414      8.0094      8.0050
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0546908 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1373060 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7139180 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3844020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14473.4596814 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214521 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072591 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4193661 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.17613E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37793E-01  0.12311E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73744E+00  0.22914E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  32300.3763     24.4443     16.4349
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14716E+01  0.35777E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  32300.6012     24.6693      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  32300.6024     24.6704      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  32300.6448     24.7128      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159048 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  32300.6497
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  32300.6543      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  32308.6140      7.9643      7.9597
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0512609 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1380439 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7146721 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4328671 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14412.1053059 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214209 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072081 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4658210 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10166E+01  0.19390E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40676E-01  0.12561E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73266E+00  0.22811E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  32325.0957     24.4459     16.4817
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15153E+01  0.36584E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  32325.3214     24.6717      0.2258
+                do leaf measurements  32325.3226     24.6728      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  32325.3645     24.7148      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107532 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  32325.3694
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  32325.3738      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  32333.3161      7.9467      7.9422
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0518031 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1409791 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7210801 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3787580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14480.6387961 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1219850 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073402 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4222929 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10162E+01  0.20951E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43084E-01  0.12568E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72811E+00  0.22763E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  32349.7539     24.3845     16.4378
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15371E+01  0.36291E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  32349.9811     24.6118      0.2273
+                do leaf measurements  32349.9823     24.6129      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  32350.0243     24.6549      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080881 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  32350.0273     24.6579      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  32350.0274     24.6580      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -167288399461424.41 282165467134759.56
+ def in m -8.0085916519165039 0.6689872145652771
+ dimensionless def  -1.91139204161507748E-6 2.2881690434047154E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0187751  0.2284701
+                  Compute divergence  32350.2332     24.8638      0.2058
+                        wsmp_cleanup  32350.2719     24.9025      0.0386
+              Reset surface geometry  32350.2766     24.9072      0.0048
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   32350.2848     24.9154      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  32350.3010     24.9316      0.0161
+                   Advect surface  1  32350.3011     24.9317      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  32350.4973     25.1279      0.1962
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  32350.6938     25.3244      0.1965
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  32350.9494     25.5801      0.2556
+                    Advect the cloud  32351.1059     25.7366      0.1565
+                        Write output  32351.9565     26.5872      0.8506
+                    End of time step  32352.8355     27.4661      0.8790
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     200  32352.8357
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  32352.8357      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  32352.8358      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16975points
+                      refine surface  32352.8358      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  32352.8627      0.0270      0.0269
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  32352.8843      0.0487      0.0216
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  32352.9093      0.0737      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16976points
+                          surface 02  32352.9273      0.0916      0.0179
+                                                                        S. 2:    16965points
+                      refine surface  32352.9274      0.0917      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  32352.9549      0.1193      0.0275
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  32352.9772      0.1415      0.0223
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  32353.0024      0.1668      0.0253
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16968points
+                          surface 03  32353.0203      0.1846      0.0178
+                                                                        S. 3:    16973points
+                      refine surface  32353.0204      0.1847      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  32353.0466      0.2110      0.0262
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  32353.0733      0.2376      0.0266
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  32353.0984      0.2627      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16974points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  32353.1226
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  32353.1229      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  32353.1388      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  32353.1603      0.0377      0.0216
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  32353.1611      0.0385      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  32353.1753      0.0526      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  32353.2974      0.1748      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  32353.4888      0.3662      0.1914
+                embedding surface  1  32353.4890      0.3663      0.0001
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  32355.4648      2.3422      1.9759
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  32357.5822      4.4596      2.1174
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  32361.1383      8.0157      3.5561
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  32361.1435      8.0208      0.0051
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  32361.6129      8.4902      0.4694
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  32361.6770      8.5543      0.0641
+                           Find void  32361.9451      8.8224      0.2681
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  32361.9737      8.8510      0.0286
+                         wsmp setup1  32361.9811      8.8585      0.0074
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  32362.9969      9.8743      1.0158
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  32363.0461
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  32363.0463      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38934E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  32370.9923      7.9462      7.9460
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0563052 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1413369 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7302451 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3830721 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14475.1506342 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217370 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072320 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4402990 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10161E+01  0.18412E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95870E-01  0.11146E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76155E+00  0.24732E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  32387.4479     24.4018     16.4556
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35070E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  32387.6752     24.6291      0.2273
+                do leaf measurements  32387.6764     24.6302      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  32387.7191     24.6729      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5894695 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  32387.7240
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  32387.7284      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.81095E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  32395.7512      8.0272      8.0228
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0540900 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1416161 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7153959 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3854840 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14472.0842928 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209600 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071971 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4251001 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10156E+01  0.13693E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48473E-01  0.10207E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76714E+00  0.22597E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  32412.1915     24.4676     16.4404
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12354E+01  0.18008E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  32412.4184     24.6945      0.2269
+                do leaf measurements  32412.4196     24.6956      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  32412.4622     24.7382      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0712798 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  32412.4671
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  32412.4715      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  32420.4090      7.9419      7.9375
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0544820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1591699 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7248840 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4666572 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14369.6355050 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212840 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071061 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5339530 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.15511E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37110E-01  0.11840E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74640E+00  0.23185E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  32436.9584     24.4914     16.5495
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13715E+01  0.31203E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  32437.1837     24.7166      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  32437.1848     24.7178      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  32437.2275     24.7605      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360957 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  32437.2324
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  32437.2369      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  32445.2442      8.0118      8.0073
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0531008 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1364820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7178280 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3915670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14464.3563079 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210179 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073280 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4276919 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.17599E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37690E-01  0.12305E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73711E+00  0.22916E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  32461.6873     24.4549     16.4431
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14705E+01  0.35667E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  32461.9122     24.6797      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  32461.9133     24.6809      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  32461.9565     24.7241      0.0431
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159249 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  32461.9614
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  32461.9660      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  32469.9370      7.9756      7.9710
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0529170 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1368442 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7169230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4060180 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14446.0304731 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214871 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071678 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4417160 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10166E+01  0.19380E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40580E-01  0.12556E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73237E+00  0.22822E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  32486.3944     24.4330     16.4574
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15144E+01  0.36482E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  32486.6193     24.6579      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  32486.6204     24.6590      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  32486.6631     24.7017      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107513 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  32486.6680
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  32486.6724      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  32494.6096      7.9416      7.9372
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0504570 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1601710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7227871 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3878751 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14469.0456047 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216509 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072279 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4505301 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10164E+01  0.20941E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42993E-01  0.12561E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72785E+00  0.22780E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  32511.0755     24.4075     16.4659
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15360E+01  0.36200E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  32511.3025     24.6346      0.2270
+                do leaf measurements  32511.3037     24.6357      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  32511.3463     24.6783      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080833 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  32511.3492     24.6813      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  32511.3494     24.6814      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -167749988123225.63 283424841408793.63
+ def in m -8.0067281723022461 0.66616445779800415
+ dimensionless def  -1.90332702228001176E-6 2.28763662065778481E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0186870  0.2284190
+                  Compute divergence  32511.5533     24.8853      0.2039
+                        wsmp_cleanup  32511.5915     24.9236      0.0382
+              Reset surface geometry  32511.5965     24.9285      0.0049
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   32511.6046     24.9367      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  32511.6210     24.9530      0.0163
+                   Advect surface  1  32511.6211     24.9531      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  32511.8174     25.1495      0.1964
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  32512.0173     25.3493      0.1999
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  32512.2675     25.5995      0.2502
+                    Advect the cloud  32512.4243     25.7563      0.1568
+                        Write output  32513.2743     26.6064      0.8500
+                    End of time step  32514.1522     27.4842      0.8778
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     201  32514.1523
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  32514.1524      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  32514.1524      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16976points
+                      refine surface  32514.1524      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  32514.1790      0.0267      0.0266
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  32514.2009      0.0486      0.0219
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  32514.2263      0.0740      0.0253
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16977points
+                          surface 02  32514.2440      0.0917      0.0178
+                                                                        S. 2:    16968points
+                      refine surface  32514.2442      0.0919      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  32514.2693      0.1170      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16968points
+                          surface 03  32514.2874      0.1351      0.0181
+                                                                        S. 3:    16974points
+                      refine surface  32514.2876      0.1353      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  32514.3145      0.1622      0.0269
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  32514.3364      0.1841      0.0219
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  32514.3614      0.2091      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16976points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  32514.3858
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  32514.3860      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  32514.4019      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  32514.4236      0.0378      0.0217
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  32514.4244      0.0386      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  32514.4385      0.0527      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  32514.5607      0.1749      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  32514.7512      0.3654      0.1905
+                embedding surface  1  32514.7514      0.3656      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  32516.7169      2.3311      1.9655
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  32518.8393      4.4535      2.1224
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  32522.4123      8.0265      3.5730
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  32522.4177      8.0319      0.0054
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  32522.9045      8.5187      0.4868
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  32522.9691      8.5833      0.0646
+                           Find void  32523.2393      8.8534      0.2702
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  32523.2682      8.8824      0.0289
+                         wsmp setup1  32523.2762      8.8904      0.0080
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  32524.2920      9.9062      1.0158
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  32524.3417
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  32524.3418      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  32532.2772      7.9355      7.9354
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0586700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1432550 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7225769 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3695168 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14492.4086094 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071259 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4230828 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.18365E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95792E-01  0.11075E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76128E+00  0.24571E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  32548.7158     24.3742     16.4386
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35084E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  32548.9426     24.6009      0.2267
+                do leaf measurements  32548.9436     24.6020      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  32548.9853     24.6436      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5893906 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  32548.9902
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  32548.9946      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.81890E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  32557.0108      8.0206      8.0162
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0527790 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1441569 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7156961 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3828170 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14475.4750464 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211100 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071211 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4240460 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.13665E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48981E-01  0.10228E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76689E+00  0.22477E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  32573.4509     24.4607     16.4401
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12351E+01  0.17807E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  32573.6747     24.6845      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  32573.6758     24.6856      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  32573.7174     24.7272      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0715638 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  32573.7223
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  32573.7267      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  32581.6630      7.9407      7.9364
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0500009 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1759892 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7176371 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4675319 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14368.5393712 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209831 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071139 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5396090 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.15494E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37406E-01  0.11856E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74619E+00  0.23097E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  32598.2181     24.4958     16.5550
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13711E+01  0.31156E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  32598.4439     24.7216      0.2258
+                do leaf measurements  32598.4449     24.7226      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  32598.4865     24.7642      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362253 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  32598.4914
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  32598.4958      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  32606.5063      8.0149      8.0105
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0504620 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1494119 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7161760 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3750188 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14485.3987729 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211441 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071349 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4197149 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.17589E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37908E-01  0.12324E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73696E+00  0.22887E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  32622.9417     24.4503     16.4354
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14703E+01  0.35633E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  32623.1667     24.6753      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  32623.1678     24.6764      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  32623.2098     24.7185      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158873 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  32623.2148
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  32623.2193      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  32631.2045      7.9897      7.9852
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0534611 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1366410 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7169120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4002271 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14453.3685922 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209769 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070179 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4355829 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.19372E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40731E-01  0.12574E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73228E+00  0.22798E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  32647.6554     24.4407     16.4509
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15139E+01  0.36426E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  32647.8809     24.6662      0.2255
+                do leaf measurements  32647.8820     24.6672      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  32647.9236     24.7089      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107623 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  32647.9285
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  32647.9329      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  32655.8715      7.9429      7.9385
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0515821 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1660171 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7198639 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4026768 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14450.2634307 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071089 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4693151 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.20937E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43088E-01  0.12578E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72775E+00  0.22757E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  32672.3563     24.4277     16.4848
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15355E+01  0.36145E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  32672.5837     24.6552      0.2275
+                do leaf measurements  32672.5848     24.6563      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  32672.6264     24.6978      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080786 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  32672.6293     24.7008      0.0029
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  32672.6295     24.7010      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -168217199820427.31 284678884690878.88
+ def in m -8.0084419250488281 0.66813397407531738
+ dimensionless def  -1.90895421164376397E-6 2.28812626429966524E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0187382  0.2284711
+                  Compute divergence  32672.8332     24.9047      0.2037
+                        wsmp_cleanup  32672.8694     24.9408      0.0362
+              Reset surface geometry  32672.8744     24.9459      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   32672.8826     24.9541      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  32672.8998     24.9712      0.0171
+                   Advect surface  1  32672.8999     24.9714      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  32673.0894     25.1609      0.1895
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  32673.2876     25.3590      0.1981
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  32673.5417     25.6132      0.2541
+                    Advect the cloud  32673.6971     25.7686      0.1554
+                        Write output  32674.5486     26.6200      0.8515
+                    End of time step  32675.4495     27.5210      0.9010
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     202  32675.4497
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  32675.4498      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  32675.4499      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16977points
+                      refine surface  32675.4499      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  32675.4766      0.0269      0.0267
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  32675.4988      0.0491      0.0222
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  32675.5242      0.0745      0.0254
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16978points
+                          surface 02  32675.5421      0.0924      0.0179
+                                                                        S. 2:    16968points
+                      refine surface  32675.5422      0.0925      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  32675.5676      0.1179      0.0253
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16968points
+                          surface 03  32675.5854      0.1357      0.0178
+                                                                        S. 3:    16976points
+                      refine surface  32675.5855      0.1358      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  32675.6122      0.1625      0.0267
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  32675.6345      0.1848      0.0223
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  32675.6601      0.2105      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16978points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  32675.6841
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  32675.6843      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  32675.7002      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  32675.7217      0.0376      0.0215
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  32675.7225      0.0384      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  32675.7367      0.0525      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  32675.8588      0.1747      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  32676.0484      0.3643      0.1896
+                embedding surface  1  32676.0486      0.3645      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  32678.0134      2.3293      1.9649
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  32680.1142      4.4301      2.1008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  32683.6881      8.0040      3.5739
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  32683.6941      8.0100      0.0060
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  32684.1734      8.4893      0.4793
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  32684.2440      8.5599      0.0706
+                           Find void  32684.5116      8.8275      0.2675
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  32684.5402      8.8561      0.0286
+                         wsmp setup1  32684.5478      8.8637      0.0076
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  32685.5647      9.8806      1.0169
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  32685.6140
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  32685.6142      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  32693.5341      7.9201      7.9199
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0532150 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1471741 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7231421 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3880310 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14468.8474935 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1218021 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070691 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4407871 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10138E+01  0.18467E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.96178E-01  0.11169E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76151E+00  0.24643E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  32709.9906     24.3766     16.4565
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35085E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  32710.2180     24.6040      0.2274
+                do leaf measurements  32710.2192     24.6051      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  32710.2614     24.6474      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5888789 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  32710.2664
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  32710.2709      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.81516E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  32718.2756      8.0093      8.0048
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0518718 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1468151 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7176020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3844879 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14473.3505622 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213689 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071099 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4296100 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.13728E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48649E-01  0.10213E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76704E+00  0.22559E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  32734.7204     24.4540     16.4448
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12365E+01  0.18065E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  32734.9453     24.6789      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  32734.9464     24.6800      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  32734.9887     24.7223      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0710990 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  32734.9936
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  32734.9981      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  32742.9343      7.9407      7.9363
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0512421 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1548429 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7165949 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4773331 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14356.2692558 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214299 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072582 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5290880 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.15524E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37352E-01  0.11843E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74683E+00  0.23175E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  32759.4784     24.4848     16.5440
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13717E+01  0.31240E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  32759.7043     24.7107      0.2259
+                do leaf measurements  32759.7054     24.7118      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  32759.7476     24.7540      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361018 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  32759.7526
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  32759.7571      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  32767.7541      8.0015      7.9970
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0543621 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1435711 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7184789 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3877580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14469.1943432 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210690 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071619 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4327681 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.17601E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37782E-01  0.12311E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73735E+00  0.22917E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  32784.2030     24.4504     16.4489
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14706E+01  0.35738E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  32784.4276     24.6750      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  32784.4287     24.6761      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  32784.4713     24.7188      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159093 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  32784.4764
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  32784.4810      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  32792.4800      8.0036      7.9991
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0514271 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1470149 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7175081 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4024649 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14450.5320387 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210821 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072062 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4470758 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.19378E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40658E-01  0.12562E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73258E+00  0.22819E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  32808.9425     24.4662     16.4625
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15145E+01  0.36539E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  32809.1680     24.6917      0.2255
+                do leaf measurements  32809.1691     24.6928      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  32809.2116     24.7352      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107514 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  32809.2164
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  32809.2208      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  32817.1553      7.9388      7.9345
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0541270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1665430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7227998 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4279699 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14418.2811862 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1218991 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071371 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5008490 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10163E+01  0.20941E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43070E-01  0.12565E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72801E+00  0.22756E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  32833.6716     24.4552     16.5164
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15363E+01  0.36255E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  32833.8995     24.6831      0.2279
+                do leaf measurements  32833.9006     24.6842      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  32833.9429     24.7264      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080795 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  32833.9459     24.7294      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  32833.9461     24.7296      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -168668378434126.25 285935821577671.25
+ def in m -8.0074739456176758 0.66749304533004761
+ dimensionless def  -1.90712298665727901E-6 2.2878496987479074E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0187187  0.2284439
+                  Compute divergence  32834.1497     24.9333      0.2036
+                        wsmp_cleanup  32834.1909     24.9744      0.0412
+              Reset surface geometry  32834.1960     24.9795      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   32834.2044     24.9880      0.0084
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  32834.2189     25.0025      0.0145
+                   Advect surface  1  32834.2191     25.0026      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  32834.4124     25.1959      0.1933
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  32834.6108     25.3943      0.1984
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  32834.8620     25.6455      0.2512
+                    Advect the cloud  32835.0187     25.8022      0.1567
+                        Write output  32835.8665     26.6501      0.8479
+                    End of time step  32836.7499     27.5334      0.8833
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     203  32836.7500
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  32836.7501      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  32836.7501      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16978points
+                      refine surface  32836.7502      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  32836.7766      0.0266      0.0264
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  32836.7988      0.0487      0.0222
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  32836.8241      0.0740      0.0253
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16979points
+                          surface 02  32836.8418      0.0918      0.0177
+                                                                        S. 2:    16968points
+                      refine surface  32836.8419      0.0919      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  32836.8689      0.1189      0.0270
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  32836.8916      0.1416      0.0227
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  32836.9158      0.1658      0.0242
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16971points
+                          surface 03  32836.9350      0.1849      0.0191
+                                                                        S. 3:    16978points
+                      refine surface  32836.9351      0.1851      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  32836.9615      0.2115      0.0264
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  32836.9834      0.2334      0.0219
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  32837.0087      0.2587      0.0253
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16979points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  32837.0334
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  32837.0336      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  32837.0495      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  32837.0709      0.0376      0.0215
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  32837.0717      0.0384      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  32837.0859      0.0525      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  32837.2080      0.1747      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  32837.3998      0.3664      0.1918
+                embedding surface  1  32837.3999      0.3666      0.0001
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  32839.3641      2.3308      1.9642
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  32841.4806      4.4473      2.1165
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  32845.0363      8.0029      3.5556
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  32845.0412      8.0079      0.0050
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  32845.5209      8.4875      0.4796
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  32845.6037      8.5703      0.0828
+                           Find void  32845.8769      8.8436      0.2733
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  32845.9057      8.8724      0.0288
+                         wsmp setup1  32845.9134      8.8801      0.0077
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  32846.9313      9.8979      1.0179
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  32846.9797
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  32846.9798      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  32854.8973      7.9177      7.9175
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0538590 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1581769 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7236910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3886650 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14468.0420788 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1218722 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071809 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4538131 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10328E+01  0.18423E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.96145E-01  0.11151E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76162E+00  0.24820E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  32871.3672     24.3875     16.4698
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35074E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  32871.5933     24.6136      0.2261
+                do leaf measurements  32871.5944     24.6148      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  32871.6365     24.6568      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5886693 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  32871.6416
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  32871.6463      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.80730E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  32879.6365      7.9949      7.9902
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0507541 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1458552 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7174881 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3781929 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14481.3579186 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215370 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072269 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4214289 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10151E+01  0.13696E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48584E-01  0.10238E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76700E+00  0.22647E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  32896.0734     24.4318     16.4369
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12360E+01  0.17957E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  32896.2976     24.6560      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements  32896.2988     24.6572      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  32896.3413     24.6998      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0708356 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  32896.3465
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  32896.3512      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  32904.2891      7.9426      7.9379
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0517459 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1522460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7183070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4715300 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14363.5316684 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071452 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5225980 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.15502E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37317E-01  0.11849E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74659E+00  0.23190E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  32920.8271     24.4807     16.5380
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13717E+01  0.31229E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  32921.0521     24.7056      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  32921.0532     24.7067      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  32921.0953     24.7488      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362152 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  32921.1004
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  32921.1051      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  32929.0843      7.9839      7.9792
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0554581 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1451812 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7178121 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3831878 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14475.0035923 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212819 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071940 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4304869 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.17592E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37657E-01  0.12309E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73719E+00  0.22930E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  32945.5302     24.4299     16.4459
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14707E+01  0.35701E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  32945.7553     24.6549      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  32945.7564     24.6560      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  32945.7985     24.6982      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159209 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  32945.8036
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  32945.8087      0.0051      0.0051
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  32953.8266      8.0230      8.0179
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0506911 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1449249 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7167039 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3921819 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14463.5756089 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214840 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072429 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4336140 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10166E+01  0.19374E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40563E-01  0.12558E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73247E+00  0.22826E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  32970.2757     24.4721     16.4491
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15143E+01  0.36497E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  32970.5005     24.6969      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  32970.5016     24.6980      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  32970.5438     24.7401      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107573 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  32970.5488
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  32970.5535      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  32978.4946      7.9458      7.9411
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0530279 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1593189 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7241080 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4293840 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14416.4973347 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1220560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072279 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4955142 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10163E+01  0.20938E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42977E-01  0.12564E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72791E+00  0.22778E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  32995.0060     24.4572     16.5114
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15361E+01  0.36214E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  32995.2327     24.6839      0.2267
+                do leaf measurements  32995.2338     24.6850      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  32995.2759     24.7271      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080824 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  32995.2792     24.7303      0.0033
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  32995.2793     24.7305      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -169120708363696.41 287186168123947.56
+ def in m -8.0059576034545898 0.66677248477935791
+ dimensionless def  -1.90506424222673682E-6 2.28741645812988269E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0186920  0.2284036
+                  Compute divergence  32995.4793     24.9305      0.2000
+                        wsmp_cleanup  32995.5197     24.9709      0.0404
+              Reset surface geometry  32995.5250     24.9761      0.0052
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   32995.5332     24.9843      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  32995.5484     24.9996      0.0152
+                   Advect surface  1  32995.5486     24.9997      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  32995.7377     25.1889      0.1892
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  32995.9326     25.3838      0.1949
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  32996.1880     25.6391      0.2554
+                    Advect the cloud  32996.3436     25.7948      0.1557
+                        Write output  32997.1889     26.6401      0.8453
+                    End of time step  32998.0673     27.5185      0.8784
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     204  32998.0675
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  32998.0675      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  32998.0676      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16979points
+                      refine surface  32998.0676      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  32998.0947      0.0272      0.0271
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  32998.1213      0.0538      0.0266
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  32998.1470      0.0795      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16981points
+                          surface 02  32998.1653      0.0978      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 2:    16971points
+                      refine surface  32998.1654      0.0980      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  32998.1906      0.1231      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16971points
+                          surface 03  32998.2085      0.1410      0.0179
+                                                                        S. 3:    16979points
+                      refine surface  32998.2086      0.1411      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  32998.2351      0.1676      0.0265
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  32998.2572      0.1897      0.0221
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  32998.2823      0.2148      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16980points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  32998.3069
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  32998.3072      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  32998.3230      0.0161      0.0158
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  32998.3443      0.0373      0.0213
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  32998.3451      0.0381      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  32998.3592      0.0523      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  32998.4813      0.1743      0.1221
+             Imbed surface in osolve  32998.6739      0.3670      0.1926
+                embedding surface  1  32998.6741      0.3671      0.0001
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  33000.6480      2.3411      1.9739
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  33002.7631      4.4561      2.1150
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  33006.3108      8.0038      3.5477
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  33006.3157      8.0088      0.0049
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  33006.7605      8.4536      0.4448
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  33006.8731      8.5661      0.1125
+                           Find void  33007.1431      8.8362      0.2701
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  33007.1719      8.8650      0.0288
+                         wsmp setup1  33007.1796      8.8726      0.0077
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  33008.1966      9.8897      1.0171
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  33008.2451
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  33008.2452      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  33016.1589      7.9138      7.9137
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0556688 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1695461 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7242191 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4037340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14448.9238636 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1218030 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072632 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4826169 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10144E+01  0.18384E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95980E-01  0.11116E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76154E+00  0.24643E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  33032.6571     24.4120     16.4982
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35076E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  33032.8836     24.6385      0.2265
+                do leaf measurements  33032.8847     24.6397      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  33032.9269     24.6818      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5890211 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  33032.9320
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  33032.9367      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.81715E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  33040.9112      7.9792      7.9745
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0531931 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1452079 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7173991 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3852980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14472.3206786 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209750 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071619 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4296050 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.13670E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48512E-01  0.10182E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76710E+00  0.22560E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  33057.3557     24.4237     16.4445
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12360E+01  0.17946E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  33057.5812     24.6492      0.2255
+                do leaf measurements  33057.5824     24.6504      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  33057.6250     24.6930      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0713580 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  33057.6302
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  33057.6350      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  33065.5722      7.9420      7.9373
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0515668 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1470652 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7166429 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4603801 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14377.5060480 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213930 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071511 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5045700 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.15490E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37146E-01  0.11827E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74658E+00  0.23191E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  33082.0925     24.4623     16.5203
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13718E+01  0.31232E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  33082.3174     24.6872      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  33082.3185     24.6883      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  33082.3606     24.7305      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361580 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  33082.3657
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  33082.3705      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  33090.3395      7.9737      7.9690
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0508831 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1466959 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7158420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3750970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14485.2991889 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216769 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073071 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4178839 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.17583E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37681E-01  0.12300E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73722E+00  0.22929E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  33106.7726     24.4068     16.4331
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14707E+01  0.35680E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  33106.9999     24.6341      0.2273
+                do leaf measurements  33107.0010     24.6353      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  33107.0432     24.6774      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158236 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  33107.0483
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  33107.0529      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  33115.0728      8.0245      8.0199
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0514941 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1549950 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7163289 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3804631 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14478.4691176 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209991 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072560 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4319348 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.19364E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40593E-01  0.12549E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73252E+00  0.22827E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  33131.5207     24.4724     16.4479
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15143E+01  0.36470E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  33131.7437     24.6955      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements  33131.7449     24.6966      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  33131.7870     24.7388      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107145 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  33131.7921
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  33131.7968      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  33139.7331      7.9409      7.9363
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0541041 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1574972 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7231271 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4572260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14381.4640061 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217940 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072501 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5213881 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10164E+01  0.20930E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43016E-01  0.12556E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72798E+00  0.22770E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  33156.2693     24.4772     16.5363
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15362E+01  0.36199E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  33156.4957     24.7036      0.2264
+                do leaf measurements  33156.4969     24.7048      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  33156.5389     24.7468      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080904 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  33156.5422     24.7501      0.0033
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  33156.5424     24.7502      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -169577721767989.41 288430496090887.13
+ def in m -8.0082674026489258 0.67044341564178467
+ dimensionless def  -1.91555261611938462E-6 2.2880764007568359E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0187918  0.2284731
+                  Compute divergence  33156.7472     24.9551      0.2048
+                        wsmp_cleanup  33156.7849     24.9927      0.0377
+              Reset surface geometry  33156.7898     24.9977      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   33156.7981     25.0059      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  33156.8147     25.0226      0.0166
+                   Advect surface  1  33156.8148     25.0227      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  33157.0012     25.2091      0.1864
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  33157.1972     25.4051      0.1960
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  33157.4486     25.6565      0.2513
+                    Advect the cloud  33157.6036     25.8115      0.1550
+                        Write output  33158.4476     26.6554      0.8440
+                    End of time step  33159.3295     27.5374      0.8820
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     205  33159.3297
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  33159.3297      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  33159.3298      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16981points
+                      refine surface  33159.3298      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  33159.3581      0.0285      0.0283
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  33159.3808      0.0512      0.0227
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  33159.4062      0.0765      0.0253
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16984points
+                          surface 02  33159.4251      0.0955      0.0189
+                                                                        S. 2:    16971points
+                      refine surface  33159.4253      0.0956      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  33159.4500      0.1203      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16971points
+                          surface 03  33159.4683      0.1387      0.0184
+                                                                        S. 3:    16980points
+                      refine surface  33159.4685      0.1388      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  33159.4945      0.1649      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  33159.5173      0.1876      0.0227
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  33159.5454      0.2157      0.0281
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16981points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  33159.5704
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  33159.5707      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  33159.5865      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  33159.6084      0.0380      0.0219
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  33159.6092      0.0388      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  33159.6233      0.0529      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  33159.7455      0.1751      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  33159.9361      0.3657      0.1906
+                embedding surface  1  33159.9363      0.3658      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  33161.9116      2.3412      1.9754
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  33164.0150      4.4446      2.1034
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  33167.5642      7.9937      3.5491
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  33167.5693      7.9988      0.0051
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  33168.0307      8.4603      0.4615
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  33168.1345      8.5641      0.1038
+                           Find void  33168.4041      8.8336      0.2696
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  33168.4329      8.8625      0.0288
+                         wsmp setup1  33168.4404      8.8700      0.0075
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  33169.4570      9.8866      1.0166
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  33169.5055
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  33169.5056      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38934E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  33177.4081      7.9027      7.9025
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0553830 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1743550 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7210898 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4154310 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14434.1184795 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216631 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072789 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4955649 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10136E+01  0.18487E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95571E-01  0.11217E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76180E+00  0.24769E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  33193.9194     24.4139     16.5113
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35074E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  33194.1458     24.6403      0.2264
+                do leaf measurements  33194.1469     24.6414      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  33194.1915     24.6861      0.0446
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5905831 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  33194.1966
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  33194.2011      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.81443E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  33202.1863      7.9897      7.9852
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0527890 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1512821 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7130489 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3845069 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14473.3263137 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073199 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4303122 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.13734E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48534E-01  0.10178E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76726E+00  0.22646E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  33218.6316     24.4350     16.4453
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12358E+01  0.17920E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  33218.8580     24.6614      0.2264
+                do leaf measurements  33218.8591     24.6625      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  33218.9018     24.7052      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0720059 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  33218.9069
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  33218.9114      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  33226.8530      7.9462      7.9416
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0525961 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1375029 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7159901 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4488752 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14391.9538957 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1306770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073330 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4933562 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.15533E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37180E-01  0.11828E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74656E+00  0.23234E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  33243.3621     24.4552     16.5091
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13723E+01  0.31284E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  33243.5874     24.6805      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements  33243.5885     24.6816      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  33243.6308     24.7239      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0363299 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  33243.6359
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  33243.6404      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  33251.5900      7.9542      7.9497
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0521572 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1531250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7236869 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3714721 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14489.9167084 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071759 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4297822 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.17613E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37533E-01  0.12304E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73725E+00  0.22972E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  33268.0347     24.3988     16.4446
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14713E+01  0.35763E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  33268.2625     24.6266      0.2278
+                do leaf measurements  33268.2636     24.6277      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  33268.3059     24.6700      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158454 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  33268.3110
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  33268.3155      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  33276.3383      8.0274      8.0229
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0512321 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1524689 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7164462 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3887970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14467.8742827 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215780 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073369 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4382381 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.19393E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40468E-01  0.12551E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73253E+00  0.22858E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  33292.7920     24.4810     16.4536
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15150E+01  0.36554E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  33293.0170     24.7061      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  33293.0181     24.7072      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  33293.0606     24.7496      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107627 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  33293.0656
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  33293.0701      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  33301.0075      7.9419      7.9374
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0516849 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1573160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7221379 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4623020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14375.0953616 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210051 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071859 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5219989 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10164E+01  0.20955E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42907E-01  0.12560E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72797E+00  0.22797E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  33317.5450     24.4793     16.5375
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15367E+01  0.36256E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  33317.7700     24.7044      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  33317.7711     24.7055      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  33317.8134     24.7477      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080893 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  33317.8162     24.7505      0.0028
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  33317.8164     24.7507      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -170028441753994.34 289676102889824.25
+ def in m -8.0065422058105469 0.66865599155426025
+ dimensionless def  -1.91044569015502936E-6 2.28758348737444176E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0187275  0.2284241
+                  Compute divergence  33318.0233     24.9577      0.2070
+                        wsmp_cleanup  33318.0595     24.9939      0.0362
+              Reset surface geometry  33318.0646     24.9989      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   33318.0730     25.0073      0.0084
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  33318.0900     25.0243      0.0170
+                   Advect surface  1  33318.0901     25.0245      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  33318.2834     25.2177      0.1933
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  33318.4815     25.4158      0.1981
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  33318.7358     25.6702      0.2543
+                    Advect the cloud  33318.8925     25.8269      0.1567
+                        Write output  33319.7449     26.6792      0.8524
+                    End of time step  33320.6287     27.5631      0.8839
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     206  33320.6289
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  33320.6289      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  33320.6290      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16984points
+                      refine surface  33320.6290      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  33320.6566      0.0277      0.0276
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  33320.6791      0.0503      0.0225
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  33320.7043      0.0755      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16985points
+                          surface 02  33320.7230      0.0941      0.0187
+                                                                        S. 2:    16971points
+                      refine surface  33320.7232      0.0943      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  33320.7491      0.1202      0.0259
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  33320.7762      0.1474      0.0272
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  33320.8013      0.1725      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16972points
+                          surface 03  33320.8196      0.1907      0.0182
+                                                                        S. 3:    16981points
+                      refine surface  33320.8197      0.1908      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  33320.8466      0.2178      0.0269
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  33320.8694      0.2405      0.0228
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  33320.8948      0.2660      0.0254
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16982points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  33320.9199
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  33320.9201      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  33320.9360      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  33320.9574      0.0375      0.0214
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  33320.9582      0.0383      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  33320.9723      0.0524      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  33321.0944      0.1745      0.1221
+             Imbed surface in osolve  33321.2878      0.3679      0.1934
+                embedding surface  1  33321.2880      0.3681      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  33323.2639      2.3440      1.9759
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  33325.3723      4.4524      2.1084
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  33328.9400      8.0201      3.5678
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  33328.9464      8.0265      0.0063
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  33329.4339      8.5140      0.4875
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  33329.5003      8.5805      0.0665
+                           Find void  33329.7674      8.8475      0.2671
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  33329.7960      8.8762      0.0286
+                         wsmp setup1  33329.8027      8.8828      0.0066
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  33330.8193      9.8995      1.0166
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  33330.8675
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  33330.8677      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  33338.7809      7.9134      7.9132
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0574710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1557982 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7193692 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4270089 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14419.4938316 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217601 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071340 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4889221 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10143E+01  0.18423E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95274E-01  0.11133E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76173E+00  0.24675E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  33355.2857     24.4182     16.5048
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35089E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  33355.5119     24.6444      0.2262
+                do leaf measurements  33355.5130     24.6455      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  33355.5561     24.6886      0.0431
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5892297 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  33355.5615
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  33355.5661      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.82090E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  33363.5644      8.0030      7.9983
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0508530 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1358371 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7165749 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3763509 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14483.7026932 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072720 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4084351 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.13697E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48654E-01  0.10213E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76710E+00  0.22544E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  33379.9884     24.4270     16.4240
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12359E+01  0.17977E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  33380.2123     24.6508      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  33380.2134     24.6520      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  33380.2569     24.6954      0.0435
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0713909 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  33380.2623
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  33380.2670      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  33388.2233      7.9610      7.9563
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0507519 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1397450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7155120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4240410 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14423.2398502 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213930 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072601 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4590731 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.15506E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37517E-01  0.11847E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74652E+00  0.23161E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  33404.6975     24.4352     16.4742
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13720E+01  0.31251E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  33404.9232     24.6609      0.2257
+                do leaf measurements  33404.9243     24.6620      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  33404.9677     24.7054      0.0434
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362145 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  33404.9730
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  33404.9777      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  33412.9147      7.9417      7.9370
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0537789 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1411960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7236581 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3746328 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14485.8903368 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215429 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071058 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4222801 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.17591E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37681E-01  0.12313E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73718E+00  0.22908E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  33429.3522     24.3792     16.4375
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14708E+01  0.35714E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  33429.5792     24.6062      0.2270
+                do leaf measurements  33429.5803     24.6073      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  33429.6234     24.6504      0.0431
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158871 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  33429.6287
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  33429.6334      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  33437.6429      8.0142      8.0095
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0496459 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1507199 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7157700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3884759 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14468.2822702 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210532 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073440 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4334059 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.19373E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40571E-01  0.12562E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73245E+00  0.22821E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  33454.0916     24.4629     16.4487
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15144E+01  0.36500E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  33454.3168     24.6881      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  33454.3179     24.6892      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  33454.3610     24.7323      0.0431
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107588 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  33454.3662
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  33454.3709      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  33462.3110      7.9448      7.9401
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0518582 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1726310 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7180700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4664280 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14369.9226367 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209972 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073960 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5377681 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10164E+01  0.20936E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42984E-01  0.12572E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72791E+00  0.22779E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  33478.8642     24.4980     16.5532
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15363E+01  0.36233E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  33479.0892     24.7230      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  33479.0903     24.7241      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  33479.1334     24.7672      0.0430
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080789 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  33479.1364     24.7702      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  33479.1366     24.7704      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -170484605794582.06 290914417435951.44
+ def in m -8.0090732574462891 0.67025744915008545
+ dimensionless def  -1.91502128328595843E-6 2.28830664498465384E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0187637  0.2284985
+                  Compute divergence  33479.3436     24.9774      0.2070
+                        wsmp_cleanup  33479.3799     25.0136      0.0363
+              Reset surface geometry  33479.3849     25.0187      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   33479.3932     25.0270      0.0083
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  33479.4102     25.0440      0.0170
+                   Advect surface  1  33479.4104     25.0441      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  33479.6034     25.2372      0.1930
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  33479.8002     25.4340      0.1968
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  33480.0540     25.6878      0.2538
+                    Advect the cloud  33480.2101     25.8439      0.1561
+                        Write output  33481.0558     26.6896      0.8457
+                    End of time step  33481.9346     27.5684      0.8788
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     207  33481.9347
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  33481.9348      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  33481.9349      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16985points
+                      refine surface  33481.9349      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  33481.9608      0.0260      0.0259
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16985points
+                          surface 02  33481.9793      0.0445      0.0185
+                                                                        S. 2:    16972points
+                      refine surface  33481.9794      0.0447      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  33482.0066      0.0719      0.0272
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  33482.0334      0.0986      0.0267
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  33482.0583      0.1236      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16975points
+                          surface 03  33482.0766      0.1418      0.0182
+                                                                        S. 3:    16982points
+                      refine surface  33482.0767      0.1420      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  33482.1032      0.1685      0.0265
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  33482.1257      0.1909      0.0224
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  33482.1511      0.2164      0.0255
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16983points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  33482.1763
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  33482.1765      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  33482.1924      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  33482.2139      0.0376      0.0215
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  33482.2147      0.0384      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  33482.2288      0.0525      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  33482.3510      0.1747      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  33482.5421      0.3658      0.1911
+                embedding surface  1  33482.5423      0.3660      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  33484.5241      2.3478      1.9818
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  33486.6408      4.4645      2.1167
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  33490.2113      8.0350      3.5705
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  33490.2162      8.0399      0.0049
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  33490.6778      8.5015      0.4616
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  33490.7785      8.6022      0.1007
+                           Find void  33491.0476      8.8714      0.2692
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  33491.0765      8.9002      0.0289
+                         wsmp setup1  33491.0838      8.9075      0.0073
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  33492.0990      9.9228      1.0152
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  33492.1470
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  33492.1472      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  33500.0741      7.9270      7.9269
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0553131 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1611340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7206941 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4609849 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14376.7472570 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212440 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072260 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5269370 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10197E+01  0.18436E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95564E-01  0.11116E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76178E+00  0.24559E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  33516.6168     24.4698     16.5427
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35076E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  33516.8417     24.6947      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  33516.8429     24.6958      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  33516.8850     24.7380      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5893898 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  33516.8904
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  33516.8951      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.82337E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  33524.9002      8.0098      8.0051
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0516520 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1440170 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7164798 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3811231 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14477.6295731 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073481 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4221900 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.13718E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48887E-01  0.10215E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76715E+00  0.22483E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  33541.3378     24.4474     16.4376
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12359E+01  0.17969E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  33541.5626     24.6722      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  33541.5638     24.6734      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  33541.6065     24.7161      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0716226 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  33541.6120
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  33541.6168      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  33549.5916      7.9796      7.9748
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0498509 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1397331 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7179420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4161022 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14433.2699031 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215241 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072331 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4527380 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.15529E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37367E-01  0.11838E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74653E+00  0.23128E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  33566.0599     24.4479     16.4683
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13723E+01  0.31286E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  33566.2848     24.6728      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  33566.2860     24.6740      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  33566.3283     24.7162      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362444 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  33566.3336
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  33566.3383      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  33574.2786      7.9450      7.9403
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0525661 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1582761 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7264130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3930230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14462.5077709 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217332 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072441 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4596069 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.17611E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37846E-01  0.12306E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73722E+00  0.22895E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  33590.7531     24.4195     16.4745
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14713E+01  0.35758E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  33590.9800     24.6464      0.2269
+                do leaf measurements  33590.9812     24.6476      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  33591.0234     24.6898      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158644 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  33591.0288
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  33591.0335      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  33599.0269      7.9981      7.9934
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0522211 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1589301 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7142088 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3893161 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14467.2149485 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213312 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072939 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4436688 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10166E+01  0.19395E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40739E-01  0.12551E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73249E+00  0.22800E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  33615.4863     24.4575     16.4593
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15150E+01  0.36539E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  33615.7130     24.6842      0.2268
+                do leaf measurements  33615.7142     24.6854      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  33615.7568     24.7280      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107584 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  33615.7623
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  33615.7670      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  33623.7046      7.9423      7.9375
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0515668 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1528721 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7167740 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4701130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14365.3060187 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212850 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072880 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5202579 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10164E+01  0.20960E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43119E-01  0.12562E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72795E+00  0.22753E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  33640.2405     24.4782     16.5359
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15366E+01  0.36240E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  33640.4656     24.7033      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  33640.4667     24.7045      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  33640.5088     24.7466      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080881 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  33640.5119     24.7497      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  33640.5121     24.7498      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -170931336596150.91 292155752688431.44
+ def in m -8.0092954635620117 0.67116940021514893
+ dimensionless def  -1.91762685775756846E-6 2.28837013244628909E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0187836  0.2285041
+                  Compute divergence  33640.7156     24.9533      0.2035
+                        wsmp_cleanup  33640.7554     24.9931      0.0398
+              Reset surface geometry  33640.7607     24.9984      0.0053
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   33640.7692     25.0069      0.0085
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  33640.7844     25.0221      0.0152
+                   Advect surface  1  33640.7845     25.0222      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  33640.9784     25.2162      0.1939
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  33641.1711     25.4088      0.1927
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  33641.4273     25.6651      0.2563
+                    Advect the cloud  33641.5872     25.8249      0.1599
+                        Write output  33642.4347     26.6725      0.8475
+                    End of time step  33643.3133     27.5511      0.8786
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     208  33643.3135
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  33643.3135      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  33643.3136      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16985points
+                      refine surface  33643.3136      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  33643.3396      0.0261      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16985points
+                          surface 02  33643.3584      0.0449      0.0187
+                                                                        S. 2:    16975points
+                      refine surface  33643.3585      0.0450      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  33643.3848      0.0713      0.0263
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  33643.4070      0.0935      0.0222
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  33643.4325      0.1191      0.0255
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16976points
+                          surface 03  33643.4505      0.1370      0.0179
+                                                                        S. 3:    16983points
+                      refine surface  33643.4506      0.1372      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  33643.4778      0.1643      0.0272
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  33643.5009      0.1874      0.0230
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  33643.5265      0.2130      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16985points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  33643.5517
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  33643.5519      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  33643.5678      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  33643.5894      0.0377      0.0215
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  33643.5901      0.0384      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  33643.6043      0.0526      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  33643.7264      0.1747      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  33643.9180      0.3663      0.1916
+                embedding surface  1  33643.9182      0.3665      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  33645.8923      2.3406      1.9741
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  33647.9964      4.4447      2.1041
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  33651.5361      7.9844      3.5397
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  33651.5415      7.9898      0.0054
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  33651.9850      8.4333      0.4435
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  33652.1019      8.5502      0.1169
+                           Find void  33652.3714      8.8197      0.2695
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  33652.4001      8.8484      0.0287
+                         wsmp setup1  33652.4075      8.8558      0.0074
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  33653.4235      9.8718      1.0160
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  33653.4715
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  33653.4717      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  33661.3968      7.9252      7.9251
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0568321 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1628070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7169940 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4668441 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14369.4012667 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214869 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073540 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5326850 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10210E+01  0.18367E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94985E-01  0.11113E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76123E+00  0.24586E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  33677.9446     24.4730     16.5478
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35070E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  33678.1705     24.6989      0.2259
+                do leaf measurements  33678.1716     24.7000      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  33678.2145     24.7429      0.0429
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5887833 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  33678.2196
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  33678.2241      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.82574E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  33686.2343      8.0147      8.0102
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0521960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1480350 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7158310 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3817019 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14476.8932320 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211212 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073490 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4266150 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.13668E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.49022E-01  0.10252E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76679E+00  0.22483E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  33702.6763     24.4567     16.4420
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12355E+01  0.18857E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  33702.9016     24.6821      0.2254
+                do leaf measurements  33702.9028     24.6832      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  33702.9459     24.7264      0.0432
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0710830 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  33702.9510
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  33702.9556      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  33710.9387      7.9877      7.9831
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0506010 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1463230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7157121 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3933129 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14462.1397544 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209590 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073462 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4346321 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.15498E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37514E-01  0.11864E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74630E+00  0.23112E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  33727.3887     24.4377     16.4500
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13711E+01  0.31161E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  33727.6141     24.6630      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements  33727.6151     24.6641      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  33727.6581     24.7070      0.0429
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362437 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  33727.6631
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  33727.6676      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  33735.6091      7.9460      7.9415
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0543151 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1612570 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7225480 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3985169 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14455.5371033 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217930 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073111 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4661050 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.17592E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37956E-01  0.12315E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73698E+00  0.22882E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  33752.0907     24.4276     16.4816
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14703E+01  0.35650E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  33752.3179     24.6548      0.2272
+                do leaf measurements  33752.3190     24.6559      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  33752.3619     24.6988      0.0429
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158934 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  33752.3670
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  33752.3715      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  33760.3525      7.9855      7.9810
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0512681 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1552389 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7164960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3918321 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14464.0196798 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073378 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4440331 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.19377E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40777E-01  0.12569E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73230E+00  0.22800E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  33776.8119     24.4449     16.4594
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15138E+01  0.36432E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  33777.0358     24.6688      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  33777.0369     24.6700      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  33777.0802     24.7132      0.0433
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107597 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  33777.0853
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  33777.0899      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  33785.0285      7.9432      7.9386
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0513599 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1441450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7161949 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4626479 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14374.6615179 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071220 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5030148 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10164E+01  0.20942E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43158E-01  0.12565E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72777E+00  0.22747E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  33801.5470     24.4617     16.5186
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15356E+01  0.36160E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  33801.7721     24.6868      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  33801.7732     24.6879      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  33801.8161     24.7308      0.0429
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080772 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  33801.8189     24.7336      0.0028
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  33801.8191     24.7338      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -171370219134467.97 293395373776126.13
+ def in m -8.0041704177856445 0.66655457019805908
+ dimensionless def  -1.90444162913731172E-6 2.2869058336530411E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0186437  0.2283589
+                  Compute divergence  33802.0254     24.9401      0.2063
+                        wsmp_cleanup  33802.0619     24.9766      0.0365
+              Reset surface geometry  33802.0669     24.9816      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   33802.0753     24.9900      0.0084
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  33802.0923     25.0070      0.0170
+                   Advect surface  1  33802.0925     25.0072      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  33802.2865     25.2012      0.1940
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  33802.4832     25.3979      0.1967
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  33802.7392     25.6539      0.2560
+                    Advect the cloud  33802.8957     25.8104      0.1564
+                        Write output  33803.7371     26.6518      0.8414
+                    End of time step  33804.6139     27.5286      0.8768
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     209  33804.6140
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  33804.6141      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  33804.6141      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16985points
+                      refine surface  33804.6142      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  33804.6410      0.0270      0.0269
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  33804.6641      0.0500      0.0230
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  33804.6899      0.0758      0.0258
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16986points
+                          surface 02  33804.7084      0.0943      0.0185
+                                                                        S. 2:    16976points
+                      refine surface  33804.7085      0.0945      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  33804.7340      0.1199      0.0254
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16976points
+                          surface 03  33804.7517      0.1377      0.0178
+                                                                        S. 3:    16985points
+                      refine surface  33804.7519      0.1378      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  33804.7794      0.1654      0.0275
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  33804.8019      0.1879      0.0225
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  33804.8277      0.2137      0.0258
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16987points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  33804.8525
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  33804.8527      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  33804.8686      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  33804.8908      0.0383      0.0221
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  33804.8915      0.0390      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  33804.9057      0.0532      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  33805.0279      0.1754      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  33805.2189      0.3664      0.1910
+                embedding surface  1  33805.2190      0.3665      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  33807.1791      2.3266      1.9601
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  33809.2688      4.4163      2.0897
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  33812.7843      7.9318      3.5155
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  33812.7890      7.9365      0.0048
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  33813.2014      8.3489      0.4124
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  33813.3691      8.5166      0.1677
+                           Find void  33813.6383      8.7858      0.2692
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  33813.6672      8.8147      0.0289
+                         wsmp setup1  33813.6751      8.8226      0.0079
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  33814.6949      9.8424      1.0198
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  33814.7445
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  33814.7446      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  33822.6553      7.9108      7.9107
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0526431 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1640790 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7155931 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4784200 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14354.9097872 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071440 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5392702 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10138E+01  0.18452E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95446E-01  0.11213E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76132E+00  0.24739E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  33839.2103     24.4658     16.5549
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35077E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  33839.4352     24.6907      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  33839.4363     24.6918      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  33839.4786     24.7341      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5895089 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  33839.4840
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  33839.4887      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.81538E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  33847.4811      7.9971      7.9924
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0502112 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1421969 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7129719 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3795552 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14479.6242570 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072470 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4138830 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.13725E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48569E-01  0.10188E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76695E+00  0.22577E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  33863.9107     24.4268     16.4296
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12360E+01  0.18037E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  33864.1350     24.6511      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements  33864.1362     24.6522      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  33864.1789     24.6949      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0715078 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  33864.1844
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  33864.1891      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  33872.1918      8.0075      8.0027
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0530028 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1447241 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7156138 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4047699 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14447.6114254 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210568 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070648 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4465880 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.15533E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37126E-01  0.11824E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74646E+00  0.23169E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  33888.6537     24.4694     16.4619
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13715E+01  0.31205E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  33888.8791     24.6947      0.2254
+                do leaf measurements  33888.8802     24.6958      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  33888.9224     24.7381      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360885 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  33888.9277
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  33888.9323      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  33896.8760      7.9483      7.9436
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0524869 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1579740 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7237041 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4155891 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14433.9186104 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217310 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071480 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4789801 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.17620E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37721E-01  0.12294E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73716E+00  0.22909E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  33913.3703     24.4426     16.4943
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14709E+01  0.35740E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  33913.5974     24.6697      0.2271
+                do leaf measurements  33913.5985     24.6708      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  33913.6407     24.7130      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159088 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  33913.6460
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  33913.6507      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  33921.6284      7.9823      7.9776
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0506480 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1464920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7191341 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3794110 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14479.8077979 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212959 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072451 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4245970 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10166E+01  0.19399E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40617E-01  0.12540E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73248E+00  0.22817E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  33938.0686     24.4225     16.4402
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15146E+01  0.36514E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  33938.2932     24.6472      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  33938.2944     24.6483      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  33938.3371     24.6910      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107700 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  33938.3425
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  33938.3473      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  33946.2861      7.9435      7.9388
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0518939 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1317370 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7165349 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4523568 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14387.5786034 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071812 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4814119 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10164E+01  0.20961E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43014E-01  0.12554E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72792E+00  0.22769E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  33962.7834     24.4409     16.4974
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15365E+01  0.36242E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  33963.0088     24.6662      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements  33963.0099     24.6673      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  33963.0521     24.7095      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080734 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  33963.0552     24.7127      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  33963.0554     24.7128      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -171805832615052.13 294630163564116.94
+ def in m -8.0014381408691406 0.66658627986907959
+ dimensionless def  -1.90453222819737027E-6 2.28612518310546872E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0186389  0.2282825
+                  Compute divergence  33963.2677     24.9251      0.2123
+                        wsmp_cleanup  33963.3037     24.9612      0.0361
+              Reset surface geometry  33963.3087     24.9661      0.0049
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   33963.3171     24.9746      0.0084
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  33963.3344     24.9919      0.0173
+                   Advect surface  1  33963.3346     24.9921      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  33963.5301     25.1876      0.1955
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  33963.7266     25.3841      0.1965
+                                                                        S. 3:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  33963.9782     25.6357      0.2516
+                    Advect the cloud  33964.1365     25.7939      0.1583
+                        Write output  33964.9802     26.6377      0.8438
+                    End of time step  33965.8605     27.5179      0.8802
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     210  33965.8606
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  33965.8607      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  33965.8607      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16986points
+                      refine surface  33965.8608      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  33965.8883      0.0277      0.0275
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  33965.9110      0.0503      0.0227
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  33965.9363      0.0756      0.0253
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16988points
+                          surface 02  33965.9552      0.0946      0.0189
+                                                                        S. 2:    16976points
+                      refine surface  33965.9552      0.0946      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  33965.9816      0.1210      0.0264
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  33966.0038      0.1432      0.0222
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  33966.0290      0.1684      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16977points
+                          surface 03  33966.0473      0.1867      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 3:    16987points
+                      refine surface  33966.0474      0.1868      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  33966.0727      0.2121      0.0253
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16987points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  33966.0979
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  33966.0982      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  33966.1141      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  33966.1354      0.0375      0.0214
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  33966.1362      0.0383      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  33966.1504      0.0524      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  33966.2725      0.1746      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  33966.4607      0.3628      0.1882
+                embedding surface  1  33966.4609      0.3630      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  33968.4145      2.3166      1.9536
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  33970.4998      4.4019      2.0853
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  33974.0239      7.9260      3.5241
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  33974.0290      7.9311      0.0051
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  33974.4315      8.3335      0.4024
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  33974.5946      8.4966      0.1631
+                           Find void  33974.8655      8.7676      0.2710
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  33974.8948      8.7969      0.0293
+                         wsmp setup1  33974.9031      8.8051      0.0083
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  33975.9148      9.8169      1.0117
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  33975.9635
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  33975.9637      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  33983.8997      7.9362      7.9360
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0548630 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1636732 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7126131 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4751310 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14359.0241693 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212358 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071621 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5350850 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10662E+01  0.18334E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95437E-01  0.11185E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76131E+00  0.24762E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  34000.4505     24.4869     16.5508
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35073E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  34000.6749     24.7114      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  34000.6760     24.7124      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  34000.7180     24.7545      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5897128 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  34000.7233
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  34000.7280      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.81523E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  34008.7099      7.9866      7.9819
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0544760 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1468229 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7182181 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3756690 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14484.5708712 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209850 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070980 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4236472 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.13619E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48535E-01  0.10179E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76690E+00  0.22599E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  34025.1492     24.4258     16.4393
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12353E+01  0.17956E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  34025.3740     24.6507      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  34025.3751     24.6518      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  34025.4244     24.7011      0.0493
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0717881 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  34025.4298
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  34025.4346      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  34033.4488      8.0190      8.0142
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0535548 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1417751 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7161651 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3909731 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14465.1104481 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210799 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071321 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4310751 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.15463E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37144E-01  0.11804E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74579E+00  0.23178E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  34049.8960     24.4662     16.4472
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13705E+01  0.31068E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  34050.1197     24.6899      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  34050.1208     24.6909      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  34050.1630     24.7331      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361067 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  34050.1688
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  34050.1735      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  34058.1130      7.9442      7.9395
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0522079 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1665239 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7212799 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4315200 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14413.8035964 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1219151 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072069 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5010519 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.17575E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37808E-01  0.12278E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73656E+00  0.22933E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  34074.6298     24.4609     16.5168
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14698E+01  0.35594E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  34074.8569     24.6881      0.2271
+                do leaf measurements  34074.8579     24.6891      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  34074.9001     24.7313      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159397 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  34074.9055
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  34074.9102      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  34082.9001      7.9946      7.9899
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0499630 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1393471 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7142558 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3827260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14475.5908681 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211569 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071831 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4150290 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.19361E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40704E-01  0.12539E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73196E+00  0.22832E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  34099.3310     24.4256     16.4309
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15132E+01  0.36361E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  34099.5549     24.6494      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  34099.5560     24.6505      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  34099.5984     24.6929      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107645 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  34099.6039
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  34099.6087      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  34107.5592      7.9552      7.9505
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0502729 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1365931 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7137020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4376271 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14406.1073826 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216521 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071940 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4674509 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.20928E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43118E-01  0.12546E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72750E+00  0.22774E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  34124.0429     24.4390     16.4837
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15347E+01  0.36076E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  34124.2667     24.6628      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  34124.2678     24.6639      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  34124.3112     24.7073      0.0434
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080846 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  34124.3144     24.7104      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  34124.3145     24.7106      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -172248873933112.44 295857239967465.13
+ def in m -8.0020875930786133 0.66637879610061646
+ dimensionless def  -1.9039394174303328E-6 2.28631074087960376E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0186254  0.2282999
+                  Compute divergence  34124.5272     24.9233      0.2127
+                        wsmp_cleanup  34124.5635     24.9596      0.0363
+              Reset surface geometry  34124.5686     24.9647      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   34124.5771     24.9732      0.0085
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  34124.5942     24.9903      0.0171
+                   Advect surface  1  34124.5943     24.9904      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  34124.7850     25.1811      0.1907
+                                                                        S. 2:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  34124.9837     25.3798      0.1987
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  34125.2434     25.6395      0.2598
+                    Advect the cloud  34125.3996     25.7957      0.1562
+                        Write output  34126.2480     26.6441      0.8484
+                    End of time step  34127.1273     27.5234      0.8793
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     211  34127.1274
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  34127.1275      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  34127.1275      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16988points
+                      refine surface  34127.1276      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  34127.1545      0.0270      0.0269
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  34127.1772      0.0498      0.0228
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  34127.2027      0.0752      0.0255
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16989points
+                          surface 02  34127.2215      0.0940      0.0188
+                                                                        S. 2:    16977points
+                      refine surface  34127.2216      0.0942      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  34127.2477      0.1202      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  34127.2701      0.1426      0.0224
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  34127.2952      0.1678      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16978points
+                          surface 03  34127.3137      0.1862      0.0185
+                                                                        S. 3:    16986points
+                      refine surface  34127.3138      0.1864      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  34127.3393      0.2118      0.0254
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16986points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  34127.3646
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  34127.3649      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  34127.3807      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  34127.4023      0.0377      0.0216
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  34127.4031      0.0384      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  34127.4172      0.0526      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  34127.5394      0.1747      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  34127.7279      0.3633      0.1886
+                embedding surface  1  34127.7281      0.3635      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  34129.6949      2.3302      1.9667
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  34131.7875      4.4228      2.0926
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  34135.3213      7.9567      3.5338
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  34135.3265      7.9619      0.0052
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  34135.7684      8.4037      0.4419
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  34135.8848      8.5202      0.1165
+                           Find void  34136.1577      8.7931      0.2729
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  34136.1875      8.8229      0.0298
+                         wsmp setup1  34136.1955      8.8308      0.0080
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  34137.2184      9.8538      1.0229
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  34137.2679
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  34137.2681      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  34145.1764      7.9085      7.9083
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0550640 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1452188 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7160749 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4701600 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14365.2471951 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213832 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071621 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5154989 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10211E+01  0.18290E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95073E-01  0.11132E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76098E+00  0.24577E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  34161.7079     24.4399     16.5315
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35076E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  34161.9326     24.6647      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  34161.9337     24.6658      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  34161.9765     24.7086      0.0428
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5897131 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  34161.9815
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  34161.9860      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.82696E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  34169.9608      7.9793      7.9748
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0509181 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1435139 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7122140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3785560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14480.8957907 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071909 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4142709 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.13585E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48888E-01  0.10202E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76662E+00  0.22480E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  34186.3904     24.4089     16.4296
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12350E+01  0.17738E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  34186.6179     24.6364      0.2275
+                do leaf measurements  34186.6190     24.6375      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  34186.6619     24.6804      0.0428
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0715713 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  34186.6669
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  34186.6714      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  34194.6883      8.0214      8.0169
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0499558 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1388490 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7139051 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3910241 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14465.0456574 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213522 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071819 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4226580 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.15441E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37454E-01  0.11837E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74552E+00  0.23116E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  34211.1264     24.4595     16.4381
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13700E+01  0.31023E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  34211.3512     24.6843      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  34211.3523     24.6854      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  34211.3951     24.7282      0.0428
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362349 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  34211.4001
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  34211.4046      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  34219.3418      7.9417      7.9373
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0508571 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1623209 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7182870 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4373000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14406.5194017 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1218748 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072010 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4981990 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.17555E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37805E-01  0.12305E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73636E+00  0.22890E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  34235.8550     24.4549     16.5132
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14690E+01  0.35529E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  34236.0826     24.6825      0.2276
+                do leaf measurements  34236.0838     24.6837      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  34236.1266     24.7265      0.0428
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158776 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  34236.1316
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  34236.1361      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  34244.1443      8.0127      8.0082
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0520670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1366179 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7161801 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3841360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14473.7979616 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211669 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071621 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4176960 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.19343E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40668E-01  0.12551E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73178E+00  0.22790E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  34260.5779     24.4463     16.4336
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15124E+01  0.36311E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  34260.8061     24.6745      0.2282
+                do leaf measurements  34260.8072     24.6756      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  34260.8504     24.7189      0.0432
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107813 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  34260.8555
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  34260.8601      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  34268.8210      7.9655      7.9609
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0528688 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1327741 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7163210 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4177189 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14431.2261933 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212811 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071919 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4485309 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.20910E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43069E-01  0.12559E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72734E+00  0.22733E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  34285.2855     24.4300     16.4645
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15338E+01  0.36022E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  34285.5108     24.6553      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements  34285.5119     24.6564      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  34285.5547     24.6992      0.0428
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080859 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  34285.5577     24.7022      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  34285.5579     24.7024      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -172691940416828.91 297078870348791.81
+ def in m -7.9987564086914062 0.66807109117507935
+ dimensionless def  -1.9087745462145124E-6 2.28535897391183044E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0186634  0.2282094
+                  Compute divergence  34285.7640     24.9085      0.2062
+                        wsmp_cleanup  34285.8001     24.9446      0.0361
+              Reset surface geometry  34285.8051     24.9496      0.0049
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   34285.8132     24.9577      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  34285.8306     24.9751      0.0174
+                   Advect surface  1  34285.8307     24.9752      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  34286.0274     25.1719      0.1966
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  34286.2240     25.3685      0.1966
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  34286.4870     25.6315      0.2630
+                    Advect the cloud  34286.6433     25.7877      0.1562
+                        Write output  34287.4945     26.6389      0.8512
+                    End of time step  34288.4089     27.5534      0.9145
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     212  34288.4091
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  34288.4091      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  34288.4092      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16989points
+                      refine surface  34288.4092      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  34288.4352      0.0261      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16989points
+                          surface 02  34288.4539      0.0448      0.0187
+                                                                        S. 2:    16978points
+                      refine surface  34288.4540      0.0449      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  34288.4816      0.0725      0.0276
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  34288.5036      0.0945      0.0220
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  34288.5291      0.1200      0.0255
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16981points
+                          surface 03  34288.5476      0.1385      0.0185
+                                                                        S. 3:    16985points
+                      refine surface  34288.5477      0.1386      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  34288.5743      0.1652      0.0265
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  34288.5971      0.1880      0.0228
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  34288.6226      0.2135      0.0255
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16986points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  34288.6475
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  34288.6477      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  34288.6636      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  34288.6853      0.0378      0.0217
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  34288.6861      0.0386      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  34288.7003      0.0528      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  34288.8224      0.1749      0.1221
+             Imbed surface in osolve  34289.0122      0.3647      0.1898
+                embedding surface  1  34289.0124      0.3649      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  34290.9689      2.3214      1.9566
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  34293.0535      4.4060      2.0846
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  34296.6034      7.9559      3.5498
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  34296.6082      7.9607      0.0048
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  34297.0886      8.4411      0.4804
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  34297.1654      8.5179      0.0769
+                           Find void  34297.4357      8.7882      0.2703
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  34297.4650      8.8175      0.0292
+                         wsmp setup1  34297.4730      8.8255      0.0080
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  34298.4984      9.8509      1.0254
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  34298.5476
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  34298.5478      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  34306.4611      7.9135      7.9133
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0554209 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1462560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7186351 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4591279 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14379.0771226 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214259 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072072 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5084329 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10436E+01  0.18326E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.96037E-01  0.11207E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76081E+00  0.24860E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  34322.9852     24.4376     16.5241
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35080E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  34323.2103     24.6626      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  34323.2114     24.6638      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  34323.2540     24.7064      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5886957 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  34323.2591
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  34323.2637      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.80394E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  34331.2200      7.9609      7.9564
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0495751 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1182120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7187948 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3789990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14480.3320529 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217890 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071080 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3948162 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10149E+01  0.13601E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48502E-01  0.10193E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76647E+00  0.22675E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  34347.6303     24.3712     16.4103
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12360E+01  0.17931E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  34347.8572     24.5980      0.2268
+                do leaf measurements  34347.8583     24.5991      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  34347.9009     24.6418      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0709457 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  34347.9060
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  34347.9106      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  34355.9318      8.0258      8.0212
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0507300 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1394780 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7177320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3866620 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14470.5870590 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214828 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073409 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4237890 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.15439E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37303E-01  0.11809E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74580E+00  0.23216E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  34372.3715     24.4655     16.4397
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13700E+01  0.31067E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  34372.5961     24.6901      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  34372.5972     24.6912      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  34372.6398     24.7338      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360758 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  34372.6449
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  34372.6494      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  34380.5892      7.9443      7.9397
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0524590 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1607571 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7227011 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4668450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14369.4000716 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214411 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070491 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5316069 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.17548E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37649E-01  0.12283E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73647E+00  0.22929E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  34397.1367     24.4918     16.5475
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14687E+01  0.35570E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  34397.3616     24.7167      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  34397.3627     24.7178      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  34397.4053     24.7604      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159703 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  34397.4104
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  34397.4150      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  34405.4167      8.0063      8.0017
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0535769 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1428490 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7160590 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3776610 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14482.0349300 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212530 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071380 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4188821 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10166E+01  0.19336E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40540E-01  0.12536E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73186E+00  0.22823E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  34421.8513     24.4408     16.4345
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15121E+01  0.36346E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  34422.0765     24.6661      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements  34422.0776     24.6672      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  34422.1206     24.7102      0.0430
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107624 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  34422.1257
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  34422.1304      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  34430.1059      7.9802      7.9756
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0504420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1380570 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7122040 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4050310 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14447.2807105 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211412 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072122 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4344339 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10164E+01  0.20903E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42967E-01  0.12550E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72742E+00  0.22774E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  34446.5558     24.4300     16.4498
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15337E+01  0.36061E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  34446.7804     24.6546      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  34446.7814     24.6557      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  34446.8240     24.6983      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080800 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  34446.8269     24.7012      0.0029
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  34446.8271     24.7013      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -173123019934263.13 298300898421548.63
+ def in m -7.9975242614746094 0.66468614339828491
+ dimensionless def  -1.89910326685224256E-6 2.28500693184988845E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0185637  0.2281736
+                  Compute divergence  34447.0358     24.9101      0.2087
+                        wsmp_cleanup  34447.0719     24.9461      0.0361
+              Reset surface geometry  34447.0768     24.9511      0.0049
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   34447.0852     24.9595      0.0084
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  34447.1024     24.9766      0.0171
+                   Advect surface  1  34447.1025     24.9768      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  34447.2949     25.1691      0.1923
+                                                                        S. 2:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  34447.4938     25.3681      0.1990
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  34447.7562     25.6305      0.2624
+                    Advect the cloud  34447.9126     25.7869      0.1564
+                        Write output  34448.7638     26.6380      0.8512
+                    End of time step  34449.6394     27.5137      0.8756
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     213  34449.6396
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  34449.6396      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  34449.6397      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16989points
+                      refine surface  34449.6397      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  34449.6655      0.0260      0.0258
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16989points
+                          surface 02  34449.6841      0.0445      0.0185
+                                                                        S. 2:    16981points
+                      refine surface  34449.6842      0.0446      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  34449.7123      0.0727      0.0281
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  34449.7348      0.0952      0.0225
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  34449.7606      0.1210      0.0258
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16984points
+                          surface 03  34449.7792      0.1397      0.0187
+                                                                        S. 3:    16985points
+                      refine surface  34449.7794      0.1398      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  34449.8073      0.1677      0.0279
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  34449.8342      0.1946      0.0269
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  34449.8602      0.2206      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16987points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  34449.8847
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  34449.8850      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  34449.9009      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  34449.9227      0.0380      0.0219
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  34449.9235      0.0388      0.0007
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  34449.9376      0.0529      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  34450.0597      0.1750      0.1221
+             Imbed surface in osolve  34450.2478      0.3631      0.1881
+                embedding surface  1  34450.2480      0.3633      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  34452.2076      2.3229      1.9595
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  34454.2922      4.4075      2.0847
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  34457.8207      7.9360      3.5285
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  34457.8255      7.9408      0.0048
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  34458.2572      8.3725      0.4317
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  34458.3895      8.5048      0.1323
+                           Find void  34458.6622      8.7775      0.2727
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  34458.6916      8.8069      0.0295
+                         wsmp setup1  34458.6993      8.8145      0.0076
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  34459.7211      9.8364      1.0218
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  34459.7703
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  34459.7704      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  34467.6882      7.9179      7.9177
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0561988 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1208751 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7141838 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4367180 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14407.2525056 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215520 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072379 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4571328 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10232E+01  0.18341E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95183E-01  0.11152E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76116E+00  0.24602E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  34484.1609     24.3907     16.4728
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35081E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  34484.3860     24.6157      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  34484.3871     24.6168      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  34484.4301     24.6599      0.0430
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5889937 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  34484.4353
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  34484.4398      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.82515E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  34492.3849      7.9496      7.9451
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0520010 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1210361 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7166340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3721750 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14489.0211582 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1220400 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072300 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3914499 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.13620E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48520E-01  0.10202E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76671E+00  0.22520E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  34508.7920     24.3567     16.4071
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12358E+01  0.17983E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  34509.0188     24.5835      0.2268
+                do leaf measurements  34509.0200     24.5847      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  34509.0629     24.6276      0.0429
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0710878 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  34509.0681
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  34509.0726      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  34517.0890      8.0210      8.0164
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0509980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1207969 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7139831 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3936210 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14461.7487575 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215098 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071690 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4084349 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.15450E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37220E-01  0.11825E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74601E+00  0.23159E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  34533.5126     24.4445     16.4235
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13702E+01  0.31113E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  34533.7373     24.6692      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  34533.7384     24.6703      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  34533.7813     24.7132      0.0429
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361152 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  34533.7864
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  34533.7909      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  34541.7295      7.9431      7.9387
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0528140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1496170 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7146580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4708202 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14364.4204309 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214871 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071118 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5168581 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.17553E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37621E-01  0.12299E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73670E+00  0.22904E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  34558.2617     24.4753     16.5322
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14690E+01  0.35620E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  34558.4873     24.7009      0.2256
+                do leaf measurements  34558.4884     24.7020      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  34558.5314     24.7450      0.0429
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159646 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  34558.5365
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  34558.5410      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  34566.5422      8.0057      8.0011
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0528669 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1228950 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7152672 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3870819 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14470.0535114 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214221 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071809 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4070518 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.19336E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40551E-01  0.12545E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73209E+00  0.22816E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  34582.9644     24.4279     16.4222
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15128E+01  0.36414E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  34583.1894     24.6529      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  34583.1905     24.6540      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  34583.2338     24.6973      0.0433
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107438 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  34583.2390
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  34583.2436      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  34591.2326      7.9936      7.9890
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0526679 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1174998 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7111912 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4056110 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14446.5459433 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212881 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072272 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4158690 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.20905E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42978E-01  0.12550E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72763E+00  0.22766E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  34607.6640     24.4250     16.4314
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15345E+01  0.36128E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  34607.8885     24.6495      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  34607.8896     24.6506      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  34607.9324     24.6934      0.0428
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080852 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  34607.9353     24.6963      0.0028
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  34607.9354     24.6964      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -173563539920612.59 299513029320807.75
+ def in m -7.9877266883850098 0.66742140054702759
+ dimensionless def  -1.90691828727722167E-6 2.28220762525285996E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0186370  0.2278842
+                  Compute divergence  34608.1462     24.9072      0.2108
+                        wsmp_cleanup  34608.1825     24.9435      0.0363
+              Reset surface geometry  34608.1873     24.9483      0.0049
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   34608.1958     24.9568      0.0084
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  34608.2132     24.9742      0.0174
+                   Advect surface  1  34608.2133     24.9743      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  34608.4062     25.1672      0.1928
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  34608.6135     25.3745      0.2073
+                                                                        S. 3:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  34608.8688     25.6298      0.2553
+                    Advect the cloud  34609.0282     25.7892      0.1594
+                        Write output  34609.8719     26.6329      0.8437
+                    End of time step  34610.7519     27.5129      0.8800
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     214  34610.7520
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  34610.7521      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  34610.7521      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16989points
+                      refine surface  34610.7522      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  34610.7791      0.0271      0.0269
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16989points
+                          surface 02  34610.7968      0.0448      0.0177
+                                                                        S. 2:    16983points
+                      refine surface  34610.7969      0.0449      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  34610.8237      0.0717      0.0268
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  34610.8473      0.0953      0.0236
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  34610.8722      0.1202      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16986points
+                          surface 03  34610.8919      0.1399      0.0197
+                                                                        S. 3:    16987points
+                      refine surface  34610.8920      0.1400      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  34610.9164      0.1644      0.0244
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16987points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  34610.9423
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  34610.9426      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  34610.9585      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  34610.9805      0.0381      0.0220
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  34610.9813      0.0390      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  34610.9955      0.0531      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  34611.1177      0.1753      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  34611.3053      0.3630      0.1876
+                embedding surface  1  34611.3055      0.3631      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  34613.2548      2.3125      1.9493
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  34615.3536      4.4112      2.0987
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  34618.9303      7.9880      3.5768
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  34618.9361      7.9937      0.0057
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  34619.4329      8.4905      0.4968
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  34619.4977      8.5554      0.0649
+                           Find void  34619.7702      8.8279      0.2725
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  34619.7997      8.8574      0.0295
+                         wsmp setup1  34619.8072      8.8649      0.0075
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  34620.8299      9.8876      1.0227
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  34620.8791
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  34620.8793      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  34628.8110      7.9319      7.9317
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0554340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1085451 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7143052 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4227312 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14424.8937974 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214890 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0074780 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4303598 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10195E+01  0.18383E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95599E-01  0.11313E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76148E+00  0.24829E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  34645.2567     24.3776     16.4457
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35099E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  34645.4823     24.6032      0.2256
+                do leaf measurements  34645.4834     24.6043      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  34645.5261     24.6470      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5886817 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  34645.5312
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  34645.5359      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.80971E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  34653.4740      7.9428      7.9381
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0505650 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1080532 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7172651 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3794861 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14479.7122347 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1220570 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0074811 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3852668 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.13643E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48452E-01  0.10206E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76684E+00  0.22697E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  34669.8752     24.3440     16.4012
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12355E+01  0.17980E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  34670.1017     24.5705      0.2265
+                do leaf measurements  34670.1028     24.5716      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  34670.1454     24.6142      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0709393 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  34670.1506
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  34670.1553      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  34678.1563      8.0058      8.0011
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0540500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1228130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7128010 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3813670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14477.3193181 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0074880 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4002950 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.15457E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37271E-01  0.11839E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74628E+00  0.23259E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  34694.5723     24.4217     16.4159
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13707E+01  0.31169E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  34694.7969     24.6463      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  34694.7980     24.6474      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  34694.8407     24.6902      0.0428
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361343 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  34694.8459
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  34694.8506      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  34702.7838      7.9379      7.9332
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0548360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1329060 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7119138 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4668610 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14369.3800541 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216011 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0074620 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4959490 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.17551E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37591E-01  0.12309E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73691E+00  0.22968E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  34719.2952     24.4493     16.5114
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14694E+01  0.35650E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  34719.5199     24.6740      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  34719.5210     24.6751      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  34719.5638     24.7179      0.0428
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159068 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  34719.5689
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  34719.5736      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  34727.5664      7.9974      7.9927
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0497150 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0992730 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7107041 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3833320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14474.8201731 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214240 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073340 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3721311 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10166E+01  0.19339E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40503E-01  0.12559E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73223E+00  0.22855E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  34743.9541     24.3852     16.3878
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15130E+01  0.36421E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  34744.1789     24.6100      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  34744.1801     24.6111      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  34744.2231     24.6541      0.0430
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107461 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  34744.2283
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  34744.2331      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  34752.2268      7.9985      7.9937
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0532181 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1136372 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7136722 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4019659 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14451.1644701 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214271 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0074401 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4117341 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.20906E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42925E-01  0.12563E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72772E+00  0.22794E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  34768.6549     24.4266     16.4281
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15348E+01  0.36156E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  34768.8789     24.6506      0.2240
+                do leaf measurements  34768.8800     24.6517      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  34768.9233     24.6950      0.0433
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080784 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  34768.9266     24.6983      0.0033
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  34768.9268     24.6984      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -174015145681887.59 300709258180452.31
+ def in m -7.9959678649902344 0.66776055097579956
+ dimensionless def  -1.90788728850228421E-6 2.28456224714006696E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0186396  0.2281201
+                  Compute divergence  34769.1383     24.9100      0.2116
+                        wsmp_cleanup  34769.1746     24.9462      0.0362
+              Reset surface geometry  34769.1796     24.9512      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   34769.1877     24.9594      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  34769.2050     24.9766      0.0172
+                   Advect surface  1  34769.2051     24.9768      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  34769.4305     25.2022      0.2254
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  34769.6388     25.4105      0.2083
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   12 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  34769.9204     25.6921      0.2815
+                    Advect the cloud  34770.0784     25.8501      0.1581
+                        Write output  34770.9288     26.7005      0.8503
+                    End of time step  34771.8044     27.5761      0.8756
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     215  34771.8046
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  34771.8046      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  34771.8047      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16986points
+                      refine surface  34771.8047      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  34771.8301      0.0255      0.0253
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  34771.8544      0.0498      0.0243
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  34771.8792      0.0746      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16987points
+                          surface 02  34771.8986      0.0940      0.0195
+                                                                        S. 2:    16985points
+                      refine surface  34771.8988      0.0942      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  34771.9260      0.1214      0.0272
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  34771.9496      0.1450      0.0236
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  34771.9752      0.1706      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16988points
+                          surface 03  34771.9939      0.1894      0.0188
+                                                                        S. 3:    16985points
+                      refine surface  34771.9941      0.1895      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  34772.0218      0.2173      0.0278
+                                                                        S. 3:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  34772.0448      0.2402      0.0230
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  34772.0705      0.2660      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16988points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  34772.0956
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  34772.0958      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  34772.1116      0.0161      0.0158
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  34772.1335      0.0379      0.0219
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  34772.1343      0.0387      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  34772.1484      0.0528      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  34772.2705      0.1750      0.1221
+             Imbed surface in osolve  34772.4589      0.3633      0.1883
+                embedding surface  1  34772.4591      0.3635      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  34774.4099      2.3144      1.9508
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  34776.5097      4.4141      2.0998
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  34780.0994      8.0039      3.5897
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  34780.1046      8.0090      0.0051
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  34780.5895      8.4940      0.4849
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  34780.6546      8.5591      0.0651
+                           Find void  34780.9278      8.8323      0.2732
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  34780.9576      8.8621      0.0298
+                         wsmp setup1  34780.9651      8.8696      0.0075
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  34781.9856      9.8900      1.0204
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  34782.0332
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  34782.0333      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  34789.9679      7.9347      7.9345
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0546000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1045589 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7125120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4058061 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14446.2989237 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216030 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071089 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4065812 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10456E+01  0.18353E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95719E-01  0.11170E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76137E+00  0.24634E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  34806.3897     24.3565     16.4218
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35097E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  34806.6143     24.5811      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  34806.6155     24.5823      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  34806.6574     24.6243      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5890365 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  34806.6624
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  34806.6669      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.81806E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  34814.6016      7.9392      7.9347
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0496669 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1237621 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7170010 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3842330 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14473.6745906 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1223960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070171 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4044480 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.13642E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48609E-01  0.10187E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76695E+00  0.22546E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  34831.0216     24.3592     16.4199
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12355E+01  0.17945E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  34831.2482     24.5858      0.2266
+                do leaf measurements  34831.2493     24.5869      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  34831.2912     24.6288      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0712673 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  34831.2962
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  34831.3007      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  34839.2860      7.9898      7.9853
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0521162 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1175740 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7156668 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3821990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14476.2609726 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069931 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3961360 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.15472E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37337E-01  0.11814E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74608E+00  0.23174E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  34855.6979     24.4018     16.4120
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13711E+01  0.31162E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  34855.9227     24.6266      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  34855.9239     24.6277      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  34855.9662     24.6701      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361087 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  34855.9713
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  34855.9759      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  34863.9143      7.9430      7.9384
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0516200 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1145599 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7119851 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4666760 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14369.6119016 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214349 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070450 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4736891 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.17575E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37708E-01  0.12289E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73680E+00  0.22922E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  34880.4038     24.4325     16.4895
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14703E+01  0.35658E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  34880.6284     24.6571      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  34880.6295     24.6582      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  34880.6714     24.7002      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159030 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  34880.6764
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  34880.6809      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  34888.6601      7.9837      7.9792
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0505660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1081460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7106910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3744099 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14486.1742385 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213238 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070491 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3725688 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10166E+01  0.19362E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40603E-01  0.12548E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73217E+00  0.22819E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  34905.0485     24.3721     16.3884
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15135E+01  0.36416E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  34905.2731     24.5967      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  34905.2742     24.5978      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  34905.3165     24.6401      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107707 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  34905.3216
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  34905.3261      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  34913.3373      8.0157      8.0111
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0533841 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1033349 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7073479 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3945191 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14460.6088738 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213901 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071268 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3874779 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10164E+01  0.20931E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43039E-01  0.12551E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72764E+00  0.22770E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  34929.7400     24.4185     16.4028
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15353E+01  0.36133E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  34929.9649     24.6433      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  34929.9660     24.6444      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  34930.0079     24.6863      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080883 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  34930.0107     24.6891      0.0028
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  34930.0109     24.6893      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -174489754567382.66 301902845533849.56
+ def in m -8.0033779144287109 0.67283385992050171
+ dimensionless def  -1.92238245691571917E-6 2.28667940412248865E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0187754  0.2283369
+                  Compute divergence  34930.2182     24.8966      0.2073
+                        wsmp_cleanup  34930.2568     24.9353      0.0386
+              Reset surface geometry  34930.2616     24.9401      0.0048
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   34930.2701     24.9485      0.0084
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  34930.2860     24.9644      0.0159
+                   Advect surface  1  34930.2862     24.9646      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  34930.4928     25.1713      0.2067
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  34930.6999     25.3783      0.2070
+                                                                        S. 3:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  34930.9543     25.6328      0.2545
+                    Advect the cloud  34931.1114     25.7898      0.1570
+                        Write output  34931.9608     26.6392      0.8494
+                    End of time step  34933.0190     27.6974      1.0582
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     216  34933.0191
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  34933.0192      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  34933.0192      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16986points
+                      refine surface  34933.0193      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  34933.0469      0.0278      0.0276
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  34933.0697      0.0506      0.0228
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  34933.0951      0.0760      0.0254
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16988points
+                          surface 02  34933.1140      0.0949      0.0189
+                                                                        S. 2:    16987points
+                      refine surface  34933.1142      0.0950      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  34933.1414      0.1222      0.0272
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  34933.1646      0.1455      0.0232
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  34933.1902      0.1711      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16989points
+                          surface 03  34933.2089      0.1898      0.0187
+                                                                        S. 3:    16988points
+                      refine surface  34933.2090      0.1899      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  34933.2352      0.2161      0.0261
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  34933.2588      0.2397      0.0236
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  34933.2837      0.2645      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16990points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  34933.3095
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  34933.3097      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  34933.3256      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  34933.3475      0.0380      0.0219
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  34933.3483      0.0388      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  34933.3624      0.0529      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  34933.4846      0.1751      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  34933.6687      0.3592      0.1841
+                embedding surface  1  34933.6689      0.3594      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  34935.6274      2.3179      1.9586
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  34937.7535      4.4440      2.1261
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  34941.3372      8.0277      3.5837
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  34941.3424      8.0329      0.0053
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  34941.8046      8.4951      0.4621
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  34941.8795      8.5700      0.0749
+                           Find void  34942.1500      8.8405      0.2705
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  34942.1791      8.8696      0.0290
+                         wsmp setup1  34942.1865      8.8770      0.0074
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  34943.2056      9.8961      1.0191
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  34943.2536
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  34943.2537      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  34951.2215      7.9679      7.9678
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0564921 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1040921 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7075059 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4032550 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14449.5307770 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072422 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4002981 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10135E+01  0.18412E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95687E-01  0.11163E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76148E+00  0.24701E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  34967.6375     24.3840     16.4161
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35093E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  34967.8618     24.6082      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  34967.8629     24.6093      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  34967.9057     24.6522      0.0428
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5891107 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  34967.9110
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  34967.9156      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.81735E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  34975.8575      7.9465      7.9419
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0541000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1175370 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7169070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3951421 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14459.8182929 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1219130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073249 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4133022 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.13689E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48564E-01  0.10198E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76705E+00  0.22582E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  34992.2856     24.3747     16.4282
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12366E+01  0.18064E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  34992.5141     24.6031      0.2284
+                do leaf measurements  34992.5152     24.6042      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  34992.5580     24.6471      0.0428
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0712896 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  34992.5634
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  34992.5679      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  35000.5452      7.9818      7.9773
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0531390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1105590 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7114298 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3874571 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14469.5766544 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214790 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073559 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3917990 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.15500E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37275E-01  0.11828E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74663E+00  0.23200E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  35016.9528     24.3894     16.4075
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13722E+01  0.31292E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  35017.1769     24.6136      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  35017.1781     24.6147      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  35017.2213     24.6579      0.0432
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360752 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  35017.2267
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  35017.2314      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  35025.1694      7.9427      7.9380
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0525911 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1025441 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7110169 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4691889 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14366.4634789 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073199 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4644001 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.17590E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37796E-01  0.12296E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73726E+00  0.22933E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  35041.6491     24.4224     16.4798
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14709E+01  0.35739E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  35041.8745     24.6478      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements  35041.8756     24.6489      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  35041.9183     24.6916      0.0428
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159364 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  35041.9237
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  35041.9283      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  35049.8967      7.9730      7.9684
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0539150 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0972650 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7117190 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3801861 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14478.8215854 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216619 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072670 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3723638 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.19373E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40695E-01  0.12550E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73254E+00  0.22837E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  35066.2843     24.3606     16.3876
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15146E+01  0.36524E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  35066.5121     24.5884      0.2278
+                do leaf measurements  35066.5132     24.5895      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  35066.5559     24.6322      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107396 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  35066.5613
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  35066.5659      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  35074.5857      8.0244      8.0198
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0506890 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1042171 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7087200 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3958039 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14458.9784899 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213188 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073240 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3884349 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10164E+01  0.20940E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43118E-01  0.12554E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72802E+00  0.22775E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  35090.9893     24.4281     16.4037
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15364E+01  0.36235E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  35091.2143     24.6530      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  35091.2154     24.6541      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  35091.2580     24.6967      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080787 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  35091.2611     24.6998      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  35091.2613     24.7000      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -174922733955550.84 303104719383979.94
+ def in m -8.0027055740356445 0.6693120002746582
+ dimensionless def  -1.9123200007847375E-6 2.28648730686732688E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0186637  0.2283212
+                  Compute divergence  35091.4704     24.9092      0.2092
+                        wsmp_cleanup  35091.5067     24.9454      0.0362
+              Reset surface geometry  35091.5117     24.9504      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   35091.5201     24.9589      0.0084
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  35091.5372     24.9760      0.0171
+                   Advect surface  1  35091.5374     24.9761      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  35091.7366     25.1753      0.1992
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  35091.9492     25.3879      0.2126
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  35092.2208     25.6596      0.2717
+                    Advect the cloud  35092.3840     25.8227      0.1631
+                        Write output  35093.2322     26.6709      0.8482
+                    End of time step  35094.1156     27.5543      0.8834
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     217  35094.1157
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  35094.1158      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  35094.1158      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16987points
+                      refine surface  35094.1159      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  35094.1422      0.0265      0.0263
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  35094.1715      0.0558      0.0293
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  35094.1990      0.0833      0.0275
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16988points
+                          surface 02  35094.2170      0.1013      0.0180
+                                                                        S. 2:    16988points
+                      refine surface  35094.2172      0.1015      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  35094.2440      0.1283      0.0268
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  35094.2670      0.1512      0.0230
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  35094.2922      0.1764      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16990points
+                          surface 03  35094.3104      0.1947      0.0182
+                                                                        S. 3:    16988points
+                      refine surface  35094.3105      0.1948      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  35094.3371      0.2214      0.0266
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  35094.3600      0.2443      0.0229
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  35094.3847      0.2690      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16989points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  35094.4107
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  35094.4109      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  35094.4268      0.0161      0.0158
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  35094.4486      0.0379      0.0218
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  35094.4494      0.0387      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  35094.4635      0.0528      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  35094.5857      0.1750      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  35094.7728      0.3621      0.1871
+                embedding surface  1  35094.7730      0.3623      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  35096.7605      2.3498      1.9875
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  35098.8840      4.4733      2.1235
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  35102.4454      8.0347      3.5614
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  35102.4506      8.0399      0.0052
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  35102.9221      8.5115      0.4715
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  35103.0298      8.6192      0.1077
+                           Find void  35103.3020      8.8913      0.2721
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  35103.3313      8.9207      0.0294
+                         wsmp setup1  35103.3387      8.9281      0.0074
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  35104.3592      9.9485      1.0204
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  35104.4062
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  35104.4063      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38934E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  35112.3726      7.9664      7.9662
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0531659 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1109090 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7065451 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4016199 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14451.6029440 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071089 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4005051 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10343E+01  0.18463E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94953E-01  0.11172E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76169E+00  0.24591E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  35128.7888     24.3826     16.4162
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35084E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  35129.0138     24.6076      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  35129.0149     24.6087      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  35129.0568     24.6506      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5889577 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  35129.0618
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  35129.0664      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.82963E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  35137.0060      7.9442      7.9396
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0515702 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1228340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7138538 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4080620 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14443.4422031 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216600 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070419 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4254079 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.13734E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48779E-01  0.10210E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76715E+00  0.22522E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  35153.4469     24.3851     16.4409
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12355E+01  0.17986E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  35153.6746     24.6129      0.2277
+                do leaf measurements  35153.6757     24.6139      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  35153.7175     24.6557      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0711343 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  35153.7225
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  35153.7272      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  35161.7083      7.9857      7.9811
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0527568 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1036441 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7071860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3741322 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14486.5279926 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208699 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072112 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3662062 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.15540E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37349E-01  0.11848E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74651E+00  0.23148E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  35178.0898     24.3672     16.3815
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13717E+01  0.31250E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  35178.3143     24.5917      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  35178.3154     24.5928      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  35178.3575     24.6350      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361298 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  35178.3626
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  35178.3673      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  35186.3057      7.9430      7.9383
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0539460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0967150 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7060251 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4440219 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14398.0573207 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208720 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070159 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4289751 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.17625E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37775E-01  0.12316E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73721E+00  0.22899E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  35202.7501     24.3875     16.4444
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14711E+01  0.35773E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  35202.9749     24.6123      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  35202.9760     24.6134      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  35203.0178     24.6552      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159010 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  35203.0228
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  35203.0275      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  35210.9911      7.9683      7.9636
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0518310 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0924580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7085929 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3763440 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14483.7114959 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069802 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3583231 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10166E+01  0.19405E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40665E-01  0.12564E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73250E+00  0.22805E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  35227.3650     24.3422     16.3740
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15149E+01  0.36556E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  35227.5918     24.5690      0.2268
+                do leaf measurements  35227.5929     24.5701      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  35227.6347     24.6119      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107512 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  35227.6398
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  35227.6443      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  35235.6675      8.0277      8.0232
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0529079 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0945230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7056139 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3894300 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14467.0701877 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209061 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071361 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3709109 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10164E+01  0.20968E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43070E-01  0.12568E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72794E+00  0.22765E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  35252.0534     24.4137     16.3859
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15369E+01  0.36273E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  35252.2790     24.6393      0.2256
+                do leaf measurements  35252.2801     24.6403      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  35252.3219     24.6821      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080756 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  35252.3252     24.6854      0.0033
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  35252.3253     24.6856      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -175353532686515.03 304303183411109.06
+ def in m -8.0032615661621094 0.66528868675231934
+ dimensionless def  -1.90082481929234094E-6 2.28664616176060253E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0185370  0.2283405
+                  Compute divergence  35252.5258     24.8861      0.2005
+                        wsmp_cleanup  35252.5667     24.9269      0.0409
+              Reset surface geometry  35252.5717     24.9320      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   35252.5800     24.9402      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  35252.5951     24.9553      0.0151
+                   Advect surface  1  35252.5952     24.9555      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  35252.8019     25.1622      0.2067
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  35253.0111     25.3714      0.2092
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  35253.2847     25.6449      0.2736
+                    Advect the cloud  35253.4431     25.8033      0.1584
+                        Write output  35254.3023     26.6626      0.8592
+                    End of time step  35255.1932     27.5534      0.8909
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     218  35255.1933
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  35255.1934      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  35255.1934      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16987points
+                      refine surface  35255.1935      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  35255.2195      0.0262      0.0261
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16987points
+                          surface 02  35255.2379      0.0446      0.0184
+                                                                        S. 2:    16989points
+                      refine surface  35255.2380      0.0447      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  35255.2660      0.0727      0.0280
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  35255.2889      0.0956      0.0229
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  35255.3144      0.1211      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16992points
+                          surface 03  35255.3332      0.1399      0.0188
+                                                                        S. 3:    16987points
+                      refine surface  35255.3334      0.1401      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  35255.3603      0.1670      0.0269
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  35255.3835      0.1902      0.0232
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  35255.4090      0.2157      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16989points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  35255.4343
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  35255.4345      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  35255.4504      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  35255.4722      0.0379      0.0218
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  35255.4730      0.0387      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  35255.4871      0.0528      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  35255.6093      0.1750      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  35255.7970      0.3628      0.1878
+                embedding surface  1  35255.7972      0.3629      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  35257.7572      2.3229      1.9599
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  35259.8363      4.4020      2.0791
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  35263.3716      7.9373      3.5353
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  35263.3763      7.9420      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  35263.8671      8.4328      0.4908
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  35263.9823      8.5480      0.1153
+                           Find void  35264.2550      8.8208      0.2727
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  35264.2843      8.8500      0.0292
+                         wsmp setup1  35264.2914      8.8571      0.0071
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  35265.3012      9.8670      1.0098
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  35265.3490
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  35265.3492      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  35273.3453      7.9963      7.9961
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0530701 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1001959 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7079549 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4020221 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14451.0931563 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071440 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3916659 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10424E+01  0.18336E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94956E-01  0.11206E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76143E+00  0.24652E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  35289.7524     24.4034     16.4071
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35104E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  35289.9772     24.6282      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  35289.9783     24.6293      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  35290.0199     24.6709      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5890491 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  35290.0248
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  35290.0293      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.82187E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  35297.9744      7.9496      7.9451
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0526659 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1172781 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7145491 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4249232 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14422.1261935 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217551 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070870 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4386399 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.13638E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48631E-01  0.10181E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76690E+00  0.22532E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  35314.4289     24.4041     16.4545
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12349E+01  0.17931E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  35314.6547     24.6299      0.2259
+                do leaf measurements  35314.6558     24.6310      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  35314.6974     24.6727      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0710784 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  35314.7025
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  35314.7069      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  35322.6950      7.9925      7.9881
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0511999 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0926931 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7040820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3766198 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14483.3603076 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1221569 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072050 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3543460 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.15475E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37260E-01  0.11812E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74613E+00  0.23158E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  35339.0650     24.3625     16.3700
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13707E+01  0.31127E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  35339.2890     24.5865      0.2240
+                do leaf measurements  35339.2901     24.5876      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  35339.3321     24.6296      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361720 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  35339.3372
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  35339.3416      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  35347.2918      7.9547      7.9502
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0504870 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0924079 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7082350 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4393041 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14403.9954041 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071850 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4192460 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.17576E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37765E-01  0.12287E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73685E+00  0.22923E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  35363.7267     24.3895     16.4348
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14699E+01  0.35606E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  35363.9519     24.6147      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  35363.9530     24.6158      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  35363.9945     24.6574      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158967 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  35363.9996
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  35364.0041      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  35371.9499      7.9503      7.9458
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0495210 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1031001 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7128019 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3645890 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14498.6927573 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215291 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071630 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3591261 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.19365E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40648E-01  0.12545E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73217E+00  0.22827E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  35388.3243     24.3247     16.3744
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15136E+01  0.36397E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  35388.5513     24.5517      0.2270
+                do leaf measurements  35388.5524     24.5528      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  35388.5940     24.5943      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107436 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  35388.5991
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  35388.6035      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  35396.6241      8.0250      8.0205
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0507629 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1005051 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7073090 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3839931 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14473.9795361 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209779 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070961 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3710370 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10166E+01  0.20932E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43048E-01  0.12550E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72767E+00  0.22775E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  35413.0102     24.4112     16.3862
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15355E+01  0.36129E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  35413.2354     24.6363      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  35413.2365     24.6374      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  35413.2780     24.6789      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080839 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  35413.2808     24.6817      0.0029
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  35413.2810     24.6819      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -175777784417062.25 305503502826172.38
+ def in m -7.9687881469726562 0.66443872451782227
+ dimensionless def  -1.89839635576520651E-6 2.27679661342075897E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0185040  0.2273151
+                  Compute divergence  35413.4966     24.8975      0.2156
+                        wsmp_cleanup  35413.5331     24.9340      0.0365
+              Reset surface geometry  35413.5380     24.9389      0.0049
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   35413.5464     24.9473      0.0084
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  35413.5635     24.9645      0.0172
+                   Advect surface  1  35413.5637     24.9646      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  35413.7772     25.1781      0.2135
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  35413.9897     25.3906      0.2125
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   14 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  35414.2621     25.6630      0.2724
+                    Advect the cloud  35414.4235     25.8244      0.1614
+                        Write output  35415.2810     26.6819      0.8575
+                    End of time step  35416.1692     27.5701      0.8882
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     219  35416.1694
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  35416.1694      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  35416.1695      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16985points
+                      refine surface  35416.1695      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  35416.1976      0.0282      0.0281
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  35416.2246      0.0552      0.0270
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  35416.2500      0.0806      0.0254
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16988points
+                          surface 02  35416.2687      0.0993      0.0187
+                                                                        S. 2:    16991points
+                      refine surface  35416.2688      0.0994      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  35416.2947      0.1253      0.0259
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16991points
+                          surface 03  35416.3127      0.1433      0.0180
+                                                                        S. 3:    16987points
+                      refine surface  35416.3128      0.1435      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  35416.3387      0.1694      0.0259
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  35416.3616      0.1922      0.0228
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  35416.3871      0.2178      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16988points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  35416.4114
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  35416.4117      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  35416.4277      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  35416.4493      0.0379      0.0216
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  35416.4501      0.0386      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  35416.4644      0.0529      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  35416.5877      0.1763      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  35416.7703      0.3589      0.1826
+                embedding surface  1  35416.7705      0.3590      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  35418.7399      2.3285      1.9695
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  35420.8306      4.4192      2.0907
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  35424.3847      7.9733      3.5541
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  35424.3894      7.9780      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  35424.8765      8.4650      0.4870
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  35424.9546      8.5431      0.0781
+                           Find void  35425.2276      8.8162      0.2730
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  35425.2564      8.8449      0.0288
+                         wsmp setup1  35425.2638      8.8524      0.0075
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  35426.2732      9.8617      1.0093
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  35426.3204
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  35426.3206      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  35434.3391      8.0186      8.0185
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0547068 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1002882 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7070210 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3903570 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14465.8928269 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071619 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3810899 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.18378E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95385E-01  0.11053E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76146E+00  0.24535E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  35450.7357     24.4152     16.3966
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35072E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  35450.9603     24.6399      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  35450.9615     24.6410      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  35451.0027     24.6823      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5894467 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  35451.0076
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  35451.0120      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.82097E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  35458.9582      7.9506      7.9462
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0523889 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1239040 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7151830 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4271541 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14419.3106131 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1219230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072091 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4481161 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.13679E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48754E-01  0.10202E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76699E+00  0.22444E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  35475.4217     24.4140     16.4634
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12358E+01  0.17809E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  35475.6483     24.6407      0.2266
+                do leaf measurements  35475.6494     24.6418      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  35475.6907     24.6831      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0716776 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  35475.6957
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  35475.7001      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  35483.6999      8.0042      7.9997
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0522890 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0961661 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7075920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3802950 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14478.6829622 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071690 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3649931 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.15505E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37231E-01  0.11845E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74618E+00  0.23118E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  35500.0801     24.3844     16.3803
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13714E+01  0.31168E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  35500.3046     24.6089      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  35500.3057     24.6100      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  35500.3474     24.6517      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362166 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  35500.3524
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  35500.3568      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  35508.3173      7.9648      7.9604
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0510960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0926421 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7076969 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4252970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14421.6542957 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210380 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071008 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4052298 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.17601E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37868E-01  0.12315E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73688E+00  0.22886E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  35524.7383     24.3859     16.4210
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14703E+01  0.35661E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  35524.9635     24.6111      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  35524.9646     24.6122      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  35525.0059     24.6535      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158730 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  35525.0108
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  35525.0152      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  35532.9568      7.9460      7.9416
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0513840 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1003029 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7151370 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3773439 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14482.4385572 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1218231 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070510 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3733869 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.19384E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40750E-01  0.12559E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73224E+00  0.22800E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  35549.3457     24.3349     16.3889
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15141E+01  0.36447E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  35549.5734     24.5626      0.2277
+                do leaf measurements  35549.5745     24.5637      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  35549.6159     24.6050      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107432 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  35549.6213
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  35549.6258      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  35557.6376      8.0162      8.0118
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0510969 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0935919 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7077298 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3844419 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14473.4090620 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213188 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070341 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3655620 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.20950E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43155E-01  0.12559E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72777E+00  0.22747E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  35574.0184     24.3971     16.3808
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15359E+01  0.36165E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  35574.2429     24.6216      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  35574.2441     24.6227      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  35574.2853     24.6639      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080856 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  35574.2881     24.6668      0.0028
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  35574.2883     24.6669      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -176249877615217.5 306648587389857.06
+ def in m -7.9888553619384766 0.66533726453781128
+ dimensionless def  -1.90096361296517501E-6 2.28253010341099313E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0185279  0.2278938
+                  Compute divergence  35574.4846     24.8633      0.1964
+                        wsmp_cleanup  35574.5300     24.9086      0.0454
+              Reset surface geometry  35574.5351     24.9137      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   35574.5430     24.9217      0.0080
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  35574.5564     24.9350      0.0133
+                   Advect surface  1  35574.5565     24.9352      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  35574.7599     25.1385      0.2034
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  35574.9662     25.3448      0.2063
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  35575.2325     25.6111      0.2663
+                    Advect the cloud  35575.3932     25.7718      0.1607
+                        Write output  35576.2560     26.6346      0.8628
+                    End of time step  35577.1447     27.5234      0.8887
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     220  35577.1448
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  35577.1449      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  35577.1449      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16987points
+                      refine surface  35577.1450      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   6 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  35577.1744      0.0296      0.0294
+                                                                        S. 1:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  35577.2020      0.0571      0.0276
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  35577.2275      0.0827      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16993points
+                          surface 02  35577.2461      0.1013      0.0186
+                                                                        S. 2:    16990points
+                      refine surface  35577.2463      0.1014      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   4 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  35577.2744      0.1296      0.0281
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  35577.3021      0.1572      0.0277
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  35577.3276      0.1828      0.0255
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16994points
+                          surface 03  35577.3463      0.2014      0.0186
+                                                                        S. 3:    16987points
+                      refine surface  35577.3464      0.2016      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  35577.3734      0.2286      0.0270
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  35577.3971      0.2522      0.0237
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  35577.4217      0.2769      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16990points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  35577.4477
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  35577.4479      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  35577.4639      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  35577.4861      0.0384      0.0222
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  35577.4869      0.0392      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  35577.5012      0.0535      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  35577.6246      0.1769      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  35577.8050      0.3573      0.1804
+                embedding surface  1  35577.8051      0.3574      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  35579.7668      2.3192      1.9617
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  35581.8682      4.4205      2.1013
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  35585.4161      7.9684      3.5479
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  35585.4213      7.9736      0.0052
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  35585.8695      8.4218      0.4482
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  35585.9957      8.5480      0.1262
+                           Find void  35586.2680      8.8204      0.2724
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  35586.2963      8.8486      0.0282
+                         wsmp setup1  35586.3033      8.8557      0.0071
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  35587.3099      9.8622      1.0065
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  35587.3560
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  35587.3562      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  35595.3797      8.0237      8.0235
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0532730 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1002321 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7099769 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3912559 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14464.7513816 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207640 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072651 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3831689 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10181E+01  0.18410E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95234E-01  0.11146E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76145E+00  0.24591E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  35611.7786     24.4226     16.3989
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35089E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  35612.0028     24.6468      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  35612.0038     24.6478      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  35612.0457     24.6897      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5891229 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  35612.0506
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  35612.0551      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.82069E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  35619.9962      7.9455      7.9411
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0506740 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1145442 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7187312 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4532869 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14386.4102517 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072811 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4662471 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.13696E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48866E-01  0.10185E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76696E+00  0.22487E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  35636.4782     24.4276     16.4821
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12354E+01  0.17953E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  35636.7032     24.6526      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  35636.7043     24.6536      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  35636.7461     24.6954      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0712963 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  35636.7510
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  35636.7555      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  35644.7653      8.0143      8.0098
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0522990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0974450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7084081 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3784411 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14481.0420421 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208780 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071671 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3650131 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.15515E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37332E-01  0.11835E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74633E+00  0.23152E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  35661.1467     24.3957     16.3814
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13715E+01  0.31197E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  35661.3706     24.6196      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  35661.3717     24.6207      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  35661.4138     24.6627      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361638 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  35661.4188
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  35661.4234      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  35669.3908      7.9720      7.9674
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0523820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               3.9514620 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7112360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4099200 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14441.0902271 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209490 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071321 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2534571 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.17603E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37948E-01  0.12298E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73704E+00  0.22904E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  35685.6605     24.2417     16.2697
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14706E+01  0.35702E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  35685.8850     24.4662      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  35685.8860     24.4673      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  35685.9279     24.5091      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158527 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  35685.9328
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  35685.9373      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  35693.8758      7.9430      7.9385
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0512371 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1105421 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7155862 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3903310 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14465.9258315 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215889 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073159 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3969882 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.19383E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40796E-01  0.12551E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73235E+00  0.22825E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  35710.2885     24.3557     16.4127
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15144E+01  0.36491E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  35710.5157     24.5829      0.2272
+                do leaf measurements  35710.5168     24.5840      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  35710.5586     24.6258      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107534 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  35710.5636
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  35710.5681      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  35718.5665      8.0029      7.9984
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0533350 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0924749 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7092271 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3841138 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14473.8261524 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209769 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073428 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3678660 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10164E+01  0.20949E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43181E-01  0.12551E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72784E+00  0.22768E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  35734.9504     24.3869     16.3839
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15359E+01  0.36185E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  35735.1745     24.6109      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  35735.1755     24.6120      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  35735.2174     24.6538      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080902 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  35735.2206     24.6570      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  35735.2208     24.6572      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -176696568779972.16 307809244248774.75
+ def in m -7.9407424926757812 0.70016276836395264
+ dimensionless def  -1.88616820744105748E-6 2.26878356933593737E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0183701  0.2264919
+                  Compute divergence  35735.4336     24.8700      0.2128
+                        wsmp_cleanup  35735.4693     24.9057      0.0357
+              Reset surface geometry  35735.4744     24.9108      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   35735.4825     24.9189      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  35735.4995     24.9360      0.0171
+                   Advect surface  1  35735.4997     24.9361      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  35735.7053     25.1417      0.2056
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  35735.9219     25.3584      0.2166
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  35736.1956     25.6321      0.2737
+                    Advect the cloud  35736.3565     25.7929      0.1609
+                        Write output  35737.2126     26.6490      0.8561
+                    End of time step  35738.1035     27.5399      0.8909
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     221  35738.1036
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  35738.1037      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  35738.1037      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16992points
+                      refine surface  35738.1038      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  35738.1307      0.0271      0.0269
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  35738.1546      0.0510      0.0239
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  35738.1796      0.0759      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16994points
+                          surface 02  35738.1994      0.0957      0.0198
+                                                                        S. 2:    16992points
+                      refine surface  35738.1995      0.0959      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  35738.2267      0.1231      0.0272
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  35738.2507      0.1470      0.0239
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  35738.2755      0.1719      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16995points
+                          surface 03  35738.2955      0.1918      0.0200
+                                                                        S. 3:    16988points
+                      refine surface  35738.2956      0.1920      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  35738.3219      0.2183      0.0263
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  35738.3457      0.2421      0.0238
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  35738.3704      0.2667      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16990points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  35738.3963
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  35738.3965      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  35738.4125      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  35738.4342      0.0379      0.0216
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  35738.4349      0.0386      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  35738.4492      0.0529      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  35738.5726      0.1764      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  35738.7530      0.3567      0.1803
+                embedding surface  1  35738.7531      0.3568      0.0001
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  35740.7056      2.3093      1.9524
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  35742.8189      4.4226      2.1133
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  35746.3540      7.9577      3.5351
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  35746.3586      7.9623      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  35746.8335      8.4372      0.4749
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  35746.9564      8.5601      0.1229
+                           Find void  35747.2241      8.8278      0.2677
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  35747.2527      8.8564      0.0286
+                         wsmp setup1  35747.2601      8.8638      0.0074
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  35748.2685      9.8722      1.0084
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  35748.3147
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  35748.3149      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  35756.3403      8.0256      8.0253
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0550959 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1010671 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7094388 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3946609 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14460.4288449 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207321 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071800 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3885670 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10247E+01  0.18392E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.96052E-01  0.11166E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76149E+00  0.24802E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  35772.7445     24.4298     16.4042
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35078E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  35772.9690     24.6543      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  35772.9701     24.6554      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  35773.0119     24.6972      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5895166 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  35773.0170
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  35773.0216      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.80667E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  35780.9639      7.9469      7.9424
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0528719 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1285481 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7159040 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4592879 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14378.8763817 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210341 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071020 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4851251 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.13672E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48597E-01  0.10194E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76699E+00  0.22670E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  35797.4647     24.4477     16.5007
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12360E+01  0.17878E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  35797.6896     24.6725      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  35797.6906     24.6736      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  35797.7320     24.7150      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0713452 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  35797.7372
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  35797.7418      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  35805.7467      8.0096      8.0050
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0512409 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1024179 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7079091 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3794432 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14479.7668421 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209791 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072069 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3695929 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.15496E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37137E-01  0.11824E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74621E+00  0.23244E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  35822.1323     24.3951     16.3856
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13715E+01  0.31188E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  35822.3564     24.6192      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  35822.3575     24.6203      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  35822.3993     24.6621      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360411 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  35822.4046
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  35822.4092      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  35830.3893      7.9847      7.9801
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0537770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1018491 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7092538 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4029040 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14449.9754965 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210659 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071471 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3963721 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.17592E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37743E-01  0.12291E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73690E+00  0.22954E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  35846.8016     24.3971     16.4123
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14703E+01  0.35690E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  35847.0273     24.6227      0.2257
+                do leaf measurements  35847.0283     24.6238      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  35847.0697     24.6651      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158607 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  35847.0752
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  35847.0797      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  35855.0174      7.9422      7.9377
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0531869 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1359129 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7148139 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3866742 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14470.5716065 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071108 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4197600 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.19375E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40661E-01  0.12544E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73225E+00  0.22847E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  35871.4530     24.3778     16.4355
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15140E+01  0.36470E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  35871.6794     24.6042      0.2264
+                do leaf measurements  35871.6805     24.6053      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  35871.7219     24.6467      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107445 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  35871.7271
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  35871.7317      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  35879.7205      7.9934      7.9888
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0504711 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0992191 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7073350 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3849239 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14472.7962011 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209080 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071411 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3703949 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10166E+01  0.20939E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43080E-01  0.12550E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72774E+00  0.22779E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  35896.1060     24.3789     16.3856
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15356E+01  0.36182E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  35896.3311     24.6041      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  35896.3322     24.6051      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  35896.3738     24.6467      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080816 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  35896.3769     24.6498      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  35896.3771     24.6500      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -177215888677906.19 308898474714122.94
+ def in m -7.9735479354858398 0.68588149547576904
+ dimensionless def  -1.88010879925319133E-6 2.2781565529959543E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0183077  0.2274321
+                  Compute divergence  35896.5717     24.8446      0.1946
+                        wsmp_cleanup  35896.6160     24.8889      0.0443
+              Reset surface geometry  35896.6213     24.8942      0.0053
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   35896.6293     24.9022      0.0080
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  35896.6427     24.9156      0.0134
+                   Advect surface  1  35896.6428     24.9158      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  35896.8418     25.1147      0.1990
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  35897.0685     25.3415      0.2267
+                                                                        removing   6 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   16 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  35897.3777     25.6507      0.3092
+                    Advect the cloud  35897.5387     25.8116      0.1609
+                        Write output  35898.3992     26.6721      0.8605
+                    End of time step  35899.2889     27.5618      0.8897
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     222  35899.2890
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  35899.2891      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  35899.2891      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16994points
+                      refine surface  35899.2891      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  35899.3169      0.0279      0.0278
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  35899.3405      0.0515      0.0236
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  35899.3660      0.0770      0.0255
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16997points
+                          surface 02  35899.3850      0.0960      0.0190
+                                                                        S. 2:    16992points
+                      refine surface  35899.3851      0.0961      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  35899.4121      0.1231      0.0270
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  35899.4354      0.1464      0.0232
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  35899.4608      0.1718      0.0254
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16994points
+                          surface 03  35899.4799      0.1909      0.0192
+                                                                        S. 3:    16984points
+                      refine surface  35899.4801      0.1911      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  35899.5070      0.2180      0.0270
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  35899.5305      0.2415      0.0235
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  35899.5559      0.2669      0.0254
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16986points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  35899.5815
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  35899.5818      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  35899.5978      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  35899.6195      0.0380      0.0217
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  35899.6203      0.0388      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  35899.6346      0.0530      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  35899.7580      0.1765      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  35899.9381      0.3566      0.1801
+                embedding surface  1  35899.9383      0.3567      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  35901.9059      2.3244      1.9676
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  35904.0073      4.4258      2.1014
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  35907.5337      7.9522      3.5264
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  35907.5383      7.9568      0.0046
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  35908.0079      8.4263      0.4695
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  35908.1671      8.5856      0.1593
+                           Find void  35908.4392      8.8577      0.2721
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  35908.4676      8.8861      0.0284
+                         wsmp setup1  35908.4747      8.8931      0.0070
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  35909.4717      9.8901      0.9970
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  35909.5176
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  35909.5177      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  35917.5348      8.0172      8.0170
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0574889 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1043329 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7070670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3888268 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14467.8364231 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207900 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071459 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3860569 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.18427E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94925E-01  0.11098E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76160E+00  0.24570E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  35933.9365     24.4189     16.4017
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35104E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  35934.1604     24.6428      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  35934.1614     24.6439      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  35934.2027     24.6851      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5889915 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  35934.2078
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  35934.2124      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.82670E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  35942.1546      7.9468      7.9423
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0521338 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1251681 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7089939 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4633961 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14373.7233569 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070529 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4786279 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.13702E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48867E-01  0.10236E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76713E+00  0.22484E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  35958.6485     24.4407     16.4939
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12358E+01  0.17973E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  35958.8741     24.6663      0.2256
+                do leaf measurements  35958.8751     24.6673      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  35958.9162     24.7084      0.0411
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0712721 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  35958.9214
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  35958.9259      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  35966.9201      7.9988      7.9942
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0516350 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0941429 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7057440 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3813150 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14477.3854320 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213150 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070388 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3615561 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.15516E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37403E-01  0.11856E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74643E+00  0.23134E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  35983.2969     24.3755     16.3768
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13717E+01  0.31231E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  35983.5220     24.6006      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  35983.5231     24.6017      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  35983.5647     24.6433      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361016 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  35983.5700
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  35983.5746      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  35991.5666      7.9966      7.9920
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0528150 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0906849 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7050910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3948600 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14460.1762069 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071390 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3722060 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.17603E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37900E-01  0.12316E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73713E+00  0.22893E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  36007.9544     24.3844     16.3878
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14708E+01  0.35753E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  36008.1791     24.6091      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  36008.1801     24.6101      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  36008.2213     24.6514      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158319 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  36008.2264
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  36008.2310      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  36016.1681      7.9416      7.9371
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0505280 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1202190 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7124660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3951130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14459.8552029 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1218419 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071349 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4077179 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.19382E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40751E-01  0.12566E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73247E+00  0.22793E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  36032.5914     24.3650     16.4234
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15145E+01  0.36535E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  36032.8178     24.5914      0.2264
+                do leaf measurements  36032.8189     24.5925      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  36032.8601     24.6336      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107289 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  36032.8652
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  36032.8698      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  36040.8421      7.9769      7.9723
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0502980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0974221 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7059100 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3756399 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14484.6079077 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069919 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3577268 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10164E+01  0.20946E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43151E-01  0.12571E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72795E+00  0.22747E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  36057.2162     24.3510     16.3741
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15362E+01  0.36233E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  36057.4396     24.5744      0.2234
+                do leaf measurements  36057.4407     24.5755      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  36057.4820     24.6168      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080856 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  36057.4851     24.6199      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  36057.4853     24.6201      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -177708800083232.16 310005353009176.31
+ def in m -7.9882440567016602 0.67842328548431396
+ dimensionless def  -1.88665083476475304E-6 2.28235544477190276E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0183659  0.2278649
+                  Compute divergence  36057.6837     24.8185      0.1984
+                        wsmp_cleanup  36057.7211     24.8558      0.0374
+              Reset surface geometry  36057.7262     24.8610      0.0052
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   36057.7347     24.8695      0.0085
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  36057.7510     24.8858      0.0163
+                   Advect surface  1  36057.7511     24.8859      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  36057.9533     25.0881      0.2022
+                                                                        S. 2:   13 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  36058.1511     25.2859      0.1978
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  36058.4268     25.5616      0.2757
+                    Advect the cloud  36058.5876     25.7224      0.1608
+                        Write output  36059.4386     26.5734      0.8510
+                    End of time step  36060.3283     27.4631      0.8898
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     223  36060.3285
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  36060.3285      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  36060.3286      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16997points
+                      refine surface  36060.3286      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   5 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  36060.3579      0.0295      0.0293
+                                                                        S. 1:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  36060.3811      0.0526      0.0231
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  36060.4064      0.0779      0.0253
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17002points
+                          surface 02  36060.4255      0.0971      0.0191
+                                                                        S. 2:    16994points
+                      refine surface  36060.4257      0.0972      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  36060.4535      0.1250      0.0278
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  36060.4766      0.1481      0.0231
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  36060.5023      0.1738      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16997points
+                          surface 03  36060.5211      0.1927      0.0189
+                                                                        S. 3:    16983points
+                      refine surface  36060.5213      0.1928      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   5 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  36060.5499      0.2214      0.0286
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  36060.5774      0.2490      0.0275
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  36060.6030      0.2745      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16988points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  36060.6284
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  36060.6286      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  36060.6447      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  36060.6663      0.0379      0.0216
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  36060.6670      0.0386      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  36060.6813      0.0529      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  36060.8046      0.1762      0.1233
+             Imbed surface in osolve  36060.9840      0.3556      0.1794
+                embedding surface  1  36060.9842      0.3558      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  36062.9329      2.3045      1.9487
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  36065.0192      4.3908      2.0863
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  36068.5617      7.9333      3.5425
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  36068.5664      7.9380      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  36069.0712      8.4428      0.5048
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  36069.1815      8.5531      0.1103
+                           Find void  36069.4516      8.8232      0.2701
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  36069.4797      8.8513      0.0282
+                         wsmp setup1  36069.4866      8.8582      0.0069
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  36070.4903      9.8619      1.0037
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  36070.5364
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  36070.5366      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  36078.5378      8.0014      8.0012
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0581760 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1041460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7081959 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3844888 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14473.3493497 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212549 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070822 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3837471 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10139E+01  0.18455E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95976E-01  0.11174E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76162E+00  0.24631E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  36094.9372     24.4008     16.3994
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35102E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  36095.1617     24.6253      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  36095.1628     24.6264      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  36095.2044     24.6680      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5895853 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  36095.2093
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  36095.2136      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.81282E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  36103.1502      7.9409      7.9366
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0514989 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1091361 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7092628 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4617682 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14375.7648658 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1218040 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070460 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4609070 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.13725E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48794E-01  0.10224E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76710E+00  0.22545E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  36119.6271     24.4178     16.4769
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12363E+01  0.17929E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  36119.8513     24.6420      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  36119.8524     24.6431      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  36119.8939     24.6846      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0715941 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  36119.8989
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  36119.9033      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  36127.8874      7.9886      7.9841
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0499671 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1052618 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7100251 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3843141 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14473.5715304 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213181 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070961 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3783910 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.15528E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37293E-01  0.11854E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74673E+00  0.23161E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  36144.2812     24.3823     16.3937
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13722E+01  0.31262E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  36144.5059     24.6070      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  36144.5070     24.6081      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  36144.5488     24.6499      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362432 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  36144.5538
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  36144.5582      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  36152.5596      8.0058      8.0014
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0533500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1027710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7094612 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4031000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14449.7271511 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212349 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072370 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3975730 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.17611E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37834E-01  0.12311E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73736E+00  0.22905E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  36168.9729     24.4191     16.4133
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14714E+01  0.35791E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  36169.1976     24.6439      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  36169.1987     24.6450      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  36169.2403     24.6866      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158693 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  36169.2453
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  36169.2496      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  36177.1884      7.9432      7.9388
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0522590 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1274309 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7138240 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4082470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14443.2079671 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1222169 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071671 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4315541 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.19388E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40708E-01  0.12562E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73264E+00  0.22815E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  36193.6354     24.3902     16.4470
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15149E+01  0.36561E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  36193.8626     24.6173      0.2271
+                do leaf measurements  36193.8637     24.6184      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  36193.9052     24.6599      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107509 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  36193.9101
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  36193.9145      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  36201.8921      7.9820      7.9776
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0511498 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0967860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7100770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3758769 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14484.3061570 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210971 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070710 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3624530 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.20951E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43111E-01  0.12563E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72808E+00  0.22763E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  36218.2700     24.3599     16.3779
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15368E+01  0.36285E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  36218.4948     24.5847      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  36218.4959     24.5858      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  36218.5375     24.6273      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080807 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  36218.5403     24.6302      0.0028
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  36218.5405     24.6304      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -178170268669743.31 311128472771338.88
+ def in m -7.9929537773132324 0.67374753952026367
+ dimensionless def  -1.8793705531529017E-6 2.28370107923235219E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0182853  0.2280044
+                  Compute divergence  36218.7423     24.8322      0.2019
+                        wsmp_cleanup  36218.7798     24.8697      0.0375
+              Reset surface geometry  36218.7850     24.8749      0.0052
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   36218.7933     24.8832      0.0083
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  36218.8098     24.8997      0.0165
+                   Advect surface  1  36218.8099     24.8998      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  36219.0114     25.1013      0.2015
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  36219.2176     25.3075      0.2062
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  36219.4934     25.5833      0.2758
+                    Advect the cloud  36219.6545     25.7444      0.1611
+                        Write output  36220.5064     26.5963      0.8519
+                    End of time step  36221.4084     27.4983      0.9020
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     224  36221.4086
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  36221.4086      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  36221.4087      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17001points
+                      refine surface  36221.4087      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   6 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  36221.4382      0.0296      0.0295
+                                                                        S. 1:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  36221.4666      0.0580      0.0284
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  36221.4918      0.0833      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17007points
+                          surface 02  36221.5110      0.1024      0.0192
+                                                                        S. 2:    16996points
+                      refine surface  36221.5111      0.1026      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   5 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  36221.5399      0.1313      0.0288
+                                                                        S. 2:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  36221.5678      0.1593      0.0279
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  36221.5934      0.1849      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17001points
+                          surface 03  36221.6128      0.2042      0.0194
+                                                                        S. 3:    16985points
+                      refine surface  36221.6130      0.2044      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  36221.6400      0.2314      0.0270
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  36221.6633      0.2547      0.0233
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  36221.6889      0.2803      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16987points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  36221.7138
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  36221.7140      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  36221.7301      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  36221.7519      0.0381      0.0218
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  36221.7526      0.0389      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  36221.7669      0.0531      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  36221.8903      0.1765      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  36222.0718      0.3581      0.1816
+                embedding surface  1  36222.0720      0.3582      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  36224.0373      2.3235      1.9653
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  36226.1051      4.3913      2.0678
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  36229.6460      7.9322      3.5409
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  36229.6507      7.9369      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  36230.1582      8.4444      0.5075
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  36230.2823      8.5686      0.1241
+                           Find void  36230.5506      8.8369      0.2683
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  36230.5788      8.8651      0.0282
+                         wsmp setup1  36230.5859      8.8722      0.0071
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  36231.5834      9.8696      0.9974
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  36231.6289
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  36231.6291      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  36239.6413      8.0124      8.0122
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0576491 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1042120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7069590 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3896961 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14466.7322219 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210930 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070200 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3869998 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10212E+01  0.18435E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95775E-01  0.11158E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76161E+00  0.24632E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  36256.0445     24.4155     16.4032
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35086E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  36256.2696     24.6406      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  36256.2707     24.6418      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  36256.3133     24.6843      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5893690 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  36256.3187
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  36256.3233      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.80903E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  36264.2639      7.9452      7.9406
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0508931 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1002569 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7089880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4612091 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14376.4661329 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210079 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070450 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4497831 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10151E+01  0.13720E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48958E-01  0.10196E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76715E+00  0.22559E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  36280.7292     24.4106     16.4654
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12359E+01  0.18005E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  36280.9560     24.6374      0.2268
+                do leaf measurements  36280.9571     24.6385      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  36280.9995     24.6808      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0714733 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  36281.0047
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  36281.0094      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  36288.9898      7.9850      7.9804
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0531650 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0891480 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7072821 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3762980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14483.7700795 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070739 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3547220 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.15532E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37373E-01  0.11823E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74641E+00  0.23179E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  36305.3606     24.3558     16.3708
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13717E+01  0.31221E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  36305.5866     24.5819      0.2261
+                do leaf measurements  36305.5878     24.5830      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  36305.6303     24.6256      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361025 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  36305.6357
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  36305.6403      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  36313.6556      8.0199      8.0153
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0541210 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0953081 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7061069 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3915961 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14464.3193749 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209469 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069499 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3754039 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.17619E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37944E-01  0.12292E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73712E+00  0.22918E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  36330.0474     24.4117     16.3917
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14710E+01  0.35769E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  36330.2738     24.6381      0.2264
+                do leaf measurements  36330.2749     24.6392      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  36330.3175     24.6818      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158848 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  36330.3227
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  36330.3273      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  36338.2615      7.9388      7.9343
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0551231 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1137941 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7147100 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4199741 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14428.3763339 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1218970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070250 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4328902 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.19397E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40796E-01  0.12543E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73245E+00  0.22824E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  36354.7107     24.3880     16.4491
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15147E+01  0.36543E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  36354.9385     24.6158      0.2279
+                do leaf measurements  36354.9397     24.6169      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  36354.9821     24.6594      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107598 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  36354.9874
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  36354.9920      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  36362.9906      8.0032      7.9986
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0543852 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0862062 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7088962 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3725228 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14488.5779808 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210091 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070100 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3504260 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.20961E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43160E-01  0.12552E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72790E+00  0.22779E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  36379.3566     24.3692     16.3660
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15366E+01  0.36266E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  36379.5826     24.5952      0.2260
+                do leaf measurements  36379.5837     24.5964      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  36379.6263     24.6389      0.0425
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080721 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  36379.6295     24.6421      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  36379.6297     24.6423      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -178625597413003. 312245338402269.5
+ def in m -7.9959359169006348 0.67065691947937012
+ dimensionless def  -1.87621235847473134E-6 2.28455311911446718E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0182439  0.2280975
+                  Compute divergence  36379.8233     24.8360      0.1936
+                        wsmp_cleanup  36379.8710     24.8836      0.0477
+              Reset surface geometry  36379.8764     24.8890      0.0054
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   36379.8832     24.8958      0.0068
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  36379.8967     24.9093      0.0135
+                   Advect surface  1  36379.8969     24.9095      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   4 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   12 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  36380.1340     25.1466      0.2371
+                                                                        S. 2:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  36380.3324     25.3450      0.1984
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  36380.5985     25.6111      0.2661
+                    Advect the cloud  36380.7594     25.7720      0.1609
+                        Write output  36381.6180     26.6307      0.8586
+                    End of time step  36382.5070     27.5196      0.8889
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     225  36382.5071
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  36382.5072      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  36382.5072      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17003points
+                      refine surface  36382.5073      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  36382.5333      0.0262      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  36382.5605      0.0534      0.0272
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  36382.5854      0.0783      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17004points
+                          surface 02  36382.6042      0.0970      0.0187
+                                                                        S. 2:    17001points
+                      refine surface  36382.6043      0.0972      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  36382.6294      0.1222      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  36382.6531      0.1460      0.0238
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  36382.6771      0.1699      0.0239
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17002points
+                          surface 03  36382.6966      0.1894      0.0195
+                                                                        S. 3:    16986points
+                      refine surface  36382.6967      0.1896      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   4 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  36382.7238      0.2167      0.0271
+                                                                        S. 3:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  36382.7520      0.2449      0.0282
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  36382.7764      0.2692      0.0244
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16990points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  36382.8029
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  36382.8031      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  36382.8191      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  36382.8408      0.0379      0.0217
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  36382.8416      0.0387      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  36382.8559      0.0530      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  36382.9792      0.1764      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  36383.1608      0.3580      0.1816
+                embedding surface  1  36383.1610      0.3581      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  36385.1164      2.3135      1.9554
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  36387.2022      4.3993      2.0858
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  36390.7170      7.9141      3.5149
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  36390.7216      7.9187      0.0046
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  36391.2237      8.4208      0.5021
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  36391.4015      8.5986      0.1777
+                           Find void  36391.6720      8.8691      0.2705
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  36391.7002      8.8973      0.0282
+                         wsmp setup1  36391.7073      8.9044      0.0071
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  36392.7114      9.9085      1.0041
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  36392.7571
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  36392.7573      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  36400.7357      7.9786      7.9784
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0529990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0969930 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7061539 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3820391 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14476.4644419 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210871 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072839 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3669410 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10179E+01  0.18480E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95596E-01  0.11245E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76169E+00  0.24774E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  36417.1185     24.3614     16.3828
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35101E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  36417.3426     24.5855      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  36417.3437     24.5866      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  36417.3853     24.6282      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5891792 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  36417.3906
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  36417.3952      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.78012E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  36425.3345      7.9439      7.9393
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0542011 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1112480 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7106440 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4600170 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14377.9616004 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212771 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072670 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4650290 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.13746E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48725E-01  0.10181E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76721E+00  0.22697E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  36441.8144     24.4238     16.4799
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12369E+01  0.18011E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  36442.0397     24.6491      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements  36442.0408     24.6502      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  36442.0822     24.6916      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0712619 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  36442.0874
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  36442.0920      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  36450.0518      7.9644      7.9598
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0528119 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0972252 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7100461 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3790510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14480.2659122 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1218321 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072198 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3685679 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.15547E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37253E-01  0.11821E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74671E+00  0.23186E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  36466.4352     24.3478     16.3834
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13727E+01  0.31326E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  36466.6626     24.5752      0.2274
+                do leaf measurements  36466.6637     24.5763      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  36466.7050     24.6176      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361456 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  36466.7102
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  36466.7148      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  36474.7357      8.0255      8.0209
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0519891 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1002371 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7043731 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3860018 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14471.4260899 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214652 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072842 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3717420 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.17625E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37849E-01  0.12296E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73733E+00  0.22928E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  36491.1232     24.4129     16.3874
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14715E+01  0.35857E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  36491.3474     24.6371      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  36491.3484     24.6382      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  36491.3897     24.6795      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158017 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  36491.3948
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  36491.3993      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  36499.3388      7.9440      7.9394
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0542290 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1139131 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7154729 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4353862 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14408.9304260 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1221321 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071821 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4486990 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.19403E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40729E-01  0.12553E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73261E+00  0.22822E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  36515.8026     24.4078     16.4639
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15150E+01  0.36608E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  36516.0291     24.6343      0.2265
+                do leaf measurements  36516.0302     24.6354      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  36516.0716     24.6768      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107347 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  36516.0768
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  36516.0814      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  36524.0873      8.0105      8.0059
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0511270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1040752 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7084432 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3819571 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14476.5687563 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211519 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071790 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3743010 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10166E+01  0.20967E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43117E-01  0.12559E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72804E+00  0.22777E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  36540.4770     24.4002     16.3897
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15368E+01  0.36315E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  36540.7020     24.6252      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  36540.7031     24.6263      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  36540.7446     24.6678      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080720 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  36540.7477     24.6709      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  36540.7479     24.6711      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -179077573794211. 313353955688169.63
+ def in m -7.9996471405029297 0.66791045665740967
+ dimensionless def  -1.87354666846139094E-6 2.2856134687151229E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0182111  0.2282140
+                  Compute divergence  36540.9446     24.8678      0.1967
+                        wsmp_cleanup  36540.9861     24.9093      0.0415
+              Reset surface geometry  36540.9919     24.9150      0.0058
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   36541.0001     24.9233      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  36541.0141     24.9373      0.0140
+                   Advect surface  1  36541.0143     24.9375      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:   13 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  36541.2130     25.1362      0.1987
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  36541.4196     25.3428      0.2066
+                                                                        S. 3:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  36541.6742     25.5974      0.2546
+                    Advect the cloud  36541.8350     25.7581      0.1607
+                        Write output  36542.6940     26.6172      0.8591
+                    End of time step  36543.5832     27.5063      0.8892
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     226  36543.5833
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  36543.5834      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  36543.5834      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17004points
+                      refine surface  36543.5835      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  36543.6081      0.0247      0.0246
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17004points
+                          surface 02  36543.6281      0.0448      0.0201
+                                                                        S. 2:    17001points
+                      refine surface  36543.6283      0.0449      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  36543.6542      0.0709      0.0259
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  36543.6830      0.0996      0.0288
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  36543.7075      0.1241      0.0245
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17003points
+                          surface 03  36543.7276      0.1443      0.0201
+                                                                        S. 3:    16990points
+                      refine surface  36543.7277      0.1444      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   4 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  36543.7554      0.1721      0.0277
+                                                                        S. 3:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  36543.7791      0.1958      0.0237
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  36543.8035      0.2201      0.0243
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16994points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  36543.8300
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  36543.8302      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  36543.8463      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  36543.8679      0.0380      0.0217
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  36543.8687      0.0387      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  36543.8830      0.0530      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  36544.0064      0.1764      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  36544.1884      0.3584      0.1820
+                embedding surface  1  36544.1886      0.3586      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  36546.1546      2.3246      1.9661
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  36548.2540      4.4240      2.0993
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  36551.7899      7.9599      3.5359
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  36551.7946      7.9646      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  36552.2858      8.4558      0.4912
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  36552.4482      8.6182      0.1625
+                           Find void  36552.7158      8.8859      0.2676
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  36552.7440      8.9140      0.0281
+                         wsmp setup1  36552.7512      8.9213      0.0073
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  36553.7574      9.9274      1.0061
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  36553.8044
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  36553.8046      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  36561.7834      7.9790      7.9788
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0541370 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1048470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7052071 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3780921 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14481.4862758 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209519 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071099 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3707459 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10139E+01  0.18389E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94910E-01  0.11095E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76148E+00  0.24604E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  36578.1699     24.3655     16.3865
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35082E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  36578.3945     24.5901      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  36578.3956     24.5912      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  36578.4370     24.6326      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5883087 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  36578.4420
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  36578.4465      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79670E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  36586.3859      7.9439      7.9395
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0536079 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0877452 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7056432 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4514270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14388.7468454 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209102 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069611 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4267070 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.13694E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.49131E-01  0.10245E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76692E+00  0.22557E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  36602.8282     24.3861     16.4422
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12367E+01  0.17959E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  36603.0529     24.6109      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  36603.0541     24.6120      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  36603.0951     24.6531      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0707705 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  36603.1001
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  36603.1045      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  36611.0620      7.9619      7.9575
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0533268 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1039560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7099030 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3767641 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14483.1766766 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217849 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069511 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3730891 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.15510E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37623E-01  0.11858E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74659E+00  0.23092E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  36627.4504     24.3503     16.3883
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13720E+01  0.31236E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  36627.6776     24.5775      0.2272
+                do leaf measurements  36627.6787     24.5786      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  36627.7197     24.6196      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361959 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  36627.7247
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  36627.7292      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  36635.7528      8.0281      8.0236
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0528860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1034348 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7078350 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3828650 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14475.4141043 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207640 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069780 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3751550 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.17599E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38059E-01  0.12319E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73720E+00  0.22873E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  36652.1434     24.4186     16.3906
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14709E+01  0.35747E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  36652.3683     24.6435      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  36652.3694     24.6447      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  36652.4104     24.6856      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158323 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  36652.4153
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  36652.4197      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  36660.3582      7.9428      7.9385
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0519300 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1285310 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7138581 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4467590 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14394.6145877 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211791 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069761 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4696269 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.19378E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40879E-01  0.12564E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73250E+00  0.22792E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  36676.8433     24.4279     16.4851
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15145E+01  0.36534E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  36677.0686     24.6533      0.2254
+                do leaf measurements  36677.0697     24.6544      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  36677.1106     24.6953      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107431 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  36677.1156
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  36677.1200      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  36685.1226      8.0070      8.0026
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0528760 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0975981 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7087212 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3802140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14478.7860952 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208541 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0074060 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3680730 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.20940E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43230E-01  0.12570E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72797E+00  0.22746E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  36701.5065     24.3909     16.3839
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15361E+01  0.36238E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  36701.7310     24.6154      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  36701.7321     24.6165      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  36701.7733     24.6577      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080771 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  36701.7762     24.6606      0.0029
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  36701.7764     24.6607      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -179521577210432.22 314461337354546.38
+ def in m -8.0017251968383789 0.66559267044067383
+ dimensionless def  -1.87699828829084117E-6 2.28620719909667961E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0182389  0.2282786
+                  Compute divergence  36701.9725     24.8569      0.1961
+                        wsmp_cleanup  36702.0126     24.8970      0.0401
+              Reset surface geometry  36702.0182     24.9026      0.0056
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   36702.0268     24.9112      0.0086
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  36702.0414     24.9258      0.0146
+                   Advect surface  1  36702.0416     24.9259      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   14 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  36702.2613     25.1456      0.2197
+                                                                        S. 2:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  36702.4595     25.3439      0.1983
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  36702.7225     25.6069      0.2630
+                    Advect the cloud  36702.8836     25.7680      0.1611
+                        Write output  36703.7419     26.6263      0.8583
+                    End of time step  36704.6312     27.5156      0.8893
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     227  36704.6314
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  36704.6314      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  36704.6315      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17001points
+                      refine surface  36704.6315      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  36704.6569      0.0256      0.0254
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  36704.6806      0.0492      0.0237
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  36704.7050      0.0736      0.0244
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17002points
+                          surface 02  36704.7244      0.0930      0.0194
+                                                                        S. 2:    17003points
+                      refine surface  36704.7245      0.0932      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   6 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  36704.7532      0.1218      0.0286
+                                                                        S. 2:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  36704.7804      0.1490      0.0272
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  36704.8056      0.1742      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17009points
+                          surface 03  36704.8242      0.1928      0.0186
+                                                                        S. 3:    16993points
+                      refine surface  36704.8243      0.1930      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   4 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  36704.8521      0.2208      0.0278
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  36704.8795      0.2482      0.0274
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  36704.9047      0.2733      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16997points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  36704.9304
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  36704.9307      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  36704.9467      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  36704.9682      0.0378      0.0215
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  36704.9690      0.0386      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  36704.9833      0.0529      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  36705.1066      0.1762      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  36705.2872      0.3568      0.1806
+                embedding surface  1  36705.2874      0.3570      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  36707.2448      2.3144      1.9574
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  36709.3407      4.4102      2.0958
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  36712.8655      7.9350      3.5248
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  36712.8709      7.9405      0.0055
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  36713.3831      8.4526      0.5121
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  36713.4779      8.5474      0.0948
+                           Find void  36713.7478      8.8174      0.2700
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  36713.7762      8.8458      0.0284
+                         wsmp setup1  36713.7831      8.8527      0.0069
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  36714.7783      9.8479      0.9952
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  36714.8240
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  36714.8241      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  36722.8105      7.9865      7.9864
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0578110 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0958612 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7100961 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3806279 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14478.2595257 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211891 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071330 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3731098 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10340E+01  0.18430E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94929E-01  0.11163E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76147E+00  0.24742E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  36739.1992     24.3752     16.3886
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35088E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  36739.4235     24.5995      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements  36739.4246     24.6006      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  36739.4658     24.6419      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5893645 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  36739.4709
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  36739.4754      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.78816E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  36747.4285      7.9576      7.9531
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0512049 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1000340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7065701 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4303670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14415.2575308 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212969 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071180 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4169810 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.13708E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48906E-01  0.10221E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76692E+00  0.22701E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  36763.8608     24.3899     16.4323
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12362E+01  0.17913E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  36764.0856     24.6148      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  36764.0867     24.6158      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  36764.1276     24.6568      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0712216 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  36764.1326
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  36764.1370      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  36772.0833      7.9506      7.9462
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0515490 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0956960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7120140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3729198 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14488.0722632 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217248 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070140 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3613138 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.15513E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37525E-01  0.11859E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74662E+00  0.23165E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  36788.4603     24.3277     16.3770
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13720E+01  0.31249E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  36788.6866     24.5540      0.2263
+                do leaf measurements  36788.6877     24.5550      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  36788.7287     24.5960      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362796 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  36788.7337
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  36788.7381      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  36796.7539      8.0202      8.0158
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0519540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0962679 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7088959 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3862979 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14471.0497412 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208961 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070190 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3717139 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.17596E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37857E-01  0.12319E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73723E+00  0.22914E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  36813.1412     24.4075     16.3873
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14709E+01  0.35772E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  36813.3662     24.6325      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  36813.3672     24.6336      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  36813.4082     24.6746      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158767 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  36813.4132
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  36813.4177      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  36821.3573      7.9441      7.9396
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0507550 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1308570 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7141330 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4807801 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14351.9588465 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211929 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071170 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5052421 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.19377E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40698E-01  0.12566E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73248E+00  0.22813E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  36837.8781     24.4650     16.5208
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15143E+01  0.36524E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  36838.1028     24.6896      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  36838.1039     24.6907      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  36838.1448     24.7317      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107707 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  36838.1498
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  36838.1542      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  36846.1574      8.0076      8.0032
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0526450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1060710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7098081 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3801460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14478.8725461 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211388 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071490 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3773501 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.20944E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43082E-01  0.12568E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72791E+00  0.22767E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  36862.5501     24.4003     16.3927
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15360E+01  0.36227E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  36862.7747     24.6249      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  36862.7757     24.6259      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  36862.8170     24.6672      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080771 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  36862.8198     24.6700      0.0029
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  36862.8200     24.6702      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -179948022108151.72 315574428665515.75
+ def in m -8.0002965927124023 0.66441714763641357
+ dimensionless def  -1.87155876840863912E-6 2.28579902648925794E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0181790  0.2282429
+                  Compute divergence  36863.0326     24.8828      0.2126
+                        wsmp_cleanup  36863.0691     24.9193      0.0365
+              Reset surface geometry  36863.0743     24.9245      0.0052
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   36863.0828     24.9330      0.0086
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  36863.1000     24.9502      0.0171
+                   Advect surface  1  36863.1001     24.9503      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   15 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  36863.3119     25.1621      0.2117
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  36863.5202     25.3704      0.2084
+                                                                        S. 3:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  36863.7725     25.6227      0.2522
+                    Advect the cloud  36863.9341     25.7843      0.1617
+                        Write output  36864.7948     26.6450      0.8607
+                    End of time step  36865.6813     27.5315      0.8865
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     228  36865.6814
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  36865.6815      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  36865.6815      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17000points
+                      refine surface  36865.6816      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  36865.7098      0.0284      0.0282
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  36865.7374      0.0560      0.0277
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  36865.7628      0.0814      0.0253
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17003points
+                          surface 02  36865.7819      0.1005      0.0192
+                                                                        S. 2:    17008points
+                      refine surface  36865.7821      0.1007      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  36865.8090      0.1275      0.0269
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  36865.8367      0.1553      0.0277
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  36865.8622      0.1808      0.0255
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17010points
+                          surface 03  36865.8812      0.1998      0.0190
+                                                                        S. 3:    16997points
+                      refine surface  36865.8813      0.1999      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  36865.9066      0.2251      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16997points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  36865.9317
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  36865.9320      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  36865.9479      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  36865.9696      0.0379      0.0218
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  36865.9704      0.0387      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  36865.9845      0.0528      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  36866.1067      0.1750      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  36866.2878      0.3561      0.1811
+                embedding surface  1  36866.2880      0.3563      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  36868.2159      2.2841      1.9279
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  36870.2835      4.3517      2.0676
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  36873.8036      7.8718      3.5201
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  36873.8082      7.8765      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  36874.2789      8.3472      0.4707
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  36874.4838      8.5521      0.2049
+                           Find void  36874.7533      8.8216      0.2695
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  36874.7817      8.8500      0.0284
+                         wsmp setup1  36874.7889      8.8571      0.0072
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  36875.7860      9.8543      0.9971
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  36875.8319
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  36875.8321      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  36883.8327      8.0008      8.0006
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0557480 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0967569 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7075551 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3732572 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14487.6425068 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070620 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3617749 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10279E+01  0.18368E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95252E-01  0.11176E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76118E+00  0.24903E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  36900.2101     24.3782     16.3774
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35078E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  36900.4342     24.6023      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  36900.4354     24.6035      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  36900.4769     24.6450      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5883225 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  36900.4820
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  36900.4866      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.77781E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  36908.4455      7.9635      7.9589
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0518970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1036129 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7060699 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4236839 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14423.6907797 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211729 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069971 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4138279 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.13647E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48534E-01  0.10222E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76675E+00  0.22819E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  36924.8750     24.3930     16.4295
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12354E+01  0.17931E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  36925.0998     24.6178      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  36925.1010     24.6190      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  36925.1421     24.6601      0.0411
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0706725 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  36925.1470
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  36925.1516      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  36933.0935      7.9464      7.9418
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0504870 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1016762 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7139881 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3753250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14485.0089460 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1218059 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069780 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3706729 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.15470E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37202E-01  0.11836E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74625E+00  0.23228E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  36949.4796     24.3326     16.3862
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13706E+01  0.31162E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  36949.7060     24.5590      0.2264
+                do leaf measurements  36949.7072     24.5602      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  36949.7483     24.6013      0.0411
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361615 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  36949.7533
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  36949.7579      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  36957.7617      8.0084      8.0038
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0507329 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0988610 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7065651 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3815351 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14477.1055138 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212459 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069921 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3663270 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.17562E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37736E-01  0.12298E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73694E+00  0.22939E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  36974.1430     24.3898     16.3814
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14695E+01  0.35666E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  36974.3677     24.6144      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  36974.3688     24.6156      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  36974.4100     24.6567      0.0411
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159152 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  36974.4149
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  36974.4195      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  36982.3599      7.9449      7.9404
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0558770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1097741 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7075908 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4636002 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14373.4674617 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212239 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070841 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4655769 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.19347E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40634E-01  0.12552E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73225E+00  0.22835E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  36998.8411     24.4262     16.4813
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15131E+01  0.36439E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  36999.0658     24.6509      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  36999.0670     24.6521      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  36999.1082     24.6933      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107266 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  36999.1131
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  36999.1177      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  37007.1192      8.0061      8.0015
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0510559 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0985820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7068870 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3817110 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14476.8817084 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213291 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071540 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3671319 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.20912E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43045E-01  0.12556E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72774E+00  0.22774E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  37023.5020     24.3889     16.3828
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15349E+01  0.36156E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  37023.7258     24.6126      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  37023.7270     24.6139      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  37023.7685     24.6554      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080668 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  37023.7717     24.6586      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  37023.7719     24.6587      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -180378605501687.28 316680439831133.31
+ def in m -8.003453254699707 0.66227197647094727
+ dimensionless def  -1.88111100878034328E-6 2.28670092991420192E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0182701  0.2283388
+                  Compute divergence  37023.9707     24.8576      0.1988
+                        wsmp_cleanup  37024.0126     24.8995      0.0419
+              Reset surface geometry  37024.0182     24.9051      0.0055
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   37024.0264     24.9133      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  37024.0404     24.9273      0.0140
+                   Advect surface  1  37024.0406     24.9275      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  37024.2334     25.1203      0.1929
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   12 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  37024.4543     25.3411      0.2208
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  37024.7367     25.6235      0.2824
+                    Advect the cloud  37024.8965     25.7833      0.1598
+                        Write output  37025.7468     26.6337      0.8504
+                    End of time step  37026.6275     27.5144      0.8807
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     229  37026.6276
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  37026.6277      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  37026.6277      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17003points
+                      refine surface  37026.6278      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  37026.6542      0.0266      0.0264
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  37026.6816      0.0539      0.0273
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  37026.7069      0.0793      0.0253
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17004points
+                          surface 02  37026.7256      0.0980      0.0187
+                                                                        S. 2:    17008points
+                      refine surface  37026.7258      0.0981      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  37026.7507      0.1231      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17008points
+                          surface 03  37026.7695      0.1419      0.0188
+                                                                        S. 3:    16994points
+                      refine surface  37026.7697      0.1421      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  37026.7972      0.1695      0.0275
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  37026.8246      0.1970      0.0274
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  37026.8498      0.2222      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16997points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  37026.8751
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  37026.8754      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  37026.8912      0.0161      0.0158
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  37026.9127      0.0376      0.0215
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  37026.9135      0.0384      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  37026.9276      0.0525      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  37027.0498      0.1747      0.1221
+             Imbed surface in osolve  37027.2359      0.3608      0.1862
+                embedding surface  1  37027.2361      0.3610      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  37029.1902      2.3151      1.9541
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  37031.2769      4.4018      2.0867
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  37034.8269      7.9518      3.5500
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  37034.8315      7.9564      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  37035.2849      8.4098      0.4533
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  37035.4322      8.5571      0.1473
+                           Find void  37035.7024      8.8273      0.2702
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  37035.7306      8.8555      0.0282
+                         wsmp setup1  37035.7379      8.8628      0.0073
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  37036.7437      9.8686      1.0058
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  37036.7900
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  37036.7901      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  37044.7906      8.0006      8.0005
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0585620 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0935280 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7082498 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3823278 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14476.0972309 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1308160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070169 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3808789 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10141E+01  0.18372E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95556E-01  0.11084E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76136E+00  0.24873E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  37061.1873     24.3973     16.3967
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35087E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  37061.4135     24.6235      0.2262
+                do leaf measurements  37061.4146     24.6247      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  37061.4572     24.6672      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5886779 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  37061.4626
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  37061.4672      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.77677E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  37069.4421      7.9795      7.9749
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0534182 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1019640 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7077980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4121010 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14438.3302809 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215069 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070360 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4042139 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.13654E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48730E-01  0.10229E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76691E+00  0.22802E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  37085.8621     24.3995     16.4200
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12355E+01  0.17955E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  37086.0885     24.6259      0.2264
+                do leaf measurements  37086.0896     24.6270      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  37086.1321     24.6696      0.0425
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0709357 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  37086.1374
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  37086.1420      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  37094.0767      7.9394      7.9347
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0524139 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1088769 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7187681 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3783970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14481.0981767 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217339 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070729 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3876688 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.15477E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37325E-01  0.11836E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74626E+00  0.23201E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  37110.4793     24.3419     16.4026
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13711E+01  0.31184E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  37110.7086     24.5713      0.2293
+                do leaf measurements  37110.7097     24.5724      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  37110.7521     24.6148      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361666 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  37110.7574
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  37110.7621      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  37118.7579      8.0004      7.9958
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0536649 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0980201 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7107420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3857832 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14471.7039703 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213059 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070760 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3769791 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.17569E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37831E-01  0.12302E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73696E+00  0.22925E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  37135.1504     24.3929     16.3925
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14699E+01  0.35683E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  37135.3774     24.6199      0.2270
+                do leaf measurements  37135.3785     24.6210      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  37135.4212     24.6638      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158535 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  37135.4264
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  37135.4310      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  37143.3691      7.9426      7.9380
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0518990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1234319 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7041991 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4696579 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14365.8760654 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213892 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070670 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4780400 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.19355E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40702E-01  0.12553E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73230E+00  0.22835E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  37159.8630     24.4366     16.4939
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15134E+01  0.36451E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  37160.0899     24.6635      0.2269
+                do leaf measurements  37160.0911     24.6646      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  37160.1335     24.7070      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107451 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  37160.1388
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  37160.1434      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  37168.1311      7.9924      7.9877
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0538869 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0999820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7075720 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3745530 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14485.9920543 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214440 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071039 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3649280 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10164E+01  0.20919E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43110E-01  0.12557E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72779E+00  0.22772E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  37184.5118     24.3731     16.3807
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15351E+01  0.36154E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  37184.7381     24.5993      0.2262
+                do leaf measurements  37184.7392     24.6005      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  37184.7818     24.6431      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080742 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  37184.7849     24.6462      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  37184.7851     24.6463      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -180806970702792.03 317784361516075.38
+ def in m -8.0056390762329102 0.66135740280151367
+ dimensionless def  -1.88959257943289626E-6 2.28732545035226022E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0183486  0.2284092
+                  Compute divergence  37184.9810     24.8422      0.1959
+                        wsmp_cleanup  37185.0254     24.8866      0.0444
+              Reset surface geometry  37185.0306     24.8918      0.0052
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   37185.0384     24.8997      0.0078
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  37185.0521     24.9133      0.0137
+                   Advect surface  1  37185.0523     24.9135      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  37185.2774     25.1387      0.2252
+                                                                        removing   4 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   15 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  37185.5177     25.3789      0.2403
+                                                                        S. 3:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  37185.7703     25.6316      0.2526
+                    Advect the cloud  37185.9288     25.7900      0.1584
+                        Write output  37186.7796     26.6409      0.8509
+                    End of time step  37187.6563     27.5175      0.8766
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     230  37187.6564
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  37187.6565      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  37187.6565      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17001points
+                      refine surface  37187.6565      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  37187.6842      0.0278      0.0277
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  37187.7117      0.0553      0.0275
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  37187.7374      0.0810      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17004points
+                          surface 02  37187.7559      0.0995      0.0186
+                                                                        S. 2:    17004points
+                      refine surface  37187.7561      0.0997      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  37187.7812      0.1248      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17004points
+                          surface 03  37187.8000      0.1436      0.0188
+                                                                        S. 3:    16997points
+                      refine surface  37187.8002      0.1438      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  37187.8255      0.1691      0.0253
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16997points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  37187.8505
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  37187.8508      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  37187.8666      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  37187.8884      0.0379      0.0218
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  37187.8892      0.0387      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  37187.9034      0.0529      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  37188.0256      0.1751      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  37188.2069      0.3564      0.1814
+                embedding surface  1  37188.2071      0.3566      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  37190.1694      2.3188      1.9623
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  37192.2720      4.4215      2.1026
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  37195.8303      7.9798      3.5583
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  37195.8352      7.9847      0.0049
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  37196.3043      8.4538      0.4691
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  37196.3952      8.5447      0.0909
+                           Find void  37196.6619      8.8113      0.2667
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  37196.6896      8.8391      0.0277
+                         wsmp setup1  37196.6958      8.8453      0.0062
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  37197.7004      9.8499      1.0046
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  37197.7466
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  37197.7468      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  37205.7578      8.0112      8.0110
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0531371 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1128550 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7069700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3839610 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14474.0204592 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209350 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071559 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3854010 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10142E+01  0.18436E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95395E-01  0.11191E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76157E+00  0.24792E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  37222.1589     24.4123     16.4011
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35125E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  37222.3829     24.6363      0.2240
+                do leaf measurements  37222.3841     24.6374      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  37222.4253     24.6786      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5899786 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  37222.4300
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  37222.4345      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.78301E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  37230.4135      7.9835      7.9790
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0530670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1117129 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7066419 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4002728 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14453.3105565 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208081 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070820 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3999929 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.13704E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48625E-01  0.10179E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76700E+00  0.22752E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  37246.8290     24.3989     16.4155
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12357E+01  0.17885E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  37247.0533     24.6233      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  37247.0545     24.6244      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  37247.0955     24.6655      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0717753 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  37247.1002
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  37247.1045      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  37255.0415      7.9413      7.9370
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0529840 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1406651 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7170429 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3856990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14471.8109434 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1220942 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071380 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4260440 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.15509E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37294E-01  0.11811E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74638E+00  0.23177E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  37271.4834     24.3833     16.4419
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13716E+01  0.31221E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  37271.7094     24.6092      0.2260
+                do leaf measurements  37271.7105     24.6104      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  37271.7516     24.6514      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362479 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  37271.7563
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  37271.7606      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  37279.7483      7.9920      7.9876
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0529270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1159291 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7074642 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3869460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14470.2262057 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212041 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072100 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3920982 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.17595E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37744E-01  0.12286E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73707E+00  0.22916E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  37296.1555     24.3992     16.4072
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14705E+01  0.35744E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  37296.3804     24.6241      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  37296.3815     24.6252      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  37296.4228     24.6664      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158531 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  37296.4275
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  37296.4320      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  37304.3668      7.9393      7.9348
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0527442 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1243138 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7116990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4653950 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14371.2174114 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210742 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073562 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4829922 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.19378E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40641E-01  0.12542E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73241E+00  0.22818E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  37320.8653     24.4378     16.4985
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15141E+01  0.36506E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  37321.0910     24.6634      0.2257
+                do leaf measurements  37321.0921     24.6646      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  37321.1331     24.7055      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107516 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  37321.1377
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  37321.1421      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  37329.1214      7.9837      7.9794
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0525360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1032231 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7114460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3797519 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14479.3739814 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211190 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072820 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3757741 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.20941E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43053E-01  0.12557E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72788E+00  0.22779E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  37345.5132     24.3755     16.3918
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15359E+01  0.36215E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  37345.7371     24.5993      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  37345.7382     24.6005      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  37345.7792     24.6414      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080726 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  37345.7821     24.6443      0.0029
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  37345.7822     24.6445      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -181225240756152.16 318889409244226.13
+ def in m -8.0068798065185547 0.65989530086517334
+ dimensionless def  -1.88541514532906655E-6 2.28767994471958707E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0183004  0.2284502
+                  Compute divergence  37345.9853     24.8476      0.2031
+                        wsmp_cleanup  37346.0211     24.8833      0.0357
+              Reset surface geometry  37346.0262     24.8885      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   37346.0344     24.8966      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  37346.0514     24.9137      0.0170
+                   Advect surface  1  37346.0516     24.9138      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   13 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  37346.2718     25.1340      0.2202
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   12 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  37346.4881     25.3504      0.2163
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  37346.7599     25.6221      0.2717
+                    Advect the cloud  37346.9192     25.7814      0.1593
+                        Write output  37347.7754     26.6376      0.8562
+                    End of time step  37348.6515     27.5138      0.8761
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     231  37348.6516
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  37348.6517      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  37348.6517      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17001points
+                      refine surface  37348.6518      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  37348.6784      0.0268      0.0266
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  37348.7014      0.0498      0.0230
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  37348.7270      0.0753      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17002points
+                          surface 02  37348.7458      0.0941      0.0188
+                                                                        S. 2:    17002points
+                      refine surface  37348.7459      0.0943      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  37348.7721      0.1205      0.0262
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  37348.8002      0.1486      0.0281
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  37348.8247      0.1731      0.0245
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17004points
+                          surface 03  37348.8442      0.1926      0.0195
+                                                                        S. 3:    16995points
+                      refine surface  37348.8444      0.1927      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  37348.8711      0.2195      0.0267
+                                                                        S. 3:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  37348.8948      0.2432      0.0237
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  37348.9194      0.2677      0.0246
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16998points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  37348.9454
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  37348.9457      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  37348.9615      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  37348.9835      0.0381      0.0219
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  37348.9842      0.0388      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  37348.9984      0.0530      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  37349.1205      0.1751      0.1221
+             Imbed surface in osolve  37349.3027      0.3573      0.1822
+                embedding surface  1  37349.3029      0.3575      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  37351.2485      2.3031      1.9456
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  37353.3449      4.3995      2.0965
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  37356.8935      7.9481      3.5486
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  37356.8982      7.9528      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  37357.3692      8.4238      0.4710
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  37357.4997      8.5543      0.1306
+                           Find void  37357.7700      8.8246      0.2702
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  37357.7981      8.8527      0.0282
+                         wsmp setup1  37357.8056      8.8602      0.0074
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  37358.8110      9.8656      1.0054
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  37358.8573
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  37358.8575      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  37366.8591      8.0019      8.0017
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0545940 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1155210 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7088101 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3870180 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14470.1347075 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210351 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070481 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3944020 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10228E+01  0.18406E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95546E-01  0.11117E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76168E+00  0.24832E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  37383.2693     24.4120     16.4102
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35102E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  37383.4955     24.6382      0.2262
+                do leaf measurements  37383.4966     24.6394      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  37383.5390     24.6818      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5882429 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  37383.5441
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  37383.5486      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.78048E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  37391.5431      7.9990      7.9945
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0527620 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0923722 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7100739 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4002888 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14453.2903045 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210489 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071161 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3840408 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10151E+01  0.13688E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48685E-01  0.10205E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76713E+00  0.22789E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  37407.9423     24.3982     16.3992
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12356E+01  0.17978E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  37408.1683     24.6242      0.2260
+                do leaf measurements  37408.1694     24.6253      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  37408.2117     24.6677      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0708109 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  37408.2167
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  37408.2212      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  37416.1567      7.9399      7.9355
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0540769 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1339781 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7176569 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4044070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14448.0711292 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217072 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070240 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4392540 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.15499E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37217E-01  0.11833E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74652E+00  0.23205E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  37432.6113     24.3946     16.4546
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13716E+01  0.31258E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  37432.8401     24.6233      0.2288
+                do leaf measurements  37432.8412     24.6245      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  37432.8836     24.6669      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362246 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  37432.8886
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  37432.8931      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  37440.8667      7.9781      7.9736
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0527790 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1195250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7081580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3755429 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14484.7314652 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209612 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070531 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3843961 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.17585E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37865E-01  0.12299E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73720E+00  0.22922E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  37457.2666     24.3779     16.3999
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14705E+01  0.35747E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  37457.4932     24.6045      0.2266
+                do leaf measurements  37457.4943     24.6057      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  37457.5367     24.6481      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158299 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  37457.5418
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  37457.5463      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  37465.4843      7.9425      7.9380
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0514078 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1055961 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7081430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4573901 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14381.2581110 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212988 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070930 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4513240 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.19368E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40739E-01  0.12553E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73252E+00  0.22828E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  37481.9513     24.4095     16.4670
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15141E+01  0.36513E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  37482.1785     24.6367      0.2273
+                do leaf measurements  37482.1796     24.6378      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  37482.2217     24.6799      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107395 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  37482.2267
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  37482.2312      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  37490.1980      7.9712      7.9668
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0505772 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1173618 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7101049 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3770499 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14482.8127670 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1218681 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071230 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3844781 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.20934E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43133E-01  0.12557E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72799E+00  0.22773E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  37506.5984     24.3717     16.4004
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15359E+01  0.36220E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  37506.8265     24.5998      0.2282
+                do leaf measurements  37506.8277     24.6010      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  37506.8697     24.6430      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080637 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  37506.8725     24.6458      0.0028
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  37506.8727     24.6460      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -181641641586931. 319993924070245.13
+ def in m -8.0067377090454102 0.65819031000137329
+ dimensionless def  -1.87844582966395779E-6 2.28763934544154572E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0182237  0.2284476
+                  Compute divergence  37507.0714     24.8447      0.1987
+                        wsmp_cleanup  37507.1123     24.8856      0.0409
+              Reset surface geometry  37507.1180     24.8912      0.0056
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   37507.1265     24.8998      0.0085
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  37507.1406     24.9139      0.0141
+                   Advect surface  1  37507.1408     24.9141      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  37507.3391     25.1123      0.1983
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  37507.5660     25.3392      0.2269
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  37507.8300     25.6033      0.2640
+                    Advect the cloud  37507.9888     25.7620      0.1588
+                        Write output  37508.8412     26.6145      0.8524
+                    End of time step  37509.7165     27.4897      0.8753
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     232  37509.7166
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  37509.7167      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  37509.7167      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17001points
+                      refine surface  37509.7168      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  37509.7440      0.0273      0.0272
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  37509.7665      0.0499      0.0226
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  37509.7915      0.0749      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17003points
+                          surface 02  37509.8101      0.0935      0.0186
+                                                                        S. 2:    17001points
+                      refine surface  37509.8103      0.0936      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  37509.8365      0.1199      0.0263
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  37509.8597      0.1430      0.0231
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  37509.8845      0.1678      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17003points
+                          surface 03  37509.9028      0.1862      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 3:    16997points
+                      refine surface  37509.9029      0.1863      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  37509.9300      0.2134      0.0271
+                                                                        S. 3:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  37509.9526      0.2360      0.0226
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  37509.9773      0.2607      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17000points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  37510.0024
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  37510.0027      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  37510.0185      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  37510.0403      0.0379      0.0218
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  37510.0411      0.0387      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  37510.0552      0.0528      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  37510.1774      0.1750      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  37510.3605      0.3581      0.1831
+                embedding surface  1  37510.3606      0.3582      0.0001
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  37512.3239      2.3215      1.9632
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  37514.4127      4.4103      2.0888
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  37517.9748      7.9724      3.5621
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  37517.9795      7.9771      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  37518.4520      8.4496      0.4725
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  37518.5279      8.5255      0.0759
+                           Find void  37518.8001      8.7977      0.2723
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  37518.8284      8.8260      0.0282
+                         wsmp setup1  37518.8357      8.8333      0.0073
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  37519.8391      9.8367      1.0034
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  37519.8849
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  37519.8851      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  37527.8669      7.9821      7.9819
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0551341 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1018522 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7129159 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3778322 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14481.8170413 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212060 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072310 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3766050 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10455E+01  0.18418E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95316E-01  0.11151E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76177E+00  0.24808E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  37544.2592     24.3743     16.3923
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35106E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  37544.4842     24.5993      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  37544.4853     24.6004      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  37544.5273     24.6424      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5900125 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  37544.5322
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  37544.5366      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.78388E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  37552.5424      8.0101      8.0058
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0524058 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1217592 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7129440 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3967061 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14457.8339011 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210091 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071070 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4123490 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.13699E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48726E-01  0.10192E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76716E+00  0.22765E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  37568.9703     24.4381     16.4280
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12356E+01  0.17829E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  37569.1955     24.6632      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  37569.1965     24.6643      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  37569.2385     24.7063      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0718077 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  37569.2435
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  37569.2478      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  37577.1909      7.9474      7.9431
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0525539 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1332600 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7167289 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4108961 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14439.8549393 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215479 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070879 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4424958 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.15513E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37259E-01  0.11830E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74635E+00  0.23212E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  37593.6495     24.4060     16.4586
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13719E+01  0.31236E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  37593.8774     24.6339      0.2279
+                do leaf measurements  37593.8785     24.6350      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  37593.9208     24.6773      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362520 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  37593.9257
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  37593.9301      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  37601.9114      7.9857      7.9813
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0552239 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1083360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7110360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3779359 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14481.6850368 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071239 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3811512 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.17600E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37862E-01  0.12289E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73706E+00  0.22924E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  37618.3082     24.3824     16.3967
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14709E+01  0.35747E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  37618.5344     24.6087      0.2262
+                do leaf measurements  37618.5355     24.6098      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  37618.5773     24.6516      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158329 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  37618.5823
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  37618.5868      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  37626.5267      7.9444      7.9399
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0505850 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1099069 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7084460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4470510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14394.2473201 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212389 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071130 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4447398 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.19384E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40741E-01  0.12544E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73237E+00  0.22829E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  37642.9867     24.4044     16.4600
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15143E+01  0.36509E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  37643.2138     24.6315      0.2271
+                do leaf measurements  37643.2149     24.6325      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  37643.2566     24.6743      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107521 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  37643.2616
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  37643.2660      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  37651.2215      7.9599      7.9555
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0514801 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1134229 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7117720 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3698969 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14491.9242001 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1218500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072129 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3760400 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.20946E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43138E-01  0.12551E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72784E+00  0.22779E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  37667.6130     24.3514     16.3915
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15360E+01  0.36224E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  37667.8414     24.5798      0.2284
+                do leaf measurements  37667.8425     24.5809      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  37667.8844     24.6228      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080657 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  37667.8872     24.6256      0.0028
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  37667.8874     24.6258      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -182053749061217.69 321094279119728.25
+ def in m -8.0059852600097656 0.65746355056762695
+ dimensionless def  -1.87645792961120618E-6 2.28742436000279005E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0181969  0.2284300
+                  Compute divergence  37668.0833     24.8217      0.1959
+                        wsmp_cleanup  37668.1294     24.8678      0.0461
+              Reset surface geometry  37668.1350     24.8734      0.0056
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   37668.1431     24.8815      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  37668.1564     24.8949      0.0134
+                   Advect surface  1  37668.1566     24.8950      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   5 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   13 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  37668.3945     25.1329      0.2379
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  37668.6004     25.3389      0.2060
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  37668.8685     25.6070      0.2681
+                    Advect the cloud  37669.0266     25.7650      0.1580
+                        Write output  37669.8840     26.6224      0.8575
+                    End of time step  37670.7657     27.5041      0.8816
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     233  37670.7658
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  37670.7659      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  37670.7659      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16998points
+                      refine surface  37670.7660      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  37670.7929      0.0271      0.0269
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  37670.8204      0.0546      0.0275
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  37670.8448      0.0790      0.0244
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17000points
+                          surface 02  37670.8644      0.0986      0.0196
+                                                                        S. 2:    17002points
+                      refine surface  37670.8646      0.0987      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  37670.8918      0.1260      0.0273
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  37670.9191      0.1533      0.0273
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  37670.9444      0.1785      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17004points
+                          surface 03  37670.9631      0.1973      0.0188
+                                                                        S. 3:    16998points
+                      refine surface  37670.9633      0.1975      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  37670.9894      0.2236      0.0261
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  37671.0177      0.2519      0.0283
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  37671.0419      0.2761      0.0242
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17000points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  37671.0680
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  37671.0683      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  37671.0841      0.0161      0.0158
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  37671.1058      0.0378      0.0218
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  37671.1066      0.0386      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  37671.1208      0.0528      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  37671.2429      0.1749      0.1221
+             Imbed surface in osolve  37671.4251      0.3571      0.1821
+                embedding surface  1  37671.4252      0.3572      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  37673.3858      2.3178      1.9606
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  37675.4927      4.4247      2.1069
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  37679.0218      7.9538      3.5291
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  37679.0265      7.9585      0.0046
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  37679.4805      8.4125      0.4540
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  37679.5812      8.5131      0.1007
+                           Find void  37679.8543      8.7863      0.2732
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  37679.8832      8.8152      0.0288
+                         wsmp setup1  37679.8902      8.8222      0.0071
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  37680.8905      9.8225      1.0003
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  37680.9370
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  37680.9372      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  37688.9152      7.9783      7.9780
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0554690 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1141560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7102590 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3810868 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14477.6756728 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211650 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069082 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3894100 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10140E+01  0.18407E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95414E-01  0.11111E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76131E+00  0.24769E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  37705.3211     24.3841     16.4059
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35104E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  37705.5446     24.6077      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements  37705.5458     24.6088      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  37705.5869     24.6500      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5886239 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  37705.5922
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  37705.5969      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.78297E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  37713.6119      8.0197      8.0150
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0544121 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1181140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7090502 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3892760 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14467.2658275 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212740 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071471 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3996320 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10151E+01  0.13690E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48871E-01  0.10203E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76695E+00  0.22721E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  37730.0270     24.4347     16.4150
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12358E+01  0.17936E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  37730.2525     24.6602      0.2255
+                do leaf measurements  37730.2535     24.6613      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  37730.2944     24.7021      0.0408
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0708726 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  37730.2995
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  37730.3041      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  37738.2408      7.9413      7.9367
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0549538 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1411030 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7170630 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4219081 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14425.9332025 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1226821 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0068820 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4649498 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.15511E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37381E-01  0.11845E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74633E+00  0.23145E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  37754.7219     24.4225     16.4812
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13714E+01  0.31222E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  37754.9487     24.6492      0.2267
+                do leaf measurements  37754.9498     24.6503      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  37754.9907     24.6912      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362092 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  37754.9959
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  37755.0004      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  37762.9901      7.9943      7.9897
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0519199 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1174471 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7101228 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3712571 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14490.1907422 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211879 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0068409 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3791502 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.17599E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37873E-01  0.12302E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73702E+00  0.22906E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  37779.3849     24.3890     16.3948
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14703E+01  0.35749E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  37779.6094     24.6135      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  37779.6105     24.6146      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  37779.6515     24.6556      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158070 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  37779.6567
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  37779.6614      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  37787.6117      7.9549      7.9503
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0517921 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1085250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7100470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4380159 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14405.6176151 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213400 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069709 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4370670 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.19379E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40704E-01  0.12554E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73237E+00  0.22816E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  37804.0647     24.4079     16.4530
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15141E+01  0.36529E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  37804.2895     24.6327      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  37804.2906     24.6339      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  37804.3315     24.6747      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107283 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  37804.3367
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  37804.3412      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  37812.2854      7.9488      7.9442
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0542550 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1115179 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7170751 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3729999 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14487.9702127 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1218889 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069821 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3850758 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.20940E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43088E-01  0.12558E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72786E+00  0.22766E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  37828.6866     24.3499     16.4012
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15356E+01  0.36223E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  37828.9130     24.5763      0.2263
+                do leaf measurements  37828.9140     24.5774      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  37828.9549     24.6182      0.0408
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080740 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  37828.9580     24.6213      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  37828.9582     24.6215      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -182464062272335.91 322190782525583.88
+ def in m -7.9748501777648926 0.67611449956893921
+ dimensionless def  -1.87277589525495247E-6 2.27852862221854074E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0181513  0.2275017
+                  Compute divergence  37829.1579     24.8213      0.1997
+                        wsmp_cleanup  37829.1975     24.8608      0.0395
+              Reset surface geometry  37829.2032     24.8665      0.0057
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   37829.2117     24.8750      0.0085
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  37829.2263     24.8896      0.0146
+                   Advect surface  1  37829.2265     24.8898      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  37829.4303     25.0937      0.2039
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   12 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  37829.6550     25.3183      0.2247
+                                                                        removing   4 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   12 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  37829.9466     25.6099      0.2916
+                    Advect the cloud  37830.1058     25.7691      0.1592
+                        Write output  37830.9641     26.6274      0.8583
+                    End of time step  37831.8436     27.5069      0.8795
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     234  37831.8437
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  37831.8438      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  37831.8438      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16999points
+                      refine surface  37831.8439      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  37831.8695      0.0258      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  37831.8935      0.0498      0.0240
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  37831.9178      0.0741      0.0243
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17000points
+                          surface 02  37831.9376      0.0939      0.0198
+                                                                        S. 2:    17001points
+                      refine surface  37831.9378      0.0940      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  37831.9629      0.1192      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  37831.9871      0.1434      0.0242
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  37832.0115      0.1678      0.0243
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17002points
+                          surface 03  37832.0313      0.1876      0.0198
+                                                                        S. 3:    16996points
+                      refine surface  37832.0315      0.1877      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  37832.0581      0.2143      0.0266
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  37832.0815      0.2378      0.0235
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  37832.1062      0.2625      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16998points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  37832.1319
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  37832.1321      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  37832.1480      0.0161      0.0158
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  37832.1700      0.0381      0.0221
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  37832.1708      0.0389      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  37832.1850      0.0531      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  37832.3071      0.1752      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  37832.4883      0.3564      0.1812
+                embedding surface  1  37832.4885      0.3566      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  37834.4356      2.3037      1.9471
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  37836.5220      4.3901      2.0864
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  37839.9952      7.8633      3.4732
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  37839.9999      7.8680      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  37840.3990      8.2671      0.3991
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  37840.6719      8.5400      0.2729
+                           Find void  37840.9383      8.8064      0.2665
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  37840.9669      8.8349      0.0285
+                         wsmp setup1  37840.9742      8.8423      0.0073
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  37841.9705      9.8386      0.9963
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  37842.0160
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  37842.0161      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  37849.9926      7.9767      7.9765
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0555959 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1163499 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7112851 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3741360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14486.5231341 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073972 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3863180 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10141E+01  0.18436E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95164E-01  0.11083E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76150E+00  0.24703E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  37866.3944     24.3784     16.4018
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35093E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  37866.6218     24.6058      0.2274
+                do leaf measurements  37866.6229     24.6069      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  37866.6647     24.6487      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5889249 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  37866.6695
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  37866.6738      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79063E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  37874.6971      8.0276      8.0233
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0529621 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1242089 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7132421 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3881662 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14468.6757409 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212032 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071440 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4073291 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.13723E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48979E-01  0.10221E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76700E+00  0.22672E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  37891.1196     24.4501     16.4225
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12368E+01  0.18016E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  37891.3447     24.6752      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  37891.3458     24.6763      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  37891.3876     24.7181      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0711136 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  37891.3924
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  37891.3967      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  37899.3323      7.9399      7.9356
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0534620 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1387019 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7220340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4307842 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14414.7313627 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1218591 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072432 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4744792 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.15524E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37475E-01  0.11865E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74663E+00  0.23140E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  37915.8222     24.4298     16.4899
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13723E+01  0.31301E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  37916.0493     24.6569      0.2271
+                do leaf measurements  37916.0504     24.6579      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  37916.0925     24.7001      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362262 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  37916.0974
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  37916.1017      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  37924.1094      8.0120      8.0077
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0547431 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1112649 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7162740 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3820498 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14476.4507962 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071750 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3931420 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.17605E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37871E-01  0.12324E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73726E+00  0.22899E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  37940.5186     24.4212     16.4092
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14709E+01  0.35819E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  37940.7424     24.6450      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  37940.7435     24.6461      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  37940.7858     24.6885      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158118 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  37940.7907
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  37940.7951      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  37948.7577      7.9670      7.9626
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0541279 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1126940 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7148430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4306970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14414.8414038 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071559 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4412508 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.19383E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40708E-01  0.12569E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73257E+00  0.22806E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  37965.2152     24.4245     16.4575
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15144E+01  0.36591E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  37965.4396     24.6489      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  37965.4407     24.6500      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  37965.4826     24.6919      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107424 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  37965.4874
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  37965.4918      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  37973.4309      7.9435      7.9391
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0519259 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1243770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7191269 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3865800 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14470.6912887 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215429 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072322 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4111650 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10166E+01  0.20943E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43096E-01  0.12570E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72803E+00  0.22751E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  37989.8578     24.3703     16.4268
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15359E+01  0.36279E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  37990.0850     24.5976      0.2272
+                do leaf measurements  37990.0861     24.5986      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  37990.1281     24.6407      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080757 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  37990.1310     24.6436      0.0029
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  37990.1312     24.6438      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -182914118577682.53 323236455714739.06
+ def in m -7.9896841049194336 0.66995322704315186
+ dimensionless def  -1.8651727267674037E-6 2.28276688711983847E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0180726  0.2279264
+                  Compute divergence  37990.3464     24.8589      0.2151
+                        wsmp_cleanup  37990.3821     24.8947      0.0357
+              Reset surface geometry  37990.3873     24.8999      0.0052
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   37990.3954     24.9079      0.0080
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  37990.4124     24.9250      0.0171
+                   Advect surface  1  37990.4126     24.9252      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   18 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  37990.6132     25.1258      0.2006
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  37990.8304     25.3430      0.2172
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  37991.0920     25.6046      0.2616
+                    Advect the cloud  37991.2517     25.7643      0.1597
+                        Write output  37992.1064     26.6190      0.8547
+                    End of time step  37992.9816     27.4942      0.8752
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     235  37992.9817
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  37992.9818      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  37992.9818      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16999points
+                      refine surface  37992.9819      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  37993.0077      0.0260      0.0258
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  37993.0311      0.0494      0.0234
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  37993.0553      0.0735      0.0242
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17001points
+                          surface 02  37993.0744      0.0926      0.0191
+                                                                        S. 2:    17000points
+                      refine surface  37993.0745      0.0928      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  37993.0983      0.1165      0.0238
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17000points
+                          surface 03  37993.1178      0.1360      0.0195
+                                                                        S. 3:    16997points
+                      refine surface  37993.1179      0.1362      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  37993.1430      0.1612      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  37993.1714      0.1896      0.0284
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  37993.1960      0.2142      0.0246
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16998points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  37993.2221
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  37993.2223      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  37993.2382      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  37993.2599      0.0378      0.0217
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  37993.2607      0.0386      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  37993.2748      0.0527      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  37993.3970      0.1749      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  37993.5792      0.3571      0.1822
+                embedding surface  1  37993.5793      0.3572      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  37995.5413      2.3192      1.9620
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  37997.6428      4.4207      2.1015
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  38001.1832      7.9612      3.5404
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  38001.1880      7.9659      0.0048
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  38001.6454      8.4233      0.4573
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  38001.7492      8.5271      0.1038
+                           Find void  38002.0135      8.7914      0.2643
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  38002.0410      8.8189      0.0275
+                         wsmp setup1  38002.0473      8.8252      0.0063
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  38003.0542      9.8321      1.0069
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  38003.1004
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  38003.1006      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  38011.0599      7.9595      7.9593
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0557580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1279330 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7124450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3862920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14471.0573164 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217790 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070841 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4117038 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10330E+01  0.18467E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95211E-01  0.11147E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76159E+00  0.24909E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  38027.4869     24.3865     16.4270
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35125E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  38027.7140     24.6136      0.2271
+                do leaf measurements  38027.7151     24.6147      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  38027.7561     24.6557      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5888308 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  38027.7610
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  38027.7654      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.77664E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  38035.7907      8.0297      8.0253
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0542948 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1165712 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7103262 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3889620 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14467.6646946 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071080 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3986251 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.13734E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48778E-01  0.10201E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76718E+00  0.22801E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  38052.2052     24.4442     16.4145
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12368E+01  0.18383E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  38052.4290     24.6680      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  38052.4301     24.6691      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  38052.4711     24.7101      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0710412 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  38052.4760
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  38052.4803      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  38060.4216      7.9457      7.9413
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0550051 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1391721 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7175891 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4644282 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14372.4293262 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211791 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069959 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5047472 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.15536E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37329E-01  0.11829E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74667E+00  0.23186E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  38076.9421     24.4661     16.5205
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13723E+01  0.31324E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  38077.1673     24.6913      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  38077.1683     24.6924      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  38077.2093     24.7333      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361112 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  38077.2142
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  38077.2186      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  38085.2150      8.0008      7.9964
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0559788 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1370721 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7128389 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3861642 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14471.2197320 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210940 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071149 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4206550 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.17615E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37843E-01  0.12303E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73728E+00  0.22915E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  38101.6506     24.4363     16.4355
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14709E+01  0.35852E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  38101.8756     24.6614      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  38101.8767     24.6625      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  38101.9179     24.7037      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158452 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  38101.9230
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  38101.9274      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  38109.9024      7.9794      7.9749
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0509310 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1222968 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7116861 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4176769 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14431.2792303 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070770 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4310648 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.19396E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40705E-01  0.12554E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73256E+00  0.22837E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  38126.3494     24.4265     16.4471
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15145E+01  0.36604E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  38126.5740     24.6510      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  38126.5751     24.6521      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  38126.6160     24.6930      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107411 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  38126.6209
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  38126.6252      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  38134.5635      7.9426      7.9383
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0535450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1549430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7195840 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3908930 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14465.2121768 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216712 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070479 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4480801 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10166E+01  0.20961E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43093E-01  0.12562E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72801E+00  0.22766E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  38151.0278     24.4069     16.4642
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15362E+01  0.36304E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  38151.2536     24.6327      0.2258
+                do leaf measurements  38151.2547     24.6338      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  38151.2956     24.6747      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080814 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  38151.2985     24.6776      0.0029
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  38151.2986     24.6778      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -183339504319461.09 324292941028321.69
+ def in m -7.9931626319885254 0.66761147975921631
+ dimensionless def  -1.85984866959708073E-6 2.28376075199672129E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0180136  0.2280287
+                  Compute divergence  38151.5038     24.8829      0.2051
+                        wsmp_cleanup  38151.5401     24.9192      0.0363
+              Reset surface geometry  38151.5453     24.9244      0.0052
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   38151.5537     24.9329      0.0084
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  38151.5705     24.9496      0.0168
+                   Advect surface  1  38151.5707     24.9498      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  38151.7731     25.1522      0.2025
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  38151.9756     25.3547      0.2025
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  38152.2500     25.6291      0.2744
+                    Advect the cloud  38152.4095     25.7886      0.1595
+                        Write output  38153.2653     26.6444      0.8559
+                    End of time step  38154.1422     27.5213      0.8769
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     236  38154.1424
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  38154.1424      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  38154.1425      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17000points
+                      refine surface  38154.1425      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  38154.1690      0.0266      0.0265
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  38154.1923      0.0500      0.0234
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  38154.2175      0.0751      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17001points
+                          surface 02  38154.2366      0.0943      0.0191
+                                                                        S. 2:    16999points
+                      refine surface  38154.2368      0.0944      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  38154.2619      0.1196      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16999points
+                          surface 03  38154.2809      0.1385      0.0190
+                                                                        S. 3:    16996points
+                      refine surface  38154.2810      0.1387      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  38154.3071      0.1648      0.0261
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  38154.3305      0.1881      0.0234
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  38154.3561      0.2137      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16997points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  38154.3811
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  38154.3814      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  38154.3972      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  38154.4190      0.0379      0.0218
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  38154.4198      0.0386      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  38154.4339      0.0528      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  38154.5561      0.1750      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  38154.7392      0.3581      0.1831
+                embedding surface  1  38154.7394      0.3582      0.0001
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  38156.7023      2.3212      1.9629
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  38158.7892      4.4081      2.0869
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  38162.3278      7.9467      3.5387
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  38162.3325      7.9514      0.0046
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  38162.7804      8.3993      0.4480
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  38162.8998      8.5187      0.1194
+                           Find void  38163.1678      8.7866      0.2680
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  38163.1963      8.8152      0.0286
+                         wsmp setup1  38163.2040      8.8229      0.0076
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  38164.2167      9.8356      1.0128
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  38164.2645
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  38164.2647      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  38172.2066      7.9420      7.9418
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0554810 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1054120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7214520 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3735261 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14487.2999349 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217999 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073001 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3853290 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10245E+01  0.18502E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95267E-01  0.11117E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76159E+00  0.24706E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  38188.6076     24.3431     16.4011
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35106E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  38188.8360     24.5715      0.2284
+                do leaf measurements  38188.8372     24.5726      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  38188.8798     24.6152      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5893620 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  38188.8848
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  38188.8893      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79150E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  38196.9102      8.0254      8.0209
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0518770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1293571 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7138288 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3789701 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14480.3687643 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209350 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071270 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4024389 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.13768E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48765E-01  0.10207E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76710E+00  0.22700E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  38213.3283     24.4435     16.4181
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12372E+01  0.18014E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  38213.5544     24.6696      0.2261
+                do leaf measurements  38213.5555     24.6707      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  38213.5984     24.7136      0.0429
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0712378 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  38213.6034
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  38213.6078      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  38221.5467      7.9433      7.9389
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0524700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1504271 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7143400 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4632351 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14373.9251498 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213169 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071070 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5092390 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.15552E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37421E-01  0.11834E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74679E+00  0.23170E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  38238.0715     24.4681     16.5248
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13730E+01  0.31339E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  38238.2984     24.6950      0.2269
+                do leaf measurements  38238.2995     24.6961      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  38238.3422     24.7388      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362163 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  38238.3472
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  38238.3516      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  38246.3533      8.0061      8.0017
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0541720 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1312480 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7131362 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3700020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14491.7901880 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212389 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073230 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3974900 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.17626E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37726E-01  0.12311E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73737E+00  0.22928E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  38262.7660     24.4188     16.4126
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14717E+01  0.35897E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  38262.9928     24.6456      0.2268
+                do leaf measurements  38262.9939     24.6467      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  38263.0370     24.6898      0.0430
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159025 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  38263.0420
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  38263.0465      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  38271.0342      7.9922      7.9877
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0537519 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1135600 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7119670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3933229 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14462.1270437 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210680 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071390 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4011490 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.19403E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40603E-01  0.12564E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73267E+00  0.22836E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  38287.4506     24.4086     16.4164
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15153E+01  0.36658E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  38287.6771     24.6351      0.2264
+                do leaf measurements  38287.6781     24.6361      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  38287.7213     24.6793      0.0432
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107545 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  38287.7263
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  38287.7307      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  38295.6706      7.9443      7.9399
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0544569 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1291590 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7268541 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4019730 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14451.1554047 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216729 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069718 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4414380 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10166E+01  0.20963E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43011E-01  0.12570E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72810E+00  0.22778E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  38312.1273     24.4010     16.4567
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15368E+01  0.36342E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  38312.3574     24.6310      0.2301
+                do leaf measurements  38312.3584     24.6321      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  38312.4013     24.6750      0.0429
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080652 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  38312.4041     24.6778      0.0028
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  38312.4043     24.6780      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -183802486970133.28 325344595697664.38
+ def in m -7.9952077865600586 0.66582751274108887
+ dimensionless def  -1.86063834599086221E-6 2.28434508187430249E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0180120  0.2280957
+                  Compute divergence  38312.6120     24.8857      0.2077
+                        wsmp_cleanup  38312.6482     24.9219      0.0362
+              Reset surface geometry  38312.6535     24.9272      0.0053
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   38312.6620     24.9357      0.0085
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  38312.6788     24.9525      0.0168
+                   Advect surface  1  38312.6789     24.9526      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  38312.9036     25.1773      0.2247
+                                                                        S. 2:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  38313.1032     25.3769      0.1996
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   13 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  38313.3654     25.6390      0.2621
+                    Advect the cloud  38313.5246     25.7983      0.1593
+                        Write output  38314.3824     26.6561      0.8578
+                    End of time step  38315.2568     27.5304      0.8744
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     237  38315.2569
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  38315.2570      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  38315.2570      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16998points
+                      refine surface  38315.2571      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  38315.2837      0.0268      0.0267
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  38315.3067      0.0497      0.0229
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  38315.3315      0.0746      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17000points
+                          surface 02  38315.3501      0.0932      0.0186
+                                                                        S. 2:    16999points
+                      refine surface  38315.3502      0.0933      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  38315.3765      0.1195      0.0262
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  38315.4037      0.1468      0.0273
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  38315.4286      0.1717      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17000points
+                          surface 03  38315.4472      0.1903      0.0186
+                                                                        S. 3:    16996points
+                      refine surface  38315.4473      0.1904      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  38315.4740      0.2171      0.0267
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  38315.4973      0.2404      0.0233
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  38315.5228      0.2658      0.0254
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16998points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  38315.5482
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  38315.5484      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  38315.5643      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  38315.5858      0.0376      0.0215
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  38315.5866      0.0384      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  38315.6008      0.0525      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  38315.7237      0.1755      0.1230
+             Imbed surface in osolve  38315.9096      0.3614      0.1858
+                embedding surface  1  38315.9097      0.3615      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  38317.8830      2.3348      1.9733
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  38319.9984      4.4502      2.1154
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  38323.5624      8.0142      3.5640
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  38323.5684      8.0202      0.0060
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  38324.0493      8.5011      0.4809
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  38324.1137      8.5655      0.0644
+                           Find void  38324.3851      8.8369      0.2713
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  38324.4139      8.8657      0.0288
+                         wsmp setup1  38324.4216      8.8734      0.0077
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  38325.4242      9.8760      1.0027
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  38325.4717
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  38325.4718      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  38333.4033      7.9316      7.9314
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0573442 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1228549 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7177160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3729119 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14488.0822860 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071971 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4000952 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10164E+01  0.18436E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95512E-01  0.11092E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76180E+00  0.24906E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  38349.8192     24.3475     16.4159
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35078E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  38350.0455     24.5738      0.2263
+                do leaf measurements  38350.0466     24.5749      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  38350.0887     24.6170      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5884921 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  38350.0937
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  38350.0982      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.77641E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  38358.1066      8.0128      8.0084
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0507960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1163700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7124000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3791289 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14480.1667022 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208701 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071700 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3871150 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.13713E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48620E-01  0.10190E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76707E+00  0.22849E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  38374.5091     24.4153     16.4025
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12364E+01  0.17981E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  38374.7350     24.6413      0.2260
+                do leaf measurements  38374.7361     24.6424      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  38374.7784     24.6846      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0706720 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  38374.7834
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  38374.7878      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  38382.7261      7.9427      7.9383
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0509810 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1364450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7130730 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4660599 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14370.3839836 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209769 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072899 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4952199 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.15513E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37123E-01  0.11825E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74667E+00  0.23242E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  38399.2363     24.4529     16.5102
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13720E+01  0.31274E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  38399.4627     24.6793      0.2264
+                do leaf measurements  38399.4638     24.6804      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  38399.5059     24.7225      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361060 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  38399.5109
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  38399.5153      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  38407.5053      7.9943      7.9900
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0542021 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1271558 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7138231 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3778310 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14481.8185586 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209252 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072670 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4015951 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.17597E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37638E-01  0.12289E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73727E+00  0.22959E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  38423.9221     24.4111     16.4168
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14707E+01  0.35789E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  38424.1482     24.6372      0.2261
+                do leaf measurements  38424.1493     24.6383      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  38424.1917     24.6807      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158638 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  38424.1968
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  38424.2013      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  38432.2020      8.0052      8.0007
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0519300 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1212151 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7091680 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4017210 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14451.4748138 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209841 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072148 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4126222 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.19378E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40549E-01  0.12544E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73254E+00  0.22846E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  38448.6297     24.4330     16.4278
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15143E+01  0.36564E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  38448.8543     24.6575      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  38448.8553     24.6586      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  38448.8976     24.7008      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107355 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  38448.9026
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  38448.9070      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  38456.8467      7.9441      7.9397
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0541172 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1324182 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7201159 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4113081 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14439.3336111 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215861 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072870 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4472370 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10166E+01  0.20939E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42976E-01  0.12551E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72800E+00  0.22772E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  38473.3097     24.4071     16.4630
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15360E+01  0.36256E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  38473.5362     24.6336      0.2265
+                do leaf measurements  38473.5373     24.6347      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  38473.5794     24.6768      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080633 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  38473.5822     24.6796      0.0028
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  38473.5824     24.6798      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -184224427049512. 326395922411313.88
+ def in m -7.9433450698852539 0.7140166163444519
+ dimensionless def  -1.85983351298740916E-6 2.26952716282435815E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0179994  0.2265754
+                  Compute divergence  38473.7971     24.8945      0.2147
+                        wsmp_cleanup  38473.8333     24.9307      0.0362
+              Reset surface geometry  38473.8385     24.9359      0.0052
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   38473.8470     24.9444      0.0085
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  38473.8637     24.9611      0.0167
+                   Advect surface  1  38473.8638     24.9612      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  38474.0604     25.1578      0.1966
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  38474.2888     25.3862      0.2284
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   12 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  38474.5538     25.6512      0.2650
+                    Advect the cloud  38474.7119     25.8093      0.1581
+                        Write output  38475.5708     26.6682      0.8589
+                    End of time step  38476.4497     27.5471      0.8789
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     238  38476.4498
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  38476.4499      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  38476.4499      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17000points
+                      refine surface  38476.4500      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  38476.4759      0.0260      0.0259
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  38476.4998      0.0500      0.0240
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  38476.5242      0.0744      0.0244
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17001points
+                          surface 02  38476.5443      0.0945      0.0201
+                                                                        S. 2:    16998points
+                      refine surface  38476.5445      0.0946      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  38476.5706      0.1208      0.0261
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  38476.5946      0.1448      0.0240
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  38476.6194      0.1696      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17000points
+                          surface 03  38476.6391      0.1893      0.0197
+                                                                        S. 3:    16997points
+                      refine surface  38476.6392      0.1894      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  38476.6636      0.2138      0.0244
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16997points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  38476.6897
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  38476.6900      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  38476.7059      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  38476.7277      0.0380      0.0219
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  38476.7285      0.0388      0.0007
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  38476.7426      0.0529      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  38476.8647      0.1750      0.1221
+             Imbed surface in osolve  38477.0544      0.3647      0.1896
+                embedding surface  1  38477.0545      0.3648      0.0001
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  38479.0298      2.3400      1.9752
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  38481.1443      4.4546      2.1145
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  38484.7193      8.0296      3.5750
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  38484.7250      8.0353      0.0057
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  38485.2085      8.5188      0.4835
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  38485.2737      8.5840      0.0653
+                           Find void  38485.5459      8.8562      0.2721
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  38485.5744      8.8847      0.0285
+                         wsmp setup1  38485.5820      8.8923      0.0077
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  38486.5932      9.9035      1.0112
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  38486.6396
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  38486.6397      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  38494.5707      7.9311      7.9310
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0540090 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1402662 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7253160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3815272 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14477.1155215 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216609 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071299 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4302769 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10199E+01  0.18429E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94693E-01  0.11000E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76173E+00  0.24530E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  38511.0163     24.3767     16.4456
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35078E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  38511.2440     24.6044      0.2277
+                do leaf measurements  38511.2451     24.6055      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  38511.2873     24.6477      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5886108 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  38511.2926
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  38511.2973      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.80285E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  38519.2941      8.0015      7.9968
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0533321 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1238110 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7146802 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3813939 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14477.2850484 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208630 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072610 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4017229 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.13722E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48788E-01  0.10199E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76717E+00  0.22542E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  38535.7112     24.4185     16.4171
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12360E+01  0.17911E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  38535.9354     24.6428      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements  38535.9366     24.6440      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  38535.9792     24.6865      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0710660 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  38535.9847
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  38535.9894      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  38543.9306      7.9460      7.9412
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0520020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1287692 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7150311 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4637961 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14373.2217392 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212828 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072489 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4884980 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.15532E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37315E-01  0.11857E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74658E+00  0.23119E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  38560.4344     24.4498     16.5038
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13724E+01  0.31295E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  38560.6603     24.6756      0.2258
+                do leaf measurements  38560.6614     24.6767      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  38560.7036     24.7190      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362570 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  38560.7089
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  38560.7136      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  38568.6935      7.9845      7.9798
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0554450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1135120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7165551 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3766470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14483.3257057 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213121 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072799 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3911350 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.17612E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37737E-01  0.12318E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73726E+00  0.22887E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  38585.0997     24.3908     16.4063
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14713E+01  0.35822E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  38585.3249     24.6160      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  38585.3261     24.6172      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  38585.3687     24.6597      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158220 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  38585.3740
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  38585.3787      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  38593.3914      8.0174      8.0127
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0545800 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1264398 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7113252 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3983979 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14455.6879831 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211421 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072780 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4195499 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.19388E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40639E-01  0.12556E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73256E+00  0.22801E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  38609.8271     24.4531     16.4356
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15149E+01  0.36580E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  38610.0518     24.6778      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  38610.0529     24.6789      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  38610.0951     24.7211      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107336 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  38610.1004
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  38610.1051      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  38618.0451      7.9447      7.9400
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0510061 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1441181 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7225258 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4339819 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14410.7000852 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1219618 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071950 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4811518 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.20951E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43041E-01  0.12560E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72801E+00  0.22768E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  38634.5414     24.4410     16.4963
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15363E+01  0.36260E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  38634.7686     24.6682      0.2272
+                do leaf measurements  38634.7697     24.6693      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  38634.8118     24.7115      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080689 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  38634.8150     24.7146      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  38634.8151     24.7148      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -184715279548476.94 327366326926567.5
+ def in m -7.9772090911865234 0.70148146152496338
+ dimensionless def  -1.85961076191493441E-6 2.27920259748186379E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0179997  0.2275488
+                  Compute divergence  38635.0156     24.9152      0.2004
+                        wsmp_cleanup  38635.0552     24.9548      0.0396
+              Reset surface geometry  38635.0601     24.9598      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   38635.0687     24.9683      0.0085
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  38635.0840     24.9837      0.0154
+                   Advect surface  1  38635.0842     24.9838      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   12 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  38635.2839     25.1835      0.1997
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   12 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  38635.5105     25.4101      0.2266
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  38635.7807     25.6804      0.2703
+                    Advect the cloud  38635.9394     25.8390      0.1587
+                        Write output  38636.7995     26.6991      0.8601
+                    End of time step  38637.6771     27.5767      0.8776
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     239  38637.6772
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  38637.6773      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  38637.6773      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17000points
+                      refine surface  38637.6774      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  38637.7038      0.0265      0.0264
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  38637.7281      0.0509      0.0243
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  38637.7527      0.0754      0.0246
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17002points
+                          surface 02  38637.7724      0.0952      0.0197
+                                                                        S. 2:    16997points
+                      refine surface  38637.7725      0.0953      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  38637.7969      0.1196      0.0243
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16997points
+                          surface 03  38637.8166      0.1394      0.0197
+                                                                        S. 3:    16996points
+                      refine surface  38637.8167      0.1395      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  38637.8432      0.1660      0.0265
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  38637.8669      0.1897      0.0237
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  38637.8915      0.2142      0.0246
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16998points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  38637.9177
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  38637.9179      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  38637.9338      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  38637.9555      0.0378      0.0216
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  38637.9562      0.0385      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  38637.9703      0.0527      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  38638.0925      0.1749      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  38638.2805      0.3628      0.1879
+                embedding surface  1  38638.2806      0.3629      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  38640.2395      2.3218      1.9589
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  38642.3328      4.4151      2.0933
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  38645.8927      7.9751      3.5600
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  38645.8976      7.9799      0.0049
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  38646.3907      8.4730      0.4931
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  38646.5035      8.5858      0.1128
+                           Find void  38646.7727      8.8550      0.2692
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  38646.8011      8.8834      0.0284
+                         wsmp setup1  38646.8080      8.8903      0.0069
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  38647.8195      9.9018      1.0115
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  38647.8655
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  38647.8657      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  38655.7875      7.9220      7.9218
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0580750 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1515899 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7259731 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4010699 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14452.3001452 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217589 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0068450 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4656670 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10339E+01  0.18487E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94854E-01  0.11174E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76197E+00  0.24740E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  38672.2686     24.4031     16.4811
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35087E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  38672.4979     24.6324      0.2293
+                do leaf measurements  38672.4990     24.6335      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  38672.5414     24.6759      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5891391 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  38672.5466
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  38672.5513      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.78681E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  38680.5317      7.9851      7.9804
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0547209 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1222639 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7193551 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4133818 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14436.7100432 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215041 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069592 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4385350 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.13759E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48834E-01  0.10215E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76722E+00  0.22691E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  38696.9863     24.4396     16.4546
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12366E+01  0.18064E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  38697.2128     24.6662      0.2266
+                do leaf measurements  38697.2139     24.6673      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  38697.2565     24.7099      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0714384 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  38697.2618
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  38697.2666      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  38705.2034      7.9416      7.9369
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0557141 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1239781 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7180679 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4641879 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14372.7306182 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0068920 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4908621 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.15552E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37368E-01  0.11842E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74683E+00  0.23171E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  38721.7095     24.4477     16.5060
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13729E+01  0.31343E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  38721.9370     24.6752      0.2276
+                do leaf measurements  38721.9381     24.6763      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  38721.9806     24.7188      0.0425
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362037 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  38721.9858
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  38721.9905      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  38729.9652      7.9794      7.9747
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0558698 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1264920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7133200 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3814521 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14477.2110505 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069249 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4057698 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.17628E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37833E-01  0.12311E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73742E+00  0.22920E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  38746.3861     24.4003     16.4209
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14718E+01  0.35875E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  38746.6158     24.6299      0.2297
+                do leaf measurements  38746.6169     24.6310      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  38746.6594     24.6736      0.0425
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158270 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  38746.6647
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  38746.6693      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  38754.6884      8.0237      8.0190
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0530181 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1339009 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7173610 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3925540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14463.1031135 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216080 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0068710 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4256611 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.19407E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40727E-01  0.12553E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73268E+00  0.22821E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  38771.1295     24.4649     16.4411
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15154E+01  0.36635E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  38771.3558     24.6911      0.2263
+                do leaf measurements  38771.3568     24.6922      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  38771.3996     24.7349      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107530 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  38771.4047
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  38771.4094      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  38779.3487      7.9439      7.9393
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0513949 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1418779 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7219419 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4453058 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14396.4422100 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1219962 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070851 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4899499 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.20969E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43116E-01  0.12561E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72812E+00  0.22768E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  38795.8538     24.4490     16.5051
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15371E+01  0.36321E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  38796.0826     24.6779      0.2288
+                do leaf measurements  38796.0837     24.6789      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  38796.1263     24.7215      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080789 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  38796.1294     24.7246      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  38796.1296     24.7248      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -185161223279953.63 328365601430275.81
+ def in m -7.9875974655151367 0.69595861434936523
+ dimensionless def  -1.85980711664472309E-6 2.28217070443289623E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0179947  0.2278529
+                  Compute divergence  38796.3305     24.9258      0.2010
+                        wsmp_cleanup  38796.3670     24.9622      0.0364
+              Reset surface geometry  38796.3721     24.9674      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   38796.3806     24.9759      0.0085
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  38796.3976     24.9928      0.0169
+                   Advect surface  1  38796.3977     24.9930      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  38796.5916     25.1869      0.1939
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  38796.8069     25.4022      0.2153
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  38797.0680     25.6633      0.2611
+                    Advect the cloud  38797.2264     25.8217      0.1584
+                        Write output  38798.0844     26.6797      0.8580
+                    End of time step  38798.9690     27.5643      0.8846
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     240  38798.9692
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  38798.9692      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  38798.9693      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17002points
+                      refine surface  38798.9693      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  38798.9953      0.0262      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  38799.0188      0.0497      0.0235
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  38799.0435      0.0744      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17003points
+                          surface 02  38799.0630      0.0938      0.0194
+                                                                        S. 2:    16995points
+                      refine surface  38799.0631      0.0940      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  38799.0903      0.1211      0.0271
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  38799.1179      0.1488      0.0277
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  38799.1426      0.1735      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16998points
+                          surface 03  38799.1618      0.1926      0.0192
+                                                                        S. 3:    16997points
+                      refine surface  38799.1619      0.1928      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  38799.1865      0.2173      0.0246
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16997points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  38799.2121
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  38799.2123      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  38799.2282      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  38799.2501      0.0380      0.0219
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  38799.2509      0.0388      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  38799.2650      0.0529      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  38799.3872      0.1751      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  38799.5772      0.3651      0.1900
+                embedding surface  1  38799.5774      0.3653      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  38801.5343      2.3223      1.9570
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  38803.6525      4.4404      2.1181
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  38807.2111      7.9990      3.5586
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  38807.2161      8.0040      0.0050
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  38807.6973      8.4852      0.4812
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  38807.8098      8.5978      0.1125
+                           Find void  38808.0796      8.8676      0.2698
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  38808.1081      8.8960      0.0284
+                         wsmp setup1  38808.1152      8.9031      0.0071
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  38809.1261      9.9140      1.0109
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  38809.1722
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  38809.1723      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  38817.0919      7.9197      7.9195
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0568640 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1326001 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7200768 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4147308 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14435.0039388 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1218700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069311 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4534450 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10229E+01  0.18472E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95778E-01  0.11208E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76177E+00  0.24868E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  38833.5611     24.3889     16.4692
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35142E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  38833.7892     24.6170      0.2281
+                do leaf measurements  38833.7903     24.6181      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  38833.8328     24.6607      0.0425
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5894855 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  38833.8380
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  38833.8426      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.77672E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  38841.8325      7.9945      7.9899
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0533929 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1279240 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7162011 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3742940 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14486.3218111 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071220 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4006579 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10151E+01  0.13753E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48521E-01  0.10179E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76720E+00  0.22819E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  38858.2486     24.4106     16.4161
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12363E+01  0.17934E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  38858.4755     24.6375      0.2269
+                do leaf measurements  38858.4766     24.6387      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  38858.5201     24.6821      0.0435
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0714321 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  38858.5253
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  38858.5299      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  38866.4706      7.9453      7.9407
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0506370 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1263781 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7137430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4493439 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14391.3646956 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211801 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070312 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4686730 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.15544E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37176E-01  0.11811E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74665E+00  0.23233E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  38882.9547     24.4294     16.4841
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13728E+01  0.31318E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  38883.1822     24.6569      0.2275
+                do leaf measurements  38883.1833     24.6580      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  38883.2258     24.7005      0.0425
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362091 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  38883.2310
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  38883.2355      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  38891.1970      7.9660      7.9615
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0514660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1142309 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7116790 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3790381 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14480.2822956 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1218400 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069649 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3856020 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.17621E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37751E-01  0.12281E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73730E+00  0.22950E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  38907.5984     24.3674     16.4014
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14714E+01  0.35836E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  38907.8272     24.5962      0.2288
+                do leaf measurements  38907.8283     24.5973      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  38907.8710     24.6400      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158312 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  38907.8762
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  38907.8807      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  38915.9026      8.0265      8.0219
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0536771 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1261060 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7120180 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3954980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14459.3666144 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211979 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069299 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4158058 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.19401E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40675E-01  0.12535E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73255E+00  0.22832E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  38932.3339     24.4577     16.4313
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15149E+01  0.36593E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  38932.5603     24.6842      0.2264
+                do leaf measurements  38932.5614     24.6853      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  38932.6043     24.7281      0.0429
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107688 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  38932.6098
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  38932.6143      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  38940.5540      7.9442      7.9397
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0547910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1331100 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7194331 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4622390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14375.1742994 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214919 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071480 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4987791 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.20963E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43091E-01  0.12541E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72801E+00  0.22781E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  38957.0680     24.4582     16.5140
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15367E+01  0.36288E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  38957.2962     24.6864      0.2282
+                do leaf measurements  38957.2973     24.6875      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  38957.3397     24.7299      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080769 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  38957.3426     24.7328      0.0029
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  38957.3428     24.7330      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -185595471937592.28 329368018260962.88
+ def in m -7.9981756210327148 0.68720638751983643
+ dimensionless def  -1.86203820364815862E-6 2.2851930345807756E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0180050  0.2281724
+                  Compute divergence  38957.5483     24.9385      0.2055
+                        wsmp_cleanup  38957.5873     24.9775      0.0390
+              Reset surface geometry  38957.5918     24.9821      0.0046
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   38957.6004     24.9906      0.0086
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  38957.6162     25.0064      0.0158
+                   Advect surface  1  38957.6164     25.0066      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  38957.8174     25.2076      0.2011
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  38958.0246     25.4148      0.2072
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  38958.2889     25.6791      0.2643
+                    Advect the cloud  38958.4460     25.8362      0.1571
+                        Write output  38959.3059     26.6961      0.8599
+                    End of time step  38960.1869     27.5771      0.8810
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     241  38960.1871
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  38960.1871      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  38960.1872      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17002points
+                      refine surface  38960.1872      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  38960.2140      0.0270      0.0268
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  38960.2370      0.0499      0.0230
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  38960.2625      0.0754      0.0255
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17003points
+                          surface 02  38960.2812      0.0941      0.0187
+                                                                        S. 2:    16997points
+                      refine surface  38960.2814      0.0943      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  38960.3077      0.1206      0.0264
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  38960.3308      0.1438      0.0231
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  38960.3554      0.1683      0.0245
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16998points
+                          surface 03  38960.3752      0.1881      0.0198
+                                                                        S. 3:    16996points
+                      refine surface  38960.3753      0.1883      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  38960.3996      0.2125      0.0243
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16996points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  38960.4257
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  38960.4259      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  38960.4418      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  38960.4635      0.0378      0.0216
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  38960.4642      0.0386      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  38960.4784      0.0527      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  38960.6006      0.1749      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  38960.7877      0.3620      0.1871
+                embedding surface  1  38960.7878      0.3622      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  38962.7485      2.3228      1.9607
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  38964.8562      4.4305      2.1077
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  38968.4061      7.9804      3.5499
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  38968.4113      7.9856      0.0052
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  38968.8769      8.4512      0.4656
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  38968.9843      8.5586      0.1074
+                           Find void  38969.2545      8.8288      0.2702
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  38969.2830      8.8573      0.0285
+                         wsmp setup1  38969.2906      8.8649      0.0076
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  38970.3008      9.8751      1.0102
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  38970.3466
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  38970.3467      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  38978.2579      7.9113      7.9111
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0562940 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1332932 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7187731 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4358962 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14408.2878679 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215789 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071640 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4733930 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10257E+01  0.18468E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94775E-01  0.11089E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76181E+00  0.24791E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  38994.7466     24.4001     16.4888
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35104E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  38994.9736     24.6270      0.2270
+                do leaf measurements  38994.9747     24.6282      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  38995.0168     24.6703      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5888386 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  38995.0220
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  38995.0266      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.78573E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  39003.0272      8.0053      8.0007
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0509410 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1222918 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7159290 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3842721 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14473.6248790 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211481 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071681 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4021480 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10150E+01  0.13737E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48685E-01  0.10218E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76716E+00  0.22744E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  39019.4450     24.4231     16.4178
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12365E+01  0.17939E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  39019.6697     24.6478      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  39019.6709     24.6490      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  39019.7134     24.6914      0.0425
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0709640 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  39019.7186
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  39019.7233      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  39027.6724      7.9538      7.9491
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0507319 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1090970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7170870 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4436650 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14398.5063769 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209781 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071681 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4491541 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.15530E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37270E-01  0.11843E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74672E+00  0.23189E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  39044.1371     24.4185     16.4647
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13721E+01  0.31286E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  39044.3625     24.6439      0.2254
+                do leaf measurements  39044.3636     24.6451      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  39044.4057     24.6871      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361948 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  39044.4108
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  39044.4155      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  39052.3678      7.9570      7.9524
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0536261 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1562648 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7181871 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3781428 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14481.4216417 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1218681 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070422 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4355130 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.17609E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37772E-01  0.12305E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73733E+00  0.22930E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  39068.8193     24.4085     16.4515
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14708E+01  0.35819E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  39069.0459     24.6351      0.2266
+                do leaf measurements  39069.0470     24.6362      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  39069.0891     24.6783      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158391 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  39069.0942
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  39069.0989      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  39077.1168      8.0226      8.0180
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0541649 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1328490 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7119029 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3831892 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14475.0017733 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211782 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071559 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4108520 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.19386E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40654E-01  0.12557E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73263E+00  0.22833E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  39093.5432     24.4490     16.4264
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15144E+01  0.36575E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  39093.7668     24.6726      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements  39093.7680     24.6737      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  39093.8101     24.7159      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107410 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  39093.8152
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  39093.8198      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  39101.7586      7.9434      7.9388
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0524480 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1388750 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7114859 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4733529 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14361.2495127 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214080 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069840 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5049360 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10166E+01  0.20947E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43045E-01  0.12561E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72807E+00  0.22777E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  39118.2796     24.4644     16.5210
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15363E+01  0.36284E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  39118.5053     24.6901      0.2257
+                do leaf measurements  39118.5064     24.6912      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  39118.5486     24.7334      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080731 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  39118.5519     24.7367      0.0033
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  39118.5520     24.7368      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -186015616668064. 330378444949635.81
+ def in m -7.9987177848815918 0.68583059310913086
+ dimensionless def  -1.86347995485578274E-6 2.28534793853759758E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0180125  0.2281978
+                  Compute divergence  39118.7549     24.9397      0.2029
+                        wsmp_cleanup  39118.7922     24.9770      0.0373
+              Reset surface geometry  39118.7971     24.9819      0.0049
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   39118.8053     24.9901      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  39118.8220     25.0068      0.0167
+                   Advect surface  1  39118.8221     25.0069      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  39119.0300     25.2148      0.2079
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  39119.2453     25.4301      0.2153
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  39119.5087     25.6935      0.2634
+                    Advect the cloud  39119.6675     25.8523      0.1588
+                        Write output  39120.5345     26.7193      0.8670
+                    End of time step  39121.4312     27.6160      0.8967
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     242  39121.4313
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  39121.4314      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  39121.4314      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17001points
+                      refine surface  39121.4315      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  39121.4570      0.0257      0.0255
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17001points
+                          surface 02  39121.4750      0.0437      0.0180
+                                                                        S. 2:    16996points
+                      refine surface  39121.4751      0.0438      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   4 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  39121.5031      0.0718      0.0280
+                                                                        S. 2:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  39121.5300      0.0987      0.0269
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  39121.5550      0.1237      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17000points
+                          surface 03  39121.5734      0.1421      0.0184
+                                                                        S. 3:    16995points
+                      refine surface  39121.5736      0.1423      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  39121.6001      0.1688      0.0265
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  39121.6274      0.1961      0.0273
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  39121.6530      0.2217      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16997points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  39121.6779
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  39121.6781      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  39121.6940      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  39121.7156      0.0378      0.0217
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  39121.7164      0.0385      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  39121.7305      0.0527      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  39121.8527      0.1748      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  39122.0403      0.3624      0.1876
+                embedding surface  1  39122.0405      0.3626      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  39123.9991      2.3212      1.9586
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  39126.1145      4.4366      2.1154
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  39129.6736      7.9957      3.5591
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  39129.6787      8.0009      0.0052
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  39130.1458      8.4679      0.4671
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  39130.2681      8.5902      0.1223
+                           Find void  39130.5394      8.8615      0.2713
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  39130.5678      8.8900      0.0285
+                         wsmp setup1  39130.5756      8.8977      0.0077
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  39131.5837      9.9058      1.0081
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  39131.6286
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  39131.6287      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  39139.5618      7.9333      7.9331
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0538239 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1578331 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7215228 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4453540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14396.3816317 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216328 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072510 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5078139 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10164E+01  0.18435E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95542E-01  0.11156E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76185E+00  0.24758E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  39156.0855     24.4569     16.5237
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35088E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  39156.3124     24.6838      0.2269
+                do leaf measurements  39156.3135     24.6849      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  39156.3552     24.7266      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5886135 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  39156.3605
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  39156.3651      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.78356E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  39164.3790      8.0186      8.0139
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0516260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1320570 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7214749 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3798270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14479.2784239 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212521 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0074990 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4141450 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.13715E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48756E-01  0.10215E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76721E+00  0.22737E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  39180.8087     24.4482     16.4297
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12360E+01  0.17990E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  39181.0331     24.6726      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  39181.0342     24.6737      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  39181.0762     24.7157      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0711275 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  39181.0816
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  39181.0864      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  39189.0502      7.9686      7.9639
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0523770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1251779 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7227809 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4196510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14428.7845067 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214571 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072520 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4491079 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.15516E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37398E-01  0.11836E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74656E+00  0.23189E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  39205.5152     24.4335     16.4650
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13721E+01  0.31275E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  39205.7403     24.6586      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  39205.7414     24.6598      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  39205.7830     24.7014      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361201 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  39205.7884
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  39205.7930      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  39213.7311      7.9427      7.9380
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0531151 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1268380 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7231350 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3874841 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14469.5424213 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1223350 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072620 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4205651 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.17598E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37846E-01  0.12300E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73720E+00  0.22938E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  39230.1672     24.3788     16.4361
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14710E+01  0.35803E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  39230.3950     24.6067      0.2278
+                do leaf measurements  39230.3961     24.6078      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  39230.4378     24.6494      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158940 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  39230.4431
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  39230.4478      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  39238.4590      8.0159      8.0112
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0546930 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1348691 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7213850 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3939009 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14461.3934891 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215749 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072911 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4341409 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.19378E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40728E-01  0.12549E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73250E+00  0.22828E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  39254.9089     24.4657     16.4499
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15143E+01  0.36545E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  39255.1338     24.6906      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  39255.1348     24.6917      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  39255.1765     24.7334      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107369 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  39255.1818
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  39255.1865      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  39263.1260      7.9441      7.9395
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0534401 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1361880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7146401 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4623492 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14375.0361587 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212449 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072780 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4955289 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10166E+01  0.20941E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43130E-01  0.12556E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72795E+00  0.22777E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  39279.6370     24.4551     16.5110
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15359E+01  0.36235E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  39279.8630     24.6811      0.2260
+                do leaf measurements  39279.8641     24.6822      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  39279.9057     24.7238      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080744 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  39279.9089     24.7270      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  39279.9090     24.7272      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -186427761797082.09 331390241274501.31
+ def in m -8.0008058547973633 0.68409872055053711
+ dimensionless def  -1.86436465808323455E-6 2.28594452994210407E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0180178  0.2282609
+                  Compute divergence  39280.1199     24.9381      0.2109
+                        wsmp_cleanup  39280.1560     24.9742      0.0361
+              Reset surface geometry  39280.1611     24.9793      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   39280.1697     24.9878      0.0085
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  39280.1868     25.0049      0.0171
+                   Advect surface  1  39280.1869     25.0051      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  39280.4005     25.2187      0.2136
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  39280.6154     25.4335      0.2149
+                                                                        S. 3:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  39280.8693     25.6874      0.2539
+                    Advect the cloud  39281.0277     25.8459      0.1585
+                        Write output  39281.8930     26.7112      0.8653
+                    End of time step  39282.7770     27.5951      0.8840
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     243  39282.7771
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  39282.7772      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  39282.7772      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16999points
+                      refine surface  39282.7773      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  39282.8042      0.0271      0.0269
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  39282.8274      0.0502      0.0232
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  39282.8529      0.0757      0.0255
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17000points
+                          surface 02  39282.8716      0.0944      0.0187
+                                                                        S. 2:    16998points
+                      refine surface  39282.8717      0.0946      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  39282.8971      0.1200      0.0254
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16998points
+                          surface 03  39282.9160      0.1389      0.0189
+                                                                        S. 3:    16997points
+                      refine surface  39282.9161      0.1390      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  39282.9414      0.1643      0.0253
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16997points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  39282.9667
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  39282.9669      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  39282.9828      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  39283.0044      0.0377      0.0215
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  39283.0051      0.0384      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  39283.0193      0.0526      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  39283.1415      0.1748      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  39283.3260      0.3593      0.1846
+                embedding surface  1  39283.3262      0.3595      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  39285.3027      2.3360      1.9765
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  39287.4172      4.4505      2.1145
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  39290.9642      7.9975      3.5470
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  39290.9693      8.0026      0.0051
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  39291.4535      8.4868      0.4841
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  39291.5235      8.5568      0.0700
+                           Find void  39291.7939      8.8272      0.2704
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  39291.8221      8.8554      0.0282
+                         wsmp setup1  39291.8295      8.8628      0.0074
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  39292.8368      9.8701      1.0073
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  39292.8827
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  39292.8829      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  39300.8137      7.9310      7.9308
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0554569 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1416142 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7207019 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4574060 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14381.2380605 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070100 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5037549 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10146E+01  0.18351E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94536E-01  0.11067E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76163E+00  0.24698E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  39317.3336     24.4509     16.5199
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35087E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  39317.5600     24.6773      0.2264
+                do leaf measurements  39317.5611     24.6784      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  39317.6033     24.7206      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5889004 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  39317.6084
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  39317.6131      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79246E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  39325.6294      8.0209      8.0163
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0520101 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1307709 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7122121 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3889070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14467.7346576 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209290 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071251 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4123268 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.13646E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48590E-01  0.10208E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76697E+00  0.22687E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  39342.0576     24.4492     16.4282
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12348E+01  0.17856E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  39342.2837     24.6752      0.2261
+                do leaf measurements  39342.2848     24.6764      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  39342.3274     24.7190      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0710613 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  39342.3327
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  39342.3374      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  39350.3107      7.9780      7.9734
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0516491 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1266861 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7131910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4033730 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14449.3812341 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208401 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070732 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4231849 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.15474E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37230E-01  0.11828E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74617E+00  0.23178E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  39366.7496     24.4170     16.4389
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13708E+01  0.31174E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  39366.9762     24.6435      0.2266
+                do leaf measurements  39366.9773     24.6446      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  39367.0198     24.6871      0.0425
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361015 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  39367.0250
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  39367.0296      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  39374.9677      7.9427      7.9381
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0513661 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1388681 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7190390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3861730 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14471.2085204 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216061 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070579 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4244750 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.17566E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37814E-01  0.12289E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73691E+00  0.22932E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  39391.4079     24.3829     16.4402
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14696E+01  0.35682E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  39391.6365     24.6115      0.2286
+                do leaf measurements  39391.6376     24.6126      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  39391.6798     24.6548      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158745 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  39391.6850
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  39391.6896      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  39399.6764      7.9914      7.9868
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0517821 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1264939 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7116559 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3879120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14468.9986513 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207719 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071189 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4061120 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.19352E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40706E-01  0.12541E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73228E+00  0.22827E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  39416.0983     24.4133     16.4219
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15130E+01  0.36445E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  39416.3247     24.6397      0.2264
+                do leaf measurements  39416.3259     24.6409      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  39416.3684     24.6834      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107239 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  39416.3736
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  39416.3784      0.0049      0.0049
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  39424.3182      7.9446      7.9398
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0558519 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1429839 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7129531 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4599669 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14378.0244168 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211550 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071361 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5004401 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.20915E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43116E-01  0.12552E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72778E+00  0.22776E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  39440.8333     24.4598     16.5151
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15347E+01  0.36153E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  39441.0617     24.6881      0.2284
+                do leaf measurements  39441.0628     24.6893      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  39441.1049     24.7313      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080698 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  39441.1080     24.7344      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  39441.1081     24.7346      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -186832404024522.34 332399329127807.31
+ def in m -8.000910758972168 0.68340057134628296
+ dimensionless def  -1.86770473207746237E-6 2.28597450256347648E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0180585  0.2282721
+                  Compute divergence  39441.3108     24.9372      0.2026
+                        wsmp_cleanup  39441.3516     24.9781      0.0409
+              Reset surface geometry  39441.3573     24.9837      0.0056
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   39441.3655     24.9920      0.0083
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  39441.3798     25.0062      0.0142
+                   Advect surface  1  39441.3799     25.0063      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  39441.6029     25.2293      0.2230
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  39441.8185     25.4449      0.2156
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  39442.0999     25.7263      0.2814
+                    Advect the cloud  39442.2594     25.8858      0.1595
+                        Write output  39443.1187     26.7452      0.8593
+                    End of time step  39444.0006     27.6270      0.8818
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     244  39444.0007
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  39444.0008      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  39444.0008      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16997points
+                      refine surface  39444.0009      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   5 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  39444.0295      0.0287      0.0286
+                                                                        S. 1:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  39444.0568      0.0561      0.0274
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  39444.0818      0.0811      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17002points
+                          surface 02  39444.1002      0.0995      0.0184
+                                                                        S. 2:    16996points
+                      refine surface  39444.1003      0.0996      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  39444.1249      0.1242      0.0246
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16996points
+                          surface 03  39444.1434      0.1427      0.0185
+                                                                        S. 3:    16994points
+                      refine surface  39444.1436      0.1429      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  39444.1682      0.1675      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16994points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  39444.1931
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  39444.1934      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  39444.2092      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  39444.2308      0.0377      0.0216
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  39444.2316      0.0385      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  39444.2458      0.0526      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  39444.3679      0.1747      0.1221
+             Imbed surface in osolve  39444.5527      0.3595      0.1848
+                embedding surface  1  39444.5528      0.3597      0.0001
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  39446.5099      2.3168      1.9571
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  39448.6044      4.4113      2.0945
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  39452.1166      7.9235      3.5122
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  39452.1213      7.9282      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  39452.5586      8.3655      0.4373
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  39452.7623      8.5691      0.2037
+                           Find void  39453.0354      8.8423      0.2731
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  39453.0640      8.8709      0.0286
+                         wsmp setup1  39453.0714      8.8782      0.0073
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  39454.0791      9.8860      1.0077
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  39454.1253
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  39454.1255      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  39462.0476      7.9223      7.9221
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0567100 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1447301 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7141879 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4655020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14371.0832316 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071869 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5098510 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10391E+01  0.18423E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95442E-01  0.11180E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76152E+00  0.24752E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  39478.5729     24.4476     16.5253
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35076E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  39478.7985     24.6732      0.2256
+                do leaf measurements  39478.7996     24.6743      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  39478.8414     24.7161      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5896685 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  39478.8468
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  39478.8514      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.78326E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  39486.8519      8.0051      8.0005
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0546682 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1367440 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7167668 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3699400 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14491.8691971 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072379 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4071081 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.13688E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48802E-01  0.10137E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76716E+00  0.22700E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  39503.2743     24.4275     16.4224
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12358E+01  0.17986E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  39503.4991     24.6523      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  39503.5002     24.6534      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  39503.5424     24.6956      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0716640 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  39503.5478
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  39503.5525      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  39511.5414      7.9936      7.9889
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0522220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1157510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7156270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3912878 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14464.7108137 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211591 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072329 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4036820 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.15503E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37264E-01  0.11796E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74622E+00  0.23170E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  39527.9607     24.4129     16.4193
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13714E+01  0.31238E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  39528.1847     24.6369      0.2240
+                do leaf measurements  39528.1858     24.6380      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  39528.2278     24.6800      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361079 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  39528.2330
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  39528.2376      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  39536.1733      7.9403      7.9357
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0541520 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1560738 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7159021 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3973079 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14457.0705393 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1220310 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072248 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4530609 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.17595E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37890E-01  0.12277E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73697E+00  0.22920E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  39552.6422     24.4092     16.4689
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14705E+01  0.35792E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  39552.8690     24.6360      0.2268
+                do leaf measurements  39552.8701     24.6371      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  39552.9120     24.6790      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0157827 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  39552.9174
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  39552.9220      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  39560.8978      7.9804      7.9757
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0517719 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1257350 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7170789 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3814340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14477.2340989 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215141 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072231 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4051459 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.19378E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40756E-01  0.12534E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73236E+00  0.22821E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  39577.3187     24.4013     16.4209
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15139E+01  0.36533E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  39577.5430     24.6256      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements  39577.5442     24.6268      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  39577.5864     24.6690      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107691 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  39577.5918
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  39577.5965      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  39585.5323      7.9405      7.9358
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0534120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1244230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7127061 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4588261 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14379.4558831 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214411 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072241 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4784210 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.20943E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43145E-01  0.12547E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72783E+00  0.22772E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  39602.0263     24.4345     16.4940
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15355E+01  0.36234E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  39602.2522     24.6604      0.2259
+                do leaf measurements  39602.2533     24.6615      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  39602.2950     24.7032      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080751 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  39602.2981     24.7063      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  39602.2982     24.7065      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -187231343925663. 333407429185285.31
+ def in m -7.973942756652832 0.7111554741859436
+ dimensionless def  -1.86862587928771968E-6 2.27826935904366644E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0180790  0.2274895
+                  Compute divergence  39602.5092     24.9174      0.2109
+                        wsmp_cleanup  39602.5457     24.9539      0.0365
+              Reset surface geometry  39602.5506     24.9588      0.0049
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   39602.5590     24.9672      0.0084
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  39602.5764     24.9846      0.0174
+                   Advect surface  1  39602.5766     24.9848      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  39602.7820     25.1902      0.2054
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  39602.9885     25.3967      0.2065
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  39603.2591     25.6674      0.2707
+                    Advect the cloud  39603.4194     25.8276      0.1602
+                        Write output  39604.2799     26.6881      0.8605
+                    End of time step  39605.1672     27.5755      0.8873
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     245  39605.1674
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  39605.1674      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  39605.1675      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17001points
+                      refine surface  39605.1675      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  39605.1930      0.0256      0.0254
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17001points
+                          surface 02  39605.2114      0.0440      0.0185
+                                                                        S. 2:    16995points
+                      refine surface  39605.2116      0.0442      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  39605.2381      0.0707      0.0265
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  39605.2607      0.0933      0.0226
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  39605.2859      0.1185      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16997points
+                          surface 03  39605.3043      0.1369      0.0185
+                                                                        S. 3:    16992points
+                      refine surface  39605.3044      0.1371      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  39605.3294      0.1620      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16992points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  39605.3544
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  39605.3547      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  39605.3705      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  39605.3921      0.0376      0.0215
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  39605.3928      0.0384      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  39605.4070      0.0525      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  39605.5291      0.1747      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  39605.7099      0.3555      0.1808
+                embedding surface  1  39605.7101      0.3557      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  39607.6582      2.3038      1.9482
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  39609.7328      4.3784      2.0746
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  39613.2413      7.8869      3.5085
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  39613.2460      7.8916      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  39613.6427      8.2882      0.3967
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  39613.9028      8.5483      0.2601
+                           Find void  39614.1732      8.8188      0.2705
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  39614.2016      8.8471      0.0283
+                         wsmp setup1  39614.2087      8.8543      0.0072
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  39615.2173      9.8629      1.0086
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  39615.2628
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  39615.2630      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  39623.1949      7.9321      7.9319
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0536940 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1344972 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7130952 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4632070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14373.9604268 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210930 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070782 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4930742 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10144E+01  0.18476E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94929E-01  0.11106E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76144E+00  0.24582E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  39639.7038     24.4410     16.5089
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35076E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  39639.9288     24.6660      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  39639.9300     24.6672      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  39639.9710     24.7082      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5893495 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  39639.9762
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  39639.9809      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79845E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  39647.9733      7.9971      7.9924
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0502391 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1392269 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7165802 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3794940 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14479.7022234 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212559 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072389 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4144719 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10151E+01  0.13745E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48920E-01  0.10186E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76712E+00  0.22612E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  39664.4032     24.4271     16.4299
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12368E+01  0.17988E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  39664.6283     24.6521      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  39664.6295     24.6533      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  39664.6708     24.6946      0.0413
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0714967 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  39664.6761
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  39664.6809      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  39672.6812      8.0051      8.0003
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0536120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1401799 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7168939 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3998201 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14453.8845862 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212301 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070741 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4392250 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.15538E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37359E-01  0.11836E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74657E+00  0.23167E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  39689.1358     24.4597     16.4546
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13728E+01  0.31331E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  39689.3610     24.6849      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  39689.3621     24.6860      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  39689.4032     24.7270      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361032 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  39689.4083
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  39689.4130      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  39697.3499      7.9416      7.9369
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0558939 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1591442 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7204521 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4135160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14436.5402590 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217840 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071728 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4783840 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.17617E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37865E-01  0.12307E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73724E+00  0.22911E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  39713.8440     24.4356     16.4941
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14718E+01  0.35890E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  39714.0703     24.6620      0.2264
+                do leaf measurements  39714.0715     24.6631      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  39714.1125     24.7041      0.0410
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158299 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  39714.1177
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  39714.1224      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  39722.1053      7.9876      7.9829
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0534592 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1365292 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7143371 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3803980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14478.5519248 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072069 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4139199 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.19397E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40734E-01  0.12552E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73256E+00  0.22822E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  39738.5349     24.4172     16.4296
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15152E+01  0.36634E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  39738.7591     24.6413      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  39738.7602     24.6425      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  39738.8017     24.6840      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107458 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  39738.8071
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  39738.8118      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  39746.7538      7.9467      7.9419
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0522642 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1141241 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7179370 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4438980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14398.2133023 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070829 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4571102 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.20964E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43118E-01  0.12558E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72803E+00  0.22775E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  39763.2267     24.4196     16.4730
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15367E+01  0.36312E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  39763.4518     24.6447      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  39763.4529     24.6458      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  39763.4938     24.6867      0.0409
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080767 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  39763.4970     24.6899      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  39763.4971     24.6900      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -187664286419321.06 334376166582485.13
+ def in m -7.9872493743896484 0.70582723617553711
+ dimensionless def  -1.85746771948678169E-6 2.28207124982561361E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0179712  0.2278677
+                  Compute divergence  39763.6948     24.8877      0.1976
+                        wsmp_cleanup  39763.7388     24.9317      0.0441
+              Reset surface geometry  39763.7442     24.9371      0.0054
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   39763.7520     24.9449      0.0078
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  39763.7655     24.9584      0.0135
+                   Advect surface  1  39763.7657     24.9586      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  39763.9676     25.1605      0.2019
+                                                                        S. 2:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  39764.1647     25.3577      0.1972
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  39764.4204     25.6133      0.2556
+                    Advect the cloud  39764.5788     25.7717      0.1584
+                        Write output  39765.4426     26.6355      0.8639
+                    End of time step  39766.3258     27.5187      0.8832
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     246  39766.3260
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  39766.3260      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  39766.3261      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17000points
+                      refine surface  39766.3261      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  39766.3526      0.0267      0.0265
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  39766.3757      0.0497      0.0230
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  39766.4009      0.0749      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17001points
+                          surface 02  39766.4196      0.0936      0.0186
+                                                                        S. 2:    16997points
+                      refine surface  39766.4197      0.0937      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  39766.4467      0.1207      0.0270
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  39766.4738      0.1479      0.0271
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  39766.4993      0.1734      0.0255
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16999points
+                          surface 03  39766.5180      0.1921      0.0187
+                                                                        S. 3:    16992points
+                      refine surface  39766.5182      0.1922      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  39766.5445      0.2186      0.0264
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  39766.5675      0.2416      0.0230
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  39766.5930      0.2670      0.0254
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16993points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  39766.6180
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  39766.6182      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  39766.6341      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  39766.6561      0.0381      0.0220
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  39766.6569      0.0389      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  39766.6710      0.0531      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  39766.7934      0.1754      0.1224
+             Imbed surface in osolve  39766.9760      0.3580      0.1826
+                embedding surface  1  39766.9762      0.3582      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  39768.9466      2.3286      1.9705
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  39771.0441      4.4261      2.0975
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  39774.5839      7.9659      3.5398
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  39774.5886      7.9706      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  39775.0554      8.4374      0.4668
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  39775.1522      8.5342      0.0968
+                           Find void  39775.4205      8.8025      0.2683
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  39775.4486      8.8306      0.0281
+                         wsmp setup1  39775.4550      8.8370      0.0064
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  39776.4699      9.8519      1.0149
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  39776.5167
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  39776.5168      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  39784.4486      7.9319      7.9318
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0590901 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1615479 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7158790 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4683311 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14367.5380889 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215179 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070560 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5338418 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10146E+01  0.18570E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95241E-01  0.11164E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76184E+00  0.24646E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  39800.9978     24.4811     16.5492
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35087E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  39801.2232     24.7065      0.2254
+                do leaf measurements  39801.2242     24.7076      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  39801.2664     24.7498      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5896301 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  39801.2717
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  39801.2764      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79140E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  39809.2583      7.9866      7.9819
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0533612 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1334400 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7151041 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3768160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14483.1105098 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211929 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071020 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4074330 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.13826E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48842E-01  0.10195E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76732E+00  0.22641E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  39825.6818     24.4101     16.4235
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12377E+01  0.18110E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  39825.9064     24.6347      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  39825.9075     24.6358      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  39825.9496     24.6778      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0716289 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  39825.9549
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  39825.9596      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  39833.9794      8.0246      8.0199
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0518041 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1274028 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7126551 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3893361 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14467.1895092 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071740 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4102371 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.15596E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37379E-01  0.11849E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74713E+00  0.23164E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  39850.4049     24.4500     16.4254
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13741E+01  0.31448E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  39850.6301     24.6752      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  39850.6312     24.6763      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  39850.6732     24.7183      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362202 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  39850.6784
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  39850.6831      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  39858.6220      7.9436      7.9389
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0570011 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1601980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7217460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4323039 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14412.8152328 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1221130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071659 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5009508 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.17658E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37877E-01  0.12316E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73772E+00  0.22926E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  39875.1384     24.4600     16.5165
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14728E+01  0.36002E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  39875.3652     24.6867      0.2267
+                do leaf measurements  39875.3662     24.6878      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  39875.4083     24.7299      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158178 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  39875.4136
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  39875.4183      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  39883.4179      8.0043      7.9996
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0532520 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1285210 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7230670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3847239 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14473.0504927 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213291 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071828 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4184918 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.19430E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40742E-01  0.12564E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73297E+00  0.22823E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  39899.8521     24.4384     16.4341
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15165E+01  0.36765E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  39900.0773     24.6637      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  39900.0784     24.6648      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  39900.1207     24.7071      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107552 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  39900.1261
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  39900.1308      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  39908.0850      7.9589      7.9542
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0533459 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1326361 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7172189 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4350519 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14409.3516196 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211472 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071540 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4669690 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.20988E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43127E-01  0.12566E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72837E+00  0.22780E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  39924.5674     24.4413     16.4823
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15381E+01  0.36449E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  39924.7929     24.6668      0.2255
+                do leaf measurements  39924.7940     24.6679      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  39924.8359     24.7097      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080799 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  39924.8389     24.7128      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  39924.8391     24.7130      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -188083104086645.22 335351264369740.
+ def in m -7.9920592308044434 0.70270699262619019
+ dimensionless def  -1.85811213084629603E-6 2.28344549451555517E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0179863  0.2280064
+                  Compute divergence  39925.0502     24.9241      0.2111
+                        wsmp_cleanup  39925.0861     24.9600      0.0359
+              Reset surface geometry  39925.0911     24.9650      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   39925.0997     24.9735      0.0085
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  39925.1167     24.9906      0.0170
+                   Advect surface  1  39925.1168     24.9907      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  39925.3209     25.1948      0.2041
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  39925.5292     25.4031      0.2083
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  39925.8017     25.6756      0.2725
+                    Advect the cloud  39925.9601     25.8340      0.1584
+                        Write output  39926.8176     26.6915      0.8575
+                    End of time step  39927.6981     27.5720      0.8805
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     247  39927.6983
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  39927.6984      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  39927.6984      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17000points
+                      refine surface  39927.6984      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  39927.7246      0.0263      0.0262
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  39927.7478      0.0495      0.0232
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  39927.7720      0.0737      0.0242
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17001points
+                          surface 02  39927.7915      0.0932      0.0195
+                                                                        S. 2:    16998points
+                      refine surface  39927.7916      0.0933      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  39927.8155      0.1172      0.0239
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16998points
+                          surface 03  39927.8348      0.1365      0.0192
+                                                                        S. 3:    16991points
+                      refine surface  39927.8349      0.1366      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  39927.8590      0.1607      0.0241
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16991points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  39927.8850
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  39927.8852      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  39927.9011      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  39927.9231      0.0381      0.0220
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  39927.9239      0.0389      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  39927.9381      0.0531      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  39928.0603      0.1753      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  39928.2422      0.3572      0.1820
+                embedding surface  1  39928.2424      0.3574      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  39930.1667      2.2817      1.9243
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  39932.2477      4.3627      2.0810
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  39935.7593      7.8744      3.5116
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  39935.7640      7.8791      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  39936.1655      8.2805      0.4014
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  39936.4370      8.5520      0.2716
+                           Find void  39936.7097      8.8247      0.2727
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  39936.7389      8.8539      0.0292
+                         wsmp setup1  39936.7463      8.8613      0.0074
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  39937.7633      9.8784      1.0170
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  39937.8090
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  39937.8091      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  39945.7272      7.9182      7.9181
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0562110 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1313059 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7138970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4628870 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14374.3616398 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1221669 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069749 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4938059 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10200E+01  0.18441E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94709E-01  0.11035E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76194E+00  0.24722E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  39962.2365     24.4275     16.5093
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35105E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  39962.4622     24.6532      0.2257
+                do leaf measurements  39962.4633     24.6543      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  39962.5048     24.6958      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5885774 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  39962.5100
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  39962.5146      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.78783E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  39970.4825      7.9725      7.9679
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0541880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1421621 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7173090 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3718002 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14489.4986902 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217659 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069680 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4145489 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.13737E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48896E-01  0.10221E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76726E+00  0.22662E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  39986.9131     24.4031     16.4305
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12366E+01  0.18015E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  39987.1398     24.6297      0.2267
+                do leaf measurements  39987.1409     24.6309      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  39987.1825     24.6725      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0710424 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  39987.1877
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  39987.1924      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  39995.2083      8.0205      8.0159
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0505819 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1338141 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7130530 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3805451 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14478.3647759 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208570 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070601 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4062932 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.15536E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37381E-01  0.11845E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74675E+00  0.23122E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  40011.6302     24.4425     16.4220
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13728E+01  0.31325E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  40011.8545     24.6667      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  40011.8556     24.6679      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  40011.8973     24.7096      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361024 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  40011.9024
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  40011.9070      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  40019.8416      7.9392      7.9346
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0517790 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1643820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7244599 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4487469 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14392.1151399 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1221080 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071411 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5189891 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.17613E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37904E-01  0.12310E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73738E+00  0.22885E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  40036.3760     24.4735     16.5343
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14715E+01  0.35850E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  40036.6023     24.6999      0.2264
+                do leaf measurements  40036.6035     24.7011      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  40036.6451     24.7427      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158724 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  40036.6504
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  40036.6550      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  40044.6596      8.0093      8.0046
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0508881 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1309869 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7146981 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3803289 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14478.6398895 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210301 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070720 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4053669 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.19389E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40761E-01  0.12558E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73267E+00  0.22801E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  40061.0810     24.4306     16.4214
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15151E+01  0.36621E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  40061.3047     24.6543      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements  40061.3058     24.6555      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  40061.3478     24.6974      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107284 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  40061.3529
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  40061.3576      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  40069.3226      7.9697      7.9650
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0520809 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1218719 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7161870 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4155600 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14433.9553883 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069611 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4342179 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.20950E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43144E-01  0.12563E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72811E+00  0.22771E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  40085.7724     24.4195     16.4498
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15369E+01  0.36329E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  40085.9975     24.6445      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  40085.9986     24.6456      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  40086.0401     24.6871      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080820 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  40086.0432     24.6902      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  40086.0433     24.6904      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -188496285119771.84 336325137139813.44
+ def in m -7.9939694404602051 0.70052570104598999
+ dimensionless def  -1.84963720185416094E-6 2.28399126870291562E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0179084  0.2280638
+                  Compute divergence  40086.2497     24.8968      0.2064
+                        wsmp_cleanup  40086.2879     24.9350      0.0382
+              Reset surface geometry  40086.2928     24.9399      0.0049
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   40086.3012     24.9483      0.0084
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  40086.3183     24.9653      0.0171
+                   Advect surface  1  40086.3184     24.9655      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  40086.5160     25.1631      0.1976
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  40086.7290     25.3761      0.2130
+                                                                        S. 3:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  40086.9862     25.6333      0.2572
+                    Advect the cloud  40087.1464     25.7934      0.1602
+                        Write output  40088.0078     26.6549      0.8614
+                    End of time step  40088.8889     27.5360      0.8811
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     248  40088.8890
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  40088.8891      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  40088.8891      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17001points
+                      refine surface  40088.8892      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  40088.9151      0.0261      0.0259
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  40088.9391      0.0501      0.0240
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  40088.9636      0.0745      0.0245
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17002points
+                          surface 02  40088.9836      0.0945      0.0200
+                                                                        S. 2:    16996points
+                      refine surface  40088.9837      0.0947      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  40089.0106      0.1216      0.0269
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  40089.0388      0.1498      0.0282
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  40089.0633      0.1742      0.0245
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16999points
+                          surface 03  40089.0832      0.1941      0.0199
+                                                                        S. 3:    16991points
+                      refine surface  40089.0833      0.1943      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  40089.1078      0.2188      0.0245
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16991points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  40089.1338
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  40089.1341      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  40089.1499      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  40089.1757      0.0419      0.0258
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  40089.1765      0.0427      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  40089.1907      0.0568      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  40089.3130      0.1791      0.1223
+             Imbed surface in osolve  40089.4982      0.3644      0.1852
+                embedding surface  1  40089.4984      0.3646      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  40091.4613      2.3275      1.9629
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  40093.5544      4.4206      2.0931
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  40097.0924      7.9586      3.5379
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  40097.0971      7.9633      0.0047
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  40097.5474      8.4136      0.4503
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  40097.6742      8.5404      0.1268
+                           Find void  40097.9435      8.8097      0.2693
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  40097.9713      8.8374      0.0278
+                         wsmp setup1  40097.9775      8.8436      0.0062
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  40098.9973      9.8635      1.0199
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  40099.0457
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  40099.0459      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  40106.9757      7.9300      7.9298
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0566962 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1181440 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7132351 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4468100 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14394.5504270 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212208 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071402 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4635949 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10295E+01  0.18445E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95048E-01  0.11221E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76170E+00  0.24881E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  40123.4548     24.4091     16.4791
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35069E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  40123.6807     24.6349      0.2259
+                do leaf measurements  40123.6818     24.6361      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  40123.7246     24.6789      0.0428
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5891837 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  40123.7299
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  40123.7346      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.77898E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  40131.6904      7.9605      7.9559
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0531900 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1506228 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7226410 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3681021 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14494.2122095 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1219540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072320 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4241118 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10151E+01  0.13717E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48658E-01  0.10183E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76703E+00  0.22777E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  40148.1298     24.3999     16.4394
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12355E+01  0.17826E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  40148.3565     24.6265      0.2267
+                do leaf measurements  40148.3576     24.6276      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  40148.4004     24.6705      0.0428
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0712641 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  40148.4058
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  40148.4104      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  40156.4340      8.0282      8.0236
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0527120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1345899 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7145510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3781312 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14481.4365106 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071831 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4088511 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.15519E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37293E-01  0.11821E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74651E+00  0.23207E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  40172.8579     24.4521     16.4239
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13720E+01  0.31268E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  40173.0829     24.6772      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  40173.0840     24.6783      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  40173.1270     24.7213      0.0430
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361858 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  40173.1323
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  40173.1369      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  40181.0719      7.9396      7.9350
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0534670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1556401 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7227552 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4631441 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14374.0393522 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212630 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0076709 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5243092 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.17595E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37815E-01  0.12291E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73721E+00  0.22937E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  40197.6115     24.4792     16.5396
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14707E+01  0.35798E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  40197.8368     24.7045      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements  40197.8379     24.7056      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  40197.8809     24.7486      0.0430
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158289 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  40197.8862
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  40197.8908      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  40205.8968      8.0106      8.0060
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0544329 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1288321 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7167280 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3760562 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14484.0778791 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214159 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072119 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4050601 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.19375E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40695E-01  0.12542E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73249E+00  0.22832E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  40222.3175     24.4313     16.4207
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15142E+01  0.36552E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  40222.5421     24.6559      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  40222.5432     24.6570      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  40222.5864     24.7002      0.0432
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107496 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  40222.5918
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  40222.5965      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  40230.5797      7.9879      7.9831
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0547991 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1340449 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7185020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3940120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14461.2524760 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210940 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072780 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4301009 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10166E+01  0.20934E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43110E-01  0.12547E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72794E+00  0.22774E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  40247.0250     24.4332     16.4453
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15358E+01  0.36256E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  40247.2500     24.6582      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  40247.2511     24.6593      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  40247.2939     24.7021      0.0428
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080717 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  40247.2969     24.7051      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  40247.2971     24.7053      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -188899248048844.59 337298859812585.5
+ def in m -7.9965224266052246 0.69857931137084961
+ dimensionless def  -1.85491664069039499E-6 2.2847206933157787E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0179721  0.2281420
+                  Compute divergence  40247.5074     24.9156      0.2103
+                        wsmp_cleanup  40247.5433     24.9515      0.0358
+              Reset surface geometry  40247.5484     24.9566      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   40247.5568     24.9650      0.0084
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  40247.5739     24.9821      0.0172
+                   Advect surface  1  40247.5741     24.9823      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  40247.7850     25.1932      0.2109
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  40248.0080     25.4162      0.2230
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  40248.2780     25.6862      0.2700
+                    Advect the cloud  40248.4389     25.8471      0.1609
+                        Write output  40249.2978     26.7060      0.8589
+                    End of time step  40250.1849     27.5931      0.8870
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     249  40250.1850
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  40250.1851      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  40250.1851      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17000points
+                      refine surface  40250.1852      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  40250.2095      0.0245      0.0244
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17000points
+                          surface 02  40250.2292      0.0442      0.0196
+                                                                        S. 2:    16996points
+                      refine surface  40250.2293      0.0443      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  40250.2542      0.0692      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  40250.2781      0.0931      0.0239
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  40250.3023      0.1172      0.0241
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16997points
+                          surface 03  40250.3218      0.1368      0.0196
+                                                                        S. 3:    16990points
+                      refine surface  40250.3219      0.1369      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  40250.3469      0.1618      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  40250.3706      0.1856      0.0238
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  40250.3947      0.2097      0.0240
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16991points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  40250.4205
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  40250.4208      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  40250.4366      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  40250.4585      0.0380      0.0219
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  40250.4593      0.0388      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  40250.4734      0.0529      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  40250.5956      0.1751      0.1221
+             Imbed surface in osolve  40250.7835      0.3629      0.1879
+                embedding surface  1  40250.7837      0.3631      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  40252.7516      2.3311      1.9679
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  40254.8449      4.4244      2.0934
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  40258.3993      7.9787      3.5543
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  40258.4042      7.9837      0.0050
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  40258.8900      8.4695      0.4858
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  40258.9650      8.5445      0.0751
+                           Find void  40259.2365      8.8160      0.2714
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  40259.2660      8.8455      0.0295
+                         wsmp setup1  40259.2734      8.8529      0.0074
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  40260.2944      9.8739      1.0210
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  40260.3419
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  40260.3420      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  40268.2603      7.9184      7.9183
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0535281 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1250200 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7170770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4412930 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14401.4914973 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215141 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072470 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4660521 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10149E+01  0.18456E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94768E-01  0.11128E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76168E+00  0.24689E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  40284.7419     24.4000     16.4816
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35084E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  40284.9669     24.6250      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  40284.9680     24.6261      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  40285.0103     24.6684      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5894821 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  40285.0154
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  40285.0199      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79066E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  40292.9631      7.9478      7.9432
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0539811 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1345270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7264090 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3801420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14478.8777028 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1221819 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072091 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4248209 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.13729E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48771E-01  0.10181E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76716E+00  0.22652E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  40309.4031     24.3877     16.4399
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12364E+01  0.18045E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  40309.6346     24.6192      0.2315
+                do leaf measurements  40309.6357     24.6203      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  40309.6779     24.6626      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0714853 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  40309.6830
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  40309.6876      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  40317.6970      8.0139      8.0094
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0528030 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1429710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7187419 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3939340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14461.3514269 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212261 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071149 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4371450 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.15521E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37285E-01  0.11819E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74667E+00  0.23154E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  40334.1498     24.4668     16.4528
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13725E+01  0.31326E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  40334.3751     24.6921      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements  40334.3762     24.6931      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  40334.4184     24.7354      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361481 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  40334.4235
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  40334.4280      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  40342.3705      7.9469      7.9424
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0562708 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1667180 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7167060 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4704518 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14364.8817231 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071142 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5391440 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.17599E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37887E-01  0.12290E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73734E+00  0.22910E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  40358.9248     24.5013     16.5543
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14712E+01  0.35840E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  40359.1506     24.7271      0.2259
+                do leaf measurements  40359.1517     24.7282      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  40359.1939     24.7704      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0157970 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  40359.1990
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  40359.2036      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  40367.2042      8.0052      8.0006
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0519300 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1324911 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7166872 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3830030 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14475.2385576 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215370 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070670 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4130840 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.19378E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40764E-01  0.12541E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73262E+00  0.22826E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  40383.6332     24.4342     16.4290
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15149E+01  0.36622E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  40383.8574     24.6583      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  40383.8585     24.6595      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  40383.9011     24.7021      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107318 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  40383.9063
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  40383.9109      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  40391.9059      7.9996      7.9950
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0527341 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1448181 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7174530 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4044681 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14447.9938051 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212530 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071080 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4481719 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.20940E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43149E-01  0.12551E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72809E+00  0.22769E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  40408.3696     24.4633     16.4637
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15364E+01  0.36301E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  40408.5944     24.6881      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  40408.5955     24.6893      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  40408.6377     24.7314      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080786 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  40408.6406     24.7343      0.0029
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  40408.6407     24.7345      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -189298445074314.22 338267275062174.56
+ def in m -7.9995026588439941 0.69700729846954346
+ dimensionless def  -1.85883198465619777E-6 2.28557218824114089E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0180213  0.2282355
+                  Compute divergence  40408.8448     24.9385      0.2041
+                        wsmp_cleanup  40408.8864     24.9801      0.0415
+              Reset surface geometry  40408.8919     24.9856      0.0056
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   40408.9001     24.9939      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  40408.9141     25.0078      0.0140
+                   Advect surface  1  40408.9142     25.0080      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  40409.1211     25.2148      0.2068
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  40409.3296     25.4234      0.2086
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  40409.5933     25.6870      0.2636
+                    Advect the cloud  40409.7540     25.8477      0.1608
+                        Write output  40410.6147     26.7084      0.8607
+                    End of time step  40411.4978     27.5915      0.8830
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     250  40411.4979
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  40411.4980      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  40411.4980      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16998points
+                      refine surface  40411.4981      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  40411.5243      0.0263      0.0262
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  40411.5527      0.0547      0.0284
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  40411.5773      0.0794      0.0246
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17000points
+                          surface 02  40411.5970      0.0991      0.0197
+                                                                        S. 2:    16995points
+                      refine surface  40411.5971      0.0992      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  40411.6217      0.1238      0.0246
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16995points
+                          surface 03  40411.6414      0.1435      0.0197
+                                                                        S. 3:    16990points
+                      refine surface  40411.6416      0.1437      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  40411.6670      0.1691      0.0255
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  40411.6909      0.1930      0.0239
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  40411.7158      0.2178      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16991points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  40411.7417
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  40411.7419      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  40411.7578      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  40411.7798      0.0381      0.0220
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  40411.7805      0.0389      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  40411.7947      0.0530      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  40411.9169      0.1752      0.1221
+             Imbed surface in osolve  40412.1051      0.3634      0.1882
+                embedding surface  1  40412.1053      0.3636      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  40414.0712      2.3295      1.9659
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  40416.1431      4.4015      2.0719
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  40419.6892      7.9475      3.5460
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  40419.6940      7.9524      0.0049
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  40420.1661      8.4245      0.4721
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  40420.2696      8.5280      0.1035
+                           Find void  40420.5448      8.8031      0.2751
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  40420.5749      8.8332      0.0301
+                         wsmp setup1  40420.5824      8.8407      0.0076
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  40421.5966      9.8549      1.0142
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  40421.6456
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  40421.6457      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  40429.5953      7.9498      7.9496
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0582139 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1376331 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7149398 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4115059 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14439.0832180 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210721 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072830 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4510689 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10234E+01  0.18439E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95343E-01  0.11102E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76159E+00  0.24773E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  40446.0614     24.4158     16.4661
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35088E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  40446.2873     24.6417      0.2259
+                do leaf measurements  40446.2884     24.6428      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  40446.3306     24.6851      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5888656 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  40446.3359
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  40446.3406      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.78355E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  40454.2806      7.9448      7.9401
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0537958 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1594710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7204390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3804901 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14478.4348424 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217399 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072799 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4436209 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.13714E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48835E-01  0.10218E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76710E+00  0.22760E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  40470.7395     24.4036     16.4589
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12355E+01  0.17883E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  40470.9665     24.6306      0.2270
+                do leaf measurements  40470.9676     24.6317      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  40471.0099     24.6740      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0710940 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  40471.0152
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  40471.0199      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  40479.0117      7.9965      7.9917
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0524251 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1342132 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7165532 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3848250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14472.9219818 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211150 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072181 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4167562 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.15514E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37338E-01  0.11828E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74654E+00  0.23214E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  40495.4438     24.4286     16.4321
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13715E+01  0.31257E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  40495.6689     24.6537      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  40495.6700     24.6548      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  40495.7123     24.6971      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361427 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  40495.7175
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  40495.7222      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  40503.6605      7.9430      7.9383
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0523980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1474679 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7179921 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4706981 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14364.5732960 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214759 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071671 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5175891 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.17593E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37915E-01  0.12298E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73722E+00  0.22939E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  40520.1932     24.4757     16.5327
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14703E+01  0.35789E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  40520.4193     24.7017      0.2261
+                do leaf measurements  40520.4204     24.7028      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  40520.4627     24.7452      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158139 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  40520.4680
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  40520.4727      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  40528.4568      7.9889      7.9841
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0527971 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1328259 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7149930 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3790591 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14480.2555967 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072670 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4085369 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.19369E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40784E-01  0.12547E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73254E+00  0.22844E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  40544.8808     24.4128     16.4239
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15139E+01  0.36556E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  40545.1057     24.6378      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  40545.1068     24.6389      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  40545.1496     24.6816      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107395 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  40545.1550
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  40545.1598      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  40553.1656      8.0106      8.0058
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0523140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1375790 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7169640 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3887799 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14467.8960899 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209641 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072842 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4242909 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.20930E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43168E-01  0.12554E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72799E+00  0.22793E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  40569.6043     24.4493     16.4387
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15357E+01  0.36267E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  40569.8299     24.6749      0.2256
+                do leaf measurements  40569.8310     24.6760      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  40569.8732     24.7182      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080756 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  40569.8763     24.7214      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  40569.8765     24.7215      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -189690257453716.91 339236770281891.19
+ def in m -7.99957275390625 0.69602000713348389
+ dimensionless def  -1.85174942016601561E-6 2.28559221540178568E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0179581  0.2282405
+                  Compute divergence  40570.0864     24.9315      0.2099
+                        wsmp_cleanup  40570.1229     24.9679      0.0364
+              Reset surface geometry  40570.1278     24.9728      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   40570.1361     24.9812      0.0083
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  40570.1535     24.9985      0.0173
+                   Advect surface  1  40570.1536     24.9987      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  40570.3617     25.2067      0.2080
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  40570.5769     25.4220      0.2153
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  40570.8422     25.6872      0.2653
+                    Advect the cloud  40571.0030     25.8480      0.1607
+                        Write output  40571.8708     26.7158      0.8678
+                    End of time step  40572.7578     27.6028      0.8870
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     251  40572.7579
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  40572.7580      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  40572.7580      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16998points
+                      refine surface  40572.7581      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  40572.7842      0.0263      0.0261
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  40572.8124      0.0545      0.0283
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  40572.8371      0.0792      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16999points
+                          surface 02  40572.8568      0.0989      0.0197
+                                                                        S. 2:    16993points
+                      refine surface  40572.8569      0.0990      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  40572.8832      0.1253      0.0263
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  40572.9115      0.1536      0.0282
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  40572.9361      0.1782      0.0246
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16995points
+                          surface 03  40572.9558      0.1979      0.0197
+                                                                        S. 3:    16990points
+                      refine surface  40572.9559      0.1980      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  40572.9805      0.2226      0.0246
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16990points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  40573.0065
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  40573.0067      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  40573.0226      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  40573.0445      0.0380      0.0219
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  40573.0452      0.0387      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  40573.0593      0.0529      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  40573.1815      0.1750      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  40573.3706      0.3642      0.1891
+                embedding surface  1  40573.3708      0.3643      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  40575.3303      2.3238      1.9594
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  40577.4466      4.4401      2.1163
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  40581.0586      8.0522      3.6120
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  40581.0640      8.0575      0.0054
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  40581.5522      8.5457      0.4882
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  40581.6158      8.6093      0.0636
+                           Find void  40581.8901      8.8836      0.2743
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  40581.9199      8.9135      0.0298
+                         wsmp setup1  40581.9275      8.9210      0.0076
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  40582.9459      9.9394      1.0184
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  40582.9935
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  40582.9937      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  40590.9536      7.9600      7.9599
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0567999 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1333330 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7155578 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3952310 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14459.7054462 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208661 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071340 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4292839 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10148E+01  0.18468E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94623E-01  0.11104E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76148E+00  0.24744E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  40607.3984     24.4049     16.4449
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35107E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  40607.6226     24.6291      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  40607.6237     24.6302      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  40607.6658     24.6723      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5895611 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  40607.6708
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  40607.6755      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.78347E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  40615.6136      7.9427      7.9381
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0514178 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1535192 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7213159 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3973749 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14456.9855583 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215792 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070860 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4526548 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.13738E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48971E-01  0.10220E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76713E+00  0.22714E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  40632.0817     24.4109     16.4682
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12353E+01  0.17917E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  40632.3084     24.6376      0.2267
+                do leaf measurements  40632.3095     24.6386      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  40632.3517     24.6809      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0714809 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  40632.3568
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  40632.3615      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  40640.3407      7.9839      7.9793
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0522251 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1429560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7137661 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3918850 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14463.9524771 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208961 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070219 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4291101 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.15529E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37403E-01  0.11850E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74651E+00  0.23187E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  40656.7853     24.4286     16.4446
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13722E+01  0.31280E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  40657.0098     24.6531      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  40657.0109     24.6541      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  40657.0534     24.6966      0.0425
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361447 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  40657.0585
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  40657.0633      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  40664.9973      7.9388      7.9340
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0549972 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1332791 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7146711 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4608788 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14376.8803462 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210482 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070360 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4922740 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.17604E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37834E-01  0.12315E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73726E+00  0.22937E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  40681.5052     24.4467     16.5079
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14712E+01  0.35826E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  40681.7302     24.6717      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  40681.7313     24.6728      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  40681.7733     24.7148      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158949 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  40681.7784
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  40681.7831      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  40689.7556      7.9773      7.9726
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0554290 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1255689 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7136440 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3813970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14477.2811058 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070040 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4045599 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.19382E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40704E-01  0.12561E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73256E+00  0.22847E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  40706.1754     24.3971     16.4198
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15149E+01  0.36595E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  40706.4007     24.6223      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements  40706.4018     24.6234      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  40706.4438     24.6655      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107503 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  40706.4489
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  40706.4536      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  40714.4742      8.0253      8.0206
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0517190 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1338949 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7176859 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3931949 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14462.2895615 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209769 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071092 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4249308 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.20943E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43096E-01  0.12561E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72803E+00  0.22783E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  40730.9149     24.4660     16.4407
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15363E+01  0.36275E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  40731.1390     24.6901      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  40731.1401     24.6912      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  40731.1822     24.7333      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080734 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  40731.1854     24.7366      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  40731.1856     24.7367      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -190085729565420.5 340197331834539.75
+ def in m -8.0025053024291992 0.69441783428192139
+ dimensionless def  -1.85762609754289891E-6 2.28643008640834263E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0180263  0.2283338
+                  Compute divergence  40731.3961     24.9472      0.2104
+                        wsmp_cleanup  40731.4319     24.9831      0.0359
+              Reset surface geometry  40731.4368     24.9879      0.0048
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   40731.4449     24.9960      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  40731.4626     25.0137      0.0177
+                   Advect surface  1  40731.4627     25.0139      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   4 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  40731.6892     25.2403      0.2265
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  40731.8985     25.4496      0.2093
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  40732.1627     25.7138      0.2641
+                    Advect the cloud  40732.3227     25.8738      0.1600
+                        Write output  40733.1893     26.7405      0.8667
+                    End of time step  40734.0735     27.6246      0.8841
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     252  40734.0736
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  40734.0737      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  40734.0737      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16995points
+                      refine surface  40734.0737      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  40734.1011      0.0275      0.0274
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  40734.1234      0.0498      0.0223
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  40734.1488      0.0752      0.0253
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16997points
+                          surface 02  40734.1670      0.0934      0.0182
+                                                                        S. 2:    16994points
+                      refine surface  40734.1672      0.0936      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  40734.1912      0.1176      0.0241
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16994points
+                          surface 03  40734.2106      0.1370      0.0194
+                                                                        S. 3:    16989points
+                      refine surface  40734.2107      0.1371      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  40734.2367      0.1631      0.0259
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  40734.2600      0.1864      0.0233
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  40734.2847      0.2111      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16990points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  40734.3104
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  40734.3107      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  40734.3265      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  40734.3488      0.0384      0.0222
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  40734.3496      0.0391      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  40734.3637      0.0533      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  40734.4859      0.1754      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  40734.6680      0.3576      0.1821
+                embedding surface  1  40734.6682      0.3577      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  40736.6512      2.3408      1.9830
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  40738.7529      4.4424      2.1017
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  40742.3230      8.0126      3.5701
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  40742.3283      8.0179      0.0053
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  40742.7930      8.4826      0.4647
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  40742.8778      8.5673      0.0847
+                           Find void  40743.1508      8.8404      0.2731
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  40743.1801      8.8697      0.0293
+                         wsmp setup1  40743.1878      8.8774      0.0077
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  40744.2068      9.8964      1.0190
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  40744.2538
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  40744.2540      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  40752.2267      7.9729      7.9727
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0531011 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1438060 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7135689 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4057581 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14446.3596209 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072951 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4448330 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.18413E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94707E-01  0.11098E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76161E+00  0.24799E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  40768.6872     24.4334     16.4605
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35089E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  40768.9115     24.6577      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements  40768.9126     24.6588      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  40768.9561     24.7022      0.0434
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5887438 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  40768.9612
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  40768.9657      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.77478E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  40776.9046      7.9434      7.9389
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0509419 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1663690 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7254391 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4120669 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14438.3734158 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1221161 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072920 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4845901 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.13697E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48912E-01  0.10210E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76714E+00  0.22734E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  40793.4043     24.4431     16.4997
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12350E+01  0.17892E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  40793.6324     24.6711      0.2280
+                do leaf measurements  40793.6335     24.6723      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  40793.6768     24.7156      0.0434
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0710811 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  40793.6820
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  40793.6865      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  40801.6680      7.9860      7.9815
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0538850 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1374769 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7140090 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3795969 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14479.5711675 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212449 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071962 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4137490 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.15507E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37402E-01  0.11846E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74634E+00  0.23196E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  40818.0978     24.4158     16.4298
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13714E+01  0.31240E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  40818.3223     24.6403      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  40818.3234     24.6414      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  40818.3672     24.6852      0.0437
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361893 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  40818.3724
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  40818.3770      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  40826.3161      7.9437      7.9391
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0553949 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1408141 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7138081 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4542341 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14385.2205309 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213679 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072570 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4932160 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.17586E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37879E-01  0.12315E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73711E+00  0.22933E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  40842.8248     24.4524     16.5087
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14703E+01  0.35760E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  40843.0500     24.6777      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  40843.0512     24.6788      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  40843.0945     24.7221      0.0434
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158216 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  40843.0997
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  40843.1042      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  40851.0574      7.9577      7.9531
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0520651 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1372900 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7150261 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3766999 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14483.2583235 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217129 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072820 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4104400 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.19365E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40729E-01  0.12561E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73242E+00  0.22839E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  40867.4833     24.3835     16.4259
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15139E+01  0.36520E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  40867.7101     24.6104      0.2268
+                do leaf measurements  40867.7112     24.6115      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  40867.7545     24.6548      0.0433
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107417 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  40867.7596
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  40867.7642      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  40875.7849      8.0252      8.0207
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0514278 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1519568 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7135742 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3827181 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14475.6008738 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212611 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072701 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4285920 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.20929E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43109E-01  0.12567E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72792E+00  0.22787E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  40892.2285     24.4689     16.4437
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15356E+01  0.36224E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  40892.4536     24.6939      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  40892.4547     24.6951      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  40892.4979     24.7383      0.0432
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080762 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  40892.5007     24.7411      0.0028
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  40892.5009     24.7413      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -190468256126983.25 341160056444948.31
+ def in m -8.0039157867431641 0.6932864785194397
+ dimensionless def  -1.85939550399780273E-6 2.2868330819266182E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0180540  0.2283775
+                  Compute divergence  40892.7127     24.9531      0.2118
+                        wsmp_cleanup  40892.7490     24.9894      0.0363
+              Reset surface geometry  40892.7538     24.9942      0.0049
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   40892.7621     25.0025      0.0083
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  40892.7796     25.0200      0.0175
+                   Advect surface  1  40892.7798     25.0201      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  40892.9894     25.2298      0.2096
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  40893.1987     25.4391      0.2093
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  40893.4615     25.7018      0.2628
+                    Advect the cloud  40893.6198     25.8602      0.1584
+                        Write output  40894.4895     26.7299      0.8697
+                    End of time step  40895.3698     27.6102      0.8803
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     253  40895.3700
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  40895.3700      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  40895.3701      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16995points
+                      refine surface  40895.3701      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  40895.3970      0.0270      0.0269
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  40895.4203      0.0503      0.0232
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  40895.4458      0.0758      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16996points
+                          surface 02  40895.4645      0.0945      0.0187
+                                                                        S. 2:    16993points
+                      refine surface  40895.4647      0.0947      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  40895.4901      0.1201      0.0254
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16993points
+                          surface 03  40895.5089      0.1389      0.0188
+                                                                        S. 3:    16989points
+                      refine surface  40895.5090      0.1390      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  40895.5364      0.1664      0.0273
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  40895.5594      0.1894      0.0230
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  40895.5863      0.2163      0.0269
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  40895.6092      0.2392      0.0229
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  40895.6359      0.2659      0.0268
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16992points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  40895.6603
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  40895.6606      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  40895.6764      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  40895.6981      0.0378      0.0217
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  40895.6989      0.0386      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  40895.7130      0.0527      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  40895.8354      0.1751      0.1224
+             Imbed surface in osolve  40896.0231      0.3628      0.1877
+                embedding surface  1  40896.0233      0.3630      0.0001
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  40898.0058      2.3455      1.9825
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  40900.1010      4.4406      2.0952
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  40903.6650      8.0047      3.5640
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  40903.6702      8.0099      0.0052
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  40904.1246      8.4643      0.4544
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  40904.2203      8.5600      0.0957
+                           Find void  40904.4920      8.8317      0.2717
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  40904.5211      8.8608      0.0291
+                         wsmp setup1  40904.5291      8.8688      0.0079
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  40905.5500      9.8897      1.0209
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  40905.5971
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  40905.5973      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  40913.5860      7.9889      7.9887
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0541790 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1458430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7148659 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3919449 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14463.8764965 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211102 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071940 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4355011 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10299E+01  0.18463E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94545E-01  0.11197E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76173E+00  0.24749E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  40930.0368     24.4397     16.4509
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35109E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  40930.2638     24.6667      0.2270
+                do leaf measurements  40930.2649     24.6678      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  40930.3082     24.7111      0.0433
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5891064 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  40930.3133
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  40930.3178      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.77685E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  40938.2592      7.9459      7.9414
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0536220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1618049 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7205050 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4244499 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14422.7236339 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216590 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070999 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4894938 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.13737E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48866E-01  0.10193E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76710E+00  0.22711E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  40954.7644     24.4512     16.5053
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12360E+01  0.17977E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  40954.9935     24.6803      0.2291
+                do leaf measurements  40954.9947     24.6814      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  40955.0379     24.7246      0.0432
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0713200 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  40955.0430
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  40955.0475      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  40963.0488      8.0059      8.0013
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0522230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1382530 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7154729 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3788450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14480.5280515 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1257489 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072169 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4181221 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.15527E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37445E-01  0.11826E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74655E+00  0.23180E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  40979.4824     24.4395     16.4336
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13721E+01  0.31285E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  40979.7085     24.6655      0.2260
+                do leaf measurements  40979.7096     24.6666      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  40979.7528     24.7098      0.0432
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361595 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  40979.7579
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  40979.7624      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  40987.7144      7.9565      7.9519
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0531380 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1313639 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7137849 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4322920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14412.8302616 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072010 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4596369 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.17604E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37906E-01  0.12303E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73722E+00  0.22923E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  41004.1896     24.4317     16.4752
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14708E+01  0.35814E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  41004.4168     24.6589      0.2272
+                do leaf measurements  41004.4179     24.6601      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  41004.4610     24.7032      0.0431
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158292 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  41004.4661
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  41004.4706      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  41012.4201      7.9539      7.9495
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0504990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1451941 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7228942 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3785570 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14480.8945771 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1218171 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071411 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4264560 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.19383E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40773E-01  0.12549E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73252E+00  0.22823E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  41028.8624     24.3963     16.4423
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15145E+01  0.36586E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  41029.0917     24.6256      0.2293
+                do leaf measurements  41029.0928     24.6267      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  41029.1359     24.6698      0.0431
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107445 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  41029.1410
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  41029.1455      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  41037.1638      8.0228      8.0183
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0518532 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1426029 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7177460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3806241 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14478.2643787 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211610 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072389 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4216042 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.20944E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43161E-01  0.12556E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72797E+00  0.22769E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  41053.6009     24.4599     16.4371
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15361E+01  0.36283E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  41053.8268     24.6858      0.2259
+                do leaf measurements  41053.8279     24.6870      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  41053.8711     24.7302      0.0432
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080741 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  41053.8740     24.7330      0.0028
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  41053.8742     24.7332      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -190850720931613.22 342118289756635.63
+ def in m -7.9456338882446289 0.74528050422668457
+ dimensionless def  -1.85812626566205718E-6 2.27018111092703708E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0180524  0.2266687
+                  Compute divergence  41054.0855     24.9445      0.2114
+                        wsmp_cleanup  41054.1215     24.9806      0.0360
+              Reset surface geometry  41054.1265     24.9856      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   41054.1350     24.9940      0.0085
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  41054.1524     25.0114      0.0174
+                   Advect surface  1  41054.1526     25.0116      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  41054.3502     25.2093      0.1977
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  41054.5461     25.4052      0.1959
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  41054.8015     25.6606      0.2554
+                    Advect the cloud  41054.9635     25.8226      0.1620
+                        Write output  41055.8258     26.6848      0.8623
+                    End of time step  41056.7081     27.5671      0.8823
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     254  41056.7082
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  41056.7083      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  41056.7083      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    16996points
+                      refine surface  41056.7084      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  41056.7361      0.0279      0.0277
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  41056.7589      0.0507      0.0228
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  41056.7845      0.0763      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16998points
+                          surface 02  41056.8036      0.0954      0.0191
+                                                                        S. 2:    16993points
+                      refine surface  41056.8038      0.0956      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  41056.8295      0.1213      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16993points
+                          surface 03  41056.8483      0.1401      0.0188
+                                                                        S. 3:    16992points
+                      refine surface  41056.8485      0.1402      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  41056.8742      0.1659      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16992points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  41056.8995
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  41056.8998      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  41056.9158      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  41056.9376      0.0381      0.0218
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  41056.9384      0.0389      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  41056.9527      0.0531      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  41057.0760      0.1765      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  41057.2626      0.3631      0.1866
+                embedding surface  1  41057.2628      0.3633      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  41059.2289      2.3294      1.9661
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  41061.3386      4.4391      2.1097
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  41064.9057      8.0062      3.5671
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  41064.9114      8.0119      0.0057
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  41065.3468      8.4472      0.4354
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  41065.4573      8.5578      0.1105
+                           Find void  41065.7335      8.8340      0.2762
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  41065.7635      8.8640      0.0301
+                         wsmp setup1  41065.7713      8.8718      0.0078
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  41066.7814      9.8819      1.0101
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  41066.8303
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  41066.8304      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  41074.8350      8.0047      8.0046
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0558851 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1411300 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7167451 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3934021 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14462.0265689 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214459 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072079 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4361632 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10149E+01  0.18474E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94590E-01  0.11125E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76191E+00  0.24650E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  41091.2872     24.4569     16.4522
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35093E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  41091.5111     24.6809      0.2240
+                do leaf measurements  41091.5123     24.6820      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  41091.5552     24.7249      0.0429
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5889829 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  41091.5604
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  41091.5651      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.78073E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  41099.5055      7.9451      7.9404
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0548530 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1796420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7257519 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4456599 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14395.9968811 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1219349 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072820 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5354881 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10148E+01  0.13744E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48725E-01  0.10199E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76730E+00  0.22649E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  41116.0564     24.4960     16.5509
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12363E+01  0.17994E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  41116.2840     24.7236      0.2276
+                do leaf measurements  41116.2851     24.7247      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  41116.3280     24.7676      0.0429
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0711549 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  41116.3333
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  41116.3380      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  41124.3497      8.0163      8.0117
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0538030 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1401811 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7196989 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3801959 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14478.8091487 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213782 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072649 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4228549 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.15540E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37344E-01  0.11859E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74658E+00  0.23162E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  41140.7885     24.4552     16.4388
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13725E+01  0.31319E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  41141.0127     24.6794      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  41141.0139     24.6805      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  41141.0573     24.7239      0.0434
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361601 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  41141.0627
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  41141.0674      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  41149.0339      7.9712      7.9665
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0537169 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1387630 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7169230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4189131 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14429.7169141 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214290 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072682 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4573891 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.17615E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37732E-01  0.12323E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73726E+00  0.22929E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  41165.5073     24.4446     16.4734
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14710E+01  0.35852E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  41165.7318     24.6691      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  41165.7329     24.6702      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  41165.7758     24.7131      0.0429
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0157800 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  41165.7811
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  41165.7858      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  41173.7228      7.9418      7.9371
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0504959 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1410620 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7245381 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3849249 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14472.7949887 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1220200 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071731 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4305549 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.19391E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40608E-01  0.12572E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73261E+00  0.22832E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  41190.1695     24.3885     16.4467
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15149E+01  0.36643E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  41190.3963     24.6153      0.2268
+                do leaf measurements  41190.3974     24.6164      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  41190.4404     24.6594      0.0430
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107118 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  41190.4457
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  41190.4504      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  41198.4496      8.0038      7.9992
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0545771 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1527510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7157810 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3918819 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14463.9564124 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211388 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072749 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4437802 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10166E+01  0.20950E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43032E-01  0.12570E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72808E+00  0.22778E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  41214.9093     24.4636     16.4597
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15364E+01  0.36312E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  41215.1344     24.6887      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  41215.1355     24.6898      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  41215.1783     24.7326      0.0428
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080805 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  41215.1814     24.7357      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  41215.1816     24.7359      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -191311133977071.69 342991065686357.63
+ def in m -7.977482795715332 0.73279595375061035
+ dimensionless def  -1.85044475964137499E-6 2.27928079877580919E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0179760  0.2275808
+                  Compute divergence  41215.3957     24.9500      0.2141
+                        wsmp_cleanup  41215.4314     24.9857      0.0358
+              Reset surface geometry  41215.4365     24.9908      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   41215.4449     24.9992      0.0084
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  41215.4624     25.0167      0.0175
+                   Advect surface  1  41215.4626     25.0169      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  41215.6599     25.2142      0.1973
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  41215.8619     25.4162      0.2020
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  41216.1158     25.6701      0.2539
+                    Advect the cloud  41216.2775     25.8318      0.1617
+                        Write output  41217.1388     26.6931      0.8613
+                    End of time step  41218.0237     27.5780      0.8849
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     255  41218.0238
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  41218.0239      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  41218.0239      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16998points
+                      refine surface  41218.0240      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  41218.0500      0.0262      0.0261
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16998points
+                          surface 02  41218.0687      0.0449      0.0187
+                                                                        S. 2:    16993points
+                      refine surface  41218.0688      0.0450      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  41218.0946      0.0708      0.0258
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16993points
+                          surface 03  41218.1133      0.0895      0.0186
+                                                                        S. 3:    16992points
+                      refine surface  41218.1134      0.0896      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  41218.1410      0.1172      0.0276
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  41218.1639      0.1400      0.0228
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  41218.1897      0.1659      0.0258
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16994points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  41218.2149
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  41218.2152      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  41218.2312      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  41218.2526      0.0377      0.0214
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  41218.2534      0.0384      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  41218.2676      0.0527      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  41218.3911      0.1761      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  41218.5818      0.3668      0.1907
+                embedding surface  1  41218.5819      0.3670      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  41220.5635      2.3486      1.9816
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  41222.6774      4.4625      2.1139
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  41226.2200      8.0051      3.5425
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  41226.2253      8.0104      0.0053
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  41226.6866      8.4717      0.4613
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  41226.7940      8.5790      0.1074
+                           Find void  41227.0622      8.8473      0.2683
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  41227.0907      8.8758      0.0285
+                         wsmp setup1  41227.0978      8.8829      0.0071
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  41228.1151      9.9001      1.0173
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  41228.1638
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  41228.1640      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  41236.1819      8.0181      8.0179
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0556159 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1454480 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7182250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3954852 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14459.3829505 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213529 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071490 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4436500 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10162E+01  0.18554E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95035E-01  0.11180E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76180E+00  0.24518E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  41252.6417     24.4779     16.4598
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35091E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  41252.8667     24.7028      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  41252.8678     24.7040      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  41252.9101     24.7462      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5887382 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  41252.9154
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  41252.9201      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.78224E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  41260.8590      7.9436      7.9389
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0513139 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1745641 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7212908 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4640861 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14372.8582526 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214561 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072651 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5403440 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.13823E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48827E-01  0.10208E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76731E+00  0.22565E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  41277.4151     24.4997     16.5561
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12371E+01  0.18024E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  41277.6407     24.7253      0.2256
+                do leaf measurements  41277.6418     24.7264      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  41277.6840     24.7687      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0712320 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  41277.6894
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  41277.6941      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  41285.6989      8.0095      8.0048
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0507979 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1433139 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7187381 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3721149 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14489.0977070 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072732 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4140561 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.15592E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37327E-01  0.11856E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74713E+00  0.23162E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  41302.1287     24.4393     16.4298
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13740E+01  0.31468E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  41302.3528     24.6635      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  41302.3540     24.6646      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  41302.3969     24.7075      0.0429
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361006 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  41302.4024
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  41302.4072      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  41310.3872      7.9848      7.9800
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0547941 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1392210 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7201450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3885512 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14468.1865561 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214612 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072830 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4318449 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.17647E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37915E-01  0.12311E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73776E+00  0.22907E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  41326.8343     24.4319     16.4472
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14727E+01  0.36005E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  41327.0587     24.6563      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  41327.0598     24.6574      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  41327.1021     24.6997      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158260 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  41327.1074
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  41327.1122      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  41335.0484      7.9410      7.9363
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0534868 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1540639 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7250040 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3945220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14460.6052429 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1226540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072639 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4573820 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.19418E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40785E-01  0.12561E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73302E+00  0.22829E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  41351.5220     24.4145     16.4736
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15164E+01  0.36768E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  41351.7482     24.6408      0.2263
+                do leaf measurements  41351.7498     24.6424      0.0016
+       compute convergence criterion  41351.7917     24.6843      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107298 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  41351.7971
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  41351.8018      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  41359.7906      7.9935      7.9888
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0517309 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1434879 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7185152 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3864310 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14470.8806633 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212881 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072589 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4290779 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.20978E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43176E-01  0.12561E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72843E+00  0.22783E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  41376.2359     24.4388     16.4453
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15380E+01  0.36452E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  41376.4600     24.6629      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  41376.4612     24.6641      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  41376.5037     24.7066      0.0425
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080821 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  41376.5069     24.7098      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  41376.5071     24.7100      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -191742646043220.59 343885246858642.19
+ def in m -7.9904985427856445 0.72416937351226807
+ dimensionless def  -1.85030255998883914E-6 2.28299958365304125E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0179803  0.2279567
+                  Compute divergence  41376.7056     24.9085      0.1986
+                        wsmp_cleanup  41376.7485     24.9515      0.0429
+              Reset surface geometry  41376.7542     24.9571      0.0057
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   41376.7622     24.9652      0.0080
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  41376.7761     24.9791      0.0139
+                   Advect surface  1  41376.7763     24.9792      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  41376.9750     25.1779      0.1987
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  41377.1833     25.3862      0.2083
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  41377.4384     25.6413      0.2551
+                    Advect the cloud  41377.5985     25.8014      0.1601
+                        Write output  41378.4589     26.6618      0.8604
+                    End of time step  41379.4241     27.6271      0.9653
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     256  41379.4243
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  41379.4243      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  41379.4244      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    16998points
+                      refine surface  41379.4244      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  41379.4517      0.0274      0.0273
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  41379.4745      0.0502      0.0228
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  41379.5004      0.0761      0.0259
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    16999points
+                          surface 02  41379.5194      0.0951      0.0189
+                                                                        S. 2:    16992points
+                      refine surface  41379.5195      0.0952      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  41379.5464      0.1221      0.0269
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  41379.5696      0.1453      0.0232
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  41379.5954      0.1711      0.0258
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16993points
+                          surface 03  41379.6140      0.1898      0.0187
+                                                                        S. 3:    16994points
+                      refine surface  41379.6142      0.1899      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  41379.6399      0.2156      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  41379.6642      0.2399      0.0243
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  41379.6891      0.2648      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16995points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  41379.7154
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  41379.7156      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  41379.7317      0.0163      0.0161
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  41379.7533      0.0379      0.0216
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  41379.7541      0.0387      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  41379.7685      0.0531      0.0145
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  41379.8919      0.1765      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  41380.0818      0.3664      0.1899
+                embedding surface  1  41380.0820      0.3666      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  41382.0663      2.3509      1.9843
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  41384.1845      4.4691      2.1182
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  41387.7300      8.0146      3.5455
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  41387.7353      8.0199      0.0053
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  41388.1863      8.4709      0.4510
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  41388.3266      8.6112      0.1403
+                           Find void  41388.5973      8.8819      0.2707
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  41388.6262      8.9108      0.0289
+                         wsmp setup1  41388.6339      8.9185      0.0077
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  41389.6473      9.9319      1.0134
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  41389.6967
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  41389.6969      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38934E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  41397.6977      8.0010      8.0008
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0542419 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1592641 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7193079 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3860979 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14471.3039714 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211481 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072651 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4477091 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10228E+01  0.18523E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94695E-01  0.11196E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76189E+00  0.24692E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  41414.1605     24.4638     16.4628
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35077E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  41414.3855     24.6888      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  41414.3866     24.6899      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  41414.4294     24.7327      0.0428
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5894997 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  41414.4346
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  41414.4391      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.77319E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  41422.3818      7.9472      7.9427
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0528228 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1615760 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7215929 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4630651 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14374.1383091 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072451 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5278220 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10151E+01  0.13797E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48874E-01  0.10198E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76737E+00  0.22677E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  41438.9249     24.4903     16.5431
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12366E+01  0.18093E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  41439.1509     24.7164      0.2260
+                do leaf measurements  41439.1520     24.7175      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  41439.1949     24.7603      0.0429
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0714223 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  41439.2000
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  41439.2046      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  41447.2025      8.0025      7.9980
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0516269 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1458740 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7209499 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3773160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14482.4740653 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210639 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071769 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4243832 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.15573E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37326E-01  0.11829E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74690E+00  0.23175E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  41463.6425     24.4425     16.4400
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13736E+01  0.31397E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  41463.8678     24.6678      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements  41463.8689     24.6689      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  41463.9121     24.7120      0.0432
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361094 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  41463.9173
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  41463.9219      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  41471.9175      8.0002      7.9956
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0555928 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1352549 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7177479 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4049909 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14447.3314493 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1207891 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072620 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4420190 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.17638E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37842E-01  0.12302E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73758E+00  0.22930E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  41488.3749     24.4576     16.4574
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14725E+01  0.35956E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  41488.5996     24.6823      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  41488.6008     24.6835      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  41488.6436     24.7263      0.0429
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158456 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  41488.6488
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  41488.6534      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  41496.5896      7.9408      7.9362
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0524211 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1681659 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7251129 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4086180 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14442.7383107 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1218262 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072608 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4837751 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.19411E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40709E-01  0.12552E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73284E+00  0.22837E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  41513.0889     24.4401     16.4993
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15163E+01  0.36725E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  41513.3166     24.6678      0.2278
+                do leaf measurements  41513.3178     24.6690      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  41513.3606     24.7118      0.0429
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107378 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  41513.3658
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  41513.3703      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  41521.3479      7.9822      7.9776
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0503719 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1439650 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7193010 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3871739 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14469.9365665 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072601 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4297881 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.20972E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43103E-01  0.12555E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72825E+00  0.22779E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  41537.7935     24.4278     16.4456
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15379E+01  0.36400E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  41538.0179     24.6522      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  41538.0191     24.6533      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  41538.0621     24.6963      0.0430
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080872 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  41538.0649     24.6992      0.0029
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  41538.0651     24.6993      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -192157569301988.56 344788053620504.13
+ def in m -7.9960851669311523 0.71749919652938843
+ dimensionless def  -1.84308528900146482E-6 2.28459576198032913E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0179119  0.2281231
+                  Compute divergence  41538.2714     24.9057      0.2063
+                        wsmp_cleanup  41538.3080     24.9422      0.0366
+              Reset surface geometry  41538.3132     24.9474      0.0052
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   41538.3218     24.9560      0.0086
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  41538.3390     24.9732      0.0172
+                   Advect surface  1  41538.3391     24.9734      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  41538.5376     25.1719      0.1985
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  41538.7370     25.3712      0.1994
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  41538.9824     25.6167      0.2454
+                    Advect the cloud  41539.1447     25.7789      0.1622
+                        Write output  41540.0038     26.6380      0.8591
+                    End of time step  41540.8875     27.5217      0.8837
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     257  41540.8876
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  41540.8877      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  41540.8877      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    16999points
+                      refine surface  41540.8878      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  41540.9151      0.0274      0.0273
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  41540.9380      0.0504      0.0229
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  41540.9638      0.0762      0.0258
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17000points
+                          surface 02  41540.9826      0.0950      0.0188
+                                                                        S. 2:    16993points
+                      refine surface  41540.9827      0.0951      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  41541.0096      0.1220      0.0269
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  41541.0368      0.1492      0.0272
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  41541.0627      0.1750      0.0258
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16994points
+                          surface 03  41541.0814      0.1938      0.0188
+                                                                        S. 3:    16995points
+                      refine surface  41541.0816      0.1940      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  41541.1071      0.2195      0.0255
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16995points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  41541.1322
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  41541.1324      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  41541.1485      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  41541.1698      0.0376      0.0213
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  41541.1706      0.0384      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  41541.1849      0.0527      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  41541.3082      0.1761      0.1233
+             Imbed surface in osolve  41541.5000      0.3678      0.1918
+                embedding surface  1  41541.5002      0.3680      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  41543.4879      2.3557      1.9878
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  41545.5958      4.4636      2.1079
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  41549.1331      8.0009      3.5373
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  41549.1383      8.0062      0.0053
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  41549.5949      8.4627      0.4566
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  41549.7260      8.5938      0.1311
+                           Find void  41549.9984      8.8662      0.2724
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  41550.0274      8.8952      0.0290
+                         wsmp setup1  41550.0350      8.9028      0.0076
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  41551.0500      9.9178      1.0150
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  41551.0992
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  41551.0993      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  41559.0832      7.9840      7.9838
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0580871 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1638219 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7146399 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3860419 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14471.3751817 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1208661 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073760 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4512582 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10150E+01  0.18524E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95199E-01  0.11161E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76211E+00  0.24773E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  41575.5497     24.4505     16.4665
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35077E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  41575.7738     24.6746      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  41575.7749     24.6757      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  41575.8183     24.7191      0.0434
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5894153 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  41575.8238
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  41575.8287      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.76867E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  41583.7689      7.9450      7.9402
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0522590 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1579490 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7124259 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4633179 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14373.8214126 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212249 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072682 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5148571 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.13790E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48566E-01  0.10188E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76756E+00  0.22776E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  41600.2993     24.4755     16.5305
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12361E+01  0.17996E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  41600.5246     24.7008      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements  41600.5257     24.7019      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  41600.5691     24.7453      0.0434
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0713998 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  41600.5746
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  41600.5794      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  41608.5643      7.9897      7.9848
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0548549 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1498711 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7166431 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3793709 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14479.8587655 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211159 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073819 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4296610 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.15573E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37126E-01  0.11840E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74673E+00  0.23236E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  41625.0100     24.4354     16.4458
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13736E+01  0.31386E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  41625.2341     24.6594      0.2240
+                do leaf measurements  41625.2352     24.6606      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  41625.2789     24.7043      0.0437
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361311 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  41625.2844
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  41625.2893      0.0049      0.0049
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  41633.3055      8.0210      8.0162
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0533030 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1459970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7163341 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3935039 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14461.8973459 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210048 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073061 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4378409 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.17637E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37609E-01  0.12302E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73745E+00  0.22957E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  41649.7590     24.4745     16.4535
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14723E+01  0.35930E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  41649.9832     24.6988      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  41649.9843     24.6999      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  41650.0276     24.7432      0.0433
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0157825 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  41650.0331
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  41650.0378      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  41657.9753      7.9423      7.9375
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0512068 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1699140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7221520 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4249630 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14422.0759325 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1223309 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073690 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4983389 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.19414E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40537E-01  0.12552E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73274E+00  0.22850E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  41674.4892     24.4562     16.5139
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15160E+01  0.36681E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  41674.7169     24.6839      0.2277
+                do leaf measurements  41674.7180     24.6850      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  41674.7613     24.7282      0.0432
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107234 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  41674.7668
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  41674.7716      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  41682.7627      7.9959      7.9911
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0540400 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1450481 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7160439 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3792820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14479.9719269 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073581 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4231231 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.20972E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42990E-01  0.12556E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72821E+00  0.22795E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  41699.2016     24.4348     16.4389
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15376E+01  0.36360E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  41699.4263     24.6595      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  41699.4274     24.6606      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  41699.4709     24.7041      0.0435
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080801 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  41699.4740     24.7072      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  41699.4742     24.7074      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -192559841577036.56 345693486321347.63
+ def in m -8.0017070770263672 0.71120715141296387
+ dimensionless def  -1.84537138257707878E-6 2.28620202200753316E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0179403  0.2282931
+                  Compute divergence  41699.6816     24.9148      0.2074
+                        wsmp_cleanup  41699.7182     24.9515      0.0366
+              Reset surface geometry  41699.7233     24.9565      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   41699.7318     24.9651      0.0085
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  41699.7492     24.9824      0.0173
+                   Advect surface  1  41699.7493     24.9825      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  41699.9430     25.1762      0.1937
+                                                                        S. 2:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  41700.1406     25.3739      0.1976
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  41700.3954     25.6286      0.2547
+                    Advect the cloud  41700.5571     25.7903      0.1618
+                        Write output  41701.4231     26.6563      0.8659
+                    End of time step  41702.3165     27.5497      0.8934
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     258  41702.3166
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  41702.3167      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  41702.3167      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17000points
+                      refine surface  41702.3168      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  41702.3434      0.0267      0.0266
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17000points
+                          surface 02  41702.3613      0.0447      0.0180
+                                                                        S. 2:    16994points
+                      refine surface  41702.3615      0.0449      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  41702.3871      0.0705      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16994points
+                          surface 03  41702.4058      0.0892      0.0187
+                                                                        S. 3:    16995points
+                      refine surface  41702.4059      0.0893      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  41702.4329      0.1163      0.0270
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  41702.4560      0.1393      0.0230
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  41702.4816      0.1650      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16996points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  41702.5073
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  41702.5076      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  41702.5236      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  41702.5451      0.0378      0.0215
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  41702.5459      0.0386      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  41702.5602      0.0529      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  41702.6835      0.1762      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  41702.8739      0.3666      0.1903
+                embedding surface  1  41702.8740      0.3667      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  41704.8531      2.3458      1.9791
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  41706.9553      4.4480      2.1022
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  41710.5237      8.0164      3.5684
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  41710.5289      8.0216      0.0052
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  41711.0093      8.5020      0.4804
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  41711.0920      8.5846      0.0826
+                           Find void  41711.3603      8.8529      0.2683
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  41711.3890      8.8817      0.0288
+                         wsmp setup1  41711.3968      8.8895      0.0078
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  41712.4122      9.9048      1.0154
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  41712.4615
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  41712.4617      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  41720.4305      7.9689      7.9687
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0554938 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1525841 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7176070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3866410 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14470.6137223 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213462 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071669 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4412260 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10150E+01  0.18488E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94824E-01  0.11146E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76206E+00  0.24894E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  41736.8869     24.4254     16.4565
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35107E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  41737.1121     24.6505      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  41737.1132     24.6517      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  41737.1556     24.6941      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5884757 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  41737.1611
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  41737.1659      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.76306E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  41745.1091      7.9480      7.9432
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0553811 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1400959 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7183869 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4620881 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14375.3635744 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215010 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069270 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5047681 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10150E+01  0.13755E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48582E-01  0.10206E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76736E+00  0.22838E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  41761.6294     24.4683     16.5203
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12362E+01  0.18336E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  41761.8548     24.6937      0.2255
+                do leaf measurements  41761.8560     24.6949      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  41761.8980     24.7369      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0709793 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  41761.9034
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  41761.9082      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  41769.8792      7.9758      7.9710
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0502028 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1437440 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7175319 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3756680 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14484.5720856 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214061 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070891 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4160411 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.15540E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37172E-01  0.11829E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74687E+00  0.23232E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  41786.3109     24.4075     16.4317
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13727E+01  0.31327E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  41786.5373     24.6339      0.2264
+                do leaf measurements  41786.5384     24.6350      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  41786.5803     24.6769      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360665 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  41786.5857
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  41786.5905      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  41794.6096      8.0239      8.0191
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0518429 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1502380 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7211859 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3773379 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14482.4461444 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212721 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069940 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4292481 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.17609E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37723E-01  0.12300E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73748E+00  0.22955E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  41811.0544     24.4687     16.4449
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14713E+01  0.35868E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  41811.2794     24.6937      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  41811.2805     24.6948      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  41811.3224     24.7367      0.0419
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158130 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  41811.3277
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  41811.3324      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  41819.2712      7.9435      7.9388
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0523698 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1573720 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7235901 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4426191 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14399.8225097 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1218522 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071890 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5053940 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.19382E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40644E-01  0.12545E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73273E+00  0.22842E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  41835.7924     24.4647     16.5211
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15149E+01  0.36620E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  41836.0184     24.6907      0.2261
+                do leaf measurements  41836.0195     24.6918      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  41836.0615     24.7338      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107420 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  41836.0669
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  41836.0717      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  41844.0752      8.0083      8.0035
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0535102 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1591299 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7202089 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3808331 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14477.9983784 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071709 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4424658 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10166E+01  0.20943E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43052E-01  0.12556E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72817E+00  0.22784E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  41860.5333     24.4663     16.4581
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15367E+01  0.36329E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  41860.7577     24.6908      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  41860.7588     24.6919      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  41860.8010     24.7340      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080838 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  41860.8041     24.7371      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  41860.8042     24.7373      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -192955787907013.78 346599316945179.44
+ def in m -8.0082740783691406 0.70509469509124756
+ dimensionless def  -1.8517911434173585E-6 2.28807830810546898E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0180125  0.2284921
+                  Compute divergence  41861.0069     24.9400      0.2026
+                        wsmp_cleanup  41861.0464     24.9795      0.0395
+              Reset surface geometry  41861.0509     24.9840      0.0045
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   41861.0597     24.9928      0.0088
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  41861.0759     25.0090      0.0162
+                   Advect surface  1  41861.0760     25.0091      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  41861.2686     25.2017      0.1925
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  41861.4630     25.3960      0.1944
+                                                                        S. 3:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  41861.7155     25.6486      0.2526
+                    Advect the cloud  41861.8773     25.8104      0.1617
+                        Write output  41862.7427     26.6758      0.8654
+                    End of time step  41863.6276     27.5607      0.8850
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     259  41863.6278
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  41863.6278      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  41863.6279      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17000points
+                      refine surface  41863.6279      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  41863.6552      0.0275      0.0273
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  41863.6779      0.0501      0.0226
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  41863.7027      0.0749      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17001points
+                          surface 02  41863.7224      0.0946      0.0197
+                                                                        S. 2:    16994points
+                      refine surface  41863.7225      0.0948      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  41863.7474      0.1197      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16994points
+                          surface 03  41863.7671      0.1393      0.0197
+                                                                        S. 3:    16996points
+                      refine surface  41863.7672      0.1395      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  41863.7932      0.1655      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  41863.8169      0.1891      0.0236
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  41863.8418      0.2141      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16997points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  41863.8680
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  41863.8683      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  41863.8843      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  41863.9059      0.0378      0.0216
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  41863.9066      0.0386      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  41863.9209      0.0529      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  41864.0444      0.1764      0.1235
+             Imbed surface in osolve  41864.2339      0.3659      0.1894
+                embedding surface  1  41864.2340      0.3660      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  41866.2159      2.3479      1.9819
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  41868.3192      4.4512      2.1033
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  41871.8832      8.0151      3.5640
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  41871.8886      8.0206      0.0055
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  41872.3957      8.5277      0.5071
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  41872.4604      8.5924      0.0647
+                           Find void  41872.7295      8.8615      0.2691
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  41872.7587      8.8907      0.0292
+                         wsmp setup1  41872.7671      8.8991      0.0084
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  41873.7826      9.9146      1.0155
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  41873.8319
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  41873.8320      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  41881.7890      7.9571      7.9570
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0570569 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1439481 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7173440 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3775530 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14482.1724035 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1209350 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072401 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4244359 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10151E+01  0.18510E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94236E-01  0.11139E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76190E+00  0.24676E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  41898.2290     24.3971     16.4400
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35077E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  41898.4537     24.6218      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  41898.4548     24.6229      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  41898.4975     24.6657      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5896685 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  41898.5030
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  41898.5078      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.77861E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  41906.4464      7.9434      7.9386
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0527480 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1438329 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7170069 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4447649 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14397.1227018 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071421 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4873068 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10150E+01  0.13776E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48874E-01  0.10210E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76731E+00  0.22649E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  41922.9490     24.4460     16.5026
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12357E+01  0.17950E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  41923.1743     24.6712      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  41923.1754     24.6724      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  41923.2177     24.7147      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0715786 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  41923.2231
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  41923.2278      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  41931.1850      7.9619      7.9571
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0507531 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1585751 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7147639 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3719280 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14489.3358641 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1219540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071800 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4255390 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.15556E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37398E-01  0.11835E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74674E+00  0.23155E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  41947.6255     24.4024     16.4406
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13726E+01  0.31309E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  41947.8529     24.6299      0.2274
+                do leaf measurements  41947.8540     24.6310      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  41947.8964     24.6733      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362300 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  41947.9018
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  41947.9066      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  41955.9299      8.0281      8.0233
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0546272 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1496060 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7178061 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3864741 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14470.8258199 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212771 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071230 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4372771 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.17621E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37848E-01  0.12303E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73745E+00  0.22910E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  41972.3827     24.4809     16.4528
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14715E+01  0.35874E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  41972.6077     24.7059      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  41972.6088     24.7070      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  41972.6512     24.7494      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158245 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  41972.6565
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  41972.6613      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  41980.6014      7.9448      7.9400
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0545359 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1809051 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7189472 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4533641 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14386.3132220 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210999 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072072 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5364289 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.19393E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40745E-01  0.12543E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73271E+00  0.22812E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  41997.1535     24.4969     16.5521
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15153E+01  0.36639E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  41997.3795     24.7229      0.2260
+                do leaf measurements  41997.3806     24.7240      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  41997.4230     24.7664      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107555 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  41997.4282
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  41997.4330      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  42005.4397      8.0114      8.0067
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0518548 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1443832 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7203619 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3784599 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14481.0180712 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210179 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072370 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4236839 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.20952E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43125E-01  0.12553E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72817E+00  0.22767E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  42021.8786     24.4503     16.4389
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15370E+01  0.36334E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  42022.1028     24.6746      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements  42022.1040     24.6757      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  42022.1467     24.7184      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080684 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  42022.1498     24.7216      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  42022.1500     24.7218      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -193332231122804.34 347510452254714.5
+ def in m -8.0117282867431641 0.70004582405090332
+ dimensionless def  -1.85872656958443772E-6 2.28906522478376116E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0180930  0.2286029
+                  Compute divergence  42022.3488     24.9205      0.1987
+                        wsmp_cleanup  42022.3911     24.9629      0.0424
+              Reset surface geometry  42022.3969     24.9687      0.0058
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   42022.4051     24.9768      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  42022.4189     24.9907      0.0138
+                   Advect surface  1  42022.4190     24.9908      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  42022.6269     25.1986      0.2078
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  42022.8254     25.3972      0.1985
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  42023.0892     25.6610      0.2638
+                    Advect the cloud  42023.2489     25.8206      0.1596
+                        Write output  42024.1140     26.6858      0.8652
+                    End of time step  42025.0027     27.5745      0.8887
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     260  42025.0028
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  42025.0029      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  42025.0029      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17000points
+                      refine surface  42025.0030      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  42025.0300      0.0271      0.0270
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  42025.0524      0.0496      0.0225
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  42025.0779      0.0751      0.0255
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17001points
+                          surface 02  42025.0959      0.0931      0.0180
+                                                                        S. 2:    16994points
+                      refine surface  42025.0961      0.0932      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  42025.1212      0.1184      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16994points
+                          surface 03  42025.1395      0.1366      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 3:    16996points
+                      refine surface  42025.1396      0.1368      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  42025.1651      0.1623      0.0255
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16996points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  42025.1901
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  42025.1904      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  42025.2064      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  42025.2277      0.0376      0.0213
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  42025.2285      0.0384      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  42025.2428      0.0527      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  42025.3661      0.1760      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  42025.5569      0.3667      0.1907
+                embedding surface  1  42025.5570      0.3669      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  42027.5413      2.3512      1.9843
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  42029.6630      4.4729      2.1217
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  42033.2408      8.0507      3.5778
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  42033.2459      8.0558      0.0051
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  42033.7506      8.5605      0.5047
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  42033.8215      8.6314      0.0709
+                           Find void  42034.0900      8.8999      0.2685
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  42034.1190      8.9289      0.0290
+                         wsmp setup1  42034.1273      8.9371      0.0082
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  42035.1456      9.9555      1.0183
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  42035.1944
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  42035.1947      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  42043.1587      7.9643      7.9640
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0548880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1433179 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7196860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3798819 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14479.2086525 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215179 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072432 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4269831 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10252E+01  0.18488E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94387E-01  0.11107E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76198E+00  0.24749E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  42059.6010     24.4066     16.4424
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35086E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  42059.8263     24.6319      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements  42059.8275     24.6330      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  42059.8705     24.6761      0.0430
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5889377 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  42059.8757
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  42059.8803      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.77731E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  42067.8325      7.9568      7.9523
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0529139 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1401641 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7196131 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4409409 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14401.9347653 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213870 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071280 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4825058 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10151E+01  0.13763E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48927E-01  0.10224E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76738E+00  0.22721E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  42084.3299     24.4542     16.4974
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12358E+01  0.17944E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  42084.5556     24.6799      0.2257
+                do leaf measurements  42084.5568     24.6810      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  42084.5995     24.7238      0.0428
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0712360 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  42084.6047
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  42084.6092      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  42092.5504      7.9457      7.9412
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0523911 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1443038 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7245162 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3806121 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14478.2795443 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215899 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071821 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4309630 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.15549E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37449E-01  0.11832E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74685E+00  0.23177E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  42108.9962     24.3916     16.4458
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13728E+01  0.31347E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  42109.2230     24.6184      0.2268
+                do leaf measurements  42109.2242     24.6195      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  42109.2668     24.6622      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361436 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  42109.2720
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  42109.2765      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  42117.2894      8.0174      8.0128
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0552900 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1586771 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7175679 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3860722 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14471.3366977 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212819 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072212 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4464760 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.17614E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37875E-01  0.12303E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73750E+00  0.22920E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  42133.7509     24.4789     16.4616
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14716E+01  0.35873E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  42133.9762     24.7041      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  42133.9773     24.7053      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  42134.0199     24.7479      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158050 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  42134.0251
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  42134.0296      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  42141.9700      7.9449      7.9404
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0532751 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1695900 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7188060 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4656479 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14370.9003448 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211801 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071352 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5359941 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.19390E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40741E-01  0.12555E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73274E+00  0.22820E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  42158.5212     24.4961     16.5512
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15152E+01  0.36622E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  42158.7471     24.7220      0.2258
+                do leaf measurements  42158.7482     24.7231      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  42158.7907     24.7656      0.0425
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107170 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  42158.7959
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  42158.8004      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  42166.8012      8.0053      8.0008
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0530491 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1455140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7165871 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3837011 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14474.3508837 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214750 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072029 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4278979 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.20952E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43139E-01  0.12558E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72818E+00  0.22767E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  42183.2441     24.4483     16.4430
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15369E+01  0.36308E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  42183.4701     24.6742      0.2260
+                do leaf measurements  42183.4712     24.6753      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  42183.5141     24.7182      0.0429
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080708 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  42183.5170     24.7211      0.0029
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  42183.5172     24.7213      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -193694258726877.5 348427796910872.75
+ def in m -8.0097732543945312 0.69877403974533081
+ dimensionless def  -1.85106277465820306E-6 2.28850664411272296E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0180215  0.2285526
+                  Compute divergence  42183.7175     24.9216      0.2003
+                        wsmp_cleanup  42183.7559     24.9600      0.0384
+              Reset surface geometry  42183.7610     24.9651      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   42183.7695     24.9736      0.0086
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  42183.7859     24.9900      0.0164
+                   Advect surface  1  42183.7861     24.9902      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  42183.9853     25.1894      0.1992
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  42184.1797     25.3839      0.1945
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  42184.4314     25.6356      0.2517
+                    Advect the cloud  42184.5911     25.7952      0.1597
+                        Write output  42185.4520     26.6562      0.8609
+                    End of time step  42186.3310     27.5351      0.8789
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     261  42186.3311
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  42186.3312      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  42186.3312      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17001points
+                      refine surface  42186.3313      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  42186.3574      0.0263      0.0261
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17001points
+                          surface 02  42186.3758      0.0447      0.0184
+                                                                        S. 2:    16994points
+                      refine surface  42186.3760      0.0448      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  42186.4018      0.0707      0.0259
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16994points
+                          surface 03  42186.4202      0.0891      0.0184
+                                                                        S. 3:    16996points
+                      refine surface  42186.4204      0.0893      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  42186.4460      0.1149      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16996points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  42186.4710
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  42186.4713      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  42186.4872      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  42186.5088      0.0378      0.0217
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  42186.5096      0.0386      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  42186.5238      0.0528      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  42186.6459      0.1749      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  42186.8335      0.3626      0.1876
+                embedding surface  1  42186.8337      0.3627      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  42188.7786      2.3076      1.9449
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  42190.8605      4.3895      2.0820
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  42194.3771      7.9061      3.5166
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  42194.3820      7.9110      0.0049
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  42194.8658      8.3948      0.4838
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  42195.0191      8.5481      0.1533
+                           Find void  42195.2901      8.8191      0.2710
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  42195.3191      8.8481      0.0289
+                         wsmp setup1  42195.3267      8.8557      0.0076
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  42196.3406      9.8696      1.0139
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  42196.3898
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  42196.3900      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  42204.3662      7.9763      7.9761
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0554671 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1500010 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7176130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3831570 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14475.0427021 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073349 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4353502 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10151E+01  0.18421E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94561E-01  0.11145E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76195E+00  0.24780E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  42220.8168     24.4269     16.4506
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35098E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  42221.0412     24.6513      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  42221.0423     24.6525      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  42221.0846     24.6948      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5887406 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  42221.0902
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  42221.0950      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.76907E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  42229.0636      7.9734      7.9686
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0546920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1515450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7193689 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4213328 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14426.6598512 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213939 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072551 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4759550 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.13705E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48749E-01  0.10210E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76730E+00  0.22735E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  42245.5550     24.4649     16.4915
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12352E+01  0.17988E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  42245.7809     24.6908      0.2259
+                do leaf measurements  42245.7821     24.6919      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  42245.8241     24.7340      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0710399 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  42245.8296
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  42245.8343      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  42253.7707      7.9411      7.9363
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0543709 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1387610 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7269189 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3767161 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14483.2376840 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1219220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072439 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4262979 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.15506E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37367E-01  0.11829E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74656E+00  0.23171E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  42270.2120     24.3824     16.4413
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13719E+01  0.31268E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  42270.4398     24.6103      0.2279
+                do leaf measurements  42270.4409     24.6114      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  42270.4829     24.6533      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360515 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  42270.4884
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  42270.4931      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  42278.4901      8.0018      7.9970
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0548100 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1555319 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7173419 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3962660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14458.3922587 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212668 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072732 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4528711 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.17589E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37932E-01  0.12293E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73727E+00  0.22918E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  42294.9580     24.4697     16.4679
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14707E+01  0.35782E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  42295.1834     24.6950      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements  42295.1845     24.6961      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  42295.2403     24.7519      0.0558
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158674 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  42295.2458
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  42295.2505      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  42303.1876      7.9418      7.9371
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0514321 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1624548 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7204950 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4648609 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14371.8868533 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214609 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0075190 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5286140 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.19371E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40809E-01  0.12545E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73257E+00  0.22821E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  42319.7313     24.4855     16.5437
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15144E+01  0.36556E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  42319.9573     24.7115      0.2260
+                do leaf measurements  42319.9584     24.7126      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  42320.0004     24.7546      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107303 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  42320.0059
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  42320.0106      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  42328.0000      7.9942      7.9894
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0521119 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1594448 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7186902 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3811660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14477.5749818 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210222 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073352 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4401760 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.20934E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43209E-01  0.12544E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72806E+00  0.22765E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  42344.4551     24.4492     16.4551
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15359E+01  0.36229E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  42344.6803     24.6744      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  42344.6814     24.6755      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  42344.7238     24.7180      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080742 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  42344.7270     24.7211      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  42344.7271     24.7213      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -194054805142077.41 349339092941476.38
+ def in m -8.0101108551025391 0.69484043121337891
+ dimensionless def  -1.84679661478315083E-6 2.28860310145786827E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0179864  0.2285706
+                  Compute divergence  42344.9277     24.9219      0.2006
+                        wsmp_cleanup  42344.9656     24.9597      0.0379
+              Reset surface geometry  42344.9705     24.9647      0.0049
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   42344.9791     24.9732      0.0086
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  42344.9957     24.9898      0.0166
+                   Advect surface  1  42344.9958     24.9900      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  42345.1904     25.1845      0.1945
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  42345.3973     25.3915      0.2070
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  42345.6515     25.6457      0.2542
+                    Advect the cloud  42345.8124     25.8065      0.1609
+                        Write output  42346.6821     26.6762      0.8697
+                    End of time step  42347.5604     27.5546      0.8784
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     262  42347.5606
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  42347.5607      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  42347.5607      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17001points
+                      refine surface  42347.5607      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  42347.5867      0.0261      0.0259
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17001points
+                          surface 02  42347.6049      0.0443      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 2:    16993points
+                      refine surface  42347.6051      0.0445      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  42347.6323      0.0717      0.0273
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  42347.6595      0.0989      0.0271
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  42347.6851      0.1245      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16995points
+                          surface 03  42347.7038      0.1432      0.0187
+                                                                        S. 3:    16996points
+                      refine surface  42347.7040      0.1434      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  42347.7313      0.1707      0.0273
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  42347.7538      0.1932      0.0225
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  42347.7794      0.2188      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16998points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  42347.8048
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  42347.8050      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  42347.8209      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  42347.8426      0.0378      0.0217
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  42347.8434      0.0386      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  42347.8575      0.0527      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  42347.9797      0.1749      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  42348.1661      0.3614      0.1865
+                embedding surface  1  42348.1663      0.3615      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  42350.1426      2.3379      1.9764
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  42352.2475      4.4428      2.1049
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  42355.7717      7.9670      3.5242
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  42355.7767      7.9720      0.0050
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  42356.2419      8.4372      0.4652
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  42356.3476      8.5428      0.1056
+                           Find void  42356.6211      8.8163      0.2735
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  42356.6502      8.8454      0.0291
+                         wsmp setup1  42356.6576      8.8528      0.0074
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  42357.6705      9.8657      1.0129
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  42357.7196
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  42357.7198      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  42365.7128      7.9932      7.9931
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0563450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1439440 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7197869 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3874829 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14469.5439360 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071530 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4362590 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10500E+01  0.18518E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95005E-01  0.11115E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76188E+00  0.24638E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  42382.1649     24.4453     16.4521
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35074E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  42382.3893     24.6697      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  42382.3904     24.6708      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  42382.4333     24.7137      0.0429
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5891498 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  42382.4386
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  42382.4431      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.76496E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  42390.4259      7.9873      7.9827
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0503430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1472180 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7182500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4012730 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14452.0426534 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071981 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4458339 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.13784E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48933E-01  0.10208E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76737E+00  0.22632E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  42406.8872     24.4486     16.4613
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12359E+01  0.18033E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  42407.1117     24.6731      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  42407.1128     24.6742      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  42407.1552     24.7166      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0713196 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  42407.1601
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  42407.1645      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  42415.1055      7.9455      7.9410
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0531170 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1893010 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7212062 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3876309 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14469.3558081 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1221161 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072081 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4809279 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.15560E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37489E-01  0.11849E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74693E+00  0.23143E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  42431.6020     24.4419     16.4965
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13727E+01  0.31367E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  42431.8297     24.6696      0.2277
+                do leaf measurements  42431.8307     24.6707      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  42431.8732     24.7132      0.0425
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361334 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  42431.8784
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  42431.8830      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  42439.8709      7.9925      7.9879
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0559080 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1661949 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7110651 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3934240 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14461.9987268 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215639 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071290 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4556608 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.17618E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37972E-01  0.12313E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73762E+00  0.22912E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  42456.3422     24.4637     16.4713
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14715E+01  0.35905E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  42456.5670     24.6886      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  42456.5681     24.6897      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  42456.6110     24.7326      0.0429
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158041 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  42456.6162
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  42456.6208      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  42464.5594      7.9432      7.9386
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0550740 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1552730 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7172780 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4653811 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14371.2347443 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214578 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072198 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5220621 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.19388E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40801E-01  0.12562E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73289E+00  0.22816E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  42481.0969     24.4807     16.5375
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15154E+01  0.36690E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  42481.3226     24.7064      0.2257
+                do leaf measurements  42481.3237     24.7075      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  42481.3663     24.7500      0.0425
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107383 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  42481.3715
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  42481.3760      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  42489.3560      7.9845      7.9800
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0546839 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1481059 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7161720 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3848360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14472.9080398 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215119 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071259 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4328201 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.20949E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43177E-01  0.12566E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72833E+00  0.22760E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  42505.8040     24.4326     16.4481
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15372E+01  0.36370E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  42506.0294     24.6579      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements  42506.0305     24.6590      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  42506.0729     24.7014      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080797 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  42506.0757     24.7043      0.0029
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  42506.0759     24.7045      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -194410695124626.09 350248309306795.19
+ def in m -8.0095186233520508 0.69142448902130127
+ dimensionless def  -1.84300763266427174E-6 2.28843389238630006E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0179550  0.2285438
+                  Compute divergence  42506.2909     24.9195      0.2150
+                        wsmp_cleanup  42506.3271     24.9557      0.0362
+              Reset surface geometry  42506.3323     24.9608      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   42506.3409     24.9694      0.0086
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  42506.3580     24.9866      0.0172
+                   Advect surface  1  42506.3582     24.9867      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  42506.5552     25.1837      0.1970
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  42506.7517     25.3803      0.1965
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  42507.0077     25.6363      0.2560
+                    Advect the cloud  42507.1685     25.7970      0.1608
+                        Write output  42508.0418     26.6704      0.8733
+                    End of time step  42531.8599     50.4884     23.8181
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     263  42531.8600
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  42531.8601      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  42531.8601      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17001points
+                      refine surface  42531.8602      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  42531.8862      0.0262      0.0261
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17001points
+                          surface 02  42531.9047      0.0447      0.0185
+                                                                        S. 2:    16995points
+                      refine surface  42531.9049      0.0448      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  42531.9316      0.0716      0.0267
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  42531.9543      0.0942      0.0227
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  42531.9804      0.1204      0.0262
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16996points
+                          surface 03  42531.9989      0.1388      0.0184
+                                                                        S. 3:    16998points
+                      refine surface  42531.9990      0.1390      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  42532.0248      0.1648      0.0258
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16998points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  42532.0500
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  42532.0503      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  42532.0662      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  42532.0879      0.0379      0.0217
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  42532.0887      0.0387      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  42532.1028      0.0528      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  42532.2250      0.1750      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  42532.4139      0.3639      0.1889
+                embedding surface  1  42532.4141      0.3641      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  42534.3938      2.3438      1.9797
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  42536.5246      4.4745      2.1307
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  42540.1294      8.0794      3.6048
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  42540.1347      8.0847      0.0053
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  42540.6160      8.5659      0.4812
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  42540.6788      8.6288      0.0628
+                           Find void  42540.9523      8.9023      0.2735
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  42540.9823      8.9323      0.0300
+                         wsmp setup1  42540.9903      8.9403      0.0080
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  42542.0148      9.9647      1.0245
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  42542.0632
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  42542.0633      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38934E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  42550.0021      7.9389      7.9388
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0525749 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1513710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7184830 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4216180 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14426.2996797 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1221540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072730 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4738328 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10329E+01  0.18530E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95203E-01  0.11182E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76218E+00  0.24821E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  42566.4912     24.4280     16.4890
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35088E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  42566.7160     24.6529      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  42566.7171     24.6540      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  42566.7602     24.6970      0.0431
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5892464 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  42566.7655
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  42566.7702      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.74885E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  42574.7114      7.9459      7.9412
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0509970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1562910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7261219 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3888171 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14467.8488411 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1219618 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072360 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4517951 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.13792E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48596E-01  0.10177E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76758E+00  0.22765E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  42591.1781     24.4126     16.4667
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12363E+01  0.18066E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  42591.4067     24.6412      0.2286
+                do leaf measurements  42591.4078     24.6423      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  42591.4510     24.6855      0.0432
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0711449 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  42591.4564
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  42591.4611      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  42599.4522      7.9958      7.9911
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0514739 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1501522 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7148621 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3971851 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14457.2262900 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1218741 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072582 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4431849 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.15560E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37153E-01  0.11818E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74712E+00  0.23208E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  42615.9108     24.4544     16.4586
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13730E+01  0.31392E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  42616.1350     24.6786      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  42616.1361     24.6797      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  42616.1796     24.7232      0.0435
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361517 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  42616.1850
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  42616.1899      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  42624.1269      7.9419      7.9371
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0556710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1656690 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7182679 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4669409 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14369.2799677 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072479 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5354779 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.17621E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37797E-01  0.12291E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73775E+00  0.22937E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  42640.6777     24.4927     16.5508
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14720E+01  0.35967E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  42640.9030     24.7180      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements  42640.9041     24.7191      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  42640.9472     24.7622      0.0431
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0157646 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  42640.9525
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  42640.9571      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  42648.9384      7.9859      7.9813
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0555761 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1537652 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7162092 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3778529 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14481.7906402 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213071 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072401 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4323261 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.19392E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40702E-01  0.12543E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73300E+00  0.22830E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  42665.3862     24.4338     16.4478
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15158E+01  0.36726E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  42665.6107     24.6582      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  42665.6118     24.6593      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  42665.6563     24.7038      0.0445
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107170 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  42665.6618
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  42665.6665      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  42673.6813      8.0195      8.0148
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0510800 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1561060 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7194340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4008980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14452.5180532 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214240 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072579 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4565670 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.20953E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43122E-01  0.12547E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72843E+00  0.22780E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  42690.1528     24.4910     16.4715
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15373E+01  0.36400E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  42690.3791     24.7173      0.2263
+                do leaf measurements  42690.3802     24.7184      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  42690.4234     24.7616      0.0432
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080800 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  42690.4265     24.7648      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  42690.4267     24.7649      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -194756383108835.31 351158436696595.38
+ def in m -8.0067043304443359 0.6890525221824646
+ dimensionless def  -1.82753443717956543E-6 2.28762980869838168E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0178038  0.2284477
+                  Compute divergence  42690.6369     24.9752      0.2102
+                        wsmp_cleanup  42690.6732     25.0115      0.0363
+              Reset surface geometry  42690.6783     25.0166      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   42690.6869     25.0251      0.0086
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  42690.7041     25.0423      0.0172
+                   Advect surface  1  42690.7042     25.0424      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  42690.8984     25.2366      0.1942
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  42691.0973     25.4355      0.1988
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  42691.3526     25.6908      0.2553
+                    Advect the cloud  42691.5151     25.8534      0.1626
+                        Write output  42692.3869     26.7251      0.8717
+                    End of time step  42693.2653     27.6035      0.8784
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     264  42693.2654
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  42693.2655      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  42693.2655      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17001points
+                      refine surface  42693.2656      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  42693.2914      0.0260      0.0258
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17001points
+                          surface 02  42693.3098      0.0443      0.0184
+                                                                        S. 2:    16996points
+                      refine surface  42693.3099      0.0445      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  42693.3356      0.0702      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16996points
+                          surface 03  42693.3542      0.0888      0.0186
+                                                                        S. 3:    16998points
+                      refine surface  42693.3543      0.0889      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  42693.3817      0.1163      0.0274
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  42693.4044      0.1389      0.0226
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  42693.4302      0.1647      0.0258
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17000points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  42693.4552
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  42693.4555      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  42693.4713      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  42693.4932      0.0380      0.0218
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  42693.4940      0.0388      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  42693.5081      0.0529      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  42693.6303      0.1751      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  42693.8212      0.3660      0.1909
+                embedding surface  1  42693.8214      0.3662      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  42695.7850      2.3298      1.9636
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  42697.8989      4.4436      2.1139
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  42701.5069      8.0517      3.6080
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  42701.5124      8.0571      0.0055
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  42701.9883      8.5331      0.4759
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  42702.0538      8.5986      0.0655
+                           Find void  42702.3295      8.8743      0.2757
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  42702.3596      8.9044      0.0301
+                         wsmp setup1  42702.3675      8.9123      0.0079
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  42703.3911      9.9359      1.0236
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  42703.4375
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  42703.4377      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  42711.3915      7.9540      7.9539
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0586431 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1476128 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7178831 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4006169 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14452.8743969 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215041 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072911 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4539621 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10151E+01  0.18524E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94656E-01  0.11136E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76235E+00  0.24652E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  42727.8613     24.4238     16.4698
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35088E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  42728.0855     24.6480      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  42728.0866     24.6491      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  42728.1291     24.6916      0.0425
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5889532 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  42728.1344
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  42728.1391      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.75289E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  42736.0833      7.9489      7.9442
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0546911 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1688969 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7259760 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4024131 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14450.5976059 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1218259 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072849 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4815180 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.13794E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48606E-01  0.10193E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76763E+00  0.22655E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  42752.5802     24.4458     16.4969
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12360E+01  0.18013E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  42752.8072     24.6729      0.2271
+                do leaf measurements  42752.8083     24.6740      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  42752.8508     24.7164      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0712848 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  42752.8561
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  42752.8609      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  42760.8401      7.9840      7.9792
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0544391 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1428320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7259271 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3913651 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14464.6127249 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072992 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4438281 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.15566E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37126E-01  0.11845E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74695E+00  0.23163E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  42777.2991     24.4430     16.4591
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13734E+01  0.31419E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  42777.5243     24.6682      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  42777.5254     24.6693      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  42777.5682     24.7121      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360575 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  42777.5736
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  42777.5785      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  42785.5195      7.9459      7.9410
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0554581 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1723089 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7183409 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4592249 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14378.9553610 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1218719 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069849 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5346100 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.17622E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37862E-01  0.12315E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73766E+00  0.22914E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  42802.0695     24.4958     16.5500
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14719E+01  0.35959E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  42802.2952     24.7216      0.2257
+                do leaf measurements  42802.2963     24.7227      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  42802.3387     24.7650      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0157585 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  42802.3441
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  42802.3488      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  42810.3199      7.9759      7.9712
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0506420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1593690 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7181139 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3783379 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14481.1734280 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1220529 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072479 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4361901 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.19394E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40738E-01  0.12563E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73292E+00  0.22813E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  42826.7713     24.4273     16.4514
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15158E+01  0.36738E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  42826.9985     24.6545      0.2272
+                do leaf measurements  42826.9996     24.6555      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  42827.0419     24.6979      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107062 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  42827.0473
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  42827.0520      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  42835.0802      8.0329      8.0282
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0538270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1595430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7194970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3844199 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14473.4369481 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211350 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072229 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4460621 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.20955E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43153E-01  0.12568E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72839E+00  0.22772E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  42851.5420     24.4948     16.4619
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15374E+01  0.36407E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  42851.7665     24.7192      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  42851.7675     24.7203      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  42851.8098     24.7626      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080840 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  42851.8130     24.7657      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  42851.8132     24.7659      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -195107802510658.81 352057738061019.44
+ def in m -8.0071916580200195 0.68617421388626099
+ dimensionless def  -1.82502133505684998E-6 2.28776904514857714E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0177811  0.2284454
+                  Compute divergence  42852.0240     24.9767      0.2108
+                        wsmp_cleanup  42852.0601     25.0128      0.0361
+              Reset surface geometry  42852.0653     25.0180      0.0052
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   42852.0737     25.0265      0.0085
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  42852.0912     25.0439      0.0175
+                   Advect surface  1  42852.0913     25.0441      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  42852.2957     25.2484      0.2043
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  42852.4935     25.4463      0.1979
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  42852.7496     25.7023      0.2560
+                    Advect the cloud  42852.9135     25.8662      0.1639
+                        Write output  42853.7818     26.7345      0.8683
+                    End of time step  42854.6681     27.6209      0.8864
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     265  42854.6683
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  42854.6683      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  42854.6684      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17000points
+                      refine surface  42854.6684      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  42854.6942      0.0259      0.0258
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17000points
+                          surface 02  42854.7128      0.0445      0.0185
+                                                                        S. 2:    16996points
+                      refine surface  42854.7129      0.0446      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  42854.7404      0.0721      0.0275
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  42854.7674      0.0991      0.0270
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  42854.7932      0.1249      0.0258
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16998points
+                          surface 03  42854.8120      0.1437      0.0188
+                                                                        S. 3:    17000points
+                      refine surface  42854.8121      0.1439      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  42854.8380      0.1697      0.0259
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17000points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  42854.8633
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  42854.8636      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  42854.8795      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  42854.9011      0.0378      0.0217
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  42854.9019      0.0386      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  42854.9161      0.0528      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  42855.0383      0.1750      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  42855.2355      0.3722      0.1972
+                embedding surface  1  42855.2357      0.3723      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  42857.2202      2.3569      1.9845
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  42859.3419      4.4786      2.1217
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  42862.9185      8.0552      3.5766
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  42862.9239      8.0606      0.0054
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  42863.4163      8.5530      0.4924
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  42863.4795      8.6162      0.0632
+                           Find void  42863.7529      8.8896      0.2735
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  42863.7838      8.9205      0.0309
+                         wsmp setup1  42863.7924      8.9291      0.0086
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  42864.8145      9.9512      1.0221
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  42864.8613
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  42864.8615      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38934E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  42872.8467      7.9853      7.9852
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0582449 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1542161 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7193139 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4044249 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14448.0484756 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070319 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4647431 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10270E+01  0.18555E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95414E-01  0.11231E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76237E+00  0.24891E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  42889.3269     24.4656     16.4802
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35086E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  42889.5517     24.6904      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  42889.5528     24.6915      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  42889.5951     24.7338      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5891159 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  42889.6002
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  42889.6048      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.71843E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  42897.5482      7.9480      7.9435
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0544782 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1900148 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7251310 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4148951 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14434.7962064 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1224320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069530 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5142908 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.13809E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48710E-01  0.10169E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76772E+00  0.22832E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  42914.0778     24.4776     16.5296
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12364E+01  0.18062E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  42914.3049     24.7046      0.2270
+                do leaf measurements  42914.3060     24.7057      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  42914.3483     24.7480      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0711430 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  42914.3534
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  42914.3580      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  42922.3430      7.9896      7.9850
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0539541 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1609521 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7168701 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3823721 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14476.0408319 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213109 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071380 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4429991 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.15574E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37248E-01  0.11826E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74694E+00  0.23229E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  42938.8018     24.4484     16.4588
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13737E+01  0.31435E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  42939.0262     24.6728      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  42939.0274     24.6740      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  42939.0700     24.7166      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361024 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  42939.0752
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  42939.0797      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  42947.0189      7.9437      7.9391
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0519671 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1438189 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7186890 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4427931 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14399.6034876 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212630 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069780 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4859059 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.17629E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37713E-01  0.12299E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73767E+00  0.22947E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  42963.5201     24.4449     16.5012
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14726E+01  0.36023E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  42963.7455     24.6703      0.2254
+                do leaf measurements  42963.7466     24.6714      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  42963.7889     24.7137      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0157395 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  42963.7940
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  42963.7986      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  42971.7476      7.9536      7.9490
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0538480 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1585810 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7231190 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3673170 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14495.2132888 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217411 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070150 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4320049 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.19399E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40585E-01  0.12559E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73294E+00  0.22836E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  42988.1949     24.4009     16.4473
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15161E+01  0.36768E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  42988.4219     24.6279      0.2270
+                do leaf measurements  42988.4230     24.6290      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  42988.4659     24.6719      0.0429
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107243 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  42988.4711
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  42988.4756      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  42996.4911      8.0200      8.0154
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0527010 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1549621 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7179449 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3863320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14471.0064108 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211550 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070779 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4405661 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.20962E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43019E-01  0.12562E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72834E+00  0.22773E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  43012.9466     24.4756     16.4556
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15377E+01  0.36455E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  43013.1718     24.7007      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  43013.1729     24.7019      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  43013.2151     24.7440      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080686 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  43013.2179     24.7469      0.0028
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  43013.2181     24.7470      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -195450814160607.09 352957972090068.25
+ def in m -7.9750347137451172 0.71334052085876465
+ dimensionless def  -1.82389804295131129E-6 2.27858134678431919E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0177751  0.2275637
+                  Compute divergence  43013.4264     24.9553      0.2083
+                        wsmp_cleanup  43013.4626     24.9915      0.0362
+              Reset surface geometry  43013.4678     24.9967      0.0052
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   43013.4763     25.0053      0.0085
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  43013.4936     25.0226      0.0173
+                   Advect surface  1  43013.4938     25.0227      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  43013.6909     25.2199      0.1972
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  43013.8857     25.4146      0.1947
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  43014.1536     25.6826      0.2680
+                    Advect the cloud  43014.3144     25.8433      0.1607
+                        Write output  43015.1855     26.7144      0.8711
+                    End of time step  43016.0776     27.6066      0.8922
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     266  43016.0778
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  43016.0779      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  43016.0779      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17000points
+                      refine surface  43016.0779      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  43016.1041      0.0263      0.0261
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17000points
+                          surface 02  43016.1223      0.0446      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 2:    16998points
+                      refine surface  43016.1225      0.0447      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  43016.1486      0.0708      0.0261
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16998points
+                          surface 03  43016.1666      0.0888      0.0180
+                                                                        S. 3:    16999points
+                      refine surface  43016.1667      0.0889      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  43016.1927      0.1149      0.0259
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    16999points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  43016.2168
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  43016.2171      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  43016.2331      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  43016.2552      0.0384      0.0221
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  43016.2560      0.0392      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  43016.2703      0.0535      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  43016.3936      0.1768      0.1233
+             Imbed surface in osolve  43016.5865      0.3697      0.1928
+                embedding surface  1  43016.5866      0.3698      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  43018.5705      2.3537      1.9839
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  43020.6922      4.4754      2.1217
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  43024.2664      8.0496      3.5742
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  43024.2718      8.0550      0.0053
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  43024.7386      8.5218      0.4668
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  43024.8225      8.6057      0.0839
+                           Find void  43025.0975      8.8807      0.2750
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  43025.1274      8.9107      0.0300
+                         wsmp setup1  43025.1352      8.9184      0.0077
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  43026.1567      9.9399      1.0215
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  43026.2050
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  43026.2051      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  43034.1911      7.9862      7.9860
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0538130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1683719 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7203090 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3878059 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14469.1334539 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1210079 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071661 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4588251 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10453E+01  0.18418E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94358E-01  0.11150E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76196E+00  0.24726E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  43050.6652     24.4602     16.4740
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35074E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  43050.8911     24.6862      0.2260
+                do leaf measurements  43050.8923     24.6873      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  43050.9350     24.7300      0.0428
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5880546 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  43050.9399
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  43050.9444      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.72318E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  43058.8798      7.9399      7.9354
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0538578 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1818221 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7267270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4288728 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14417.1421291 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1221302 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071778 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5209389 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10149E+01  0.13717E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48835E-01  0.10224E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76726E+00  0.22676E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  43075.4165     24.4766     16.5367
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12359E+01  0.17971E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  43075.6435     24.7036      0.2270
+                do leaf measurements  43075.6446     24.7047      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  43075.6874     24.7475      0.0428
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0706767 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  43075.6924
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  43075.6969      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  43083.6998      8.0074      8.0029
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0545392 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1634302 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7195551 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3802600 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14478.7275519 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214941 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072510 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4469042 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.15517E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37381E-01  0.11842E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74657E+00  0.23159E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  43100.1621     24.4697     16.4622
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13722E+01  0.31290E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  43100.3872     24.6948      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  43100.3883     24.6960      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  43100.4313     24.7390      0.0430
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361139 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  43100.4363
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  43100.4409      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  43108.3961      7.9598      7.9551
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0544751 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1581779 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7173481 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4179909 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14430.8823669 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216669 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071750 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4771760 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.17595E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37957E-01  0.12302E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73731E+00  0.22898E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  43124.8885     24.4522     16.4925
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14708E+01  0.35841E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  43125.1145     24.6782      0.2260
+                do leaf measurements  43125.1156     24.6793      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  43125.1584     24.7221      0.0428
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0157659 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  43125.1634
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  43125.1679      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  43133.1115      7.9481      7.9436
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0524912 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1567578 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7270119 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3827562 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14475.5523618 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1220019 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071719 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4485340 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.19373E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40802E-01  0.12553E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73264E+00  0.22811E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  43149.5751     24.4117     16.4636
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15142E+01  0.36594E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  43149.8027     24.6393      0.2276
+                do leaf measurements  43149.8039     24.6405      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  43149.8467     24.6833      0.0428
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107007 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  43149.8516
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  43149.8562      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  43157.8620      8.0104      8.0058
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0537131 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1501880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7208381 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3950689 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14459.9111733 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072892 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4485960 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.20939E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43180E-01  0.12562E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72810E+00  0.22770E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  43174.3265     24.4749     16.4646
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15360E+01  0.36293E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  43174.5510     24.6993      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  43174.5521     24.7005      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  43174.5948     24.7432      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080757 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  43174.5978     24.7462      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  43174.5980     24.7464      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -195834329769250.34 353810024628723.5
+ def in m -7.9903688430786133 0.70727550983428955
+ dimensionless def  -1.82115963527134471E-6 2.28296252659388966E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0177466  0.2280009
+                  Compute divergence  43174.7998     24.9482      0.2018
+                        wsmp_cleanup  43174.8419     24.9902      0.0420
+              Reset surface geometry  43174.8474     24.9958      0.0055
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   43174.8559     25.0043      0.0085
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  43174.8708     25.0192      0.0149
+                   Advect surface  1  43174.8709     25.0193      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  43175.0639     25.2123      0.1930
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  43175.2630     25.4113      0.1990
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  43175.5298     25.6782      0.2669
+                    Advect the cloud  43175.6935     25.8419      0.1637
+                        Write output  43176.5677     26.7161      0.8742
+                    End of time step  43177.4627     27.6111      0.8950
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     267  43177.4629
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  43177.4629      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  43177.4630      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17000points
+                      refine surface  43177.4630      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  43177.4911      0.0282      0.0280
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  43177.5133      0.0504      0.0223
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  43177.5394      0.0765      0.0261
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17001points
+                          surface 02  43177.5577      0.0948      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 2:    16998points
+                      refine surface  43177.5578      0.0949      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  43177.5839      0.1210      0.0261
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16998points
+                          surface 03  43177.6018      0.1390      0.0180
+                                                                        S. 3:    16999points
+                      refine surface  43177.6020      0.1391      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  43177.6293      0.1664      0.0273
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  43177.6560      0.1931      0.0267
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  43177.6824      0.2196      0.0265
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17000points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  43177.7065
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  43177.7068      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  43177.7228      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  43177.7446      0.0381      0.0218
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  43177.7454      0.0389      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  43177.7597      0.0532      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  43177.8837      0.1772      0.1240
+             Imbed surface in osolve  43178.0798      0.3732      0.1960
+                embedding surface  1  43178.0799      0.3734      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  43180.0573      2.3508      1.9774
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  43182.1513      4.4448      2.0940
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  43185.7223      8.0157      3.5709
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  43185.7272      8.0206      0.0049
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  43186.2305      8.5240      0.5033
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  43186.2953      8.5888      0.0648
+                           Find void  43186.5653      8.8588      0.2700
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  43186.5943      8.8877      0.0290
+                         wsmp setup1  43186.6023      8.8957      0.0080
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  43187.6193      9.9128      1.0171
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  43187.6686
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  43187.6688      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  43195.6723      8.0037      8.0036
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0559988 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1675301 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7193189 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3865700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14470.7040145 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215811 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072050 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4585729 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.18453E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94993E-01  0.11212E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76163E+00  0.24710E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  43212.1460     24.4774     16.4737
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35074E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  43212.3708     24.7022      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  43212.3720     24.7034      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  43212.4141     24.7455      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5898416 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  43212.4190
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  43212.4235      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.71286E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  43220.3634      7.9444      7.9398
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0528731 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1724880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7266471 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4449110 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14396.9388517 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213629 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071659 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5257919 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.13713E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48775E-01  0.10171E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76720E+00  0.22707E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  43236.9044     24.4853     16.5410
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12356E+01  0.17903E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  43237.1304     24.7113      0.2260
+                do leaf measurements  43237.1315     24.7125      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  43237.1736     24.7546      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0716415 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  43237.1785
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  43237.1831      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  43245.1949      8.0164      8.0119
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0544810 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1523259 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7215278 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3781331 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14481.4340830 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213100 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072479 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4354110 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.15505E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37288E-01  0.11822E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74627E+00  0.23175E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  43261.6459     24.4673     16.4509
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13716E+01  0.31207E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  43261.8705     24.6920      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  43261.8717     24.6932      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  43261.9142     24.7357      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361796 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  43261.9192
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  43261.9238      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  43269.8942      7.9750      7.9704
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0528312 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1424420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7142551 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4079130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14443.6308652 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217060 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072062 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4467080 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.17581E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37834E-01  0.12292E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73707E+00  0.22928E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  43286.3564     24.4372     16.4622
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14704E+01  0.35827E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  43286.5827     24.6635      0.2263
+                do leaf measurements  43286.5839     24.6647      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  43286.6259     24.7067      0.0420
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0157683 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  43286.6309
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  43286.6354      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  43294.5679      7.9370      7.9325
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0512459 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1708450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7252870 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3836191 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14474.4551676 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1218278 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071330 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4604161 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.19358E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40719E-01  0.12547E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73243E+00  0.22825E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  43311.0435     24.4126     16.4756
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15138E+01  0.36573E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  43311.2708     24.6400      0.2273
+                do leaf measurements  43311.2720     24.6411      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  43311.3141     24.6832      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107226 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  43311.3190
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  43311.3236      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  43319.3128      7.9938      7.9892
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0529730 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1554470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7170730 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3794229 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14479.7926291 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212878 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072341 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4337850 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.20924E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43133E-01  0.12551E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72793E+00  0.22768E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  43335.7619     24.4429     16.4491
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15354E+01  0.36266E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  43335.9879     24.6688      0.2259
+                do leaf measurements  43335.9890     24.6700      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  43336.0316     24.7125      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080755 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  43336.0346     24.7155      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  43336.0347     24.7157      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -196198373209668.28 354671594829897.69
+ def in m -7.9966034889221191 0.70347321033477783
+ dimensionless def  -1.82978715215410517E-6 2.28474385397774832E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0178392  0.2281646
+                  Compute divergence  43336.2399     24.9208      0.2051
+                        wsmp_cleanup  43336.2816     24.9625      0.0417
+              Reset surface geometry  43336.2873     24.9682      0.0057
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   43336.2957     24.9766      0.0084
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  43336.3101     24.9911      0.0145
+                   Advect surface  1  43336.3103     24.9912      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  43336.4996     25.1805      0.1893
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  43336.7072     25.3881      0.2076
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  43336.9525     25.6334      0.2453
+                    Advect the cloud  43337.1144     25.7954      0.1619
+                        Write output  43337.9805     26.6615      0.8661
+                    End of time step  43338.8779     27.5589      0.8974
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     268  43338.8781
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  43338.8781      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  43338.8782      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17001points
+                      refine surface  43338.8782      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  43338.9064      0.0283      0.0282
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  43338.9288      0.0507      0.0224
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  43338.9548      0.0767      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17003points
+                          surface 02  43338.9732      0.0951      0.0184
+                                                                        S. 2:    16997points
+                      refine surface  43338.9733      0.0952      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  43338.9993      0.1212      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16997points
+                          surface 03  43339.0173      0.1393      0.0180
+                                                                        S. 3:    17000points
+                      refine surface  43339.0175      0.1394      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  43339.0456      0.1675      0.0281
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  43339.0679      0.1898      0.0223
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  43339.0945      0.2164      0.0266
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17002points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  43339.1185
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  43339.1187      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  43339.1349      0.0164      0.0161
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  43339.1568      0.0383      0.0219
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  43339.1576      0.0391      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  43339.1719      0.0534      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  43339.2952      0.1768      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  43339.4885      0.3701      0.1933
+                embedding surface  1  43339.4887      0.3702      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  43341.4550      2.3365      1.9663
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  43343.5715      4.4530      2.1165
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  43347.1227      8.0043      3.5513
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  43347.1280      8.0095      0.0053
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  43347.6185      8.5000      0.4905
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  43347.6839      8.5655      0.0655
+                           Find void  43347.9577      8.8392      0.2738
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  43347.9870      8.8686      0.0293
+                         wsmp setup1  43347.9946      8.8761      0.0075
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  43349.0100      9.8915      1.0154
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  43349.0591
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  43349.0593      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  43357.0518      7.9926      7.9925
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0585840 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1610830 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7131629 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3936791 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14461.6749183 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213429 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071671 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4553912 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10328E+01  0.18439E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94601E-01  0.11190E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76150E+00  0.24824E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  43373.5227     24.4636     16.4710
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35084E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  43373.7469     24.6877      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  43373.7480     24.6888      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  43373.7904     24.7312      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5892181 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  43373.7953
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  43373.7997      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.71182E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  43381.7371      7.9419      7.9374
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0524859 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1692040 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7208350 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4698410 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14365.6467274 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215792 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072539 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5415590 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10151E+01  0.13708E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48708E-01  0.10203E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76704E+00  0.22756E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  43398.2942     24.4990     16.5571
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12359E+01  0.18016E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  43398.5198     24.7245      0.2256
+                do leaf measurements  43398.5209     24.7256      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  43398.5633     24.7681      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0711142 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  43398.5682
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  43398.5727      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  43406.5801      8.0119      8.0074
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0536001 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1490710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7162988 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3874199 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14469.6239146 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211262 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071630 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4350541 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.15492E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37503E-01  0.11828E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74643E+00  0.23195E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  43423.0311     24.4629     16.4509
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13717E+01  0.31239E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  43423.2553     24.6871      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  43423.2565     24.6882      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  43423.2992     24.7310      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361092 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  43423.3042
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  43423.3087      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  43431.2949      7.9907      7.9861
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0515671 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1438742 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7159390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4005291 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14452.9856257 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212268 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070460 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4405549 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.17570E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37731E-01  0.12299E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73717E+00  0.22927E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  43447.7514     24.4473     16.4566
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14702E+01  0.35830E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  43447.9752     24.6710      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  43447.9763     24.6721      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  43448.0186     24.7145      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158403 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  43448.0236
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  43448.0280      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  43455.9680      7.9444      7.9399
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0546360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1595581 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7254338 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4038270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14448.8060516 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1219490 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071909 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4729750 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.19350E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40633E-01  0.12549E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73250E+00  0.22828E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  43472.4566     24.4331     16.4887
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15137E+01  0.36586E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  43472.6834     24.6599      0.2268
+                do leaf measurements  43472.6845     24.6610      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  43472.7270     24.7034      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107503 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  43472.7319
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  43472.7364      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  43480.7145      7.9826      7.9780
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0524070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1453080 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7162812 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3848660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14472.8698508 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214108 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072989 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4279509 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.20917E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43044E-01  0.12551E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72798E+00  0.22778E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  43497.1577     24.4258     16.4432
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15352E+01  0.36271E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  43497.3820     24.6501      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements  43497.3831     24.6512      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  43497.4258     24.6939      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080680 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  43497.4287     24.6968      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  43497.4289     24.6970      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -196554675822762.94 355521112692196.13
+ def in m -8.0001583099365234 0.70068871974945068
+ dimensionless def  -1.83259282793317531E-6 2.28575951712472081E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0178709  0.2282537
+                  Compute divergence  43497.6361     24.9042      0.2072
+                        wsmp_cleanup  43497.6725     24.9406      0.0365
+              Reset surface geometry  43497.6779     24.9460      0.0054
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   43497.6861     24.9542      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  43497.7035     24.9716      0.0174
+                   Advect surface  1  43497.7037     24.9718      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  43497.8954     25.1635      0.1917
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  43498.0950     25.3631      0.1996
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  43498.3500     25.6181      0.2550
+                    Advect the cloud  43498.5109     25.7790      0.1609
+                        Write output  43499.3779     26.6460      0.8670
+                    End of time step  43500.2751     27.5432      0.8972
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     269  43500.2753
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  43500.2753      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  43500.2754      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17003points
+                      refine surface  43500.2754      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  43500.3029      0.0277      0.0275
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  43500.3254      0.0501      0.0224
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  43500.3516      0.0763      0.0262
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17004points
+                          surface 02  43500.3698      0.0945      0.0182
+                                                                        S. 2:    16997points
+                      refine surface  43500.3699      0.0946      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  43500.3961      0.1209      0.0262
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16997points
+                          surface 03  43500.4142      0.1389      0.0180
+                                                                        S. 3:    17002points
+                      refine surface  43500.4143      0.1390      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  43500.4403      0.1650      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17002points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  43500.4652
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  43500.4655      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  43500.4815      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  43500.5029      0.0376      0.0214
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  43500.5037      0.0385      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  43500.5180      0.0528      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  43500.6414      0.1762      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  43500.8331      0.3679      0.1917
+                embedding surface  1  43500.8333      0.3681      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  43502.8263      2.3611      1.9930
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  43504.9376      4.4724      2.1113
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  43508.4711      8.0059      3.5335
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  43508.4764      8.0111      0.0052
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  43508.9442      8.4789      0.4678
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  43509.0086      8.5434      0.0645
+                           Find void  43509.2814      8.8162      0.2727
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  43509.3110      8.8458      0.0296
+                         wsmp setup1  43509.3188      8.8535      0.0077
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  43510.3341      9.8689      1.0153
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  43510.3829
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  43510.3831      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  43518.3737      7.9908      7.9907
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0550091 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1462610 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7204218 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3898551 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14466.5302374 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213281 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072019 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4404809 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10370E+01  0.18423E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94714E-01  0.11122E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76173E+00  0.24663E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  43534.8299     24.4470     16.4561
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35109E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  43535.0544     24.6715      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  43535.0554     24.6725      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  43535.0978     24.7149      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5887459 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  43535.1029
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  43535.1075      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.72123E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  43543.0473      7.9445      7.9398
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0543561 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1688828 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7213519 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4657791 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14370.7359897 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216600 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071690 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5395720 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.13699E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48760E-01  0.10204E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76720E+00  0.22653E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  43559.6026     24.4997     16.5552
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12364E+01  0.18040E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  43559.8280     24.7251      0.2254
+                do leaf measurements  43559.8291     24.7262      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  43559.8713     24.7684      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0709930 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  43559.8764
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  43559.8811      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  43567.8773      8.0009      7.9963
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0537319 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1488650 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7200990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3749571 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14485.4774087 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214659 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071371 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4266450 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.15490E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37346E-01  0.11834E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74660E+00  0.23164E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  43584.3195     24.4431     16.4421
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13719E+01  0.31282E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  43584.5447     24.6683      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  43584.5458     24.6694      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  43584.5883     24.7119      0.0425
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360908 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  43584.5935
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  43584.5982      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  43592.6006      8.0071      8.0024
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0553770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1658909 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7173371 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4032581 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14449.5268495 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072119 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4709880 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.17565E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37761E-01  0.12300E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73730E+00  0.22924E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  43609.0862     24.4928     16.4856
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14703E+01  0.35870E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  43609.3120     24.7185      0.2258
+                do leaf measurements  43609.3131     24.7196      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  43609.3554     24.7619      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158042 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  43609.3605
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  43609.3651      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  43617.3025      7.9420      7.9374
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0552149 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1697891 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7269750 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4119568 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14438.5127765 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1221840 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072031 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4937010 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.19342E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40654E-01  0.12552E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73266E+00  0.22823E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  43633.8129     24.4524     16.5103
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15138E+01  0.36622E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  43634.0390     24.6785      0.2261
+                do leaf measurements  43634.0401     24.6796      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  43634.0822     24.7217      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107215 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  43634.0873
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  43634.0920      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  43642.0772      7.9899      7.9852
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0505190 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1501160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7203939 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3846791 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14473.1074746 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072241 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4347529 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.20908E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43064E-01  0.12557E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72813E+00  0.22767E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  43658.5273     24.4400     16.4501
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15354E+01  0.36320E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  43658.7522     24.6649      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  43658.7533     24.6660      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  43658.7958     24.7085      0.0425
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080706 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  43658.7991     24.7118      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  43658.7992     24.7119      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -196904099371836.53 356269898820952.44
+ def in m -8.0037679672241211 0.69783306121826172
+ dimensionless def  -1.84088417461940216E-6 2.2867908477783205E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0179586  0.2283440
+                  Compute divergence  43659.0136     24.9263      0.2144
+                        wsmp_cleanup  43659.0500     24.9627      0.0364
+              Reset surface geometry  43659.0552     24.9679      0.0052
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   43659.0635     24.9762      0.0083
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  43659.0811     24.9938      0.0176
+                   Advect surface  1  43659.0813     24.9940      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  43659.2702     25.1829      0.1889
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  43659.4693     25.3820      0.1991
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  43659.7413     25.6540      0.2720
+                    Advect the cloud  43659.9053     25.8180      0.1640
+                        Write output  43660.7764     26.6891      0.8711
+                    End of time step  43661.6724     27.5850      0.8959
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     270  43661.6725
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  43661.6726      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  43661.6726      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17004points
+                      refine surface  43661.6727      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  43661.6988      0.0263      0.0261
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17004points
+                          surface 02  43661.7172      0.0447      0.0184
+                                                                        S. 2:    16997points
+                      refine surface  43661.7173      0.0448      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  43661.7440      0.0715      0.0267
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  43661.7667      0.0942      0.0227
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  43661.7925      0.1200      0.0258
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    16998points
+                          surface 03  43661.8110      0.1384      0.0184
+                                                                        S. 3:    17000points
+                      refine surface  43661.8111      0.1386      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  43661.8385      0.1660      0.0274
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  43661.8616      0.1891      0.0230
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  43661.8873      0.2148      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17002points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  43661.9124
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  43661.9127      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  43661.9287      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  43661.9499      0.0375      0.0212
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  43661.9507      0.0383      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  43661.9650      0.0526      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  43662.0884      0.1760      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  43662.2799      0.3675      0.1915
+                embedding surface  1  43662.2801      0.3676      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  43664.2621      2.3496      1.9820
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  43666.3532      4.4408      2.0911
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  43669.9277      8.0153      3.5745
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  43669.9331      8.0207      0.0053
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  43670.4509      8.5385      0.5178
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  43670.5164      8.6039      0.0655
+                           Find void  43670.7883      8.8759      0.2719
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  43670.8180      8.9056      0.0297
+                         wsmp setup1  43670.8258      8.9134      0.0078
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  43671.8406      9.9282      1.0148
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  43671.8908
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  43671.8909      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  43679.8622      7.9715      7.9713
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0585880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1473839 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7193170 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3884370 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14468.3316422 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070300 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4424381 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10202E+01  0.18442E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94671E-01  0.11205E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76149E+00  0.24700E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  43696.3199     24.4291     16.4576
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35092E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  43696.5455     24.6547      0.2257
+                do leaf measurements  43696.5467     24.6559      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  43696.5893     24.6985      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5893573 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  43696.5945
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  43696.5993      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.71685E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  43704.5389      7.9444      7.9395
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0528190 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1522219 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7175028 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4619601 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14375.5241480 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214859 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070610 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5134201 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10151E+01  0.13704E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48924E-01  0.10203E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76724E+00  0.22675E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  43721.0676     24.4731     16.5287
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12355E+01  0.17914E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  43721.2925     24.6980      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  43721.2936     24.6991      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  43721.3357     24.7412      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0714751 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  43721.3408
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  43721.3455      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  43729.3261      7.9853      7.9806
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0556469 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1611750 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7217710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3758020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14484.4014773 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214170 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070889 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4432828 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.15496E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37462E-01  0.11847E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74635E+00  0.23162E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  43745.7851     24.4443     16.4589
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13715E+01  0.31213E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  43746.0088     24.6680      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  43746.0111     24.6703      0.0024
+       compute convergence criterion  43746.0526     24.7118      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360668 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  43746.0577
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  43746.0625      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  43754.0797      8.0220      8.0173
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0544472 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1477289 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7180159 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3910451 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14465.0190147 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214271 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070400 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4400840 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.17571E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37917E-01  0.12308E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73718E+00  0.22912E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  43770.5352     24.4776     16.4555
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14704E+01  0.35863E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  43770.7603     24.7027      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  43770.7614     24.7037      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  43770.8035     24.7458      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0157980 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  43770.8086
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  43770.8135      0.0049      0.0049
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  43778.7501      7.9415      7.9367
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0545979 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1787260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7279210 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4378600 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14405.8139985 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1219630 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071640 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5286179 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.19348E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40764E-01  0.12563E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73255E+00  0.22820E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  43795.2940     24.4854     16.5439
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15138E+01  0.36603E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  43795.5214     24.7128      0.2274
+                do leaf measurements  43795.5225     24.7139      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  43795.5645     24.7559      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107228 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  43795.5696
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  43795.5744      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  43803.5711      8.0014      7.9967
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0541661 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1566489 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7187531 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3888052 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14467.8639849 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215241 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070620 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4473431 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.20914E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43143E-01  0.12566E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72805E+00  0.22767E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  43820.0335     24.4639     16.4624
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15352E+01  0.36287E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  43820.2587     24.6890      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  43820.2598     24.6901      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  43820.3022     24.7326      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080758 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  43820.3055     24.7359      0.0033
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  43820.3057     24.7360      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -197244864076501.16 357014104875022.13
+ def in m -7.9886493682861328 0.70917534828186035
+ dimensionless def  -1.83730602264404299E-6 2.2824712480817522E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0179274  0.2279305
+                  Compute divergence  43820.5106     24.9409      0.2049
+                        wsmp_cleanup  43820.5471     24.9774      0.0365
+              Reset surface geometry  43820.5524     24.9827      0.0053
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   43820.5620     24.9923      0.0096
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  43820.5792     25.0095      0.0172
+                   Advect surface  1  43820.5793     25.0097      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  43820.7794     25.2097      0.2001
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  43820.9772     25.4076      0.1979
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  43821.2322     25.6625      0.2550
+                    Advect the cloud  43821.3944     25.8247      0.1622
+                        Write output  43822.2652     26.6955      0.8708
+                    End of time step  43823.1590     27.5893      0.8938
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     271  43823.1591
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  43823.1592      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  43823.1592      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    17003points
+                      refine surface  43823.1593      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  43823.1872      0.0280      0.0279
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  43823.2094      0.0503      0.0222
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  43823.2352      0.0761      0.0258
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17004points
+                          surface 02  43823.2538      0.0947      0.0186
+                                                                        S. 2:    16998points
+                      refine surface  43823.2540      0.0949      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   4 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  43823.2825      0.1234      0.0285
+                                                                        S. 2:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  43823.3053      0.1462      0.0227
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  43823.3314      0.1723      0.0261
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17002points
+                          surface 03  43823.3498      0.1907      0.0184
+                                                                        S. 3:    17002points
+                      refine surface  43823.3499      0.1908      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  43823.3771      0.2180      0.0272
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  43823.3997      0.2406      0.0226
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  43823.4256      0.2665      0.0259
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17003points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  43823.4503
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  43823.4505      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  43823.4665      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  43823.4882      0.0379      0.0216
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  43823.4889      0.0387      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  43823.5032      0.0530      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  43823.6266      0.1763      0.1233
+             Imbed surface in osolve  43823.8182      0.3679      0.1916
+                embedding surface  1  43823.8184      0.3681      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  43825.8136      2.3633      1.9953
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  43827.9198      4.4696      2.1062
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  43831.4925      8.0422      3.5727
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  43831.4978      8.0475      0.0053
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  43831.9891      8.5388      0.4913
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  43832.0712      8.6209      0.0821
+                           Find void  43832.3442      8.8939      0.2730
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  43832.3740      8.9237      0.0298
+                         wsmp setup1  43832.3817      8.9314      0.0077
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  43833.3960      9.9457      1.0143
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  43833.4459
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  43833.4461      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  43841.4019      7.9560      7.9558
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0601280 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1496580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7209539 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3791580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14480.1296884 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216209 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072279 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4390981 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10279E+01  0.18429E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94454E-01  0.11223E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76143E+00  0.24887E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  43857.8558     24.4099     16.4539
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35083E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  43858.0810     24.6351      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  43858.0822     24.6363      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  43858.1257     24.6798      0.0435
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5893751 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  43858.1312
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  43858.1361      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.71166E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  43866.0748      7.9436      7.9387
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0536458 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1606741 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7161269 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4479430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14393.1258459 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217279 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072479 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5077128 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.13685E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48630E-01  0.10210E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76712E+00  0.22805E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  43882.5973     24.4661     16.5225
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12355E+01  0.17991E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  43882.8233     24.6921      0.2261
+                do leaf measurements  43882.8245     24.6933      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  43882.8677     24.7365      0.0432
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0714040 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  43882.8731
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  43882.8779      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  43890.8346      7.9616      7.9567
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0540869 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1377831 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7192628 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3783739 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14481.1276096 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1222241 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072951 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4193990 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.15475E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37198E-01  0.11843E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74625E+00  0.23227E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  43907.2697     24.3966     16.4351
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13710E+01  0.31165E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  43907.4963     24.6233      0.2266
+                do leaf measurements  43907.4975     24.6244      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  43907.5406     24.6675      0.0430
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360240 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  43907.5459
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  43907.5507      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  43915.5710      8.0251      8.0202
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0553639 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1464841 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7194309 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3795378 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14479.6464030 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214349 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072038 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4298110 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.17555E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37674E-01  0.12303E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73706E+00  0.22954E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  43932.0160     24.4700     16.4450
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14697E+01  0.35828E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  43932.2416     24.6957      0.2257
+                do leaf measurements  43932.2428     24.6968      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  43932.2858     24.7399      0.0430
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159066 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  43932.2911
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  43932.2959      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  43940.2334      7.9423      7.9375
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0528760 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1716659 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7281601 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4569042 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14381.8680324 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215060 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071859 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5386419 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.19331E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40590E-01  0.12547E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73245E+00  0.22843E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  43956.7870     24.4958     16.5535
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15129E+01  0.36565E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  43957.0123     24.7212      0.2254
+                do leaf measurements  43957.0135     24.7224      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  43957.0565     24.7654      0.0431
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107395 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  43957.0619
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  43957.0667      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  43965.0701      8.0081      8.0033
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0552230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1431220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7186141 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3839571 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14474.0253094 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215279 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072989 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4300990 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.20894E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43007E-01  0.12558E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72794E+00  0.22790E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  43981.5153     24.4534     16.4453
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15345E+01  0.36262E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  43981.7406     24.6787      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements  43981.7418     24.6798      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  43981.7850     24.7231      0.0432
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080789 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  43981.7882     24.7262      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  43981.7884     24.7264      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -197599574468447.03 357731806300868.25
+ def in m -7.996586799621582 0.70477873086929321
+ dimensionless def  -1.83544141905648359E-6 2.28473908560616647E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0179112  0.2281425
+                  Compute divergence  43981.9925     24.9306      0.2042
+                        wsmp_cleanup  43982.0293     24.9673      0.0367
+              Reset surface geometry  43982.0345     24.9725      0.0052
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   43982.0430     24.9810      0.0085
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  43982.0601     24.9982      0.0172
+                   Advect surface  1  43982.0603     24.9984      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  43982.2478     25.1858      0.1875
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  43982.4567     25.3948      0.2090
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  43982.7091     25.6472      0.2524
+                    Advect the cloud  43982.8740     25.8121      0.1649
+                        Write output  43983.7431     26.6811      0.8690
+                    End of time step  43984.6404     27.5785      0.8973
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     272  43984.6405
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  43984.6406      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  43984.6406      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17004points
+                      refine surface  43984.6407      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  43984.6679      0.0274      0.0272
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  43984.6912      0.0507      0.0233
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  43984.7162      0.0757      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17006points
+                          surface 02  43984.7361      0.0956      0.0199
+                                                                        S. 2:    17001points
+                      refine surface  43984.7363      0.0957      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  43984.7617      0.1211      0.0254
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  43984.7861      0.1455      0.0244
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  43984.8110      0.1704      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17002points
+                          surface 03  43984.8308      0.1902      0.0198
+                                                                        S. 3:    17003points
+                      refine surface  43984.8309      0.1904      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  43984.8559      0.2153      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17003points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  43984.8821
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  43984.8823      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  43984.8984      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  43984.9196      0.0375      0.0212
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  43984.9204      0.0383      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  43984.9346      0.0526      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  43985.0580      0.1759      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  43985.2541      0.3720      0.1961
+                embedding surface  1  43985.2542      0.3722      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  43987.2185      2.3364      1.9642
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  43989.3407      4.4586      2.1223
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  43992.8812      7.9992      3.5405
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  43992.8864      8.0043      0.0052
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  43993.3938      8.5117      0.5074
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  43993.4863      8.6042      0.0925
+                           Find void  43993.7566      8.8745      0.2703
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  43993.7855      8.9034      0.0289
+                         wsmp setup1  43993.7936      8.9115      0.0081
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  43994.8128      9.9307      1.0192
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  43994.8626
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  43994.8628      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  44002.8098      7.9472      7.9470
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0581300 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1620989 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7204750 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3819990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14476.5153859 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212051 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071201 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4514110 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10619E+01  0.18407E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94696E-01  0.11151E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76179E+00  0.24697E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  44019.2764     24.4138     16.4666
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35111E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  44019.5011     24.6385      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  44019.5023     24.6397      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  44019.5445     24.6819      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5896694 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  44019.5497
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  44019.5542      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.71840E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  44027.5066      7.9569      7.9524
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0545840 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1422961 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7232900 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4339569 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14410.7316366 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212480 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070260 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4827709 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.13677E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48849E-01  0.10196E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76737E+00  0.22685E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  44044.0046     24.4550     16.4980
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12352E+01  0.17952E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  44044.2305     24.6808      0.2258
+                do leaf measurements  44044.2317     24.6820      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  44044.2735     24.7238      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0715862 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  44044.2786
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  44044.2832      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  44052.2280      7.9494      7.9448
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0548670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1507649 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7261240 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3833969 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14474.7377118 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1220338 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070410 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4446061 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.15485E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37298E-01  0.11841E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74610E+00  0.23176E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  44068.6879     24.4093     16.4599
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13713E+01  0.31182E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  44068.9147     24.6360      0.2267
+                do leaf measurements  44068.9159     24.6372      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  44068.9576     24.6790      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360952 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  44068.9628
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  44068.9673      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  44076.9823      8.0195      8.0149
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0535131 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1530879 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7203240 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3883100 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14468.4930879 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212039 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069580 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4437690 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.17565E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37725E-01  0.12313E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73700E+00  0.22929E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  44093.4414     24.4786     16.4591
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14701E+01  0.35831E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  44093.6659     24.7031      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  44093.6671     24.7043      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  44093.7088     24.7461      0.0417
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0157593 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  44093.7140
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  44093.7185      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  44101.6588      7.9448      7.9403
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0520740 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1768661 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7162769 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4715421 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14363.5164437 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212790 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070519 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5454621 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.19342E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40609E-01  0.12565E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73240E+00  0.22834E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  44118.2196     24.5056     16.5608
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15134E+01  0.36577E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  44118.4451     24.7311      0.2255
+                do leaf measurements  44118.4463     24.7323      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  44118.4881     24.7741      0.0418
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107288 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  44118.4932
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  44118.4978      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  44126.5030      8.0098      8.0052
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0530760 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1573930 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7218170 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3765531 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14483.4452954 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213310 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070779 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4376600 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.20906E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43015E-01  0.12569E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72794E+00  0.22789E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  44142.9553     24.4621     16.4523
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15347E+01  0.36265E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  44143.1807     24.6875      0.2254
+                do leaf measurements  44143.1819     24.6887      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  44143.2243     24.7311      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080798 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  44143.2272     24.7339      0.0029
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  44143.2273     24.7341      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -197951563246165.56 358442864791063.75
+ def in m -8.0186090469360352 0.69574224948883057
+ dimensionless def  -1.84887358120509567E-6 2.29103115626743848E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0180517  0.2287453
+                  Compute divergence  44143.4265     24.9332      0.1991
+                        wsmp_cleanup  44143.4693     24.9760      0.0428
+              Reset surface geometry  44143.4753     24.9821      0.0060
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   44143.4836     24.9903      0.0083
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  44143.4975     25.0043      0.0140
+                   Advect surface  1  44143.4977     25.0045      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  44143.6955     25.2023      0.1978
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  44143.8904     25.3972      0.1949
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  44144.1470     25.6538      0.2566
+                    Advect the cloud  44144.3087     25.8154      0.1616
+                        Write output  44145.1791     26.6859      0.8705
+                    End of time step  44146.0763     27.5831      0.8972
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     273  44146.0765
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  44146.0765      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  44146.0766      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17006points
+                      refine surface  44146.0766      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  44146.1033      0.0268      0.0267
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  44146.1266      0.0502      0.0233
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  44146.1527      0.0762      0.0261
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17007points
+                          surface 02  44146.1711      0.0947      0.0185
+                                                                        S. 2:    17002points
+                      refine surface  44146.1713      0.0948      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  44146.1970      0.1205      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17002points
+                          surface 03  44146.2157      0.1392      0.0187
+                                                                        S. 3:    17003points
+                      refine surface  44146.2158      0.1394      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  44146.2435      0.1671      0.0277
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  44146.2664      0.1899      0.0229
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  44146.2923      0.2158      0.0259
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17005points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  44146.3175
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  44146.3178      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  44146.3336      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  44146.3554      0.0379      0.0218
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  44146.3562      0.0387      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  44146.3704      0.0528      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  44146.4926      0.1751      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  44146.6828      0.3653      0.1902
+                embedding surface  1  44146.6830      0.3654      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  44148.6629      2.3454      1.9799
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  44150.7915      4.4740      2.1286
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  44154.3732      8.0557      3.5817
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  44154.3786      8.0610      0.0054
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  44154.8933      8.5758      0.5148
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  44154.9591      8.6415      0.0657
+                           Find void  44155.2251      8.9076      0.2661
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  44155.2540      8.9364      0.0288
+                         wsmp setup1  44155.2622      8.9446      0.0082
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  44156.2814      9.9639      1.0193
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  44156.3306
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  44156.3308      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  44164.3008      7.9702      7.9700
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0556519 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1466110 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7194629 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3873570 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14469.7038940 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072551 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4382591 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10239E+01  0.18511E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95033E-01  0.11176E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76179E+00  0.24691E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  44180.7543     24.4237     16.4535
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35078E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  44180.9795     24.6490      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements  44180.9807     24.6501      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  44181.0243     24.6938      0.0437
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5896587 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  44181.0298
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  44181.0346      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.71661E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  44189.0014      7.9716      7.9668
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0545230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1592689 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7172260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4303510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14415.2776763 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212151 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072000 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4901979 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.13759E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48856E-01  0.10197E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76737E+00  0.22687E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  44205.5067     24.4769     16.5053
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12364E+01  0.18020E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  44205.7322     24.7023      0.2255
+                do leaf measurements  44205.7333     24.7034      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  44205.7762     24.7463      0.0429
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0716405 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  44205.7815
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  44205.7863      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  44213.7236      7.9421      7.9373
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0527930 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1533418 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7273250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3869910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14470.1689434 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1220140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071139 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4499660 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.15526E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37361E-01  0.11831E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74676E+00  0.23183E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  44230.1886     24.4070     16.4649
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13723E+01  0.31294E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  44230.4166     24.6350      0.2280
+                do leaf measurements  44230.4177     24.6362      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  44230.4605     24.6790      0.0428
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362145 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  44230.4659
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  44230.4706      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  44238.4729      8.0070      8.0023
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0519719 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1413341 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7193549 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3865969 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14470.6697761 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071399 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4281261 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.17583E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37860E-01  0.12294E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73752E+00  0.22919E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  44254.9158     24.4499     16.4429
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14711E+01  0.35972E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  44255.1408     24.6749      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  44255.1419     24.6760      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  44255.1847     24.7189      0.0428
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158064 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  44255.1900
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  44255.1948      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  44263.1337      7.9436      7.9389
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0514519 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1826241 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7194679 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4700689 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14365.3612596 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216249 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072291 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5528631 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.19355E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40722E-01  0.12548E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73286E+00  0.22818E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  44279.7021     24.5121     16.5684
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15144E+01  0.36717E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  44279.9272     24.7371      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  44279.9283     24.7382      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  44279.9711     24.7811      0.0428
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107564 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  44279.9765
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  44279.9813      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  44287.9714      7.9949      7.9901
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0519381 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1618659 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7162340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3788922 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14480.4679771 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217251 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071449 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4381869 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.20917E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43121E-01  0.12552E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72832E+00  0.22772E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  44304.4251     24.4486     16.4537
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15361E+01  0.36422E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  44304.6495     24.6730      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  44304.6506     24.6742      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  44304.6937     24.7172      0.0430
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080750 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  44304.6968     24.7204      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  44304.6970     24.7205      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -198278187370874.69 359171309375727.38
+ def in m -8.0136117935180664 0.69476807117462158
+ dimensionless def  -1.85658744403294145E-6 2.28960336957659031E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0181379  0.2285876
+                  Compute divergence  44304.9053     24.9289      0.2084
+                        wsmp_cleanup  44304.9419     24.9654      0.0365
+              Reset surface geometry  44304.9472     24.9707      0.0053
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   44304.9559     24.9794      0.0087
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  44304.9732     24.9967      0.0173
+                   Advect surface  1  44304.9733     24.9968      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  44305.1725     25.1960      0.1992
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  44305.3657     25.3892      0.1932
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  44305.6170     25.6406      0.2513
+                    Advect the cloud  44305.7810     25.8046      0.1640
+                        Write output  44306.6526     26.6762      0.8716
+                    End of time step  44307.5430     27.5666      0.8904
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     274  44307.5432
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  44307.5432      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  44307.5433      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17007points
+                      refine surface  44307.5433      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  44307.5708      0.0276      0.0275
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  44307.5930      0.0498      0.0222
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  44307.6188      0.0756      0.0258
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17008points
+                          surface 02  44307.6372      0.0941      0.0184
+                                                                        S. 2:    17002points
+                      refine surface  44307.6374      0.0942      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  44307.6622      0.1190      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17002points
+                          surface 03  44307.6817      0.1385      0.0195
+                                                                        S. 3:    17005points
+                      refine surface  44307.6818      0.1386      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  44307.7095      0.1663      0.0277
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  44307.7323      0.1891      0.0228
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  44307.7579      0.2148      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17007points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  44307.7831
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  44307.7834      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  44307.7993      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  44307.8210      0.0378      0.0217
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  44307.8217      0.0386      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  44307.8359      0.0528      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  44307.9580      0.1749      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  44308.1492      0.3661      0.1911
+                embedding surface  1  44308.1493      0.3662      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  44310.1249      2.3418      1.9756
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  44312.2355      4.4523      2.1105
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  44315.7999      8.0168      3.5644
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  44315.8055      8.0224      0.0056
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  44316.3174      8.5343      0.5120
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  44316.3923      8.6092      0.0749
+                           Find void  44316.6610      8.8779      0.2687
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  44316.6902      8.9071      0.0292
+                         wsmp setup1  44316.6987      8.9156      0.0085
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  44317.7175      9.9344      1.0188
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  44317.7668
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  44317.7670      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  44325.7495      7.9827      7.9825
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0552862 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1498251 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7201679 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3796759 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14479.4707536 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216950 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071571 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4341700 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10156E+01  0.18501E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94688E-01  0.11215E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76187E+00  0.24653E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  44342.1991     24.4323     16.4496
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35083E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  44342.4242     24.6574      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  44342.4254     24.6586      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  44342.4684     24.7015      0.0430
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5890375 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  44342.4739
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  44342.4786      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.72154E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  44350.4629      7.9890      7.9842
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0534291 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1481230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7218852 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3987510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14455.2401908 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1218400 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071499 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4515190 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.13763E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48731E-01  0.10202E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76733E+00  0.22648E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  44366.9297     24.4559     16.4669
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12367E+01  0.18028E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  44367.1544     24.6805      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  44367.1555     24.6816      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  44367.1981     24.7242      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0711264 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  44367.2033
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  44367.2081      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  44375.1458      7.9425      7.9377
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0513389 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1650569 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7254360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3897040 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14466.7222286 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1221969 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071349 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4612141 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.15527E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37399E-01  0.11839E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74691E+00  0.23180E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  44391.6223     24.4190     16.4766
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13728E+01  0.31323E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  44391.8503     24.6469      0.2279
+                do leaf measurements  44391.8514     24.6481      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  44391.8939     24.6906      0.0425
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361616 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  44391.8992
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  44391.9040      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  44399.8927      7.9935      7.9888
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0552430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1540749 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7193811 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3896339 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14466.8112609 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1219511 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071371 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4477801 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.17587E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37742E-01  0.12305E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73759E+00  0.22933E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  44416.3561     24.4569     16.4634
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14713E+01  0.35989E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  44416.5817     24.6825      0.2256
+                do leaf measurements  44416.5829     24.6836      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  44416.6258     24.7266      0.0430
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158221 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  44416.6313
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  44416.6361      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  44424.5774      7.9461      7.9413
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0525222 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1526282 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7217510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4698188 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14365.6744984 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1218920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071051 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5260730 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.19357E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40629E-01  0.12551E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73290E+00  0.22829E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  44441.1195     24.4882     16.5421
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15146E+01  0.36726E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  44441.3446     24.7133      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  44441.3457     24.7144      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  44441.3884     24.7570      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107360 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  44441.3937
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  44441.3985      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  44449.3727      7.9789      7.9742
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0551400 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1400280 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7216280 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3816240 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14476.9923972 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216588 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071802 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4276199 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.20918E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43044E-01  0.12561E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72834E+00  0.22778E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  44465.8158     24.4221     16.4431
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15362E+01  0.36424E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  44466.0407     24.6470      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  44466.0418     24.6481      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  44466.0844     24.6907      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080767 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  44466.0876     24.6938      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  44466.0877     24.6940      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -198597367967766.41 359888376891299.31
+ def in m -8.0093774795532227 0.69433718919754028
+ dimensionless def  -1.84764231954302095E-6 2.28839356558663511E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0180520  0.2284584
+                  Compute divergence  44466.2940     24.9002      0.2062
+                        wsmp_cleanup  44466.3303     24.9365      0.0363
+              Reset surface geometry  44466.3355     24.9417      0.0052
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   44466.3439     24.9501      0.0084
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  44466.3614     24.9677      0.0175
+                   Advect surface  1  44466.3616     24.9678      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  44466.5520     25.1582      0.1904
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  44466.7510     25.3572      0.1990
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  44467.0014     25.6076      0.2504
+                    Advect the cloud  44467.1708     25.7770      0.1694
+                        Write output  44468.0430     26.6493      0.8722
+                    End of time step  44468.9327     27.5390      0.8897
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     275  44468.9328
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  44468.9329      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  44468.9329      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17008points
+                      refine surface  44468.9330      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  44468.9592      0.0263      0.0262
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17008points
+                          surface 02  44468.9775      0.0447      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 2:    17002points
+                      refine surface  44468.9777      0.0448      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  44469.0045      0.0717      0.0268
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  44469.0271      0.0942      0.0226
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  44469.0527      0.1199      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17003points
+                          surface 03  44469.0712      0.1384      0.0185
+                                                                        S. 3:    17007points
+                      refine surface  44469.0714      0.1385      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  44469.0983      0.1655      0.0269
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  44469.1210      0.1882      0.0227
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  44469.1468      0.2139      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17008points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  44469.1717
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  44469.1720      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  44469.1878      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  44469.2094      0.0377      0.0216
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  44469.2102      0.0385      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  44469.2243      0.0526      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  44469.3465      0.1748      0.1221
+             Imbed surface in osolve  44469.5379      0.3662      0.1914
+                embedding surface  1  44469.5380      0.3663      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  44471.5226      2.3510      1.9846
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  44473.6305      4.4588      2.1079
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  44477.1624      7.9907      3.5319
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  44477.1674      7.9957      0.0050
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  44477.6749      8.5032      0.5075
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  44477.7407      8.5690      0.0658
+                           Find void  44478.0099      8.8382      0.2691
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  44478.0389      8.8672      0.0290
+                         wsmp setup1  44478.0470      8.8754      0.0082
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  44479.0677      9.8960      1.0206
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  44479.1173
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  44479.1175      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  44487.0949      7.9776      7.9774
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0544469 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1441100 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7182560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3824601 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14475.9289447 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1218979 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072231 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4287560 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10189E+01  0.18483E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94915E-01  0.11270E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76216E+00  0.24637E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  44503.5391     24.4219     16.4443
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35133E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  44503.7640     24.6467      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  44503.7651     24.6479      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  44503.8081     24.6909      0.0430
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5889417 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  44503.8136
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  44503.8184      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.71807E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  44511.8166      8.0030      7.9982
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0533919 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1521490 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7171791 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4056950 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14446.4396453 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213319 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071421 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4572401 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10150E+01  0.13739E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48977E-01  0.10181E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76750E+00  0.22651E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  44528.2890     24.4754     16.4724
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12360E+01  0.18306E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  44528.5137     24.7002      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  44528.5148     24.7012      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  44528.5576     24.7440      0.0428
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0713220 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  44528.5629
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  44528.5676      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  44536.5042      7.9413      7.9366
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0543230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1702428 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7279260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4156430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14433.8504813 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1221819 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072322 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4979129 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.15522E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37419E-01  0.11838E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74676E+00  0.23162E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  44553.0168     24.4539     16.5126
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13724E+01  0.31274E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  44553.2444     24.6814      0.2275
+                do leaf measurements  44553.2455     24.6826      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  44553.2881     24.7252      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361070 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  44553.2935
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  44553.2982      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  44561.2710      7.9775      7.9728
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0566139 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1497550 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7203431 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3904290 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14465.8013835 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214619 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072770 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4462581 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.17587E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37843E-01  0.12315E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73751E+00  0.22918E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  44577.7333     24.4398     16.4622
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14711E+01  0.35933E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  44577.9577     24.6642      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  44577.9588     24.6653      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  44578.0019     24.7084      0.0431
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0157948 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  44578.0073
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  44578.0120      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  44585.9505      7.9432      7.9384
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0534210 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1456099 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7200539 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4548750 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14384.4157169 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217539 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072699 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5033581 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.19358E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40695E-01  0.12568E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73284E+00  0.22826E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  44602.4691     24.4618     16.5186
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15145E+01  0.36678E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  44602.6946     24.6873      0.2255
+                do leaf measurements  44602.6957     24.6884      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  44602.7383     24.7310      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107211 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  44602.7436
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  44602.7483      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  44610.7064      7.9629      7.9581
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0530829 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1435950 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7177472 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3929610 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14462.5864611 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1222551 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072370 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4372480 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.20917E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43087E-01  0.12573E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72830E+00  0.22765E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  44627.1589     24.4153     16.4525
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15361E+01  0.36378E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  44627.3861     24.6426      0.2272
+                do leaf measurements  44627.3872     24.6436      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  44627.4298     24.6862      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080595 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  44627.4330     24.6894      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  44627.4331     24.6895      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -198918411972444.38 360592880600371.94
+ def in m -8.007232666015625 0.6932978630065918
+ dimensionless def  -1.84055856295994353E-6 2.28778076171874998E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0179843  0.2283874
+                  Compute divergence  44627.6339     24.8903      0.2008
+                        wsmp_cleanup  44627.6742     24.9306      0.0403
+              Reset surface geometry  44627.6800     24.9364      0.0058
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   44627.6885     24.9450      0.0085
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  44627.7033     24.9597      0.0148
+                   Advect surface  1  44627.7035     24.9599      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  44627.9080     25.1644      0.2045
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  44628.1072     25.3636      0.1992
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  44628.3561     25.6125      0.2489
+                    Advect the cloud  44628.5178     25.7743      0.1618
+                        Write output  44629.3899     26.6463      0.8721
+                    End of time step  44630.2664     27.5228      0.8765
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     276  44630.2665
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  44630.2666      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  44630.2666      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17007points
+                      refine surface  44630.2667      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  44630.2928      0.0263      0.0261
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17007points
+                          surface 02  44630.3113      0.0448      0.0185
+                                                                        S. 2:    17003points
+                      refine surface  44630.3115      0.0449      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  44630.3381      0.0716      0.0267
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  44630.3607      0.0941      0.0225
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  44630.3863      0.1197      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17004points
+                          surface 03  44630.4049      0.1383      0.0186
+                                                                        S. 3:    17008points
+                      refine surface  44630.4050      0.1385      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  44630.4309      0.1643      0.0259
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17008points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  44630.4554
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  44630.4556      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  44630.4715      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  44630.4931      0.0378      0.0216
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  44630.4939      0.0386      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  44630.5088      0.0534      0.0149
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  44630.6310      0.1756      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  44630.8210      0.3657      0.1900
+                embedding surface  1  44630.8212      0.3658      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  44632.8049      2.3495      1.9837
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  44634.9156      4.4602      2.1107
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  44638.4992      8.0438      3.5836
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  44638.5052      8.0498      0.0060
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  44639.0110      8.5556      0.5058
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  44639.0775      8.6221      0.0665
+                           Find void  44639.3464      8.8910      0.2689
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  44639.3754      8.9201      0.0291
+                         wsmp setup1  44639.3836      8.9282      0.0082
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  44640.4018      9.9464      1.0182
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  44640.4516
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  44640.4518      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  44648.4164      7.9648      7.9646
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0584910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1437659 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7214310 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3838830 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14474.1195850 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1224089 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0074339 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4377921 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.18422E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94671E-01  0.11190E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76183E+00  0.24777E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  44664.8696     24.4180     16.4532
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35076E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  44665.0945     24.6429      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  44665.0956     24.6440      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  44665.1383     24.6867      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5893445 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  44665.1438
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  44665.1486      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.71169E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  44673.1625      8.0187      8.0139
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0535660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1546831 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7249429 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3970828 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14457.3560344 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213889 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0074060 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4594531 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10151E+01  0.13697E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48765E-01  0.10200E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76743E+00  0.22729E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  44689.6379     24.4941     16.4754
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12351E+01  0.18191E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  44689.8629     24.7191      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  44689.8639     24.7201      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  44689.9064     24.7626      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0714595 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  44689.9117
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  44689.9164      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  44697.8541      7.9424      7.9377
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0514550 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1686490 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7252388 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4228811 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14424.7044202 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1222150 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073979 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4982150 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.15502E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37381E-01  0.11837E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74627E+00  0.23190E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  44714.3674     24.4557     16.5133
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13713E+01  0.31168E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  44714.5943     24.6826      0.2269
+                do leaf measurements  44714.5954     24.6837      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  44714.6378     24.7261      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361861 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  44714.6431
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  44714.6478      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  44722.6350      7.9919      7.9872
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0519640 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1474681 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7215991 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3843341 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14473.5460687 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216600 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0074399 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4348230 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.17577E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37829E-01  0.12304E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73711E+00  0.22926E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  44739.0857     24.4426     16.4507
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14702E+01  0.35862E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  44739.3102     24.6671      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  44739.3113     24.6682      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  44739.3541     24.7110      0.0428
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0157911 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  44739.3595
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  44739.3643      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  44747.3098      7.9503      7.9455
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0550330 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1371522 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7231770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4394529 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14403.8080762 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073199 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4840748 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.19351E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40727E-01  0.12556E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73250E+00  0.22834E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  44763.8094     24.4499     16.4996
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15136E+01  0.36599E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  44764.0343     24.6748      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  44764.0354     24.6759      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  44764.0778     24.7183      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107272 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  44764.0831
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  44764.0879      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  44772.0365      7.9533      7.9486
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0546110 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1413388 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7263331 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3637240 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14499.7963671 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1222589 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073290 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4159451 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.20913E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43115E-01  0.12561E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72800E+00  0.22797E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  44788.4684     24.3852     16.4319
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15352E+01  0.36311E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  44788.6953     24.6122      0.2270
+                do leaf measurements  44788.6964     24.6133      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  44788.7388     24.6556      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080666 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  44788.7419     24.6588      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  44788.7421     24.6589      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -199231710194678. 361458787288570.88
+ def in m -7.9606428146362305 0.71984457969665527
+ dimensionless def  -1.83893391064235152E-6 2.27446937561035166E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0179752  0.2271198
+                  Compute divergence  44788.9430     24.8599      0.2009
+                        wsmp_cleanup  44788.9848     24.9017      0.0418
+              Reset surface geometry  44788.9908     24.9077      0.0060
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   44788.9992     24.9160      0.0083
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  44789.0133     24.9301      0.0141
+                   Advect surface  1  44789.0134     24.9303      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  44789.2118     25.1287      0.1984
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  44789.4199     25.3368      0.2081
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  44789.6738     25.5906      0.2538
+                    Advect the cloud  44789.8378     25.7546      0.1640
+                        Write output  44790.7054     26.6222      0.8676
+                    End of time step  44791.5846     27.5015      0.8792
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     277  44791.5848
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  44791.5848      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  44791.5849      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17007points
+                      refine surface  44791.5849      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  44791.6121      0.0273      0.0272
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  44791.6346      0.0498      0.0225
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  44791.6606      0.0758      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17008points
+                          surface 02  44791.6788      0.0940      0.0182
+                                                                        S. 2:    17004points
+                      refine surface  44791.6789      0.0941      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  44791.7071      0.1223      0.0282
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  44791.7342      0.1494      0.0271
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  44791.7603      0.1755      0.0261
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17007points
+                          surface 03  44791.7788      0.1940      0.0185
+                                                                        S. 3:    17008points
+                      refine surface  44791.7789      0.1942      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  44791.8067      0.2220      0.0278
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  44791.8291      0.2443      0.0223
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  44791.8548      0.2701      0.0258
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17010points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  44791.8801
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  44791.8803      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  44791.8962      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  44791.9176      0.0376      0.0214
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  44791.9184      0.0383      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  44791.9326      0.0525      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  44792.0547      0.1747      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  44792.2454      0.3653      0.1907
+                embedding surface  1  44792.2456      0.3655      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  44794.2086      2.3286      1.9631
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  44796.3304      4.4503      2.1217
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  44799.8566      7.9765      3.5262
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  44799.8624      7.9823      0.0058
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  44800.3595      8.4794      0.4971
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  44800.4312      8.5512      0.0718
+                           Find void  44800.7001      8.8201      0.2689
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  44800.7293      8.8492      0.0291
+                         wsmp setup1  44800.7372      8.8571      0.0080
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  44801.7554      9.8753      1.0181
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  44801.8049
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  44801.8050      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  44809.7557      7.9509      7.9507
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0566070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1405790 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7209890 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3859861 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14471.4460897 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211369 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071571 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4328299 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10390E+01  0.18426E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94167E-01  0.11280E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76177E+00  0.24600E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  44826.2041     24.3993     16.4484
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35098E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  44826.4285     24.6236      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  44826.4295     24.6247      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  44826.4721     24.6672      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5897566 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  44826.4775
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  44826.4823      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.72757E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  44834.5113      8.0338      8.0290
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0539849 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1492541 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7176418 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3927150 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14462.8988089 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212521 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071630 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4423630 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.13691E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.49041E-01  0.10210E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76731E+00  0.22605E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  44850.9689     24.4914     16.4576
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12358E+01  0.17962E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  44851.1940     24.7165      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  44851.1951     24.7176      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  44851.2375     24.7600      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0717502 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  44851.2429
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  44851.2476      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  44859.1871      7.9443      7.9395
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0553560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1755118 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7280130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4378541 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14405.8215057 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1220920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071461 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5263271 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.15496E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37477E-01  0.11853E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74624E+00  0.23135E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  44875.7290     24.4861     16.5419
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13718E+01  0.31189E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  44875.9561     24.7132      0.2271
+                do leaf measurements  44875.9572     24.7143      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  44875.9997     24.7568      0.0425
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361529 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  44876.0051
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  44876.0099      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  44884.0086      8.0035      7.9987
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0566680 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1435850 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7230439 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3812451 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14477.4742923 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1216662 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072489 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4338260 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.17569E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37843E-01  0.12325E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73708E+00  0.22909E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  44900.4581     24.4529     16.4494
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14705E+01  0.35885E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  44900.6831     24.6780      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  44900.6843     24.6791      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  44900.7271     24.7220      0.0429
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158142 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  44900.7327
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  44900.7376      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  44908.6999      7.9672      7.9624
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0544329 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1417270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7186799 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4298031 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14415.9686705 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211550 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072150 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4733860 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.19345E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40710E-01  0.12568E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73249E+00  0.22823E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  44925.1892     24.4564     16.4892
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15137E+01  0.36609E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  44925.4140     24.6813      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  44925.4152     24.6824      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  44925.4577     24.7249      0.0425
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107378 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  44925.4631
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  44925.4679      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  44933.4111      7.9480      7.9432
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0508151 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1606419 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7285240 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3962908 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14458.3608008 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1218259 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071590 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4656200 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.20907E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43101E-01  0.12573E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72799E+00  0.22774E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  44949.8923     24.4292     16.4812
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15352E+01  0.36314E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  44950.1181     24.6550      0.2258
+                do leaf measurements  44950.1191     24.6561      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  44950.1616     24.6986      0.0425
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080731 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  44950.1648     24.7017      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  44950.1649     24.7018      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -199613148720560.34 362460166110094.13
+ def in m -7.9845457077026367 0.7120821475982666
+ dimensionless def  -1.84340000152587882E-6 2.28129877362932499E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0180221  0.2277881
+                  Compute divergence  44950.3710     24.9080      0.2061
+                        wsmp_cleanup  44950.4081     24.9450      0.0370
+              Reset surface geometry  44950.4133     24.9502      0.0052
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   44950.4219     24.9588      0.0086
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  44950.4385     24.9754      0.0166
+                   Advect surface  1  44950.4386     24.9756      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  44950.6248     25.1617      0.1862
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  44950.8246     25.3615      0.1998
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  44951.0738     25.6107      0.2492
+                    Advect the cloud  44951.2365     25.7734      0.1627
+                        Write output  44952.1098     26.6467      0.8732
+                    End of time step  44953.0284     27.5653      0.9186
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     278  44953.0285
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  44953.0286      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  44953.0286      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17008points
+                      refine surface  44953.0287      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  44953.0545      0.0260      0.0258
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17008points
+                          surface 02  44953.0731      0.0445      0.0186
+                                                                        S. 2:    17007points
+                      refine surface  44953.0732      0.0447      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  44953.0990      0.0705      0.0258
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17007points
+                          surface 03  44953.1177      0.0892      0.0187
+                                                                        S. 3:    17010points
+                      refine surface  44953.1178      0.0893      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  44953.1436      0.1151      0.0258
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17010points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  44953.1688
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  44953.1690      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  44953.1849      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  44953.2065      0.0378      0.0216
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  44953.2073      0.0385      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  44953.2214      0.0527      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  44953.3436      0.1749      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  44953.5360      0.3672      0.1923
+                embedding surface  1  44953.5361      0.3674      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  44955.5097      2.3409      1.9736
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  44957.6260      4.4572      2.1163
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  44961.1803      8.0115      3.5543
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  44961.1855      8.0167      0.0052
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  44961.6919      8.5231      0.5064
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  44961.7691      8.6004      0.0772
+                           Find void  44962.0403      8.8716      0.2712
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  44962.0696      8.9009      0.0293
+                         wsmp setup1  44962.0773      8.9086      0.0077
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  44963.0941      9.9254      1.0168
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  44963.1440
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  44963.1442      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  44971.0802      7.9361      7.9360
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0589330 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1415391 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7250121 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3813000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14477.4045384 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1218810 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073378 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4363799 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10194E+01  0.18441E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94755E-01  0.11294E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76152E+00  0.24722E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  44987.5319     24.3879     16.4517
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35079E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  44987.7590     24.6150      0.2271
+                do leaf measurements  44987.7601     24.6161      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  44987.8029     24.6588      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5892200 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  44987.8080
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  44987.8126      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.71319E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  44995.8394      8.0314      8.0268
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0525720 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1615360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7167652 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3849871 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14472.7158844 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215870 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073600 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4451931 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10151E+01  0.13700E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48909E-01  0.10207E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76721E+00  0.22696E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  45012.3002     24.4922     16.4608
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12360E+01  0.17943E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  45012.5250     24.7169      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  45012.5261     24.7181      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  45012.5690     24.7609      0.0429
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0712506 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  45012.5742
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  45012.5787      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  45020.5220      7.9479      7.9433
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0553110 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1750731 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7276430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4504859 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14389.9293593 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1214700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073099 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5376630 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.15499E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37437E-01  0.11846E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74641E+00  0.23171E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  45037.0751     24.5010     16.5531
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13717E+01  0.31197E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  45037.2999     24.7257      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  45037.3010     24.7268      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  45037.3439     24.7697      0.0429
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361439 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  45037.3491
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  45037.3537      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  45045.3534      8.0044      7.9998
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0543950 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1531780 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7178588 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3849061 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14472.8189324 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212149 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0074620 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4394059 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.17571E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37850E-01  0.12315E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73721E+00  0.22916E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  45061.8083     24.4592     16.4549
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14703E+01  0.35885E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  45062.0328     24.6838      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  45062.0340     24.6849      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  45062.0771     24.7280      0.0431
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0157933 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  45062.0823
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  45062.0870      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  45070.0653      7.9830      7.9784
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0515611 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1362569 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7153909 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4256110 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14421.2579615 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1221511 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073259 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4586749 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.19343E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40689E-01  0.12568E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73258E+00  0.22821E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  45086.5399     24.4576     16.4746
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15135E+01  0.36628E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  45086.7640     24.6817      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  45086.7651     24.6828      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  45086.8079     24.7256      0.0428
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107233 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  45086.8130
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  45086.8176      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  45094.7583      7.9452      7.9407
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0534089 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1556811 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7277911 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3958740 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14458.8895539 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1223631 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0074449 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4629400 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.20904E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43092E-01  0.12570E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72807E+00  0.22775E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  45111.2373     24.4243     16.4790
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15352E+01  0.36339E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  45111.4646     24.6516      0.2274
+                do leaf measurements  45111.4657     24.6527      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  45111.5083     24.6953      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080601 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  45111.5112     24.6982      0.0029
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  45111.5114     24.6984      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -199963124261351.25 363484972282702.38
+ def in m -7.9920387268066406 0.70790529251098633
+ dimensionless def  -1.84836728232247483E-6 2.28343963623046875E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0180806  0.2279845
+                  Compute divergence  45111.7179     24.9049      0.2066
+                        wsmp_cleanup  45111.7546     24.9416      0.0367
+              Reset surface geometry  45111.7599     24.9469      0.0053
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   45111.7684     24.9554      0.0085
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  45111.7858     24.9728      0.0174
+                   Advect surface  1  45111.7860     24.9729      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  45111.9832     25.1702      0.1972
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  45112.1769     25.3639      0.1938
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  45112.4305     25.6175      0.2535
+                    Advect the cloud  45112.5920     25.7790      0.1615
+                        Write output  45113.4642     26.6512      0.8723
+                    End of time step  45114.3419     27.5288      0.8776
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     279  45114.3420
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  45114.3421      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  45114.3421      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17008points
+                      refine surface  45114.3421      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  45114.3691      0.0271      0.0270
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  45114.3965      0.0545      0.0273
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  45114.4220      0.0800      0.0255
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17009points
+                          surface 02  45114.4406      0.0986      0.0186
+                                                                        S. 2:    17007points
+                      refine surface  45114.4408      0.0988      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  45114.4676      0.1256      0.0268
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  45114.4903      0.1483      0.0227
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  45114.5159      0.1739      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17008points
+                          surface 03  45114.5346      0.1926      0.0187
+                                                                        S. 3:    17010points
+                      refine surface  45114.5347      0.1927      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  45114.5608      0.2188      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17010points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  45114.5854
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  45114.5857      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  45114.6015      0.0161      0.0158
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  45114.6228      0.0374      0.0213
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  45114.6236      0.0382      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  45114.6378      0.0524      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  45114.7600      0.1745      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  45114.9524      0.3670      0.1925
+                embedding surface  1  45114.9526      0.3672      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  45116.9278      2.3424      1.9752
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  45119.0411      4.4557      2.1132
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  45122.5726      7.9872      3.5315
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  45122.5789      7.9935      0.0064
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  45123.0667      8.4813      0.4878
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  45123.1507      8.5653      0.0840
+                           Find void  45123.4224      8.8370      0.2717
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  45123.4515      8.8661      0.0292
+                         wsmp setup1  45123.4594      8.8740      0.0078
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  45124.4781      9.8927      1.0187
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  45124.5281
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  45124.5282      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  45132.4506      7.9225      7.9223
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0591478 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1474452 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7280650 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3870499 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14470.0941094 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1223049 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072789 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4516580 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10215E+01  0.18544E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94875E-01  0.11449E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76197E+00  0.24820E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  45148.9175     24.3895     16.4670
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35090E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  45149.1444     24.6163      0.2268
+                do leaf measurements  45149.1455     24.6174      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  45149.1883     24.6602      0.0428
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5898930 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  45149.1935
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  45149.1981      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.71446E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  45157.2174      8.0239      8.0194
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0537312 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1459932 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7192612 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3932290 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14462.2462836 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217649 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072749 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4416332 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10149E+01  0.13767E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48663E-01  0.10168E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76744E+00  0.22789E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  45173.6747     24.4812     16.4573
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12363E+01  0.18000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  45173.8990     24.7055      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  45173.9000     24.7066      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  45173.9428     24.7493      0.0428
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0717209 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  45173.9479
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  45173.9524      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  45181.8935      7.9457      7.9411
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0528018 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1753011 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7188671 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4747159 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14359.5435931 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1217301 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072939 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5510819 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.15536E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37520E-01  0.11828E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74672E+00  0.23226E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  45198.4595     24.5116     16.5660
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13726E+01  0.31270E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  45198.6853     24.7375      0.2258
+                do leaf measurements  45198.6864     24.7386      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  45198.7292     24.7813      0.0428
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361111 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  45198.7344
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  45198.7390      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  45206.7413      8.0069      8.0023
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0570159 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1389940 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7196891 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3866920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14470.5488823 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1250851 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073791 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4352160 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.17591E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37663E-01  0.12304E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73746E+00  0.22946E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  45223.1922     24.4578     16.4509
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14712E+01  0.36010E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  45223.4169     24.6826      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  45223.4181     24.6837      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  45223.4612     24.7268      0.0431
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0157843 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  45223.4664
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  45223.4711      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  45231.4646      7.9982      7.9935
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0539758 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1370661 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7217488 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4038200 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14448.8148119 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1215870 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073669 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4459679 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.19360E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40547E-01  0.12563E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73279E+00  0.22847E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  45247.9262     24.4598     16.4616
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15144E+01  0.36722E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  45248.1504     24.6839      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  45248.1515     24.6851      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  45248.1944     24.7280      0.0429
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107237 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  45248.1995
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  45248.2041      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  45256.1439      7.9444      7.9399
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0527442 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1663082 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7273068 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4054410 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14446.7612619 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1222970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073471 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4818318 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.20919E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42975E-01  0.12567E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72825E+00  0.22784E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  45272.6414     24.4419     16.4975
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15357E+01  0.36409E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  45272.8689     24.6694      0.2274
+                do leaf measurements  45272.8700     24.6705      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  45272.9126     24.7131      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080584 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  45272.9154     24.7160      0.0029
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  45272.9156     24.7161      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -200301056946220.94 364516762728228.25
+ def in m -7.9961395263671875 0.7050318717956543
+ dimensionless def  -1.84953178678240088E-6 2.28461129324776813E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0180973  0.2280892
+                  Compute divergence  45273.1218     24.9223      0.2062
+                        wsmp_cleanup  45273.1584     24.9589      0.0367
+              Reset surface geometry  45273.1636     24.9641      0.0052
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   45273.1722     24.9727      0.0086
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  45273.1893     24.9898      0.0171
+                   Advect surface  1  45273.1894     24.9899      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  45273.3859     25.1864      0.1965
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  45273.5838     25.3843      0.1979
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  45273.8407     25.6412      0.2569
+                    Advect the cloud  45274.0012     25.8017      0.1605
+                        Write output  45274.8757     26.6762      0.8745
+                    End of time step  45275.7599     27.5605      0.8843
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     280  45275.7601
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  45275.7602      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  45275.7602      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17009points
+                      refine surface  45275.7602      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  45275.7862      0.0261      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17009points
+                          surface 02  45275.8044      0.0443      0.0182
+                                                                        S. 2:    17008points
+                      refine surface  45275.8045      0.0444      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  45275.8312      0.0711      0.0267
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  45275.8539      0.0938      0.0227
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  45275.8797      0.1196      0.0258
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17009points
+                          surface 03  45275.8980      0.1379      0.0184
+                                                                        S. 3:    17010points
+                      refine surface  45275.8982      0.1381      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  45275.9257      0.1656      0.0276
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  45275.9526      0.1925      0.0269
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  45275.9783      0.2182      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17012points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  45276.0032
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  45276.0034      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  45276.0193      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  45276.0408      0.0377      0.0215
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  45276.0416      0.0385      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  45276.0558      0.0526      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  45276.1780      0.1749      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  45276.3699      0.3668      0.1919
+                embedding surface  1  45276.3701      0.3669      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  45278.3522      2.3490      1.9821
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  45280.4565      4.4533      2.1043
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  45284.0297      8.0266      3.5733
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  45284.0345      8.0314      0.0048
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  45284.5366      8.5335      0.5021
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  45284.6217      8.6185      0.0850
+                           Find void  45284.8945      8.8913      0.2728
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  45284.9239      8.9208      0.0295
+                         wsmp setup1  45284.9316      8.9284      0.0076
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  45285.9405      9.9374      1.0089
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  45285.9902
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  45285.9903      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  45293.9135      7.9234      7.9232
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0549009 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1509871 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7295349 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3879371 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14468.9668443 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1221991 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072031 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4531410 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10530E+01  0.18474E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94501E-01  0.11308E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76170E+00  0.24653E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  45310.3823     24.3921     16.4688
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35087E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  45310.6093     24.6191      0.2270
+                do leaf measurements  45310.6103     24.6202      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  45310.6525     24.6624      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5902431 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  45310.6579
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  45310.6626      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.72155E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  45318.6676      8.0097      8.0049
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0513561 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1540220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7207861 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3852851 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14472.3370440 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211801 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072219 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4402399 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10151E+01  0.13727E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48902E-01  0.10177E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76732E+00  0.22648E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  45335.1232     24.4654     16.4557
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12352E+01  0.18042E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  45335.3478     24.6899      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  45335.3489     24.6910      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  45335.3911     24.7332      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0720666 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  45335.3964
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  45335.4012      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  45343.3413      7.9449      7.9402
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0534379 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1540918 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7214520 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4704630 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14364.8676899 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1213460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071490 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5283079 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.15525E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37369E-01  0.11822E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74639E+00  0.23168E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  45359.8855     24.4891     16.5442
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13714E+01  0.31167E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  45360.1105     24.7141      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  45360.1116     24.7152      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  45360.1538     24.7574      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362855 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  45360.1591
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  45360.1639      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  45368.1516      7.9925      7.9877
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0536821 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1767650 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7198150 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3816969 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14476.8996004 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1211851 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072160 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4607310 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.17592E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37837E-01  0.12294E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73726E+00  0.22928E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  45384.6277     24.4686     16.4762
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14704E+01  0.35897E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  45384.8524     24.6933      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  45384.8535     24.6944      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  45384.8961     24.7370      0.0425
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0157863 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  45384.9015
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  45384.9063      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  45392.9151      8.0136      8.0087
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0523500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1535001 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7188342 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4046762 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14447.7301241 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1212130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072310 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4582062 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.19364E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40720E-01  0.12550E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73263E+00  0.22823E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  45409.3890     24.4875     16.4739
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15140E+01  0.36651E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  45409.6132     24.7117      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  45409.6142     24.7127      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  45409.6564     24.7549      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107398 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  45409.6617
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  45409.6664      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  45417.6085      7.9468      7.9421
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0518460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1738970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7287040 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4213991 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14426.5761308 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1219540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072320 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5054021 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.20926E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43105E-01  0.12561E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72812E+00  0.22785E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  45434.1289     24.4672     16.5203
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15353E+01  0.36336E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  45434.3565     24.6948      0.2277
+                do leaf measurements  45434.3576     24.6959      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  45434.3997     24.7380      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080630 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  45434.4028     24.7411      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  45434.4030     24.7413      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -200634373100185.97 365550045592861.88
+ def in m -7.9997406005859375 0.70278066396713257
+ dimensionless def  -1.85315217290605826E-6 2.28564017159598194E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0181416  0.2281815
+                  Compute divergence  45434.6168     24.9551      0.2137
+                        wsmp_cleanup  45434.6530     24.9913      0.0362
+              Reset surface geometry  45434.6583     24.9967      0.0054
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   45434.6669     25.0052      0.0085
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  45434.6839     25.0222      0.0170
+                   Advect surface  1  45434.6840     25.0224      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  45434.8770     25.2153      0.1929
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  45435.0828     25.4211      0.2058
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  45435.3351     25.6734      0.2523
+                    Advect the cloud  45435.4940     25.8323      0.1589
+                        Write output  45436.3704     26.7087      0.8764
+                    End of time step  45437.2495     27.5878      0.8791
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     281  45437.2497
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  45437.2497      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  45437.2498      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17009points
+                      refine surface  45437.2498      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   4 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  45437.2779      0.0282      0.0281
+                                                                        S. 1:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  45437.3009      0.0513      0.0230
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  45437.3261      0.0764      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17013points
+                          surface 02  45437.3451      0.0954      0.0191
+                                                                        S. 2:    17008points
+                      refine surface  45437.3452      0.0956      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  45437.3709      0.1212      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  45437.3951      0.1454      0.0242
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  45437.4199      0.1703      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17009points
+                          surface 03  45437.4394      0.1897      0.0195
+                                                                        S. 3:    17012points
+                      refine surface  45437.4396      0.1899      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   4 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  45437.4679      0.2183      0.0284
+                                                                        S. 3:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  45437.4909      0.2412      0.0230
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  45437.5157      0.2660      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17016points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  45437.5419
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  45437.5422      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  45437.5580      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  45437.5792      0.0373      0.0211
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  45437.5800      0.0381      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  45437.5941      0.0522      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  45437.7169      0.1750      0.1228
+             Imbed surface in osolve  45437.9080      0.3661      0.1911
+                embedding surface  1  45437.9081      0.3662      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  45439.8787      2.3368      1.9706
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  45441.9874      4.4455      2.1087
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  45445.5517      8.0098      3.5643
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  45445.5568      8.0149      0.0051
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  45446.0545      8.5127      0.4978
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  45446.1192      8.5774      0.0647
+                           Find void  45446.3885      8.8466      0.2692
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  45446.4168      8.8749      0.0283
+                         wsmp setup1  45446.4237      8.8818      0.0069
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  45447.4431      9.9012      1.0194
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  45447.4914
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  45447.4916      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  45455.3896      7.8982      7.8980
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0563462 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1671121 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7268500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3939538 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14461.3263108 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1258330 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073450 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4778199 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10412E+01  0.18436E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94304E-01  0.11231E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76177E+00  0.24697E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  45471.8841     24.3927     16.4945
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35080E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  45472.1102     24.6187      0.2261
+                do leaf measurements  45472.1113     24.6199      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  45472.1542     24.6627      0.0429
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5895035 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  45472.1591
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  45472.1637      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.72140E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  45480.1511      7.9920      7.9875
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0521891 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1471109 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7194469 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3909142 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14465.1852307 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1253312 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0074911 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4428611 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.13686E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48986E-01  0.10205E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76728E+00  0.22659E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  45496.6102     24.4511     16.4591
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12355E+01  0.17828E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  45496.8344     24.6753      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  45496.8356     24.6765      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  45496.8787     24.7196      0.0431
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0714789 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  45496.8836
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  45496.8881      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  45504.8258      7.9422      7.9377
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0549929 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1610131 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7237349 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4699109 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14365.5592345 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1253319 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073669 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5427151 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.15490E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37560E-01  0.11853E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74626E+00  0.23152E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  45521.3854     24.5018     16.5596
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13714E+01  0.31163E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  45521.6095     24.7259      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  45521.6106     24.7270      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  45521.6534     24.7698      0.0428
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362399 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  45521.6584
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  45521.6629      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  45529.6374      7.9790      7.9745
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0545242 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1523149 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7215509 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3780131 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14481.5867177 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1253409 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072260 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4393210 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.17558E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37794E-01  0.12320E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73712E+00  0.22916E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  45546.0944     24.4360     16.4570
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14699E+01  0.35870E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  45546.3174     24.6590      0.2230
+                do leaf measurements  45546.3185     24.6601      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  45546.3613     24.7029      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158049 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  45546.3662
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  45546.3707      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  45554.3941      8.0279      8.0233
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0515471 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1543729 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7183111 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3937209 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14461.6219604 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1253569 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0074120 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4510801 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.19331E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40676E-01  0.12569E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73252E+00  0.22815E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  45570.8626     24.4964     16.4686
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15132E+01  0.36612E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  45571.0857     24.7195      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements  45571.0869     24.7206      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  45571.1296     24.7634      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107125 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  45571.1345
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  45571.1389      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  45579.0798      7.9453      7.9409
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0547009 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1669281 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7261629 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4420011 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14400.6002422 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1260049 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073471 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5235140 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.20893E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43095E-01  0.12566E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72804E+00  0.22778E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  45595.6214     24.4869     16.5415
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15349E+01  0.36341E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  45595.8459     24.7114      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  45595.8471     24.7126      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  45595.8897     24.7552      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080642 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  45595.8927     24.7582      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  45595.8929     24.7583      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -200961584366091.72 366591333554544.56
+ def in m -8.0002174377441406 0.70094823837280273
+ dimensionless def  -1.84783322470528743E-6 2.28577641078404009E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0180951  0.2281827
+                  Compute divergence  45596.1000     24.9654      0.2071
+                        wsmp_cleanup  45596.1365     25.0020      0.0365
+              Reset surface geometry  45596.1418     25.0073      0.0053
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   45596.1500     25.0155      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  45596.1674     25.0329      0.0174
+                   Advect surface  1  45596.1676     25.0331      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  45596.3591     25.2246      0.1915
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  45596.5563     25.4218      0.1972
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  45596.8094     25.6749      0.2531
+                    Advect the cloud  45596.9705     25.8360      0.1611
+                        Write output  45597.8431     26.7086      0.8726
+                    End of time step  45598.7231     27.5886      0.8800
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     282  45598.7233
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  45598.7233      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  45598.7234      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17013points
+                      refine surface  45598.7234      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  45598.7508      0.0275      0.0274
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  45598.7739      0.0506      0.0231
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  45598.7986      0.0754      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17016points
+                          surface 02  45598.8183      0.0950      0.0197
+                                                                        S. 2:    17009points
+                      refine surface  45598.8184      0.0952      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  45598.8444      0.1211      0.0259
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  45598.8679      0.1447      0.0235
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  45598.8927      0.1695      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17010points
+                          surface 03  45598.9124      0.1891      0.0197
+                                                                        S. 3:    17016points
+                      refine surface  45598.9126      0.1893      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   5 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  45598.9417      0.2184      0.0291
+                                                                        S. 3:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  45598.9648      0.2416      0.0231
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  45598.9897      0.2665      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17021points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  45599.0160
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  45599.0163      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  45599.0322      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  45599.0532      0.0372      0.0211
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  45599.0540      0.0380      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  45599.0681      0.0521      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  45599.1908      0.1748      0.1227
+             Imbed surface in osolve  45599.3827      0.3667      0.1918
+                embedding surface  1  45599.3828      0.3668      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  45601.3552      2.3392      1.9723
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  45603.4531      4.4371      2.0980
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  45607.0077      7.9917      3.5546
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  45607.0129      7.9969      0.0052
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  45607.4998      8.4837      0.4869
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  45607.5979      8.5819      0.0982
+                           Find void  45607.8682      8.8522      0.2703
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  45607.8973      8.8813      0.0291
+                         wsmp setup1  45607.9056      8.8896      0.0083
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  45608.9262      9.9102      1.0206
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  45608.9759
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  45608.9761      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  45616.8812      7.9052      7.9051
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0564349 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1681900 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7287340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4336441 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14411.1258898 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1261518 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072000 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5207400 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10261E+01  0.18454E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94979E-01  0.11307E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76177E+00  0.24735E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  45633.4192     24.4432     16.5380
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35073E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  45633.6445     24.6686      0.2254
+                do leaf measurements  45633.6456     24.6697      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  45633.6880     24.7121      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5893169 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  45633.6927
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  45633.6973      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.71409E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  45641.6733      7.9806      7.9760
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0507030 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1544409 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7221940 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3861430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14471.2467006 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1252570 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071590 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4462972 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.13706E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48707E-01  0.10180E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76737E+00  0.22701E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  45658.1372     24.4445     16.4639
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12362E+01  0.18002E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  45658.3600     24.6673      0.2228
+                do leaf measurements  45658.3612     24.6685      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  45658.4039     24.7112      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0713336 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  45658.4091
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  45658.4139      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  45666.3495      7.9405      7.9357
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0507641 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1483750 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7205341 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4531970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14386.5231551 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1253991 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071769 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5058279 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.15503E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37570E-01  0.11818E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74664E+00  0.23184E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  45682.8738     24.4648     16.5243
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13722E+01  0.31257E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  45683.0958     24.6868      0.2220
+                do leaf measurements  45683.0970     24.6879      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  45683.1394     24.7304      0.0425
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361185 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  45683.1446
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  45683.1493      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  45691.1080      7.9635      7.9587
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0560601 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1433749 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7226479 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3811598 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14477.5828672 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1260560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071759 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4368770 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.17568E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37773E-01  0.12287E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73743E+00  0.22926E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  45707.5620     24.4174     16.4539
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14705E+01  0.35939E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  45707.7880     24.6435      0.2261
+                do leaf measurements  45707.7891     24.6446      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  45707.8316     24.6870      0.0425
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0157788 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  45707.8367
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  45707.8418      0.0051      0.0051
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  45715.8625      8.0258      8.0207
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0542550 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1623108 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7225401 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4049640 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14447.3655775 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1250350 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071709 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4766529 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.19338E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40670E-01  0.12543E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73279E+00  0.22835E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  45732.3565     24.5197     16.4940
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15137E+01  0.36687E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  45732.5786     24.7419      0.2221
+                do leaf measurements  45732.5797     24.7430      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  45732.6222     24.7854      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107034 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  45732.6272
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  45732.6319      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  45740.5715      7.9442      7.9395
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0548911 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1681120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7271252 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4547970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14384.5136191 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1250901 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072050 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5375881 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.20899E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43075E-01  0.12554E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72827E+00  0.22785E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  45757.1264     24.4992     16.5549
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15352E+01  0.36392E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  45757.3502     24.7230      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  45757.3513     24.7241      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  45757.3938     24.7665      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080591 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  45757.3970     24.7697      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  45757.3971     24.7699      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -201280650246032.97 367637024587251.75
+ def in m -8.0015153884887695 0.69928336143493652
+ dimensionless def  -1.84888192585536412E-6 2.28614725385393411E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0181115  0.2282095
+                  Compute divergence  45757.6121     24.9849      0.2150
+                        wsmp_cleanup  45757.6486     25.0214      0.0365
+              Reset surface geometry  45757.6539     25.0267      0.0053
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   45757.6622     25.0350      0.0083
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  45757.6800     25.0527      0.0178
+                   Advect surface  1  45757.6801     25.0529      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  45757.8647     25.2374      0.1845
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  45758.0638     25.4365      0.1991
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  45758.3172     25.6899      0.2534
+                    Advect the cloud  45758.4795     25.8523      0.1624
+                        Write output  45759.3529     26.7257      0.8734
+                    End of time step  45760.2344     27.6071      0.8814
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     283  45760.2345
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  45760.2346      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  45760.2346      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17016points
+                      refine surface  45760.2347      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  45760.2623      0.0277      0.0276
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  45760.2854      0.0509      0.0232
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  45760.3102      0.0756      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17019points
+                          surface 02  45760.3296      0.0951      0.0195
+                                                                        S. 2:    17010points
+                      refine surface  45760.3298      0.0953      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  45760.3556      0.1211      0.0258
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  45760.3840      0.1494      0.0284
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  45760.4088      0.1743      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17011points
+                          surface 03  45760.4282      0.1936      0.0194
+                                                                        S. 3:    17021points
+                      refine surface  45760.4283      0.1938      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  45760.4555      0.2210      0.0272
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  45760.4776      0.2431      0.0221
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  45760.5031      0.2686      0.0255
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17022points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  45760.5282
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  45760.5285      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  45760.5443      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  45760.5657      0.0375      0.0214
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  45760.5665      0.0383      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  45760.5806      0.0524      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  45760.7028      0.1746      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  45760.8956      0.3674      0.1928
+                embedding surface  1  45760.8957      0.3675      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  45762.8734      2.3452      1.9777
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  45764.9851      4.4569      2.1117
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  45768.5570      8.0288      3.5719
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  45768.5623      8.0341      0.0053
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  45769.0395      8.5113      0.4772
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  45769.1429      8.6147      0.1034
+                           Find void  45769.4069      8.8787      0.2640
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  45769.4350      8.9068      0.0281
+                         wsmp setup1  45769.4417      8.9135      0.0067
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  45770.4603      9.9321      1.0186
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  45770.5082
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  45770.5084      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  45778.4284      7.9201      7.9200
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0567060 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1722190 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7265921 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4290390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14416.9325045 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1263011 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072739 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5184979 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10368E+01  0.18550E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95462E-01  0.11333E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76221E+00  0.24599E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  45794.9648     24.4566     16.5364
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35099E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  45795.1898     24.6816      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  45795.1909     24.6827      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  45795.2337     24.7254      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5902258 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  45795.2389
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  45795.2436      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.71411E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  45803.2371      7.9982      7.9935
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0538130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1525068 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7172940 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3817930 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14476.7773895 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1255879 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073440 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4387391 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.13789E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48922E-01  0.10196E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76766E+00  0.22637E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  45819.6949     24.4560     16.4578
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12364E+01  0.18392E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  45819.9167     24.6779      0.2219
+                do leaf measurements  45819.9179     24.6790      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  45819.9609     24.7220      0.0430
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0720529 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  45819.9661
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  45819.9709      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  45827.9216      7.9556      7.9508
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0529330 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1526880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7256031 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4455900 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14396.0847451 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1256261 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071731 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5099850 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10175E+01  0.15560E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37468E-01  0.11834E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74695E+00  0.23178E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  45844.4506     24.4846     16.5290
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13731E+01  0.31322E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  45844.6728     24.7067      0.2222
+                do leaf measurements  45844.6739     24.7078      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  45844.7165     24.7504      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361155 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  45844.7217
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  45844.7264      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  45852.6679      7.9462      7.9415
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0558960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1541481 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7266319 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3896530 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14466.7870343 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1260440 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072610 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4600041 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.17608E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37853E-01  0.12299E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73774E+00  0.22917E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  45869.1461     24.4245     16.4783
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14716E+01  0.36045E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  45869.3705     24.6489      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  45869.3716     24.6500      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  45869.4141     24.6925      0.0425
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0157743 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  45869.4193
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  45869.4240      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  45877.4379      8.0185      8.0138
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0516050 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1617410 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7187440 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4206040 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14427.5805388 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1257029 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072141 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4859960 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.19372E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40751E-01  0.12544E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73305E+00  0.22819E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  45893.9426     24.5233     16.5047
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15150E+01  0.36800E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  45894.1685     24.7491      0.2258
+                do leaf measurements  45894.1696     24.7503      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  45894.2121     24.7928      0.0425
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107377 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  45894.2172
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  45894.2219      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  45902.1661      7.9489      7.9442
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0529082 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1756330 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7221470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4788890 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14354.3233182 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1259689 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072129 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5631430 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.20931E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43136E-01  0.12554E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72850E+00  0.22780E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  45918.7481     24.5309     16.5820
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15364E+01  0.36484E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  45918.9710     24.7538      0.2229
+                do leaf measurements  45918.9721     24.7549      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  45919.0145     24.7973      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080626 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  45919.0177     24.8005      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  45919.0179     24.8007      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -201594967422077.13 368685217057621.63
+ def in m -8.0013875961303711 0.69796878099441528
+ dimensionless def  -1.84149401528494703E-6 2.28611074175153464E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0180391  0.2281971
+                  Compute divergence  45919.2218     25.0046      0.2039
+                        wsmp_cleanup  45919.2606     25.0434      0.0388
+              Reset surface geometry  45919.2657     25.0485      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   45919.2741     25.0569      0.0084
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  45919.2904     25.0732      0.0163
+                   Advect surface  1  45919.2905     25.0733      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  45919.4872     25.2700      0.1966
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  45919.6874     25.4702      0.2003
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  45919.9421     25.7249      0.2546
+                    Advect the cloud  45920.1042     25.8870      0.1622
+                        Write output  45920.9802     26.7630      0.8759
+                    End of time step  45953.4816     59.2644     32.5014
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     284  45953.4817
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  45953.4818      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  45953.4818      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17019points
+                      refine surface  45953.4819      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  45953.5103      0.0286      0.0284
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  45953.5326      0.0509      0.0223
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  45953.5585      0.0768      0.0259
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17022points
+                          surface 02  45953.5765      0.0948      0.0180
+                                                                        S. 2:    17011points
+                      refine surface  45953.5767      0.0950      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  45953.6034      0.1217      0.0267
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  45953.6260      0.1443      0.0226
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  45953.6519      0.1702      0.0259
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17012points
+                          surface 03  45953.6700      0.1883      0.0181
+                                                                        S. 3:    17022points
+                      refine surface  45953.6702      0.1884      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  45953.6978      0.2160      0.0276
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  45953.7199      0.2382      0.0222
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  45953.7459      0.2641      0.0259
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17024points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  45953.7707
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  45953.7709      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  45953.7868      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  45953.8081      0.0374      0.0213
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  45953.8089      0.0382      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  45953.8231      0.0524      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  45953.9458      0.1752      0.1228
+             Imbed surface in osolve  45954.1368      0.3661      0.1909
+                embedding surface  1  45954.1370      0.3663      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  45956.1058      2.3351      1.9689
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  45958.2008      4.4302      2.0950
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  45961.7896      8.0189      3.5888
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  45961.7948      8.0241      0.0052
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  45962.2807      8.5101      0.4860
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  45962.3651      8.5944      0.0844
+                           Find void  45962.6355      8.8648      0.2704
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  45962.6648      8.8941      0.0293
+                         wsmp setup1  45962.6729      8.9022      0.0081
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  45963.6928      9.9221      1.0199
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  45963.7423
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  45963.7425      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  45971.6764      7.9341      7.9338
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0555260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1413779 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7231059 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3804500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14478.4858003 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1413171 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073609 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4495289 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10157E+01  0.18456E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94219E-01  0.11223E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76224E+00  0.24695E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  45988.1440     24.4016     16.4676
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35093E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  45988.3687     24.6264      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  45988.3699     24.6276      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  45988.4121     24.6698      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5892244 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  45988.4170
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  45988.4216      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.72313E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  45996.4449      8.0278      8.0233
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0534680 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1557219 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7202380 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3933721 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14462.0647007 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1419930 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072830 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4724560 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.13720E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48879E-01  0.10222E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76750E+00  0.22686E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  46012.9357     24.5186     16.4908
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12359E+01  0.18067E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  46013.1586     24.7416      0.2230
+                do leaf measurements  46013.1597     24.7426      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  46013.2024     24.7853      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0713397 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  46013.2071
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  46013.2115      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  46021.1515      7.9444      7.9400
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0519819 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1767049 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7229600 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4669790 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14369.2321657 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1421790 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071402 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5683339 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.15516E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37425E-01  0.11854E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74670E+00  0.23191E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  46037.7389     24.5317     16.5873
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13719E+01  0.31218E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  46037.9599     24.7528      0.2211
+                do leaf measurements  46037.9610     24.7539      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  46038.0035     24.7964      0.0425
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360678 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  46038.0085
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  46038.0131      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  46046.0253      8.0168      8.0123
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0545180 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1498399 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7190039 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3842261 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14473.6833811 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1414430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072751 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4566939 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.17575E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37833E-01  0.12314E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73750E+00  0.22936E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  46062.5000     24.4915     16.4747
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14704E+01  0.35935E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  46062.7218     24.7133      0.2218
+                do leaf measurements  46062.7229     24.7144      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  46062.7655     24.7570      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158886 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  46062.7705
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  46062.7752      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  46070.7596      7.9891      7.9844
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0546691 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1581819 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7207849 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4099560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14441.0446620 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1418111 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073390 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4931450 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.19343E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40714E-01  0.12563E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73281E+00  0.22828E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  46087.2701     24.4996     16.5105
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15137E+01  0.36696E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  46087.4934     24.7228      0.2232
+                do leaf measurements  46087.4945     24.7239      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  46087.5368     24.7662      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107206 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  46087.5417
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  46087.5462      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  46095.4865      7.9447      7.9402
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0527289 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1696889 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7263489 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3959210 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14458.8299614 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1414151 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072198 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4936998 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.20902E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43112E-01  0.12568E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72831E+00  0.22785E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  46111.9980     24.4563     16.5115
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15350E+01  0.36377E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  46112.2231     24.6814      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  46112.2242     24.6825      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  46112.2666     24.7248      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080517 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  46112.2696     24.7279      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  46112.2697     24.7280      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -201899686628597.03 369737358822080.5
+ def in m -8.0000648498535156 0.69701558351516724
+ dimensionless def  -1.83305978775024419E-6 2.28573281424386177E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0179575  0.2281519
+                  Compute divergence  46112.4762     24.9345      0.2064
+                        wsmp_cleanup  46112.5127     24.9710      0.0365
+              Reset surface geometry  46112.5178     24.9761      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   46112.5261     24.9844      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  46112.5437     25.0020      0.0177
+                   Advect surface  1  46112.5439     25.0022      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  46112.7351     25.1934      0.1912
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  46112.9337     25.3920      0.1986
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  46113.1914     25.6497      0.2577
+                    Advect the cloud  46113.3525     25.8108      0.1612
+                        Write output  46114.2328     26.6911      0.8803
+                    End of time step  46146.1602     58.6185     31.9274
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     285  46146.1603
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  46146.1604      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  46146.1604      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17022points
+                      refine surface  46146.1605      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  46146.1867      0.0264      0.0263
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17022points
+                          surface 02  46146.2051      0.0447      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 2:    17012points
+                      refine surface  46146.2052      0.0449      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  46146.2335      0.0732      0.0283
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  46146.2560      0.0956      0.0224
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  46146.2817      0.1214      0.0258
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17015points
+                          surface 03  46146.3002      0.1399      0.0185
+                                                                        S. 3:    17024points
+                      refine surface  46146.3004      0.1400      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  46146.3274      0.1671      0.0271
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  46146.3498      0.1894      0.0224
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  46146.3759      0.2156      0.0261
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17025points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  46146.4010
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  46146.4013      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  46146.4172      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  46146.4386      0.0376      0.0214
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  46146.4394      0.0383      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  46146.4535      0.0525      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  46146.5757      0.1746      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  46146.7673      0.3663      0.1916
+                embedding surface  1  46146.7675      0.3664      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  46148.7479      2.3468      1.9804
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  46150.8564      4.4553      2.1085
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  46154.3949      7.9939      3.5385
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  46154.4001      7.9991      0.0052
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  46154.9017      8.5007      0.5016
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  46154.9795      8.5784      0.0778
+                           Find void  46155.2501      8.8490      0.2706
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  46155.2793      8.8782      0.0292
+                         wsmp setup1  46155.2870      8.8860      0.0077
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  46156.3053      9.9042      1.0183
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  46156.3552
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  46156.3554      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  46164.3364      7.9813      7.9811
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0560560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1409299 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7216709 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3881748 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14468.6648361 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1571951 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073991 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4718339 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10157E+01  0.18511E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94723E-01  0.11204E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76241E+00  0.24686E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  46180.8296     24.4745     16.4932
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35083E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  46181.0515     24.6963      0.2218
+                do leaf measurements  46181.0526     24.6974      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  46181.0953     24.7401      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5886180 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  46181.1004
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  46181.1050      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.71805E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  46189.0731      7.9727      7.9681
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0530689 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1379781 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7217491 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4346461 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14409.8629732 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1580679 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072980 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5131972 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10150E+01  0.13757E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48821E-01  0.10232E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76751E+00  0.22692E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  46205.6082     24.5079     16.5351
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12365E+01  0.18026E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  46205.8313     24.7310      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements  46205.8324     24.7321      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  46205.8748     24.7744      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0709802 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  46205.8798
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  46205.8844      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  46213.8252      7.9453      7.9408
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0507641 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1490660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7253959 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3918319 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14464.0199825 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1572590 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073361 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4820490 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.15531E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37672E-01  0.11871E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74704E+00  0.23175E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  46230.3280     24.4482     16.5029
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13722E+01  0.31278E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  46230.5504     24.6706      0.2224
+                do leaf measurements  46230.5515     24.6717      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  46230.5938     24.7140      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360202 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  46230.5988
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  46230.6035      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  46238.6052      8.0063      8.0017
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0564101 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1449828 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7178810 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4007010 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14452.7677035 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1578379 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073502 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4855549 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.17580E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37851E-01  0.12323E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73772E+00  0.22924E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  46255.1134     24.5146     16.5083
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14703E+01  0.35992E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  46255.3383     24.7394      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  46255.3394     24.7405      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  46255.3820     24.7831      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158183 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  46255.3867
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  46255.3912      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  46263.3340      7.9473      7.9428
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0555820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1662240 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7191050 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4753060 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14358.8051931 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1577492 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0074739 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5818298 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.19340E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40700E-01  0.12579E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73302E+00  0.22840E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  46279.9394     24.5527     16.6053
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15137E+01  0.36746E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  46280.1622     24.7754      0.2228
+                do leaf measurements  46280.1632     24.7765      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  46280.2057     24.8189      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107169 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  46280.2112
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  46280.2158      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  46288.2136      8.0024      7.9978
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0549190 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1407881 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7199819 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3946261 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14460.4730196 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1579001 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072410 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4758430 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.20895E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43108E-01  0.12581E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72846E+00  0.22782E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  46304.7119     24.5007     16.4983
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15352E+01  0.36443E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  46304.9340     24.7228      0.2221
+                do leaf measurements  46304.9351     24.7239      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  46304.9777     24.7666      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080528 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  46304.9808     24.7696      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  46304.9810     24.7698      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -202207639174363.31 370786990655401.19
+ def in m -8.0030241012573242 0.69498252868652344
+ dimensionless def  -1.84514743941170836E-6 2.28657831464495002E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0180893  0.2282253
+                  Compute divergence  46305.1866     24.9754      0.2056
+                        wsmp_cleanup  46305.2231     25.0119      0.0365
+              Reset surface geometry  46305.2282     25.0170      0.0052
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   46305.2366     25.0254      0.0084
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  46305.2542     25.0430      0.0176
+                   Advect surface  1  46305.2544     25.0432      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  46305.4533     25.2421      0.1990
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  46305.6588     25.4477      0.2055
+                                                                        S. 3:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  46305.9133     25.7021      0.2544
+                    Advect the cloud  46306.0757     25.8645      0.1624
+                        Write output  46306.9501     26.7389      0.8744
+                    End of time step  46331.0109     50.7997     24.0608
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     286  46331.0110
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  46331.0111      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  46331.0111      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17022points
+                      refine surface  46331.0112      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  46331.0389      0.0279      0.0278
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  46331.0612      0.0502      0.0223
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  46331.0874      0.0763      0.0262
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17023points
+                          surface 02  46331.1055      0.0945      0.0181
+                                                                        S. 2:    17014points
+                      refine surface  46331.1056      0.0946      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  46331.1317      0.1207      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17014points
+                          surface 03  46331.1496      0.1386      0.0179
+                                                                        S. 3:    17025points
+                      refine surface  46331.1498      0.1387      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  46331.1766      0.1656      0.0268
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  46331.1990      0.1879      0.0224
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  46331.2253      0.2143      0.0264
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17026points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  46331.2502
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  46331.2505      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  46331.2664      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  46331.2879      0.0376      0.0215
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  46331.2887      0.0384      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  46331.3028      0.0526      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  46331.4251      0.1748      0.1223
+             Imbed surface in osolve  46331.6157      0.3655      0.1906
+                embedding surface  1  46331.6159      0.3656      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  46333.5730      2.3228      1.9571
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  46335.6530      4.4028      2.0800
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  46339.2265      7.9762      3.5735
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  46339.2314      7.9812      0.0050
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  46339.7198      8.4696      0.4884
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  46339.8073      8.5571      0.0875
+                           Find void  46340.0774      8.8271      0.2700
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  46340.1068      8.8565      0.0294
+                         wsmp setup1  46340.1150      8.8648      0.0082
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  46341.1424      9.8921      1.0274
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  46341.1935
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  46341.1936      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  46349.1238      7.9303      7.9302
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0570738 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1519580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7268910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4468532 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14394.4961606 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1634901 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071828 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5538840 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10235E+01  0.18418E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94451E-01  0.11215E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76223E+00  0.24676E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  46365.6991     24.5056     16.5753
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35096E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  46365.9223     24.7288      0.2232
+                do leaf measurements  46365.9235     24.7300      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  46365.9667     24.7732      0.0432
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5897255 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  46365.9716
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  46365.9761      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.72218E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  46373.9210      7.9494      7.9449
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0520480 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1621802 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7261610 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3964179 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14458.1995811 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1626959 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071161 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5069911 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.13698E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48859E-01  0.10194E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76758E+00  0.22651E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  46390.4510     24.4794     16.5300
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12356E+01  0.17937E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  46390.6742     24.7026      0.2232
+                do leaf measurements  46390.6755     24.7039      0.0013
+       compute convergence criterion  46390.7181     24.7465      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0718090 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  46390.7231
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  46390.7276      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  46398.7275      8.0044      7.9999
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0521860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1721830 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7210081 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4073009 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14444.4057898 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1633160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071301 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5235200 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.15501E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37308E-01  0.11832E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74662E+00  0.23172E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  46415.2732     24.5501     16.5457
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13716E+01  0.31206E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  46415.4978     24.7747      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  46415.4989     24.7758      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  46415.5416     24.8186      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360821 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  46415.5466
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  46415.5510      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  46423.4879      7.9413      7.9369
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0548999 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1742280 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7207391 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4788702 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14354.3468715 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1635010 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071521 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5997729 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.17566E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37868E-01  0.12299E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73744E+00  0.22922E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  46440.1103     24.5637     16.6224
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14701E+01  0.35917E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  46440.3334     24.7869      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements  46440.3346     24.7880      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  46440.3772     24.8307      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0157599 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  46440.3822
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  46440.3867      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  46448.3814      7.9992      7.9947
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0531421 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1527390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7191851 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3896599 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14466.7782522 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1628699 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071371 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4852600 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.19334E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40755E-01  0.12552E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73279E+00  0.22835E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  46464.8887     24.5065     16.5073
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15131E+01  0.36653E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  46465.1113     24.7290      0.2225
+                do leaf measurements  46465.1125     24.7303      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  46465.1561     24.7739      0.0436
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107274 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  46465.1611
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  46465.1657      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  46473.1744      8.0133      8.0086
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0554750 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1687369 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7145388 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4085109 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14442.8738318 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1636770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071700 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5185409 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.20891E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43156E-01  0.12557E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72826E+00  0.22777E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  46489.7164     24.5553     16.5421
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15346E+01  0.36365E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  46489.9425     24.7814      0.2260
+                do leaf measurements  46489.9436     24.7825      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  46489.9863     24.8252      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080595 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  46489.9893     24.8282      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  46489.9895     24.8284      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -202505809698904.47 371842097584375.06
+ def in m -8.0030374526977539 0.69394606351852417
+ dimensionless def  -1.84495380946568068E-6 2.28658212934221516E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0180985  0.2282176
+                  Compute divergence  46490.1991     25.0379      0.2095
+                        wsmp_cleanup  46490.2349     25.0737      0.0358
+              Reset surface geometry  46490.2400     25.0789      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   46490.2483     25.0872      0.0083
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  46490.2661     25.1049      0.0178
+                   Advect surface  1  46490.2662     25.1051      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  46490.4621     25.3009      0.1958
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  46490.6618     25.5007      0.1998
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  46490.9172     25.7561      0.2553
+                    Advect the cloud  46491.0799     25.9188      0.1627
+                        Write output  46491.9642     26.8030      0.8842
+                    End of time step  46516.9209     51.7598     24.9568
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     287  46516.9211
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  46516.9211      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  46516.9212      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17023points
+                      refine surface  46516.9212      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  46516.9474      0.0264      0.0262
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17023points
+                          surface 02  46516.9655      0.0444      0.0180
+                                                                        S. 2:    17014points
+                      refine surface  46516.9656      0.0446      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  46516.9937      0.0727      0.0281
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  46517.0161      0.0950      0.0224
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  46517.0420      0.1209      0.0259
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17017points
+                          surface 03  46517.0602      0.1391      0.0182
+                                                                        S. 3:    17026points
+                      refine surface  46517.0603      0.1393      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  46517.0871      0.1660      0.0268
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  46517.1100      0.1889      0.0229
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  46517.1360      0.2149      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17027points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  46517.1610
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  46517.1613      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  46517.1771      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  46517.1987      0.0376      0.0215
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  46517.1994      0.0384      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  46517.2136      0.0526      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  46517.3358      0.1748      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  46517.5270      0.3659      0.1911
+                embedding surface  1  46517.5271      0.3661      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  46519.5052      2.3441      1.9780
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  46521.6080      4.4470      2.1029
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  46525.1822      8.0212      3.5742
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  46525.1874      8.0264      0.0052
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  46525.6972      8.5361      0.5097
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  46525.7660      8.6049      0.0688
+                           Find void  46526.0397      8.8787      0.2737
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  46526.0694      8.9084      0.0297
+                         wsmp setup1  46526.0772      8.9162      0.0078
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  46527.0869      9.9258      1.0097
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  46527.1355
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  46527.1357      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  46535.0504      7.9149      7.9147
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0569971 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2017930 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7257700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4068968 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14444.9175211 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1707420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071640 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5697830 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10158E+01  0.18496E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94407E-01  0.11247E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76228E+00  0.24649E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  46551.6462     24.5107     16.5958
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35090E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  46551.8672     24.7317      0.2210
+                do leaf measurements  46551.8683     24.7327      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  46551.9105     24.7750      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5898860 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  46551.9157
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  46551.9204      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.72270E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  46559.9114      7.9957      7.9910
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0516019 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1765771 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7206950 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4021940 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14450.8752913 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1705520 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073838 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5294390 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10151E+01  0.13747E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.49020E-01  0.10200E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76752E+00  0.22640E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  46576.4666     24.5510     16.5553
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12361E+01  0.18005E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  46576.6881     24.7724      0.2214
+                do leaf measurements  46576.6892     24.7735      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  46576.7318     24.8162      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0716334 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  46576.7370
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  46576.7418      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  46584.6801      7.9431      7.9383
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0524969 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1824329 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7177150 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4762180 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14357.6641789 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1704161 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0069308 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.6066329 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.15527E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37555E-01  0.11837E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74693E+00  0.23152E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  46601.3124     24.5754     16.6323
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13718E+01  0.31234E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  46601.5334     24.7964      0.2210
+                do leaf measurements  46601.5346     24.7976      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  46601.5767     24.8397      0.0421
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361868 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  46601.5818
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  46601.5866      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  46609.5654      7.9835      7.9788
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0541091 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1788349 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7200480 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3993838 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14454.4378018 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1695671 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072820 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5296671 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.17573E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37913E-01  0.12308E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73768E+00  0.22923E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  46626.1199     24.5381     16.5546
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14701E+01  0.35960E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  46626.3398     24.7580      0.2199
+                do leaf measurements  46626.3409     24.7591      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  46626.3833     24.8015      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0157970 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  46626.3884
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  46626.3943      0.0059      0.0059
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  46634.4136      8.0253      8.0194
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0530162 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1772969 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7191989 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4173560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14431.6848550 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1702628 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072789 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5448582 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.19334E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40748E-01  0.12565E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73298E+00  0.22839E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  46650.9838     24.5954     16.5702
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15136E+01  0.36737E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  46651.2071     24.8187      0.2233
+                do leaf measurements  46651.2082     24.8198      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  46651.2504     24.8621      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107370 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  46651.2555
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  46651.2603      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  46659.1994      7.9439      7.9391
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0543261 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2035289 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7258339 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4576590 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14380.9205517 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1803551 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072050 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.6293309 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.20890E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43134E-01  0.12567E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72847E+00  0.22782E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  46675.8549     24.5993     16.6555
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15350E+01  0.36425E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  46676.0751     24.8196      0.2203
+                do leaf measurements  46676.0762     24.8207      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  46676.1185     24.8629      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080559 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  46676.1217     24.8662      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  46676.1218     24.8663      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -202802028738042.88 372899256936644.06
+ def in m -8.0030336380004883 0.69291675090789795
+ dimensionless def  -1.84171489306858596E-6 2.28658103942871093E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0180726  0.2282100
+                  Compute divergence  46676.3352     25.0797      0.2134
+                        wsmp_cleanup  46676.3720     25.1165      0.0367
+              Reset surface geometry  46676.3770     25.1215      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   46676.3852     25.1297      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  46676.4031     25.1476      0.0178
+                   Advect surface  1  46676.4032     25.1477      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  46676.6014     25.3459      0.1981
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  46676.8012     25.5457      0.1998
+                                                                        S. 3:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  46677.0529     25.7974      0.2518
+                    Advect the cloud  46677.2154     25.9599      0.1625
+                        Write output  46678.0914     26.8359      0.8760
+                    End of time step  46678.9776     27.7221      0.8862
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     288  46678.9777
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  46678.9778      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  46678.9778      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17023points
+                      refine surface  46678.9779      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  46679.0041      0.0263      0.0262
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17023points
+                          surface 02  46679.0221      0.0443      0.0180
+                                                                        S. 2:    17017points
+                      refine surface  46679.0222      0.0445      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  46679.0491      0.0713      0.0269
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  46679.0718      0.0941      0.0228
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  46679.0979      0.1201      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17018points
+                          surface 03  46679.1160      0.1383      0.0182
+                                                                        S. 3:    17027points
+                      refine surface  46679.1162      0.1384      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  46679.1433      0.1656      0.0271
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  46679.1659      0.1882      0.0226
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  46679.1922      0.2145      0.0263
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17028points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  46679.2167
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  46679.2169      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  46679.2328      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  46679.2542      0.0375      0.0214
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  46679.2550      0.0383      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  46679.2691      0.0524      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  46679.3913      0.1746      0.1221
+             Imbed surface in osolve  46679.5831      0.3665      0.1919
+                embedding surface  1  46679.5833      0.3666      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  46681.5523      2.3356      1.9690
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  46683.6564      4.4397      2.1041
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  46687.2213      8.0046      3.5648
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  46687.2265      8.0098      0.0052
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  46687.7103      8.4936      0.4838
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  46687.8403      8.6236      0.1299
+                           Find void  46688.1137      8.8970      0.2735
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  46688.1429      8.9262      0.0292
+                         wsmp setup1  46688.1506      8.9339      0.0077
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  46689.1599      9.9432      1.0093
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  46689.2078
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  46689.2080      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  46697.1223      7.9145      7.9143
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0587139 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2055590 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7273250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4302812 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14415.3657759 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1869571 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070970 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.6163549 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10267E+01  0.18560E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95237E-01  0.11421E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76235E+00  0.24798E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  46713.7658     24.5579     16.6435
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35085E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  46713.9870     24.7792      0.2212
+                do leaf measurements  46713.9881     24.7803      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  46714.0304     24.8226      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5894102 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  46714.0354
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  46714.0400      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.71204E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  46722.0231      7.9878      7.9832
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0528171 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1771920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7195680 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3958580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14458.9098215 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1882491 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072379 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5413542 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10149E+01  0.13788E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48555E-01  0.10173E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76781E+00  0.22780E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  46738.5919     24.5565     16.5687
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12360E+01  0.18056E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  46738.8137     24.7783      0.2219
+                do leaf measurements  46738.8149     24.7795      0.0012
+       compute convergence criterion  46738.8576     24.8222      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0712819 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  46738.8626
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  46738.8673      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  46746.8049      7.9423      7.9377
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0544620 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1733842 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7196341 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4743621 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14359.9863711 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1876440 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071390 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.6170428 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.15556E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37669E-01  0.11821E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74681E+00  0.23243E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  46763.4496     24.5869     16.6446
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13721E+01  0.31296E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  46763.6716     24.8090      0.2220
+                do leaf measurements  46763.6727     24.8101      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  46763.7151     24.8524      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361670 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  46763.7200
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  46763.7246      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  46771.6790      7.9589      7.9544
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0529430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1756091 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7255909 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3886731 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14468.0317807 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1869209 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071790 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5373309 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.17598E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37824E-01  0.12291E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73764E+00  0.22964E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  46788.2436     24.5236     16.5647
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14709E+01  0.36048E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  46788.4653     24.7453      0.2217
+                do leaf measurements  46788.4664     24.7464      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  46788.5088     24.7887      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0157524 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  46788.5138
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  46788.5183      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  46796.5387      8.0250      8.0204
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0520909 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1864090 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7182710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3987842 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14455.1981644 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1877191 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071800 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5508690 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.19358E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40615E-01  0.12544E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73301E+00  0.22860E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  46813.1175     24.6038     16.5788
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15142E+01  0.36781E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  46813.3413     24.8275      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  46813.3424     24.8286      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  46813.3855     24.8717      0.0431
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107152 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  46813.3905
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  46813.3950      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  46821.3367      7.9462      7.9417
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0539110 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2077169 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7267470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4703701 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14364.9841370 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1872368 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071652 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.6535661 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.20912E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43048E-01  0.12555E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72847E+00  0.22795E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  46838.0182     24.6277     16.6815
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15358E+01  0.36489E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  46838.2399     24.8495      0.2218
+                do leaf measurements  46838.2411     24.8506      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  46838.2834     24.8930      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080515 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  46838.2864     24.8960      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  46838.2866     24.8961      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -203094246937197.47 373957521471066.81
+ def in m -8.0025739669799805 0.69326704740524292
+ dimensionless def  -1.8370768002101354E-6 2.28644970485142283E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0180328  0.2281907
+                  Compute divergence  46838.4984     25.1079      0.2118
+                        wsmp_cleanup  46838.5347     25.1443      0.0364
+              Reset surface geometry  46838.5399     25.1494      0.0052
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   46838.5480     25.1576      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  46838.5657     25.1753      0.0177
+                   Advect surface  1  46838.5659     25.1754      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  46838.7582     25.3677      0.1923
+                                                                        S. 2:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  46838.9494     25.5589      0.1911
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  46839.2040     25.8135      0.2546
+                    Advect the cloud  46839.3656     25.9751      0.1616
+                        Write output  46840.2394     26.8489      0.8738
+                    End of time step  46841.1244     27.7340      0.8851
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     289  46841.1246
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  46841.1246      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  46841.1247      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17023points
+                      refine surface  46841.1247      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  46841.1522      0.0276      0.0274
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  46841.1746      0.0500      0.0225
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  46841.2003      0.0757      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17024points
+                          surface 02  46841.2186      0.0940      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 2:    17018points
+                      refine surface  46841.2188      0.0942      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  46841.2454      0.1208      0.0266
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  46841.2679      0.1433      0.0225
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  46841.2936      0.1690      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17019points
+                          surface 03  46841.3120      0.1874      0.0184
+                                                                        S. 3:    17028points
+                      refine surface  46841.3121      0.1875      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  46841.3407      0.2161      0.0286
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  46841.3629      0.2383      0.0222
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  46841.3889      0.2643      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17031points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  46841.4134
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  46841.4137      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  46841.4295      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  46841.4516      0.0382      0.0221
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  46841.4524      0.0390      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  46841.4666      0.0531      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  46841.5888      0.1753      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  46841.7792      0.3658      0.1904
+                embedding surface  1  46841.7794      0.3659      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  46843.7470      2.3335      1.9676
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  46845.8734      4.4599      2.1264
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  46849.4360      8.0225      3.5626
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  46849.4414      8.0280      0.0054
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  46849.9375      8.5241      0.4961
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  46850.0200      8.6066      0.0825
+                           Find void  46850.2873      8.8738      0.2672
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  46850.3159      8.9025      0.0286
+                         wsmp setup1  46850.3229      8.9094      0.0070
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  46851.3423      9.9289      1.0195
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  46851.3918
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  46851.3919      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  46859.3201      7.9283      7.9282
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0566380 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2170939 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7278550 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4568470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14381.9398617 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1978769 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072150 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.6639001 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10158E+01  0.18434E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.93952E-01  0.11291E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76219E+00  0.24613E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  46876.0128     24.6210     16.6927
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35106E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  46876.2345     24.8428      0.2217
+                do leaf measurements  46876.2356     24.8439      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  46876.2781     24.8863      0.0425
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5886663 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  46876.2832
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  46876.2879      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.72827E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  46884.2953      8.0121      8.0073
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0522859 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1848199 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7190959 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3930311 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14462.4974807 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1970809 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072889 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5539920 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.13703E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48899E-01  0.10214E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76754E+00  0.22621E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  46900.8772     24.5940     16.5819
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12355E+01  0.18040E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  46901.0981     24.8150      0.2209
+                do leaf measurements  46901.0992     24.8161      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  46901.1421     24.8589      0.0428
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0710065 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  46901.1472
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  46901.1520      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  46909.1169      7.9697      7.9648
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0564241 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1809220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7183959 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4311290 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14414.2966265 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1976390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072801 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5921800 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.15500E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37945E-01  0.11853E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74664E+00  0.23129E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  46925.7379     24.5907     16.6210
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13710E+01  0.31184E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  46925.9598     24.8126      0.2219
+                do leaf measurements  46925.9609     24.8137      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  46926.0034     24.8562      0.0425
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361695 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  46926.0085
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  46926.0133      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  46933.9508      7.9423      7.9375
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0543330 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1921799 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7258749 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3962102 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14458.4630395 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1983840 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073080 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5746899 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.17560E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37991E-01  0.12318E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73745E+00  0.22903E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  46950.5537     24.5452     16.6029
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14697E+01  0.35913E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  46950.7748     24.7663      0.2211
+                do leaf measurements  46950.7759     24.7674      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  46950.8184     24.8099      0.0425
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0157255 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  46950.8235
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  46950.8282      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  46958.8247      8.0013      7.9965
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0544631 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1924951 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7208819 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4166319 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14432.6001560 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1984072 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070798 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5903590 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.19325E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40737E-01  0.12565E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73283E+00  0.22813E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  46975.4444     24.6210     16.6197
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15130E+01  0.36668E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  46975.6687     24.8453      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements  46975.6698     24.8464      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  46975.7124     24.8889      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0106931 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  46975.7174
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  46975.7221      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  46983.6625      7.9451      7.9404
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0551221 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2034628 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7205150 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4921639 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14337.7422527 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.1979570 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072119 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.6768410 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.20884E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43116E-01  0.12574E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72832E+00  0.22775E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  47000.3685     24.6510     16.7059
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15346E+01  0.36378E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  47000.5899     24.8724      0.2214
+                do leaf measurements  47000.5910     24.8735      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  47000.6334     24.9160      0.0424
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080497 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  47000.6366     24.9192      0.0033
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  47000.6368     24.9194      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -203391801145740.88 375011395686361.13
+ def in m -8.0032644271850586 0.69409936666488647
+ dimensionless def  -1.83628303664071222E-6 2.28664697919573104E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0180278  0.2282041
+                  Compute divergence  47000.8408     25.1234      0.2040
+                        wsmp_cleanup  47000.8772     25.1598      0.0364
+              Reset surface geometry  47000.8824     25.1650      0.0052
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   47000.8907     25.1733      0.0083
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  47000.9079     25.1905      0.0172
+                   Advect surface  1  47000.9081     25.1906      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  47001.1012     25.3838      0.1932
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  47001.2981     25.5807      0.1969
+                                                                        S. 3:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  47001.5538     25.8364      0.2557
+                    Advect the cloud  47001.7179     26.0004      0.1640
+                        Write output  47002.5953     26.8779      0.8774
+                    End of time step  47003.4768     27.7594      0.8815
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     290  47003.4770
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  47003.4770      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  47003.4771      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17024points
+                      refine surface  47003.4771      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  47003.5031      0.0261      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17024points
+                          surface 02  47003.5213      0.0443      0.0182
+                                                                        S. 2:    17019points
+                      refine surface  47003.5214      0.0445      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  47003.5489      0.0720      0.0275
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  47003.5716      0.0947      0.0227
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  47003.5974      0.1204      0.0258
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17021points
+                          surface 03  47003.6161      0.1391      0.0187
+                                                                        S. 3:    17031points
+                      refine surface  47003.6162      0.1392      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  47003.6444      0.1675      0.0282
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  47003.6712      0.1942      0.0267
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  47003.6972      0.2203      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17034points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  47003.7218
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  47003.7220      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  47003.7379      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  47003.7597      0.0379      0.0218
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  47003.7605      0.0387      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  47003.7746      0.0528      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  47003.8968      0.1750      0.1221
+             Imbed surface in osolve  47004.0877      0.3659      0.1909
+                embedding surface  1  47004.0878      0.3660      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  47006.0700      2.3482      1.9821
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  47008.1917      4.4699      2.1217
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  47011.7384      8.0166      3.5467
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  47011.7437      8.0219      0.0053
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  47012.2315      8.5097      0.4878
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  47012.3373      8.6155      0.1058
+                           Find void  47012.6067      8.8849      0.2694
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  47012.6357      8.9139      0.0290
+                         wsmp setup1  47012.6435      8.9217      0.0077
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  47013.6631      9.9413      1.0196
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  47013.7124
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  47013.7125      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  47021.6293      7.9169      7.9168
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0601220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2267380 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7247770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4977021 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14330.8360341 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2092321 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073819 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.7263658 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10222E+01  0.18465E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94802E-01  0.11329E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76236E+00  0.24769E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  47038.3852     24.6729     16.7559
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35092E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  47038.6060     24.8937      0.2208
+                do leaf measurements  47038.6072     24.8948      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  47038.6494     24.9370      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5895872 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  47038.6543
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  47038.6589      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.71644E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  47046.6725      8.0182      8.0137
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0529332 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1922200 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7196681 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4019079 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14451.2378997 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2085931 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072351 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5829849 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.13719E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48799E-01  0.10215E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76759E+00  0.22737E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  47063.2863     24.6319     16.6137
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12364E+01  0.18326E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  47063.5076     24.8533      0.2213
+                do leaf measurements  47063.5087     24.8544      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  47063.5514     24.8971      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0715624 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  47063.5564
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  47063.5611      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  47071.5514      7.9950      7.9903
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0530040 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1781878 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7202520 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4220030 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14425.8133561 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2093089 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072119 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5904009 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.15503E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37552E-01  0.11858E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74669E+00  0.23202E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  47088.1723     24.6159     16.6210
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13713E+01  0.31213E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  47088.3963     24.8399      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  47088.3974     24.8410      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  47088.4396     24.8832      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361804 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  47088.4445
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  47088.4494      0.0050      0.0050
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  47096.3870      7.9426      7.9376
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0530109 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2254460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7234361 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4290879 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14416.8708513 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2084420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071580 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.6471400 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.17559E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37792E-01  0.12312E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73745E+00  0.22939E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  47113.0638     24.6194     16.6768
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14696E+01  0.35955E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  47113.2854     24.8409      0.2215
+                do leaf measurements  47113.2865     24.8420      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  47113.3300     24.8856      0.0436
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158041 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  47113.3351
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  47113.3397      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  47121.3140      7.9789      7.9743
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0552390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1988730 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7178400 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4061990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14445.8012864 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2086589 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0073829 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5946209 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.19321E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40687E-01  0.12568E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73282E+00  0.22845E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  47137.9389     24.6038     16.6249
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15128E+01  0.36687E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  47138.1608     24.8257      0.2219
+                do leaf measurements  47138.1619     24.8268      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  47138.2046     24.8695      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107158 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  47138.2095
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  47138.2142      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  47146.1517      7.9421      7.9375
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0550129 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1868861 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7176428 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4670379 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14369.1583720 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2088671 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071468 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.6429908 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.20876E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43079E-01  0.12572E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72829E+00  0.22787E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  47162.8245     24.6150     16.6729
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15342E+01  0.36399E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  47163.0457     24.8362      0.2212
+                do leaf measurements  47163.0468     24.8373      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  47163.0890     24.8795      0.0422
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080362 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  47163.0920     24.8825      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  47163.0922     24.8827      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -203675629007722.38 376073283786228.88
+ def in m -8.0023231506347656 0.69536387920379639
+ dimensionless def  -1.83479615620204385E-6 2.2863780430385045E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0180209  0.2281685
+                  Compute divergence  47163.2954     25.0859      0.2032
+                        wsmp_cleanup  47163.3336     25.1241      0.0382
+              Reset surface geometry  47163.3387     25.1292      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   47163.3469     25.1373      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  47163.3634     25.1539      0.0165
+                   Advect surface  1  47163.3636     25.1540      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  47163.5546     25.3450      0.1910
+                                                                        S. 2:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  47163.7511     25.5416      0.1966
+                                                                        S. 3:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  47164.0057     25.7961      0.2545
+                    Advect the cloud  47164.1675     25.9580      0.1618
+                        Write output  47165.0450     26.8355      0.8775
+                    End of time step  47165.9350     27.7254      0.8900
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     291  47165.9351
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  47165.9352      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  47165.9352      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17024points
+                      refine surface  47165.9353      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  47165.9615      0.0264      0.0262
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17024points
+                          surface 02  47165.9794      0.0443      0.0179
+                                                                        S. 2:    17021points
+                      refine surface  47165.9796      0.0444      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  47166.0064      0.0713      0.0268
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  47166.0288      0.0937      0.0224
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  47166.0543      0.1192      0.0255
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17022points
+                          surface 03  47166.0727      0.1376      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 3:    17034points
+                      refine surface  47166.0728      0.1377      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  47166.0995      0.1643      0.0266
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  47166.1217      0.1865      0.0222
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  47166.1473      0.2122      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17035points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  47166.1721
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  47166.1724      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  47166.1882      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  47166.2096      0.0375      0.0214
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  47166.2104      0.0383      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  47166.2246      0.0524      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  47166.3475      0.1754      0.1230
+             Imbed surface in osolve  47166.5379      0.3658      0.1904
+                embedding surface  1  47166.5381      0.3660      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  47168.5065      2.3344      1.9684
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  47170.6176      4.4455      2.1110
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  47174.1931      8.0209      3.5755
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  47174.1983      8.0262      0.0053
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  47174.6922      8.5201      0.4939
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  47174.7877      8.6156      0.0955
+                           Find void  47175.0553      8.8832      0.2676
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  47175.0840      8.9119      0.0287
+                         wsmp setup1  47175.0909      8.9188      0.0069
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  47176.1123      9.9402      1.0214
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  47176.1628
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  47176.1630      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  47184.0804      7.9175      7.9174
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0573652 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2343230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7257931 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4825430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14349.7554501 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2157950 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070770 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.7232828 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10190E+01  0.18447E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94474E-01  0.11409E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76208E+00  0.24676E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  47200.8350     24.6722     16.7546
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35084E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  47201.0559     24.8930      0.2209
+                do leaf measurements  47201.0569     24.8941      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  47201.0992     24.9364      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5897597 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  47201.1043
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  47201.1090      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.72312E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  47209.0950      7.9908      7.9861
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0520980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2227728 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7264931 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4017570 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14451.4291831 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2154510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071881 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.6261759 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10150E+01  0.13699E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48743E-01  0.10185E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76737E+00  0.22667E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  47225.7523     24.6480     16.6572
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12357E+01  0.17958E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  47225.9743     24.8700      0.2221
+                do leaf measurements  47225.9754     24.8711      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  47226.0179     24.9137      0.0425
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0716384 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  47226.0231
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  47226.0279      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  47234.0397      8.0166      8.0118
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0534921 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2267399 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7213321 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4144089 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14435.4109791 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2162480 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072310 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.6398571 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.15495E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37336E-01  0.11825E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74646E+00  0.23184E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  47250.7110     24.6879     16.6713
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13709E+01  0.31172E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  47250.9355     24.9124      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  47250.9366     24.9135      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  47250.9789     24.9558      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361787 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  47250.9839
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  47250.9885      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  47258.9277      7.9438      7.9392
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0554531 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2444689 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7334909 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4558661 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14383.1712469 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2196639 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071850 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.7165191 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.17554E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37746E-01  0.12296E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73724E+00  0.22935E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  47275.6755     24.6916     16.7478
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14693E+01  0.35902E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  47275.8964     24.9126      0.2209
+                do leaf measurements  47275.8975     24.9136      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  47275.9398     24.9559      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0157795 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  47275.9449
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  47275.9496      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  47283.9518      8.0069      8.0021
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0553260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2173820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7249582 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4037819 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14448.8631449 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2150030 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072441 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.6240971 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.19319E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40650E-01  0.12547E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73265E+00  0.22840E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  47300.6075     24.6626     16.6557
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15122E+01  0.36633E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  47300.8281     24.8832      0.2206
+                do leaf measurements  47300.8292     24.8843      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  47300.8719     24.9270      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107319 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  47300.8770
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  47300.8818      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  47308.8445      7.9675      7.9627
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0543311 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2108409 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7258320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4556022 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14383.5026255 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2155690 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070691 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.6696360 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.20873E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43044E-01  0.12563E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72816E+00  0.22796E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  47325.5459     24.6689     16.7014
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15337E+01  0.36355E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  47325.7670     24.8900      0.2211
+                do leaf measurements  47325.7681     24.8911      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  47325.8104     24.9334      0.0423
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080415 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  47325.8136     24.9366      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  47325.8138     24.9368      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -203960695993366.53 377129045374684.13
+ def in m -8.0026702880859375 0.69629174470901489
+ dimensionless def  -1.8374899455479213E-6 2.28647722516741072E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0180523  0.2281761
+                  Compute divergence  47326.0261     25.1491      0.2124
+                        wsmp_cleanup  47326.0626     25.1856      0.0364
+              Reset surface geometry  47326.0677     25.1906      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   47326.0759     25.1989      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  47326.0936     25.2166      0.0177
+                   Advect surface  1  47326.0938     25.2168      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  47326.2948     25.4178      0.2011
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  47326.4942     25.6171      0.1993
+                                                                        S. 3:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  47326.7515     25.8745      0.2574
+                    Advect the cloud  47326.9151     26.0381      0.1636
+                        Write output  47327.7927     26.9157      0.8776
+                    End of time step  47328.6815     27.8045      0.8887
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     292  47328.6816
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  47328.6817      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  47328.6817      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17023points
+                      refine surface  47328.6818      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   4 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  47328.7106      0.0290      0.0289
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  47328.7374      0.0558      0.0267
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  47328.7631      0.0815      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17027points
+                          surface 02  47328.7814      0.0998      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 2:    17022points
+                      refine surface  47328.7815      0.0999      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  47328.8083      0.1267      0.0268
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  47328.8354      0.1538      0.0271
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  47328.8610      0.1794      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17023points
+                          surface 03  47328.8796      0.1980      0.0186
+                                                                        S. 3:    17035points
+                      refine surface  47328.8798      0.1982      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  47328.9058      0.2242      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17035points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  47328.9300
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  47328.9303      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  47328.9461      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  47328.9682      0.0382      0.0221
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  47328.9690      0.0390      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  47328.9832      0.0532      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  47329.1054      0.1753      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  47329.2954      0.3654      0.1900
+                embedding surface  1  47329.2956      0.3656      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  47331.2670      2.3370      1.9714
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  47333.3571      4.4270      2.0901
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  47336.9039      7.9739      3.5468
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  47336.9088      7.9787      0.0049
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  47337.3799      8.4498      0.4711
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  47337.4936      8.5636      0.1137
+                           Find void  47337.7682      8.8381      0.2746
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  47337.7982      8.8682      0.0300
+                         wsmp setup1  47337.8061      8.8760      0.0079
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  47338.8329      9.9029      1.0268
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  47338.8817
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  47338.8818      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  47346.7805      7.8989      7.8987
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0586700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2459219 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7347331 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4682019 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14367.6999813 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2230251 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071330 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.7380660 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10314E+01  0.18484E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94811E-01  0.11319E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76213E+00  0.24700E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  47363.5513     24.6697     16.7708
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35086E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  47363.7729     24.8912      0.2216
+                do leaf measurements  47363.7740     24.8923      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  47363.8167     24.9350      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5897624 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  47363.8216
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  47363.8262      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.72001E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  47371.7843      7.9627      7.9581
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0558610 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2563369 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7442260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3869181 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14470.2616539 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2224679 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072231 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.6734052 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.13724E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48672E-01  0.10173E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76758E+00  0.22710E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  47388.4909     24.6692     16.7065
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12365E+01  0.17998E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  47388.7113     24.8897      0.2205
+                do leaf measurements  47388.7125     24.8908      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  47388.7552     24.9336      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0716011 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  47388.7602
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  47388.7647      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  47396.7830      8.0229      8.0183
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0538411 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2664399 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7348599 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4108021 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14439.9738122 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2231739 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071352 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.6966429 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.15506E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37728E-01  0.11821E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74673E+00  0.23190E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  47413.5120     24.7519     16.7290
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13715E+01  0.31272E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  47413.7352     24.9750      0.2232
+                do leaf measurements  47413.7363     24.9761      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  47413.7789     25.0188      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361942 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  47413.7838
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  47413.7883      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  47421.7306      7.9468      7.9423
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0547531 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2742190 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7326550 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4948030 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14334.4504961 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2226269 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070758 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.7865210 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.17555E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37971E-01  0.12294E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73749E+00  0.22930E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  47438.5502     24.7663     16.8196
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14697E+01  0.35993E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  47438.7708     24.9870      0.2207
+                do leaf measurements  47438.7719     24.9881      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  47438.8148     25.0310      0.0429
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0157571 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  47438.8198
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  47438.8243      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  47446.8306      8.0109      8.0063
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0525129 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2600770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7389171 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4089811 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14442.2786443 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2228160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072641 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.6909819 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.19316E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40618E-01  0.12547E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73287E+00  0.22831E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  47463.5550     24.7352     16.7243
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15126E+01  0.36726E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  47463.7755     24.9558      0.2206
+                do leaf measurements  47463.7766     24.9569      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  47463.8199     25.0001      0.0432
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107230 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  47463.8248
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  47463.8295      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  47471.8240      7.9992      7.9946
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0530109 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2464120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7325571 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4310060 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14414.4517576 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2232959 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072091 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.6938689 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.20868E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43031E-01  0.12566E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72837E+00  0.22782E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  47488.5511     24.7262     16.7271
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15341E+01  0.36444E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  47488.7746     24.9497      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements  47488.7757     24.9509      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  47488.8185     24.9936      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080410 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  47488.8215     24.9966      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  47488.8217     24.9968      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -204247482256551.16 378183554450022.81
+ def in m -7.9243612289428711 0.75913310050964355
+ dimensionless def  -1.83441196169172018E-6 2.26410320826939155E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0180283  0.2260982
+                  Compute divergence  47489.0312     25.2063      0.2095
+                        wsmp_cleanup  47489.0678     25.2429      0.0366
+              Reset surface geometry  47489.0728     25.2480      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   47489.0810     25.2562      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  47489.0987     25.2739      0.0177
+                   Advect surface  1  47489.0989     25.2740      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  47489.3022     25.4774      0.2034
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  47489.5018     25.6770      0.1996
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  47489.7858     25.9609      0.2840
+                    Advect the cloud  47489.9476     26.1228      0.1618
+                        Write output  47490.8266     27.0017      0.8789
+                    End of time step  47491.7172     27.8924      0.8907
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     293  47491.7174
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  47491.7175      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  47491.7175      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17026points
+                      refine surface  47491.7175      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  47491.7445      0.0271      0.0269
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  47491.7675      0.0501      0.0231
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  47491.7932      0.0758      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17027points
+                          surface 02  47491.8116      0.0942      0.0184
+                                                                        S. 2:    17023points
+                      refine surface  47491.8117      0.0943      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  47491.8384      0.1210      0.0267
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  47491.8610      0.1436      0.0226
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  47491.8868      0.1694      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17024points
+                          surface 03  47491.9052      0.1878      0.0184
+                                                                        S. 3:    17032points
+                      refine surface  47491.9053      0.1879      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   4 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  47491.9343      0.2169      0.0289
+                                                                        S. 3:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  47491.9566      0.2392      0.0223
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  47491.9825      0.2651      0.0259
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17036points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  47492.0081
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  47492.0084      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  47492.0242      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  47492.0461      0.0380      0.0218
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  47492.0468      0.0387      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  47492.0610      0.0529      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  47492.1832      0.1751      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  47492.3733      0.3652      0.1901
+                embedding surface  1  47492.3735      0.3654      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  47494.3364      2.3283      1.9629
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  47496.4316      4.4235      2.0952
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  47500.0282      8.0201      3.5966
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  47500.0337      8.0256      0.0055
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  47500.5589      8.5508      0.5251
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  47500.6236      8.6155      0.0647
+                           Find void  47500.8994      8.8913      0.2758
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  47500.9294      8.9213      0.0300
+                         wsmp setup1  47500.9372      8.9291      0.0078
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  47501.9625      9.9544      1.0253
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  47502.0114
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  47502.0115      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  47509.9496      7.9383      7.9381
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0579231 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2883339 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7573771 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4383070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14405.2509868 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2280309 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072470 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.7776160 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10536E+01  0.18385E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94415E-01  0.11344E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76186E+00  0.24708E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  47526.7603     24.7489     16.8106
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35098E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  47526.9845     24.9731      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  47526.9856     24.9742      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  47527.0282     25.0168      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5895461 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  47527.0331
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  47527.0377      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.72026E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  47534.9761      7.9430      7.9385
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0518289 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3133411 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7635522 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4229360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14424.6351738 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2265730 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0070951 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.7857029 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10151E+01  0.13658E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48853E-01  0.10221E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76740E+00  0.22656E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  47551.7951     24.7619     16.8189
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12349E+01  0.17837E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  47552.0169     24.9838      0.2219
+                do leaf measurements  47552.0180     24.9849      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  47552.0608     25.0277      0.0427
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0713646 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  47552.0657
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  47552.0704      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  47560.0548      7.9891      7.9845
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0528359 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2984879 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7577960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4123399 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14438.0280422 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2271218 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072520 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.7562361 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.15469E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37832E-01  0.11855E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74604E+00  0.23138E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  47576.8444     24.7786     16.7895
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13701E+01  0.31115E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  47577.0655     24.9998      0.2212
+                do leaf measurements  47577.0667     25.0009      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  47577.1097     25.0439      0.0430
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362250 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  47577.1146
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  47577.1193      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  47585.0568      7.9421      7.9375
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0546260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2946050 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7580271 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4891331 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14341.5244788 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2273700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071859 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8313529 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10175E+01  0.17540E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37997E-01  0.12312E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73695E+00  0.22906E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  47601.9225     24.8079     16.8658
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14685E+01  0.35837E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  47602.1430     25.0284      0.2205
+                do leaf measurements  47602.1441     25.0295      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  47602.1867     25.0721      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0157974 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  47602.1917
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  47602.1963      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  47610.1715      7.9798      7.9752
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0536129 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2879260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7579210 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4024129 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14450.5979080 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2268012 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0071011 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.7361739 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.19304E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40660E-01  0.12557E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73242E+00  0.22820E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  47626.9412     24.7495     16.7696
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15114E+01  0.36582E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  47627.1622     24.9705      0.2211
+                do leaf measurements  47627.1633     24.9717      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  47627.2061     25.0145      0.0428
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107166 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  47627.2111
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  47627.2157      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  47635.2439      8.0328      8.0282
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0520470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2985282 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7528751 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4162190 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14433.1222038 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2276580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072310 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.7549489 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.20858E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43046E-01  0.12567E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72797E+00  0.22772E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  47652.0321     24.8210     16.7882
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15326E+01  0.36288E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  47652.2554     25.0443      0.2233
+                do leaf measurements  47652.2565     25.0454      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  47652.2991     25.0880      0.0426
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080379 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  47652.3021     25.0910      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  47652.3023     25.0912      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -204633815683828.19 379148447097536.06
+ def in m -7.9639072418212891 0.74440205097198486
+ dimensionless def  -1.82081137384687144E-6 2.2754020690917969E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0178885  0.2271965
+                  Compute divergence  47652.5120     25.3009      0.2097
+                        wsmp_cleanup  47652.5482     25.3371      0.0363
+              Reset surface geometry  47652.5535     25.3424      0.0052
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   47652.5617     25.3506      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  47652.5795     25.3684      0.0178
+                   Advect surface  1  47652.5796     25.3685      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  47652.7893     25.5782      0.2097
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  47653.0071     25.7960      0.2178
+                                                                        S. 3:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  47653.2620     26.0509      0.2550
+                    Advect the cloud  47653.4259     26.2148      0.1639
+                        Write output  47654.3066     27.0955      0.8807
+                    End of time step  47655.1929     27.9818      0.8864
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     294  47655.1931
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  47655.1931      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  47655.1932      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17025points
+                      refine surface  47655.1932      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  47655.2199      0.0268      0.0267
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  47655.2467      0.0536      0.0268
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  47655.2724      0.0793      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17026points
+                          surface 02  47655.2908      0.0978      0.0184
+                                                                        S. 2:    17022points
+                      refine surface  47655.2910      0.0979      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   4 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  47655.3199      0.1268      0.0289
+                                                                        S. 2:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  47655.3465      0.1535      0.0266
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  47655.3725      0.1794      0.0259
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17026points
+                          surface 03  47655.3909      0.1978      0.0185
+                                                                        S. 3:    17036points
+                      refine surface  47655.3911      0.1980      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  47655.4188      0.2257      0.0277
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  47655.4412      0.2481      0.0224
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  47655.4670      0.2740      0.0259
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17038points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  47655.4922
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  47655.4925      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  47655.5084      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  47655.5299      0.0376      0.0215
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  47655.5307      0.0384      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  47655.5448      0.0526      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  47655.6670      0.1747      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  47655.8582      0.3660      0.1912
+                embedding surface  1  47655.8584      0.3662      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  47657.8406      2.3483      1.9821
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  47659.9730      4.4808      2.1325
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  47663.5469      8.0547      3.5739
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  47663.5522      8.0600      0.0053
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  47664.0207      8.5285      0.4685
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  47664.0840      8.5917      0.0633
+                           Find void  47664.3603      8.8680      0.2763
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  47664.3904      8.8981      0.0301
+                         wsmp setup1  47664.3982      8.9059      0.0078
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  47665.4362      9.9439      1.0380
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  47665.4830
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  47665.4832      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  47673.4487      7.9657      7.9655
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0574701 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2992620 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7590148 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4376390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14406.0923678 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2337151 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072000 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.7947190 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10613E+01  0.18385E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94991E-01  0.11463E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76167E+00  0.24766E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  47690.2770     24.7940     16.8283
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35088E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  47690.5006     25.0176      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  47690.5017     25.0187      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  47690.5449     25.0619      0.0432
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5894573 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  47690.5504
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  47690.5551      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.71444E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  47698.4955      7.9451      7.9404
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0576429 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3180430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7632771 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4730108 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14361.6777720 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2325411 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072060 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8521371 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.13638E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48538E-01  0.10169E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76723E+00  0.22760E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  47715.3818     24.8314     16.8863
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12357E+01  0.17950E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  47715.6028     25.0524      0.2210
+                do leaf measurements  47715.6039     25.0535      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  47715.6470     25.0966      0.0431
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0716218 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  47715.6525
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  47715.6573      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  47723.6511      7.9986      7.9938
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0559380 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2919698 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7612731 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4290030 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14416.9779176 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2328870 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072441 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.7787561 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10176E+01  0.15445E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37707E-01  0.11817E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74622E+00  0.23249E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  47740.4638     24.8114     16.8127
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13700E+01  0.31125E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  47740.6859     25.0334      0.2221
+                do leaf measurements  47740.6870     25.0345      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  47740.7309     25.0784      0.0439
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361987 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  47740.7364
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  47740.7413      0.0049      0.0049
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  47748.7010      7.9645      7.9596
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0545421 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2936580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7591131 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4662120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14370.1933457 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2324970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072780 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8137610 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10175E+01  0.17517E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37915E-01  0.12276E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73703E+00  0.22951E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  47765.5480     24.8116     16.8471
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14680E+01  0.35834E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  47765.7699     25.0334      0.2219
+                do leaf measurements  47765.7710     25.0346      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  47765.8141     25.0777      0.0431
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0157819 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  47765.8196
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  47765.8244      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  47773.7640      7.9444      7.9396
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0541410 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2982159 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7644391 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4240708 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14423.2022239 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2323871 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072031 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.7808759 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.19285E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40624E-01  0.12531E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73246E+00  0.22843E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  47790.5780     24.7584     16.8140
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15107E+01  0.36564E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  47790.7990     24.9793      0.2209
+                do leaf measurements  47790.8001     24.9805      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  47790.8432     25.0236      0.0431
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107233 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  47790.8487
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  47790.8535      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  47798.8540      8.0053      8.0005
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0570230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2991879 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7588599 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4238391 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14423.4948115 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2336709 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0072870 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.7802920 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.20840E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43050E-01  0.12543E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72800E+00  0.22792E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  47815.6677     24.8190     16.8136
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15320E+01  0.36278E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  47815.8920     25.0434      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  47815.8931     25.0444      0.0011
+       compute convergence criterion  47815.9361     25.0874      0.0430
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080308 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  47815.9392     25.0905      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  47815.9394     25.0907      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -204980730272255.19 380141967234207.38
+ def in m -7.9799432754516602 0.73547816276550293
+ dimensionless def  -1.82951416288103363E-6 2.27998379298618862E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0179798  0.2276244
+                  Compute divergence  47816.1477     25.2990      0.2083
+                        wsmp_cleanup  47816.1842     25.3356      0.0366
+              Reset surface geometry  47816.1910     25.3423      0.0067
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   47816.1996     25.3510      0.0087
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  47816.2167     25.3680      0.0170
+                   Advect surface  1  47816.2168     25.3681      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  47816.4238     25.5751      0.2070
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   12 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  47816.6461     25.7974      0.2223
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   15 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  47816.9160     26.0673      0.2699
+                    Advect the cloud  47817.0805     26.2318      0.1645
+                        Write output  47817.9578     27.1092      0.8774
+                    End of time step  47818.8526     28.0039      0.8947
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     295  47818.8527
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  47818.8528      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  47818.8528      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17025points
+                      refine surface  47818.8529      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  47818.8806      0.0279      0.0277
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  47818.9036      0.0509      0.0230
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  47818.9294      0.0767      0.0258
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17027points
+                          surface 02  47818.9479      0.0952      0.0184
+                                                                        S. 2:    17023points
+                      refine surface  47818.9480      0.0953      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  47818.9755      0.1228      0.0275
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  47818.9984      0.1456      0.0229
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  47819.0243      0.1715      0.0259
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17025points
+                          surface 03  47819.0425      0.1898      0.0182
+                                                                        S. 3:    17036points
+                      refine surface  47819.0426      0.1899      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  47819.0698      0.2171      0.0271
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  47819.0927      0.2400      0.0229
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  47819.1188      0.2661      0.0261
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17037points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  47819.1437
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  47819.1440      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  47819.1600      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  47819.1814      0.0377      0.0214
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  47819.1822      0.0385      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  47819.1964      0.0527      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  47819.3198      0.1761      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  47819.5118      0.3681      0.1920
+                embedding surface  1  47819.5119      0.3682      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  47821.4962      2.3525      1.9843
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  47823.6110      4.4673      2.1148
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  47827.1616      8.0179      3.5507
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  47827.1667      8.0230      0.0051
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  47827.6550      8.5113      0.4883
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  47827.7193      8.5756      0.0643
+                           Find void  47827.9896      8.8459      0.2703
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  47828.0189      8.8752      0.0293
+                         wsmp setup1  47828.0268      8.8831      0.0079
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  47829.0929      9.9492      1.0661
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  47829.1473
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  47829.1475      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  47837.1079      7.9606      7.9604
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0570531 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3048069 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7768199 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4381771 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14405.4146310 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2359979 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0080781 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8213420 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10226E+01  0.18521E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94857E-01  0.11416E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76212E+00  0.24657E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  47853.9633     24.8160     16.8554
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35138E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  47854.1871     25.0398      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  47854.1881     25.0408      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  47854.2412     25.0939      0.0531
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5895310 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  47854.2458
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  47854.2504      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.71941E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  47862.1917      7.9459      7.9413
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0547600 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3280821 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7772830 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5167589 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14307.1227797 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2354460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0080800 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9208362 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.13752E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48662E-01  0.10193E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76764E+00  0.22686E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  47879.1475     24.9017     16.9558
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12366E+01  0.18130E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  47879.3685     25.1227      0.2210
+                do leaf measurements  47879.3695     25.1237      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  47879.4226     25.1768      0.0531
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0715882 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  47879.4272
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  47879.4319      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  47887.4296      8.0024      7.9977
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0552430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3099670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7768819 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4423399 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14400.1738592 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2356222 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0081031 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8285770 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.15522E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37852E-01  0.11837E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74672E+00  0.23192E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  47904.2931     24.8659     16.8635
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13715E+01  0.31244E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  47904.5134     25.0862      0.2202
+                do leaf measurements  47904.5144     25.0872      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  47904.5677     25.1405      0.0534
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361381 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  47904.5723
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  47904.5771      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  47912.5781      8.0058      8.0010
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0564339 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3121600 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7770600 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4353268 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14409.0052296 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2361989 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0080948 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8257179 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.17566E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38014E-01  0.12306E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73752E+00  0.22939E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  47929.4385     24.8661     16.8604
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14693E+01  0.36003E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  47929.6616     25.0893      0.2232
+                do leaf measurements  47929.6626     25.0903      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  47929.7158     25.1434      0.0532
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0157529 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  47929.7204
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  47929.7252      0.0048      0.0048
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  47937.6638      7.9434      7.9386
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0554390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3252530 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7813931 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4729500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14361.7538766 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2348390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0080800 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8783522 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.19319E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40559E-01  0.12558E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73293E+00  0.22834E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  47954.5769     24.8565     16.9131
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15124E+01  0.36748E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  47954.7975     25.0771      0.2206
+                do leaf measurements  47954.7985     25.0781      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  47954.8518     25.1314      0.0533
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0106982 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  47954.8564
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  47954.8611      0.0047      0.0047
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  47962.8441      7.9878      7.9830
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0565760 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2979860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7781439 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4278941 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14418.3768427 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2353451 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0081081 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8044708 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.20870E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42976E-01  0.12568E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72845E+00  0.22781E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  47979.6834     24.8270     16.8392
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15339E+01  0.36455E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  47979.9037     25.0473      0.2203
+                do leaf measurements  47979.9048     25.0484      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  47979.9560     25.0996      0.0512
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080306 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  47979.9591     25.1027      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  47979.9593     25.1029      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -205314711001454.53 381142196028537.75
+ def in m -7.9899535179138184 0.72840738296508789
+ dimensionless def  -1.83863963399614605E-6 2.2828438622610911E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0180787  0.2278879
+                  Compute divergence  47980.2310     25.3746      0.2717
+                        wsmp_cleanup  47980.2682     25.4118      0.0372
+              Reset surface geometry  47980.2760     25.4196      0.0078
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   47980.2844     25.4280      0.0084
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  47980.3018     25.4454      0.0174
+                   Advect surface  1  47980.3019     25.4455      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  47980.5004     25.6441      0.1985
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  47980.7113     25.8549      0.2109
+                                                                        S. 3:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  47980.9679     26.1116      0.2566
+                    Advect the cloud  47981.1311     26.2747      0.1631
+                        Write output  47982.0109     27.1545      0.8799
+                    End of time step  47982.9035     28.0471      0.8926
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     296  47982.9036
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  47982.9037      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  47982.9037      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17027points
+                      refine surface  47982.9038      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   4 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  47982.9328      0.0291      0.0290
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  47982.9596      0.0560      0.0269
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  47982.9858      0.0822      0.0262
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17031points
+                          surface 02  47983.0041      0.1005      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 2:    17024points
+                      refine surface  47983.0042      0.1006      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  47983.0291      0.1255      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17024points
+                          surface 03  47983.0486      0.1450      0.0195
+                                                                        S. 3:    17037points
+                      refine surface  47983.0488      0.1452      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   5 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  47983.0779      0.1743      0.0291
+                                                                        S. 3:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  47983.1050      0.2014      0.0271
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  47983.1306      0.2269      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17042points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  47983.1558
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  47983.1560      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  47983.1721      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  47983.1938      0.0380      0.0217
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  47983.1946      0.0388      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  47983.2088      0.0531      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  47983.3329      0.1771      0.1240
+             Imbed surface in osolve  47983.5224      0.3666      0.1895
+                embedding surface  1  47983.5226      0.3668      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  47985.5389      2.3831      2.0163
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  47987.6781      4.5223      2.1393
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  47991.3099      8.1541      3.6318
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  47991.3183      8.1626      0.0084
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  47991.7523      8.5965      0.4339
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  47991.8493      8.6935      0.0970
+                           Find void  47992.1189      8.9631      0.2696
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  47992.1492      8.9935      0.0304
+                         wsmp setup1  47992.1565      9.0007      0.0072
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  47993.2810     10.1252      1.1245
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  47993.3384
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  47993.3385      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  48001.1901      7.8517      7.8516
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0630949 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3208821 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7996609 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4342809 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14410.3232826 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2365091 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085042 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8633070 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10521E+01  0.18392E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95023E-01  0.11405E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76191E+00  0.24624E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  48018.0878     24.7494     16.8977
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35080E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  48018.3097     24.9713      0.2219
+                do leaf measurements  48018.3107     24.9723      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  48018.3706     25.0322      0.0599
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5890121 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  48018.3743
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  48018.3787      0.0045      0.0045
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.72158E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  48026.3222      7.9479      7.9435
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0583811 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3149610 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7961218 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5075672 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14318.5506962 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2364850 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086091 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9225850 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10151E+01  0.13664E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48810E-01  0.10176E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76741E+00  0.22648E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  48043.2803     24.9060     16.9581
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12350E+01  0.17840E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  48043.5017     25.1274      0.2214
+                do leaf measurements  48043.5027     25.1284      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  48043.5621     25.1878      0.0594
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0712589 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  48043.5658
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  48043.5701      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  48051.5269      7.9611      7.9567
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0573170 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3165801 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7994549 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4343131 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14410.2827189 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2363892 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084929 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8529930 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.15474E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37712E-01  0.11830E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74625E+00  0.23198E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  48068.4145     24.8487     16.8876
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13698E+01  0.31144E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  48068.6360     25.0702      0.2215
+                do leaf measurements  48068.6370     25.0712      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  48068.6964     25.1306      0.0594
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361626 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  48068.7000
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  48068.7044      0.0044      0.0044
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  48076.7276      8.0275      8.0232
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0572200 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3257260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7951629 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4455020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14396.1954014 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2369351 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085499 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8695560 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.17536E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37953E-01  0.12298E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73714E+00  0.22939E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  48093.6325     24.9325     16.9049
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14682E+01  0.35837E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  48093.8566     25.1566      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  48093.8576     25.1576      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  48093.9174     25.2174      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0157643 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  48093.9211
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  48093.9254      0.0043      0.0043
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  48101.8674      7.9463      7.9420
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0595019 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3522329 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7943001 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5517280 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14263.8126287 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2362790 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085399 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.0030210 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.19299E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40639E-01  0.12547E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73259E+00  0.22832E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  48118.9049     24.9839     17.0376
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15113E+01  0.36595E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  48119.1287     25.2076      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  48119.1296     25.2086      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  48119.1891     25.2681      0.0595
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107142 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  48119.1928
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  48119.1970      0.0042      0.0042
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  48127.1978      8.0050      8.0008
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0581820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3226449 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7986829 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4514380 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14388.7330650 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2359579 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085180 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8758712 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.20849E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43035E-01  0.12558E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72814E+00  0.22780E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  48144.1076     24.9148     16.9098
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15324E+01  0.36305E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  48144.3300     25.1372      0.2223
+                do leaf measurements  48144.3310     25.1382      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  48144.3884     25.1956      0.0575
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080262 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  48144.3911     25.1983      0.0027
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  48144.3913     25.1985      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -205632484106079.25 382156137058622.5
+ def in m -7.9992513656616211 0.7203637957572937
+ dimensionless def  -1.83239970888410294E-6 2.2855003901890347E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0180247  0.2281220
+                  Compute divergence  48144.6671     25.4743      0.2758
+                        wsmp_cleanup  48144.7065     25.5137      0.0394
+              Reset surface geometry  48144.7144     25.5216      0.0079
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   48144.7227     25.5299      0.0083
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  48144.7396     25.5468      0.0169
+                   Advect surface  1  48144.7398     25.5470      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  48144.9480     25.7551      0.2082
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   15 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  48145.1547     25.9619      0.2068
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  48145.4224     26.2296      0.2677
+                    Advect the cloud  48145.5912     26.3983      0.1687
+                        Write output  48146.4682     27.2754      0.8770
+                    End of time step  48147.3674     28.1746      0.8992
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     297  48147.3675
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  48147.3676      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  48147.3677      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17029points
+                      refine surface  48147.3677      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  48147.3926      0.0250      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  48147.4163      0.0488      0.0237
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  48147.4408      0.0733      0.0245
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17030points
+                          surface 02  48147.4600      0.0924      0.0192
+                                                                        S. 2:    17023points
+                      refine surface  48147.4601      0.0926      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  48147.4852      0.1177      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  48147.5090      0.1414      0.0238
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  48147.5332      0.1657      0.0242
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17024points
+                          surface 03  48147.5528      0.1852      0.0196
+                                                                        S. 3:    17041points
+                      refine surface  48147.5529      0.1854      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  48147.5802      0.2126      0.0273
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  48147.6070      0.2394      0.0268
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  48147.6323      0.2648      0.0254
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17043points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  48147.6576
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  48147.6578      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  48147.6737      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  48147.6948      0.0372      0.0211
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  48147.6955      0.0379      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  48147.7099      0.0523      0.0144
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  48147.8322      0.1746      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  48148.0932      0.4356      0.2611
+                embedding surface  1  48148.0934      0.4358      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  48150.1943      2.5367      2.1009
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  48152.3914      4.7338      2.1971
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  48156.1131      8.4555      3.7217
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  48156.1180      8.4604      0.0049
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  48156.5887      8.9311      0.4708
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  48156.6975      9.0399      0.1087
+                           Find void  48156.9695      9.3119      0.2721
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  48157.0023      9.3447      0.0328
+                         wsmp setup1  48157.0091      9.3515      0.0068
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  48158.1515     10.4939      1.1424
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  48158.2114
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  48158.2116      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  48166.0730      7.8615      7.8614
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0629570 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3153651 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7960641 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4464951 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14394.9464938 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2361619 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085549 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8660390 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10361E+01  0.18429E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94857E-01  0.11429E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76189E+00  0.24761E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  48182.9741     24.7627     16.9012
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35105E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  48183.1973     24.9859      0.2232
+                do leaf measurements  48183.1983     24.9869      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  48183.2584     25.0470      0.0601
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5890944 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  48183.2625
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  48183.2662      0.0037      0.0037
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.71609E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  48191.2565      7.9940      7.9903
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0596440 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3158448 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7974281 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4694250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14366.1678250 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2366271 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085669 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8879821 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.13673E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48831E-01  0.10203E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76736E+00  0.22750E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  48208.1798     24.9173     16.9233
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12355E+01  0.17978E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  48208.4059     25.1434      0.2261
+                do leaf measurements  48208.4068     25.1444      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  48208.4665     25.2041      0.0597
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0712249 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  48208.4706
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  48208.4742      0.0036      0.0036
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  48216.4103      7.9397      7.9361
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0578949 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3460159 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8052261 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4891870 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14341.4572192 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2358279 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085390 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9431360 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.15461E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37941E-01  0.11821E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74643E+00  0.23193E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  48233.3879     24.9173     16.9776
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13697E+01  0.31183E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  48233.6099     25.1393      0.2221
+                do leaf measurements  48233.6109     25.1403      0.0009
+       compute convergence criterion  48233.6704     25.1998      0.0595
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361129 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  48233.6744
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  48233.6781      0.0037      0.0037
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  48241.6600      7.9855      7.9819
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0564339 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3237679 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7964780 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4625680 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14374.7616793 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2356911 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085490 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8839321 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.17519E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38084E-01  0.12292E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73724E+00  0.22936E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  48258.5792     24.9048     16.9192
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14675E+01  0.35830E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  48258.8022     25.1278      0.2230
+                do leaf measurements  48258.8032     25.1288      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  48258.8632     25.1888      0.0601
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0157911 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  48258.8673
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  48258.8710      0.0037      0.0037
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  48266.8103      7.9431      7.9393
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0595300 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3116770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7968061 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5033159 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14323.8423547 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2364240 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086288 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9167759 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.19278E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40634E-01  0.12547E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73268E+00  0.22831E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  48283.7620     24.8948     16.9517
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15105E+01  0.36585E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  48283.9850     25.1178      0.2230
+                do leaf measurements  48283.9860     25.1187      0.0009
+       compute convergence criterion  48284.0460     25.1788      0.0600
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0106989 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  48284.0500
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  48284.0536      0.0036      0.0036
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  48292.0104      7.9603      7.9568
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0591569 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3196230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8041790 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4443741 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14397.6142914 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2355709 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085599 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8718939 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.20832E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43035E-01  0.12555E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72822E+00  0.22782E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  48308.9168     24.8668     16.9064
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15320E+01  0.36311E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  48309.1394     25.0894      0.2227
+                do leaf measurements  48309.1404     25.0904      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  48309.1979     25.1479      0.0575
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080123 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  48309.2006     25.1506      0.0027
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  48309.2008     25.1508      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -205930173721671.53 383180809196329.56
+ def in m -8.001185417175293 0.71522015333175659
+ dimensionless def  -1.82756764548165462E-6 2.28605297633579794E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0179794  0.2281580
+                  Compute divergence  48309.4772     25.4271      0.2764
+                        wsmp_cleanup  48309.5161     25.4661      0.0390
+              Reset surface geometry  48309.5262     25.4761      0.0100
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   48309.5342     25.4842      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  48309.5513     25.5013      0.0171
+                   Advect surface  1  48309.5515     25.5015      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  48309.7735     25.7235      0.2220
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  48310.0047     25.9547      0.2312
+                                                                        removing   4 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  48310.3107     26.2607      0.3060
+                    Advect the cloud  48310.4841     26.4341      0.1734
+                        Write output  48311.3650     27.3150      0.8809
+                    End of time step  48312.2623     28.2123      0.8973
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     298  48312.2624
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  48312.2625      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  48312.2625      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17028points
+                      refine surface  48312.2626      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  48312.2903      0.0279      0.0278
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  48312.3131      0.0507      0.0228
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  48312.3378      0.0754      0.0246
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17031points
+                          surface 02  48312.3574      0.0949      0.0196
+                                                                        S. 2:    17021points
+                      refine surface  48312.3575      0.0951      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  48312.3818      0.1194      0.0243
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17021points
+                          surface 03  48312.4017      0.1393      0.0199
+                                                                        S. 3:    17039points
+                      refine surface  48312.4019      0.1394      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  48312.4294      0.1670      0.0275
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  48312.4522      0.1897      0.0227
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  48312.4769      0.2145      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17041points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  48312.5028
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  48312.5030      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  48312.5189      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  48312.5407      0.0380      0.0219
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  48312.5415      0.0388      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  48312.5557      0.0529      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  48312.6778      0.1751      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  48312.9613      0.4586      0.2835
+                embedding surface  1  48312.9615      0.4587      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  48315.0667      2.5640      2.1052
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  48317.2581      4.7554      2.1914
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  48320.8971      8.3944      3.6390
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  48320.9023      8.3996      0.0052
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  48321.4012      8.8984      0.4989
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  48321.4759      8.9731      0.0746
+                           Find void  48321.7462      9.2434      0.2703
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  48321.7818      9.2790      0.0356
+                         wsmp setup1  48321.7909      9.2881      0.0091
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  48322.9340     10.4313      1.1432
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  48322.9960
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  48322.9962      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  48330.7955      7.7994      7.7993
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0575809 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3240161 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7991979 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4405799 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14402.3891658 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2360470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084579 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8663380 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10161E+01  0.18443E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95029E-01  0.11378E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76234E+00  0.24757E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  48347.6975     24.7014     16.9020
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35080E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  48347.9206     24.9246      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements  48347.9216     24.9255      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  48347.9808     24.9848      0.0592
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5892940 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  48347.9846
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  48347.9884      0.0038      0.0038
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.71393E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  48356.0153      8.0307      8.0269
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0581350 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3260331 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7958441 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4550328 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14384.2175213 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2370839 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084908 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8810711 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.13689E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48650E-01  0.10191E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76761E+00  0.22742E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  48372.9314     24.9468     16.9160
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12360E+01  0.17969E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  48373.1581     25.1735      0.2268
+                do leaf measurements  48373.1591     25.1745      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  48373.2187     25.2341      0.0596
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0714293 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  48373.2225
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  48373.2261      0.0036      0.0036
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  48381.1704      7.9478      7.9443
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0599499 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3457510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7996140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5272901 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14294.0519725 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2362540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085740 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9778759 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.15472E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37913E-01  0.11827E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74680E+00  0.23206E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  48398.1825     24.9600     17.0122
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13705E+01  0.31244E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  48398.4070     25.1845      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  48398.4080     25.1854      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  48398.4672     25.2447      0.0593
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361288 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  48398.4710
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  48398.4746      0.0036      0.0036
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  48406.4844      8.0134      8.0098
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0618119 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3240831 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7956870 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4469430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14394.3831320 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2360120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085769 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8735719 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.17527E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38028E-01  0.12301E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73752E+00  0.22941E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  48423.3925     24.9215     16.9081
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14683E+01  0.35906E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  48423.6155     25.1445      0.2230
+                do leaf measurements  48423.6165     25.1455      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  48423.6763     25.2053      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0157443 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  48423.6801
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  48423.6838      0.0037      0.0037
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  48431.6800      7.9999      7.9962
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0588870 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3187368 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7983820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4688721 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14366.8603909 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2362070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085540 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8901160 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.19285E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40638E-01  0.12552E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73293E+00  0.22822E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  48448.6050     24.9249     16.9249
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15113E+01  0.36661E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  48448.8314     25.1513      0.2264
+                do leaf measurements  48448.8324     25.1523      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  48448.8919     25.2118      0.0595
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0106747 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  48448.8957
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  48448.8993      0.0036      0.0036
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  48456.8379      7.9422      7.9386
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0606019 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3457081 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8050311 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4740372 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14360.3930707 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2353921 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084970 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9297230 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.20841E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43064E-01  0.12557E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72845E+00  0.22781E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  48473.8024     24.9068     16.9646
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15326E+01  0.36377E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  48474.0258     25.1302      0.2234
+                do leaf measurements  48474.0268     25.1311      0.0010
+       compute convergence criterion  48474.0837     25.1881      0.0569
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080203 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  48474.0864     25.1907      0.0026
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  48474.0865     25.1909      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -206220884660819.16 384206945889991.88
+ def in m -8.0050935745239258 0.70989948511123657
+ dimensionless def  -1.83440412793840684E-6 2.28716959272112154E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0180538  0.2282514
+                  Compute divergence  48474.3598     25.4642      0.2733
+                        wsmp_cleanup  48474.3987     25.5031      0.0389
+              Reset surface geometry  48474.4082     25.5126      0.0095
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   48474.4163     25.5207      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  48474.4331     25.5374      0.0168
+                   Advect surface  1  48474.4332     25.5376      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  48474.6489     25.7533      0.2157
+                                                                        S. 2:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  48474.8508     25.9552      0.2019
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   13 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  48475.1197     26.2241      0.2689
+                    Advect the cloud  48475.2911     26.3954      0.1713
+                        Write output  48476.1791     27.2835      0.8881
+                    End of time step  48477.0768     28.1811      0.8976
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     299  48477.0769
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  48477.0770      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  48477.0770      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17030points
+                      refine surface  48477.0771      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   6 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  48477.1050      0.0281      0.0279
+                                                                        S. 1:   12 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  48477.1325      0.0556      0.0275
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  48477.1575      0.0805      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17036points
+                          surface 02  48477.1768      0.0999      0.0193
+                                                                        S. 2:    17021points
+                      refine surface  48477.1769      0.1000      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  48477.2040      0.1271      0.0271
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  48477.2318      0.1549      0.0278
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  48477.2565      0.1796      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17024points
+                          surface 03  48477.2761      0.1991      0.0196
+                                                                        S. 3:    17040points
+                      refine surface  48477.2762      0.1993      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  48477.3026      0.2257      0.0264
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  48477.3306      0.2536      0.0279
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  48477.3552      0.2782      0.0246
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17042points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  48477.3811
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  48477.3814      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  48477.3972      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  48477.4193      0.0382      0.0221
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  48477.4201      0.0390      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  48477.4343      0.0531      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  48477.5565      0.1754      0.1223
+             Imbed surface in osolve  48477.8485      0.4674      0.2920
+                embedding surface  1  48477.8486      0.4675      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  48479.9461      2.5649      2.0974
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  48482.1681      4.7870      2.2221
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  48485.8566      8.4755      3.6885
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  48485.8629      8.4818      0.0063
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  48486.3743      8.9932      0.5114
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  48486.4534      9.0723      0.0791
+                           Find void  48486.7254      9.3443      0.2720
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  48486.7643      9.3831      0.0389
+                         wsmp setup1  48486.7734      9.3923      0.0091
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  48487.9191     10.5380      1.1457
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  48487.9749
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  48487.9750      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  48495.7499      7.7751      7.7749
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0616550 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3420320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8008440 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4666259 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14369.6746451 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2356501 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085020 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9157531 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10315E+01  0.18514E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94957E-01  0.11323E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76247E+00  0.24629E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  48512.6999     24.7250     16.9500
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35123E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  48512.9243     24.9494      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  48512.9261     24.9512      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  48512.9847     25.0098      0.0586
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5897281 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  48512.9889
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  48512.9927      0.0038      0.0038
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.71969E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  48520.9729      7.9840      7.9802
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0588760 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3203180 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7974570 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4514880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14388.6701550 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2353170 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085011 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8724048 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10151E+01  0.13768E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48836E-01  0.10196E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76779E+00  0.22646E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  48537.8799     24.8910     16.9070
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12360E+01  0.18079E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  48538.1031     25.1142      0.2232
+                do leaf measurements  48538.1049     25.1160      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  48538.1639     25.1751      0.0590
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0715734 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  48538.1682
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  48538.1721      0.0039      0.0039
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  48546.1097      7.9415      7.9376
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0564570 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3136051 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7978232 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5163829 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14307.5898777 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2359011 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085731 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9291670 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.15531E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37681E-01  0.11838E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74696E+00  0.23171E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  48563.0739     24.9058     16.9642
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13712E+01  0.31369E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  48563.2980     25.1298      0.2240
+                do leaf measurements  48563.2998     25.1316      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  48563.3583     25.1902      0.0586
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361488 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  48563.3626
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  48563.3665      0.0039      0.0039
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  48571.3270      7.9644      7.9605
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0613120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3193080 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7990041 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4428611 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14399.5179807 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2357960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085292 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8672321 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.17568E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37970E-01  0.12300E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73776E+00  0.22919E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  48588.2293     24.8667     16.9023
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14694E+01  0.35999E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  48588.4518     25.0892      0.2225
+                do leaf measurements  48588.4536     25.0911      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  48588.5121     25.1496      0.0585
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0157475 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  48588.5163
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  48588.5202      0.0039      0.0039
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  48596.5440      8.0277      8.0238
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0565629 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3231902 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7976561 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4528320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14386.9816751 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2366459 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085220 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8758831 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.19324E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40664E-01  0.12554E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73313E+00  0.22823E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  48613.4546     24.9383     16.9106
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15127E+01  0.36745E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  48613.6810     25.1646      0.2264
+                do leaf measurements  48613.6827     25.1664      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  48613.7414     25.2251      0.0587
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107069 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  48613.7457
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  48613.7495      0.0038      0.0038
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  48621.6918      7.9461      7.9423
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0599961 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3414280 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7944160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5351319 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14284.3345751 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2357812 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085750 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9757841 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.20874E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43068E-01  0.12566E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72863E+00  0.22774E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  48638.7025     24.9569     17.0108
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15339E+01  0.36451E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  48638.9257     25.1800      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements  48638.9275     25.1819      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  48638.9840     25.2383      0.0565
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080317 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  48638.9870     25.2413      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  48638.9872     25.2415      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -206504741362608.06 385240216831518.81
+ def in m -8.0060625076293945 0.70751810073852539
+ dimensionless def  -1.83006695338657921E-6 2.28744643075125544E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0180174  0.2282572
+                  Compute divergence  48639.2647     25.5190      0.2775
+                        wsmp_cleanup  48639.3030     25.5574      0.0383
+              Reset surface geometry  48639.3138     25.5682      0.0108
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   48639.3217     25.5760      0.0078
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  48639.3389     25.5932      0.0172
+                   Advect surface  1  48639.3390     25.5933      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   14 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  48639.5473     25.8016      0.2083
+                                                                        removing   4 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  48639.7844     26.0387      0.2371
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  48640.0701     26.3244      0.2857
+                    Advect the cloud  48640.2390     26.4934      0.1689
+                        Write output  48641.1250     27.3793      0.8859
+                    End of time step  48642.0243     28.2786      0.8993
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     300  48642.0245
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  48642.0246      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  48642.0246      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17035points
+                      refine surface  48642.0246      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  48642.0502      0.0257      0.0255
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  48642.0731      0.0486      0.0230
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  48642.0977      0.0732      0.0246
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17038points
+                          surface 02  48642.1166      0.0921      0.0189
+                                                                        S. 2:    17020points
+                      refine surface  48642.1168      0.0923      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  48642.1429      0.1184      0.0261
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  48642.1709      0.1465      0.0281
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  48642.1949      0.1704      0.0240
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17023points
+                          surface 03  48642.2142      0.1897      0.0193
+                                                                        S. 3:    17039points
+                      refine surface  48642.2143      0.1898      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  48642.2402      0.2157      0.0258
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  48642.2676      0.2431      0.0274
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  48642.2933      0.2689      0.0258
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17040points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  48642.3176
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  48642.3178      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  48642.3337      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  48642.3562      0.0386      0.0225
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  48642.3570      0.0394      0.0008
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  48642.3712      0.0536      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  48642.4933      0.1757      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  48642.7878      0.4702      0.2945
+                embedding surface  1  48642.7880      0.4704      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  48644.9006      2.5830      2.1126
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  48647.1292      4.8116      2.2287
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  48650.8061      8.4885      3.6769
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  48650.8115      8.4939      0.0054
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  48651.3096      8.9921      0.4981
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  48651.4363      9.1187      0.1266
+                           Find void  48651.7080      9.3904      0.2717
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  48651.7470      9.4294      0.0389
+                         wsmp setup1  48651.7578      9.4402      0.0109
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  48652.9041     10.5865      1.1463
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  48652.9607
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  48652.9608      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  48660.7257      7.7650      7.7649
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0641620 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3411639 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8030570 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5226741 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14299.7782180 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2354598 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086122 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9755940 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.18468E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.93821E-01  0.11417E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76245E+00  0.24656E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  48677.7360     24.7753     17.0103
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35119E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  48677.9604     24.9997      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  48677.9622     25.0015      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  48678.0216     25.0609      0.0594
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5896512 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  48678.0285
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  48678.0345      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.73058E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  48686.0365      8.0080      8.0021
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0568399 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3200619 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7965112 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4395740 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14403.6555757 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2352481 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085940 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8572750 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.13732E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48774E-01  0.10177E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76778E+00  0.22668E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  48702.9282     24.8998     16.8917
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12361E+01  0.18414E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  48703.1536     25.1251      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements  48703.1554     25.1269      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  48703.2153     25.1868      0.0599
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0715594 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  48703.2223
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  48703.2297      0.0074      0.0074
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  48711.2090      7.9867      7.9794
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0588970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3144300 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7971160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4630980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14374.0970520 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2362790 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086319 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8788838 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10175E+01  0.15511E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38006E-01  0.11824E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74675E+00  0.23173E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  48728.1224     24.9002     16.9134
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13710E+01  0.31299E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  48728.3498     25.1275      0.2273
+                do leaf measurements  48728.3515     25.1292      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  48728.4109     25.1886      0.0594
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361085 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  48728.4178
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  48728.4238      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  48736.3580      7.9402      7.9343
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0618701 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3445718 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8037231 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4675639 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14368.4993411 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2350659 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084970 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9217429 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10175E+01  0.17561E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38167E-01  0.12296E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73757E+00  0.22938E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  48753.3141     24.8963     16.9561
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14689E+01  0.35945E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  48753.5380     25.1202      0.2240
+                do leaf measurements  48753.5398     25.1220      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  48753.5991     25.1813      0.0594
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0157179 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  48753.6060
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  48753.6120      0.0059      0.0059
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  48761.5831      7.9770      7.9711
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0589981 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3244948 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8003311 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4506500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14389.7232218 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2359009 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085189 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8793280 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.19315E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40588E-01  0.12549E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73297E+00  0.22833E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  48778.4976     24.8916     16.9146
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15120E+01  0.36711E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  48778.7224     25.1164      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  48778.7242     25.1181      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  48778.7842     25.1782      0.0601
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0106903 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  48778.7912
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  48778.7972      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  48786.7318      7.9406      7.9346
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0600882 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3147280 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7957540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5074711 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14318.6702503 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2359312 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085611 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9230201 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.20863E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42995E-01  0.12565E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72848E+00  0.22791E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  48803.6896     24.8984     16.9577
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15332E+01  0.36412E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  48803.9145     25.1233      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  48803.9162     25.1250      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  48803.9732     25.1820      0.0569
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080104 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  48803.9766     25.1854      0.0034
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  48803.9767     25.1856      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -206777123926778.28 386279821381515.25
+ def in m -7.9812250137329102 0.71867245435714722
+ dimensionless def  -1.81264128003801616E-6 2.28035000392368864E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0178448  0.2275759
+                  Compute divergence  48804.2538     25.4626      0.2771
+                        wsmp_cleanup  48804.2926     25.5014      0.0388
+              Reset surface geometry  48804.3027     25.5115      0.0100
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   48804.3104     25.5193      0.0078
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  48804.3268     25.5357      0.0164
+                   Advect surface  1  48804.3270     25.5358      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  48804.5493     25.7581      0.2223
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   13 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  48804.7581     25.9669      0.2088
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  48805.0457     26.2545      0.2876
+                    Advect the cloud  48805.2198     26.4286      0.1741
+                        Write output  48806.1016     27.3104      0.8818
+                    End of time step  48807.0002     28.2091      0.8986
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     301  48807.0004
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  48807.0005      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  48807.0006      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    17035points
+                      refine surface  48807.0006      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  48807.0270      0.0266      0.0264
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  48807.0548      0.0544      0.0278
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  48807.0830      0.0826      0.0282
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17036points
+                          surface 02  48807.1013      0.1009      0.0183
+                                                                        S. 2:    17022points
+                      refine surface  48807.1014      0.1010      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  48807.1305      0.1301      0.0291
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  48807.1532      0.1527      0.0227
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  48807.1822      0.1817      0.0290
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17024points
+                          surface 03  48807.2002      0.1997      0.0180
+                                                                        S. 3:    17037points
+                      refine surface  48807.2003      0.1999      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  48807.2285      0.2281      0.0282
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17037points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  48807.2543
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  48807.2546      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  48807.2705      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  48807.2943      0.0400      0.0238
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  48807.2955      0.0411      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  48807.3096      0.0553      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  48807.4318      0.1775      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  48807.7279      0.4736      0.2961
+                embedding surface  1  48807.7281      0.4738      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  48809.8190      2.5647      2.0909
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  48812.0391      4.7848      2.2201
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  48815.7599      8.5056      3.7208
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  48815.7684      8.5141      0.0086
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  48816.2585      9.0042      0.4900
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  48816.3767      9.1224      0.1182
+                           Find void  48816.6534      9.3990      0.2766
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  48816.6961      9.4418      0.0428
+                         wsmp setup1  48816.7082      9.4539      0.0121
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  48817.8584     10.6041      1.1502
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  48817.9152
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  48817.9153      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  48825.6688      7.7536      7.7535
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0604279 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3136868 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7977071 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5252419 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14296.5922966 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2356980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085490 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9417729 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10577E+01  0.18447E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94925E-01  0.11472E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76216E+00  0.24780E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  48842.6454     24.7302     16.9766
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35088E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  48842.8695     24.9543      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  48842.8712     24.9560      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  48842.9310     25.0158      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5892681 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  48842.9381
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  48842.9442      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.71521E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  48850.9027      7.9646      7.9585
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0600770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3246579 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7988660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4401922 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14402.8772130 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2350311 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085380 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8678091 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10150E+01  0.13697E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48637E-01  0.10202E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76755E+00  0.22778E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  48867.8060     24.8678     16.9032
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12352E+01  0.18044E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  48868.0301     25.0920      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  48868.0319     25.0938      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  48868.0920     25.1539      0.0601
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0713160 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  48868.0991
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  48868.1052      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  48876.1220      8.0229      8.0168
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0564601 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3209579 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7954152 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4601071 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14377.8485322 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2357872 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085211 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8776882 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.15484E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38174E-01  0.11829E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74656E+00  0.23236E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  48893.0346     24.9354     16.9126
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13699E+01  0.31232E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  48893.2622     25.1630      0.2276
+                do leaf measurements  48893.2639     25.1648      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  48893.3238     25.2247      0.0599
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361147 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  48893.3309
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  48893.3369      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  48901.2713      7.9404      7.9344
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0627131 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3477378 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8015971 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5299211 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14290.7902917 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2354910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085990 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9865069 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.17531E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38281E-01  0.12296E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73741E+00  0.22950E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  48918.2922     24.9613     17.0210
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14680E+01  0.35864E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  48918.5165     25.1857      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements  48918.5183     25.1874      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  48918.5786     25.2477      0.0604
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0157561 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  48918.5858
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  48918.5918      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  48926.5912      8.0054      7.9994
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0563719 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3208978 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7952251 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4386091 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14404.8705660 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2358081 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085950 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8559761 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.19286E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40568E-01  0.12550E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73280E+00  0.22846E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  48943.4823     24.8965     16.8911
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15110E+01  0.36626E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  48943.7065     25.1207      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  48943.7082     25.1225      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  48943.7686     25.1829      0.0604
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107058 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  48943.7759
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  48943.7821      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  48951.7716      7.9957      7.9896
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0566640 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3158770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7950611 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4601622 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14377.7794358 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2360721 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085740 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8728650 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.20836E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42992E-01  0.12565E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72833E+00  0.22791E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  48968.6788     24.9029     16.9072
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15321E+01  0.36336E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  48968.9056     25.1297      0.2268
+                do leaf measurements  48968.9073     25.1314      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  48968.9646     25.1887      0.0573
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080081 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  48968.9677     25.1918      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  48968.9679     25.1920      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -207080172566488.22 387290449266251.13
+ def in m -7.9929518699645996 0.71375000476837158
+ dimensionless def  -1.81973917143685494E-6 2.28370053427559974E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0179164  0.2278982
+                  Compute divergence  48969.2470     25.4711      0.2792
+                        wsmp_cleanup  48969.2855     25.5096      0.0385
+              Reset surface geometry  48969.2962     25.5203      0.0107
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   48969.3036     25.5277      0.0073
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  48969.3217     25.5458      0.0182
+                   Advect surface  1  48969.3219     25.5460      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  48969.5471     25.7712      0.2252
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   12 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  48969.7647     25.9887      0.2176
+                                                                        S. 3:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  48970.0225     26.2466      0.2578
+                    Advect the cloud  48970.1941     26.4182      0.1716
+                        Write output  48971.0831     27.3072      0.8890
+                    End of time step  48971.9857     28.2098      0.9026
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     302  48971.9859
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  48971.9860      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  48971.9861      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17033points
+                      refine surface  48971.9861      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  48972.0173      0.0314      0.0312
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  48972.0480      0.0621      0.0307
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  48972.0792      0.0932      0.0312
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17035points
+                          surface 02  48972.1013      0.1154      0.0221
+                                                                        S. 2:    17022points
+                      refine surface  48972.1014      0.1155      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   6 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  48972.1384      0.1525      0.0370
+                                                                        S. 2:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  48972.1653      0.1794      0.0269
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  48972.1967      0.2108      0.0314
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17028points
+                          surface 03  48972.2199      0.2340      0.0232
+                                                                        S. 3:    17037points
+                      refine surface  48972.2201      0.2341      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  48972.2551      0.2692      0.0351
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  48972.2858      0.2998      0.0306
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  48972.3179      0.3319      0.0321
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17039points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  48972.3475
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  48972.3478      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  48972.3637      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  48972.3879      0.0404      0.0242
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  48972.3890      0.0415      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  48972.4032      0.0557      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  48972.5254      0.1779      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  48972.8211      0.4736      0.2957
+                embedding surface  1  48972.8212      0.4737      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  48974.8999      2.5524      2.0787
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  48977.1118      4.7643      2.2119
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  48980.9041      8.5566      3.7923
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  48980.9097      8.5622      0.0056
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  48981.4300      9.0825      0.5202
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  48981.5127      9.1651      0.0827
+                           Find void  48981.7834      9.4359      0.2708
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  48981.8252      9.4777      0.0418
+                         wsmp setup1  48981.8373      9.4898      0.0121
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  48982.9888     10.6413      1.1515
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  48983.0458
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  48983.0460      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  48990.8320      7.7862      7.7860
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0638161 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3101220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7965038 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4597480 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14378.2990209 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2360408 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085139 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8751860 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10164E+01  0.18484E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95058E-01  0.11417E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76236E+00  0.24664E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  49007.7420     24.6961     16.9100
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35101E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  49007.9692     24.9233      0.2272
+                do leaf measurements  49007.9710     24.9252      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  49008.0315     24.9857      0.0605
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5896970 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  49008.0387
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  49008.0448      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.71646E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  49015.9778      7.9391      7.9331
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0573990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3435569 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8115211 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4635198 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14373.5682044 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2348421 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085270 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9197841 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.13726E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48495E-01  0.10173E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76765E+00  0.22702E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  49032.9326     24.8939     16.9548
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12365E+01  0.18540E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  49033.1581     25.1194      0.2255
+                do leaf measurements  49033.1599     25.1212      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  49033.2212     25.1825      0.0613
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0718039 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  49033.2284
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  49033.2345      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  49041.2071      7.9787      7.9726
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0604060 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3235891 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7951839 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4431479 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14399.1570631 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2353520 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085680 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8667119 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10175E+01  0.15503E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37891E-01  0.11836E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74686E+00  0.23227E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  49058.1092     24.8808     16.9021
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13704E+01  0.31283E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  49058.3340     25.1056      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  49058.3359     25.1074      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  49058.3971     25.1687      0.0612
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360643 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  49058.4044
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  49058.4106      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  49066.3442      7.9398      7.9336
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0627370 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3129411 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7944880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5147610 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14309.6052353 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2357001 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086310 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9297140 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10175E+01  0.17546E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38185E-01  0.12294E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73758E+00  0.22954E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  49083.3087     24.9043     16.9646
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14685E+01  0.35917E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  49083.5330     25.1286      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements  49083.5349     25.1305      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  49083.5955     25.1911      0.0607
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0157524 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  49083.6028
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  49083.6089      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  49091.5581      7.9553      7.9492
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0590980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3188090 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7965510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4329128 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14412.0476011 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2352452 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085180 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8515718 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.19296E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40602E-01  0.12554E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73296E+00  0.22856E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  49108.4451     24.8423     16.8871
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15114E+01  0.36681E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  49108.6693     25.0665      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  49108.6712     25.0684      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  49108.7317     25.1289      0.0605
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107063 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  49108.7389
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  49108.7450      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  49116.7610      8.0221      8.0160
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0606041 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3233469 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7963481 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4536438 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14385.9619497 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2359500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085471 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8788941 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.20843E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43036E-01  0.12559E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72849E+00  0.22788E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  49133.6744     24.9355     16.9133
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15328E+01  0.36376E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  49133.9015     25.1626      0.2272
+                do leaf measurements  49133.9034     25.1645      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  49133.9615     25.2226      0.0582
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080018 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  49133.9647     25.2258      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  49133.9649     25.2260      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -207373678067750.53 388305350773914.88
+ def in m -7.9979639053344727 0.71338742971420288
+ dimensionless def  -1.82427406311035175E-6 2.28513254438127799E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0179670  0.2280296
+                  Compute divergence  49134.2428     25.5039      0.2779
+                        wsmp_cleanup  49134.2818     25.5429      0.0390
+              Reset surface geometry  49134.2920     25.5531      0.0102
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   49134.3006     25.5617      0.0086
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  49134.3181     25.5792      0.0175
+                   Advect surface  1  49134.3182     25.5793      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   18 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  49134.5316     25.7927      0.2134
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  49134.7538     26.0149      0.2223
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   13 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  49135.0307     26.2918      0.2769
+                    Advect the cloud  49135.2082     26.4693      0.1775
+                        Write output  49136.0974     27.3585      0.8892
+                    End of time step  49137.0041     28.2652      0.9067
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     303  49137.0043
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  49137.0044      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  49137.0044      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17034points
+                      refine surface  49137.0045      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  49137.0392      0.0349      0.0347
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  49137.0659      0.0616      0.0267
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  49137.0983      0.0940      0.0325
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17037points
+                          surface 02  49137.1218      0.1175      0.0234
+                                                                        S. 2:    17027points
+                      refine surface  49137.1219      0.1176      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  49137.1565      0.1522      0.0345
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  49137.1855      0.1812      0.0291
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  49137.2197      0.2154      0.0342
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17028points
+                          surface 03  49137.2435      0.2392      0.0237
+                                                                        S. 3:    17038points
+                      refine surface  49137.2436      0.2393      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  49137.2808      0.2765      0.0372
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  49137.3155      0.3112      0.0347
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  49137.3523      0.3480      0.0367
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17039points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  49137.3843
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  49137.3846      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  49137.4006      0.0163      0.0161
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  49137.4243      0.0400      0.0237
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  49137.4254      0.0412      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  49137.4398      0.0555      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  49137.5632      0.1789      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  49137.8611      0.4768      0.2979
+                embedding surface  1  49137.8612      0.4769      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  49139.9778      2.5935      2.1166
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  49142.2189      4.8347      2.2412
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  49145.9475      8.5632      3.7285
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  49145.9561      8.5719      0.0087
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  49146.4650      9.0807      0.5089
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  49146.5469      9.1626      0.0819
+                           Find void  49146.8161      9.4318      0.2692
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  49146.8560      9.4717      0.0399
+                         wsmp setup1  49146.8683      9.4841      0.0123
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  49148.0180     10.6338      1.1497
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  49148.0766
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  49148.0767      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  49155.9373      7.8607      7.8605
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0657301 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3241410 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7922390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4516978 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14388.4065379 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2366369 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085778 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8794849 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10469E+01  0.18526E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94545E-01  0.11488E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76256E+00  0.24580E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  49172.8516     24.7750     16.9143
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35101E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  49173.0786     25.0021      0.2270
+                do leaf measurements  49173.0804     25.0039      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  49173.1419     25.0653      0.0614
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5895122 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  49173.1490
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  49173.1552      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.72611E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  49181.0953      7.9463      7.9402
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0581079 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3482020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8013570 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5306451 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14289.8928887 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2356679 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085549 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9830129 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10150E+01  0.13774E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48899E-01  0.10180E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76799E+00  0.22610E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  49198.1135     24.9645     17.0182
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12364E+01  0.18147E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  49198.3382     25.1892      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  49198.3401     25.1911      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  49198.4015     25.2525      0.0614
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0717285 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  49198.4086
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  49198.4147      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  49206.4161      8.0075      8.0015
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0595231 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3206508 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7979081 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4475269 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14393.6489390 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2353959 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085781 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8700600 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.15535E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37740E-01  0.11834E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74702E+00  0.23147E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  49223.3209     24.9123     16.9047
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13714E+01  0.31422E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  49223.5466     25.1381      0.2258
+                do leaf measurements  49223.5485     25.1399      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  49223.6104     25.2019      0.0619
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360955 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  49223.6177
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  49223.6239      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  49231.6123      7.9946      7.9884
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0585589 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3120410 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7931471 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4657900 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14370.7222438 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2362320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085161 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8747461 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.17565E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38062E-01  0.12308E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73782E+00  0.22902E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  49248.5211     24.9034     16.9088
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14699E+01  0.36027E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  49248.7493     25.1316      0.2282
+                do leaf measurements  49248.7511     25.1334      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  49248.8125     25.1948      0.0614
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0156885 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  49248.8196
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  49248.8256      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  49256.7606      7.9409      7.9349
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0592239 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3472660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7998741 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4748130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14359.4221621 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2351310 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085599 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9252980 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.19312E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40757E-01  0.12565E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73321E+00  0.22802E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  49273.7208     24.9012     16.9602
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15126E+01  0.36767E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  49273.9451     25.1255      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements  49273.9469     25.1273      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  49274.0083     25.1887      0.0615
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0106734 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  49274.0155
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  49274.0215      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  49281.9951      7.9796      7.9736
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0583920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3252339 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7996559 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4463799 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14395.0913140 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2353871 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085392 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8740551 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.20859E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43153E-01  0.12565E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72871E+00  0.22751E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  49298.9036     24.8882     16.9085
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15337E+01  0.36479E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  49299.1289     25.1134      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  49299.1308     25.1153      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  49299.1900     25.1746      0.0593
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080134 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  49299.1932     25.1777      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  49299.1933     25.1779      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -207657225909286.09 389326829449881.25
+ def in m -7.9976415634155273 0.71436607837677002
+ dimensionless def  -1.81877459798540375E-6 2.28504044669015096E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0179152  0.2280106
+                  Compute divergence  49299.4672     25.4517      0.2738
+                        wsmp_cleanup  49299.5077     25.4922      0.0405
+              Reset surface geometry  49299.5167     25.5013      0.0090
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   49299.5246     25.5092      0.0079
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  49299.5415     25.5260      0.0168
+                   Advect surface  1  49299.5417     25.5262      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   12 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  49299.7614     25.7459      0.2198
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  49299.9987     25.9832      0.2373
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   14 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  49300.2690     26.2536      0.2703
+                    Advect the cloud  49300.4445     26.4290      0.1755
+                        Write output  49301.3363     27.3208      0.8918
+                    End of time step  49302.2448     28.2293      0.9085
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     304  49302.2450
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  49302.2450      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  49302.2451      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17035points
+                      refine surface  49302.2451      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  49302.2786      0.0336      0.0335
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  49302.3095      0.0646      0.0309
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  49302.3433      0.0984      0.0338
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17036points
+                          surface 02  49302.3658      0.1208      0.0224
+                                                                        S. 2:    17025points
+                      refine surface  49302.3659      0.1209      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  49302.4027      0.1577      0.0368
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  49302.4328      0.1878      0.0301
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  49302.4702      0.2252      0.0374
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17027points
+                          surface 03  49302.4939      0.2489      0.0237
+                                                                        S. 3:    17038points
+                      refine surface  49302.4940      0.2491      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  49302.5341      0.2891      0.0400
+                                                                        S. 3:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  49302.5675      0.3225      0.0334
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  49302.6047      0.3597      0.0372
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17041points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  49302.6359
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  49302.6361      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  49302.6522      0.0164      0.0161
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  49302.6761      0.0402      0.0238
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  49302.6772      0.0413      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  49302.6915      0.0556      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  49302.8149      0.1791      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  49303.1122      0.4763      0.2972
+                embedding surface  1  49303.1123      0.4765      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  49305.2379      2.6020      2.1256
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  49307.4611      4.8252      2.2232
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  49311.1657      8.5298      3.7046
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  49311.1749      8.5391      0.0093
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  49311.7027      9.0668      0.5277
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  49311.7854      9.1495      0.0827
+                           Find void  49312.0525      9.4166      0.2671
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  49312.0908      9.4550      0.0384
+                         wsmp setup1  49312.1038      9.4679      0.0129
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  49313.2472     10.6113      1.1434
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  49313.3074
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  49313.3075      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  49321.1172      7.8099      7.8097
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0625880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3191319 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7976010 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4527199 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14387.1224415 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2351222 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085280 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8761549 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10205E+01  0.18463E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94144E-01  0.11368E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76266E+00  0.24381E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  49338.0283     24.7210     16.9111
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35074E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  49338.2535     24.9462      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  49338.2553     24.9480      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  49338.3156     25.0083      0.0603
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5901050 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  49338.3226
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  49338.3287      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.73805E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  49346.2647      7.9421      7.9360
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0595398 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3089101 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7964289 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5181541 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14305.3897188 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2353592 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085061 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9273639 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.13734E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.49046E-01  0.10196E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76797E+00  0.22481E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  49363.2267     24.9041     16.9620
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12360E+01  0.17987E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  49363.4510     25.1284      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements  49363.4527     25.1301      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  49363.5121     25.1896      0.0594
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0719184 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  49363.5191
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  49363.5251      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  49371.4821      7.9630      7.9570
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0597310 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3202500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7975080 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4431479 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14399.1570631 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2349849 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085220 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8645880 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10175E+01  0.15516E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37967E-01  0.11852E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74684E+00  0.23099E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  49388.3810     24.8619     16.8989
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13710E+01  0.31344E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  49388.6061     25.0870      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  49388.6079     25.0888      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  49388.6673     25.1483      0.0595
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362543 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  49388.6743
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  49388.6803      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  49396.6972      8.0229      8.0169
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0578361 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3212740 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7957079 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4563649 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14382.5450519 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2358460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085340 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8759799 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10175E+01  0.17560E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38180E-01  0.12317E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73769E+00  0.22884E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  49413.6077     24.9334     16.9105
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14699E+01  0.35946E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  49413.8349     25.1606      0.2272
+                do leaf measurements  49413.8367     25.1623      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  49413.8964     25.2220      0.0597
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0157144 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  49413.9032
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  49413.9092      0.0059      0.0059
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  49421.8430      7.9397      7.9338
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0567300 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3423140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7942100 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5388949 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14279.6762966 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2353270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084751 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9764011 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.19307E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40762E-01  0.12571E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73309E+00  0.22794E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  49438.8544     24.9511     17.0114
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15126E+01  0.36696E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  49439.0784     25.1752      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  49439.0802     25.1770      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  49439.1397     25.2365      0.0595
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0106730 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  49439.1466
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  49439.1527      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  49447.1542      8.0075      8.0015
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0616119 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3147609 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7981331 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4460330 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14395.5275912 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2351410 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086279 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8647599 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.20854E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43138E-01  0.12578E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72859E+00  0.22760E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  49464.0537     24.9071     16.8995
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15334E+01  0.36414E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  49464.2783     25.1317      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  49464.2801     25.1335      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  49464.3377     25.1911      0.0576
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080026 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  49464.3409     25.1943      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  49464.3412     25.1946      0.0003
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -207928498497266.13 390353197063139.44
+ def in m -7.993903636932373 0.71607828140258789
+ dimensionless def  -1.80423276765005923E-6 2.28397246769496359E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0177739  0.2278906
+                  Compute divergence  49464.6164     25.4697      0.2752
+                        wsmp_cleanup  49464.6558     25.5091      0.0394
+              Reset surface geometry  49464.6656     25.5190      0.0098
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   49464.6736     25.5270      0.0080
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  49464.6907     25.5441      0.0171
+                   Advect surface  1  49464.6908     25.5442      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  49464.8990     25.7524      0.2082
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  49465.1205     25.9739      0.2215
+                                                                        S. 3:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  49465.3807     26.2341      0.2602
+                    Advect the cloud  49465.5586     26.4120      0.1779
+                        Write output  49466.4469     27.3003      0.8883
+                    End of time step  49467.3471     28.2004      0.9002
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     305  49467.3472
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  49467.3473      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  49467.3473      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17035points
+                      refine surface  49467.3474      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  49467.3834      0.0362      0.0360
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  49467.4160      0.0688      0.0326
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  49467.4508      0.1036      0.0347
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17037points
+                          surface 02  49467.4739      0.1267      0.0231
+                                                                        S. 2:    17025points
+                      refine surface  49467.4741      0.1268      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  49467.5105      0.1632      0.0364
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  49467.5394      0.1922      0.0289
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  49467.5752      0.2280      0.0358
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17026points
+                          surface 03  49467.5979      0.2507      0.0227
+                                                                        S. 3:    17041points
+                      refine surface  49467.5980      0.2508      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  49467.6346      0.2874      0.0366
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  49467.6630      0.3158      0.0284
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  49467.6998      0.3526      0.0368
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17042points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  49467.7307
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  49467.7310      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  49467.7470      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  49467.7710      0.0403      0.0240
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  49467.7721      0.0414      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  49467.7863      0.0555      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  49467.9085      0.1778      0.1223
+             Imbed surface in osolve  49468.2069      0.4762      0.2984
+                embedding surface  1  49468.2071      0.4763      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  49470.3136      2.5829      2.1066
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  49472.5065      4.7758      2.1929
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  49476.1919      8.4611      3.6853
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  49476.1974      8.4667      0.0055
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  49476.7166      8.9858      0.5192
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  49476.7997      9.0690      0.0832
+                           Find void  49477.0706      9.3399      0.2709
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  49477.1107      9.3800      0.0401
+                         wsmp setup1  49477.1232      9.3924      0.0124
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  49478.2730     10.5423      1.1499
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  49478.3334
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  49478.3336      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  49486.1549      7.8214      7.8213
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0593479 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3123701 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7945979 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4869261 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14344.2799879 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2355311 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085452 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8977749 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10251E+01  0.18456E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94647E-01  0.11433E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76247E+00  0.24863E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  49503.0870     24.7536     16.9322
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35095E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  49503.3116     24.9781      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  49503.3133     24.9799      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  49503.3738     25.0403      0.0605
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5892583 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  49503.3810
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  49503.3869      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.71431E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  49511.3743      7.9934      7.9874
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0596089 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3142450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7994621 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4707279 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14364.5359751 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2361529 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085220 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8891630 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10151E+01  0.13710E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48632E-01  0.10204E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76780E+00  0.22807E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  49528.2988     24.9179     16.9245
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12359E+01  0.18010E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  49528.5266     25.1457      0.2278
+                do leaf measurements  49528.5283     25.1474      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  49528.5883     25.2074      0.0600
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0713003 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  49528.5954
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  49528.6014      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  49536.5319      7.9365      7.9305
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0608151 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3423860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8046949 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4883251 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14342.5331515 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2347121 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085309 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9399042 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.15489E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38156E-01  0.11841E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74678E+00  0.23249E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  49553.5065     24.9111     16.9746
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13704E+01  0.31338E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  49553.7307     25.1353      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  49553.7324     25.1370      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  49553.7920     25.1966      0.0596
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361295 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  49553.7991
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  49553.8052      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  49561.7814      7.9823      7.9762
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0613680 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3259799 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7987220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4580781 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14380.3944934 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2350421 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085680 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8882101 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.17532E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38292E-01  0.12301E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73756E+00  0.22964E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  49578.7042     24.9050     16.9228
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14686E+01  0.35897E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  49578.9291     25.1300      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  49578.9308     25.1317      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  49578.9910     25.1919      0.0602
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0157064 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  49578.9982
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  49579.0043      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  49586.9404      7.9423      7.9362
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0600021 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3122160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7963419 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5205231 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14302.4481489 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2347291 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085399 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9328060 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.19282E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40630E-01  0.12548E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73298E+00  0.22843E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  49603.9083     24.9101     16.9678
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15114E+01  0.36658E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  49604.1325     25.1343      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  49604.1342     25.1360      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  49604.1940     25.1958      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0106868 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  49604.2011
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  49604.2072      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  49612.1524      7.9513      7.9452
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0605180 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3209751 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8033221 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4479301 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14393.1420327 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2346301 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085721 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8763771 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.20827E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43050E-01  0.12559E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72849E+00  0.22781E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  49629.0632     24.8620     16.9108
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15323E+01  0.36364E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  49629.2880     25.0869      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  49629.2898     25.0886      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  49629.3471     25.1460      0.0573
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0079895 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  49629.3502     25.1491      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  49629.3504     25.1493      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -208198604895341.94 391380370189144.13
+ def in m -7.9934496879577637 0.71730011701583862
+ dimensionless def  -1.7984310218266078E-6 2.28384276798793251E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0177194  0.2278673
+                  Compute divergence  49629.6249     25.4238      0.2745
+                        wsmp_cleanup  49629.6644     25.4632      0.0395
+              Reset surface geometry  49629.6744     25.4733      0.0101
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   49629.6825     25.4814      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  49629.6995     25.4983      0.0169
+                   Advect surface  1  49629.6996     25.4985      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   12 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  49629.9176     25.7165      0.2180
+                                                                        S. 2:   12 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  49630.1232     25.9220      0.2055
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  49630.4017     26.2006      0.2786
+                    Advect the cloud  49630.5765     26.3754      0.1748
+                        Write output  49631.4739     27.2728      0.8974
+                    End of time step  49632.3754     28.1742      0.9014
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     306  49632.3756
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  49632.3756      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  49632.3757      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17035points
+                      refine surface  49632.3757      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  49632.4084      0.0328      0.0326
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17035points
+                          surface 02  49632.4310      0.0555      0.0227
+                                                                        S. 2:    17026points
+                      refine surface  49632.4312      0.0556      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   5 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  49632.4695      0.0940      0.0384
+                                                                        S. 2:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  49632.5020      0.1265      0.0325
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  49632.5361      0.1605      0.0340
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17031points
+                          surface 03  49632.5598      0.1842      0.0237
+                                                                        S. 3:    17041points
+                      refine surface  49632.5599      0.1843      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  49632.5985      0.2230      0.0386
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  49632.6286      0.2530      0.0301
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  49632.6655      0.2900      0.0369
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17043points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  49632.6972
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  49632.6975      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  49632.7135      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  49632.7376      0.0403      0.0241
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  49632.7387      0.0415      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  49632.7529      0.0556      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  49632.8751      0.1778      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  49633.1721      0.4748      0.2970
+                embedding surface  1  49633.1722      0.4750      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  49635.2946      2.5974      2.1224
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  49637.5091      4.8119      2.2145
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  49641.2081      8.5109      3.6990
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  49641.2136      8.5164      0.0055
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  49641.7508      9.0535      0.5371
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  49641.8349      9.1377      0.0841
+                           Find void  49642.1048      9.4076      0.2699
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  49642.1462      9.4489      0.0414
+                         wsmp setup1  49642.1582      9.4610      0.0120
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  49643.3043     10.6071      1.1461
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  49643.3620
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  49643.3622      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  49651.1592      7.7972      7.7970
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0644739 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3193281 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7951200 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4396610 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14403.5460055 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2345350 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0087070 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8622639 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10215E+01  0.18523E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95204E-01  0.11479E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76252E+00  0.24735E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  49668.0554     24.6934     16.8962
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35119E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  49668.2809     24.9189      0.2255
+                do leaf measurements  49668.2827     24.9207      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  49668.3425     24.9805      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5898491 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  49668.3495
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  49668.3556      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.71503E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  49676.3763      8.0267      8.0207
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0572681 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3229270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7947731 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4575560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14381.0498278 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2362821 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0089900 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8782542 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10151E+01  0.13764E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48797E-01  0.10183E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76791E+00  0.22733E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  49693.2889     24.9393     16.9126
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12363E+01  0.18114E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  49693.5187     25.1692      0.2299
+                do leaf measurements  49693.5205     25.1709      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  49693.5802     25.2306      0.0597
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0718357 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  49693.5872
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  49693.5933      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  49701.5332      7.9460      7.9400
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0576119 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3451979 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7987180 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5337520 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14286.0436379 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2352309 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086741 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9796250 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.15526E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37594E-01  0.11824E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74701E+00  0.23213E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  49718.5477     24.9605     17.0145
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13713E+01  0.31442E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  49718.7731     25.1859      0.2254
+                do leaf measurements  49718.7749     25.1877      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  49718.8349     25.2477      0.0600
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360576 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  49718.8419
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  49718.8480      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  49726.8546      8.0127      8.0066
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0591650 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3197260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7970979 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4439380 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14398.1629079 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2351959 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085781 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8641441 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.17554E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37895E-01  0.12296E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73783E+00  0.22944E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  49743.7544     24.9124     16.8997
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14693E+01  0.36001E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  49743.9800     25.1381      0.2256
+                do leaf measurements  49743.9818     25.1399      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  49744.0419     25.2000      0.0601
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0157096 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  49744.0491
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  49744.0553      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  49752.0490      7.9999      7.9937
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0604911 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3137748 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7966261 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4729390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14361.7676053 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2359560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085809 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8888409 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.19301E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40761E-01  0.12548E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73321E+00  0.22849E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  49768.9727     24.9236     16.9237
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15123E+01  0.36766E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  49769.2007     25.1516      0.2280
+                do leaf measurements  49769.2025     25.1534      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  49769.2625     25.2134      0.0600
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107039 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  49769.2695
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  49769.2756      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  49777.2137      7.9441      7.9380
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0584009 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3458099 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7987330 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4834979 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14348.5622510 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2348881 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085220 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9302919 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.20845E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43151E-01  0.12559E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72871E+00  0.22782E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  49794.1792     24.9097     16.9656
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15338E+01  0.36474E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  49794.4050     25.1355      0.2258
+                do leaf measurements  49794.4068     25.1372      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  49794.4643     25.1947      0.0575
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0079852 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  49794.4674     25.1978      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  49794.4675     25.1980      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -208476341932516.78 392399252087350.38
+ def in m -7.9964537620544434 0.71707040071487427
+ dimensionless def  -1.80951969964163634E-6 2.28470107487269817E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0178357  0.2279478
+                  Compute divergence  49794.7406     25.4711      0.2731
+                        wsmp_cleanup  49794.7799     25.5104      0.0393
+              Reset surface geometry  49794.7894     25.5198      0.0095
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   49794.7972     25.5276      0.0078
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  49794.8142     25.5447      0.0170
+                   Advect surface  1  49794.8143     25.5448      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  49795.0228     25.7533      0.2085
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  49795.2386     25.9690      0.2157
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  49795.5217     26.2522      0.2832
+                    Advect the cloud  49795.6980     26.4285      0.1763
+                        Write output  49796.5834     27.3138      0.8853
+                    End of time step  49797.4840     28.2145      0.9007
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     307  49797.4842
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  49797.4843      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  49797.4843      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17035points
+                      refine surface  49797.4844      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  49797.5196      0.0354      0.0352
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  49797.5480      0.0637      0.0284
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  49797.5825      0.0983      0.0346
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17036points
+                          surface 02  49797.6061      0.1218      0.0235
+                                                                        S. 2:    17030points
+                      refine surface  49797.6062      0.1220      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  49797.6428      0.1586      0.0366
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  49797.6722      0.1879      0.0293
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  49797.7071      0.2228      0.0349
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17032points
+                          surface 03  49797.7315      0.2473      0.0245
+                                                                        S. 3:    17041points
+                      refine surface  49797.7316      0.2474      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  49797.7714      0.2872      0.0398
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  49797.8053      0.3211      0.0339
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  49797.8424      0.3582      0.0371
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17043points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  49797.8739
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  49797.8742      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  49797.8901      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  49797.9147      0.0407      0.0245
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  49797.9158      0.0418      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  49797.9299      0.0560      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  49798.0521      0.1782      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  49798.3506      0.4767      0.2985
+                embedding surface  1  49798.3508      0.4768      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  49800.4491      2.5751      2.0983
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  49802.6835      4.8096      2.2344
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  49806.4117      8.5377      3.7282
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  49806.4198      8.5459      0.0082
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  49806.9829      9.1090      0.5631
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  49807.0712      9.1973      0.0883
+                           Find void  49807.3400      9.4661      0.2688
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  49807.3784      9.5045      0.0384
+                         wsmp setup1  49807.3906      9.5167      0.0122
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  49808.5327     10.6587      1.1421
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  49808.5926
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  49808.5927      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  49816.3668      7.7743      7.7741
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0650299 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3427701 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8030400 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4861579 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14345.2393214 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2345369 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085480 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9405348 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10287E+01  0.18532E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94463E-01  0.11521E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76262E+00  0.24568E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  49833.3419     24.7493     16.9750
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35129E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  49833.5672     24.9747      0.2254
+                do leaf measurements  49833.5690     24.9765      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  49833.6306     25.0381      0.0616
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5899882 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  49833.6384
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  49833.6446      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.72956E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  49841.6217      7.9833      7.9771
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0609779 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3235571 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7948480 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4542580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14385.1905883 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2350650 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086389 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8778110 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.13779E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48872E-01  0.10199E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76792E+00  0.22634E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  49858.5347     24.8962     16.9129
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12362E+01  0.17987E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  49858.7602     25.1218      0.2255
+                do leaf measurements  49858.7621     25.1236      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  49858.8240     25.1856      0.0619
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0717185 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  49858.8311
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  49858.8373      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  49866.7742      7.9431      7.9369
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0616002 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3135400 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7944961 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5169821 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14306.8455565 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2354999 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085380 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9311450 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.15530E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37847E-01  0.11850E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74706E+00  0.23202E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  49883.7399     24.9088     16.9657
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13713E+01  0.31404E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  49883.9639     25.1328      0.2240
+                do leaf measurements  49883.9657     25.1346      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  49884.0272     25.1961      0.0615
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361987 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  49884.0343
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  49884.0404      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  49891.9880      7.9538      7.9476
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0579190 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3168521 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8031938 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4426341 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14399.8036076 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2347000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085630 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8643091 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.17556E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38079E-01  0.12311E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73785E+00  0.22935E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  49908.8876     24.8533     16.8995
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14700E+01  0.36000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  49909.1116     25.0774      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  49909.1135     25.0792      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  49909.1749     25.1406      0.0614
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0157152 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  49909.1820
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  49909.1879      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  49917.2052      8.0232      8.0173
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0612361 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3213849 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7953281 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4551339 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14384.0905832 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2357180 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085621 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8778682 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.19297E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40633E-01  0.12560E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73322E+00  0.22829E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  49934.1176     24.9357     16.9124
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15129E+01  0.36756E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  49934.3457     25.1638      0.2281
+                do leaf measurements  49934.3476     25.1656      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  49934.4089     25.2269      0.0613
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0106806 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  49934.4159
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  49934.4220      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  49942.3619      7.9460      7.9400
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0616660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3437209 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7949760 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5313332 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14289.0402091 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2348189 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085490 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9755230 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.20840E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43043E-01  0.12566E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72874E+00  0.22778E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  49959.3723     24.9564     17.0104
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15340E+01  0.36473E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  49959.5970     25.1811      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  49959.5988     25.1829      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  49959.6578     25.2419      0.0590
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0079822 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  49959.6609     25.2450      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  49959.6611     25.2452      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -208745998340274.06 393427912767661.06
+ def in m -7.9948239326477051 0.71812057495117187
+ dimensionless def  -1.79733446666172587E-6 2.28423540932791586E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0177170  0.2278953
+                  Compute divergence  49959.9376     25.5217      0.2766
+                        wsmp_cleanup  49959.9780     25.5621      0.0403
+              Reset surface geometry  49959.9883     25.5724      0.0104
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   49959.9967     25.5808      0.0084
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  49960.0138     25.5979      0.0171
+                   Advect surface  1  49960.0140     25.5981      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   12 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  49960.2322     25.8163      0.2183
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  49960.4586     26.0427      0.2264
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  49960.7423     26.3264      0.2837
+                    Advect the cloud  49960.9192     26.5033      0.1769
+                        Write output  49961.8166     27.4007      0.8974
+                    End of time step  49962.7220     28.3061      0.9054
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     308  49962.7221
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  49962.7222      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  49962.7223      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17035points
+                      refine surface  49962.7223      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  49962.7564      0.0343      0.0341
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17035points
+                          surface 02  49962.7822      0.0600      0.0258
+                                                                        S. 2:    17030points
+                      refine surface  49962.7823      0.0602      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  49962.8192      0.0971      0.0369
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  49962.8473      0.1251      0.0280
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  49962.8800      0.1579      0.0328
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17031points
+                          surface 03  49962.9049      0.1828      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 3:    17041points
+                      refine surface  49962.9051      0.1829      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  49962.9374      0.2152      0.0323
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17041points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  49962.9700
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  49962.9703      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  49962.9862      0.0162      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  49963.0107      0.0407      0.0245
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  49963.0119      0.0419      0.0012
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  49963.0261      0.0561      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  49963.1483      0.1783      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  49963.4468      0.4768      0.2985
+                embedding surface  1  49963.4469      0.4769      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  49965.5764      2.6064      2.1295
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  49967.7627      4.7927      2.1863
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  49971.3859      8.4159      3.6231
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  49971.3930      8.4230      0.0072
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  49971.8731      8.9031      0.4801
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  49972.0755      9.1055      0.2024
+                           Find void  49972.3424      9.3724      0.2669
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  49972.3804      9.4104      0.0380
+                         wsmp setup1  49972.3915      9.4214      0.0111
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  49973.5385     10.5685      1.1470
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  49973.5979
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  49973.5980      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  49981.3737      7.7759      7.7757
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0595150 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3403699 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8005810 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5397801 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14278.5808635 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2349560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085480 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9842188 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10299E+01  0.18551E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94515E-01  0.11407E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76291E+00  0.24580E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  49998.3930     24.7951     17.0192
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35084E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  49998.6207     25.0228      0.2277
+                do leaf measurements  49998.6224     25.0245      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  49998.6832     25.0853      0.0608
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5900580 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  49998.6902
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  49998.6963      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.72954E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  50006.7053      8.0151      8.0090
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0607500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3211470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7961459 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4537110 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14385.8775031 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2350309 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085678 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8758130 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10151E+01  0.13796E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48829E-01  0.10187E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76804E+00  0.22654E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  50023.6156     24.9254     16.9103
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12368E+01  0.18074E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  50023.8419     25.1517      0.2263
+                do leaf measurements  50023.8437     25.1535      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  50023.9052     25.2150      0.0615
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0720237 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  50023.9121
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  50023.9184      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  50031.9078      7.9957      7.9894
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0575628 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3145201 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7955630 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4711671 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14363.9860371 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2359672 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085402 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8837810 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.15544E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38170E-01  0.11843E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74747E+00  0.23207E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  50048.8264     24.9143     16.9186
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13718E+01  0.31476E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  50049.0564     25.1443      0.2300
+                do leaf measurements  50049.0582     25.1461      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  50049.1193     25.2072      0.0611
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361761 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  50049.1262
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  50049.1323      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  50057.0690      7.9429      7.9368
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0632160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3424950 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8028309 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4807041 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14352.0539231 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2346342 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085380 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9328849 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.17563E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38285E-01  0.12312E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73818E+00  0.22942E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  50074.0361     24.9099     16.9670
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14705E+01  0.36077E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  50074.2628     25.1366      0.2267
+                do leaf measurements  50074.2646     25.1384      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  50074.3256     25.1994      0.0610
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0157438 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  50074.3325
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  50074.3387      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  50082.3204      7.9879      7.9817
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0571680 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3199458 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7972441 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4497299 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14390.8795259 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2349091 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085621 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8680270 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.19303E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40641E-01  0.12558E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73349E+00  0.22834E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  50099.2229     24.8904     16.9026
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15134E+01  0.36831E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  50099.4492     25.1167      0.2263
+                do leaf measurements  50099.4510     25.1185      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  50099.5125     25.1800      0.0615
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0106977 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  50099.5194
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  50099.5255      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  50107.4722      7.9528      7.9466
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0611968 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3125150 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7967389 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5062399 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14320.2023802 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2350841 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085020 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9207499 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.20844E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43051E-01  0.12568E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72894E+00  0.22780E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  50124.4273     24.9079     16.9551
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15348E+01  0.36526E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  50124.6545     25.1352      0.2273
+                do leaf measurements  50124.6563     25.1369      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  50124.7147     25.1953      0.0584
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0079806 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  50124.7177     25.1984      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  50124.7179     25.1985      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -209012478331560.28 394461984219327.06
+ def in m -7.9948410987854004 0.71923923492431641
+ dimensionless def  -1.79856845310756137E-6 2.28424031393868557E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0177332  0.2278894
+                  Compute divergence  50124.9935     25.4741      0.2756
+                        wsmp_cleanup  50125.0334     25.5141      0.0400
+              Reset surface geometry  50125.0433     25.5240      0.0099
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   50125.0518     25.5324      0.0085
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  50125.0696     25.5502      0.0178
+                   Advect surface  1  50125.0697     25.5504      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   13 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  50125.2943     25.7749      0.2246
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  50125.5192     25.9999      0.2250
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  50125.8179     26.2985      0.2986
+                    Advect the cloud  50125.9988     26.4795      0.1810
+                        Write output  50126.8932     27.3739      0.8944
+                    End of time step  50151.5699     52.0505     24.6766
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     309  50151.5701
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  50151.5701      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  50151.5702      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17033points
+                      refine surface  50151.5702      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  50151.6003      0.0302      0.0300
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  50151.6284      0.0584      0.0281
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  50151.6587      0.0886      0.0303
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17034points
+                          surface 02  50151.6825      0.1124      0.0238
+                                                                        S. 2:    17030points
+                      refine surface  50151.6826      0.1125      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  50151.7152      0.1451      0.0326
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  50151.7481      0.1780      0.0329
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  50151.7788      0.2087      0.0307
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17032points
+                          surface 03  50151.8024      0.2324      0.0237
+                                                                        S. 3:    17038points
+                      refine surface  50151.8026      0.2325      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  50151.8357      0.2656      0.0331
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17038points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  50151.8672
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  50151.8675      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  50151.8834      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  50151.9078      0.0406      0.0244
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  50151.9090      0.0417      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  50151.9231      0.0559      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  50152.0453      0.1781      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  50152.3406      0.4734      0.2953
+                embedding surface  1  50152.3408      0.4736      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  50154.4644      2.5972      2.1236
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  50156.6937      4.8265      2.2293
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  50160.3837      8.5165      3.6900
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  50160.3892      8.5220      0.0055
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  50160.9678      9.1006      0.5786
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  50161.0501      9.1828      0.0822
+                           Find void  50161.3213      9.4541      0.2712
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  50161.3623      9.4951      0.0410
+                         wsmp setup1  50161.3743      9.5071      0.0120
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  50162.5144     10.6472      1.1402
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  50162.5780
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  50162.5781      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  50170.3812      7.8033      7.8031
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0626941 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3167219 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7949510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4565549 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14382.3065015 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2344289 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085120 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8743069 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10201E+01  0.18495E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94757E-01  0.11473E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76314E+00  0.24827E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  50187.2908     24.7128     16.9096
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35121E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  50187.5152     24.9372      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  50187.5170     24.9390      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  50187.5766     24.9987      0.0596
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5894774 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  50187.5835
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  50187.5897      0.0063      0.0063
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.71726E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  50195.6079      8.0244      8.0182
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0614219 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3189170 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.6153021 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4580281 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14380.4573311 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2360899 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085011 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.6986849 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10151E+01  0.13747E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48657E-01  0.10188E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76810E+00  0.22804E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  50212.3413     24.7578     16.7334
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12362E+01  0.18118E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  50212.5687     24.9853      0.2275
+                do leaf measurements  50212.5704     24.9870      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  50212.6304     25.0469      0.0599
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0716439 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  50212.6372
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  50212.6433      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  50220.5791      7.9419      7.9358
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0609140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3426359 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8027501 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5357320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14283.5914907 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2352650 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085509 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9862940 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.15511E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38141E-01  0.11832E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74714E+00  0.23263E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  50237.6005     24.9633     17.0214
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13711E+01  0.31412E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  50237.8260     25.1888      0.2255
+                do leaf measurements  50237.8277     25.1906      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  50237.8875     25.2503      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360200 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  50237.8944
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  50237.9005      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  50245.9051      8.0107      8.0046
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0596759 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3214889 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7975070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4518540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14388.2103292 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2347929 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085630 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8743160 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.17540E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38388E-01  0.12306E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73790E+00  0.22960E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  50262.8138     24.9194     16.9087
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14696E+01  0.35976E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  50263.0395     25.1451      0.2257
+                do leaf measurements  50263.0413     25.1469      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  50263.1022     25.2078      0.0609
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0156842 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  50263.1091
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  50263.1153      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  50271.0954      7.9862      7.9800
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0590332 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3117599 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7960699 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4687231 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14367.0470576 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2361751 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085580 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8807821 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.19283E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40640E-01  0.12559E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73325E+00  0.22837E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  50288.0106     24.9015     16.9152
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15127E+01  0.36724E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  50288.2383     25.1292      0.2277
+                do leaf measurements  50288.2401     25.1309      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  50288.2998     25.1907      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0106654 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  50288.3066
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  50288.3127      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  50296.2469      7.9403      7.9342
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0593050 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3479929 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8038809 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4703500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14365.0092182 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2348480 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085759 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9253809 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.20823E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43056E-01  0.12566E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72876E+00  0.22778E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  50313.2070     24.9004     16.9601
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15338E+01  0.36456E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  50313.4322     25.1256      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  50313.4340     25.1273      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  50313.4912     25.1846      0.0573
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0079747 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  50313.4943     25.1877      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  50313.4945     25.1879      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -209276673447358.06 395499696996417.69
+ def in m -7.9720721244812012 0.72450971603393555
+ dimensionless def  -1.79811716079711918E-6 2.27773489270891491E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0177337  0.2272843
+                  Compute divergence  50313.7687     25.4621      0.2742
+                        wsmp_cleanup  50313.8079     25.5013      0.0393
+              Reset surface geometry  50313.8165     25.5099      0.0085
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   50313.8242     25.5176      0.0077
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  50313.8415     25.5349      0.0174
+                   Advect surface  1  50313.8417     25.5351      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   12 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  50314.0567     25.7501      0.2150
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  50314.2943     25.9877      0.2376
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  50314.5900     26.2834      0.2957
+                    Advect the cloud  50314.7690     26.4624      0.1790
+                        Write output  50315.6740     27.3673      0.9050
+                    End of time step  50316.5877     28.2811      0.9138
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     310  50316.5880
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  50316.5880      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  50316.5881      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17033points
+                      refine surface  50316.5881      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  50316.6249      0.0369      0.0368
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  50316.6539      0.0659      0.0290
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  50316.6895      0.1016      0.0357
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17035points
+                          surface 02  50316.7157      0.1278      0.0262
+                                                                        S. 2:    17029points
+                      refine surface  50316.7159      0.1279      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  50316.7527      0.1647      0.0368
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17029points
+                          surface 03  50316.7783      0.1904      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 3:    17035points
+                      refine surface  50316.7785      0.1905      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  50316.8199      0.2319      0.0414
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  50316.8495      0.2616      0.0297
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  50316.8866      0.2987      0.0371
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17038points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  50316.9205
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  50316.9208      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  50316.9367      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  50316.9608      0.0403      0.0241
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  50316.9619      0.0414      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  50316.9761      0.0556      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  50317.0983      0.1778      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  50317.3946      0.4741      0.2963
+                embedding surface  1  50317.3947      0.4742      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  50319.5133      2.5928      2.1186
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  50321.7153      4.7949      2.2020
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  50325.3849      8.4644      3.6696
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  50325.3906      8.4701      0.0057
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  50325.9594      9.0389      0.5687
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  50326.0519      9.1314      0.0925
+                           Find void  50326.3205      9.4000      0.2686
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  50326.3608      9.4403      0.0403
+                         wsmp setup1  50326.3723      9.4518      0.0115
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  50327.5177     10.5973      1.1454
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  50327.5758
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  50327.5759      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  50335.3417      7.7659      7.7657
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0639260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3433361 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8032792 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4608190 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14376.9554156 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2347710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085180 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9151349 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10276E+01  0.18435E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94197E-01  0.11410E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76286E+00  0.24589E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  50352.2918     24.7161     16.9502
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35080E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  50352.5188     24.9431      0.2270
+                do leaf measurements  50352.5207     24.9449      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  50352.5808     25.0051      0.0602
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5897229 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  50352.5881
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  50352.5941      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.72967E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  50360.5752      7.9872      7.9811
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0611348 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3217320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7976501 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4519131 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14388.1360409 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2351401 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085690 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8765862 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.13704E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48932E-01  0.10212E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76797E+00  0.22625E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  50377.4870     24.8989     16.9117
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12355E+01  0.17992E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  50377.7137     25.1256      0.2267
+                do leaf measurements  50377.7155     25.1275      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  50377.7760     25.1879      0.0605
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0716758 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  50377.7833
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  50377.7895      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  50385.7225      7.9393      7.9331
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0578620 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3184922 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7965000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5280869 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14293.0640005 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2350719 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085940 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9450579 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.15489E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37828E-01  0.11854E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74681E+00  0.23151E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  50402.7026     24.9193     16.9800
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13709E+01  0.31376E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  50402.9282     25.1449      0.2256
+                do leaf measurements  50402.9299     25.1467      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  50402.9903     25.2071      0.0604
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361894 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  50402.9975
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  50403.0036      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  50410.9660      7.9685      7.9624
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0616910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3220949 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7936361 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4461739 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14395.3503785 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2345672 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085480 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8671761 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.17527E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38118E-01  0.12312E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73766E+00  0.22902E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  50427.8681     24.8706     16.9021
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14695E+01  0.35895E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  50428.0952     25.0976      0.2270
+                do leaf measurements  50428.0970     25.0995      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  50428.1573     25.1597      0.0603
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0156808 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  50428.1645
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  50428.1706      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  50436.1867      8.0221      8.0161
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0592690 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3220360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7942131 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4652400 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14371.4116626 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2360132 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085430 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8857801 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.19273E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40724E-01  0.12563E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73305E+00  0.22797E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  50453.1075     24.9429     16.9208
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15123E+01  0.36664E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  50453.3363     25.1718      0.2289
+                do leaf measurements  50453.3381     25.1736      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  50453.3986     25.2340      0.0605
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0106641 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  50453.4057
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  50453.4118      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  50461.3488      7.9431      7.9370
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0616820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3478651 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8033390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5442710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14273.0263336 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2353921 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085411 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.0015521 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.20818E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43115E-01  0.12570E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72861E+00  0.22767E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  50478.3845     24.9787     17.0357
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15336E+01  0.36383E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  50478.6122     25.2064      0.2277
+                do leaf measurements  50478.6139     25.2082      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  50478.6717     25.2660      0.0578
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0079770 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  50478.6749     25.2691      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  50478.6750     25.2693      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -209569247795665.34 396512205588875.5
+ def in m -7.9846968650817871 0.72400438785552979
+ dimensionless def  -1.80221182959420347E-6 2.28134196145193906E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0177798  0.2276345
+                  Compute divergence  50478.9486     25.5428      0.2735
+                        wsmp_cleanup  50478.9874     25.5817      0.0389
+              Reset surface geometry  50478.9972     25.5914      0.0097
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   50479.0055     25.5998      0.0084
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  50479.0231     25.6173      0.0175
+                   Advect surface  1  50479.0232     25.6175      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   13 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  50479.2433     25.8375      0.2201
+                                                                        S. 2:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  50479.4491     26.0434      0.2058
+                                                                        S. 3:   12 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  50479.7154     26.3097      0.2663
+                    Advect the cloud  50479.8966     26.4908      0.1812
+                        Write output  50480.7903     27.3846      0.8938
+                    End of time step  50481.7013     28.2955      0.9109
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     311  50481.7015
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  50481.7015      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  50481.7016      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17033points
+                      refine surface  50481.7016      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  50481.7383      0.0368      0.0367
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  50481.7690      0.0675      0.0307
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  50481.8062      0.1047      0.0372
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17034points
+                          surface 02  50481.8322      0.1308      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 2:    17029points
+                      refine surface  50481.8324      0.1309      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  50481.8724      0.1709      0.0400
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  50481.9074      0.2059      0.0350
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  50481.9445      0.2431      0.0372
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17031points
+                          surface 03  50481.9704      0.2689      0.0258
+                                                                        S. 3:    17038points
+                      refine surface  50481.9705      0.2691      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  50482.0095      0.3080      0.0390
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  50482.0438      0.3424      0.0343
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  50482.0798      0.3783      0.0360
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17039points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  50482.1120
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  50482.1123      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  50482.1283      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  50482.1531      0.0411      0.0248
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  50482.1542      0.0422      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  50482.1684      0.0564      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  50482.2906      0.1786      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  50482.5868      0.4748      0.2962
+                embedding surface  1  50482.5870      0.4750      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  50484.7152      2.6031      2.1282
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  50486.9268      4.8148      2.2116
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  50490.5612      8.4491      3.6344
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  50490.5665      8.4545      0.0054
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  50491.0697      8.9577      0.5032
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  50491.2237      9.1117      0.1540
+                           Find void  50491.4942      9.3822      0.2705
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  50491.5305      9.4184      0.0363
+                         wsmp setup1  50491.5413      9.4293      0.0108
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  50492.6874     10.5754      1.1462
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  50492.7461
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  50492.7463      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  50500.5146      7.7685      7.7684
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0646181 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3405230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8022909 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5196090 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14303.5830678 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2351770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085690 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9712648 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10182E+01  0.18435E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94466E-01  0.11484E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76266E+00  0.24702E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  50517.5208     24.7747     17.0061
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35091E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  50517.7459     24.9997      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  50517.7476     25.0015      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  50517.8090     25.0628      0.0614
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5901317 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  50517.8159
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  50517.8220      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.72311E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  50525.8332      8.0173      8.0112
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0582061 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3191769 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7941470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4452500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14396.5123856 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2347300 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085220 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8604970 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.13690E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48341E-01  0.10163E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76788E+00  0.22716E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  50542.7277     24.9118     16.8945
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12347E+01  0.17951E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  50542.9541     25.1382      0.2264
+                do leaf measurements  50542.9559     25.1400      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  50543.0182     25.2023      0.0623
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0718386 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  50543.0251
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  50543.0313      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  50551.0098      7.9847      7.9786
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0596700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3078618 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7954001 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4582131 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14380.2251335 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2357590 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085461 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8659210 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.15478E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38142E-01  0.11827E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74646E+00  0.23243E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  50567.9103     24.8853     16.9005
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13705E+01  0.31354E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  50568.1372     25.1121      0.2268
+                do leaf measurements  50568.1389     25.1138      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  50568.2001     25.1750      0.0612
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361557 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  50568.2069
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  50568.2129      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  50576.1439      7.9370      7.9309
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0567870 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3410680 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8015370 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4846539 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14347.1178667 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2338500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085130 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9268758 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10175E+01  0.17521E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38310E-01  0.12295E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73737E+00  0.22966E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  50593.1050     24.8981     16.9611
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14689E+01  0.35838E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  50593.3302     25.1233      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  50593.3319     25.1250      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  50593.3930     25.1861      0.0611
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0156556 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  50593.3999
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  50593.4061      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  50601.3778      7.9778      7.9717
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0583980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3208082 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7967749 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4482229 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14392.7739410 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2348089 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085299 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8680100 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.19269E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40572E-01  0.12547E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73286E+00  0.22853E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  50618.2809     24.8810     16.9031
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15119E+01  0.36583E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  50618.5071     25.1071      0.2262
+                do leaf measurements  50618.5088     25.1089      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  50618.5705     25.1706      0.0617
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0106584 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  50618.5774
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  50618.5836      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  50626.5155      7.9380      7.9318
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0580750 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3096728 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7913420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5341439 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14285.5581611 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2352271 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085580 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9374781 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.20811E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43024E-01  0.12556E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72842E+00  0.22791E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  50643.4875     24.9101     16.9721
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15327E+01  0.36314E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  50643.7123     25.1348      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  50643.7140     25.1366      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  50643.7729     25.1954      0.0589
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0079661 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  50643.7760     25.1986      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  50643.7762     25.1987      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -209844779158583.88 397541615147403.
+ def in m -7.9868359565734863 0.72485482692718506
+ dimensionless def  -1.80064746311732706E-6 2.28195313044956751E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0177705  0.2276847
+                  Compute divergence  50644.0548     25.4774      0.2786
+                        wsmp_cleanup  50644.0944     25.5170      0.0396
+              Reset surface geometry  50644.1047     25.5272      0.0102
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   50644.1129     25.5355      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  50644.1301     25.5527      0.0172
+                   Advect surface  1  50644.1303     25.5528      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   17 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  50644.3655     25.7881      0.2352
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   13 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  50644.6094     26.0319      0.2439
+                                                                        S. 3:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  50644.8754     26.2980      0.2661
+                    Advect the cloud  50645.0599     26.4824      0.1844
+                        Write output  50645.9593     27.3818      0.8994
+                    End of time step  50646.8701     28.2927      0.9108
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     312  50646.8703
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  50646.8704      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  50646.8704      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17031points
+                      refine surface  50646.8704      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  50646.9008      0.0305      0.0304
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  50646.9316      0.0613      0.0308
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  50646.9615      0.0912      0.0299
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17034points
+                          surface 02  50646.9830      0.1127      0.0214
+                                                                        S. 2:    17028points
+                      refine surface  50646.9831      0.1128      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  50647.0154      0.1451      0.0323
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  50647.0474      0.1771      0.0320
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  50647.0794      0.2091      0.0321
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17030points
+                          surface 03  50647.1100      0.2397      0.0306
+                                                                        S. 3:    17039points
+                      refine surface  50647.1102      0.2399      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  50647.1437      0.2734      0.0336
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  50647.1721      0.3019      0.0284
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  50647.2056      0.3353      0.0335
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17040points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  50647.2361
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  50647.2364      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  50647.2530      0.0169      0.0166
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  50647.2768      0.0407      0.0238
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  50647.2779      0.0418      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  50647.2920      0.0559      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  50647.4142      0.1781      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  50647.7089      0.4727      0.2946
+                embedding surface  1  50647.7090      0.4729      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  50649.8304      2.5943      2.1213
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  50652.0433      4.8072      2.2130
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  50655.7232      8.4871      3.6799
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  50655.7325      8.4964      0.0093
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  50656.2674      9.0312      0.5348
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  50656.3905      9.1544      0.1231
+                           Find void  50656.6598      9.4237      0.2693
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  50656.7013      9.4652      0.0415
+                         wsmp setup1  50656.7133      9.4772      0.0121
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  50657.8687     10.6326      1.1554
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  50657.9242
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  50657.9243      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  50665.6761      7.7519      7.7517
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0646272 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3149068 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7956059 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5127690 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14312.0811428 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2353530 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084991 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9322262 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.18460E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94450E-01  0.11404E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76255E+00  0.24654E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  50682.6424     24.7182     16.9663
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35090E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  50682.8672     24.9430      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  50682.8690     24.9449      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  50682.9305     25.0063      0.0615
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5893172 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  50682.9376
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  50682.9437      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.72260E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  50690.9022      7.9645      7.9585
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0584350 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3231990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7955689 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4497869 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14390.8079070 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2347701 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085089 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8707490 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.13713E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48940E-01  0.10216E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76785E+00  0.22671E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  50707.8076     24.8700     16.9055
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12360E+01  0.18007E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  50708.0326     25.0950      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  50708.0344     25.0968      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  50708.0961     25.1585      0.0617
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0714298 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  50708.1033
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  50708.1093      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  50716.1244      8.0211      8.0151
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0585520 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3185430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7926791 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4523749 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14387.5558396 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2357540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085380 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8669040 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10175E+01  0.15484E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38274E-01  0.11853E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74699E+00  0.23157E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  50733.0256     24.9223     16.9012
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13711E+01  0.31427E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  50733.2533     25.1500      0.2277
+                do leaf measurements  50733.2551     25.1519      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  50733.3165     25.2133      0.0614
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360401 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  50733.3236
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  50733.3296      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  50741.2641      7.9405      7.9345
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0617950 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3382919 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8005762 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5311210 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14289.3031521 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2355969 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084770 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9763291 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10175E+01  0.17518E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38386E-01  0.12314E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73776E+00  0.22916E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  50758.2761     24.9525     17.0120
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14693E+01  0.35917E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  50758.5006     25.1770      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  50758.5024     25.1788      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  50758.5639     25.2403      0.0615
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0156818 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  50758.5710
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  50758.5770      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  50766.5799      8.0089      8.0029
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0579622 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3253431 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7926650 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4467559 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14394.6184853 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2353098 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084870 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8670211 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.19258E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40703E-01  0.12566E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73317E+00  0.22811E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  50783.4829     24.9120     16.9031
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15121E+01  0.36677E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  50783.7081     25.1372      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  50783.7100     25.1391      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  50783.7719     25.2010      0.0619
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0106671 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  50783.7791
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  50783.7853      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  50791.7727      7.9936      7.9874
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0608571 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3102551 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7972560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4775090 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14356.0491708 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2363050 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084879 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8911121 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.20799E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43095E-01  0.12574E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72869E+00  0.22766E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  50808.6983     24.9191     16.9256
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15332E+01  0.36417E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  50808.9258     25.1467      0.2276
+                do leaf measurements  50808.9277     25.1485      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  50808.9865     25.2074      0.0589
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0079608 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  50808.9896     25.2105      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  50808.9898     25.2107      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -210123639060551.44 398567787204969.56
+ def in m -7.9895925521850586 0.725380539894104
+ dimensionless def  -1.80610554558890204E-6 2.28274072919573086E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0178303  0.2277545
+                  Compute divergence  50809.2658     25.4866      0.2760
+                        wsmp_cleanup  50809.3055     25.5263      0.0397
+              Reset surface geometry  50809.3161     25.5369      0.0106
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   50809.3247     25.5456      0.0086
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  50809.3423     25.5631      0.0175
+                   Advect surface  1  50809.3424     25.5632      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   6 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  50809.6053     25.8261      0.2629
+                                                                        removing   4 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  50809.8493     26.0702      0.2441
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   13 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  50810.1328     26.3536      0.2835
+                    Advect the cloud  50810.3159     26.5367      0.1831
+                        Write output  50811.2108     27.4316      0.8949
+                    End of time step  50835.4922     51.7131     24.2815
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     313  50835.4924
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  50835.4925      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  50835.4925      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17028points
+                      refine surface  50835.4925      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  50835.5251      0.0327      0.0326
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  50835.5531      0.0608      0.0280
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  50835.5872      0.0948      0.0341
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17029points
+                          surface 02  50835.6086      0.1162      0.0214
+                                                                        S. 2:    17026points
+                      refine surface  50835.6088      0.1164      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  50835.6416      0.1492      0.0328
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17026points
+                          surface 03  50835.6652      0.1728      0.0236
+                                                                        S. 3:    17038points
+                      refine surface  50835.6653      0.1729      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  50835.7024      0.2100      0.0370
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  50835.7329      0.2405      0.0305
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  50835.7701      0.2777      0.0372
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17039points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  50835.8026
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  50835.8029      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  50835.8188      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  50835.8431      0.0405      0.0243
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  50835.8441      0.0415      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  50835.8583      0.0557      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  50835.9805      0.1779      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  50836.2772      0.4746      0.2968
+                embedding surface  1  50836.2774      0.4748      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  50838.3825      2.5799      2.1051
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  50840.6297      4.8271      2.2472
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  50844.3500      8.5474      3.7203
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  50844.3585      8.5559      0.0085
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  50844.9371      9.1345      0.5787
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  50845.0264      9.2238      0.0893
+                           Find void  50845.2971      9.4945      0.2707
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  50845.3382      9.5356      0.0411
+                         wsmp setup1  50845.3502      9.5476      0.0120
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  50846.4933     10.6907      1.1431
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  50846.5535
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  50846.5537      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  50854.3181      7.7646      7.7644
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0613191 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3274519 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8015878 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4505570 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14389.8400723 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2346530 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085480 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8845730 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10408E+01  0.18516E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94185E-01  0.11406E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76315E+00  0.24535E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  50871.2371     24.6836     16.9190
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35136E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  50871.4622     24.9087      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  50871.4640     24.9105      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  50871.5234     24.9699      0.0594
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5890922 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  50871.5303
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  50871.5363      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.73318E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  50879.5247      7.9944      7.9884
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0603130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3160071 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7978041 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4528539 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14386.9541211 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2355671 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085640 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8715601 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.13770E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48789E-01  0.10221E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76819E+00  0.22598E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  50896.4311     24.9008     16.9064
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12363E+01  0.18205E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  50896.6562     25.1259      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  50896.6581     25.1278      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  50896.7181     25.1878      0.0601
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0712018 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  50896.7251
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  50896.7313      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  50904.6616      7.9365      7.9303
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0588470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3386869 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7964041 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5365279 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14282.6061448 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2349701 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085239 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9744031 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.15520E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38021E-01  0.11854E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74738E+00  0.23148E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  50921.6703     24.9451     17.0086
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13716E+01  0.31505E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  50921.8956     25.1704      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements  50921.8974     25.1723      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  50921.9568     25.2316      0.0594
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360441 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  50921.9636
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  50921.9697      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  50929.9412      7.9775      7.9715
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0583029 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3206432 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7960031 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4516952 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14388.4098330 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2345181 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085101 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8701279 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10175E+01  0.17539E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38184E-01  0.12315E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73813E+00  0.22902E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  50946.8458     24.8821     16.9046
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14700E+01  0.36025E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  50947.0707     25.1070      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  50947.0725     25.1089      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  50947.1319     25.1683      0.0594
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0156425 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  50947.1388
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  50947.1448      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  50955.1597      8.0209      8.0148
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.4170711 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3196161 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7959719 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4613678 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14376.2669601 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2358520 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085621 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.2388952 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.19275E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40690E-01  0.12564E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73351E+00  0.22802E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  50972.4330     25.2942     17.2733
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15132E+01  0.36784E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  50972.6613     25.5225      0.2283
+                do leaf measurements  50972.6631     25.5243      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  50972.7231     25.5843      0.0599
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0106447 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  50972.7298
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  50972.7358      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  50980.6694      7.9396      7.9336
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.3920009 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3459170 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8022671 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5344732 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14285.1503742 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2347939 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0088100 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.3187060 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.20812E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43095E-01  0.12570E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72900E+00  0.22765E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  50998.0228     25.2929     17.3533
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15344E+01  0.36531E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  50998.2477     25.5179      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  50998.2496     25.5197      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  50998.3065     25.5767      0.0570
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0079560 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  50998.3097     25.5798      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  50998.3098     25.5800      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -210389072959610.19 399599915959237.94
+ def in m -7.9706134796142578 0.73045510053634644
+ dimensionless def  -1.79874403136117123E-6 2.27731813703264489E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0177623  0.2272468
+                  Compute divergence  50998.5868     25.8570      0.2770
+                        wsmp_cleanup  50998.6253     25.8954      0.0384
+              Reset surface geometry  50998.6359     25.9061      0.0107
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   50998.6445     25.9147      0.0086
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  50998.6630     25.9332      0.0185
+                   Advect surface  1  50998.6632     25.9333      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  50998.8937     26.1638      0.2305
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  50999.1092     26.3793      0.2155
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   14 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  50999.4011     26.6712      0.2919
+                    Advect the cloud  50999.5923     26.8625      0.1912
+                        Write output  51000.4892     27.7594      0.8969
+                    End of time step  51020.2189     47.4891     19.7297
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     314  51020.2191
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  51020.2192      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  51020.2192      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17026points
+                      refine surface  51020.2193      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  51020.2536      0.0345      0.0343
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17026points
+                          surface 02  51020.2765      0.0574      0.0229
+                                                                        S. 2:    17025points
+                      refine surface  51020.2766      0.0575      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  51020.3135      0.0944      0.0368
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  51020.3493      0.1302      0.0359
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  51020.3869      0.1678      0.0376
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17026points
+                          surface 03  51020.4113      0.1922      0.0244
+                                                                        S. 3:    17036points
+                      refine surface  51020.4115      0.1924      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  51020.4491      0.2300      0.0377
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17036points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  51020.4805
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  51020.4808      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  51020.4969      0.0164      0.0161
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  51020.5209      0.0404      0.0240
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  51020.5220      0.0415      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  51020.5363      0.0558      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  51020.6597      0.1792      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  51020.9547      0.4742      0.2950
+                embedding surface  1  51020.9548      0.4743      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  51023.0913      2.6107      2.1364
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  51025.2889      4.8083      2.1976
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  51028.9584      8.4779      3.6696
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  51028.9639      8.4834      0.0054
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  51029.5303      9.0498      0.5664
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  51029.6127      9.1321      0.0824
+                           Find void  51029.8840      9.4035      0.2714
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  51029.9251      9.4446      0.0411
+                         wsmp setup1  51029.9372      9.4566      0.0120
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  51031.0850     10.6045      1.1479
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  51031.1438
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  51031.1440      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38934E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  51038.9665      7.8227      7.8225
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0601439 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3161259 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7950599 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4484329 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14392.5098738 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2360821 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085771 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8648992 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10176E+01  0.18479E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94618E-01  0.11562E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76292E+00  0.24587E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  51055.8661     24.7223     16.8996
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35095E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  51056.0938     24.9500      0.2277
+                do leaf measurements  51056.0956     24.9518      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  51056.1564     25.0126      0.0608
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5891023 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  51056.1635
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  51056.1696      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.72515E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  51064.1109      7.9474      7.9414
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0613410 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3312731 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7953050 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5318549 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14288.3938241 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2351570 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084682 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9638560 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.13746E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48874E-01  0.10172E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76810E+00  0.22651E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  51081.1087     24.9452     16.9977
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12351E+01  0.18059E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  51081.3360     25.1725      0.2273
+                do leaf measurements  51081.3377     25.1742      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  51081.3988     25.2352      0.0610
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0714205 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  51081.4057
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  51081.4118      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  51089.3918      7.9862      7.9801
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0594239 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3194232 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7972591 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4432280 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14399.0562613 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2353220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085959 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8637049 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.15519E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37796E-01  0.11827E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74699E+00  0.23182E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  51106.2903     24.8846     16.8984
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13717E+01  0.31506E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  51106.5168     25.1111      0.2265
+                do leaf measurements  51106.5186     25.1129      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  51106.5796     25.1739      0.0610
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360396 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  51106.5867
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  51106.5928      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  51114.6142      8.0275      8.0214
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0590131 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3186469 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7931600 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4523051 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14387.6436006 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2361331 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085211 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8682511 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10175E+01  0.17541E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38097E-01  0.12296E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73787E+00  0.22918E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  51131.5174     24.9307     16.9032
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14698E+01  0.35944E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  51131.7461     25.1594      0.2287
+                do leaf measurements  51131.7479     25.1612      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  51131.8093     25.2226      0.0614
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0156448 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  51131.8163
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  51131.8224      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  51139.7594      7.9431      7.9370
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0599329 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3356869 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8026581 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5160751 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14307.9722869 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2350919 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085289 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9584370 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.19282E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40702E-01  0.12554E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73328E+00  0.22844E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  51156.7517     24.9353     16.9923
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15128E+01  0.36709E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  51156.9768     25.1605      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  51156.9785     25.1622      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  51157.0397     25.2234      0.0612
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0106515 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  51157.0467
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  51157.0529      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  51165.0594      8.0127      8.0065
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0611601 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3141909 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7918460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4499180 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14390.6430962 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2346201 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085590 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8607681 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.20819E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43098E-01  0.12563E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72880E+00  0.22773E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  51181.9542     24.9075     16.8948
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15340E+01  0.36452E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  51182.1808     25.1340      0.2266
+                do leaf measurements  51182.1825     25.1358      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  51182.2419     25.1952      0.0594
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0079588 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  51182.2451     25.1983      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  51182.2452     25.1985      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -210675688555139.91 400612381638232.
+ def in m -7.9138040542602539 0.77321469783782959
+ dimensionless def  -1.78608042853219173E-6 2.2610868726457868E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0176373  0.2257283
+                  Compute divergence  51182.5189     25.4722      0.2737
+                        wsmp_cleanup  51182.5586     25.5118      0.0396
+              Reset surface geometry  51182.5666     25.5199      0.0080
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   51182.5744     25.5276      0.0078
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  51182.5917     25.5449      0.0173
+                   Advect surface  1  51182.5918     25.5451      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   12 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  51182.8107     25.7640      0.2189
+                                                                        S. 2:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  51183.0181     25.9714      0.2074
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  51183.2913     26.2445      0.2731
+                    Advect the cloud  51183.4780     26.4313      0.1867
+                        Write output  51184.3797     27.3330      0.9017
+                    End of time step  51185.2957     28.2490      0.9160
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     315  51185.2960
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  51185.2960      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  51185.2961      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17024points
+                      refine surface  51185.2961      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  51185.3343      0.0384      0.0382
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  51185.3679      0.0719      0.0336
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  51185.4031      0.1072      0.0352
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17027points
+                          surface 02  51185.4275      0.1316      0.0244
+                                                                        S. 2:    17026points
+                      refine surface  51185.4277      0.1317      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  51185.4634      0.1674      0.0357
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17026points
+                          surface 03  51185.4886      0.1926      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 3:    17035points
+                      refine surface  51185.4888      0.1928      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  51185.5273      0.2314      0.0386
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  51185.5596      0.2636      0.0322
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  51185.5909      0.2949      0.0313
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17037points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  51185.6231
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  51185.6233      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  51185.6394      0.0164      0.0161
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  51185.6638      0.0407      0.0243
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  51185.6649      0.0418      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  51185.6792      0.0561      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  51185.8025      0.1795      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  51186.0979      0.4748      0.2954
+                embedding surface  1  51186.0981      0.4750      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  51188.2217      2.5986      2.1236
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  51190.4447      4.8216      2.2230
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  51194.1226      8.4995      3.6779
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  51194.1281      8.5050      0.0055
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  51194.7074      9.0843      0.5793
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  51194.7889      9.1659      0.0815
+                           Find void  51195.0622      9.4391      0.2733
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  51195.1048      9.4817      0.0426
+                         wsmp setup1  51195.1172      9.4941      0.0124
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  51196.2548     10.6317      1.1376
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  51196.3114
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  51196.3116      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  51204.1310      7.8195      7.8193
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0607901 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3076839 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7931809 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4524419 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14387.4716738 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2347250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085599 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8578420 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10289E+01  0.18503E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94323E-01  0.11648E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76295E+00  0.24661E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  51221.0234     24.7119     16.8924
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35125E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  51221.2482     24.9367      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  51221.2500     24.9386      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  51221.3098     24.9983      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5898663 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  51221.3168
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  51221.3229      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.72150E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  51229.2841      7.9673      7.9612
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0583851 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3199358 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7947891 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4810860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14351.5764667 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2347028 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085030 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8978560 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.13748E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48938E-01  0.10166E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76813E+00  0.22713E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  51246.2156     24.8989     16.9316
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12357E+01  0.18025E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  51246.4441     25.1273      0.2285
+                do leaf measurements  51246.4459     25.1291      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  51246.5051     25.1884      0.0592
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0717348 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  51246.5120
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  51246.5179      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  51254.4516      7.9396      7.9337
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0601470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3348079 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7956219 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4510629 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14389.2043087 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2345769 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084798 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8851409 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.15509E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37667E-01  0.11820E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74700E+00  0.23231E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  51271.3702     24.8582     16.9186
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13717E+01  0.31479E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  51271.5949     25.0829      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  51271.5967     25.0847      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  51271.6558     25.1439      0.0591
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361173 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  51271.6627
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  51271.6687      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  51279.6557      7.9930      7.9870
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0600162 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3158090 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7916090 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4527972 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14387.0254022 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2349260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085001 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8641291 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10175E+01  0.17533E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38018E-01  0.12293E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73781E+00  0.22957E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  51296.5536     24.8909     16.8979
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14698E+01  0.35951E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  51296.7788     25.1161      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  51296.7806     25.1179      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  51296.8402     25.1775      0.0596
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0156193 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  51296.8472
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  51296.8533      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  51304.7878      7.9406      7.9345
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0572550 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3204801 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7939291 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5378349 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14280.9882053 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2349889 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084751 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9533932 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.19266E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40841E-01  0.12548E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73324E+00  0.22858E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  51321.7747     24.9276     16.9869
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15125E+01  0.36728E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  51321.9995     25.1524      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  51322.0014     25.1542      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  51322.0604     25.2133      0.0590
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0106318 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  51322.0673
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  51322.0733      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  51330.0405      7.9732      7.9672
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0582290 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3158181 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7942450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4474199 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14393.7835404 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2346718 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085270 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8593900 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.20802E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43223E-01  0.12554E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72878E+00  0.22802E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  51346.9336     24.8663     16.8931
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15340E+01  0.36444E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  51347.1586     25.0913      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  51347.1604     25.0932      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  51347.2175     25.1502      0.0570
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0079478 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  51347.2206     25.1533      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  51347.2208     25.1535      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -211042302797276.19 401544947638034.44
+ def in m -7.8460040092468262 0.84627097845077515
+ dimensionless def  -1.77272456032889223E-6 2.24171543121337894E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0175036  0.2237454
+                  Compute divergence  51347.4939     25.4266      0.2731
+                        wsmp_cleanup  51347.5330     25.4657      0.0391
+              Reset surface geometry  51347.5420     25.4747      0.0090
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   51347.5496     25.4823      0.0076
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  51347.5671     25.4998      0.0174
+                   Advect surface  1  51347.5672     25.4999      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  51347.8043     25.7370      0.2371
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  51348.0332     25.9659      0.2289
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  51348.3313     26.2640      0.2981
+                    Advect the cloud  51348.5152     26.4479      0.1839
+                        Write output  51349.4110     27.3437      0.8958
+                    End of time step  51350.3241     28.2568      0.9131
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     316  51350.3243
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  51350.3244      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  51350.3245      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17024points
+                      refine surface  51350.3245      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  51350.3528      0.0284      0.0283
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17024points
+                          surface 02  51350.3768      0.0525      0.0241
+                                                                        S. 2:    17024points
+                      refine surface  51350.3770      0.0526      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  51350.4066      0.0822      0.0296
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17024points
+                          surface 03  51350.4305      0.1062      0.0239
+                                                                        S. 3:    17034points
+                      refine surface  51350.4306      0.1063      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  51350.4599      0.1355      0.0292
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17034points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  51350.4910
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  51350.4913      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  51350.5072      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  51350.5317      0.0406      0.0245
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  51350.5328      0.0418      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  51350.5470      0.0559      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  51350.6692      0.1781      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  51350.9636      0.4725      0.2944
+                embedding surface  1  51350.9637      0.4727      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  51353.0886      2.5976      2.1249
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  51355.2832      4.7921      2.1945
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  51358.9724      8.4814      3.6892
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  51358.9787      8.4876      0.0063
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  51359.5663      9.0752      0.5876
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  51359.6503      9.1593      0.0840
+                           Find void  51359.9130      9.4220      0.2627
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  51359.9490      9.4579      0.0360
+                         wsmp setup1  51359.9599      9.4688      0.0109
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  51361.1115     10.6204      1.1516
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  51361.1722
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  51361.1724      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  51368.9888      7.8166      7.8164
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0653121 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3098488 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7956951 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4385071 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14404.9990721 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2353640 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086770 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8538318 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.18565E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.93995E-01  0.11656E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76292E+00  0.24488E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  51385.8765     24.7043     16.8877
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35080E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  51386.1021     24.9299      0.2256
+                do leaf measurements  51386.1039     24.9317      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  51386.1658     24.9936      0.0620
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5898413 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  51386.1731
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  51386.1793      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.73347E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  51394.1937      8.0206      8.0144
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0576589 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3141680 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7934961 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4516280 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14388.4943093 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2355700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085869 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8615460 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.13801E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48629E-01  0.10166E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76814E+00  0.22599E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  51411.0886     24.9156     16.8949
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12362E+01  0.18134E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  51411.3174     25.1443      0.2287
+                do leaf measurements  51411.3191     25.1460      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  51411.3807     25.2076      0.0616
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0716256 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  51411.3878
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  51411.3937      0.0059      0.0059
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  51419.3277      7.9399      7.9339
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0585461 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3367822 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8015049 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5124860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14312.4329660 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2343240 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085499 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9526169 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.15543E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37957E-01  0.11838E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74741E+00  0.23210E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  51436.3140     24.9262     16.9863
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13728E+01  0.31597E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  51436.5387     25.1509      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  51436.5405     25.1527      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  51436.6021     25.2143      0.0616
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361057 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  51436.6092
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  51436.6153      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  51444.6173      8.0081      8.0020
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0575712 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3108840 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7897620 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4428611 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14399.5179807 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2345371 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085480 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8445930 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.17552E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38167E-01  0.12313E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73814E+00  0.22950E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  51461.4966     24.8874     16.8793
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14706E+01  0.36047E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  51461.7225     25.1133      0.2259
+                do leaf measurements  51461.7243     25.1151      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  51461.7863     25.1771      0.0621
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0156665 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  51461.7936
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  51461.7998      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  51469.7649      7.9713      7.9651
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0609910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3017230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7907441 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4744670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14359.8550864 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2357149 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085502 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8726470 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.19282E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40626E-01  0.12559E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73354E+00  0.22835E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  51486.6713     24.8777     16.9064
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15138E+01  0.36817E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  51486.8985     25.1049      0.2272
+                do leaf measurements  51486.9002     25.1066      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  51486.9618     25.1683      0.0616
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0106556 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  51486.9689
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  51486.9750      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  51494.9057      7.9368      7.9307
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0598099 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3248410 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7998590 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4508691 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14389.4478816 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2342191 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085721 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8786061 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.20814E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43051E-01  0.12565E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72903E+00  0.22790E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  51511.8178     24.8489     16.9122
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15350E+01  0.36545E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  51512.0509     25.0820      0.2330
+                do leaf measurements  51512.0526     25.0837      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  51512.1116     25.1427      0.0590
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0079402 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  51512.1147     25.1458      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  51512.1149     25.1460      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -211533381657633.94 402359295741496.63
+ def in m -7.9214367866516113 0.81732761859893799
+ dimensionless def  -1.77317006247384193E-6 2.26326765332903193E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0175038  0.2259182
+                  Compute divergence  51512.3865     25.4176      0.2716
+                        wsmp_cleanup  51512.4268     25.4578      0.0402
+              Reset surface geometry  51512.4349     25.4660      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   51512.4424     25.4735      0.0075
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  51512.4598     25.4908      0.0173
+                   Advect surface  1  51512.4599     25.4910      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  51512.6874     25.7185      0.2275
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  51512.9052     25.9362      0.2178
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  51513.1740     26.2051      0.2689
+                    Advect the cloud  51513.3620     26.3931      0.1880
+                        Write output  51514.2635     27.2946      0.9015
+                    End of time step  51515.1740     28.2051      0.9105
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     317  51515.1742
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  51515.1743      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  51515.1744      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17022points
+                      refine surface  51515.1744      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  51515.2055      0.0313      0.0311
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  51515.2347      0.0605      0.0292
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  51515.2662      0.0920      0.0315
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17024points
+                          surface 02  51515.2899      0.1157      0.0237
+                                                                        S. 2:    17023points
+                      refine surface  51515.2901      0.1158      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  51515.3212      0.1470      0.0312
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  51515.3507      0.1764      0.0294
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  51515.3818      0.2075      0.0311
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17025points
+                          surface 03  51515.4054      0.2312      0.0236
+                                                                        S. 3:    17034points
+                      refine surface  51515.4055      0.2313      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  51515.4404      0.2661      0.0349
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17034points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  51515.4716
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  51515.4719      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  51515.4878      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  51515.5121      0.0404      0.0243
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  51515.5132      0.0416      0.0012
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  51515.5274      0.0558      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  51515.6496      0.1779      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  51515.9440      0.4723      0.2944
+                embedding surface  1  51515.9441      0.4725      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  51518.0731      2.6014      2.1289
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  51520.3097      4.8381      2.2367
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  51524.0051      8.5335      3.6954
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  51524.0121      8.5405      0.0070
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  51524.5818      9.1102      0.5697
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  51524.6811      9.2094      0.0993
+                           Find void  51524.9510      9.4794      0.2699
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  51524.9919      9.5203      0.0409
+                         wsmp setup1  51525.0038      9.5322      0.0119
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  51526.1512     10.6796      1.1474
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  51526.2092
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  51526.2095      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  51533.9746      7.7654      7.7651
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0637310 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3238111 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8011601 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4450450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14396.7703016 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2349019 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085449 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8776410 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10203E+01  0.18526E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94064E-01  0.11680E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76312E+00  0.24868E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  51550.8859     24.6768     16.9113
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35092E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  51551.1112     24.9020      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  51551.1130     24.9038      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  51551.1722     24.9630      0.0592
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5896684 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  51551.1790
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  51551.1851      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.71554E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  51559.1769      7.9978      7.9918
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0574460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3325779 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7927260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4479430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14393.1258459 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2356160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085738 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8753469 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10151E+01  0.13765E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48606E-01  0.10174E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76817E+00  0.22828E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  51576.0862     24.9072     16.9093
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12362E+01  0.18164E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  51576.3138     25.1348      0.2276
+                do leaf measurements  51576.3156     25.1366      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  51576.3752     25.1962      0.0596
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0714942 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  51576.3822
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  51576.3883      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  51584.3191      7.9369      7.9308
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0564458 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3254111 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7895100 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5294969 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14291.3160207 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2351279 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086122 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9450700 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.15515E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38023E-01  0.11791E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74727E+00  0.23250E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  51601.2983     24.9162     16.9792
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13720E+01  0.31533E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  51601.5234     25.1412      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  51601.5252     25.1430      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  51601.5844     25.2022      0.0592
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360793 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  51601.5912
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  51601.5972      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  51609.5777      7.9866      7.9805
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0609510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3133280 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7957442 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4432769 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14398.9947610 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2359660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085471 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8582649 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.17529E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38282E-01  0.12270E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73802E+00  0.22962E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  51626.4698     24.8787     16.8921
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14702E+01  0.36022E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  51626.6943     25.1032      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  51626.6961     25.1050      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  51626.7553     25.1641      0.0591
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0156331 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  51626.7622
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  51626.7682      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  51634.7837      8.0216      8.0156
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0600581 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3192608 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7943499 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4508679 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14389.4493796 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2355981 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086319 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8692319 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.19260E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40666E-01  0.12529E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73342E+00  0.22854E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  51651.6860     24.9238     16.9023
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15136E+01  0.36788E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  51651.9135     25.1513      0.2275
+                do leaf measurements  51651.9153     25.1531      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  51651.9745     25.2124      0.0593
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0106531 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  51651.9814
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  51651.9873      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  51659.9209      7.9396      7.9336
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0598888 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3402700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8018301 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5125239 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14312.3858379 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2344251 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085521 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9579411 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.20792E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43084E-01  0.12547E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72891E+00  0.22801E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  51676.9121     24.9308     16.9912
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15344E+01  0.36527E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  51677.1378     25.1564      0.2256
+                do leaf measurements  51677.1395     25.1582      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  51677.1965     25.2151      0.0569
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0079425 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  51677.1996     25.2182      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  51677.1998     25.2184      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -211948492926087.91 403238741084535.
+ def in m -7.9515891075134277 0.80013298988342285
+ dimensionless def  -1.78649050848824657E-6 2.27188260214669366E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0176434  0.2267974
+                  Compute divergence  51677.4757     25.4944      0.2760
+                        wsmp_cleanup  51677.5140     25.5326      0.0382
+              Reset surface geometry  51677.5233     25.5419      0.0093
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   51677.5318     25.5504      0.0085
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  51677.5502     25.5689      0.0185
+                   Advect surface  1  51677.5504     25.5690      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  51677.7672     25.7859      0.2168
+                                                                        removing   4 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  51678.0164     26.0350      0.2492
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  51678.3026     26.3212      0.2862
+                    Advect the cloud  51678.4879     26.5065      0.1853
+                        Write output  51679.3843     27.4029      0.8964
+                    End of time step  51680.2971     28.3157      0.9127
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     318  51680.2973
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  51680.2973      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  51680.2974      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17023points
+                      refine surface  51680.2974      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  51680.3318      0.0345      0.0344
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  51680.3607      0.0634      0.0289
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  51680.3962      0.0989      0.0355
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17024points
+                          surface 02  51680.4207      0.1234      0.0245
+                                                                        S. 2:    17021points
+                      refine surface  51680.4208      0.1236      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  51680.4571      0.1598      0.0363
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17021points
+                          surface 03  51680.4818      0.1846      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 3:    17032points
+                      refine surface  51680.4820      0.1847      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  51680.5209      0.2237      0.0389
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  51680.5507      0.2535      0.0298
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  51680.5867      0.2894      0.0359
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17033points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  51680.6191
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  51680.6193      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  51680.6353      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  51680.6599      0.0408      0.0246
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  51680.6610      0.0419      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  51680.6751      0.0560      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  51680.7974      0.1783      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  51681.0909      0.4718      0.2935
+                embedding surface  1  51681.0910      0.4719      0.0001
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  51683.2033      2.5842      2.1123
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  51685.4432      4.8242      2.2399
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  51689.1436      8.5246      3.7004
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  51689.1493      8.5302      0.0056
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  51689.6668      9.0477      0.5175
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  51689.7953      9.1763      0.1285
+                           Find void  51690.0657      9.4467      0.2704
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  51690.1068      9.4878      0.0411
+                         wsmp setup1  51690.1185      9.4994      0.0116
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  51691.2609     10.6418      1.1424
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  51691.3168
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  51691.3170      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  51699.0833      7.7665      7.7663
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0661430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3374729 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8005569 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5050540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14321.6784482 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2342689 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085540 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9525180 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.18574E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.93685E-01  0.11537E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76316E+00  0.24550E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  51716.0698     24.7530     16.9865
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35095E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  51716.2958     24.9790      0.2260
+                do leaf measurements  51716.2976     24.9807      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  51716.3586     25.0418      0.0611
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5894398 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  51716.3658
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  51716.3718      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.73099E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  51724.3792      8.0135      8.0074
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0581081 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3090370 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7949450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4486730 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14392.2080518 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2352631 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085590 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8550382 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10151E+01  0.13813E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.49080E-01  0.10230E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76823E+00  0.22620E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  51741.2684     24.9026     16.8891
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12368E+01  0.19293E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  51741.4962     25.1304      0.2278
+                do leaf measurements  51741.4980     25.1322      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  51741.5594     25.1936      0.0614
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0716475 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  51741.5666
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  51741.5728      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  51749.5358      7.9692      7.9631
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0569079 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3030779 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7957840 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4743512 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14360.0000965 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2355039 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085242 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8746140 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.15548E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38022E-01  0.11854E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74765E+00  0.23161E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  51766.4439     24.8773     16.9081
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13726E+01  0.31607E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  51766.6743     25.1077      0.2304
+                do leaf measurements  51766.6761     25.1094      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  51766.7371     25.1705      0.0610
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360697 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  51766.7442
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  51766.7502      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  51774.6852      7.9410      7.9350
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0581350 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3265650 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8011432 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4581749 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14380.2730087 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2339611 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085509 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8869839 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.17546E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38270E-01  0.12316E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73836E+00  0.22905E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  51791.6064     24.8622     16.9212
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14708E+01  0.36102E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  51791.8324     25.0882      0.2260
+                do leaf measurements  51791.8342     25.0900      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  51791.8951     25.1509      0.0609
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0156607 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  51791.9023
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  51791.9083      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  51799.8931      7.9908      7.9848
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0579009 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3148820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7981999 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4528069 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14387.0131226 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2350039 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085781 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8678241 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.19272E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40810E-01  0.12567E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73371E+00  0.22819E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  51816.7942     24.8920     16.9012
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15140E+01  0.36885E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  51817.0217     25.1194      0.2274
+                do leaf measurements  51817.0234     25.1211      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  51817.0848     25.1825      0.0613
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0106533 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  51817.0920
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  51817.0981      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  51825.0293      7.9373      7.9312
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0596859 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3170829 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7899311 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5319362 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14288.2930902 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2347369 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085380 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9423721 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.20801E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43198E-01  0.12571E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72918E+00  0.22751E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  51842.0059     24.9139     16.9766
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15352E+01  0.36600E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  51842.2321     25.1402      0.2263
+                do leaf measurements  51842.2339     25.1419      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  51842.2924     25.2004      0.0585
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0079327 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  51842.2955     25.2035      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  51842.2957     25.2037      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -212332503958203.72 404139819766567.81
+ def in m -7.9696817398071289 0.78790611028671265
+ dimensionless def  -1.80101292473929276E-6 2.2770519256591796E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0177980  0.2273375
+                  Compute divergence  51842.5711     25.4791      0.2754
+                        wsmp_cleanup  51842.6104     25.5184      0.0393
+              Reset surface geometry  51842.6194     25.5274      0.0091
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   51842.6279     25.5359      0.0085
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  51842.6472     25.5552      0.0193
+                   Advect surface  1  51842.6473     25.5554      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  51842.8624     25.7704      0.2150
+                                                                        S. 2:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  51843.0665     25.9745      0.2041
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  51843.3537     26.2617      0.2872
+                    Advect the cloud  51843.5292     26.4372      0.1755
+                        Write output  51844.4235     27.3316      0.8944
+                    End of time step  51845.3305     28.2385      0.9070
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     319  51845.3307
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  51845.3308      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  51845.3308      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17023points
+                      refine surface  51845.3309      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  51845.3638      0.0332      0.0330
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17023points
+                          surface 02  51845.3880      0.0573      0.0242
+                                                                        S. 2:    17021points
+                      refine surface  51845.3881      0.0575      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  51845.4292      0.0985      0.0411
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  51845.4566      0.1259      0.0274
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  51845.4928      0.1621      0.0362
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17024points
+                          surface 03  51845.5169      0.1862      0.0241
+                                                                        S. 3:    17031points
+                      refine surface  51845.5171      0.1864      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  51845.5547      0.2240      0.0376
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  51845.5855      0.2548      0.0308
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  51845.6225      0.2918      0.0370
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17032points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  51845.6537
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  51845.6539      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  51845.6699      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  51845.6949      0.0412      0.0250
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  51845.6959      0.0423      0.0010
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  51845.7101      0.0564      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  51845.8323      0.1786      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  51846.1284      0.4747      0.2961
+                embedding surface  1  51846.1285      0.4749      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  51848.2409      2.5872      2.1123
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  51850.4365      4.7829      2.1956
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  51854.1102      8.4565      3.6736
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  51854.1162      8.4626      0.0061
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  51854.5855      8.9319      0.4693
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  51854.7360      9.0824      0.1505
+                           Find void  51855.0083      9.3547      0.2723
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  51855.0503      9.3966      0.0420
+                         wsmp setup1  51855.0620      9.4084      0.0117
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  51856.1970     10.5434      1.1350
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  51856.2581
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  51856.2582      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  51864.0305      7.7724      7.7723
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0595610 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3222959 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7915618 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5398099 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14278.5439881 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2346749 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084629 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9568450 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10381E+01  0.18586E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.93689E-01  0.11555E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76353E+00  0.24652E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  51881.0209     24.7629     16.9905
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35120E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  51881.2470     24.9890      0.2261
+                do leaf measurements  51881.2487     24.9907      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  51881.3096     25.0516      0.0609
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5899050 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  51881.3168
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  51881.3229      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.72911E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  51889.3061      7.9893      7.9832
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0610058 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3175941 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7939320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4504941 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14389.9191722 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2356241 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085268 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8676279 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.13822E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48951E-01  0.10228E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76840E+00  0.22717E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  51906.2078     24.8910     16.9017
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12367E+01  0.18184E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  51906.4336     25.1168      0.2258
+                do leaf measurements  51906.4353     25.1185      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  51906.4966     25.1798      0.0613
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0716648 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  51906.5037
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  51906.5098      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  51914.5296      8.0259      8.0198
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0609009 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3112001 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7960918 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4615879 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14375.9909384 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2350762 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085039 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8738639 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.15547E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38217E-01  0.11853E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74762E+00  0.23209E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  51931.4376     24.9339     16.9080
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13734E+01  0.31655E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  51931.6662     25.1625      0.2286
+                do leaf measurements  51931.6679     25.1642      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  51931.7289     25.2252      0.0610
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361353 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  51931.7360
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  51931.7420      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  51939.6779      7.9419      7.9358
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0566390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3372540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7987301 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5140572 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14310.4799285 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2369480 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084691 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9525580 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10175E+01  0.17549E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38433E-01  0.12316E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73836E+00  0.22953E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  51956.6637     24.9277     16.9858
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14715E+01  0.36138E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  51956.8903     25.1543      0.2266
+                do leaf measurements  51956.8920     25.1560      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  51956.9530     25.2170      0.0611
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0156397 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  51956.9602
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  51956.9663      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  51964.9720      8.0118      8.0057
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0582981 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3220470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7933562 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4439471 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14398.1515092 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2346141 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084929 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8612480 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.19274E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40738E-01  0.12563E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73372E+00  0.22841E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  51981.8681     24.9080     16.8962
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15146E+01  0.36906E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  51982.0944     25.1342      0.2263
+                do leaf measurements  51982.0962     25.1360      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  51982.1575     25.1973      0.0613
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0106569 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  51982.1647
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  51982.1709      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  51990.1416      7.9769      7.9707
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0580368 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3040202 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7938018 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4724329 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14362.4012451 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2353508 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085070 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8726599 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.20803E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43123E-01  0.12568E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72917E+00  0.22784E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  52007.0483     24.8836     16.9067
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15356E+01  0.36614E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  52007.2763     25.1116      0.2280
+                do leaf measurements  52007.2780     25.1133      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  52007.3368     25.1721      0.0588
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0079348 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  52007.3399     25.1752      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  52007.3400     25.1753      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -212674273429148.97 405068997831242.69
+ def in m -7.9586777687072754 0.7952074408531189
+ dimensionless def  -1.79015398025512692E-6 2.27390793391636436E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0176982  0.2270299
+                  Compute divergence  52007.6149     25.4502      0.2749
+                        wsmp_cleanup  52007.6569     25.4922      0.0420
+              Reset surface geometry  52007.6660     25.5013      0.0091
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   52007.6739     25.5092      0.0080
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  52007.6914     25.5267      0.0175
+                   Advect surface  1  52007.6916     25.5269      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  52007.9178     25.7531      0.2262
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  52008.1533     25.9886      0.2355
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  52008.4306     26.2659      0.2774
+                    Advect the cloud  52008.6120     26.4473      0.1814
+                        Write output  52009.5137     27.3490      0.9017
+                    End of time step  52010.4184     28.2537      0.9047
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     320  52010.4186
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  52010.4187      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  52010.4187      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17021points
+                      refine surface  52010.4188      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  52010.4503      0.0317      0.0316
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  52010.4803      0.0617      0.0300
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  52010.5122      0.0936      0.0319
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17022points
+                          surface 02  52010.5368      0.1182      0.0246
+                                                                        S. 2:    17021points
+                      refine surface  52010.5369      0.1183      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  52010.5692      0.1505      0.0322
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17021points
+                          surface 03  52010.5942      0.1756      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 3:    17031points
+                      refine surface  52010.5944      0.1758      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  52010.6295      0.2109      0.0351
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17031points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  52010.6608
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  52010.6612      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  52010.6771      0.0163      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  52010.7018      0.0409      0.0247
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  52010.7029      0.0420      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  52010.7170      0.0562      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  52010.8392      0.1784      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  52011.1313      0.4705      0.2921
+                embedding surface  1  52011.1315      0.4707      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  52013.2288      2.5679      2.0972
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  52015.4560      4.7951      2.2272
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  52019.1874      8.5266      3.7315
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  52019.1967      8.5359      0.0093
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  52019.7096      9.0487      0.5129
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  52019.7926      9.1317      0.0830
+                           Find void  52020.0645      9.4037      0.2720
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  52020.1076      9.4468      0.0431
+                         wsmp setup1  52020.1195      9.4587      0.0119
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  52021.2709     10.6101      1.1514
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  52021.3278
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  52021.3280      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  52029.0998      7.7720      7.7718
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0599458 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3022602 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7908442 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4846060 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14347.1777333 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2345541 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085781 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8812451 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10237E+01  0.18488E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.93986E-01  0.11520E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76330E+00  0.24546E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  52046.0148     24.6870     16.9151
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35106E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  52046.2397     24.9119      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  52046.2414     24.9136      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  52046.3011     24.9732      0.0596
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5900594 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  52046.3081
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  52046.3141      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.72792E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  52054.2563      7.9482      7.9422
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0558710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3195870 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8001170 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4492531 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14391.4788756 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2342730 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085990 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8681710 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.13750E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.49025E-01  0.10194E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76838E+00  0.22591E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  52071.1579     24.8498     16.9016
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12350E+01  0.17958E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  52071.3820     25.0739      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  52071.3837     25.0756      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  52071.4433     25.1353      0.0596
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0721066 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  52071.4504
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  52071.4565      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  52079.4446      7.9942      7.9881
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0584490 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3140721 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7919528 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4554539 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14383.6888269 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2355781 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086930 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8646841 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.15515E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37601E-01  0.11845E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74697E+00  0.23165E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  52096.3426     24.8922     16.8980
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13725E+01  0.31541E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  52096.5670     25.1166      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  52096.5687     25.1183      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  52096.6288     25.1784      0.0601
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362004 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  52096.6360
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  52096.6422      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  52104.5745      7.9384      7.9323
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0609410 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3206811 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7949429 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5323761 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14287.7480883 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2347682 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085599 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9527450 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.17533E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37990E-01  0.12303E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73789E+00  0.22923E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  52121.5617     24.9256     16.9872
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14704E+01  0.35956E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  52121.7861     25.1500      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  52121.7878     25.1517      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  52121.8474     25.2113      0.0596
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0156036 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  52121.8544
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  52121.8605      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  52129.8257      7.9712      7.9652
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0611720 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3166759 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7922571 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4463129 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14395.1755689 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2344930 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085831 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8599811 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.19261E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40835E-01  0.12558E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73336E+00  0.22833E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  52146.7200     24.8656     16.8943
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15135E+01  0.36746E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  52146.9436     25.0892      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements  52146.9453     25.0909      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  52147.0050     25.1505      0.0597
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0106187 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  52147.0121
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  52147.0181      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  52155.0343      8.0223      8.0162
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0569782 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3179891 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7947981 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4575779 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14381.0222966 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2354498 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085399 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8718131 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.20788E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43219E-01  0.12562E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72891E+00  0.22780E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  52171.9403     24.9283     16.9060
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15344E+01  0.36484E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  52172.1671     25.1551      0.2268
+                do leaf measurements  52172.1689     25.1568      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  52172.2261     25.2141      0.0573
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0079182 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  52172.2292     25.2172      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  52172.2294     25.2174      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -213034325593123.06 405983600867947.38
+ def in m -7.974858283996582 0.78645145893096924
+ dimensionless def  -1.79346697671072811E-6 2.27853093828473774E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0177392  0.2274722
+                  Compute divergence  52172.5076     25.4956      0.2782
+                        wsmp_cleanup  52172.5457     25.5336      0.0381
+              Reset surface geometry  52172.5549     25.5429      0.0092
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   52172.5634     25.5513      0.0085
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  52172.5828     25.5707      0.0194
+                   Advect surface  1  52172.5829     25.5709      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  52172.7884     25.7763      0.2054
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  52173.0091     25.9971      0.2208
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  52173.2947     26.2827      0.2856
+                    Advect the cloud  52173.4724     26.4604      0.1777
+                        Write output  52174.3655     27.3535      0.8931
+                    End of time step  52175.2794     28.2674      0.9139
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     321  52175.2796
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  52175.2797      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  52175.2797      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17022points
+                      refine surface  52175.2798      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  52175.3207      0.0411      0.0409
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  52175.3560      0.0764      0.0353
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  52175.3933      0.1137      0.0373
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17025points
+                          surface 02  52175.4196      0.1400      0.0263
+                                                                        S. 2:    17020points
+                      refine surface  52175.4198      0.1401      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  52175.4590      0.1793      0.0392
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  52175.4909      0.2113      0.0319
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  52175.5283      0.2487      0.0374
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17021points
+                          surface 03  52175.5556      0.2759      0.0273
+                                                                        S. 3:    17029points
+                      refine surface  52175.5557      0.2761      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  52175.5946      0.3149      0.0388
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  52175.6287      0.3491      0.0342
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  52175.6650      0.3853      0.0363
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17030points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  52175.6980
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  52175.6983      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  52175.7142      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  52175.7384      0.0404      0.0242
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  52175.7395      0.0415      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  52175.7537      0.0557      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  52175.8759      0.1779      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  52176.1675      0.4695      0.2916
+                embedding surface  1  52176.1677      0.4697      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  52178.2955      2.5975      2.1278
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  52180.5113      4.8133      2.2159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  52184.2053      8.5073      3.6939
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  52184.2108      8.5128      0.0056
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  52184.7291      9.0311      0.5182
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  52184.8115      9.1135      0.0824
+                           Find void  52185.0852      9.3872      0.2737
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  52185.1283      9.4303      0.0432
+                         wsmp setup1  52185.1405      9.4425      0.0121
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  52186.2872     10.5892      1.1468
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  52186.3431
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  52186.3434      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  52194.1827      7.8396      7.8394
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0637100 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3136239 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7931061 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4592900 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14378.8736892 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2353649 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085652 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8741291 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10178E+01  0.18526E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94200E-01  0.11599E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76316E+00  0.24740E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  52211.0904     24.7472     16.9076
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35116E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  52211.3169     24.9737      0.2265
+                do leaf measurements  52211.3187     24.9755      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  52211.3779     25.0347      0.0592
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5901606 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  52211.3848
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  52211.3908      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.72027E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  52219.3270      7.9422      7.9362
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0590320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3352940 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7994120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5053871 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14321.2638483 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2352428 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086350 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9434741 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.13770E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48620E-01  0.10177E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76820E+00  0.22774E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  52236.3041     24.9194     16.9771
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12353E+01  0.18137E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  52236.5283     25.1436      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  52236.5302     25.1454      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  52236.5895     25.2047      0.0594
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0717567 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  52236.5964
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  52236.6025      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  52244.6078      8.0113      8.0053
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0584412 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3108661 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7937310 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4438009 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14398.3353903 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2343469 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085850 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8502352 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.15515E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38236E-01  0.11837E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74715E+00  0.23268E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  52261.4913     24.8949     16.8835
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13715E+01  0.31487E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  52261.7165     25.1201      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  52261.7184     25.1219      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  52261.7781     25.1817      0.0597
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360666 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  52261.7851
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  52261.7912      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  52269.7557      7.9706      7.9645
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0591140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3082030 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7928660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4801660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14352.7266480 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2354848 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085371 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8848369 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.17522E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38466E-01  0.12300E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73800E+00  0.22977E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  52286.6740     24.8889     16.9183
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14702E+01  0.35958E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  52286.9016     25.1166      0.2276
+                do leaf measurements  52286.9035     25.1184      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  52286.9627     25.1776      0.0592
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0156269 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  52286.9695
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  52286.9755      0.0059      0.0059
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  52294.9114      7.9419      7.9359
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0601990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3279810 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8001351 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4553940 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14383.7639673 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2345431 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085800 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8872960 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.19247E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40582E-01  0.12557E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73339E+00  0.22857E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  52311.8318     24.8623     16.9204
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15133E+01  0.36745E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  52312.0565     25.0870      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  52312.0583     25.0888      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  52312.1174     25.1478      0.0591
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0106365 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  52312.1243
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  52312.1307      0.0064      0.0064
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  52320.1134      7.9891      7.9828
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0575960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3131070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7944028 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4617898 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14375.7376538 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2346981 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086281 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8706770 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.20776E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43022E-01  0.12567E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72893E+00  0.22798E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  52337.0173     24.8930     16.9038
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15341E+01  0.36470E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  52337.2413     25.1170      0.2240
+                do leaf measurements  52337.2431     25.1188      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  52337.3004     25.1761      0.0573
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0079183 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  52337.3036     25.1793      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  52337.3038     25.1795      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -213372462480158.91 406916863449498.81
+ def in m -7.9654607772827148 0.79414957761764526
+ dimensionless def  -1.78364719663347504E-6 2.27584593636648988E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0176467  0.2272111
+                  Compute divergence  52337.5815     25.4572      0.2777
+                        wsmp_cleanup  52337.6201     25.4958      0.0386
+              Reset surface geometry  52337.6294     25.5051      0.0094
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   52337.6380     25.5137      0.0086
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  52337.6563     25.5320      0.0184
+                   Advect surface  1  52337.6565     25.5322      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  52337.8851     25.7608      0.2286
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  52338.0913     25.9670      0.2063
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  52338.3696     26.2453      0.2783
+                    Advect the cloud  52338.5496     26.4253      0.1800
+                        Write output  52339.4458     27.3215      0.8962
+                    End of time step  52340.3562     28.2319      0.9104
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     322  52340.3564
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  52340.3565      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  52340.3565      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17023points
+                      refine surface  52340.3566      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  52340.3934      0.0370      0.0368
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17023points
+                          surface 02  52340.4177      0.0613      0.0243
+                                                                        S. 2:    17021points
+                      refine surface  52340.4178      0.0614      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  52340.4588      0.1024      0.0410
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  52340.4936      0.1373      0.0349
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  52340.5305      0.1741      0.0368
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17024points
+                          surface 03  52340.5559      0.1995      0.0254
+                                                                        S. 3:    17029points
+                      refine surface  52340.5561      0.1997      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  52340.5922      0.2358      0.0362
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17029points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  52340.6249
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  52340.6252      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  52340.6413      0.0164      0.0161
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  52340.6653      0.0404      0.0240
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  52340.6664      0.0415      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  52340.6807      0.0558      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  52340.8048      0.1799      0.1241
+             Imbed surface in osolve  52341.0974      0.4724      0.2926
+                embedding surface  1  52341.0975      0.4726      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  52343.2323      2.6074      2.1348
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  52345.4388      4.8139      2.2064
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  52349.1387      8.5138      3.6999
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  52349.1481      8.5232      0.0094
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  52349.6768      9.0519      0.5287
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  52349.7599      9.1350      0.0831
+                           Find void  52350.0314      9.4065      0.2715
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  52350.0729      9.4480      0.0415
+                         wsmp setup1  52350.0846      9.4597      0.0117
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  52351.2275     10.6026      1.1429
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  52351.2866
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  52351.2867      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  52359.1169      7.8303      7.8302
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0635030 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3190649 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7923820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4536831 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14385.9125393 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2356181 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085280 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8732340 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10309E+01  0.18543E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.93738E-01  0.11619E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76326E+00  0.24499E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  52376.0230     24.7364     16.9061
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35088E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  52376.2521     24.9656      0.2292
+                do leaf measurements  52376.2539     24.9673      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  52376.3141     25.0276      0.0603
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5904458 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  52376.3213
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  52376.3275      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.73360E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  52384.2659      7.9446      7.9384
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0613930 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3430521 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7943611 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5371609 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14281.8225110 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2350550 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085480 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9800150 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.13780E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48586E-01  0.10153E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76839E+00  0.22587E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  52401.2795     24.9582     17.0136
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12351E+01  0.18060E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  52401.5064     25.1852      0.2270
+                do leaf measurements  52401.5081     25.1868      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  52401.5680     25.2468      0.0599
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0722064 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  52401.5751
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  52401.5812      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  52409.5558      7.9807      7.9746
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0568061 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3147671 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7943361 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4457891 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14395.8343504 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2339630 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085399 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8546450 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10175E+01  0.15530E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38310E-01  0.11829E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74713E+00  0.23197E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  52426.4439     24.8688     16.8881
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13723E+01  0.31556E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  52426.6696     25.0945      0.2257
+                do leaf measurements  52426.6713     25.0962      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  52426.7312     25.1561      0.0599
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360357 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  52426.7383
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  52426.7444      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  52434.7678      8.0295      8.0235
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0602260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3127370 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7897069 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4563448 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14382.5701945 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2351131 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085490 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8631248 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10175E+01  0.17537E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38537E-01  0.12304E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73805E+00  0.22947E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  52451.6650     24.9267     16.8972
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14708E+01  0.36008E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  52451.8937     25.1554      0.2287
+                do leaf measurements  52451.8954     25.1570      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  52451.9555     25.2172      0.0602
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0155938 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  52451.9626
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  52451.9686      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  52459.9046      7.9420      7.9360
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0624399 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3384960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7997432 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5128820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14311.9406555 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2346520 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085680 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9572270 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.19260E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40581E-01  0.12564E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73348E+00  0.22852E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  52476.8954     24.9328     16.9908
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15137E+01  0.36791E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  52477.1223     25.1597      0.2269
+                do leaf measurements  52477.1240     25.1613      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  52477.1839     25.2213      0.0599
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0106136 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  52477.1910
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  52477.1970      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  52485.2005      8.0096      8.0035
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0592921 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3153040 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7956910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4455340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14396.1552171 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2346921 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085220 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8594761 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.20788E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43024E-01  0.12568E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72904E+00  0.22795E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  52502.0944     24.9034     16.8939
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15350E+01  0.36513E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  52502.3202     25.1293      0.2258
+                do leaf measurements  52502.3220     25.1310      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  52502.3796     25.1886      0.0577
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0079195 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  52502.3827     25.1918      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  52502.3829     25.1920      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -213725714648654.59 407834570082240.38
+ def in m -7.9818911552429199 0.78571116924285889
+ dimensionless def  -1.78860477038792188E-6 2.28054033006940587E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0177026  0.2276514
+                  Compute divergence  52502.6549     25.4640      0.2720
+                        wsmp_cleanup  52502.6946     25.5036      0.0397
+              Reset surface geometry  52502.7027     25.5118      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   52502.7109     25.5199      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  52502.7283     25.5374      0.0175
+                   Advect surface  1  52502.7285     25.5375      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  52502.9588     25.7678      0.2303
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  52503.1704     25.9794      0.2116
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  52503.4594     26.2685      0.2891
+                    Advect the cloud  52503.6377     26.4468      0.1783
+                        Write output  52504.5376     27.3466      0.8999
+                    End of time step  52505.4528     28.2618      0.9152
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     323  52505.4530
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  52505.4530      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  52505.4531      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17021points
+                      refine surface  52505.4531      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  52505.4909      0.0379      0.0377
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  52505.5202      0.0673      0.0294
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  52505.5559      0.1029      0.0357
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17023points
+                          surface 02  52505.5809      0.1279      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 2:    17024points
+                      refine surface  52505.5810      0.1281      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  52505.6178      0.1648      0.0367
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17024points
+                          surface 03  52505.6430      0.1901      0.0253
+                                                                        S. 3:    17027points
+                      refine surface  52505.6432      0.1902      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  52505.6853      0.2324      0.0421
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  52505.7132      0.2602      0.0279
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  52505.7498      0.2968      0.0366
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17030points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  52505.7832
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  52505.7834      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  52505.7995      0.0164      0.0161
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  52505.8238      0.0406      0.0243
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  52505.8249      0.0418      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  52505.8392      0.0561      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  52505.9627      0.1796      0.1235
+             Imbed surface in osolve  52506.2560      0.4728      0.2933
+                embedding surface  1  52506.2561      0.4730      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  52508.3887      2.6055      2.1325
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  52510.6107      4.8275      2.2220
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  52514.3091      8.5260      3.6984
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  52514.3163      8.5331      0.0072
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  52514.8765      9.0934      0.5602
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  52514.9588      9.1756      0.0823
+                           Find void  52515.2303      9.4471      0.2715
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  52515.2717      9.4885      0.0414
+                         wsmp setup1  52515.2832      9.5000      0.0115
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  52516.4272     10.6441      1.1441
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  52516.4871
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  52516.4873      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  52524.3026      7.8154      7.8153
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0603590 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3099539 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7926290 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4510820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14389.1803414 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2342241 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085361 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8572400 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10452E+01  0.18434E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.93867E-01  0.11633E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76313E+00  0.24741E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  52541.1934     24.7063     16.8909
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35091E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  52541.4190     24.9318      0.2255
+                do leaf measurements  52541.4207     24.9336      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  52541.4813     24.9941      0.0606
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5898575 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  52541.4885
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  52541.4947      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.72258E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  52549.4582      7.9697      7.9635
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0580411 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3018608 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7929089 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4756541 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14358.3696474 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2354088 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084720 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8728039 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.13691E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48681E-01  0.10159E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76814E+00  0.22743E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  52566.3645     24.8760     16.9063
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12342E+01  0.17985E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  52566.5938     25.1053      0.2293
+                do leaf measurements  52566.5955     25.1070      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  52566.6563     25.1678      0.0608
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0719007 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  52566.6634
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  52566.6695      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  52574.6036      7.9402      7.9341
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0551000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3216431 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7994750 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4610770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14376.6318153 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2342100 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084991 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8804491 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.15475E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38209E-01  0.11814E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74652E+00  0.23229E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  52591.5183     24.8549     16.9148
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13711E+01  0.31441E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  52591.7448     25.0814      0.2265
+                do leaf measurements  52591.7465     25.0831      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  52591.8067     25.1433      0.0602
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360049 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  52591.8138
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  52591.8199      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  52599.8044      7.9905      7.9845
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0581250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3149970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7946548 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4470899 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14394.1984525 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2349222 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084939 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8587201 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.17495E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38484E-01  0.12282E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73753E+00  0.22951E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  52616.6966     24.8827     16.8922
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14695E+01  0.35864E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  52616.9221     25.1083      0.2255
+                do leaf measurements  52616.9239     25.1100      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  52616.9845     25.1707      0.0607
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0155916 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  52616.9917
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  52616.9979      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  52624.9339      7.9421      7.9360
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0609050 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3125420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7930079 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5361278 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14283.1014574 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2343750 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084682 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9458830 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.19224E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40696E-01  0.12540E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73301E+00  0.22851E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  52641.9128     24.9211     16.9789
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15122E+01  0.36634E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  52642.1394     25.1477      0.2266
+                do leaf measurements  52642.1411     25.1494      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  52642.2014     25.2097      0.0603
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0106126 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  52642.2085
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  52642.2147      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  52650.1851      7.9766      7.9705
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0582869 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3119550 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7934270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4435611 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14398.6371694 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2339180 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084481 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8500500 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.20753E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43119E-01  0.12549E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72860E+00  0.22793E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  52667.0682     24.8597     16.8831
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15332E+01  0.36372E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  52667.2940     25.0855      0.2258
+                do leaf measurements  52667.2958     25.0872      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  52667.3537     25.1452      0.0580
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0079098 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  52667.3569     25.1483      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  52667.3570     25.1485      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -214058475081282.34 408772478614326.63
+ def in m -7.9773659706115723 0.78626543283462524
+ dimensionless def  -1.78390741348266593E-6 2.27924742017473488E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0176612  0.2275107
+                  Compute divergence  52667.6301     25.4216      0.2731
+                        wsmp_cleanup  52667.6686     25.4601      0.0386
+              Reset surface geometry  52667.6774     25.4689      0.0088
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   52667.6864     25.4779      0.0089
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  52667.7058     25.4972      0.0194
+                   Advect surface  1  52667.7059     25.4974      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  52667.9113     25.7028      0.2054
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  52668.1427     25.9342      0.2314
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  52668.4304     26.2218      0.2877
+                    Advect the cloud  52668.6130     26.4044      0.1826
+                        Write output  52669.5091     27.3006      0.8962
+                    End of time step  52670.4107     28.2021      0.9015
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     324  52670.4109
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  52670.4109      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  52670.4110      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17023points
+                      refine surface  52670.4110      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  52670.4483      0.0374      0.0373
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  52670.4764      0.0656      0.0281
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  52670.5126      0.1017      0.0362
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17024points
+                          surface 02  52670.5371      0.1262      0.0245
+                                                                        S. 2:    17022points
+                      refine surface  52670.5372      0.1264      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  52670.5756      0.1647      0.0383
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  52670.6107      0.1999      0.0351
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  52670.6484      0.2376      0.0377
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17023points
+                          surface 03  52670.6732      0.2623      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 3:    17028points
+                      refine surface  52670.6733      0.2625      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  52670.7108      0.2999      0.0375
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17028points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  52670.7453
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  52670.7455      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  52670.7614      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  52670.7854      0.0401      0.0239
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  52670.7865      0.0413      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  52670.8007      0.0554      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  52670.9231      0.1778      0.1224
+             Imbed surface in osolve  52671.2159      0.4706      0.2928
+                embedding surface  1  52671.2160      0.4708      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  52673.3401      2.5948      2.1241
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  52675.5372      4.7919      2.1971
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  52679.2178      8.4725      3.6806
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  52679.2242      8.4789      0.0064
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  52679.7711      9.0258      0.5469
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  52679.8644      9.1192      0.0933
+                           Find void  52680.1343      9.3890      0.2699
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  52680.1747      9.4295      0.0404
+                         wsmp setup1  52680.1871      9.4418      0.0124
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  52681.3311     10.5858      1.1440
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  52681.3907
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  52681.3908      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  52689.2056      7.8149      7.8148
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0622940 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3144510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7935340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4498692 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14390.7045252 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2345150 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085540 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8636651 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10299E+01  0.18483E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94259E-01  0.11649E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76292E+00  0.24652E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  52706.1036     24.7129     16.8980
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35081E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  52706.3279     24.9372      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  52706.3297     24.9390      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  52706.3899     24.9992      0.0602
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5893776 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  52706.3971
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  52706.4031      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.72528E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  52714.4226      8.0256      8.0195
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0581300 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3165572 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7921531 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4550819 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14384.1558482 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2355170 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085649 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8664548 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.13720E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48623E-01  0.10183E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76808E+00  0.22712E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  52731.3225     24.9255     16.8999
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12355E+01  0.18085E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  52731.5499     25.1528      0.2273
+                do leaf measurements  52731.5518     25.1547      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  52731.6122     25.2152      0.0605
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0713074 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  52731.6193
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  52731.6253      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  52739.5613      7.9420      7.9360
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0576410 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3382070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7997231 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5029259 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14324.3280620 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2343681 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085402 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9418111 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.15473E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38133E-01  0.11833E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74713E+00  0.23258E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  52756.5364     24.9171     16.9751
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13715E+01  0.31528E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  52756.7610     25.1417      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  52756.7629     25.1436      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  52756.8232     25.2039      0.0603
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0359804 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  52756.8302
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  52756.8363      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  52764.8373      8.0071      8.0010
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0591621 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3117018 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7940841 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4446790 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14397.2306747 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2347488 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085280 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8533711 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.17478E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38400E-01  0.12293E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73800E+00  0.22973E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  52781.7235     24.8933     16.8862
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14696E+01  0.35939E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  52781.9485     25.1182      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  52781.9504     25.1201      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  52782.0116     25.1814      0.0613
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0156058 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  52782.0189
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  52782.0251      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  52789.9927      7.9738      7.9676
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0556061 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3044679 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7922890 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4746442 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14359.6333996 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2359509 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084980 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8719060 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.19201E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40660E-01  0.12544E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73340E+00  0.22852E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  52806.8975     24.8786     16.9048
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15125E+01  0.36736E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  52807.1245     25.1057      0.2271
+                do leaf measurements  52807.1264     25.1075      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  52807.1868     25.1679      0.0604
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0106026 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  52807.1939
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  52807.1999      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  52815.1352      7.9413      7.9353
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0602560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3342521 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7989659 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4552121 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14383.9923873 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2342401 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085299 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8918951 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.20727E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43074E-01  0.12557E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72898E+00  0.22800E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  52832.0603     24.8664     16.9251
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15338E+01  0.36476E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  52832.2855     25.0916      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  52832.2874     25.0935      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  52832.3453     25.1515      0.0579
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0078941 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  52832.3484     25.1545      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  52832.3486     25.1547      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -214392280936939.63 409697512795454.75
+ def in m -7.9952187538146973 0.77728760242462158
+ dimensionless def  -1.79123895508902407E-6 2.28434821537562766E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0177412  0.2279923
+                  Compute divergence  52832.6252     25.4313      0.2766
+                        wsmp_cleanup  52832.6645     25.4706      0.0393
+              Reset surface geometry  52832.6731     25.4792      0.0086
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   52832.6820     25.4881      0.0089
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  52832.7006     25.5068      0.0186
+                   Advect surface  1  52832.7008     25.5069      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  52832.9060     25.7122      0.2053
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  52833.1468     25.9529      0.2408
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  52833.4329     26.2390      0.2861
+                    Advect the cloud  52833.6155     26.4216      0.1826
+                        Write output  52834.5117     27.3178      0.8962
+                    End of time step  52858.5734     51.3795     24.0617
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     325  52858.5736
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  52858.5736      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  52858.5737      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17024points
+                      refine surface  52858.5737      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  52858.6123      0.0387      0.0386
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  52858.6415      0.0679      0.0292
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  52858.6784      0.1049      0.0369
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17026points
+                          surface 02  52858.7039      0.1303      0.0255
+                                                                        S. 2:    17020points
+                      refine surface  52858.7041      0.1305      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  52858.7418      0.1682      0.0377
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17020points
+                          surface 03  52858.7671      0.1935      0.0253
+                                                                        S. 3:    17026points
+                      refine surface  52858.7673      0.1937      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  52858.8053      0.2317      0.0380
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  52858.8415      0.2680      0.0363
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  52858.8792      0.3056      0.0377
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17027points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  52858.9115
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  52858.9118      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  52858.9279      0.0164      0.0161
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  52858.9523      0.0408      0.0244
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  52858.9534      0.0419      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  52858.9677      0.0562      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  52859.0913      0.1798      0.1236
+             Imbed surface in osolve  52859.3843      0.4728      0.2930
+                embedding surface  1  52859.3844      0.4729      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  52861.5168      2.6053      2.1324
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  52863.6945      4.7830      2.1777
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  52867.3334      8.4218      3.6388
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  52867.3389      8.4274      0.0056
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  52867.8200      8.9085      0.4811
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  52867.9004      8.9889      0.0804
+                           Find void  52868.1746      9.2631      0.2742
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  52868.2134      9.3019      0.0388
+                         wsmp setup1  52868.2255      9.3140      0.0122
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  52869.3615     10.4499      1.1359
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  52869.4197
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  52869.4199      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  52877.2892      7.8695      7.8693
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0644381 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3127038 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7926819 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4556911 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14383.3909669 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2403469 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085599 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8749080 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10240E+01  0.18475E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94261E-01  0.11629E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76323E+00  0.24684E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  52894.1969     24.7772     16.9077
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35083E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  52894.4246     25.0049      0.2277
+                do leaf measurements  52894.4263     25.0066      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  52894.4878     25.0681      0.0615
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5900230 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  52894.4947
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  52894.5008      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.72217E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  52902.4419      7.9471      7.9411
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0597999 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3337059 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7937050 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5325139 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14287.5773591 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2346411 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085649 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9634008 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.13722E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48737E-01  0.10188E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76814E+00  0.22729E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  52919.4389     24.9442     16.9971
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12355E+01  0.18029E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  52919.6640     25.1692      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  52919.6658     25.1710      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  52919.7268     25.2321      0.0611
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0718268 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  52919.7338
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  52919.7400      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  52927.7338      7.9999      7.9938
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0594130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3054979 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7897251 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4491899 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14391.5582932 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2343931 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085311 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8472290 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.15474E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38478E-01  0.11840E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74712E+00  0.23215E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  52944.6148     24.8810     16.8810
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13718E+01  0.31524E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  52944.8403     25.1065      0.2256
+                do leaf measurements  52944.8421     25.1083      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  52944.9037     25.1699      0.0616
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360488 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  52944.9107
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  52944.9170      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  52952.9182      8.0074      8.0012
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0604138 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3294721 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7883499 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4639711 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14373.0023298 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2352011 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085540 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8864388 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10175E+01  0.17488E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38655E-01  0.12309E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73792E+00  0.22949E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  52969.8383     24.9276     16.9201
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14698E+01  0.35931E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  52970.0661     25.1554      0.2278
+                do leaf measurements  52970.0679     25.1572      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  52970.1292     25.2185      0.0613
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0156174 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  52970.1362
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  52970.1422      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  52978.0779      7.9417      7.9357
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0598819 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3414540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7967579 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4926279 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14337.1634316 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2339721 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085552 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9337440 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.19211E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40598E-01  0.12560E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73333E+00  0.22843E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  52995.0454     24.9092     16.9675
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15124E+01  0.36719E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  52995.2696     25.1334      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  52995.2713     25.1352      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  52995.3324     25.1962      0.0611
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0106162 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  52995.3393
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  52995.3454      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  53003.3347      7.9954      7.9893
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0573621 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3007390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7907779 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4438169 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14398.3152921 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2346871 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0087941 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8366351 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.20736E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43020E-01  0.12564E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72887E+00  0.22788E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  53020.2052     24.8658     16.8705
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15335E+01  0.36458E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  53020.4300     25.0907      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  53020.4318     25.0924      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  53020.4909     25.1516      0.0592
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0078924 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  53020.4940     25.1547      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  53020.4942     25.1549      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -214703152559719.19 410642352328366.06
+ def in m -8.0030536651611328 0.76836496591567993
+ dimensionless def  -1.79392882755824506E-6 2.28658676147460915E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0177727  0.2281868
+                  Compute divergence  53020.7682     25.4289      0.2740
+                        wsmp_cleanup  53020.8083     25.4690      0.0401
+              Reset surface geometry  53020.8156     25.4762      0.0072
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   53020.8233     25.4840      0.0078
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  53020.8407     25.5013      0.0173
+                   Advect surface  1  53020.8408     25.5015      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  53021.0509     25.7116      0.2101
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  53021.2804     25.9410      0.2294
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   16 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  53021.5766     26.2373      0.2962
+                    Advect the cloud  53021.7600     26.4207      0.1834
+                        Write output  53022.6648     27.3254      0.9047
+                    End of time step  53023.5769     28.2375      0.9121
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     326  53023.5771
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  53023.5771      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  53023.5772      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17025points
+                      refine surface  53023.5772      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  53023.6065      0.0294      0.0292
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  53023.6378      0.0607      0.0313
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  53023.6673      0.0902      0.0295
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17027points
+                          surface 02  53023.6880      0.1109      0.0207
+                                                                        S. 2:    17018points
+                      refine surface  53023.6881      0.1110      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  53023.7191      0.1420      0.0310
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  53023.7572      0.1802      0.0381
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  53023.7898      0.2127      0.0325
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17019points
+                          surface 03  53023.8123      0.2352      0.0225
+                                                                        S. 3:    17024points
+                      refine surface  53023.8124      0.2353      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  53023.8465      0.2694      0.0341
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17024points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  53023.8764
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  53023.8767      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  53023.8928      0.0164      0.0161
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  53023.9172      0.0407      0.0244
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  53023.9182      0.0418      0.0010
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  53023.9325      0.0561      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  53024.0560      0.1796      0.1235
+             Imbed surface in osolve  53024.3489      0.4725      0.2929
+                embedding surface  1  53024.3490      0.4726      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  53026.4596      2.5832      2.1106
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  53028.7042      4.8278      2.2446
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  53032.3812      8.5048      3.6770
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  53032.3898      8.5134      0.0086
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  53032.9420      9.0656      0.5523
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  53033.0287      9.1523      0.0867
+                           Find void  53033.3004      9.4240      0.2717
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  53033.3408      9.4644      0.0404
+                         wsmp setup1  53033.3528      9.4764      0.0121
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  53034.4972     10.6208      1.1444
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  53034.5563
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  53034.5564      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  53042.3602      7.8040      7.8038
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0624101 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3070660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7937250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4582288 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14380.2053851 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2346771 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085590 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8651109 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.18494E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94161E-01  0.11699E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76323E+00  0.24643E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  53059.2592     24.7030     16.8990
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35084E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  53059.4848     24.9285      0.2255
+                do leaf measurements  53059.4866     24.9303      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  53059.5466     24.9903      0.0600
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5898898 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  53059.5538
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  53059.5600      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.72614E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  53067.5047      7.9510      7.9448
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0577970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3010950 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7942040 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5183191 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14305.1848118 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2347322 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085521 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9151371 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10151E+01  0.13736E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48959E-01  0.10183E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76821E+00  0.22683E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  53084.4535     24.8997     16.9487
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12352E+01  0.18206E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  53084.6790     25.1252      0.2255
+                do leaf measurements  53084.6807     25.1269      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  53084.7404     25.1866      0.0597
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0719753 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  53084.7475
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  53084.7536      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  53092.6458      7.8982      7.8922
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0577822 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3127809 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8021681 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4551291 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14384.0965708 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2352469 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085180 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8720522 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.15487E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38045E-01  0.11828E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74700E+00  0.23201E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  53109.5525     24.8050     16.9067
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13720E+01  0.31551E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  53109.7784     25.0309      0.2259
+                do leaf measurements  53109.7801     25.0326      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  53109.8398     25.0923      0.0597
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0359025 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  53109.8469
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  53109.8530      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  53117.8628      8.0159      8.0098
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0596240 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3152761 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7939031 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4599190 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14378.0845417 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2364030 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085380 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8741100 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.17493E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38356E-01  0.12296E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73785E+00  0.22941E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  53134.7713     24.9244     16.9085
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14699E+01  0.35955E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  53134.9995     25.1526      0.2282
+                do leaf measurements  53135.0012     25.1543      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  53135.0612     25.2143      0.0599
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0156183 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  53135.0682
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  53135.0742      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  53143.0126      7.9444      7.9383
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0587070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3343940 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7951941 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5450270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14272.0916654 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2351429 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085039 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9774249 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.19213E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40776E-01  0.12552E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73334E+00  0.22841E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  53160.0244     24.9562     17.0118
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15127E+01  0.36718E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  53160.2497     25.1815      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements  53160.2514     25.1832      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  53160.3112     25.2430      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0106114 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  53160.3183
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  53160.3243      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  53168.3198      8.0015      7.9955
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0606589 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3167000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7955120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4483352 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14392.6327643 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2352109 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086279 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8654709 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.20738E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43171E-01  0.12558E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72888E+00  0.22775E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  53185.2201     24.9018     16.9003
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15337E+01  0.36461E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  53185.4458     25.1275      0.2257
+                do leaf measurements  53185.4476     25.1292      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  53185.5050     25.1867      0.0574
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0079010 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  53185.5081     25.1898      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  53185.5083     25.1900      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -214997021984694. 411598199481824.56
+ def in m -7.9954123497009277 0.77129882574081421
+ dimensionless def  -1.79382818085806707E-6 2.2844035284859795E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0177779  0.2279669
+                  Compute divergence  53185.7790     25.4607      0.2707
+                        wsmp_cleanup  53185.8180     25.4997      0.0390
+              Reset surface geometry  53185.8254     25.5071      0.0074
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   53185.8332     25.5149      0.0078
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  53185.8505     25.5321      0.0172
+                   Advect surface  1  53185.8506     25.5323      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  53186.0494     25.7311      0.1988
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  53186.2631     25.9448      0.2137
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  53186.5398     26.2215      0.2767
+                    Advect the cloud  53186.7195     26.4012      0.1797
+                        Write output  53187.6128     27.2945      0.8933
+                    End of time step  53188.5183     28.2000      0.9055
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     327  53188.5185
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  53188.5186      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  53188.5186      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17027points
+                      refine surface  53188.5187      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  53188.5488      0.0303      0.0301
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  53188.5814      0.0629      0.0326
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  53188.6120      0.0935      0.0306
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17028points
+                          surface 02  53188.6349      0.1164      0.0229
+                                                                        S. 2:    17018points
+                      refine surface  53188.6351      0.1165      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  53188.6657      0.1472      0.0306
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  53188.6983      0.1797      0.0326
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  53188.7289      0.2104      0.0307
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17019points
+                          surface 03  53188.7524      0.2339      0.0235
+                                                                        S. 3:    17023points
+                      refine surface  53188.7525      0.2340      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  53188.7831      0.2646      0.0306
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17023points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  53188.8145
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  53188.8148      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  53188.8307      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  53188.8546      0.0400      0.0238
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  53188.8557      0.0412      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  53188.8699      0.0553      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  53188.9922      0.1777      0.1224
+             Imbed surface in osolve  53189.2874      0.4729      0.2952
+                embedding surface  1  53189.2876      0.4730      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  53191.4171      2.6026      2.1296
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  53193.6255      4.8110      2.2084
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  53197.3315      8.5170      3.7060
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  53197.3374      8.5229      0.0059
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  53197.8878      9.0733      0.5504
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  53197.9854      9.1708      0.0976
+                           Find void  53198.2587      9.4441      0.2733
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  53198.3004      9.4859      0.0417
+                         wsmp setup1  53198.3121      9.4976      0.0117
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  53199.4572     10.6426      1.1450
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  53199.5167
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  53199.5169      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  53207.3381      7.8214      7.8212
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0621591 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3119881 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7935982 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4593561 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14378.7908216 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2348599 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084801 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8708959 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.18450E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94173E-01  0.11670E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76292E+00  0.24635E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  53224.2435     24.7268     16.9055
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35080E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  53224.4686     24.9520      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  53224.4704     24.9537      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  53224.5307     25.0140      0.0603
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5904806 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  53224.5381
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  53224.5443      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.72589E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  53232.5439      8.0058      7.9996
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0598052 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3174462 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7946210 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4652910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14371.3477086 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2358010 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084951 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8819261 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10152E+01  0.13690E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48795E-01  0.10168E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76810E+00  0.22709E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  53249.4601     24.9220     16.9162
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12348E+01  0.17998E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  53249.6866     25.1484      0.2265
+                do leaf measurements  53249.6883     25.1501      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  53249.7481     25.2100      0.0599
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0723062 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  53249.7551
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  53249.7611      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  53257.6964      7.9413      7.9353
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0607610 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3374560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7983170 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4956350 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14333.4129352 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2347579 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085301 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9359219 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10175E+01  0.15452E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38189E-01  0.11813E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74670E+00  0.23218E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  53274.6661     24.9111     16.9698
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13720E+01  0.31523E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  53274.8911     25.1361      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  53274.8928     25.1377      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  53274.9527     25.1976      0.0599
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360495 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  53274.9598
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  53274.9658      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  53282.9493      7.9896      7.9835
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0586691 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3165460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7941971 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4590240 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14379.2075624 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2378819 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085058 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8752892 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10175E+01  0.17463E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38455E-01  0.12286E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73763E+00  0.22937E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  53299.8592     24.8994     16.9099
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14697E+01  0.35882E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  53300.0840     25.1243      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  53300.0858     25.1260      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  53300.1462     25.1864      0.0604
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0155846 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  53300.1533
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  53300.1594      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  53308.1077      7.9544      7.9483
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0606670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3070650 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7972510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5037959 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14323.2447662 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2353799 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085442 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9131551 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.19184E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40748E-01  0.12546E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73314E+00  0.22845E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  53325.0556     24.9023     16.9479
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15119E+01  0.36662E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  53325.2806     25.1273      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  53325.2823     25.1291      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  53325.3420     25.1888      0.0597
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0105874 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  53325.3491
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  53325.3552      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  53333.2927      7.9436      7.9375
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0591700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3226209 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8017521 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4559851 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14383.0218771 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2347131 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085258 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8832231 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.20709E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43166E-01  0.12553E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72873E+00  0.22787E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  53350.2098     24.8607     16.9171
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15327E+01  0.36407E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  53350.4343     25.0852      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  53350.4360     25.0869      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  53350.4934     25.1443      0.0574
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0078832 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  53350.4965     25.1474      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  53350.4967     25.1476      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -215290310395531.06 412548359547555.94
+ def in m -7.9967155456542969 0.76782512664794922
+ dimensionless def  -1.78360172680446072E-6 2.28477587018694201E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0176821  0.2279887
+                  Compute divergence  53350.7695     25.4204      0.2728
+                        wsmp_cleanup  53350.8088     25.4597      0.0393
+              Reset surface geometry  53350.8187     25.4696      0.0099
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   53350.8271     25.4780      0.0084
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  53350.8441     25.4950      0.0170
+                   Advect surface  1  53350.8442     25.4951      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  53351.0592     25.7101      0.2150
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  53351.2767     25.9276      0.2175
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  53351.5719     26.2228      0.2952
+                    Advect the cloud  53351.7528     26.4037      0.1809
+                        Write output  53352.6470     27.2979      0.8942
+                    End of time step  53353.5542     28.2051      0.9072
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     328  53353.5544
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  53353.5545      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  53353.5545      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17027points
+                      refine surface  53353.5546      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  53353.5902      0.0357      0.0356
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  53353.6189      0.0645      0.0288
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  53353.6537      0.0992      0.0348
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17028points
+                          surface 02  53353.6767      0.1223      0.0230
+                                                                        S. 2:    17018points
+                      refine surface  53353.6768      0.1224      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  53353.7106      0.1561      0.0337
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17018points
+                          surface 03  53353.7346      0.1802      0.0240
+                                                                        S. 3:    17020points
+                      refine surface  53353.7348      0.1803      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  53353.7724      0.2180      0.0376
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  53353.8085      0.2541      0.0362
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  53353.8458      0.2913      0.0372
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17021points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  53353.8785
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  53353.8788      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  53353.8947      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  53353.9188      0.0403      0.0241
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  53353.9199      0.0414      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  53353.9341      0.0556      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  53354.0564      0.1779      0.1223
+             Imbed surface in osolve  53354.3511      0.4726      0.2947
+                embedding surface  1  53354.3513      0.4728      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  53356.4661      2.5876      2.1148
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  53358.6718      4.7933      2.2057
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  53362.4005      8.5220      3.7287
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  53362.4079      8.5294      0.0073
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  53362.9419      9.0634      0.5340
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  53363.0283      9.1498      0.0864
+                           Find void  53363.2979      9.4194      0.2696
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  53363.3388      9.4603      0.0409
+                         wsmp setup1  53363.3509      9.4724      0.0121
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  53364.4999     10.6214      1.1489
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  53364.5606
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  53364.5608      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  53372.3381      7.7775      7.7773
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0635939 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3177612 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7996972 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4336421 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14411.1282939 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2346201 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084841 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8582511 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10175E+01  0.18483E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.93569E-01  0.11589E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76311E+00  0.24503E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  53389.2316     24.6710     16.8935
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35099E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  53389.4559     24.8953      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements  53389.4576     24.8971      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  53389.5169     24.9563      0.0592
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5901270 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  53389.5238
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  53389.5298      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.73875E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  53397.5441      8.0203      8.0143
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0592201 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3225298 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7944441 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4670210 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14369.1795838 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2358179 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084670 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8879659 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10149E+01  0.13726E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48970E-01  0.10178E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76826E+00  0.22580E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  53414.4670     24.9432     16.9228
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12353E+01  0.18120E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  53414.6940     25.1703      0.2271
+                do leaf measurements  53414.6958     25.1720      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  53414.7551     25.2313      0.0593
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0720412 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  53414.7620
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  53414.7679      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  53422.7061      7.9441      7.9381
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0634391 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3388312 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7960758 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5255508 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14296.2090168 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2350850 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085220 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9679661 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.15477E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38147E-01  0.11837E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74696E+00  0.23175E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  53439.7091     24.9472     17.0031
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13720E+01  0.31572E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  53439.9345     25.1725      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements  53439.9362     25.1742      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  53439.9955     25.2335      0.0593
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360960 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  53440.0023
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  53440.0084      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  53448.0033      8.0009      7.9949
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0572040 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3195069 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7948999 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4469640 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14394.3567489 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2350740 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085330 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8626330 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.17475E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38463E-01  0.12305E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73786E+00  0.22923E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  53464.9006     24.8983     16.8974
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14696E+01  0.35956E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  53465.1250     25.1227      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  53465.1268     25.1245      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  53465.1865     25.1842      0.0597
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0155594 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  53465.1935
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  53465.1999      0.0064      0.0064
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  53473.2028      8.0093      8.0029
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0619421 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3273180 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7912278 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4636130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14373.4513191 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2355869 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085390 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8886490 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.19189E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40760E-01  0.12558E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73338E+00  0.22835E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  53490.1256     24.9322     16.9228
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15126E+01  0.36732E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  53490.3532     25.1597      0.2276
+                do leaf measurements  53490.3550     25.1615      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  53490.4142     25.2207      0.0592
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0105949 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  53490.4210
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  53490.4269      0.0059      0.0059
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  53498.3602      7.9392      7.9333
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.3524189 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3429699 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7980499 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4957969 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14333.2110890 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2347860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085101 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.2331040 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.20716E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43156E-01  0.12572E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72894E+00  0.22777E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  53515.6275     25.2065     17.2673
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15333E+01  0.36498E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  53515.8521     25.4311      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  53515.8539     25.4329      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  53515.9109     25.4899      0.0570
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0078843 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  53515.9140     25.4930      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  53515.9142     25.4932      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -215582149910830.94 413500195786682.06
+ def in m -7.999213695526123 0.7642444372177124
+ dimensionless def  -1.78292240415300641E-6 2.28548962729317824E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0176827  0.2280439
+                  Compute divergence  53516.1870     25.7660      0.2728
+                        wsmp_cleanup  53516.2262     25.8052      0.0392
+              Reset surface geometry  53516.2352     25.8142      0.0090
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   53516.2429     25.8219      0.0077
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  53516.2603     25.8393      0.0174
+                   Advect surface  1  53516.2604     25.8395      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   4 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  53516.4984     26.0774      0.2380
+                                                                        S. 2:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  53516.7023     26.2813      0.2039
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  53516.9685     26.5475      0.2662
+                    Advect the cloud  53517.1513     26.7304      0.1828
+                        Write output  53518.0485     27.6275      0.8971
+                    End of time step  53540.8214     50.4004     22.7729
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     329  53540.8216
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  53540.8217      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  53540.8217      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    17024points
+                      refine surface  53540.8218      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  53540.8565      0.0349      0.0347
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  53540.8903      0.0687      0.0338
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  53540.9262      0.1046      0.0359
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17025points
+                          surface 02  53540.9522      0.1306      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 2:    17018points
+                      refine surface  53540.9523      0.1307      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  53540.9941      0.1725      0.0418
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  53541.0283      0.2067      0.0341
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  53541.0658      0.2442      0.0375
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17021points
+                          surface 03  53541.0901      0.2685      0.0243
+                                                                        S. 3:    17021points
+                      refine surface  53541.0902      0.2686      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  53541.1297      0.3081      0.0395
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  53541.1603      0.3387      0.0306
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  53541.1978      0.3762      0.0375
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17022points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  53541.2319
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  53541.2322      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  53541.2483      0.0164      0.0161
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  53541.2721      0.0401      0.0237
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  53541.2732      0.0412      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  53541.2875      0.0555      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  53541.4111      0.1791      0.1236
+             Imbed surface in osolve  53541.6507      0.4187      0.2396
+                embedding surface  1  53541.6508      0.4189      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  53543.7710      2.5390      2.1201
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  53546.0512      4.8192      2.2802
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  53549.8131      8.5811      3.7619
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  53549.8237      8.5917      0.0106
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  53550.3631      9.1312      0.5394
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  53550.4458      9.2139      0.0827
+                           Find void  53550.7187      9.4867      0.2729
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  53550.7602      9.5283      0.0416
+                         wsmp setup1  53550.7719      9.5400      0.0117
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  53551.9165     10.6846      1.1446
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  53551.9753
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  53551.9754      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  53559.7957      7.8204      7.8202
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0643160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3188841 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7924869 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4457641 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14395.8658367 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2356141 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085061 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8660140 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10390E+01  0.18522E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.93894E-01  0.11667E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76301E+00  0.24650E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  53576.6962     24.7209     16.9005
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35079E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  53576.9222     24.9469      0.2260
+                do leaf measurements  53576.9240     24.9487      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  53576.9850     25.0097      0.0610
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5907329 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  53576.9920
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  53576.9981      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.72961E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  53584.9347      7.9427      7.9366
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0580690 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3230820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7962501 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5401721 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14278.0958937 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2353969 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085080 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9619651 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10150E+01  0.13751E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48904E-01  0.10161E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76825E+00  0.22683E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  53601.9310     24.9390     16.9963
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12363E+01  0.18018E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  53602.1558     25.1638      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  53602.1576     25.1656      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  53602.2181     25.2261      0.0605
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0723869 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  53602.2250
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  53602.2311      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  53610.2010      7.9760      7.9699
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0606890 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3201232 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7962332 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4493940 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14391.3017626 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2346001 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084629 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8699710 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.15488E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38012E-01  0.11842E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74709E+00  0.23212E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  53627.1068     24.8819     16.9058
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13728E+01  0.31634E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  53627.3314     25.1064      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  53627.3332     25.1082      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  53627.3935     25.1685      0.0603
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361450 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  53627.4005
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  53627.4065      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  53635.4259      8.0255      8.0195
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0616260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3192539 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7935991 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4523001 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14387.6498907 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2358902 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085139 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8716688 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10175E+01  0.17485E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38346E-01  0.12306E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73799E+00  0.22949E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  53652.3321     24.9317     16.9062
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14708E+01  0.36008E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  53652.5595     25.1590      0.2273
+                do leaf measurements  53652.5613     25.1608      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  53652.6217     25.2212      0.0604
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0155484 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  53652.6286
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  53652.6346      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  53660.5724      7.9438      7.9378
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0609431 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3459380 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8008459 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5275588 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14293.7187902 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2350008 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085011 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9792290 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.19198E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40725E-01  0.12563E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73346E+00  0.22852E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  53677.5856     24.9570     17.0133
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15130E+01  0.36791E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  53677.8114     25.1827      0.2257
+                do leaf measurements  53677.8132     25.1846      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  53677.8736     25.2450      0.0604
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0105926 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  53677.8805
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  53677.8866      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  53685.8985      8.0179      8.0119
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0573280 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3222480 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7958550 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4401081 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14402.9831710 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2346311 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085471 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8591862 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.20730E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43124E-01  0.12571E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72900E+00  0.22789E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  53702.7921     24.9116     16.8937
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15339E+01  0.36524E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  53703.0215     25.1410      0.2294
+                do leaf measurements  53703.0234     25.1429      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  53703.0818     25.2013      0.0584
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0078785 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  53703.0850     25.2044      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  53703.0852     25.2046      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -215863537652691.72 414458925744527.44
+ def in m -7.9993791580200195 0.7609856128692627
+ dimensionless def  -1.77793894495282861E-6 2.28553690229143418E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0176377  0.2280331
+                  Compute divergence  53703.3574     25.4769      0.2723
+                        wsmp_cleanup  53703.3975     25.5170      0.0401
+              Reset surface geometry  53703.4059     25.5254      0.0084
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   53703.4139     25.5334      0.0079
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  53703.4312     25.5506      0.0173
+                   Advect surface  1  53703.4313     25.5508      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  53703.6367     25.7562      0.2054
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  53703.8508     25.9703      0.2141
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  53704.1162     26.2357      0.2654
+                    Advect the cloud  53704.2979     26.4174      0.1817
+                        Write output  53705.1917     27.3111      0.8937
+                    End of time step  53706.1048     28.2242      0.9131
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     330  53706.1050
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  53706.1050      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  53706.1051      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17025points
+                      refine surface  53706.1051      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  53706.1413      0.0363      0.0362
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  53706.1708      0.0659      0.0295
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  53706.2081      0.1031      0.0373
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17026points
+                          surface 02  53706.2322      0.1272      0.0241
+                                                                        S. 2:    17020points
+                      refine surface  53706.2323      0.1274      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  53706.2700      0.1650      0.0377
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  53706.3041      0.1991      0.0341
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  53706.3400      0.2350      0.0359
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17021points
+                          surface 03  53706.3640      0.2591      0.0240
+                                                                        S. 3:    17022points
+                      refine surface  53706.3642      0.2592      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  53706.4026      0.2976      0.0384
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  53706.4331      0.3281      0.0305
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  53706.4700      0.3650      0.0369
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17023points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  53706.5039
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  53706.5042      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  53706.5201      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  53706.5440      0.0401      0.0239
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  53706.5451      0.0413      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  53706.5593      0.0554      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  53706.6815      0.1776      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  53706.9750      0.4711      0.2935
+                embedding surface  1  53706.9752      0.4713      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  53709.0956      2.5918      2.1205
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  53711.2950      4.7911      2.1994
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  53714.9714      8.4675      3.6764
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  53714.9769      8.4731      0.0055
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  53715.4876      8.9837      0.5106
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  53715.6018      9.0979      0.1143
+                           Find void  53715.8750      9.3711      0.2732
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  53715.9181      9.4142      0.0431
+                         wsmp setup1  53715.9302      9.4263      0.0121
+                                                                        n =   128799
+                                                                        nz=  4957209
+                         wsmp setup2  53717.0735     10.5696      1.1433
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  53717.1368
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  53717.1370      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38935E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  53724.9570      7.8202      7.8200
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0663731 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3139780 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7949679 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4516079 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14388.5194727 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2348800 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086000 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8708611 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10175E+01  0.18439E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.93940E-01  0.11526E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76333E+00  0.24490E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  53741.8616     24.7248     16.9046
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35130E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  53742.0870     24.9501      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements  53742.0887     24.9519      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  53742.1488     25.0119      0.0600
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5899393 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  53742.1557
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  53742.1618      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.73525E-04  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  53750.1305      7.9748      7.9687
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0570581 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3039920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7902639 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4717200 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14363.2937483 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2366021 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086000 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8686979 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.13708E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48656E-01  0.10174E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76826E+00  0.22576E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  53767.0340     24.8783     16.9035
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12358E+01  0.18196E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  53767.2610     25.1053      0.2270
+                do leaf measurements  53767.2628     25.1071      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  53767.3221     25.1664      0.0594
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0718383 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  53767.3290
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  53767.3350      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  53775.2642      7.9352      7.9292
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0557780 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3334889 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7997072 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4547510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14384.5714030 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2346489 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086150 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8874290 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10175E+01  0.15463E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38078E-01  0.11817E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74707E+00  0.23189E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  53792.1860     24.8570     16.9217
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13718E+01  0.31563E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  53792.4104     25.0814      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  53792.4122     25.0832      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  53792.4714     25.1424      0.0592
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0359535 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  53792.4783
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  53792.4843      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  53800.4597      7.9814      7.9754
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0612919 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3181639 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7941821 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4566600 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14382.1745091 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2351761 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085640 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8744960 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.17464E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38441E-01  0.12291E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73793E+00  0.22939E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  53817.3690     24.8907     16.9093
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14699E+01  0.35940E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  53817.5931     25.1148      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  53817.5948     25.1166      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  53817.6548     25.1766      0.0600
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0155491 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  53817.6618
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  53817.6679      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  53825.6002      7.9384      7.9323
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0585439 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3105700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7958319 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5229449 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14299.4421058 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2349310 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086060 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9318738 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.19176E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40676E-01  0.12546E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73343E+00  0.22836E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  53842.5666     24.9048     16.9664
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15126E+01  0.36756E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  53842.7905     25.1287      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  53842.7922     25.1304      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  53842.8520     25.1902      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0105659 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  53842.8588
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  53842.8648      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37088
+                          wsmp solve  53850.8257      7.9669      7.9609
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0585580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3140719 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7953141 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4364719 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14407.5624679 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2343378 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085700 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8477809 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.20710E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43103E-01  0.12552E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72903E+00  0.22781E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  53867.7085     24.8496     16.8827
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15336E+01  0.36500E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  53867.9329     25.0741      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  53867.9347     25.0759      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  53867.9918     25.1330      0.0571
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0078731 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  53867.9949     25.1361      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  53867.9951     25.1363      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -216144942138494.28 415416246078989.94
+ def in m -7.9991660118103027 0.75832259654998779
+ dimensionless def  -1.77589723042079382E-6 2.28547600337437198E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0176201  0.2280109
+                  Compute divergence  53868.2669     25.4081      0.2718
+                        wsmp_cleanup  53868.3059     25.4471      0.0390
+              Reset surface geometry  53868.3137     25.4549      0.0078
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   53868.3215     25.4627      0.0078
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  53868.3388     25.4799      0.0172
+                   Advect surface  1  53868.3389     25.4801      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  53868.5441     25.6853      0.2052
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  53868.7499     25.8910      0.2057
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  53869.0166     26.1578      0.2668
+                    Advect the cloud  53869.1983     26.3395      0.1817
+                        Write output  53870.1014     27.2426      0.9031
+                    End of time step  53871.0036     28.1448      0.9022
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     331  53871.0038
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  53871.0040      0.0002      0.0002
+                          surface 01  53871.0040      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    17026points
+                      refine surface  53871.0041      0.0003      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  53871.0403      0.0365      0.0362
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17026points
+                          surface 02  53871.0655      0.0617      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 2:    17021points
+                      refine surface  53871.0656      0.0618      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  53871.1037      0.0999      0.0381
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  53871.1369      0.1331      0.0332
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  53871.1730      0.1692      0.0361
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17022points
+                          surface 03  53871.1979      0.1941      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 3:    17023points
+                      refine surface  53871.1981      0.1943      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  53871.2354      0.2316      0.0374
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17023points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  53871.2695
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  53871.2698      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  53871.2857      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  53871.3095      0.0400      0.0238
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  53871.3106      0.0411      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  53871.3248      0.0553      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  53871.4471      0.1776      0.1223
+             Imbed surface in osolve  53871.7438      0.4743      0.2967
+                embedding surface  1  53871.7440      0.4745      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  53873.8797      2.6102      2.1357
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  53876.0976      4.8281      2.2179
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  53879.7905      8.5210      3.6929
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  53879.7992      8.5297      0.0087
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  53880.3277      9.0581      0.5285
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  53880.4142      9.1447      0.0866
+                           Find void  53880.6849      9.4154      0.2707
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  53880.7258      9.4563      0.0409
+                         wsmp setup1  53880.7377      9.4682      0.0119
+                                                                        n =   128817
+                                                                        nz=  4957596
+                         wsmp setup2  53881.8845     10.6150      1.1468
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  53881.9440
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  53881.9442      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.02136E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37090
+                          wsmp solve  53889.7524      7.8084      7.8082
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0626800 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1370149 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7915821 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.1050069 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12318.5492690 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2496099 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086100 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.3549240 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10164E+01  0.18708E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94952E-01  0.11663E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76445E+00  0.24634E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  53908.1406     26.1966     18.3882
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35125E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  53908.3656     26.4216      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  53908.3674     26.4234      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  53908.4278     26.4838      0.0604
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5910193 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  53908.4348
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  53908.4408      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.02136E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37090
+                          wsmp solve  53916.4555      8.0207      8.0147
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0570521 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1681700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7955620 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.1347599 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12290.6451865 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2498488 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085430 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.4143469 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10149E+01  0.13907E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48882E-01  0.10207E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76941E+00  0.22768E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  53934.9029     26.4681     18.4474
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12424E+01  0.18750E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  53935.1315     26.6968      0.2287
+                do leaf measurements  53935.1333     26.6985      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  53935.1939     26.7591      0.0606
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0726103 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  53935.2008
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  53935.2067      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37090
+                          wsmp solve  53943.1374      7.9367      7.9307
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0587289 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1483459 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7952631 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.0884950 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12334.0898536 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2483490 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085430 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.3481340 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.15576E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38484E-01  0.11889E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74873E+00  0.23330E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  53961.5187     26.3179     18.3812
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13794E+01  0.32067E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  53961.7452     26.5444      0.2265
+                do leaf measurements  53961.7469     26.5462      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  53961.8076     26.6068      0.0607
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0355742 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  53961.8145
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  53961.8206      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37090
+                          wsmp solve  53969.7931      7.9786      7.9725
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0577569 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1426151 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7973981 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.1039820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12319.5127958 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2490170 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085559 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.3597310 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.17557E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38576E-01  0.12349E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73910E+00  0.23062E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  53988.1859     26.3714     18.3928
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14771E+01  0.36593E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  53988.4109     26.5964      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  53988.4127     26.5982      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  53988.4728     26.6583      0.0601
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0154832 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  53988.4798
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  53988.4858      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37090
+                          wsmp solve  53996.5007      8.0209      8.0149
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0575678 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1685791 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7959080 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.1640241 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12263.3225351 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2501230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085511 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.4451659 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.19265E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40571E-01  0.12599E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73434E+00  0.22951E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  54014.9791     26.4993     18.4784
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15195E+01  0.37310E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  54015.2070     26.7272      0.2279
+                do leaf measurements  54015.2088     26.7290      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  54015.2691     26.7894      0.0604
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0105900 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  54015.2760
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  54015.2820      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37090
+                          wsmp solve  54023.2173      7.9413      7.9353
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0607052 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1462610 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7973032 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.1031601 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12320.2854744 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2486110 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084989 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.3649361 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.20811E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43012E-01  0.12606E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72973E+00  0.22887E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  54041.6163     26.3403     18.3990
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15404E+01  0.36965E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  54041.8417     26.5657      0.2254
+                do leaf measurements  54041.8434     26.5674      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  54041.9014     26.6254      0.0580
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0078854 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  54041.9046     26.6286      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  54041.9047     26.6287      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -216421026526884.75 416377338654195.94
+ def in m -7.9986777305603027 0.75882065296173096
+ dimensionless def  -1.76890816007341666E-6 2.2853364944458008E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0175524  0.2279832
+                  Compute divergence  54042.1808     26.9048      0.2761
+                        wsmp_cleanup  54042.2196     26.9436      0.0387
+              Reset surface geometry  54042.2299     26.9539      0.0103
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   54042.2387     26.9627      0.0088
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  54042.2564     26.9804      0.0178
+                   Advect surface  1  54042.2566     26.9806      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  54042.4598     27.1838      0.2032
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  54042.6648     27.3888      0.2050
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  54042.9281     27.6521      0.2633
+                    Advect the cloud  54043.1065     27.8306      0.1785
+                        Write output  54043.9981     28.7221      0.8916
+                    End of time step  54044.9020     29.6260      0.9039
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     332  54044.9022
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  54044.9023      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  54044.9023      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17026points
+                      refine surface  54044.9024      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  54044.9384      0.0362      0.0360
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17026points
+                          surface 02  54044.9630      0.0608      0.0246
+                                                                        S. 2:    17022points
+                      refine surface  54044.9632      0.0610      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  54045.0001      0.0979      0.0369
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  54045.0341      0.1319      0.0340
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  54045.0700      0.1678      0.0359
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17023points
+                          surface 03  54045.0948      0.1927      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 3:    17023points
+                      refine surface  54045.0950      0.1928      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  54045.1331      0.2309      0.0381
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  54045.1635      0.2613      0.0303
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  54045.2005      0.2983      0.0371
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17024points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  54045.2340
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  54045.2343      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  54045.2503      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  54045.2743      0.0402      0.0240
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  54045.2754      0.0414      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  54045.2895      0.0555      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  54045.4117      0.1777      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  54045.7073      0.4733      0.2956
+                embedding surface  1  54045.7075      0.4734      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  54047.8211      2.5871      2.1137
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  54050.0108      4.7768      2.1896
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  54053.6644      8.4304      3.6536
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  54053.6734      8.4394      0.0090
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  54054.1498      8.9158      0.4764
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  54054.3328      9.0988      0.1830
+                           Find void  54054.6027      9.3687      0.2699
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  54054.6433      9.4093      0.0406
+                         wsmp setup1  54054.6548      9.4208      0.0115
+                                                                        n =   128817
+                                                                        nz=  4957596
+                         wsmp setup2  54055.8031     10.5691      1.1483
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  54055.8625
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  54055.8627      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.28385E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37090
+                          wsmp solve  54063.6271      7.7646      7.7645
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0627310 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1434660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7953880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.0815480 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12340.6399517 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2519450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085731 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.3440762 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10162E+01  0.18783E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95084E-01  0.11818E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76502E+00  0.24909E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  54082.0048     26.1423     18.3777
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35112E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  54082.2311     26.3686      0.2263
+                do leaf measurements  54082.2329     26.3704      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  54082.2922     26.4296      0.0592
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5908531 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  54082.2990
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  54082.3050      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.28385E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37090
+                          wsmp solve  54090.2767      7.9778      7.9718
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0634120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1425400 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7939630 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.0960619 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12326.9631936 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2493980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085981 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.3543730 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10145E+01  0.13986E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.49629E-01  0.10208E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76989E+00  0.22956E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  54108.6645     26.3655     18.3878
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12410E+01  0.18603E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  54108.8906     26.5916      0.2261
+                do leaf measurements  54108.8924     26.5934      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  54108.9518     26.6528      0.0594
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0726290 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  54108.9586
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  54108.9648      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37090
+                          wsmp solve  54116.9772      8.0186      8.0124
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0598860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1691899 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7960439 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.1220181 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12302.5797070 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2498651 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085511 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.4059820 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.15642E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38287E-01  0.11898E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74877E+00  0.23416E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  54135.4159     26.4573     18.4387
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13810E+01  0.32133E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  54135.6451     26.6865      0.2292
+                do leaf measurements  54135.6470     26.6883      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  54135.7066     26.7480      0.0597
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0354716 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  54135.7135
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  54135.7195      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37090
+                          wsmp solve  54143.6569      7.9434      7.9374
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0624969 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1474521 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7937000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.0808930 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12341.2578244 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2488370 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085919 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.3424020 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.17608E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38468E-01  0.12363E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73927E+00  0.23102E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  54162.0325     26.3190     18.3756
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14791E+01  0.36652E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  54162.2582     26.5447      0.2258
+                do leaf measurements  54162.2600     26.5465      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  54162.3191     26.6057      0.0591
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0154702 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  54162.3259
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  54162.3320      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37090
+                          wsmp solve  54170.3037      7.9777      7.9717
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0619729 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1541250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7975662 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.0911660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12331.5733172 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2488110 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085540 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.3626261 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.19318E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40581E-01  0.12612E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73446E+00  0.22973E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  54188.7000     26.3740     18.3963
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15218E+01  0.37366E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  54188.9261     26.6002      0.2261
+                do leaf measurements  54188.9279     26.6020      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  54188.9869     26.6610      0.0590
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0106175 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  54188.9937
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  54188.9997      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37090
+                          wsmp solve  54197.0129      8.0192      8.0133
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0615239 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1656120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7931550 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.1128969 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12311.1372392 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2498789 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085850 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.3920798 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10166E+01  0.20859E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43050E-01  0.12618E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72983E+00  0.22907E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  54215.4382     26.4446     18.4253
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15426E+01  0.37025E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  54215.6667     26.6730      0.2285
+                do leaf measurements  54215.6685     26.6748      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  54215.7255     26.7318      0.0569
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0078903 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  54215.7286     26.7349      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  54215.7288     26.7351      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -216720047558793.66 417324145010105.94
+ def in m -8.0146570205688477 0.75805294513702393
+ dimensionless def  -1.78611431803022128E-6 2.28990200587681354E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0177242  0.2284351
+                  Compute divergence  54216.0087     27.0150      0.2799
+                        wsmp_cleanup  54216.0469     27.0533      0.0383
+              Reset surface geometry  54216.0569     27.0633      0.0100
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   54216.0658     27.0721      0.0088
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  54216.0845     27.0908      0.0187
+                   Advect surface  1  54216.0847     27.0910      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  54216.2896     27.2959      0.2049
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  54216.4973     27.5036      0.2077
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  54216.7671     27.7734      0.2698
+                    Advect the cloud  54216.9527     27.9591      0.1856
+                        Write output  54217.8552     28.8615      0.9024
+                    End of time step  54218.7658     29.7722      0.9107
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     333  54218.7660
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  54218.7661      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  54218.7662      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17026points
+                      refine surface  54218.7662      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  54218.8026      0.0366      0.0364
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17026points
+                          surface 02  54218.8277      0.0616      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 2:    17023points
+                      refine surface  54218.8278      0.0618      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  54218.8636      0.0975      0.0358
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17023points
+                          surface 03  54218.8881      0.1221      0.0245
+                                                                        S. 3:    17024points
+                      refine surface  54218.8883      0.1222      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  54218.9247      0.1586      0.0364
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17024points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  54218.9570
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  54218.9573      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  54218.9735      0.0164      0.0161
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  54218.9973      0.0402      0.0238
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  54218.9984      0.0414      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  54219.0127      0.0557      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  54219.1360      0.1790      0.1233
+             Imbed surface in osolve  54219.4315      0.4745      0.2955
+                embedding surface  1  54219.4317      0.4747      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  54221.5672      2.6101      2.1355
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  54223.7822      4.8252      2.2151
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  54227.4657      8.5086      3.6834
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  54227.4713      8.5143      0.0056
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  54227.9962      9.0392      0.5249
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  54228.0780      9.1209      0.0817
+                           Find void  54228.3476      9.3906      0.2696
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  54228.3883      9.4312      0.0407
+                         wsmp setup1  54228.4007      9.4437      0.0124
+                                                                        n =   128817
+                                                                        nz=  4957596
+                         wsmp setup2  54229.5400     10.5830      1.1393
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  54229.6017
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  54229.6019      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79283E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37090
+                          wsmp solve  54237.4566      7.8549      7.8547
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0612891 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1732402 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7953730 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.1160171 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12308.2085291 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2499771 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086849 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.4050200 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10159E+01  0.18674E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95306E-01  0.11829E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76541E+00  0.24967E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  54255.8951     26.2933     18.4385
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35120E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  54256.1245     26.5228      0.2294
+                do leaf measurements  54256.1264     26.5247      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  54256.1856     26.5838      0.0592
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5904868 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  54256.1923
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  54256.1983      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.92813E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37090
+                          wsmp solve  54264.1348      7.9425      7.9365
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0581129 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1489470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7952311 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.0812540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12340.9172783 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2484310 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086861 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.3410790 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10144E+01  0.13901E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.49551E-01  0.10208E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76990E+00  0.23004E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  54282.5092     26.3168     18.3743
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12397E+01  0.18631E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  54282.7349     26.5425      0.2257
+                do leaf measurements  54282.7367     26.5444      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  54282.7957     26.6033      0.0590
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0721537 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  54282.8025
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  54282.8086      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37090
+                          wsmp solve  54290.7704      7.9679      7.9618
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0623391 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1385529 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7970390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.0920959 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12330.6974989 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2493260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085890 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.3483670 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.15599E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38234E-01  0.11880E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74837E+00  0.23464E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  54309.1521     26.3496     18.3817
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13795E+01  0.31962E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  54309.3772     26.5747      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  54309.3790     26.5765      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  54309.4381     26.6356      0.0590
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0355317 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  54309.4449
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  54309.4510      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37090
+                          wsmp solve  54317.4588      8.0138      8.0078
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0590470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1652081 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7952960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.1180530 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12306.2983566 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2498281 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086370 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.3965111 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.17593E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38394E-01  0.12345E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73893E+00  0.23140E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  54335.8887     26.4438     18.4300
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14786E+01  0.36470E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  54336.1170     26.6721      0.2283
+                do leaf measurements  54336.1189     26.6739      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  54336.1780     26.7331      0.0592
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0154659 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  54336.1848
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  54336.1908      0.0059      0.0059
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37090
+                          wsmp solve  54344.1224      7.9376      7.9317
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0595138 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1451199 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7947869 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.0843048 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12338.0398062 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2486641 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086629 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.3414638 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.19311E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40541E-01  0.12597E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73418E+00  0.23014E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  54362.4970     26.3122     18.3746
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15212E+01  0.37199E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  54362.7220     26.5372      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  54362.7238     26.5390      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  54362.7828     26.5980      0.0590
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0106256 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  54362.7896
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  54362.7956      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37090
+                          wsmp solve  54370.7571      7.9675      7.9615
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0602851 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1359489 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7975349 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.0908802 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12331.8426002 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2490849 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085938 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.3427742 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.20846E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43011E-01  0.12610E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72957E+00  0.22934E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  54389.1332     26.3436     18.3761
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15421E+01  0.36873E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  54389.3587     26.5691      0.2255
+                do leaf measurements  54389.3605     26.5709      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  54389.4173     26.6277      0.0568
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0078751 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  54389.4204     26.6308      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  54389.4206     26.6310      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -217008651216839.28 418274625641150.06
+ def in m -8.0250263214111328 0.75748825073242187
+ dimensionless def  -1.8039233343941826E-6 2.29286466326032381E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0179066  0.2287304
+                  Compute divergence  54389.6949     26.9053      0.2743
+                        wsmp_cleanup  54389.7338     26.9442      0.0389
+              Reset surface geometry  54389.7440     26.9544      0.0102
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   54389.7520     26.9624      0.0080
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  54389.7691     26.9795      0.0171
+                   Advect surface  1  54389.7692     26.9796      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  54389.9658     27.1762      0.1966
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  54390.1730     27.3834      0.2071
+                                                                        S. 3:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  54390.4426     27.6530      0.2696
+                    Advect the cloud  54390.6281     27.8385      0.1855
+                        Write output  54391.5273     28.7377      0.8992
+                    End of time step  54392.5173     29.7277      0.9900
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     334  54392.5174
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  54392.5175      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  54392.5176      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17026points
+                      refine surface  54392.5176      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  54392.5532      0.0358      0.0356
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17026points
+                          surface 02  54392.5772      0.0598      0.0240
+                                                                        S. 2:    17023points
+                      refine surface  54392.5774      0.0599      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  54392.6133      0.0959      0.0359
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17023points
+                          surface 03  54392.6377      0.1203      0.0244
+                                                                        S. 3:    17024points
+                      refine surface  54392.6379      0.1205      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  54392.6783      0.1608      0.0404
+                                                                        S. 3:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  54392.7074      0.1900      0.0291
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  54392.7436      0.2262      0.0363
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17027points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  54392.7761
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  54392.7763      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  54392.7923      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  54392.8163      0.0402      0.0240
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  54392.8174      0.0413      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  54392.8315      0.0555      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  54392.9538      0.1777      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  54393.2487      0.4726      0.2949
+                embedding surface  1  54393.2488      0.4728      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  54395.3597      2.5836      2.1109
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  54397.5632      4.7871      2.2035
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  54401.2547      8.4787      3.6916
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  54401.2602      8.4841      0.0054
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  54401.8143      9.0382      0.5541
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  54401.9140      9.1380      0.0997
+                           Find void  54402.1867      9.4106      0.2727
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  54402.2285      9.4524      0.0418
+                         wsmp setup1  54402.2401      9.4641      0.0117
+                                                                        n =   128817
+                                                                        nz=  4957596
+                         wsmp setup2  54403.3877     10.6116      1.1475
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  54403.4466
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  54403.4468      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38934E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37090
+                          wsmp solve  54411.2337      7.7871      7.7869
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0646472 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1430869 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7937939 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.0951610 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12327.8113233 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2491710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085690 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.3548350 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10158E+01  0.18673E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94102E-01  0.11686E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76528E+00  0.24662E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  54429.6219     26.1753     18.3882
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35112E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  54429.8467     26.4001      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  54429.8486     26.4020      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  54429.9078     26.4612      0.0592
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5909693 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  54429.9148
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  54429.9208      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.63568E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37090
+                          wsmp solve  54437.9279      8.0131      8.0071
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0579579 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1640861 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7941539 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.1678319 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12259.7763118 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2495811 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085542 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.4425809 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10146E+01  0.13901E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48683E-01  0.10251E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76992E+00  0.22792E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  54456.4039     26.4891     18.4759
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12391E+01  0.18490E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  54456.6295     26.7147      0.2257
+                do leaf measurements  54456.6314     26.7166      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  54456.6912     26.7764      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0726253 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  54456.6983
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  54456.7044      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37090
+                          wsmp solve  54464.6378      7.9395      7.9334
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0615861 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1436429 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7962830 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.0793409 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12342.7223422 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2489109 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085351 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.3387141 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.15602E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38166E-01  0.11920E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74835E+00  0.23347E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  54483.0098     26.3114     18.3719
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13793E+01  0.31936E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  54483.2353     26.5370      0.2255
+                do leaf measurements  54483.2371     26.5388      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  54483.2963     26.5980      0.0591
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0355407 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  54483.3033
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  54483.3093      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37090
+                          wsmp solve  54491.2665      7.9632      7.9572
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0596259 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1453898 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7964971 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.0909479 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12331.7788157 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2492399 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085690 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.3507030 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.17590E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38328E-01  0.12379E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73892E+00  0.23083E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  54509.6508     26.3475     18.3843
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14783E+01  0.36442E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  54509.8760     26.5727      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  54509.8778     26.5745      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  54509.9370     26.6337      0.0592
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0154632 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  54509.9439
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  54509.9498      0.0059      0.0059
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37090
+                          wsmp solve  54517.9533      8.0094      8.0035
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0610590 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1805210 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7953122 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.1653891 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12262.0511121 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2495420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085199 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.4607720 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.19307E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40684E-01  0.12624E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73421E+00  0.22968E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  54536.4485     26.5046     18.4951
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15213E+01  0.37190E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  54536.6741     26.7302      0.2256
+                do leaf measurements  54536.6760     26.7321      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  54536.7357     26.7918      0.0597
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0105934 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  54536.7427
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  54536.7488      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37090
+                          wsmp solve  54544.6814      7.9386      7.9325
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0585439 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1484849 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7962711 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.1020851 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12321.2963569 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2489231 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085840 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.3632979 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10166E+01  0.20844E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43131E-01  0.12627E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72961E+00  0.22919E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  54563.0785     26.3358     18.3971
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15422E+01  0.36872E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  54563.3038     26.5610      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements  54563.3056     26.5629      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  54563.3625     26.6198      0.0569
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0078782 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  54563.3657     26.6230      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  54563.3659     26.6231      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -217293668959003.97 419228886120318.06
+ def in m -8.03411865234375 0.75676214694976807
+ dimensionless def  -1.82701655796595983E-6 2.29546247209821435E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0181477  0.2289873
+                  Compute divergence  54563.6423     26.8996      0.2765
+                        wsmp_cleanup  54563.6806     26.9379      0.0383
+              Reset surface geometry  54563.6913     26.9485      0.0106
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   54563.6996     26.9569      0.0084
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  54563.7169     26.9742      0.0173
+                   Advect surface  1  54563.7171     26.9744      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  54563.9210     27.1783      0.2039
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  54564.1384     27.3957      0.2174
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  54564.4061     27.6634      0.2677
+                    Advect the cloud  54564.5917     27.8490      0.1856
+                        Write output  54565.4938     28.7511      0.9021
+                    End of time step  54566.4079     29.6652      0.9141
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     335  54566.4081
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  54566.4082      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  54566.4082      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17026points
+                      refine surface  54566.4083      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  54566.4444      0.0363      0.0362
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17026points
+                          surface 02  54566.4681      0.0600      0.0236
+                                                                        S. 2:    17022points
+                      refine surface  54566.4682      0.0601      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  54566.5033      0.0952      0.0351
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17022points
+                          surface 03  54566.5290      0.1209      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 3:    17027points
+                      refine surface  54566.5291      0.1210      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  54566.5668      0.1587      0.0377
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17027points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  54566.5976
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  54566.5979      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  54566.6138      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  54566.6387      0.0411      0.0249
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  54566.6398      0.0422      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  54566.6540      0.0564      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  54566.7761      0.1786      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  54567.0697      0.4721      0.2935
+                embedding surface  1  54567.0699      0.4723      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  54569.1757      2.5781      2.1058
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  54571.4054      4.8078      2.2297
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  54575.0980      8.5004      3.6926
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  54575.1073      8.5097      0.0093
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  54575.6121      9.0145      0.5047
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  54575.7554      9.1578      0.1433
+                           Find void  54576.0228      9.4252      0.2674
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  54576.0625      9.4649      0.0397
+                         wsmp setup1  54576.0740      9.4764      0.0115
+                                                                        n =   128817
+                                                                        nz=  4957596
+                         wsmp setup2  54577.2328     10.6352      1.1588
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  54577.2884
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  54577.2886      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38934E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37090
+                          wsmp solve  54585.0357      7.7474      7.7472
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0642312 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1465449 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7963960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.0858359 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12336.5961789 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2488580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0087001 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.3509722 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10158E+01  0.18741E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94104E-01  0.11728E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76540E+00  0.24858E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  54603.4202     26.1318     18.3844
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35111E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  54603.6466     26.3582      0.2264
+                do leaf measurements  54603.6483     26.3600      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  54603.7082     26.4198      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5906730 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  54603.7150
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  54603.7211      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   3.29022E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37090
+                          wsmp solve  54611.6771      7.9621      7.9560
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0608091 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1469829 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7950289 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.0801320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12341.9758672 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2490630 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085430 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.3409681 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10143E+01  0.13953E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.49213E-01  0.10272E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.77000E+00  0.22923E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  54630.0522     26.3372     18.3751
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12388E+01  0.18391E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  54630.2781     26.5631      0.2258
+                do leaf measurements  54630.2798     26.5648      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  54630.3392     26.6242      0.0594
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0724825 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  54630.3461
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  54630.3521      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37090
+                          wsmp solve  54638.3521      8.0060      7.9999
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0618191 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1701779 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7964220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.1627669 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12264.4938099 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2490509 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085042 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.4491470 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.15629E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37973E-01  0.11926E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74859E+00  0.23375E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  54656.8353     26.4892     18.4832
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13793E+01  0.31946E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  54657.0613     26.7152      0.2260
+                do leaf measurements  54657.0630     26.7169      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  54657.1230     26.7769      0.0600
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0354611 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  54657.1299
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  54657.1359      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37090
+                          wsmp solve  54665.0653      7.9354      7.9293
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0604391 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1436141 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7960932 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.0928650 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12329.9731340 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2488961 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085690 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.3508968 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10166E+01  0.17601E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38248E-01  0.12381E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73913E+00  0.23096E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  54683.4501     26.3202     18.3849
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14785E+01  0.36468E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  54683.6759     26.5460      0.2258
+                do leaf measurements  54683.6776     26.5477      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  54683.7374     26.6075      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0154757 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  54683.7444
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  54683.7505      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37090
+                          wsmp solve  54691.7040      7.9596      7.9535
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0620999 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1405580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7963290 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.0972860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12325.8111452 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2498002 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085158 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.3550260 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10166E+01  0.19313E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40674E-01  0.12626E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73433E+00  0.22976E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  54710.0932     26.3487     18.3892
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15215E+01  0.37241E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  54710.3188     26.5744      0.2256
+                do leaf measurements  54710.3205     26.5761      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  54710.3800     26.6356      0.0595
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0105946 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  54710.3870
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  54710.3930      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37090
+                          wsmp solve  54718.3926      8.0057      7.9996
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0612178 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1681590 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7949719 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.1869771 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12241.9771995 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2491751 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085809 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.4694960 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10164E+01  0.20851E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43132E-01  0.12624E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72973E+00  0.22918E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  54736.8955     26.5085     18.5028
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15425E+01  0.36912E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  54737.1213     26.7344      0.2258
+                do leaf measurements  54737.1231     26.7361      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  54737.1810     26.7941      0.0579
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0078787 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  54737.1842     26.7972      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  54737.1844     26.7974      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -217562163213504.66 420196016488998.25
+ def in m -8.0384759902954102 0.75717586278915405
+ dimensionless def  -1.84160573141915448E-6 2.29670742579868874E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0183060  0.2291055
+                  Compute divergence  54737.4602     27.0733      0.2758
+                        wsmp_cleanup  54737.4995     27.1126      0.0393
+              Reset surface geometry  54737.5088     27.1219      0.0093
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   54737.5170     27.1300      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  54737.5347     27.1477      0.0177
+                   Advect surface  1  54737.5348     27.1479      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  54737.7425     27.3555      0.2076
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  54737.9522     27.5652      0.2097
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  54738.2118     27.8249      0.2596
+                    Advect the cloud  54738.3942     28.0072      0.1824
+                        Write output  54739.2898     28.9029      0.8956
+                    End of time step  54740.2028     29.8158      0.9130
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     336  54740.2030
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  54740.2031      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  54740.2031      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17026points
+                      refine surface  54740.2032      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  54740.2336      0.0306      0.0304
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17026points
+                          surface 02  54740.2590      0.0560      0.0254
+                                                                        S. 2:    17022points
+                      refine surface  54740.2592      0.0562      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  54740.2901      0.0871      0.0309
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17022points
+                          surface 03  54740.3149      0.1119      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 3:    17027points
+                      refine surface  54740.3150      0.1120      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  54740.3529      0.1499      0.0379
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  54740.3854      0.1824      0.0326
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  54740.4203      0.2173      0.0348
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17028points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  54740.4526
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  54740.4529      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  54740.4690      0.0164      0.0161
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  54740.4932      0.0406      0.0242
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  54740.4943      0.0417      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  54740.5086      0.0560      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  54740.6320      0.1794      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  54740.9274      0.4748      0.2954
+                embedding surface  1  54740.9276      0.4750      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  54743.0526      2.6000      2.1250
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  54745.2732      4.8206      2.2207
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  54748.9693      8.5167      3.6961
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  54748.9786      8.5260      0.0093
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  54749.5057      9.0531      0.5270
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  54749.5885      9.1359      0.0828
+                           Find void  54749.8610      9.4084      0.2725
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  54749.9023      9.4497      0.0413
+                         wsmp setup1  54749.9142      9.4616      0.0119
+                                                                        n =   128826
+                                                                        nz=  4957884
+                         wsmp setup2  54751.0585     10.6059      1.1443
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  54751.1160
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  54751.1162      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5592
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.01735E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37092
+                          wsmp solve  54758.9450      7.8290      7.8288
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0608191 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1823931 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7955942 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.6405690 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14938.0910362 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2434568 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083709 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9316618 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10157E+01  0.17244E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.96164E-01  0.11306E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76309E+00  0.26186E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  54775.9145     24.7985     16.9694
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35151E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  54776.1394     25.0234      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  54776.1412     25.0252      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  54776.2024     25.0864      0.0612
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5807052 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  54776.2093
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  54776.2153      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5592
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.01735E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37092
+                          wsmp solve  54784.1548      7.9455      7.9395
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0572760 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2024710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7965112 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.7283289 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14826.3132670 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2422302 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083191 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.0355840 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.12714E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.49107E-01  0.10403E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76554E+00  0.23700E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  54801.2280     25.0186     17.0731
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12343E+01  0.18978E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  54801.4514     25.2420      0.2234
+                do leaf measurements  54801.4531     25.2438      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  54801.5141     25.3047      0.0609
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0639150 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  54801.5210
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  54801.5271      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5592
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37092
+                          wsmp solve  54809.5076      7.9866      7.9805
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0607650 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1819799 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7970331 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.6521330 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14923.2659111 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2428200 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084119 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9437590 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10194E+01  0.14679E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39627E-01  0.11925E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74413E+00  0.23698E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  54826.4893     24.9683     16.9818
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13618E+01  0.30481E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  54826.7168     25.1958      0.2275
+                do leaf measurements  54826.7186     25.1976      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  54826.7795     25.2585      0.0609
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0357109 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  54826.7865
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  54826.7925      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5592
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37092
+                          wsmp solve  54834.8147      8.0282      8.0221
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0627069 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1794610 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7964709 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.6475892 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14929.0875498 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2427120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082769 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9376600 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10191E+01  0.16872E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39799E-01  0.12313E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73442E+00  0.23314E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  54851.7887     25.0023     16.9741
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14565E+01  0.34541E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  54852.0148     25.2284      0.2261
+                do leaf measurements  54852.0166     25.2301      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  54852.0776     25.2911      0.0610
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0155780 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  54852.0844
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  54852.0904      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5592
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37092
+                          wsmp solve  54860.0263      7.9419      7.9359
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0593710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2221901 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8018019 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.7074771 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14852.7199869 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2424781 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082760 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.0420380 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10186E+01  0.18658E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39717E-01  0.12570E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72974E+00  0.23170E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  54877.1057     25.0213     17.0794
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14966E+01  0.35254E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  54877.3294     25.2450      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  54877.3312     25.2468      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  54877.3920     25.3075      0.0608
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0106666 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  54877.3990
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  54877.4050      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5592
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37092
+                          wsmp solve  54885.4129      8.0140      8.0079
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0610039 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1860690 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7980988 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.6452429 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14932.0954543 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2428699 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084012 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9421220 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10183E+01  0.20215E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42240E-01  0.12583E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72534E+00  0.23085E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  54902.3938     24.9948     16.9808
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15161E+01  0.35010E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  54902.6191     25.2201      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements  54902.6209     25.2219      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  54902.6800     25.2810      0.0592
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0079836 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  54902.6832     25.2842      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  54902.6834     25.2844      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -217821693607935.31 421163179642217.5
+ def in m -8.0415849685668945 0.75767004489898682
+ dimensionless def  -1.85565028871808738E-6 2.2975957053048268E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0184594  0.2291900
+                  Compute divergence  54902.9553     25.5563      0.2719
+                        wsmp_cleanup  54902.9954     25.5964      0.0401
+              Reset surface geometry  54903.0038     25.6048      0.0084
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   54903.0114     25.6125      0.0077
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  54903.0287     25.6297      0.0172
+                   Advect surface  1  54903.0288     25.6298      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  54903.2337     25.8347      0.2049
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  54903.4392     26.0402      0.2055
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  54903.7064     26.3074      0.2672
+                    Advect the cloud  54903.8891     26.4902      0.1828
+                        Write output  54904.7998     27.4009      0.9107
+                    End of time step  54905.7129     28.3140      0.9131
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     337  54905.7131
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  54905.7132      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  54905.7133      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17026points
+                      refine surface  54905.7133      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  54905.7493      0.0362      0.0360
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17026points
+                          surface 02  54905.7738      0.0607      0.0245
+                                                                        S. 2:    17022points
+                      refine surface  54905.7740      0.0608      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   4 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  54905.8164      0.1033      0.0424
+                                                                        S. 2:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  54905.8446      0.1315      0.0282
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  54905.8815      0.1683      0.0368
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17026points
+                          surface 03  54905.9063      0.1932      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 3:    17028points
+                      refine surface  54905.9065      0.1933      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  54905.9454      0.2322      0.0389
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  54905.9731      0.2599      0.0277
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  54906.0062      0.2930      0.0331
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17029points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  54906.0391
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  54906.0394      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  54906.0555      0.0164      0.0161
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  54906.0798      0.0408      0.0244
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  54906.0810      0.0419      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  54906.0953      0.0562      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  54906.2188      0.1797      0.1235
+             Imbed surface in osolve  54906.5132      0.4741      0.2944
+                embedding surface  1  54906.5133      0.4742      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  54908.6261      2.5870      2.1128
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  54910.8485      4.8094      2.2224
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  54914.5292      8.4901      3.6808
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  54914.5348      8.4957      0.0056
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  54915.0700      9.0309      0.5352
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  54915.1924      9.1533      0.1224
+                           Find void  54915.4640      9.4249      0.2716
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  54915.5049      9.4658      0.0409
+                         wsmp setup1  54915.5174      9.4783      0.0125
+                                                                        n =   128826
+                                                                        nz=  4957884
+                         wsmp setup2  54916.6659     10.6269      1.1486
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  54916.7240
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  54916.7242      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5592
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.11548E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37092
+                          wsmp solve  54924.5440      7.8200      7.8198
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0641510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1777081 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7970669 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.6481650 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14928.3495895 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2431569 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083001 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9389858 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10153E+01  0.16764E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95247E-01  0.11283E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75874E+00  0.26303E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  54941.5214     24.7973     16.9773
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35145E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  54941.7457     25.0217      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  54941.7476     25.0236      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  54941.8098     25.0857      0.0621
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5801474 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  54941.8168
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  54941.8230      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5592
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.11548E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37092
+                          wsmp solve  54949.7887      7.9719      7.9657
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0572391 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1763842 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7961380 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.6734760 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14895.9812225 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2441642 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083370 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9561841 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10181E+01  0.12117E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48323E-01  0.10388E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76156E+00  0.23779E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  54966.7817     24.9649     16.9930
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12350E+01  0.18815E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  54967.0059     25.1890      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  54967.0077     25.1908      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  54967.0690     25.2521      0.0613
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0637286 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  54967.0759
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  54967.0820      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5592
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37092
+                          wsmp solve  54975.0127      7.9368      7.9308
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0595980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2075400 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8023250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.6537421 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14921.2053856 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2432959 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083470 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9752650 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10206E+01  0.14168E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40706E-01  0.11888E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74105E+00  0.23665E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  54992.0254     24.9495     17.0127
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13507E+01  0.29652E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  54992.2485     25.1725      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements  54992.2503     25.1744      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  54992.3115     25.2355      0.0611
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0359530 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  54992.3185
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  54992.3246      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5592
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37092
+                          wsmp solve  55000.3081      7.9896      7.9835
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0601790 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1834249 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7975352 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.6431961 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14934.7204521 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2431991 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082991 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9362631 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10202E+01  0.16463E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40698E-01  0.12265E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73118E+00  0.23281E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  55017.2822     24.9638     16.9742
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14415E+01  0.33682E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  55017.5060     25.1875      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  55017.5079     25.1894      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  55017.5696     25.2511      0.0617
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0157825 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  55017.5767
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  55017.5829      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5592
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37092
+                          wsmp solve  55025.5154      7.9387      7.9326
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0603731 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1824691 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7940190 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.7239368 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14831.8676596 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2428479 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083640 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.0124438 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10196E+01  0.18296E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40327E-01  0.12528E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72708E+00  0.23142E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  55042.5645     24.9878     17.0491
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14819E+01  0.34449E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  55042.7873     25.2106      0.2228
+                do leaf measurements  55042.7892     25.2125      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  55042.8506     25.2739      0.0614
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0106323 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  55042.8576
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  55042.8637      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5592
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37092
+                          wsmp solve  55050.8268      7.9692      7.9632
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0598841 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1735618 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7966852 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.6461070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14930.9876367 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2432089 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083060 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9281950 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10190E+01  0.19900E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41965E-01  0.12548E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72321E+00  0.23057E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  55067.7923     24.9348     16.9655
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15011E+01  0.34221E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  55068.0153     25.1577      0.2229
+                do leaf measurements  55068.0171     25.1595      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  55068.0761     25.2185      0.0590
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080957 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  55068.0793     25.2217      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  55068.0795     25.2219      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -218131352277501.25 422094189865088.94
+ def in m -8.0859127044677734 0.74579888582229614
+ dimensionless def  -2.04160111291067972E-6 2.31026077270507816E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0203116  0.2304701
+                  Compute divergence  55068.3497     25.4922      0.2703
+                        wsmp_cleanup  55068.3904     25.5328      0.0407
+              Reset surface geometry  55068.3993     25.5417      0.0089
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   55068.4068     25.5492      0.0075
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  55068.4244     25.5668      0.0176
+                   Advect surface  1  55068.4246     25.5670      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  55068.6206     25.7630      0.1960
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  55068.8298     25.9722      0.2093
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  55069.0956     26.2380      0.2657
+                    Advect the cloud  55069.2799     26.4223      0.1843
+                        Write output  55070.1777     27.3201      0.8978
+                    End of time step  55071.0863     28.2287      0.9087
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     338  55071.0865
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  55071.0866      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  55071.0866      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17026points
+                      refine surface  55071.0867      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  55071.1186      0.0320      0.0319
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  55071.1495      0.0630      0.0310
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  55071.1822      0.0956      0.0326
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17027points
+                          surface 02  55071.2077      0.1212      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 2:    17026points
+                      refine surface  55071.2079      0.1214      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  55071.2416      0.1551      0.0337
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  55071.2725      0.1859      0.0309
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  55071.3038      0.2172      0.0313
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17028points
+                          surface 03  55071.3303      0.2437      0.0265
+                                                                        S. 3:    17029points
+                      refine surface  55071.3304      0.2439      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  55071.3629      0.2763      0.0325
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17029points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  55071.3959
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  55071.3962      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  55071.4121      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  55071.4368      0.0409      0.0247
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  55071.4379      0.0420      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  55071.4521      0.0562      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  55071.5742      0.1783      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  55071.8709      0.4750      0.2967
+                embedding surface  1  55071.8710      0.4752      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  55073.9907      2.5948      2.1197
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  55076.1922      4.7964      2.2015
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  55079.8800      8.4841      3.6878
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  55079.8855      8.4896      0.0054
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  55080.4155      9.0196      0.5300
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  55080.5185      9.1226      0.1030
+                           Find void  55080.7903      9.3945      0.2718
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  55080.8316      9.4357      0.0412
+                         wsmp setup1  55080.8434      9.4475      0.0118
+                                                                        n =   128826
+                                                                        nz=  4957884
+                         wsmp setup2  55081.9890     10.5931      1.1455
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  55082.0470
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  55082.0472      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5592
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.42993E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37092
+                          wsmp solve  55089.8516      7.8046      7.8044
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0662930 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1822369 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7957370 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.6481340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14928.3893123 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2428980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083981 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9441540 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10175E+01  0.16443E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95406E-01  0.11241E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75617E+00  0.26249E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  55106.8330     24.7860     16.9814
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35163E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  55107.0562     25.0092      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements  55107.0579     25.0109      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  55107.1191     25.0721      0.0612
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5801072 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  55107.1259
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  55107.1320      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5592
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.42993E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37092
+                          wsmp solve  55115.1501      8.0241      8.0180
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0599649 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1835029 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7960889 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.6489661 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14927.3229836 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2431600 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084159 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9405448 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10195E+01  0.11762E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47749E-01  0.10375E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75906E+00  0.23757E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  55132.1277     25.0018     16.9776
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12362E+01  0.18868E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  55132.3521     25.2262      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  55132.3538     25.2279      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  55132.4151     25.2892      0.0613
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0731172 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  55132.4219
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  55132.4279      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5592
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37092
+                          wsmp solve  55140.3607      7.9388      7.9328
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0631599 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2240939 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7979789 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.7149720 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14843.2176130 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2424960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083470 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.0514870 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10212E+01  0.13860E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41129E-01  0.11884E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73915E+00  0.23668E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  55157.4495     25.0276     17.0888
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13456E+01  0.29291E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  55157.6725     25.2507      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements  55157.6743     25.2524      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  55157.7355     25.3136      0.0612
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0358409 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  55157.7424
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  55157.7485      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5592
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37092
+                          wsmp solve  55165.7527      8.0103      8.0042
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0624352 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1775851 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7978530 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.6582971 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14915.3755551 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2430432 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083480 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9480081 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10208E+01  0.16200E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40989E-01  0.12240E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72935E+00  0.23276E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  55182.7380     24.9957     16.9853
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14339E+01  0.33267E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  55182.9639     25.2215      0.2259
+                do leaf measurements  55182.9657     25.2233      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  55183.0275     25.2851      0.0618
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158779 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  55183.0344
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  55183.0406      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5592
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37092
+                          wsmp solve  55191.0201      7.9857      7.9795
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0637419 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1744511 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7956321 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.6663401 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14905.0925424 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2431631 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084419 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9522200 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10201E+01  0.18078E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40508E-01  0.12506E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72560E+00  0.23137E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  55208.0094     24.9750     16.9893
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14739E+01  0.34048E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  55208.2338     25.1994      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  55208.2355     25.2011      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  55208.2973     25.2629      0.0618
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0106295 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  55208.3043
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  55208.3103      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5592
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37092
+                          wsmp solve  55216.2423      7.9380      7.9320
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0610130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2276049 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8026640 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.6584260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14915.2105369 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2428849 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085180 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.0015590 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10196E+01  0.19705E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41899E-01  0.12527E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72201E+00  0.23057E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  55233.2814     24.9771     17.0391
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14927E+01  0.33837E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  55233.5044     25.2002      0.2230
+                do leaf measurements  55233.5061     25.2019      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  55233.5651     25.2608      0.0589
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0081423 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  55233.5682     25.2639      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  55233.5684     25.2641      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -218393089303168.88 423062824106257.25
+ def in m -8.1064815521240234 0.75623279809951782
+ dimensionless def  -2.16066513742719384E-6 2.31613758632114966E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0214601  0.2310697
+                  Compute divergence  55233.8421     25.5378      0.2737
+                        wsmp_cleanup  55233.8822     25.5779      0.0401
+              Reset surface geometry  55233.8924     25.5882      0.0103
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   55233.9004     25.5962      0.0080
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  55233.9178     25.6136      0.0174
+                   Advect surface  1  55233.9180     25.6137      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  55234.1244     25.8201      0.2064
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  55234.3342     26.0300      0.2099
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  55234.5994     26.2952      0.2652
+                    Advect the cloud  55234.7808     26.4765      0.1814
+                        Write output  55235.6833     27.3791      0.9026
+                    End of time step  55236.5957     28.2915      0.9124
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     339  55236.5959
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  55236.5960      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  55236.5961      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17027points
+                      refine surface  55236.5961      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  55236.6283      0.0324      0.0322
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  55236.6593      0.0634      0.0310
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  55236.6927      0.0968      0.0334
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17029points
+                          surface 02  55236.7180      0.1220      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 2:    17028points
+                      refine surface  55236.7181      0.1222      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  55236.7530      0.1570      0.0349
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  55236.7829      0.1869      0.0299
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  55236.8161      0.2201      0.0332
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17029points
+                          surface 03  55236.8420      0.2461      0.0259
+                                                                        S. 3:    17029points
+                      refine surface  55236.8421      0.2462      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  55236.8768      0.2809      0.0347
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  55236.9113      0.3153      0.0345
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  55236.9442      0.3482      0.0329
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17030points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  55236.9777
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  55236.9779      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  55236.9939      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  55237.0183      0.0406      0.0244
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  55237.0193      0.0417      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  55237.0335      0.0558      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  55237.1558      0.1781      0.1223
+             Imbed surface in osolve  55237.4515      0.4738      0.2957
+                embedding surface  1  55237.4516      0.4740      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  55239.5706      2.5929      2.1189
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  55241.8008      4.8231      2.2302
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  55245.4938      8.5161      3.6930
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  55245.4994      8.5217      0.0056
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  55246.0628      9.0852      0.5635
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  55246.1458      9.1682      0.0830
+                           Find void  55246.4154      9.4378      0.2696
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  55246.4576      9.4800      0.0422
+                         wsmp setup1  55246.4693      9.4916      0.0116
+                                                                        n =   128826
+                                                                        nz=  4957884
+                         wsmp setup2  55247.6106     10.6330      1.1414
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  55247.6661
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  55247.6662      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5592
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.68891E-05  7.61109E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37092
+                          wsmp solve  55255.4283      7.7622      7.7620
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0642581 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2186470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8036830 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.6563001 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14917.9309042 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2428381 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083449 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9945440 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10138E+01  0.16260E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95661E-01  0.11186E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75551E+00  0.25977E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  55272.4592     24.7932     17.0310
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35159E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  55272.6819     25.0158      0.2227
+                do leaf measurements  55272.6837     25.0176      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  55272.7438     25.0777      0.0601
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5803016 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  55272.7507
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  55272.7567      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5592
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.71465E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37092
+                          wsmp solve  55280.7354      7.9847      7.9787
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0602300 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1853881 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7966168 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.6644940 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14907.4514891 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2425010 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083270 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9580061 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10202E+01  0.11574E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47061E-01  0.10322E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75749E+00  0.23587E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  55297.7309     24.9802     16.9954
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12395E+01  0.19134E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  55297.9547     25.2040      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  55297.9566     25.2059      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  55298.0172     25.2665      0.0606
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0674324 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  55298.0242
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  55298.0303      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5592
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37092
+                          wsmp solve  55305.9611      7.9368      7.9307
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0622060 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1830778 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7972472 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.7187209 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14838.4691728 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2422731 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083439 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.0123100 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10215E+01  0.13693E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41218E-01  0.11847E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73896E+00  0.23601E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  55323.0096     24.9854     17.0485
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13441E+01  0.29178E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  55323.2327     25.2085      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements  55323.2345     25.2103      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  55323.2946     25.2704      0.0601
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0359770 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  55323.3016
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  55323.3076      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5592
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37092
+                          wsmp solve  55331.2670      7.9654      7.9593
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0597050 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1845999 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7959790 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.6388280 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14940.3254714 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2433050 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083489 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9312069 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10210E+01  0.16037E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41057E-01  0.12220E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72894E+00  0.23235E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  55348.2352     24.9337     16.9683
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14310E+01  0.33075E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  55348.4580     25.1565      0.2228
+                do leaf measurements  55348.4598     25.1583      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  55348.5200     25.2184      0.0601
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0157141 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  55348.5269
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  55348.5330      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5592
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37092
+                          wsmp solve  55356.5485      8.0215      8.0154
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0619500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1870151 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7969329 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.6447260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14932.7582670 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2428820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083840 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9423201 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10203E+01  0.17945E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40600E-01  0.12483E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72509E+00  0.23094E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  55373.5270     25.0000     16.9785
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14699E+01  0.33881E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  55373.7511     25.2241      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  55373.7529     25.2260      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  55373.8130     25.2861      0.0601
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0105778 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  55373.8199
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  55373.8259      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5592
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37092
+                          wsmp solve  55381.7620      7.9421      7.9361
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0627081 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2214971 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7994089 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.7232890 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14832.6872109 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2417839 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086341 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.0578659 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10198E+01  0.19578E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41918E-01  0.12508E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72159E+00  0.23026E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  55398.8564     25.0365     17.0944
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14885E+01  0.33707E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  55399.0793     25.2594      0.2229
+                do leaf measurements  55399.0811     25.2612      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  55399.1389     25.3190      0.0578
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0081656 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  55399.1421     25.3222      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  55399.1423     25.3224      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -218639284049331.41 424049564394602.19
+ def in m -8.1147804260253906 0.78557556867599487
+ dimensionless def  -2.24450162478855657E-6 2.31850869315011168E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0222708  0.2313094
+                  Compute divergence  55399.4192     25.5993      0.2769
+                        wsmp_cleanup  55399.4580     25.6381      0.0389
+              Reset surface geometry  55399.4679     25.6480      0.0099
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   55399.4768     25.6569      0.0089
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  55399.4958     25.6759      0.0190
+                   Advect surface  1  55399.4960     25.6761      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  55399.6993     25.8794      0.2034
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  55399.9023     26.0824      0.2029
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  55400.1708     26.3509      0.2685
+                    Advect the cloud  55400.3535     26.5336      0.1827
+                        Write output  55401.2530     27.4331      0.8995
+                    End of time step  55402.1608     28.3409      0.9078
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     340  55402.1611
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  55402.1611      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  55402.1612      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17029points
+                      refine surface  55402.1612      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  55402.1928      0.0317      0.0316
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  55402.2248      0.0637      0.0320
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  55402.2570      0.0960      0.0323
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17030points
+                          surface 02  55402.2832      0.1221      0.0261
+                                                                        S. 2:    17029points
+                      refine surface  55402.2833      0.1223      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  55402.3167      0.1556      0.0333
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  55402.3485      0.1874      0.0318
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  55402.3812      0.2202      0.0327
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17030points
+                          surface 03  55402.4074      0.2464      0.0262
+                                                                        S. 3:    17030points
+                      refine surface  55402.4076      0.2465      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  55402.4439      0.2829      0.0363
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  55402.4728      0.3117      0.0289
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  55402.5053      0.3443      0.0326
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17032points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  55402.5388
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  55402.5390      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  55402.5550      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  55402.5793      0.0406      0.0243
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  55402.5804      0.0417      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  55402.5946      0.0558      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  55402.7168      0.1781      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  55403.0147      0.4759      0.2978
+                embedding surface  1  55403.0148      0.4761      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  55405.1327      2.5939      2.1179
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  55407.3786      4.8399      2.2459
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  55411.0950      8.5563      3.7164
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  55411.1039      8.5651      0.0088
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  55411.6008      9.0620      0.4969
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  55411.7384      9.1997      0.1376
+                           Find void  55412.0116      9.4729      0.2732
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32992
+          Define boundary conditions  55412.0525      9.5137      0.0409
+                         wsmp setup1  55412.0640      9.5252      0.0115
+                                                                        n =   128832
+                                                                        nz=  4958049
+                         wsmp setup2  55413.2059     10.6671      1.1419
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  55413.2637
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  55413.2639      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4631        5592
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.45659E-05  7.97496E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37093
+                          wsmp solve  55421.0346      7.7709      7.7707
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0663259 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2847431 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7997348 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.0732429 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14141.9532318 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2296600 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084541 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4625919 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10188E+01  0.18621E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94854E-01  0.12609E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75961E+00  0.24454E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  55437.5316     24.2679     16.4970
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35173E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  55437.7537     24.4900      0.2221
+                do leaf measurements  55437.7555     24.4918      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  55437.8158     24.5521      0.0604
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5977858 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  55437.8227
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  55437.8288      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4631        5592
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.46397E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37093
+                          wsmp solve  55445.8363      8.0136      8.0076
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0645831 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2721150 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7950900 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9763281 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14266.8186789 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2305660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085151 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3476291 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10198E+01  0.13525E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.50442E-01  0.99214E-01
+                                                                        w : -0.76237E+00  0.22533E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  55462.2180     24.3953     16.3816
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12480E+01  0.19720E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  55462.4416     24.6189      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements  55462.4434     24.6207      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  55462.5032     24.6805      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0760847 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  55462.5103
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  55462.5165      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4631        5592
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37093
+                          wsmp solve  55470.4924      7.9821      7.9759
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0597670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2655051 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7915580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9924140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14245.9411817 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2311721 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085568 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3494060 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10217E+01  0.15286E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38725E-01  0.11720E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74267E+00  0.22967E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  55486.8764     24.3662     16.3841
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13673E+01  0.31274E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  55487.1011     24.5908      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  55487.1028     24.5926      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  55487.1624     24.6521      0.0596
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362031 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  55487.1693
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  55487.1754      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4631        5592
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37093
+                          wsmp solve  55495.1089      7.9396      7.9336
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0633781 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2864869 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7995250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9923830 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14245.9813499 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2302659 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084510 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3809240 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10207E+01  0.17490E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37872E-01  0.12152E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73326E+00  0.22730E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  55511.5235     24.3542     16.4146
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14606E+01  0.35789E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  55511.7453     24.5760      0.2218
+                do leaf measurements  55511.7472     24.5779      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  55511.8066     24.6373      0.0594
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0155279 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  55511.8135
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  55511.8196      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4631        5592
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37093
+                          wsmp solve  55519.8092      7.9957      7.9896
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0578179 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2840590 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7932589 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9777200 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14265.0097596 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2311869 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084879 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3529580 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10201E+01  0.19352E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40633E-01  0.12434E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73004E+00  0.22649E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  55536.1966     24.3831     16.3874
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15030E+01  0.36519E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  55536.4201     24.6066      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements  55536.4220     24.6085      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  55536.4819     24.6684      0.0599
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0111045 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  55536.4889
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  55536.4951      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4631        5592
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37093
+                          wsmp solve  55544.4346      7.9457      7.9396
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0623722 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2657568 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7926080 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.0611241 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14157.4474739 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2298999 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084870 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4206779 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10195E+01  0.20955E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42959E-01  0.12457E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72658E+00  0.22604E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  55560.8889     24.4000     16.4542
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15235E+01  0.36176E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  55561.1111     24.6222      0.2222
+                do leaf measurements  55561.1129     24.6240      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  55561.1699     24.6810      0.0570
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080280 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  55561.1730     24.6841      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  55561.1732     24.6843      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -218865294913884.91 425053151475858.63
+ def in m -8.1108846664428711 0.8008263111114502
+ dimensionless def  -2.28807517460414339E-6 2.31739561898367751E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0226876  0.2311951
+                  Compute divergence  55561.4482     24.9593      0.2750
+                        wsmp_cleanup  55561.4870     24.9981      0.0388
+              Reset surface geometry  55561.4971     25.0082      0.0101
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   55561.5056     25.0167      0.0085
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  55561.5236     25.0347      0.0181
+                   Advect surface  1  55561.5238     25.0349      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  55561.7281     25.2392      0.2043
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  55561.9468     25.4579      0.2187
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  55562.2108     25.7219      0.2639
+                    Advect the cloud  55562.3934     25.9045      0.1826
+                        Write output  55563.2967     26.8078      0.9033
+                    End of time step  55564.2063     27.7174      0.9096
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     341  55564.2065
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  55564.2065      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  55564.2066      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17030points
+                      refine surface  55564.2066      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  55564.2358      0.0293      0.0292
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  55564.2634      0.0570      0.0276
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  55564.2936      0.0871      0.0301
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17031points
+                          surface 02  55564.3163      0.1098      0.0227
+                                                                        S. 2:    17029points
+                      refine surface  55564.3165      0.1100      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  55564.3480      0.1415      0.0315
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  55564.3767      0.1702      0.0287
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  55564.4076      0.2011      0.0309
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17030points
+                          surface 03  55564.4313      0.2248      0.0237
+                                                                        S. 3:    17032points
+                      refine surface  55564.4314      0.2250      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  55564.4649      0.2584      0.0334
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  55564.4931      0.2866      0.0282
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  55564.5250      0.3185      0.0319
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17034points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  55564.5569
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  55564.5572      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  55564.5731      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  55564.5972      0.0403      0.0241
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  55564.5984      0.0415      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  55564.6125      0.0556      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  55564.7347      0.1778      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  55565.0311      0.4742      0.2964
+                embedding surface  1  55565.0312      0.4743      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  55567.1518      2.5950      2.1206
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  55569.3556      4.7987      2.2038
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  55573.0080      8.4511      3.6524
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  55573.0134      8.4566      0.0054
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  55573.5175      8.9606      0.5041
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  55573.6596      9.1027      0.1420
+                           Find void  55573.9331      9.3762      0.2735
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32993
+          Define boundary conditions  55573.9739      9.4170      0.0408
+                         wsmp setup1  55573.9855      9.4286      0.0117
+                                                                        n =   128835
+                                                                        nz=  4958172
+                         wsmp setup2  55575.1276     10.5707      1.1421
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  55575.1825
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  55575.1826      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.05309E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37094
+                          wsmp solve  55582.9512      7.7687      7.7686
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0622089 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2385230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7938459 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9922888 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14265.7510505 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2306170 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082810 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3262269 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10424E+01  0.19409E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95115E-01  0.12522E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76286E+00  0.25793E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  55599.3128     24.1304     16.3616
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35154E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  55599.5352     24.3528      0.2224
+                do leaf measurements  55599.5371     24.3546      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  55599.5972     24.4147      0.0601
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5984598 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  55599.6041
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  55599.6102      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.05309E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37094
+                          wsmp solve  55607.6148      8.0107      8.0046
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0598071 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2117569 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7953250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9148500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14366.9639018 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2292700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082119 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2196620 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10206E+01  0.14363E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.50260E-01  0.99757E-01
+                                                                        w : -0.76514E+00  0.22139E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  55623.8701     24.2660     16.2553
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12539E+01  0.19981E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  55624.0935     24.4894      0.2234
+                do leaf measurements  55624.0953     24.4912      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  55624.1558     24.5518      0.0605
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0779604 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  55624.1629
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  55624.1690      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37094
+                          wsmp solve  55632.1588      7.9959      7.9898
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0587461 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2083468 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7930400 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9118280 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14370.9427333 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2294979 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082650 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2101800 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10224E+01  0.15979E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38519E-01  0.11843E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74585E+00  0.22862E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  55648.4041     24.2412     16.2453
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13834E+01  0.32248E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  55648.6282     24.4653      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  55648.6300     24.4672      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  55648.6901     24.5272      0.0601
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360689 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  55648.6969
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  55648.7029      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37094
+                          wsmp solve  55656.6341      7.9372      7.9312
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0591581 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2431290 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7997119 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9413209 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14332.2051681 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2292430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082688 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2812591 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10213E+01  0.18041E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37897E-01  0.12226E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73649E+00  0.22646E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  55672.9508     24.2539     16.3167
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14802E+01  0.37100E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  55673.1728     24.4759      0.2220
+                do leaf measurements  55673.1747     24.4777      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  55673.2346     24.5376      0.0599
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0154233 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  55673.2415
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  55673.2476      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37094
+                          wsmp solve  55681.2215      7.9800      7.9739
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0585520 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2095830 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7945929 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9134629 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14368.7899668 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2293670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082889 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2142889 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10205E+01  0.19849E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40707E-01  0.12504E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73291E+00  0.22587E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  55697.4713     24.2297     16.2498
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15221E+01  0.37729E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  55697.6947     24.4531      0.2234
+                do leaf measurements  55697.6965     24.4550      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  55697.7570     24.5155      0.0605
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0111857 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  55697.7639
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  55697.7701      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37094
+                          wsmp solve  55705.7018      7.9379      7.9317
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0593650 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2119520 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7929270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9774990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14284.9710829 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2291939 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082760 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2796478 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10197E+01  0.21421E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43073E-01  0.12511E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72901E+00  0.22560E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  55722.0176     24.2537     16.3158
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15420E+01  0.37238E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  55722.2399     24.4760      0.2223
+                do leaf measurements  55722.2417     24.4778      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  55722.2996     24.5357      0.0579
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080847 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  55722.3028     24.5389      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  55722.3029     24.5390      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -218973295547956.38 426132458536967.06
+ def in m -8.0088777542114258 0.75568926334381104
+ dimensionless def  -1.94848861013139984E-6 2.28825078691755022E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0193936  0.2282335
+                  Compute divergence  55722.5804     24.8165      0.2774
+                        wsmp_cleanup  55722.6190     24.8551      0.0386
+              Reset surface geometry  55722.6282     24.8643      0.0092
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   55722.6369     24.8730      0.0087
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  55722.6559     24.8920      0.0190
+                   Advect surface  1  55722.6560     24.8921      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  55722.8612     25.0973      0.2051
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  55723.0683     25.3043      0.2071
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  55723.3351     25.5712      0.2668
+                    Advect the cloud  55723.5190     25.7551      0.1839
+                        Write output  55724.4204     26.6564      0.9014
+                    End of time step  55725.3279     27.5640      0.9076
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     342  55725.3282
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  55725.3282      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  55725.3283      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17031points
+                      refine surface  55725.3283      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  55725.3566      0.0284      0.0283
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17031points
+                          surface 02  55725.3793      0.0512      0.0227
+                                                                        S. 2:    17030points
+                      refine surface  55725.3795      0.0513      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  55725.4109      0.0828      0.0314
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  55725.4388      0.1106      0.0279
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  55725.4694      0.1412      0.0306
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17032points
+                          surface 03  55725.4930      0.1648      0.0236
+                                                                        S. 3:    17034points
+                      refine surface  55725.4931      0.1650      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  55725.5252      0.1971      0.0321
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  55725.5553      0.2272      0.0301
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  55725.5912      0.2630      0.0359
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17035points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  55725.6226
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  55725.6229      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  55725.6388      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  55725.6634      0.0408      0.0245
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  55725.6645      0.0419      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  55725.6786      0.0560      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  55725.8008      0.1782      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  55726.0994      0.4768      0.2986
+                embedding surface  1  55726.0996      0.4770      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  55728.2134      2.5908      2.1138
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  55730.4374      4.8148      2.2240
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  55734.1547      8.5321      3.7173
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  55734.1633      8.5407      0.0086
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  55734.6596      9.0370      0.4963
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  55734.8001      9.1774      0.1404
+                           Find void  55735.0729      9.4503      0.2728
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32993
+          Define boundary conditions  55735.1143      9.4917      0.0414
+                         wsmp setup1  55735.1257      9.5031      0.0114
+                                                                        n =   128835
+                                                                        nz=  4958172
+                         wsmp setup2  55736.2667     10.6440      1.1410
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  55736.3225
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  55736.3226      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.22832E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37094
+                          wsmp solve  55744.0910      7.7686      7.7684
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0661871 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2274749 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7932789 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9896860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14269.1297749 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2293470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082321 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3146782 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10506E+01  0.19412E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95382E-01  0.12315E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76405E+00  0.25098E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  55760.4408     24.1183     16.3498
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35178E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  55760.6634     24.3409      0.2226
+                do leaf measurements  55760.6651     24.3427      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  55760.7245     24.4020      0.0594
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5963381 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  55760.7316
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  55760.7376      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.22832E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37094
+                          wsmp solve  55768.7317      8.0001      7.9941
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0584390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2098880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7945068 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9227519 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14356.5703294 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2291160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083292 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2234960 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10196E+01  0.14505E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.50129E-01  0.10014E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76632E+00  0.22131E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  55784.9910     24.2595     16.2593
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12551E+01  0.19774E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  55785.2138     24.4822      0.2228
+                do leaf measurements  55785.2156     24.4840      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  55785.2753     24.5438      0.0597
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0766985 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  55785.2826
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  55785.2887      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37094
+                          wsmp solve  55793.2919      8.0093      8.0032
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0597470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2078741 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7973909 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9067290 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14377.6613630 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2298210 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082371 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2102780 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10217E+01  0.16106E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38462E-01  0.11848E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74749E+00  0.22866E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  55809.5383     24.2557     16.2464
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13877E+01  0.32499E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  55809.7625     24.4799      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  55809.7643     24.4817      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  55809.8235     24.5410      0.0593
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0359657 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  55809.8306
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  55809.8366      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37094
+                          wsmp solve  55817.7720      7.9413      7.9354
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0596869 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2458131 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8008268 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9497170 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14321.2153567 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2294171 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082200 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2941279 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10207E+01  0.18115E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38056E-01  0.12236E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73799E+00  0.22646E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  55834.1008     24.2702     16.3288
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14847E+01  0.37421E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  55834.3225     24.4919      0.2217
+                do leaf measurements  55834.3243     24.4937      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  55834.3835     24.5529      0.0592
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0153991 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  55834.3906
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  55834.3967      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37094
+                          wsmp solve  55842.3830      7.9924      7.9863
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0607011 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2074370 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7943168 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9236081 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14355.4451026 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2294080 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082660 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2242010 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10201E+01  0.19909E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40879E-01  0.12500E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73415E+00  0.22584E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  55858.6427     24.2521     16.2597
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15273E+01  0.37999E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  55858.8654     24.4748      0.2227
+                do leaf measurements  55858.8672     24.4766      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  55858.9268     24.5362      0.0596
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0111238 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  55858.9340
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  55858.9402      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37094
+                          wsmp solve  55866.8754      7.9415      7.9353
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0612888 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2085280 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7918971 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9693422 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14295.5933529 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2292411 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082288 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2689800 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10194E+01  0.21477E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43222E-01  0.12511E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73002E+00  0.22553E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  55883.1801     24.2461     16.3047
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15466E+01  0.37482E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  55883.4030     24.4690      0.2229
+                do leaf measurements  55883.4048     24.4708      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  55883.4617     24.5277      0.0569
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080977 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  55883.4649     24.5309      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  55883.4651     24.5311      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -219145803517587.63 427152446778861.25
+ def in m -7.9471478462219238 0.77466243505477905
+ dimensionless def  -1.75755075045994332E-6 2.27061367034912114E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0173788  0.2264147
+                  Compute divergence  55883.7454     24.8114      0.2803
+                        wsmp_cleanup  55883.7836     24.8496      0.0382
+              Reset surface geometry  55883.7935     24.8595      0.0099
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   55883.8022     24.8682      0.0087
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  55883.8204     24.8865      0.0182
+                   Advect surface  1  55883.8206     24.8866      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  55884.0220     25.0880      0.2014
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  55884.2300     25.2961      0.2081
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  55884.4963     25.5623      0.2662
+                    Advect the cloud  55884.6762     25.7422      0.1800
+                        Write output  55885.5765     26.6425      0.9002
+                    End of time step  55886.4862     27.5522      0.9097
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     343  55886.4863
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  55886.4864      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  55886.4865      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17031points
+                      refine surface  55886.4865      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  55886.5201      0.0338      0.0336
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  55886.5478      0.0615      0.0277
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  55886.5833      0.0970      0.0355
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17032points
+                          surface 02  55886.6061      0.1197      0.0228
+                                                                        S. 2:    17032points
+                      refine surface  55886.6062      0.1199      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  55886.6410      0.1547      0.0348
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17032points
+                          surface 03  55886.6654      0.1791      0.0244
+                                                                        S. 3:    17035points
+                      refine surface  55886.6656      0.1792      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  55886.7016      0.2152      0.0360
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17035points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  55886.7328
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  55886.7331      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  55886.7490      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  55886.7731      0.0403      0.0241
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  55886.7743      0.0414      0.0012
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  55886.7884      0.0556      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  55886.9106      0.1778      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  55887.2060      0.4731      0.2953
+                embedding surface  1  55887.2062      0.4733      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  55889.3032      2.5704      2.0971
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  55891.5398      4.8070      2.2366
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  55895.2356      8.5028      3.6958
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  55895.2426      8.5098      0.0070
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  55895.7657      9.0329      0.5231
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  55895.9017      9.1688      0.1359
+                           Find void  55896.1727      9.4398      0.2710
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32993
+          Define boundary conditions  55896.2148      9.4820      0.0421
+                         wsmp setup1  55896.2270      9.4941      0.0122
+                                                                        n =   128835
+                                                                        nz=  4958172
+                         wsmp setup2  55897.3807     10.6478      1.1537
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  55897.4360
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  55897.4361      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.46003E-05  8.89066E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37094
+                          wsmp solve  55905.1900      7.7541      7.7539
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0629661 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2132280 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7941339 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9854932 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14274.5758684 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2388539 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082221 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3033621 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10365E+01  0.19507E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95028E-01  0.12396E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76395E+00  0.24630E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  55921.5289     24.0930     16.3389
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35185E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  55921.7512     24.3153      0.2223
+                do leaf measurements  55921.7530     24.3170      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  55921.8121     24.3761      0.0591
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5964563 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  55921.8190
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  55921.8250      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.55643E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37094
+                          wsmp solve  55929.8084      7.9894      7.9834
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0612218 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2041321 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7961159 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9131250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14369.2347834 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2295501 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082562 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2128429 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10189E+01  0.14637E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.50321E-01  0.10019E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76703E+00  0.22104E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  55946.0573     24.2383     16.2489
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12560E+01  0.19703E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  55946.2805     24.4615      0.2232
+                do leaf measurements  55946.2823     24.4633      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  55946.3415     24.5225      0.0592
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0766049 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  55946.3484
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  55946.3544      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37094
+                          wsmp solve  55954.3688      8.0204      8.0144
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0611851 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2063870 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7917840 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.8997700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14386.8407852 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2297630 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082040 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1975660 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10212E+01  0.16222E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38612E-01  0.11864E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74811E+00  0.22839E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  55970.6010     24.2526     16.2322
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13915E+01  0.32746E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  55970.8247     24.4764      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  55970.8265     24.4781      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  55970.8857     24.5373      0.0592
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361381 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  55970.8925
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  55970.8984      0.0059      0.0059
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37094
+                          wsmp solve  55978.8311      7.9386      7.9327
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0626020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2442110 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8000860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9746730 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14288.6494592 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2296259 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0081911 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3198099 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10205E+01  0.18202E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38172E-01  0.12252E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73868E+00  0.22615E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  55995.1858     24.2933     16.3547
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14886E+01  0.37657E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  55995.4081     24.5156      0.2223
+                do leaf measurements  55995.4098     24.5173      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  55995.4690     24.5765      0.0591
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0153482 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  55995.4759
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  55995.4819      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37094
+                          wsmp solve  56003.4787      8.0029      7.9969
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0621510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2096410 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7952869 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9088039 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14374.9265968 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2293200 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082881 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2141011 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10198E+01  0.19976E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40936E-01  0.12520E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73478E+00  0.22545E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  56019.7287     24.2528     16.2499
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15307E+01  0.38197E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  56019.9519     24.4760      0.2232
+                do leaf measurements  56019.9536     24.4778      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  56020.0134     24.5376      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0111210 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  56020.0204
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  56020.0265      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37094
+                          wsmp solve  56027.9732      7.9528      7.9467
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0639131 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2079270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7972090 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9601948 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14307.5244904 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2288220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082490 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2667460 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10193E+01  0.21540E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43288E-01  0.12529E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73049E+00  0.22518E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  56044.2754     24.2550     16.3022
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15504E+01  0.37682E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  56044.4981     24.4777      0.2228
+                do leaf measurements  56044.4999     24.4795      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  56044.5567     24.5363      0.0569
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080960 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  56044.5599     24.5395      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  56044.5600     24.5396      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -219360015816539.72 428122179202042.94
+ def in m -7.9167971611022949 0.78638792037963867
+ dimensionless def  -1.66668721607753196E-6 2.26194204602922695E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0163696  0.2255000
+                  Compute divergence  56044.8366     24.8162      0.2766
+                        wsmp_cleanup  56044.8750     24.8546      0.0383
+              Reset surface geometry  56044.8844     24.8640      0.0095
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   56044.8930     24.8726      0.0085
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  56044.9107     24.8903      0.0178
+                   Advect surface  1  56044.9109     24.8905      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  56045.1159     25.0955      0.2051
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  56045.3245     25.3041      0.2086
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  56045.5959     25.5755      0.2714
+                    Advect the cloud  56045.7811     25.7607      0.1852
+                        Write output  56046.6886     26.6682      0.9075
+                    End of time step  56047.5965     27.5761      0.9079
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     344  56047.5967
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  56047.5968      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  56047.5968      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17032points
+                      refine surface  56047.5969      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  56047.6347      0.0380      0.0378
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  56047.6623      0.0656      0.0277
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  56047.6984      0.1017      0.0361
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17034points
+                          surface 02  56047.7213      0.1246      0.0229
+                                                                        S. 2:    17032points
+                      refine surface  56047.7214      0.1247      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  56047.7589      0.1622      0.0375
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  56047.7935      0.1968      0.0345
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  56047.8307      0.2340      0.0372
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17034points
+                          surface 03  56047.8546      0.2579      0.0239
+                                                                        S. 3:    17035points
+                      refine surface  56047.8547      0.2580      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  56047.8936      0.2969      0.0389
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  56047.9242      0.3275      0.0306
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  56047.9611      0.3644      0.0369
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17037points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  56047.9932
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  56047.9935      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  56048.0094      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  56048.0332      0.0400      0.0238
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  56048.0343      0.0411      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  56048.0485      0.0552      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  56048.1706      0.1774      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  56048.4624      0.4692      0.2918
+                embedding surface  1  56048.4626      0.4694      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  56050.5671      2.5738      2.1045
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  56052.7601      4.7669      2.1930
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  56056.4369      8.4437      3.6768
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  56056.4425      8.4493      0.0056
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  56056.9950      9.0018      0.5525
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  56057.1077      9.1145      0.1127
+                           Find void  56057.3810      9.3878      0.2733
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32993
+          Define boundary conditions  56057.4245      9.4313      0.0435
+                         wsmp setup1  56057.4363      9.4431      0.0118
+                                                                        n =   128835
+                                                                        nz=  4958172
+                         wsmp setup2  56058.5835     10.5903      1.1471
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  56058.6402
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  56058.6404      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.54590E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37094
+                          wsmp solve  56066.3955      7.7553      7.7551
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0624619 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2066212 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7932241 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9723320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14291.6980532 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2296360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082989 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2730069 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10579E+01  0.19483E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94730E-01  0.12255E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76334E+00  0.24139E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  56082.7042     24.0640     16.3087
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35173E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  56082.9267     24.2865      0.2225
+                do leaf measurements  56082.9285     24.2883      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  56082.9890     24.3488      0.0605
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5966793 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  56082.9958
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  56083.0019      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.70269E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37094
+                          wsmp solve  56090.9744      7.9786      7.9725
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0587940 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2043540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7948701 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9110801 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14371.9278147 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2291958 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083220 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2070570 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10186E+01  0.14664E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.50374E-01  0.10062E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76718E+00  0.22038E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  56107.2170     24.2212     16.2426
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12561E+01  0.19711E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  56107.4391     24.4433      0.2221
+                do leaf measurements  56107.4408     24.4450      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  56107.5011     24.5053      0.0602
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0769101 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  56107.5083
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  56107.5145      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37094
+                          wsmp solve  56115.5289      8.0205      8.0144
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0585601 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2046020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7942450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.8991189 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14387.7002654 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2298350 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082769 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1951029 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10210E+01  0.16260E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38726E-01  0.11878E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74835E+00  0.22793E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  56131.7594     24.2511     16.2305
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13926E+01  0.32799E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  56131.9826     24.4743      0.2232
+                do leaf measurements  56131.9844     24.4760      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  56132.0448     24.5364      0.0604
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0359790 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  56132.0516
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  56132.0577      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37094
+                          wsmp solve  56139.9922      7.9406      7.9346
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0609119 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2463801 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7986059 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9927511 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14265.1511128 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2295768 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082600 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3369360 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10204E+01  0.18230E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38327E-01  0.12272E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73898E+00  0.22589E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  56156.3642     24.3125     16.3719
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14900E+01  0.37750E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  56156.5864     24.5348      0.2223
+                do leaf measurements  56156.5882     24.5366      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  56156.6486     24.5969      0.0604
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0154116 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  56156.6555
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  56156.6616      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37094
+                          wsmp solve  56164.6669      8.0114      8.0053
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0593979 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2080071 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7945380 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9061410 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14378.4364497 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2290771 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082431 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2058501 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10198E+01  0.19991E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41088E-01  0.12524E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73506E+00  0.22531E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  56180.9077     24.2522     16.2408
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15320E+01  0.38279E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  56181.1313     24.4758      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements  56181.1332     24.4777      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  56181.1939     24.5384      0.0607
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0110858 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  56181.2008
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  56181.2069      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37094
+                          wsmp solve  56189.1640      7.9633      7.9572
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0608599 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2094860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7947159 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9506462 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14320.0002606 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2291191 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083451 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2536139 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10193E+01  0.21553E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43397E-01  0.12535E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73078E+00  0.22508E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  56205.4528     24.2521     16.2888
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15515E+01  0.37737E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  56205.6755     24.4747      0.2227
+                do leaf measurements  56205.6773     24.4765      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  56205.7352     24.5345      0.0580
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080893 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  56205.7384     24.5376      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  56205.7385     24.5378      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -219583293900667.19 429072806061692.5
+ def in m -7.9004659652709961 0.7932358980178833
+ dimensionless def  -1.61649124962942936E-6 2.2572759900774277E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0157884  0.2249959
+                  Compute divergence  56206.0129     24.8122      0.2744
+                        wsmp_cleanup  56206.0526     24.8518      0.0396
+              Reset surface geometry  56206.0624     24.8616      0.0099
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   56206.0706     24.8699      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  56206.0880     24.8873      0.0174
+                   Advect surface  1  56206.0882     24.8874      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  56206.2917     25.0910      0.2036
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  56206.4999     25.2991      0.2081
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  56206.7689     25.5682      0.2691
+                    Advect the cloud  56206.9528     25.7521      0.1839
+                        Write output  56207.8608     26.6601      0.9080
+                    End of time step  56208.7675     27.5668      0.9067
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     345  56208.7677
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  56208.7678      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  56208.7678      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17034points
+                      refine surface  56208.7679      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  56208.8056      0.0378      0.0377
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  56208.8347      0.0670      0.0291
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  56208.8717      0.1040      0.0370
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17035points
+                          surface 02  56208.8962      0.1285      0.0245
+                                                                        S. 2:    17034points
+                      refine surface  56208.8964      0.1287      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  56208.9342      0.1665      0.0378
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  56208.9680      0.2002      0.0338
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  56209.0052      0.2375      0.0372
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17035points
+                          surface 03  56209.0294      0.2616      0.0242
+                                                                        S. 3:    17037points
+                      refine surface  56209.0295      0.2618      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  56209.0657      0.2979      0.0361
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17037points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  56209.0975
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  56209.0978      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  56209.1137      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  56209.1377      0.0402      0.0240
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  56209.1389      0.0413      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  56209.1530      0.0555      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  56209.2752      0.1777      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  56209.5690      0.4715      0.2938
+                embedding surface  1  56209.5692      0.4717      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  56211.6729      2.5754      2.1037
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  56213.8730      4.7755      2.2001
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  56217.5678      8.4703      3.6948
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  56217.5774      8.4799      0.0095
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  56218.1219      9.0244      0.5446
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  56218.2266      9.1291      0.1047
+                           Find void  56218.4971      9.3996      0.2705
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32993
+          Define boundary conditions  56218.5394      9.4419      0.0423
+                         wsmp setup1  56218.5513      9.4538      0.0119
+                                                                        n =   128835
+                                                                        nz=  4958172
+                         wsmp setup2  56219.7036     10.6060      1.1522
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  56219.7588
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  56219.7590      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.71277E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37094
+                          wsmp solve  56227.5171      7.7583      7.7581
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0623291 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2063570 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7918489 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9685700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14296.5998284 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2293060 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082479 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2670829 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10853E+01  0.19436E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95339E-01  0.12446E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76315E+00  0.24090E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  56243.8196     24.0608     16.3025
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35175E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  56244.0420     24.2832      0.2224
+                do leaf measurements  56244.0437     24.2849      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  56244.1039     24.3451      0.0602
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5966270 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  56244.1108
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  56244.1169      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.86848E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37094
+                          wsmp solve  56252.0738      7.9630      7.9569
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0597179 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2069890 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7992570 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9055970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14379.1537780 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2291608 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082381 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2093811 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10244E+01  0.14626E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.50168E-01  0.10022E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76695E+00  0.22195E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  56268.3183     24.2076     16.2445
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12560E+01  0.19620E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  56268.5412     24.4304      0.2228
+                do leaf measurements  56268.5429     24.4321      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  56268.6033     24.4925      0.0604
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0765635 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  56268.6102
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  56268.6163      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37094
+                          wsmp solve  56276.6304      8.0202      8.0140
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0601711 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2088392 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7933969 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9007659 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14385.5264293 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2299600 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082369 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2018180 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10210E+01  0.16249E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38589E-01  0.11842E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74770E+00  0.22873E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  56292.8679     24.2576     16.2375
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13924E+01  0.32745E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  56293.0914     24.4812      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements  56293.0932     24.4830      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  56293.1535     24.5433      0.0603
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0359374 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  56293.1604
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  56293.1665      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37094
+                          wsmp solve  56301.1036      7.9432      7.9371
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0629961 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2469220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7993650 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9883790 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14270.8270138 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2292950 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082519 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3356190 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10204E+01  0.18232E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38213E-01  0.12223E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73843E+00  0.22616E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  56317.4748     24.3144     16.3712
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14899E+01  0.37710E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  56317.6972     24.5368      0.2224
+                do leaf measurements  56317.6990     24.5385      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  56317.7592     24.5988      0.0603
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0153967 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  56317.7661
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  56317.7722      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37094
+                          wsmp solve  56325.7828      8.0166      8.0105
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0614331 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2062309 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7964380 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9055130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14379.2644327 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2291911 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082810 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2074971 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10198E+01  0.19974E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41030E-01  0.12489E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73465E+00  0.22538E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  56342.0257     24.2596     16.2430
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15316E+01  0.38204E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  56342.2486     24.4825      0.2229
+                do leaf measurements  56342.2504     24.4842      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  56342.3111     24.5450      0.0607
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0111197 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  56342.3181
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  56342.3242      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37094
+                          wsmp solve  56350.2961      7.9781      7.9719
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0616620 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2084711 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7933030 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9279711 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14349.7136024 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2301531 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083869 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2303729 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10196E+01  0.21540E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43337E-01  0.12508E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73039E+00  0.22526E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  56366.5619     24.2438     16.2657
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15507E+01  0.37652E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  56366.7856     24.4676      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  56366.7873     24.4692      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  56366.8455     24.5274      0.0582
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080850 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  56366.8486     24.5306      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  56366.8488     24.5308      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -219805242194605. 430015865586983.88
+ def in m -7.8915815353393555 0.79657667875289917
+ dimensionless def  -1.59008315631321491E-6 2.2547375815255302E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0154613  0.2247131
+                  Compute divergence  56367.1262     24.8082      0.2774
+                        wsmp_cleanup  56367.1650     24.8470      0.0388
+              Reset surface geometry  56367.1746     24.8565      0.0095
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   56367.1835     24.8654      0.0089
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  56367.2017     24.8837      0.0183
+                   Advect surface  1  56367.2019     24.8838      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  56367.4050     25.0869      0.2031
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  56367.6126     25.2945      0.2076
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  56367.8793     25.5612      0.2667
+                    Advect the cloud  56368.0628     25.7447      0.1835
+                        Write output  56368.9662     26.6481      0.9034
+                    End of time step  56369.8731     27.5551      0.9069
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     346  56369.8733
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  56369.8734      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  56369.8734      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17035points
+                      refine surface  56369.8735      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  56369.9077      0.0344      0.0342
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17035points
+                          surface 02  56369.9311      0.0578      0.0234
+                                                                        S. 2:    17035points
+                      refine surface  56369.9312      0.0579      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  56369.9654      0.0920      0.0341
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17035points
+                          surface 03  56369.9885      0.1152      0.0232
+                                                                        S. 3:    17037points
+                      refine surface  56369.9887      0.1153      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  56370.0242      0.1508      0.0355
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  56370.0546      0.1812      0.0304
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  56370.0920      0.2187      0.0374
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17038points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  56370.1228
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  56370.1231      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  56370.1390      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  56370.1632      0.0404      0.0242
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  56370.1644      0.0416      0.0012
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  56370.1786      0.0558      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  56370.3008      0.1780      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  56370.5961      0.4733      0.2954
+                embedding surface  1  56370.5963      0.4735      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  56372.7037      2.5809      2.1074
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  56374.9055      4.7827      2.2017
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  56378.6266      8.5038      3.7211
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  56378.6322      8.5094      0.0057
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  56379.1880      9.0652      0.5558
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  56379.2709      9.1481      0.0829
+                           Find void  56379.5456      9.4228      0.2747
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32993
+          Define boundary conditions  56379.5880      9.4652      0.0424
+                         wsmp setup1  56379.5996      9.4768      0.0116
+                                                                        n =   128841
+                                                                        nz=  4958337
+                         wsmp setup2  56380.7518     10.6290      1.1522
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  56380.8072
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  56380.8074      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.01060E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37095
+                          wsmp solve  56388.5777      7.7705      7.7703
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0614691 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3615620 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7965200 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.7189200 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15406.3479244 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2479930 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083730 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.1952810 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.17356E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.96909E-01  0.10964E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76102E+00  0.25228E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  56405.8102     25.0030     17.2325
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35188E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  56406.0327     25.2255      0.2225
+                do leaf measurements  56406.0345     25.2273      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  56406.0941     25.2869      0.0596
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5777989 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  56406.1012
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  56406.1073      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.01060E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37095
+                          wsmp solve  56414.0445      7.9434      7.9373
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0615978 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3905849 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8035119 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.7489901 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15366.9173092 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2485082 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082788 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.2619019 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10185E+01  0.12902E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47525E-01  0.10501E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76305E+00  0.22981E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  56431.3439     25.2428     17.2994
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12462E+01  0.20515E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  56431.5668     25.4657      0.2229
+                do leaf measurements  56431.5686     25.4674      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  56431.6280     25.5268      0.0594
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0644974 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  56431.6351
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  56431.6411      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37095
+                          wsmp solve  56439.6256      7.9906      7.9845
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0595090 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3740711 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7969570 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.7887599 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15315.0763538 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2480690 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082810 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.2760799 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10218E+01  0.14879E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40760E-01  0.12004E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74321E+00  0.23366E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  56456.9385     25.3034     17.3129
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13712E+01  0.30788E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  56457.1622     25.5271      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  56457.1640     25.5289      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  56457.2238     25.5888      0.0599
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0358538 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  56457.2310
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  56457.2371      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37095
+                          wsmp solve  56465.1701      7.9391      7.9330
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0600002 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3641560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7963359 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.7270830 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15395.6238903 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2474461 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082850 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.2037611 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10215E+01  0.17096E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40668E-01  0.12301E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73352E+00  0.23070E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  56482.4105     25.1795     17.2404
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14628E+01  0.35090E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  56482.6332     25.4022      0.2226
+                do leaf measurements  56482.6349     25.4039      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  56482.6944     25.4634      0.0595
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0156622 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  56482.7015
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  56482.7075      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37095
+                          wsmp solve  56490.6790      7.9775      7.9715
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0602779 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3918731 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7978518 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.7266891 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15396.1409873 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2485390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082960 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.2339590 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10212E+01  0.18878E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40296E-01  0.12561E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72918E+00  0.22942E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  56507.9498     25.2483     17.2708
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15018E+01  0.35610E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  56508.1726     25.4711      0.2228
+                do leaf measurements  56508.1744     25.4729      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  56508.2337     25.5322      0.0593
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0108474 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  56508.2408
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  56508.2468      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37095
+                          wsmp solve  56516.2633      8.0225      8.0165
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0620611 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3718259 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7985721 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.7596300 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15353.0135933 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2483201 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086248 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.2494712 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10208E+01  0.20428E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42186E-01  0.12575E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72504E+00  0.22889E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  56533.5496     25.3089     17.2863
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15198E+01  0.35197E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  56533.7758     25.5350      0.2261
+                do leaf measurements  56533.7775     25.5367      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  56533.8349     25.5941      0.0574
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0078956 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  56533.8381     25.5973      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  56533.8383     25.5975      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -220032964648750.44 430947910446762.25
+ def in m -7.8910479545593262 0.79673856496810913
+ dimensionless def  -1.58411536897931795E-6 2.25458512987409342E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0153479  0.2246781
+                  Compute divergence  56534.1163     25.8755      0.2780
+                        wsmp_cleanup  56534.1552     25.9144      0.0389
+              Reset surface geometry  56534.1655     25.9247      0.0103
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   56534.1744     25.9337      0.0089
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  56534.1926     25.9518      0.0182
+                   Advect surface  1  56534.1928     25.9520      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  56534.3952     26.1544      0.2025
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  56534.6014     26.3606      0.2062
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  56534.8617     26.6209      0.2603
+                    Advect the cloud  56535.0459     26.8052      0.1842
+                        Write output  56535.9553     27.7145      0.9093
+                    End of time step  56536.8671     28.6263      0.9118
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     347  56536.8673
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  56536.8674      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  56536.8674      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17035points
+                      refine surface  56536.8675      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  56536.9044      0.0371      0.0370
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  56536.9341      0.0668      0.0296
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  56536.9714      0.1041      0.0373
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17037points
+                          surface 02  56536.9947      0.1273      0.0232
+                                                                        S. 2:    17035points
+                      refine surface  56536.9948      0.1275      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  56537.0327      0.1654      0.0379
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  56537.0607      0.1934      0.0279
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  56537.0932      0.2259      0.0325
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17036points
+                          surface 03  56537.1175      0.2502      0.0243
+                                                                        S. 3:    17038points
+                      refine surface  56537.1176      0.2503      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   5 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  56537.1522      0.2849      0.0345
+                                                                        S. 3:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  56537.1865      0.3192      0.0343
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  56537.2176      0.3503      0.0311
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17043points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  56537.2498
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  56537.2501      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  56537.2662      0.0164      0.0161
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  56537.2902      0.0404      0.0240
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  56537.2914      0.0415      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  56537.3057      0.0558      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  56537.4291      0.1792      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  56537.7245      0.4747      0.2954
+                embedding surface  1  56537.7247      0.4748      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  56539.8550      2.6052      2.1303
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  56542.0361      4.7863      2.1811
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  56545.7023      8.4525      3.6662
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  56545.7078      8.4580      0.0055
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  56546.2420      8.9921      0.5341
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  56546.3242      9.0743      0.0822
+                           Find void  56546.5968      9.3470      0.2726
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32993
+          Define boundary conditions  56546.6377      9.3878      0.0408
+                         wsmp setup1  56546.6494      9.3996      0.0118
+                                                                        n =   128841
+                                                                        nz=  4958337
+                         wsmp setup2  56547.7936     10.5438      1.1442
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  56547.8537
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  56547.8539      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.10310E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37095
+                          wsmp solve  56555.6962      7.8425      7.8424
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0591969 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3699119 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7977409 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.7842920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15320.8829998 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2488360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083091 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.2687359 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10167E+01  0.16586E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.96067E-01  0.10966E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75820E+00  0.25332E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  56573.0011     25.1474     17.3049
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35186E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  56573.2259     25.3721      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  56573.2276     25.3739      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  56573.2889     25.4351      0.0612
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5791660 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  56573.2959
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  56573.3020      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.10310E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37095
+                          wsmp solve  56581.2381      7.9422      7.9361
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0614581 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3684671 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8048100 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.7231598 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15400.7760651 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2478020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083151 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.2144980 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10187E+01  0.12047E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.46243E-01  0.10456E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76075E+00  0.23115E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  56598.4894     25.1935     17.2513
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12355E+01  0.19189E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  56598.7134     25.4175      0.2240
+                do leaf measurements  56598.7152     25.4193      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  56598.7763     25.4804      0.0611
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0664892 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  56598.7835
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  56598.7896      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37095
+                          wsmp solve  56606.8019      8.0185      8.0123
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0607941 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3898730 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7978790 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.7849641 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15320.0092428 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2483110 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086489 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.2909310 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10220E+01  0.14132E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41836E-01  0.11909E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74055E+00  0.23453E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  56624.1291     25.3457     17.3272
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13528E+01  0.29602E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  56624.3539     25.5705      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  56624.3557     25.5723      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  56624.4174     25.6339      0.0617
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0357929 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  56624.4246
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  56624.4308      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37095
+                          wsmp solve  56632.4268      8.0022      7.9960
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0627320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3618798 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7945151 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.7298541 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15391.9867252 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2483501 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084820 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.2064388 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10215E+01  0.16443E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41460E-01  0.12234E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73087E+00  0.23141E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  56649.6694     25.2448     17.2426
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14432E+01  0.33719E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  56649.8943     25.4697      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  56649.8961     25.4715      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  56649.9574     25.5328      0.0613
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0157560 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  56649.9644
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  56649.9704      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37095
+                          wsmp solve  56657.9043      7.9399      7.9339
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0633900 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3715599 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8038061 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.7281890 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15394.1720100 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2486460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083120 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.2243590 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10212E+01  0.18287E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40950E-01  0.12499E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72694E+00  0.23000E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  56675.1653     25.2009     17.2610
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14832E+01  0.34400E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  56675.3891     25.4247      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  56675.3909     25.4265      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  56675.4519     25.4875      0.0610
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0106555 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  56675.4591
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  56675.4651      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37095
+                          wsmp solve  56683.4627      8.0037      7.9976
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0609798 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3668070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7987351 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.7554049 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15358.5316271 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2484589 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083160 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.2391398 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10208E+01  0.19891E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41985E-01  0.12522E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72317E+00  0.22936E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  56700.7390     25.2800     17.2763
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15021E+01  0.34123E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  56700.9641     25.5050      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  56700.9659     25.5068      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  56701.0252     25.5661      0.0593
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080388 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  56701.0284     25.5694      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  56701.0286     25.5695      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -220338513761640.06 431815326344174.75
+ def in m -7.9838624000549316 0.76626485586166382
+ dimensionless def  -1.90524612154279449E-6 2.28110354287283772E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0186543  0.2273626
+                  Compute divergence  56701.3008     25.8418      0.2722
+                        wsmp_cleanup  56701.3409     25.8819      0.0401
+              Reset surface geometry  56701.3487     25.8897      0.0078
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   56701.3564     25.8974      0.0077
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  56701.3732     25.9141      0.0168
+                   Advect surface  1  56701.3734     25.9143      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  56701.5799     26.1209      0.2066
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  56701.7851     26.3260      0.2052
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  56702.0546     26.5955      0.2695
+                    Advect the cloud  56702.2365     26.7775      0.1820
+                        Write output  56703.1472     27.6881      0.9107
+                    End of time step  56704.0623     28.6033      0.9151
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     348  56704.0625
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  56704.0626      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  56704.0627      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17037points
+                      refine surface  56704.0627      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   5 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  56704.0952      0.0326      0.0325
+                                                                        S. 1:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  56704.1221      0.0596      0.0269
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  56704.1525      0.0899      0.0304
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17042points
+                          surface 02  56704.1753      0.1128      0.0229
+                                                                        S. 2:    17036points
+                      refine surface  56704.1755      0.1129      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  56704.2062      0.1437      0.0308
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  56704.2387      0.1761      0.0324
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  56704.2683      0.2058      0.0296
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17038points
+                          surface 03  56704.2917      0.2291      0.0233
+                                                                        S. 3:    17043points
+                      refine surface  56704.2918      0.2293      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  56704.3230      0.2605      0.0312
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  56704.3501      0.2875      0.0270
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  56704.3796      0.3170      0.0295
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17044points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  56704.4099
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  56704.4102      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  56704.4263      0.0164      0.0161
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  56704.4508      0.0409      0.0246
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  56704.4519      0.0420      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  56704.4662      0.0563      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  56704.5899      0.1800      0.1237
+             Imbed surface in osolve  56704.8843      0.4744      0.2943
+                embedding surface  1  56704.8844      0.4745      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  56707.0073      2.5974      2.1229
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  56709.2110      4.8011      2.2037
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  56712.9102      8.5003      3.6992
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  56712.9157      8.5058      0.0055
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  56713.4771      9.0672      0.5614
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  56713.5582      9.1483      0.0811
+                           Find void  56713.8296      9.4197      0.2715
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32993
+          Define boundary conditions  56713.8719      9.4620      0.0422
+                         wsmp setup1  56713.8837      9.4738      0.0119
+                                                                        n =   128841
+                                                                        nz=  4958337
+                         wsmp setup2  56715.0283     10.6184      1.1445
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  56715.0863
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  56715.0865      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.32867E-05  9.39252E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37095
+                          wsmp solve  56722.8869      7.8006      7.8004
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0652530 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3594761 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7974169 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.7705460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15338.7752211 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2483201 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082572 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.2497261 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10148E+01  0.16390E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95198E-01  0.11142E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75760E+00  0.25306E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  56740.1726     25.0863     17.2857
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35186E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  56740.3959     25.3096      0.2233
+                do leaf measurements  56740.3976     25.3113      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  56740.4576     25.3713      0.0600
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5798248 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  56740.4646
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  56740.4707      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.32867E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37095
+                          wsmp solve  56748.4250      7.9604      7.9543
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0597920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3745270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7961030 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.7162220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15409.8956101 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2474670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083010 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.2028620 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10191E+01  0.11778E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.46560E-01  0.10465E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75983E+00  0.23149E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  56765.6636     25.1990     17.2386
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12314E+01  0.18549E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  56765.8865     25.4219      0.2229
+                do leaf measurements  56765.8882     25.4236      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  56765.9477     25.4831      0.0595
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0685604 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  56765.9545
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  56765.9605      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37095
+                          wsmp solve  56773.8967      7.9422      7.9362
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0600290 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3806620 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8011351 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.7254360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15397.7864132 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2475932 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082250 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.2235370 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10220E+01  0.13861E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41891E-01  0.11905E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73903E+00  0.23455E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  56791.1565     25.2020     17.2598
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13455E+01  0.29188E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  56791.3791     25.4245      0.2225
+                do leaf measurements  56791.3808     25.4263      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  56791.4399     25.4854      0.0591
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0358673 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  56791.4468
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  56791.4528      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37095
+                          wsmp solve  56799.4412      7.9943      7.9884
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0594580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3664680 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7949271 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.7799962 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15326.4700854 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2511399 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082791 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.2607021 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10215E+01  0.16191E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41591E-01  0.12229E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72954E+00  0.23154E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  56816.7389     25.2921     17.2977
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14356E+01  0.33258E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  56816.9620     25.5152      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements  56816.9638     25.5169      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  56817.0236     25.5768      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159115 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  56817.0306
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  56817.0367      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37095
+                          wsmp solve  56824.9711      7.9405      7.9344
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0606141 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3614919 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7956741 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.7155440 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15410.7874912 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2472341 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082271 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.1892421 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10211E+01  0.18073E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41004E-01  0.12491E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72589E+00  0.23028E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  56842.1964     25.1658     17.2253
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14761E+01  0.34016E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  56842.4192     25.3886      0.2228
+                do leaf measurements  56842.4210     25.3904      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  56842.4804     25.4498      0.0595
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0106945 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  56842.4873
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  56842.4934      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37095
+                          wsmp solve  56850.4610      7.9737      7.9676
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0604792 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3932230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7966571 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.6910670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15443.0522899 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2475822 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082140 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.1976790 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10207E+01  0.19692E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41988E-01  0.12510E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72230E+00  0.22968E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  56867.6949     25.2076     17.2339
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14952E+01  0.33767E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  56867.9173     25.4300      0.2224
+                do leaf measurements  56867.9191     25.4318      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  56867.9761     25.4888      0.0570
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0080966 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  56867.9792     25.4919      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  56867.9794     25.4921      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -220579122409848.72 432743887564738.25
+ def in m -8.0396909713745117 0.74588799476623535
+ dimensionless def  -2.1053780828203477E-6 2.29705456324986035E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0207694  0.2289955
+                  Compute divergence  56868.2559     25.7686      0.2765
+                        wsmp_cleanup  56868.2941     25.8068      0.0383
+              Reset surface geometry  56868.3012     25.8139      0.0071
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   56868.3086     25.8213      0.0073
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  56868.3258     25.8385      0.0173
+                   Advect surface  1  56868.3260     25.8387      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  56868.5266     26.0393      0.2007
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  56868.7436     26.2563      0.2169
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  56869.0075     26.5202      0.2640
+                    Advect the cloud  56869.1943     26.7070      0.1867
+                        Write output  56870.1090     27.6217      0.9148
+                    End of time step  56871.0133     28.5260      0.9043
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     349  56871.0135
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  56871.0136      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  56871.0137      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17042points
+                      refine surface  56871.0137      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  56871.0459      0.0323      0.0322
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  56871.0759      0.0623      0.0300
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  56871.1081      0.0945      0.0322
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17043points
+                          surface 02  56871.1328      0.1193      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 2:    17037points
+                      refine surface  56871.1330      0.1194      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  56871.1638      0.1503      0.0309
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17037points
+                          surface 03  56871.1896      0.1761      0.0258
+                                                                        S. 3:    17044points
+                      refine surface  56871.1897      0.1762      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  56871.2219      0.2084      0.0322
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  56871.2507      0.2372      0.0288
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  56871.2811      0.2676      0.0304
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17046points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  56871.3118
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  56871.3120      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  56871.3280      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  56871.3526      0.0409      0.0247
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  56871.3538      0.0420      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  56871.3679      0.0562      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  56871.4902      0.1784      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  56871.7838      0.4720      0.2936
+                embedding surface  1  56871.7839      0.4722      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  56873.8986      2.5869      2.1147
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  56876.1082      4.7964      2.2095
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  56879.7873      8.4756      3.6792
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  56879.7929      8.4811      0.0055
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  56880.3201      9.0083      0.5272
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  56880.4453      9.1335      0.1252
+                           Find void  56880.7154      9.4037      0.2702
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32993
+          Define boundary conditions  56880.7573      9.4456      0.0419
+                         wsmp setup1  56880.7696      9.4578      0.0122
+                                                                        n =   128841
+                                                                        nz=  4958337
+                         wsmp setup2  56881.9178     10.6061      1.1483
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  56881.9758
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  56881.9759      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.58535E-05  6.22708E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37095
+                          wsmp solve  56889.7790      7.8032      7.8030
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0637660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3908732 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7964480 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.7020211 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15428.5962074 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2481961 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082438 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.2099872 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10133E+01  0.16200E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95654E-01  0.11189E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75693E+00  0.25397E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  56907.0252     25.0494     17.2462
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35187E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  56907.2467     25.2709      0.2215
+                do leaf measurements  56907.2485     25.2727      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  56907.3074     25.3316      0.0589
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5797277 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  56907.3143
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  56907.3204      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.60195E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37095
+                          wsmp solve  56915.3374      8.0231      8.0171
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0590489 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3690081 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7951190 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.7313280 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15390.0529027 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2485631 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082920 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.2118049 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10199E+01  0.11580E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.46327E-01  0.10426E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75905E+00  0.23242E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  56932.5850     25.2707     17.2476
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12323E+01  0.18513E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  56932.8104     25.4961      0.2254
+                do leaf measurements  56932.8123     25.4979      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  56932.8714     25.5571      0.0591
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0643066 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  56932.8782
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  56932.8842      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37095
+                          wsmp solve  56940.8194      7.9412      7.9352
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0628810 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3675289 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8015420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.7073879 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15421.5235603 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2480741 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082750 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.1961398 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10218E+01  0.13683E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41900E-01  0.11862E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73876E+00  0.23498E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  56958.0518     25.1737     17.2324
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13438E+01  0.29127E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  56958.2744     25.3962      0.2225
+                do leaf measurements  56958.2762     25.3980      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  56958.3352     25.4571      0.0590
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0359339 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  56958.3421
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  56958.3482      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37095
+                          wsmp solve  56966.3566      8.0145      8.0084
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0618989 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3855360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7966220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.7498939 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15365.7352297 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2484999 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083070 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.2511899 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10214E+01  0.16038E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41589E-01  0.12210E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72919E+00  0.23180E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  56983.6436     25.3015     17.2870
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14325E+01  0.33026E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  56983.8667     25.5246      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements  56983.8685     25.5264      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  56983.9282     25.5861      0.0597
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0157596 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  56983.9352
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  56983.9413      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37095
+                          wsmp solve  56991.9308      7.9956      7.9895
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0616870 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3561110 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7949860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.7062659 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15423.0016504 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2487419 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083089 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.1765411 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10209E+01  0.17952E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41013E-01  0.12477E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72554E+00  0.23055E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  57009.1434     25.2082     17.2126
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14730E+01  0.33840E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  57009.3680     25.4328      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  57009.3698     25.4346      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  57009.4289     25.4938      0.0591
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0106113 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  57009.4358
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  57009.4418      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5593
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37095
+                          wsmp solve  57017.3772      7.9414      7.9354
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0628800 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3681090 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8018649 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.7304220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15391.2415423 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2481489 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082991 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.2201662 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10206E+01  0.19582E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41891E-01  0.12502E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72201E+00  0.22987E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  57034.6335     25.1977     17.2563
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14919E+01  0.33620E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  57034.8552     25.4195      0.2218
+                do leaf measurements  57034.8571     25.4213      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  57034.9138     25.4781      0.0568
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0081494 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  57034.9170     25.4812      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  57034.9171     25.4814      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -220778191230894.09 433714541979883.69
+ def in m -8.0693607330322266 0.78488856554031372
+ dimensionless def  -2.24253875868661074E-6 2.30553163800920757E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0221024  0.2298723
+                  Compute divergence  57035.1934     25.7576      0.2762
+                        wsmp_cleanup  57035.2318     25.7960      0.0384
+              Reset surface geometry  57035.2409     25.8052      0.0092
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   57035.2489     25.8132      0.0080
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  57035.2766     25.8408      0.0276
+                   Advect surface  1  57035.2767     25.8410      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  57035.4692     26.0334      0.1925
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  57035.6777     26.2419      0.2085
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  57035.9553     26.5196      0.2777
+                    Advect the cloud  57036.1394     26.7036      0.1840
+                        Write output  57037.0472     27.6115      0.9078
+                    End of time step  57037.9516     28.5158      0.9044
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     350  57037.9518
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  57037.9519      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  57037.9519      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17043points
+                      refine surface  57037.9519      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  57037.9844      0.0326      0.0325
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  57038.0153      0.0636      0.0309
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  57038.0477      0.0959      0.0323
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17045points
+                          surface 02  57038.0722      0.1204      0.0245
+                                                                        S. 2:    17037points
+                      refine surface  57038.0723      0.1206      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  57038.1058      0.1540      0.0335
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  57038.1376      0.1858      0.0318
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  57038.1690      0.2173      0.0315
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17040points
+                          surface 03  57038.1949      0.2431      0.0258
+                                                                        S. 3:    17045points
+                      refine surface  57038.1950      0.2432      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  57038.2283      0.2765      0.0333
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  57038.2576      0.3058      0.0294
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  57038.2885      0.3368      0.0309
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17046points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  57038.3216
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  57038.3219      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  57038.3378      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  57038.3624      0.0408      0.0246
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  57038.3635      0.0419      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  57038.3777      0.0560      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  57038.4999      0.1783      0.1223
+             Imbed surface in osolve  57038.7952      0.4735      0.2952
+                embedding surface  1  57038.7953      0.4737      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  57040.9330      2.6114      2.1377
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  57043.1524      4.8308      2.2194
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  57046.8136      8.4919      3.6612
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  57046.8199      8.4983      0.0063
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  57047.3808      9.0591      0.5608
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  57047.4791      9.1574      0.0983
+                           Find void  57047.7487      9.4270      0.2696
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32993
+          Define boundary conditions  57047.7896      9.4680      0.0410
+                         wsmp setup1  57047.8014      9.4798      0.0118
+                                                                        n =   128850
+                                                                        nz=  4958625
+                         wsmp setup2  57048.9454     10.6238      1.1440
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  57049.0003
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  57049.0005      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5594
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.01598E-05  9.10089E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37097
+                          wsmp solve  57056.7742      7.7739      7.7738
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0645571 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1455140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7969530 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1067350 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14765.0275747 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2368469 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084519 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3594620 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10141E+01  0.17936E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.93306E-01  0.12170E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75782E+00  0.25590E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  57073.1702     24.1699     16.3960
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35147E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  57073.3923     24.3920      0.2222
+                do leaf measurements  57073.3941     24.3938      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  57073.4549     24.4546      0.0608
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5879137 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  57073.4617
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  57073.4677      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5594
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.01598E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37097
+                          wsmp solve  57081.4422      7.9805      7.9745
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0607171 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1307039 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7921650 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.0712221 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14812.3890405 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2377820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085621 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3015370 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10191E+01  0.12880E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48449E-01  0.10159E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76328E+00  0.23518E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  57097.7798     24.3181     16.3375
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12304E+01  0.18535E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  57098.0037     24.5420      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  57098.0054     24.5437      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  57098.0669     24.6052      0.0615
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0705467 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  57098.0738
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  57098.0800      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5594
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37097
+                          wsmp solve  57106.0156      7.9418      7.9356
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0620730 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1185238 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7907450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1333151 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14729.7769924 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2369440 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085080 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3505099 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10208E+01  0.14709E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40336E-01  0.11752E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74160E+00  0.23569E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  57122.4024     24.3286     16.3868
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13502E+01  0.30142E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  57122.6244     24.5506      0.2220
+                do leaf measurements  57122.6262     24.5523      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  57122.6872     24.6133      0.0610
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0359681 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  57122.6941
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  57122.7001      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5594
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37097
+                          wsmp solve  57130.6651      7.9710      7.9649
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0649910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1101120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7931449 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.0686669 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14815.8083870 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2371650 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085809 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2830539 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10202E+01  0.16876E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40159E-01  0.12175E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73240E+00  0.23193E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  57146.9838     24.2897     16.3187
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14454E+01  0.34595E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  57147.2059     24.5118      0.2221
+                do leaf measurements  57147.2076     24.5136      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  57147.2686     24.5745      0.0610
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0159172 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  57147.2755
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  57147.2815      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5594
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37097
+                          wsmp solve  57155.2982      8.0227      8.0167
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0619340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1350820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7884970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.0620170 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14824.7149631 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2377169 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085330 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2941909 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10198E+01  0.18716E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40049E-01  0.12459E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72911E+00  0.23060E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  57171.6273     24.3519     16.3291
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14885E+01  0.35375E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  57171.8514     24.5759      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  57171.8531     24.5777      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  57171.9144     24.6389      0.0613
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107231 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  57171.9212
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  57171.9272      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5594
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37097
+                          wsmp solve  57179.8625      7.9413      7.9353
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0606248 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1461258 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8031521 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1323628 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14731.0369530 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2371180 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085509 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3883159 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10194E+01  0.20308E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42530E-01  0.12488E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72566E+00  0.22980E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  57196.2863     24.3651     16.4238
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15096E+01  0.35158E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  57196.5088     24.5875      0.2224
+                do leaf measurements  57196.5105     24.5893      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  57196.5692     24.6480      0.0587
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0079599 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  57196.5723     24.6511      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  57196.5725     24.6513      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -220957075325678.16 434708910683265.69
+ def in m -8.0762481689453125 0.81192350387573242
+ dimensionless def  -2.31978143964494985E-6 2.30749947684151798E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0228590  0.2300982
+                  Compute divergence  57196.8496     24.9284      0.2771
+                        wsmp_cleanup  57196.8888     24.9676      0.0392
+              Reset surface geometry  57196.8978     24.9766      0.0090
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   57196.9063     24.9851      0.0085
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  57196.9253     25.0041      0.0190
+                   Advect surface  1  57196.9255     25.0043      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  57197.1190     25.1978      0.1936
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  57197.3272     25.4059      0.2081
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  57197.6046     25.6834      0.2775
+                    Advect the cloud  57197.7926     25.8714      0.1880
+                        Write output  57198.6993     26.7781      0.9067
+                    End of time step  57199.6057     27.6845      0.9064
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     351  57199.6059
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  57199.6060      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  57199.6061      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17045points
+                      refine surface  57199.6061      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  57199.6362      0.0302      0.0301
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  57199.6670      0.0610      0.0308
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  57199.6998      0.0938      0.0328
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17046points
+                          surface 02  57199.7244      0.1185      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 2:    17040points
+                      refine surface  57199.7246      0.1186      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  57199.7566      0.1507      0.0321
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17040points
+                          surface 03  57199.7819      0.1759      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 3:    17045points
+                      refine surface  57199.7820      0.1761      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  57199.8152      0.2093      0.0332
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  57199.8461      0.2401      0.0309
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  57199.8786      0.2726      0.0325
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17046points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  57199.9113
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  57199.9116      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  57199.9275      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  57199.9526      0.0413      0.0250
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  57199.9537      0.0424      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  57199.9678      0.0566      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  57200.0900      0.1788      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  57200.3840      0.4727      0.2939
+                embedding surface  1  57200.3841      0.4729      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  57202.4972      2.5859      2.1131
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  57204.7114      4.8002      2.2142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  57208.4013      8.4901      3.6899
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  57208.4070      8.4957      0.0057
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  57208.9464      9.0351      0.5394
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  57209.0653      9.1541      0.1189
+                           Find void  57209.3330      9.4217      0.2677
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32993
+          Define boundary conditions  57209.3731      9.4618      0.0401
+                         wsmp setup1  57209.3852      9.4739      0.0121
+                                                                        n =   128850
+                                                                        nz=  4958625
+                         wsmp setup2  57210.5288     10.6175      1.1436
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  57210.5829
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  57210.5831      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5594
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.13842E-05  7.96339E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37097
+                          wsmp solve  57218.3395      7.7566      7.7564
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0667522 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1523509 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7985809 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1191080 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14748.5975470 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2370250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085170 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3827200 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10140E+01  0.18478E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.92444E-01  0.12103E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76120E+00  0.25429E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  57234.7571     24.1742     16.4177
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35140E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  57234.9786     24.3957      0.2214
+                do leaf measurements  57234.9803     24.3974      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  57235.0398     24.4569      0.0594
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5881468 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  57235.0467
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  57235.0527      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5594
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.13842E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37097
+                          wsmp solve  57243.0418      7.9951      7.9891
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0611050 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1304319 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7917261 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.0652769 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14820.3475128 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2374458 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084960 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2948749 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10188E+01  0.13495E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.49093E-01  0.10237E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76612E+00  0.23358E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  57259.3727     24.3260     16.3309
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12339E+01  0.18714E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  57259.5952     24.5485      0.2225
+                do leaf measurements  57259.5969     24.5502      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  57259.6571     24.6104      0.0602
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0713822 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  57259.6640
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  57259.6701      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5594
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37097
+                          wsmp solve  57267.6097      7.9457      7.9395
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0633819 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1067960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7894530 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1130500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14756.6373448 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2366140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084949 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3182108 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10204E+01  0.15195E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39563E-01  0.11855E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74561E+00  0.23507E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  57283.9630     24.2990     16.3533
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13627E+01  0.31084E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  57284.1839     24.5199      0.2209
+                do leaf measurements  57284.1856     24.5216      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  57284.2448     24.5808      0.0592
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360365 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  57284.2516
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  57284.2577      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5594
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37097
+                          wsmp solve  57292.2046      7.9530      7.9469
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0626750 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1107790 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7970328 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.0669911 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14818.0519043 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2367361 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085180 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2831280 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10199E+01  0.17238E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39623E-01  0.12271E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73621E+00  0.23162E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  57308.5243     24.2726     16.3196
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14594E+01  0.35536E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  57308.7456     24.4940      0.2213
+                do leaf measurements  57308.7473     24.4957      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  57308.8066     24.5549      0.0593
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0157316 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  57308.8135
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  57308.8195      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5594
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37097
+                          wsmp solve  57316.8347      8.0212      8.0152
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0598640 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1228499 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7889071 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.0637710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14822.3646592 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2375889 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085270 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2819200 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10194E+01  0.19020E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40361E-01  0.12541E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73221E+00  0.23033E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  57333.1524     24.3389     16.3177
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15024E+01  0.36324E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  57333.3758     24.5623      0.2234
+                do leaf measurements  57333.3775     24.5640      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  57333.4370     24.6235      0.0595
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0106158 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  57333.4439
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  57333.4499      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5594
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37097
+                          wsmp solve  57341.3817      7.9378      7.9318
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0597150 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1425180 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7952189 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1575971 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14697.7209746 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2370121 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084701 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4009640 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10190E+01  0.20583E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42789E-01  0.12557E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72819E+00  0.22975E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  57357.8180     24.3741     16.4363
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15237E+01  0.36055E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  57358.0391     24.5953      0.2212
+                do leaf measurements  57358.0408     24.5970      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  57358.0977     24.6539      0.0569
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0078372 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  57358.1009     24.6570      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  57358.1011     24.6572      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -221131728186661.28 435699251012994.5
+ def in m -8.0529441833496094 0.7993241548538208
+ dimensionless def  -2.28378329958234503E-6 2.3008411952427456E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0225684  0.2294392
+                  Compute divergence  57358.3779     24.9341      0.2769
+                        wsmp_cleanup  57358.4162     24.9723      0.0382
+              Reset surface geometry  57358.4248     24.9809      0.0086
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   57358.4330     24.9891      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  57358.4520     25.0081      0.0190
+                   Advect surface  1  57358.4522     25.0083      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  57358.6589     25.2150      0.2067
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  57358.8670     25.4231      0.2081
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  57359.1439     25.7000      0.2769
+                    Advect the cloud  57359.3254     25.8815      0.1815
+                        Write output  57360.2246     26.7807      0.8993
+                    End of time step  57361.1338     27.6899      0.9092
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     352  57361.1340
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  57361.1341      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  57361.1341      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17046points
+                      refine surface  57361.1342      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  57361.1669      0.0329      0.0327
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  57361.1975      0.0635      0.0306
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  57361.2301      0.0961      0.0326
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17048points
+                          surface 02  57361.2560      0.1219      0.0259
+                                                                        S. 2:    17040points
+                      refine surface  57361.2561      0.1221      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  57361.2883      0.1543      0.0322
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17040points
+                          surface 03  57361.3135      0.1795      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 3:    17045points
+                      refine surface  57361.3136      0.1796      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  57361.3475      0.2135      0.0338
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  57361.3833      0.2493      0.0358
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  57361.4160      0.2819      0.0327
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17047points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  57361.4491
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  57361.4494      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  57361.4654      0.0163      0.0161
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  57361.4898      0.0408      0.0244
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  57361.4909      0.0419      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  57361.5051      0.0560      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  57361.6273      0.1783      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  57361.9233      0.4742      0.2960
+                embedding surface  1  57361.9235      0.4744      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  57364.0492      2.6001      2.1257
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  57366.2720      4.8229      2.2228
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  57369.9516      8.5025      3.6796
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  57369.9570      8.5080      0.0054
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  57370.5047      9.0557      0.5477
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  57370.6282      9.1791      0.1235
+                           Find void  57370.8981      9.4490      0.2699
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32993
+          Define boundary conditions  57370.9400      9.4909      0.0418
+                         wsmp setup1  57370.9513      9.5023      0.0114
+                                                                        n =   128850
+                                                                        nz=  4958625
+                         wsmp setup2  57372.0942     10.6451      1.1429
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  57372.1488
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  57372.1490      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5594
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.53548E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37097
+                          wsmp solve  57379.9230      7.7741      7.7740
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0630980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1446321 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7968349 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1391189 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14722.1023256 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2368240 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086279 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3895509 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10142E+01  0.18655E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.92533E-01  0.12144E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76312E+00  0.25380E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  57396.3493     24.2004     16.4263
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35120E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  57396.5712     24.4224      0.2219
+                do leaf measurements  57396.5730     24.4241      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  57396.6342     24.4853      0.0612
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5882710 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  57396.6410
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  57396.6470      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5594
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.53576E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37097
+                          wsmp solve  57404.6604      8.0194      8.0134
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0582731 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1102679 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7895131 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.0692990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14814.9624168 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2375910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086222 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2739842 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10184E+01  0.13730E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.49453E-01  0.10270E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76727E+00  0.23334E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  57420.9709     24.3300     16.3105
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12350E+01  0.18802E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  57421.1951     24.5541      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  57421.1969     24.5559      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  57421.2587     24.6177      0.0618
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0708607 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  57421.2656
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  57421.2717      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5594
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37097
+                          wsmp solve  57429.2266      7.9610      7.9548
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0587590 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1106060 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7899730 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.0962942 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14778.9204192 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2369640 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085509 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3015580 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10200E+01  0.15385E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39667E-01  0.11889E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74790E+00  0.23504E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  57445.5643     24.2987     16.3377
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13680E+01  0.31471E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  57445.7865     24.5209      0.2223
+                do leaf measurements  57445.7883     24.5226      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  57445.8494     24.5838      0.0612
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0359937 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  57445.8562
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  57445.8622      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5594
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37097
+                          wsmp solve  57453.7967      7.9405      7.9345
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0581381 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1114299 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7978358 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.0722358 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14811.0328424 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2368300 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085340 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2854221 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10195E+01  0.17371E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39684E-01  0.12304E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73822E+00  0.23162E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  57470.1182     24.2620     16.3215
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14659E+01  0.35895E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  57470.3402     24.4841      0.2220
+                do leaf measurements  57470.3420     24.4858      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  57470.4032     24.5470      0.0612
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158194 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  57470.4101
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  57470.4161      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5594
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37097
+                          wsmp solve  57478.4158      8.0057      7.9997
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0574200 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1254778 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7924311 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.0694840 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14814.7148029 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2377710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086200 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2916090 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10191E+01  0.19126E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40287E-01  0.12573E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73376E+00  0.23056E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  57494.7424     24.3324     16.3266
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15096E+01  0.36717E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  57494.9660     24.5559      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements  57494.9681     24.5580      0.0021
+       compute convergence criterion  57495.0293     24.6192      0.0611
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0105512 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  57495.0360
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  57495.0420      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5594
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37097
+                          wsmp solve  57502.9767      7.9407      7.9347
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0583699 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1466069 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7918680 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1589901 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14695.8861224 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2366230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085580 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4014199 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10187E+01  0.20676E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42715E-01  0.12592E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72940E+00  0.22989E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  57519.4134     24.3774     16.4367
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15309E+01  0.36443E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  57519.6356     24.5996      0.2222
+                do leaf measurements  57519.6374     24.6013      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  57519.6963     24.6603      0.0589
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0077924 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  57519.6994     24.6634      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  57519.6996     24.6635      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -221320930044052.41 436678396166799.63
+ def in m -8.0334177017211914 0.78330701589584351
+ dimensionless def  -2.23802004541669593E-6 2.29526220049176916E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0221645  0.2288847
+                  Compute divergence  57519.9763     24.9402      0.2767
+                        wsmp_cleanup  57520.0158     24.9798      0.0396
+              Reset surface geometry  57520.0251     24.9891      0.0093
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   57520.0335     24.9975      0.0084
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  57520.0514     25.0153      0.0179
+                   Advect surface  1  57520.0515     25.0155      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  57520.2543     25.2183      0.2028
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  57520.4619     25.4259      0.2076
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  57520.7262     25.6901      0.2642
+                    Advect the cloud  57520.9077     25.8717      0.1816
+                        Write output  57521.8126     26.7765      0.9048
+                    End of time step  57522.7161     27.6801      0.9036
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     353  57522.7163
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  57522.7164      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  57522.7164      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17048points
+                      refine surface  57522.7165      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  57522.7482      0.0319      0.0317
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17048points
+                          surface 02  57522.7743      0.0580      0.0261
+                                                                        S. 2:    17040points
+                      refine surface  57522.7745      0.0582      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  57522.8071      0.0908      0.0326
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17040points
+                          surface 03  57522.8330      0.1167      0.0259
+                                                                        S. 3:    17047points
+                      refine surface  57522.8331      0.1168      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  57522.8678      0.1515      0.0347
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  57522.9005      0.1842      0.0327
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  57522.9332      0.2169      0.0327
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17050points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  57522.9663
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  57522.9666      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  57522.9829      0.0165      0.0163
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  57523.0076      0.0412      0.0247
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  57523.0086      0.0423      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  57523.0228      0.0565      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  57523.1450      0.1787      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  57523.4405      0.4741      0.2954
+                embedding surface  1  57523.4406      0.4743      0.0001
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  57525.5768      2.6105      2.1362
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  57527.7858      4.8194      2.2089
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  57531.4232      8.4569      3.6374
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  57531.4323      8.4660      0.0092
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  57531.9135      8.9472      0.4812
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  57532.1057      9.1394      0.1922
+                           Find void  57532.3789      9.4125      0.2732
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32993
+          Define boundary conditions  57532.4213      9.4549      0.0424
+                         wsmp setup1  57532.4329      9.4666      0.0117
+                                                                        n =   128850
+                                                                        nz=  4958625
+                         wsmp setup2  57533.5718     10.6055      1.1389
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  57533.6258
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  57533.6260      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5594
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.68632E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37097
+                          wsmp solve  57541.3995      7.7737      7.7736
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0635209 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1439950 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7972739 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1491449 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14708.8633305 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2365372 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085461 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3994370 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10140E+01  0.18657E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.92826E-01  0.12072E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76393E+00  0.25592E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  57557.8344     24.2086     16.4348
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35109E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  57558.0563     24.4305      0.2219
+                do leaf measurements  57558.0581     24.4323      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  57558.1189     24.4930      0.0607
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5881344 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  57558.1257
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  57558.1318      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5594
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.81049E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37097
+                          wsmp solve  57566.1392      8.0135      8.0075
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0613770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1075740 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7919221 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.0637100 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14822.4464297 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2369399 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085130 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2704749 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10181E+01  0.13777E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.50111E-01  0.10298E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76805E+00  0.23478E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  57582.4461     24.3204     16.3069
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12349E+01  0.18757E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  57582.6698     24.5441      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  57582.6717     24.5460      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  57582.7341     24.6085      0.0625
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0707886 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  57582.7411
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  57582.7473      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5594
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37097
+                          wsmp solve  57590.7175      7.9763      7.9702
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0600381 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1045260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7900920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.0685830 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14815.9207223 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2374499 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085011 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2696021 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10199E+01  0.15434E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39647E-01  0.11900E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74870E+00  0.23576E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  57607.0233     24.2821     16.3058
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13699E+01  0.31624E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  57607.2463     24.5051      0.2230
+                do leaf measurements  57607.2481     24.5069      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  57607.3091     24.5680      0.0610
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0358729 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  57607.3159
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  57607.3220      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5594
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37097
+                          wsmp solve  57615.2537      7.9378      7.9318
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0609941 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1278820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7961409 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.0769849 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14804.6828762 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2375240 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084412 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3084240 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10193E+01  0.17403E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39612E-01  0.12306E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73898E+00  0.23198E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  57631.5983     24.2824     16.3446
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14683E+01  0.36040E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  57631.8206     24.5047      0.2223
+                do leaf measurements  57631.8225     24.5065      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  57631.8832     24.5672      0.0607
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0157664 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  57631.8901
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  57631.8962      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5594
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37097
+                          wsmp solve  57639.8812      7.9911      7.9850
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0612290 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1250501 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7944229 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.0655649 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14819.9617753 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2374980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084631 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2926521 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10189E+01  0.19150E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40308E-01  0.12575E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73434E+00  0.23069E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  57656.2099     24.3198     16.3288
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15121E+01  0.36862E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  57656.4338     24.5437      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  57656.4356     24.5455      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  57656.4970     24.6069      0.0614
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0105086 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  57656.5040
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  57656.5102      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4630        5594
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37097
+                          wsmp solve  57664.4428      7.9388      7.9327
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0620420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1324670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7924669 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1486969 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14709.4543773 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2365129 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085630 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3811591 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10186E+01  0.20699E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42749E-01  0.12595E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72984E+00  0.23002E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  57680.8601     24.3561     16.4173
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15337E+01  0.36582E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  57681.0827     24.5787      0.2225
+                do leaf measurements  57681.0845     24.5805      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  57681.1429     24.6389      0.0584
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0077879 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  57681.1461     24.6421      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  57681.1462     24.6422      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -221531978239021.5 437635901366352.88
+ def in m -8.0413503646850586 0.77594351768493652
+ dimensionless def  -2.21698147909981855E-6 2.29752867562430246E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0219871  0.2290931
+                  Compute divergence  57681.4198     24.9158      0.2735
+                        wsmp_cleanup  57681.4597     24.9557      0.0400
+              Reset surface geometry  57681.4687     24.9647      0.0090
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   57681.4765     24.9725      0.0077
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  57681.4940     24.9900      0.0176
+                   Advect surface  1  57681.4942     24.9902      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  57681.6964     25.1924      0.2022
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  57681.9038     25.3998      0.2075
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  57682.1694     25.6654      0.2656
+                    Advect the cloud  57682.3517     25.8477      0.1823
+                        Write output  57683.2571     26.7531      0.9055
+                    End of time step  57684.1632     27.6592      0.9061
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     354  57684.1634
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  57684.1635      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  57684.1635      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17048points
+                      refine surface  57684.1636      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  57684.1957      0.0323      0.0321
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  57684.2314      0.0680      0.0357
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  57684.2638      0.1004      0.0325
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17049points
+                          surface 02  57684.2894      0.1260      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 2:    17040points
+                      refine surface  57684.2896      0.1262      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  57684.3219      0.1585      0.0323
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17040points
+                          surface 03  57684.3471      0.1837      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 3:    17050points
+                      refine surface  57684.3472      0.1838      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  57684.3826      0.2192      0.0353
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  57684.4122      0.2487      0.0296
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  57684.4449      0.2815      0.0327
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17051points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  57684.4782
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  57684.4785      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  57684.4945      0.0162      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  57684.5188      0.0406      0.0244
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  57684.5200      0.0417      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  57684.5341      0.0559      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  57684.6563      0.1781      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  57684.9511      0.4729      0.2948
+                embedding surface  1  57684.9513      0.4731      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  57687.0690      2.5908      2.1177
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  57689.2877      4.8094      2.2186
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  57692.9874      8.5092      3.6997
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  57692.9970      8.5188      0.0096
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  57693.4868      9.0086      0.4898
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  57693.6252      9.1470      0.1384
+                           Find void  57693.8948      9.4166      0.2697
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32994
+          Define boundary conditions  57693.9313      9.4531      0.0365
+                         wsmp setup1  57693.9422      9.4640      0.0109
+                                                                        n =   128853
+                                                                        nz=  4958748
+                         wsmp setup2  57695.0873     10.6091      1.1451
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  57695.1436
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  57695.1437      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4631        5594
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.03135E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37098
+                          wsmp solve  57702.9184      7.7748      7.7747
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0646060 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2275660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7903919 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.6566079 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14694.6081701 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2360289 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085859 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9842360 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10143E+01  0.18063E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.92565E-01  0.11879E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76326E+00  0.25561E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  57719.9361     24.7926     17.0178
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35101E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  57720.1612     25.0176      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  57720.1630     25.0194      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  57720.2219     25.0784      0.0590
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5832394 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  57720.2287
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  57720.2347      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4631        5594
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.03135E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37098
+                          wsmp solve  57728.2322      8.0035      7.9975
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0587380 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2019122 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7968051 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.6520481 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14700.3585599 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2372520 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086021 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9558160 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10161E+01  0.13326E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.49115E-01  0.10279E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76742E+00  0.23337E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  57745.2215     24.9928     16.9893
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12328E+01  0.18117E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  57745.4473     25.2187      0.2259
+                do leaf measurements  57745.4491     25.2205      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  57745.5089     25.2803      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0686632 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  57745.5157
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  57745.5218      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4631        5594
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37098
+                          wsmp solve  57753.5237      8.0080      8.0019
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0617700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1851361 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7949209 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.7352321 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14596.1565577 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2368019 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086050 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.0229151 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10179E+01  0.15074E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40317E-01  0.11843E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74626E+00  0.23519E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  57770.5800     25.0642     17.0562
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13656E+01  0.31024E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  57770.8066     25.2909      0.2267
+                do leaf measurements  57770.8084     25.2927      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  57770.8676     25.3519      0.0592
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0357112 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  57770.8743
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  57770.8803      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4631        5594
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37098
+                          wsmp solve  57778.8138      7.9395      7.9335
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0647292 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2273152 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8016992 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.6614060 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14688.5619622 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2360229 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086069 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.0002210 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10177E+01  0.17066E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40299E-01  0.12289E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73676E+00  0.23185E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  57795.8463     24.9720     17.0325
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14619E+01  0.35302E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  57796.0708     25.1965      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  57796.0726     25.1983      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  57796.1316     25.2573      0.0590
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0156700 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  57796.1383
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  57796.1443      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4631        5594
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37098
+                          wsmp solve  57804.1451      8.0068      8.0008
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0585432 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2135210 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7971349 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.6531551 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14698.9621170 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2362270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085831 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9676199 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10175E+01  0.18767E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40330E-01  0.12551E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73218E+00  0.23049E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  57821.1472     25.0089     17.0020
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15038E+01  0.36084E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  57821.3726     25.2343      0.2254
+                do leaf measurements  57821.3744     25.2361      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  57821.4340     25.2957      0.0596
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0103899 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  57821.4408
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  57821.4469      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4631        5594
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37098
+                          wsmp solve  57829.4091      7.9683      7.9622
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0593739 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2031701 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7956140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.7072220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14631.0786119 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2362471 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085831 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.0106421 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.20287E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42775E-01  0.12566E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72782E+00  0.22973E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  57846.4532     25.0124     17.0440
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15236E+01  0.35886E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  57846.6816     25.2408      0.2284
+                do leaf measurements  57846.6834     25.2426      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  57846.7402     25.2994      0.0569
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0077076 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  57846.7433     25.3025      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  57846.7435     25.3027      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -221739848392954.69 438593173303103.88
+ def in m -8.0474023818969727 0.77528786659240723
+ dimensionless def  -2.21510819026402063E-6 2.29925782339913513E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0219979  0.2292513
+                  Compute divergence  57847.0199     25.5791      0.2764
+                        wsmp_cleanup  57847.0580     25.6172      0.0381
+              Reset surface geometry  57847.0670     25.6262      0.0091
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   57847.0757     25.6349      0.0087
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  57847.0950     25.6542      0.0193
+                   Advect surface  1  57847.0951     25.6544      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  57847.2990     25.8582      0.2038
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  57847.5083     26.0675      0.2093
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  57847.7800     26.3392      0.2717
+                    Advect the cloud  57847.9681     26.5273      0.1880
+                        Write output  57848.8797     27.4389      0.9117
+                    End of time step  57849.7865     28.3457      0.9067
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     355  57849.7866
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  57849.7867      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  57849.7867      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17049points
+                      refine surface  57849.7868      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  57849.8160      0.0294      0.0292
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  57849.8426      0.0559      0.0266
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  57849.8717      0.0850      0.0291
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17051points
+                          surface 02  57849.8938      0.1071      0.0221
+                                                                        S. 2:    17040points
+                      refine surface  57849.8939      0.1073      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  57849.9240      0.1374      0.0301
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  57849.9514      0.1648      0.0274
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  57849.9820      0.1954      0.0306
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17041points
+                          surface 03  57850.0049      0.2183      0.0229
+                                                                        S. 3:    17051points
+                      refine surface  57850.0050      0.2184      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  57850.0393      0.2526      0.0342
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  57850.0731      0.2865      0.0338
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  57850.1084      0.3217      0.0353
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17054points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  57850.1401
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  57850.1404      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  57850.1563      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  57850.1804      0.0403      0.0241
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  57850.1815      0.0414      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  57850.1956      0.0555      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  57850.3178      0.1777      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  57850.6104      0.4703      0.2926
+                embedding surface  1  57850.6106      0.4705      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  57852.7109      2.5709      2.1004
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  57854.9365      4.7964      2.2256
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  57858.6602      8.5201      3.7237
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  57858.6694      8.5293      0.0092
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  57859.2116      9.0715      0.5422
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  57859.3025      9.1625      0.0910
+                           Find void  57859.5757      9.4356      0.2732
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32995
+          Define boundary conditions  57859.6181      9.4780      0.0424
+                         wsmp setup1  57859.6300      9.4899      0.0119
+                                                                        n =   128856
+                                                                        nz=  4958871
+                         wsmp setup2  57860.7809     10.6408      1.1508
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  57860.8358
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  57860.8359      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4632        5594
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00128E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37099
+                          wsmp solve  57868.6099      7.7741      7.7740
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0641179 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3179071 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7910988 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2160110 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14404.6524068 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2386320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084569 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.6366611 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10134E+01  0.18253E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.93366E-01  0.11747E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76472E+00  0.24917E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  57885.2830     24.4472     16.6731
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35117E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  57885.5040     24.6683      0.2211
+                do leaf measurements  57885.5058     24.6700      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  57885.5648     24.7290      0.0590
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5909508 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  57885.5717
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  57885.5778      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4632        5594
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00128E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37099
+                          wsmp solve  57893.5230      7.9513      7.9453
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0635729 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3426731 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7971461 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1647201 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14470.8277218 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2387102 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085418 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.6157970 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10160E+01  0.13535E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48568E-01  0.10159E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76877E+00  0.22829E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  57910.1753     24.6036     16.6523
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12380E+01  0.18431E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  57910.3959     24.8242      0.2206
+                do leaf measurements  57910.3977     24.8259      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  57910.4565     24.8848      0.0589
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0723878 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  57910.4634
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  57910.4694      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4632        5594
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37099
+                          wsmp solve  57918.4712      8.0078      8.0018
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0600681 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3255908 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7905171 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1989131 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14426.6447220 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2390590 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084999 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.6230850 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10178E+01  0.15271E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38409E-01  0.11825E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74769E+00  0.23210E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  57935.1300     24.6666     16.6588
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13729E+01  0.31754E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  57935.3525     24.8891      0.2224
+                do leaf measurements  57935.3542     24.8908      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  57935.4133     24.9499      0.0591
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0356686 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  57935.4201
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  57935.4261      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4632        5594
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37099
+                          wsmp solve  57943.3633      7.9431      7.9372
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0628219 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3597150 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7915239 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1688900 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14465.4249918 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2385609 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084600 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.6304159 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10175E+01  0.17285E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38572E-01  0.12276E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73821E+00  0.22942E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  57960.0303     24.6102     16.6671
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14698E+01  0.35901E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  57960.2511     24.8309      0.2207
+                do leaf measurements  57960.2528     24.8327      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  57960.3117     24.8915      0.0588
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0153732 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  57960.3185
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  57960.3246      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4632        5594
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37099
+                          wsmp solve  57968.3143      7.9958      7.9897
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0629969 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3273702 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7928252 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1662092 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14468.8978446 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2391460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084560 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5974541 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.19035E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40787E-01  0.12531E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73371E+00  0.22825E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  57984.9487     24.6301     16.6343
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15118E+01  0.36736E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  57985.1713     24.8528      0.2226
+                do leaf measurements  57985.1731     24.8545      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  57985.2325     24.9140      0.0595
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0105114 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  57985.2396
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  57985.2457      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4632        5594
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37099
+                          wsmp solve  57993.2479      8.0083      8.0022
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0598710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3353920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7912750 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2688861 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14337.0639518 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2393079 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085371 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.7037051 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10170E+01  0.20578E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43238E-01  0.12545E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72935E+00  0.22769E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  58009.9878     24.7483     16.7399
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15323E+01  0.36488E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  58010.2094     24.9698      0.2215
+                do leaf measurements  58010.2111     24.9715      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  58010.2680     25.0284      0.0569
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0077562 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  58010.2711     25.0315      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  58010.2713     25.0317      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -221921448633718.78 439563817586268.88
+ def in m -8.0599145889282227 0.78524219989776611
+ dimensionless def  -2.24354914256504632E-6 2.30283273969377774E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0222616  0.2296244
+                  Compute divergence  58010.5489     25.3094      0.2776
+                        wsmp_cleanup  58010.5871     25.3476      0.0382
+              Reset surface geometry  58010.6074     25.3678      0.0203
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   58010.6158     25.3762      0.0084
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  58010.6301     25.3906      0.0143
+                   Advect surface  1  58010.6303     25.3907      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  58010.8241     25.5846      0.1939
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  58011.0325     25.7929      0.2083
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  58011.3005     26.0609      0.2680
+                    Advect the cloud  58011.4833     26.2437      0.1828
+                        Write output  58012.3912     27.1516      0.9079
+                    End of time step  58013.2978     28.0583      0.9067
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     356  58013.2981
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  58013.2981      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  58013.2982      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17051points
+                      refine surface  58013.2982      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  58013.3359      0.0379      0.0377
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  58013.3635      0.0654      0.0276
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  58013.3994      0.1013      0.0359
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17052points
+                          surface 02  58013.4228      0.1247      0.0234
+                                                                        S. 2:    17041points
+                      refine surface  58013.4229      0.1249      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  58013.4587      0.1606      0.0357
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  58013.4877      0.1897      0.0290
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  58013.5237      0.2257      0.0360
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17042points
+                          surface 03  58013.5473      0.2492      0.0236
+                                                                        S. 3:    17054points
+                      refine surface  58013.5474      0.2493      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  58013.5846      0.2865      0.0372
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  58013.6133      0.3152      0.0287
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  58013.6504      0.3524      0.0371
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17055points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  58013.6812
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  58013.6815      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  58013.6974      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  58013.7217      0.0405      0.0243
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  58013.7228      0.0416      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  58013.7370      0.0557      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  58013.8592      0.1780      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  58014.1521      0.4709      0.2929
+                embedding surface  1  58014.1523      0.4710      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  58016.2544      2.5732      2.1021
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  58018.4821      4.8008      2.2277
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  58022.1990      8.5177      3.7169
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  58022.2045      8.5233      0.0055
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  58022.7211      9.0399      0.5166
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  58022.8033      9.1221      0.0822
+                           Find void  58023.0782      9.3970      0.2749
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32995
+          Define boundary conditions  58023.1222      9.4409      0.0440
+                         wsmp setup1  58023.1348      9.4536      0.0127
+                                                                        n =   128856
+                                                                        nz=  4958871
+                         wsmp setup2  58024.2780     10.5967      1.1432
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  58024.3327
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  58024.3328      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4632        5594
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.04016E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37099
+                          wsmp solve  58032.1465      7.8139      7.8137
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0623000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3240590 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7917979 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2550960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14354.6302156 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2390220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084791 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.6811979 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10134E+01  0.18492E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.93692E-01  0.11719E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76494E+00  0.24664E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  58048.8636     24.5309     16.7171
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35130E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  58049.0855     24.7529      0.2220
+                do leaf measurements  58049.0873     24.7547      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  58049.1469     24.8142      0.0596
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5914774 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  58049.1537
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  58049.1602      0.0065      0.0065
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4632        5594
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.04016E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37099
+                          wsmp solve  58057.0963      7.9425      7.9360
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0589511 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3555288 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7987850 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1645331 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14471.0699970 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2386532 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085161 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.6254070 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10158E+01  0.13757E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48792E-01  0.10149E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76909E+00  0.22665E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  58073.7589     24.6051     16.6626
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12420E+01  0.18623E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  58073.9803     24.8265      0.2214
+                do leaf measurements  58073.9820     24.8283      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  58074.0411     24.8874      0.0591
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0728614 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  58074.0480
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  58074.0539      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4632        5594
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37099
+                          wsmp solve  58082.0309      7.9830      7.9770
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0603390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3337140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7929790 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1671181 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14467.7202729 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2390890 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084620 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.6021280 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10178E+01  0.15454E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38114E-01  0.11834E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74848E+00  0.23160E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  58098.6703     24.6223     16.6394
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13785E+01  0.32087E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  58098.8926     24.8447      0.2223
+                do leaf measurements  58098.8945     24.8465      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  58098.9543     24.9064      0.0599
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0357583 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  58098.9613
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  58098.9674      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4632        5594
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37099
+                          wsmp solve  58106.9011      7.9399      7.9337
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0619519 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3207631 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7912130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1977351 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14428.1624365 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2380190 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084150 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.6185269 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10175E+01  0.17440E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38355E-01  0.12298E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73893E+00  0.22908E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  58123.5567     24.5955     16.6556
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14749E+01  0.36286E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  58123.7772     24.8159      0.2205
+                do leaf measurements  58123.7790     24.8177      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  58123.8383     24.8770      0.0593
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0153252 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  58123.8452
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  58123.8513      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4632        5594
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37099
+                          wsmp solve  58131.8029      7.9577      7.9516
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0604858 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3304729 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7978241 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1588891 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14478.3893565 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2381949 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084801 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5947781 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.19177E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40801E-01  0.12549E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73434E+00  0.22807E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  58148.4342     24.5890     16.6314
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15170E+01  0.37070E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  58148.6548     24.8096      0.2206
+                do leaf measurements  58148.6566     24.8114      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  58148.7162     24.8710      0.0596
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0105563 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  58148.7231
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  58148.7291      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4632        5594
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37099
+                          wsmp solve  58156.7500      8.0269      8.0209
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0587981 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3301709 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7904229 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2189980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14400.8173610 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2391939 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085521 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.6465821 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.20712E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43252E-01  0.12559E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72985E+00  0.22756E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  58173.4334     24.7103     16.6834
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15372E+01  0.36767E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  58173.6557     24.9326      0.2223
+                do leaf measurements  58173.6575     24.9344      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  58173.7147     24.9916      0.0571
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0077701 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  58173.7178     24.9947      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  58173.7180     24.9949      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -222046317871011.72 440573460994591.13
+ def in m -8.0209226608276367 0.75139021873474121
+ dimensionless def  -2.10005283355712906E-6 2.29169218880789593E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0208782  0.2284958
+                  Compute divergence  58173.9939     25.2707      0.2759
+                        wsmp_cleanup  58174.0325     25.3094      0.0387
+              Reset surface geometry  58174.0416     25.3185      0.0091
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   58174.0503     25.3272      0.0087
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  58174.0689     25.3457      0.0185
+                   Advect surface  1  58174.0690     25.3459      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  58174.2737     25.5506      0.2047
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  58174.4813     25.7582      0.2076
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  58174.7481     26.0250      0.2668
+                    Advect the cloud  58174.9322     26.2091      0.1841
+                        Write output  58175.8479     27.1248      0.9157
+                    End of time step  58176.7540     28.0309      0.9061
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     357  58176.7542
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  58176.7543      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  58176.7543      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17052points
+                      refine surface  58176.7544      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  58176.7909      0.0367      0.0365
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17052points
+                          surface 02  58176.8145      0.0603      0.0236
+                                                                        S. 2:    17042points
+                      refine surface  58176.8147      0.0605      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  58176.8525      0.0983      0.0378
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  58176.8811      0.1269      0.0286
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  58176.9185      0.1643      0.0375
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17043points
+                          surface 03  58176.9421      0.1879      0.0235
+                                                                        S. 3:    17055points
+                      refine surface  58176.9422      0.1880      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  58176.9823      0.2281      0.0401
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  58177.0142      0.2600      0.0319
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  58177.0467      0.2925      0.0325
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17058points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  58177.0788
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  58177.0791      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  58177.0951      0.0164      0.0161
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  58177.1191      0.0403      0.0240
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  58177.1202      0.0415      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  58177.1345      0.0557      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  58177.2581      0.1794      0.1236
+             Imbed surface in osolve  58177.5510      0.4722      0.2928
+                embedding surface  1  58177.5511      0.4724      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  58179.6850      2.6062      2.1339
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  58181.9001      4.8213      2.2151
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  58185.5977      8.5189      3.6976
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  58185.6038      8.5250      0.0061
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  58186.1327      9.0539      0.5289
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  58186.2146      9.1358      0.0818
+                           Find void  58186.4854      9.4066      0.2708
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32995
+          Define boundary conditions  58186.5271      9.4483      0.0417
+                         wsmp setup1  58186.5389      9.4601      0.0118
+                                                                        n =   128856
+                                                                        nz=  4958871
+                         wsmp setup2  58187.6862     10.6074      1.1473
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  58187.7441
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  58187.7443      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4632        5594
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.16026E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37099
+                          wsmp solve  58195.5912      7.8471      7.8469
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0659239 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3282471 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7885730 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2358429 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14379.2273837 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2390208 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084319 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.6664970 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10134E+01  0.18564E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.93840E-01  0.11711E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76508E+00  0.24605E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  58212.2945     24.5504     16.7033
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35124E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  58212.5175     24.7734      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements  58212.5193     24.7752      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  58212.5803     24.8362      0.0610
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5909988 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  58212.5871
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  58212.5931      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4632        5594
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.16026E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37099
+                          wsmp solve  58220.5346      7.9474      7.9414
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0625670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3711329 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7981260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1745288 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14458.1255176 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2382510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083439 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.6533811 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10157E+01  0.13840E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48791E-01  0.10189E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76918E+00  0.22645E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  58237.2244     24.6373     16.6899
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12415E+01  0.18591E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  58237.4465     24.8593      0.2220
+                do leaf measurements  58237.4482     24.8610      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  58237.5091     24.9219      0.0609
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0725173 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  58237.5159
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  58237.5220      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4632        5594
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37099
+                          wsmp solve  58245.5276      8.0117      8.0056
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0604830 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3283360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7983441 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1647191 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14470.8289579 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2388899 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082648 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5994742 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10176E+01  0.15530E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38609E-01  0.11870E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74850E+00  0.23192E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  58262.1639     24.6480     16.6363
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13790E+01  0.32054E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  58262.3888     24.8729      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  58262.3906     24.8747      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  58262.4520     24.9361      0.0614
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0357021 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  58262.4589
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  58262.4651      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4632        5594
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37099
+                          wsmp solve  58270.4380      7.9791      7.9729
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0619349 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3220460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7915559 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2463441 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14365.8009431 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2387340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085320 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.6695900 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.17506E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38712E-01  0.12338E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73899E+00  0.22927E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  58287.1447     24.6858     16.7067
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14766E+01  0.36355E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  58287.3674     24.9085      0.2227
+                do leaf measurements  58287.3692     24.9102      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  58287.4303     24.9714      0.0611
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0153274 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  58287.4371
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  58287.4431      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4632        5594
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37099
+                          wsmp solve  58295.3755      7.9384      7.9325
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0603778 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3578780 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7964771 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1640799 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14471.6574863 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2388110 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084419 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.6265190 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.19228E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40690E-01  0.12581E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73442E+00  0.22827E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  58312.0396     24.6025     16.6640
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15186E+01  0.37127E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  58312.2616     24.8245      0.2221
+                do leaf measurements  58312.2634     24.8263      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  58312.3242     24.8871      0.0608
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0105507 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  58312.3311
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  58312.3371      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4632        5594
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37099
+                          wsmp solve  58320.3148      7.9836      7.9776
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0616488 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3248770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7902501 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1862609 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14442.9618989 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2391820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082879 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.6109560 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.20759E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43153E-01  0.12590E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72994E+00  0.22774E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  58336.9629     24.6318     16.6481
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15387E+01  0.36815E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  58337.1867     24.8555      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  58337.1884     24.8573      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  58337.2479     24.9168      0.0595
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0077719 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  58337.2511     24.9199      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  58337.2512     24.9201      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -222192115776666.38 441560649698853.88
+ def in m -8.0006704330444336 0.75840353965759277
+ dimensionless def  -2.02431661742074146E-6 2.28590583801269512E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0201357  0.2279027
+                  Compute divergence  58337.5254     25.1943      0.2742
+                        wsmp_cleanup  58337.5658     25.2347      0.0404
+              Reset surface geometry  58337.5743     25.2432      0.0085
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   58337.5822     25.2511      0.0079
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  58337.5993     25.2682      0.0171
+                   Advect surface  1  58337.5995     25.2684      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  58337.8057     25.4745      0.2062
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  58338.0140     25.6829      0.2084
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  58338.2806     25.9495      0.2666
+                    Advect the cloud  58338.4662     26.1351      0.1856
+                        Write output  58339.3801     27.0490      0.9139
+                    End of time step  58340.2869     27.9558      0.9068
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     358  58340.2872
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  58340.2872      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  58340.2873      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17052points
+                      refine surface  58340.2873      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  58340.3183      0.0312      0.0310
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17052points
+                          surface 02  58340.3426      0.0554      0.0242
+                                                                        S. 2:    17043points
+                      refine surface  58340.3427      0.0556      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  58340.3759      0.0888      0.0332
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  58340.4061      0.1189      0.0302
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  58340.4387      0.1516      0.0326
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17045points
+                          surface 03  58340.4631      0.1760      0.0244
+                                                                        S. 3:    17058points
+                      refine surface  58340.4633      0.1761      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  58340.4979      0.2107      0.0346
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17058points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  58340.5287
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  58340.5290      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  58340.5451      0.0164      0.0161
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  58340.5694      0.0407      0.0243
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  58340.5705      0.0419      0.0012
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  58340.5848      0.0562      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  58340.7082      0.1795      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  58341.0003      0.4716      0.2921
+                embedding surface  1  58341.0005      0.4718      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  58343.1281      2.5995      2.1277
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  58345.3465      4.8178      2.2184
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  58349.0407      8.5120      3.6942
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  58349.0508      8.5221      0.0101
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  58349.6097      9.0810      0.5589
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  58349.6907      9.1620      0.0810
+                           Find void  58349.9626      9.4340      0.2719
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32995
+          Define boundary conditions  58350.0039      9.4753      0.0413
+                         wsmp setup1  58350.0156      9.4869      0.0117
+                                                                        n =   128856
+                                                                        nz=  4958871
+                         wsmp setup2  58351.1613     10.6326      1.1457
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  58351.2195
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  58351.2196      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4632        5594
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.42879E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37099
+                          wsmp solve  58359.0517      7.8323      7.8321
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0648601 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3309202 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7913661 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1948609 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14431.8666809 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2390561 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0087030 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.6302049 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10135E+01  0.18577E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94567E-01  0.11833E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76507E+00  0.24878E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  58375.7187     24.4992     16.6670
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35123E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  58375.9416     24.7221      0.2228
+                do leaf measurements  58375.9433     24.7238      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  58376.0024     24.7829      0.0591
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5906752 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  58376.0092
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  58376.0152      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4632        5594
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.42879E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37099
+                          wsmp solve  58383.9517      7.9425      7.9365
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0581620 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3474150 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7911649 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1723981 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14460.8829028 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2383361 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085940 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.6165340 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10157E+01  0.13845E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.49121E-01  0.10155E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76916E+00  0.22843E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  58400.6048     24.5956     16.6531
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12411E+01  0.18657E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  58400.8255     24.8163      0.2208
+                do leaf measurements  58400.8273     24.8181      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  58400.8863     24.8771      0.0590
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0722218 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  58400.8931
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  58400.8992      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4632        5594
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37099
+                          wsmp solve  58408.8866      7.9935      7.9874
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0624042 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3247600 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7928851 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1684849 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14465.9496427 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2398610 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084820 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5973530 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10176E+01  0.15534E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38139E-01  0.11831E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74862E+00  0.23274E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  58425.5200     24.6269     16.6334
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13794E+01  0.32098E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  58425.7426     24.8494      0.2225
+                do leaf measurements  58425.7444     24.8512      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  58425.8037     24.9106      0.0594
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0356296 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  58425.8107
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  58425.8169      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4632        5594
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37099
+                          wsmp solve  58433.8272      8.0165      8.0103
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0616779 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3278170 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7912691 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2568929 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14352.3387566 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2387390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085139 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.6853449 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.17503E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38399E-01  0.12299E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73908E+00  0.22980E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  58450.5484     24.7377     16.7212
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14765E+01  0.36376E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  58450.7703     24.9596      0.2220
+                do leaf measurements  58450.7721     24.9614      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  58450.8312     25.0205      0.0592
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0152886 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  58450.8381
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  58450.8441      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4632        5594
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37099
+                          wsmp solve  58458.7820      7.9439      7.9380
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0614710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3581090 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7976260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1798420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14451.2543734 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2380371 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085430 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.6440780 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.19221E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40649E-01  0.12552E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73449E+00  0.22854E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  58475.4627     24.6246     16.6807
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15188E+01  0.37143E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  58475.6841     24.8460      0.2214
+                do leaf measurements  58475.6859     24.8478      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  58475.7448     24.9067      0.0590
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0105381 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  58475.7516
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  58475.7575      0.0059      0.0059
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4632        5594
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37099
+                          wsmp solve  58483.7571      8.0055      7.9996
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0590250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3251150 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7937050 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1712692 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14462.3442465 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2387991 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085049 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5968421 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.20747E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43125E-01  0.12567E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73001E+00  0.22781E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  58500.3903     24.6387     16.6332
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15389E+01  0.36834E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  58500.6133     24.8617      0.2230
+                do leaf measurements  58500.6151     24.8635      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  58500.6723     24.9207      0.0572
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0077523 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  58500.6755     24.9239      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  58500.6757     24.9240      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -222356955813109.66 442530034500830.94
+ def in m -7.9923701286315918 0.76273870468139648
+ dimensionless def  -1.99067388262067543E-6 2.28353432246616884E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0198045  0.2276516
+                  Compute divergence  58500.9497     25.1981      0.2740
+                        wsmp_cleanup  58500.9890     25.2374      0.0393
+              Reset surface geometry  58500.9977     25.2461      0.0087
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   58501.0056     25.2540      0.0079
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  58501.0228     25.2712      0.0173
+                   Advect surface  1  58501.0230     25.2714      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  58501.2300     25.4783      0.2070
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  58501.4380     25.6864      0.2080
+                                                                        S. 3:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  58501.7061     25.9545      0.2681
+                    Advect the cloud  58501.8938     26.1421      0.1877
+                        Write output  58502.8079     27.0562      0.9141
+                    End of time step  58503.7185     27.9669      0.9106
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     359  58503.7187
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  58503.7188      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  58503.7188      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17052points
+                      refine surface  58503.7189      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  58503.7519      0.0332      0.0331
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17052points
+                          surface 02  58503.7745      0.0558      0.0225
+                                                                        S. 2:    17045points
+                      refine surface  58503.7746      0.0559      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  58503.8094      0.0907      0.0348
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17045points
+                          surface 03  58503.8331      0.1144      0.0237
+                                                                        S. 3:    17058points
+                      refine surface  58503.8332      0.1146      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  58503.8713      0.1526      0.0380
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  58503.8986      0.1800      0.0274
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  58503.9314      0.2127      0.0327
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17059points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  58503.9629
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  58503.9632      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  58503.9793      0.0164      0.0161
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  58504.0038      0.0409      0.0246
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  58504.0049      0.0420      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  58504.0192      0.0563      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  58504.1426      0.1797      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  58504.4351      0.4722      0.2925
+                embedding surface  1  58504.4352      0.4723      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  58506.5564      2.5935      2.1212
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  58508.7820      4.8190      2.2255
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  58512.4490      8.4861      3.6671
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  58512.4547      8.4917      0.0056
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  58513.0031      9.0402      0.5484
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  58513.0852      9.1223      0.0822
+                           Find void  58513.3542      9.3913      0.2690
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32995
+          Define boundary conditions  58513.3948      9.4319      0.0406
+                         wsmp setup1  58513.4073      9.4443      0.0124
+                                                                        n =   128865
+                                                                        nz=  4959159
+                         wsmp setup2  58514.5553     10.5924      1.1481
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  58514.6135
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  58514.6137      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4631        5595
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00260E-05  9.98969E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37101
+                          wsmp solve  58522.4119      7.7984      7.7982
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0661020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0738091 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7956791 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.2516792 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13581.1951387 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2439611 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085409 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.4402080 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10132E+01  0.17123E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94373E-01  0.11229E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76442E+00  0.25668E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  58539.8854     25.2718     17.4735
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35140E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  58540.1109     25.4974      0.2256
+                do leaf measurements  58540.1127     25.4992      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  58540.1727     25.5591      0.0599
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5844344 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  58540.1797
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  58540.1858      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4631        5595
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00260E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37101
+                          wsmp solve  58548.1342      7.9545      7.9484
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0605829 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0523982 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7935362 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.1715469 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13670.6079040 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2432811 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085359 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.3303039 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10164E+01  0.12666E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48015E-01  0.10390E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76606E+00  0.23375E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  58565.4980     25.3184     17.3639
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12344E+01  0.19034E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  58565.7221     25.5424      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  58565.7238     25.5442      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  58565.7832     25.6035      0.0593
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0672238 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  58565.7900
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  58565.7958      0.0058      0.0058
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4631        5595
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37101
+                          wsmp solve  58573.7345      7.9446      7.9387
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0622511 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0693669 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8007131 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.1922262 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13647.4211852 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2437370 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085618 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.3772502 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10187E+01  0.14586E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41272E-01  0.11959E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74404E+00  0.23665E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  58591.1457     25.3557     17.4111
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13645E+01  0.30601E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  58591.3701     25.5802      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  58591.3719     25.5819      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  58591.4314     25.6415      0.0596
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0354956 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  58591.4384
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  58591.4444      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4631        5595
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37101
+                          wsmp solve  58599.4356      7.9972      7.9912
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0604751 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0738189 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7938969 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.2626290 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13569.0678819 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2439659 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085881 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.4437830 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10184E+01  0.16736E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41074E-01  0.12351E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73442E+00  0.23320E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  58616.9130     25.4746     17.4774
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14582E+01  0.34488E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  58617.1380     25.6996      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  58617.1397     25.7013      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  58617.1996     25.7612      0.0599
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0155733 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  58617.2065
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  58617.2126      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4631        5595
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37101
+                          wsmp solve  58625.1476      7.9410      7.9350
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0635622 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0551000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7954409 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.1761031 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13665.4924959 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2432570 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085320 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.3423941 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10181E+01  0.18518E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40527E-01  0.12599E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72982E+00  0.23156E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  58642.5232     25.3166     17.3756
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14979E+01  0.35211E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  58642.7478     25.5413      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  58642.7496     25.5430      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  58642.8090     25.6024      0.0594
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0106036 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  58642.8159
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  58642.8224      0.0065      0.0065
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4631        5595
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37101
+                          wsmp solve  58650.7893      7.9734      7.9669
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0591650 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0760331 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7945318 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.1812441 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13659.7250581 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2441111 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085580 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.3640740 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10179E+01  0.20059E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42007E-01  0.12607E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72559E+00  0.23079E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  58668.1866     25.3708     17.3974
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15163E+01  0.34968E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  58668.4113     25.5955      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  58668.4131     25.5972      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  58668.4702     25.6543      0.0571
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0077681 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  58668.4733     25.6575      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  58668.4735     25.6576      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -222530198978399.53 443484745626605.5
+ def in m -7.9919567108154297 0.76471126079559326
+ dimensionless def  -1.97615129607064399E-6 2.28341620309012273E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0196624  0.2276301
+                  Compute divergence  58668.7508     25.9349      0.2773
+                        wsmp_cleanup  58668.7893     25.9734      0.0385
+              Reset surface geometry  58668.7979     25.9821      0.0087
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   58668.8063     25.9905      0.0084
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  58668.8249     26.0090      0.0185
+                   Advect surface  1  58668.8250     26.0091      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  58669.0305     26.2146      0.2055
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  58669.2284     26.4125      0.1979
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  58669.4936     26.6778      0.2653
+                    Advect the cloud  58669.6785     26.8626      0.1848
+                        Write output  58670.5924     27.7766      0.9139
+                    End of time step  58671.4963     28.6805      0.9039
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     360  58671.4965
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  58671.4966      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  58671.4967      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17052points
+                      refine surface  58671.4967      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  58671.5260      0.0294      0.0293
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17052points
+                          surface 02  58671.5510      0.0544      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 2:    17045points
+                      refine surface  58671.5511      0.0546      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  58671.5816      0.0850      0.0305
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  58671.6146      0.1181      0.0330
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  58671.6443      0.1477      0.0297
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17046points
+                          surface 03  58671.6677      0.1712      0.0235
+                                                                        S. 3:    17059points
+                      refine surface  58671.6679      0.1713      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  58671.7019      0.2053      0.0340
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17059points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  58671.7319
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  58671.7322      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  58671.7481      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  58671.7725      0.0406      0.0244
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  58671.7736      0.0417      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  58671.7878      0.0559      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  58671.9106      0.1787      0.1228
+             Imbed surface in osolve  58672.2051      0.4732      0.2945
+                embedding surface  1  58672.2053      0.4734      0.0001
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  58674.3239      2.5920      2.1187
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  58676.5540      4.8221      2.2301
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  58680.2399      8.5080      3.6859
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  58680.2499      8.5181      0.0100
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  58680.7962      9.0644      0.5463
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  58680.8834      9.1516      0.0872
+                           Find void  58681.1548      9.4230      0.2714
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32995
+          Define boundary conditions  58681.1967      9.4648      0.0419
+                         wsmp setup1  58681.2085      9.4767      0.0118
+                                                                        n =   128865
+                                                                        nz=  4959159
+                         wsmp setup2  58682.3519     10.6200      1.1433
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  58682.4098
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  58682.4100      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4631        5595
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.10516E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37101
+                          wsmp solve  58690.2133      7.8035      7.8034
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0652659 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0666611 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7949669 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.1811020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13659.8844043 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2435861 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085840 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.3605540 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10131E+01  0.16613E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.93655E-01  0.11176E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76143E+00  0.25822E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  58707.6068     25.1970     17.3935
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35132E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  58707.8307     25.4209      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  58707.8325     25.4227      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  58707.8936     25.4838      0.0611
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5843532 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  58707.9005
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  58707.9066      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4631        5595
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.10516E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37101
+                          wsmp solve  58715.9261      8.0256      8.0195
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0599308 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0738471 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7936251 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.2269020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13608.7167165 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2444279 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086610 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.4077849 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10166E+01  0.12078E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.46885E-01  0.10420E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76324E+00  0.23454E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  58733.3676     25.4671     17.4415
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12299E+01  0.18279E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  58733.5954     25.6949      0.2278
+                do leaf measurements  58733.5971     25.6966      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  58733.6581     25.7576      0.0610
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0671359 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  58733.6649
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  58733.6709      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4631        5595
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37101
+                          wsmp solve  58741.6063      7.9414      7.9353
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0586591 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0544331 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8001459 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.1650660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13677.8909129 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2434700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085759 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.3307390 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10190E+01  0.14093E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41660E-01  0.11943E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74121E+00  0.23615E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  58758.9695     25.3046     17.3632
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13516E+01  0.29656E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  58759.1955     25.5306      0.2260
+                do leaf measurements  58759.1972     25.5323      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  58759.2582     25.5933      0.0610
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0353732 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  58759.2650
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  58759.2712      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4631        5595
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37101
+                          wsmp solve  58767.2751      8.0101      8.0039
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0607810 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0670550 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7969041 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.2295458 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13605.7747392 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2435951 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086200 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.4068849 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10189E+01  0.16336E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41429E-01  0.12319E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73170E+00  0.23284E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  58784.7153     25.4503     17.4402
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14437E+01  0.33531E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  58784.9406     25.6755      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  58784.9423     25.6772      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  58785.0038     25.7387      0.0615
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0156921 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  58785.0107
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  58785.0168      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4631        5595
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37101
+                          wsmp solve  58793.0183      8.0076      8.0015
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0597711 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0574610 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7957261 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.1832941 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13657.4267155 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2447929 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085299 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.3499720 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10187E+01  0.18168E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40883E-01  0.12575E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72763E+00  0.23128E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  58810.4013     25.3906     17.3830
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14840E+01  0.34347E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  58810.6284     25.6177      0.2271
+                do leaf measurements  58810.6302     25.6195      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  58810.6913     25.6806      0.0612
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0105356 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  58810.6982
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  58810.7042      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4631        5595
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37101
+                          wsmp solve  58818.6421      7.9438      7.9378
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0588841 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0660510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8008349 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.1888671 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13651.1822215 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2439661 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085590 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.3675611 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10184E+01  0.19739E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42120E-01  0.12584E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72374E+00  0.23045E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  58836.0427     25.3445     17.4006
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15028E+01  0.34175E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  58836.2665     25.5683      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  58836.2683     25.5701      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  58836.3274     25.6291      0.0591
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0078546 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  58836.3305     25.6323      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  58836.3306     25.6324      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -222778437875639.28 444393629181026.13
+ def in m -8.0661258697509766 0.77238088846206665
+ dimensionless def  -2.20680253846304738E-6 2.30460739135742214E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0218961  0.2297671
+                  Compute divergence  58836.6084     25.9102      0.2778
+                        wsmp_cleanup  58836.6482     25.9500      0.0398
+              Reset surface geometry  58836.6577     25.9594      0.0095
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   58836.6659     25.9677      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  58836.6832     25.9849      0.0173
+                   Advect surface  1  58836.6833     25.9851      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  58836.8904     26.1922      0.2071
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  58837.1069     26.4086      0.2164
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  58837.3754     26.6772      0.2686
+                    Advect the cloud  58837.5653     26.8671      0.1898
+                        Write output  58838.4736     27.7754      0.9083
+                    End of time step  58839.3795     28.6812      0.9058
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     361  58839.3797
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  58839.3797      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  58839.3798      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17052points
+                      refine surface  58839.3798      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  58839.4128      0.0332      0.0330
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  58839.4424      0.0627      0.0296
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  58839.4746      0.0950      0.0323
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17054points
+                          surface 02  58839.4996      0.1199      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 2:    17045points
+                      refine surface  58839.4997      0.1201      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  58839.5335      0.1538      0.0337
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  58839.5646      0.1850      0.0312
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  58839.5971      0.2174      0.0325
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17047points
+                          surface 03  58839.6223      0.2427      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 3:    17059points
+                      refine surface  58839.6224      0.2428      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  58839.6630      0.2833      0.0405
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  58839.6921      0.3124      0.0291
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  58839.7288      0.3492      0.0367
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17062points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  58839.7601
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  58839.7604      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  58839.7763      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  58839.8005      0.0404      0.0242
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  58839.8016      0.0416      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  58839.8158      0.0557      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  58839.9381      0.1780      0.1223
+             Imbed surface in osolve  58840.2313      0.4713      0.2933
+                embedding surface  1  58840.2315      0.4714      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  58842.3457      2.5857      2.1142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  58844.5273      4.7672      2.1816
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  58848.1541      8.3940      3.6268
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  58848.1598      8.3997      0.0057
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  58848.6548      8.8947      0.4950
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  58848.8061      9.0460      0.1513
+                           Find void  58849.0781      9.3181      0.2720
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32995
+          Define boundary conditions  58849.1179      9.3579      0.0398
+                         wsmp setup1  58849.1289      9.3688      0.0110
+                                                                        n =   128865
+                                                                        nz=  4959159
+                         wsmp setup2  58850.2710     10.5110      1.1421
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  58850.3253
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  58850.3255      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4631        5595
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.42370E-05  9.69674E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37101
+                          wsmp solve  58858.0970      7.7717      7.7715
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0643320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0585010 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7993579 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.2058430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13632.1961648 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2433891 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085430 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.3803830 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10126E+01  0.16397E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.93559E-01  0.11118E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76004E+00  0.25671E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  58875.5110     25.1857     17.4140
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35143E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  58875.7352     25.4099      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  58875.7371     25.4118      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  58875.7961     25.4708      0.0590
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5847909 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  58875.8029
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  58875.8089      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4631        5595
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.42370E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37101
+                          wsmp solve  58883.8128      8.0098      8.0039
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0603180 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0626209 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7963760 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.2403429 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13593.7732883 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2435281 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085249 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.4121201 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10174E+01  0.11817E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.46320E-01  0.10399E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76170E+00  0.23382E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  58901.2581     25.4552     17.4454
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12296E+01  0.18969E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  58901.4819     25.6790      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  58901.4837     25.6808      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  58901.5438     25.7408      0.0601
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0673396 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  58901.5507
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  58901.5568      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4631        5595
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37101
+                          wsmp solve  58909.5171      7.9665      7.9604
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0615630 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0506752 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7943320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.1621342 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13681.1881381 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2444761 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085580 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.3221440 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10196E+01  0.13857E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41998E-01  0.11920E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74004E+00  0.23575E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  58926.8726     25.3219     17.3554
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13471E+01  0.29342E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  58927.0996     25.5489      0.2270
+                do leaf measurements  58927.1014     25.5507      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  58927.1606     25.6099      0.0592
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0354835 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  58927.1673
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  58927.1732      0.0059      0.0059
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4631        5595
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37101
+                          wsmp solve  58935.1085      7.9412      7.9352
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0628841 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0597498 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8012750 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.1867669 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13653.5348235 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2433431 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085559 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.3629720 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10193E+01  0.16150E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41675E-01  0.12301E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73050E+00  0.23283E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  58952.5049     25.3376     17.3964
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14379E+01  0.33169E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  58952.7292     25.5619      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements  58952.7310     25.5637      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  58952.7901     25.6228      0.0591
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0155737 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  58952.7969
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  58952.8029      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4631        5595
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37101
+                          wsmp solve  58960.7812      7.9843      7.9783
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0586720 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0721149 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7954919 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.2616010 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13570.2055660 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2435980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085380 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.4404252 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10190E+01  0.18005E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41108E-01  0.12559E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72664E+00  0.23136E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  58978.2550     25.4581     17.4738
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14780E+01  0.34031E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  58978.4794     25.6824      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements  58978.4812     25.6843      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  58978.5408     25.7439      0.0597
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0105060 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  58978.5477
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  58978.5538      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4631        5595
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37101
+                          wsmp solve  58986.4873      7.9396      7.9335
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0617840 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0561290 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7921221 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.1691220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13673.3320623 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2432389 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085762 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.3314099 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10187E+01  0.19587E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42078E-01  0.12574E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72294E+00  0.23060E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  59003.8516     25.3039     17.3643
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14969E+01  0.33864E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  59004.0866     25.5388      0.2349
+                do leaf measurements  59004.0884     25.5406      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  59004.1452     25.5974      0.0568
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0079088 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  59004.1483     25.6006      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  59004.1485     25.6007      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -222955364336519.25 445354374172075.63
+ def in m -8.09918212890625 0.81871455907821655
+ dimensionless def  -2.33918445450919017E-6 2.3140520368303574E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0231462  0.2307389
+                  Compute divergence  59004.4244     25.8766      0.2759
+                        wsmp_cleanup  59004.4626     25.9149      0.0382
+              Reset surface geometry  59004.4712     25.9235      0.0086
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   59004.4798     25.9320      0.0085
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  59004.4977     25.9500      0.0179
+                   Advect surface  1  59004.4978     25.9501      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  59004.6999     26.1522      0.2021
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  59004.9060     26.3583      0.2061
+                                                                        S. 3:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  59005.1690     26.6212      0.2630
+                    Advect the cloud  59005.3545     26.8068      0.1855
+                        Write output  59006.2681     27.7203      0.9135
+                    End of time step  59007.1851     28.6374      0.9170
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     362  59007.1853
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  59007.1853      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  59007.1854      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17054points
+                      refine surface  59007.1854      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   5 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  59007.2212      0.0360      0.0358
+                                                                        S. 1:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  59007.2534      0.0682      0.0322
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  59007.2841      0.0989      0.0307
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17059points
+                          surface 02  59007.3080      0.1228      0.0239
+                                                                        S. 2:    17047points
+                      refine surface  59007.3082      0.1229      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  59007.3399      0.1547      0.0318
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  59007.3700      0.1848      0.0301
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  59007.4002      0.2149      0.0301
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17050points
+                          surface 03  59007.4248      0.2395      0.0246
+                                                                        S. 3:    17062points
+                      refine surface  59007.4249      0.2396      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  59007.4603      0.2750      0.0354
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  59007.4946      0.3093      0.0343
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  59007.5294      0.3442      0.0348
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17064points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  59007.5608
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  59007.5610      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  59007.5770      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  59007.6006      0.0398      0.0236
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  59007.6017      0.0409      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  59007.6158      0.0551      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  59007.7380      0.1773      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  59008.0298      0.4690      0.2917
+                embedding surface  1  59008.0299      0.4692      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  59010.1336      2.5728      2.1036
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  59012.3152      4.7544      2.1816
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  59015.9757      8.4149      3.6605
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  59015.9812      8.4204      0.0055
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  59016.4922      8.9314      0.5110
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  59016.6450      9.0842      0.1528
+                           Find void  59016.9215      9.3608      0.2766
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32995
+          Define boundary conditions  59016.9653      9.4045      0.0438
+                         wsmp setup1  59016.9775      9.4167      0.0122
+                                                                        n =   128919
+                                                                        nz=  4960698
+                         wsmp setup2  59018.1238     10.5631      1.1463
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  59018.1783
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  59018.1785      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4635        5597
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00132E-05  9.69416E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37111
+                          wsmp solve  59025.9496      7.7713      7.7711
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0630329 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3005660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7934659 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.8155019 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14051.5106321 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2440588 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086801 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.2257271 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10124E+01  0.17481E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94163E-01  0.11455E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75989E+00  0.25672E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  59043.2092     25.0309     17.2597
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35157E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  59043.4323     25.2540      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements  59043.4341     25.2557      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  59043.4931     25.3148      0.0590
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5838772 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  59043.5002
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  59043.5065      0.0063      0.0063
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4635        5597
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00132E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37111
+                          wsmp solve  59051.4630      7.9628      7.9565
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0586360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2945912 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7917161 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.8181670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14048.3419615 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2436848 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086861 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.2159121 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10175E+01  0.12655E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48750E-01  0.10433E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76438E+00  0.23537E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  59068.7123     25.2120     17.2493
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12330E+01  0.18456E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  59068.9350     25.4348      0.2228
+                do leaf measurements  59068.9368     25.4365      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  59068.9961     25.4959      0.0593
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0677378 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  59069.0032
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  59069.0095      0.0063      0.0063
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4635        5597
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37111
+                          wsmp solve  59077.0357      8.0324      8.0261
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0580311 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3191009 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7917340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.8796170 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13975.6737367 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2444539 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086730 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.3020501 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10193E+01  0.14486E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41325E-01  0.11968E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74314E+00  0.23717E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  59094.3709     25.3677     17.3353
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13550E+01  0.30447E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  59094.5970     25.5938      0.2261
+                do leaf measurements  59094.5987     25.5955      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  59094.6579     25.6547      0.0592
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0353001 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  59094.6650
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  59094.6712      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4635        5597
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37111
+                          wsmp solve  59102.6167      7.9516      7.9454
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0610831 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3309782 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7944760 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.8161500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14050.7400187 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2436290 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0087068 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.2554400 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10189E+01  0.16611E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41025E-01  0.12320E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73365E+00  0.23342E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  59119.9068     25.2417     17.2901
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14488E+01  0.34529E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  59120.1298     25.4648      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements  59120.1316     25.4665      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  59120.1907     25.5256      0.0591
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158623 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  59120.1978
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  59120.2041      0.0063      0.0063
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4635        5597
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37111
+                          wsmp solve  59128.1979      8.0001      7.9938
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0583220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2947550 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7953920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.8749461 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13981.1708894 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2438610 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086260 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.2763588 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10185E+01  0.18395E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40493E-01  0.12577E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72988E+00  0.23185E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  59145.5082     25.3104     17.3103
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14905E+01  0.35379E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  59145.7319     25.5341      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements  59145.7336     25.5358      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  59145.7932     25.5954      0.0595
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0104804 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  59145.8003
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  59145.8067      0.0063      0.0063
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4635        5597
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37111
+                          wsmp solve  59153.8224      8.0221      8.0158
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0579791 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3092980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7952008 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.8513770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14008.9755667 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2444222 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086849 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.2673998 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10183E+01  0.19958E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42127E-01  0.12592E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72612E+00  0.23092E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  59171.1235     25.3232     17.3011
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15111E+01  0.35236E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  59171.3485     25.5482      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  59171.3503     25.5499      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  59171.4071     25.6068      0.0568
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0078141 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  59171.4106     25.6103      0.0035
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  59171.4108     25.6104      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -223109624771837.34 446339904631784.75
+ def in m -8.0947999954223633 0.84760361909866333
+ dimensionless def  -2.42172462599618095E-6 2.31279999869210383E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0240080  0.2306722
+                  Compute divergence  59171.6870     25.8867      0.2763
+                        wsmp_cleanup  59171.7252     25.9249      0.0382
+              Reset surface geometry  59171.7340     25.9337      0.0088
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   59171.7423     25.9420      0.0083
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  59171.7614     25.9610      0.0190
+                   Advect surface  1  59171.7615     25.9612      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  59171.9879     26.1876      0.2264
+                                                                        S. 2:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  59172.1952     26.3949      0.2073
+                                                                        S. 3:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  59172.4634     26.6631      0.2682
+                    Advect the cloud  59172.6460     26.8457      0.1826
+                        Write output  59173.5652     27.7649      0.9192
+                    End of time step  59174.4750     28.6747      0.9098
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     363  59174.4752
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  59174.4753      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  59174.4753      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17057points
+                      refine surface  59174.4754      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  59174.5132      0.0380      0.0379
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  59174.5482      0.0730      0.0350
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  59174.5843      0.1091      0.0361
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17059points
+                          surface 02  59174.6096      0.1344      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 2:    17050points
+                      refine surface  59174.6097      0.1345      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  59174.6495      0.1743      0.0398
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  59174.6786      0.2034      0.0290
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  59174.7149      0.2397      0.0364
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17052points
+                          surface 03  59174.7404      0.2652      0.0254
+                                                                        S. 3:    17064points
+                      refine surface  59174.7405      0.2653      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  59174.7805      0.3053      0.0400
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  59174.8147      0.3395      0.0342
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  59174.8517      0.3765      0.0370
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17066points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  59174.8842
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  59174.8844      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  59174.9004      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  59174.9246      0.0404      0.0242
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  59174.9257      0.0415      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  59174.9398      0.0557      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  59175.0621      0.1779      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  59175.3545      0.4703      0.2924
+                embedding surface  1  59175.3547      0.4705      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  59177.4748      2.5906      2.1201
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  59179.7026      4.8184      2.2278
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  59183.4002      8.5161      3.6976
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  59183.4057      8.5216      0.0055
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  59183.9476      9.0634      0.5418
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  59184.0300      9.1458      0.0824
+                           Find void  59184.3061      9.4220      0.2762
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32996
+          Define boundary conditions  59184.3497      9.4656      0.0436
+                         wsmp setup1  59184.3614      9.4773      0.0117
+                                                                        n =   128931
+                                                                        nz=  4961109
+                         wsmp setup2  59185.5095     10.6253      1.1480
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  59185.5643
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  59185.5645      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4634        5597
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00797E-05  9.16202E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37114
+                          wsmp solve  59193.3809      7.8165      7.8164
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0607269 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2812631 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7939239 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.8588839 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13624.7184821 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2360201 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085411 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.2397859 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10124E+01  0.18158E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.93214E-01  0.11887E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76136E+00  0.24893E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  59210.6542     25.0898     17.2733
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35104E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  59210.8807     25.3163      0.2265
+                do leaf measurements  59210.8825     25.3181      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  59210.9435     25.3792      0.0611
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5879403 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  59210.9504
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  59210.9563      0.0059      0.0059
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4634        5597
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00797E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37114
+                          wsmp solve  59218.8982      7.9478      7.9419
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0599711 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2947960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8020329 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.7746420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13722.1967515 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2353511 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085142 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.1757450 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.13213E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48267E-01  0.10305E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76632E+00  0.22984E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  59236.1075     25.1571     17.2093
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12318E+01  0.18129E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  59236.3321     25.3817      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  59236.3338     25.3835      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  59236.3947     25.4443      0.0609
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0702315 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  59236.4016
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  59236.4077      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4634        5597
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37114
+                          wsmp solve  59244.4196      8.0180      8.0120
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0586410 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2794380 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7985890 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.7632160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13735.5255414 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2351871 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085578 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.1440549 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10187E+01  0.14927E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39892E-01  0.11937E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74455E+00  0.23440E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  59261.5971     25.1955     17.1775
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13600E+01  0.30824E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  59261.8228     25.4211      0.2257
+                do leaf measurements  59261.8246     25.4230      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  59261.8860     25.4844      0.0614
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0354700 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  59261.8930
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  59261.8991      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4634        5597
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37114
+                          wsmp solve  59269.8703      7.9773      7.9712
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0612500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2763731 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7957850 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.8376892 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13649.1127510 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2357111 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085640 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.2158139 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10184E+01  0.16928E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40021E-01  0.12361E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73531E+00  0.23137E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  59287.1197     25.2268     17.2494
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14558E+01  0.35080E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  59287.3469     25.4540      0.2272
+                do leaf measurements  59287.3487     25.4558      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  59287.4096     25.5167      0.0609
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0157363 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  59287.4166
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  59287.4225      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4634        5597
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37114
+                          wsmp solve  59295.3633      7.9468      7.9408
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0609782 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2880232 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8026721 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.7664421 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13731.7596299 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2346148 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0087221 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.1618922 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10182E+01  0.18652E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39981E-01  0.12604E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73126E+00  0.23027E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  59312.5595     25.1430     17.1962
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14974E+01  0.35932E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  59312.7837     25.3672      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  59312.7855     25.3689      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  59312.8464     25.4298      0.0609
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0104713 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  59312.8533
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  59312.8592      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4634        5597
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37114
+                          wsmp solve  59320.8439      7.9906      7.9847
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0583642 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2773380 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7934361 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.7763450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13720.2123302 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2350559 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085258 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.1494942 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10179E+01  0.20180E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42449E-01  0.12610E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72725E+00  0.22962E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  59338.0269     25.1736     17.1830
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15172E+01  0.35740E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  59338.2527     25.3994      0.2258
+                do leaf measurements  59338.2545     25.4012      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  59338.3139     25.4606      0.0594
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0076443 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  59338.3171     25.4638      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  59338.3172     25.4640      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -223278878813190.16 447314803751045.
+ def in m -7.9481973648071289 0.83691495656967163
+ dimensionless def  -2.39118559019906175E-6 2.2709135328020368E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0236653  0.2267448
+                  Compute divergence  59338.5916     25.7383      0.2743
+                        wsmp_cleanup  59338.6319     25.7786      0.0403
+              Reset surface geometry  59338.6405     25.7873      0.0087
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   59338.6484     25.7952      0.0079
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  59338.6656     25.8124      0.0172
+                   Advect surface  1  59338.6658     25.8125      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  59338.8712     26.0179      0.2054
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  59339.0764     26.2231      0.2052
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  59339.3533     26.5000      0.2769
+                    Advect the cloud  59339.5416     26.6883      0.1883
+                        Write output  59340.4571     27.6038      0.9155
+                    End of time step  59363.2538     50.4006     22.7968
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     364  59363.2540
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  59363.2541      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  59363.2541      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17059points
+                      refine surface  59363.2542      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  59363.2908      0.0368      0.0367
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  59363.3250      0.0710      0.0341
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  59363.3621      0.1081      0.0371
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17060points
+                          surface 02  59363.3861      0.1321      0.0240
+                                                                        S. 2:    17052points
+                      refine surface  59363.3862      0.1323      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  59363.4275      0.1735      0.0412
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  59363.4572      0.2032      0.0297
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  59363.4945      0.2405      0.0373
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17055points
+                          surface 03  59363.5190      0.2650      0.0245
+                                                                        S. 3:    17065points
+                      refine surface  59363.5191      0.2652      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  59363.5594      0.3054      0.0403
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  59363.5866      0.3326      0.0272
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  59363.6189      0.3649      0.0323
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17067points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  59363.6512
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  59363.6515      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  59363.6678      0.0166      0.0163
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  59363.6918      0.0406      0.0240
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  59363.6929      0.0417      0.0012
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  59363.7071      0.0559      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  59363.8296      0.1784      0.1226
+             Imbed surface in osolve  59364.1238      0.4725      0.2941
+                embedding surface  1  59364.1239      0.4727      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  59366.2513      2.6001      2.1274
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  59368.4797      4.8285      2.2284
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  59372.1773      8.5261      3.6976
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  59372.1868      8.5355      0.0095
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  59372.6874      9.0362      0.5006
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  59372.8255      9.1743      0.1381
+                           Find void  59373.0946      9.4434      0.2691
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32996
+          Define boundary conditions  59373.1356      9.4844      0.0410
+                         wsmp setup1  59373.1468      9.4956      0.0113
+                                                                        n =   128949
+                                                                        nz=  4961685
+                         wsmp setup2  59374.2926     10.6414      1.1457
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  59374.3479
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  59374.3481      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4635        5597
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.17363E-05  9.87612E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37118
+                          wsmp solve  59382.1238      7.7759      7.7757
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0651851 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1432610 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7957551 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.1201570 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14094.4591939 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2403800 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085490 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.3737810 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10133E+01  0.18645E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94984E-01  0.12206E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76346E+00  0.24438E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  59399.5326     25.1846     17.4087
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35118E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  59399.7561     25.4082      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements  59399.7579     25.4100      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  59399.8169     25.4690      0.0590
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5919142 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  59399.8238
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  59399.8298      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4635        5597
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.17363E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37118
+                          wsmp solve  59407.8288      8.0050      7.9990
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0607340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1191471 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7975960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.1511440 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14058.5164589 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2407560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086601 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.3784981 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10159E+01  0.13759E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48509E-01  0.10160E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76840E+00  0.22598E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  59425.2416     25.4178     17.4128
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12398E+01  0.18687E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  59425.4664     25.6426      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  59425.4682     25.6444      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  59425.5279     25.7041      0.0597
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0738692 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  59425.5349
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  59425.5410      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4635        5597
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37118
+                          wsmp solve  59433.5542      8.0194      8.0133
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0618091 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1155260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7956390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.1377571 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14074.0218660 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2412689 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086300 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.3610909 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10178E+01  0.15386E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38956E-01  0.11857E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74735E+00  0.23318E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  59450.9495     25.4147     17.3953
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13745E+01  0.31876E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  59451.1758     25.6409      0.2263
+                do leaf measurements  59451.1776     25.6427      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  59451.2366     25.7018      0.0591
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361126 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  59451.2435
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  59451.2494      0.0059      0.0059
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4635        5597
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37118
+                          wsmp solve  59459.1945      7.9510      7.9451
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0623569 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1425531 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8046820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.1178000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14097.2006755 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2400489 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086551 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.3765349 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10177E+01  0.17349E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39250E-01  0.12316E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73799E+00  0.23040E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  59476.6060     25.3625     17.4116
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14713E+01  0.36169E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  59476.8293     25.5858      0.2233
+                do leaf measurements  59476.8310     25.5876      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  59476.8901     25.6466      0.0590
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0153376 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  59476.8969
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  59476.9030      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4635        5597
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37118
+                          wsmp solve  59484.9070      8.0101      8.0040
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0611129 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1285191 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7968640 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.1639130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14043.7586281 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2409549 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086639 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.4004829 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10175E+01  0.19076E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40541E-01  0.12564E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73382E+00  0.22938E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  59502.3425     25.4456     17.4355
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15131E+01  0.36981E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  59502.5671     25.6702      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  59502.5689     25.6720      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  59502.6284     25.7315      0.0595
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0105511 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  59502.6354
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  59502.6416      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4635        5597
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37118
+                          wsmp solve  59510.6234      7.9880      7.9818
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0588520 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1216500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7954490 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.1208229 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14093.6848617 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2414470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086470 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.3473449 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.20594E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42956E-01  0.12578E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72959E+00  0.22882E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  59528.0052     25.3698     17.3818
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15335E+01  0.36713E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  59528.2316     25.5961      0.2264
+                do leaf measurements  59528.2333     25.5979      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  59528.2901     25.6547      0.0568
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0077452 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  59528.2933     25.6579      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  59528.2935     25.6580      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -223597423166318.5 448146735360807.63
+ def in m -7.9790005683898926 0.80067276954650879
+ dimensionless def  -2.28637048176356738E-6 2.27971444811139815E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0225927  0.2275906
+                  Compute divergence  59528.5697     25.9343      0.2763
+                        wsmp_cleanup  59528.6079     25.9725      0.0382
+              Reset surface geometry  59528.6168     25.9814      0.0089
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   59528.6254     25.9900      0.0086
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  59528.6443     26.0089      0.0190
+                   Advect surface  1  59528.6445     26.0091      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  59528.8500     26.2146      0.2055
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  59529.0591     26.4237      0.2091
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  59529.3349     26.6994      0.2757
+                    Advect the cloud  59529.5240     26.8885      0.1891
+                        Write output  59530.4421     27.8067      0.9182
+                    End of time step  59531.3481     28.7126      0.9059
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     365  59531.3483
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  59531.3483      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  59531.3484      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17060points
+                      refine surface  59531.3484      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  59531.3852      0.0369      0.0368
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  59531.4160      0.0678      0.0309
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  59531.4532      0.1050      0.0372
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17061points
+                          surface 02  59531.4784      0.1301      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 2:    17055points
+                      refine surface  59531.4785      0.1302      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  59531.5181      0.1698      0.0396
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  59531.5479      0.1996      0.0298
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  59531.5843      0.2360      0.0364
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17057points
+                          surface 03  59531.6099      0.2616      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 3:    17066points
+                      refine surface  59531.6100      0.2618      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  59531.6476      0.2994      0.0376
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17066points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  59531.6824
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  59531.6827      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  59531.6986      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  59531.7228      0.0404      0.0242
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  59531.7240      0.0416      0.0012
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  59531.7381      0.0557      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  59531.8604      0.1780      0.1223
+             Imbed surface in osolve  59532.1530      0.4706      0.2926
+                embedding surface  1  59532.1532      0.4708      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  59534.2571      2.5747      2.1039
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  59536.4725      4.7901      2.2154
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  59540.1990      8.5166      3.7265
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  59540.2062      8.5238      0.0072
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  59540.7706      9.0881      0.5644
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  59540.8533      9.1709      0.0828
+                           Find void  59541.1306      9.4482      0.2773
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    32996
+          Define boundary conditions  59541.1749      9.4925      0.0443
+                         wsmp setup1  59541.1878      9.5054      0.0129
+                                                                        n =   128976
+                                                                        nz=  4962738
+                         wsmp setup2  59542.3323     10.6499      1.1445
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  59542.3870
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  59542.3872      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4636        5598
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37126
+                          wsmp solve  59550.1920      7.8050      7.8048
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0670350 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2080030 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7987971 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.8608110 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13489.8957936 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2382922 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0088670 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.1822121 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10657E+01  0.19796E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94105E-01  0.13217E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76474E+00  0.27659E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  59567.4085     25.0215     17.2165
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35093E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  59567.6356     25.2486      0.2271
+                do leaf measurements  59567.6373     25.2503      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  59567.6974     25.3103      0.0601
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.6008129 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  59567.7041
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  59567.7101      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4636        5598
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37126
+                          wsmp solve  59575.6636      7.9595      7.9536
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0628130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2121980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7949672 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.8963859 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13449.5556538 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2366869 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0090542 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.2124999 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10187E+01  0.14715E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.50538E-01  0.10581E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76948E+00  0.22223E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  59592.9105     25.2064     17.2469
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12441E+01  0.19287E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  59593.1351     25.4310      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  59593.1367     25.4326      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  59593.1967     25.4926      0.0600
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0767746 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  59593.2035
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  59593.2095      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4636        5598
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37126
+                          wsmp solve  59601.1952      7.9917      7.9857
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0626941 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1974120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7913549 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.9824848 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13352.9152582 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2374020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084920 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.2802372 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10205E+01  0.16241E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38812E-01  0.11881E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74890E+00  0.23001E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  59618.5106     25.3070     17.3153
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13852E+01  0.32592E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  59618.7358     25.5323      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements  59618.7375     25.5340      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  59618.7981     25.5946      0.0606
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362702 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  59618.8050
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  59618.8111      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4636        5598
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37126
+                          wsmp solve  59626.7602      7.9552      7.9490
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0610702 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2136841 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7934639 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.8676770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13482.0912897 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2372122 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0088530 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.1823750 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10198E+01  0.18162E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37720E-01  0.12297E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73991E+00  0.22772E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  59643.9769     25.1719     17.2167
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14866E+01  0.37303E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  59644.2017     25.3967      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  59644.2034     25.3984      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  59644.2634     25.4584      0.0600
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0153027 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  59644.2702
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  59644.2763      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4636        5598
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37126
+                          wsmp solve  59652.2263      7.9561      7.9500
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0606070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2223880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7980068 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.8881550 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13458.8676353 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2366772 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0088491 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.2150731 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10193E+01  0.19868E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40473E-01  0.12568E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73583E+00  0.22702E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  59669.4754     25.2052     17.2491
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15312E+01  0.38116E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  59669.6989     25.4287      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements  59669.7006     25.4304      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  59669.7606     25.4904      0.0600
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0109723 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  59669.7674
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  59669.7735      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4636        5598
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37126
+                          wsmp solve  59677.7959      8.0285      8.0225
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0615759 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2069712 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7936151 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.9391270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13401.4073872 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2381668 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0088520 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.2487218 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10188E+01  0.21377E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42841E-01  0.12582E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73135E+00  0.22665E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  59695.0780     25.3106     17.2821
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15513E+01  0.37768E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  59695.3050     25.5376      0.2270
+                do leaf measurements  59695.3067     25.5393      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  59695.3645     25.5970      0.0578
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0079153 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  59695.3676     25.6002      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  59695.3678     25.6003      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -223871187767565.78 449013871782042.5
+ def in m -7.9555954933166504 0.8045927882194519
+ dimensionless def  -2.15352978025163934E-6 2.27302728380475726E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0212668  0.2268844
+                  Compute divergence  59695.6424     25.8750      0.2747
+                        wsmp_cleanup  59695.6812     25.9138      0.0387
+              Reset surface geometry  59695.6901     25.9227      0.0089
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   59695.6989     25.9315      0.0088
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  59695.7182     25.9508      0.0193
+                   Advect surface  1  59695.7183     25.9509      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  59695.9236     26.1562      0.2053
+                                                                        S. 2:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  59696.1306     26.3632      0.2070
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  59696.4015     26.6341      0.2709
+                    Advect the cloud  59696.5904     26.8230      0.1889
+                        Write output  59697.5149     27.7475      0.9245
+                    End of time step  59698.4340     28.6666      0.9191
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     366  59698.4342
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  59698.4343      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  59698.4343      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17061points
+                      refine surface  59698.4344      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  59698.4724      0.0382      0.0380
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  59698.5059      0.0717      0.0335
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  59698.5423      0.1081      0.0364
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17062points
+                          surface 02  59698.5669      0.1327      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 2:    17057points
+                      refine surface  59698.5671      0.1329      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  59698.6053      0.1711      0.0382
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  59698.6361      0.2019      0.0308
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  59698.6737      0.2395      0.0376
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17058points
+                          surface 03  59698.6984      0.2642      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 3:    17066points
+                      refine surface  59698.6985      0.2643      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  59698.7382      0.3040      0.0397
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  59698.7721      0.3379      0.0339
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  59698.8096      0.3754      0.0375
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17068points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  59698.8422
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  59698.8424      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  59698.8585      0.0163      0.0161
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  59698.8823      0.0401      0.0238
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  59698.8834      0.0412      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  59698.8977      0.0555      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  59699.0211      0.1789      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  59699.3133      0.4711      0.2922
+                embedding surface  1  59699.3134      0.4713      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  59701.4461      2.6039      2.1327
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  59703.6370      4.7949      2.1909
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  59707.3048      8.4626      3.6678
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  59707.3103      8.4681      0.0055
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  59707.8535      9.0113      0.5432
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  59707.9367      9.0946      0.0832
+                           Find void  59708.2093      9.3672      0.2726
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33000
+          Define boundary conditions  59708.2516      9.4094      0.0423
+                         wsmp setup1  59708.2632      9.4210      0.0116
+                                                                        n =   128997
+                                                                        nz=  4963518
+                         wsmp setup2  59709.4043     10.5621      1.1411
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  59709.4616
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  59709.4618      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4636        5600
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.03957E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37132
+                          wsmp solve  59717.3295      7.8679      7.8677
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0655401 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1823649 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7964661 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.8924940 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15252.3711020 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2400122 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0087621 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1861000 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10539E+01  0.20003E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94387E-01  0.12202E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76544E+00  0.24893E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  59733.5507     24.0891     16.2212
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35141E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  59733.7767     24.3151      0.2261
+                do leaf measurements  59733.7785     24.3169      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  59733.8383     24.3767      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.6033563 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  59733.8452
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  59733.8512      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4636        5600
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.03957E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37132
+                          wsmp solve  59741.8022      7.9570      7.9511
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0613382 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2146540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8000131 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.8556759 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15304.1009272 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2385819 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0088699 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1795812 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10184E+01  0.14996E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.50883E-01  0.10903E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76879E+00  0.21642E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  59758.0166     24.1714     16.2143
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12571E+01  0.19768E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  59758.2409     24.3957      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements  59758.2427     24.3975      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  59758.3025     24.4573      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0809092 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  59758.3093
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  59758.3154      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4636        5600
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37132
+                          wsmp solve  59766.3172      8.0079      8.0018
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0629990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1794240 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7978611 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.8993790 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15242.7362995 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2392199 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0088220 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1881602 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10207E+01  0.16526E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38750E-01  0.12057E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74936E+00  0.22584E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  59782.5414     24.2321     16.2242
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13989E+01  0.33193E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  59782.7662     24.4569      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  59782.7680     24.4587      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  59782.8282     24.5189      0.0602
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0366297 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  59782.8352
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  59782.8413      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4636        5600
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37132
+                          wsmp solve  59790.8316      7.9965      7.9904
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0620291 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1784618 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7981131 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.8467600 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15316.6807069 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2402260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0087850 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1348321 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10200E+01  0.18453E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37505E-01  0.12392E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73975E+00  0.22446E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  59807.0017     24.1665     16.1700
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14996E+01  0.38009E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  59807.2274     24.3922      0.2257
+                do leaf measurements  59807.2291     24.3939      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  59807.2889     24.4538      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0152261 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  59807.2961
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  59807.3021      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4636        5600
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37132
+                          wsmp solve  59815.2500      7.9539      7.9479
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0637991 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1941781 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8039649 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.8625360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15294.4359277 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2410738 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0087600 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1747711 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10194E+01  0.20167E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40279E-01  0.12642E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73588E+00  0.22429E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  59831.4593     24.1632     16.2093
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15418E+01  0.38695E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  59831.6831     24.3870      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  59831.6849     24.3888      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  59831.7446     24.4485      0.0597
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0111475 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  59831.7515
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  59831.7575      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4636        5600
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37132
+                          wsmp solve  59839.7591      8.0076      8.0016
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0626380 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1870821 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7983799 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9165370 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15218.7785785 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2403371 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0087762 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2142148 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10188E+01  0.21672E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42674E-01  0.12635E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73155E+00  0.22402E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  59856.0085     24.2570     16.2494
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15609E+01  0.38210E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  59856.2346     24.4831      0.2261
+                do leaf measurements  59856.2363     24.4848      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  59856.2939     24.5425      0.0576
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0079965 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  59856.2970     24.5456      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  59856.2972     24.5458      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -224105582535858.22 449892091485191.38
+ def in m -7.9164218902587891 0.81295228004455566
+ dimensionless def  -1.90433655466352195E-6 2.26183482578822551E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0189061  0.2256813
+                  Compute divergence  59856.5683     24.8168      0.2711
+                        wsmp_cleanup  59856.6080     24.8566      0.0397
+              Reset surface geometry  59856.6153     24.8639      0.0073
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   59856.6233     24.8719      0.0080
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  59856.6408     24.8893      0.0174
+                   Advect surface  1  59856.6409     24.8895      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  59856.8440     25.0926      0.2031
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  59857.0488     25.2974      0.2048
+                                                                        S. 3:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  59857.3135     25.5620      0.2646
+                    Advect the cloud  59857.4953     25.7439      0.1819
+                        Write output  59858.4150     26.6635      0.9196
+                    End of time step  59859.3329     27.5815      0.9179
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     367  59859.3331
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  59859.3332      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  59859.3333      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17062points
+                      refine surface  59859.3333      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  59859.3710      0.0379      0.0377
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  59859.4033      0.0702      0.0323
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  59859.4358      0.1027      0.0325
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17063points
+                          surface 02  59859.4608      0.1277      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 2:    17058points
+                      refine surface  59859.4610      0.1278      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  59859.4931      0.1599      0.0321
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17058points
+                          surface 03  59859.5176      0.1845      0.0245
+                                                                        S. 3:    17068points
+                      refine surface  59859.5177      0.1846      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  59859.5574      0.2243      0.0396
+                                                                        S. 3:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  59859.5922      0.2590      0.0348
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  59859.6291      0.2960      0.0369
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17071points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  59859.6618
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  59859.6621      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  59859.6782      0.0164      0.0161
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  59859.7022      0.0404      0.0241
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  59859.7033      0.0415      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  59859.7176      0.0558      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  59859.8411      0.1793      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  59860.1333      0.4715      0.2923
+                embedding surface  1  59860.1335      0.4717      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  59862.2612      2.5994      2.1277
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  59864.4785      4.8167      2.2173
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  59868.1832      8.5214      3.7047
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  59868.1927      8.5309      0.0096
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  59868.7298      9.0680      0.5371
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  59868.8242      9.1624      0.0944
+                           Find void  59869.0956      9.4338      0.2714
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33005
+          Define boundary conditions  59869.1370      9.4752      0.0414
+                         wsmp setup1  59869.1488      9.4870      0.0118
+                                                                        n =   129003
+                                                                        nz=  4963845
+                         wsmp setup2  59870.2944     10.6326      1.1457
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  59870.3516
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  59870.3518      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4636        5601
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.11974E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37135
+                          wsmp solve  59878.2046      7.8530      7.8528
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0681500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4108241 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7966480 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.7012510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14842.5883748 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2431200 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084589 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.2289321 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10411E+01  0.18697E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95082E-01  0.11472E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76210E+00  0.23834E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  59895.4704     25.1188     17.2658
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35155E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  59895.6947     25.3431      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements  59895.6965     25.3448      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  59895.7561     25.4044      0.0596
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5899199 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  59895.7629
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  59895.7689      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4636        5601
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.11974E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37135
+                          wsmp solve  59903.7140      7.9511      7.9451
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0625939 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4535992 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7979701 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.6391921 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14921.7274662 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2424500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084610 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.2047520 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10203E+01  0.14032E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.49016E-01  0.11524E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76526E+00  0.22206E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  59920.9556     25.1927     17.2417
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12584E+01  0.20704E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  59921.1775     25.4146      0.2219
+                do leaf measurements  59921.1793     25.4164      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  59921.2387     25.4758      0.0594
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0751670 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  59921.2455
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  59921.2516      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4636        5601
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37135
+                          wsmp solve  59929.2284      7.9829      7.9769
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0619390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4075191 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7971001 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.6494761 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14908.5548348 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2431190 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084679 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.1680958 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10226E+01  0.15783E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37700E-01  0.12136E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74545E+00  0.22983E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  59946.4337     25.1882     17.2052
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13897E+01  0.32176E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  59946.6557     25.4102      0.2221
+                do leaf measurements  59946.6575     25.4120      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  59946.7169     25.4714      0.0594
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362208 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  59946.7237
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  59946.7298      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4636        5601
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37135
+                          wsmp solve  59954.7587      8.0349      8.0289
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0641971 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4104619 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7998271 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.6661608 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14887.2328403 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2431829 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086601 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.1929710 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10218E+01  0.17833E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38331E-01  0.12489E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73594E+00  0.22803E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  59971.9881     25.2644     17.2295
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14835E+01  0.36691E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  59972.2122     25.4884      0.2240
+                do leaf measurements  59972.2139     25.4901      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  59972.2735     25.5498      0.0597
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0153553 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  59972.2803
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  59972.2863      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4636        5601
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37135
+                          wsmp solve  59980.2344      7.9542      7.9482
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0584550 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4413722 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8033068 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.6468871 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14911.8688585 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2421970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084729 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.2011619 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10211E+01  0.19528E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39918E-01  0.12747E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73206E+00  0.22730E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  59997.4722     25.1919     17.2378
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15230E+01  0.37292E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  59997.6949     25.4146      0.2227
+                do leaf measurements  59997.6967     25.4164      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  59997.7559     25.4756      0.0592
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0109891 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  59997.7627
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  59997.7687      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4636        5601
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37135
+                          wsmp solve  60005.7690      8.0063      8.0002
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0589919 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4060602 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7996700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.6800849 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14869.4853971 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2424819 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084870 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.1962359 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10207E+01  0.21034E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42272E-01  0.12939E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72798E+00  0.22715E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  60023.0026     25.2399     17.2336
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15400E+01  0.36788E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  60023.2264     25.4637      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  60023.2282     25.4655      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  60023.2857     25.5230      0.0575
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0077216 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  60023.2888     25.5262      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  60023.2890     25.5263      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -224284813215207.88 450791996342883.19
+ def in m -7.8677959442138672 0.83463925123214722
+ dimensionless def  -1.6794971057346888E-6 2.24794169834681904E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0166644  0.2242249
+                  Compute divergence  60023.5664     25.8038      0.2774
+                        wsmp_cleanup  60023.6051     25.8424      0.0387
+              Reset surface geometry  60023.6140     25.8513      0.0089
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   60023.6224     25.8597      0.0084
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  60023.6403     25.8776      0.0179
+                   Advect surface  1  60023.6404     25.8777      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  60023.8428     26.0802      0.2024
+                                                                        S. 2:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  60024.0514     26.2887      0.2085
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  60024.3223     26.5596      0.2709
+                    Advect the cloud  60024.5096     26.7469      0.1873
+                        Write output  60025.4265     27.6638      0.9169
+                    End of time step  60026.3470     28.5844      0.9205
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     368  60026.3473
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  60026.3473      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  60026.3474      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17063points
+                      refine surface  60026.3474      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  60026.3813      0.0340      0.0338
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  60026.4110      0.0638      0.0298
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  60026.4482      0.1010      0.0372
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17064points
+                          surface 02  60026.4723      0.1250      0.0241
+                                                                        S. 2:    17058points
+                      refine surface  60026.4724      0.1252      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  60026.5106      0.1633      0.0382
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  60026.5403      0.1930      0.0297
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  60026.5779      0.2306      0.0376
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17059points
+                          surface 03  60026.6021      0.2549      0.0242
+                                                                        S. 3:    17071points
+                      refine surface  60026.6023      0.2550      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  60026.6417      0.2944      0.0394
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  60026.6773      0.3300      0.0356
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  60026.7146      0.3674      0.0374
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17072points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  60026.7487
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  60026.7490      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  60026.7650      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  60026.7889      0.0402      0.0239
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  60026.7900      0.0413      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  60026.8042      0.0555      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  60026.9265      0.1778      0.1223
+             Imbed surface in osolve  60027.2208      0.4721      0.2943
+                embedding surface  1  60027.2210      0.4722      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  60029.3301      2.5814      2.1091
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  60031.5552      4.8065      2.2251
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  60035.2666      8.5178      3.7113
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  60035.2731      8.5244      0.0066
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  60035.8632      9.1145      0.5901
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  60035.9465      9.1977      0.0832
+                           Find void  60036.2192      9.4705      0.2727
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33005
+          Define boundary conditions  60036.2617      9.5129      0.0425
+                         wsmp setup1  60036.2737      9.5249      0.0120
+                                                                        n =   129003
+                                                                        nz=  4963845
+                         wsmp setup2  60037.4189     10.6702      1.1453
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  60037.4772
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  60037.4774      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4636        5601
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79208E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37135
+                          wsmp solve  60045.2987      7.8215      7.8213
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0600469 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4032919 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7995701 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.6849110 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14863.3440443 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2425880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084941 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.1993780 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10827E+01  0.18314E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95138E-01  0.11460E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76027E+00  0.24186E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  60062.5347     25.0575     17.2360
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35176E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  60062.7584     25.2812      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  60062.7602     25.2831      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  60062.8201     25.3429      0.0599
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5900190 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  60062.8271
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  60062.8333      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4636        5601
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79239E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37135
+                          wsmp solve  60070.8253      7.9982      7.9920
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0605550 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4142840 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7939332 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.6296241 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14934.0039361 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2431109 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084150 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.1504080 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10207E+01  0.13574E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48751E-01  0.11311E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76239E+00  0.22364E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  60088.0114     25.1843     17.1861
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12572E+01  0.20639E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  60088.2358     25.4087      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  60088.2376     25.4105      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  60088.2972     25.4701      0.0596
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0717922 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  60088.3039
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  60088.3099      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4636        5601
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37135
+                          wsmp solve  60096.2553      7.9514      7.9455
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0617170 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4398730 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8054471 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.6450891 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14914.1711393 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2426112 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084140 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.2036300 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10232E+01  0.15386E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38157E-01  0.12070E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74295E+00  0.23045E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  60113.4948     25.1909     17.2395
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13813E+01  0.31569E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  60113.7172     25.4133      0.2224
+                do leaf measurements  60113.7190     25.4151      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  60113.7784     25.4745      0.0594
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360418 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  60113.7853
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  60113.7914      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4636        5601
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37135
+                          wsmp solve  60121.7725      7.9872      7.9811
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0655231 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4111438 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8007300 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.6967380 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14848.3151831 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2428200 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084591 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.2258902 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10225E+01  0.17490E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38664E-01  0.12329E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73345E+00  0.22818E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  60139.0348     25.2495     17.2623
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14719E+01  0.35965E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  60139.2586     25.4733      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  60139.2604     25.4751      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  60139.3203     25.5350      0.0599
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0153261 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  60139.3272
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  60139.3334      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4636        5601
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37135
+                          wsmp solve  60147.2857      7.9585      7.9523
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0610812 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4215002 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7968519 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.6412930 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14919.0344903 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2422829 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085020 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.1720030 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10220E+01  0.19212E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39786E-01  0.12596E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72988E+00  0.22738E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  60164.4949     25.1677     17.2092
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15104E+01  0.36580E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  60164.7175     25.3902      0.2225
+                do leaf measurements  60164.7192     25.3920      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  60164.7784     25.4512      0.0592
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0108596 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  60164.7853
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  60164.7914      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4636        5601
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37135
+                          wsmp solve  60172.7390      7.9537      7.9476
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0612998 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4041171 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8049889 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.6410351 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14919.3651007 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2420750 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084250 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.1624119 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10215E+01  0.20739E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42160E-01  0.12757E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72619E+00  0.22716E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  60189.9374     25.1521     17.1984
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15282E+01  0.36108E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  60190.1601     25.3748      0.2227
+                do leaf measurements  60190.1619     25.3767      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  60190.2191     25.4338      0.0571
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0076941 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  60190.2222     25.4369      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  60190.2224     25.4371      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -224586318172393.03 451594457333521.63
+ def in m -7.9004378318786621 0.82821947336196899
+ dimensionless def  -1.78432873317173545E-6 2.2572679519653318E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0176589  0.2251096
+                  Compute divergence  60190.4939     25.7086      0.2715
+                        wsmp_cleanup  60190.5332     25.7479      0.0393
+              Reset surface geometry  60190.5410     25.7557      0.0078
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   60190.5489     25.7636      0.0079
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  60190.5661     25.7808      0.0171
+                   Advect surface  1  60190.5662     25.7809      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  60190.7690     25.9838      0.2029
+                                                                        S. 2:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  60190.9762     26.1909      0.2071
+                                                                        S. 3:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  60191.2484     26.4631      0.2723
+                    Advect the cloud  60191.4346     26.6493      0.1862
+                        Write output  60192.3551     27.5698      0.9205
+                    End of time step  60193.2674     28.4821      0.9123
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     369  60193.2676
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  60193.2677      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  60193.2677      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17064points
+                      refine surface  60193.2678      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  60193.3041      0.0365      0.0364
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17064points
+                          surface 02  60193.3287      0.0611      0.0245
+                                                                        S. 2:    17059points
+                      refine surface  60193.3288      0.0612      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  60193.3650      0.0974      0.0362
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17059points
+                          surface 03  60193.3903      0.1227      0.0253
+                                                                        S. 3:    17072points
+                      refine surface  60193.3904      0.1228      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  60193.4278      0.1602      0.0374
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17072points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  60193.4591
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  60193.4594      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  60193.4753      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  60193.4998      0.0407      0.0245
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  60193.5009      0.0418      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  60193.5151      0.0560      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  60193.6373      0.1782      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  60193.9312      0.4721      0.2939
+                embedding surface  1  60193.9313      0.4723      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  60196.0476      2.5885      2.1162
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  60198.2840      4.8249      2.2364
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  60201.9630      8.5039      3.6790
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  60201.9712      8.5121      0.0082
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  60202.5044      9.0453      0.5333
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  60202.6218      9.1628      0.1174
+                           Find void  60202.8926      9.4335      0.2708
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33006
+          Define boundary conditions  60202.9338      9.4747      0.0411
+                         wsmp setup1  60202.9460      9.4869      0.0122
+                                                                        n =   129015
+                                                                        nz=  4964256
+                         wsmp setup2  60204.0866     10.6275      1.1406
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  60204.1455
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  60204.1457      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4638        5603
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.08909E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37138
+                          wsmp solve  60211.9261      7.7806      7.7805
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0661569 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3051212 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7994862 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7814240 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16514.2910835 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2445230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086191 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2057369 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10181E+01  0.17512E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94532E-01  0.13096E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75985E+00  0.25223E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  60228.1685     24.0230     16.2424
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35203E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  60228.3909     24.2454      0.2224
+                do leaf measurements  60228.3927     24.2471      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  60228.4520     24.3064      0.0593
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5797314 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  60228.4591
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  60228.4653      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4638        5603
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.08909E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37138
+                          wsmp solve  60236.5076      8.0485      8.0423
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0598879 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3051610 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7936859 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7566118 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16552.3845143 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2449059 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086319 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1693029 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10198E+01  0.12924E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47385E-01  0.12771E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76216E+00  0.22994E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  60252.7138     24.2547     16.2063
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12486E+01  0.20436E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  60252.9390     24.4799      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  60252.9408     24.4817      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  60253.0006     24.5415      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0650673 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  60253.0076
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  60253.0139      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4638        5603
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37138
+                          wsmp solve  60260.9683      7.9607      7.9544
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0584681 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3320708 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8004739 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7303460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16592.9016243 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2437849 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086699 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1742170 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10225E+01  0.14766E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41724E-01  0.13124E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74223E+00  0.23370E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  60277.1791     24.1714     16.2108
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13679E+01  0.30914E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  60277.4019     24.3943      0.2228
+                do leaf measurements  60277.4037     24.3961      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  60277.4629     24.4553      0.0592
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362255 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  60277.4701
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  60277.4763      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4638        5603
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37138
+                          wsmp solve  60285.4771      8.0071      8.0008
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0593541 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3017249 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7961719 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7443011 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16571.3501181 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2446079 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085649 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1551421 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10220E+01  0.16930E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41467E-01  0.13386E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73253E+00  0.23078E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  60301.6686     24.1985     16.1914
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14585E+01  0.35104E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  60301.8919     24.4219      0.2233
+                do leaf measurements  60301.8937     24.4236      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  60301.9535     24.4834      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0155328 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  60301.9607
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  60301.9670      0.0063      0.0063
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4638        5603
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37138
+                          wsmp solve  60309.9519      7.9912      7.9849
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0590682 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3122690 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7949178 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7296441 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16593.9870871 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2442250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0088420 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1493840 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10217E+01  0.18697E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40919E-01  0.13600E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72893E+00  0.22984E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  60326.1376     24.1769     16.1857
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14975E+01  0.35747E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  60326.3606     24.3999      0.2230
+                do leaf measurements  60326.3623     24.4017      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  60326.4222     24.4615      0.0599
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107855 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  60326.4293
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  60326.4355      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4638        5603
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37138
+                          wsmp solve  60334.3906      7.9613      7.9551
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0628481 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3140841 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8026171 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7830970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16511.7289132 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2447720 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085690 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2164011 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10212E+01  0.20239E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41665E-01  0.13753E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72530E+00  0.22934E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  60350.6434     24.2141     16.2527
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15158E+01  0.35361E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  60350.8657     24.4364      0.2223
+                do leaf measurements  60350.8674     24.4381      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  60350.9244     24.4951      0.0570
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0077599 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  60350.9279     24.4986      0.0035
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  60350.9281     24.4988      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -224853600656141.63 452414671499228.25
+ def in m -7.9248390197753906 0.81905847787857056
+ dimensionless def  -1.8563435758863176E-6 2.26423971993582576E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0183571  0.2257762
+                  Compute divergence  60351.1974     24.7682      0.2694
+                        wsmp_cleanup  60351.2363     24.8070      0.0388
+              Reset surface geometry  60351.2448     24.8155      0.0085
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   60351.2528     24.8235      0.0079
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  60351.2705     24.8412      0.0177
+                   Advect surface  1  60351.2706     24.8413      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   4 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  60351.5191     25.0898      0.2484
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  60351.7245     25.2952      0.2054
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  60352.0222     25.5929      0.2977
+                    Advect the cloud  60352.2107     25.7814      0.1886
+                        Write output  60353.1314     26.7021      0.9207
+                    End of time step  60354.0497     27.6204      0.9183
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     370  60354.0499
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  60354.0500      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  60354.0500      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17060points
+                      refine surface  60354.0501      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  60354.0815      0.0316      0.0314
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  60354.1115      0.0616      0.0300
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  60354.1435      0.0935      0.0319
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17061points
+                          surface 02  60354.1680      0.1181      0.0245
+                                                                        S. 2:    17059points
+                      refine surface  60354.1681      0.1182      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  60354.2013      0.1514      0.0332
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  60354.2305      0.1806      0.0292
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  60354.2613      0.2114      0.0308
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17060points
+                          surface 03  60354.2868      0.2369      0.0255
+                                                                        S. 3:    17069points
+                      refine surface  60354.2870      0.2371      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  60354.3249      0.2750      0.0379
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  60354.3604      0.3105      0.0355
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  60354.3983      0.3483      0.0379
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17071points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  60354.4290
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  60354.4292      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  60354.4452      0.0162      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  60354.4694      0.0405      0.0242
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  60354.4706      0.0416      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  60354.4847      0.0557      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  60354.6070      0.1780      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  60354.9009      0.4719      0.2940
+                embedding surface  1  60354.9011      0.4721      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  60357.0171      2.5881      2.1160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  60359.2290      4.8000      2.2119
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  60362.9229      8.4939      3.6939
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  60362.9320      8.5030      0.0091
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  60363.4749      9.0459      0.5429
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  60363.5946      9.1656      0.1197
+                           Find void  60363.8663      9.4373      0.2717
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33006
+          Define boundary conditions  60363.9076      9.4786      0.0413
+                         wsmp setup1  60363.9199      9.4909      0.0123
+                                                                        n =   129015
+                                                                        nz=  4964256
+                         wsmp setup2  60365.0631     10.6341      1.1432
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  60365.1219
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  60365.1220      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4638        5603
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.42226E-05  9.87645E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37138
+                          wsmp solve  60372.9016      7.7797      7.7796
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0650702 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2998788 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8020141 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.8092799 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16471.7332073 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2449260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086391 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2302430 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10151E+01  0.17281E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94039E-01  0.13179E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75979E+00  0.25666E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  60389.1683     24.0464     16.2667
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35197E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  60389.3909     24.2690      0.2226
+                do leaf measurements  60389.3926     24.2707      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  60389.4521     24.3302      0.0594
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5799616 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  60389.4591
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  60389.4654      0.0063      0.0063
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4638        5603
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.42226E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37138
+                          wsmp solve  60397.4983      8.0391      8.0329
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0614362 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3051591 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7964489 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7745800 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16524.7810080 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2452300 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085902 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1918800 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10197E+01  0.12670E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47286E-01  0.12848E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76296E+00  0.23301E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  60413.7269     24.2678     16.2287
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12417E+01  0.19656E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  60413.9521     24.4930      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  60413.9539     24.4947      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  60414.0135     24.5544      0.0596
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0682665 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  60414.0206
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  60414.0268      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4638        5603
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37138
+                          wsmp solve  60421.9798      7.9593      7.9531
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0623360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3394980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7965429 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7413700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16575.8721282 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2446048 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086420 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1934381 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10221E+01  0.14522E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42234E-01  0.13161E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74215E+00  0.23478E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  60438.2095     24.1890     16.2297
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13613E+01  0.30587E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  60438.4322     24.4116      0.2226
+                do leaf measurements  60438.4339     24.4133      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  60438.4933     24.4728      0.0594
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361226 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  60438.5004
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  60438.5067      0.0063      0.0063
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4638        5603
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37138
+                          wsmp solve  60446.5029      8.0025      7.9962
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0616999 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3004880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7960510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7572858 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16551.3474069 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2453079 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086248 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1698980 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10216E+01  0.16685E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41917E-01  0.13401E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73254E+00  0.23180E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  60462.7089     24.2085     16.2060
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14531E+01  0.34734E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  60462.9325     24.4321      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  60462.9343     24.4339      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  60462.9943     24.4939      0.0600
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0157043 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  60463.0015
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  60463.0079      0.0064      0.0064
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4638        5603
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37138
+                          wsmp solve  60471.0009      7.9995      7.9931
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0619452 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3239121 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7941830 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7151320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16616.4611892 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2448401 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086279 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1490951 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10212E+01  0.18474E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41326E-01  0.13604E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72884E+00  0.23064E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  60487.1866     24.1851     16.1857
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14930E+01  0.35367E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  60487.4118     24.4103      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  60487.4135     24.4121      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  60487.4732     24.4717      0.0597
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107655 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  60487.4802
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  60487.4864      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4638        5603
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37138
+                          wsmp solve  60495.4429      7.9627      7.9565
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0607710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3246930 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8030899 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7803340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16515.9609203 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2445788 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086370 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2225490 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10208E+01  0.20029E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41633E-01  0.13750E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72514E+00  0.23018E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  60511.7019     24.2217     16.2591
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15115E+01  0.35060E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  60511.9243     24.4442      0.2224
+                do leaf measurements  60511.9260     24.4459      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  60511.9831     24.5030      0.0571
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0077789 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  60511.9866     24.5065      0.0035
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  60511.9868     24.5066      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -225154162849855.09 453216443560099.75
+ def in m -7.9325761795043945 0.81677508354187012
+ dimensionless def  -2.07936338015965055E-6 2.26645033700125545E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0205923  0.2261248
+                  Compute divergence  60512.2573     24.7771      0.2705
+                        wsmp_cleanup  60512.2964     24.8162      0.0391
+              Reset surface geometry  60512.3052     24.8250      0.0088
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   60512.3130     24.8328      0.0078
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  60512.3304     24.8502      0.0174
+                   Advect surface  1  60512.3305     24.8504      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  60512.5363     25.0562      0.2058
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  60512.7709     25.2907      0.2346
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  60513.0604     25.5803      0.2895
+                    Advect the cloud  60513.2522     25.7720      0.1917
+                        Write output  60514.1699     26.6898      0.9178
+                    End of time step  60515.0858     27.6056      0.9158
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     371  60515.0860
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  60515.0861      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  60515.0861      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17061points
+                      refine surface  60515.0861      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  60515.1232      0.0372      0.0370
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  60515.1533      0.0673      0.0301
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  60515.1904      0.1045      0.0371
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17062points
+                          surface 02  60515.2164      0.1304      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 2:    17058points
+                      refine surface  60515.2166      0.1306      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  60515.2539      0.1679      0.0373
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17058points
+                          surface 03  60515.2791      0.1931      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 3:    17069points
+                      refine surface  60515.2792      0.1932      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  60515.3166      0.2306      0.0374
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17069points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  60515.3483
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  60515.3486      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  60515.3645      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  60515.3890      0.0407      0.0245
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  60515.3901      0.0419      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  60515.4043      0.0560      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  60515.5265      0.1783      0.1223
+             Imbed surface in osolve  60515.8223      0.4740      0.2958
+                embedding surface  1  60515.8224      0.4742      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  60517.9407      2.5924      2.1182
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  60520.1968      4.8485      2.2561
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  60523.9254      8.5772      3.7286
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  60523.9310      8.5827      0.0056
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  60524.5090      9.1607      0.5780
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  60524.5944      9.2461      0.0854
+                           Find void  60524.8644      9.5161      0.2700
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33006
+          Define boundary conditions  60524.9048      9.5566      0.0405
+                         wsmp setup1  60524.9173      9.5690      0.0125
+                                                                        n =   129015
+                                                                        nz=  4964256
+                         wsmp setup2  60526.0684     10.7201      1.1511
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  60526.1268
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  60526.1270      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4638        5603
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.85152E-05  7.44905E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37138
+                          wsmp solve  60533.8932      7.7664      7.7662
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0620458 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3246310 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8029351 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7927270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16496.9960872 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2450731 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085909 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2364428 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10404E+01  0.17222E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94122E-01  0.13370E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76011E+00  0.25475E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  60550.1673     24.0405     16.2741
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35187E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  60550.3902     24.2634      0.2228
+                do leaf measurements  60550.3919     24.2651      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  60550.4515     24.3247      0.0596
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5810305 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  60550.4588
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  60550.4651      0.0063      0.0063
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4638        5603
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.98612E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37138
+                          wsmp solve  60558.4882      8.0294      8.0231
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0604990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3106642 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7972920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7910960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16499.4895277 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2451711 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085430 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2137170 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10200E+01  0.12592E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.46634E-01  0.12857E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76337E+00  0.23244E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  60574.7387     24.2799     16.2505
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12392E+01  0.19313E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  60574.9633     24.5045      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  60574.9650     24.5062      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  60575.0248     24.5660      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0654167 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  60575.0320
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  60575.0382      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4638        5603
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37138
+                          wsmp solve  60582.9936      7.9616      7.9554
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0623989 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3385911 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7952368 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7335899 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16587.8868903 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2446599 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0087271 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1836691 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10221E+01  0.14438E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42954E-01  0.13188E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74219E+00  0.23531E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  60599.2135     24.1815     16.2199
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13594E+01  0.30514E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  60599.4360     24.4040      0.2225
+                do leaf measurements  60599.4377     24.4057      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  60599.4974     24.4655      0.0597
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0361095 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  60599.5046
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  60599.5109      0.0063      0.0063
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4638        5603
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37138
+                          wsmp solve  60607.4984      7.9938      7.9875
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0645621 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3024721 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7982340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7579570 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16550.3148308 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2455020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086050 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1777561 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10215E+01  0.16604E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42529E-01  0.13429E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73260E+00  0.23218E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  60623.7125     24.2079     16.2141
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14515E+01  0.34578E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  60623.9355     24.4309      0.2230
+                do leaf measurements  60623.9373     24.4327      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  60623.9977     24.4931      0.0604
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0158099 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  60624.0050
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  60624.0114      0.0064      0.0064
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4638        5603
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37138
+                          wsmp solve  60632.0200      8.0151      8.0087
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0613699 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3164232 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7961051 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7269080 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16598.2196832 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2455392 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085630 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1553559 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10210E+01  0.18406E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41864E-01  0.13619E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72887E+00  0.23089E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  60648.2121     24.2072     16.1921
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14915E+01  0.35248E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  60648.4373     24.4324      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  60648.4391     24.4341      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  60648.4991     24.4941      0.0600
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107610 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  60648.5062
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  60648.5124      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4638        5603
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37138
+                          wsmp solve  60656.4675      7.9613      7.9551
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0621250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3286021 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8025060 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7976341 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16489.4988037 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2453239 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085421 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2451389 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10206E+01  0.19963E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41476E-01  0.13754E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72511E+00  0.23025E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  60672.7501     24.2439     16.2826
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15101E+01  0.34967E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  60672.9729     24.4667      0.2228
+                do leaf measurements  60672.9746     24.4684      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  60673.0320     24.5258      0.0574
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0077822 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  60673.0355     24.5293      0.0035
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  60673.0357     24.5295      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -225501191157615.91 453988579375031.75
+ def in m -8.0191898345947266 0.79468077421188354
+ dimensionless def  -2.24510022572108654E-6 2.29119709559849333E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0221984  0.2285800
+                  Compute divergence  60673.3113     24.8051      0.2756
+                        wsmp_cleanup  60673.3521     24.8459      0.0408
+              Reset surface geometry  60673.3620     24.8558      0.0099
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   60673.3696     24.8635      0.0076
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  60673.3873     24.8811      0.0177
+                   Advect surface  1  60673.3875     24.8813      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   4 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  60673.6297     25.1235      0.2423
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  60673.8613     25.3551      0.2316
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  60674.1610     25.6548      0.2997
+                    Advect the cloud  60674.3489     25.8428      0.1879
+                        Write output  60675.2660     26.7598      0.9170
+                    End of time step  60676.1850     27.6789      0.9191
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     372  60676.1852
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  60676.1853      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  60676.1854      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    17058points
+                      refine surface  60676.1854      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  60676.2208      0.0356      0.0354
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17058points
+                          surface 02  60676.2453      0.0600      0.0245
+                                                                        S. 2:    17056points
+                      refine surface  60676.2454      0.0602      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  60676.2837      0.0985      0.0383
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  60676.3144      0.1292      0.0307
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  60676.3509      0.1656      0.0365
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17057points
+                          surface 03  60676.3763      0.1911      0.0254
+                                                                        S. 3:    17066points
+                      refine surface  60676.3765      0.1912      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  60676.4158      0.2305      0.0393
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  60676.4462      0.2609      0.0304
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  60676.4835      0.2983      0.0373
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17067points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  60676.5173
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  60676.5176      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  60676.5335      0.0162      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  60676.5578      0.0405      0.0243
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  60676.5589      0.0416      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  60676.5731      0.0558      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  60676.6953      0.1780      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  60676.9912      0.4739      0.2959
+                embedding surface  1  60676.9914      0.4741      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  60679.1242      2.6069      2.1328
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  60681.3334      4.8161      2.2092
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  60685.0372      8.5199      3.7038
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  60685.0432      8.5259      0.0060
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  60685.6307      9.1134      0.5875
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  60685.7223      9.2050      0.0916
+                           Find void  60685.9931      9.4758      0.2708
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33006
+          Define boundary conditions  60686.0339      9.5166      0.0408
+                         wsmp setup1  60686.0462      9.5289      0.0123
+                                                                        n =   129024
+                                                                        nz=  4964544
+                         wsmp setup2  60687.1966     10.6793      1.1504
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  60687.2526
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  60687.2527      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4638        5602
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00687E-05  8.67931E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37140
+                          wsmp solve  60695.0344      7.7818      7.7816
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0617778 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0864000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7999382 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.3515110 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16653.8089880 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2381282 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0088708 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.5470278 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10130E+01  0.16953E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.93610E-01  0.12996E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75963E+00  0.25008E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  60710.6173     23.3647     15.5830
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35157E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  60710.8402     23.5877      0.2229
+                do leaf measurements  60710.8420     23.5894      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  60710.9016     23.6490      0.0596
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5824399 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  60710.9086
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  60710.9147      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4638        5602
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00687E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37140
+                          wsmp solve  60718.9397      8.0311      8.0251
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0589330 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0582721 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7914121 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.3705389 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16623.2524452 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2387140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0088210 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.5271001 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10209E+01  0.12323E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.46506E-01  0.12775E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76186E+00  0.22953E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  60734.5034     23.5948     15.5637
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12384E+01  0.18968E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  60734.7275     23.8189      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  60734.7293     23.8207      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  60734.7892     23.8806      0.0599
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0655710 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  60734.7963
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  60734.8023      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4638        5602
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37140
+                          wsmp solve  60742.7612      7.9650      7.9589
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0593009 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1082191 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7963879 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.3518419 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16653.2766034 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2378249 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0088990 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.5628889 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10227E+01  0.14275E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42830E-01  0.13174E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74091E+00  0.23366E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  60758.3598     23.5635     15.5985
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13553E+01  0.30131E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  60758.5828     23.7866      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements  60758.5846     23.7884      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  60758.6443     23.8481      0.0597
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0358908 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  60758.6514
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  60758.6575      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4638        5602
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37140
+                          wsmp solve  60766.6499      7.9985      7.9924
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0610089 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0553839 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7950680 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.3213949 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16702.4019804 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2377870 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0088999 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.4799440 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10219E+01  0.16513E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42432E-01  0.13427E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73144E+00  0.23111E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  60782.1659     23.5145     15.5160
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14464E+01  0.34051E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  60782.3901     23.7386      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  60782.3919     23.7405      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  60782.4522     23.8008      0.0604
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0156461 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  60782.4594
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  60782.4655      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4638        5602
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37140
+                          wsmp solve  60790.4614      8.0020      7.9959
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0573978 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0527332 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7939560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.3864961 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16597.7135932 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2380791 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0088961 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.5379620 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10213E+01  0.18342E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41886E-01  0.13605E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72786E+00  0.23000E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  60806.0352     23.5758     15.5738
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14869E+01  0.34849E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  60806.2583     23.7989      0.2230
+                do leaf measurements  60806.2600     23.8006      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  60806.3198     23.8604      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107684 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  60806.3269
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  60806.3330      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4638        5602
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37140
+                          wsmp solve  60814.2921      7.9653      7.9592
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0597820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0692971 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8019502 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.3451209 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16664.0959067 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2381361 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0089021 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.5235960 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10208E+01  0.19916E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41364E-01  0.13730E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72419E+00  0.22931E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  60829.8522     23.5253     15.5601
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15055E+01  0.34571E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  60830.0749     23.7480      0.2227
+                do leaf measurements  60830.0767     23.7498      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  60830.1341     23.8072      0.0574
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0078663 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  60830.1372     23.8103      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  60830.1374     23.8105      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -225769671247574.25 454828584003346.56
+ def in m -8.0602760314941406 0.81950187683105469
+ dimensionless def  -2.34143393380301338E-6 2.30293600899832584E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0231410  0.2297403
+                  Compute divergence  60830.4099     24.0831      0.2725
+                        wsmp_cleanup  60830.4491     24.1222      0.0392
+              Reset surface geometry  60830.4579     24.1311      0.0088
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   60830.4656     24.1388      0.0077
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  60830.4828     24.1559      0.0171
+                   Advect surface  1  60830.4829     24.1560      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  60830.6957     24.3688      0.2128
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  60830.9276     24.6007      0.2318
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  60831.2280     24.9011      0.3005
+                    Advect the cloud  60831.4171     25.0902      0.1891
+                        Write output  60832.3352     26.0084      0.9181
+                    End of time step  60833.2560     26.9291      0.9207
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     373  60833.2562
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  60833.2562      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  60833.2563      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17057points
+                      refine surface  60833.2563      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  60833.2991      0.0429      0.0428
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  60833.3280      0.0718      0.0289
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  60833.3652      0.1090      0.0372
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17059points
+                          surface 02  60833.3893      0.1331      0.0241
+                                                                        S. 2:    17055points
+                      refine surface  60833.3894      0.1333      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  60833.4279      0.1717      0.0384
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  60833.4621      0.2060      0.0343
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  60833.4982      0.2420      0.0361
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17056points
+                          surface 03  60833.5235      0.2673      0.0253
+                                                                        S. 3:    17064points
+                      refine surface  60833.5236      0.2675      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  60833.5641      0.3079      0.0404
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  60833.5928      0.3367      0.0287
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  60833.6291      0.3729      0.0363
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17066points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  60833.6622
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  60833.6624      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  60833.6784      0.0162      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  60833.7026      0.0404      0.0242
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  60833.7037      0.0416      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  60833.7179      0.0557      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  60833.8401      0.1780      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  60834.1357      0.4735      0.2955
+                embedding surface  1  60834.1358      0.4736      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  60836.2576      2.5955      2.1218
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  60838.4527      4.7905      2.1951
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  60842.1698      8.5076      3.7171
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  60842.1763      8.5141      0.0065
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  60842.7558      9.0936      0.5795
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  60842.8455      9.1834      0.0898
+                           Find void  60843.1187      9.4565      0.2732
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33008
+          Define boundary conditions  60843.1606      9.4985      0.0419
+                         wsmp setup1  60843.1725      9.5104      0.0119
+                                                                        n =   129030
+                                                                        nz=  4964790
+                         wsmp setup2  60844.3163     10.6541      1.1438
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  60844.3750
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  60844.3751      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4638        5603
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.01155E-05  7.69032E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37142
+                          wsmp solve  60852.1472      7.7722      7.7720
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0635979 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4364328 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8023310 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1922488 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14894.0156291 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2355909 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083289 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.7389829 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10126E+01  0.16920E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.93136E-01  0.13082E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75954E+00  0.25196E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  60868.9218     24.5468     16.7747
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35183E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  60869.1456     24.7706      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  60869.1474     24.7724      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  60869.2071     24.8321      0.0597
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5877744 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  60869.2145
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  60869.2208      0.0063      0.0063
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4638        5603
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.01155E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37142
+                          wsmp solve  60877.2589      8.0445      8.0381
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0637720 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4234550 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7950151 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2538638 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14812.4707799 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2365201 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085120 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.7815599 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10205E+01  0.12243E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47099E-01  0.13004E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75992E+00  0.22999E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  60894.0756     24.8611     16.8167
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12411E+01  0.19135E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  60894.3006     25.0861      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  60894.3023     25.0879      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  60894.3622     25.1478      0.0599
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0706534 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  60894.3696
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  60894.3758      0.0063      0.0063
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4638        5603
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37142
+                          wsmp solve  60902.3325      7.9629      7.9566
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0620039 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4655800 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7967620 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2025528 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14880.3162916 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2354620 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084240 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.7711959 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10228E+01  0.14225E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41433E-01  0.13519E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74031E+00  0.23464E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  60919.1400     24.7704     16.8075
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13558E+01  0.29957E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  60919.3627     24.9931      0.2227
+                do leaf measurements  60919.3645     24.9949      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  60919.4243     25.0547      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360801 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  60919.4317
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  60919.4380      0.0063      0.0063
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4638        5603
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37142
+                          wsmp solve  60927.4270      7.9954      7.9890
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0625901 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4279339 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7944219 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2301381 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14843.7648698 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2358880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085390 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.7599070 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10219E+01  0.16505E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41382E-01  0.13813E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73059E+00  0.23169E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  60944.2227     24.7911     16.7957
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14448E+01  0.33797E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  60944.4472     25.0155      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  60944.4490     25.0174      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  60944.5093     25.0776      0.0603
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0153804 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  60944.5168
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  60944.5232      0.0064      0.0064
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4638        5603
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37142
+                          wsmp solve  60952.5319      8.0151      8.0087
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0601790 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4225230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7974069 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2056711 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14876.1754470 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2414989 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083609 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.7360981 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10212E+01  0.18354E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40986E-01  0.14032E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72698E+00  0.23061E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  60969.3034     24.7866     16.7715
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14850E+01  0.34661E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  60969.5290     25.0122      0.2256
+                do leaf measurements  60969.5307     25.0140      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  60969.5905     25.0737      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0106452 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  60969.5978
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  60969.6041      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4638        5603
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37142
+                          wsmp solve  60977.5582      7.9603      7.9541
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0649700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4582560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8021700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2119281 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14867.8734780 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2358842 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083568 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.7820129 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10207E+01  0.19927E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41936E-01  0.14192E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72344E+00  0.22992E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  60994.3765     24.7786     16.8183
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15037E+01  0.34412E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  60994.5994     25.0015      0.2229
+                do leaf measurements  60994.6012     25.0033      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  60994.6584     25.0606      0.0572
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0078837 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  60994.6619     25.0641      0.0035
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  60994.6621     25.0642      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -225962550092411.53 455727130644354.5
+ def in m -8.0602130889892578 0.82572388648986816
+ dimensionless def  -2.35921110425676644E-6 2.30291802542550232E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0233140  0.2297311
+                  Compute divergence  60994.9336     25.3358      0.2715
+                        wsmp_cleanup  60994.9728     25.3749      0.0391
+              Reset surface geometry  60994.9818     25.3840      0.0090
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   60994.9897     25.3918      0.0078
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  60995.0072     25.4093      0.0175
+                   Advect surface  1  60995.0073     25.4095      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  60995.2109     25.6130      0.2036
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  60995.4285     25.8306      0.2176
+                                                                        S. 3:   13 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  60995.6946     26.0968      0.2661
+                    Advect the cloud  60995.8814     26.2835      0.1868
+                        Write output  60996.7980     27.2002      0.9166
+                    End of time step  60997.7156     28.1178      0.9176
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     374  60997.7158
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  60997.7159      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  60997.7160      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17059points
+                      refine surface  60997.7160      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   6 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  60997.7590      0.0432      0.0430
+                                                                        S. 1:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  60997.7938      0.0780      0.0348
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  60997.8310      0.1151      0.0372
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17065points
+                          surface 02  60997.8570      0.1412      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 2:    17055points
+                      refine surface  60997.8572      0.1413      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  60997.8972      0.1814      0.0401
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  60997.9283      0.2125      0.0311
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  60997.9657      0.2499      0.0374
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17057points
+                          surface 03  60997.9924      0.2766      0.0267
+                                                                        S. 3:    17066points
+                      refine surface  60997.9926      0.2767      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  60998.0337      0.3179      0.0412
+                                                                        S. 3:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  60998.0694      0.3536      0.0357
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  60998.1069      0.3910      0.0375
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17069points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  60998.1410
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  60998.1412      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  60998.1571      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  60998.1811      0.0401      0.0239
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  60998.1822      0.0412      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  60998.1964      0.0554      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  60998.3186      0.1776      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  60998.6154      0.4744      0.2968
+                embedding surface  1  60998.6155      0.4745      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  61000.7432      2.6022      2.1276
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  61002.9249      4.7839      2.1817
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  61006.5924      8.4514      3.6675
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  61006.6007      8.4597      0.0083
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  61007.1301      8.9891      0.5294
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  61007.2848      9.1438      0.1547
+                           Find void  61007.5543      9.4133      0.2695
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33008
+          Define boundary conditions  61007.5953      9.4543      0.0410
+                         wsmp setup1  61007.6068      9.4658      0.0115
+                                                                        n =   129030
+                                                                        nz=  4964790
+                         wsmp setup2  61008.7544     10.6134      1.1475
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  61008.8097
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  61008.8099      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4638        5603
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.09372E-05  8.40228E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37142
+                          wsmp solve  61016.5982      7.7885      7.7883
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0618241 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4747369 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8011329 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2261329 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14849.0607410 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2359869 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082979 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8085260 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10195E+01  0.16919E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.93096E-01  0.13089E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75893E+00  0.25472E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  61033.4423     24.6326     16.8441
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35180E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  61033.6677     24.8580      0.2254
+                do leaf measurements  61033.6694     24.8597      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  61033.7305     24.9208      0.0611
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5877832 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  61033.7376
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  61033.7437      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4638        5603
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.09372E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37142
+                          wsmp solve  61041.7308      7.9932      7.9871
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0614481 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4215090 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7972810 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2654030 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14797.2982761 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2363350 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083408 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.7907321 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10206E+01  0.12217E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47200E-01  0.13078E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75928E+00  0.23171E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  61058.5573     24.8197     16.8265
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12421E+01  0.19140E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  61058.7833     25.0457      0.2260
+                do leaf measurements  61058.7851     25.0474      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  61058.8471     25.1094      0.0620
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0703019 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  61058.8543
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  61058.8604      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4638        5603
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37142
+                          wsmp solve  61066.8107      7.9565      7.9503
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0624180 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4280550 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7956579 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2086661 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14872.2004552 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2355559 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082700 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.7390599 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10228E+01  0.14203E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41190E-01  0.13608E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73992E+00  0.23517E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  61083.5854     24.7311     16.7747
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13555E+01  0.29931E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  61083.8103     24.9560      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  61083.8121     24.9578      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  61083.8732     25.0189      0.0611
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0359419 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  61083.8803
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  61083.8863      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4638        5603
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37142
+                          wsmp solve  61091.8361      7.9558      7.9498
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0614660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4302611 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8028669 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1888211 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14898.5784755 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2356858 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082431 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.7277551 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10220E+01  0.16485E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41200E-01  0.13920E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73022E+00  0.23223E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  61108.5999     24.7196     16.7638
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14440E+01  0.33717E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  61108.8255     24.9453      0.2257
+                do leaf measurements  61108.8273     24.9470      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  61108.8886     25.0084      0.0614
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0153889 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  61108.8958
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  61108.9019      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4638        5603
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37142
+                          wsmp solve  61116.9358      8.0401      8.0340
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0615680 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4234731 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7965250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2387638 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14832.3722875 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2367711 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083001 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.7658260 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10213E+01  0.18326E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40885E-01  0.14133E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72664E+00  0.23111E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  61133.7371     24.8413     16.8012
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14838E+01  0.34613E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  61133.9651     25.0694      0.2281
+                do leaf measurements  61133.9669     25.0711      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  61134.0281     25.1323      0.0612
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0105756 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  61134.0351
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  61134.0411      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4638        5603
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37142
+                          wsmp solve  61141.9937      7.9586      7.9526
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0604961 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4686849 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7968619 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2080362 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14873.0362864 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2357588 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083480 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.7786310 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10206E+01  0.19901E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41990E-01  0.14284E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72316E+00  0.23026E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  61158.8081     24.7731     16.8145
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15024E+01  0.34368E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  61159.0335     24.9984      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements  61159.0352     25.0002      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  61159.0940     25.0589      0.0587
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0078886 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  61159.0971     25.0620      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  61159.0972     25.0622      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -226166529095004.38 456624188216262.
+ def in m -8.0577106475830078 0.83136576414108276
+ dimensionless def  -2.37533075468880752E-6 2.30220304216657367E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0234893  0.2296448
+                  Compute divergence  61159.3725     25.3374      0.2752
+                        wsmp_cleanup  61159.4129     25.3778      0.0404
+              Reset surface geometry  61159.4228     25.3878      0.0100
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   61159.4313     25.3963      0.0085
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  61159.4487     25.4136      0.0173
+                   Advect surface  1  61159.4488     25.4138      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  61159.6620     25.6269      0.2132
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   14 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  61159.8809     25.8459      0.2190
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  61160.1599     26.1248      0.2789
+                    Advect the cloud  61160.3512     26.3162      0.1913
+                        Write output  61161.2735     27.2385      0.9223
+                    End of time step  61162.1907     28.1557      0.9172
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     375  61162.1909
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  61162.1910      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  61162.1911      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17063points
+                      refine surface  61162.1911      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  61162.2284      0.0375      0.0373
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  61162.2583      0.0674      0.0299
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  61162.2955      0.1046      0.0372
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17065points
+                          surface 02  61162.3195      0.1285      0.0239
+                                                                        S. 2:    17056points
+                      refine surface  61162.3196      0.1287      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  61162.3559      0.1649      0.0363
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17056points
+                          surface 03  61162.3811      0.1901      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 3:    17068points
+                      refine surface  61162.3812      0.1903      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   4 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  61162.4239      0.2330      0.0427
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  61162.4543      0.2634      0.0305
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  61162.4918      0.3009      0.0375
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17072points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  61162.5247
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  61162.5250      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  61162.5411      0.0164      0.0161
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  61162.5652      0.0405      0.0241
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  61162.5663      0.0416      0.0012
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  61162.5805      0.0558      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  61162.7027      0.1780      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  61162.9979      0.4732      0.2952
+                embedding surface  1  61162.9981      0.4734      0.0001
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  61165.1163      2.5916      2.1182
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  61167.3079      4.7832      2.1916
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  61170.9469      8.4222      3.6391
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  61170.9524      8.4277      0.0055
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  61171.4970      8.9723      0.5446
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  61171.6406      9.1159      0.1436
+                           Find void  61171.9099      9.3852      0.2693
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33008
+          Define boundary conditions  61171.9512      9.4265      0.0413
+                         wsmp setup1  61171.9626      9.4379      0.0114
+                                                                        n =   129030
+                                                                        nz=  4964790
+                         wsmp setup2  61173.1026     10.5779      1.1401
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  61173.1630
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  61173.1631      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4638        5603
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.29342E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37142
+                          wsmp solve  61180.9430      7.7800      7.7799
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0636349 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4667921 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8021660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2184260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14859.2618100 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2360051 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082500 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.7957590 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10124E+01  0.16942E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.93684E-01  0.13335E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75876E+00  0.25609E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  61197.7739     24.6109     16.8309
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35190E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  61197.9970     24.8341      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements  61197.9987     24.8357      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  61198.0588     24.8958      0.0601
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5876710 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  61198.0662
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  61198.0724      0.0063      0.0063
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4638        5603
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.29342E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37142
+                          wsmp solve  61206.0638      7.9976      7.9913
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0588038 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4281049 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7959669 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2246261 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14851.0540943 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2361050 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082719 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.7523501 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10205E+01  0.12223E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47330E-01  0.13212E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75921E+00  0.23271E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  61222.8517     24.7856     16.7880
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12417E+01  0.19218E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  61223.0753     25.0092      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements  61223.0771     25.0109      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  61223.1376     25.0714      0.0605
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0702361 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  61223.1451
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  61223.1514      0.0064      0.0064
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4638        5603
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37142
+                          wsmp solve  61231.1450      7.9999      7.9936
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0600069 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4232018 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7966042 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1919999 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14894.3468706 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2366319 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082309 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.7171009 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10227E+01  0.14198E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40971E-01  0.13702E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73980E+00  0.23571E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  61247.8980     24.7529     16.7530
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13551E+01  0.29933E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  61248.1236     24.9785      0.2256
+                do leaf measurements  61248.1253     24.9802      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  61248.1855     25.0404      0.0602
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0359310 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  61248.1928
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  61248.1991      0.0063      0.0063
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4638        5603
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37142
+                          wsmp solve  61256.1492      7.9564      7.9501
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0615358 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4633300 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8039598 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2278221 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14846.8267397 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2353971 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082822 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8007550 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10218E+01  0.16487E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41008E-01  0.13989E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73009E+00  0.23233E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  61272.9857     24.7929     16.8365
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14435E+01  0.33749E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  61273.2089     25.0161      0.2232
+                do leaf measurements  61273.2106     25.0178      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  61273.2708     25.0780      0.0602
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0153607 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  61273.2782
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  61273.2845      0.0063      0.0063
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4638        5603
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37142
+                          wsmp solve  61281.2752      7.9970      7.9907
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0582550 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4224410 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7982991 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2541230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14812.1296770 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2357130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083458 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.7776089 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10211E+01  0.18331E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40699E-01  0.14202E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72659E+00  0.23104E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  61298.0881     24.8099     16.8128
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14837E+01  0.34630E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  61298.3122     25.0339      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  61298.3139     25.0357      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  61298.3746     25.0963      0.0607
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0105908 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  61298.3821
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  61298.3885      0.0064      0.0064
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4638        5603
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37142
+                          wsmp solve  61306.3408      7.9587      7.9523
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0595560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4237020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7986681 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1830869 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14906.2178248 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2357409 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082538 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.7094212 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10206E+01  0.19903E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42164E-01  0.14353E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72318E+00  0.23035E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  61323.0857     24.7036     16.7448
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15021E+01  0.34390E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  61323.3091     24.9270      0.2234
+                do leaf measurements  61323.3108     24.9286      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  61323.3684     24.9863      0.0577
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0078746 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  61323.3719     24.9898      0.0035
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  61323.3721     24.9900      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -226374142021413.41 457517100481212.19
+ def in m -8.0594406127929687 0.84136343002319336
+ dimensionless def  -2.40389551435198116E-6 2.30269731794084843E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0237824  0.2296771
+                  Compute divergence  61323.6470     25.2648      0.2749
+                        wsmp_cleanup  61323.6862     25.3041      0.0392
+              Reset surface geometry  61323.6959     25.3138      0.0097
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   61323.7045     25.3224      0.0086
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  61323.7228     25.3407      0.0183
+                   Advect surface  1  61323.7230     25.3408      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  61323.9297     25.5476      0.2067
+                                                                        removing   4 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   12 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  61324.1869     25.8048      0.2572
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  61324.4648     26.0827      0.2779
+                    Advect the cloud  61324.6553     26.2732      0.1905
+                        Write output  61325.5750     27.1929      0.9197
+                    End of time step  61326.4910     28.1088      0.9160
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     376  61326.4912
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  61326.4912      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  61326.4913      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17065points
+                      refine surface  61326.4913      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  61326.5314      0.0402      0.0400
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  61326.5612      0.0700      0.0298
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  61326.5984      0.1072      0.0372
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17067points
+                          surface 02  61326.6225      0.1314      0.0242
+                                                                        S. 2:    17052points
+                      refine surface  61326.6227      0.1315      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   4 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  61326.6579      0.1667      0.0352
+                                                                        S. 2:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  61326.7007      0.2095      0.0428
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  61326.7335      0.2423      0.0328
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17056points
+                          surface 03  61326.7602      0.2690      0.0267
+                                                                        S. 3:    17071points
+                      refine surface  61326.7603      0.2691      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  61326.7918      0.3006      0.0315
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17071points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  61326.8257
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  61326.8260      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  61326.8419      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  61326.8667      0.0410      0.0248
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  61326.8678      0.0421      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  61326.8819      0.0563      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  61327.0041      0.1785      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  61327.3002      0.4745      0.2960
+                embedding surface  1  61327.3004      0.4747      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  61329.4216      2.5959      2.1212
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  61331.6512      4.8255      2.2296
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  61335.3317      8.5060      3.6806
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  61335.3408      8.5152      0.0091
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  61335.8781      9.0525      0.5373
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  61336.0170      9.1913      0.1389
+                           Find void  61336.2823      9.4566      0.2653
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33009
+          Define boundary conditions  61336.3215      9.4958      0.0392
+                         wsmp setup1  61336.3332      9.5075      0.0117
+                                                                        n =   129033
+                                                                        nz=  4964913
+                         wsmp setup2  61337.4928     10.6671      1.1596
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  61337.5479
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  61337.5480      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4637        5604
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.03409E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37143
+                          wsmp solve  61345.3259      7.7781      7.7779
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0699909 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1312242 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7956371 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7348421 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16297.8490476 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2399242 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086951 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.9807360 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10370E+01  0.17859E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94122E-01  0.15396E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76034E+00  0.25608E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  61361.3439     23.7961     16.0180
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35216E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  61361.5665     24.0187      0.2226
+                do leaf measurements  61361.5683     24.0205      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  61361.6282     24.0803      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5891846 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  61361.6355
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  61361.6418      0.0063      0.0063
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4637        5604
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.03409E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37143
+                          wsmp solve  61369.6169      7.9814      7.9751
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0617709 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1302831 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7984269 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7584531 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16262.0809284 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2409170 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086710 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.9989319 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10226E+01  0.13014E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48347E-01  0.14136E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75999E+00  0.23203E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  61385.6520     24.0164     16.0350
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12508E+01  0.19815E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  61385.8752     24.2397      0.2232
+                do leaf measurements  61385.8770     24.2414      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  61385.9375     24.3019      0.0605
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0724835 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  61385.9449
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  61385.9513      0.0064      0.0064
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4637        5604
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37143
+                          wsmp solve  61393.9687      8.0238      8.0174
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0592930 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1336930 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7963898 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7400832 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16289.8957048 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2412210 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085659 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.9796879 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10243E+01  0.14872E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40283E-01  0.14177E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74163E+00  0.23342E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  61409.9852     24.0403     16.0165
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13660E+01  0.30995E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  61410.2097     24.2647      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  61410.2114     24.2665      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  61410.2714     24.3265      0.0600
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0365461 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  61410.2787
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  61410.2849      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4637        5604
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37143
+                          wsmp solve  61418.2274      7.9487      7.9425
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0584800 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1521339 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8064339 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7420211 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16286.9569991 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2405961 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086260 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.0087130 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10232E+01  0.17076E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40307E-01  0.14294E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73216E+00  0.23026E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  61434.2730     23.9943     16.0456
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14562E+01  0.35084E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  61434.4950     24.2163      0.2220
+                do leaf measurements  61434.4968     24.2181      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  61434.5568     24.2781      0.0600
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0156289 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  61434.5642
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  61434.5704      0.0063      0.0063
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4637        5604
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37143
+                          wsmp solve  61442.5401      7.9760      7.9697
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0596581 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1375899 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7993510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.8180869 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16172.4376684 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2407439 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0088160 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.0647190 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10223E+01  0.18911E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40003E-01  0.14439E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72883E+00  0.22923E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  61458.6418     24.0777     16.1017
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14976E+01  0.35885E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  61458.8649     24.3007      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements  61458.8667     24.3026      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  61458.9272     24.3631      0.0605
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0109071 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  61458.9347
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  61458.9411      0.0064      0.0064
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4637        5604
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37143
+                          wsmp solve  61466.8854      7.9507      7.9443
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0598769 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1125128 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7962630 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7179720 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16323.5017614 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2401159 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086360 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.9358060 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10216E+01  0.20482E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41422E-01  0.14553E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72533E+00  0.22850E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  61482.8575     23.9227     15.9720
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15168E+01  0.35512E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  61483.0799     24.1452      0.2224
+                do leaf measurements  61483.0817     24.1469      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  61483.1389     24.2042      0.0573
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0078682 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  61483.1424     24.2077      0.0035
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  61483.1426     24.2079      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -226576181063848. 458410419702310.94
+ def in m -8.0470075607299805 0.84737783670425415
+ dimensionless def  -2.42107953344072625E-6 2.29914501735142299E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0239631  0.2293351
+                  Compute divergence  61483.4163     24.4815      0.2737
+                        wsmp_cleanup  61483.4552     24.5205      0.0389
+              Reset surface geometry  61483.4648     24.5301      0.0096
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   61483.4732     24.5385      0.0084
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  61483.4918     24.5571      0.0186
+                   Advect surface  1  61483.4919     24.5572      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  61483.7271     24.7923      0.2351
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  61483.9733     25.0385      0.2462
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  61484.2744     25.3396      0.3011
+                    Advect the cloud  61484.4603     25.5256      0.1859
+                        Write output  61485.3801     26.4454      0.9198
+                    End of time step  61486.2957     27.3609      0.9156
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     377  61486.2958
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  61486.2959      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  61486.2959      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17064points
+                      refine surface  61486.2960      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  61486.3315      0.0357      0.0355
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17064points
+                          surface 02  61486.3562      0.0604      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 2:    17053points
+                      refine surface  61486.3564      0.0605      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  61486.3951      0.0992      0.0387
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  61486.4254      0.1296      0.0304
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  61486.4622      0.1663      0.0367
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17054points
+                          surface 03  61486.4880      0.1922      0.0258
+                                                                        S. 3:    17068points
+                      refine surface  61486.4882      0.1923      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  61486.5302      0.2343      0.0420
+                                                                        S. 3:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  61486.5665      0.2707      0.0364
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  61486.6040      0.3082      0.0375
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17071points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  61486.6390
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  61486.6393      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  61486.6552      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  61486.6795      0.0405      0.0243
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  61486.6806      0.0416      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  61486.6947      0.0558      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  61486.8169      0.1779      0.1221
+             Imbed surface in osolve  61487.1123      0.4733      0.2954
+                embedding surface  1  61487.1125      0.4735      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  61489.2253      2.5863      2.1128
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  61491.4236      4.7846      2.1983
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  61495.0775      8.4386      3.6540
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  61495.0831      8.4441      0.0055
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  61495.5918      8.9528      0.5087
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  61495.7779      9.1389      0.1861
+                           Find void  61496.0488      9.4099      0.2709
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33009
+          Define boundary conditions  61496.0916      9.4526      0.0427
+                         wsmp setup1  61496.1034      9.4644      0.0118
+                                                                        n =   129042
+                                                                        nz=  4965201
+                         wsmp setup2  61497.2573     10.6183      1.1539
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  61497.3124
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  61497.3125      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4637        5603
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.06151E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37145
+                          wsmp solve  61505.0813      7.7690      7.7688
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0676291 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2354319 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7910390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9904730 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15021.3460060 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2474370 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085771 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3410480 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10407E+01  0.18795E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.92433E-01  0.14237E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76149E+00  0.24810E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  61521.4574     24.1450     16.3760
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35168E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  61521.6796     24.3672      0.2222
+                do leaf measurements  61521.6814     24.3690      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  61521.7410     24.4286      0.0596
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5937094 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  61521.7480
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  61521.7541      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4637        5603
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.06151E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37145
+                          wsmp solve  61529.7163      7.9683      7.9622
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0636621 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2315681 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7953689 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9947610 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15015.4876792 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2475941 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085831 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3419852 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10214E+01  0.13823E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.50319E-01  0.13244E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76081E+00  0.22607E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  61546.0940     24.3459     16.3777
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12552E+01  0.19869E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  61546.3179     24.5698      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  61546.3197     24.5717      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  61546.3800     24.6320      0.0603
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0758992 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  61546.3872
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  61546.3934      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4637        5603
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37145
+                          wsmp solve  61554.4185      8.0312      8.0250
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0598679 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2071331 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7910640 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.0090089 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14996.0545873 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2479310 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085011 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3239698 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10235E+01  0.15524E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38568E-01  0.13552E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74270E+00  0.23034E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  61570.7769     24.3896     16.3584
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13766E+01  0.31538E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  61571.0020     24.6148      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  61571.0038     24.6166      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  61571.0636     24.6764      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0359424 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  61571.0707
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  61571.0767      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4637        5603
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37145
+                          wsmp solve  61579.0268      7.9561      7.9501
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0632720 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2506359 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8005061 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.0046618 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15001.9783621 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2473791 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084550 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3753440 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10226E+01  0.17654E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38301E-01  0.13838E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73349E+00  0.22822E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  61595.4378     24.3672     16.4111
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14676E+01  0.35951E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  61595.6601     24.5894      0.2222
+                do leaf measurements  61595.6619     24.5913      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  61595.7214     24.6507      0.0594
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0151593 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  61595.7285
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  61595.7345      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4637        5603
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37145
+                          wsmp solve  61603.7150      7.9865      7.9805
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0629799 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2267509 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7968471 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.0596280 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14927.4187194 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2479360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085850 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4031680 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10219E+01  0.19437E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40390E-01  0.14072E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73013E+00  0.22747E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  61620.1535     24.4250     16.4385
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15082E+01  0.36669E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  61620.3769     24.6484      0.2234
+                do leaf measurements  61620.3788     24.6503      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  61620.4389     24.7104      0.0601
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0109667 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  61620.4461
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  61620.4522      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4637        5603
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37145
+                          wsmp solve  61628.4163      7.9702      7.9641
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0625820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2128379 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7949491 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9970951 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15012.3006631 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2475750 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086291 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3241479 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10213E+01  0.20968E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42684E-01  0.14258E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72659E+00  0.22726E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  61644.7756     24.3295     16.3593
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15270E+01  0.36261E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  61644.9975     24.5514      0.2219
+                do leaf measurements  61644.9993     24.5532      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  61645.0564     24.6103      0.0571
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0078567 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  61645.0595     24.6134      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  61645.0597     24.6136      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -226751627854323.06 459313126718562.
+ def in m -8.0206813812255859 0.8062056303024292
+ dimensionless def  -2.30344465800694042E-6 2.29162325177873885E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0228233  0.2285380
+                  Compute divergence  61645.3365     24.8905      0.2769
+                        wsmp_cleanup  61645.3752     24.9291      0.0386
+              Reset surface geometry  61645.3850     24.9390      0.0099
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   61645.3936     24.9475      0.0086
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  61645.4116     24.9655      0.0180
+                   Advect surface  1  61645.4118     24.9657      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   12 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  61645.6330     25.1870      0.2213
+                                                                        S. 2:   12 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  61645.8394     25.3934      0.2064
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   12 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  61646.1304     25.6843      0.2909
+                    Advect the cloud  61646.3173     25.8712      0.1869
+                        Write output  61647.2310     26.7849      0.9137
+                    End of time step  61648.1491     27.7030      0.9180
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     378  61648.1493
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  61648.1493      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  61648.1494      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17063points
+                      refine surface  61648.1494      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  61648.1888      0.0396      0.0394
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  61648.2196      0.0704      0.0308
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  61648.2560      0.1067      0.0364
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17066points
+                          surface 02  61648.2829      0.1336      0.0269
+                                                                        S. 2:    17054points
+                      refine surface  61648.2830      0.1338      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  61648.3250      0.1757      0.0419
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  61648.3591      0.2099      0.0342
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  61648.3957      0.2464      0.0365
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17057points
+                          surface 03  61648.4212      0.2719      0.0255
+                                                                        S. 3:    17069points
+                      refine surface  61648.4213      0.2721      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  61648.4616      0.3123      0.0402
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  61648.4933      0.3440      0.0317
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  61648.5308      0.3816      0.0376
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17070points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  61648.5627
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  61648.5630      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  61648.5790      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  61648.6037      0.0410      0.0247
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  61648.6048      0.0421      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  61648.6190      0.0562      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  61648.7414      0.1786      0.1224
+             Imbed surface in osolve  61649.0368      0.4740      0.2954
+                embedding surface  1  61649.0369      0.4742      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  61651.1629      2.6002      2.1260
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  61653.3523      4.7895      2.1894
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  61657.0268      8.4641      3.6745
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  61657.0360      8.4733      0.0092
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  61657.5723      9.0096      0.5363
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  61657.6938      9.1311      0.1215
+                           Find void  61657.9639      9.4011      0.2701
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33009
+          Define boundary conditions  61658.0058      9.4431      0.0419
+                         wsmp setup1  61658.0178      9.4550      0.0120
+                                                                        n =   129048
+                                                                        nz=  4965366
+                         wsmp setup2  61659.1748     10.6121      1.1571
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  61659.2303
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  61659.2305      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4639        5602
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.05018E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37146
+                          wsmp solve  61667.0033      7.7731      7.7728
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0666800 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0777771 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7957079 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.6156299 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15131.8807685 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2314870 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0087910 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.7964790 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10431E+01  0.17865E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94863E-01  0.13907E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76152E+00  0.25397E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  61682.8334     23.6032     15.8301
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35210E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  61683.0581     23.8279      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  61683.0598     23.8296      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  61683.1206     23.8903      0.0608
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5893899 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  61683.1277
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  61683.1339      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4639        5602
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.05018E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37146
+                          wsmp solve  61691.0896      7.9618      7.9557
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0600200 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0973971 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7982399 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.6585259 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15070.9813861 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2316990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0088601 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.8551850 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10235E+01  0.13210E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.49044E-01  0.13176E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75914E+00  0.22964E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  61706.9789     23.8511     15.8893
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12614E+01  0.21018E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  61707.2033     24.0755      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  61707.2050     24.0773      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  61707.2656     24.1379      0.0606
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0698847 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  61707.2728
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  61707.2789      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4639        5602
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37146
+                          wsmp solve  61715.3204      8.0476      8.0415
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0610518 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0833421 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7979379 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.6559620 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15074.6076466 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2320800 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0088589 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.8396950 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10252E+01  0.15107E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39260E-01  0.13511E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74159E+00  0.23247E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  61731.1945     23.9218     15.8742
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13784E+01  0.31534E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  61731.4214     24.1487      0.2269
+                do leaf measurements  61731.4232     24.1504      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  61731.4840     24.2112      0.0608
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0359351 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  61731.4911
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  61731.4972      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4639        5602
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37146
+                          wsmp solve  61739.4531      7.9620      7.9559
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0633919 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1061020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8011401 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.6706550 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15053.8505761 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2317929 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0088241 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.8823478 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10240E+01  0.17269E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39362E-01  0.13792E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73252E+00  0.22950E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  61755.3705     23.8794     15.9174
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14663E+01  0.35402E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  61755.5944     24.1033      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  61755.5962     24.1051      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  61755.6568     24.1657      0.0606
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0151072 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  61755.6640
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  61755.6701      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4639        5602
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37146
+                          wsmp solve  61763.6626      7.9987      7.9925
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0589399 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0857129 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8003321 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7192600 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14985.5910242 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2316120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0088301 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.9051020 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10230E+01  0.19074E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39327E-01  0.14033E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72898E+00  0.22833E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  61779.6030     23.9390     15.9403
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15045E+01  0.36126E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  61779.8281     24.1642      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  61779.8299     24.1659      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  61779.8910     24.2271      0.0612
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0109051 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  61779.8983
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  61779.9045      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4639        5602
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37146
+                          wsmp solve  61787.8750      7.9767      7.9705
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0632479 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0752168 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7974641 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.6358020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15103.1812778 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2315421 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0087311 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.8124449 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10225E+01  0.20636E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41706E-01  0.14234E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72536E+00  0.22793E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  61803.7216     23.8233     15.8466
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15224E+01  0.35692E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  61803.9455     24.0473      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  61803.9473     24.0490      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  61804.0055     24.1072      0.0582
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0078084 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  61804.0086     24.1103      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  61804.0088     24.1105      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -226902846389591.63 460222884399640.88
+ def in m -7.978642463684082 0.79714393615722656
+ dimensionless def  -2.16303944587707522E-6 2.27961213248116642E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0214588  0.2272957
+                  Compute divergence  61804.2854     24.3871      0.2767
+                        wsmp_cleanup  61804.3242     24.4259      0.0388
+              Reset surface geometry  61804.3351     24.4368      0.0109
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   61804.3439     24.4456      0.0088
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  61804.3634     24.4651      0.0195
+                   Advect surface  1  61804.3636     24.4653      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   12 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  61804.5934     24.6951      0.2298
+                                                                        S. 2:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  61804.8024     24.9041      0.2089
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  61805.0913     25.1930      0.2890
+                    Advect the cloud  61805.2801     25.3818      0.1887
+                        Write output  61806.1906     26.2923      0.9105
+                    End of time step  61807.1046     27.2063      0.9140
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     379  61807.1048
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  61807.1048      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  61807.1049      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17064points
+                      refine surface  61807.1049      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  61807.1430      0.0383      0.0381
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  61807.1735      0.0688      0.0305
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  61807.2095      0.1048      0.0360
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17067points
+                          surface 02  61807.2351      0.1303      0.0255
+                                                                        S. 2:    17057points
+                      refine surface  61807.2352      0.1304      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   5 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  61807.2784      0.1736      0.0432
+                                                                        S. 2:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  61807.3146      0.2098      0.0362
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  61807.3522      0.2474      0.0376
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17062points
+                          surface 03  61807.3771      0.2724      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 3:    17069points
+                      refine surface  61807.3773      0.2725      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  61807.4149      0.3101      0.0376
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17069points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  61807.4480
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  61807.4483      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  61807.4644      0.0163      0.0161
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  61807.4886      0.0406      0.0243
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  61807.4898      0.0417      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  61807.5040      0.0559      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  61807.6262      0.1782      0.1223
+             Imbed surface in osolve  61807.9212      0.4732      0.2950
+                embedding surface  1  61807.9214      0.4734      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  61810.0447      2.5967      2.1233
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  61812.2761      4.8280      2.2314
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  61815.9492      8.5012      3.6731
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  61815.9584      8.5104      0.0092
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  61816.4692      9.0212      0.5108
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  61816.6246      9.1766      0.1554
+                           Find void  61816.9024      9.4543      0.2777
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33009
+          Define boundary conditions  61816.9460      9.4979      0.0436
+                         wsmp setup1  61816.9582      9.5101      0.0122
+                                                                        n =   129048
+                                                                        nz=  4965366
+                         wsmp setup2  61818.1071     10.6591      1.1489
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  61818.1624
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  61818.1626      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4639        5602
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.22968E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37146
+                          wsmp solve  61825.9390      7.7766      7.7764
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0669169 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0870252 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7974780 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.6115260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15137.7328684 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2313020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086780 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.8033340 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10527E+01  0.17673E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94630E-01  0.13665E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76057E+00  0.25120E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  61841.7768     23.6144     15.8378
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35221E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  61842.0008     23.8384      0.2240
+                do leaf measurements  61842.0026     23.8402      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  61842.0623     23.8998      0.0596
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5897372 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  61842.0694
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  61842.0755      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4639        5602
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.22968E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37146
+                          wsmp solve  61850.0392      7.9698      7.9637
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0620410 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0928669 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7961040 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.6631801 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15064.4033395 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2313259 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0087521 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.8546672 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10236E+01  0.13022E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48233E-01  0.13031E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75710E+00  0.22715E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  61865.9288     23.8594     15.8896
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12644E+01  0.21169E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  61866.1528     24.0834      0.2240
+                do leaf measurements  61866.1546     24.0853      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  61866.2148     24.1454      0.0601
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0707171 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  61866.2219
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  61866.2281      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4639        5602
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37146
+                          wsmp solve  61874.2599      8.0380      8.0318
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0639150 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0799809 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7989290 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.6667299 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15059.3900099 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2322628 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086880 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.8509500 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10257E+01  0.14973E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39567E-01  0.13422E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74094E+00  0.23120E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  61890.1454     23.9234     15.8855
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13771E+01  0.31386E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  61890.3718     24.1499      0.2264
+                do leaf measurements  61890.3736     24.1517      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  61890.4334     24.2114      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0359795 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  61890.4404
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  61890.4464      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4639        5602
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37146
+                          wsmp solve  61898.4008      7.9604      7.9544
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0621052 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1073630 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8044651 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.6409850 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15095.8248621 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2312410 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0087821 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.8553982 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10245E+01  0.17145E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39687E-01  0.13708E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73196E+00  0.22882E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  61914.2903     23.8500     15.8895
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14634E+01  0.35176E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  61914.5145     24.0741      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  61914.5162     24.0759      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  61914.5760     24.1356      0.0597
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0149761 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  61914.5830
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  61914.5891      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4639        5602
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37146
+                          wsmp solve  61922.5659      7.9829      7.9768
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0612459 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0833740 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7960100 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7254319 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14976.9675770 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2313559 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086761 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.9064901 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10238E+01  0.18968E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39472E-01  0.13973E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72833E+00  0.22789E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  61938.5071     23.9241     15.9412
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15014E+01  0.35876E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  61938.7314     24.1484      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements  61938.7332     24.1502      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  61938.7933     24.2103      0.0602
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0108225 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  61938.8011
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  61938.8073      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4639        5602
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37146
+                          wsmp solve  61946.7591      7.9580      7.9518
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0629230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0816810 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7951338 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.6398420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15097.4465220 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2313612 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0087700 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.8201079 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10231E+01  0.20539E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41611E-01  0.14161E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72473E+00  0.22744E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  61962.6135     23.8124     15.8544
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15186E+01  0.35481E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  61962.8372     24.0361      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  61962.8390     24.0380      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  61962.8960     24.0949      0.0570
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0078740 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  61962.8991     24.0980      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  61962.8993     24.0982      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -227092938437105.56 461094200901201.94
+ def in m -7.9553804397583008 0.80660176277160645
+ dimensionless def  -2.15002775192260749E-6 2.27296583993094294E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0213056  0.2266237
+                  Compute divergence  61963.1733     24.3723      0.2741
+                        wsmp_cleanup  61963.2124     24.4113      0.0390
+              Reset surface geometry  61963.2218     24.4207      0.0094
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   61963.2304     24.4293      0.0086
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  61963.2482     24.4471      0.0178
+                   Advect surface  1  61963.2483     24.4473      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   12 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  61963.4654     24.6643      0.2171
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  61963.6876     24.8866      0.2222
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   12 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  61963.9907     25.1896      0.3030
+                    Advect the cloud  61964.1753     25.3742      0.1846
+                        Write output  61965.0929     26.2918      0.9176
+                    End of time step  61966.0072     27.2061      0.9143
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     380  61966.0073
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  61966.0074      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  61966.0075      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    17066points
+                      refine surface  61966.0075      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  61966.0449      0.0375      0.0374
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  61966.0785      0.0712      0.0336
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  61966.1157      0.1083      0.0372
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17068points
+                          surface 02  61966.1399      0.1326      0.0243
+                                                                        S. 2:    17061points
+                      refine surface  61966.1401      0.1327      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   4 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  61966.1829      0.1756      0.0428
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  61966.2183      0.2109      0.0354
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  61966.2557      0.2484      0.0375
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17065points
+                          surface 03  61966.2805      0.2732      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 3:    17067points
+                      refine surface  61966.2806      0.2733      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  61966.3166      0.3092      0.0359
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17067points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  61966.3500
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  61966.3503      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  61966.3662      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  61966.3905      0.0405      0.0242
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  61966.3918      0.0418      0.0013
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  61966.4059      0.0559      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  61966.5282      0.1783      0.1223
+             Imbed surface in osolve  61966.8221      0.4721      0.2939
+                embedding surface  1  61966.8223      0.4723      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  61968.9327      2.5827      2.1104
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  61971.1676      4.8176      2.2349
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  61974.8612      8.5112      3.6936
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  61974.8697      8.5197      0.0085
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  61975.3967      9.0467      0.5270
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  61975.5468      9.1968      0.1501
+                           Find void  61975.8152      9.4653      0.2685
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33009
+          Define boundary conditions  61975.8558      9.5058      0.0406
+                         wsmp setup1  61975.8678      9.5178      0.0120
+                                                                        n =   129048
+                                                                        nz=  4965366
+                         wsmp setup2  61977.0214     10.6714      1.1536
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  61977.0775
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  61977.0777      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4639        5602
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.59481E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37146
+                          wsmp solve  61984.8509      7.7734      7.7733
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0689070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0898399 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7935131 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.6375780 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15100.6597500 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2311232 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0087130 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.8301039 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10614E+01  0.17647E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95240E-01  0.13785E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75927E+00  0.25152E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  62000.7157     23.6382     15.8648
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35232E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  62000.9419     23.8644      0.2262
+                do leaf measurements  62000.9436     23.8661      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  62001.0035     23.9260      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5884619 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  62001.0107
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  62001.0168      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4639        5602
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.59272E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37146
+                          wsmp solve  62008.9914      7.9807      7.9746
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0619409 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0863862 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7971950 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.6863918 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15031.6822227 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2311451 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0087090 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.8722019 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10238E+01  0.12971E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48103E-01  0.13031E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75647E+00  0.22746E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  62024.8983     23.8876     15.9069
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12640E+01  0.21129E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  62025.1235     24.1128      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  62025.1253     24.1146      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  62025.1855     24.1748      0.0602
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0696555 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  62025.1928
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  62025.1989      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4639        5602
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37146
+                          wsmp solve  62033.2262      8.0335      8.0273
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0606251 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0814650 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7952032 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.6420479 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15094.3171730 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2319379 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0087070 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.8204141 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10260E+01  0.14914E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39526E-01  0.13421E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74044E+00  0.23148E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  62049.0809     23.8881     15.8547
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13768E+01  0.31352E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  62049.3085     24.1158      0.2276
+                do leaf measurements  62049.3102     24.1175      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  62049.3702     24.1775      0.0600
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360127 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  62049.3773
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  62049.3833      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4639        5602
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37146
+                          wsmp solve  62057.3401      7.9628      7.9568
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0608170 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1146510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8025150 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.6613200 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15067.0317126 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2313511 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0088389 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.8799219 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10250E+01  0.17096E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39797E-01  0.13750E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73147E+00  0.22887E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  62073.2551     23.8778     15.9150
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14625E+01  0.35149E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  62073.4802     24.1028      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  62073.4819     24.1045      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  62073.5418     24.1644      0.0599
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0149399 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  62073.5490
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  62073.5551      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4639        5602
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37146
+                          wsmp solve  62081.5441      7.9951      7.9890
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0601020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0775988 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7963891 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7279649 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14973.4313943 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2313509 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0087531 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.9025629 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10243E+01  0.18920E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39623E-01  0.14027E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72797E+00  0.22786E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  62097.4814     23.9324     15.9373
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14998E+01  0.35821E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  62097.7063     24.1573      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  62097.7081     24.1591      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  62097.7683     24.2193      0.0602
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0107957 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  62097.7756
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  62097.7818      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4639        5602
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37146
+                          wsmp solve  62105.7359      7.9603      7.9541
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0603549 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0892639 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7974601 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.6189580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15127.1382896 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2311380 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0087130 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.8063049 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10236E+01  0.20499E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41503E-01  0.14244E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72449E+00  0.22735E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  62121.5763     23.8007     15.8404
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15176E+01  0.35408E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  62121.8029     24.0273      0.2267
+                do leaf measurements  62121.8047     24.0291      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  62121.8621     24.0865      0.0574
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0078990 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  62121.8652     24.0896      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  62121.8654     24.0898      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -227291659720759.31 461945676135030.
+ def in m -7.9563283920288086 0.80759841203689575
+ dimensionless def  -2.13488987513950918E-6 2.27323668343680223E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0211334  0.2266181
+                  Compute divergence  62122.1377     24.3621      0.2723
+                        wsmp_cleanup  62122.1770     24.4014      0.0393
+              Reset surface geometry  62122.1856     24.4100      0.0087
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   62122.1937     24.4181      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  62122.2110     24.4354      0.0173
+                   Advect surface  1  62122.2112     24.4356      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  62122.4266     24.6510      0.2154
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  62122.6364     24.8608      0.2099
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  62122.9393     25.1637      0.3028
+                    Advect the cloud  62123.1257     25.3501      0.1864
+                        Write output  62124.0487     26.2731      0.9231
+                    End of time step  62124.9674     27.1918      0.9186
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     381  62124.9676
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  62124.9677      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  62124.9677      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17067points
+                      refine surface  62124.9678      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  62125.0076      0.0400      0.0398
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  62125.0358      0.0682      0.0282
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  62125.0683      0.1007      0.0326
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17070points
+                          surface 02  62125.0941      0.1264      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 2:    17065points
+                      refine surface  62125.0942      0.1266      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  62125.1262      0.1586      0.0320
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17065points
+                          surface 03  62125.1511      0.1834      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 3:    17064points
+                      refine surface  62125.1512      0.1836      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  62125.1839      0.2162      0.0327
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  62125.2142      0.2466      0.0303
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  62125.2463      0.2787      0.0322
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17065points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  62125.2793
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  62125.2796      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  62125.2956      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  62125.3203      0.0410      0.0247
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  62125.3214      0.0421      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  62125.3355      0.0562      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  62125.4577      0.1784      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  62125.7537      0.4744      0.2960
+                embedding surface  1  62125.7539      0.4746      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  62127.8786      2.5993      2.1247
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  62130.0776      4.7983      2.1990
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  62133.7516      8.4723      3.6740
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  62133.7572      8.4778      0.0056
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  62134.2858      9.0064      0.5286
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  62134.4422      9.1628      0.1564
+                           Find void  62134.7124      9.4330      0.2702
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33010
+          Define boundary conditions  62134.7539      9.4746      0.0415
+                         wsmp setup1  62134.7651      9.4858      0.0112
+                                                                        n =   129051
+                                                                        nz=  4965489
+                         wsmp setup2  62135.9097     10.6304      1.1446
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  62135.9643
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  62135.9645      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4638        5604
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.07310E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37147
+                          wsmp solve  62143.7413      7.7770      7.7768
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0637269 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2209370 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7951341 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9301760 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14987.7943270 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2249629 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083220 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2437060 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10451E+01  0.19245E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94334E-01  0.14548E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75915E+00  0.24556E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  62160.0202     24.0559     16.2789
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35202E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  62160.2444     24.2800      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  62160.2461     24.2818      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  62160.3061     24.3418      0.0600
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5962425 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  62160.3132
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  62160.3193      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4638        5604
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.07310E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37147
+                          wsmp solve  62168.3088      7.9956      7.9895
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0647330 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2411110 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7976520 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9149520 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15008.6990346 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2255499 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082760 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2527289 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10214E+01  0.14139E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.49259E-01  0.13663E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76055E+00  0.21947E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  62184.5965     24.2833     16.2878
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12601E+01  0.20331E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  62184.8216     24.5084      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  62184.8235     24.5102      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  62184.8842     24.5710      0.0608
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0770468 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  62184.8914
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  62184.8976      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4638        5604
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37147
+                          wsmp solve  62192.9134      8.0219      8.0158
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0629711 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2123890 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7943540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.0037580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14887.5712126 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2259259 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084379 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3082871 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10240E+01  0.15769E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37922E-01  0.13888E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74339E+00  0.22703E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  62209.2568     24.3654     16.3435
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13844E+01  0.31930E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  62209.4839     24.5925      0.2271
+                do leaf measurements  62209.4857     24.5943      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  62209.5460     24.6546      0.0603
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0357754 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  62209.5531
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  62209.5591      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4638        5604
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37147
+                          wsmp solve  62217.5150      7.9619      7.9559
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0647721 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2219269 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8016520 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9298859 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14988.1922076 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2255099 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084000 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2525771 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10232E+01  0.17792E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38079E-01  0.14115E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73437E+00  0.22531E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  62233.8030     24.2499     16.2880
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14762E+01  0.36541E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  62234.0269     24.4738      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  62234.0286     24.4756      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  62234.0887     24.5357      0.0601
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0150308 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  62234.0957
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  62234.1017      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4638        5604
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37147
+                          wsmp solve  62242.0875      7.9918      7.9858
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0637860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2077579 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7979209 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9198139 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15002.0167075 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2252989 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083430 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2233741 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10225E+01  0.19542E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39452E-01  0.14324E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73126E+00  0.22478E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  62258.3465     24.2508     16.2590
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15161E+01  0.37152E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  62258.5712     24.4755      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  62258.5730     24.4773      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  62258.6338     24.5381      0.0608
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0108104 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  62258.6409
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  62258.6471      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4638        5604
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37147
+                          wsmp solve  62266.6008      7.9598      7.9537
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0630710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2156141 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7948771 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9513509 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14958.8147826 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2252970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082960 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2589500 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10220E+01  0.21074E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41943E-01  0.14520E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72793E+00  0.22452E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  62282.8948     24.2539     16.2941
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15351E+01  0.36715E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  62283.1193     24.4784      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  62283.1211     24.4802      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  62283.1786     24.5377      0.0575
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0078999 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  62283.1817     24.5408      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  62283.1819     24.5410      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -227479072236299.94 462801240920771.75
+ def in m -7.9520492553710937 0.80763351917266846
+ dimensionless def  -2.12703449385506769E-6 2.27201407296316962E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0210323  0.2264720
+                  Compute divergence  62283.4596     24.8187      0.2777
+                        wsmp_cleanup  62283.4983     24.8574      0.0387
+              Reset surface geometry  62283.5079     24.8669      0.0096
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   62283.5167     24.8758      0.0088
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  62283.5366     24.8956      0.0199
+                   Advect surface  1  62283.5367     24.8958      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   12 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  62283.7551     25.1142      0.2184
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  62283.9771     25.3361      0.2220
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  62284.2420     25.6011      0.2650
+                    Advect the cloud  62284.4264     25.7854      0.1843
+                        Write output  62285.3454     26.7044      0.9190
+                    End of time step  62286.2658     27.6249      0.9204
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     382  62286.2660
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  62286.2661      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  62286.2661      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17069points
+                      refine surface  62286.2662      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  62286.2970      0.0309      0.0308
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17069points
+                          surface 02  62286.3220      0.0560      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 2:    17064points
+                      refine surface  62286.3222      0.0562      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  62286.3549      0.0889      0.0328
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  62286.3908      0.1248      0.0359
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  62286.4232      0.1572      0.0324
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17065points
+                          surface 03  62286.4496      0.1836      0.0264
+                                                                        S. 3:    17065points
+                      refine surface  62286.4498      0.1837      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  62286.4820      0.2160      0.0323
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17065points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  62286.5149
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  62286.5152      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  62286.5311      0.0162      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  62286.5560      0.0411      0.0248
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  62286.5571      0.0422      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  62286.5713      0.0564      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  62286.6935      0.1786      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  62286.9876      0.4727      0.2941
+                embedding surface  1  62286.9878      0.4729      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  62289.0862      2.5713      2.0984
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  62291.3135      4.7987      2.2273
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  62295.0218      8.5069      3.7082
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  62295.0315      8.5166      0.0097
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  62295.5526      9.0377      0.5211
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  62295.6844      9.1695      0.1318
+                           Find void  62295.9553      9.4404      0.2709
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33010
+          Define boundary conditions  62295.9974      9.4825      0.0421
+                         wsmp setup1  62296.0090      9.4941      0.0117
+                                                                        n =   129060
+                                                                        nz=  4965777
+                         wsmp setup2  62297.1659     10.6511      1.1569
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  62297.2236
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  62297.2238      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4639        5604
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00727E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37149
+                          wsmp solve  62304.9941      7.7704      7.7703
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0670979 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1818559 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7947102 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9809670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15116.3404567 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2505181 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085659 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2841530 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.11991E+01  0.19190E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94762E-01  0.14326E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76572E+00  0.24603E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  62321.3148     24.0912     16.3207
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35153E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  62321.5381     24.3145      0.2234
+                do leaf measurements  62321.5399     24.3162      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  62321.5997     24.3761      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5962620 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  62321.6068
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  62321.6130      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4639        5604
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00727E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37149
+                          wsmp solve  62329.5869      7.9801      7.9740
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0607531 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1932061 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7958992 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9913540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15102.0553578 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2508171 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084391 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3009400 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10550E+01  0.14360E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.49935E-01  0.13435E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76264E+00  0.22246E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  62345.9243     24.3175     16.3374
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12629E+01  0.20294E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  62346.1483     24.5415      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  62346.1500     24.5432      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  62346.2105     24.6036      0.0604
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0847916 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  62346.2177
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  62346.2239      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4639        5604
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37149
+                          wsmp solve  62354.2568      8.0391      8.0330
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0597832 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1755998 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7937081 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9933419 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15099.3244420 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2507670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085199 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2821610 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10255E+01  0.15961E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38237E-01  0.13812E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74432E+00  0.22975E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  62370.5749     24.3572     16.3181
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13931E+01  0.32564E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  62370.8007     24.5830      0.2258
+                do leaf measurements  62370.8024     24.5847      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  62370.8623     24.6446      0.0599
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0358964 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  62370.8695
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  62370.8755      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4639        5604
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37149
+                          wsmp solve  62378.8297      7.9602      7.9542
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0597532 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1995308 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8026640 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9708161 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15130.3270737 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2495260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085008 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2912538 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10233E+01  0.17947E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38010E-01  0.14114E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73549E+00  0.22776E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  62395.1572     24.2877     16.3275
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14839E+01  0.37097E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  62395.3809     24.5114      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  62395.3826     24.5132      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  62395.4425     24.5730      0.0599
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0151031 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  62395.4496
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  62395.4557      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4639        5604
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37149
+                          wsmp solve  62403.4425      7.9929      7.9868
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0591512 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1863279 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7951210 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.0291660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15050.2800164 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2540619 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085940 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3328531 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10225E+01  0.19680E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39825E-01  0.14384E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73199E+00  0.22712E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  62419.8116     24.3620     16.3691
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15222E+01  0.37631E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  62420.0358     24.5862      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  62420.0376     24.5880      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  62420.0981     24.6485      0.0605
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0109521 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  62420.1053
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  62420.1115      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4639        5604
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37149
+                          wsmp solve  62428.0811      7.9757      7.9695
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0592070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1824501 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7956591 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9905119 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15103.2124792 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2502451 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0087130 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2872200 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10217E+01  0.21193E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42252E-01  0.14585E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72834E+00  0.22684E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  62444.4040     24.2987     16.3229
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15395E+01  0.37096E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  62444.6274     24.5221      0.2234
+                do leaf measurements  62444.6292     24.5238      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  62444.6864     24.5811      0.0572
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0079152 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  62444.6895     24.5842      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  62444.6897     24.5844      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -227589891288278.97 463724449709247.
+ def in m -7.8915414810180664 0.82733392715454102
+ dimensionless def  -1.9134095736912319E-6 2.25472613743373308E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0188592  0.2246863
+                  Compute divergence  62444.9649     24.8595      0.2752
+                        wsmp_cleanup  62445.0047     24.8994      0.0398
+              Reset surface geometry  62445.0144     24.9091      0.0097
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   62445.0224     24.9171      0.0080
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  62445.0404     24.9350      0.0180
+                   Advect surface  1  62445.0405     24.9352      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   16 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  62445.2433     25.1380      0.2028
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   19 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  62445.4768     25.3715      0.2335
+                                                                        S. 3:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  62445.7468     25.6415      0.2700
+                    Advect the cloud  62445.9369     25.8315      0.1901
+                        Write output  62446.8614     26.7560      0.9245
+                    End of time step  62447.7822     27.6768      0.9208
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     383  62447.7824
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  62447.7824      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  62447.7825      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17069points
+                      refine surface  62447.7825      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  62447.8169      0.0345      0.0344
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17069points
+                          surface 02  62447.8428      0.0604      0.0259
+                                                                        S. 2:    17063points
+                      refine surface  62447.8429      0.0606      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  62447.8824      0.1000      0.0395
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  62447.9132      0.1309      0.0308
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  62447.9497      0.1673      0.0365
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17065points
+                          surface 03  62447.9745      0.1921      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 3:    17065points
+                      refine surface  62447.9746      0.1923      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  62448.0084      0.2260      0.0338
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  62448.0453      0.2630      0.0369
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  62448.0777      0.2954      0.0324
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17067points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  62448.1122
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  62448.1125      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  62448.1284      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  62448.1530      0.0407      0.0245
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  62448.1541      0.0419      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  62448.1682      0.0560      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  62448.2905      0.1783      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  62448.5849      0.4727      0.2944
+                embedding surface  1  62448.5851      0.4729      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  62450.7039      2.5916      2.1188
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  62452.9328      4.8206      2.2290
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  62456.6453      8.5331      3.7125
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  62456.6540      8.5418      0.0087
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  62457.1952      9.0829      0.5411
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  62457.3064      9.1941      0.1112
+                           Find void  62457.5832      9.4709      0.2768
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33010
+          Define boundary conditions  62457.6264      9.5141      0.0432
+                         wsmp setup1  62457.6382      9.5260      0.0118
+                                                                        n =   129060
+                                                                        nz=  4965777
+                         wsmp setup2  62458.7877     10.6755      1.1495
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  62458.8446
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  62458.8448      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4639        5604
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.11270E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37149
+                          wsmp solve  62466.6021      7.7575      7.7573
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0645609 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1750650 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7962739 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9828811 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15113.7060803 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2504580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085092 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2781782 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.11350E+01  0.19329E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95089E-01  0.14494E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76499E+00  0.24782E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  62482.9177     24.0731     16.3156
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35172E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  62483.1415     24.2969      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  62483.1432     24.2986      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  62483.2032     24.3586      0.0601
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5960413 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  62483.2106
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  62483.2168      0.0063      0.0063
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4639        5604
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.11270E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37149
+                          wsmp solve  62491.1748      7.9642      7.9580
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0629089 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1937330 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7976370 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9733949 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15126.7714640 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2498479 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085540 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2865109 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10448E+01  0.14500E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.49865E-01  0.13550E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76377E+00  0.22598E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  62507.4973     24.2868     16.3226
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12615E+01  0.20143E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  62507.7205     24.5099      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements  62507.7221     24.5116      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  62507.7823     24.5717      0.0601
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0766491 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  62507.7896
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  62507.7958      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4639        5604
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37149
+                          wsmp solve  62515.8353      8.0457      8.0395
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0614629 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1778891 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8022678 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9852221 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15110.4852378 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2508912 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083740 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2865400 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10229E+01  0.16057E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38415E-01  0.13874E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74528E+00  0.23117E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  62532.1581     24.3685     16.3228
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13938E+01  0.32626E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  62532.3847     24.5951      0.2266
+                do leaf measurements  62532.3864     24.5968      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  62532.4467     24.6571      0.0603
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0359328 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  62532.4540
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  62532.4602      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4639        5604
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37149
+                          wsmp solve  62540.4162      7.9622      7.9560
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0633130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2041528 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8007050 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9844470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15111.5514834 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2498610 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084879 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3114030 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10224E+01  0.18018E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38138E-01  0.14164E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73616E+00  0.22850E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  62556.7642     24.3102     16.3480
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14861E+01  0.37303E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  62556.9882     24.5342      0.2240
+                do leaf measurements  62556.9899     24.5359      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  62557.0503     24.5963      0.0604
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0150037 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  62557.0576
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  62557.0638      0.0063      0.0063
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4639        5604
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37149
+                          wsmp solve  62565.0620      8.0044      7.9982
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0628159 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1947670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7969949 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.0414670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15033.5129494 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2505410 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084908 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3555119 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10218E+01  0.19740E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39918E-01  0.14434E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73268E+00  0.22758E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  62581.4531     24.3955     16.3911
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15253E+01  0.37793E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  62581.6773     24.6197      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  62581.6790     24.6214      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  62581.7396     24.6820      0.0606
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0109755 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  62581.7470
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  62581.7534      0.0064      0.0064
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4639        5604
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37149
+                          wsmp solve  62589.7415      7.9944      7.9881
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0619571 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1829381 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7949071 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9705610 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15130.6789122 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2504430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084531 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2696822 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10213E+01  0.21241E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42321E-01  0.14649E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72892E+00  0.22727E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  62606.0476     24.3006     16.3062
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15427E+01  0.37248E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  62606.2714     24.5243      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  62606.2730     24.5260      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  62606.3305     24.5835      0.0575
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0078931 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  62606.3340     24.5870      0.0035
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  62606.3342     24.5872      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -227809221008636.63 464545060836343.25
+ def in m -7.9004244804382324 0.82632178068161011
+ dimensionless def  -1.94203410829816519E-6 2.25726413726806666E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0191091  0.2249001
+                  Compute divergence  62606.6112     24.8642      0.2770
+                        wsmp_cleanup  62606.6495     24.9025      0.0383
+              Reset surface geometry  62606.6596     24.9125      0.0101
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   62606.6688     24.9218      0.0092
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  62606.6886     24.9415      0.0198
+                   Advect surface  1  62606.6887     24.9417      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   14 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  62606.9074     25.1603      0.2187
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   12 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  62607.1296     25.3825      0.2222
+                                                                        S. 3:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  62607.3995     25.6525      0.2700
+                    Advect the cloud  62607.5885     25.8415      0.1890
+                        Write output  62608.5095     26.7625      0.9210
+                    End of time step  62609.4222     27.6752      0.9127
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     384  62609.4225
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  62609.4226      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  62609.4226      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17068points
+                      refine surface  62609.4226      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  62609.4539      0.0314      0.0312
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17068points
+                          surface 02  62609.4801      0.0577      0.0263
+                                                                        S. 2:    17064points
+                      refine surface  62609.4803      0.0578      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  62609.5150      0.0925      0.0347
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  62609.5477      0.1252      0.0326
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  62609.5818      0.1593      0.0341
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17066points
+                          surface 03  62609.6073      0.1848      0.0255
+                                                                        S. 3:    17067points
+                      refine surface  62609.6074      0.1849      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  62609.6481      0.2256      0.0407
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  62609.6798      0.2573      0.0317
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  62609.7176      0.2952      0.0378
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17069points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  62609.7517
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  62609.7519      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  62609.7678      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  62609.7924      0.0407      0.0245
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  62609.7935      0.0418      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  62609.8076      0.0560      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  62609.9300      0.1783      0.1223
+             Imbed surface in osolve  62610.2243      0.4727      0.2944
+                embedding surface  1  62610.2245      0.4729      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  62612.3557      2.6040      2.1311
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  62614.5655      4.8139      2.2098
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  62618.2496      8.4979      3.6841
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  62618.2551      8.5035      0.0055
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  62618.8077      9.0560      0.5526
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  62618.9356      9.1840      0.1279
+                           Find void  62619.2088      9.4571      0.2732
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33011
+          Define boundary conditions  62619.2515      9.4998      0.0427
+                         wsmp setup1  62619.2632      9.5115      0.0117
+                                                                        n =   129063
+                                                                        nz=  4965900
+                         wsmp setup2  62620.4135     10.6619      1.1503
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  62620.4703
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  62620.4704      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5604
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.05340E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37150
+                          wsmp solve  62628.2564      7.7861      7.7859
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0626040 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               3.9815810 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7971461 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4241898 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13809.8429786 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2287419 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082560 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5029509 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10448E+01  0.19428E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94105E-01  0.13923E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76318E+00  0.23584E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  62644.7940     24.3237     16.5376
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35172E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  62645.0162     24.5459      0.2222
+                do leaf measurements  62645.0180     24.5477      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  62645.0776     24.6073      0.0596
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5988918 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  62645.0845
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  62645.0906      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5604
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.05340E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37150
+                          wsmp solve  62653.0483      7.9638      7.9578
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0616112 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               3.9900711 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8024950 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3809619 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13862.2964239 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2292879 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082490 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4731202 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10190E+01  0.14590E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.50379E-01  0.13277E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76504E+00  0.22083E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  62669.5561     24.4716     16.5078
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12611E+01  0.19958E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  62669.7794     24.6949      0.2232
+                do leaf measurements  62669.7811     24.6966      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  62669.8405     24.7560      0.0595
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0785306 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  62669.8474
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  62669.8535      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5604
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37150
+                          wsmp solve  62677.8842      8.0368      8.0308
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0637331 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               3.9884560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7940161 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4159460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13819.8154830 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2295082 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082710 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5003610 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10221E+01  0.16148E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38613E-01  0.13675E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74650E+00  0.22821E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  62694.4190     24.5716     16.5347
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13948E+01  0.32853E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  62694.6443     24.7969      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements  62694.6460     24.7986      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  62694.7054     24.8580      0.0594
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0360798 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  62694.7124
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  62694.7184      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5604
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37150
+                          wsmp solve  62702.6725      7.9601      7.9541
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0646682 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               3.9813409 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7964861 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3804522 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13862.9173265 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2289600 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083652 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4607232 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10216E+01  0.18089E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37508E-01  0.14009E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73745E+00  0.22622E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  62719.1680     24.4556     16.4955
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14886E+01  0.37521E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  62719.3900     24.6776      0.2220
+                do leaf measurements  62719.3917     24.6794      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  62719.4511     24.7387      0.0593
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0150236 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  62719.4580
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  62719.4641      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5604
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37150
+                          wsmp solve  62727.4626      8.0046      7.9985
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0635450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               3.9845059 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7981391 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3789370 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13864.7632283 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2292862 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082738 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4631200 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10210E+01  0.19802E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40410E-01  0.14292E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73401E+00  0.22549E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  62743.9605     24.5024     16.4978
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15283E+01  0.38053E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  62744.1837     24.7257      0.2233
+                do leaf measurements  62744.1855     24.7275      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  62744.2455     24.7875      0.0600
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0109069 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  62744.2525
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  62744.2587      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5604
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37150
+                          wsmp solve  62752.2708      8.0183      8.0122
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0623538 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               3.9824321 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7970018 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4847548 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13737.0166028 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2296109 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083749 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5649679 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10206E+01  0.21305E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42825E-01  0.14509E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73020E+00  0.22502E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  62768.8711     24.6186     16.6003
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15470E+01  0.37526E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  62769.0956     24.8431      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  62769.0973     24.8448      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  62769.1546     24.9020      0.0572
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0079017 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  62769.1577     24.9052      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  62769.1579     24.9054      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -228022671301090.63 465362520760900.44
+ def in m -7.9154806137084961 0.82272320985794067
+ dimensionless def  -1.96426970618111723E-6 2.26156588963099896E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0193210  0.2253062
+                  Compute divergence  62769.4359     25.1834      0.2780
+                        wsmp_cleanup  62769.4743     25.2218      0.0384
+              Reset surface geometry  62769.4835     25.2310      0.0092
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   62769.4925     25.2399      0.0089
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  62769.5129     25.2604      0.0204
+                   Advect surface  1  62769.5131     25.2605      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  62769.7456     25.4931      0.2326
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  62769.9694     25.7169      0.2237
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  62770.2625     26.0100      0.2932
+                    Advect the cloud  62770.4454     26.1929      0.1828
+                        Write output  62771.3659     27.1134      0.9205
+                    End of time step  62772.2846     28.0321      0.9188
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     385  62772.2848
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  62772.2849      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  62772.2849      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17066points
+                      refine surface  62772.2850      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  62772.3234      0.0385      0.0384
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  62772.3604      0.0756      0.0371
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  62772.3977      0.1129      0.0373
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17068points
+                          surface 02  62772.4231      0.1383      0.0254
+                                                                        S. 2:    17065points
+                      refine surface  62772.4232      0.1384      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  62772.4631      0.1783      0.0399
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  62772.4966      0.2118      0.0334
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  62772.5287      0.2439      0.0322
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17067points
+                          surface 03  62772.5552      0.2704      0.0265
+                                                                        S. 3:    17067points
+                      refine surface  62772.5554      0.2706      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  62772.5870      0.3022      0.0316
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17067points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  62772.6206
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  62772.6208      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  62772.6368      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  62772.6620      0.0415      0.0252
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  62772.6632      0.0426      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  62772.6773      0.0568      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  62772.7996      0.1790      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  62773.0954      0.4748      0.2958
+                embedding surface  1  62773.0956      0.4750      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  62775.2173      2.5968      2.1218
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  62777.4053      4.7848      2.1880
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  62781.1131      8.4926      3.7078
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  62781.1186      8.4981      0.0055
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  62781.7071      9.0865      0.5885
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  62781.8036      9.1831      0.0965
+                           Find void  62782.0773      9.4567      0.2737
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33014
+          Define boundary conditions  62782.1200      9.4995      0.0427
+                         wsmp setup1  62782.1318      9.5112      0.0117
+                                                                        n =   129081
+                                                                        nz=  4966557
+                         wsmp setup2  62783.2822     10.6616      1.1504
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  62783.3391
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  62783.3393      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4639        5605
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.06061E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37155
+                          wsmp solve  62791.1483      7.8091      7.8090
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0630829 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2161510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7942059 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.0892022 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14251.4758860 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2437351 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084190 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.4152429 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10227E+01  0.19297E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94641E-01  0.14401E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76104E+00  0.23729E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  62808.6000     25.2609     17.4517
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35147E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  62808.8258     25.4867      0.2259
+                do leaf measurements  62808.8276     25.4885      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  62808.8872     25.5481      0.0596
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5912246 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  62808.8941
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  62808.9001      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4639        5605
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.06061E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37155
+                          wsmp solve  62816.8521      7.9580      7.9520
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0615661 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2273979 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8101621 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.0192881 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14334.3742358 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2429299 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083668 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.3701458 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10191E+01  0.14482E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.49274E-01  0.13756E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76704E+00  0.22091E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  62834.2601     25.3660     17.4080
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12535E+01  0.19363E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  62834.4825     25.5884      0.2224
+                do leaf measurements  62834.4843     25.5902      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  62834.5440     25.6499      0.0597
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0749227 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  62834.5509
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  62834.5569      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4639        5605
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37155
+                          wsmp solve  62842.5435      7.9927      7.9866
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0587199 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2192812 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7982042 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.0064812 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14349.6642101 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2430151 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083721 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.3345160 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10212E+01  0.15986E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38933E-01  0.14161E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74739E+00  0.22872E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  62859.9148     25.3639     17.3712
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13884E+01  0.32588E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  62860.1386     25.5877      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  62860.1403     25.5895      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  62860.2001     25.6493      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0359009 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  62860.2072
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  62860.2133      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4639        5605
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37155
+                          wsmp solve  62868.1787      7.9715      7.9653
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0634670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2175772 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7930520 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.0662689 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14278.5623521 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2428489 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083771 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.3920372 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10206E+01  0.17853E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39158E-01  0.14505E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73826E+00  0.22682E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  62885.6074     25.4002     17.4287
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14815E+01  0.37317E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  62885.8297     25.6225      0.2222
+                do leaf measurements  62885.8314     25.6243      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  62885.8910     25.6838      0.0596
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0150227 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  62885.8980
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  62885.9041      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4639        5605
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37155
+                          wsmp solve  62893.8567      7.9587      7.9526
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0587001 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2462590 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8030429 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.0137599 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14340.9702936 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2428360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085158 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.3735671 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10202E+01  0.19446E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40260E-01  0.14794E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73450E+00  0.22614E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  62911.2684     25.3704     17.4117
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15212E+01  0.37883E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  62911.4909     25.5929      0.2225
+                do leaf measurements  62911.4927     25.5947      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  62911.5520     25.6540      0.0593
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0105245 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  62911.5589
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  62911.5649      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4639        5605
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37155
+                          wsmp solve  62919.5735      8.0147      8.0086
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0586829 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2258861 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7946889 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.0451820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14303.5591568 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2430089 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083730 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.3762689 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10197E+01  0.20903E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42671E-01  0.15010E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73044E+00  0.22586E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  62936.9865     25.4276     17.4130
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15394E+01  0.37422E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  62937.2101     25.6512      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements  62937.2119     25.6530      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  62937.2693     25.7104      0.0574
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0076562 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  62937.2725     25.7136      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  62937.2726     25.7138      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -228146765877450.69 466239931000820.19
+ def in m -7.888129711151123 0.82855802774429321
+ dimensionless def  -1.83920332363673604E-6 2.253751346043178E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0180273  0.2245064
+                  Compute divergence  62937.5468     25.9880      0.2742
+                        wsmp_cleanup  62937.5863     26.0274      0.0395
+              Reset surface geometry  62937.5936     26.0348      0.0074
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   62937.6013     26.0424      0.0076
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  62937.6193     26.0605      0.0180
+                   Advect surface  1  62937.6195     26.0606      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   13 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  62937.8229     26.2640      0.2034
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   17 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  62938.0704     26.5115      0.2475
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  62938.3610     26.8021      0.2906
+                    Advect the cloud  62938.5472     26.9883      0.1862
+                        Write output  62939.4688     27.9099      0.9216
+                    End of time step  62940.3934     28.8345      0.9246
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     386  62940.3936
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  62940.3937      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  62940.3937      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17068points
+                      refine surface  62940.3938      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  62940.4244      0.0308      0.0307
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  62940.4601      0.0665      0.0357
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  62940.4909      0.0973      0.0309
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17069points
+                          surface 02  62940.5170      0.1234      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 2:    17064points
+                      refine surface  62940.5171      0.1235      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  62940.5499      0.1563      0.0328
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  62940.5806      0.1870      0.0307
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  62940.6128      0.2192      0.0322
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17066points
+                          surface 03  62940.6377      0.2441      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 3:    17065points
+                      refine surface  62940.6379      0.2443      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  62940.6701      0.2765      0.0322
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17065points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  62940.7024
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  62940.7027      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  62940.7188      0.0164      0.0161
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  62940.7435      0.0411      0.0247
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  62940.7446      0.0422      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  62940.7589      0.0566      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  62940.8823      0.1799      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  62941.1770      0.4746      0.2947
+                embedding surface  1  62941.1772      0.4748      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  62943.3198      2.6175      2.1427
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  62945.5469      4.8445      2.2271
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  62949.2477      8.5453      3.7008
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  62949.2575      8.5551      0.0098
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  62949.7875      9.0852      0.5301
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  62949.8705      9.1682      0.0830
+                           Find void  62950.1398      9.4374      0.2692
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33016
+          Define boundary conditions  62950.1812      9.4788      0.0414
+                         wsmp setup1  62950.1934      9.4910      0.0122
+                                                                        n =   129087
+                                                                        nz=  4966803
+                         wsmp setup2  62951.3466     10.6442      1.1532
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  62951.4052
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  62951.4054      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5605
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.17887E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37157
+                          wsmp solve  62959.2572      7.8520      7.8519
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0655520 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4937849 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7991929 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7719100 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15889.2594054 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2423530 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083351 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3815689 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10156E+01  0.18220E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95324E-01  0.15446E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76321E+00  0.24433E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  62975.6760     24.2708     16.4188
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35176E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  62975.8990     24.4938      0.2230
+                do leaf measurements  62975.9008     24.4956      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  62975.9603     24.5551      0.0595
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5820964 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  62975.9672
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  62975.9732      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5605
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.17887E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37157
+                          wsmp solve  62983.9321      7.9649      7.9589
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0595348 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4708200 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7939792 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7649770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15899.4925736 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2415428 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082939 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3395810 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10192E+01  0.13678E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47694E-01  0.14314E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76684E+00  0.22547E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  63000.3086     24.3414     16.3765
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12500E+01  0.20468E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  63000.5310     24.5639      0.2225
+                do leaf measurements  63000.5328     24.5656      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  63000.5921     24.6249      0.0593
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0664319 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  63000.5990
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  63000.6050      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5605
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37157
+                          wsmp solve  63008.5969      7.9980      7.9919
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0592110 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.5258212 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7937431 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7446098 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15929.6311533 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2421811 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084369 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3744631 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10212E+01  0.15329E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39631E-01  0.14580E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74720E+00  0.23196E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  63025.0088     24.4098     16.4119
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13820E+01  0.32122E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  63025.2327     24.6337      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  63025.2344     24.6355      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  63025.2943     24.6954      0.0599
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0356419 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  63025.3013
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  63025.3075      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5605
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37157
+                          wsmp solve  63033.3293      8.0280      8.0219
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0606141 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4978020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7930360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.8173370 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15822.5329349 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2420950 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083640 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4197011 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10206E+01  0.17286E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39843E-01  0.14846E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73763E+00  0.22937E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  63049.7861     24.4848     16.4568
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14745E+01  0.36436E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  63050.0102     24.7089      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  63050.0120     24.7106      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  63050.0715     24.7701      0.0595
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0151929 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  63050.0784
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  63050.0844      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5605
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37157
+                          wsmp solve  63058.0413      7.9629      7.9569
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0624189 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4949389 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8012152 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7681561 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15894.7985803 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2417581 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083320 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3772678 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10202E+01  0.18925E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39677E-01  0.15072E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73335E+00  0.22831E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  63074.4558     24.3774     16.4145
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15135E+01  0.37058E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  63074.6782     24.5998      0.2224
+                do leaf measurements  63074.6799     24.6016      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  63074.7393     24.6609      0.0593
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0104905 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  63074.7462
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  63074.7522      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5605
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37157
+                          wsmp solve  63082.7428      7.9966      7.9906
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0603290 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4723859 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7967792 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7442350 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15930.1868309 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2424169 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083079 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3248920 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10198E+01  0.20390E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42104E-01  0.15259E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72908E+00  0.22793E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  63099.1049     24.3587     16.3620
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15314E+01  0.36625E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  63099.3282     24.5820      0.2233
+                do leaf measurements  63099.3299     24.5837      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  63099.3874     24.6412      0.0574
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0075146 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  63099.3905     24.6444      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  63099.3907     24.6445      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -228318063235924.09 467076334678153.38
+ def in m -7.9100627899169922 0.82068341970443726
+ dimensionless def  -1.9039043358394078E-6 2.2600179399762834E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0187081  0.2251186
+                  Compute divergence  63099.6610     24.9149      0.2703
+                        wsmp_cleanup  63099.7004     24.9542      0.0393
+              Reset surface geometry  63099.7086     24.9624      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   63099.7161     24.9699      0.0075
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  63099.7341     24.9879      0.0180
+                   Advect surface  1  63099.7342     24.9881      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  63099.9517     25.2055      0.2174
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   13 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  63100.1976     25.4514      0.2459
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  63100.4898     25.7437      0.2922
+                    Advect the cloud  63100.6766     25.9305      0.1868
+                        Write output  63101.6018     26.8557      0.9252
+                    End of time step  63102.5183     27.7721      0.9164
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     387  63102.5185
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  63102.5185      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  63102.5186      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    17068points
+                      refine surface  63102.5186      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  63102.5500      0.0315      0.0314
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  63102.5818      0.0634      0.0318
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  63102.6141      0.0956      0.0323
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17070points
+                          surface 02  63102.6393      0.1209      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 2:    17063points
+                      refine surface  63102.6395      0.1210      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  63102.6714      0.1529      0.0319
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  63102.7026      0.1841      0.0313
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  63102.7349      0.2164      0.0322
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17064points
+                          surface 03  63102.7602      0.2417      0.0254
+                                                                        S. 3:    17063points
+                      refine surface  63102.7604      0.2419      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  63102.7942      0.2758      0.0339
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  63102.8256      0.3072      0.0314
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  63102.8581      0.3396      0.0324
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17065points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  63102.8918
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  63102.8920      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  63102.9081      0.0164      0.0161
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  63102.9326      0.0408      0.0245
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  63102.9337      0.0419      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  63102.9480      0.0562      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  63103.0716      0.1798      0.1236
+             Imbed surface in osolve  63103.3686      0.4769      0.2971
+                embedding surface  1  63103.3688      0.4770      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  63105.4924      2.6006      2.1236
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  63107.6608      4.7691      2.1684
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  63111.3241      8.4323      3.6633
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  63111.3295      8.4378      0.0055
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  63111.8944      9.0026      0.5648
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  63111.9762      9.0844      0.0818
+                           Find void  63112.2508      9.3590      0.2746
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33019
+          Define boundary conditions  63112.2934      9.4017      0.0426
+                         wsmp setup1  63112.3051      9.4133      0.0117
+                                                                        n =   129096
+                                                                        nz=  4967172
+                         wsmp setup2  63113.4497     10.5580      1.1446
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  63113.5091
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  63113.5093      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5604
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00517E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37160
+                          wsmp solve  63121.3312      7.8221      7.8219
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0648100 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1838040 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7993410 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4128299 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14255.9144872 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2398190 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0089800 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.7100451 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10826E+01  0.19404E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.93584E-01  0.15852E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76314E+00  0.24605E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  63138.0763     24.5671     16.7450
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35117E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  63138.3032     24.7941      0.2270
+                do leaf measurements  63138.3051     24.7959      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  63138.3667     24.8576      0.0617
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5990367 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  63138.3738
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  63138.3800      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5604
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00517E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37160
+                          wsmp solve  63146.3389      7.9650      7.9589
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0637331 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1842239 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7991471 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3328490 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14356.5246831 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2395890 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0087068 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.6286681 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10182E+01  0.14496E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.50090E-01  0.14435E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76756E+00  0.22052E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  63163.0023     24.6285     16.6635
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12506E+01  0.19400E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  63163.2292     24.8553      0.2268
+                do leaf measurements  63163.2310     24.8571      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  63163.2920     24.9182      0.0610
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0771458 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  63163.2991
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  63163.3052      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5604
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37160
+                          wsmp solve  63171.2661      7.9670      7.9609
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0615721 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1959910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8006721 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3075690 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14388.6211422 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2385850 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0089011 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.6137209 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10208E+01  0.15955E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38368E-01  0.14588E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74701E+00  0.22831E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  63187.9148     24.6157     16.6487
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13853E+01  0.32516E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  63188.1432     24.8442      0.2285
+                do leaf measurements  63188.1451     24.8460      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  63188.2062     24.9071      0.0611
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0359148 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  63188.2132
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  63188.2193      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5604
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37160
+                          wsmp solve  63196.2617      8.0485      8.0424
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0649230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1907179 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7978561 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3556070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14327.7524749 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2403791 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0087209 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.6586301 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10203E+01  0.17858E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37892E-01  0.14798E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73797E+00  0.22628E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  63212.9557     24.7425     16.6940
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14817E+01  0.37223E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  63213.1856     24.9724      0.2299
+                do leaf measurements  63213.1874     24.9742      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  63213.2486     25.0354      0.0612
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0152029 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  63213.2556
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  63213.2616      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5604
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37160
+                          wsmp solve  63221.2201      7.9645      7.9585
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0607071 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1892400 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8062179 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3477180 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14337.7132532 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2393219 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086808 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.6522920 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10199E+01  0.19538E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40279E-01  0.15019E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73446E+00  0.22565E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  63237.9083     24.6527     16.6882
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15222E+01  0.37864E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  63238.1356     24.8800      0.2273
+                do leaf measurements  63238.1374     24.8818      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  63238.1984     24.9428      0.0610
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0108111 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  63238.2054
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  63238.2115      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5604
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37160
+                          wsmp solve  63246.2155      8.0100      8.0039
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0610409 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1831841 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7977400 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3868032 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14288.4991180 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2394121 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0088351 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.6774240 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10196E+01  0.21018E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42669E-01  0.15206E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73050E+00  0.22564E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  63262.9278     24.7223     16.7123
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15411E+01  0.37420E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  63263.1554     24.9499      0.2276
+                do leaf measurements  63263.1572     24.9517      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  63263.2162     25.0108      0.0591
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0077916 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  63263.2194     25.0139      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  63263.2195     25.0141      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -228531380900990.25 467890585511247.81
+ def in m -7.9620795249938965 0.80244570970535278
+ dimensionless def  -2.04347508294241778E-6 2.27487986428397067E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0201885  0.2266039
+                  Compute divergence  63263.4933     25.2878      0.2737
+                        wsmp_cleanup  63263.5337     25.3283      0.0405
+              Reset surface geometry  63263.5416     25.3362      0.0079
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   63263.5497     25.3442      0.0080
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  63263.5674     25.3620      0.0178
+                   Advect surface  1  63263.5676     25.3621      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   13 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  63263.7866     25.5812      0.2190
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  63264.0201     25.8146      0.2335
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  63264.3187     26.1132      0.2986
+                    Advect the cloud  63264.5069     26.3015      0.1882
+                        Write output  63265.4394     27.2340      0.9325
+                    End of time step  63266.3587     28.1533      0.9193
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     388  63266.3589
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  63266.3590      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  63266.3590      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17069points
+                      refine surface  63266.3591      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  63266.3976      0.0386      0.0385
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  63266.4328      0.0739      0.0353
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  63266.4706      0.1117      0.0378
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17070points
+                          surface 02  63266.4958      0.1369      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 2:    17062points
+                      refine surface  63266.4959      0.1370      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  63266.5341      0.1752      0.0382
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  63266.5633      0.2044      0.0292
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  63266.5948      0.2359      0.0315
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17063points
+                          surface 03  63266.6215      0.2626      0.0267
+                                                                        S. 3:    17063points
+                      refine surface  63266.6216      0.2627      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  63266.6561      0.2971      0.0344
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  63266.6923      0.3334      0.0363
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  63266.7253      0.3664      0.0330
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17064points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  63266.7592
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  63266.7595      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  63266.7755      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  63266.8004      0.0411      0.0249
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  63266.8015      0.0422      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  63266.8156      0.0564      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  63266.9379      0.1786      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  63267.2351      0.4758      0.2972
+                embedding surface  1  63267.2352      0.4760      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  63269.3529      2.5936      2.1177
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  63271.5430      4.7838      2.1902
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  63275.2234      8.4641      3.6803
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  63275.2317      8.4724      0.0083
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  63275.7647      9.0054      0.5330
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  63275.8872      9.1279      0.1225
+                           Find void  63276.1532      9.3940      0.2661
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33021
+          Define boundary conditions  63276.1918      9.4326      0.0386
+                         wsmp setup1  63276.2041      9.4449      0.0123
+                                                                        n =   129102
+                                                                        nz=  4967418
+                         wsmp setup2  63277.3580     10.5987      1.1539
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  63277.4163
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  63277.4165      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5604
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00183E-05  9.79988E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37162
+                          wsmp solve  63285.2493      7.8331      7.8328
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0660920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2301359 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7977462 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.6213551 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14012.8404616 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2491281 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086160 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.9735119 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10147E+01  0.17115E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.93092E-01  0.15559E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76078E+00  0.25916E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  63303.2610     25.8447     18.0117
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35183E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  63303.4861     26.0699      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  63303.4880     26.0717      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  63303.5481     26.1318      0.0601
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5811084 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  63303.5556
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  63303.5620      0.0064      0.0064
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5604
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00183E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37162
+                          wsmp solve  63311.5701      8.0145      8.0081
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0627351 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2243049 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7960229 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.7046671 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13920.9499586 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2499359 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086160 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.0467680 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10208E+01  0.12690E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47876E-01  0.14426E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76334E+00  0.23509E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  63329.6547     26.0991     18.0846
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12413E+01  0.20086E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  63329.8806     26.3250      0.2260
+                do leaf measurements  63329.8824     26.3268      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  63329.9425     26.3868      0.0600
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0774783 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  63329.9498
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  63329.9560      0.0063      0.0063
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5604
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37162
+                          wsmp solve  63337.9150      7.9653      7.9590
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0635819 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2409120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8031771 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.6227410 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14011.3019070 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2497039 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086529 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.9892199 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10226E+01  0.14571E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41019E-01  0.14655E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74237E+00  0.23557E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  63355.9421     25.9923     18.0270
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13638E+01  0.30669E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  63356.1667     26.2169      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  63356.1685     26.2187      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  63356.2281     26.2784      0.0597
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0354151 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  63356.2356
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  63356.2419      0.0063      0.0063
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5604
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37162
+                          wsmp solve  63364.2391      8.0035      7.9972
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0589728 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2240040 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7983301 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.6068940 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14028.9142268 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2490339 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086620 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.9463758 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10218E+01  0.16711E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41232E-01  0.14879E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73305E+00  0.23210E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  63382.2230     25.9874     17.9838
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14551E+01  0.34810E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  63382.4479     26.2123      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  63382.4497     26.2141      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  63382.5098     26.2742      0.0601
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0155803 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  63382.5173
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  63382.5237      0.0064      0.0064
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5604
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37162
+                          wsmp solve  63390.5193      8.0020      7.9956
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0594990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2332921 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7978411 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.6935720 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13933.1178176 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2498150 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085988 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.0430729 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10213E+01  0.18428E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40974E-01  0.15098E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72912E+00  0.23081E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  63408.5998     26.0825     18.0805
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14939E+01  0.35454E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  63408.8265     26.3092      0.2267
+                do leaf measurements  63408.8283     26.3110      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  63408.8883     26.3710      0.0600
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0106284 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  63408.8956
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  63408.9019      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5604
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37162
+                          wsmp solve  63416.8589      7.9633      7.9571
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0613801 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2639260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8020692 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.6234241 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14010.5437380 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2488050 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085299 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.0088499 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10209E+01  0.19938E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41947E-01  0.15279E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72519E+00  0.23023E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  63434.9056     26.0100     18.0467
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15110E+01  0.35076E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  63435.1308     26.2352      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  63435.1326     26.2369      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  63435.1897     26.2941      0.0572
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0075507 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  63435.1932     26.2975      0.0034
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  63435.1934     26.2977      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -228624624581939.91 468801833525864.56
+ def in m -7.9285244941711426 0.81049692630767822
+ dimensionless def  -1.90917611122131333E-6 2.26529271262032624E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0188209  0.2256296
+                  Compute divergence  63435.4648     26.5691      0.2714
+                        wsmp_cleanup  63435.5045     26.6088      0.0397
+              Reset surface geometry  63435.5133     26.6176      0.0088
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   63435.5210     26.6254      0.0078
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  63435.5393     26.6437      0.0183
+                   Advect surface  1  63435.5395     26.6439      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   4 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  63435.7887     26.8930      0.2492
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  63436.0261     27.1304      0.2374
+                                                                        S. 3:   12 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  63436.2971     27.4015      0.2710
+                    Advect the cloud  63436.4819     27.5862      0.1848
+                        Write output  63437.4013     28.5057      0.9194
+                    End of time step  63438.3098     29.4142      0.9085
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     389  63438.3100
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  63438.3101      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  63438.3101      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17066points
+                      refine surface  63438.3102      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   5 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  63438.3529      0.0429      0.0427
+                                                                        S. 1:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  63438.3889      0.0789      0.0360
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  63438.4265      0.1165      0.0376
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17071points
+                          surface 02  63438.4522      0.1422      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 2:    17061points
+                      refine surface  63438.4523      0.1423      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  63438.4918      0.1818      0.0395
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  63438.5201      0.2101      0.0283
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  63438.5519      0.2419      0.0318
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17062points
+                          surface 03  63438.5787      0.2687      0.0268
+                                                                        S. 3:    17064points
+                      refine surface  63438.5789      0.2689      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  63438.6189      0.3089      0.0401
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  63438.6474      0.3374      0.0284
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  63438.6803      0.3703      0.0330
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17065points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  63438.7143
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  63438.7146      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  63438.7305      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  63438.7554      0.0412      0.0249
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  63438.7565      0.0423      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  63438.7707      0.0564      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  63438.8930      0.1787      0.1223
+             Imbed surface in osolve  63439.1899      0.4756      0.2969
+                embedding surface  1  63439.1901      0.4758      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  63441.3300      2.6158      2.1400
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  63443.5575      4.8433      2.2275
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  63447.2425      8.5283      3.6850
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  63447.2489      8.5346      0.0064
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  63447.8198      9.1056      0.5709
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  63447.9070      9.1928      0.0872
+                           Find void  63448.1782      9.4640      0.2712
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33022
+          Define boundary conditions  63448.2200      9.5058      0.0418
+                         wsmp setup1  63448.2319      9.5177      0.0119
+                                                                        n =   129105
+                                                                        nz=  4967541
+                         wsmp setup2  63449.3734     10.6592      1.1415
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  63449.4296
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  63449.4297      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5605
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.03113E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37163
+                          wsmp solve  63457.2176      7.7880      7.7878
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0688279 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1533861 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8025529 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7633338 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15962.1627965 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2386310 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086241 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.0357609 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10523E+01  0.18152E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.96000E-01  0.15322E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76116E+00  0.24639E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  63473.2898     23.8602     16.0722
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35173E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  63473.5129     24.0833      0.2232
+                do leaf measurements  63473.5147     24.0851      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  63473.5744     24.1448      0.0597
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5938029 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  63473.5816
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  63473.5876      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5605
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.03113E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37163
+                          wsmp solve  63481.5866      8.0050      7.9989
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0622151 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1128111 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8007920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.8200099 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15878.5516051 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2381380 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086019 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.0429790 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10202E+01  0.13352E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48272E-01  0.13949E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76249E+00  0.22543E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  63497.6661     24.0845     16.0795
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12528E+01  0.19553E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  63497.8904     24.3088      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements  63497.8922     24.3106      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  63497.9526     24.3710      0.0604
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0719232 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  63497.9599
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  63497.9660      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5605
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37163
+                          wsmp solve  63505.9246      7.9647      7.9586
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0616989 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1161420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8006039 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7671990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15956.4326505 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2379420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086370 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.9926310 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10228E+01  0.15121E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37994E-01  0.14155E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74285E+00  0.23041E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  63521.9534     23.9935     16.0288
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13742E+01  0.31475E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  63522.1774     24.2175      0.2240
+                do leaf measurements  63522.1791     24.2193      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  63522.2390     24.2791      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0362597 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  63522.2462
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  63522.2523      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5605
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37163
+                          wsmp solve  63530.2202      7.9740      7.9679
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0618389 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1333780 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8012841 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7449450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15989.4802179 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2386379 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086479 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.9891489 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10222E+01  0.17242E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38415E-01  0.14391E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73362E+00  0.22771E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  63546.2464     24.0002     16.0262
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14657E+01  0.35700E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  63546.4703     24.2241      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  63546.4721     24.2259      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  63546.5318     24.2856      0.0597
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0151273 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  63546.5390
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  63546.5449      0.0059      0.0059
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5605
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37163
+                          wsmp solve  63554.5883      8.0493      8.0434
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0589740 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1112280 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8019221 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7596340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15967.6515039 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2389250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086191 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.9797361 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10217E+01  0.19006E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39383E-01  0.14609E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73022E+00  0.22666E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  63570.6054     24.0664     16.0171
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15055E+01  0.36384E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  63570.8314     24.2924      0.2260
+                do leaf measurements  63570.8332     24.2942      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  63570.8932     24.3542      0.0600
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0108867 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  63570.9004
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  63570.9064      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5605
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37163
+                          wsmp solve  63578.8671      7.9667      7.9607
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0621421 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1408689 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8065619 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7427189 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15992.7935700 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2384758 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086229 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.9997840 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10213E+01  0.20523E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41847E-01  0.14812E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72665E+00  0.22626E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  63594.9031     24.0027     16.0360
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15237E+01  0.36001E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  63595.1261     24.2257      0.2230
+                do leaf measurements  63595.1279     24.2275      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  63595.1851     24.2847      0.0572
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0076592 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  63595.1882     24.2878      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  63595.1884     24.2880      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -228866493082811.66 469584737884004.19
+ def in m -8.0282449722290039 0.79471224546432495
+ dimensionless def  -2.27060641561235696E-6 2.29378427777971525E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0224181  0.2285213
+                  Compute divergence  63595.4614     24.5610      0.2730
+                        wsmp_cleanup  63595.5011     24.6007      0.0397
+              Reset surface geometry  63595.5111     24.6108      0.0101
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   63595.5192     24.6188      0.0080
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  63595.5365     24.6361      0.0173
+                   Advect surface  1  63595.5367     24.6363      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   12 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  63595.7727     24.8723      0.2360
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  63596.0154     25.1150      0.2427
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  63596.2987     25.3983      0.2834
+                    Advect the cloud  63596.4840     25.5836      0.1853
+                        Write output  63597.4021     26.5017      0.9181
+                    End of time step  63598.3123     27.4120      0.9103
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     390  63598.3126
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  63598.3126      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  63598.3127      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17068points
+                      refine surface  63598.3127      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  63598.3428      0.0303      0.0301
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17068points
+                          surface 02  63598.3694      0.0568      0.0265
+                                                                        S. 2:    17059points
+                      refine surface  63598.3695      0.0569      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  63598.4015      0.0890      0.0320
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  63598.4341      0.1215      0.0325
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  63598.4667      0.1541      0.0326
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17060points
+                          surface 03  63598.4926      0.1800      0.0259
+                                                                        S. 3:    17064points
+                      refine surface  63598.4927      0.1801      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  63598.5332      0.2206      0.0405
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  63598.5623      0.2497      0.0291
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  63598.5999      0.2873      0.0376
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17066points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  63598.6317
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  63598.6320      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  63598.6479      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  63598.6725      0.0408      0.0246
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  63598.6736      0.0419      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  63598.6878      0.0561      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  63598.8100      0.1783      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  63599.1068      0.4751      0.2968
+                embedding surface  1  63599.1070      0.4753      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  63601.2264      2.5947      2.1194
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  63603.4532      4.8215      2.2269
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  63607.1524      8.5207      3.6992
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  63607.1579      8.5262      0.0055
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  63607.7264      9.0947      0.5685
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  63607.8111      9.1794      0.0847
+                           Find void  63608.0824      9.4507      0.2713
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33024
+          Define boundary conditions  63608.1243      9.4925      0.0418
+                         wsmp setup1  63608.1360      9.5043      0.0117
+                                                                        n =   129111
+                                                                        nz=  4967868
+                         wsmp setup2  63609.2815     10.6498      1.1455
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  63609.3381
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  63609.3383      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5605
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  9.95461E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37166
+                          wsmp solve  63617.1195      7.7813      7.7812
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0656481 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4364169 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8010840 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.9587059 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14166.6189298 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2489450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086150 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.5198119 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10117E+01  0.17097E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94720E-01  0.14531E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75997E+00  0.24990E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  63634.6752     25.3370     17.5557
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35202E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  63634.8981     25.5599      0.2229
+                do leaf measurements  63634.8998     25.5616      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  63634.9593     25.6212      0.0596
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5847024 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  63634.9663
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  63634.9724      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5605
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37166
+                          wsmp solve  63642.9568      7.9904      7.9844
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0618379 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3997271 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7982240 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.0242569 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14089.3886573 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2488921 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086191 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.5419290 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10209E+01  0.12515E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.46913E-01  0.14009E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76029E+00  0.22917E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  63660.5335     25.5671     17.5767
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12483E+01  0.20042E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  63660.7576     25.7913      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  63660.7593     25.7930      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  63660.8194     25.8530      0.0600
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0700574 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  63660.8264
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  63660.8326      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5605
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37166
+                          wsmp solve  63668.8084      7.9820      7.9758
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0605130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4158449 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7963381 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.9452980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14182.5201871 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2483521 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085959 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.4753330 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10230E+01  0.14427E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40868E-01  0.14453E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74153E+00  0.23460E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  63686.3194     25.4930     17.5110
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13670E+01  0.30549E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  63686.5426     25.7162      0.2232
+                do leaf measurements  63686.5443     25.7179      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  63686.6042     25.7778      0.0599
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0353757 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  63686.6111
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  63686.6171      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5605
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37166
+                          wsmp solve  63694.5741      7.9630      7.9570
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0621250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4045842 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8039241 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.9634590 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14160.9904959 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2494900 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085680 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.4925392 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10222E+01  0.16611E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40880E-01  0.14758E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73186E+00  0.23159E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  63712.1024     25.4913     17.5283
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14548E+01  0.34456E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  63712.3255     25.7144      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements  63712.3272     25.7161      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  63712.3867     25.7756      0.0595
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0150898 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  63712.3936
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  63712.3997      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5605
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37166
+                          wsmp solve  63720.4062      8.0125      8.0065
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0617659 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3984301 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7979560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.0337100 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14078.3207645 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2490480 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086272 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.5499060 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10215E+01  0.18381E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40524E-01  0.15001E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72799E+00  0.23017E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  63737.9921     25.5984     17.5859
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14922E+01  0.35159E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  63738.2167     25.8230      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  63738.2184     25.8248      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  63738.2784     25.8848      0.0600
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0105377 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  63738.2854
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  63738.2916      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5605
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37166
+                          wsmp solve  63746.2481      7.9627      7.9565
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0621400 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4234610 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7979639 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.9386981 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14190.3605109 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2490292 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085769 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.4802570 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10210E+01  0.19902E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41823E-01  0.15181E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72428E+00  0.22939E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  63763.7632     25.4778     17.5151
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15090E+01  0.34817E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  63763.9863     25.7008      0.2230
+                do leaf measurements  63763.9880     25.7025      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  63764.0452     25.7598      0.0573
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0076431 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  63764.0485     25.7630      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  63764.0486     25.7632      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -228918953657925.41 470528429634694.69
+ def in m -7.9870414733886719 0.78719758987426758
+ dimensionless def  -2.09550465856279648E-6 2.28201184953962057E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0206989  0.2273490
+                  Compute divergence  63764.3220     26.0365      0.2733
+                        wsmp_cleanup  63764.3615     26.0761      0.0395
+              Reset surface geometry  63764.3697     26.0843      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   63764.3776     26.0921      0.0078
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  63764.3952     26.1097      0.0176
+                   Advect surface  1  63764.3953     26.1099      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  63764.6138     26.3283      0.2185
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  63764.8582     26.5727      0.2444
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   12 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  63765.1456     26.8602      0.2875
+                    Advect the cloud  63765.3335     27.0481      0.1879
+                        Write output  63766.2555     27.9701      0.9220
+                    End of time step  63767.1700     28.8845      0.9144
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     391  63767.1702
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  63767.1702      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  63767.1703      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17067points
+                      refine surface  63767.1703      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  63767.2022      0.0320      0.0319
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  63767.2376      0.0674      0.0354
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  63767.2696      0.0995      0.0320
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17068points
+                          surface 02  63767.2952      0.1250      0.0255
+                                                                        S. 2:    17057points
+                      refine surface  63767.2953      0.1251      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  63767.3270      0.1568      0.0317
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  63767.3583      0.1882      0.0313
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  63767.3908      0.2206      0.0324
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17058points
+                          surface 03  63767.4160      0.2458      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 3:    17064points
+                      refine surface  63767.4161      0.2460      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  63767.4540      0.2838      0.0378
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  63767.4841      0.3140      0.0302
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  63767.5204      0.3503      0.0363
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17065points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  63767.5530
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  63767.5533      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  63767.5694      0.0164      0.0161
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  63767.5943      0.0413      0.0249
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  63767.5953      0.0424      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  63767.6095      0.0565      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  63767.7317      0.1787      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  63768.0262      0.4732      0.2945
+                embedding surface  1  63768.0264      0.4734      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  63770.1509      2.5979      2.1246
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  63772.3309      4.7779      2.1800
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  63775.9937      8.4407      3.6628
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  63776.0028      8.4498      0.0091
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  63776.4984      8.9454      0.4955
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  63776.6551      9.1021      0.1567
+                           Find void  63776.9289      9.3759      0.2739
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33026
+          Define boundary conditions  63776.9710      9.4180      0.0420
+                         wsmp setup1  63776.9828      9.4298      0.0119
+                                                                        n =   129123
+                                                                        nz=  4968279
+                         wsmp setup2  63778.1356     10.5826      1.1527
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  63778.1933
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  63778.1934      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5605
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.02497E-05  9.59788E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37169
+                          wsmp solve  63785.9593      7.7660      7.7659
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0650170 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3562520 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7981851 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.6667969 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16096.6897735 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2475090 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085590 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1427321 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10140E+01  0.18743E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95930E-01  0.15810E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75859E+00  0.23910E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  63802.1389     23.9456     16.1796
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35170E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  63802.3620     24.1687      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements  63802.3639     24.1706      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  63802.4232     24.2299      0.0593
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5924674 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  63802.4301
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  63802.4362      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5605
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.02497E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37169
+                          wsmp solve  63810.4124      7.9823      7.9762
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0626850 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3727210 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7985120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.6462588 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16127.7424930 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2474179 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086010 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1366320 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10178E+01  0.13722E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48344E-01  0.14560E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76473E+00  0.22250E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  63826.5862     24.1561     16.1738
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12472E+01  0.19244E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  63826.8094     24.3793      0.2232
+                do leaf measurements  63826.8113     24.3812      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  63826.8706     24.4405      0.0593
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0742505 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  63826.8775
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  63826.8836      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5605
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37169
+                          wsmp solve  63834.9250      8.0475      8.0415
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0642161 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3567619 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7993879 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.6495421 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16122.7702973 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2484250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085390 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1272950 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10201E+01  0.15307E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39423E-01  0.14782E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74472E+00  0.22991E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  63851.0889     24.2114     16.1639
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13743E+01  0.31662E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  63851.3154     24.4379      0.2265
+                do leaf measurements  63851.3173     24.4398      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  63851.3768     24.4993      0.0595
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0355661 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  63851.3837
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  63851.3897      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5605
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37169
+                          wsmp solve  63859.3513      7.9677      7.9617
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0658541 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3632641 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8056650 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.6686630 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16093.8742315 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2475150 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085399 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1599119 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10198E+01  0.17289E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39538E-01  0.15005E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73557E+00  0.22755E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  63875.5486     24.1649     16.1972
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14674E+01  0.36015E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  63875.7709     24.3872      0.2224
+                do leaf measurements  63875.7728     24.3891      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  63875.8320     24.4484      0.0593
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0151020 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  63875.8389
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  63875.8450      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5605
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37169
+                          wsmp solve  63883.8410      8.0021      7.9960
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0627649 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3461599 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7994149 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7204230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16016.1703704 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2474849 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085409 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1852150 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10195E+01  0.18984E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40046E-01  0.15213E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73227E+00  0.22670E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  63900.0639     24.2249     16.2229
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15081E+01  0.36723E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  63900.2882     24.4493      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  63900.2901     24.4512      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  63900.3499     24.5110      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0104851 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  63900.3569
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  63900.3630      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5605
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37169
+                          wsmp solve  63908.3333      7.9765      7.9703
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0608721 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3485270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7990119 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.6508241 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16120.8296948 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2472551 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085988 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1155150 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10191E+01  0.20473E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42503E-01  0.15381E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72870E+00  0.22633E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  63924.4859     24.1290     16.1525
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15274E+01  0.36445E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  63924.7083     24.3514      0.2224
+                do leaf measurements  63924.7101     24.3533      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  63924.7672     24.4104      0.0571
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0076310 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  63924.7704     24.4135      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  63924.7705     24.4137      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -229080868636514.16 471394685257978.56
+ def in m -8.0236043930053711 0.78925931453704834
+ dimensionless def  -2.25502661296299513E-6 2.29245839800153455E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0222355  0.2284082
+                  Compute divergence  63925.0461     24.6893      0.2756
+                        wsmp_cleanup  63925.0845     24.7277      0.0384
+              Reset surface geometry  63925.0939     24.7370      0.0094
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   63925.1021     24.7452      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  63925.1177     24.7608      0.0156
+                   Advect surface  1  63925.1178     24.7610      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  63925.3514     24.9945      0.2335
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   12 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  63925.5940     25.2371      0.2426
+                                                                        S. 3:   13 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  63925.8607     25.5039      0.2668
+                    Advect the cloud  63926.0453     25.6884      0.1846
+                        Write output  63926.9709     26.6140      0.9256
+                    End of time step  63927.8796     27.5227      0.9087
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     392  63927.8798
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  63927.8798      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  63927.8799      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17065points
+                      refine surface  63927.8799      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  63927.9179      0.0381      0.0380
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  63927.9500      0.0702      0.0321
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  63927.9876      0.1078      0.0376
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17066points
+                          surface 02  63928.0131      0.1334      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 2:    17055points
+                      refine surface  63928.0133      0.1335      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  63928.0543      0.1745      0.0410
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  63928.0878      0.2080      0.0335
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  63928.1198      0.2400      0.0320
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17057points
+                          surface 03  63928.1471      0.2673      0.0273
+                                                                        S. 3:    17065points
+                      refine surface  63928.1472      0.2674      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  63928.1799      0.3001      0.0327
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  63928.2149      0.3351      0.0350
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  63928.2479      0.3681      0.0330
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17066points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  63928.2822
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  63928.2825      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  63928.2984      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  63928.3230      0.0407      0.0245
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  63928.3241      0.0419      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  63928.3382      0.0560      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  63928.4605      0.1783      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  63928.7567      0.4745      0.2963
+                embedding surface  1  63928.7569      0.4747      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  63930.8646      2.5824      2.1077
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  63933.0569      4.7747      2.1923
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  63936.7214      8.4392      3.6645
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  63936.7269      8.4447      0.0055
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  63937.2703      8.9881      0.5434
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  63937.4016      9.1193      0.1313
+                           Find void  63937.6749      9.3927      0.2733
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33028
+          Define boundary conditions  63937.7176      9.4354      0.0427
+                         wsmp setup1  63937.7292      9.4470      0.0116
+                                                                        n =   129123
+                                                                        nz=  4968279
+                         wsmp setup2  63938.8844     10.6022      1.1553
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  63938.9419
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  63938.9420      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5605
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.18853E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37169
+                          wsmp solve  63946.7077      7.7658      7.7657
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0641720 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3569529 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7989831 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.6492941 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16123.1456955 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2476330 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086472 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1261170 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10139E+01  0.19165E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.96105E-01  0.15973E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76279E+00  0.24666E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  63962.8708     23.9289     16.1631
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35153E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  63963.0948     24.1529      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  63963.0966     24.1547      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  63963.1578     24.2159      0.0613
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5923391 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  63963.1649
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  63963.1711      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5605
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.18853E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37169
+                          wsmp solve  63971.1397      7.9747      7.9686
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0604718 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3888102 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8004889 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.6392331 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16138.3926011 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2473280 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0094781 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1462739 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.14261E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48561E-01  0.14727E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76785E+00  0.22169E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  63987.3217     24.1567     16.1820
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12499E+01  0.19377E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  63987.5463     24.3813      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  63987.5481     24.3832      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  63987.6093     24.4444      0.0612
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0740465 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  63987.6165
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  63987.6226      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5605
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37169
+                          wsmp solve  63995.6626      8.0461      8.0400
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0614021 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3732009 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7985051 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.6630750 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16102.3083323 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2483571 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085821 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1535540 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10193E+01  0.15709E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39331E-01  0.14908E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74885E+00  0.22925E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  64011.8534     24.2369     16.1908
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13854E+01  0.32574E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  64012.0792     24.4626      0.2257
+                do leaf measurements  64012.0810     24.4645      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  64012.1427     24.5262      0.0617
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0356662 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  64012.1498
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  64012.1558      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5605
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37169
+                          wsmp solve  64020.1137      7.9640      7.9579
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0645249 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3742020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8045290 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.6792879 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16077.8623426 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2475450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085819 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1791010 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10192E+01  0.17553E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39331E-01  0.15127E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73948E+00  0.22717E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  64036.3302     24.1805     16.2165
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14808E+01  0.36961E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  64036.5541     24.4044      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  64036.5560     24.4062      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  64036.6172     24.4674      0.0612
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0150871 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  64036.6242
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  64036.6302      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5605
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37169
+                          wsmp solve  64044.6398      8.0156      8.0095
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0626409 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3703752 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8004181 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7229340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16012.4198115 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2466571 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086632 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2121060 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10189E+01  0.19200E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40121E-01  0.15324E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73546E+00  0.22630E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  64060.8891     24.2650     16.2494
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15215E+01  0.37717E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  64061.1139     24.4897      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  64061.1157     24.4916      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  64061.1776     24.5534      0.0619
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0103396 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  64061.1848
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  64061.1910      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5605
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37169
+                          wsmp solve  64069.1722      7.9874      7.9812
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0612080 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3609362 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7995398 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.6810639 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16075.1890169 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2470751 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086520 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1589010 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10186E+01  0.20663E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42575E-01  0.15480E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73129E+00  0.22604E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  64085.3688     24.1840     16.1966
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15407E+01  0.37385E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  64085.5923     24.4075      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements  64085.5941     24.4093      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  64085.6528     24.4681      0.0587
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0076526 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  64085.6559     24.4712      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  64085.6561     24.4713      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -229128729909670.66 472352898144173.69
+ def in m -7.9738965034484863 0.79277175664901733
+ dimensionless def  -2.06410714558192671E-6 2.27825614384242478E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0203878  0.2269580
+                  Compute divergence  64085.9335     24.7487      0.2773
+                        wsmp_cleanup  64085.9735     24.7887      0.0400
+              Reset surface geometry  64085.9831     24.7983      0.0096
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   64085.9917     24.8070      0.0087
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  64086.0101     24.8254      0.0184
+                   Advect surface  1  64086.0103     24.8255      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  64086.2524     25.0676      0.2421
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  64086.4748     25.2900      0.2224
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  64086.7574     25.5726      0.2826
+                    Advect the cloud  64086.9420     25.7572      0.1846
+                        Write output  64087.8638     26.6790      0.9218
+                    End of time step  64088.7752     27.5904      0.9114
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     393  64088.7754
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  64088.7755      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  64088.7755      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17063points
+                      refine surface  64088.7756      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  64088.8080      0.0326      0.0324
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  64088.8397      0.0643      0.0317
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  64088.8717      0.0963      0.0320
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17065points
+                          surface 02  64088.8975      0.1221      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 2:    17056points
+                      refine surface  64088.8976      0.1222      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  64088.9300      0.1546      0.0323
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17056points
+                          surface 03  64088.9555      0.1801      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 3:    17065points
+                      refine surface  64088.9557      0.1803      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  64088.9889      0.2135      0.0332
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  64089.0195      0.2441      0.0306
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  64089.0517      0.2763      0.0322
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17066points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  64089.0845
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  64089.0847      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  64089.1007      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  64089.1253      0.0409      0.0247
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  64089.1265      0.0420      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  64089.1406      0.0562      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  64089.2628      0.1784      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  64089.5591      0.4746      0.2963
+                embedding surface  1  64089.5593      0.4748      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  64091.6560      2.5715      2.0967
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  64093.8897      4.8052      2.2336
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  64097.5977      8.5132      3.7080
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  64097.6034      8.5189      0.0058
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  64098.1964      9.1119      0.5930
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  64098.2806      9.1961      0.0842
+                           Find void  64098.5519      9.4674      0.2713
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33028
+          Define boundary conditions  64098.5948      9.5103      0.0429
+                         wsmp setup1  64098.6068      9.5223      0.0120
+                                                                        n =   129123
+                                                                        nz=  4968279
+                         wsmp setup2  64099.7625     10.6780      1.1557
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  64099.8200
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  64099.8202      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5605
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.53391E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37169
+                          wsmp solve  64107.6004      7.7804      7.7802
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0668910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3605289 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7982831 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.6619320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16104.0345293 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2472050 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085828 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1438551 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10142E+01  0.19208E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.96157E-01  0.15790E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76448E+00  0.24564E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  64123.7815     23.9615     16.1811
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35129E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  64124.0039     24.1839      0.2224
+                do leaf measurements  64124.0056     24.1856      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  64124.0648     24.2448      0.0591
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5925241 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  64124.0716
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  64124.0776      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5605
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.61604E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37169
+                          wsmp solve  64132.0396      7.9680      7.9620
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0609870 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3740380 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7989640 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.6443522 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16130.6313200 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2477162 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086181 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1350729 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10166E+01  0.14422E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.49037E-01  0.14673E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76937E+00  0.22092E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  64148.2120     24.1404     16.1723
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12503E+01  0.19238E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  64148.4343     24.3627      0.2224
+                do leaf measurements  64148.4361     24.3645      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  64148.4954     24.4238      0.0593
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0743183 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  64148.5022
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  64148.5082      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5605
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37169
+                          wsmp solve  64156.5510      8.0488      8.0427
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0594270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3534198 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8001430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.6739061 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16085.9688597 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2483521 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086472 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1443288 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10189E+01  0.15872E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38758E-01  0.14903E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75003E+00  0.22880E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  64172.7322     24.2300     16.1812
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13900E+01  0.32887E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  64172.9571     24.4549      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  64172.9588     24.4566      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  64173.0181     24.5159      0.0593
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0355888 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  64173.0249
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  64173.0310      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5605
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37169
+                          wsmp solve  64180.9870      7.9621      7.9561
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0613151 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3617730 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8056872 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.6762660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16082.4132393 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2473440 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086129 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1614199 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10188E+01  0.17677E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38887E-01  0.15140E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74068E+00  0.22677E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  64197.1853     24.1604     16.1983
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14865E+01  0.37316E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  64197.4085     24.3836      0.2232
+                do leaf measurements  64197.4103     24.3853      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  64197.4692     24.4443      0.0589
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0149855 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  64197.4761
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  64197.4821      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5605
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37169
+                          wsmp solve  64205.4955      8.0194      8.0134
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0596051 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3644109 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8010380 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.6978021 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16050.0371823 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2477329 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0087020 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1797190 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10185E+01  0.19285E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40416E-01  0.15343E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73645E+00  0.22621E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  64221.7128     24.2367     16.2173
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15276E+01  0.38068E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  64221.9367     24.4606      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  64221.9385     24.4624      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  64221.9982     24.5221      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0103265 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  64222.0051
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  64222.0113      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5605
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37169
+                          wsmp solve  64229.9985      7.9934      7.9872
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0587370 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3484099 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8001709 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.6618309 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16104.1872186 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2472219 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085878 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1254470 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10183E+01  0.20736E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42805E-01  0.15500E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73205E+00  0.22604E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  64246.1614     24.1562     16.1629
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15465E+01  0.37726E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  64246.3843     24.3792      0.2229
+                do leaf measurements  64246.3860     24.3809      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  64246.4429     24.4377      0.0569
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0076318 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  64246.4460     24.4409      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  64246.4462     24.4411      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -229206785408621.53 473276179297400.19
+ def in m -7.9448223114013672 0.80548936128616333
+ dimensionless def  -1.94403478077479787E-6 2.26994923182896213E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0192288  0.2260933
+                  Compute divergence  64246.7235     24.7183      0.2773
+                        wsmp_cleanup  64246.7623     24.7571      0.0388
+              Reset surface geometry  64246.7725     24.7673      0.0102
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   64246.7813     24.7761      0.0088
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  64246.8007     24.7955      0.0194
+                   Advect surface  1  64246.8008     24.7957      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  64247.0106     25.0054      0.2098
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  64247.2576     25.2524      0.2470
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  64247.5361     25.5310      0.2786
+                    Advect the cloud  64247.7246     25.7195      0.1885
+                        Write output  64248.6469     26.6418      0.9223
+                    End of time step  64249.5611     27.5559      0.9141
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     394  64249.5613
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  64249.5613      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  64249.5614      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17064points
+                      refine surface  64249.5614      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  64249.5925      0.0313      0.0311
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17064points
+                          surface 02  64249.6184      0.0571      0.0259
+                                                                        S. 2:    17054points
+                      refine surface  64249.6185      0.0572      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  64249.6508      0.0895      0.0322
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17054points
+                          surface 03  64249.6765      0.1152      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 3:    17065points
+                      refine surface  64249.6766      0.1154      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  64249.7081      0.1468      0.0314
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17065points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  64249.7420
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  64249.7423      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  64249.7582      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  64249.7832      0.0412      0.0250
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  64249.7843      0.0423      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  64249.7985      0.0565      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  64249.9209      0.1789      0.1224
+             Imbed surface in osolve  64250.2150      0.4730      0.2941
+                embedding surface  1  64250.2152      0.4732      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  64252.3234      2.5814      2.1083
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  64254.5537      4.8117      2.2303
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  64258.2559      8.5139      3.7022
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  64258.2615      8.5195      0.0055
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  64258.7978      9.0558      0.5364
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  64258.9197      9.1777      0.1219
+                           Find void  64259.1920      9.4500      0.2723
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33028
+          Define boundary conditions  64259.2348      9.4928      0.0428
+                         wsmp setup1  64259.2466      9.5046      0.0119
+                                                                        n =   129123
+                                                                        nz=  4968279
+                         wsmp setup2  64260.3994     10.6574      1.1528
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  64260.4568
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  64260.4570      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5605
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.60618E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37169
+                          wsmp solve  64268.2399      7.7831      7.7829
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0658820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3497300 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7953701 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.6728621 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16087.5424127 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2472050 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085590 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1400521 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10142E+01  0.19362E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.96640E-01  0.15849E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76583E+00  0.24774E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  64284.4169     23.9601     16.1770
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35131E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  64284.6392     24.1824      0.2223
+                do leaf measurements  64284.6409     24.1841      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  64284.7003     24.2435      0.0594
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5932711 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  64284.7072
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  64284.7132      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5605
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.63535E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37169
+                          wsmp solve  64292.6717      7.9645      7.9585
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0618072 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3863449 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8059649 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.6527810 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16117.8682623 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2475979 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086169 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1635351 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10163E+01  0.14588E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48495E-01  0.14684E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.77020E+00  0.22144E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  64308.8725     24.1653     16.2008
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12519E+01  0.19382E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  64309.0944     24.3873      0.2220
+                do leaf measurements  64309.0962     24.3890      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  64309.1557     24.4485      0.0595
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0741012 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  64309.1625
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  64309.1685      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5605
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37169
+                          wsmp solve  64317.2081      8.0456      8.0396
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0622559 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3659980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7998250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.6924720 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16058.0379584 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2486749 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086489 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1782949 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10186E+01  0.15991E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38573E-01  0.14916E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75130E+00  0.22904E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  64333.4239     24.2614     16.2158
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13943E+01  0.33206E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  64333.6489     24.4864      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  64333.6507     24.4881      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  64333.7101     24.5476      0.0595
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0355383 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  64333.7169
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  64333.7229      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5605
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37169
+                          wsmp solve  64341.6814      7.9645      7.9585
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0620420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3598530 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8069952 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7010741 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16045.1295787 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2473540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085940 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1863410 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10186E+01  0.17765E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38820E-01  0.15164E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74185E+00  0.22712E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  64357.9052     24.1882     16.2238
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14911E+01  0.37659E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  64358.1273     24.4104      0.2221
+                do leaf measurements  64358.1291     24.4121      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  64358.1882     24.4713      0.0592
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0149302 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  64358.1951
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  64358.2010      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5605
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37169
+                          wsmp solve  64366.2083      8.0132      8.0073
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0611510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3788090 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8014441 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7032402 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16041.8824987 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2473979 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086548 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2011189 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10184E+01  0.19362E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40224E-01  0.15376E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73738E+00  0.22644E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  64382.4477     24.2526     16.2394
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15322E+01  0.38408E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  64382.6710     24.4759      0.2233
+                do leaf measurements  64382.6727     24.4777      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  64382.7327     24.5376      0.0599
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0102836 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  64382.7395
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  64382.7456      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5605
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37169
+                          wsmp solve  64390.7406      8.0011      7.9950
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0616100 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3482430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7993279 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.6386881 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16139.2193783 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2483859 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085480 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1052170 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10181E+01  0.20804E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42654E-01  0.15549E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73278E+00  0.22616E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  64406.8822     24.1426     16.1415
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15511E+01  0.38058E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  64407.1071     24.3676      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  64407.1089     24.3693      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  64407.1661     24.4265      0.0572
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0076340 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  64407.1692     24.4297      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  64407.1694     24.4298      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -229299767286967.91 474176644891242.56
+ def in m -7.9282693862915039 0.81412363052368164
+ dimensionless def  -1.86299783842904229E-6 2.26521982465471514E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0184499  0.2255973
+                  Compute divergence  64407.4469     24.7073      0.2775
+                        wsmp_cleanup  64407.4852     24.7456      0.0383
+              Reset surface geometry  64407.4953     24.7557      0.0101
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   64407.5041     24.7646      0.0088
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  64407.5236     24.7840      0.0194
+                   Advect surface  1  64407.5237     24.7842      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  64407.7686     25.0290      0.2448
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  64407.9942     25.2546      0.2256
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  64408.2849     25.5454      0.2908
+                    Advect the cloud  64408.4760     25.7364      0.1911
+                        Write output  64409.3952     26.6557      0.9192
+                    End of time step  64410.3093     27.5698      0.9141
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     395  64410.3095
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  64410.3096      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  64410.3096      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17061points
+                      refine surface  64410.3097      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  64410.3494      0.0399      0.0397
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  64410.3796      0.0700      0.0301
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  64410.4170      0.1075      0.0374
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17064points
+                          surface 02  64410.4437      0.1342      0.0267
+                                                                        S. 2:    17053points
+                      refine surface  64410.4438      0.1343      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  64410.4845      0.1750      0.0407
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  64410.5155      0.2060      0.0309
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  64410.5528      0.2433      0.0373
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17055points
+                          surface 03  64410.5796      0.2701      0.0268
+                                                                        S. 3:    17063points
+                      refine surface  64410.5798      0.2703      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  64410.6170      0.3075      0.0372
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17063points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  64410.6503
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  64410.6506      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  64410.6666      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  64410.6917      0.0413      0.0251
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  64410.6928      0.0424      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  64410.7069      0.0566      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  64410.8292      0.1788      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  64411.1245      0.4741      0.2953
+                embedding surface  1  64411.1247      0.4743      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  64413.2245      2.5742      2.0999
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  64415.4136      4.7633      2.1891
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  64419.0989      8.4486      3.6853
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  64419.1045      8.4542      0.0056
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  64419.6767      9.0263      0.5721
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  64419.7727      9.1224      0.0961
+                           Find void  64420.0456      9.3953      0.2729
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33029
+          Define boundary conditions  64420.0883      9.4380      0.0427
+                         wsmp setup1  64420.0999      9.4496      0.0116
+                                                                        n =   129132
+                                                                        nz=  4968567
+                         wsmp setup2  64421.2548     10.6045      1.1549
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  64421.3122
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  64421.3124      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5605
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00050E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37171
+                          wsmp solve  64429.1067      7.7945      7.7944
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0637629 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1605930 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7948940 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3812630 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14202.8410153 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2350011 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084419 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.6444030 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10144E+01  0.18907E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95177E-01  0.15934E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76644E+00  0.24472E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  64445.7881     24.4759     16.6814
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35118E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  64446.0097     24.6975      0.2216
+                do leaf measurements  64446.0115     24.6993      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  64446.0714     24.7591      0.0599
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5897343 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  64446.0786
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  64446.0847      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5605
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00050E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37171
+                          wsmp solve  64454.0457      7.9671      7.9610
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0606210 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1511161 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8025372 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3615658 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14227.4640341 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2353499 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084500 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.6200981 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10166E+01  0.14261E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.49392E-01  0.14829E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.77028E+00  0.22553E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  64470.7027     24.6242     16.6570
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12477E+01  0.19053E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  64470.9242     24.8456      0.2215
+                do leaf measurements  64470.9260     24.8474      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  64470.9857     24.9071      0.0597
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0725612 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  64470.9929
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  64470.9990      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5605
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37171
+                          wsmp solve  64479.0186      8.0257      8.0196
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0612290 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1367610 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7961819 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3525400 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14238.7755483 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2361610 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084400 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5917580 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10187E+01  0.15787E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37953E-01  0.15128E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75032E+00  0.23199E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  64495.6473     24.6545     16.6287
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13887E+01  0.32763E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  64495.8705     24.8776      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements  64495.8723     24.8794      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  64495.9321     24.9392      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0350128 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  64495.9392
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  64495.9453      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5605
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37171
+                          wsmp solve  64503.9036      7.9644      7.9583
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0650818 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1694262 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7974570 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4466462 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14121.7144461 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2350409 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083330 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.7224429 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10184E+01  0.17621E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38347E-01  0.15379E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74084E+00  0.22937E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  64520.6641     24.7249     16.7604
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14849E+01  0.37213E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  64520.8853     24.9461      0.2213
+                do leaf measurements  64520.8871     24.9479      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  64520.9469     25.0076      0.0597
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0147772 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  64520.9541
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  64520.9603      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5605
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37171
+                          wsmp solve  64528.9447      7.9906      7.9845
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0627551 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1413670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7974961 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3562589 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14234.1127527 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2356231 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084820 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.6024330 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10181E+01  0.19212E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40935E-01  0.15582E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73632E+00  0.22830E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  64545.5840     24.6299     16.6392
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15257E+01  0.37897E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  64545.8065     24.8524      0.2225
+                do leaf measurements  64545.8083     24.8542      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  64545.8685     24.9143      0.0601
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0103169 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  64545.8758
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  64545.8820      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5605
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37171
+                          wsmp solve  64553.9061      8.0304      8.0241
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0613179 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1336191 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7972171 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3550050 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14235.6845131 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2358649 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084591 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5919230 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10178E+01  0.20660E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43330E-01  0.15752E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73179E+00  0.22785E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  64570.5358     24.6600     16.6296
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15445E+01  0.37517E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  64570.7586     24.8828      0.2228
+                do leaf measurements  64570.7604     24.8846      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  64570.8177     24.9419      0.0573
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0075920 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  64570.8208     24.9450      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  64570.8210     24.9452      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -229407107035887.84 475059417375138.75
+ def in m -7.7901835441589355 0.86104923486709595
+ dimensionless def  -1.81017109325953885E-6 2.22576672690255297E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0179415  0.2218629
+                  Compute divergence  64571.1005     25.2247      0.2795
+                        wsmp_cleanup  64571.1392     25.2634      0.0387
+              Reset surface geometry  64571.1494     25.2737      0.0102
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   64571.1584     25.2826      0.0090
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  64571.1780     25.3022      0.0196
+                   Advect surface  1  64571.1782     25.3024      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  64571.3972     25.5214      0.2190
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  64571.6386     25.7629      0.2415
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  64571.9307     26.0550      0.2921
+                    Advect the cloud  64572.1184     26.2427      0.1877
+                        Write output  64573.0370     27.1612      0.9185
+                    End of time step  64573.9463     28.0706      0.9094
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     396  64573.9465
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  64573.9466      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  64573.9466      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17063points
+                      refine surface  64573.9467      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  64573.9825      0.0360      0.0358
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17063points
+                          surface 02  64574.0085      0.0620      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 2:    17052points
+                      refine surface  64574.0087      0.0621      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  64574.0453      0.0988      0.0367
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17052points
+                          surface 03  64574.0710      0.1245      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 3:    17061points
+                      refine surface  64574.0711      0.1246      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  64574.1108      0.1643      0.0396
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  64574.1410      0.1945      0.0302
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  64574.1777      0.2312      0.0368
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17063points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  64574.2116
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  64574.2119      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  64574.2278      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  64574.2522      0.0406      0.0244
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  64574.2533      0.0417      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  64574.2675      0.0559      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  64574.3896      0.1780      0.1221
+             Imbed surface in osolve  64574.6884      0.4768      0.2987
+                embedding surface  1  64574.6885      0.4769      0.0001
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  64576.8053      2.5936      2.1167
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  64579.0476      4.8360      2.2424
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  64582.7647      8.5531      3.7171
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  64582.7703      8.5587      0.0056
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  64583.3291      9.1175      0.5589
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  64583.4117      9.2001      0.0826
+                           Find void  64583.6837      9.4721      0.2719
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33030
+          Define boundary conditions  64583.7265      9.5149      0.0429
+                         wsmp setup1  64583.7381      9.5265      0.0116
+                                                                        n =   129135
+                                                                        nz=  4968690
+                         wsmp setup2  64584.8952     10.6836      1.1571
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  64584.9522
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  64584.9524      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.04864E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37172
+                          wsmp solve  64592.7772      7.8249      7.8248
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0658920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0944800 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7961149 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2184641 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15021.5480956 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2349181 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082600 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4185832 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10139E+01  0.17720E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94890E-01  0.16186E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76556E+00  0.25713E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  64609.2327     24.2805     16.4556
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35148E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  64609.4563     24.5040      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements  64609.4581     24.5058      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  64609.5201     24.5679      0.0620
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5861096 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  64609.5271
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  64609.5332      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.04864E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37172
+                          wsmp solve  64617.4908      7.9637      7.9576
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0612230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1254730 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8007638 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2522931 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14976.3872070 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2341931 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084639 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4828792 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10180E+01  0.13272E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.49418E-01  0.14877E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76763E+00  0.23350E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  64634.0119     24.4848     16.5211
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12429E+01  0.19708E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  64634.2347     24.7075      0.2227
+                do leaf measurements  64634.2365     24.7093      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  64634.2981     24.7710      0.0616
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0680178 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  64634.3053
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  64634.3114      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37172
+                          wsmp solve  64642.2976      7.9923      7.9862
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0611420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1159720 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7955739 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2066340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15037.4053359 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2351000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084920 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4233701 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10201E+01  0.14988E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40448E-01  0.14992E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74709E+00  0.23648E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  64658.7591     24.4538     16.4615
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13757E+01  0.31698E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  64658.9836     24.6783      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  64658.9855     24.6802      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  64659.0475     24.7422      0.0620
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0354260 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  64659.0548
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  64659.0609      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37172
+                          wsmp solve  64667.0140      7.9592      7.9530
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0616009 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0955100 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7979610 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2790799 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14940.8196292 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2335961 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086339 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4768219 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10198E+01  0.16981E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40467E-01  0.15169E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73751E+00  0.23284E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  64683.5275     24.4727     16.5135
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14693E+01  0.35640E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  64683.7497     24.6950      0.2223
+                do leaf measurements  64683.7516     24.6968      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  64683.8131     24.7583      0.0615
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0151901 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  64683.8202
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  64683.8264      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37172
+                          wsmp solve  64691.7803      7.9601      7.9539
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0615690 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1130810 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7970722 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2170742 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15023.4095130 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2341201 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084820 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4318480 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10195E+01  0.18642E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40128E-01  0.15354E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73285E+00  0.23128E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  64708.2494     24.4292     16.4691
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15089E+01  0.36396E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  64708.4718     24.6516      0.2224
+                do leaf measurements  64708.4736     24.6534      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  64708.5355     24.7153      0.0619
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0104348 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  64708.5428
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  64708.5489      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37172
+                          wsmp solve  64716.5869      8.0442      8.0381
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0602989 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1153159 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7983661 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2008779 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15045.1330700 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2345600 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084910 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4183650 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10192E+01  0.20112E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41976E-01  0.15506E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72844E+00  0.23049E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  64733.0425     24.4997     16.4555
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15267E+01  0.36099E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  64733.2658     24.7230      0.2233
+                do leaf measurements  64733.2676     24.7249      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  64733.3270     24.7842      0.0593
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0074247 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  64733.3301     24.7873      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  64733.3303     24.7875      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -229741859055411.44 475711742715235.5
+ def in m -7.8821015357971191 0.84186005592346191
+ dimensionless def  -1.88069088118416922E-6 2.25202901022774847E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0186599  0.2244565
+                  Compute divergence  64733.6085     25.0658      0.2782
+                        wsmp_cleanup  64733.6480     25.1052      0.0395
+              Reset surface geometry  64733.6583     25.1155      0.0103
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   64733.6674     25.1247      0.0092
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  64733.6867     25.1440      0.0193
+                   Advect surface  1  64733.6869     25.1441      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  64733.8923     25.3495      0.2054
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  64734.1375     25.5947      0.2452
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  64734.4310     25.8883      0.2935
+                    Advect the cloud  64734.6162     26.0734      0.1852
+                        Write output  64735.5365     26.9938      0.9203
+                    End of time step  64736.4454     27.9027      0.9089
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     397  64736.4456
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  64736.4457      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  64736.4457      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17063points
+                      refine surface  64736.4457      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  64736.4825      0.0369      0.0368
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17063points
+                          surface 02  64736.5065      0.0609      0.0240
+                                                                        S. 2:    17049points
+                      refine surface  64736.5065      0.0609      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 2:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  64736.5417      0.0961      0.0352
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  64736.5803      0.1347      0.0386
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  64736.6132      0.1676      0.0329
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17052points
+                          surface 03  64736.6402      0.1947      0.0270
+                                                                        S. 3:    17061points
+                      refine surface  64736.6404      0.1948      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  64736.6782      0.2326      0.0378
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17061points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  64736.7108
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  64736.7111      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  64736.7274      0.0165      0.0162
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  64736.7513      0.0404      0.0239
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  64736.7524      0.0416      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  64736.7667      0.0559      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  64736.8901      0.1792      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  64737.1889      0.4780      0.2988
+                embedding surface  1  64737.1890      0.4782      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  64739.3271      2.6162      2.1380
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  64741.5703      4.8595      2.2433
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  64745.2615      8.5506      3.6912
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  64745.2708      8.5599      0.0093
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  64745.8157      9.1049      0.5450
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  64745.8983      9.1874      0.0825
+                           Find void  64746.1714      9.4606      0.2732
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33030
+          Define boundary conditions  64746.2137      9.5029      0.0423
+                         wsmp setup1  64746.2254      9.5145      0.0116
+                                                                        n =   129135
+                                                                        nz=  4968690
+                         wsmp setup2  64747.3695     10.6586      1.1441
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  64747.4284
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  64747.4285      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.15809E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37172
+                          wsmp solve  64755.2932      7.8648      7.8647
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0630410 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1322589 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7958980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2092779 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15033.8586089 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2344110 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083780 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4437079 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10136E+01  0.17264E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.93882E-01  0.16029E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76353E+00  0.25882E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  64771.7743     24.3460     16.4811
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35155E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  64771.9979     24.5696      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements  64771.9997     24.5714      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  64772.0607     24.6324      0.0610
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5851832 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  64772.0681
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  64772.0741      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.15809E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37172
+                          wsmp solve  64780.0322      7.9641      7.9580
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0600810 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1207931 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8001769 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3031790 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14908.9648317 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2339339 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084999 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5271020 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10188E+01  0.12752E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48429E-01  0.14798E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76574E+00  0.23462E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  64796.5968     24.5288     16.5647
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12383E+01  0.19088E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  64796.8198     24.7518      0.2230
+                do leaf measurements  64796.8216     24.7536      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  64796.8826     24.8146      0.0610
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0677308 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  64796.8895
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  64796.8955      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37172
+                          wsmp solve  64804.9030      8.0135      8.0075
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0612919 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0979080 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7961419 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2144270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15026.9557834 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2354910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085049 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4142079 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10211E+01  0.14569E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41298E-01  0.14961E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74424E+00  0.23659E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  64821.3551     24.4656     16.4521
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13644E+01  0.30940E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  64821.5799     24.6905      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  64821.5817     24.6923      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  64821.6433     24.7538      0.0615
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0354333 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  64821.6502
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  64821.6564      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37172
+                          wsmp solve  64829.6384      7.9881      7.9820
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0636082 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0958729 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7965219 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2467349 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14983.7886919 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2337961 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086632 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4456608 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10206E+01  0.16656E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41078E-01  0.15138E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73482E+00  0.23299E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  64846.1213     24.4711     16.4829
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14572E+01  0.34794E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  64846.3445     24.6943      0.2232
+                do leaf measurements  64846.3463     24.6961      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  64846.4073     24.7571      0.0610
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0153805 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  64846.4141
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  64846.4201      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37172
+                          wsmp solve  64854.3777      7.9636      7.9576
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0621231 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1027930 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8027570 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2254710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15012.1717194 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2339489 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084960 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4360199 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10202E+01  0.18380E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40576E-01  0.15335E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73072E+00  0.23143E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  64870.8517     24.4376     16.4739
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14973E+01  0.35592E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  64871.0745     24.6604      0.2228
+                do leaf measurements  64871.0763     24.6622      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  64871.1372     24.7231      0.0609
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0104490 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  64871.1440
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  64871.1500      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37172
+                          wsmp solve  64879.1679      8.0239      8.0179
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0627990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1125848 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7931740 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2024579 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15043.0110974 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2344570 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085299 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4144399 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10197E+01  0.19872E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41868E-01  0.15487E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72671E+00  0.23053E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  64895.6195     24.4755     16.4516
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15155E+01  0.35361E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  64895.8428     24.6988      0.2234
+                do leaf measurements  64895.8447     24.7007      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  64895.9035     24.7595      0.0588
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0075094 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  64895.9066     24.7626      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  64895.9068     24.7628      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -230064211265244.13 476388394227546.31
+ def in m -7.9884123802185059 0.81461137533187866
+ dimensionless def  -2.13637454169137145E-6 2.28240353720528755E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0211668  0.2275024
+                  Compute divergence  64896.1798     25.0358      0.2730
+                        wsmp_cleanup  64896.2205     25.0765      0.0407
+              Reset surface geometry  64896.2287     25.0847      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   64896.2365     25.0925      0.0078
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  64896.2549     25.1108      0.0183
+                   Advect surface  1  64896.2550     25.1110      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  64896.4617     25.3177      0.2067
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  64896.6823     25.5383      0.2206
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   13 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  64896.9588     25.8148      0.2764
+                    Advect the cloud  64897.1468     26.0028      0.1880
+                        Write output  64898.0702     26.9262      0.9234
+                    End of time step  64898.9843     27.8403      0.9141
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     398  64898.9845
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  64898.9846      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  64898.9846      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    17063points
+                      refine surface  64898.9847      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  64899.0214      0.0369      0.0367
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17063points
+                          surface 02  64899.0465      0.0620      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 2:    17051points
+                      refine surface  64899.0466      0.0622      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  64899.0851      0.1006      0.0384
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  64899.1168      0.1323      0.0317
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  64899.1544      0.1699      0.0376
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17052points
+                          surface 03  64899.1811      0.1967      0.0267
+                                                                        S. 3:    17060points
+                      refine surface  64899.1813      0.1968      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  64899.2189      0.2344      0.0376
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17060points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  64899.2516
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  64899.2518      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  64899.2679      0.0164      0.0161
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  64899.2923      0.0408      0.0244
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  64899.2935      0.0419      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  64899.3078      0.0562      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  64899.4311      0.1795      0.1233
+             Imbed surface in osolve  64899.7258      0.4742      0.2947
+                embedding surface  1  64899.7259      0.4744      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  64901.8677      2.6162      2.1418
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  64904.0946      4.8431      2.2269
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  64907.7953      8.5437      3.7007
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  64907.8045      8.5529      0.0092
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  64908.3348      9.0833      0.5303
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  64908.4166      9.1650      0.0818
+                           Find void  64908.6884      9.4369      0.2718
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33031
+          Define boundary conditions  64908.7302      9.4786      0.0417
+                         wsmp setup1  64908.7419      9.4904      0.0118
+                                                                        n =   129138
+                                                                        nz=  4968813
+                         wsmp setup2  64909.8895     10.6380      1.1476
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  64909.9496
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  64909.9498      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.01726E-05  9.85451E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37173
+                          wsmp solve  64917.8029      7.8533      7.8531
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0619950 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1751971 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7971539 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3392260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14833.8927018 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2371221 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084391 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.6195529 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10138E+01  0.18293E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.92178E-01  0.16558E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76251E+00  0.25079E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  64934.4577     24.5081     16.6548
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35134E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  64934.6835     24.7339      0.2258
+                do leaf measurements  64934.6853     24.7357      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  64934.7446     24.7949      0.0593
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5901044 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  64934.7514
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  64934.7573      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.01726E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37173
+                          wsmp solve  64942.7125      7.9611      7.9551
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0620470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1990221 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7974482 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3076162 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14875.3599731 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2359731 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085452 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.6110570 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10179E+01  0.13405E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48649E-01  0.14996E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76679E+00  0.23117E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  64959.3598     24.6085     16.6474
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12362E+01  0.18689E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  64959.5835     24.8321      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements  64959.5852     24.8338      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  64959.6444     24.8930      0.0591
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0723895 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  64959.6513
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  64959.6573      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37173
+                          wsmp solve  64967.6580      8.0067      8.0007
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0615330 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1821241 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7991710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3360848 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14838.0030893 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2368090 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086422 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.6248140 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10199E+01  0.15026E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39715E-01  0.15022E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74595E+00  0.23453E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  64984.3190     24.6678     16.6611
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13655E+01  0.31316E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  64984.5430     24.8918      0.2240
+                do leaf measurements  64984.5448     24.8936      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  64984.6044     24.9532      0.0596
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0355286 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  64984.6114
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  64984.6175      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37173
+                          wsmp solve  64992.6272      8.0158      8.0097
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0642259 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1694720 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7968130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2881708 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14900.9848168 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2371540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085478 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5648201 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10196E+01  0.16984E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39859E-01  0.15172E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73660E+00  0.23154E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  65009.2278     24.6164     16.6005
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14603E+01  0.35495E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  65009.4541     24.8427      0.2263
+                do leaf measurements  65009.4557     24.8443      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  65009.5152     24.9038      0.0595
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0152511 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  65009.5220
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  65009.5280      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37173
+                          wsmp solve  65017.4797      7.9577      7.9518
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0614212 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2016308 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8053119 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3125350 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14868.8920042 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2362900 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085599 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.6261730 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10193E+01  0.18666E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40290E-01  0.15347E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73268E+00  0.23013E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  65034.1419     24.6199     16.6622
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15021E+01  0.36332E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  65034.3654     24.8434      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements  65034.3672     24.8452      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  65034.4262     24.9042      0.0590
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0102685 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  65034.4332
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  65034.4392      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37173
+                          wsmp solve  65042.4188      7.9857      7.9797
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0630519 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1788230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7978139 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3396189 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14833.3787126 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2361450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085540 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.6244161 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10190E+01  0.20136E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42760E-01  0.15507E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72871E+00  0.22950E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  65059.0788     24.6457     16.6600
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15222E+01  0.36114E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  65059.3029     24.8698      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  65059.3048     24.8716      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  65059.3621     24.9289      0.0573
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0074803 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  65059.3653     24.9321      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  65059.3655     24.9323      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -230292969632837.22 477144980672633.25
+ def in m -8.0457124710083008 0.80362653732299805
+ dimensionless def  -2.29607582092285159E-6 2.29877499171665748E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0227352  0.2291566
+                  Compute divergence  65059.6406     25.2075      0.2752
+                        wsmp_cleanup  65059.6797     25.2466      0.0391
+              Reset surface geometry  65059.6894     25.2562      0.0096
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   65059.6972     25.2641      0.0079
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  65059.7147     25.2815      0.0175
+                   Advect surface  1  65059.7148     25.2817      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   4 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  65059.9685     25.5354      0.2537
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  65060.1908     25.7576      0.2222
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  65060.4701     26.0369      0.2793
+                    Advect the cloud  65060.6606     26.2274      0.1905
+                        Write output  65061.5890     27.1558      0.9284
+                    End of time step  65062.5055     28.0723      0.9165
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     399  65062.5057
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  65062.5058      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  65062.5058      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17059points
+                      refine surface  65062.5059      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  65062.5414      0.0357      0.0355
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17059points
+                          surface 02  65062.5653      0.0596      0.0239
+                                                                        S. 2:    17051points
+                      refine surface  65062.5654      0.0597      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  65062.5970      0.0913      0.0316
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17051points
+                          surface 03  65062.6234      0.1177      0.0264
+                                                                        S. 3:    17059points
+                      refine surface  65062.6236      0.1179      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  65062.6551      0.1494      0.0316
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17059points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  65062.6891
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  65062.6894      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  65062.7055      0.0164      0.0161
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  65062.7299      0.0409      0.0245
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  65062.7310      0.0420      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  65062.7453      0.0563      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  65062.8688      0.1798      0.1235
+             Imbed surface in osolve  65063.1644      0.4753      0.2955
+                embedding surface  1  65063.1645      0.4754      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  65065.2944      2.6053      2.1298
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  65067.5500      4.8610      2.2557
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  65071.2877      8.5986      3.7377
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  65071.2976      8.6085      0.0099
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  65071.8540      9.1650      0.5565
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  65071.9370      9.2479      0.0830
+                           Find void  65072.2107      9.5216      0.2737
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33031
+          Define boundary conditions  65072.2522      9.5632      0.0416
+                         wsmp setup1  65072.2639      9.5748      0.0117
+                                                                        n =   129138
+                                                                        nz=  4968813
+                         wsmp setup2  65073.4087     10.7196      1.1448
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  65073.4689
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  65073.4691      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.09579E-05  9.95670E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37173
+                          wsmp solve  65081.2906      7.8217      7.8215
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0678120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1823699 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7973871 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3328290 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14842.2659459 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2368119 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086119 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.6262550 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10138E+01  0.18424E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.92052E-01  0.16581E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76442E+00  0.25050E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  65097.9531     24.4842     16.6625
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35112E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  65098.1774     24.7085      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  65098.1793     24.7104      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  65098.2393     24.7704      0.0601
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5895588 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  65098.2463
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  65098.2524      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.09579E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37173
+                          wsmp solve  65106.2066      7.9603      7.9542
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0609050 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1694191 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7964120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3030939 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14881.3115464 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2359941 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085731 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5748332 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10178E+01  0.13608E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48958E-01  0.14983E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76826E+00  0.23067E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  65122.8173     24.5711     16.6107
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12382E+01  0.18709E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  65123.0413     24.7951      0.2240
+                do leaf measurements  65123.0431     24.7969      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  65123.1027     24.8564      0.0596
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0719291 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  65123.1095
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  65123.1156      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37173
+                          wsmp solve  65131.0777      7.9682      7.9621
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0594521 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1787760 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7996051 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2848539 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14905.3645604 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2368009 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084519 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5683730 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10198E+01  0.15183E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39718E-01  0.15031E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74787E+00  0.23418E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  65147.6821     24.5726     16.6044
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13711E+01  0.31792E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  65147.9061     24.7965      0.2240
+                do leaf measurements  65147.9079     24.7984      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  65147.9672     24.8577      0.0593
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0355040 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  65147.9741
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  65147.9802      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37173
+                          wsmp solve  65156.0157      8.0416      8.0355
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0617809 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1738710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7935209 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3290541 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14847.2114420 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2372160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085101 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.6043880 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10194E+01  0.17094E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39804E-01  0.15197E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73842E+00  0.23115E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  65172.6555     24.6813     16.6397
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14665E+01  0.35884E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  65172.8811     24.9069      0.2256
+                do leaf measurements  65172.8829     24.9088      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  65172.9424     24.9683      0.0595
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0151561 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  65172.9492
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  65172.9552      0.0059      0.0059
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37173
+                          wsmp solve  65180.9104      7.9612      7.9552
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0643950 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2027280 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8039291 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3001139 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14885.2359508 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2358880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085440 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.6160259 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10190E+01  0.18753E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40464E-01  0.15382E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73410E+00  0.23005E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  65197.5622     24.6130     16.6518
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15080E+01  0.36746E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  65197.7853     24.8360      0.2230
+                do leaf measurements  65197.7871     24.8378      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  65197.8466     24.8973      0.0595
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0101764 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  65197.8534
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  65197.8594      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37173
+                          wsmp solve  65205.8653      8.0119      8.0059
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0622940 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1860681 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7975519 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3456481 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14825.4961876 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2362640 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085990 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.6368692 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10187E+01  0.20209E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42890E-01  0.15549E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72985E+00  0.22949E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  65222.5383     24.6849     16.6730
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15278E+01  0.36542E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  65222.7626     24.9092      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  65222.7645     24.9111      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  65222.8223     24.9689      0.0579
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0074854 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  65222.8255     24.9720      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  65222.8256     24.9722      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -230445299681597.38 477965726273901.13
+ def in m -8.0349063873291016 0.80038982629776001
+ dimensionless def  -2.28190932955060697E-6 2.29568753923688617E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0226337  0.2288658
+                  Compute divergence  65223.0997     25.2463      0.2740
+                        wsmp_cleanup  65223.1386     25.2852      0.0389
+              Reset surface geometry  65223.1465     25.2931      0.0079
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   65223.1543     25.3009      0.0078
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  65223.1726     25.3192      0.0183
+                   Advect surface  1  65223.1727     25.3193      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  65223.4163     25.5629      0.2435
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  65223.6601     25.8067      0.2438
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  65223.9665     26.1131      0.3064
+                    Advect the cloud  65224.1548     26.3014      0.1883
+                        Write output  65225.0841     27.2307      0.9293
+                    End of time step  65226.0003     28.1469      0.9162
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     400  65226.0005
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  65226.0006      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  65226.0006      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    17056points
+                      refine surface  65226.0007      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  65226.0383      0.0378      0.0376
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  65226.0702      0.0697      0.0319
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  65226.1080      0.1075      0.0377
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17057points
+                          surface 02  65226.1331      0.1326      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 2:    17048points
+                      refine surface  65226.1333      0.1328      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  65226.1736      0.1731      0.0403
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  65226.2034      0.2028      0.0298
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  65226.2403      0.2398      0.0370
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17050points
+                          surface 03  65226.2661      0.2656      0.0258
+                                                                        S. 3:    17056points
+                      refine surface  65226.2663      0.2658      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  65226.3071      0.3066      0.0408
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  65226.3415      0.3410      0.0344
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  65226.3785      0.3780      0.0370
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17058points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  65226.4117
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  65226.4119      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  65226.4280      0.0164      0.0161
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  65226.4524      0.0407      0.0244
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  65226.4535      0.0419      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  65226.4678      0.0562      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  65226.5906      0.1789      0.1228
+             Imbed surface in osolve  65226.8855      0.4739      0.2949
+                embedding surface  1  65226.8857      0.4740      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  65229.0254      2.6137      2.1397
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  65231.2510      4.8394      2.2257
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  65234.9612      8.5495      3.7101
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  65234.9677      8.5560      0.0065
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  65235.5630      9.1513      0.5953
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  65235.6462      9.2346      0.0833
+                           Find void  65235.9161      9.5044      0.2698
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33032
+          Define boundary conditions  65235.9576      9.5459      0.0415
+                         wsmp setup1  65235.9696      9.5579      0.0120
+                                                                        n =   129141
+                                                                        nz=  4968936
+                         wsmp setup2  65237.1186     10.7069      1.1490
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  65237.1792
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  65237.1794      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.03392E-05  7.20310E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37174
+                          wsmp solve  65244.9954      7.8162      7.8160
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0690541 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2939010 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7972040 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.0027080 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15574.2559926 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2358928 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0087020 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.4079061 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10311E+01  0.19246E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.91738E-01  0.17277E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76605E+00  0.25271E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  65260.4387     23.2595     15.4433
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35107E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  65260.6629     23.4837      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  65260.6648     23.4856      0.0020
+       compute convergence criterion  65260.7248     23.5456      0.0599
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5975922 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  65260.7320
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  65260.7382      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.03392E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37174
+                          wsmp solve  65268.7153      7.9833      7.9770
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0603690 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3041971 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7981448 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.0384150 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15518.8578134 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2354701 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086541 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.4456871 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10184E+01  0.14380E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.50351E-01  0.14794E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76952E+00  0.22380E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  65284.1965     23.4645     15.4813
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12465E+01  0.19434E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  65284.4197     23.6877      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements  65284.4216     23.6896      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  65284.4812     23.7492      0.0596
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0753213 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  65284.4883
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  65284.4944      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37174
+                          wsmp solve  65292.4520      7.9637      7.9576
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0623550 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3051651 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8046918 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:         9.9993281 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15579.5201673 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2358310 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086639 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.4164560 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10205E+01  0.15839E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38762E-01  0.14790E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74990E+00  0.22980E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  65307.9033     23.4151     15.4513
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13860E+01  0.32811E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  65308.1265     23.6382      0.2232
+                do leaf measurements  65308.1284     23.6402      0.0020
+       compute convergence criterion  65308.1880     23.6997      0.0595
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0357124 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  65308.1951
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  65308.2011      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37174
+                          wsmp solve  65316.2415      8.0465      8.0404
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0642009 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2975791 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7968290 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:         9.9981360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15581.3777371 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2361641 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085890 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.4019198 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10199E+01  0.17741E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37994E-01  0.14947E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74053E+00  0.22775E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  65331.6790     23.4840     15.4375
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14839E+01  0.37097E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  65331.9047     23.7097      0.2257
+                do leaf measurements  65331.9066     23.7116      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  65331.9667     23.7716      0.0600
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0148356 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  65331.9737
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  65331.9798      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37174
+                          wsmp solve  65339.9395      7.9657      7.9597
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0622749 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3158410 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8030319 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.0601280 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15485.3630859 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2360120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0087159 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.4865820 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10193E+01  0.19397E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40727E-01  0.15129E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73627E+00  0.22688E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  65355.4611     23.4873     15.5216
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15260E+01  0.37923E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  65355.6838     23.7101      0.2227
+                do leaf measurements  65355.6857     23.7120      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  65355.7455     23.7718      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0105604 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  65355.7526
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  65355.7587      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37174
+                          wsmp solve  65363.7549      8.0023      7.9962
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0651438 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2887290 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7995861 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.0120449 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15559.7318843 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2356040 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085950 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.4101450 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10189E+01  0.20854E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43083E-01  0.15299E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73186E+00  0.22650E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  65379.2014     23.4488     15.4465
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15450E+01  0.37589E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  65379.4257     23.6731      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements  65379.4277     23.6751      0.0020
+       compute convergence criterion  65379.4850     23.7324      0.0573
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0077064 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  65379.4881     23.7355      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  65379.4883     23.7357      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -230601832530179. 478784949548352.88
+ def in m -7.9557757377624512 0.82205057144165039
+ dimensionless def  -2.26094552448817663E-6 2.27307878221784328E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0223824  0.2267527
+                  Compute divergence  65379.7610     24.0084      0.2728
+                        wsmp_cleanup  65379.8005     24.0479      0.0395
+              Reset surface geometry  65379.8089     24.0563      0.0084
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   65379.8168     24.0642      0.0079
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  65379.8343     24.0817      0.0175
+                   Advect surface  1  65379.8344     24.0818      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  65380.0562     24.3036      0.2218
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  65380.2766     24.5240      0.2203
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  65380.5719     24.8193      0.2953
+                    Advect the cloud  65380.7588     25.0062      0.1869
+                        Write output  65381.6816     25.9290      0.9228
+                    End of time step  65382.6032     26.8506      0.9215
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     401  65382.6034
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  65382.6035      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  65382.6035      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17056points
+                      refine surface  65382.6035      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  65382.6402      0.0368      0.0366
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  65382.6734      0.0700      0.0332
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  65382.7053      0.1019      0.0319
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17057points
+                          surface 02  65382.7318      0.1284      0.0265
+                                                                        S. 2:    17049points
+                      refine surface  65382.7319      0.1285      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  65382.7636      0.1602      0.0317
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17049points
+                          surface 03  65382.7908      0.1874      0.0272
+                                                                        S. 3:    17056points
+                      refine surface  65382.7909      0.1876      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  65382.8285      0.2251      0.0375
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17056points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  65382.8611
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  65382.8614      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  65382.8775      0.0164      0.0161
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  65382.9016      0.0405      0.0241
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  65382.9027      0.0416      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  65382.9170      0.0559      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  65383.0404      0.1793      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  65383.3356      0.4745      0.2952
+                embedding surface  1  65383.3358      0.4747      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  65385.4876      2.6265      2.1518
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  65387.7112      4.8501      2.2236
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  65391.4315      8.5705      3.7203
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  65391.4400      8.5789      0.0084
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  65391.9887      9.1276      0.5487
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  65392.0916      9.2305      0.1029
+                           Find void  65392.3632      9.5021      0.2715
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33032
+          Define boundary conditions  65392.4043      9.5432      0.0411
+                         wsmp setup1  65392.4162      9.5551      0.0120
+                                                                        n =   129141
+                                                                        nz=  4968936
+                         wsmp setup2  65393.5651     10.7040      1.1489
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  65393.6243
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  65393.6245      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.27744E-05  9.02414E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37174
+                          wsmp solve  65401.4461      7.8218      7.8216
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0651760 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2879179 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7967119 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.0035679 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15572.9171220 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2356410 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0087109 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.3981390 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10447E+01  0.19426E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.92965E-01  0.16628E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76459E+00  0.24845E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  65416.8807     23.2564     15.4346
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35129E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  65417.1039     23.4796      0.2232
+                do leaf measurements  65417.1058     23.4815      0.0020
+       compute convergence criterion  65417.1659     23.5415      0.0600
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5974646 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  65417.1728
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  65417.1789      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.27744E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37174
+                          wsmp solve  65425.1407      7.9679      7.9618
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0635629 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3124120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7966681 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.0860581 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15445.5518897 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2351110 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084651 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.5026979 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10191E+01  0.14625E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.50808E-01  0.14448E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76874E+00  0.22029E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  65440.6801     23.5073     15.5394
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12532E+01  0.19686E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  65440.9022     23.7294      0.2221
+                do leaf measurements  65440.9041     23.7313      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  65440.9636     23.7908      0.0595
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0768417 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  65440.9705
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  65440.9765      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37174
+                          wsmp solve  65448.9637      7.9932      7.9872
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0614040 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2885780 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7979519 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:         9.9958050 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15585.0113092 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2360392 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085211 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.3887320 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10215E+01  0.16094E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39024E-01  0.14562E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74964E+00  0.22818E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  65464.3886     23.4181     15.4249
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13927E+01  0.33102E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  65464.6118     23.6413      0.2233
+                do leaf measurements  65464.6138     23.6433      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  65464.6738     23.7033      0.0600
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0358691 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  65464.6807
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  65464.6868      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37174
+                          wsmp solve  65472.7014      8.0207      8.0146
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0626190 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2930281 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7988012 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.0079560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15566.0890121 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2366269 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085330 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.4079912 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10207E+01  0.17989E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38265E-01  0.14788E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74016E+00  0.22648E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  65488.1456     23.4649     15.4442
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14912E+01  0.37529E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  65488.3704     23.6897      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  65488.3723     23.6916      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  65488.4319     23.7511      0.0595
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0147298 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  65488.4387
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  65488.4447      0.0059      0.0059
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37174
+                          wsmp solve  65496.4009      7.9622      7.9563
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0605619 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3021212 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8143430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.0226791 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15543.2228204 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2360339 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0196700 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.4558229 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10199E+01  0.19634E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40966E-01  0.15013E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73625E+00  0.22587E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  65511.8802     23.4415     15.4793
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15322E+01  0.38294E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  65512.1008     23.6621      0.2206
+                do leaf measurements  65512.1028     23.6641      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  65512.1622     23.7235      0.0594
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0106524 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  65512.1691
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  65512.1751      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37174
+                          wsmp solve  65520.1831      8.0140      8.0080
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0635941 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2866399 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7964029 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:         9.9942579 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15587.4238488 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2360320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085399 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.3859198 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10193E+01  0.21089E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43269E-01  0.15205E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73199E+00  0.22556E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  65535.6053     23.4362     15.4222
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15510E+01  0.37897E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  65535.8282     23.6591      0.2229
+                do leaf measurements  65535.8301     23.6610      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  65535.8873     23.7182      0.0573
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0077398 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  65535.8905     23.7214      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  65535.8906     23.7216      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -230777070179006.59 479576466145037.31
+ def in m -7.936316967010498 0.83459895849227905
+ dimensionless def  -2.01964463506426135E-6 2.26751913343157064E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0200566  0.2261297
+                  Compute divergence  65536.1682     23.9991      0.2776
+                        wsmp_cleanup  65536.2067     24.0376      0.0385
+              Reset surface geometry  65536.2169     24.0478      0.0102
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   65536.2258     24.0567      0.0089
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  65536.2458     24.0767      0.0200
+                   Advect surface  1  65536.2460     24.0769      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  65536.4616     24.2925      0.2156
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  65536.6832     24.5141      0.2216
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  65536.9787     24.8096      0.2955
+                    Advect the cloud  65537.1675     24.9984      0.1888
+                        Write output  65538.0961     25.9270      0.9285
+                    End of time step  65539.0139     26.8448      0.9178
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     402  65539.0141
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  65539.0141      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  65539.0142      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17056points
+                      refine surface  65539.0142      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  65539.0550      0.0409      0.0407
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  65539.0857      0.0716      0.0307
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  65539.1230      0.1090      0.0374
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17059points
+                          surface 02  65539.1496      0.1356      0.0266
+                                                                        S. 2:    17048points
+                      refine surface  65539.1498      0.1357      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  65539.1893      0.1752      0.0395
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  65539.2200      0.2060      0.0308
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  65539.2569      0.2428      0.0369
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17049points
+                          surface 03  65539.2830      0.2689      0.0261
+                                                                        S. 3:    17054points
+                      refine surface  65539.2831      0.2691      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  65539.3245      0.3104      0.0414
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  65539.3577      0.3436      0.0332
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  65539.3898      0.3757      0.0321
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17056points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  65539.4243
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  65539.4246      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  65539.4407      0.0164      0.0161
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  65539.4653      0.0410      0.0246
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  65539.4664      0.0421      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  65539.4807      0.0564      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  65539.6041      0.1798      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  65539.9002      0.4759      0.2961
+                embedding surface  1  65539.9004      0.4760      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  65542.0398      2.6155      2.1394
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  65544.2970      4.8727      2.2572
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  65548.0428      8.6185      3.7458
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  65548.0524      8.6281      0.0096
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  65548.5876      9.1633      0.5352
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  65548.6694      9.2451      0.0818
+                           Find void  65548.9357      9.5114      0.2663
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33032
+          Define boundary conditions  65548.9749      9.5506      0.0392
+                         wsmp setup1  65548.9874      9.5631      0.0125
+                                                                        n =   129150
+                                                                        nz=  4969224
+                         wsmp setup2  65550.1413     10.7170      1.1538
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  65550.2020
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  65550.2022      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.02993E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37176
+                          wsmp solve  65558.0556      7.8535      7.8533
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0658901 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1788919 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7956331 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.2854168 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12936.3872089 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2462318 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083120 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           19.5808232 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10133E+01  0.17455E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.92772E-01  0.16040E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76201E+00  0.25205E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  65577.6740     27.4720     19.6185
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35172E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  65577.8979     27.6958      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  65577.8996     27.6976      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  65577.9594     27.7574      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5776097 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  65577.9664
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  65577.9728      0.0064      0.0064
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.02993E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37176
+                          wsmp solve  65585.9304      7.9640      7.9576
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0630939 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2014160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7977459 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.3005381 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12922.7084245 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2458780 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084369 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           19.6175449 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10191E+01  0.13019E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47176E-01  0.14791E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76438E+00  0.23009E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  65605.5859     27.6195     19.6556
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12429E+01  0.19951E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  65605.8083     27.8419      0.2224
+                do leaf measurements  65605.8101     27.8437      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  65605.8694     27.9030      0.0593
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0757675 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  65605.8763
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  65605.8823      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37176
+                          wsmp solve  65613.8403      7.9640      7.9580
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0613680 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1933331 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8042932 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.2663519 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12953.6748078 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2458429 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084100 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           19.5800312 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10208E+01  0.14847E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40966E-01  0.15022E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74313E+00  0.23410E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  65633.4586     27.5824     19.6183
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13689E+01  0.30958E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  65633.6812     27.8050      0.2226
+                do leaf measurements  65633.6830     27.8067      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  65633.7423     27.8661      0.0593
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0353346 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  65633.7492
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  65633.7553      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37176
+                          wsmp solve  65641.7427      7.9935      7.9875
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0595961 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1949530 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8011091 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.2470059 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12971.2645932 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2463880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083899 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           19.5578802 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10203E+01  0.16950E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41035E-01  0.15256E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73382E+00  0.23135E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  65661.3388     27.5896     19.5961
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14616E+01  0.34976E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  65661.5623     27.8131      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements  65661.5641     27.8148      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  65661.6240     27.8748      0.0599
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0152205 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  65661.6310
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  65661.6371      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37176
+                          wsmp solve  65669.6173      7.9863      7.9802
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0615361 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1915519 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7963200 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.3318989 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12894.4311312 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2466450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083971 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           19.6367772 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10200E+01  0.18627E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40724E-01  0.15475E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73006E+00  0.23031E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  65689.2916     27.6606     19.6743
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15009E+01  0.35688E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  65689.5168     27.8858      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  65689.5185     27.8875      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  65689.5779     27.9469      0.0594
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0105823 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  65689.5847
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  65689.5907      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37176
+                          wsmp solve  65697.5483      7.9635      7.9576
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0633619 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2141342 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8040428 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.2649491 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12954.9487084 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2452681 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083702 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           19.6005671 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10197E+01  0.20095E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42519E-01  0.15655E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72613E+00  0.22981E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  65717.1868     27.6020     19.6385
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15184E+01  0.35371E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  65717.4091     27.8243      0.2223
+                do leaf measurements  65717.4108     27.8261      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  65717.4679     27.8832      0.0571
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0074091 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  65717.4711     27.8864      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  65717.4713     27.8865      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -230933156308837.5 480373386431046.63
+ def in m -7.9035792350769043 0.84922164678573608
+ dimensionless def  -1.85907483100891098E-6 2.25816549573625853E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0185172  0.2251296
+                  Compute divergence  65717.7510     28.1663      0.2798
+                        wsmp_cleanup  65717.7896     28.2049      0.0386
+              Reset surface geometry  65717.8004     28.2156      0.0107
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   65717.8092     28.2244      0.0088
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  65717.8289     28.2442      0.0198
+                   Advect surface  1  65717.8291     28.2444      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  65718.0359     28.4512      0.2068
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  65718.2504     28.6657      0.2145
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  65718.5424     28.9576      0.2920
+                    Advect the cloud  65718.7303     29.1455      0.1879
+                        Write output  65719.6511     30.0664      0.9209
+                    End of time step  65720.5670     30.9823      0.9159
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     403  65720.5673
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  65720.5673      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  65720.5674      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17058points
+                      refine surface  65720.5674      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  65720.6022      0.0349      0.0347
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17058points
+                          surface 02  65720.6275      0.0603      0.0254
+                                                                        S. 2:    17048points
+                      refine surface  65720.6277      0.0604      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   4 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  65720.6701      0.1028      0.0424
+                                                                        S. 2:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  65720.7044      0.1372      0.0343
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  65720.7408      0.1735      0.0364
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17052points
+                          surface 03  65720.7664      0.1992      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 3:    17054points
+                      refine surface  65720.7666      0.1993      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  65720.8025      0.2352      0.0359
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17054points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  65720.8350
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  65720.8353      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  65720.8513      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  65720.8763      0.0412      0.0250
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  65720.8774      0.0424      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  65720.8916      0.0565      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  65721.0138      0.1788      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  65721.3123      0.4773      0.2985
+                embedding surface  1  65721.3125      0.4774      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  65723.4458      2.6108      2.1333
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  65725.6730      4.8380      2.2272
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  65729.3739      8.5388      3.7009
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  65729.3794      8.5443      0.0055
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  65729.9247      9.0897      0.5454
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  65730.0624      9.2273      0.1377
+                           Find void  65730.3353      9.5003      0.2729
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33032
+          Define boundary conditions  65730.3775      9.5424      0.0422
+                         wsmp setup1  65730.3892      9.5541      0.0117
+                                                                        n =   129150
+                                                                        nz=  4969224
+                         wsmp setup2  65731.5352     10.7001      1.1460
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  65731.5918
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  65731.5920      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.11532E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37176
+                          wsmp solve  65739.3693      7.7775      7.7774
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0659208 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2186100 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8018279 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.2689531 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12951.3134287 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2456069 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084291 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           19.6097839 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10138E+01  0.16929E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.91234E-01  0.16383E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75947E+00  0.25617E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  65759.0165     27.4247     19.6472
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35166E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  65759.2395     27.6476      0.2229
+                do leaf measurements  65759.2412     27.6494      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  65759.3021     27.7102      0.0608
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5818538 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  65759.3096
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  65759.3157      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.11532E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37176
+                          wsmp solve  65767.3122      8.0026      7.9965
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0613182 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2002888 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7987309 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.2508059 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12967.8058620 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2462959 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083919 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           19.5662742 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10187E+01  0.12351E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47203E-01  0.14976E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76191E+00  0.23338E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  65786.9159     27.6064     19.6037
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12348E+01  0.18823E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  65787.1389     27.8293      0.2230
+                do leaf measurements  65787.1407     27.8312      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  65787.2016     27.8921      0.0609
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0796942 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  65787.2091
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  65787.2153      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37176
+                          wsmp solve  65795.2558      8.0467      8.0406
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0602181 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1917160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7965751 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.3305051 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12895.6852526 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2469299 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082819 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           19.6347001 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10215E+01  0.14276E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41509E-01  0.15163E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73962E+00  0.23465E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  65814.9280     27.7189     19.6722
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13520E+01  0.29779E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  65815.1527     27.9436      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  65815.1545     27.9454      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  65815.2155     28.0063      0.0609
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0355842 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  65815.2229
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  65815.2289      0.0059      0.0059
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37176
+                          wsmp solve  65823.1847      7.9618      7.9558
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0636680 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2284050 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7957962 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.2787390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12942.4372852 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2462611 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083330 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           19.6216369 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10210E+01  0.16470E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41516E-01  0.15364E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73048E+00  0.23175E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  65842.8438     27.6209     19.6591
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14434E+01  0.33777E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  65843.0668     27.8439      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements  65843.0686     27.8457      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  65843.1295     27.9066      0.0609
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0153759 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  65843.1371
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  65843.1432      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37176
+                          wsmp solve  65851.0971      7.9600      7.9539
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0644360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2034030 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7991679 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.2602720 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12959.1976481 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2459290 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083120 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           19.5819650 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10203E+01  0.18210E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41098E-01  0.15563E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72726E+00  0.23064E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  65870.7168     27.5798     19.6197
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14841E+01  0.34604E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  65870.9400     27.8030      0.2232
+                do leaf measurements  65870.9418     27.8048      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  65871.0027     27.8656      0.0608
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0105136 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  65871.0102
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  65871.0163      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37176
+                          wsmp solve  65879.0348      8.0246      8.0185
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0581141 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1930010 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7959130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.2811511 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12940.2513126 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2468181 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084200 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           19.5838521 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10197E+01  0.19704E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42628E-01  0.15736E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72384E+00  0.23009E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  65898.6566     27.6464     19.6218
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15022E+01  0.34358E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  65898.8808     27.8707      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  65898.8827     27.8725      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  65898.9414     27.9312      0.0587
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0075357 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  65898.9447     27.9345      0.0033
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  65898.9448     27.9347      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -231219479687916.34 481053343918708.13
+ def in m -7.9979982376098633 0.82251971960067749
+ dimensionless def  -2.20278297151838042E-6 2.28514235360281809E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0218877  0.2278258
+                  Compute divergence  65899.2193     28.2091      0.2744
+                        wsmp_cleanup  65899.2597     28.2495      0.0404
+              Reset surface geometry  65899.2698     28.2596      0.0101
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   65899.2778     28.2676      0.0080
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  65899.2952     28.2850      0.0174
+                   Advect surface  1  65899.2953     28.2851      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  65899.5120     28.5018      0.2167
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  65899.7315     28.7213      0.2195
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  65900.0242     29.0140      0.2927
+                    Advect the cloud  65900.2125     29.2023      0.1883
+                        Write output  65901.1416     30.1314      0.9291
+                    End of time step  65902.0559     31.0457      0.9143
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     404  65902.0561
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  65902.0561      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  65902.0562      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17057points
+                      refine surface  65902.0562      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  65902.0942      0.0381      0.0379
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  65902.1239      0.0678      0.0297
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  65902.1607      0.1046      0.0368
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17058points
+                          surface 02  65902.1860      0.1299      0.0253
+                                                                        S. 2:    17051points
+                      refine surface  65902.1861      0.1301      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  65902.2246      0.1686      0.0385
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  65902.2549      0.1988      0.0302
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  65902.2916      0.2355      0.0367
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17052points
+                          surface 03  65902.3172      0.2611      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 3:    17052points
+                      refine surface  65902.3173      0.2613      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  65902.3570      0.3010      0.0397
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  65902.3879      0.3319      0.0309
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  65902.4259      0.3698      0.0380
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17054points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  65902.4602
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  65902.4605      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  65902.4766      0.0164      0.0161
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  65902.5004      0.0402      0.0239
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  65902.5015      0.0413      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  65902.5158      0.0556      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  65902.6393      0.1791      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  65902.9383      0.4781      0.2990
+                embedding surface  1  65902.9384      0.4782      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  65905.0757      2.6155      2.1373
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  65907.2830      4.8228      2.2073
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  65911.0125      8.5523      3.7295
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  65911.0185      8.5583      0.0060
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  65911.6047      9.1445      0.5862
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  65911.6907      9.2305      0.0860
+                           Find void  65911.9598      9.4996      0.2691
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33032
+          Define boundary conditions  65911.9997      9.5395      0.0400
+                         wsmp setup1  65912.0126      9.5524      0.0128
+                                                                        n =   129150
+                                                                        nz=  4969224
+                         wsmp setup2  65913.1654     10.7052      1.1529
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  65913.2259
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  65913.2261      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.30961E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37176
+                          wsmp solve  65921.0527      7.8267      7.8266
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0632799 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1940961 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7961369 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.2568221 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12962.3335612 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2458792 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084260 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           19.5650680 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10140E+01  0.16711E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.91390E-01  0.16701E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75794E+00  0.25710E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  65940.6543     27.4283     19.6016
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35179E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  65940.8790     27.6531      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  65940.8809     27.6549      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  65940.9430     27.7171      0.0621
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5813585 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  65940.9503
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  65940.9565      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.30961E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37176
+                          wsmp solve  65948.9359      7.9856      7.9794
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0648420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1810000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7958009 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.3356359 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12891.0698475 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2465410 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084219 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           19.6326749 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10189E+01  0.12061E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.46922E-01  0.15165E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76037E+00  0.23459E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  65968.6070     27.6567     19.6711
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12346E+01  0.18568E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  65968.8314     27.8811      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  65968.8332     27.8829      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  65968.8949     27.9446      0.0617
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0810258 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  65968.9020
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  65968.9081      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37176
+                          wsmp solve  65976.8647      7.9627      7.9566
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0625739 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2102060 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8034999 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.2653439 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12954.5901549 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2454531 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083008 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           19.5958071 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10215E+01  0.14008E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41870E-01  0.15321E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73828E+00  0.23527E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  65996.4979     27.5959     19.6332
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13461E+01  0.29361E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  65996.7218     27.8198      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  65996.7236     27.8216      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  65996.7851     27.8831      0.0615
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0356225 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  65996.7923
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  65996.7984      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37176
+                          wsmp solve  66004.8004      8.0081      8.0020
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0637081 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1969519 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7983801 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.2491899 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12969.2765413 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2457871 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083880 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           19.5628331 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10211E+01  0.16263E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41730E-01  0.15497E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72903E+00  0.23231E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  66024.4015     27.6092     19.6011
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14366E+01  0.33316E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  66024.6265     27.8342      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  66024.6284     27.8361      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  66024.6906     27.8983      0.0622
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0155174 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  66024.6978
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  66024.7040      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37176
+                          wsmp solve  66032.7169      8.0191      8.0129
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0631011 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1812069 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7955489 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.3547919 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12873.8671554 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2465038 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083742 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           19.6499579 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10205E+01  0.18028E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41327E-01  0.15684E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72603E+00  0.23104E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  66052.4047     27.7069     19.6878
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14772E+01  0.34198E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  66052.6295     27.9317      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  66052.6314     27.9335      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  66052.6932     27.9954      0.0618
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0104860 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  66052.7004
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  66052.7065      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37176
+                          wsmp solve  66060.6587      7.9583      7.9522
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0613270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2243049 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8068819 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.2705052 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12949.9048031 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2455690 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083320 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           19.6173542 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10199E+01  0.19531E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42522E-01  0.15847E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72285E+00  0.23045E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  66080.3141     27.6137     19.6555
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14955E+01  0.33979E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  66080.5379     27.8375      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  66080.5397     27.8394      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  66080.5987     27.8984      0.0590
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0076023 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  66080.6019     27.9015      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  66080.6020     27.9017      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -231434763054379.25 481791973773203.06
+ def in m -8.0265560150146484 0.84793436527252197
+ dimensionless def  -2.42266961506434836E-6 2.293301718575614E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0239758  0.2287241
+                  Compute divergence  66080.8761     28.1758      0.2741
+                        wsmp_cleanup  66080.9165     28.2161      0.0403
+              Reset surface geometry  66080.9262     28.2259      0.0098
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   66080.9342     28.2339      0.0080
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  66080.9517     28.2513      0.0174
+                   Advect surface  1  66080.9518     28.2515      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  66081.1681     28.4677      0.2163
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  66081.4021     28.7018      0.2341
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  66081.6711     28.9708      0.2690
+                    Advect the cloud  66081.8584     29.1580      0.1873
+                        Write output  66082.7844     30.0840      0.9260
+                    End of time step  66083.6986     30.9982      0.9142
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     405  66083.6988
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  66083.6989      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  66083.6989      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17057points
+                      refine surface  66083.6990      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  66083.7362      0.0374      0.0372
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  66083.7675      0.0687      0.0313
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  66083.8047      0.1059      0.0372
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17058points
+                          surface 02  66083.8314      0.1326      0.0267
+                                                                        S. 2:    17050points
+                      refine surface  66083.8316      0.1328      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  66083.8691      0.1703      0.0375
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17050points
+                          surface 03  66083.8948      0.1960      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 3:    17054points
+                      refine surface  66083.8949      0.1961      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  66083.9356      0.2368      0.0406
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  66083.9660      0.2672      0.0304
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  66084.0034      0.3046      0.0374
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17056points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  66084.0366
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  66084.0369      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  66084.0528      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  66084.0773      0.0407      0.0245
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  66084.0784      0.0418      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  66084.0926      0.0560      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  66084.2148      0.1782      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  66084.5130      0.4764      0.2982
+                embedding surface  1  66084.5132      0.4766      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  66086.6432      2.6067      2.1300
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  66088.8763      4.8397      2.2331
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  66092.5303      8.4937      3.6540
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  66092.5357      8.4991      0.0054
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  66093.0251      8.9885      0.4894
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  66093.2035      9.1669      0.1783
+                           Find void  66093.4704      9.4338      0.2669
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33032
+          Define boundary conditions  66093.5087      9.4721      0.0383
+                         wsmp setup1  66093.5207      9.4841      0.0120
+                                                                        n =   129150
+                                                                        nz=  4969224
+                         wsmp setup2  66094.6727     10.6361      1.1520
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  66094.7309
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  66094.7311      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.46589E-05  7.44262E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37176
+                          wsmp solve  66102.5170      7.7861      7.7859
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0797169 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2154071 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7967021 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.2786388 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12942.5280502 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2455370 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083051 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           19.6247461 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10133E+01  0.16583E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.90943E-01  0.16735E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75753E+00  0.25590E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  66122.1789     27.4480     19.6620
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35175E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  66122.4028     27.6719      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  66122.4045     27.6736      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  66122.4660     27.7351      0.0614
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5811755 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  66122.4731
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  66122.4793      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.59378E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37176
+                          wsmp solve  66130.4457      7.9726      7.9664
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0630600 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2052858 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7957721 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.2650001 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12954.9023724 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2456231 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083148 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           19.5834949 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10197E+01  0.11918E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.46882E-01  0.15242E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75973E+00  0.23391E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  66150.0678     27.5947     19.6221
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12340E+01  0.18463E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  66150.2911     27.8180      0.2234
+                do leaf measurements  66150.2929     27.8198      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  66150.3543     27.8812      0.0614
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0802197 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  66150.3614
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  66150.3675      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37176
+                          wsmp solve  66158.3950      8.0336      8.0275
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0608959 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1937199 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7969401 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.2881780 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12933.8873107 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2461841 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083988 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           19.5947490 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10216E+01  0.13886E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41959E-01  0.15412E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73824E+00  0.23522E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  66178.0272     27.6658     19.6322
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13436E+01  0.29247E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  66178.2525     27.8910      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  66178.2543     27.8928      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  66178.3161     27.9546      0.0618
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0355384 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  66178.3232
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  66178.3294      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37176
+                          wsmp solve  66186.2884      7.9652      7.9590
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0605800 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1910760 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7994781 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.3114440 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12912.8607241 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2454801 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084031 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           19.6169221 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10211E+01  0.16162E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41926E-01  0.15612E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72876E+00  0.23234E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  66205.9436     27.6204     19.6553
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14330E+01  0.33106E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  66206.1672     27.8440      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements  66206.1689     27.8457      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  66206.2303     27.9071      0.0614
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0155147 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  66206.2374
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  66206.2436      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37176
+                          wsmp solve  66214.2013      7.9638      7.9577
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0625072 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1942909 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8039620 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.2755649 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12945.3149406 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2454810 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082681 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           19.5905192 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10205E+01  0.17931E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41501E-01  0.15807E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72578E+00  0.23107E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  66233.8296     27.5922     19.6284
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14742E+01  0.34044E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  66234.0528     27.8154      0.2232
+                do leaf measurements  66234.0545     27.8171      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  66234.1158     27.8784      0.0613
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0104221 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  66234.1229
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  66234.1290      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37176
+                          wsmp solve  66242.1159      7.9930      7.9869
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0596759 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1890440 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7982540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.2512531 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12967.3988695 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2459478 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083911 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           19.5530150 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10200E+01  0.19436E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42450E-01  0.15967E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72266E+00  0.23034E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  66261.7066     27.5836     19.5907
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14924E+01  0.33878E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  66261.9317     27.8087      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  66261.9335     27.8105      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  66261.9929     27.8699      0.0594
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0076366 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  66261.9960     27.8731      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  66261.9962     27.8732      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -231645351300288.69 482545209839660.19
+ def in m -8.081700325012207 0.89639317989349365
+ dimensionless def  -2.56112337112426746E-6 2.30905723571777364E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0253463  0.2302900
+                  Compute divergence  66262.2684     28.1455      0.2722
+                        wsmp_cleanup  66262.3086     28.1856      0.0401
+              Reset surface geometry  66262.3162     28.1933      0.0077
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   66262.3243     28.2013      0.0080
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  66262.3421     28.2191      0.0178
+                   Advect surface  1  66262.3422     28.2193      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  66262.5707     28.4477      0.2285
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  66262.7993     28.6763      0.2286
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  66263.0818     28.9589      0.2826
+                    Advect the cloud  66263.2681     29.1452      0.1863
+                        Write output  66264.1969     30.0739      0.9287
+                    End of time step  66265.1126     30.9897      0.9157
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     406  66265.1128
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  66265.1129      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  66265.1130      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17056points
+                      refine surface  66265.1130      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  66265.1494      0.0366      0.0364
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17056points
+                          surface 02  66265.1736      0.0608      0.0242
+                                                                        S. 2:    17048points
+                      refine surface  66265.1738      0.0609      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  66265.2151      0.1022      0.0413
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  66265.2493      0.1365      0.0343
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  66265.2869      0.1741      0.0376
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17051points
+                          surface 03  66265.3112      0.1984      0.0242
+                                                                        S. 3:    17055points
+                      refine surface  66265.3113      0.1985      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  66265.3487      0.2358      0.0373
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17055points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  66265.3808
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  66265.3811      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  66265.3972      0.0164      0.0161
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  66265.4215      0.0407      0.0243
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  66265.4226      0.0418      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  66265.4370      0.0562      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  66265.5604      0.1796      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  66265.8563      0.4756      0.2960
+                embedding surface  1  66265.8565      0.4757      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  66267.9853      2.6045      2.1288
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  66270.2476      4.8668      2.2623
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  66273.9686      8.5879      3.7210
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  66273.9742      8.5934      0.0055
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  66274.5557      9.1750      0.5816
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  66274.6391      9.2583      0.0833
+                           Find void  66274.9077      9.5270      0.2686
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33032
+          Define boundary conditions  66274.9472      9.5664      0.0394
+                         wsmp setup1  66274.9596      9.5788      0.0125
+                                                                        n =   129150
+                                                                        nz=  4969224
+                         wsmp setup2  66276.1042     10.7235      1.1446
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  66276.1674
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  66276.1676      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.48973E-05  9.67898E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37176
+                          wsmp solve  66283.9826      7.8152      7.8151
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0664129 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1907480 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7983642 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.2460892 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12972.0992791 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2459922 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083089 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           19.5563500 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10122E+01  0.16628E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.91090E-01  0.17090E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75773E+00  0.25670E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  66303.5766     27.4092     19.5940
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35163E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  66303.8002     27.6328      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements  66303.8020     27.6345      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  66303.8626     27.6952      0.0606
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5805898 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  66303.8696
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  66303.8757      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.61703E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37176
+                          wsmp solve  66311.8849      8.0153      8.0092
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0627351 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1838200 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7967072 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.3605490 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12868.7060675 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2470641 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083370 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           19.6596491 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10197E+01  0.11931E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47005E-01  0.15422E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75963E+00  0.23443E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  66331.5817     27.7121     19.6968
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12330E+01  0.18447E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  66331.8063     27.9367      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  66331.8080     27.9383      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  66331.8680     27.9983      0.0600
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0756398 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  66331.8750
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  66331.8815      0.0065      0.0065
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37176
+                          wsmp solve  66339.8371      7.9621      7.9556
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0644090 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2137270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8046350 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.2734690 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12947.2158502 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2456632 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083151 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           19.6106539 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10218E+01  0.13885E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41619E-01  0.15543E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73805E+00  0.23520E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  66359.4852     27.6102     19.6481
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13428E+01  0.29216E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  66359.7077     27.8327      0.2224
+                do leaf measurements  66359.7094     27.8344      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  66359.7692     27.8942      0.0599
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0356038 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  66359.7763
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  66359.7823      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37176
+                          wsmp solve  66367.7762      7.9998      7.9938
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0649989 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2019882 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7989972 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.2558079 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12963.2557693 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2460270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083292 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           19.5765691 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10212E+01  0.16158E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41655E-01  0.15716E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72855E+00  0.23235E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  66387.3899     27.6136     19.6137
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14329E+01  0.33117E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  66387.6129     27.8366      0.2230
+                do leaf measurements  66387.6146     27.8382      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  66387.6744     27.8981      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0155252 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  66387.6815
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  66387.6875      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37176
+                          wsmp solve  66395.7272      8.0457      8.0397
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0613132 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1989279 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8000660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.3133478 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12911.1432260 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2471449 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082850 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           19.6295161 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10206E+01  0.17920E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41315E-01  0.15905E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72564E+00  0.23114E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  66415.3948     27.7133     19.6676
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14735E+01  0.34062E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  66415.6194     27.9379      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  66415.6211     27.9396      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  66415.6810     27.9995      0.0600
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0104388 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  66415.6881
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  66415.6941      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37176
+                          wsmp solve  66423.6490      7.9609      7.9549
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0659370 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2245641 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7980120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.2810872 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12940.3092097 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2459431 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083160 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           19.6242940 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10199E+01  0.19425E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42482E-01  0.16062E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72254E+00  0.23056E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  66443.3111     27.6230     19.6621
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14922E+01  0.33879E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  66443.5334     27.8453      0.2223
+                do leaf measurements  66443.5351     27.8470      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  66443.5925     27.9044      0.0574
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0076176 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  66443.5956     27.9075      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  66443.5957     27.9076      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -231798858796810.22 483351206781209.31
+ def in m -8.1031885147094727 0.9248921275138855
+ dimensionless def  -2.64254893575395828E-6 2.31519671848842067E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0261664  0.2308951
+                  Compute divergence  66443.8702     28.1821      0.2745
+                        wsmp_cleanup  66443.9086     28.2205      0.0383
+              Reset surface geometry  66443.9184     28.2303      0.0098
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   66443.9270     28.2389      0.0086
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  66443.9458     28.2577      0.0188
+                   Advect surface  1  66443.9460     28.2579      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  66444.1625     28.4744      0.2165
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  66444.3709     28.6828      0.2084
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  66444.6500     28.9619      0.2792
+                    Advect the cloud  66444.8388     29.1507      0.1888
+                        Write output  66445.7680     30.0799      0.9292
+                    End of time step  66446.6794     30.9913      0.9114
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     407  66446.6796
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  66446.6797      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  66446.6797      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17055points
+                      refine surface  66446.6798      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  66446.7175      0.0379      0.0377
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  66446.7528      0.0732      0.0353
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  66446.7905      0.1109      0.0378
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17057points
+                          surface 02  66446.8152      0.1355      0.0246
+                                                                        S. 2:    17051points
+                      refine surface  66446.8153      0.1357      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  66446.8536      0.1740      0.0383
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  66446.8887      0.2091      0.0350
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  66446.9251      0.2455      0.0365
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17052points
+                          surface 03  66446.9507      0.2711      0.0255
+                                                                        S. 3:    17054points
+                      refine surface  66446.9508      0.2712      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  66446.9907      0.3110      0.0398
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  66447.0212      0.3416      0.0306
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  66447.0593      0.3797      0.0381
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17056points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  66447.0921
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  66447.0924      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  66447.1084      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  66447.1332      0.0411      0.0248
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  66447.1350      0.0429      0.0018
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  66447.1492      0.0571      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  66447.2715      0.1794      0.1223
+             Imbed surface in osolve  66447.5671      0.4750      0.2956
+                embedding surface  1  66447.5672      0.4751      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  66449.6783      2.5862      2.1111
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  66451.9018      4.8097      2.2235
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  66455.6232      8.5311      3.7214
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  66455.6328      8.5407      0.0096
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  66456.1390      9.0469      0.5062
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  66456.2838      9.1916      0.1447
+                           Find void  66456.5514      9.4593      0.2677
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33033
+          Define boundary conditions  66456.5924      9.5003      0.0409
+                         wsmp setup1  66456.6032      9.5111      0.0108
+                                                                        n =   129153
+                                                                        nz=  4969347
+                         wsmp setup2  66457.7628     10.6706      1.1596
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  66457.8202
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  66457.8204      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.04103E-05  8.59370E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37177
+                          wsmp solve  66465.5917      7.7715      7.7713
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0662780 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4202702 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7952671 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2496791 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14778.2345870 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2313089 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082490 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.7715011 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.11153E+01  0.17029E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94268E-01  0.16740E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76059E+00  0.25440E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  66482.3986     24.5784     16.8069
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35188E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  66482.6212     24.8010      0.2226
+                do leaf measurements  66482.6230     24.8028      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  66482.6827     24.8625      0.0596
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5902949 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  66482.6899
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  66482.6960      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.04103E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37177
+                          wsmp solve  66490.6591      7.9692      7.9631
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0611570 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4263430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7982419 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2194300 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14818.0787302 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2307711 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083170 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.7446990 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10253E+01  0.12323E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47277E-01  0.14975E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75838E+00  0.23082E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  66507.4394     24.7495     16.7803
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12492E+01  0.19491E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  66507.6617     24.9718      0.2223
+                do leaf measurements  66507.6635     24.9736      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  66507.7231     25.0332      0.0596
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0685235 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  66507.7302
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  66507.7363      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37177
+                          wsmp solve  66515.7734      8.0432      8.0371
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0617709 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4147868 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7973750 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2869451 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14729.4414086 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2314949 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083070 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8011270 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10239E+01  0.14294E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39067E-01  0.15140E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74030E+00  0.23270E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  66532.6097     24.8795     16.8363
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13604E+01  0.30463E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  66532.8349     25.1047      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  66532.8367     25.1065      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  66532.8964     25.1662      0.0597
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0353285 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  66532.9035
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  66532.9096      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37177
+                          wsmp solve  66540.8656      7.9620      7.9560
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0629060 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4233239 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8031430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2399101 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14791.0788201 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2306890 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083950 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.7688129 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10229E+01  0.16549E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39442E-01  0.15333E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73102E+00  0.22961E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  66557.6697     24.7661     16.8041
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14471E+01  0.33877E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  66557.8921     24.9885      0.2224
+                do leaf measurements  66557.8939     24.9903      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  66557.9534     25.0499      0.0595
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0150288 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  66557.9605
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  66557.9666      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37177
+                          wsmp solve  66565.9653      8.0048      7.9987
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0602221 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4205251 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7964141 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2197430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14817.6652889 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2310140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082560 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.7366259 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10222E+01  0.18338E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39448E-01  0.15535E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72748E+00  0.22829E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  66582.7374     24.7769     16.7721
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14856E+01  0.34879E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  66582.9611     25.0005      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  66582.9629     25.0024      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  66583.0230     25.0625      0.0601
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0104434 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  66583.0302
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  66583.0364      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37177
+                          wsmp solve  66591.0353      8.0050      7.9989
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0591729 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4226110 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7940621 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3057919 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14704.8874360 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2318101 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082662 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8221750 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10216E+01  0.19868E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42006E-01  0.15716E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72417E+00  0.22758E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  66607.8924     24.8622     16.8571
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15041E+01  0.34713E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  66608.1170     25.0867      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  66608.1188     25.0885      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  66608.1760     25.1457      0.0572
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0077534 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  66608.1791     25.1489      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  66608.1793     25.1490      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -231933289696202.16 484177069807608.13
+ def in m -8.1144819259643555 0.94253748655319214
+ dimensionless def  -2.69296424729483469E-6 2.3184234074183871E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0266692  0.2312062
+                  Compute divergence  66608.4584     25.4281      0.2791
+                        wsmp_cleanup  66608.4969     25.4667      0.0385
+              Reset surface geometry  66608.5071     25.4769      0.0102
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   66608.5159     25.4857      0.0088
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  66608.5361     25.5059      0.0202
+                   Advect surface  1  66608.5363     25.5060      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  66608.7429     25.7127      0.2067
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  66608.9484     25.9181      0.2054
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  66609.2324     26.2022      0.2840
+                    Advect the cloud  66609.4201     26.3899      0.1877
+                        Write output  66610.3485     27.3182      0.9283
+                    End of time step  66611.2622     28.2320      0.9137
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     408  66611.2624
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  66611.2625      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  66611.2625      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17057points
+                      refine surface  66611.2626      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  66611.2981      0.0357      0.0355
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17057points
+                          surface 02  66611.3241      0.0616      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 2:    17052points
+                      refine surface  66611.3242      0.0618      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  66611.3641      0.1017      0.0399
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  66611.3945      0.1321      0.0304
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  66611.4313      0.1689      0.0368
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17054points
+                          surface 03  66611.4575      0.1951      0.0262
+                                                                        S. 3:    17055points
+                      refine surface  66611.4576      0.1952      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  66611.4943      0.2319      0.0367
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17055points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  66611.5278
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  66611.5281      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  66611.5440      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  66611.5686      0.0408      0.0245
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  66611.5697      0.0419      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  66611.5838      0.0560      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  66611.7060      0.1782      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  66612.0014      0.4736      0.2954
+                embedding surface  1  66612.0016      0.4738      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  66614.1366      2.6088      2.1350
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  66616.3408      4.8130      2.2042
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  66620.0664      8.5387      3.7256
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  66620.0719      8.5441      0.0055
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  66620.6228      9.0950      0.5509
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  66620.7055      9.1777      0.0827
+                           Find void  66620.9708      9.4430      0.2653
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33034
+          Define boundary conditions  66621.0096      9.4818      0.0388
+                         wsmp setup1  66621.0213      9.4936      0.0118
+                                                                        n =   129156
+                                                                        nz=  4969470
+                         wsmp setup2  66622.1831     10.6554      1.1618
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  66622.2406
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  66622.2407      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.04478E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37178
+                          wsmp solve  66630.0543      7.8137      7.8136
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0630431 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0851390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7961118 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2025571 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14536.7674911 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2306039 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0081840 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3861039 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10696E+01  0.18023E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.93537E-01  0.16405E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75945E+00  0.24163E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  66646.4762     24.2357     16.4219
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35197E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  66646.7005     24.4599      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  66646.7021     24.4616      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  66646.7639     24.5233      0.0618
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5969261 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  66646.7709
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  66646.7770      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.04478E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37178
+                          wsmp solve  66654.7373      7.9664      7.9604
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0627179 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1054480 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8003418 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1472569 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14608.8826922 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2315080 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082319 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3559771 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10222E+01  0.13117E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.49395E-01  0.14270E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75862E+00  0.22347E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  66671.1289     24.3580     16.3916
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12625E+01  0.20202E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  66671.3529     24.5820      0.2240
+                do leaf measurements  66671.3545     24.5836      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  66671.4162     24.6453      0.0617
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0763469 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  66671.4233
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  66671.4294      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37178
+                          wsmp solve  66679.4453      8.0221      8.0160
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0628519 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0998211 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7946250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1486320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14607.0806674 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2315402 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083408 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3462741 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10242E+01  0.14920E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37990E-01  0.14466E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74128E+00  0.22995E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  66695.8273     24.4040     16.3819
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13776E+01  0.31674E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  66696.0526     24.6293      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements  66696.0542     24.6310      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  66696.1169     24.6937      0.0627
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0355234 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  66696.1240
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  66696.1300      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37178
+                          wsmp solve  66704.0868      7.9629      7.9568
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0651400 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1152711 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7934670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1347001 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14625.3573786 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2304490 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0081089 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3479002 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10230E+01  0.17030E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38069E-01  0.14673E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73232E+00  0.22769E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  66720.4708     24.3469     16.3840
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14613E+01  0.35158E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  66720.6949     24.5709      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  66720.6966     24.5726      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  66720.7585     24.6346      0.0620
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0146083 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  66720.7659
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  66720.7721      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37178
+                          wsmp solve  66728.7531      7.9872      7.9810
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0624521 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1002131 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8002551 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1366761 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14622.7623584 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2304728 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0081220 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3386450 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10222E+01  0.18760E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40165E-01  0.14895E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72894E+00  0.22694E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  66745.1280     24.3621     16.3749
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14986E+01  0.35997E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  66745.3526     24.5867      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  66745.3543     24.5884      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  66745.4166     24.6507      0.0623
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0102926 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  66745.4237
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  66745.4299      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37178
+                          wsmp solve  66753.4550      8.0313      8.0251
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0634310 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0948842 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7930081 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2029140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14536.3043656 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2305570 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082998 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3935499 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10215E+01  0.20265E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42613E-01  0.15090E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72570E+00  0.22654E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  66769.8834     24.4597     16.4284
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15161E+01  0.35740E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  66770.1086     24.6849      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  66770.1102     24.6865      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  66770.1695     24.7458      0.0592
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0076517 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  66770.1726     24.7489      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  66770.1727     24.7490      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -231968711253062.72 485083669149867.06
+ def in m -8.0459775924682617 0.85805058479309082
+ dimensionless def  -2.45157309940883093E-6 2.29885074070521735E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0241967  0.2292040
+                  Compute divergence  66770.4515     25.0278      0.2787
+                        wsmp_cleanup  66770.4912     25.0675      0.0397
+              Reset surface geometry  66770.5012     25.0775      0.0101
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   66770.5102     25.0865      0.0090
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  66770.5300     25.1063      0.0198
+                   Advect surface  1  66770.5302     25.1065      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  66770.7361     25.3125      0.2060
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  66770.9463     25.5226      0.2101
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  66771.2159     25.7922      0.2696
+                    Advect the cloud  66771.4125     25.9888      0.1966
+                        Write output  66772.3372     26.9135      0.9247
+                    End of time step  66773.2535     27.8298      0.9163
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     409  66773.2537
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  66773.2538      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  66773.2538      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17057points
+                      refine surface  66773.2539      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  66773.2889      0.0352      0.0351
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17057points
+                          surface 02  66773.3147      0.0610      0.0258
+                                                                        S. 2:    17054points
+                      refine surface  66773.3148      0.0611      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  66773.3513      0.0976      0.0365
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17054points
+                          surface 03  66773.3771      0.1234      0.0258
+                                                                        S. 3:    17055points
+                      refine surface  66773.3773      0.1236      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  66773.4155      0.1618      0.0382
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  66773.4461      0.1924      0.0306
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  66773.4825      0.2288      0.0364
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17056points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  66773.5167
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  66773.5171      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  66773.5331      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  66773.5572      0.0405      0.0242
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  66773.5584      0.0416      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  66773.5725      0.0558      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  66773.6947      0.1780      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  66773.9911      0.4744      0.2964
+                embedding surface  1  66773.9913      0.4745      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  66776.1132      2.5964      2.1219
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  66778.3510      4.8343      2.2379
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  66782.1357      8.6189      3.7846
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  66782.1445      8.6277      0.0088
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  66782.6956      9.1789      0.5511
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  66782.7794      9.2626      0.0838
+                           Find void  66783.0513      9.5346      0.2720
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33034
+          Define boundary conditions  66783.0936      9.5768      0.0423
+                         wsmp setup1  66783.1053      9.5885      0.0117
+                                                                        n =   129156
+                                                                        nz=  4969470
+                         wsmp setup2  66784.2602     10.7435      1.1550
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  66784.3175
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  66784.3176      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.18153E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37178
+                          wsmp solve  66792.1433      7.8258      7.8257
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0629570 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0781250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7973661 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1968880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14544.1276287 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2317860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083489 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3759561 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10325E+01  0.18047E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.93215E-01  0.15902E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76015E+00  0.24012E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  66808.5540     24.2365     16.4107
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35192E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  66808.7795     24.4620      0.2255
+                do leaf measurements  66808.7813     24.4638      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  66808.8412     24.5237      0.0599
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5960366 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  66808.8484
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  66808.8544      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.18153E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37178
+                          wsmp solve  66816.8139      7.9655      7.9595
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0626318 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1159701 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8003149 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1367939 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14622.6077133 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2308080 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083430 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3553119 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10217E+01  0.13284E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.49685E-01  0.14181E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75912E+00  0.22243E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  66833.2045     24.3561     16.3906
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12686E+01  0.20740E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  66833.4277     24.5793      0.2232
+                do leaf measurements  66833.4294     24.5810      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  66833.4893     24.6409      0.0599
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0762457 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  66833.4965
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  66833.5026      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37178
+                          wsmp solve  66841.4983      8.0018      7.9957
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0620439 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1069419 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7987251 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1179011 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14647.4560627 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2303910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082738 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3247268 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10238E+01  0.15070E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38119E-01  0.14471E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74173E+00  0.22929E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  66857.8585     24.3620     16.3602
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13840E+01  0.32015E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  66858.0827     24.5862      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  66858.0845     24.5880      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  66858.1448     24.6483      0.0603
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0356950 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  66858.1522
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  66858.1584      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37178
+                          wsmp solve  66866.1148      7.9626      7.9564
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0634689 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1021750 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7983470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1402080 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14618.1263036 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2304120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082650 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3433280 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10227E+01  0.17143E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38297E-01  0.14717E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73269E+00  0.22738E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  66882.4939     24.3417     16.3791
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14664E+01  0.35501E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  66882.7179     24.5657      0.2240
+                do leaf measurements  66882.7197     24.5675      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  66882.7797     24.6275      0.0600
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0144354 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  66882.7869
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  66882.7930      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37178
+                          wsmp solve  66890.7517      7.9648      7.9587
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0637379 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0931492 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7960522 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1189051 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14646.1334719 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2308211 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083480 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3114719 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10219E+01  0.18857E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40547E-01  0.14948E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72922E+00  0.22669E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  66907.0980     24.3111     16.3463
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15022E+01  0.36216E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  66907.3215     24.5346      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements  66907.3233     24.5364      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  66907.3830     24.5961      0.0597
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0102120 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  66907.3903
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  66907.3964      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37178
+                          wsmp solve  66915.4401      8.0498      8.0437
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0635619 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0916271 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7937319 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1757209 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14571.6744985 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2313039 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083489 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3647699 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10212E+01  0.20352E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42908E-01  0.15126E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72591E+00  0.22649E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  66931.8400     24.4497     16.3999
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15192E+01  0.35929E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  66932.0658     24.6755      0.2258
+                do leaf measurements  66932.0675     24.6772      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  66932.1248     24.7345      0.0573
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0075924 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  66932.1280     24.7377      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  66932.1281     24.7378      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -232018155520315.53 485973872247655.75
+ def in m -7.9700603485107422 0.82257324457168579
+ dimensionless def  -2.19395978110177205E-6 2.27716009957449775E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0216403  0.2269796
+                  Compute divergence  66932.4044     25.0141      0.2763
+                        wsmp_cleanup  66932.4431     25.0528      0.0387
+              Reset surface geometry  66932.4525     25.0622      0.0094
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   66932.4620     25.0717      0.0094
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  66932.4815     25.0912      0.0195
+                   Advect surface  1  66932.4816     25.0913      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  66932.6894     25.2991      0.2078
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  66932.8984     25.5081      0.2090
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  66933.1680     25.7777      0.2697
+                    Advect the cloud  66933.3588     25.9685      0.1908
+                        Write output  66934.2802     26.8899      0.9214
+                    End of time step  66935.1935     27.8032      0.9133
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     410  66935.1937
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  66935.1938      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  66935.1938      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17057points
+                      refine surface  66935.1939      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  66935.2329      0.0392      0.0391
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  66935.2636      0.0700      0.0307
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  66935.3008      0.1071      0.0372
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17059points
+                          surface 02  66935.3276      0.1339      0.0267
+                                                                        S. 2:    17054points
+                      refine surface  66935.3277      0.1340      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  66935.3649      0.1713      0.0372
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17054points
+                          surface 03  66935.3924      0.1988      0.0275
+                                                                        S. 3:    17056points
+                      refine surface  66935.3926      0.1989      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  66935.4319      0.2382      0.0393
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  66935.4637      0.2700      0.0318
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  66935.5015      0.3078      0.0379
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17057points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  66935.5368
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  66935.5371      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  66935.5530      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  66935.5768      0.0400      0.0238
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  66935.5779      0.0411      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  66935.5921      0.0553      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  66935.7142      0.1775      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  66936.0094      0.4727      0.2952
+                embedding surface  1  66936.0096      0.4728      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  66938.1533      2.6165      2.1437
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  66940.3876      4.8509      2.2343
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  66944.1056      8.5689      3.7180
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  66944.1112      8.5744      0.0055
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  66944.6338      9.0970      0.5226
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  66944.7155      9.1787      0.0817
+                           Find void  66944.9905      9.4538      0.2751
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33034
+          Define boundary conditions  66945.0336      9.4968      0.0430
+                         wsmp setup1  66945.0453      9.5086      0.0118
+                                                                        n =   129156
+                                                                        nz=  4969470
+                         wsmp setup2  66946.1971     10.6603      1.1518
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  66946.2539
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  66946.2541      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.36543E-05  7.63053E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37178
+                          wsmp solve  66954.0947      7.8408      7.8406
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0630291 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0860341 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7975118 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1974721 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14543.3689220 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2314801 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082481 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3842421 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10368E+01  0.18268E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94337E-01  0.16098E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76056E+00  0.24037E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  66970.5144     24.2604     16.4196
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35197E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  66970.7422     24.4883      0.2278
+                do leaf measurements  66970.7440     24.4900      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  66970.8048     24.5509      0.0609
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5966379 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  66970.8125
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  66970.8186      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.39410E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37178
+                          wsmp solve  66978.7770      7.9645      7.9584
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0621309 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1226380 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8032131 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1365089 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14622.9818099 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2307470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082362 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3639541 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10214E+01  0.13508E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.49986E-01  0.14169E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75969E+00  0.22190E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  66995.1768     24.3643     16.3998
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12717E+01  0.21010E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  66995.4013     24.5888      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  66995.4032     24.5907      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  66995.4637     24.6512      0.0606
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0762850 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  66995.4708
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  66995.4768      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37178
+                          wsmp solve  67003.4688      7.9980      7.9920
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0613151 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1058261 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7970729 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1280611 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14634.0828701 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2306390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0081871 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3315639 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10237E+01  0.15258E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38305E-01  0.14435E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74219E+00  0.22900E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  67019.8366     24.3657     16.3678
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13880E+01  0.32243E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  67020.0619     24.5911      0.2254
+                do leaf measurements  67020.0638     24.5929      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  67020.1245     24.6537      0.0608
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0355681 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  67020.1317
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  67020.1379      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37178
+                          wsmp solve  67028.1048      7.9731      7.9669
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0634551 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0883720 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7996109 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1685588 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14581.0189184 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2306550 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083709 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3594959 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10226E+01  0.17285E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.37929E-01  0.14664E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73315E+00  0.22699E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  67044.4986     24.3668     16.3938
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14706E+01  0.35918E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  67044.7241     24.5924      0.2256
+                do leaf measurements  67044.7259     24.5942      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  67044.7865     24.6548      0.0606
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0144454 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  67044.7936
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  67044.7997      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37178
+                          wsmp solve  67052.7552      7.9615      7.9555
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0628200 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0990021 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8041160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1313829 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14629.7156898 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2309389 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082881 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3370171 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10218E+01  0.18983E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40727E-01  0.14890E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72970E+00  0.22633E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  67069.1280     24.3344     16.3728
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15058E+01  0.36523E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  67069.3529     24.5593      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  67069.3547     24.5611      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  67069.4154     24.6217      0.0606
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0102197 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  67069.4225
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  67069.4287      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37178
+                          wsmp solve  67077.4649      8.0423      8.0362
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0618191 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0891550 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7969501 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1589980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14593.5116662 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2313571 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082340 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3469710 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10214E+01  0.20468E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43057E-01  0.15085E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72630E+00  0.22624E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  67093.8477     24.4252     16.3828
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15228E+01  0.36181E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  67094.0754     24.6528      0.2277
+                do leaf measurements  67094.0772     24.6546      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  67094.1354     24.7129      0.0582
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0075956 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  67094.1385     24.7160      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  67094.1387     24.7161      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -232116740331409.31 486811955352114.38
+ def in m -7.9350247383117676 0.83821302652359009
+ dimensionless def  -2.06132803644452767E-6 2.26714992523193364E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0204186  0.2259133
+                  Compute divergence  67094.4190     24.9964      0.2803
+                        wsmp_cleanup  67094.4573     25.0347      0.0383
+              Reset surface geometry  67094.4668     25.0443      0.0095
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   67094.4763     25.0538      0.0095
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  67094.4973     25.0748      0.0210
+                   Advect surface  1  67094.4975     25.0749      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  67094.7152     25.2927      0.2178
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  67094.9232     25.5007      0.2079
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  67095.1935     25.7710      0.2703
+                    Advect the cloud  67095.3851     25.9626      0.1916
+                        Write output  67096.3132     26.8907      0.9281
+                    End of time step  67097.2298     27.8073      0.9166
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     411  67097.2300
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  67097.2301      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  67097.2301      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17058points
+                      refine surface  67097.2302      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  67097.2686      0.0386      0.0385
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  67097.2998      0.0698      0.0311
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  67097.3423      0.1123      0.0425
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17059points
+                          surface 02  67097.3648      0.1348      0.0225
+                                                                        S. 2:    17054points
+                      refine surface  67097.3650      0.1350      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  67097.4044      0.1744      0.0394
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  67097.4340      0.2040      0.0296
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  67097.4709      0.2408      0.0368
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17055points
+                          surface 03  67097.4962      0.2662      0.0254
+                                                                        S. 3:    17057points
+                      refine surface  67097.4964      0.2664      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  67097.5330      0.3030      0.0367
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17057points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  67097.5667
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  67097.5669      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  67097.5830      0.0163      0.0161
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  67097.6072      0.0405      0.0242
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  67097.6083      0.0416      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  67097.6226      0.0560      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  67097.7461      0.1794      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  67098.0415      0.4748      0.2954
+                embedding surface  1  67098.0416      0.4749      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  67100.1945      2.6278      2.1529
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  67102.4047      4.8380      2.2102
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  67106.1222      8.5555      3.7174
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  67106.1276      8.5609      0.0055
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  67106.7006      9.1339      0.5729
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  67106.7825      9.2158      0.0819
+                           Find void  67107.0532      9.4865      0.2707
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33036
+          Define boundary conditions  67107.0958      9.5291      0.0426
+                         wsmp setup1  67107.1076      9.5409      0.0118
+                                                                        n =   129162
+                                                                        nz=  4969716
+                         wsmp setup2  67108.2546     10.6879      1.1470
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  67108.3148
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  67108.3149      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.02212E-05  9.95087E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37180
+                          wsmp solve  67116.1775      7.8627      7.8626
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0647380 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4600461 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7976990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.5280678 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13032.2901964 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2444541 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084920 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           20.1039510 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10134E+01  0.17487E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.92828E-01  0.16584E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75723E+00  0.25470E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  67136.3186     28.0038     20.1411
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35208E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  67136.5471     28.2324      0.2285
+                do leaf measurements  67136.5489     28.2341      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  67136.6097     28.2949      0.0608
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5873125 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  67136.6178
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  67136.6239      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.02212E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37180
+                          wsmp solve  67144.5802      7.9625      7.9564
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0632341 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4738350 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8022709 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.5092340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13049.2069085 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2429969 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085590 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           20.1005969 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10199E+01  0.12780E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48388E-01  0.15022E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75905E+00  0.23203E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  67164.7184     28.1006     20.1381
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12525E+01  0.20235E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  67164.9435     28.3257      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  67164.9452     28.3275      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  67165.0057     28.3879      0.0605
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0835491 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  67165.0129
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  67165.0190      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37180
+                          wsmp solve  67172.9736      7.9607      7.9546
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0614810 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4441478 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8044460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.4981389 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13059.1931257 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2434480 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083890 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           20.0605128 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10224E+01  0.14609E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42045E-01  0.15153E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73973E+00  0.23524E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  67193.0712     28.0583     20.0976
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13658E+01  0.30568E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  67193.2960     28.2831      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  67193.2977     28.2848      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  67193.3584     28.3455      0.0607
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0356659 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  67193.3656
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  67193.3717      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37180
+                          wsmp solve  67201.3652      7.9996      7.9935
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0630679 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4733422 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7996099 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.4760261 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13079.1416896 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2437041 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083981 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           20.0645909 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10220E+01  0.16724E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42063E-01  0.15335E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73054E+00  0.23224E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  67221.4671     28.1015     20.1019
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14518E+01  0.34688E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  67221.6929     28.3273      0.2258
+                do leaf measurements  67221.6946     28.3291      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  67221.7554     28.3898      0.0607
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0150037 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  67221.7626
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  67221.7688      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37180
+                          wsmp solve  67229.7516      7.9890      7.9828
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0628941 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4569440 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8009992 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.5665309 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12997.8782635 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2447648 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084672 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           20.1411002 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10214E+01  0.18404E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41715E-01  0.15527E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72726E+00  0.23095E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  67249.9298     28.1671     20.1781
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14894E+01  0.35383E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  67250.1569     28.3943      0.2271
+                do leaf measurements  67250.1586     28.3960      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  67250.2196     28.4569      0.0610
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0103383 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  67250.2266
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  67250.2325      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37180
+                          wsmp solve  67258.1899      7.9634      7.9574
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0630720 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4835210 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8057601 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.4955580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13061.5182673 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2430971 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084920 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           20.0999591 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10210E+01  0.19868E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42256E-01  0.15708E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72399E+00  0.23034E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  67278.3265     28.1000     20.1366
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15059E+01  0.35029E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  67278.5518     28.3252      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements  67278.5536     28.3270      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  67278.6116     28.3850      0.0580
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0074007 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  67278.6147     28.3881      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  67278.6149     28.3883      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -232226047341757.38 487627171743696.88
+ def in m -7.9151015281677246 0.84750199317932129
+ dimensionless def  -1.97164825030735544E-6 2.26145757947649296E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0196083  0.2252893
+                  Compute divergence  67278.8946     28.6680      0.2797
+                        wsmp_cleanup  67278.9330     28.7065      0.0384
+              Reset surface geometry  67278.9426     28.7160      0.0096
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   67278.9518     28.7252      0.0092
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  67278.9724     28.7458      0.0206
+                   Advect surface  1  67278.9725     28.7460      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  67279.1795     28.9530      0.2070
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  67279.3893     29.1628      0.2098
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  67279.6580     29.4315      0.2687
+                    Advect the cloud  67279.8429     29.6164      0.1849
+                        Write output  67280.7656     30.5391      0.9227
+                    End of time step  67281.6787     31.4521      0.9131
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     412  67281.6789
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  67281.6790      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  67281.6790      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17059points
+                      refine surface  67281.6791      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  67281.7167      0.0378      0.0376
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  67281.7477      0.0688      0.0310
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  67281.7848      0.1059      0.0371
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17060points
+                          surface 02  67281.8112      0.1323      0.0264
+                                                                        S. 2:    17055points
+                      refine surface  67281.8113      0.1324      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  67281.8486      0.1697      0.0373
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17055points
+                          surface 03  67281.8731      0.1942      0.0245
+                                                                        S. 3:    17057points
+                      refine surface  67281.8732      0.1943      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  67281.9152      0.2363      0.0420
+                                                                        S. 3:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  67281.9453      0.2664      0.0301
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  67281.9829      0.3040      0.0375
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17060points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  67282.0158
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  67282.0161      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  67282.0320      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  67282.0564      0.0405      0.0243
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  67282.0575      0.0417      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  67282.0716      0.0558      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  67282.1939      0.1781      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  67282.4917      0.4759      0.2978
+                embedding surface  1  67282.4919      0.4760      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  67284.6156      2.5998      2.1237
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  67286.8503      4.8345      2.2347
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  67290.5324      8.5166      3.6821
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  67290.5382      8.5224      0.0058
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  67291.0894      9.0736      0.5512
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  67291.2182      9.2024      0.1288
+                           Find void  67291.4882      9.4724      0.2700
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33036
+          Define boundary conditions  67291.5291      9.5133      0.0409
+                         wsmp setup1  67291.5412      9.5253      0.0121
+                                                                        n =   129162
+                                                                        nz=  4969716
+                         wsmp setup2  67292.6868     10.6709      1.1456
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  67292.7429
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  67292.7431      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.12173E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37180
+                          wsmp solve  67300.5219      7.7789      7.7788
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0654669 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4704530 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8047860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.4978490 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13059.4542735 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2429261 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085690 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           20.0904820 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10142E+01  0.17190E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.92153E-01  0.16899E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75751E+00  0.25715E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  67320.6486     27.9056     20.1267
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35165E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  67320.8729     28.1300      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  67320.8747     28.1318      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  67320.9345     28.1916      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5878433 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  67320.9417
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  67320.9478      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.12173E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37180
+                          wsmp solve  67328.9308      7.9891      7.9830
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0596101 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4445369 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7959089 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.4706399 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13084.0098745 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2430551 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084891 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           20.0226612 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10191E+01  0.12456E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47675E-01  0.15386E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75967E+00  0.23444E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  67348.9895     28.0479     20.0588
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12439E+01  0.19391E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  67349.2142     28.2726      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  67349.2161     28.2744      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  67349.2759     28.3343      0.0599
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0864976 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  67349.2830
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  67349.2891      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37180
+                          wsmp solve  67357.3261      8.0431      8.0370
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0599990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4591429 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8008289 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.5091331 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13049.2976118 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2435131 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085518 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           20.0816190 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10219E+01  0.14294E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42387E-01  0.15468E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73905E+00  0.23611E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  67377.4449     28.1618     20.1187
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13557E+01  0.30045E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  67377.6703     28.3873      0.2255
+                do leaf measurements  67377.6722     28.3891      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  67377.7323     28.4493      0.0602
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0356241 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  67377.7396
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  67377.7458      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37180
+                          wsmp solve  67385.7022      7.9626      7.9564
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0626571 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4785581 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7991171 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.5246091 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13035.3935696 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2431090 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085280 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           20.1170092 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10216E+01  0.16432E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42288E-01  0.15600E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72990E+00  0.23282E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  67405.8554     28.1159     20.1533
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14426E+01  0.34075E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  67406.0807     28.3412      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements  67406.0825     28.3430      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  67406.1424     28.4029      0.0599
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0152046 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  67406.1496
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  67406.1557      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37180
+                          wsmp solve  67414.1108      7.9613      7.9551
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0601020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4479351 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8030529 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.4893720 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13067.0946762 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2432430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084240 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           20.0525670 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10209E+01  0.18132E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41920E-01  0.15758E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72674E+00  0.23149E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  67434.1998     28.0503     20.0890
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14810E+01  0.34872E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  67434.4247     28.2751      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  67434.4265     28.2769      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  67434.4866     28.3370      0.0601
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0102883 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  67434.4937
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  67434.4998      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37180
+                          wsmp solve  67442.4836      7.9899      7.9838
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0598621 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4580441 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8022461 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.4634950 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13090.4733405 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2440050 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085628 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           20.0366800 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10204E+01  0.19601E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42276E-01  0.15901E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72356E+00  0.23083E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  67462.5578     28.0641     20.0742
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14980E+01  0.34601E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  67462.7829     28.2892      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  67462.7848     28.2911      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  67462.8424     28.3487      0.0576
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0074348 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  67462.8455     28.3518      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  67462.8457     28.3520      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -232457352201618.81 488339384322694.88
+ def in m -8.0041055679321289 0.82270628213882446
+ dimensionless def  -2.2919249534606934E-6 2.28688730512346547E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0227331  0.2278271
+                  Compute divergence  67463.1190     28.6253      0.2733
+                        wsmp_cleanup  67463.1587     28.6650      0.0397
+              Reset surface geometry  67463.1687     28.6750      0.0100
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   67463.1772     28.6835      0.0085
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  67463.1947     28.7010      0.0175
+                   Advect surface  1  67463.1948     28.7011      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  67463.3919     28.8982      0.1970
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  67463.5972     29.1035      0.2054
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  67463.8662     29.3725      0.2690
+                    Advect the cloud  67464.0541     29.5604      0.1878
+                        Write output  67464.9769     30.4832      0.9229
+                    End of time step  67465.8997     31.4060      0.9228
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     413  67465.8999
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  67465.8999      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  67465.9000      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17060points
+                      refine surface  67465.9000      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  67465.9416      0.0417      0.0416
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  67465.9764      0.0765      0.0348
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  67466.0140      0.1141      0.0376
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17063points
+                          surface 02  67466.0394      0.1396      0.0254
+                                                                        S. 2:    17055points
+                      refine surface  67466.0396      0.1397      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  67466.0778      0.1779      0.0382
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17055points
+                          surface 03  67466.1019      0.2020      0.0241
+                                                                        S. 3:    17060points
+                      refine surface  67466.1020      0.2022      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  67466.1364      0.2365      0.0344
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  67466.1681      0.2682      0.0317
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  67466.2011      0.3012      0.0330
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17062points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  67466.2355
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  67466.2358      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  67466.2519      0.0164      0.0161
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  67466.2759      0.0404      0.0240
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  67466.2770      0.0415      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  67466.2914      0.0559      0.0144
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  67466.4149      0.1794      0.1235
+             Imbed surface in osolve  67466.7124      0.4769      0.2975
+                embedding surface  1  67466.7126      0.4771      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  67468.8509      2.6154      2.1383
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  67471.0796      4.8441      2.2287
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  67474.7589      8.5234      3.6793
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  67474.7660      8.5305      0.0071
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  67475.3225      9.0870      0.5565
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  67475.4220      9.1865      0.0995
+                           Find void  67475.6927      9.4572      0.2707
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33036
+          Define boundary conditions  67475.7339      9.4984      0.0412
+                         wsmp setup1  67475.7460      9.5105      0.0122
+                                                                        n =   129162
+                                                                        nz=  4969716
+                         wsmp setup2  67476.8965     10.6610      1.1504
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  67476.9572
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  67476.9574      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.30919E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37180
+                          wsmp solve  67484.7600      7.8027      7.8026
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0648429 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4572439 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7992170 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.4520950 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13100.7992614 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2436521 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084431 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           20.0259750 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10140E+01  0.17059E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.90987E-01  0.17070E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75792E+00  0.25927E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  67504.8223     27.8651     20.0624
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35187E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  67505.0491     28.0919      0.2267
+                do leaf measurements  67505.0509     28.0936      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  67505.1125     28.1553      0.0617
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5890062 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  67505.1198
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  67505.1260      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.31747E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37180
+                          wsmp solve  67513.1497      8.0299      8.0237
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0620370 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4495759 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7993629 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.5648830 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12999.3489134 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2446830 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086019 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           20.1296170 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10193E+01  0.12332E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47447E-01  0.15463E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75991E+00  0.23571E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  67533.3162     28.1964     20.1666
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12409E+01  0.19073E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  67533.5436     28.4238      0.2273
+                do leaf measurements  67533.5454     28.4255      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  67533.6064     28.4866      0.0610
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0877333 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  67533.6135
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  67533.6195      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37180
+                          wsmp solve  67541.5777      7.9642      7.9581
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0618889 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4877470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8028879 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.4976628 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13059.6220064 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2434361 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084798 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           20.1025870 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10217E+01  0.14165E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42455E-01  0.15527E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73909E+00  0.23608E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  67561.7168     28.1033     20.1392
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13521E+01  0.29897E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  67561.9420     28.3285      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  67561.9438     28.3303      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  67562.0047     28.3912      0.0610
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0357034 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  67562.0119
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  67562.0180      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37180
+                          wsmp solve  67569.9941      7.9822      7.9761
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0628891 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4470520 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8010969 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.4799531 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13075.5946001 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2480841 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085690 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           20.0481181 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10213E+01  0.16316E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42357E-01  0.15660E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72981E+00  0.23304E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  67590.0780     28.0661     20.0839
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14396E+01  0.33853E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  67590.3028     28.2910      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  67590.3046     28.2927      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  67590.3655     28.3537      0.0609
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0151838 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  67590.3727
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  67590.3787      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37180
+                          wsmp solve  67598.4041      8.0315      8.0254
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0625060 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4589849 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7995062 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.5007501 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13056.8415476 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2439580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084870 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           20.0746460 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10208E+01  0.18018E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41925E-01  0.15813E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72664E+00  0.23180E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  67618.5162     28.1435     20.1120
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14779E+01  0.34688E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  67618.7423     28.3697      0.2262
+                do leaf measurements  67618.7441     28.3715      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  67618.8056     28.4330      0.0615
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0102461 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  67618.8129
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  67618.8191      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37180
+                          wsmp solve  67626.7735      7.9606      7.9544
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0600080 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4545381 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7997799 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.5505822 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13012.1251301 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2441111 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085142 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           20.1179960 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10202E+01  0.19489E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42381E-01  0.15950E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72350E+00  0.23113E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  67646.9281     28.1153     20.1546
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14957E+01  0.34440E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  67647.1559     28.3431      0.2278
+                do leaf measurements  67647.1577     28.3448      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  67647.2163     28.4035      0.0586
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0074599 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  67647.2194     28.4066      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  67647.2196     28.4068      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -232625626380813.97 489107476050455.75
+ def in m -8.0579853057861328 0.86911857128143311
+ dimensionless def  -2.48319591794695161E-6 2.30228151593889513E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0245382  0.2293834
+                  Compute divergence  67647.4962     28.6834      0.2766
+                        wsmp_cleanup  67647.5362     28.7233      0.0399
+              Reset surface geometry  67647.5467     28.7339      0.0105
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   67647.5558     28.7430      0.0091
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  67647.5752     28.7624      0.0194
+                   Advect surface  1  67647.5754     28.7625      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  67647.7842     28.9713      0.2088
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  67647.9952     29.1823      0.2110
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  67648.2634     29.4506      0.2683
+                    Advect the cloud  67648.4517     29.6388      0.1882
+                        Write output  67649.3793     30.5664      0.9276
+                    End of time step  67650.2948     31.4819      0.9155
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     414  67650.2950
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  67650.2951      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  67650.2951      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17063points
+                      refine surface  67650.2952      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  67650.3346      0.0396      0.0394
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  67650.3648      0.0698      0.0303
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  67650.4023      0.1073      0.0375
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17065points
+                          surface 02  67650.4292      0.1342      0.0269
+                                                                        S. 2:    17055points
+                      refine surface  67650.4294      0.1344      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  67650.4715      0.1765      0.0421
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  67650.5026      0.2076      0.0312
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  67650.5404      0.2454      0.0378
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17058points
+                          surface 03  67650.5660      0.2710      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 3:    17062points
+                      refine surface  67650.5662      0.2712      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  67650.6079      0.3129      0.0417
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  67650.6377      0.3427      0.0298
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  67650.6759      0.3809      0.0382
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17065points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  67650.7093
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  67650.7095      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  67650.7255      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  67650.7496      0.0403      0.0242
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  67650.7507      0.0415      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  67650.7649      0.0556      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  67650.8871      0.1779      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  67651.1823      0.4730      0.2952
+                embedding surface  1  67651.1825      0.4732      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  67653.2958      2.5865      2.1133
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  67655.5457      4.8364      2.2499
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  67659.3002      8.5909      3.7545
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  67659.3104      8.6011      0.0102
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  67659.8641      9.1548      0.5537
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  67659.9549      9.2456      0.0908
+                           Find void  67660.2255      9.5162      0.2707
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33036
+          Define boundary conditions  67660.2678      9.5585      0.0423
+                         wsmp setup1  67660.2795      9.5703      0.0118
+                                                                        n =   129162
+                                                                        nz=  4969716
+                         wsmp setup2  67661.4358     10.7266      1.1563
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  67661.4927
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  67661.4928      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.41689E-05  9.27904E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37180
+                          wsmp solve  67669.2926      7.7999      7.7998
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0684400 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4578390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7979159 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.5602980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13003.4423993 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2446160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084450 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           20.1380100 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10130E+01  0.16928E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.90838E-01  0.17358E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75802E+00  0.26316E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  67689.4673     27.9746     20.1747
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35158E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  67689.6938     28.2011      0.2265
+                do leaf measurements  67689.6956     28.2029      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  67689.7565     28.2638      0.0609
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5823910 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  67689.7636
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  67689.7697      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.51192E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37180
+                          wsmp solve  67697.7328      7.9691      7.9631
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0630028 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4714012 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8048861 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.4989910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13058.4256348 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2430792 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084479 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           20.0902579 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10197E+01  0.12194E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47843E-01  0.15628E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75975E+00  0.23822E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  67717.8589     28.0952     20.1261
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12398E+01  0.19014E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  67718.0844     28.3207      0.2255
+                do leaf measurements  67718.0862     28.3226      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  67718.1464     28.3827      0.0602
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0823516 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  67718.1535
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  67718.1596      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37180
+                          wsmp solve  67726.1647      8.0112      8.0051
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0615480 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4474969 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7969320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.4754438 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13079.6677470 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2439232 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085230 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           20.0343130 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10218E+01  0.14043E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42875E-01  0.15662E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73888E+00  0.23709E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  67746.2358     28.0823     20.0711
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13494E+01  0.29712E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  67746.4626     28.3091      0.2268
+                do leaf measurements  67746.4645     28.3109      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  67746.5255     28.3720      0.0610
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0355866 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  67746.5327
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  67746.5389      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37180
+                          wsmp solve  67754.5739      8.0412      8.0350
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0637920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4562120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7968822 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.5425360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13019.3245287 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2456660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085080 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           20.1140890 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10213E+01  0.16210E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42675E-01  0.15775E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72950E+00  0.23355E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  67774.7246     28.1919     20.1507
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14367E+01  0.33609E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  67774.9514     28.4186      0.2267
+                do leaf measurements  67774.9532     28.4204      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  67775.0138     28.4811      0.0607
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0152763 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  67775.0210
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  67775.0269      0.0059      0.0059
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37180
+                          wsmp solve  67782.9845      7.9635      7.9576
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0629051 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4904950 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7974288 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.4975541 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13059.7199421 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2433300 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084651 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           20.1006370 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10207E+01  0.17918E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42260E-01  0.15915E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72634E+00  0.23202E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  67803.1219     28.1009     20.1374
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14756E+01  0.34484E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  67803.3475     28.3265      0.2256
+                do leaf measurements  67803.3493     28.3283      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  67803.4095     28.3885      0.0602
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0102129 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  67803.4167
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  67803.4228      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37180
+                          wsmp solve  67811.3845      7.9678      7.9617
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0627260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4536150 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8001709 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.4936781 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13063.2124367 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2437460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085120 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           20.0629151 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10202E+01  0.19393E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42224E-01  0.16053E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72316E+00  0.23139E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  67831.4846     28.0679     20.1001
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14928E+01  0.34276E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  67831.7103     28.2936      0.2257
+                do leaf measurements  67831.7121     28.2954      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  67831.7702     28.3535      0.0581
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0074792 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  67831.7734     28.3567      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  67831.7736     28.3568      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -232755408650218.09 489912359463279.69
+ def in m -8.0930023193359375 0.91374409198760986
+ dimensionless def  -2.61069740567888553E-6 2.31228637695312526E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0258043  0.2304011
+                  Compute divergence  67832.0462     28.6295      0.2727
+                        wsmp_cleanup  67832.0858     28.6691      0.0396
+              Reset surface geometry  67832.0956     28.6789      0.0098
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   67832.1052     28.6885      0.0096
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  67832.1223     28.7056      0.0171
+                   Advect surface  1  67832.1225     28.7058      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  67832.3285     28.9117      0.2060
+                                                                        S. 2:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  67832.5389     29.1222      0.2105
+                                                                        S. 3:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  67832.8080     29.3912      0.2690
+                    Advect the cloud  67832.9981     29.5814      0.1902
+                        Write output  67833.9258     30.5091      0.9277
+                    End of time step  67834.8391     31.4224      0.9132
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     415  67834.8393
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  67834.8394      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  67834.8394      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17065points
+                      refine surface  67834.8395      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  67834.8763      0.0371      0.0369
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  67834.9073      0.0680      0.0310
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  67834.9447      0.1055      0.0374
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17066points
+                          surface 02  67834.9710      0.1317      0.0263
+                                                                        S. 2:    17058points
+                      refine surface  67834.9712      0.1319      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  67835.0075      0.1682      0.0363
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17058points
+                          surface 03  67835.0334      0.1941      0.0259
+                                                                        S. 3:    17065points
+                      refine surface  67835.0335      0.1942      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  67835.0715      0.2322      0.0380
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17065points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  67835.1041
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  67835.1044      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  67835.1204      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  67835.1451      0.0409      0.0246
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  67835.1462      0.0420      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  67835.1603      0.0562      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  67835.2828      0.1786      0.1224
+             Imbed surface in osolve  67835.5789      0.4748      0.2962
+                embedding surface  1  67835.5791      0.4750      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  67837.7010      2.5969      2.1219
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  67839.9494      4.8453      2.2484
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  67843.6958      8.5917      3.7464
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  67843.7014      8.5973      0.0056
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  67844.2710      9.1669      0.5696
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  67844.3681      9.2640      0.0971
+                           Find void  67844.6377      9.5335      0.2696
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33036
+          Define boundary conditions  67844.6787      9.5745      0.0410
+                         wsmp setup1  67844.6909      9.5867      0.0122
+                                                                        n =   129162
+                                                                        nz=  4969716
+                         wsmp setup2  67845.8318     10.7277      1.1410
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  67845.8930
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  67845.8932      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.60428E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37180
+                          wsmp solve  67853.6716      7.7786      7.7785
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0645359 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4463921 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8009880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.5004680 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13057.0955167 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2435689 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085011 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           20.0648711 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10125E+01  0.16911E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.90796E-01  0.17593E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75789E+00  0.26312E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  67873.7742     27.8812     20.1026
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35153E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  67873.9980     28.1050      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  67873.9998     28.1068      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  67874.0612     28.1682      0.0614
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5826226 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  67874.0682
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  67874.0743      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.66169E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37180
+                          wsmp solve  67882.0682      8.0001      7.9940
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0602350 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4607871 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8017070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.4673028 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13087.0279378 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2438569 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084939 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           20.0428519 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10197E+01  0.12159E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47918E-01  0.15717E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75962E+00  0.23858E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  67902.1480     28.0798     20.0797
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12404E+01  0.19045E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  67902.3736     28.3055      0.2257
+                do leaf measurements  67902.3755     28.3073      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  67902.4375     28.3693      0.0620
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0739172 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  67902.4445
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  67902.4507      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37180
+                          wsmp solve  67910.4389      7.9944      7.9883
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0610478 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4553311 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7989349 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.5700521 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            12994.7370132 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2446091 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084541 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           20.1388440 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10217E+01  0.14009E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42894E-01  0.15748E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73901E+00  0.23704E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  67930.6140     28.1695     20.1751
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13490E+01  0.29708E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  67930.8407     28.3962      0.2267
+                do leaf measurements  67930.8425     28.3980      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  67930.9040     28.4595      0.0615
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0355580 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  67930.9109
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  67930.9169      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37180
+                          wsmp solve  67938.8730      7.9621      7.9561
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0629020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4795620 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8098218 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.4925032 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13064.2714890 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2430291 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083990 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           20.0966651 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10212E+01  0.16177E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42724E-01  0.15874E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72945E+00  0.23356E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  67959.0053     28.0944     20.1323
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14358E+01  0.33543E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  67959.2291     28.3182      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  67959.2309     28.3200      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  67959.2924     28.3815      0.0615
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0152703 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  67959.2993
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  67959.3054      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37180
+                          wsmp solve  67967.3099      8.0105      8.0044
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0605500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4447601 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7988529 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.4787531 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13076.6782707 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2445300 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0078681 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           20.0358071 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10207E+01  0.17882E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42210E-01  0.16018E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72629E+00  0.23212E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  67987.3814     28.0821     20.0716
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14745E+01  0.34435E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  67987.6056     28.3063      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  67987.6074     28.3081      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  67987.6690     28.3697      0.0616
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0101767 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  67987.6760
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  67987.6821      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5606
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37180
+                          wsmp solve  67995.7219      8.0459      8.0398
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0596230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4744332 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7975881 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        14.5314610 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13029.2470876 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2444239 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083721 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           20.1163480 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10203E+01  0.19357E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42250E-01  0.16167E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72308E+00  0.23142E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  68015.8752     28.1992     20.1533
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14921E+01  0.34246E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  68016.1009     28.4250      0.2257
+                do leaf measurements  68016.1027     28.4268      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  68016.1620     28.4860      0.0593
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0074927 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  68016.1652     28.4892      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  68016.1653     28.4894      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -232859823863955. 490741084381936.81
+ def in m -8.1165390014648437 0.94546347856521606
+ dimensionless def  -2.70132422447204561E-6 2.31901114327566987E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0267133  0.2310917
+                  Compute divergence  68016.4416     28.7657      0.2763
+                        wsmp_cleanup  68016.4813     28.8054      0.0397
+              Reset surface geometry  68016.4915     28.8156      0.0102
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   68016.5004     28.8245      0.0089
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  68016.5190     28.8431      0.0186
+                   Advect surface  1  68016.5192     28.8432      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  68016.7263     29.0503      0.2071
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  68016.9249     29.2489      0.1986
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  68017.1897     29.5138      0.2648
+                    Advect the cloud  68017.3807     29.7048      0.1910
+                        Write output  68018.3034     30.6274      0.9226
+                    End of time step  68019.2226     31.5466      0.9192
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     416  68019.2228
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  68019.2229      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  68019.2229      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17066points
+                      refine surface  68019.2230      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  68019.2608      0.0380      0.0379
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  68019.2917      0.0689      0.0309
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  68019.3293      0.1065      0.0376
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17067points
+                          surface 02  68019.3555      0.1327      0.0262
+                                                                        S. 2:    17058points
+                      refine surface  68019.3557      0.1329      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  68019.3921      0.1693      0.0364
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17058points
+                          surface 03  68019.4176      0.1948      0.0255
+                                                                        S. 3:    17065points
+                      refine surface  68019.4178      0.1950      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   4 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  68019.4616      0.2388      0.0438
+                                                                        S. 3:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  68019.4970      0.2742      0.0354
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  68019.5352      0.3124      0.0383
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17069points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  68019.5695
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  68019.5698      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  68019.5859      0.0164      0.0161
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  68019.6100      0.0406      0.0242
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  68019.6111      0.0416      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  68019.6254      0.0559      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  68019.7488      0.1794      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  68020.0415      0.4720      0.2926
+                embedding surface  1  68020.0417      0.4722      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  68022.1892      2.6197      2.1475
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  68024.4214      4.8520      2.2323
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  68028.1548      8.5853      3.7333
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  68028.1640      8.5945      0.0092
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  68028.6975      9.1280      0.5335
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  68028.7799      9.2104      0.0824
+                           Find void  68029.0502      9.4807      0.2704
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33036
+          Define boundary conditions  68029.0915      9.5221      0.0413
+                         wsmp setup1  68029.1036      9.5341      0.0121
+                                                                        n =   129171
+                                                                        nz=  4970004
+                         wsmp setup2  68030.2540     10.6845      1.1504
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  68030.3144
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  68030.3146      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.01968E-05  9.22669E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37182
+                          wsmp solve  68038.1815      7.8671      7.8670
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0628140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0689831 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7987289 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.8692119 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14630.6407089 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2291799 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082951 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.0376790 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10829E+01  0.18786E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.92507E-01  0.17388E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76161E+00  0.24564E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  68054.2530     23.9386     16.0715
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35164E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  68054.4786     24.1643      0.2257
+                do leaf measurements  68054.4804     24.1660      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  68054.5403     24.2259      0.0599
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.6018008 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  68054.5473
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  68054.5533      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.01968E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37182
+                          wsmp solve  68062.5152      7.9679      7.9619
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0638461 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0824132 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7951212 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.8208730 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14695.9985531 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2285559 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083201 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.9995911 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10191E+01  0.13706E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.49896E-01  0.15385E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76316E+00  0.22413E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  68078.5491     24.0018     16.0339
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12533E+01  0.19883E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  68078.7732     24.2259      0.2240
+                do leaf measurements  68078.7749     24.2276      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  68078.8347     24.2874      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0785239 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  68078.8417
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  68078.8478      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37182
+                          wsmp solve  68086.8535      8.0117      8.0056
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0625441 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0908389 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7982750 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.8228219 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14693.3522882 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2289670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083170 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.0125170 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10214E+01  0.15329E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38275E-01  0.15438E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74329E+00  0.22987E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  68102.9010     24.0593     16.0476
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13767E+01  0.31940E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  68103.1259     24.2841      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  68103.1276     24.2859      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  68103.1880     24.3462      0.0604
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0356489 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  68103.1952
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  68103.2013      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37182
+                          wsmp solve  68111.1981      8.0030      7.9968
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0629790 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0670750 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7976551 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9029350 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14585.3876838 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2296140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083249 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.0690382 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10207E+01  0.17410E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38239E-01  0.15555E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73425E+00  0.22736E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  68127.3009     24.1057     16.1027
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14672E+01  0.35913E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  68127.5270     24.3318      0.2261
+                do leaf measurements  68127.5287     24.3336      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  68127.5887     24.3935      0.0600
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0146411 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  68127.5957
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  68127.6017      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37182
+                          wsmp solve  68135.5595      7.9638      7.9578
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0612280 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0779970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8024940 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.8223569 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14693.9834980 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2288680 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083680 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.0017571 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10201E+01  0.19088E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40588E-01  0.15710E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73134E+00  0.22639E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  68151.5952     23.9995     16.0357
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15072E+01  0.36739E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  68151.8184     24.2227      0.2232
+                do leaf measurements  68151.8202     24.2245      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  68151.8799     24.2842      0.0597
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0105618 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  68151.8870
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  68151.8931      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37182
+                          wsmp solve  68159.9017      8.0147      8.0086
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0609939 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0710261 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7969511 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.8356960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14675.8947963 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2296479 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082080 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.0029960 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10196E+01  0.20546E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43052E-01  0.15848E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72824E+00  0.22584E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  68175.9381     24.0511     16.0364
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15257E+01  0.36471E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  68176.1651     24.2781      0.2270
+                do leaf measurements  68176.1668     24.2798      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  68176.2244     24.3374      0.0576
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0076257 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  68176.2275     24.3405      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  68176.2277     24.3407      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -232942859255400.06 491589746250079.19
+ def in m -8.1296529769897461 0.96568053960800171
+ dimensionless def  -2.75908725602286218E-6 2.3227579934256416E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0272809  0.2314733
+                  Compute divergence  68176.5025     24.6156      0.2749
+                        wsmp_cleanup  68176.5413     24.6543      0.0387
+              Reset surface geometry  68176.5514     24.6644      0.0102
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   68176.5598     24.6728      0.0084
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  68176.5783     24.6913      0.0184
+                   Advect surface  1  68176.5784     24.6914      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  68176.7784     24.8914      0.1999
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  68176.9856     25.0986      0.2073
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  68177.2492     25.3622      0.2636
+                    Advect the cloud  68177.4360     25.5490      0.1868
+                        Write output  68178.3573     26.4703      0.9213
+                    End of time step  68179.2820     27.3951      0.9248
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     417  68179.2822
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  68179.2823      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  68179.2824      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17067points
+                      refine surface  68179.2824      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  68179.3206      0.0383      0.0381
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  68179.3517      0.0694      0.0311
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  68179.3893      0.1071      0.0377
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17068points
+                          surface 02  68179.4158      0.1335      0.0264
+                                                                        S. 2:    17058points
+                      refine surface  68179.4160      0.1337      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  68179.4551      0.1729      0.0392
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  68179.4852      0.2029      0.0300
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  68179.5231      0.2408      0.0379
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17059points
+                          surface 03  68179.5473      0.2650      0.0242
+                                                                        S. 3:    17069points
+                      refine surface  68179.5474      0.2652      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  68179.5890      0.3067      0.0416
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  68179.6246      0.3424      0.0356
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  68179.6621      0.3799      0.0375
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17072points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  68179.6967
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  68179.6970      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  68179.7130      0.0164      0.0161
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  68179.7368      0.0401      0.0237
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  68179.7379      0.0412      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  68179.7522      0.0555      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  68179.8756      0.1789      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  68180.1711      0.4744      0.2954
+                embedding surface  1  68180.1712      0.4745      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  68182.3099      2.6132      2.1386
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  68184.5554      4.8587      2.2455
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  68188.3024      8.6057      3.7471
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  68188.3110      8.6143      0.0086
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  68188.8529      9.1562      0.5419
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  68188.9356      9.2389      0.0827
+                           Find void  68189.2067      9.5100      0.2711
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33037
+          Define boundary conditions  68189.2486      9.5519      0.0419
+                         wsmp setup1  68189.2607      9.5640      0.0121
+                                                                        n =   129174
+                                                                        nz=  4970127
+                         wsmp setup2  68190.3999     10.7033      1.1392
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  68190.4609
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  68190.4610      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00693E-05  9.95826E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37183
+                          wsmp solve  68198.3197      7.8589      7.8587
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0666342 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2768118 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7950830 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5253491 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15414.6958772 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2480180 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084679 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9208221 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10118E+01  0.18376E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94793E-01  0.16101E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76050E+00  0.23724E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  68215.2770     24.8162     16.9573
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35155E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  68215.5024     25.0416      0.2254
+                do leaf measurements  68215.5042     25.0433      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  68215.5640     25.1032      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5903185 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  68215.5710
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  68215.5771      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00693E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37183
+                          wsmp solve  68223.5357      7.9647      7.9586
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0603719 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3070781 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7977040 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4426689 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15526.0764073 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2471640 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084929 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8639331 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10200E+01  0.13583E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.49138E-01  0.14848E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76439E+00  0.22199E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  68240.4354     24.8643     16.8997
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12565E+01  0.20019E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  68240.6587     25.0877      0.2234
+                do leaf measurements  68240.6605     25.0895      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  68240.7201     25.1490      0.0596
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0735181 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  68240.7272
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  68240.7333      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37183
+                          wsmp solve  68248.7116      7.9844      7.9783
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0610669 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2818651 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7987309 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4516568 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15513.8906703 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2475371 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084801 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8497860 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10220E+01  0.15179E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38233E-01  0.15125E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74337E+00  0.22977E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  68265.5974     24.8702     16.8859
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13783E+01  0.31765E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  68265.8219     25.0947      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  68265.8237     25.0965      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  68265.8841     25.1569      0.0604
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0356312 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  68265.8913
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  68265.8975      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37183
+                          wsmp solve  68273.9228      8.0314      8.0252
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0601280 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2711520 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7983029 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4697030 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15489.4815069 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2479990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084479 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8561878 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10213E+01  0.17134E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38726E-01  0.15401E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73423E+00  0.22789E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  68290.8154     24.9241     16.8927
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14679E+01  0.36041E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  68291.0409     25.1495      0.2254
+                do leaf measurements  68291.0426     25.1513      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  68291.1024     25.2111      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0147585 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  68291.1095
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  68291.1155      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37183
+                          wsmp solve  68299.0711      7.9616      7.9555
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0621610 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3140619 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8050330 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4354699 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15535.8506436 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2472382 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084362 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8728468 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10208E+01  0.18757E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40711E-01  0.15654E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73088E+00  0.22730E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  68315.9807     24.8712     16.9096
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15057E+01  0.36697E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  68316.2045     25.0950      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  68316.2063     25.0968      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  68316.2660     25.1565      0.0597
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0104222 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  68316.2731
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  68316.2792      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37183
+                          wsmp solve  68324.2685      7.9953      7.9892
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0653710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2896080 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7970109 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5109310 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15434.0036998 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2474320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084758 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9192801 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10202E+01  0.20180E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43065E-01  0.15860E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72756E+00  0.22700E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  68341.2245     24.9514     16.9561
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15225E+01  0.36365E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  68341.4487     25.1756      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  68341.4505     25.1774      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  68341.5082     25.2351      0.0577
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0073730 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  68341.5113     25.2382      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  68341.5115     25.2384      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -232856606016693.78 492566820745235.5
+ def in m -8.0060844421386719 0.81293082237243652
+ dimensionless def  -2.30338556425912049E-6 2.28745269775390611E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0226252  0.2278937
+                  Compute divergence  68341.7824     25.5093      0.2709
+                        wsmp_cleanup  68341.8212     25.5481      0.0388
+              Reset surface geometry  68341.8316     25.5584      0.0103
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   68341.8412     25.5680      0.0096
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  68341.8616     25.5884      0.0204
+                   Advect surface  1  68341.8617     25.5886      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  68342.0546     25.7815      0.1929
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  68342.2643     25.9912      0.2097
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  68342.5458     26.2726      0.2814
+                    Advect the cloud  68342.7321     26.4590      0.1863
+                        Write output  68343.6592     27.3860      0.9271
+                    End of time step  68344.5813     28.3082      0.9222
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     418  68344.5815
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  68344.5816      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  68344.5817      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17068points
+                      refine surface  68344.5817      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  68344.6205      0.0390      0.0388
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  68344.6494      0.0678      0.0288
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  68344.6823      0.1008      0.0329
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17069points
+                          surface 02  68344.7084      0.1269      0.0261
+                                                                        S. 2:    17059points
+                      refine surface  68344.7086      0.1270      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  68344.7413      0.1598      0.0328
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17059points
+                          surface 03  68344.7674      0.1859      0.0261
+                                                                        S. 3:    17071points
+                      refine surface  68344.7675      0.1860      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  68344.8061      0.2245      0.0385
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  68344.8358      0.2543      0.0297
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  68344.8734      0.2919      0.0376
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17072points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  68344.9058
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  68344.9061      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  68344.9222      0.0164      0.0161
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  68344.9465      0.0407      0.0243
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  68344.9476      0.0418      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  68344.9619      0.0561      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  68345.0853      0.1795      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  68345.3811      0.4752      0.2958
+                embedding surface  1  68345.3812      0.4754      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  68347.5221      2.6163      2.1409
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  68349.7508      4.8450      2.2287
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  68353.4813      8.5754      3.7304
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  68353.4868      8.5810      0.0056
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  68354.0761      9.1703      0.5893
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  68354.1577      9.2519      0.0816
+                           Find void  68354.4268      9.5209      0.2691
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33037
+          Define boundary conditions  68354.4679      9.5621      0.0411
+                         wsmp setup1  68354.4804      9.5746      0.0125
+                                                                        n =   129174
+                                                                        nz=  4970127
+                         wsmp setup2  68355.6318     10.7260      1.1514
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  68355.6913
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  68355.6915      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.05330E-05  9.98952E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37183
+                          wsmp solve  68363.5004      7.8091      7.8089
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0648761 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2730949 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7984910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5213881 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15419.9954939 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2473619 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083730 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9140441 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10125E+01  0.18299E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94216E-01  0.16098E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76127E+00  0.23792E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  68380.4503     24.7590     16.9499
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35148E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  68380.6759     24.9845      0.2255
+                do leaf measurements  68380.6776     24.9863      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  68380.7395     25.0482      0.0619
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5910556 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  68380.7468
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  68380.7530      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.05330E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37183
+                          wsmp solve  68388.7288      7.9820      7.9758
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0609250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2584360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7988100 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4350600 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15536.4074607 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2472470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085731 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8094871 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10191E+01  0.13535E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.49241E-01  0.14931E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76535E+00  0.22146E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  68405.5750     24.8282     16.8462
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12559E+01  0.19921E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  68405.7989     25.0522      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  68405.8007     25.0539      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  68405.8621     25.1154      0.0614
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0733474 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  68405.8693
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  68405.8753      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37183
+                          wsmp solve  68413.8325      7.9632      7.9573
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0608432 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2676549 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8042049 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4425921 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15526.1805750 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2474990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084422 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8316779 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10212E+01  0.15114E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38407E-01  0.15208E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74362E+00  0.22933E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  68430.7012     24.8319     16.8686
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13774E+01  0.31792E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  68430.9258     25.0565      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  68430.9276     25.0583      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  68430.9890     25.1197      0.0614
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0355175 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  68430.9961
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  68431.0023      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37183
+                          wsmp solve  68439.0249      8.0287      8.0226
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0650160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2624772 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7952280 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5108659 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15434.0909715 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2479470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083420 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8903279 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10209E+01  0.17055E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38850E-01  0.15492E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73444E+00  0.22770E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  68455.9513     24.9552     16.9265
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14664E+01  0.36002E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  68456.1770     25.1809      0.2257
+                do leaf measurements  68456.1788     25.1826      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  68456.2402     25.2440      0.0614
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0147732 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  68456.2473
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  68456.2534      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37183
+                          wsmp solve  68464.2119      7.9646      7.9585
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0641861 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2842121 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7986529 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4497690 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15516.4485469 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2480440 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083609 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8536699 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10203E+01  0.18675E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40863E-01  0.15741E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73100E+00  0.22723E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  68481.1018     24.8545     16.8899
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15047E+01  0.36639E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  68481.3260     25.0787      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  68481.3278     25.0805      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  68481.3895     25.1423      0.0618
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0103936 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  68481.3967
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  68481.4028      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5607
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37183
+                          wsmp solve  68489.3781      7.9814      7.9753
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0622602 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2789948 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7997670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4734409 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15484.4351966 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2471540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084901 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8705571 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10199E+01  0.20094E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43183E-01  0.15949E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72765E+00  0.22697E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  68506.2849     24.8883     16.9069
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15213E+01  0.36337E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  68506.5108     25.1141      0.2258
+                do leaf measurements  68506.5126     25.1159      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  68506.5722     25.1755      0.0596
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0073562 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  68506.5753     25.1786      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  68506.5755     25.1788      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -232891946213137.31 493440142695104.
+ def in m -7.9797563552856445 0.82565295696258545
+ dimensionless def  -2.20083083425249375E-6 2.27993038722446985E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0216581  0.2271342
+                  Compute divergence  68506.8479     25.4512      0.2725
+                        wsmp_cleanup  68506.8891     25.4924      0.0412
+              Reset surface geometry  68506.8973     25.5007      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   68506.9053     25.5086      0.0079
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  68506.9228     25.5262      0.0176
+                   Advect surface  1  68506.9230     25.5263      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  68507.1254     25.7288      0.2024
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  68507.3321     25.9354      0.2066
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  68507.6129     26.2162      0.2808
+                    Advect the cloud  68507.7991     26.4024      0.1862
+                        Write output  68508.7287     27.3320      0.9296
+                    End of time step  68509.6422     28.2455      0.9135
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     419  68509.6424
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  68509.6425      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  68509.6425      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17069points
+                      refine surface  68509.6425      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  68509.6819      0.0395      0.0393
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  68509.7128      0.0704      0.0310
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  68509.7507      0.1083      0.0379
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17070points
+                          surface 02  68509.7773      0.1349      0.0266
+                                                                        S. 2:    17059points
+                      refine surface  68509.7774      0.1350      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  68509.8152      0.1728      0.0378
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17059points
+                          surface 03  68509.8418      0.1994      0.0266
+                                                                        S. 3:    17071points
+                      refine surface  68509.8419      0.1996      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  68509.8815      0.2391      0.0395
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  68509.9176      0.2752      0.0361
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  68509.9551      0.3127      0.0375
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17072points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  68509.9898
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  68509.9900      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  68510.0060      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  68510.0301      0.0404      0.0242
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  68510.0313      0.0415      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  68510.0454      0.0557      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  68510.1676      0.1779      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  68510.4636      0.4739      0.2960
+                embedding surface  1  68510.4638      0.4740      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  68512.5924      2.6026      2.1286
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  68514.8281      4.8383      2.2357
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  68518.5564      8.5666      3.7283
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  68518.5622      8.5724      0.0058
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  68519.1508      9.1611      0.5886
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  68519.2351      9.2453      0.0843
+                           Find void  68519.5048      9.5151      0.2698
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33038
+          Define boundary conditions  68519.5457      9.5559      0.0408
+                         wsmp setup1  68519.5579      9.5681      0.0122
+                                                                        n =   129177
+                                                                        nz=  4970250
+                         wsmp setup2  68520.7088     10.7190      1.1509
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  68520.7690
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  68520.7691      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5608
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.04641E-05  8.55581E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37184
+                          wsmp solve  68528.5861      7.8171      7.8169
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0654531 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4135618 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7994621 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5340252 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15346.3463259 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2422030 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085771 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.0637171 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10128E+01  0.17544E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.93303E-01  0.16433E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76108E+00  0.23911E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  68545.6860     24.9170     17.0999
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35180E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  68545.9130     25.1440      0.2270
+                do leaf measurements  68545.9148     25.1458      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  68545.9770     25.2080      0.0622
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5846709 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  68545.9841
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  68545.9904      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5608
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.04641E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37184
+                          wsmp solve  68554.0235      8.0394      8.0332
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0594330 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4273298 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7991452 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5279808 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15354.3927713 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2428510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085549 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.0657361 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10191E+01  0.12960E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48359E-01  0.15337E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76406E+00  0.22351E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  68571.1247     25.1406     17.1012
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12503E+01  0.20132E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  68571.3517     25.3676      0.2270
+                do leaf measurements  68571.3535     25.3693      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  68571.4150     25.4309      0.0615
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0759981 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  68571.4221
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  68571.4281      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5608
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37184
+                          wsmp solve  68579.3871      7.9650      7.9590
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0606251 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4404168 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8023982 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5165701 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15369.6060311 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2417479 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085840 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.0707779 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10208E+01  0.14682E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40397E-01  0.15605E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74201E+00  0.23057E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  68596.4942     25.0721     17.1071
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13706E+01  0.31223E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  68596.7194     25.2974      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  68596.7212     25.2992      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  68596.7827     25.3607      0.0615
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0352378 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  68596.7898
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  68596.7959      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5608
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37184
+                          wsmp solve  68604.7949      8.0051      7.9990
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0631449 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4111569 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8009200 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5738490 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15293.5419929 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2422631 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086248 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.1004019 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10204E+01  0.16711E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40464E-01  0.15842E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73291E+00  0.22855E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  68621.9312     25.1414     17.1363
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14584E+01  0.35147E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  68622.1583     25.3685      0.2271
+                do leaf measurements  68622.1602     25.3703      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  68622.2222     25.4324      0.0621
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0148574 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  68622.2294
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  68622.2357      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5608
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37184
+                          wsmp solve  68630.2234      7.9940      7.9878
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0627820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4161999 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7971139 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5095551 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15378.9736938 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2422891 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085058 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.0368710 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10200E+01  0.18356E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40412E-01  0.16058E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72948E+00  0.22782E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  68647.2956     25.0661     17.0721
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14960E+01  0.35835E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  68647.5224     25.2930      0.2268
+                do leaf measurements  68647.5242     25.2948      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  68647.5857     25.3563      0.0615
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0103466 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  68647.5928
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  68647.5989      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5608
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37184
+                          wsmp solve  68655.5568      7.9640      7.9579
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0597250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4375432 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8038142 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5254200 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15357.8043917 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2414849 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086641 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.0772560 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10197E+01  0.19786E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42803E-01  0.16235E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72611E+00  0.22762E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  68672.6696     25.0768     17.1128
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15125E+01  0.35549E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  68672.8949     25.3020      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  68672.8967     25.3038      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  68672.9558     25.3630      0.0591
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0072786 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  68672.9589     25.3661      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  68672.9591     25.3662      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -232891299528185.56 494281603660238.75
+ def in m -7.9557418823242187 0.83377301692962646
+ dimensionless def  -2.14388387543814513E-6 2.27306910923549104E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0211132  0.2264706
+                  Compute divergence  68673.2320     25.6392      0.2730
+                        wsmp_cleanup  68673.2724     25.6795      0.0403
+              Reset surface geometry  68673.2806     25.6878      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   68673.2887     25.6958      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  68673.3057     25.7129      0.0171
+                   Advect surface  1  68673.3059     25.7131      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  68673.5107     25.9179      0.2049
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  68673.7246     26.1318      0.2139
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  68673.9936     26.4008      0.2690
+                    Advect the cloud  68674.1814     26.5885      0.1878
+                        Write output  68675.1066     27.5138      0.9252
+                    End of time step  68676.0187     28.4259      0.9121
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     420  68676.0190
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  68676.0190      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  68676.0191      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17070points
+                      refine surface  68676.0191      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  68676.0600      0.0410      0.0408
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  68676.0952      0.0763      0.0353
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  68676.1329      0.1139      0.0377
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17073points
+                          surface 02  68676.1593      0.1403      0.0264
+                                                                        S. 2:    17058points
+                      refine surface  68676.1595      0.1405      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  68676.1969      0.1779      0.0374
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17058points
+                          surface 03  68676.2232      0.2043      0.0264
+                                                                        S. 3:    17072points
+                      refine surface  68676.2234      0.2044      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  68676.2628      0.2439      0.0395
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  68676.2973      0.2784      0.0345
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  68676.3337      0.3147      0.0363
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17073points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  68676.3669
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  68676.3672      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  68676.3831      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  68676.4077      0.0408      0.0246
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  68676.4088      0.0419      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  68676.4229      0.0561      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  68676.5451      0.1782      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  68676.8418      0.4749      0.2967
+                embedding surface  1  68676.8419      0.4751      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  68678.9796      2.6128      2.1377
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  68681.2025      4.8357      2.2229
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  68684.8510      8.4842      3.6485
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  68684.8580      8.4912      0.0070
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  68685.4273      9.0604      0.5692
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  68685.5280      9.1611      0.1007
+                           Find void  68685.8003      9.4334      0.2723
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33038
+          Define boundary conditions  68685.8422      9.4753      0.0419
+                         wsmp setup1  68685.8538      9.4869      0.0116
+                                                                        n =   129177
+                                                                        nz=  4970250
+                         wsmp setup2  68687.0025     10.6356      1.1487
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  68687.0614
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  68687.0616      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5608
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.31618E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37184
+                          wsmp solve  68694.8314      7.7699      7.7697
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0657458 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4085932 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8062210 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5106890 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15377.4587101 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2420170 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085559 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.0422969 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10128E+01  0.17329E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.93595E-01  0.16825E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76011E+00  0.24271E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  68711.9092     24.8477     17.0778
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35166E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  68712.1342     25.0728      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  68712.1361     25.0747      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  68712.1977     25.1363      0.0616
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5838572 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  68712.2047
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  68712.2108      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5608
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.31618E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37184
+                          wsmp solve  68720.2212      8.0164      8.0104
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0613019 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4288340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8002441 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5781031 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15287.9227392 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2420549 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085700 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.1197350 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10187E+01  0.12700E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48165E-01  0.15576E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76327E+00  0.22452E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  68737.3765     25.1718     17.1554
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12460E+01  0.19672E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  68737.6021     25.3973      0.2255
+                do leaf measurements  68737.6039     25.3992      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  68737.6661     25.4614      0.0622
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0781411 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  68737.6733
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  68737.6795      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5608
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37184
+                          wsmp solve  68745.6331      7.9598      7.9536
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0606461 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4166541 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7970252 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4814310 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15416.6449302 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2411981 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084901 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.0058820 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10205E+01  0.14454E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40844E-01  0.15765E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74093E+00  0.23125E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  68762.6753     25.0019     17.0422
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13640E+01  0.30846E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  68762.8999     25.2265      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  68762.9017     25.2284      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  68762.9633     25.2900      0.0616
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0351140 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  68762.9704
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  68762.9765      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5608
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37184
+                          wsmp solve  68770.9374      7.9670      7.9609
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0621500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4136581 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7996221 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4961209 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15396.9453013 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2420759 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084779 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.0225680 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10201E+01  0.16514E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40819E-01  0.15954E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73198E+00  0.22898E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  68787.9961     25.0257     17.0587
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14520E+01  0.34766E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  68788.2208     25.2504      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  68788.2226     25.2523      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  68788.2840     25.3136      0.0613
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0148627 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  68788.2910
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  68788.2971      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5608
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37184
+                          wsmp solve  68796.3398      8.0487      8.0427
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0623758 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4244452 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7995868 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5559821 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15317.1875314 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2421861 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085628 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.0935910 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10198E+01  0.18170E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40495E-01  0.16145E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72870E+00  0.22813E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  68813.4690     25.1780     17.1292
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14899E+01  0.35464E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  68813.6953     25.4043      0.2263
+                do leaf measurements  68813.6971     25.4061      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  68813.7585     25.4675      0.0614
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0103058 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  68813.7655
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  68813.7715      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5608
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37184
+                          wsmp solve  68821.7303      7.9648      7.9587
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0614271 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4347420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8047199 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5007591 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15390.7357951 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2413390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086179 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.0520561 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10195E+01  0.19609E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42655E-01  0.16301E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72544E+00  0.22773E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  68838.8177     25.0522     17.0874
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15066E+01  0.35207E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  68839.0424     25.2769      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  68839.0442     25.2787      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  68839.1031     25.3376      0.0589
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0072921 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  68839.1062     25.3407      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  68839.1064     25.3409      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -232983619070759.03 495081626979183.44
+ def in m -7.9803123474121094 0.82686150074005127
+ dimensionless def  -2.2296902111598425E-6 2.28008924211774551E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0219491  0.2271681
+                  Compute divergence  68839.3833     25.6178      0.2769
+                        wsmp_cleanup  68839.4234     25.6579      0.0401
+              Reset surface geometry  68839.4325     25.6670      0.0091
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   68839.4411     25.6756      0.0086
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  68839.4589     25.6934      0.0178
+                   Advect surface  1  68839.4590     25.6935      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  68839.6638     25.8983      0.2048
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  68839.8727     26.1072      0.2089
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  68840.1409     26.3754      0.2682
+                    Advect the cloud  68840.3294     26.5638      0.1885
+                        Write output  68841.2507     27.4852      0.9213
+                    End of time step  68842.1659     28.4004      0.9152
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     421  68842.1661
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  68842.1661      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  68842.1662      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17073points
+                      refine surface  68842.1662      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  68842.2033      0.0372      0.0370
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  68842.2392      0.0731      0.0359
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  68842.2764      0.1103      0.0373
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17074points
+                          surface 02  68842.3031      0.1370      0.0267
+                                                                        S. 2:    17058points
+                      refine surface  68842.3033      0.1372      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  68842.3407      0.1746      0.0374
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17058points
+                          surface 03  68842.3658      0.1997      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 3:    17073points
+                      refine surface  68842.3659      0.1998      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  68842.4041      0.2381      0.0382
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  68842.4355      0.2695      0.0314
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  68842.4729      0.3068      0.0374
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17074points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  68842.5055
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  68842.5057      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  68842.5217      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  68842.5465      0.0411      0.0249
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  68842.5476      0.0422      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  68842.5618      0.0564      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  68842.6840      0.1786      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  68842.9794      0.4740      0.2954
+                embedding surface  1  68842.9796      0.4741      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  68845.1205      2.6151      2.1409
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  68847.3181      4.8127      2.1976
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  68851.0146      8.5092      3.6965
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  68851.0204      8.5149      0.0058
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  68851.5977      9.0923      0.5773
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  68851.6965      9.1911      0.0988
+                           Find void  68851.9672      9.4617      0.2706
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33038
+          Define boundary conditions  68852.0082      9.5027      0.0410
+                         wsmp setup1  68852.0202      9.5147      0.0120
+                                                                        n =   129177
+                                                                        nz=  4970250
+                         wsmp setup2  68853.1656     10.6602      1.1455
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  68853.2220
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  68853.2221      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5608
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.41406E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37184
+                          wsmp solve  68861.0180      7.7960      7.7959
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0676210 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4419510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8019080 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5212641 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15363.3441574 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2413809 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086038 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.0831430 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10127E+01  0.17298E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.93469E-01  0.16969E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75991E+00  0.24087E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  68878.1378     24.9159     17.1198
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35184E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  68878.3610     25.1391      0.2232
+                do leaf measurements  68878.3628     25.1408      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  68878.4226     25.2007      0.0599
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5851768 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  68878.4297
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  68878.4358      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5608
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.55412E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37184
+                          wsmp solve  68886.4368      8.0070      8.0010
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0636899 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4197650 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7971210 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5919130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15269.7096125 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2423739 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086410 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.1239679 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10187E+01  0.12645E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48133E-01  0.15627E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76288E+00  0.22432E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  68903.5962     25.1665     17.1595
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12457E+01  0.19536E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  68903.8216     25.3919      0.2254
+                do leaf measurements  68903.8233     25.3936      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  68903.8840     25.4543      0.0607
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0730876 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  68903.8912
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  68903.8974      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5608
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37184
+                          wsmp solve  68911.9082      8.0171      8.0109
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0612481 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4169111 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7967691 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5236480 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15360.1658754 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2426109 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085440 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.0501771 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10205E+01  0.14408E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40584E-01  0.15806E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74050E+00  0.23116E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  68928.9943     25.1032     17.0861
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13631E+01  0.30792E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  68929.2206     25.3294      0.2263
+                do leaf measurements  68929.2223     25.3311      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  68929.2824     25.3912      0.0600
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0351574 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  68929.2894
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  68929.2954      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5608
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37184
+                          wsmp solve  68937.2532      7.9638      7.9578
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0632560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4443440 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8066618 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5286679 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15353.4776312 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2422960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086069 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.0942650 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10203E+01  0.16476E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40697E-01  0.15996E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73155E+00  0.22897E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  68954.3837     25.0943     17.1305
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14509E+01  0.34716E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  68954.6071     25.3177      0.2234
+                do leaf measurements  68954.6088     25.3194      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  68954.6688     25.3794      0.0600
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0149397 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  68954.6759
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  68954.6820      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5608
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37184
+                          wsmp solve  68962.6680      7.9921      7.9860
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0633788 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4229820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7992849 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.6059999 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15251.1757665 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2425480 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086360 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.1432438 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10198E+01  0.18130E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40369E-01  0.16183E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72837E+00  0.22824E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  68979.8472     25.1713     17.1792
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14886E+01  0.35406E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  68980.0724     25.3965      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  68980.0741     25.3982      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  68980.1346     25.4587      0.0605
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0103193 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  68980.1418
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  68980.1480      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5608
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37184
+                          wsmp solve  68988.1208      7.9790      7.9728
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0638220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4174452 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8013020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5220420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15362.3068357 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2415111 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085640 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.0550959 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10195E+01  0.19570E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42581E-01  0.16330E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72514E+00  0.22786E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  69005.2115     25.0697     17.0907
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15052E+01  0.35138E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  69005.4358     25.2940      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements  69005.4375     25.2957      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  69005.4949     25.3531      0.0574
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0072964 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  69005.4980     25.3562      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  69005.4982     25.3564      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -233055013513711.94 495892504168733.69
+ def in m -7.9961261749267578 0.82003748416900635
+ dimensionless def  -2.30224234717232858E-6 2.28460747855050231E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0226969  0.2276217
+                  Compute divergence  69005.7738     25.6320      0.2757
+                        wsmp_cleanup  69005.8126     25.6708      0.0388
+              Reset surface geometry  69005.8226     25.6808      0.0100
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   69005.8313     25.6895      0.0087
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  69005.8499     25.7081      0.0185
+                   Advect surface  1  69005.8500     25.7082      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  69006.0558     25.9140      0.2058
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  69006.2635     26.1217      0.2077
+                                                                        S. 3:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  69006.5324     26.3906      0.2690
+                    Advect the cloud  69006.7232     26.5815      0.1908
+                        Write output  69007.6507     27.5089      0.9275
+                    End of time step  69008.5631     28.4214      0.9124
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     422  69008.5634
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  69008.5634      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  69008.5635      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17074points
+                      refine surface  69008.5635      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  69008.6014      0.0381      0.0379
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  69008.6328      0.0695      0.0314
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  69008.6704      0.1070      0.0376
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17075points
+                          surface 02  69008.6960      0.1326      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 2:    17058points
+                      refine surface  69008.6961      0.1328      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  69008.7326      0.1693      0.0365
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17058points
+                          surface 03  69008.7586      0.1952      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 3:    17074points
+                      refine surface  69008.7587      0.1954      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  69008.7984      0.2351      0.0397
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  69008.8273      0.2640      0.0289
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  69008.8593      0.2959      0.0319
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17075points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  69008.8938
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  69008.8941      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  69008.9100      0.0162      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  69008.9348      0.0411      0.0248
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  69008.9360      0.0422      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  69008.9501      0.0563      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  69009.0723      0.1785      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  69009.3660      0.4722      0.2936
+                embedding surface  1  69009.3661      0.4724      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  69011.4998      2.6060      2.1337
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  69013.7093      4.8155      2.2095
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  69017.4402      8.5465      3.7310
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  69017.4496      8.5559      0.0094
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  69018.0165      9.1227      0.5669
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  69018.1050      9.2112      0.0885
+                           Find void  69018.3759      9.4822      0.2709
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33039
+          Define boundary conditions  69018.4192      9.5254      0.0433
+                         wsmp setup1  69018.4312      9.5375      0.0120
+                                                                        n =   129180
+                                                                        nz=  4970373
+                         wsmp setup2  69019.5859     10.6921      1.1546
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  69019.6437
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  69019.6438      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5608
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.01729E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37185
+                          wsmp solve  69027.4358      7.7921      7.7919
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0626879 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0656431 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7996879 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.6921439 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16295.4854831 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2409151 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083361 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.8698699 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10823E+01  0.17566E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94945E-01  0.17122E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76239E+00  0.24736E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  69043.3434     23.6997     15.9076
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35188E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  69043.5667     23.9230      0.2233
+                do leaf measurements  69043.5684     23.9248      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  69043.6282     23.9845      0.0597
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5952681 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  69043.6354
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  69043.6415      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5608
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.01729E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37185
+                          wsmp solve  69051.6048      7.9695      7.9634
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0599329 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0767691 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8012631 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.6668761 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16334.0864481 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2406220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083590 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.8542919 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10241E+01  0.12865E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48408E-01  0.14948E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76009E+00  0.22574E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  69067.4956     23.8602     15.8908
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12592E+01  0.20580E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  69067.7185     24.0831      0.2229
+                do leaf measurements  69067.7203     24.0849      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  69067.7799     24.1445      0.0596
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0720852 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  69067.7870
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  69067.7931      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5608
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37185
+                          wsmp solve  69075.8396      8.0525      8.0465
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0590398 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0966692 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7999032 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.6781490 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16316.8425755 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2414529 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083401 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.8840079 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10226E+01  0.14668E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39041E-01  0.14909E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74131E+00  0.23059E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  69091.7596     23.9725     15.9200
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13726E+01  0.31417E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  69091.9857     24.1987      0.2261
+                do leaf measurements  69091.9875     24.2004      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  69092.0472     24.2602      0.0597
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0357217 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  69092.0543
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  69092.0604      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5608
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37185
+                          wsmp solve  69100.0233      7.9690      7.9630
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0631108 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1001098 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8131731 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.6790061 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16315.5329585 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2411451 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083630 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.9053760 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10219E+01  0.16770E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39384E-01  0.15013E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73222E+00  0.22814E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  69115.9658     23.9115     15.9425
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14577E+01  0.35040E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  69116.1889     24.1345      0.2230
+                do leaf measurements  69116.1906     24.1363      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  69116.2504     24.1961      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0148760 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  69116.2576
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  69116.2638      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5608
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37185
+                          wsmp solve  69124.2538      7.9961      7.9900
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0606751 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0775859 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8025820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7287040 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16239.9555789 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2408781 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082350 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.9191689 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10214E+01  0.18473E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39427E-01  0.15167E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72889E+00  0.22717E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  69140.2101     23.9524     15.9563
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14943E+01  0.35798E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  69140.4344     24.1768      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements  69140.4362     24.1785      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  69140.4964     24.2388      0.0602
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0103945 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  69140.5037
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  69140.5099      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5608
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37185
+                          wsmp solve  69148.4844      7.9808      7.9746
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0606530 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0643439 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8010991 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.6767142 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16319.0353339 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2409790 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083189 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.8525729 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10211E+01  0.19944E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41930E-01  0.15326E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72561E+00  0.22674E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  69164.3738     23.8701     15.8894
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15115E+01  0.35531E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  69164.5968     24.0931      0.2230
+                do leaf measurements  69164.5986     24.0949      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  69164.6557     24.1520      0.0571
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0074940 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  69164.6588     24.1551      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  69164.6590     24.1553      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -233111014121123.19 496720054714232.
+ def in m -8.0007438659667969 0.81847214698791504
+ dimensionless def  -2.3384918485369001E-6 2.28592681884765628E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0230702  0.2277590
+                  Compute divergence  69164.9353     24.4316      0.2764
+                        wsmp_cleanup  69164.9740     24.4703      0.0387
+              Reset surface geometry  69164.9837     24.4801      0.0098
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   69164.9928     24.4891      0.0090
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  69165.0122     24.5085      0.0194
+                   Advect surface  1  69165.0123     24.5087      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  69165.2362     24.7326      0.2239
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  69165.4574     24.9537      0.2212
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  69165.7262     25.2225      0.2688
+                    Advect the cloud  69165.9148     25.4111      0.1885
+                        Write output  69166.8394     26.3358      0.9247
+                    End of time step  69167.7542     27.2505      0.9148
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     423  69167.7544
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  69167.7545      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  69167.7545      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17074points
+                      refine surface  69167.7545      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  69167.7905      0.0361      0.0360
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17074points
+                          surface 02  69167.8165      0.0621      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 2:    17057points
+                      refine surface  69167.8167      0.0623      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  69167.8531      0.0987      0.0364
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17057points
+                          surface 03  69167.8792      0.1248      0.0261
+                                                                        S. 3:    17075points
+                      refine surface  69167.8793      0.1250      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  69167.9173      0.1629      0.0379
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17075points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  69167.9510
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  69167.9512      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  69167.9672      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  69167.9916      0.0407      0.0244
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  69167.9927      0.0418      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  69168.0069      0.0560      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  69168.1291      0.1782      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  69168.4244      0.4734      0.2952
+                embedding surface  1  69168.4246      0.4736      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  69170.5422      2.5913      2.1177
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  69172.7708      4.8199      2.2286
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  69176.4895      8.5385      3.7186
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  69176.4980      8.5470      0.0085
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  69177.0238      9.0728      0.5258
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  69177.1570      9.2061      0.1332
+                           Find void  69177.4274      9.4764      0.2704
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33040
+          Define boundary conditions  69177.4703      9.5194      0.0429
+                         wsmp setup1  69177.4820      9.5310      0.0117
+                                                                        n =   129183
+                                                                        nz=  4970496
+                         wsmp setup2  69178.6396     10.6886      1.1576
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  69178.6971
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  69178.6972      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5609
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.07966E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37186
+                          wsmp solve  69186.4663      7.7692      7.7690
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0629530 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1958261 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7932160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.1849241 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13341.0339250 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2400851 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083210 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.4857681 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10381E+01  0.18389E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.93638E-01  0.16813E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75813E+00  0.24612E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  69204.9898     26.2927     18.5236
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35218E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  69205.2131     26.5160      0.2233
+                do leaf measurements  69205.2150     26.5179      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  69205.2751     26.5780      0.0601
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5885499 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  69205.2818
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  69205.2878      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5609
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.07966E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37186
+                          wsmp solve  69213.2434      7.9616      7.9556
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0641901 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2077439 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8007779 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.1078861 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13419.4422380 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2397220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083251 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.4290872 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10201E+01  0.13464E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48569E-01  0.14942E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76339E+00  0.22738E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  69231.7103     26.4284     18.4668
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12496E+01  0.19792E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  69231.9336     26.6518      0.2233
+                do leaf measurements  69231.9355     26.6536      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  69231.9958     26.7140      0.0603
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0727585 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  69232.0027
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  69232.0088      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5609
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37186
+                          wsmp solve  69240.0244      8.0217      8.0157
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0608840 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2024078 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7929130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.1302960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13396.5388265 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2407529 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083461 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.4360361 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10220E+01  0.14981E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40080E-01  0.15002E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74548E+00  0.23270E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  69258.4984     26.4957     18.4739
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13727E+01  0.31750E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  69258.7231     26.7204      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  69258.7250     26.7222      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  69258.7857     26.7830      0.0607
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0357951 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  69258.7927
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  69258.7988      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5609
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37186
+                          wsmp solve  69266.7539      7.9612      7.9551
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0654831 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2154438 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7964170 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.1477590 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13378.7454261 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2402899 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083220 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.4741659 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10212E+01  0.16973E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40101E-01  0.15180E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73600E+00  0.22999E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  69285.2656     26.4729     18.5117
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14623E+01  0.35883E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  69285.4886     26.6960      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements  69285.4905     26.6978      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  69285.5507     26.7580      0.0602
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0147080 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  69285.5575
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  69285.5636      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5609
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37186
+                          wsmp solve  69293.5187      7.9612      7.9551
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0592749 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2116749 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8005850 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.1109591 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13416.2969579 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2408650 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083070 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.4321039 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10207E+01  0.18613E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40019E-01  0.15395E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73256E+00  0.22898E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  69311.9879     26.4304     18.4692
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15015E+01  0.36651E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  69312.2157     26.6581      0.2278
+                do leaf measurements  69312.2176     26.6600      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  69312.2779     26.7204      0.0604
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0101226 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  69312.2848
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  69312.2909      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5609
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37186
+                          wsmp solve  69320.2981      8.0133      8.0073
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0650651 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2023160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7975030 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.1309960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13395.8246738 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2405570 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086300 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.4456129 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10202E+01  0.20052E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42516E-01  0.15593E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72904E+00  0.22838E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  69338.7818     26.4970     18.4837
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15199E+01  0.36393E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  69339.0068     26.7219      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  69339.0086     26.7238      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  69339.0670     26.7822      0.0584
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0074059 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  69339.0701     26.7853      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  69339.0703     26.7855      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -233131316445697.56 497575326627870.06
+ def in m -7.896021842956543 0.84461057186126709
+ dimensionless def  -2.23520517349243131E-6 2.25600624084472633E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0220209  0.2249062
+                  Compute divergence  69339.3475     27.0627      0.2771
+                        wsmp_cleanup  69339.3870     27.1022      0.0395
+              Reset surface geometry  69339.3968     27.1120      0.0098
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   69339.4054     27.1205      0.0086
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  69339.4240     27.1392      0.0187
+                   Advect surface  1  69339.4242     27.1394      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  69339.6321     27.3472      0.2079
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  69339.8533     27.5685      0.2212
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  69340.1349     27.8501      0.2817
+                    Advect the cloud  69340.3270     28.0422      0.1920
+                        Write output  69341.2590     28.9742      0.9321
+                    End of time step  69342.1808     29.8960      0.9218
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     424  69342.1810
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  69342.1811      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  69342.1811      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17074points
+                      refine surface  69342.1812      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  69342.2217      0.0407      0.0405
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  69342.2508      0.0698      0.0291
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  69342.2887      0.1077      0.0378
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17076points
+                          surface 02  69342.3128      0.1318      0.0241
+                                                                        S. 2:    17056points
+                      refine surface  69342.3129      0.1319      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  69342.3523      0.1713      0.0394
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  69342.3865      0.2055      0.0342
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  69342.4239      0.2429      0.0374
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17057points
+                          surface 03  69342.4481      0.2671      0.0242
+                                                                        S. 3:    17074points
+                      refine surface  69342.4483      0.2673      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  69342.4871      0.3061      0.0388
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  69342.5158      0.3347      0.0287
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  69342.5529      0.3719      0.0371
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17075points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  69342.5841
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  69342.5844      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  69342.6005      0.0164      0.0161
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  69342.6248      0.0407      0.0243
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  69342.6259      0.0419      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  69342.6402      0.0562      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  69342.7636      0.1796      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  69343.0581      0.4740      0.2945
+                embedding surface  1  69343.0582      0.4742      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  69345.1857      2.6017      2.1275
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  69347.3733      4.7893      2.1876
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  69351.0657      8.4817      3.6924
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  69351.0713      8.4872      0.0055
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  69351.6612      9.0771      0.5899
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  69351.7445      9.1604      0.0833
+                           Find void  69352.0147      9.4306      0.2702
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33044
+          Define boundary conditions  69352.0567      9.4727      0.0420
+                         wsmp setup1  69352.0684      9.4844      0.0117
+                                                                        n =   129195
+                                                                        nz=  4970988
+                         wsmp setup2  69353.2152     10.6311      1.1467
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  69353.2749
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  69353.2751      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5610
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.16399E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37190
+                          wsmp solve  69361.1067      7.8318      7.8316
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0629621 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2498698 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8002391 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.1331308 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13758.0801292 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2472188 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082932 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.5021501 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10126E+01  0.16589E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.91394E-01  0.16397E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76038E+00  0.26389E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  69379.6466     26.3717     18.5399
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35167E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  69379.8719     26.5970      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements  69379.8737     26.5988      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  69379.9348     26.6599      0.0611
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5776772 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  69379.9420
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  69379.9482      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5610
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.16399E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37190
+                          wsmp solve  69387.9189      7.9769      7.9707
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0646811 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2608500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8008399 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.1866069 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13702.2865191 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2469361 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083389 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.5687139 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10208E+01  0.12096E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47674E-01  0.14836E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76247E+00  0.23937E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  69406.5245     26.5825     18.6056
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12331E+01  0.19174E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  69406.7488     26.8068      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements  69406.7506     26.8086      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  69406.8112     26.8692      0.0606
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0708541 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  69406.8183
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  69406.8243      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5610
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37190
+                          wsmp solve  69414.7825      7.9643      7.9582
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0631831 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2637470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8056378 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.1473920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13743.1564576 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2480681 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082920 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.5367560 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10225E+01  0.13964E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42475E-01  0.14962E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74055E+00  0.23711E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  69433.3567     26.5384     18.5742
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13513E+01  0.29968E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  69433.5807     26.7624      0.2240
+                do leaf measurements  69433.5824     26.7641      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  69433.6430     26.8248      0.0606
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0352225 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  69433.6502
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  69433.6562      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5610
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37190
+                          wsmp solve  69441.6528      8.0026      7.9965
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0635440 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2543600 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8002050 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.1522419 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13738.0886462 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2474821 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083120 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.5265920 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10219E+01  0.16113E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42283E-01  0.15144E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73158E+00  0.23336E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  69460.2168     26.5667     18.5641
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14415E+01  0.33747E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  69460.4419     26.7917      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  69460.4437     26.7935      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  69460.5047     26.8545      0.0610
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0152501 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  69460.5119
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  69460.5180      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5610
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37190
+                          wsmp solve  69468.4914      7.9795      7.9734
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0644119 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2609751 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8009322 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.1896760 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13699.0980752 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2481260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083978 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.5729580 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10214E+01  0.17817E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41925E-01  0.15347E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72804E+00  0.23194E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  69487.1023     26.5905     18.6109
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14801E+01  0.34556E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  69487.3276     26.8157      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  69487.3293     26.8175      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  69487.3900     26.8781      0.0607
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0102871 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  69487.3970
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  69487.4031      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5610
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37190
+                          wsmp solve  69495.3621      7.9651      7.9590
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0621200 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2625508 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8064511 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.1409581 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13749.8852646 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2476690 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083160 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.5285161 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10209E+01  0.19276E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42086E-01  0.15526E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72443E+00  0.23115E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  69513.9280     26.5309     18.5659
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14973E+01  0.34315E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  69514.1518     26.7548      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  69514.1536     26.7565      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  69514.2117     26.8147      0.0582
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0073991 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  69514.2148     26.8178      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  69514.2150     26.8180      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -233327240986660.63 498279559058234.75
+ def in m -7.9338951110839844 0.84251457452774048
+ dimensionless def  -2.24610056195940309E-6 2.26682717459542408E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0221290  0.2259595
+                  Compute divergence  69514.4930     27.0960      0.2780
+                        wsmp_cleanup  69514.5328     27.1358      0.0398
+              Reset surface geometry  69514.5420     27.1449      0.0092
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   69514.5505     27.1535      0.0086
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  69514.5690     27.1720      0.0185
+                   Advect surface  1  69514.5692     27.1721      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  69514.7755     27.3785      0.2063
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  69514.9842     27.5871      0.2087
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  69515.2507     27.8536      0.2665
+                    Advect the cloud  69515.4377     28.0407      0.1871
+                        Write output  69516.3588     28.9617      0.9211
+                    End of time step  69517.2791     29.8821      0.9203
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     425  69517.2793
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  69517.2794      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  69517.2794      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17076points
+                      refine surface  69517.2794      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  69517.3160      0.0367      0.0366
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17076points
+                          surface 02  69517.3398      0.0605      0.0238
+                                                                        S. 2:    17057points
+                      refine surface  69517.3399      0.0607      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  69517.3807      0.1014      0.0408
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  69517.4133      0.1340      0.0326
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  69517.4513      0.1720      0.0380
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17059points
+                          surface 03  69517.4745      0.1952      0.0232
+                                                                        S. 3:    17075points
+                      refine surface  69517.4746      0.1953      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  69517.5129      0.2336      0.0383
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  69517.5411      0.2618      0.0281
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  69517.5773      0.2980      0.0362
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17076points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  69517.6075
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  69517.6078      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  69517.6238      0.0162      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  69517.6494      0.0418      0.0256
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  69517.6505      0.0429      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  69517.6646      0.0571      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  69517.7873      0.1798      0.1227
+             Imbed surface in osolve  69518.0833      0.4757      0.2959
+                embedding surface  1  69518.0834      0.4759      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  69520.1988      2.5912      2.1153
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  69522.4035      4.7960      2.2047
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  69526.1098      8.5022      3.7063
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  69526.1181      8.5106      0.0084
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  69526.6505      9.0430      0.5324
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  69526.7876      9.1800      0.1371
+                           Find void  69527.0598      9.4523      0.2722
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33049
+          Define boundary conditions  69527.1019      9.4943      0.0421
+                         wsmp setup1  69527.1136      9.5061      0.0117
+                                                                        n =   129225
+                                                                        nz=  4972056
+                         wsmp setup2  69528.2589     10.6513      1.1453
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  69528.3153
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  69528.3155      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5611
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00332E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37198
+                          wsmp solve  69536.0882      7.7729      7.7727
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0650291 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1318920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8066089 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.1282699 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14072.9784471 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2426021 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085630 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.3833811 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10120E+01  0.16513E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.92869E-01  0.16343E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76008E+00  0.25776E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  69553.5055     25.1902     17.4173
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35170E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  69553.7299     25.4146      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  69553.7317     25.4164      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  69553.7928     25.4775      0.0611
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5837022 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  69553.7999
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  69553.8061      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5611
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00332E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37198
+                          wsmp solve  69561.8004      8.0005      7.9944
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0612049 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1055810 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7980850 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.2050428 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13984.4557128 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2432640 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086422 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.4222281 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10195E+01  0.11954E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.46621E-01  0.14865E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76222E+00  0.23444E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  69579.2562     25.4563     17.4557
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12341E+01  0.18663E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  69579.4863     25.6864      0.2301
+                do leaf measurements  69579.4880     25.6882      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  69579.5490     25.7492      0.0610
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0669720 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  69579.5562
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  69579.5624      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5611
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37198
+                          wsmp solve  69587.5258      7.9696      7.9635
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0597959 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1039340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7971399 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.1499920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14047.8184026 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2427011 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086000 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.3625760 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10218E+01  0.13843E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42272E-01  0.15022E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74012E+00  0.23538E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  69604.9219     25.3657     17.3961
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13503E+01  0.29848E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  69605.1457     25.5895      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  69605.1475     25.5913      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  69605.2080     25.6518      0.0605
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0349272 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  69605.2151
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  69605.2212      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5611
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37198
+                          wsmp solve  69613.1778      7.9627      7.9566
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0605700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1335781 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8045330 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.1492109 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14048.7215212 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2430732 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085719 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.3999939 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10213E+01  0.15995E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42033E-01  0.15219E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73108E+00  0.23215E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  69630.6120     25.3969     17.4342
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14392E+01  0.33578E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  69630.8366     25.6215      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  69630.8384     25.6233      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  69630.8990     25.6839      0.0606
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0150592 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  69630.9061
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  69630.9122      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5611
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37198
+                          wsmp solve  69638.9345      8.0283      8.0222
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0592880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1065710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7963641 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.2111549 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13977.4560167 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2440279 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085042 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.4263310 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10209E+01  0.17696E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41556E-01  0.15440E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72777E+00  0.23078E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  69656.3946     25.4885     17.4602
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14775E+01  0.34384E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  69656.6217     25.7155      0.2270
+                do leaf measurements  69656.6234     25.7173      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  69656.6842     25.7780      0.0607
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0101718 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  69656.6912
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  69656.6972      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5611
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37198
+                          wsmp solve  69664.6560      7.9648      7.9588
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0606229 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1055160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7964091 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.1630270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14032.7634215 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2425621 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085731 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.3771200 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10205E+01  0.19153E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41837E-01  0.15613E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72446E+00  0.22993E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  69682.0672     25.3760     17.4112
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14948E+01  0.34234E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  69682.2916     25.6004      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  69682.2934     25.6022      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  69682.3514     25.6602      0.0580
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0074186 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  69682.3545     25.6633      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  69682.3547     25.6634      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -233567628630047.75 498934364298668.5
+ def in m -8.0320558547973633 0.90038454532623291
+ dimensionless def  -2.57252727236066554E-6 2.29487310137067524E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0254618  0.2287822
+                  Compute divergence  69682.6326     25.9414      0.2779
+                        wsmp_cleanup  69682.6718     25.9806      0.0392
+              Reset surface geometry  69682.6819     25.9907      0.0101
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   69682.6906     25.9994      0.0087
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  69682.7107     26.0195      0.0201
+                   Advect surface  1  69682.7109     26.0196      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  69682.9172     26.2260      0.2063
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  69683.1256     26.4343      0.2084
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  69683.3945     26.7032      0.2689
+                    Advect the cloud  69683.5817     26.8905      0.1873
+                        Write output  69684.5096     27.8183      0.9278
+                    End of time step  69685.4316     28.7404      0.9221
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     426  69685.4318
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  69685.4319      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  69685.4319      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17076points
+                      refine surface  69685.4320      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  69685.4695      0.0377      0.0375
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  69685.4983      0.0665      0.0288
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  69685.5351      0.1033      0.0368
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17077points
+                          surface 02  69685.5589      0.1271      0.0238
+                                                                        S. 2:    17059points
+                      refine surface  69685.5590      0.1272      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  69685.5975      0.1657      0.0385
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17059points
+                          surface 03  69685.6214      0.1896      0.0239
+                                                                        S. 3:    17076points
+                      refine surface  69685.6216      0.1897      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  69685.6617      0.2299      0.0402
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  69685.6914      0.2596      0.0297
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  69685.7293      0.2974      0.0378
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17078points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  69685.7626
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  69685.7629      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  69685.7789      0.0162      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  69685.8036      0.0410      0.0248
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  69685.8047      0.0421      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  69685.8189      0.0563      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  69685.9411      0.1784      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  69686.2401      0.4775      0.2991
+                embedding surface  1  69686.2403      0.4777      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  69688.3549      2.5923      2.1146
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  69690.5981      4.8355      2.2432
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  69694.3214      8.5587      3.7233
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  69694.3307      8.5680      0.0093
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  69694.8286      9.0659      0.4979
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  69694.9824      9.2198      0.1538
+                           Find void  69695.2525      9.4899      0.2701
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33052
+          Define boundary conditions  69695.2948      9.5322      0.0423
+                         wsmp setup1  69695.3066      9.5440      0.0118
+                                                                        n =   129234
+                                                                        nz=  4972425
+                         wsmp setup2  69696.4561     10.6935      1.1495
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  69696.5129
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  69696.5131      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5610
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.04567E-05  9.83242E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37201
+                          wsmp solve  69704.2812      7.7682      7.7681
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0685298 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3007910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7998271 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.2889271 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13535.4845170 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2468169 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086501 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.7139690 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10527E+01  0.17352E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94744E-01  0.17689E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76045E+00  0.25343E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  69723.0306     26.5177     18.7494
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35178E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  69723.2541     26.7412      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements  69723.2558     26.7429      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  69723.3164     26.8035      0.0605
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5854924 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  69723.3235
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  69723.3296      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5610
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.04567E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37201
+                          wsmp solve  69731.2893      7.9658      7.9597
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0596180 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3282490 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8017862 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.1800070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13647.3422947 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2471159 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086710 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.6258571 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10215E+01  0.12628E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47334E-01  0.15206E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76313E+00  0.23166E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  69749.9517     26.6281     18.6624
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12403E+01  0.19032E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  69750.1754     26.8519      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  69750.1772     26.8537      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  69750.2377     26.9142      0.0606
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0792333 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  69750.2448
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  69750.2509      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5610
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37201
+                          wsmp solve  69758.2791      8.0343      8.0282
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0618570 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2933061 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8001299 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.1962240 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13630.5709168 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2473879 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086458 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.6079760 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10230E+01  0.14381E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39132E-01  0.15077E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74290E+00  0.23417E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  69776.9252     26.6804     18.6460
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13589E+01  0.30777E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  69777.1508     26.9060      0.2256
+                do leaf measurements  69777.1526     26.9078      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  69777.2136     26.9688      0.0610
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0352969 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  69777.2208
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  69777.2269      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5610
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37201
+                          wsmp solve  69785.1836      7.9629      7.9567
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0639648 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3092000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8005700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.2805409 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13544.0316388 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2470109 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085301 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.7102549 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10223E+01  0.16490E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39600E-01  0.15186E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73356E+00  0.23103E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  69803.9304     26.7097     18.7468
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14506E+01  0.34682E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  69804.1541     26.9334      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  69804.1559     26.9351      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  69804.2166     26.9959      0.0607
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0151167 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  69804.2237
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  69804.2298      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5610
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37201
+                          wsmp solve  69812.1878      7.9641      7.9580
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0619211 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3355119 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8064001 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.1850832 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13642.0881580 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2474458 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086188 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.6453922 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10217E+01  0.18175E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39570E-01  0.15358E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73013E+00  0.22975E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  69830.8698     26.6461     18.6820
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14897E+01  0.35443E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  69831.0938     26.8701      0.2240
+                do leaf measurements  69831.0957     26.8720      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  69831.1565     26.9327      0.0608
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0103256 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  69831.1635
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  69831.1696      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5610
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37201
+                          wsmp solve  69839.1906      8.0270      8.0209
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0617828 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2944622 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8009419 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.1884401 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13638.6157546 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2476509 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085988 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.6022971 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10213E+01  0.19631E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41846E-01  0.15517E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72664E+00  0.22903E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  69857.8304     26.6669     18.6399
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15077E+01  0.35279E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  69858.0553     26.8918      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  69858.0571     26.8936      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  69858.1155     26.9519      0.0584
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0074250 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  69858.1186     26.9551      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  69858.1188     26.9552      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -233683326855706.16 499748106159794.81
+ def in m -8.0551881790161133 0.9142383337020874
+ dimensionless def  -2.61210952486310686E-6 2.30148233686174679E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0258756  0.2294630
+                  Compute divergence  69858.3923     27.2288      0.2735
+                        wsmp_cleanup  69858.4315     27.2679      0.0391
+              Reset surface geometry  69858.4391     27.2755      0.0076
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   69858.4467     27.2831      0.0076
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  69858.4646     27.3011      0.0179
+                   Advect surface  1  69858.4648     27.3012      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  69858.6678     27.5042      0.2030
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  69858.8765     27.7130      0.2088
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  69859.1466     27.9830      0.2701
+                    Advect the cloud  69859.3370     28.1735      0.1905
+                        Write output  69860.2572     29.0936      0.9201
+                    End of time step  69861.1782     30.0147      0.9211
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     427  69861.1784
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  69861.1785      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  69861.1785      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17077points
+                      refine surface  69861.1786      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  69861.2149      0.0365      0.0363
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17077points
+                          surface 02  69861.2394      0.0610      0.0245
+                                                                        S. 2:    17059points
+                      refine surface  69861.2396      0.0611      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  69861.2768      0.0984      0.0372
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17059points
+                          surface 03  69861.3019      0.1235      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 3:    17078points
+                      refine surface  69861.3021      0.1236      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  69861.3403      0.1619      0.0382
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  69861.3699      0.1915      0.0296
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  69861.4077      0.2293      0.0378
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17079points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  69861.4398
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  69861.4400      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  69861.4561      0.0164      0.0161
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  69861.4808      0.0411      0.0247
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  69861.4820      0.0422      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  69861.4963      0.0566      0.0144
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  69861.6197      0.1799      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  69861.9162      0.4764      0.2965
+                embedding surface  1  69861.9163      0.4766      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  69864.0606      2.6208      2.1442
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  69866.2825      4.8427      2.2219
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  69869.9722      8.5324      3.6897
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  69869.9839      8.5441      0.0117
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  69870.5516      9.1119      0.5678
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  69870.6360      9.1962      0.0844
+                           Find void  69870.9068      9.4670      0.2708
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33055
+          Define boundary conditions  69870.9479      9.5081      0.0411
+                         wsmp setup1  69870.9605      9.5207      0.0126
+                                                                        n =   129243
+                                                                        nz=  4972794
+                         wsmp setup2  69872.1099     10.6701      1.1494
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  69872.1695
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  69872.1696      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5611
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.02744E-05  7.73087E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37204
+                          wsmp solve  69880.0086      7.8391      7.8390
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0640090 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3270020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7959740 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.5307200 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15717.3591032 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2385161 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085471 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.9651971 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10114E+01  0.17653E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.93853E-01  0.17005E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76141E+00  0.25096E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  69896.0092     23.8397     16.0006
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35188E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  69896.2329     24.0635      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  69896.2347     24.0653      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  69896.2947     24.1253      0.0600
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5871145 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  69896.3017
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  69896.3078      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5611
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.02744E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37204
+                          wsmp solve  69904.2687      7.9669      7.9609
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0625420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3618481 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7959039 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.4949961 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15770.8594331 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2447329 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084729 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.9689362 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10195E+01  0.12989E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.49117E-01  0.14981E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76411E+00  0.22895E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  69920.2734     23.9717     16.0048
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12481E+01  0.19486E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  69920.4961     24.1943      0.2226
+                do leaf measurements  69920.4978     24.1961      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  69920.5576     24.2559      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0719769 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  69920.5647
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  69920.5708      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5611
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37204
+                          wsmp solve  69928.5602      7.9955      7.9894
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0600212 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3258789 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7960691 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.5221710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15730.1290258 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2449400 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084770 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.9580100 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10213E+01  0.14701E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38816E-01  0.15067E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74408E+00  0.23242E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  69944.5549     23.9901     15.9947
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13711E+01  0.31386E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  69944.7788     24.2141      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  69944.7807     24.2159      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  69944.8409     24.2762      0.0602
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0348775 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  69944.8481
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  69944.8542      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5611
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37204
+                          wsmp solve  69952.8715      8.0234      8.0172
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0644112 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3312590 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7974300 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.4951420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15770.6401735 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2451770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084741 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.9423380 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10208E+01  0.16749E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39162E-01  0.15256E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73469E+00  0.22980E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  69968.8496     24.0015     15.9781
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14606E+01  0.35270E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  69969.0740     24.2259      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  69969.0758     24.2277      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  69969.1356     24.2875      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0146750 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  69969.1426
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  69969.1487      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5611
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37204
+                          wsmp solve  69977.1054      7.9628      7.9567
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0638151 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3541420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8013120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.4797549 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15793.7956538 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2384212 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084469 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.9463251 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10203E+01  0.18397E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40739E-01  0.15484E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73106E+00  0.22891E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  69993.0875     23.9449     15.9821
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14984E+01  0.35959E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  69993.3102     24.1675      0.2226
+                do leaf measurements  69993.3119     24.1693      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  69993.3716     24.2290      0.0597
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0103104 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  69993.3785
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  69993.3846      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5611
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37204
+                          wsmp solve  70001.3806      8.0021      7.9960
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0645349 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3269420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7948940 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.5460548 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15694.5047502 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2450881 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085130 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.9864609 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10199E+01  0.19826E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43135E-01  0.15682E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72745E+00  0.22851E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  70017.4032     24.0247     16.0226
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15158E+01  0.35735E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  70017.6270     24.2485      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  70017.6288     24.2503      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  70017.6865     24.3079      0.0576
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0073139 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  70017.6896     24.3111      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  70017.6898     24.3113      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -233762963884912.75 500676421324097.5
+ def in m -8.0272722244262695 0.87613612413406372
+ dimensionless def  -2.50324606895446791E-6 2.29350634983607712E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0247293  0.2286341
+                  Compute divergence  70017.9618     24.5833      0.2721
+                        wsmp_cleanup  70018.0014     24.6229      0.0396
+              Reset surface geometry  70018.0096     24.6311      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   70018.0175     24.6390      0.0079
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  70018.0352     24.6567      0.0178
+                   Advect surface  1  70018.0354     24.6569      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  70018.2490     24.8705      0.2136
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  70018.4584     25.0799      0.2094
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  70018.7400     25.3615      0.2816
+                    Advect the cloud  70018.9301     25.5515      0.1901
+                        Write output  70019.8549     26.4764      0.9248
+                    End of time step  70020.7791     27.4006      0.9243
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     428  70020.7793
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  70020.7794      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  70020.7795      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17076points
+                      refine surface  70020.7795      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  70020.8154      0.0361      0.0359
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17076points
+                          surface 02  70020.8404      0.0611      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 2:    17059points
+                      refine surface  70020.8406      0.0612      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  70020.8806      0.1013      0.0401
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  70020.9115      0.1322      0.0309
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  70020.9495      0.1702      0.0380
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17061points
+                          surface 03  70020.9737      0.1944      0.0242
+                                                                        S. 3:    17078points
+                      refine surface  70020.9739      0.1945      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  70021.0075      0.2281      0.0336
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  70021.0400      0.2606      0.0325
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  70021.0733      0.2940      0.0333
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17079points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  70021.1086
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  70021.1089      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  70021.1250      0.0164      0.0161
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  70021.1487      0.0401      0.0237
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  70021.1498      0.0411      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  70021.1641      0.0554      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  70021.2874      0.1788      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  70021.5827      0.4741      0.2953
+                embedding surface  1  70021.5829      0.4743      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  70023.7263      2.6177      2.1435
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  70025.9594      4.8508      2.2331
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  70029.6835      8.5749      3.7241
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  70029.6921      8.5835      0.0086
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  70030.2373      9.1287      0.5452
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  70030.3187      9.2101      0.0814
+                           Find void  70030.5886      9.4799      0.2699
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33056
+          Define boundary conditions  70030.6298      9.5211      0.0412
+                         wsmp setup1  70030.6422      9.5336      0.0125
+                                                                        n =   129255
+                                                                        nz=  4973205
+                         wsmp setup2  70031.7908     10.6822      1.1486
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  70031.8501
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  70031.8503      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4641        5611
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.01230E-05  9.27700E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37207
+                          wsmp solve  70039.7068      7.8567      7.8565
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0631661 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0815499 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7984381 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.9129319 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14104.6845245 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2404640 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085089 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.1054602 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10114E+01  0.16526E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.91415E-01  0.16828E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75963E+00  0.26321E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  70057.8495     25.9994     18.1427
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35181E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  70058.0750     26.2249      0.2255
+                do leaf measurements  70058.0767     26.2266      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  70058.1377     26.2876      0.0610
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5780875 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  70058.1449
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  70058.1511      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4641        5611
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.01230E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37207
+                          wsmp solve  70066.1110      7.9661      7.9599
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0662930 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0903082 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7996302 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.9683919 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14044.3651361 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2409072 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085649 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.1745410 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10206E+01  0.12008E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47251E-01  0.15056E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76176E+00  0.23845E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  70084.3226     26.1777     18.2116
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12332E+01  0.18866E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  70084.5463     26.4014      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  70084.5480     26.4031      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  70084.6085     26.4636      0.0605
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0714720 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  70084.6157
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  70084.6218      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4641        5611
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37207
+                          wsmp solve  70092.5840      7.9683      7.9622
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0622890 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1042461 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8126631 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.9165940 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14100.6855680 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2406111 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085769 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.1454201 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10222E+01  0.13895E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42185E-01  0.15166E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73983E+00  0.23716E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  70110.7664     26.1507     18.1824
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13497E+01  0.29767E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  70110.9901     26.3744      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  70110.9918     26.3761      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  70111.0524     26.4367      0.0606
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0351390 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  70111.0604
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  70111.0666      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4641        5611
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37207
+                          wsmp solve  70119.0868      8.0264      8.0203
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0624659 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0860829 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8001659 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.9189708 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14098.0913647 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2410009 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085790 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.1176679 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10216E+01  0.16038E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42182E-01  0.15361E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73077E+00  0.23355E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  70137.2431     26.1827     18.1563
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14391E+01  0.33502E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  70137.4682     26.4078      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  70137.4699     26.4095      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  70137.5311     26.4707      0.0612
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0151441 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  70137.5383
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  70137.5444      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4641        5611
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37207
+                          wsmp solve  70145.5042      7.9659      7.9598
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0621870 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0887599 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7980120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.9602568 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14053.1807051 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2402661 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085828 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.1585100 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10211E+01  0.17725E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41768E-01  0.15571E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72745E+00  0.23213E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  70163.6992     26.1610     18.1950
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14777E+01  0.34293E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  70163.9224     26.3841      0.2232
+                do leaf measurements  70163.9242     26.3859      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  70163.9846     26.4464      0.0605
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0102138 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  70163.9917
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  70163.9979      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4641        5611
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37207
+                          wsmp solve  70171.9595      7.9678      7.9616
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0592589 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1124370 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8003790 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.9136391 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14103.9121535 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2404561 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085180 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.1351511 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10207E+01  0.19173E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42235E-01  0.15762E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72397E+00  0.23157E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  70190.1328     26.1411     18.1733
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14944E+01  0.34126E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  70190.3565     26.3647      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements  70190.3582     26.3665      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  70190.4166     26.4249      0.0584
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0073585 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  70190.4197     26.4280      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  70190.4199     26.4281      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -233831474781936. 501610953377217.81
+ def in m -7.9102592468261719 0.84239673614501953
+ dimensionless def  -2.38825184958321712E-6 2.26007407052176341E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0235223  0.2254381
+                  Compute divergence  70190.6913     26.6995      0.2714
+                        wsmp_cleanup  70190.7310     26.7393      0.0398
+              Reset surface geometry  70190.7388     26.7470      0.0078
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   70190.7470     26.7553      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  70190.7646     26.7728      0.0176
+                   Advect surface  1  70190.7647     26.7730      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  70190.9694     26.9777      0.2047
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  70191.1770     27.1852      0.2075
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  70191.4463     27.4545      0.2693
+                    Advect the cloud  70191.6349     27.6431      0.1886
+                        Write output  70192.5613     28.5696      0.9265
+                    End of time step  70193.4696     29.4779      0.9083
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     429  70193.4698
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  70193.4699      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  70193.4700      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17076points
+                      refine surface  70193.4700      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  70193.5021      0.0323      0.0321
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17076points
+                          surface 02  70193.5283      0.0585      0.0262
+                                                                        S. 2:    17061points
+                      refine surface  70193.5285      0.0586      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  70193.5626      0.0928      0.0342
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  70193.5928      0.1230      0.0302
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  70193.6267      0.1569      0.0339
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17062points
+                          surface 03  70193.6522      0.1823      0.0254
+                                                                        S. 3:    17079points
+                      refine surface  70193.6523      0.1825      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  70193.6862      0.2163      0.0339
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  70193.7173      0.2475      0.0312
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  70193.7503      0.2805      0.0330
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17080points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  70193.7839
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  70193.7842      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  70193.8001      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  70193.8248      0.0410      0.0247
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  70193.8260      0.0422      0.0012
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  70193.8402      0.0563      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  70193.9624      0.1785      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  70194.2587      0.4748      0.2963
+                embedding surface  1  70194.2589      0.4750      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  70196.3817      2.5978      2.1228
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  70198.6116      4.8277      2.2299
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  70202.3387      8.5548      3.7271
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  70202.3483      8.5644      0.0096
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  70202.9099      9.1261      0.5617
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  70203.0066      9.2227      0.0966
+                           Find void  70203.2758      9.4919      0.2692
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33058
+          Define boundary conditions  70203.3176      9.5337      0.0418
+                         wsmp setup1  70203.3298      9.5460      0.0123
+                                                                        n =   129261
+                                                                        nz=  4973451
+                         wsmp setup2  70204.4785     10.6946      1.1487
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  70204.5383
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  70204.5384      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5610
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.03609E-05  9.95727E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37209
+                          wsmp solve  70212.3172      7.7789      7.7787
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0655739 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2946141 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8059649 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9884560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16474.5452890 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2451868 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083151 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4085529 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10113E+01  0.16177E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94810E-01  0.17102E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75819E+00  0.25686E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  70228.7621     24.2238     16.4449
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35159E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  70228.9869     24.4486      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  70228.9886     24.4504      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  70229.0485     24.5102      0.0599
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5795949 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  70229.0560
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  70229.0622      0.0063      0.0063
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5610
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.03609E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37209
+                          wsmp solve  70237.1040      8.0480      8.0418
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0581989 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2646420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7988579 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.0388560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16399.3275863 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2464130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082989 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4157369 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10200E+01  0.11685E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.46640E-01  0.15423E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75979E+00  0.23365E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  70253.5562     24.5002     16.4522
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12359E+01  0.18699E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  70253.7822     24.7263      0.2261
+                do leaf measurements  70253.7840     24.7281      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  70253.8441     24.7881      0.0601
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0654819 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  70253.8515
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  70253.8577      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5610
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37209
+                          wsmp solve  70261.8159      7.9644      7.9582
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0593798 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2763331 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8061981 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.0348220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16405.3227516 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2451429 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083818 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4307251 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10214E+01  0.13643E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41870E-01  0.15536E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73911E+00  0.23494E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  70278.2830     24.4315     16.4671
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13467E+01  0.29503E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  70278.5065     24.6550      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements  70278.5083     24.6568      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  70278.5682     24.7167      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0351113 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  70278.5756
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  70278.5819      0.0063      0.0063
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5610
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37209
+                          wsmp solve  70286.5809      8.0053      7.9990
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0609970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2951040 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7964599 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.0137460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16436.7160660 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2454231 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085320 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4207280 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10208E+01  0.15819E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41784E-01  0.15699E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72985E+00  0.23185E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  70303.0382     24.4626     16.4573
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14341E+01  0.33169E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  70303.2631     24.6874      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  70303.2649     24.6893      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  70303.3253     24.7497      0.0605
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0148647 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  70303.3329
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  70303.3392      0.0063      0.0063
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5610
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37209
+                          wsmp solve  70311.3414      8.0085      8.0022
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0599351 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2588329 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8015611 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9906070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16471.3209947 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2466710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082989 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3663890 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10204E+01  0.17519E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41393E-01  0.15871E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72660E+00  0.23031E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  70327.7445     24.4117     16.4031
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14720E+01  0.33976E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  70327.9706     24.6377      0.2260
+                do leaf measurements  70327.9724     24.6395      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  70328.0299     24.6970      0.0575
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0099648 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  70328.0334     24.7005      0.0035
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  70328.0336     24.7007      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -234123852563441.06 502348638972897.69
+ def in m -8.0300722122192383 0.92699319124221802
+ dimensionless def  -2.6485519749777657E-6 2.29430634634835397E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0262040  0.2288465
+                  Compute divergence  70328.3099     24.9770      0.2763
+                        wsmp_cleanup  70328.3493     25.0164      0.0394
+              Reset surface geometry  70328.3582     25.0253      0.0090
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   70328.3670     25.0341      0.0088
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  70328.3857     25.0528      0.0187
+                   Advect surface  1  70328.3858     25.0530      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  70328.6064     25.2735      0.2205
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  70328.8152     25.4823      0.2089
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  70329.0870     25.7541      0.2717
+                    Advect the cloud  70329.2761     25.9432      0.1892
+                        Write output  70330.2037     26.8709      0.9276
+                    End of time step  70331.1181     27.7852      0.9143
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     430  70331.1183
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  70331.1183      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  70331.1184      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17075points
+                      refine surface  70331.1184      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  70331.1505      0.0322      0.0321
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17075points
+                          surface 02  70331.1769      0.0586      0.0264
+                                                                        S. 2:    17062points
+                      refine surface  70331.1770      0.0588      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   7 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  70331.2144      0.0962      0.0374
+                                                                        S. 2:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  70331.2535      0.1352      0.0390
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  70331.2872      0.1689      0.0337
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17069points
+                          surface 03  70331.3141      0.1958      0.0269
+                                                                        S. 3:    17080points
+                      refine surface  70331.3142      0.1960      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  70331.3518      0.2335      0.0375
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17080points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  70331.3848
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  70331.3851      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  70331.4010      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  70331.4254      0.0406      0.0244
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  70331.4265      0.0418      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  70331.4407      0.0559      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  70331.5630      0.1782      0.1223
+             Imbed surface in osolve  70331.8593      0.4745      0.2963
+                embedding surface  1  70331.8595      0.4747      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  70333.9725      2.5877      2.1130
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  70336.1907      4.8059      2.2181
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  70339.9599      8.5751      3.7692
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  70339.9710      8.5863      0.0112
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  70340.5375      9.1527      0.5665
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  70340.6205      9.2358      0.0830
+                           Find void  70340.8982      9.5134      0.2777
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33059
+          Define boundary conditions  70340.9418      9.5570      0.0435
+                         wsmp setup1  70340.9537      9.5689      0.0119
+                                                                        n =   129264
+                                                                        nz=  4973574
+                         wsmp setup2  70342.1037     10.7190      1.1501
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  70342.1602
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  70342.1604      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4641        5610
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.01905E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37210
+                          wsmp solve  70349.9599      7.7996      7.7995
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0612168 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2676132 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7992790 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5115259 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14334.0420019 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2483990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086288 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8970809 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.11021E+01  0.17780E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95043E-01  0.16941E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76053E+00  0.23334E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  70366.8936     24.7334     16.9337
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35135E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  70367.1207     24.9605      0.2271
+                do leaf measurements  70367.1227     24.9624      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  70367.1841     25.0239      0.0615
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5982487 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  70367.1912
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  70367.1973      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4641        5610
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.01905E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37210
+                          wsmp solve  70375.1585      7.9672      7.9612
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0608871 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2659190 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8058910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5216670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14321.4254730 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2482519 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084000 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9114330 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10256E+01  0.12956E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.50488E-01  0.15034E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76246E+00  0.21965E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  70392.1065     24.9153     16.9480
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12571E+01  0.20069E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  70392.3315     25.1403      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  70392.3335     25.1422      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  70392.3948     25.2036      0.0614
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0777795 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  70392.4019
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  70392.4080      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4641        5610
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37210
+                          wsmp solve  70400.4196      8.0177      8.0116
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0631762 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2656150 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8042240 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.6244090 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14194.8460244 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2478509 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082831 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.0139852 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10211E+01  0.14640E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38725E-01  0.15148E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74268E+00  0.22803E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  70417.4705     25.0686     17.0510
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13700E+01  0.31716E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  70417.6965     25.2946      0.2260
+                do leaf measurements  70417.6985     25.2966      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  70417.7604     25.3585      0.0620
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0353850 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  70417.7677
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  70417.7738      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4641        5610
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37210
+                          wsmp solve  70425.7342      7.9666      7.9604
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0648172 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2794070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7988272 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4805920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14372.6643311 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2476120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085690 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8802800 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10205E+01  0.16664E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38924E-01  0.15342E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73345E+00  0.22613E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  70442.6497     24.8820     16.9154
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14547E+01  0.35186E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  70442.8749     25.1072      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  70442.8768     25.1092      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  70442.9382     25.1705      0.0614
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0143168 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  70442.9453
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  70442.9514      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4641        5610
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37210
+                          wsmp solve  70450.9142      7.9689      7.9628
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0624001 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2556400 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7995200 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5183780 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14325.5148459 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2482798 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085020 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8931479 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10200E+01  0.18312E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40152E-01  0.15554E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73029E+00  0.22537E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  70467.8442     24.8989     16.9300
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14913E+01  0.35986E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  70468.0693     25.1240      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  70468.0712     25.1260      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  70468.1327     25.1874      0.0614
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0100241 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  70468.1398
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  70468.1458      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4641        5610
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37210
+                          wsmp solve  70476.1916      8.0518      8.0458
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0614130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2592580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7993770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5679841 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14264.0838569 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2485850 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086570 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9456830 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10196E+01  0.19769E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42685E-01  0.15739E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72722E+00  0.22512E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  70493.1744     25.0346     16.9828
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15093E+01  0.35904E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  70493.4005     25.2608      0.2261
+                do leaf measurements  70493.4024     25.2627      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  70493.4614     25.3217      0.0590
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0075444 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  70493.4646     25.3248      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  70493.4647     25.3250      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -234295893500677.16 503125320510649.69
+ def in m -7.9746561050415039 0.94832545518875122
+ dimensionless def  -2.70950130053928906E-6 2.27847317286900104E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0268070  0.2273834
+                  Compute divergence  70493.7400     25.6002      0.2752
+                        wsmp_cleanup  70493.7795     25.6398      0.0395
+              Reset surface geometry  70493.7890     25.6492      0.0094
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   70493.7984     25.6586      0.0094
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  70493.8182     25.6785      0.0198
+                   Advect surface  1  70493.8184     25.6786      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  70494.0395     25.8998      0.2211
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  70494.2427     26.1030      0.2032
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  70494.5149     26.3751      0.2722
+                    Advect the cloud  70494.7034     26.5637      0.1885
+                        Write output  70495.6329     27.4932      0.9295
+                    End of time step  70496.5477     28.4079      0.9147
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     431  70496.5478
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  70496.5479      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  70496.5479      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17074points
+                      refine surface  70496.5480      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  70496.5853      0.0375      0.0374
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17074points
+                          surface 02  70496.6104      0.0626      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 2:    17069points
+                      refine surface  70496.6106      0.0627      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  70496.6478      0.1000      0.0372
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17069points
+                          surface 03  70496.6739      0.1260      0.0261
+                                                                        S. 3:    17080points
+                      refine surface  70496.6740      0.1262      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  70496.7130      0.1652      0.0390
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  70496.7467      0.1989      0.0337
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  70496.7799      0.2320      0.0331
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17081points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  70496.8138
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  70496.8141      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  70496.8308      0.0171      0.0168
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  70496.8547      0.0410      0.0239
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  70496.8559      0.0421      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  70496.8705      0.0567      0.0146
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  70496.9939      0.1801      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  70497.2880      0.4742      0.2940
+                embedding surface  1  70497.2881      0.4744      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  70499.4322      2.6184      2.1440
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  70501.6716      4.8578      2.2394
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  70505.3940      8.5802      3.7224
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  70505.4017      8.5879      0.0077
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  70505.9851      9.1713      0.5834
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  70506.0688      9.2550      0.0837
+                           Find void  70506.3413      9.5275      0.2725
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33060
+          Define boundary conditions  70506.3839      9.5701      0.0426
+                         wsmp setup1  70506.3956      9.5818      0.0117
+                                                                        n =   129267
+                                                                        nz=  4973697
+                         wsmp setup2  70507.5455     10.7317      1.1499
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  70507.6043
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  70507.6044      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5611
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.19546E-05  9.61956E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37211
+                          wsmp solve  70515.4639      7.8596      7.8594
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0694349 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2846661 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7949150 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.6901691 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15297.1063149 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2415571 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084369 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.0896161 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10895E+01  0.18509E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.92902E-01  0.17793E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76209E+00  0.24748E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  70531.5900     23.9857     16.1261
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35165E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  70531.8142     24.2100      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements  70531.8159     24.2117      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  70531.8763     24.2720      0.0603
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5936386 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  70531.8833
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  70531.8893      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5611
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.19546E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37211
+                          wsmp solve  70539.8483      7.9650      7.9590
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0634890 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3091731 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8024759 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.6625619 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15336.7131483 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2412069 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085740 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.0879180 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10336E+01  0.13754E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.49503E-01  0.15751E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76420E+00  0.22361E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  70555.9728     24.0895     16.1245
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12566E+01  0.19865E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  70556.1954     24.3122      0.2227
+                do leaf measurements  70556.1972     24.3139      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  70556.2571     24.3738      0.0600
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0762278 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  70556.2642
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  70556.2702      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5611
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37211
+                          wsmp solve  70564.2720      8.0078      8.0018
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0628760 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2759199 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7958970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7228720 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15250.4527611 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2412019 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083771 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1076000 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10202E+01  0.15321E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39656E-01  0.15785E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74467E+00  0.23080E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  70580.4166     24.1524     16.1446
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13815E+01  0.32408E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  70580.6422     24.3780      0.2256
+                do leaf measurements  70580.6440     24.3798      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  70580.7044     24.4402      0.0604
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0349445 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  70580.7115
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  70580.7177      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5611
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37211
+                          wsmp solve  70588.6899      7.9784      7.9722
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0591118 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2758842 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7945609 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7007129 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15282.0334888 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2406878 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083840 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.0797870 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10196E+01  0.17259E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39838E-01  0.15943E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73556E+00  0.22859E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  70604.8065     24.0950     16.1166
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14706E+01  0.36370E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  70605.0303     24.3189      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  70605.0321     24.3206      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  70605.0924     24.3809      0.0603
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0143409 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  70605.0994
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  70605.1055      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5611
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37211
+                          wsmp solve  70613.1156      8.0162      8.0101
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0597641 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2841339 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7998569 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.6338630 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15378.1042329 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2411308 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083849 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.0275731 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10193E+01  0.18860E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40736E-01  0.16118E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73254E+00  0.22765E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  70629.1796     24.0802     16.0641
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15084E+01  0.37079E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  70629.4032     24.3038      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements  70629.4049     24.3055      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  70629.4650     24.3656      0.0601
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0103345 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  70629.4721
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  70629.4782      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5611
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37211
+                          wsmp solve  70637.5152      8.0431      8.0369
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0626609 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2849259 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7956669 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7058859 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15274.6493760 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2417560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084560 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.0998042 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10189E+01  0.20277E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43158E-01  0.16268E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72929E+00  0.22727E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  70653.6519     24.1798     16.1368
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15253E+01  0.36797E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  70653.8763     24.4042      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements  70653.8780     24.4059      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  70653.9355     24.4634      0.0575
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0074826 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  70653.9386     24.4665      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  70653.9388     24.4667      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -234377770223725.53 504046902258220.19
+ def in m -7.8680734634399414 0.8651384711265564
+ dimensionless def  -2.25487300327845976E-6 2.24802098955426901E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0221711  0.2243458
+                  Compute divergence  70654.2171     24.7450      0.2784
+                        wsmp_cleanup  70654.2558     24.7837      0.0387
+              Reset surface geometry  70654.2656     24.7935      0.0098
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   70654.2747     24.8026      0.0091
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  70654.2943     24.8222      0.0196
+                   Advect surface  1  70654.2945     24.8223      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  70654.5137     25.0416      0.2192
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  70654.7215     25.2494      0.2078
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  70654.9921     25.5200      0.2707
+                    Advect the cloud  70655.1815     25.7094      0.1893
+                        Write output  70656.1064     26.6343      0.9249
+                    End of time step  70657.0187     27.5466      0.9123
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     432  70657.0189
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  70657.0190      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  70657.0190      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17073points
+                      refine surface  70657.0191      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  70657.0525      0.0336      0.0334
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  70657.0836      0.0647      0.0311
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  70657.1158      0.0969      0.0322
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17076points
+                          surface 02  70657.1413      0.1224      0.0255
+                                                                        S. 2:    17069points
+                      refine surface  70657.1414      0.1226      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  70657.1764      0.1575      0.0350
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  70657.2066      0.1877      0.0301
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  70657.2389      0.2200      0.0323
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17072points
+                          surface 03  70657.2642      0.2453      0.0254
+                                                                        S. 3:    17081points
+                      refine surface  70657.2644      0.2455      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   4 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  70657.3055      0.2866      0.0412
+                                                                        S. 3:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  70657.3355      0.3166      0.0300
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  70657.3719      0.3530      0.0363
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17085points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  70657.4055
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  70657.4058      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  70657.4219      0.0164      0.0161
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  70657.4458      0.0403      0.0239
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  70657.4470      0.0414      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  70657.4613      0.0557      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  70657.5846      0.1791      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  70657.8818      0.4763      0.2972
+                embedding surface  1  70657.8820      0.4764      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  70660.0211      2.6155      2.1391
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  70662.2455      4.8400      2.2245
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  70665.9794      8.5738      3.7338
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  70665.9887      8.5831      0.0093
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  70666.5421      9.1366      0.5534
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  70666.6248      9.2193      0.0828
+                           Find void  70666.8990      9.4935      0.2742
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33063
+          Define boundary conditions  70666.9412      9.5357      0.0422
+                         wsmp setup1  70666.9528      9.5473      0.0116
+                                                                        n =   129276
+                                                                        nz=  4974147
+                         wsmp setup2  70668.0964     10.6909      1.1436
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  70668.1563
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  70668.1565      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4641        5612
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37215
+                          wsmp solve  70676.0248      7.8685      7.8683
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0658178 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4183490 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7967000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3008721 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15692.9508066 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2434540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083389 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8340189 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10117E+01  0.17465E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.93776E-01  0.16850E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76036E+00  0.24185E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  70692.8954     24.7391     16.8707
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35170E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  70693.1226     24.9663      0.2272
+                do leaf measurements  70693.1244     24.9680      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  70693.1863     25.0300      0.0620
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5850205 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  70693.1934
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  70693.1994      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4641        5612
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37215
+                          wsmp solve  70701.1645      7.9711      7.9651
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0599489 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4272480 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8037441 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2446539 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15771.4084118 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2424610 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084071 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.7871060 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10197E+01  0.12996E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47349E-01  0.15427E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76396E+00  0.22418E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  70717.9891     24.7957     16.8246
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12484E+01  0.20024E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  70718.2134     25.0200      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements  70718.2152     25.0217      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  70718.2768     25.0834      0.0616
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0679797 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  70718.2839
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  70718.2900      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4641        5612
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37215
+                          wsmp solve  70726.2922      8.0083      8.0022
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0619481 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4156790 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7995489 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2800751 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15721.8838162 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2429900 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082769 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8089931 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10216E+01  0.14710E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40854E-01  0.15564E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74316E+00  0.23155E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  70743.1386     24.8547     16.8464
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13701E+01  0.31326E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  70743.3641     25.0802      0.2255
+                do leaf measurements  70743.3659     25.0820      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  70743.4284     25.1445      0.0625
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0354521 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  70743.4356
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  70743.4417      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4641        5612
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37215
+                          wsmp solve  70751.4474      8.0118      8.0056
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0642591 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4095910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7996571 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2584810 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15752.0387817 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2435398 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083761 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.7843912 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10211E+01  0.16710E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41010E-01  0.15776E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73407E+00  0.22974E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  70768.2683     24.8328     16.8210
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14595E+01  0.35304E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  70768.4940     25.0584      0.2256
+                do leaf measurements  70768.4958     25.0602      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  70768.5578     25.1222      0.0620
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0146668 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  70768.5648
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  70768.5709      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4641        5612
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37215
+                          wsmp solve  70776.5325      7.9677      7.9616
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0634220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4285340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8039351 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2638719 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15744.4998652 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2430041 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083821 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8116350 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10206E+01  0.18309E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40694E-01  0.15972E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73052E+00  0.22921E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  70793.3807     24.8159     16.8482
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14975E+01  0.36010E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  70793.6053     25.0405      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  70793.6071     25.0423      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  70793.6688     25.1040      0.0617
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0102334 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  70793.6759
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  70793.6820      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4641        5612
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37215
+                          wsmp solve  70801.6769      8.0010      7.9949
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0625231 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4059329 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7987230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3104410 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15679.6741587 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2428160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084910 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8294070 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10201E+01  0.19713E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42193E-01  0.16130E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72698E+00  0.22882E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  70818.5439     24.8679     16.8669
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15138E+01  0.35781E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  70818.7694     25.0935      0.2256
+                do leaf measurements  70818.7712     25.0953      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  70818.8309     25.1550      0.0597
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0071425 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  70818.8340     25.1581      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  70818.8342     25.1583      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -234622520034121.38 504842727565422.44
+ def in m -7.7958488464355469 0.89485782384872437
+ dimensionless def  -2.1758977004459924E-6 2.22738538469587049E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0213563  0.2222393
+                  Compute divergence  70819.1096     25.4336      0.2753
+                        wsmp_cleanup  70819.1504     25.4745      0.0409
+              Reset surface geometry  70819.1599     25.4840      0.0094
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   70819.1684     25.4925      0.0086
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  70819.1866     25.5107      0.0182
+                   Advect surface  1  70819.1868     25.5109      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  70819.3964     25.7205      0.2096
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  70819.6070     25.9311      0.2106
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  70819.8762     26.2002      0.2692
+                    Advect the cloud  70820.0673     26.3913      0.1911
+                        Write output  70821.0028     27.3269      0.9355
+                    End of time step  70821.9194     28.2435      0.9167
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     433  70821.9197
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  70821.9197      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  70821.9198      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17076points
+                      refine surface  70821.9198      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  70821.9529      0.0332      0.0331
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  70821.9830      0.0633      0.0301
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  70822.0151      0.0955      0.0321
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17077points
+                          surface 02  70822.0421      0.1224      0.0270
+                                                                        S. 2:    17072points
+                      refine surface  70822.0422      0.1226      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  70822.0765      0.1569      0.0343
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  70822.1087      0.1890      0.0322
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  70822.1425      0.2229      0.0338
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17074points
+                          surface 03  70822.1691      0.2495      0.0266
+                                                                        S. 3:    17085points
+                      refine surface  70822.1693      0.2496      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  70822.2095      0.2898      0.0402
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  70822.2396      0.3200      0.0302
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  70822.2774      0.3578      0.0378
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17086points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  70822.3113
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  70822.3116      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  70822.3277      0.0164      0.0161
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  70822.3515      0.0402      0.0238
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  70822.3525      0.0413      0.0010
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  70822.3668      0.0556      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  70822.4904      0.1792      0.1236
+             Imbed surface in osolve  70822.7861      0.4748      0.2957
+                embedding surface  1  70822.7863      0.4750      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  70824.9174      2.6061      2.1311
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  70827.1300      4.8188      2.2127
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  70830.8275      8.5162      3.6975
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  70830.8330      8.5218      0.0055
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  70831.3854      9.0742      0.5524
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  70831.5120      9.2007      0.1265
+                           Find void  70831.7770      9.4657      0.2650
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33063
+          Define boundary conditions  70831.8139      9.5027      0.0369
+                         wsmp setup1  70831.8244      9.5131      0.0104
+                                                                        n =   129276
+                                                                        nz=  4974147
+                         wsmp setup2  70832.9828     10.6715      1.1584
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  70833.0453
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  70833.0454      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4641        5612
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  9.92974E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37215
+                          wsmp solve  70840.8780      7.8327      7.8325
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0621190 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4080000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7972770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3136640 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15675.2074637 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2433729 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084870 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8334031 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10124E+01  0.17268E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.93623E-01  0.16937E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76002E+00  0.24190E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  70857.7484     24.7031     16.8705
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35188E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  70857.9742     24.9289      0.2258
+                do leaf measurements  70857.9760     24.9307      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  70858.0374     24.9922      0.0615
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5855271 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  70858.0447
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  70858.0509      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4641        5612
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37215
+                          wsmp solve  70866.0121      7.9675      7.9613
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0637310 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4057579 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7981908 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2354620 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15784.3113638 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2431781 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083220 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.7551100 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10201E+01  0.12706E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47224E-01  0.15441E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76344E+00  0.22533E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  70882.8049     24.7603     16.7928
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12449E+01  0.19587E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  70883.0297     24.9850      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  70883.0314     24.9868      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  70883.0923     25.0477      0.0609
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0683295 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  70883.0994
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  70883.1055      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4641        5612
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37215
+                          wsmp solve  70891.0688      7.9695      7.9634
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0626638 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4080670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7989330 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2421579 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15774.9100082 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2424972 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083458 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.7631152 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10220E+01  0.14464E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41308E-01  0.15569E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74145E+00  0.23217E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  70907.8692     24.7698     16.8004
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13630E+01  0.30880E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  70908.0941     24.9947      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  70908.0958     24.9964      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  70908.1568     25.0574      0.0610
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0354358 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  70908.1639
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  70908.1700      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4641        5612
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37215
+                          wsmp solve  70916.2142      8.0503      8.0442
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0653360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4068341 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7996368 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2952681 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15700.7366994 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2438269 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083849 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8197689 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10214E+01  0.16489E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41359E-01  0.15742E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73259E+00  0.23011E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  70933.0707     24.9067     16.8565
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14520E+01  0.34863E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  70933.2968     25.1329      0.2261
+                do leaf measurements  70933.2986     25.1346      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  70933.3597     25.1958      0.0611
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0148344 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  70933.3667
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  70933.3728      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4641        5612
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37215
+                          wsmp solve  70941.3373      7.9705      7.9645
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0615990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4426281 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8048842 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2395499 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15778.5704684 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2429080 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084860 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8005211 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10209E+01  0.18118E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41037E-01  0.15933E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72939E+00  0.22941E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  70958.1747     24.8080     16.8374
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14898E+01  0.35575E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  70958.3990     25.0322      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  70958.4007     25.0340      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  70958.4616     25.0949      0.0609
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0102030 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  70958.4687
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  70958.4748      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4641        5612
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37215
+                          wsmp solve  70966.4793      8.0106      8.0045
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0644441 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4073811 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7981091 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2698309 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15736.1748060 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2430291 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083869 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.7916400 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10205E+01  0.19536E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42079E-01  0.16099E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72607E+00  0.22903E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  70983.3084     24.8397     16.8291
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15066E+01  0.35365E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  70983.5340     25.0654      0.2257
+                do leaf measurements  70983.5358     25.0672      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  70983.5947     25.1260      0.0589
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0071914 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  70983.5978     25.1291      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  70983.5980     25.1293      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -234990537631909.38 505529869229592.
+ def in m -7.903101921081543 0.87651878595352173
+ dimensionless def  -2.2805443831852501E-6 2.25802912030901218E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0224122  0.2253091
+                  Compute divergence  70983.8757     25.4071      0.2777
+                        wsmp_cleanup  70983.9158     25.4471      0.0400
+              Reset surface geometry  70983.9260     25.4573      0.0102
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   70983.9349     25.4662      0.0089
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  70983.9528     25.4841      0.0179
+                   Advect surface  1  70983.9529     25.4843      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  70984.1604     25.6917      0.2074
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  70984.3695     25.9008      0.2091
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  70984.6376     26.1689      0.2681
+                    Advect the cloud  70984.8289     26.3602      0.1912
+                        Write output  70985.7659     27.2973      0.9371
+                    End of time step  70986.6831     28.2145      0.9172
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     434  70986.6834
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  70986.6834      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  70986.6835      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17077points
+                      refine surface  70986.6835      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  70986.7200      0.0367      0.0365
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17077points
+                          surface 02  70986.7447      0.0614      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 2:    17074points
+                      refine surface  70986.7449      0.0615      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  70986.7845      0.1011      0.0396
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  70986.8200      0.1366      0.0355
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  70986.8577      0.1744      0.0378
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17075points
+                          surface 03  70986.8832      0.1998      0.0255
+                                                                        S. 3:    17086points
+                      refine surface  70986.8833      0.2000      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   4 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  70986.9263      0.2429      0.0430
+                                                                        S. 3:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  70986.9553      0.2719      0.0290
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  70986.9933      0.3099      0.0380
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17090points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  70987.0257
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  70987.0260      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  70987.0419      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  70987.0662      0.0405      0.0243
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  70987.0673      0.0417      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  70987.0815      0.0558      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  70987.2037      0.1780      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  70987.4998      0.4741      0.2962
+                embedding surface  1  70987.5000      0.4743      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  70989.6304      2.6047      2.1304
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  70991.8506      4.8250      2.2203
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  70995.5665      8.5408      3.7159
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  70995.5720      8.5463      0.0055
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  70996.1290      9.1033      0.5570
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  70996.2382      9.2125      0.1092
+                           Find void  70996.5100      9.4843      0.2718
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33067
+          Define boundary conditions  70996.5524      9.5267      0.0424
+                         wsmp setup1  70996.5640      9.5383      0.0116
+                                                                        n =   129279
+                                                                        nz=  4974270
+                         wsmp setup2  70997.7131     10.6875      1.1491
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  70997.7741
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  70997.7742      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5612
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.08185E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37216
+                          wsmp solve  71005.5980      7.8239      7.8238
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0638921 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1457579 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7991149 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.9420230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14833.7617371 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2403879 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085888 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.2001920 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10107E+01  0.17781E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95169E-01  0.16877E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76235E+00  0.24876E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  71022.8348     25.0607     17.2368
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35206E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  71023.0616     25.2876      0.2269
+                do leaf measurements  71023.0634     25.2893      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  71023.1262     25.3522      0.0629
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5948711 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  71023.1334
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  71023.1396      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5612
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.08185E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37216
+                          wsmp solve  71031.1473      8.0139      8.0077
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0620780 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1465411 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7996581 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.9879401 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14776.9444407 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2408991 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085590 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.2461040 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10207E+01  0.13122E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48522E-01  0.15056E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76139E+00  0.22691E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  71048.4294     25.2960     17.2821
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12601E+01  0.20775E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  71048.6554     25.5220      0.2259
+                do leaf measurements  71048.6571     25.5237      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  71048.7192     25.5858      0.0622
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0728102 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  71048.7262
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  71048.7323      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5612
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37216
+                          wsmp solve  71056.6967      7.9704      7.9644
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0614789 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1816511 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8048658 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.9975991 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14765.0477877 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2401509 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085251 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.2946870 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10232E+01  0.14841E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40020E-01  0.15150E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74234E+00  0.23139E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  71074.0280     25.3018     17.3313
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13753E+01  0.31742E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  71074.2530     25.5268      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  71074.2548     25.5285      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  71074.3169     25.5906      0.0621
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0359304 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  71074.3239
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  71074.3300      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5612
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37216
+                          wsmp solve  71082.3214      7.9975      7.9915
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0651319 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1440721 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8016510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.8377230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14964.4593108 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2406108 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085492 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.0981491 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10224E+01  0.16884E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40169E-01  0.15295E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73321E+00  0.22865E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  71099.4567     25.1328     17.1353
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14604E+01  0.35436E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  71099.6835     25.3596      0.2268
+                do leaf measurements  71099.6852     25.3613      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  71099.7479     25.4240      0.0627
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0145362 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  71099.7551
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  71099.7613      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5612
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37216
+                          wsmp solve  71107.7277      7.9727      7.9665
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0640130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1446609 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8001101 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.9929931 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14770.7184268 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2398391 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085809 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.2506330 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10218E+01  0.18536E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39904E-01  0.15483E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72996E+00  0.22755E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  71125.0146     25.2595     17.2869
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14969E+01  0.36094E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  71125.2394     25.4844      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  71125.2411     25.4860      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  71125.3034     25.5483      0.0623
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0102926 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  71125.3105
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  71125.3165      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5612
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37216
+                          wsmp solve  71133.2795      7.9690      7.9629
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0628750 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1529760 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8073590 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.0358791 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14718.0876800 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2403281 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086300 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.3085010 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10214E+01  0.19967E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42194E-01  0.15645E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72665E+00  0.22692E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  71150.6249     25.3144     17.3454
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15137E+01  0.35819E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  71150.8509     25.5404      0.2260
+                do leaf measurements  71150.8535     25.5431      0.0027
+       compute convergence criterion  71150.9117     25.6013      0.0582
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0073355 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  71150.9148     25.6043      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  71150.9150     25.6045      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -235263706163385.66 506287015186513.
+ def in m -7.9614858627319336 0.86282521486282349
+ dimensionless def  -2.36647231238228933E-6 2.27471024649483787E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0232884  0.2269082
+                  Compute divergence  71151.1892     25.8788      0.2743
+                        wsmp_cleanup  71151.2297     25.9192      0.0405
+              Reset surface geometry  71151.2390     25.9286      0.0093
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   71151.2473     25.9368      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  71151.2644     25.9540      0.0172
+                   Advect surface  1  71151.2646     25.9541      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  71151.4725     26.1620      0.2079
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  71151.6805     26.3700      0.2080
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  71151.9410     26.6305      0.2605
+                    Advect the cloud  71152.1296     26.8191      0.1886
+                        Write output  71153.0553     27.7448      0.9257
+                    End of time step  71153.9700     28.6595      0.9147
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     435  71153.9701
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  71153.9702      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  71153.9702      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17077points
+                      refine surface  71153.9703      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  71154.0078      0.0376      0.0375
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17077points
+                          surface 02  71154.0325      0.0624      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 2:    17075points
+                      refine surface  71154.0326      0.0625      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  71154.0710      0.1009      0.0384
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  71154.1011      0.1310      0.0301
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  71154.1390      0.1688      0.0378
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17076points
+                          surface 03  71154.1640      0.1938      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 3:    17090points
+                      refine surface  71154.1641      0.1940      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  71154.2021      0.2319      0.0380
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  71154.2372      0.2671      0.0352
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  71154.2749      0.3048      0.0377
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17091points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  71154.3069
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  71154.3071      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  71154.3231      0.0162      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  71154.3477      0.0408      0.0246
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  71154.3488      0.0420      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  71154.3630      0.0561      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  71154.4852      0.1784      0.1223
+             Imbed surface in osolve  71154.7808      0.4739      0.2955
+                embedding surface  1  71154.7809      0.4741      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  71156.8990      2.5921      2.1181
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  71159.0897      4.7828      2.1907
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  71162.7814      8.4745      3.6917
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  71162.7868      8.4799      0.0054
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  71163.3231      9.0162      0.5363
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  71163.4541      9.1473      0.1311
+                           Find void  71163.7270      9.4202      0.2729
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33067
+          Define boundary conditions  71163.7685      9.4616      0.0414
+                         wsmp setup1  71163.7803      9.4735      0.0119
+                                                                        n =   129279
+                                                                        nz=  4974270
+                         wsmp setup2  71164.9263     10.6194      1.1460
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  71164.9877
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  71164.9878      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5612
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.34527E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37216
+                          wsmp solve  71172.7668      7.7791      7.7790
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0678041 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1465530 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8068140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.0532770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14696.8433718 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2403309 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085709 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.3237472 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10854E+01  0.17903E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95592E-01  0.16512E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76142E+00  0.24686E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  71190.1274     25.1398     17.3606
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35196E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  71190.3508     25.3631      0.2234
+                do leaf measurements  71190.3526     25.3649      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  71190.4123     25.4246      0.0597
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5929994 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  71190.4194
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  71190.4256      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5612
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.34527E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37216
+                          wsmp solve  71198.4587      8.0394      8.0332
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0592670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1429038 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8003321 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.9685221 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14800.9188899 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2410800 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085890 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.2211089 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10216E+01  0.13236E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48529E-01  0.14706E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75970E+00  0.22546E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  71215.7167     25.2973     17.2580
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12637E+01  0.21199E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  71215.9413     25.5219      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  71215.9431     25.5237      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  71216.0031     25.5837      0.0600
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0727479 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  71216.0101
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  71216.0162      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5612
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37216
+                          wsmp solve  71223.9769      7.9668      7.9607
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0601120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1653140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7981260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.9971609 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14765.5871021 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2403152 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086300 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.2700920 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10243E+01  0.14971E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39627E-01  0.14836E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74171E+00  0.23101E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  71241.2837     25.2736     17.3068
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13794E+01  0.31825E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  71241.5063     25.4962      0.2226
+                do leaf measurements  71241.5082     25.4981      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  71241.5680     25.5579      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0357851 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  71241.5750
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  71241.5811      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5612
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37216
+                          wsmp solve  71249.5624      7.9873      7.9812
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0601802 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1466842 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8019080 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.0485861 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14702.5653055 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2407758 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086200 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.3071420 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10234E+01  0.17010E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39901E-01  0.15035E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73281E+00  0.22835E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  71266.9061     25.3311     17.3438
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14637E+01  0.35576E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  71267.1288     25.5538      0.2227
+                do leaf measurements  71267.1306     25.5556      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  71267.1907     25.6157      0.0601
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0146430 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  71267.1978
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  71267.2039      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5612
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37216
+                          wsmp solve  71275.2505      8.0527      8.0466
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0584221 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1457601 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8006349 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.9678850 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14801.7067476 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2414162 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0087249 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.2234342 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10228E+01  0.18664E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39763E-01  0.15255E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72961E+00  0.22720E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  71292.5102     25.3124     17.2597
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14997E+01  0.36180E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  71292.7355     25.5377      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements  71292.7373     25.5396      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  71292.7974     25.5997      0.0601
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0103680 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  71292.8045
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  71292.8106      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5612
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37216
+                          wsmp solve  71300.7753      7.9708      7.9647
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0613980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1812851 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8067639 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.9557531 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14816.7265678 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2404311 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086608 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.2547040 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10223E+01  0.20095E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42037E-01  0.15462E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72630E+00  0.22681E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  71318.0664     25.2619     17.2912
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15158E+01  0.35839E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  71318.2892     25.4847      0.2228
+                do leaf measurements  71318.2910     25.4865      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  71318.3482     25.5437      0.0572
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0073511 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  71318.3513     25.5468      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  71318.3515     25.5470      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -235426055756344.34 507109004460582.19
+ def in m -7.9359703063964844 0.86797505617141724
+ dimensionless def  -2.28387372834341876E-6 2.26742008754185262E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0224386  0.2261662
+                  Compute divergence  71318.6279     25.8234      0.2765
+                        wsmp_cleanup  71318.6677     25.8632      0.0397
+              Reset surface geometry  71318.6776     25.8731      0.0099
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   71318.6857     25.8812      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  71318.7034     25.8989      0.0178
+                   Advect surface  1  71318.7036     25.8991      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  71318.9081     26.1037      0.2046
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  71319.1161     26.3116      0.2080
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  71319.3855     26.5810      0.2693
+                    Advect the cloud  71319.5772     26.7728      0.1918
+                        Write output  71320.5082     27.7037      0.9310
+                    End of time step  71321.4171     28.6126      0.9089
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     436  71321.4173
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  71321.4174      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  71321.4174      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17077points
+                      refine surface  71321.4175      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  71321.4553      0.0379      0.0378
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  71321.4851      0.0678      0.0299
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  71321.5227      0.1054      0.0376
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17078points
+                          surface 02  71321.5467      0.1294      0.0240
+                                                                        S. 2:    17076points
+                      refine surface  71321.5468      0.1295      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  71321.5812      0.1639      0.0344
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  71321.6132      0.1959      0.0320
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  71321.6461      0.2288      0.0329
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17078points
+                          surface 03  71321.6728      0.2555      0.0267
+                                                                        S. 3:    17091points
+                      refine surface  71321.6730      0.2557      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  71321.7068      0.2895      0.0338
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  71321.7377      0.3203      0.0309
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  71321.7704      0.3531      0.0328
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17092points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  71321.8044
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  71321.8047      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  71321.8206      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  71321.8451      0.0407      0.0245
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  71321.8462      0.0418      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  71321.8610      0.0566      0.0148
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  71321.9832      0.1788      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  71322.2788      0.4744      0.2956
+                embedding surface  1  71322.2790      0.4746      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  71324.4197      2.6153      2.1407
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  71326.6280      4.8235      2.2082
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  71330.3203      8.5158      3.6923
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  71330.3257      8.5213      0.0054
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  71330.8799      9.0755      0.5542
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  71331.0180      9.2135      0.1380
+                           Find void  71331.2899      9.4855      0.2719
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33068
+          Define boundary conditions  71331.3315      9.5271      0.0416
+                         wsmp setup1  71331.3427      9.5383      0.0112
+                                                                        n =   129282
+                                                                        nz=  4974393
+                         wsmp setup2  71332.4891     10.6847      1.1464
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  71332.5458
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  71332.5460      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5612
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00284E-05  9.38139E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37217
+                          wsmp solve  71340.3317      7.7858      7.7857
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0702901 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2828209 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8090889 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.1475279 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14409.4313111 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2542679 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083349 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.5727322 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10134E+01  0.18408E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95445E-01  0.17011E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75811E+00  0.23555E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  71357.9406     25.3947     17.6089
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35141E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  71358.1649     25.6191      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  71358.1668     25.6210      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  71358.2284     25.6825      0.0616
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5910367 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  71358.2355
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  71358.2416      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5612
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00284E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37217
+                          wsmp solve  71366.2443      8.0089      8.0027
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0580280 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2561569 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8041060 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.1689861 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14384.0224791 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2544041 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084059 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.5504940 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10184E+01  0.13504E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.49205E-01  0.15241E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76165E+00  0.22213E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  71383.8317     25.5962     17.5873
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12543E+01  0.19267E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  71384.0578     25.8223      0.2261
+                do leaf measurements  71384.0596     25.8242      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  71384.1217     25.8862      0.0620
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0764236 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  71384.1289
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  71384.1351      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5612
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37217
+                          wsmp solve  71392.1460      8.0171      8.0109
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0590498 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2351830 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7979262 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.1709740 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14381.6730788 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2548749 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083630 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.5267808 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10208E+01  0.15125E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39860E-01  0.15436E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74184E+00  0.23005E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  71409.7094     25.5805     17.5634
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13752E+01  0.31343E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  71409.9351     25.8062      0.2257
+                do leaf measurements  71409.9370     25.8081      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  71409.9986     25.8697      0.0615
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0355217 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  71410.0057
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  71410.0117      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5612
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37217
+                          wsmp solve  71417.9668      7.9612      7.9551
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0649519 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2734470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8092360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.1521828 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14403.9117895 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2541020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084381 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.5627820 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10205E+01  0.17050E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40126E-01  0.15688E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73301E+00  0.22804E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  71435.5663     25.5606     17.5995
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14615E+01  0.35627E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  71435.7907     25.7850      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  71435.7925     25.7869      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  71435.8541     25.8484      0.0615
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0143161 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  71435.8612
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  71435.8673      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5612
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37217
+                          wsmp solve  71443.8571      7.9959      7.9898
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0605400 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2378271 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8045230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.1899250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14359.3147614 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2543399 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084431 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.5560100 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10200E+01  0.18625E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40781E-01  0.15919E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72996E+00  0.22722E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  71461.4500     25.5888     17.5929
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14982E+01  0.36122E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  71461.6756     25.8144      0.2256
+                do leaf measurements  71461.6774     25.8163      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  71461.7493     25.8881      0.0719
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0100222 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  71461.7535
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  71461.7571      0.0036      0.0036
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5612
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37217
+                          wsmp solve  71469.7361      7.9825      7.9789
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0615311 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2379320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8043091 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.1377020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14421.0963098 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2553089 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084550 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.5056500 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10196E+01  0.20014E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43164E-01  0.16113E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72697E+00  0.22683E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  71487.2786     25.5251     17.5426
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15151E+01  0.35875E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  71487.5038     25.7503      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  71487.5056     25.7521      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  71487.5647     25.8112      0.0591
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0071942 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  71487.5678     25.8143      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  71487.5680     25.8145      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -235599976878201.88 507921536424487.75
+ def in m -7.940399169921875 0.86813807487487793
+ dimensionless def  -2.23313450813293471E-6 2.26868547712053571E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0219915  0.2262430
+                  Compute divergence  71487.8455     26.0920      0.2775
+                        wsmp_cleanup  71487.8850     26.1314      0.0395
+              Reset surface geometry  71487.8954     26.1419      0.0105
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   71487.9043     26.1508      0.0088
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  71487.9230     26.1695      0.0187
+                   Advect surface  1  71487.9232     26.1696      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  71488.1479     26.3944      0.2248
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  71488.3614     26.6079      0.2135
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  71488.6432     26.8897      0.2818
+                    Advect the cloud  71488.8306     27.0771      0.1873
+                        Write output  71489.7542     28.0007      0.9236
+                    End of time step  71490.6658     28.9123      0.9117
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     437  71490.6660
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  71490.6661      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  71490.6662      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17077points
+                      refine surface  71490.6662      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  71490.6983      0.0323      0.0321
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  71490.7300      0.0640      0.0317
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  71490.7628      0.0967      0.0327
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17078points
+                          surface 02  71490.7889      0.1229      0.0262
+                                                                        S. 2:    17078points
+                      refine surface  71490.7891      0.1230      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  71490.8240      0.1580      0.0350
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  71490.8556      0.1896      0.0316
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  71490.8998      0.2338      0.0442
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17079points
+                          surface 03  71490.9246      0.2586      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 3:    17091points
+                      refine surface  71490.9248      0.2587      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  71490.9627      0.2967      0.0379
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17091points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  71490.9973
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  71490.9976      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  71491.0136      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  71491.0375      0.0402      0.0240
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  71491.0387      0.0413      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  71491.0528      0.0555      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  71491.1751      0.1778      0.1223
+             Imbed surface in osolve  71491.4694      0.4721      0.2943
+                embedding surface  1  71491.4696      0.4723      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  71493.5932      2.5958      2.1236
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  71495.7772      4.7799      2.1840
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  71499.4734      8.4761      3.6962
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  71499.4789      8.4816      0.0055
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  71500.0357      9.0383      0.5568
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  71500.1511      9.1538      0.1155
+                           Find void  71500.4237      9.4263      0.2725
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33068
+          Define boundary conditions  71500.4663      9.4689      0.0426
+                         wsmp setup1  71500.4780      9.4806      0.0117
+                                                                        n =   129282
+                                                                        nz=  4974393
+                         wsmp setup2  71501.6329     10.6356      1.1549
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  71501.6902
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  71501.6904      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5612
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.03564E-05  9.60492E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37217
+                          wsmp solve  71509.4919      7.8017      7.8016
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0610962 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2330830 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8010080 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.1294632 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14430.8916665 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2548380 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084291 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.4883249 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10145E+01  0.18370E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94844E-01  0.17440E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76049E+00  0.23347E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  71527.0174     25.3272     17.5255
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35131E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  71527.2452     25.5550      0.2278
+                do leaf measurements  71527.2470     25.5567      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  71527.3072     25.6170      0.0602
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5919992 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  71527.3143
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  71527.3204      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5612
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.03564E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37217
+                          wsmp solve  71535.2804      7.9661      7.9601
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0603580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2599490 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8086672 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.1450241 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14412.4020232 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2540450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084360 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.5368969 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10165E+01  0.13584E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.49216E-01  0.15730E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76431E+00  0.22208E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  71552.8540     25.5397     17.5736
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12528E+01  0.18982E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  71553.0785     25.7642      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  71553.0802     25.7659      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  71553.1400     25.8257      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0750610 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  71553.1472
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  71553.1533      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5612
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37217
+                          wsmp solve  71561.1503      8.0031      7.9970
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0605030 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2364831 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8006821 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.1944840 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14353.9463759 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2545540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084140 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.5555341 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10191E+01  0.15157E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39509E-01  0.15831E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74391E+00  0.23017E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  71578.7427     25.5955     17.5924
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13760E+01  0.31548E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  71578.9674     25.8202      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  71578.9691     25.8220      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  71579.0293     25.8821      0.0601
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0352982 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  71579.0365
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  71579.0427      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5612
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37217
+                          wsmp solve  71586.9992      7.9627      7.9565
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0601671 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2391901 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8039968 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.1158309 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14447.1287872 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2545741 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083990 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.4825821 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10191E+01  0.17043E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39819E-01  0.16027E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73490E+00  0.22823E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  71604.5177     25.4811     17.5184
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14632E+01  0.35790E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  71604.7425     25.7060      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  71604.7442     25.7077      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  71604.8040     25.7674      0.0597
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0143457 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  71604.8111
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  71604.8172      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5612
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37217
+                          wsmp solve  71612.7683      7.9572      7.9510
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0605249 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2537811 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8106520 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.1450648 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14412.3536425 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2540061 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083940 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.5328360 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10187E+01  0.18577E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41053E-01  0.16211E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73138E+00  0.22738E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  71630.3374     25.5263     17.5692
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14997E+01  0.36328E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  71630.5618     25.7507      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  71630.5636     25.7525      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  71630.6233     25.8122      0.0597
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0100150 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  71630.6304
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  71630.6365      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4640        5612
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37217
+                          wsmp solve  71638.6639      8.0335      8.0274
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0606511 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2332599 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8021500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.2397969 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14300.8067137 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2548079 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084949 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.5995851 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10183E+01  0.19941E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43446E-01  0.16375E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72804E+00  0.22695E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  71656.3012     25.6707     17.6373
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15164E+01  0.36098E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  71656.5275     25.8970      0.2263
+                do leaf measurements  71656.5292     25.8988      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  71656.5868     25.9564      0.0576
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0071532 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  71656.5900     25.9595      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  71656.5901     25.9597      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -235758937663534.84 508761406255207.94
+ def in m -7.896125316619873 0.88258916139602661
+ dimensionless def  -2.1803794588361466E-6 2.25603580474853516E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0214848  0.2249802
+                  Compute divergence  71656.8661     26.2357      0.2760
+                        wsmp_cleanup  71656.9063     26.2759      0.0402
+              Reset surface geometry  71656.9157     26.2852      0.0094
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   71656.9242     26.2937      0.0085
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  71656.9414     26.3110      0.0172
+                   Advect surface  1  71656.9415     26.3111      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  71657.1423     26.5119      0.2008
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  71657.3502     26.7198      0.2079
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  71657.6173     26.9869      0.2671
+                    Advect the cloud  71657.8090     27.1786      0.1917
+                        Write output  71658.7376     28.1071      0.9285
+                    End of time step  71659.6637     29.0332      0.9261
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     438  71659.6639
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  71659.6640      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  71659.6640      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    17078points
+                      refine surface  71659.6641      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  71659.7011      0.0372      0.0370
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  71659.7348      0.0709      0.0337
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  71659.7711      0.1072      0.0363
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17079points
+                          surface 02  71659.7960      0.1321      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 2:    17079points
+                      refine surface  71659.7961      0.1322      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  71659.8323      0.1684      0.0362
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17079points
+                          surface 03  71659.8573      0.1934      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 3:    17091points
+                      refine surface  71659.8574      0.1935      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  71659.8994      0.2355      0.0420
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  71659.9336      0.2697      0.0342
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  71659.9710      0.3071      0.0374
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17094points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  71660.0047
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  71660.0051      0.0004      0.0004
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  71660.0212      0.0165      0.0161
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  71660.0455      0.0408      0.0243
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  71660.0466      0.0419      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  71660.0609      0.0562      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  71660.1843      0.1796      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  71660.4800      0.4753      0.2957
+                embedding surface  1  71660.4802      0.4755      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  71662.6250      2.6203      2.1448
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  71664.8753      4.8706      2.2503
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  71668.6217      8.6170      3.7464
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  71668.6315      8.6268      0.0098
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  71669.1647      9.1600      0.5332
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  71669.2469      9.2422      0.0822
+                           Find void  71669.5156      9.5108      0.2686
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33071
+          Define boundary conditions  71669.5564      9.5517      0.0409
+                         wsmp setup1  71669.5694      9.5646      0.0130
+                                                                        n =   129291
+                                                                        nz=  4974762
+                         wsmp setup2  71670.7224     10.7177      1.1530
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  71670.7826
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  71670.7827      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4641        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00120E-05  7.85383E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37220
+                          wsmp solve  71678.6319      7.8494      7.8492
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0682571 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3520751 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7986171 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2474408 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14911.4423892 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2404280 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085721 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.7158601 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10151E+01  0.18630E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94967E-01  0.17471E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76231E+00  0.23624E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  71695.3829     24.6003     16.7509
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35100E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  71695.6102     24.8276      0.2273
+                do leaf measurements  71695.6119     24.8294      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  71695.6735     24.8910      0.0616
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5960374 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  71695.6807
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  71695.6867      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4641        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00120E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37220
+                          wsmp solve  71703.6434      7.9627      7.9566
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0623479 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3879921 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7996800 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2338951 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14929.4225014 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2388470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083809 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.7315879 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.13857E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.49170E-01  0.15599E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76588E+00  0.22098E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  71720.4096     24.7289     16.7662
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12560E+01  0.19171E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  71720.6348     24.9541      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  71720.6365     24.9559      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  71720.6979     25.0172      0.0614
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0759110 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  71720.7052
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  71720.7113      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4641        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37220
+                          wsmp solve  71728.6998      7.9947      7.9886
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0590179 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3539519 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8014581 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2259021 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14940.0524372 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2404530 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084620 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.6897099 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10189E+01  0.15344E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38477E-01  0.15726E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74580E+00  0.22894E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  71745.4252     24.7201     16.7254
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13821E+01  0.32082E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  71745.6512     24.9460      0.2259
+                do leaf measurements  71745.6529     24.9478      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  71745.7150     25.0099      0.0621
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0350095 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  71745.7223
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  71745.7285      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4641        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37220
+                          wsmp solve  71753.7526      8.0303      8.0241
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0611560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3563461 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7950051 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3008001 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14841.0346591 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2399418 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083630 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.7620850 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10188E+01  0.17168E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38741E-01  0.15925E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73656E+00  0.22701E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  71770.5497     24.8274     16.7971
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14688E+01  0.36318E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  71770.7778     25.0555      0.2281
+                do leaf measurements  71770.7796     25.0573      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  71770.8412     25.1188      0.0616
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0142491 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  71770.8483
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  71770.8543      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4641        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37220
+                          wsmp solve  71778.8142      7.9659      7.9599
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0608630 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3816960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8045011 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2208140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14946.8270210 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2391801 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083878 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.7158821 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10186E+01  0.18680E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41064E-01  0.16120E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73278E+00  0.22614E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  71795.5655     24.7172     16.7513
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15049E+01  0.36863E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  71795.7912     24.9429      0.2257
+                do leaf measurements  71795.7929     24.9446      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  71795.8520     25.0037      0.0591
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0099592 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  71795.8551     25.0068      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  71795.8553     25.0070      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -235958729001443.06 509556284639713.13
+ def in m -7.9144139289855957 0.87983059883117676
+ dimensionless def  -2.15390358652387328E-6 2.26126112256731291E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0212116  0.2254429
+                  Compute divergence  71796.1354     25.2871      0.2801
+                        wsmp_cleanup  71796.1749     25.3266      0.0395
+              Reset surface geometry  71796.1849     25.3366      0.0100
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   71796.1939     25.3456      0.0090
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  71796.2129     25.3646      0.0190
+                   Advect surface  1  71796.2131     25.3648      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  71796.4200     25.5716      0.2069
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  71796.6264     25.7781      0.2065
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  71796.8916     26.0432      0.2651
+                    Advect the cloud  71797.0803     26.2320      0.1887
+                        Write output  71798.0064     27.1581      0.9261
+                    End of time step  71798.9176     28.0692      0.9111
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     439  71798.9177
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  71798.9178      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  71798.9178      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    17079points
+                      refine surface  71798.9179      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  71798.9569      0.0392      0.0390
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  71798.9859      0.0682      0.0289
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  71799.0221      0.1044      0.0362
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17081points
+                          surface 02  71799.0470      0.1293      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 2:    17079points
+                      refine surface  71799.0472      0.1295      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  71799.0834      0.1657      0.0362
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17079points
+                          surface 03  71799.1088      0.1911      0.0254
+                                                                        S. 3:    17094points
+                      refine surface  71799.1090      0.1912      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  71799.1483      0.2305      0.0393
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  71799.1793      0.2616      0.0310
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  71799.2167      0.2990      0.0374
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17095points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  71799.2511
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  71799.2514      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  71799.2673      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  71799.2912      0.0401      0.0239
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  71799.2924      0.0413      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  71799.3065      0.0554      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  71799.4287      0.1776      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  71799.7254      0.4743      0.2966
+                embedding surface  1  71799.7255      0.4744      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  71801.8502      2.5991      2.1247
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  71804.0805      4.8293      2.2302
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  71807.7778      8.5267      3.6974
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  71807.7835      8.5324      0.0056
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  71808.3303      9.0792      0.5468
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  71808.4586      9.2075      0.1283
+                           Find void  71808.7290      9.4779      0.2704
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33071
+          Define boundary conditions  71808.7716      9.5205      0.0426
+                         wsmp setup1  71808.7835      9.5324      0.0119
+                                                                        n =   129291
+                                                                        nz=  4974762
+                         wsmp setup2  71809.9318     10.6807      1.1483
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  71809.9879
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  71809.9881      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4641        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.03199E-05  9.83764E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37220
+                          wsmp solve  71817.7669      7.7789      7.7788
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0694990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3876109 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8033299 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2252450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14940.9269690 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2388320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084572 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.7334180 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10171E+01  0.18340E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94985E-01  0.17284E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76484E+00  0.23597E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  71834.5361     24.5482     16.7693
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35134E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  71834.7613     24.7734      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  71834.7631     24.7752      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  71834.8235     24.8356      0.0604
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5940105 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  71834.8308
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  71834.8369      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4641        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.03199E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37220
+                          wsmp solve  71842.8252      7.9944      7.9883
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0595720 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3555441 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7982829 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2361438 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14926.4345770 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2393150 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084682 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.6977761 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10168E+01  0.13786E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.50002E-01  0.15508E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76680E+00  0.21982E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  71859.5584     24.7276     16.7331
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12623E+01  0.19722E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  71859.7842     24.9534      0.2259
+                do leaf measurements  71859.7861     24.9553      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  71859.8470     25.0162      0.0609
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0761835 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  71859.8545
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  71859.8607      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4641        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37220
+                          wsmp solve  71867.8198      7.9653      7.9591
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0584660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3645799 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7966540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2430599 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14917.2527429 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2386370 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084589 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.7103040 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10190E+01  0.15214E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38577E-01  0.15688E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74671E+00  0.22805E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  71884.5664     24.7119     16.7466
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13857E+01  0.32694E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  71884.7908     24.9363      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  71884.7926     24.9382      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  71884.8531     24.9987      0.0605
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0349879 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  71884.8603
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  71884.8664      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4641        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37220
+                          wsmp solve  71892.8235      7.9632      7.9571
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0612600 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3575070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8036549 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2073271 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14964.8139856 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2387991 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085180 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.6774931 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10189E+01  0.17016E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38841E-01  0.15923E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73729E+00  0.22632E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  71909.5368     24.6764     16.7133
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14706E+01  0.36626E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  71909.7616     24.9012      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  71909.7634     24.9031      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  71909.8238     24.9635      0.0604
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0140332 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  71909.8310
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  71909.8370      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4641        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37220
+                          wsmp solve  71917.8669      8.0360      8.0299
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0592239 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3550601 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7987640 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2573352 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14898.3363262 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2394290 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086300 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.7189591 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10187E+01  0.18540E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40735E-01  0.16133E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73349E+00  0.22584E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  71934.6210     24.7900     16.7541
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.15059E+01  0.37230E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  71934.8489     25.0179      0.2279
+                do leaf measurements  71934.8507     25.0198      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  71934.9088     25.0778      0.0580
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0099863 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  71934.9120     25.0810      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  71934.9121     25.0812      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -236125333570019.16 510298152296102.25
+ def in m -7.913414478302002 0.87681680917739868
+ dimensionless def  -2.08307487624032139E-6 2.26097556522914348E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0205143  0.2253656
+                  Compute divergence  71935.1879     25.3570      0.2758
+                        wsmp_cleanup  71935.2270     25.3960      0.0391
+              Reset surface geometry  71935.2372     25.4063      0.0103
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   71935.2465     25.4155      0.0092
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  71935.2656     25.4347      0.0192
+                   Advect surface  1  71935.2658     25.4348      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  71935.4785     25.6475      0.2127
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  71935.6883     25.8574      0.2099
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  71935.9576     26.1267      0.2693
+                    Advect the cloud  71936.1503     26.3194      0.1927
+                        Write output  71937.0814     27.2504      0.9311
+                    End of time step  71937.9988     28.1679      0.9175
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     440  71937.9991
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  71937.9991      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  71937.9992      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17080points
+                      refine surface  71937.9992      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   5 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  71938.0425      0.0434      0.0432
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  71938.0729      0.0738      0.0304
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  71938.1106      0.1116      0.0378
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17085points
+                          surface 02  71938.1359      0.1368      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 2:    17079points
+                      refine surface  71938.1360      0.1370      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  71938.1723      0.1732      0.0362
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17079points
+                          surface 03  71938.1976      0.1985      0.0253
+                                                                        S. 3:    17095points
+                      refine surface  71938.1978      0.1987      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  71938.2395      0.2404      0.0418
+                                                                        S. 3:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  71938.2747      0.2756      0.0351
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  71938.3119      0.3128      0.0372
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17098points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  71938.3459
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  71938.3462      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  71938.3623      0.0164      0.0161
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  71938.3859      0.0400      0.0237
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  71938.3870      0.0411      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  71938.4013      0.0554      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  71938.5247      0.1788      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  71938.8212      0.4753      0.2965
+                embedding surface  1  71938.8214      0.4755      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  71940.9662      2.6203      2.1448
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  71943.1812      4.8353      2.2150
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  71946.9199      8.5740      3.7387
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  71946.9255      8.5795      0.0055
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  71947.4815      9.1356      0.5560
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  71947.5628      9.2169      0.0814
+                           Find void  71947.8344      9.4885      0.2715
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33072
+          Define boundary conditions  71947.8756      9.5297      0.0413
+                         wsmp setup1  71947.8877      9.5418      0.0121
+                                                                        n =   129294
+                                                                        nz=  4974885
+                         wsmp setup2  71949.0300     10.6841      1.1423
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  71949.0911
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  71949.0912      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.02071E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37221
+                          wsmp solve  71956.9741      7.8830      7.8828
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0631139 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2867351 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7983880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7764859 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16131.4711323 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2434330 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083981 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1770132 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10169E+01  0.16437E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95304E-01  0.17105E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76416E+00  0.24609E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  71973.1890     24.0979     16.2150
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35196E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  71973.4150     24.3240      0.2260
+                do leaf measurements  71973.4169     24.3258      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  71973.4771     24.3860      0.0602
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5764665 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  71973.4843
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  71973.4904      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.02071E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37221
+                          wsmp solve  71981.4506      7.9663      7.9602
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0636721 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3068249 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8032460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7439158 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16180.3736013 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2418828 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083599 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1683750 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10196E+01  0.12301E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47169E-01  0.15266E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76358E+00  0.22717E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  71997.6565     24.1722     16.2059
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12527E+01  0.21126E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  71997.8808     24.3965      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements  71997.8827     24.3983      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  71997.9426     24.4582      0.0599
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0722272 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  71997.9499
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  71997.9560      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37221
+                          wsmp solve  72005.9561      8.0063      8.0002
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0589070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3436310 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7984221 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7253551 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16208.3743728 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2427180 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083520 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1778302 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10214E+01  0.14043E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41719E-01  0.15297E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74249E+00  0.23296E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  72022.1722     24.2223     16.2160
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13658E+01  0.31255E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  72022.3984     24.4485      0.2262
+                do leaf measurements  72022.4003     24.4504      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  72022.4604     24.5105      0.0601
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0348205 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  72022.4678
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  72022.4740      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37221
+                          wsmp solve  72030.4633      7.9955      7.9893
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0640771 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3187099 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7983150 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7786980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16128.1605671 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2425339 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083370 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2111220 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10213E+01  0.16065E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41715E-01  0.15439E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73324E+00  0.23055E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  72046.7124     24.2446     16.2491
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14497E+01  0.34766E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  72046.9377     24.4699      0.2254
+                do leaf measurements  72046.9396     24.4718      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  72046.9997     24.5319      0.0601
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0146362 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  72047.0069
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  72047.0129      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37221
+                          wsmp solve  72054.9673      7.9604      7.9544
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0593722 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3423781 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8048010 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7368920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16190.9584048 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2425160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083640 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1947820 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10208E+01  0.17670E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41345E-01  0.15611E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72953E+00  0.22959E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  72071.1992     24.1923     16.2319
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14843E+01  0.35520E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  72071.4239     24.4170      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  72071.4258     24.4189      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  72071.4855     24.4787      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0100293 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      6  72071.4929
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  72071.4990      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37221
+                          wsmp solve  72079.5152      8.0223      8.0162
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0593269 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2836151 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7969539 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7482800 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16173.8036916 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2433989 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084109 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1404760 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10203E+01  0.19076E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41795E-01  0.15759E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72606E+00  0.22905E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  72095.6933     24.2004     16.1781
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14998E+01  0.35307E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  72095.9195     24.4266      0.2262
+                do leaf measurements  72095.9214     24.4285      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  72095.9789     24.4861      0.0576
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0071780 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  72095.9821     24.4892      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  72095.9823     24.4894      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -236262485681896.38 511064285110087.88
+ def in m -7.9108996391296387 0.87611764669418335
+ dimensionless def  -2.0139111791338239E-6 2.2602570397513254E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0198492  0.2252556
+                  Compute divergence  72096.2584     24.7656      0.2761
+                        wsmp_cleanup  72096.2966     24.8037      0.0382
+              Reset surface geometry  72096.3064     24.8135      0.0098
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   72096.3155     24.8226      0.0091
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  72096.3355     24.8427      0.0201
+                   Advect surface  1  72096.3357     24.8428      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  72096.5459     25.0530      0.2102
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  72096.7558     25.2629      0.2099
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  72097.0245     25.5317      0.2687
+                    Advect the cloud  72097.2166     25.7237      0.1920
+                        Write output  72098.1521     26.6592      0.9355
+                    End of time step  72099.0705     27.5777      0.9184
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     441  72099.0707
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  72099.0708      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  72099.0709      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17085points
+                      refine surface  72099.0709      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  72099.1078      0.0370      0.0369
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17085points
+                          surface 02  72099.1339      0.0632      0.0261
+                                                                        S. 2:    17079points
+                      refine surface  72099.1341      0.0634      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  72099.1728      0.1021      0.0387
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  72099.2021      0.1314      0.0293
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  72099.2392      0.1684      0.0370
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17080points
+                          surface 03  72099.2639      0.1932      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 3:    17098points
+                      refine surface  72099.2640      0.1933      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  72099.3030      0.2323      0.0390
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  72099.3336      0.2629      0.0306
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  72099.3711      0.3003      0.0374
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17099points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  72099.4053
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  72099.4056      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  72099.4217      0.0163      0.0161
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  72099.4457      0.0404      0.0240
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  72099.4468      0.0415      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  72099.4611      0.0558      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  72099.5845      0.1792      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  72099.8794      0.4740      0.2948
+                embedding surface  1  72099.8795      0.4742      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  72102.0086      2.6032      2.1291
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  72104.2489      4.8436      2.2404
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  72107.9709      8.5656      3.7220
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  72107.9765      8.5712      0.0056
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  72108.5501      9.1448      0.5736
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  72108.6312      9.2259      0.0811
+                           Find void  72108.8989      9.4935      0.2676
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33072
+          Define boundary conditions  72108.9386      9.5333      0.0397
+                         wsmp setup1  72108.9513      9.5460      0.0127
+                                                                        n =   129294
+                                                                        nz=  4974885
+                         wsmp setup2  72110.1014     10.6961      1.1501
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  72110.1623
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  72110.1625      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.05790E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37221
+                          wsmp solve  72118.0260      7.8637      7.8636
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0607512 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2903409 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7923610 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7690310 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16142.6381587 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2433691 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082898 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1646070 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10148E+01  0.16459E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94345E-01  0.17624E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75924E+00  0.25195E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  72134.2282     24.0659     16.2022
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35175E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  72134.4543     24.2920      0.2261
+                do leaf measurements  72134.4560     24.2937      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  72134.5162     24.3538      0.0601
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5792099 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  72134.5233
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  72134.5293      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.05790E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37221
+                          wsmp solve  72142.4912      7.9679      7.9619
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0597830 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2990901 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7938230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7433681 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16181.1984023 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2423661 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083332 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1472211 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10196E+01  0.11968E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.46770E-01  0.15541E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76059E+00  0.23036E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  72158.6772     24.1539     16.1859
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12441E+01  0.20042E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  72158.9004     24.3771      0.2233
+                do leaf measurements  72158.9022     24.3789      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  72158.9620     24.4387      0.0599
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0654637 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  72158.9692
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  72158.9753      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37221
+                          wsmp solve  72166.9790      8.0098      8.0038
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0600400 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3393641 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7992780 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7056050 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16238.2762148 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2426851 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083361 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1557610 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10223E+01  0.13798E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42218E-01  0.15483E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73938E+00  0.23401E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  72183.1720     24.2028     16.1930
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13529E+01  0.30123E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  72183.3965     24.4273      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  72183.3983     24.4291      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  72183.4587     24.4894      0.0604
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0349177 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  72183.4659
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  72183.4721      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37221
+                          wsmp solve  72191.4717      8.0058      7.9996
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0620792 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3140552 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7932901 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7857499 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16117.6156446 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2429729 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083220 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2069230 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10221E+01  0.15866E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42067E-01  0.15560E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73041E+00  0.23122E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  72207.7167     24.2508     16.2450
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14374E+01  0.33919E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  72207.9526     24.4867      0.2359
+                do leaf measurements  72207.9544     24.4884      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  72208.0146     24.5486      0.0602
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0149128 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  72208.0216
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  72208.0276      0.0059      0.0059
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37221
+                          wsmp solve  72215.9830      7.9614      7.9554
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0633419 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3091791 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8030200 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7410691 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16184.6619043 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2430019 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082819 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1683929 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10216E+01  0.17502E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41652E-01  0.15692E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72731E+00  0.23001E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  72232.1894     24.1678     16.2064
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14730E+01  0.34679E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  72232.4133     24.3917      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  72232.4150     24.3934      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  72232.4727     24.4511      0.0577
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0099492 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  72232.4758     24.4542      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  72232.4760     24.4543      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -236472633978564.59 511834664419263.06
+ def in m -7.9824275970458984 0.85473388433456421
+ dimensionless def  -2.25833671433585029E-6 2.28069359915597083E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0222315  0.2272950
+                  Compute divergence  72232.7569     24.7352      0.2809
+                        wsmp_cleanup  72232.7951     24.7735      0.0382
+              Reset surface geometry  72232.8052     24.7836      0.0101
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   72232.8144     24.7927      0.0092
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  72232.8344     24.8127      0.0200
+                   Advect surface  1  72232.8345     24.8129      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  72233.0400     25.0184      0.2055
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  72233.2532     25.2315      0.2131
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  72233.5179     25.4962      0.2647
+                    Advect the cloud  72233.7073     25.6857      0.1895
+                        Write output  72234.6407     26.6191      0.9334
+                    End of time step  72235.5499     27.5283      0.9092
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     442  72235.5501
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  72235.5502      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  72235.5502      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17085points
+                      refine surface  72235.5503      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  72235.5902      0.0401      0.0399
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  72235.6206      0.0705      0.0304
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  72235.6577      0.1076      0.0371
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17087points
+                          surface 02  72235.6842      0.1341      0.0265
+                                                                        S. 2:    17080points
+                      refine surface  72235.6844      0.1343      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  72235.7248      0.1747      0.0405
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  72235.7603      0.2102      0.0355
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  72235.7976      0.2475      0.0373
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17082points
+                          surface 03  72235.8241      0.2740      0.0265
+                                                                        S. 3:    17099points
+                      refine surface  72235.8243      0.2742      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  72235.8632      0.3131      0.0389
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  72235.8969      0.3468      0.0338
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  72235.9343      0.3842      0.0374
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17100points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  72235.9663
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  72235.9666      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  72235.9825      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  72236.0070      0.0407      0.0245
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  72236.0081      0.0418      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  72236.0223      0.0560      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  72236.1444      0.1781      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  72236.4411      0.4748      0.2967
+                embedding surface  1  72236.4412      0.4749      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  72238.5814      2.6151      2.1402
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  72240.7952      4.8289      2.2138
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  72244.5078      8.5415      3.7127
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  72244.5132      8.5469      0.0054
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  72245.0847      9.1184      0.5714
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  72245.1841      9.2178      0.0995
+                           Find void  72245.4532      9.4869      0.2691
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33072
+          Define boundary conditions  72245.4939      9.5276      0.0407
+                         wsmp setup1  72245.5064      9.5401      0.0124
+                                                                        n =   129294
+                                                                        nz=  4974885
+                         wsmp setup2  72246.6563     10.6900      1.1499
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  72246.7171
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  72246.7173      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.12707E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37221
+                          wsmp solve  72254.4900      7.7729      7.7727
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0647421 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2974551 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8027990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7261751 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16207.1353855 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2433240 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083120 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1433060 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10154E+01  0.15862E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94555E-01  0.17501E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75908E+00  0.25165E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  72270.6713     23.9542     16.1813
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35211E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  72270.8946     24.1775      0.2233
+                do leaf measurements  72270.8964     24.1793      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  72270.9564     24.2393      0.0599
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5774344 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  72270.9635
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  72270.9696      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.12707E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37221
+                          wsmp solve  72278.9912      8.0276      8.0216
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0613759 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2927752 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7974381 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7535059 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16165.9436849 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2429821 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082719 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1568239 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10205E+01  0.11479E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.46464E-01  0.15426E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75938E+00  0.23007E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  72295.1859     24.2224     16.1948
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12463E+01  0.19971E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  72295.4124     24.4489      0.2265
+                do leaf measurements  72295.4142     24.4507      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  72295.4744     24.5109      0.0602
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0635227 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  72295.4815
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  72295.4876      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37221
+                          wsmp solve  72303.4454      7.9639      7.9578
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0636981 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3383341 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7975740 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7306590 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16200.3630341 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2421820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083079 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1812248 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10230E+01  0.13353E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42614E-01  0.15424E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73905E+00  0.23406E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  72319.6654     24.1839     16.2200
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13477E+01  0.30116E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  72319.8886     24.4071      0.2232
+                do leaf measurements  72319.8904     24.4089      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  72319.9505     24.4690      0.0601
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0349454 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  72319.9577
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  72319.9638      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37221
+                          wsmp solve  72327.9581      8.0004      7.9943
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0612552 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3206329 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7974050 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7231669 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16211.6819085 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2426209 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083039 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1538599 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10227E+01  0.15466E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42346E-01  0.15538E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72985E+00  0.23128E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  72344.1502     24.1925     16.1921
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14301E+01  0.33614E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  72344.3747     24.4171      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  72344.3766     24.4189      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  72344.4368     24.4791      0.0602
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0148739 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  72344.4440
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  72344.4502      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37221
+                          wsmp solve  72352.4580      8.0140      8.0078
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0608671 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3342011 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7984290 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7827189 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16122.1462961 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2432950 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083928 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2283881 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10222E+01  0.17135E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41890E-01  0.15685E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72674E+00  0.22993E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  72368.7243     24.2803     16.2663
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14658E+01  0.34501E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  72368.9506     24.5066      0.2263
+                do leaf measurements  72368.9525     24.5084      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  72369.0101     24.5661      0.0576
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0098764 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  72369.0132     24.5692      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  72369.0134     24.5694      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -236662440829047.75 512556703934621.13
+ def in m -8.0358343124389648 0.86189788579940796
+ dimensionless def  -2.46256538799830822E-6 2.2959526606968469E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0242972  0.2288259
+                  Compute divergence  72369.2866     24.8426      0.2732
+                        wsmp_cleanup  72369.3254     24.8813      0.0388
+              Reset surface geometry  72369.3329     24.8889      0.0075
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   72369.3409     24.8969      0.0080
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  72369.3584     24.9144      0.0175
+                   Advect surface  1  72369.3585     24.9145      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  72369.5636     25.1196      0.2051
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  72369.7799     25.3359      0.2163
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  72370.0472     25.6032      0.2672
+                    Advect the cloud  72370.2386     25.7946      0.1915
+                        Write output  72371.1710     26.7269      0.9323
+                    End of time step  72372.0835     27.6395      0.9126
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     443  72372.0837
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  72372.0838      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  72372.0838      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17087points
+                      refine surface  72372.0839      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  72372.1226      0.0389      0.0387
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  72372.1530      0.0693      0.0304
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  72372.1904      0.1066      0.0373
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17088points
+                          surface 02  72372.2143      0.1305      0.0239
+                                                                        S. 2:    17082points
+                      refine surface  72372.2144      0.1307      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  72372.2486      0.1649      0.0342
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  72372.2801      0.1964      0.0315
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  72372.3130      0.2293      0.0329
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17084points
+                          surface 03  72372.3393      0.2555      0.0262
+                                                                        S. 3:    17100points
+                      refine surface  72372.3394      0.2557      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  72372.3787      0.2950      0.0393
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  72372.4094      0.3256      0.0306
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  72372.4465      0.3627      0.0371
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17101points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  72372.4809
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  72372.4812      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  72372.4972      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  72372.5213      0.0403      0.0241
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  72372.5224      0.0414      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  72372.5365      0.0556      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  72372.6588      0.1778      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  72372.9532      0.4722      0.2944
+                embedding surface  1  72372.9534      0.4724      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  72375.0749      2.5940      2.1216
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  72377.3241      4.8432      2.2492
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  72381.0894      8.6084      3.7652
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  72381.1007      8.6198      0.0113
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  72381.6555      9.1746      0.5548
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  72381.7524      9.2715      0.0969
+                           Find void  72382.0251      9.5441      0.2727
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33072
+          Define boundary conditions  72382.0679      9.5870      0.0429
+                         wsmp setup1  72382.0797      9.5988      0.0118
+                                                                        n =   129294
+                                                                        nz=  4974885
+                         wsmp setup2  72383.2373     10.7564      1.1576
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  72383.2948
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  72383.2949      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.22934E-05  7.72181E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37221
+                          wsmp solve  72391.1027      7.8079      7.8078
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0672169 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2851820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7959321 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7753260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16133.2075991 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2433939 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0092270 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1767821 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10146E+01  0.15616E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94835E-01  0.17223E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75858E+00  0.24926E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  72407.3159     24.0211     16.2132
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35214E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  72407.5427     24.2479      0.2268
+                do leaf measurements  72407.5445     24.2497      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  72407.6048     24.3100      0.0603
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5778992 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  72407.6118
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  72407.6179      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.22934E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37221
+                          wsmp solve  72415.5801      7.9683      7.9622
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0598571 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2991550 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8025060 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7407019 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16185.2151675 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2425900 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083239 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1535969 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10217E+01  0.11259E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.46856E-01  0.15322E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75830E+00  0.22859E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  72431.7723     24.1604     16.1922
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12470E+01  0.20000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  72431.9962     24.3844      0.2240
+                do leaf measurements  72431.9981     24.3862      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  72432.0579     24.4461      0.0599
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0729958 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  72432.0651
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  72432.0712      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37221
+                          wsmp solve  72440.0863      8.0212      8.0151
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0591931 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3289080 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7982628 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7454040 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16178.1326643 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2435050 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083981 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1841590 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10237E+01  0.13169E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42734E-01  0.15359E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73844E+00  0.23353E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  72456.3082     24.2432     16.2220
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13454E+01  0.30004E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  72456.5343     24.4692      0.2260
+                do leaf measurements  72456.5361     24.4710      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  72456.5964     24.5313      0.0603
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0348712 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  72456.6035
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  72456.6095      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37221
+                          wsmp solve  72464.5639      7.9604      7.9543
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0598450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3282211 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7969460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7478609 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16174.4344298 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2422428 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083261 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1838930 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10233E+01  0.15299E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42447E-01  0.15473E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72934E+00  0.23086E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  72480.7867     24.1832     16.2228
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14269E+01  0.33389E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  72481.0101     24.4066      0.2234
+                do leaf measurements  72481.0119     24.4084      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  72481.0719     24.4684      0.0600
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0147252 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  72481.0790
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  72481.0850      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37221
+                          wsmp solve  72489.0704      7.9915      7.9854
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0626459 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3351250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7992911 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7340491 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16195.2465654 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2423491 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083170 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1822491 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10226E+01  0.16983E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41943E-01  0.15622E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72625E+00  0.22968E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  72505.2906     24.2116     16.2201
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14618E+01  0.34307E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  72505.5158     24.4368      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  72505.5176     24.4387      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  72505.5753     24.4964      0.0577
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0097778 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  72505.5785     24.4995      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  72505.5787     24.4997      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -236796419633718.25 513338350730495.63
+ def in m -8.0613327026367187 0.90171748399734497
+ dimensionless def  -2.57633566856384274E-6 2.30323791503906244E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0254610  0.2295586
+                  Compute divergence  72505.8538     24.7748      0.2751
+                        wsmp_cleanup  72505.8933     24.8144      0.0395
+              Reset surface geometry  72505.9030     24.8240      0.0097
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   72505.9116     24.8326      0.0086
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  72505.9293     24.8503      0.0177
+                   Advect surface  1  72505.9295     24.8505      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  72506.1376     25.0586      0.2081
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  72506.3587     25.2797      0.2211
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  72506.6259     25.5470      0.2673
+                    Advect the cloud  72506.8186     25.7396      0.1926
+                        Write output  72507.7505     26.6715      0.9319
+                    End of time step  72508.6712     27.5922      0.9207
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     444  72508.6714
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  72508.6715      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  72508.6715      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17088points
+                      refine surface  72508.6716      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   5 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  72508.7150      0.0435      0.0434
+                                                                        S. 1:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  72508.7503      0.0789      0.0353
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  72508.7876      0.1162      0.0373
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17093points
+                          surface 02  72508.8141      0.1427      0.0265
+                                                                        S. 2:    17083points
+                      refine surface  72508.8142      0.1428      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  72508.8547      0.1833      0.0405
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  72508.8862      0.2148      0.0314
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  72508.9237      0.2523      0.0375
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17085points
+                          surface 03  72508.9507      0.2793      0.0270
+                                                                        S. 3:    17101points
+                      refine surface  72508.9508      0.2794      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  72508.9879      0.3165      0.0371
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17101points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  72509.0233
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  72509.0236      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  72509.0395      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  72509.0629      0.0396      0.0234
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  72509.0641      0.0407      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  72509.0782      0.0549      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  72509.2004      0.1771      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  72509.4961      0.4728      0.2957
+                embedding surface  1  72509.4963      0.4729      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  72511.6343      2.6110      2.1381
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  72513.8481      4.8247      2.2137
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  72517.5488      8.5254      3.7007
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  72517.5558      8.5325      0.0071
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  72518.0876      9.0643      0.5318
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  72518.2251      9.2017      0.1374
+                           Find void  72518.4954      9.4720      0.2703
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33072
+          Define boundary conditions  72518.5361      9.5128      0.0407
+                         wsmp setup1  72518.5486      9.5253      0.0125
+                                                                        n =   129294
+                                                                        nz=  4974885
+                         wsmp setup2  72519.7017     10.6783      1.1530
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  72519.7621
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  72519.7623      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.33184E-05  8.59606E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37221
+                          wsmp solve  72527.5834      7.8213      7.8212
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0681920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2981989 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8000720 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7179630 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16219.5532719 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2425780 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082600 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1357529 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10142E+01  0.15486E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94877E-01  0.17204E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75751E+00  0.24997E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  72543.7566     23.9945     16.1731
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35236E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  72543.9810     24.2189      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  72543.9828     24.2207      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  72544.0433     24.2812      0.0605
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5768042 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  72544.0505
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  72544.0566      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.35776E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37221
+                          wsmp solve  72552.0676      8.0171      8.0110
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0627789 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3115661 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7992070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7769680 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16130.7495288 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2435932 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084219 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2030129 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10219E+01  0.11139E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.46783E-01  0.15253E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75751E+00  0.22907E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  72568.3090     24.2585     16.2414
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12477E+01  0.20012E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  72568.5349     24.4844      0.2259
+                do leaf measurements  72568.5367     24.4862      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  72568.5969     24.5464      0.0602
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0642578 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  72568.6040
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  72568.6101      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37221
+                          wsmp solve  72576.5668      7.9628      7.9566
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0611920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3449991 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8046110 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7308500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16200.0747217 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2427449 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083818 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1932271 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10237E+01  0.13070E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42840E-01  0.15294E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73830E+00  0.23352E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  72592.7992     24.1952     16.2324
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13441E+01  0.29992E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  72593.0215     24.4175      0.2223
+                do leaf measurements  72593.0233     24.4193      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  72593.0831     24.4791      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0347679 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  72593.0903
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  72593.0963      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37221
+                          wsmp solve  72601.0949      8.0046      7.9986
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0655999 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3167460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7970901 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7275810 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16205.0112820 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2428019 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083370 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1586239 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10233E+01  0.15211E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42582E-01  0.15416E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72920E+00  0.23087E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  72617.2921     24.2018     16.1972
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14245E+01  0.33287E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  72617.5170     24.4267      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  72617.5188     24.4285      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  72617.5791     24.4888      0.0603
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0146051 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  72617.5863
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  72617.5924      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37221
+                          wsmp solve  72625.5473      7.9610      7.9548
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0612080 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3373859 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8005469 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7492130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16172.3999556 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2422490 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084019 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1994798 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10226E+01  0.16900E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42067E-01  0.15583E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72611E+00  0.22971E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  72641.7846     24.1982     16.2373
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14596E+01  0.34203E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  72642.0170     24.4307      0.2324
+                do leaf measurements  72642.0188     24.4324      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  72642.0761     24.4898      0.0573
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0096971 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  72642.0792     24.4929      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  72642.0794     24.4931      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -236891682758158.22 514159462532054.
+ def in m -8.0665254592895508 0.9217839241027832
+ dimensionless def  -2.63366835457938076E-6 2.30472155979701457E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0260494  0.2297057
+                  Compute divergence  72642.3560     24.7697      0.2766
+                        wsmp_cleanup  72642.3945     24.8082      0.0385
+              Reset surface geometry  72642.4051     24.8187      0.0106
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   72642.4144     24.8280      0.0093
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  72642.4331     24.8468      0.0188
+                   Advect surface  1  72642.4333     24.8469      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  72642.6354     25.0490      0.2021
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  72642.8431     25.2568      0.2078
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  72643.1252     25.5388      0.2820
+                    Advect the cloud  72643.3147     25.7284      0.1896
+                        Write output  72644.2442     26.6579      0.9295
+                    End of time step  72645.1552     27.5689      0.9110
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     445  72645.1554
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  72645.1555      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  72645.1555      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17093points
+                      refine surface  72645.1556      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  72645.1933      0.0379      0.0378
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  72645.2247      0.0693      0.0314
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  72645.2622      0.1068      0.0375
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17094points
+                          surface 02  72645.2889      0.1334      0.0267
+                                                                        S. 2:    17085points
+                      refine surface  72645.2890      0.1336      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  72645.3298      0.1743      0.0407
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  72645.3591      0.2037      0.0294
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  72645.3959      0.2405      0.0367
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17087points
+                          surface 03  72645.4215      0.2661      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 3:    17100points
+                      refine surface  72645.4216      0.2662      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  72645.4637      0.3083      0.0421
+                                                                        S. 3:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  72645.4998      0.3444      0.0361
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  72645.5373      0.3819      0.0375
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17103points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  72645.5722
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  72645.5725      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  72645.5884      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  72645.6125      0.0402      0.0240
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  72645.6136      0.0414      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  72645.6277      0.0555      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  72645.7499      0.1777      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  72646.0453      0.4731      0.2954
+                embedding surface  1  72646.0455      0.4733      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  72648.1829      2.6107      2.1374
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  72650.3775      4.8053      2.1946
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  72654.0628      8.4906      3.6853
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  72654.0683      8.4961      0.0055
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  72654.5948      9.0225      0.5264
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  72654.7432      9.1710      0.1484
+                           Find void  72655.0143      9.4421      0.2711
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33073
+          Define boundary conditions  72655.0554      9.4832      0.0411
+                         wsmp setup1  72655.0670      9.4948      0.0115
+                                                                        n =   129297
+                                                                        nz=  4975008
+                         wsmp setup2  72656.2154     10.6432      1.1484
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  72656.2727
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  72656.2728      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4641        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00717E-05  8.31159E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37222
+                          wsmp solve  72664.0497      7.7770      7.7769
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0688910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2109909 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7980731 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.8060341 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15738.9020845 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2433431 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086179 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.1364059 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10140E+01  0.15608E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94436E-01  0.17093E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75824E+00  0.25191E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  72681.2228     24.9501     17.1730
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35248E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  72681.4476     25.1749      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  72681.4494     25.1767      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  72681.5089     25.2362      0.0595
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5792880 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  72681.5160
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  72681.5221      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4641        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00717E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37222
+                          wsmp solve  72689.4973      7.9813      7.9752
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0610750 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1988931 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7986231 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.8309710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15705.7281671 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2427690 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086761 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.1414599 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10213E+01  0.11303E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47597E-01  0.15071E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75783E+00  0.22979E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  72706.6757     25.1597     17.1785
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12501E+01  0.20285E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  72706.9002     25.3843      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  72706.9020     25.3860      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  72706.9619     25.4459      0.0599
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0657523 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  72706.9691
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  72706.9751      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4641        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37222
+                          wsmp solve  72715.0120      8.0429      8.0369
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0609629 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1958370 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8076079 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.8685870 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15655.9508096 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2447109 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086460 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.1867979 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10234E+01  0.13191E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41897E-01  0.15154E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73869E+00  0.23410E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  72732.2359     25.2668     17.2239
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13491E+01  0.30263E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  72732.4628     25.4938      0.2270
+                do leaf measurements  72732.4646     25.4956      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  72732.5244     25.5554      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0345722 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  72732.5315
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  72732.5375      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4641        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37222
+                          wsmp solve  72740.4952      7.9638      7.9578
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0613141 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2173181 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8067651 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.8481729 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15682.9256324 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2426779 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086060 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.1853421 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10230E+01  0.15312E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41791E-01  0.15296E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72955E+00  0.23125E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  72757.7181     25.1867     17.2229
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14291E+01  0.33479E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  72757.9415     25.4101      0.2234
+                do leaf measurements  72757.9433     25.4118      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  72758.0028     25.4714      0.0595
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0144008 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  72758.0106
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  72758.0167      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4641        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37222
+                          wsmp solve  72766.0124      8.0018      7.9956
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0621128 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2004709 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8006160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.8840790 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15635.5418741 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2431500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0087299 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.1996129 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10225E+01  0.16988E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41463E-01  0.15464E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72633E+00  0.23003E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  72783.2487     25.2381     17.2363
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14635E+01  0.34321E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  72783.4737     25.4631      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  72783.4754     25.4649      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  72783.5330     25.5224      0.0575
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0097619 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  72783.5361     25.5255      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  72783.5363     25.5257      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -236976981903293.59 514992422882313.44
+ def in m -8.0523900985717773 0.93642419576644897
+ dimensionless def  -2.67549770218985436E-6 2.30068288530622206E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0264753  0.2293197
+                  Compute divergence  72783.8107     25.8002      0.2744
+                        wsmp_cleanup  72783.8500     25.8394      0.0393
+              Reset surface geometry  72783.8596     25.8490      0.0096
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   72783.8678     25.8573      0.0083
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  72783.8851     25.8745      0.0172
+                   Advect surface  1  72783.8852     25.8747      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  72784.1038     26.0932      0.2186
+                                                                        S. 2:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  72784.3087     26.2981      0.2049
+                                                                        S. 3:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  72784.5758     26.5653      0.2672
+                    Advect the cloud  72784.7662     26.7557      0.1904
+                        Write output  72785.7000     27.6895      0.9338
+                    End of time step  72786.6230     28.6124      0.9229
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     446  72786.6232
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  72786.6233      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  72786.6233      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17093points
+                      refine surface  72786.6233      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  72786.6596      0.0364      0.0363
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  72786.6956      0.0725      0.0360
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  72786.7331      0.1099      0.0375
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17094points
+                          surface 02  72786.7593      0.1361      0.0262
+                                                                        S. 2:    17087points
+                      refine surface  72786.7594      0.1362      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  72786.8003      0.1771      0.0409
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  72786.8347      0.2116      0.0345
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  72786.8711      0.2479      0.0363
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17089points
+                          surface 03  72786.8966      0.2735      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 3:    17103points
+                      refine surface  72786.8968      0.2736      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  72786.9366      0.3135      0.0399
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  72786.9676      0.3444      0.0309
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  72787.0052      0.3820      0.0376
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17105points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  72787.0381
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  72787.0384      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  72787.0543      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  72787.0791      0.0410      0.0248
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  72787.0802      0.0421      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  72787.0943      0.0563      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  72787.2165      0.1785      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  72787.5149      0.4768      0.2983
+                embedding surface  1  72787.5150      0.4770      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  72789.6521      2.6141      2.1371
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  72791.8462      4.8081      2.1941
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  72795.5236      8.4855      3.6774
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  72795.5293      8.4913      0.0058
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  72796.0387      9.0006      0.5093
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  72796.1991      9.1610      0.1604
+                           Find void  72796.4670      9.4290      0.2680
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33074
+          Define boundary conditions  72796.5061      9.4681      0.0391
+                         wsmp setup1  72796.5194      9.4813      0.0132
+                                                                        n =   129309
+                                                                        nz=  4975419
+                         wsmp setup2  72797.6741     10.6360      1.1547
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  72797.7337
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  72797.7338      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.01848E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37225
+                          wsmp solve  72805.5540      7.8203      7.8201
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0633590 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1210232 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8019311 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.3604650 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13403.1182901 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2486579 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083861 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.6043000 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10521E+01  0.16125E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94093E-01  0.16703E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75865E+00  0.25240E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  72824.1951     26.4614     18.6411
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35246E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  72824.4208     26.6871      0.2257
+                do leaf measurements  72824.4226     26.6890      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  72824.4847     26.7510      0.0620
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5880390 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  72824.4919
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  72824.4981      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.01848E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37225
+                          wsmp solve  72832.5193      8.0274      8.0212
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0602701 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1180949 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7985592 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.4625759 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13301.4584011 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2492411 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083511 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.6975551 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10226E+01  0.11723E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48093E-01  0.14630E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75797E+00  0.23026E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  72851.2532     26.7613     18.7339
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12517E+01  0.20290E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  72851.4793     26.9873      0.2261
+                do leaf measurements  72851.4811     26.9891      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  72851.5427     27.0507      0.0616
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0706941 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  72851.5498
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  72851.5558      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37225
+                          wsmp solve  72859.5142      7.9644      7.9584
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0597560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1446881 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8063371 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.3819041 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13381.6452275 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2486501 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083139 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.6500950 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10244E+01  0.13574E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40069E-01  0.14711E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73912E+00  0.23266E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  72878.2008     26.6510     18.6866
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13525E+01  0.30561E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  72878.4255     26.8757      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  72878.4273     26.8775      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  72878.4887     26.9389      0.0614
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0350753 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  72878.4958
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  72878.5020      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37225
+                          wsmp solve  72886.4973      8.0015      7.9953
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0623941 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1279359 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8106811 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.3663700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13397.1971427 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2491531 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084200 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.6254292 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10235E+01  0.15684E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40420E-01  0.14882E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73021E+00  0.22985E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  72905.1596     26.6637     18.6623
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14335E+01  0.33759E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  72905.3855     26.8896      0.2259
+                do leaf measurements  72905.3873     26.8915      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  72905.4494     26.9536      0.0621
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0142114 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  72905.4567
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  72905.4629      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37225
+                          wsmp solve  72913.4884      8.0318      8.0256
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0597889 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1152689 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8009648 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.4618540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13302.1717309 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2492759 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083549 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.6959629 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10228E+01  0.17361E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40362E-01  0.15077E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72701E+00  0.22880E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  72932.2207     26.7640     18.7322
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14685E+01  0.34663E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  72932.4477     26.9910      0.2270
+                do leaf measurements  72932.4495     26.9929      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  72932.5085     27.0518      0.0590
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0098374 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  72932.5116     27.0550      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  72932.5118     27.0551      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -237078550420751.69 515814888336996.19
+ def in m -7.9775819778442383 0.93499112129211426
+ dimensionless def  -2.67140320369175511E-6 2.27930913652692526E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0264522  0.2272970
+                  Compute divergence  72932.7901     27.3335      0.2784
+                        wsmp_cleanup  72932.8300     27.3734      0.0399
+              Reset surface geometry  72932.8406     27.3839      0.0106
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   72932.8497     27.3931      0.0091
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  72932.8687     27.4121      0.0190
+                   Advect surface  1  72932.8689     27.4122      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  72933.0763     27.6197      0.2074
+                                                                        S. 2:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  72933.2877     27.8310      0.2114
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  72933.5756     28.1190      0.2880
+                    Advect the cloud  72933.7686     28.3120      0.1930
+                        Write output  72934.7023     29.2456      0.9337
+                    End of time step  72935.6157     30.1591      0.9134
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     447  72935.6159
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  72935.6160      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  72935.6160      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17094points
+                      refine surface  72935.6161      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  72935.6547      0.0388      0.0387
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  72935.6834      0.0675      0.0287
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  72935.7196      0.1037      0.0362
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17095points
+                          surface 02  72935.7444      0.1285      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 2:    17089points
+                      refine surface  72935.7445      0.1287      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  72935.7832      0.1673      0.0387
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  72935.8135      0.1977      0.0303
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  72935.8500      0.2341      0.0365
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17090points
+                          surface 03  72935.8763      0.2604      0.0263
+                                                                        S. 3:    17104points
+                      refine surface  72935.8765      0.2606      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  72935.9159      0.3001      0.0395
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  72935.9531      0.3372      0.0371
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  72935.9906      0.3747      0.0375
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17105points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  72936.0256
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  72936.0259      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  72936.0418      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  72936.0660      0.0404      0.0242
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  72936.0672      0.0415      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  72936.0813      0.0557      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  72936.2036      0.1780      0.1223
+             Imbed surface in osolve  72936.4985      0.4729      0.2949
+                embedding surface  1  72936.4987      0.4730      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  72938.6370      2.6114      2.1384
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  72940.8678      4.8422      2.2307
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  72944.5981      8.5725      3.7303
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  72944.6036      8.5780      0.0055
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  72945.1589      9.1333      0.5553
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  72945.2417      9.2161      0.0828
+                           Find void  72945.5136      9.4880      0.2718
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33074
+          Define boundary conditions  72945.5562      9.5306      0.0426
+                         wsmp setup1  72945.5680      9.5424      0.0119
+                                                                        n =   129309
+                                                                        nz=  4975419
+                         wsmp setup2  72946.7238     10.6982      1.1557
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  72946.7811
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  72946.7813      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.10774E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37225
+                          wsmp solve  72954.6330      7.8519      7.8518
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0659869 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1089211 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7985060 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.4466040 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13317.2578960 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2493169 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083420 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.6781819 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10608E+01  0.16294E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94345E-01  0.16294E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75797E+00  0.25129E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  72973.3478     26.5667     18.7148
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35252E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  72973.5740     26.7929      0.2261
+                do leaf measurements  72973.5758     26.7947      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  72973.6375     26.8564      0.0617
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5867572 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  72973.6446
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  72973.6506      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.10774E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37225
+                          wsmp solve  72981.6140      7.9695      7.9634
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0626500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1435740 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8078289 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.4013751 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13362.2029630 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2484519 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083170 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.6726499 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10227E+01  0.11923E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48397E-01  0.14309E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75760E+00  0.22973E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  73000.3225     26.6779     18.7084
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12536E+01  0.20549E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  73000.5471     26.9026      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  73000.5489     26.9043      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  73000.6103     26.9658      0.0614
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0704506 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  73000.6175
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  73000.6236      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37225
+                          wsmp solve  73008.6092      7.9917      7.9856
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0606239 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1328630 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8021600 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.3658190 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13397.7494215 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2489920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083308 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.6192720 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10245E+01  0.13766E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40127E-01  0.14446E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73932E+00  0.23248E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  73027.2649     26.6474     18.6557
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13553E+01  0.30658E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  73027.4899     26.8725      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  73027.4917     26.8742      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  73027.5535     26.9360      0.0618
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0350497 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  73027.5607
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  73027.5667      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37225
+                          wsmp solve  73035.6007      8.0401      8.0340
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0610530 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1176960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8005931 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.4268761 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13336.8247807 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2489722 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083530 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.6639891 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10237E+01  0.15867E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40277E-01  0.14649E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73047E+00  0.22962E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  73054.3012     26.7406     18.7005
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14371E+01  0.33926E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  73054.5274     26.9667      0.2262
+                do leaf measurements  73054.5291     26.9685      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  73054.5908     27.0302      0.0617
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0141943 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  73054.5979
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  73054.6039      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37225
+                          wsmp solve  73062.5552      7.9572      7.9513
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0589252 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1395531 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8006160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.4028952 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13360.6874214 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2490890 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083148 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.6598721 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10231E+01  0.17540E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40217E-01  0.14887E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72731E+00  0.22840E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  73081.2515     26.6536     18.6964
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14718E+01  0.34819E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  73081.4766     26.8787      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  73081.4784     26.8804      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  73081.5373     26.9394      0.0589
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0098542 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  73081.5404     26.9425      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  73081.5406     26.9427      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -237247757072705.22 516542851815917.25
+ def in m -8.0015840530395508 0.91638904809951782
+ dimensionless def  -2.61825442314147942E-6 2.28616687229701431E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0259005  0.2279522
+                  Compute divergence  73081.8169     27.2190      0.2763
+                        wsmp_cleanup  73081.8574     27.2595      0.0405
+              Reset surface geometry  73081.8668     27.2689      0.0094
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   73081.8755     27.2776      0.0087
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  73081.8934     27.2955      0.0179
+                   Advect surface  1  73081.8935     27.2956      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  73082.1248     27.5269      0.2313
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  73082.3565     27.7586      0.2317
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  73082.6390     28.0411      0.2825
+                    Advect the cloud  73082.8303     28.2323      0.1912
+                        Write output  73083.7590     29.1611      0.9288
+                    End of time step  73084.6718     30.0738      0.9128
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     448  73084.6720
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  73084.6721      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  73084.6721      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17093points
+                      refine surface  73084.6722      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  73084.7059      0.0339      0.0338
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17093points
+                          surface 02  73084.7308      0.0588      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 2:    17088points
+                      refine surface  73084.7309      0.0589      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  73084.7718      0.0998      0.0409
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  73084.8066      0.1346      0.0348
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  73084.8433      0.1713      0.0367
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17091points
+                          surface 03  73084.8689      0.1969      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 3:    17104points
+                      refine surface  73084.8690      0.1971      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  73084.9050      0.2330      0.0360
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17104points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  73084.9377
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  73084.9380      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  73084.9539      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  73084.9787      0.0411      0.0248
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  73084.9798      0.0422      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  73084.9940      0.0563      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  73085.1162      0.1785      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  73085.4113      0.4736      0.2951
+                embedding surface  1  73085.4115      0.4738      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  73087.5291      2.5914      2.1176
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  73089.7108      4.7731      2.1817
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  73093.4022      8.4645      3.6914
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  73093.4093      8.4716      0.0072
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  73093.9387      9.0010      0.5294
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  73094.1012      9.1635      0.1624
+                           Find void  73094.3705      9.4328      0.2693
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33074
+          Define boundary conditions  73094.4103      9.4727      0.0399
+                         wsmp setup1  73094.4216      9.4839      0.0112
+                                                                        n =   129309
+                                                                        nz=  4975419
+                         wsmp setup2  73095.5716     10.6339      1.1500
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  73095.6285
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  73095.6287      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.35982E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37225
+                          wsmp solve  73103.4164      7.7879      7.7877
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0661259 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1353211 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8011379 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.4017861 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13361.7931434 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2492609 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083442 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.6624281 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10882E+01  0.16280E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.93692E-01  0.16095E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75792E+00  0.25007E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  73122.1159     26.4874     18.6995
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35251E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  73122.3394     26.7109      0.2234
+                do leaf measurements  73122.3412     26.7126      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  73122.4007     26.7722      0.0595
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5863921 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  73122.4078
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  73122.4140      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.35982E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37225
+                          wsmp solve  73130.3807      7.9729      7.9668
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0622120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1277890 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8027780 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.3643949 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13399.1770499 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2488351 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084491 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.6148939 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10248E+01  0.11941E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48419E-01  0.14169E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75744E+00  0.22859E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  73149.0319     26.6241     18.6512
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12528E+01  0.20538E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  73149.2548     26.8469      0.2228
+                do leaf measurements  73149.2566     26.8487      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  73149.3162     26.9083      0.0596
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0703508 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  73149.3233
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  73149.3294      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37225
+                          wsmp solve  73157.3757      8.0525      8.0464
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0622699 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1131761 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8007982 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.4110920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13352.5213979 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2496090 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084531 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.6458800 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10248E+01  0.13810E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40156E-01  0.14347E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73926E+00  0.23235E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  73176.0584     26.7351     18.6826
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13561E+01  0.30658E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  73176.2841     26.9608      0.2257
+                do leaf measurements  73176.2858     26.9626      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  73176.3457     27.0224      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0349538 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  73176.3527
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  73176.3588      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37225
+                          wsmp solve  73184.3149      7.9622      7.9561
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0618050 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1314440 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7990320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.4026508 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13360.9310353 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2488658 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084281 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.6526849 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10240E+01  0.15919E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40332E-01  0.14579E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73046E+00  0.22944E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  73203.0042     26.6515     18.6893
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14375E+01  0.33842E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  73203.2271     26.8744      0.2229
+                do leaf measurements  73203.2289     26.8762      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  73203.2884     26.9357      0.0595
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0142848 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  73203.2954
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  73203.3015      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37225
+                          wsmp solve  73211.2609      7.9655      7.9593
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0614839 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1269939 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8040712 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.3707471 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13392.8113571 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2490261 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084460 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.6212299 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10234E+01  0.17598E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40206E-01  0.14847E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72730E+00  0.22846E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  73229.9183     26.6229     18.6574
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14733E+01  0.34787E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  73230.1420     26.8466      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  73230.1439     26.8484      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  73230.2008     26.9054      0.0570
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0098855 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  73230.2039     26.9085      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  73230.2041     26.9086      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -237376986322543. 517303001398882.06
+ def in m -8.0019540786743164 0.90352022647857666
+ dimensionless def  -2.58148636136736173E-6 2.2862725939069476E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0255106  0.2279258
+                  Compute divergence  73230.4769     27.1815      0.2728
+                        wsmp_cleanup  73230.5165     27.2210      0.0396
+              Reset surface geometry  73230.5250     27.2296      0.0086
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   73230.5331     27.2376      0.0080
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  73230.5505     27.2550      0.0174
+                   Advect surface  1  73230.5506     27.2552      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  73230.7703     27.4748      0.2197
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  73231.0005     27.7051      0.2302
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  73231.2717     27.9763      0.2712
+                    Advect the cloud  73231.4679     28.1724      0.1962
+                        Write output  73232.4060     29.1106      0.9381
+                    End of time step  73233.3277     30.0322      0.9216
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     449  73233.3278
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  73233.3279      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  73233.3279      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17092points
+                      refine surface  73233.3280      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  73233.3671      0.0392      0.0391
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  73233.4025      0.0747      0.0355
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  73233.4388      0.1109      0.0362
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17095points
+                          surface 02  73233.4657      0.1378      0.0269
+                                                                        S. 2:    17089points
+                      refine surface  73233.4658      0.1380      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  73233.5035      0.1757      0.0377
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17089points
+                          surface 03  73233.5284      0.2006      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 3:    17104points
+                      refine surface  73233.5286      0.2007      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  73233.5701      0.2423      0.0416
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  73233.6012      0.2733      0.0310
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  73233.6387      0.3108      0.0375
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17107points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  73233.6711
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  73233.6714      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  73233.6873      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  73233.7122      0.0411      0.0248
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  73233.7133      0.0422      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  73233.7274      0.0563      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  73233.8496      0.1785      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  73234.1450      0.4739      0.2954
+                embedding surface  1  73234.1451      0.4740      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  73236.2872      2.6161      2.1421
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  73238.4667      4.7956      2.1795
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  73242.1956      8.5245      3.7288
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  73242.2053      8.5342      0.0097
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  73242.7731      9.1020      0.5678
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  73242.8853      9.2142      0.1122
+                           Find void  73243.1549      9.4838      0.2696
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33074
+          Define boundary conditions  73243.1950      9.5239      0.0401
+                         wsmp setup1  73243.2072      9.5361      0.0122
+                                                                        n =   129309
+                                                                        nz=  4975419
+                         wsmp setup2  73244.3586     10.6875      1.1514
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  73244.4169
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  73244.4171      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.54955E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37225
+                          wsmp solve  73252.1949      7.7780      7.7778
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0647142 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1300900 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8017621 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.3783219 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13385.2283565 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2490351 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084109 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.6327691 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10449E+01  0.16196E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94038E-01  0.15866E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75752E+00  0.25307E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  73270.8642     26.4473     18.6692
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35262E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  73271.0889     26.6719      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  73271.0906     26.6737      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  73271.1508     26.7339      0.0602
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5849380 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  73271.1580
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  73271.1640      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.66909E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37225
+                          wsmp solve  73279.1891      8.0312      8.0251
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0635769 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1206141 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7995400 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.4055328 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13358.0586203 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2490621 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084288 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.6472001 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10230E+01  0.11865E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48441E-01  0.14096E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75702E+00  0.23034E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  73297.8720     26.7141     18.6829
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12534E+01  0.20638E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  73298.0981     26.9402      0.2261
+                do leaf measurements  73298.0999     26.9420      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  73298.1604     27.0025      0.0605
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0693025 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  73298.1677
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  73298.1738      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37225
+                          wsmp solve  73306.1319      7.9642      7.9580
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0637598 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1232362 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8004460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.4336529 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13330.0968174 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2490690 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083342 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.6792250 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10248E+01  0.13761E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40481E-01  0.14315E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73905E+00  0.23237E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  73324.8468     26.6791     18.7150
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13557E+01  0.30643E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  73325.0710     26.9033      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  73325.0728     26.9051      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  73325.1328     26.9651      0.0600
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0350588 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  73325.1400
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  73325.1461      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37225
+                          wsmp solve  73333.0995      7.9595      7.9534
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0662508 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1303699 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8074319 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.3776989 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13385.8516949 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2497342 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084319 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.6403708 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10239E+01  0.15879E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40679E-01  0.14567E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73030E+00  0.22963E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  73351.7759     26.6359     18.6764
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14367E+01  0.33786E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  73352.0006     26.8606      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  73352.0024     26.8624      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  73352.0623     26.9223      0.0599
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0143356 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  73352.0694
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  73352.0755      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37225
+                          wsmp solve  73360.0829      8.0134      8.0074
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0629082 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1202259 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8001771 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.3927410 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13370.8173660 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2489460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082791 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.6337421 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10234E+01  0.17559E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40572E-01  0.14822E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72713E+00  0.22847E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  73378.7535     26.6841     18.6707
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14716E+01  0.34735E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  73378.9804     26.9109      0.2268
+                do leaf measurements  73378.9822     26.9127      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  73379.0399     26.9704      0.0577
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0098343 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  73379.0431     26.9736      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  73379.0432     26.9738      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -237492538315389.84 518080375873039.38
+ def in m -8.0014009475708008 0.89644181728363037
+ dimensionless def  -2.56126233509608678E-6 2.28611455644880012E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0252959  0.2278746
+                  Compute divergence  73379.3180     27.2486      0.2748
+                        wsmp_cleanup  73379.3579     27.2884      0.0399
+              Reset surface geometry  73379.3677     27.2982      0.0098
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   73379.3764     27.3070      0.0088
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  73379.3940     27.3246      0.0176
+                   Advect surface  1  73379.3942     27.3247      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  73379.6227     27.5533      0.2286
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  73379.8620     27.7926      0.2393
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   14 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  73380.1452     28.0757      0.2832
+                    Advect the cloud  73380.3391     28.2697      0.1939
+                        Write output  73381.2779     29.2085      0.9388
+                    End of time step  73382.2077     30.1383      0.9298
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     450  73382.2079
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  73382.2080      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  73382.2081      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17093points
+                      refine surface  73382.2081      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  73382.2444      0.0365      0.0363
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  73382.2749      0.0669      0.0304
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  73382.3113      0.1034      0.0365
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17094points
+                          surface 02  73382.3362      0.1283      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 2:    17086points
+                      refine surface  73382.3364      0.1284      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  73382.3763      0.1683      0.0399
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  73382.4073      0.1994      0.0310
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  73382.4453      0.2373      0.0379
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17088points
+                          surface 03  73382.4703      0.2623      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 3:    17106points
+                      refine surface  73382.4704      0.2625      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  73382.5069      0.2989      0.0365
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17106points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  73382.5397
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  73382.5400      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  73382.5561      0.0164      0.0161
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  73382.5806      0.0409      0.0245
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  73382.5817      0.0419      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  73382.5960      0.0562      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  73382.7194      0.1796      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  73383.0145      0.4748      0.2952
+                embedding surface  1  73383.0147      0.4750      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  73385.1500      2.6103      2.1353
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  73387.3821      4.8424      2.2321
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  73391.0896      8.5499      3.7075
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  73391.0974      8.5576      0.0078
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  73391.7193      9.1796      0.6220
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  73391.8021      9.2624      0.0828
+                           Find void  73392.0731      9.5334      0.2710
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33074
+          Define boundary conditions  73392.1133      9.5736      0.0403
+                         wsmp setup1  73392.1257      9.5859      0.0123
+                                                                        n =   129309
+                                                                        nz=  4975419
+                         wsmp setup2  73393.2771     10.7373      1.1514
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  73393.3361
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  73393.3363      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.65701E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37225
+                          wsmp solve  73401.1770      7.8409      7.8407
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0665908 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1140280 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7967000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.3830879 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13380.4616069 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2493420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083871 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.6185739 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10473E+01  0.16225E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.93854E-01  0.15874E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75744E+00  0.25047E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  73419.8331     26.4970     18.6561
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35266E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  73420.0593     26.7233      0.2263
+                do leaf measurements  73420.0612     26.7251      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  73420.1217     26.7856      0.0605
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5856228 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  73420.1289
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  73420.1351      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.84612E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37225
+                          wsmp solve  73428.1040      7.9750      7.9689
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0612741 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1114728 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8035750 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.4385769 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13325.2125069 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2490480 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084391 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.6728210 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10229E+01  0.11888E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48507E-01  0.14026E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75693E+00  0.22877E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  73446.8137     26.6848     18.7097
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12530E+01  0.20507E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  73447.0407     26.9118      0.2270
+                do leaf measurements  73447.0425     26.9136      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  73447.1029     26.9740      0.0604
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0701128 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  73447.1100
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  73447.1160      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37225
+                          wsmp solve  73455.0730      7.9630      7.9570
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0594161 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1457500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8075540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.3730090 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13390.5461307 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2493289 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086410 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.6441550 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10247E+01  0.13779E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40402E-01  0.14247E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73898E+00  0.23192E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  73473.7531     26.6431     18.6801
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13557E+01  0.30590E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  73473.9783     26.8683      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  73473.9801     26.8701      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  73474.0404     26.9305      0.0603
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0350152 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  73474.0476
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  73474.0536      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37225
+                          wsmp solve  73482.0388      7.9912      7.9852
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0618432 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1138160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8002679 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.3562951 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13407.3028496 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2494340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083461 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.5904381 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10240E+01  0.15895E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40602E-01  0.14492E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73027E+00  0.22924E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  73500.6658     26.6181     18.6269
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14368E+01  0.33767E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  73500.8924     26.8448      0.2267
+                do leaf measurements  73500.8943     26.8466      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  73500.9548     26.9072      0.0605
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0142862 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  73500.9619
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  73500.9681      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37225
+                          wsmp solve  73508.9423      7.9804      7.9742
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0599041 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1143758 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8014112 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.4320860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13331.6518070 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2498040 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084279 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.6664450 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10234E+01  0.17574E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40441E-01  0.14758E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72715E+00  0.22818E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  73527.6456     26.6836     18.7033
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14719E+01  0.34705E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  73527.8736     26.9116      0.2280
+                do leaf measurements  73527.8754     26.9135      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  73527.9333     26.9713      0.0579
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0098231 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  73527.9364     26.9745      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  73527.9366     26.9746      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -237600963697624.25 518856213719509.
+ def in m -8.0032749176025391 0.89782941341400146
+ dimensionless def  -2.56522689546857552E-6 2.28664997645786835E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0253291  0.2279012
+                  Compute divergence  73528.2159     27.2539      0.2793
+                        wsmp_cleanup  73528.2539     27.2919      0.0380
+              Reset surface geometry  73528.2632     27.3012      0.0093
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   73528.2722     27.3102      0.0090
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  73528.2931     27.3312      0.0209
+                   Advect surface  1  73528.2933     27.3313      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  73528.5221     27.5601      0.2288
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  73528.7508     27.7888      0.2287
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  73529.0385     28.0766      0.2877
+                    Advect the cloud  73529.2335     28.2716      0.1950
+                        Write output  73530.1717     29.2098      0.9382
+                    End of time step  73531.0958     30.1338      0.9240
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     451  73531.0960
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  73531.0961      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  73531.0961      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17093points
+                      refine surface  73531.0961      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  73531.1328      0.0368      0.0366
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  73531.1680      0.0720      0.0352
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  73531.2043      0.1083      0.0363
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17095points
+                          surface 02  73531.2295      0.1336      0.0253
+                                                                        S. 2:    17086points
+                      refine surface  73531.2297      0.1337      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  73531.2691      0.1731      0.0394
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  73531.2992      0.2032      0.0301
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  73531.3368      0.2408      0.0376
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17088points
+                          surface 03  73531.3614      0.2654      0.0246
+                                                                        S. 3:    17104points
+                      refine surface  73531.3615      0.2655      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  73531.3993      0.3033      0.0378
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17104points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  73531.4343
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  73531.4346      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  73531.4505      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  73531.4747      0.0404      0.0242
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  73531.4759      0.0416      0.0012
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  73531.4900      0.0557      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  73531.6122      0.1780      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  73531.9070      0.4727      0.2947
+                embedding surface  1  73531.9071      0.4729      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  73534.0372      2.6029      2.1300
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  73536.2142      4.7799      2.1771
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  73539.9431      8.5088      3.7289
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  73539.9486      8.5143      0.0055
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  73540.5354      9.1012      0.5868
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  73540.6437      9.2094      0.1083
+                           Find void  73540.9204      9.4861      0.2767
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33074
+          Define boundary conditions  73540.9652      9.5310      0.0449
+                         wsmp setup1  73540.9786      9.5443      0.0134
+                                                                        n =   129309
+                                                                        nz=  4975419
+                         wsmp setup2  73542.1277     10.6934      1.1491
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  73542.1839
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  73542.1840      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.74021E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37225
+                          wsmp solve  73549.9830      7.7991      7.7989
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0667999 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1108370 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8005860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.4453909 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13318.4594092 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2499220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083671 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.6823709 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10874E+01  0.16257E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94094E-01  0.15978E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75699E+00  0.25440E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  73568.7018     26.5179     18.7188
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35271E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  73568.9283     26.7444      0.2265
+                do leaf measurements  73568.9301     26.7462      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  73568.9918     26.8080      0.0617
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5854872 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  73568.9990
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  73569.0050      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.94564E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37225
+                          wsmp solve  73576.9643      7.9653      7.9593
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0609250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1446929 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8082590 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.3731551 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13390.3997901 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2490301 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083561 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.6448720 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10273E+01  0.11897E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48437E-01  0.14084E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75688E+00  0.23137E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  73595.6461     26.6471     18.6818
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12512E+01  0.20432E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  73595.8723     26.8734      0.2262
+                do leaf measurements  73595.8742     26.8752      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  73595.9356     26.9366      0.0614
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0700882 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  73595.9427
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  73595.9488      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37225
+                          wsmp solve  73603.9360      7.9933      7.9872
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0590880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1142411 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8027928 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.3591819 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13404.4056790 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2497439 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083411 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.5938580 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10247E+01  0.13783E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40411E-01  0.14281E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73895E+00  0.23252E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  73622.5666     26.6239     18.6306
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13541E+01  0.30510E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  73622.7940     26.8513      0.2274
+                do leaf measurements  73622.7959     26.8531      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  73622.8590     26.9163      0.0632
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0348688 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  73622.8663
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  73622.8724      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37225
+                          wsmp solve  73630.8664      8.0001      7.9939
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0614960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1208911 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8016119 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.4513781 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13312.5314036 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2496171 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083630 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.6938219 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10239E+01  0.15891E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40663E-01  0.14528E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73025E+00  0.22963E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  73649.5968     26.7305     18.7304
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14360E+01  0.33765E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  73649.8234     26.9571      0.2266
+                do leaf measurements  73649.8252     26.9589      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  73649.8869     27.0206      0.0617
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0142217 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  73649.8940
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  73649.9000      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37225
+                          wsmp solve  73657.8528      7.9588      7.9528
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0582259 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1402111 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8047521 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.3811820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13382.3674224 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2492640 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083618 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.6424608 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10234E+01  0.17564E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40421E-01  0.14782E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72715E+00  0.22842E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  73676.5333     26.6393     18.6805
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14712E+01  0.34703E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  73676.7588     26.8648      0.2255
+                do leaf measurements  73676.7607     26.8667      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  73676.8197     26.9257      0.0590
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0098223 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  73676.8228     26.9288      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  73676.8230     26.9290      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -237690051254952.72 519648852474963.44
+ def in m -8.0003910064697266 0.89449501037597656
+ dimensionless def  -2.55570002964564742E-6 2.28582600184849338E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0252265  0.2277925
+                  Compute divergence  73677.0973     27.2033      0.2743
+                        wsmp_cleanup  73677.1378     27.2438      0.0405
+              Reset surface geometry  73677.1469     27.2530      0.0091
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   73677.1552     27.2613      0.0083
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  73677.1727     27.2788      0.0175
+                   Advect surface  1  73677.1729     27.2789      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  73677.3989     27.5049      0.2260
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  73677.6398     27.7458      0.2410
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   15 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  73677.9195     28.0255      0.2796
+                    Advect the cloud  73678.1101     28.2161      0.1907
+                        Write output  73679.0514     29.1574      0.9413
+                    End of time step  73679.9702     30.0763      0.9188
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     452  73679.9704
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  73679.9705      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  73679.9705      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17093points
+                      refine surface  73679.9706      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   5 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  73680.0112      0.0408      0.0406
+                                                                        S. 1:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  73680.0458      0.0754      0.0346
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  73680.0816      0.1112      0.0358
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17098points
+                          surface 02  73680.1062      0.1357      0.0245
+                                                                        S. 2:    17086points
+                      refine surface  73680.1063      0.1359      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  73680.1446      0.1741      0.0383
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  73680.1728      0.2024      0.0282
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  73680.2042      0.2338      0.0314
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17087points
+                          surface 03  73680.2306      0.2601      0.0264
+                                                                        S. 3:    17103points
+                      refine surface  73680.2307      0.2603      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   4 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  73680.2732      0.3028      0.0425
+                                                                        S. 3:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  73680.3084      0.3380      0.0351
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  73680.3462      0.3758      0.0379
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17107points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  73680.3803
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  73680.3806      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  73680.3965      0.0162      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  73680.4209      0.0406      0.0243
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  73680.4220      0.0417      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  73680.4361      0.0558      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  73680.5583      0.1780      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  73680.8553      0.4749      0.2969
+                embedding surface  1  73680.8554      0.4751      0.0001
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  73683.0025      2.6222      2.1471
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  73685.2560      4.8757      2.2535
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  73689.0118      8.6315      3.7558
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  73689.0201      8.6398      0.0083
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  73689.6036      9.2233      0.5835
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  73689.7247      9.3444      0.1211
+                           Find void  73689.9963      9.6160      0.2716
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33074
+          Define boundary conditions  73690.0383      9.6580      0.0420
+                         wsmp setup1  73690.0499      9.6696      0.0116
+                                                                        n =   129309
+                                                                        nz=  4975419
+                         wsmp setup2  73691.1971     10.8168      1.1472
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  73691.2519
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  73691.2521      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.77427E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37225
+                          wsmp solve  73699.0359      7.7840      7.7839
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0693870 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1423621 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8065839 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.3719180 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13391.6386540 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2482290 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083430 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.6472590 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10651E+01  0.16200E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.92846E-01  0.15859E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75696E+00  0.25015E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  73717.7201     26.4682     18.6842
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35261E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  73717.9442     26.6923      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  73717.9460     26.6941      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  73718.0078     26.7559      0.0618
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5852276 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  73718.0149
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  73718.0210      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.06421E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37225
+                          wsmp solve  73726.0240      8.0091      8.0030
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0626929 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1332750 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8028839 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.3529499 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13410.6617175 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2495589 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083640 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.6101580 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10245E+01  0.11881E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48607E-01  0.14073E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75664E+00  0.22870E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  73744.6704     26.6555     18.6465
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12526E+01  0.20440E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  73744.8963     26.8814      0.2259
+                do leaf measurements  73744.8981     26.8832      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  73744.9603     26.9455      0.0623
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0698199 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  73744.9676
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  73744.9738      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37225
+                          wsmp solve  73752.9892      8.0216      8.0154
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0624840 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1187751 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7973740 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.4410181 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13322.7923718 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2491000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083120 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.6775062 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10242E+01  0.13767E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40726E-01  0.14269E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73886E+00  0.23199E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  73771.7027     26.7351     18.7135
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13543E+01  0.30492E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  73771.9294     26.9618      0.2267
+                do leaf measurements  73771.9312     26.9636      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  73771.9930     27.0254      0.0618
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0351422 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  73772.0001
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  73772.0061      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37225
+                          wsmp solve  73779.9647      7.9646      7.9586
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0658159 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1471748 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8078671 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.3797269 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13383.8227781 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2490160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083780 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.6584001 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10238E+01  0.15870E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40975E-01  0.14526E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73021E+00  0.22936E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  73798.6593     26.6593     18.6946
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14356E+01  0.33727E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  73798.8840     26.8839      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  73798.8857     26.8857      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  73798.9474     26.9473      0.0617
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0142432 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  73798.9546
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  73798.9607      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37225
+                          wsmp solve  73806.9592      8.0046      7.9985
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0625460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1216679 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8028431 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.3579981 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13405.5935398 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2492511 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083640 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.6031110 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10232E+01  0.17541E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40768E-01  0.14787E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72711E+00  0.22825E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  73825.5996     26.6450     18.6404
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14709E+01  0.34642E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  73825.8256     26.8711      0.2260
+                do leaf measurements  73825.8274     26.8729      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  73825.8871     26.9326      0.0597
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0097883 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  73825.8903     26.9358      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  73825.8905     26.9359      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -237781945103678.97 520434501123940.75
+ def in m -8.0025491714477539 0.89798557758331299
+ dimensionless def  -2.56567307880946557E-6 2.28644262041364398E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0253178  0.2278305
+                  Compute divergence  73826.1641     27.2095      0.2736
+                        wsmp_cleanup  73826.2047     27.2501      0.0406
+              Reset surface geometry  73826.2139     27.2594      0.0093
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   73826.2221     27.2676      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  73826.2395     27.2850      0.0174
+                   Advect surface  1  73826.2397     27.2851      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  73826.4456     27.4910      0.2059
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  73826.6661     27.7116      0.2206
+                                                                        removing   4 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  73826.9841     28.0295      0.3180
+                    Advect the cloud  73827.1794     28.2249      0.1953
+                        Write output  73828.1203     29.1657      0.9409
+                    End of time step  73829.0412     30.0866      0.9209
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     453  73829.0414
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  73829.0415      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  73829.0415      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17098points
+                      refine surface  73829.0416      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  73829.0823      0.0409      0.0407
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  73829.1127      0.0713      0.0304
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  73829.1506      0.1092      0.0378
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17101points
+                          surface 02  73829.1763      0.1349      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 2:    17086points
+                      refine surface  73829.1765      0.1351      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  73829.2160      0.1746      0.0395
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  73829.2459      0.2045      0.0299
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  73829.2821      0.2407      0.0363
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17087points
+                          surface 03  73829.3072      0.2658      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 3:    17103points
+                      refine surface  73829.3073      0.2659      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  73829.3447      0.3033      0.0374
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17103points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  73829.3763
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  73829.3766      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  73829.3925      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  73829.4173      0.0410      0.0248
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  73829.4184      0.0421      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  73829.4326      0.0563      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  73829.5548      0.1785      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  73829.8507      0.4744      0.2959
+                embedding surface  1  73829.8508      0.4745      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  73831.9890      2.6128      2.1382
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  73834.2206      4.8443      2.2316
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  73837.9336      8.5574      3.7130
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  73837.9407      8.5645      0.0071
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  73838.5500      9.1737      0.6092
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  73838.6336      9.2573      0.0836
+                           Find void  73838.9038      9.5275      0.2702
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33074
+          Define boundary conditions  73838.9438      9.5676      0.0400
+                         wsmp setup1  73838.9568      9.5805      0.0130
+                                                                        n =   129309
+                                                                        nz=  4975419
+                         wsmp setup2  73840.1084     10.7321      1.1516
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  73840.1699
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  73840.1701      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79797E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37225
+                          wsmp solve  73847.9916      7.8216      7.8215
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0665622 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1326759 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8012559 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.3681359 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13395.4273372 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2494881 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083220 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.6268959 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.11207E+01  0.16124E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.93653E-01  0.15805E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75720E+00  0.25020E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  73866.6557     26.4857     18.6641
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35271E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  73866.8806     26.7107      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  73866.8824     26.7124      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  73866.9429     26.7730      0.0605
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5850208 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  73866.9498
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  73866.9559      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.09269E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37225
+                          wsmp solve  73874.9911      8.0413      8.0352
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0647171 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1103680 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8005731 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.4438939 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13319.9424719 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2497621 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084150 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.6781740 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10344E+01  0.11832E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48325E-01  0.14008E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75684E+00  0.22870E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  73893.7057     26.7558     18.7145
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12515E+01  0.20473E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  73893.9319     26.9820      0.2262
+                do leaf measurements  73893.9337     26.9838      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  73893.9944     27.0445      0.0607
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0696007 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  73894.0012
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  73894.0072      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37225
+                          wsmp solve  73901.9630      7.9618      7.9558
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0638380 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1393659 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8076110 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.4025519 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13361.0296718 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2487259 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084131 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.6709571 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10244E+01  0.13734E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40924E-01  0.14261E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73911E+00  0.23252E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  73920.6709     26.6697     18.7079
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13530E+01  0.30422E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  73920.8949     26.8937      0.2240
+                do leaf measurements  73920.8967     26.8954      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  73920.9571     26.9559      0.0604
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0348295 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  73920.9639
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  73920.9700      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37225
+                          wsmp solve  73928.9527      7.9887      7.9827
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0620592 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1269491 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8038001 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.3664029 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13397.1641651 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2490411 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083890 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.6171012 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10236E+01  0.15842E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41119E-01  0.14541E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73040E+00  0.22956E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  73947.6068     26.6428     18.6541
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14349E+01  0.33680E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  73947.8306     26.8666      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  73947.8324     26.8684      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  73947.8930     26.9291      0.0607
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0142277 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  73947.8999
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  73947.9060      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37225
+                          wsmp solve  73955.9457      8.0457      8.0397
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0614200 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1148429 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8012211 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.4351301 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13328.6311246 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2495799 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083981 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.6710529 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10231E+01  0.17512E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40779E-01  0.14811E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72726E+00  0.22855E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  73974.6535     26.7536     18.7078
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14700E+01  0.34618E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  73974.8786     26.9787      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  73974.8804     26.9804      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  73974.9386     27.0387      0.0583
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0097648 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  73974.9418     27.0419      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  73974.9420     27.0420      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -237855931006774.25 521240040985758.25
+ def in m -8.004765510559082 0.90180909633636475
+ dimensionless def  -2.57659741810389895E-6 2.28707586015973782E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0254276  0.2278733
+                  Compute divergence  73975.2143     27.3144      0.2724
+                        wsmp_cleanup  73975.2542     27.3543      0.0399
+              Reset surface geometry  73975.2642     27.3643      0.0100
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   73975.2720     27.3720      0.0078
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  73975.2893     27.3894      0.0173
+                   Advect surface  1  73975.2895     27.3895      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  73975.4953     27.5954      0.2058
+                                                                        S. 2:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  73975.7049     27.8049      0.2096
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  73975.9888     28.0888      0.2839
+                    Advect the cloud  73976.1828     28.2829      0.1941
+                        Write output  73977.1212     29.2213      0.9384
+                    End of time step  73978.0461     30.1461      0.9248
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     454  73978.0462
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  73978.0463      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  73978.0464      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17101points
+                      refine surface  73978.0464      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  73978.0871      0.0409      0.0407
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  73978.1172      0.0710      0.0301
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  73978.1549      0.1086      0.0377
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17104points
+                          surface 02  73978.1788      0.1325      0.0239
+                                                                        S. 2:    17087points
+                      refine surface  73978.1789      0.1327      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  73978.2126      0.1664      0.0337
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  73978.2433      0.1970      0.0306
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  73978.2750      0.2288      0.0318
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17088points
+                          surface 03  73978.3013      0.2551      0.0263
+                                                                        S. 3:    17102points
+                      refine surface  73978.3015      0.2552      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  73978.3399      0.2937      0.0384
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  73978.3695      0.3232      0.0296
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  73978.4074      0.3611      0.0379
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17103points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  73978.4387
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  73978.4390      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  73978.4551      0.0164      0.0161
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  73978.4796      0.0409      0.0245
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  73978.4807      0.0420      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  73978.4950      0.0563      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  73978.6184      0.1797      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  73978.9137      0.4750      0.2953
+                embedding surface  1  73978.9139      0.4752      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  73981.0461      2.6074      2.1322
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  73983.2751      4.8364      2.2290
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  73986.9854      8.5467      3.7103
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  73986.9909      8.5522      0.0055
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  73987.5841      9.1454      0.5932
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  73987.6659      9.2272      0.0818
+                           Find void  73987.9388      9.5001      0.2729
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33075
+          Define boundary conditions  73987.9811      9.5424      0.0423
+                         wsmp setup1  73987.9926      9.5539      0.0115
+                                                                        n =   129312
+                                                                        nz=  4975542
+                         wsmp setup2  73989.1409     10.7022      1.1482
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  73989.1993
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  73989.1995      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4643        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00178E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37226
+                          wsmp solve  73997.0746      7.8752      7.8751
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0650840 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0820000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7959290 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.2603681 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14271.0917678 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2370870 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086441 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.4496059 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10739E+01  0.16088E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.92848E-01  0.15402E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75728E+00  0.25249E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  74014.5592     25.3598     17.4846
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35274E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  74014.7848     25.5855      0.2257
+                do leaf measurements  74014.7866     25.5873      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  74014.8464     25.6471      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5890604 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  74014.8534
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  74014.8594      0.0059      0.0059
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4643        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00178E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37226
+                          wsmp solve  74022.8215      7.9681      7.9621
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0599420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1072760 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7991359 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.3722031 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14142.0923022 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2359118 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086720 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.5836170 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10241E+01  0.11816E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48926E-01  0.13905E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75656E+00  0.22947E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  74040.4405     25.5871     17.6190
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12579E+01  0.20970E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  74040.6649     25.8115      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  74040.6666     25.8132      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  74040.7263     25.8728      0.0597
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0728976 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  74040.7333
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  74040.7394      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4643        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37226
+                          wsmp solve  74048.7236      7.9902      7.9842
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0624158 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0974240 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7999489 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.2637861 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14267.1143545 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2364640 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0087259 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.4692259 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10242E+01  0.13713E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40779E-01  0.14279E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73921E+00  0.23143E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  74066.2295     25.4962     17.5060
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13580E+01  0.30767E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  74066.4554     25.7221      0.2258
+                do leaf measurements  74066.4571     25.7238      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  74066.5174     25.7841      0.0603
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0352403 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  74066.5245
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  74066.5306      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4643        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37226
+                          wsmp solve  74074.5654      8.0409      8.0347
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0603781 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0882769 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8017201 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.2602310 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14271.2513434 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2372880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086761 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.4570630 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10236E+01  0.15800E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40830E-01  0.14591E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73059E+00  0.22880E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  74092.0577     25.5332     17.4924
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14379E+01  0.33857E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  74092.2846     25.7601      0.2269
+                do leaf measurements  74092.2863     25.7618      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  74092.3462     25.8217      0.0599
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0141266 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  74092.3532
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  74092.3592      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4643        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37226
+                          wsmp solve  74100.3236      7.9704      7.9645
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0616040 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1013670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8073330 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.3434031 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14175.0890703 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2357819 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086341 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.5586050 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10229E+01  0.17468E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40536E-01  0.14872E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72737E+00  0.22769E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  74117.9176     25.5644     17.5940
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14713E+01  0.34699E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  74118.1424     25.7892      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  74118.1441     25.7909      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  74118.2012     25.8480      0.0571
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0096833 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  74118.2043     25.8511      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  74118.2045     25.8513      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -237928587313469.41 522052677940221.25
+ def in m -8.0078353881835937 0.905800461769104
+ dimensionless def  -2.58800131934029703E-6 2.28795296805245516E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0255423  0.2279428
+                  Compute divergence  74118.4789     26.1257      0.2744
+                        wsmp_cleanup  74118.5181     26.1649      0.0393
+              Reset surface geometry  74118.5278     26.1746      0.0096
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   74118.5358     26.1826      0.0080
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  74118.5532     26.2001      0.0175
+                   Advect surface  1  74118.5534     26.2002      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   12 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  74118.7853     26.4321      0.2319
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  74119.0071     26.6539      0.2218
+                                                                        S. 3:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  74119.2740     26.9208      0.2669
+                    Advect the cloud  74119.4675     27.1143      0.1935
+                        Write output  74120.4092     28.0560      0.9417
+                    End of time step  74121.3649     29.0117      0.9557
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     455  74121.3651
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  74121.3652      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  74121.3652      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17102points
+                      refine surface  74121.3652      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  74121.4041      0.0390      0.0388
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  74121.4351      0.0700      0.0310
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  74121.4724      0.1073      0.0374
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17103points
+                          surface 02  74121.4989      0.1338      0.0265
+                                                                        S. 2:    17087points
+                      refine surface  74121.4990      0.1340      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  74121.5395      0.1745      0.0405
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  74121.5700      0.2050      0.0305
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  74121.6073      0.2422      0.0372
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17089points
+                          surface 03  74121.6336      0.2685      0.0263
+                                                                        S. 3:    17103points
+                      refine surface  74121.6337      0.2687      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  74121.6732      0.3081      0.0395
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  74121.7045      0.3395      0.0313
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  74121.7424      0.3773      0.0378
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17104points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  74121.7770
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  74121.7773      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  74121.7932      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  74121.8176      0.0406      0.0244
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  74121.8187      0.0417      0.0012
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  74121.8329      0.0559      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  74121.9553      0.1783      0.1224
+             Imbed surface in osolve  74122.2522      0.4752      0.2969
+                embedding surface  1  74122.2523      0.4753      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  74124.3935      2.6165      2.1411
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  74126.6154      4.8384      2.2219
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  74130.2971      8.5201      3.6817
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  74130.3025      8.5255      0.0054
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  74130.8930      9.1160      0.5905
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  74131.0259      9.2489      0.1329
+                           Find void  74131.2945      9.5175      0.2687
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33075
+          Define boundary conditions  74131.3365      9.5595      0.0420
+                         wsmp setup1  74131.3480      9.5710      0.0114
+                                                                        n =   129312
+                                                                        nz=  4975542
+                         wsmp setup2  74132.4965     10.7195      1.1486
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  74132.5523
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  74132.5525      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4643        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.04040E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37226
+                          wsmp solve  74140.3390      7.7867      7.7866
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0689290 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1045120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8065600 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.3435588 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14174.9102822 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2365150 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085659 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.5691020 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10678E+01  0.16110E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.92550E-01  0.15613E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75728E+00  0.25525E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  74157.9438     25.3915     17.6048
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35285E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  74158.1687     25.6164      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  74158.1704     25.6181      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  74158.2319     25.6796      0.0614
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5887777 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  74158.2389
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  74158.2450      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4643        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.04040E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37226
+                          wsmp solve  74166.2468      8.0079      8.0018
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0582530 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0966351 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8003221 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.2634029 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14267.5600940 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2382259 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085702 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.4658720 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10231E+01  0.11837E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.49338E-01  0.14043E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75678E+00  0.23117E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  74183.7485     25.5096     17.5018
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12570E+01  0.20870E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  74183.9745     25.7356      0.2260
+                do leaf measurements  74183.9763     25.7374      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  74184.0383     25.7994      0.0621
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0725052 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  74184.0455
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  74184.0516      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4643        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37226
+                          wsmp solve  74192.0633      8.0178      8.0117
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0614049 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0737491 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7995160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.2587988 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14272.9186362 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2367852 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085552 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.4392772 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10242E+01  0.13729E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40342E-01  0.14404E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73934E+00  0.23168E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  74209.5381     25.4926     17.4748
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13581E+01  0.30790E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  74209.7653     25.7198      0.2272
+                do leaf measurements  74209.7670     25.7215      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  74209.8286     25.7831      0.0616
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0351147 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  74209.8356
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  74209.8416      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4643        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37226
+                          wsmp solve  74217.8031      7.9675      7.9615
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0638559 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1056771 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8069541 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.3078239 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14216.0661267 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2365670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085521 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.5298629 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10236E+01  0.15804E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40543E-01  0.14699E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73071E+00  0.22881E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  74235.3685     25.5329     17.5654
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14380E+01  0.33879E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  74235.5932     25.7576      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  74235.5949     25.7593      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  74235.6562     25.8206      0.0613
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0141447 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  74235.6633
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  74235.6694      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4643        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37226
+                          wsmp solve  74243.6534      7.9901      7.9840
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0584819 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0847459 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7987890 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.2975092 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14227.9900454 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2365611 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086799 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.4852328 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10228E+01  0.17465E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40380E-01  0.14967E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72750E+00  0.22767E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  74261.1744     25.5111     17.5210
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14710E+01  0.34743E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  74261.4000     25.7367      0.2256
+                do leaf measurements  74261.4018     25.7385      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  74261.4611     25.7977      0.0593
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0096363 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  74261.4642     25.8009      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  74261.4644     25.8011      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -237970140599426.84 522877657625321.69
+ def in m -7.9943914413452148 0.88829588890075684
+ dimensionless def  -2.53798825400216252E-6 2.28411184038434692E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0250308  0.2275376
+                  Compute divergence  74261.7367     26.0734      0.2723
+                        wsmp_cleanup  74261.7771     26.1137      0.0404
+              Reset surface geometry  74261.7855     26.1222      0.0085
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   74261.7936     26.1302      0.0080
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  74261.8111     26.1478      0.0176
+                   Advect surface  1  74261.8113     26.1480      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  74262.0539     26.3906      0.2427
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   17 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  74262.2750     26.6117      0.2211
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  74262.5672     26.9039      0.2922
+                    Advect the cloud  74262.7590     27.0957      0.1919
+                        Write output  74263.7057     28.0424      0.9467
+                    End of time step  74264.6316     28.9682      0.9259
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     456  74264.6318
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  74264.6318      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  74264.6319      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17100points
+                      refine surface  74264.6319      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  74264.6722      0.0404      0.0402
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  74264.7078      0.0761      0.0357
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  74264.7452      0.1134      0.0374
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17103points
+                          surface 02  74264.7699      0.1381      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 2:    17088points
+                      refine surface  74264.7700      0.1383      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  74264.8078      0.1761      0.0378
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  74264.8425      0.2107      0.0346
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  74264.8793      0.2476      0.0369
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17089points
+                          surface 03  74264.9030      0.2713      0.0237
+                                                                        S. 3:    17102points
+                      refine surface  74264.9032      0.2714      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  74264.9428      0.3111      0.0397
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  74264.9740      0.3422      0.0311
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  74265.0116      0.3799      0.0377
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17104points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  74265.0435
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  74265.0438      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  74265.0599      0.0164      0.0161
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  74265.0848      0.0413      0.0249
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  74265.0859      0.0424      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  74265.1002      0.0567      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  74265.2236      0.1801      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  74265.5188      0.4753      0.2952
+                embedding surface  1  74265.5189      0.4754      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  74267.6516      2.6081      2.1327
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  74269.9114      4.8679      2.2598
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  74273.6361      8.5926      3.7247
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  74273.6433      8.5998      0.0071
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  74274.2450      9.2016      0.6018
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  74274.3276      9.2842      0.0826
+                           Find void  74274.6005      9.5570      0.2729
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33075
+          Define boundary conditions  74274.6429      9.5994      0.0424
+                         wsmp setup1  74274.6544      9.6109      0.0116
+                                                                        n =   129312
+                                                                        nz=  4975542
+                         wsmp setup2  74275.7992     10.7557      1.1448
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  74275.8583
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  74275.8585      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4643        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.13508E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37226
+                          wsmp solve  74283.6686      7.8103      7.8102
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0683789 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0871520 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8004920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.2568240 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14275.2182907 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2369101 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085900 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.4588211 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10820E+01  0.16094E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.92594E-01  0.15534E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75720E+00  0.25244E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  74301.1637     25.3054     17.4951
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35280E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  74301.3903     25.5320      0.2266
+                do leaf measurements  74301.3922     25.5339      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  74301.4526     25.5943      0.0605
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5893750 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  74301.4598
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  74301.4659      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4643        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.13508E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37226
+                          wsmp solve  74309.4505      7.9907      7.9846
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0588892 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0743220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7994678 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.3018072 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14223.0191092 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2366221 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086520 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.4802320 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10235E+01  0.11844E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.49542E-01  0.14091E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75697E+00  0.22964E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  74326.9660     25.5062     17.5155
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12581E+01  0.21007E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  74327.1946     25.7348      0.2286
+                do leaf measurements  74327.1964     25.7367      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  74327.2568     25.7970      0.0603
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0728921 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  74327.2638
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  74327.2698      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4643        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37226
+                          wsmp solve  74335.2299      7.9661      7.9601
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0582759 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0877309 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8086770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.2813020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14246.7662419 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2368031 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086689 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.4819200 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10241E+01  0.13731E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40209E-01  0.14441E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73940E+00  0.23099E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  74352.7477     25.4839     17.5177
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13588E+01  0.30790E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  74352.9743     25.7105      0.2266
+                do leaf measurements  74352.9761     25.7123      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  74353.0363     25.7725      0.0602
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0349969 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  74353.0434
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  74353.0495      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4643        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37226
+                          wsmp solve  74361.0611      8.0177      8.0116
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0615060 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0795410 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7958860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.2470300 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14286.6342374 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2365451 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086522 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.4296291 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10237E+01  0.15798E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40458E-01  0.14713E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73073E+00  0.22832E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  74378.5263     25.4829     17.4652
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14385E+01  0.33910E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  74378.7530     25.7096      0.2267
+                do leaf measurements  74378.7548     25.7114      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  74378.8153     25.7719      0.0604
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0141225 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  74378.8225
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  74378.8286      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4643        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37226
+                          wsmp solve  74386.7861      7.9636      7.9575
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0588439 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0715070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7987499 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.3301940 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14190.2745762 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2367721 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086730 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.5052390 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10228E+01  0.17453E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40274E-01  0.14973E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72749E+00  0.22741E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  74404.3273     25.5048     17.5412
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14713E+01  0.34727E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  74404.5529     25.7304      0.2256
+                do leaf measurements  74404.5547     25.7322      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  74404.6123     25.7898      0.0575
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0096285 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  74404.6154     25.7929      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  74404.6155     25.7930      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -238019612130644.16 523691501862343.5
+ def in m -7.9882826805114746 0.88074237108230591
+ dimensionless def  -2.5164067745208744E-6 2.28236648014613562E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0248050  0.2273437
+                  Compute divergence  74404.8903     26.0678      0.2748
+                        wsmp_cleanup  74404.9291     26.1066      0.0388
+              Reset surface geometry  74404.9403     26.1178      0.0112
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   74404.9488     26.1263      0.0085
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  74404.9672     26.1447      0.0184
+                   Advect surface  1  74404.9674     26.1449      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  74405.1840     26.3615      0.2167
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  74405.4033     26.5808      0.2193
+                                                                        removing   5 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  74405.7307     26.9082      0.3274
+                    Advect the cloud  74405.9284     27.1059      0.1977
+                        Write output  74406.8694     28.0469      0.9410
+                    End of time step  74407.7895     28.9670      0.9201
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     457  74407.7897
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  74407.7898      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  74407.7898      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17102points
+                      refine surface  74407.7899      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  74407.8289      0.0392      0.0391
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  74407.8660      0.0763      0.0371
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  74407.9037      0.1140      0.0377
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17104points
+                          surface 02  74407.9289      0.1392      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 2:    17088points
+                      refine surface  74407.9290      0.1393      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  74407.9697      0.1800      0.0407
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  74407.9990      0.2093      0.0293
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  74408.0352      0.2455      0.0362
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17091points
+                          surface 03  74408.0603      0.2706      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 3:    17099points
+                      refine surface  74408.0604      0.2707      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  74408.0980      0.3083      0.0375
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17099points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  74408.1328
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  74408.1331      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  74408.1490      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  74408.1736      0.0408      0.0245
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  74408.1747      0.0419      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  74408.1888      0.0560      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  74408.3111      0.1783      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  74408.6063      0.4734      0.2952
+                embedding surface  1  74408.6064      0.4736      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  74410.7487      2.6159      2.1423
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  74412.9273      4.7945      2.1786
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  74416.6078      8.4750      3.6805
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  74416.6175      8.4847      0.0097
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  74417.1448      9.0120      0.5273
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  74417.3098      9.1770      0.1650
+                           Find void  74417.5830      9.4502      0.2732
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33075
+          Define boundary conditions  74417.6261      9.4933      0.0431
+                         wsmp setup1  74417.6376      9.5048      0.0116
+                                                                        n =   129312
+                                                                        nz=  4975542
+                         wsmp setup2  74418.7929     10.6601      1.1553
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  74418.8482
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  74418.8484      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4643        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.29688E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37226
+                          wsmp solve  74426.6228      7.7746      7.7744
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0703931 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0801170 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7991350 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.3304219 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14190.0122686 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2361240 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086210 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.5252671 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10578E+01  0.16108E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.92831E-01  0.15540E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75749E+00  0.25259E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  74444.1829     25.3347     17.5601
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35275E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  74444.4078     25.5595      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  74444.4095     25.5613      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  74444.4709     25.6227      0.0614
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5894837 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  74444.4780
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  74444.4841      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4643        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.29688E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37226
+                          wsmp solve  74452.4465      7.9685      7.9624
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0595419 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0915880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8034830 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.2558270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14276.3796437 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2363701 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086632 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.4559000 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10260E+01  0.11866E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.49474E-01  0.14062E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75705E+00  0.22962E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  74469.9371     25.4590     17.4906
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12586E+01  0.20932E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  74470.1619     25.6839      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  74470.1637     25.6857      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  74470.2251     25.7471      0.0614
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0728750 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  74470.2323
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  74470.2383      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4643        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37226
+                          wsmp solve  74478.2722      8.0399      8.0339
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0633299 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0857670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7983820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.2316351 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14304.6156174 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2371430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086229 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.4253221 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10239E+01  0.13751E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40458E-01  0.14404E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73951E+00  0.23125E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  74495.7329     25.5006     17.4607
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13589E+01  0.30850E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  74495.9592     25.7269      0.2263
+                do leaf measurements  74495.9610     25.7287      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  74496.0225     25.7902      0.0615
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0350984 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  74496.0296
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  74496.0356      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4643        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37226
+                          wsmp solve  74503.9961      7.9665      7.9605
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0658760 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0891430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7988851 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.3453939 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14172.8032220 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2358031 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086291 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.5441799 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10233E+01  0.15810E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40635E-01  0.14676E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73084E+00  0.22849E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  74521.5754     25.5459     17.5793
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14386E+01  0.33953E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  74521.8003     25.7707      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  74521.8021     25.7725      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  74521.8635     25.8340      0.0614
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0141134 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  74521.8706
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  74521.8767      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4643        5613
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37226
+                          wsmp solve  74529.8452      7.9746      7.9685
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0619709 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0993409 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8008971 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.2695410 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14260.4224582 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2362449 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086060 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.4770570 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10227E+01  0.17459E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40437E-01  0.14931E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72761E+00  0.22754E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  74547.3577     25.4871     17.5125
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14712E+01  0.34750E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  74547.5823     25.7117      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  74547.5841     25.7135      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  74547.6431     25.7725      0.0590
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0096174 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  74547.6462     25.7756      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  74547.6464     25.7758      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -238055221196047.56 524510560059192.5
+ def in m -7.9520044326782227 0.8720550537109375
+ dimensionless def  -2.49158586774553561E-6 2.27200126647949221E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0245499  0.2263516
+                  Compute divergence  74547.9171     26.0464      0.2707
+                        wsmp_cleanup  74547.9576     26.0870      0.0405
+              Reset surface geometry  74547.9665     26.0959      0.0089
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   74547.9744     26.1038      0.0079
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  74547.9918     26.1211      0.0174
+                   Advect surface  1  74547.9919     26.1213      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   12 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  74548.2110     26.3404      0.2191
+                                                                        S. 2:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  74548.4198     26.5492      0.2088
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  74548.7121     26.8415      0.2923
+                    Advect the cloud  74548.9094     27.0388      0.1974
+                        Write output  74549.8485     27.9779      0.9391
+                    End of time step  74550.7648     28.8942      0.9163
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     458  74550.7650
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  74550.7652      0.0002      0.0002
+                          surface 01  74550.7652      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17103points
+                      refine surface  74550.7653      0.0003      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  74550.8042      0.0391      0.0389
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  74550.8352      0.0702      0.0311
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  74550.8725      0.1075      0.0373
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17104points
+                          surface 02  74550.8990      0.1339      0.0264
+                                                                        S. 2:    17091points
+                      refine surface  74550.8991      0.1341      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   4 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  74550.9414      0.1764      0.0423
+                                                                        S. 2:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  74550.9749      0.2099      0.0335
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  74551.0110      0.2460      0.0361
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17095points
+                          surface 03  74551.0357      0.2707      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 3:    17097points
+                      refine surface  74551.0359      0.2708      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  74551.0754      0.3103      0.0395
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  74551.1049      0.3399      0.0296
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  74551.1425      0.3775      0.0376
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17098points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  74551.1744
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  74551.1747      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  74551.1906      0.0162      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  74551.2153      0.0409      0.0247
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  74551.2164      0.0421      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  74551.2306      0.0562      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  74551.3528      0.1784      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  74551.6471      0.4727      0.2943
+                embedding surface  1  74551.6473      0.4729      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  74553.7651      2.5908      2.1179
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  74555.9844      4.8100      2.2193
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  74559.6770      8.5026      3.6926
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  74559.6825      8.5081      0.0055
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  74560.2836      9.1092      0.6010
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  74560.3830      9.2087      0.0995
+                           Find void  74560.6533      9.4789      0.2703
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33076
+          Define boundary conditions  74560.6930      9.5186      0.0397
+                         wsmp setup1  74560.7059      9.5315      0.0129
+                                                                        n =   129315
+                                                                        nz=  4975665
+                         wsmp setup2  74561.8599     10.6855      1.1540
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  74561.9181
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  74561.9183      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5614
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.03020E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37227
+                          wsmp solve  74569.7214      7.8034      7.8032
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0679259 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.5753450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7979801 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3196878 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15448.3179728 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2370441 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086019 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.0070460 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10554E+01  0.15747E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.93785E-01  0.16463E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75739E+00  0.24541E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  74586.7650     24.8469     17.0435
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35245E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  74586.9875     25.0694      0.2225
+                do leaf measurements  74586.9893     25.0712      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  74587.0491     25.1310      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5777062 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  74587.0562
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  74587.0622      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5614
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.03020E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37227
+                          wsmp solve  74595.1011      8.0449      8.0389
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0605950 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.5507660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7985389 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3611341 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15391.9614320 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2373710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085430 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.0174000 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10218E+01  0.11501E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48398E-01  0.14604E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75741E+00  0.22559E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  74612.1554     25.0993     17.0543
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12493E+01  0.19934E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  74612.3799     25.3238      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  74612.3817     25.3255      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  74612.4418     25.3856      0.0601
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0689325 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  74612.4489
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  74612.4549      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5614
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37227
+                          wsmp solve  74620.4119      7.9630      7.9570
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0625091 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.5799489 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8025610 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3292549 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15435.2725956 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2364361 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085042 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.0196772 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10236E+01  0.13391E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41111E-01  0.14827E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73898E+00  0.23136E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  74637.4682     25.0193     17.0563
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13473E+01  0.29979E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  74637.6912     25.2423      0.2230
+                do leaf measurements  74637.6929     25.2440      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  74637.7527     25.3038      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0348679 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  74637.7598
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  74637.7659      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5614
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37227
+                          wsmp solve  74645.7662      8.0064      8.0003
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0625961 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.5706289 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7959349 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3196161 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15448.4159119 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2369640 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085330 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9947190 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10231E+01  0.15454E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41227E-01  0.15074E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72996E+00  0.22889E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  74662.7972     25.0374     17.0310
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14282E+01  0.33410E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  74663.0206     25.2609      0.2234
+                do leaf measurements  74663.0224     25.2626      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  74663.0827     25.3229      0.0603
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0142506 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  74663.0898
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  74663.0960      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5614
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37227
+                          wsmp solve  74671.0980      8.0081      8.0020
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0634060 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.5510530 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7954600 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3663969 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15384.8346695 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2367959 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085490 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.0221310 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10225E+01  0.17074E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40995E-01  0.15324E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72690E+00  0.22822E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  74688.1573     25.0675     17.0593
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14624E+01  0.34223E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  74688.3808     25.2910      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements  74688.3825     25.2927      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  74688.4400     25.3502      0.0575
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0095153 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  74688.4431     25.3533      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  74688.4433     25.3534      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -238131458858034.13 525300624449732.5
+ def in m -7.9651932716369629 0.86685633659362793
+ dimensionless def  -2.47673239026750858E-6 2.27576950618198936E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0244033  0.2267066
+                  Compute divergence  74688.7199     25.6301      0.2767
+                        wsmp_cleanup  74688.7583     25.6684      0.0383
+              Reset surface geometry  74688.7689     25.6790      0.0106
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   74688.7779     25.6881      0.0091
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  74688.7972     25.7073      0.0192
+                   Advect surface  1  74688.7973     25.7075      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  74689.0268     25.9370      0.2295
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   13 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  74689.2518     26.1619      0.2250
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  74689.5425     26.4527      0.2907
+                    Advect the cloud  74689.7445     26.6546      0.2020
+                        Write output  74690.6873     27.5975      0.9428
+                    End of time step  74691.6069     28.5170      0.9196
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     459  74691.6071
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  74691.6072      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  74691.6072      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17102points
+                      refine surface  74691.6073      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  74691.6461      0.0390      0.0388
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  74691.6770      0.0699      0.0309
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  74691.7148      0.1077      0.0378
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17104points
+                          surface 02  74691.7402      0.1331      0.0254
+                                                                        S. 2:    17094points
+                      refine surface  74691.7404      0.1333      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  74691.7768      0.1697      0.0364
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17094points
+                          surface 03  74691.8019      0.1948      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 3:    17096points
+                      refine surface  74691.8021      0.1950      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  74691.8397      0.2326      0.0376
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17096points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  74691.8725
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  74691.8727      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  74691.8887      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  74691.9133      0.0408      0.0247
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  74691.9144      0.0420      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  74691.9286      0.0561      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  74692.0508      0.1783      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  74692.3456      0.4731      0.2948
+                embedding surface  1  74692.3457      0.4733      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  74694.4503      2.5778      2.1045
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  74696.6493      4.7769      2.1991
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  74700.3955      8.5230      3.7462
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  74700.4011      8.5286      0.0056
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  74701.0206      9.1482      0.6195
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  74701.1042      9.2318      0.0836
+                           Find void  74701.3777      9.5052      0.2735
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33076
+          Define boundary conditions  74701.4198      9.5473      0.0421
+                         wsmp setup1  74701.4314      9.5590      0.0116
+                                                                        n =   129315
+                                                                        nz=  4975665
+                         wsmp setup2  74702.5885     10.7161      1.1571
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  74702.6439
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  74702.6440      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5614
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.14155E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37227
+                          wsmp solve  74710.4416      7.7977      7.7975
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0635748 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.5508602 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7943461 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3658569 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15385.5656385 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2372301 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085390 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.0208640 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.15477E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.93730E-01  0.17132E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75782E+00  0.24649E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  74727.4989     24.8551     17.0573
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35209E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  74727.7231     25.0792      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  74727.7249     25.0810      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  74727.7842     25.1404      0.0593
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5773140 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  74727.7911
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  74727.7971      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5614
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.14155E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37227
+                          wsmp solve  74735.7634      7.9723      7.9662
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0609989 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.5711541 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8014641 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3262060 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15439.4276103 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2366951 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085530 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.0055130 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10211E+01  0.11236E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47416E-01  0.15009E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75753E+00  0.22688E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  74752.8055     25.0144     17.0421
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12473E+01  0.19848E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  74753.0275     25.2364      0.2220
+                do leaf measurements  74753.0293     25.2382      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  74753.0885     25.2974      0.0592
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0711424 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  74753.0953
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  74753.1016      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5614
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37227
+                          wsmp solve  74761.1035      8.0082      8.0019
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0629468 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.5588162 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7953470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3091390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15462.7277064 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2369399 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084679 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9721088 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10230E+01  0.13141E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41087E-01  0.15153E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73895E+00  0.23220E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  74778.1120     25.0167     17.0085
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13423E+01  0.29829E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  74778.3361     25.2407      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  74778.3380     25.2426      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  74778.3977     25.3023      0.0597
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0345269 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  74778.4046
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  74778.4108      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5614
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37227
+                          wsmp solve  74786.3686      7.9640      7.9578
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0618639 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.5572870 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7962918 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3254881 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15440.4062552 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2362781 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084939 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9861479 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10227E+01  0.15208E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41283E-01  0.15350E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72982E+00  0.22967E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  74803.3912     24.9865     17.0226
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14228E+01  0.33220E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  74803.6133     25.2087      0.2222
+                do leaf measurements  74803.6152     25.2105      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  74803.6744     25.2698      0.0593
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0143971 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  74803.6813
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  74803.6873      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5614
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37227
+                          wsmp solve  74811.6495      7.9682      7.9622
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0608809 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.5755169 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7978871 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3066051 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15466.1930438 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2366819 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084879 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9865170 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10222E+01  0.16831E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41041E-01  0.15560E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72670E+00  0.22873E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  74828.6731     24.9918     17.0236
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14562E+01  0.33981E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  74828.8945     25.2132      0.2214
+                do leaf measurements  74828.8963     25.2150      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  74828.9532     25.2719      0.0569
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0094492 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  74828.9563     25.2750      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  74828.9565     25.2752      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -238200305139037.25 526106789333079.
+ def in m -7.9825234413146973 0.88905501365661621
+ dimensionless def  -2.5401571818760462E-6 2.28072098323277052E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0250725  0.2272017
+                  Compute divergence  74829.2317     25.5505      0.2753
+                        wsmp_cleanup  74829.2711     25.5898      0.0393
+              Reset surface geometry  74829.2810     25.5997      0.0099
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   74829.2891     25.6078      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  74829.3069     25.6256      0.0178
+                   Advect surface  1  74829.3071     25.6258      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  74829.5464     25.8651      0.2393
+                                                                        S. 2:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  74829.7548     26.0735      0.2084
+                                                                        S. 3:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  74830.0241     26.3428      0.2693
+                    Advect the cloud  74830.2195     26.5382      0.1954
+                        Write output  74831.1655     27.4842      0.9460
+                    End of time step  74832.1313     28.4500      0.9658
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     460  74832.1315
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  74832.1316      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  74832.1316      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17101points
+                      refine surface  74832.1316      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  74832.1689      0.0374      0.0373
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  74832.2037      0.0722      0.0348
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  74832.2400      0.1085      0.0363
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17102points
+                          surface 02  74832.2654      0.1339      0.0253
+                                                                        S. 2:    17094points
+                      refine surface  74832.2655      0.1340      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  74832.3033      0.1718      0.0378
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  74832.3323      0.2008      0.0290
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  74832.3684      0.2369      0.0361
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17095points
+                          surface 03  74832.3931      0.2617      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 3:    17096points
+                      refine surface  74832.3933      0.2618      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  74832.4295      0.2980      0.0362
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17096points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  74832.4617
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  74832.4620      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  74832.4780      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  74832.5029      0.0411      0.0249
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  74832.5040      0.0423      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  74832.5182      0.0564      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  74832.6404      0.1786      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  74832.9380      0.4762      0.2976
+                embedding surface  1  74832.9381      0.4764      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  74835.0801      2.6184      2.1420
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  74837.2945      4.8328      2.2144
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  74841.0078      8.5460      3.7133
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  74841.0148      8.5531      0.0070
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  74841.6233      9.1615      0.6084
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  74841.7146      9.2529      0.0914
+                           Find void  74841.9855      9.5237      0.2708
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33076
+          Define boundary conditions  74842.0273      9.5655      0.0418
+                         wsmp setup1  74842.0391      9.5774      0.0118
+                                                                        n =   129315
+                                                                        nz=  4975665
+                         wsmp setup2  74843.1896     10.7279      1.1505
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  74843.2476
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  74843.2478      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5614
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.39957E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37227
+                          wsmp solve  74851.0494      7.8018      7.8016
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0683260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.5825419 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7976880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3040631 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15469.6710282 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2365329 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085070 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9981360 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10291E+01  0.15237E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.93298E-01  0.17400E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75816E+00  0.24979E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  74868.0841     24.8365     17.0347
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35206E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  74868.3063     25.0586      0.2221
+                do leaf measurements  74868.3080     25.0604      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  74868.3671     25.1195      0.0591
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5768230 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  74868.3740
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  74868.3800      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5614
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.39957E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37227
+                          wsmp solve  74876.4274      8.0534      8.0474
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0621550 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.5505960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7965260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3472891 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15410.7413533 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2372050 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084848 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.0027180 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10212E+01  0.11026E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47638E-01  0.15138E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75739E+00  0.22914E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  74893.4663     25.0923     17.0389
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12479E+01  0.20005E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  74893.6900     25.3160      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  74893.6918     25.3178      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  74893.7510     25.3770      0.0593
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0637227 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  74893.7579
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  74893.7640      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5614
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37227
+                          wsmp solve  74901.7261      7.9681      7.9621
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0624712 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.5781529 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8008471 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3246350 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15441.5693495 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2362990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085540 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.0114200 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10230E+01  0.12941E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41321E-01  0.15275E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73883E+00  0.23258E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  74918.7747     25.0168     17.0487
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13404E+01  0.29793E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  74918.9965     25.2385      0.2217
+                do leaf measurements  74918.9982     25.2403      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  74919.0575     25.2996      0.0593
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0345049 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  74919.0645
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  74919.0706      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5614
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37227
+                          wsmp solve  74927.0746      8.0101      8.0040
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0645001 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.5752940 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7952008 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3066039 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15466.1946744 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2369518 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085058 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9874840 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10226E+01  0.15011E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41410E-01  0.15459E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72962E+00  0.22989E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  74944.0994     25.0349     17.0248
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14192E+01  0.33085E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  74944.3227     25.2582      0.2233
+                do leaf measurements  74944.3245     25.2600      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  74944.3842     25.3197      0.0597
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0143575 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  74944.3912
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  74944.3974      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5614
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37227
+                          wsmp solve  74952.4122      8.0210      8.0148
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0627601 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.5540140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7943320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3776360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15369.6372283 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2367768 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085180 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.0344989 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10221E+01  0.16633E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41175E-01  0.15654E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72646E+00  0.22879E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  74969.4837     25.0925     17.0715
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14516E+01  0.33821E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  74969.7071     25.3159      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements  74969.7089     25.3177      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  74969.7661     25.3749      0.0572
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0093087 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  74969.7692     25.3780      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  74969.7694     25.3782      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -238271003126080.53 526917466783351.38
+ def in m -7.9965553283691406 0.91439753770828247
+ dimensionless def  -2.61256439345223565E-6 2.28473009381975454E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0258187  0.2276044
+                  Compute divergence  74970.0472     25.6560      0.2778
+                        wsmp_cleanup  74970.0855     25.6943      0.0383
+              Reset surface geometry  74970.0956     25.7044      0.0102
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   74970.1046     25.7134      0.0090
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  74970.1237     25.7325      0.0191
+                   Advect surface  1  74970.1239     25.7327      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   17 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  74970.3531     25.9619      0.2292
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   12 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  74970.5714     26.1802      0.2183
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  74970.8524     26.4612      0.2810
+                    Advect the cloud  74971.0509     26.6597      0.1985
+                        Write output  74971.9870     27.5958      0.9361
+                    End of time step  74972.9083     28.5171      0.9213
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     461  74972.9085
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  74972.9086      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  74972.9087      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17100points
+                      refine surface  74972.9087      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  74972.9474      0.0388      0.0386
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  74972.9779      0.0694      0.0306
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  74973.0142      0.1056      0.0362
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17101points
+                          surface 02  74973.0399      0.1314      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 2:    17094points
+                      refine surface  74973.0401      0.1315      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  74973.0763      0.1678      0.0362
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17094points
+                          surface 03  74973.1017      0.1931      0.0254
+                                                                        S. 3:    17095points
+                      refine surface  74973.1018      0.1933      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  74973.1399      0.2314      0.0381
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  74973.1700      0.2615      0.0301
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  74973.2072      0.2987      0.0372
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17096points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  74973.2389
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  74973.2392      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  74973.2551      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  74973.2798      0.0409      0.0247
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  74973.2809      0.0421      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  74973.2951      0.0562      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  74973.4173      0.1785      0.1223
+             Imbed surface in osolve  74973.7112      0.4724      0.2939
+                embedding surface  1  74973.7114      0.4726      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  74975.8330      2.5941      2.1215
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  74978.0567      4.8178      2.2237
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  74981.7990      8.5601      3.7423
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  74981.8046      8.5657      0.0056
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  74982.4203      9.1814      0.6157
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  74982.5040      9.2651      0.0837
+                           Find void  74982.7754      9.5366      0.2715
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33076
+          Define boundary conditions  74982.8176      9.5787      0.0421
+                         wsmp setup1  74982.8294      9.5905      0.0118
+                                                                        n =   129315
+                                                                        nz=  4975665
+                         wsmp setup2  74983.9873     10.7485      1.1579
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  74984.0432
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  74984.0433      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5614
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.60034E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37227
+                          wsmp solve  74991.8642      7.8210      7.8208
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0632219 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.5517800 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7971520 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3808389 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15365.3117435 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2370460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085680 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.0390708 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10441E+01  0.15317E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.92915E-01  0.17627E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75844E+00  0.24776E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  75008.9397     24.8965     17.0755
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35221E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  75009.1635     25.1203      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  75009.1653     25.1221      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  75009.2264     25.1832      0.0611
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5784253 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  75009.2335
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  75009.2397      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5614
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.69647E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37227
+                          wsmp solve  75017.2012      7.9676      7.9615
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0638201 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.5784950 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7976041 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3408601 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15419.4774626 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2371340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085289 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.0268991 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10211E+01  0.11072E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47491E-01  0.15239E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75778E+00  0.22796E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  75034.2645     25.0309     17.0633
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12477E+01  0.19925E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  75034.4885     25.2550      0.2240
+                do leaf measurements  75034.4904     25.2568      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  75034.5509     25.3173      0.0605
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0644729 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  75034.5581
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  75034.5642      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5614
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37227
+                          wsmp solve  75042.5515      7.9934      7.9873
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0609910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.5560238 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7971430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3030162 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15471.1038436 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2374060 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0087249 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9637790 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10228E+01  0.12955E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41063E-01  0.15332E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73899E+00  0.23253E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  75059.5519     24.9938     17.0004
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13397E+01  0.29835E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  75059.7779     25.2198      0.2259
+                do leaf measurements  75059.7797     25.2217      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  75059.8407     25.2826      0.0610
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0345387 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  75059.8480
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  75059.8541      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5614
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37227
+                          wsmp solve  75067.8171      7.9691      7.9630
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0620220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.5536730 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7970600 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3353081 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15427.0299492 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2364919 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085590 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9935811 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10224E+01  0.15005E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41244E-01  0.15505E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72978E+00  0.22993E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  75084.8470     24.9991     17.0299
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14185E+01  0.33137E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  75085.0705     25.2226      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements  75085.0724     25.2244      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  75085.1327     25.2848      0.0603
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0143711 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  75085.1400
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  75085.1461      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5614
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37227
+                          wsmp solve  75093.1057      7.9658      7.9596
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0613258 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.5704749 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8009131 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3107171 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15460.5703174 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2368391 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085740 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9893022 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10218E+01  0.16615E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41011E-01  0.15703E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72663E+00  0.22890E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  75110.1318     24.9918     17.0261
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14509E+01  0.33909E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  75110.3560     25.2160      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  75110.3579     25.2179      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  75110.4158     25.2758      0.0579
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0092938 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  75110.4189     25.2789      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  75110.4191     25.2791      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -238316184849495.09 527730201550957.
+ def in m -8.0115032196044922 0.93696451187133789
+ dimensionless def  -2.67704146248953698E-6 2.28900091988699773E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0264782  0.2280295
+                  Compute divergence  75110.6958     25.5558      0.2767
+                        wsmp_cleanup  75110.7359     25.5959      0.0401
+              Reset surface geometry  75110.7449     25.6049      0.0091
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   75110.7529     25.6129      0.0080
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  75110.7703     25.6303      0.0174
+                   Advect surface  1  75110.7704     25.6304      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  75110.9773     25.8373      0.2069
+                                                                        removing   5 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  75111.2395     26.0995      0.2622
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  75111.5426     26.4026      0.3031
+                    Advect the cloud  75111.7401     26.6001      0.1975
+                        Write output  75112.6808     27.5408      0.9407
+                    End of time step  75113.5995     28.4595      0.9187
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     462  75113.5997
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  75113.5998      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  75113.5998      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17101points
+                      refine surface  75113.5998      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  75113.6354      0.0357      0.0355
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  75113.6669      0.0672      0.0315
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  75113.7040      0.1043      0.0371
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17102points
+                          surface 02  75113.7291      0.1294      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 2:    17089points
+                      refine surface  75113.7292      0.1295      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  75113.7701      0.1704      0.0408
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  75113.8060      0.2063      0.0359
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  75113.8434      0.2437      0.0375
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17092points
+                          surface 03  75113.8691      0.2694      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 3:    17093points
+                      refine surface  75113.8692      0.2696      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  75113.9090      0.3093      0.0398
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  75113.9398      0.3401      0.0308
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  75113.9771      0.3774      0.0373
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17095points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  75114.0095
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  75114.0098      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  75114.0257      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  75114.0507      0.0412      0.0250
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  75114.0518      0.0423      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  75114.0660      0.0565      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  75114.1883      0.1788      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  75114.4841      0.4746      0.2958
+                embedding surface  1  75114.4842      0.4747      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  75116.6053      2.5958      2.1211
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  75118.8246      4.8151      2.2193
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  75122.5389      8.5294      3.7143
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  75122.5484      8.5389      0.0095
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  75123.1241      9.1146      0.5757
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  75123.2279      9.2184      0.1038
+                           Find void  75123.4976      9.4882      0.2697
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33076
+          Define boundary conditions  75123.5380      9.5286      0.0404
+                         wsmp setup1  75123.5506      9.5411      0.0125
+                                                                        n =   129315
+                                                                        nz=  4975665
+                         wsmp setup2  75124.6937     10.6842      1.1431
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  75124.7533
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  75124.7534      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5614
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.64947E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37227
+                          wsmp solve  75132.5376      7.7843      7.7842
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0626581 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.5758250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8026149 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3043780 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15469.2400281 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2370148 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086138 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9915581 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10508E+01  0.15256E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.93429E-01  0.17626E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75887E+00  0.24829E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  75149.5657     24.8124     17.0281
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35213E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  75149.7965     25.0432      0.2308
+                do leaf measurements  75149.7982     25.0449      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  75149.8580     25.1047      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5777487 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  75149.8652
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  75149.8713      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5614
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.73706E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37227
+                          wsmp solve  75157.9098      8.0446      8.0385
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0586629 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.5527172 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7971091 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3382931 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15422.9685183 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2367961 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085890 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9926031 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10211E+01  0.11027E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.46975E-01  0.15320E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75798E+00  0.22813E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  75174.9392     25.0740     17.0294
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12471E+01  0.19946E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  75175.1622     25.2970      0.2230
+                do leaf measurements  75175.1639     25.2987      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  75175.2239     25.3587      0.0600
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0639168 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  75175.2311
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  75175.2372      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5614
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37227
+                          wsmp solve  75183.1982      7.9671      7.9610
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0617559 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.5804801 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7961159 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3162389 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15453.0263109 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2361510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084941 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9996500 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10227E+01  0.12909E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40961E-01  0.15411E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73897E+00  0.23269E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  75200.2354     25.0043     17.0372
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13388E+01  0.29828E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  75200.4579     25.2268      0.2225
+                do leaf measurements  75200.4596     25.2285      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  75200.5194     25.2883      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0343710 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  75200.5267
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  75200.5328      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5614
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37227
+                          wsmp solve  75208.5180      7.9913      7.9852
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0623729 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.5789330 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7970850 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3060000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15467.0208070 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2372260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086000 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9906518 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10222E+01  0.14958E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41061E-01  0.15576E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72978E+00  0.23003E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  75225.5452     25.0185     17.0272
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14175E+01  0.33112E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  75225.7687     25.2420      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements  75225.7704     25.2437      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  75225.8307     25.3041      0.0603
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0143841 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  75225.8380
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  75225.8442      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5614
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37227
+                          wsmp solve  75233.8779      8.0398      8.0336
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0586891 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.5564401 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7919290 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3720520 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15377.1841581 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2368710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085661 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.0249929 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10216E+01  0.16568E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40946E-01  0.15766E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72665E+00  0.22897E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  75250.9404     25.1024     17.0626
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14503E+01  0.33861E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  75251.1641     25.3260      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements  75251.1658     25.3277      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  75251.2231     25.3851      0.0574
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0093075 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  75251.2263     25.3883      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  75251.2265     25.3884      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -238341219594480.28 528564215601219.25
+ def in m -8.0155344009399414 0.94532555341720581
+ dimensionless def  -2.70093015262058795E-6 2.29015268598284052E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0267195  0.2281486
+                  Compute divergence  75251.5028     25.6647      0.2763
+                        wsmp_cleanup  75251.5411     25.7030      0.0383
+              Reset surface geometry  75251.5509     25.7129      0.0098
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   75251.5600     25.7219      0.0090
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  75251.5790     25.7410      0.0191
+                   Advect surface  1  75251.5792     25.7412      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:   13 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  75251.7742     25.9362      0.1950
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   14 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  75251.9944     26.1564      0.2202
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  75252.2763     26.4382      0.2819
+                    Advect the cloud  75252.4703     26.6322      0.1940
+                        Write output  75253.4112     27.5731      0.9409
+                    End of time step  75254.3320     28.4939      0.9208
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     463  75254.3322
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  75254.3322      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  75254.3323      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17102points
+                      refine surface  75254.3323      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  75254.3645      0.0323      0.0322
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17102points
+                          surface 02  75254.3901      0.0580      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 2:    17091points
+                      refine surface  75254.3903      0.0581      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  75254.4227      0.0905      0.0324
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  75254.4558      0.1236      0.0331
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  75254.4886      0.1564      0.0328
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17092points
+                          surface 03  75254.5150      0.1829      0.0265
+                                                                        S. 3:    17094points
+                      refine surface  75254.5152      0.1830      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  75254.5478      0.2156      0.0326
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17094points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  75254.5815
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  75254.5818      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  75254.5977      0.0162      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  75254.6224      0.0409      0.0246
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  75254.6235      0.0420      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  75254.6376      0.0562      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  75254.7598      0.1784      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  75255.0554      0.4739      0.2955
+                embedding surface  1  75255.0556      0.4741      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  75257.1876      2.6061      2.1320
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  75259.4204      4.8389      2.2328
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  75263.1467      8.5653      3.7264
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  75263.1522      8.5707      0.0054
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  75263.7746      9.1931      0.6224
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  75263.8584      9.2769      0.0839
+                           Find void  75264.1313      9.5498      0.2729
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33076
+          Define boundary conditions  75264.1741      9.5927      0.0429
+                         wsmp setup1  75264.1858      9.6043      0.0116
+                                                                        n =   129315
+                                                                        nz=  4975665
+                         wsmp setup2  75265.3415     10.7600      1.1557
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  75265.3990
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  75265.3991      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5614
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.75377E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37227
+                          wsmp solve  75273.2357      7.8368      7.8366
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0642059 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.5520341 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7916000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3706141 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15379.1287224 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2367470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084929 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.0241590 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10223E+01  0.15252E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.93762E-01  0.17542E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75906E+00  0.24842E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  75290.2969     24.8979     17.0612
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35202E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  75290.5204     25.1215      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements  75290.5222     25.1232      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  75290.5820     25.1831      0.0599
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5783887 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  75290.5891
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  75290.5952      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5614
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.84869E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37227
+                          wsmp solve  75298.5573      7.9682      7.9621
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0618920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.5783689 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8004780 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3313780 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15432.3805469 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2367079 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085099 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.0178049 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10213E+01  0.11035E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.46942E-01  0.15254E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75810E+00  0.22842E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  75315.6120     25.0229     17.0547
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12475E+01  0.20041E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  75315.8341     25.2450      0.2221
+                do leaf measurements  75315.8359     25.2467      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  75315.8957     25.3066      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0713753 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  75315.9028
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  75315.9089      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5614
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37227
+                          wsmp solve  75323.8961      7.9933      7.9872
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0613539 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.5712838 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7953579 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3047020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15468.7966549 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2372930 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085170 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9789541 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10230E+01  0.12905E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40932E-01  0.15359E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73919E+00  0.23269E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  75340.9119     25.0091     17.0157
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13392E+01  0.29899E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  75341.1357     25.2329      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  75341.1374     25.2346      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  75341.1978     25.2950      0.0604
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0344311 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  75341.2049
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  75341.2111      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5614
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37227
+                          wsmp solve  75349.1898      7.9849      7.9788
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0644860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.5512168 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7943690 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3390939 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15421.8792379 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2363260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084891 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9944160 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10223E+01  0.14944E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41039E-01  0.15548E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72996E+00  0.23024E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  75366.2213     25.0164     17.0315
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14176E+01  0.33156E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  75366.4433     25.2384      0.2220
+                do leaf measurements  75366.4450     25.2401      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  75366.5046     25.2997      0.0596
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0143124 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  75366.5117
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  75366.5178      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5614
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37227
+                          wsmp solve  75374.4783      7.9667      7.9605
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0626969 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.5715702 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8021860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3164420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15452.7489257 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2368770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084491 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9986961 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10217E+01  0.16550E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40830E-01  0.15731E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72679E+00  0.22908E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  75391.5144     25.0027     17.0360
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14501E+01  0.33908E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  75391.7362     25.2245      0.2218
+                do leaf measurements  75391.7379     25.2262      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  75391.7952     25.2835      0.0573
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0092795 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  75391.7983     25.2866      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  75391.7985     25.2868      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -238360996528078.31 529407365051189.44
+ def in m -8.0161228179931641 0.95246076583862305
+ dimensionless def  -2.72131647382463701E-6 2.29032080514090416E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0269266  0.2281654
+                  Compute divergence  75392.0782     25.5665      0.2797
+                        wsmp_cleanup  75392.1166     25.6050      0.0384
+              Reset surface geometry  75392.1274     25.6157      0.0107
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   75392.1364     25.6247      0.0090
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  75392.1556     25.6439      0.0193
+                   Advect surface  1  75392.1558     25.6441      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  75392.3631     25.8514      0.2073
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  75392.5841     26.0724      0.2210
+                                                                        S. 3:   12 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  75392.8534     26.3417      0.2693
+                    Advect the cloud  75393.0511     26.5394      0.1977
+                        Write output  75393.9943     27.4826      0.9431
+                    End of time step  75394.9172     28.4055      0.9229
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     464  75394.9174
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  75394.9175      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  75394.9175      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17102points
+                      refine surface  75394.9176      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  75394.9498      0.0324      0.0322
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  75394.9802      0.0628      0.0304
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  75395.0124      0.0951      0.0322
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17103points
+                          surface 02  75395.0375      0.1201      0.0250
+                                                                        S. 2:    17091points
+                      refine surface  75395.0376      0.1202      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  75395.0703      0.1529      0.0327
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17091points
+                          surface 03  75395.0962      0.1788      0.0259
+                                                                        S. 3:    17094points
+                      refine surface  75395.0963      0.1789      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  75395.1274      0.2100      0.0310
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17094points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  75395.1610
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  75395.1613      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  75395.1773      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  75395.2021      0.0411      0.0248
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  75395.2032      0.0422      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  75395.2174      0.0564      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  75395.3396      0.1786      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  75395.6360      0.4750      0.2964
+                embedding surface  1  75395.6361      0.4751      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  75397.7675      2.6065      2.1314
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  75399.9959      4.8349      2.2284
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  75403.7535      8.5925      3.7576
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  75403.7617      8.6007      0.0082
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  75404.3721      9.2111      0.6105
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  75404.4635      9.3025      0.0914
+                           Find void  75404.7352      9.5742      0.2717
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33078
+          Define boundary conditions  75404.7761      9.6151      0.0409
+                         wsmp setup1  75404.7886      9.6276      0.0125
+                                                                        n =   129321
+                                                                        nz=  4975911
+                         wsmp setup2  75405.9416     10.7807      1.1530
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  75406.0004
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  75406.0005      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5615
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.02137E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37229
+                          wsmp solve  75413.7691      7.7687      7.7686
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0638041 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1816308 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8030431 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.8923159 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16195.2100890 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2478940 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083590 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1974969 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10301E+01  0.16508E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95245E-01  0.17485E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76109E+00  0.24201E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  75430.0046     24.0043     16.2355
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35248E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  75430.2274     24.2271      0.2228
+                do leaf measurements  75430.2292     24.2288      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  75430.2890     24.2886      0.0597
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5874581 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  75430.2961
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  75430.3021      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5615
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.02137E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37229
+                          wsmp solve  75438.3359      8.0398      8.0337
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0634730 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1571181 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7986858 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9350979 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16131.8485546 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2485240 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083871 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2117400 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10205E+01  0.12105E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48654E-01  0.15290E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76172E+00  0.22427E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  75454.5858     24.2897     16.2499
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12506E+01  0.19915E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  75454.8096     24.5135      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  75454.8113     24.5153      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  75454.8714     24.5754      0.0601
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0774520 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  75454.8785
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  75454.8845      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5615
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37229
+                          wsmp solve  75462.8398      7.9613      7.9552
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0642641 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1732280 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8002889 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9135492 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16163.7008085 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2473218 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083818 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2074850 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10223E+01  0.13756E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40298E-01  0.15329E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74219E+00  0.23131E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  75479.0843     24.2058     16.2446
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13544E+01  0.31211E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  75479.3069     24.4284      0.2226
+                do leaf measurements  75479.3086     24.4301      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  75479.3685     24.4900      0.0599
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0349482 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  75479.3757
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  75479.3817      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5615
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37229
+                          wsmp solve  75487.3757      8.0000      7.9939
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0660419 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1967020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8015962 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.8969910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16188.2618374 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2480788 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083520 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2182200 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10217E+01  0.15710E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40525E-01  0.15484E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73292E+00  0.22916E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  75503.6319     24.2562     16.2562
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14353E+01  0.34503E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  75503.8560     24.4804      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  75503.8578     24.4821      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  75503.9182     24.5426      0.0604
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0139569 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  75503.9254
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  75503.9316      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5615
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37229
+                          wsmp solve  75511.9306      8.0052      7.9991
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0623150 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1546009 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7994370 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9616539 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16092.7670789 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2483549 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083408 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2351389 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10210E+01  0.17268E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40245E-01  0.15664E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72982E+00  0.22821E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  75528.2032     24.2778     16.2726
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14692E+01  0.35325E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  75528.4278     24.5024      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  75528.4296     24.5042      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  75528.4870     24.5616      0.0574
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0096472 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  75528.4901     24.5647      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  75528.4902     24.5648      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -238380735281234.84 530249986529650.81
+ def in m -8.0086154937744141 0.956187903881073
+ dimensionless def  -2.73196543966020876E-6 2.28817585536411852E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0270344  0.2279650
+                  Compute divergence  75528.7686     24.8432      0.2784
+                        wsmp_cleanup  75528.8064     24.8811      0.0379
+              Reset surface geometry  75528.8168     24.8914      0.0104
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   75528.8257     24.9003      0.0089
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  75528.8458     24.9204      0.0201
+                   Advect surface  1  75528.8460     24.9206      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  75529.0654     25.1400      0.2195
+                                                                        S. 2:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  75529.2782     25.3528      0.2127
+                                                                        S. 3:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  75529.5535     25.6281      0.2754
+                    Advect the cloud  75529.7500     25.8246      0.1964
+                        Write output  75530.6899     26.7645      0.9399
+                    End of time step  75531.6120     27.6866      0.9221
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     465  75531.6122
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  75531.6123      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  75531.6123      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17102points
+                      refine surface  75531.6124      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  75531.6492      0.0370      0.0368
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  75531.6775      0.0653      0.0283
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  75531.7090      0.0968      0.0316
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17103points
+                          surface 02  75531.7353      0.1231      0.0263
+                                                                        S. 2:    17091points
+                      refine surface  75531.7355      0.1233      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  75531.7690      0.1568      0.0335
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  75531.8007      0.1885      0.0317
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  75531.8342      0.2220      0.0336
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17093points
+                          surface 03  75531.8600      0.2478      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 3:    17094points
+                      refine surface  75531.8601      0.2479      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  75531.8977      0.2855      0.0376
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17094points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  75531.9304
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  75531.9307      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  75531.9466      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  75531.9710      0.0406      0.0244
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  75531.9722      0.0417      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  75531.9863      0.0559      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  75532.1086      0.1782      0.1223
+             Imbed surface in osolve  75532.4044      0.4740      0.2958
+                embedding surface  1  75532.4046      0.4742      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  75534.5353      2.6049      2.1307
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  75536.7844      4.8540      2.2491
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  75540.5431      8.6127      3.7587
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  75540.5487      8.6183      0.0056
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  75541.1414      9.2109      0.5926
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  75541.2250      9.2946      0.0837
+                           Find void  75541.4982      9.5678      0.2732
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33078
+          Define boundary conditions  75541.5410      9.6106      0.0429
+                         wsmp setup1  75541.5528      9.6224      0.0118
+                                                                        n =   129321
+                                                                        nz=  4975911
+                         wsmp setup2  75542.7083     10.7779      1.1555
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  75542.7664
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  75542.7666      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5615
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.05188E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37229
+                          wsmp solve  75550.5701      7.8036      7.8035
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0658052 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1534009 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7995059 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9441769 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16118.4660295 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2474170 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083232 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2190850 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10279E+01  0.16806E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95023E-01  0.17192E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76352E+00  0.23845E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  75566.8265     24.0600     16.2564
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35238E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  75567.0514     24.2850      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  75567.0532     24.2868      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  75567.1150     24.3486      0.0618
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5874488 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  75567.1221
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  75567.1282      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5615
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.05188E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37229
+                          wsmp solve  75575.0864      7.9642      7.9582
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0632789 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1777039 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8044901 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.8964930 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16189.0017697 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2474029 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083251 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1981299 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10205E+01  0.12496E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48318E-01  0.15189E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76416E+00  0.22423E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  75591.3225     24.2003     16.2361
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12504E+01  0.20115E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  75591.5463     24.4241      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  75591.5480     24.4259      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  75591.6100     24.4878      0.0620
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0814233 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  75591.6172
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  75591.6234      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5615
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37229
+                          wsmp solve  75599.6417      8.0245      8.0184
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0598221 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1531792 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8000150 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9276481 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16142.8463557 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2482660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083640 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1977401 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10223E+01  0.14092E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40007E-01  0.15255E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74423E+00  0.23137E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  75615.8772     24.2600     16.2355
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13611E+01  0.31591E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  75616.1022     24.4849      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  75616.1040     24.4868      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  75616.1659     24.5487      0.0619
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0349938 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  75616.1731
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  75616.1791      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5615
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37229
+                          wsmp solve  75624.1324      7.9593      7.9532
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0660400 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1837478 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7998281 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9061611 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16174.6505165 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2470241 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083201 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2115889 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10215E+01  0.15994E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40165E-01  0.15428E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73469E+00  0.22926E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  75640.3827     24.2097     16.2504
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14446E+01  0.35042E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  75640.6065     24.4334      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  75640.6083     24.4352      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  75640.6703     24.4972      0.0620
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0140443 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  75640.6776
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  75640.6837      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4642        5615
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37229
+                          wsmp solve  75648.6672      7.9896      7.9835
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0640070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1846690 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8016100 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.8974712 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16187.5485344 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2481449 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082860 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2046430 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10209E+01  0.17530E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39925E-01  0.15628E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73134E+00  0.22847E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  75664.9093     24.2317     16.2421
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14783E+01  0.35819E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  75665.1351     24.4576      0.2259
+                do leaf measurements  75665.1370     24.4594      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  75665.1967     24.5191      0.0596
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0097695 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  75665.1998     24.5223      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  75665.2000     24.5225      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -238377877235886.56 531120969787601.13
+ def in m -7.9823379516601562 0.90266698598861694
+ dimensionless def  -2.57904853139604822E-6 2.28066798618861602E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0254565  0.2271813
+                  Compute divergence  75665.4744     24.7968      0.2743
+                        wsmp_cleanup  75665.5151     24.8375      0.0407
+              Reset surface geometry  75665.5241     24.8465      0.0090
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   75665.5323     24.8547      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  75665.5497     24.8721      0.0175
+                   Advect surface  1  75665.5499     24.8723      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  75665.7568     25.0792      0.2069
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  75665.9791     25.3016      0.2223
+                                                                        removing   5 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  75666.3014     25.6239      0.3223
+                    Advect the cloud  75666.4948     25.8172      0.1934
+                        Write output  75667.4369     26.7593      0.9421
+                    End of time step  75668.3586     27.6810      0.9217
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     466  75668.3588
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  75668.3588      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  75668.3589      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17103points
+                      refine surface  75668.3589      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  75668.3972      0.0384      0.0382
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  75668.4311      0.0723      0.0339
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  75668.4686      0.1098      0.0375
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17105points
+                          surface 02  75668.4926      0.1338      0.0240
+                                                                        S. 2:    17092points
+                      refine surface  75668.4927      0.1339      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  75668.5291      0.1704      0.0364
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17092points
+                          surface 03  75668.5547      0.1959      0.0255
+                                                                        S. 3:    17089points
+                      refine surface  75668.5548      0.1960      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   4 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  75668.5968      0.2380      0.0420
+                                                                        S. 3:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  75668.6260      0.2672      0.0292
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  75668.6641      0.3054      0.0382
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17093points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  75668.6948
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  75668.6951      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  75668.7111      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  75668.7357      0.0409      0.0247
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  75668.7368      0.0420      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  75668.7510      0.0562      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  75668.8732      0.1783      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  75669.1709      0.4760      0.2977
+                embedding surface  1  75669.1710      0.4762      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  75671.3231      2.6283      2.1521
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  75673.5420      4.8472      2.2189
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  75677.2515      8.5567      3.7094
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  75677.2572      8.5624      0.0057
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  75677.8629      9.1681      0.6057
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  75677.9559      9.2610      0.0930
+                           Find void  75678.2241      9.5292      0.2682
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33080
+          Define boundary conditions  75678.2640      9.5692      0.0400
+                         wsmp setup1  75678.2770      9.5822      0.0130
+                                                                        n =   129327
+                                                                        nz=  4976157
+                         wsmp setup2  75679.4305     10.7357      1.1535
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  75679.4891
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  75679.4893      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4644        5615
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00607E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37231
+                          wsmp solve  75687.3242      7.8350      7.8349
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0656919 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1731029 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7958460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.8225770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13546.0579030 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2394538 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083859 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.1054978 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10232E+01  0.16529E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94108E-01  0.17035E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76451E+00  0.23859E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  75705.4670     25.9779     18.1428
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35205E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  75705.6938     26.2047      0.2268
+                do leaf measurements  75705.6956     26.2065      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  75705.7579     26.2687      0.0622
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5846848 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  75705.7649
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  75705.7710      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4644        5615
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00607E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37231
+                          wsmp solve  75713.8016      8.0367      8.0306
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0634789 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1736650 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7974868 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.8322120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13535.8869454 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2396340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084262 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.1153340 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10206E+01  0.12349E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48964E-01  0.14798E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76390E+00  0.22322E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  75731.9529     26.1879     18.1513
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12485E+01  0.20283E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  75732.1785     26.4136      0.2257
+                do leaf measurements  75732.1803     26.4154      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  75732.2419     26.4770      0.0616
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0720093 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  75732.2489
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  75732.2550      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4644        5615
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37231
+                          wsmp solve  75740.2185      7.9696      7.9635
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0639610 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1953568 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8057849 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.8983021 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13466.5298928 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2387650 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084231 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.2110150 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10224E+01  0.14007E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40778E-01  0.14713E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74376E+00  0.23009E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  75758.4659     26.2170     18.2474
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13589E+01  0.31337E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  75758.6906     26.4417      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  75758.6924     26.4435      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  75758.7541     26.5052      0.0617
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0346003 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  75758.7612
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  75758.7673      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4644        5615
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37231
+                          wsmp solve  75766.7634      8.0022      7.9961
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0633490 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1717980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8004811 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.7957530 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13574.4547799 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2396789 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084040 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.0798972 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10215E+01  0.15923E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40871E-01  0.14829E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73454E+00  0.22807E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  75784.8805     26.1193     18.1171
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14427E+01  0.34716E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  75785.1072     26.3460      0.2267
+                do leaf measurements  75785.1090     26.3478      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  75785.1713     26.4101      0.0623
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0139954 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  75785.1785
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  75785.1847      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4644        5615
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37231
+                          wsmp solve  75793.2031      8.0246      8.0184
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0642428 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1819150 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7997432 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.8244410 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13544.0890638 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2395279 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084791 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.1187780 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10209E+01  0.17461E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40587E-01  0.15044E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73110E+00  0.22742E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  75811.3577     26.1793     18.1546
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14764E+01  0.35509E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  75811.5845     26.4060      0.2267
+                do leaf measurements  75811.5863     26.4078      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  75811.6454     26.4670      0.0592
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0096636 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  75811.6485     26.4701      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  75811.6487     26.4703      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -238394900810670.5 531982585223367.38
+ def in m -7.9594593048095703 0.86966103315353394
+ dimensionless def  -2.48474580901009679E-6 2.2741312299455913E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0244826  0.2265158
+                  Compute divergence  75811.9284     26.7500      0.2797
+                        wsmp_cleanup  75811.9684     26.7899      0.0400
+              Reset surface geometry  75811.9791     26.8007      0.0107
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   75811.9884     26.8099      0.0092
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  75812.0079     26.8295      0.0196
+                   Advect surface  1  75812.0081     26.8296      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  75812.2140     27.0356      0.2059
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  75812.4368     27.2584      0.2228
+                                                                        S. 3:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  75812.6996     27.5212      0.2628
+                    Advect the cloud  75812.8974     27.7189      0.1977
+                        Write output  75813.8410     28.6625      0.9436
+                    End of time step  75814.7608     29.5823      0.9198
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     467  75814.7610
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  75814.7611      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  75814.7611      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17105points
+                      refine surface  75814.7612      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  75814.7934      0.0324      0.0322
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  75814.8291      0.0681      0.0357
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  75814.8617      0.1007      0.0326
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17106points
+                          surface 02  75814.8874      0.1264      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 2:    17091points
+                      refine surface  75814.8875      0.1265      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  75814.9215      0.1605      0.0340
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  75814.9629      0.2019      0.0414
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  75814.9957      0.2347      0.0328
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17092points
+                          surface 03  75815.0223      0.2613      0.0266
+                                                                        S. 3:    17093points
+                      refine surface  75815.0224      0.2614      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  75815.0573      0.2964      0.0349
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  75815.0893      0.3283      0.0319
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  75815.1223      0.3613      0.0330
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17096points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  75815.1566
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  75815.1569      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  75815.1728      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  75815.1974      0.0408      0.0245
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  75815.1985      0.0419      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  75815.2126      0.0561      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  75815.3349      0.1783      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  75815.6293      0.4728      0.2945
+                embedding surface  1  75815.6295      0.4730      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  75817.7532      2.5966      2.1237
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  75820.0051      4.8485      2.2519
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  75823.7059      8.5493      3.7008
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  75823.7176      8.5611      0.0118
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  75824.3085      9.1519      0.5909
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  75824.3946      9.2381      0.0861
+                           Find void  75824.6699      9.5133      0.2753
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33080
+          Define boundary conditions  75824.7142      9.5576      0.0442
+                         wsmp setup1  75824.7261      9.5695      0.0119
+                                                                        n =   129327
+                                                                        nz=  4976157
+                         wsmp setup2  75825.8795     10.7229      1.1534
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  75825.9367
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  75825.9369      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4644        5615
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.03036E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37231
+                          wsmp solve  75833.7847      7.8480      7.8478
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0682309 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1795311 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7958269 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.8178439 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13551.0598871 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2398121 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082741 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.1099560 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10119E+01  0.16417E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94515E-01  0.16742E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76406E+00  0.23846E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  75851.9307     25.9939     18.1460
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35212E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  75852.1560     26.2192      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements  75852.1577     26.2210      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  75852.2193     26.2826      0.0616
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5847507 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  75852.2264
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  75852.2325      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4644        5615
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.03036E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37231
+                          wsmp solve  75860.2013      7.9748      7.9688
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0626180 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1959190 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8063600 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.8831511 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13482.3669900 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2389309 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082512 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.1956511 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10207E+01  0.12265E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.49109E-01  0.14629E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76317E+00  0.22274E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  75878.4331     26.2066     18.2318
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12476E+01  0.20208E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  75878.6571     26.4306      0.2240
+                do leaf measurements  75878.6588     26.4324      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  75878.7205     26.4941      0.0617
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0800680 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  75878.7276
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  75878.7337      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4644        5615
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37231
+                          wsmp solve  75886.7323      8.0047      7.9986
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0635450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1735258 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8000059 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.8093700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13560.0244156 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2398860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082750 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.0950360 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10223E+01  0.13950E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40491E-01  0.14610E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74344E+00  0.22967E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  75904.8640     26.1364     18.1317
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13568E+01  0.31146E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  75905.0893     26.3617      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements  75905.0911     26.3635      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  75905.1533     26.4257      0.0622
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0346323 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  75905.1605
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  75905.1667      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4644        5615
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37231
+                          wsmp solve  75913.1834      8.0229      8.0167
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0652740 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1788199 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8007741 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.8329232 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13535.1367844 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2397621 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082619 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.1262469 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10215E+01  0.15882E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40642E-01  0.14770E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73421E+00  0.22788E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  75931.3460     26.1855     18.1626
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14402E+01  0.34471E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  75931.5711     26.4106      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  75931.5729     26.4124      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  75931.6345     26.4740      0.0616
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0138764 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  75931.6416
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  75931.6477      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4644        5615
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37231
+                          wsmp solve  75939.6045      7.9628      7.9568
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0631499 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1951580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8052971 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.8778658 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13487.9003491 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2389569 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083001 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.1891520 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10209E+01  0.17427E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40369E-01  0.14985E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73081E+00  0.22730E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  75957.8297     26.1880     18.2252
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14743E+01  0.35288E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  75958.0535     26.4118      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  75958.0552     26.4136      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  75958.1142     26.4725      0.0589
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0096253 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  75958.1173     26.4757      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  75958.1175     26.4758      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -238387873491891.53 532835290081405.25
+ def in m -7.9397153854370117 0.85435974597930908
+ dimensionless def  -2.44102784565516866E-6 2.26849011012486024E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0240304  0.2259529
+                  Compute divergence  75958.3941     26.7525      0.2767
+                        wsmp_cleanup  75958.4346     26.7929      0.0404
+              Reset surface geometry  75958.4446     26.8029      0.0100
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   75958.4531     26.8115      0.0085
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  75958.4712     26.8296      0.0181
+                   Advect surface  1  75958.4713     26.8297      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   14 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  75958.6737     27.0321      0.2024
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  75958.9053     27.2637      0.2316
+                                                                        S. 3:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  75959.1739     27.5322      0.2686
+                    Advect the cloud  75959.3717     27.7301      0.1979
+                        Write output  75960.3128     28.6711      0.9410
+                    End of time step  75961.2340     29.5924      0.9213
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     468  75961.2343
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  75961.2343      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  75961.2344      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17106points
+                      refine surface  75961.2344      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  75961.2661      0.0318      0.0316
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17106points
+                          surface 02  75961.2913      0.0570      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 2:    17090points
+                      refine surface  75961.2914      0.0571      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  75961.3267      0.0924      0.0353
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  75961.3586      0.1243      0.0319
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  75961.3902      0.1560      0.0317
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17093points
+                          surface 03  75961.4170      0.1828      0.0268
+                                                                        S. 3:    17096points
+                      refine surface  75961.4171      0.1829      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  75961.4561      0.2218      0.0389
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  75961.4859      0.2517      0.0299
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  75961.5234      0.2891      0.0374
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17097points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  75961.5554
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  75961.5557      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  75961.5716      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  75961.5965      0.0411      0.0249
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  75961.5976      0.0422      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  75961.6118      0.0564      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  75961.7340      0.1785      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  75962.0294      0.4740      0.2954
+                embedding surface  1  75962.0296      0.4741      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  75964.1717      2.6162      2.1421
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  75966.3587      4.8033      2.1870
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  75970.0396      8.4842      3.6810
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  75970.0452      8.4897      0.0055
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  75970.5822      9.0267      0.5370
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  75970.7573      9.2019      0.1752
+                           Find void  75971.0303      9.4748      0.2729
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33080
+          Define boundary conditions  75971.0726      9.5172      0.0424
+                         wsmp setup1  75971.0843      9.5289      0.0117
+                                                                        n =   129327
+                                                                        nz=  4976157
+                         wsmp setup2  75972.2293     10.6739      1.1450
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  75972.2845
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  75972.2846      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4644        5615
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.07067E-05  9.90976E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37231
+                          wsmp solve  75980.0884      7.8039      7.8038
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0656688 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1945572 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8025329 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.8823619 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13483.1929115 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2393420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083380 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.1932290 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10119E+01  0.16399E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.92835E-01  0.16700E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76394E+00  0.23716E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  75998.3176     26.0332     18.2292
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35224E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  75998.5414     26.2569      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  75998.5432     26.2587      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  75998.6037     26.3193      0.0606
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5856220 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  75998.6109
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  75998.6170      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4644        5615
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.07067E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37231
+                          wsmp solve  76006.6201      8.0093      8.0032
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0602782 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1781020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8002779 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.8154430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13553.5985744 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2393780 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083539 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.1022680 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10207E+01  0.12247E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.49176E-01  0.14627E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76312E+00  0.22262E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  76024.7586     26.1477     18.1385
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12473E+01  0.20180E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  76024.9839     26.3731      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements  76024.9858     26.3749      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  76025.0468     26.4360      0.0610
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0701161 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  76025.0540
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  76025.0602      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4644        5615
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37231
+                          wsmp solve  76033.0784      8.0244      8.0182
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0610280 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1767650 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7989309 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.8323050 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13535.7888640 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2396960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083160 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.1174810 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10224E+01  0.13934E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40858E-01  0.14617E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74356E+00  0.22960E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  76051.2330     26.1789     18.1546
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13563E+01  0.31127E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  76051.4589     26.4048      0.2259
+                do leaf measurements  76051.4607     26.4067      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  76051.5213     26.4673      0.0607
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0348493 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  76051.5285
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  76051.5345      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4644        5615
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37231
+                          wsmp solve  76059.4948      7.9663      7.9603
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0611219 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1977119 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8045549 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.9001238 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13464.6281485 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2390082 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083411 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.2112899 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10214E+01  0.15865E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41101E-01  0.14769E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73429E+00  0.22779E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  76077.7420     26.2136     18.2473
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14397E+01  0.34442E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  76077.9662     26.4377      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  76077.9680     26.4396      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  76078.0289     26.5005      0.0609
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0139553 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  76078.0361
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  76078.0422      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4644        5615
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37231
+                          wsmp solve  76086.0380      8.0019      7.9958
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0620611 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1714098 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8015640 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.8084071 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13561.0438970 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2395020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083740 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.0917470 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10208E+01  0.17410E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40688E-01  0.14995E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73087E+00  0.22721E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  76104.1666     26.1306     18.1287
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14740E+01  0.35269E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  76104.3922     26.3561      0.2256
+                do leaf measurements  76104.3940     26.3579      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  76104.4524     26.4164      0.0584
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0096048 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  76104.4556     26.4195      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  76104.4558     26.4197      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -238461002422836.75 533668130357851.13
+ def in m -7.9524383544921875 0.84892994165420532
+ dimensionless def  -2.42551411901201514E-6 2.27212524414062508E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0238636  0.2262764
+                  Compute divergence  76104.7327     26.6967      0.2770
+                        wsmp_cleanup  76104.7730     26.7369      0.0402
+              Reset surface geometry  76104.7824     26.7463      0.0094
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   76104.7904     26.7543      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  76104.8086     26.7725      0.0182
+                   Advect surface  1  76104.8087     26.7727      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  76105.0329     26.9968      0.2241
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  76105.2546     27.2186      0.2218
+                                                                        removing   5 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   15 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  76105.5878     27.5517      0.3331
+                    Advect the cloud  76105.7814     27.7453      0.1937
+                        Write output  76106.7220     28.6859      0.9406
+                    End of time step  76107.6426     29.6066      0.9207
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     469  76107.6429
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  76107.6429      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  76107.6430      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17104points
+                      refine surface  76107.6430      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  76107.6783      0.0354      0.0353
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17104points
+                          surface 02  76107.7030      0.0601      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 2:    17092points
+                      refine surface  76107.7031      0.0603      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  76107.7414      0.0985      0.0383
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  76107.7717      0.1288      0.0303
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  76107.8096      0.1668      0.0379
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17093points
+                          surface 03  76107.8340      0.1911      0.0244
+                                                                        S. 3:    17092points
+                      refine surface  76107.8341      0.1913      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  76107.8743      0.2315      0.0402
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  76107.9034      0.2606      0.0291
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  76107.9412      0.2983      0.0378
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17094points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  76107.9731
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  76107.9734      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  76107.9893      0.0162      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  76108.0142      0.0411      0.0249
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  76108.0153      0.0422      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  76108.0294      0.0564      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  76108.1522      0.1791      0.1228
+             Imbed surface in osolve  76108.4471      0.4740      0.2949
+                embedding surface  1  76108.4473      0.4742      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  76110.5905      2.6174      2.1432
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  76112.7991      4.8260      2.2086
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  76116.5092      8.5361      3.7101
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  76116.5147      8.5416      0.0055
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  76117.1266      9.1536      0.6120
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  76117.2327      9.2596      0.1061
+                           Find void  76117.5011      9.5280      0.2684
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33081
+          Define boundary conditions  76117.5390      9.5659      0.0379
+                         wsmp setup1  76117.5522      9.5791      0.0132
+                                                                        n =   129339
+                                                                        nz=  4976568
+                         wsmp setup2  76118.7089     10.7358      1.1567
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  76118.7681
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  76118.7682      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4643        5615
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00427E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37234
+                          wsmp solve  76126.6043      7.8362      7.8360
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0661299 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1926980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8006442 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.3800721 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14530.3991514 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2455270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082090 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.6937139 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10125E+01  0.16834E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.93129E-01  0.16825E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76371E+00  0.24587E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  76144.3341     25.5660     17.7298
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35183E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  76144.5586     25.7905      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  76144.5604     25.7924      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  76144.6207     25.8526      0.0603
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5884653 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  76144.6279
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  76144.6341      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4643        5615
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00427E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37234
+                          wsmp solve  76152.6525      8.0245      8.0183
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0611632 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1930890 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8008850 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.4763200 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14418.3051551 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2458870 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082359 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.7860072 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10196E+01  0.12450E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48724E-01  0.14613E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76386E+00  0.22696E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  76170.4744     25.8465     17.8220
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12447E+01  0.19456E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  76170.7011     26.0732      0.2267
+                do leaf measurements  76170.7029     26.0750      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  76170.7632     26.1353      0.0603
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0722776 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  76170.7704
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  76170.7764      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4643        5615
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37234
+                          wsmp solve  76178.7382      7.9678      7.9618
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0606549 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1991918 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8068891 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.3968399 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14510.7455976 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2452600 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0081921 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.7174580 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10216E+01  0.14061E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40445E-01  0.14628E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74289E+00  0.23244E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  76196.4924     25.7220     17.7542
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13542E+01  0.31037E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  76196.7158     25.9455      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements  76196.7177     25.9473      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  76196.7774     26.0071      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0349080 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  76196.7846
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  76196.7907      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4643        5615
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37234
+                          wsmp solve  76204.7838      7.9992      7.9931
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0623062 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1972799 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8011680 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.3774800 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14533.4421016 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2451930 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0081949 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.6920440 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10210E+01  0.15936E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40593E-01  0.14795E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73390E+00  0.22994E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  76222.5123     25.7277     17.7285
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14379E+01  0.34591E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  76222.7368     25.9522      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  76222.7387     25.9541      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  76222.7990     26.0144      0.0603
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0140362 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  76222.8062
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  76222.8124      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4643        5615
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37234
+                          wsmp solve  76230.8080      8.0018      7.9956
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0599542 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1922159 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7993679 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.4514849 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14447.0631862 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2456241 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082350 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.7573199 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10204E+01  0.17452E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40336E-01  0.15007E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73065E+00  0.22890E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  76248.6029     25.7967     17.7949
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14723E+01  0.35445E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  76248.8291     26.0229      0.2262
+                do leaf measurements  76248.8310     26.0247      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  76248.8882     26.0820      0.0573
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0096683 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  76248.8913     26.0851      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  76248.8915     26.0853      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -238523518000132.5 534516463387501.38
+ def in m -7.9459466934204102 0.84857034683227539
+ dimensionless def  -2.42448670523507259E-6 2.27027048383440287E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0238402  0.2260840
+                  Compute divergence  76249.1676     26.3613      0.2760
+                        wsmp_cleanup  76249.2059     26.3996      0.0383
+              Reset surface geometry  76249.2158     26.4096      0.0099
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   76249.2246     26.4184      0.0088
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  76249.2437     26.4375      0.0191
+                   Advect surface  1  76249.2438     26.4376      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   14 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  76249.4587     26.6524      0.2148
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  76249.6823     26.8761      0.2236
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   14 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  76249.9739     27.1677      0.2916
+                    Advect the cloud  76250.1695     27.3633      0.1957
+                        Write output  76251.1164     28.3101      0.9468
+                    End of time step  76252.0396     29.2333      0.9232
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     470  76252.0398
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  76252.0398      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  76252.0399      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17103points
+                      refine surface  76252.0399      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  76252.0740      0.0343      0.0341
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17103points
+                          surface 02  76252.0992      0.0594      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 2:    17092points
+                      refine surface  76252.0993      0.0595      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  76252.1381      0.0983      0.0388
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  76252.1675      0.1277      0.0294
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  76252.2038      0.1641      0.0363
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17093points
+                          surface 03  76252.2294      0.1896      0.0255
+                                                                        S. 3:    17092points
+                      refine surface  76252.2295      0.1897      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  76252.2704      0.2306      0.0409
+                                                                        S. 3:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  76252.3049      0.2652      0.0345
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  76252.3413      0.3016      0.0364
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17095points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  76252.3745
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  76252.3748      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  76252.3907      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  76252.4152      0.0407      0.0245
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  76252.4163      0.0418      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  76252.4305      0.0560      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  76252.5527      0.1782      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  76252.8474      0.4729      0.2947
+                embedding surface  1  76252.8476      0.4731      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  76254.9599      2.5855      2.1124
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  76257.1890      4.8145      2.2291
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  76260.9504      8.5759      3.7614
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  76260.9560      8.5815      0.0056
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  76261.5490      9.1745      0.5930
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  76261.6306      9.2561      0.0816
+                           Find void  76261.9022      9.5277      0.2716
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33083
+          Define boundary conditions  76261.9446      9.5702      0.0425
+                         wsmp setup1  76261.9563      9.5818      0.0116
+                                                                        n =   129354
+                                                                        nz=  4977102
+                         wsmp setup2  76263.1158     10.7413      1.1595
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  76263.1713
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  76263.1714      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4643        5615
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00490E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37238
+                          wsmp solve  76270.9774      7.8061      7.8059
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0688262 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3137171 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7963979 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4278390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15503.5118454 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2476811 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082080 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8631191 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10123E+01  0.16949E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.93049E-01  0.16860E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76455E+00  0.23772E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  76287.8759     24.7047     16.8986
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35238E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  76288.1043     24.9330      0.2284
+                do leaf measurements  76288.1061     24.9349      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  76288.1663     24.9950      0.0602
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5882526 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  76288.1734
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  76288.1794      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4643        5615
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00490E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37238
+                          wsmp solve  76296.1370      7.9636      7.9576
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0644290 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3334489 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8077400 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4732962 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15442.0870324 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2471089 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0081680 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9346201 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10200E+01  0.12610E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48565E-01  0.14723E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76467E+00  0.22372E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  76313.1075     24.9341     16.9706
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12483E+01  0.20043E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  76313.3321     25.1587      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  76313.3339     25.1605      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  76313.3938     25.2204      0.0599
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0753126 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  76313.4011
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  76313.4071      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4643        5615
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37238
+                          wsmp solve  76321.4055      8.0044      7.9983
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0626202 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3318129 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7992721 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5765080 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15304.4110749 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2472658 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0081000 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.0260251 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10221E+01  0.14201E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40792E-01  0.14695E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74442E+00  0.23078E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  76338.4682     25.0672     17.0627
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13594E+01  0.31528E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  76338.6941     25.2931      0.2259
+                do leaf measurements  76338.6960     25.2949      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  76338.7565     25.3554      0.0605
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0351478 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  76338.7637
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  76338.7699      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4643        5615
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37238
+                          wsmp solve  76346.7256      7.9619      7.9557
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0631161 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3237908 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8012121 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4318750 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15498.0384306 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2468929 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0080659 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8753979 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10214E+01  0.16086E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41000E-01  0.14829E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73507E+00  0.22874E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  76363.6373     24.8736     16.9117
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14433E+01  0.34944E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  76363.8618     25.0980      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  76363.8636     25.0998      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  76363.9235     25.1598      0.0599
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0141513 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  76363.9307
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  76363.9368      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4643        5615
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37238
+                          wsmp solve  76371.8955      7.9648      7.9587
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0626469 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3387661 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8026059 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4728298 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15442.7147212 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2472911 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0081220 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9326921 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10208E+01  0.17605E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40766E-01  0.15016E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73169E+00  0.22779E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  76388.8651     24.9344     16.9696
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14776E+01  0.35815E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  76389.0907     25.1600      0.2256
+                do leaf measurements  76389.0925     25.1618      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  76389.1499     25.2192      0.0574
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0097269 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  76389.1531     25.2224      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  76389.1532     25.2226      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -238645658591125.47 535315784097228.06
+ def in m -7.6705079078674316 0.89613121747970581
+ dimensionless def  -2.46772817202976794E-6 2.19157368796212315E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0242536  0.2186236
+                  Compute divergence  76389.4266     25.4959      0.2734
+                        wsmp_cleanup  76389.4660     25.5353      0.0394
+              Reset surface geometry  76389.4757     25.5450      0.0097
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   76389.4840     25.5533      0.0083
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  76389.5015     25.5709      0.0176
+                   Advect surface  1  76389.5017     25.5710      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  76389.7140     25.7833      0.2123
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  76389.9334     26.0027      0.2194
+                                                                        S. 3:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  76390.2025     26.2718      0.2690
+                    Advect the cloud  76390.3925     26.4618      0.1901
+                        Write output  76391.3304     27.3997      0.9378
+                    End of time step  76392.2439     28.3133      0.9136
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     471  76392.2441
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  76392.2442      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  76392.2442      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17102points
+                      refine surface  76392.2443      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  76392.2793      0.0352      0.0350
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17102points
+                          surface 02  76392.3036      0.0594      0.0243
+                                                                        S. 2:    17092points
+                      refine surface  76392.3037      0.0596      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  76392.3401      0.0960      0.0364
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17092points
+                          surface 03  76392.3656      0.1215      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 3:    17095points
+                      refine surface  76392.3658      0.1217      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  76392.4064      0.1623      0.0406
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  76392.4405      0.1964      0.0341
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  76392.4768      0.2327      0.0363
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17098points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  76392.5085
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  76392.5088      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  76392.5248      0.0162      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  76392.5495      0.0410      0.0248
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  76392.5507      0.0421      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  76392.5648      0.0563      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  76392.6871      0.1786      0.1223
+             Imbed surface in osolve  76392.9828      0.4743      0.2957
+                embedding surface  1  76392.9829      0.4744      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  76395.1320      2.6234      2.1490
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  76397.3199      4.8114      2.1880
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  76401.0470      8.5385      3.7271
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  76401.0583      8.5498      0.0113
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  76401.6317      9.1231      0.5734
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  76401.7150      9.2064      0.0833
+                           Find void  76401.9844      9.4759      0.2694
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33084
+          Define boundary conditions  76402.0255      9.5170      0.0411
+                         wsmp setup1  76402.0376      9.5291      0.0121
+                                                                        n =   129357
+                                                                        nz=  4977225
+                         wsmp setup2  76403.1823     10.6738      1.1447
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  76403.2421
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  76403.2422      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4644        5615
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.02908E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37239
+                          wsmp solve  76411.0486      7.8065      7.8064
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0628009 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4360781 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7974761 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.4520860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16292.6059926 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2400980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083289 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.9973030 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10123E+01  0.16343E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.93926E-01  0.16648E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76397E+00  0.24633E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  76427.0833     23.8412     16.0347
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35214E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  76427.3055     24.0634      0.2222
+                do leaf measurements  76427.3072     24.0651      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  76427.3667     24.1246      0.0595
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5839565 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  76427.3735
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  76427.3795      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4644        5615
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.02908E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37239
+                          wsmp solve  76435.4298      8.0562      8.0502
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0604188 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4557171 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7927659 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.4650149 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16272.4773548 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2406368 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083079 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.0233018 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10203E+01  0.12191E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47748E-01  0.14557E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76314E+00  0.22671E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  76451.4910     24.1175     16.0612
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12476E+01  0.20396E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  76451.7142     24.3407      0.2232
+                do leaf measurements  76451.7160     24.3424      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  76451.7757     24.4022      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0686967 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  76451.7826
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  76451.7886      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4644        5615
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37239
+                          wsmp solve  76459.7546      7.9720      7.9660
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0652161 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4453900 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8046849 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.5022230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16214.8259754 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2404699 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083160 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.0667291 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10220E+01  0.13874E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40487E-01  0.14618E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74236E+00  0.23250E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  76475.8592     24.0766     16.1046
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13556E+01  0.30946E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  76476.0816     24.2990      0.2224
+                do leaf measurements  76476.0833     24.3007      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  76476.1428     24.3602      0.0595
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0343439 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  76476.1497
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  76476.1557      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4644        5615
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37239
+                          wsmp solve  76484.1513      8.0016      7.9956
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0629659 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4622800 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7995319 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.4531779 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16290.9040387 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2399268 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083110 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.0266249 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10214E+01  0.15800E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40722E-01  0.14783E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73318E+00  0.22996E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  76500.2146     24.0649     16.0632
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14378E+01  0.34345E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  76500.4382     24.2884      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements  76500.4399     24.2902      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  76500.5002     24.3505      0.0602
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0139260 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  76500.5071
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  76500.5132      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4644        5615
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37239
+                          wsmp solve  76508.4831      7.9760      7.9699
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0617349 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4306011 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7971029 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.5027399 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16214.0279640 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2391479 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084188 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.0401731 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10209E+01  0.17330E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40531E-01  0.14995E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72986E+00  0.22894E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  76524.5604     24.0532     16.0772
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14710E+01  0.35154E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  76524.7825     24.2754      0.2222
+                do leaf measurements  76524.7843     24.2772      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  76524.8417     24.3346      0.0574
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0096888 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  76524.8448     24.3377      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  76524.8450     24.3379      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -239150233462100.25 535825616531550.56
+ def in m -7.8169183731079102 0.87365204095840454
+ dimensionless def  -2.40387746265956355E-6 2.23340524945940293E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0236420  0.2227938
+                  Compute divergence  76525.1224     24.6153      0.2774
+                        wsmp_cleanup  76525.1615     24.6544      0.0391
+              Reset surface geometry  76525.1714     24.6643      0.0099
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   76525.1797     24.6726      0.0083
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  76525.1984     24.6913      0.0187
+                   Advect surface  1  76525.1986     24.6914      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   12 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  76525.4267     24.9195      0.2281
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  76525.6477     25.1406      0.2210
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  76525.9284     25.4213      0.2807
+                    Advect the cloud  76526.1168     25.6097      0.1884
+                        Write output  76527.0520     26.5449      0.9352
+                    End of time step  76527.9695     27.4623      0.9174
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     472  76527.9696
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  76527.9697      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  76527.9698      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17100points
+                      refine surface  76527.9698      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  76528.0073      0.0376      0.0375
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  76528.0442      0.0746      0.0370
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  76528.0819      0.1123      0.0377
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17102points
+                          surface 02  76528.1070      0.1374      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 2:    17091points
+                      refine surface  76528.1072      0.1375      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  76528.1457      0.1760      0.0385
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  76528.1779      0.2083      0.0323
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  76528.2157      0.2461      0.0378
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17092points
+                          surface 03  76528.2417      0.2720      0.0259
+                                                                        S. 3:    17097points
+                      refine surface  76528.2418      0.2722      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  76528.2814      0.3118      0.0396
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  76528.3109      0.3413      0.0295
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  76528.3436      0.3740      0.0327
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17099points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  76528.3778
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  76528.3781      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  76528.3940      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  76528.4189      0.0412      0.0249
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  76528.4201      0.0423      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  76528.4342      0.0565      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  76528.5564      0.1787      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  76528.8504      0.4726      0.2940
+                embedding surface  1  76528.8506      0.4728      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  76530.9826      2.6048      2.1320
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  76533.2252      4.8475      2.2426
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  76536.9575      8.5797      3.7323
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  76536.9662      8.5885      0.0087
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  76537.4794      9.1016      0.5131
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  76537.6426      9.2648      0.1632
+                           Find void  76537.9141      9.5364      0.2716
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33084
+          Define boundary conditions  76537.9569      9.5792      0.0428
+                         wsmp setup1  76537.9687      9.5909      0.0117
+                                                                        n =   129357
+                                                                        nz=  4977225
+                         wsmp setup2  76539.1267     10.7490      1.1581
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  76539.1821
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  76539.1823      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4644        5615
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.17504E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37239
+                          wsmp solve  76546.9602      7.7781      7.7779
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0676842 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4315321 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7964220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.5183120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16190.0235424 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2395518 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082870 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.0622361 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10123E+01  0.16055E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.93396E-01  0.16591E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76227E+00  0.24492E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  76563.0595     23.8774     16.0993
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35235E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  76563.2840     24.1019      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  76563.2858     24.1037      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  76563.3457     24.1636      0.0599
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5848854 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  76563.3531
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  76563.3594      0.0063      0.0063
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4644        5615
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.17504E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37239
+                          wsmp solve  76571.3225      7.9694      7.9631
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0605881 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4374728 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7970831 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.4502709 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16295.4358134 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2399020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083649 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.9941609 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10201E+01  0.11902E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47851E-01  0.14508E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76114E+00  0.22616E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  76587.3539     24.0009     16.0315
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12467E+01  0.20192E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  76587.5785     24.2254      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  76587.5802     24.2271      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  76587.6402     24.2871      0.0600
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0696410 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  76587.6476
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  76587.6538      0.0063      0.0063
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4644        5615
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37239
+                          wsmp solve  76595.6989      8.0514      8.0451
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0603461 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4472449 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7971380 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.4654231 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16271.8426954 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2402298 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084178 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.0192420 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10220E+01  0.13648E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40587E-01  0.14601E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74124E+00  0.23218E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  76611.7549     24.1073     16.0560
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13504E+01  0.30486E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  76611.9799     24.3324      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  76611.9817     24.3341      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  76612.0417     24.3941      0.0600
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0345422 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  76612.0490
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  76612.0552      0.0063      0.0063
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4644        5615
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37239
+                          wsmp solve  76620.0240      7.9751      7.9688
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0615699 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4431081 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8032649 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.5045869 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16211.1770404 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2398579 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083151 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.0611231 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10213E+01  0.15613E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40864E-01  0.14782E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73204E+00  0.22973E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  76636.1226     24.0737     16.0986
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14319E+01  0.33832E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  76636.3475     24.2985      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  76636.3493     24.3003      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  76636.4092     24.3603      0.0600
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0138771 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  76636.4165
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  76636.4227      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4644        5615
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37239
+                          wsmp solve  76644.4175      8.0010      7.9948
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0601020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4654820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8011220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.4588141 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16282.1249324 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2399490 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083010 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.0342011 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10208E+01  0.17162E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40650E-01  0.14995E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72881E+00  0.22883E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  76660.4884     24.0719     16.0709
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14649E+01  0.34698E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  76660.7151     24.2986      0.2267
+                do leaf measurements  76660.7169     24.3003      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  76660.7746     24.3581      0.0577
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0095587 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  76660.7781     24.3616      0.0035
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  76660.7783     24.3618      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -239571825202646.38 536406903878007.69
+ def in m -7.8835697174072266 0.87046152353286743
+ dimensionless def  -2.48703292437962118E-6 2.25244849068777906E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0244784  0.2247384
+                  Compute divergence  76661.0561     24.6395      0.2778
+                        wsmp_cleanup  76661.0958     24.6793      0.0397
+              Reset surface geometry  76661.1053     24.6888      0.0095
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   76661.1134     24.6969      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  76661.1319     24.7154      0.0185
+                   Advect surface  1  76661.1321     24.7155      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   4 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   10 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  76661.3831     24.9665      0.2510
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  76661.6151     25.1986      0.2321
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   15 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  76661.9195     25.5029      0.3043
+                    Advect the cloud  76662.1145     25.6979      0.1950
+                        Write output  76663.0560     26.6394      0.9415
+                    End of time step  76663.9810     27.5645      0.9251
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     473  76663.9812
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  76663.9813      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  76663.9813      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17098points
+                      refine surface  76663.9814      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  76664.0140      0.0328      0.0326
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  76664.0446      0.0634      0.0306
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  76664.0762      0.0950      0.0316
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17100points
+                          surface 02  76664.1024      0.1211      0.0261
+                                                                        S. 2:    17090points
+                      refine surface  76664.1025      0.1213      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  76664.1366      0.1553      0.0341
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  76664.1727      0.1915      0.0361
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  76664.2046      0.2234      0.0319
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17091points
+                          surface 03  76664.2309      0.2497      0.0263
+                                                                        S. 3:    17096points
+                      refine surface  76664.2311      0.2499      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  76664.2650      0.2838      0.0340
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  76664.2961      0.3148      0.0310
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  76664.3277      0.3465      0.0317
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17097points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  76664.3620
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  76664.3623      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  76664.3784      0.0164      0.0161
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  76664.4027      0.0408      0.0244
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  76664.4039      0.0419      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  76664.4182      0.0562      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  76664.5416      0.1796      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  76664.8378      0.4758      0.2962
+                embedding surface  1  76664.8379      0.4759      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  76666.9860      2.6240      2.1481
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  76669.1998      4.8378      2.2138
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  76672.9142      8.5522      3.7144
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  76672.9196      8.5576      0.0054
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  76673.4798      9.1178      0.5602
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  76673.5953      9.2333      0.1155
+                           Find void  76673.8647      9.5027      0.2694
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33086
+          Define boundary conditions  76673.9046      9.5426      0.0399
+                         wsmp setup1  76673.9172      9.5552      0.0126
+                                                                        n =   129363
+                                                                        nz=  4977471
+                         wsmp setup2  76675.0711     10.7091      1.1539
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  76675.1299
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  76675.1300      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4644        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.01788E-05  8.86848E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37241
+                          wsmp solve  76682.9450      7.8151      7.8150
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0657401 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3134100 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8024390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4875779 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15503.6754889 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2456121 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0087171 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9239519 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10230E+01  0.16367E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94478E-01  0.17975E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76164E+00  0.24262E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  76699.9064     24.7765     16.9614
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35199E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  76700.1326     25.0027      0.2262
+                do leaf measurements  76700.1343     25.0044      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  76700.1946     25.0647      0.0603
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5784956 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  76700.2018
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  76700.2080      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4644        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.01788E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37241
+                          wsmp solve  76708.1825      7.9806      7.9745
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0638261 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3263450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8020980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3858960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15642.1313404 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2450569 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085511 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8322430 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10190E+01  0.12008E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47929E-01  0.15174E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76218E+00  0.22710E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  76725.0523     24.8505     16.8698
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12421E+01  0.19428E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  76725.2763     25.0744      0.2240
+                do leaf measurements  76725.2780     25.0762      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  76725.3380     25.1362      0.0600
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0655487 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  76725.3452
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  76725.3513      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4644        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37241
+                          wsmp solve  76733.3114      7.9663      7.9601
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0608811 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3179529 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8071249 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3732271 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15659.5553998 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2454691 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085311 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8136580 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10211E+01  0.13682E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41906E-01  0.15045E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74120E+00  0.23280E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  76750.1614     24.8162     16.8500
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13459E+01  0.30503E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  76750.3859     25.0407      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  76750.3876     25.0424      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  76750.4476     25.1025      0.0600
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0342784 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  76750.4548
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  76750.4609      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4644        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37241
+                          wsmp solve  76758.4994      8.0446      8.0385
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0588450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3168502 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8024421 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4520042 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15551.8350439 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2458839 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085430 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8850451 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10210E+01  0.15592E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41904E-01  0.15144E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73224E+00  0.23034E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  76775.4215     24.9667     16.9221
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14283E+01  0.34002E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  76775.6482     25.1934      0.2267
+                do leaf measurements  76775.6500     25.1952      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  76775.7099     25.2551      0.0599
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0142675 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  76775.7170
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  76775.7231      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4644        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37241
+                          wsmp solve  76783.6867      7.9697      7.9637
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0627749 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3571870 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8006179 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.4014931 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15620.7330933 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2450190 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085750 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8761299 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10206E+01  0.17112E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41615E-01  0.15314E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72928E+00  0.22934E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  76800.6000     24.8830     16.9133
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14630E+01  0.34897E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  76800.8247     25.1077      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  76800.8264     25.1094      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  76800.8837     25.1667      0.0573
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0095595 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  76800.8868     25.1698      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  76800.8870     25.1700      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -239924601623000.81 537046809641526.94
+ def in m -7.9230527877807617 0.88953357934951782
+ dimensionless def  -2.54152451242719399E-6 2.26372936793736056E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0250198  0.2258139
+                  Compute divergence  76801.1614     25.4444      0.2744
+                        wsmp_cleanup  76801.2006     25.4836      0.0392
+              Reset surface geometry  76801.2099     25.4929      0.0093
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   76801.2184     25.5014      0.0085
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  76801.2367     25.5196      0.0183
+                   Advect surface  1  76801.2368     25.5198      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   5 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   13 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  76801.4995     25.7825      0.2627
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   12 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  76801.7321     26.0151      0.2327
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  76802.0250     26.3079      0.2928
+                    Advect the cloud  76802.2150     26.4979      0.1900
+                        Write output  76803.1571     27.4401      0.9422
+                    End of time step  76804.0726     28.3556      0.9155
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     474  76804.0728
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  76804.0729      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  76804.0729      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17095points
+                      refine surface  76804.0730      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  76804.1045      0.0317      0.0315
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  76804.1342      0.0614      0.0297
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  76804.1650      0.0921      0.0307
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17096points
+                          surface 02  76804.1903      0.1175      0.0254
+                                                                        S. 2:    17089points
+                      refine surface  76804.1905      0.1177      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  76804.2235      0.1507      0.0330
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  76804.2583      0.1855      0.0348
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  76804.2902      0.2174      0.0319
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17091points
+                          surface 03  76804.3150      0.2422      0.0248
+                                                                        S. 3:    17095points
+                      refine surface  76804.3151      0.2423      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  76804.3464      0.2735      0.0312
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  76804.3766      0.3037      0.0302
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  76804.4075      0.3347      0.0309
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17096points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  76804.4392
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  76804.4395      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  76804.4555      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  76804.4810      0.0418      0.0255
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  76804.4821      0.0429      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  76804.4963      0.0571      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  76804.6186      0.1793      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  76804.9153      0.4761      0.2968
+                embedding surface  1  76804.9155      0.4763      0.0001
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  76807.0470      2.6078      2.1315
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  76809.2398      4.8006      2.1928
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  76812.9300      8.4908      3.6902
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  76812.9370      8.4978      0.0070
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  76813.4650      9.0257      0.5280
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  76813.6218      9.1826      0.1569
+                           Find void  76813.8941      9.4549      0.2723
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33087
+          Define boundary conditions  76813.9364      9.4972      0.0423
+                         wsmp setup1  76813.9483      9.5091      0.0118
+                                                                        n =   129366
+                                                                        nz=  4977594
+                         wsmp setup2  76815.0954     10.6561      1.1471
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  76815.1502
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  76815.1503      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4645        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.10625E-05  9.96216E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37242
+                          wsmp solve  76822.9624      7.8122      7.8120
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0637429 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1932139 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7990060 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.5257289 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14742.2486260 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2339830 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086830 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.8247800 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10130E+01  0.17064E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.92760E-01  0.18618E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76319E+00  0.24251E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  76840.8238     25.6736     17.8614
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35172E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  76841.0506     25.9004      0.2268
+                do leaf measurements  76841.0524     25.9022      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  76841.1122     25.9621      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5821481 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  76841.1196
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  76841.1259      0.0063      0.0063
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4645        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.10625E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37242
+                          wsmp solve  76849.1132      7.9936      7.9873
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0625260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1902950 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7970381 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.6041732 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14650.4977028 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2346592 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086880 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.8977981 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10176E+01  0.12536E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47870E-01  0.15649E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76428E+00  0.22775E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  76867.0475     25.9279     17.9343
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12425E+01  0.19517E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  76867.2725     26.1529      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  76867.2743     26.1546      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  76867.3338     26.2142      0.0596
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0671921 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  76867.3412
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  76867.3475      0.0063      0.0063
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4645        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37242
+                          wsmp solve  76875.3967      8.0556      8.0493
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0621030 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1758461 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8009229 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.5572641 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14705.2263099 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2347901 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0087399 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.8400838 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10201E+01  0.14048E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43454E-01  0.15338E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74430E+00  0.23380E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  76893.2730     25.9318     17.8763
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13485E+01  0.31117E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  76893.5000     26.1589      0.2271
+                do leaf measurements  76893.5018     26.1606      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  76893.5617     26.2205      0.0599
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0347006 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  76893.5690
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  76893.5753      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4645        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37242
+                          wsmp solve  76901.5397      7.9706      7.9644
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0642800 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2015719 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8049099 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.5403881 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14725.0155809 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2341859 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086951 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.8544450 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10201E+01  0.15865E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.43066E-01  0.15370E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73493E+00  0.23109E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  76919.4307     25.8617     17.8911
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14313E+01  0.34593E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  76919.6554     26.0863      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  76919.6572     26.0881      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  76919.7169     26.1479      0.0597
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0145022 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  76919.7248
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  76919.7310      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4645        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37242
+                          wsmp solve  76927.7314      8.0065      8.0004
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0638041 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1927018 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7992389 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.5919309 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14664.7414310 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2343202 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0087020 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.8911202 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10198E+01  0.17344E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42496E-01  0.15489E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73153E+00  0.22997E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  76945.6587     25.9339     17.9273
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14663E+01  0.35539E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  76945.8842     26.1593      0.2255
+                do leaf measurements  76945.8860     26.1612      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  76945.9435     26.2186      0.0574
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0094254 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  76945.9469     26.2221      0.0035
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  76945.9471     26.2223      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -240240053556042.53 537725021618279.31
+ def in m -7.9571504592895508 0.9159853458404541
+ dimensionless def  -2.61710098811558324E-6 2.27347155979701449E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0257705  0.2267385
+                  Compute divergence  76946.2195     26.4947      0.2724
+                        wsmp_cleanup  76946.2592     26.5344      0.0397
+              Reset surface geometry  76946.2674     26.5426      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   76946.2749     26.5501      0.0075
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  76946.2931     26.5682      0.0182
+                   Advect surface  1  76946.2932     26.5684      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  76946.5124     26.7875      0.2191
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  76946.7453     27.0205      0.2330
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  76947.0268     27.3020      0.2815
+                    Advect the cloud  76947.2179     27.4931      0.1911
+                        Write output  76948.1579     28.4331      0.9400
+                    End of time step  76949.0715     29.3467      0.9135
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     475  76949.0716
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  76949.0717      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  76949.0718      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17095points
+                      refine surface  76949.0718      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  76949.1079      0.0362      0.0361
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17095points
+                          surface 02  76949.1328      0.0611      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 2:    17089points
+                      refine surface  76949.1329      0.0613      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  76949.1713      0.0997      0.0384
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  76949.2061      0.1344      0.0348
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  76949.2426      0.1709      0.0365
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17090points
+                          surface 03  76949.2678      0.1961      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 3:    17095points
+                      refine surface  76949.2679      0.1963      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  76949.3087      0.2371      0.0408
+                                                                        S. 3:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  76949.3435      0.2718      0.0347
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  76949.3809      0.3092      0.0374
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17098points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  76949.4131
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  76949.4134      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  76949.4293      0.0163      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  76949.4540      0.0409      0.0247
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  76949.4551      0.0420      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  76949.4693      0.0562      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  76949.5915      0.1784      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  76949.8877      0.4747      0.2962
+                embedding surface  1  76949.8879      0.4748      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  76952.0227      2.6097      2.1349
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  76954.2615      4.8484      2.2388
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  76957.9891      8.5760      3.7276
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  76957.9963      8.5832      0.0072
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  76958.5722      9.1591      0.5759
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  76958.6746      9.2616      0.1024
+                           Find void  76958.9452      9.5321      0.2706
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33089
+          Define boundary conditions  76958.9859      9.5728      0.0407
+                         wsmp setup1  76958.9984      9.5854      0.0125
+                                                                        n =   129372
+                                                                        nz=  4977840
+                         wsmp setup2  76960.1525     10.7394      1.1541
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  76960.2112
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  76960.2114      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4645        5617
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.01325E-05  9.63538E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37244
+                          wsmp solve  76968.0341      7.8228      7.8227
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0675530 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4674571 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7999930 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.6323462 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16135.4584037 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2435572 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083320 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2196810 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10857E+01  0.17316E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.95340E-01  0.18248E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76680E+00  0.24709E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  76984.2923     24.0811     16.2582
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35226E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  76984.5183     24.3071      0.2260
+                do leaf measurements  76984.5201     24.3089      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  76984.5819     24.3706      0.0617
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5855907 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  76984.5889
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  76984.5950      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4645        5617
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.01325E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37244
+                          wsmp solve  76992.6139      8.0250      8.0189
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0610111 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4718518 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7973971 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.7007241 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16032.3523051 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2443881 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083821 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2841821 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10256E+01  0.12939E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48002E-01  0.15227E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76625E+00  0.22728E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  77008.9359     24.3470     16.3220
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12520E+01  0.20465E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  77009.1616     24.5727      0.2257
+                do leaf measurements  77009.1634     24.5745      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  77009.2248     24.6359      0.0614
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0745398 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  77009.2317
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  77009.2377      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4645        5617
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37244
+                          wsmp solve  77017.2007      7.9690      7.9630
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0612230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4836349 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8034880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.6436749 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16118.2844741 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2436609 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083458 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2444780 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10223E+01  0.14411E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39692E-01  0.14900E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74741E+00  0.23338E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  77033.4830     24.2514     16.2824
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13653E+01  0.32332E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  77033.7073     24.4756      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements  77033.7091     24.4774      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  77033.7703     24.5386      0.0612
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0347385 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  77033.7771
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  77033.7832      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4645        5617
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37244
+                          wsmp solve  77041.7798      8.0027      7.9966
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0639808 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4592559 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7988808 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.6719630 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16075.5598074 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2437489 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082991 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2465639 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10216E+01  0.16221E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39875E-01  0.14913E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73793E+00  0.23074E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  77058.0654     24.2883     16.2856
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14500E+01  0.35699E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  77058.2911     24.5140      0.2256
+                do leaf measurements  77058.2929     24.5157      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  77058.3547     24.5775      0.0618
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0142036 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  77058.3616
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  77058.3677      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4645        5617
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37244
+                          wsmp solve  77066.3354      7.9737      7.9676
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0616238 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4741862 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7985160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.6491652 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16109.9745020 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2434421 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083950 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2357800 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10212E+01  0.17712E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39752E-01  0.15028E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73418E+00  0.22954E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  77082.6096     24.2480     16.2743
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14844E+01  0.36618E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  77082.8332     24.4716      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements  77082.8350     24.4734      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  77082.8939     24.5323      0.0589
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0095384 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  77082.8971     24.5354      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  77082.8972     24.5356      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -240516919381793.88 538417838290825.75
+ def in m -7.9851164817810059 0.93123126029968262
+ dimensionless def  -2.66066074371337898E-6 2.28146185193743039E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0261870  0.2275062
+                  Compute divergence  77083.1738     24.8121      0.2766
+                        wsmp_cleanup  77083.2138     24.8521      0.0400
+              Reset surface geometry  77083.2232     24.8616      0.0094
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   77083.2322     24.8705      0.0090
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  77083.2517     24.8900      0.0195
+                   Advect surface  1  77083.2518     24.8902      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  77083.4796     25.1180      0.2278
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  77083.7114     25.3498      0.2318
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   14 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  77084.0039     25.6422      0.2924
+                    Advect the cloud  77084.1971     25.8354      0.1932
+                        Write output  77085.1338     26.7721      0.9367
+                    End of time step  77086.0475     27.6859      0.9137
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     476  77086.0477
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  77086.0478      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  77086.0478      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17093points
+                      refine surface  77086.0479      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  77086.0854      0.0377      0.0375
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  77086.1154      0.0677      0.0300
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  77086.1519      0.1042      0.0365
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17094points
+                          surface 02  77086.1771      0.1294      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 2:    17088points
+                      refine surface  77086.1773      0.1296      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  77086.2237      0.1760      0.0464
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  77086.2590      0.2113      0.0353
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  77086.2954      0.2477      0.0364
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17089points
+                          surface 03  77086.3210      0.2733      0.0256
+                                                                        S. 3:    17096points
+                      refine surface  77086.3211      0.2734      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  77086.3604      0.3127      0.0392
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  77086.3885      0.3408      0.0281
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  77086.4212      0.3735      0.0328
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17097points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  77086.4547
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  77086.4550      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  77086.4709      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  77086.4958      0.0411      0.0248
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  77086.4969      0.0422      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  77086.5110      0.0563      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  77086.6333      0.1786      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  77086.9297      0.4750      0.2964
+                embedding surface  1  77086.9299      0.4752      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  77089.0614      2.6067      2.1315
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  77091.2892      4.8345      2.2278
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  77095.0146      8.5599      3.7254
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  77095.0200      8.5653      0.0054
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  77095.5439      9.0892      0.5239
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  77095.6910      9.2363      0.1471
+                           Find void  77095.9600      9.5053      0.2690
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33090
+          Define boundary conditions  77096.0013      9.5466      0.0413
+                         wsmp setup1  77096.0128      9.5581      0.0115
+                                                                        n =   129375
+                                                                        nz=  4977963
+                         wsmp setup2  77097.1656     10.7109      1.1527
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  77097.2217
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  77097.2218      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4646        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00176E-05  8.93947E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37245
+                          wsmp solve  77105.0145      7.7929      7.7927
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0678389 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4812841 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7989011 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5907319 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15868.2769737 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2449720 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083849 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.1925609 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10124E+01  0.17044E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.93918E-01  0.18087E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76538E+00  0.24537E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  77122.2434     25.0217     17.2288
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35204E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  77122.4679     25.2463      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  77122.4696     25.2480      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  77122.5310     25.3094      0.0614
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5787424 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  77122.5381
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  77122.5442      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4646        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00176E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37245
+                          wsmp solve  77130.5160      7.9780      7.9718
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0644031 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.5008180 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8033681 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.6633511 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15769.4767602 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2454062 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083330 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.2861369 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10189E+01  0.12761E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48023E-01  0.15294E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76552E+00  0.22758E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  77147.8385     25.3004     17.3225
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12486E+01  0.20351E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  77148.0633     25.5252      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  77148.0650     25.5269      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  77148.1264     25.5884      0.0614
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0662597 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  77148.1334
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  77148.1396      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4646        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37245
+                          wsmp solve  77156.1907      8.0572      8.0511
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0620348 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4910061 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7968678 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5984988 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15857.6507447 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2459831 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083961 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.2032490 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10212E+01  0.14294E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41937E-01  0.15071E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74633E+00  0.23300E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  77173.4302     25.2968     17.2396
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13600E+01  0.31728E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  77173.6564     25.5230      0.2262
+                do leaf measurements  77173.6582     25.5247      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  77173.7198     25.5864      0.0616
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0346338 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  77173.7267
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  77173.7327      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4646        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37245
+                          wsmp solve  77181.7023      7.9756      7.9696
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0642469 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4933410 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8083630 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.6017110 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15853.2601716 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2450418 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083270 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.2214830 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10209E+01  0.16103E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41776E-01  0.15134E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73681E+00  0.23005E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  77198.9603     25.2336     17.2580
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14451E+01  0.35315E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  77199.1853     25.4586      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  77199.1871     25.4603      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  77199.2486     25.5219      0.0615
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0142246 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  77199.2557
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  77199.2619      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4646        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37245
+                          wsmp solve  77207.2547      7.9990      7.9928
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0622990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.5081611 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7971799 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.6382580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15803.4770995 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2449441 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083101 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.2596049 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10207E+01  0.17591E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41336E-01  0.15292E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73306E+00  0.22907E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  77224.5504     25.2947     17.2957
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14792E+01  0.36136E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  77224.7765     25.5208      0.2261
+                do leaf measurements  77224.7782     25.5225      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  77224.8377     25.5820      0.0594
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0096010 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  77224.8408     25.5851      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  77224.8410     25.5853      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -240766904346743.81 539154778263169.63
+ def in m -7.9719181060791016 0.88871371746063232
+ dimensionless def  -2.53918204988752088E-6 2.27769088745117199E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0249186  0.2270798
+                  Compute divergence  77225.1170     25.8613      0.2760
+                        wsmp_cleanup  77225.1583     25.9026      0.0413
+              Reset surface geometry  77225.1681     25.9124      0.0099
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   77225.1765     25.9208      0.0083
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  77225.1941     25.9384      0.0176
+                   Advect surface  1  77225.1943     25.9386      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   5 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  77225.4604     26.2047      0.2661
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  77225.6910     26.4353      0.2306
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  77225.9883     26.7326      0.2973
+                    Advect the cloud  77226.1819     26.9262      0.1936
+                        Write output  77227.1281     27.8724      0.9462
+                    End of time step  77228.0457     28.7901      0.9177
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     477  77228.0460
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  77228.0460      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  77228.0461      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17089points
+                      refine surface  77228.0461      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  77228.0797      0.0338      0.0336
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  77228.1163      0.0704      0.0366
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  77228.1489      0.1030      0.0326
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17092points
+                          surface 02  77228.1752      0.1292      0.0262
+                                                                        S. 2:    17087points
+                      refine surface  77228.1753      0.1293      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  77228.2088      0.1629      0.0335
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  77228.2402      0.1942      0.0313
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  77228.2729      0.2269      0.0327
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17088points
+                          surface 03  77228.2990      0.2531      0.0262
+                                                                        S. 3:    17094points
+                      refine surface  77228.2992      0.2532      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  77228.3338      0.2879      0.0346
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  77228.3651      0.3191      0.0313
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  77228.3978      0.3518      0.0327
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17095points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  77228.4327
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  77228.4329      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  77228.4489      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  77228.4729      0.0402      0.0240
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  77228.4740      0.0413      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  77228.4882      0.0555      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  77228.6104      0.1777      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  77228.9059      0.4732      0.2956
+                embedding surface  1  77228.9061      0.4734      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  77231.0480      2.6153      2.1419
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  77233.2475      4.8148      2.1994
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  77236.9410      8.5083      3.6935
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  77236.9478      8.5150      0.0067
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  77237.4887      9.0560      0.5410
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  77237.5967      9.1639      0.1079
+                           Find void  77237.8669      9.4342      0.2703
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33091
+          Define boundary conditions  77237.9086      9.4759      0.0417
+                         wsmp setup1  77237.9206      9.4878      0.0119
+                                                                        n =   129378
+                                                                        nz=  4978086
+                         wsmp setup2  77239.0701     10.6374      1.1495
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  77239.1276
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  77239.1278      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4644        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00117E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37246
+                          wsmp solve  77246.9664      7.8388      7.8386
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0696959 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2944870 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7996261 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.7624929 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15122.6029983 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2413421 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086379 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.1766930 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10491E+01  0.17867E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.88863E-01  0.17283E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76450E+00  0.23341E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  77264.1781     25.0506     17.2118
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35137E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  77264.4041     25.2765      0.2260
+                do leaf measurements  77264.4059     25.2783      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  77264.4673     25.3397      0.0614
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5921675 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  77264.4744
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  77264.4806      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4644        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00117E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37246
+                          wsmp solve  77272.4948      8.0204      8.0142
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0622969 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2657690 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7952580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.7382700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15153.8096884 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2416921 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085418 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.1122789 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10175E+01  0.13248E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.51475E-01  0.14887E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76600E+00  0.21933E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  77289.6425     25.1680     17.1476
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12440E+01  0.19063E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  77289.8697     25.3953      0.2273
+                do leaf measurements  77289.8715     25.3970      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  77289.9324     25.4579      0.0609
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0762894 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  77289.9394
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  77289.9454      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4644        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37246
+                          wsmp solve  77297.9092      7.9697      7.9637
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0658970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2796040 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8051200 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.7374761 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15154.8347063 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2411861 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085940 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.1382999 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10200E+01  0.14669E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41020E-01  0.14834E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74458E+00  0.22780E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  77315.0843     25.1449     17.1752
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13587E+01  0.31493E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  77315.3095     25.3700      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  77315.3112     25.3718      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  77315.3720     25.4325      0.0608
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0347456 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  77315.3790
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  77315.3851      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4644        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37246
+                          wsmp solve  77323.3662      7.9872      7.9812
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0607941 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2722011 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8017111 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.7979290 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15077.1808841 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2414579 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085118 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.1830392 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10199E+01  0.16391E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40912E-01  0.14974E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73584E+00  0.22643E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  77340.5848     25.2057     17.2185
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14437E+01  0.35340E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  77340.8107     25.4317      0.2260
+                do leaf measurements  77340.8125     25.4335      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  77340.8738     25.4947      0.0613
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0137823 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  77340.8810
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  77340.8872      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4644        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37246
+                          wsmp solve  77348.8643      7.9833      7.9771
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0613160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2644799 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7961330 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.7650940 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15119.2595393 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2404289 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085800 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.1364911 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10195E+01  0.17822E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40558E-01  0.15167E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73259E+00  0.22615E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  77366.0362     25.1552     17.1719
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14777E+01  0.36106E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  77366.2615     25.3805      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements  77366.2632     25.3823      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  77366.3214     25.4404      0.0582
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0096326 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  77366.3245     25.4435      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  77366.3246     25.4437      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -241001538118417.13 539885405625989.81
+ def in m -7.7490720748901367 0.9604610800743103
+ dimensionless def  -2.54131436347961444E-6 2.21402059282575341E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0249222  0.2208650
+                  Compute divergence  77366.6002     25.7192      0.2755
+                        wsmp_cleanup  77366.6397     25.7588      0.0396
+              Reset surface geometry  77366.6494     25.7684      0.0097
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   77366.6585     25.7776      0.0091
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  77366.6769     25.7960      0.0184
+                   Advect surface  1  77366.6771     25.7961      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  77366.9174     26.0365      0.2403
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  77367.1411     26.2601      0.2237
+                                                                        S. 3:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  77367.4119     26.5310      0.2708
+                    Advect the cloud  77367.6046     26.7236      0.1926
+                        Write output  77368.5490     27.6681      0.9445
+                    End of time step  77369.4599     28.5789      0.9109
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     478  77369.4601
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  77369.4602      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  77369.4602      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17089points
+                      refine surface  77369.4602      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  77369.4928      0.0327      0.0325
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17089points
+                          surface 02  77369.5189      0.0589      0.0262
+                                                                        S. 2:    17087points
+                      refine surface  77369.5191      0.0590      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  77369.5528      0.0927      0.0337
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  77369.5850      0.1249      0.0322
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  77369.6178      0.1577      0.0328
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17088points
+                          surface 03  77369.6442      0.1841      0.0264
+                                                                        S. 3:    17095points
+                      refine surface  77369.6443      0.1842      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  77369.6839      0.2238      0.0396
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  77369.7154      0.2554      0.0315
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  77369.7526      0.2925      0.0372
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17096points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  77369.7861
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  77369.7864      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  77369.8023      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  77369.8268      0.0407      0.0245
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  77369.8280      0.0419      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  77369.8421      0.0560      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  77369.9643      0.1782      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  77370.2589      0.4728      0.2946
+                embedding surface  1  77370.2591      0.4730      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  77372.3892      2.6031      2.1301
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  77374.6225      4.8364      2.2332
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  77378.3374      8.5513      3.7149
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  77378.3433      8.5572      0.0059
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  77378.9117      9.1256      0.5684
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  77379.0222      9.2361      0.1106
+                           Find void  77379.2947      9.5086      0.2725
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33092
+          Define boundary conditions  77379.3382      9.5521      0.0435
+                         wsmp setup1  77379.3502      9.5641      0.0120
+                                                                        n =   129381
+                                                                        nz=  4978209
+                         wsmp setup2  77380.5060     10.7199      1.1558
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  77380.5617
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  77380.5619      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4645        5615
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.06939E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37247
+                          wsmp solve  77388.3559      7.7942      7.7940
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0681860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1637471 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7963500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.8834651 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14750.7593243 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2413502 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083861 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.1619198 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10144E+01  0.17534E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.90307E-01  0.17611E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76506E+00  0.24568E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  77405.5540     24.9922     17.1981
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35151E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  77405.7800     25.2183      0.2261
+                do leaf measurements  77405.7818     25.2201      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  77405.8439     25.2822      0.0621
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5902831 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  77405.8510
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  77405.8571      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4645        5615
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.06939E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37247
+                          wsmp solve  77413.8250      7.9739      7.9678
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0660620 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1653590 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8025501 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.8463340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14796.9940071 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2415140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084782 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.1307311 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10172E+01  0.13112E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.50138E-01  0.15166E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76515E+00  0.22657E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  77430.9928     25.1417     17.1678
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12498E+01  0.19482E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  77431.2179     25.3669      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  77431.2196     25.3686      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  77431.2814     25.4303      0.0617
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0755533 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  77431.2886
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  77431.2947      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4645        5615
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37247
+                          wsmp solve  77439.3250      8.0364      8.0303
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0587630 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1702690 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7960849 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.8648331 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14773.9231723 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2420709 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083961 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.1408582 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10195E+01  0.14574E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40621E-01  0.15110E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74426E+00  0.23208E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  77456.5029     25.2143     17.1779
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13600E+01  0.31577E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  77456.7284     25.4398      0.2255
+                do leaf measurements  77456.7301     25.4416      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  77456.7917     25.5031      0.0615
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0345361 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  77456.7988
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  77456.8048      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4645        5615
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37247
+                          wsmp solve  77464.7705      7.9717      7.9656
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0664690 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1872852 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7962821 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.8514330 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14790.6276265 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2412212 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084190 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.1515470 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10194E+01  0.16319E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40522E-01  0.15212E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73524E+00  0.22949E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  77481.9585     25.1597     17.1880
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14417E+01  0.35198E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  77482.1837     25.3849      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  77482.1855     25.3867      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  77482.2470     25.4482      0.0616
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0136760 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  77482.2542
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  77482.2603      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4645        5615
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37247
+                          wsmp solve  77490.2340      7.9798      7.9737
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0637798 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1688070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7989969 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.8401558 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14804.7150127 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2418821 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083690 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.1224320 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10189E+01  0.17755E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40745E-01  0.15385E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73215E+00  0.22849E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  77507.3933     25.1391     17.1592
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14748E+01  0.36031E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  77507.6189     25.3647      0.2256
+                do leaf measurements  77507.6206     25.3665      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  77507.6798     25.4256      0.0591
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0094628 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  77507.6829     25.4287      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  77507.6831     25.4289      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -241482768823430.16 540419218194890.19
+ def in m -7.8491344451904297 0.91357219219207764
+ dimensionless def  -2.42720927510942745E-6 2.24260984148297982E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0238068  0.2237030
+                  Compute divergence  77507.9609     25.7067      0.2779
+                        wsmp_cleanup  77508.0010     25.7469      0.0401
+              Reset surface geometry  77508.0107     25.7566      0.0097
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   77508.0197     25.7655      0.0089
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  77508.0381     25.7839      0.0184
+                   Advect surface  1  77508.0382     25.7840      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  77508.2410     25.9868      0.2027
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  77508.4522     26.1980      0.2112
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  77508.7332     26.4790      0.2810
+                    Advect the cloud  77508.9231     26.6689      0.1899
+                        Write output  77509.8587     27.6045      0.9356
+                    End of time step  77510.7775     28.5233      0.9188
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     479  77510.7777
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  77510.7778      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  77510.7778      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17089points
+                      refine surface  77510.7779      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  77510.8158      0.0381      0.0379
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  77510.8461      0.0684      0.0303
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  77510.8836      0.1059      0.0375
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17090points
+                          surface 02  77510.9102      0.1325      0.0266
+                                                                        S. 2:    17088points
+                      refine surface  77510.9103      0.1326      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  77510.9509      0.1732      0.0406
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  77510.9867      0.2090      0.0358
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  77511.0244      0.2467      0.0376
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17090points
+                          surface 03  77511.0514      0.2737      0.0270
+                                                                        S. 3:    17095points
+                      refine surface  77511.0515      0.2738      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  77511.0922      0.3145      0.0407
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  77511.1217      0.3440      0.0295
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  77511.1581      0.3804      0.0364
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17097points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  77511.1914
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  77511.1917      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  77511.2077      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  77511.2321      0.0407      0.0244
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  77511.2332      0.0418      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  77511.2473      0.0559      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  77511.3697      0.1783      0.1224
+             Imbed surface in osolve  77511.6657      0.4742      0.2960
+                embedding surface  1  77511.6658      0.4744      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  77513.7982      2.6068      2.1324
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  77516.0075      4.8161      2.2093
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  77519.7330      8.5416      3.7255
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  77519.7392      8.5477      0.0061
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  77520.3207      9.1293      0.5815
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  77520.4076      9.2162      0.0869
+                           Find void  77520.6774      9.4860      0.2699
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33094
+          Define boundary conditions  77520.7177      9.5263      0.0402
+                         wsmp setup1  77520.7306      9.5392      0.0129
+                                                                        n =   129387
+                                                                        nz=  4978455
+                         wsmp setup2  77521.8848     10.6933      1.1541
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  77521.9436
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  77521.9438      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4645        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.01325E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37249
+                          wsmp solve  77529.7454      7.8018      7.8016
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0624568 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4185731 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7984660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2623520 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14728.6212919 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2440269 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083301 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.7946718 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10155E+01  0.17899E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.92205E-01  0.17519E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76563E+00  0.23367E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  77546.5763     24.6326     16.8308
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35130E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  77546.8011     24.8575      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  77546.8029     24.8592      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  77546.8632     24.9196      0.0603
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5949460 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  77546.8705
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  77546.8767      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4645        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.01325E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37249
+                          wsmp solve  77554.9211      8.0506      8.0444
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0667660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3996630 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7977540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3426442 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14624.3604378 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2442849 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084040 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8599761 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.13409E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.50576E-01  0.15103E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76624E+00  0.21986E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  77571.8171     24.9467     16.8961
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12562E+01  0.19637E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  77572.0432     25.1728      0.2261
+                do leaf measurements  77572.0450     25.1746      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  77572.1049     25.2345      0.0599
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0769090 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  77572.1120
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  77572.1181      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4645        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37249
+                          wsmp solve  77580.0852      7.9732      7.9671
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0645008 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4117100 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8025751 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2739232 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14713.5043391 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2430580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083940 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8046169 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10195E+01  0.14796E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39503E-01  0.15128E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74581E+00  0.22826E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  77596.9257     24.8136     16.8404
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13691E+01  0.32163E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  77597.1496     25.0376      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  77597.1514     25.0393      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  77597.2112     25.0991      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0346621 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  77597.2183
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  77597.2244      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4645        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37249
+                          wsmp solve  77605.2269      8.0086      8.0025
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0658159 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4086630 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7998378 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2633140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14727.3632951 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2435570 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083649 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.7900319 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10192E+01  0.16482E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39664E-01  0.15370E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73658E+00  0.22654E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  77622.0538     24.8356     16.8270
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14496E+01  0.35778E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  77622.2786     25.0603      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  77622.2804     25.0621      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  77622.3407     25.1224      0.0603
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0134145 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  77622.3480
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  77622.3542      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4645        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37249
+                          wsmp solve  77630.3491      8.0012      7.9950
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0636079 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4165671 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7980800 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3389680 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14629.1017621 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2439508 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083869 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.8700299 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10189E+01  0.17884E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40772E-01  0.15572E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73344E+00  0.22604E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  77647.2549     24.9069     16.9058
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14821E+01  0.36565E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  77647.4806     25.1326      0.2257
+                do leaf measurements  77647.4824     25.1344      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  77647.5398     25.1919      0.0574
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0094028 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  77647.5429     25.1950      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  77647.5431     25.1951      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -241943545513659.88 540976527047111.44
+ def in m -7.8766756057739258 0.90161967277526855
+ dimensionless def  -2.47457861900329585E-6 2.25047874450683591E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0242454  0.2245285
+                  Compute divergence  77647.8205     25.4725      0.2774
+                        wsmp_cleanup  77647.8589     25.5109      0.0384
+              Reset surface geometry  77647.8692     25.5213      0.0104
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   77647.8784     25.5305      0.0092
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  77647.8977     25.5498      0.0193
+                   Advect surface  1  77647.8979     25.5499      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  77648.1006     25.7526      0.2027
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  77648.3115     25.9635      0.2109
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  77648.5938     26.2459      0.2823
+                    Advect the cloud  77648.7839     26.4359      0.1900
+                        Write output  77649.7209     27.3730      0.9371
+                    End of time step  77650.6369     28.2890      0.9160
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     480  77650.6371
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  77650.6372      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  77650.6373      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17090points
+                      refine surface  77650.6373      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  77650.6749      0.0377      0.0376
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  77650.7118      0.0746      0.0369
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  77650.7490      0.1119      0.0373
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17091points
+                          surface 02  77650.7734      0.1362      0.0243
+                                                                        S. 2:    17090points
+                      refine surface  77650.7735      0.1364      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  77650.8070      0.1699      0.0335
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  77650.8390      0.2019      0.0320
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  77650.8719      0.2348      0.0329
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17091points
+                          surface 03  77650.8982      0.2611      0.0263
+                                                                        S. 3:    17096points
+                      refine surface  77650.8984      0.2612      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  77650.9359      0.2987      0.0375
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17096points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  77650.9680
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  77650.9683      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  77650.9842      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  77651.0089      0.0409      0.0247
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  77651.0101      0.0421      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  77651.0242      0.0562      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  77651.1464      0.1784      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  77651.4433      0.4753      0.2969
+                embedding surface  1  77651.4435      0.4755      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  77653.5613      2.5933      2.1178
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  77655.7873      4.8193      2.2260
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  77659.5324      8.5644      3.7451
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  77659.5442      8.5762      0.0118
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  77660.0911      9.1231      0.5469
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  77660.1997      9.2317      0.1086
+                           Find void  77660.4601      9.4922      0.2604
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33096
+          Define boundary conditions  77660.4971      9.5291      0.0369
+                         wsmp setup1  77660.5074      9.5394      0.0103
+                                                                        n =   129393
+                                                                        nz=  4978701
+                         wsmp setup2  77661.6803     10.7123      1.1729
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  77661.7362
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  77661.7364      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4645        5617
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00809E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37251
+                          wsmp solve  77669.5551      7.8189      7.8187
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0701499 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4387369 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8051789 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5818651 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15947.4320640 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2505801 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082200 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.1551671 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10148E+01  0.16362E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.93139E-01  0.16901E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76584E+00  0.24651E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  77686.7466     25.0104     17.1914
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35189E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  77686.9708     25.2347      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements  77686.9726     25.2364      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  77687.0323     25.2961      0.0597
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5820752 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  77687.0394
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  77687.0454      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4645        5617
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00809E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37251
+                          wsmp solve  77695.0119      7.9725      7.9665
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0641220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4371319 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8095610 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.6157789 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15900.8713611 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2500122 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082800 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.1853220 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10191E+01  0.12285E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47441E-01  0.15007E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76387E+00  0.22753E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  77712.2340     25.1946     17.2221
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12513E+01  0.21152E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  77712.4575     25.4181      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements  77712.4593     25.4199      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  77712.5189     25.4796      0.0597
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0766231 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  77712.5261
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  77712.5321      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4645        5617
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37251
+                          wsmp solve  77720.5500      8.0239      8.0178
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0623040 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4382658 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8048000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.6941090 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15794.3633840 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2509902 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082550 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.2591720 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10210E+01  0.13894E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41480E-01  0.15337E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74316E+00  0.23383E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  77737.8460     25.3199     17.2960
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13566E+01  0.31136E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  77738.0707     25.5446      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  77738.0725     25.5464      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  77738.1328     25.6068      0.0603
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0345781 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  77738.1401
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  77738.1462      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4645        5617
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37251
+                          wsmp solve  77746.1056      7.9656      7.9594
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0650401 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4505019 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8053830 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5880771 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15938.8831577 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2505810 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083182 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.1683590 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10205E+01  0.15741E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41549E-01  0.15514E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73391E+00  0.23134E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  77763.3090     25.1689     17.2034
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14356E+01  0.34428E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  77763.5327     25.3927      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  77763.5345     25.3945      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  77763.5943     25.4542      0.0597
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0138759 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  77763.6014
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  77763.6074      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4645        5617
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37251
+                          wsmp solve  77771.5666      7.9653      7.9592
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0624602 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4489789 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8052249 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5868969 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15940.5065969 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2497280 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082860 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.1620209 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10202E+01  0.17213E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41313E-01  0.15673E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73048E+00  0.23013E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  77788.7648     25.1634     17.1982
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14673E+01  0.35268E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  77788.9878     25.3864      0.2230
+                do leaf measurements  77788.9896     25.3882      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  77789.0469     25.4455      0.0573
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0094145 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  77789.0500     25.4486      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  77789.0501     25.4488      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -242317030522036.66 541620048569875.75
+ def in m -7.8747348785400391 0.88934677839279175
+ dimensionless def  -2.309187650680542E-6 2.24992425101143993E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0225526  0.2244550
+                  Compute divergence  77789.3248     25.7235      0.2747
+                        wsmp_cleanup  77789.3640     25.7627      0.0392
+              Reset surface geometry  77789.3738     25.7725      0.0098
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   77789.3819     25.7806      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  77789.3993     25.7980      0.0174
+                   Advect surface  1  77789.3995     25.7981      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  77789.6157     26.0144      0.2162
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  77789.8374     26.2361      0.2217
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  77790.1300     26.5287      0.2926
+                    Advect the cloud  77790.3195     26.7181      0.1895
+                        Write output  77791.2555     27.6542      0.9360
+                    End of time step  77792.1701     28.5687      0.9145
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     481  77792.1702
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  77792.1703      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  77792.1704      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17090points
+                      refine surface  77792.1704      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   4 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  77792.2122      0.0420      0.0418
+                                                                        S. 1:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  77792.2418      0.0715      0.0295
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  77792.2797      0.1094      0.0379
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17094points
+                          surface 02  77792.3041      0.1339      0.0244
+                                                                        S. 2:    17090points
+                      refine surface  77792.3042      0.1340      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  77792.3440      0.1738      0.0398
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  77792.3732      0.2030      0.0292
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  77792.4101      0.2398      0.0369
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17091points
+                          surface 03  77792.4355      0.2652      0.0254
+                                                                        S. 3:    17094points
+                      refine surface  77792.4356      0.2654      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  77792.4753      0.3050      0.0396
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  77792.5068      0.3366      0.0316
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  77792.5446      0.3744      0.0378
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17095points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  77792.5775
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  77792.5778      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  77792.5939      0.0164      0.0161
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  77792.6182      0.0407      0.0242
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  77792.6193      0.0418      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  77792.6335      0.0560      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  77792.7556      0.1781      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  77793.0505      0.4730      0.2948
+                embedding surface  1  77793.0506      0.4731      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  77795.1952      2.6177      2.1446
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  77797.4195      4.8420      2.2243
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  77801.1237      8.5462      3.7042
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  77801.1300      8.5525      0.0063
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  77801.7140      9.1365      0.5839
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  77801.8035      9.2260      0.0895
+                           Find void  77802.0740      9.4965      0.2705
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33096
+          Define boundary conditions  77802.1143      9.5368      0.0403
+                         wsmp setup1  77802.1271      9.5496      0.0128
+                                                                        n =   129393
+                                                                        nz=  4978701
+                         wsmp setup2  77803.2802     10.7028      1.1531
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  77803.3394
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  77803.3396      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4645        5617
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.09524E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37251
+                          wsmp solve  77811.1287      7.7893      7.7892
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0656290 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4395099 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8027880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5946081 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15929.9051183 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2498050 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082998 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.1610918 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10142E+01  0.15867E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.92698E-01  0.16704E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76334E+00  0.24725E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  77828.3257     24.9863     17.1970
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35195E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  77828.5508     25.2113      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  77828.5525     25.2131      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  77828.6138     25.2744      0.0613
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5837962 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  77828.6207
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  77828.6267      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4645        5617
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.09524E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37251
+                          wsmp solve  77836.6730      8.0524      8.0463
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0618510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4486570 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8034649 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.6476779 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15857.3243547 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2510691 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0081892 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.2213521 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10192E+01  0.11731E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47154E-01  0.15024E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76136E+00  0.22820E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  77853.9310     25.3104     17.2580
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12481E+01  0.20701E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  77854.1571     25.5364      0.2261
+                do leaf measurements  77854.1588     25.5382      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  77854.2203     25.5997      0.0615
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0743582 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  77854.2272
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  77854.2331      0.0059      0.0059
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4645        5617
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37251
+                          wsmp solve  77862.1893      7.9622      7.9563
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0608799 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4589660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8079710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5686700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15965.6214469 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2502160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082181 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.1553659 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10215E+01  0.13432E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42142E-01  0.15361E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74102E+00  0.23432E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  77879.3813     25.1541     17.1919
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13460E+01  0.30433E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  77879.6057     25.3785      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  77879.6074     25.3803      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  77879.6688     25.4417      0.0614
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0348116 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  77879.6756
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  77879.6817      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4645        5617
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37251
+                          wsmp solve  77887.6804      8.0047      7.9987
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0589099 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4413149 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8054891 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.6457021 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15860.0146606 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2510588 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0081899 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.2110939 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10213E+01  0.15348E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42173E-01  0.15540E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73182E+00  0.23175E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  77904.9277     25.2521     17.2474
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14244E+01  0.33707E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  77905.1539     25.4783      0.2262
+                do leaf measurements  77905.1557     25.4800      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  77905.2179     25.5422      0.0622
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0140374 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  77905.2248
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  77905.2309      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4645        5617
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37251
+                          wsmp solve  77913.2527      8.0279      8.0218
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0598490 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4272571 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8052499 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.5875621 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15939.5915268 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2514131 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0081761 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.1399581 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10209E+01  0.16852E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41742E-01  0.15671E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72868E+00  0.23050E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  77930.4289     25.2041     17.1762
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14558E+01  0.34566E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  77930.6549     25.4300      0.2259
+                do leaf measurements  77930.6566     25.4318      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  77930.7158     25.4910      0.0592
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0092872 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  77930.7189     25.4941      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  77930.7191     25.4943      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -242768214991956.38 542198630679722.44
+ def in m -7.9498734474182129 0.8843151330947876
+ dimensionless def  -2.52661466598510718E-6 2.27139241354806077E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0247742  0.2266347
+                  Compute divergence  77930.9981     25.7733      0.2790
+                        wsmp_cleanup  77931.0379     25.8131      0.0398
+              Reset surface geometry  77931.0478     25.8230      0.0099
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   77931.0569     25.8321      0.0091
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  77931.0771     25.8523      0.0202
+                   Advect surface  1  77931.0772     25.8524      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  77931.2930     26.0682      0.2157
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  77931.5262     26.3014      0.2333
+                                                                        removing   2 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  77931.8174     26.5926      0.2912
+                    Advect the cloud  77932.0105     26.7856      0.1930
+                        Write output  77932.9446     27.7198      0.9341
+                    End of time step  77933.8640     28.6392      0.9194
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     482  77933.8642
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  77933.8643      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  77933.8643      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17093points
+                      refine surface  77933.8644      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  77933.9006      0.0363      0.0362
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17093points
+                          surface 02  77933.9257      0.0615      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 2:    17089points
+                      refine surface  77933.9259      0.0616      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  77933.9641      0.0999      0.0383
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  77933.9945      0.1302      0.0303
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  77934.0311      0.1669      0.0366
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17090points
+                          surface 03  77934.0568      0.1926      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 3:    17093points
+                      refine surface  77934.0569      0.1927      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  77934.0952      0.2309      0.0382
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  77934.1256      0.2614      0.0304
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  77934.1638      0.2996      0.0383
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17094points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  77934.1961
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  77934.1964      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  77934.2124      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  77934.2373      0.0411      0.0249
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  77934.2384      0.0423      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  77934.2526      0.0564      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  77934.3748      0.1787      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  77934.6681      0.4720      0.2933
+                embedding surface  1  77934.6683      0.4722      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  77936.7867      2.5905      2.1183
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  77938.9993      4.8032      2.2126
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  77942.7423      8.5461      3.7430
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  77942.7478      8.5516      0.0055
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  77943.2945      9.0984      0.5468
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  77943.3768      9.1807      0.0822
+                           Find void  77943.6506      9.4545      0.2738
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33097
+          Define boundary conditions  77943.6934      9.4972      0.0428
+                         wsmp setup1  77943.7050      9.5089      0.0117
+                                                                        n =   129396
+                                                                        nz=  4978824
+                         wsmp setup2  77944.8607     10.6646      1.1557
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  77944.9165
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  77944.9166      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4646        5617
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.04603E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37252
+                          wsmp solve  77952.7461      7.8297      7.8295
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0660501 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3595231 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7939670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.2619059 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16231.6953685 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2258830 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086899 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.7164481 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10637E+01  0.17254E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.92027E-01  0.17716E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76326E+00  0.24656E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  77968.4964     23.5800     15.7503
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35158E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  77968.7232     23.8068      0.2268
+                do leaf measurements  77968.7250     23.8085      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  77968.7850     23.8685      0.0600
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5903927 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  77968.7920
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  77968.7980      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4646        5617
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.04603E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37252
+                          wsmp solve  77976.7642      7.9721      7.9661
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0630341 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3566389 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8045740 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.2662101 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16224.8901321 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2242491 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085030 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.7235839 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10217E+01  0.12675E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48773E-01  0.15328E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76480E+00  0.22812E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  77992.5209     23.7289     15.7568
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12450E+01  0.19137E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  77992.7454     23.9534      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  77992.7472     23.9552      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  77992.8069     24.0149      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0737759 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  77992.8140
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  77992.8201      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4646        5617
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37252
+                          wsmp solve  78000.8280      8.0140      8.0080
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0600288 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3530390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8018320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.2424629 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16262.5076279 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2254820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084400 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.6917169 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10191E+01  0.14121E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42015E-01  0.15400E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74335E+00  0.23387E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  78016.5528     23.7388     15.7248
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13536E+01  0.31322E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  78016.7793     23.9653      0.2265
+                do leaf measurements  78016.7811     23.9671      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  78016.8412     24.0272      0.0601
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0343742 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  78016.8482
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  78016.8543      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4646        5617
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37252
+                          wsmp solve  78024.8196      7.9714      7.9654
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0615962 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3691680 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7986491 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.3120079 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16152.8319371 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2245731 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085249 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.7749150 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10194E+01  0.15874E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41965E-01  0.15554E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73432E+00  0.23096E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  78040.6286     23.7804     15.8090
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14350E+01  0.34942E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  78040.8528     24.0045      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  78040.8546     24.0063      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  78040.9145     24.0662      0.0599
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0138759 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  78040.9216
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  78040.9276      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4646        5617
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37252
+                          wsmp solve  78048.9088      7.9872      7.9812
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0601220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3854718 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7996361 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.2453451 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16257.9326248 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2247429 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084159 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.7241530 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10193E+01  0.17299E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41381E-01  0.15684E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73130E+00  0.22976E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  78064.6664     23.7448     15.7576
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14671E+01  0.35706E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  78064.8914     23.9698      0.2250
+                do leaf measurements  78064.8932     23.9716      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  78064.9509     24.0294      0.0577
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0093881 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  78064.9541     24.0325      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  78064.9542     24.0327      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -243144837262866.72 542837373384988.25
+ def in m -7.9993085861206055 0.93790984153747559
+ dimensionless def  -2.67974240439278699E-6 2.28551673889160153E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0263212  0.2280094
+                  Compute divergence  78065.2266     24.3051      0.2724
+                        wsmp_cleanup  78065.2664     24.3448      0.0398
+              Reset surface geometry  78065.2749     24.3533      0.0085
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   78065.2827     24.3611      0.0078
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  78065.3001     24.3785      0.0174
+                   Advect surface  1  78065.3002     24.3787      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  78065.5208     24.5992      0.2205
+                                                                        removing   4 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    8 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  78065.7747     24.8532      0.2540
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  78066.0542     25.1327      0.2795
+                    Advect the cloud  78066.2472     25.3256      0.1929
+                        Write output  78067.1797     26.2582      0.9326
+                    End of time step  78068.0936     27.1720      0.9139
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     483  78068.0937
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  78068.0938      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  78068.0939      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17092points
+                      refine surface  78068.0939      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  78068.1322      0.0384      0.0383
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  78068.1618      0.0680      0.0296
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  78068.1983      0.1045      0.0365
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17093points
+                          surface 02  78068.2241      0.1303      0.0258
+                                                                        S. 2:    17086points
+                      refine surface  78068.2242      0.1305      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  78068.2606      0.1669      0.0364
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17086points
+                          surface 03  78068.2846      0.1909      0.0240
+                                                                        S. 3:    17093points
+                      refine surface  78068.2848      0.1910      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  78068.3211      0.2274      0.0363
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17093points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  78068.3525
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  78068.3528      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  78068.3687      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  78068.3933      0.0408      0.0246
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  78068.3944      0.0419      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  78068.4086      0.0561      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  78068.5307      0.1782      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  78068.8264      0.4739      0.2957
+                embedding surface  1  78068.8265      0.4740      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  78070.9615      2.6090      2.1350
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  78073.1760      4.8235      2.2145
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  78076.8631      8.5106      3.6871
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  78076.8694      8.5169      0.0063
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  78077.4559      9.1034      0.5865
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  78077.5392      9.1867      0.0832
+                           Find void  78077.8082      9.4557      0.2690
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33097
+          Define boundary conditions  78077.8491      9.4966      0.0409
+                         wsmp setup1  78077.8618      9.5093      0.0128
+                                                                        n =   129396
+                                                                        nz=  4978824
+                         wsmp setup2  78079.0168     10.6643      1.1550
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  78079.0755
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  78079.0756      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4646        5617
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.31974E-05  7.78451E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37252
+                          wsmp solve  78086.9068      7.8313      7.8312
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0629702 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3883920 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7983148 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.2427402 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16262.0673862 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2248900 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085781 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.7262931 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10647E+01  0.17599E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.91458E-01  0.18130E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76718E+00  0.24395E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  78102.6663     23.5908     15.7595
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35136E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  78102.8922     23.8168      0.2259
+                do leaf measurements  78102.8940     23.8185      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  78102.9556     23.8801      0.0616
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5904840 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  78102.9627
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  78102.9689      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4646        5617
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.41980E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37252
+                          wsmp solve  78110.9747      8.0120      8.0058
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0613191 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3523431 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7969279 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.2654860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16226.0345566 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2243829 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086191 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.7094789 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10193E+01  0.13125E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48891E-01  0.15515E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76804E+00  0.22742E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  78126.7175     23.7548     15.7427
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12456E+01  0.19140E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  78126.9420     23.9793      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  78126.9437     23.9810      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  78127.0048     24.0421      0.0610
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0736037 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  78127.0117
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  78127.0178      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4646        5617
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37252
+                          wsmp solve  78134.9854      7.9737      7.9676
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0648811 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3811820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8066170 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.2597830 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16235.0539118 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2246561 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086491 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.7461510 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10184E+01  0.14449E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41493E-01  0.15402E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74608E+00  0.23343E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  78150.7649     23.7532     15.7795
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13624E+01  0.32092E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  78150.9895     23.9777      0.2245
+                do leaf measurements  78150.9912     23.9795      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  78151.0524     24.0406      0.0612
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0343194 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  78151.0595
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  78151.0656      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4646        5617
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37252
+                          wsmp solve  78159.0959      8.0365      8.0303
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0630169 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3490341 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7949491 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.2276950 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16285.9892478 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2257011 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085700 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.6693940 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10185E+01  0.16110E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41366E-01  0.15520E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73715E+00  0.23087E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  78174.7983     23.7388     15.7024
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14458E+01  0.35683E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  78175.0253     23.9658      0.2270
+                do leaf measurements  78175.0270     23.9676      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  78175.0879     24.0285      0.0609
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0137609 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  78175.0949
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  78175.1010      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4646        5617
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37252
+                          wsmp solve  78183.0708      7.9758      7.9698
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0666800 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3752820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7983599 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.3082600 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16158.7048823 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2251029 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086021 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           15.7826819 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10185E+01  0.17489E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41022E-01  0.15665E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73366E+00  0.22972E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  78198.8871     23.7921     15.8163
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14779E+01  0.36437E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  78199.1115     24.0166      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  78199.1132     24.0183      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  78199.1715     24.0766      0.0583
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0093220 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  78199.1746     24.0797      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  78199.1748     24.0799      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -243449096752503.31 543534151112478.19
+ def in m -7.9973487854003906 0.91546338796615601
+ dimensionless def  -2.6156096799033031E-6 2.28495679582868305E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0256313  0.2279157
+                  Compute divergence  78199.4520     24.3571      0.2772
+                        wsmp_cleanup  78199.4921     24.3972      0.0401
+              Reset surface geometry  78199.5021     24.4072      0.0100
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   78199.5103     24.4154      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  78199.5281     24.4332      0.0177
+                   Advect surface  1  78199.5282     24.4333      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  78199.7340     24.6391      0.2058
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  78199.9556     24.8607      0.2216
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  78200.2243     25.1294      0.2687
+                    Advect the cloud  78200.4119     25.3170      0.1876
+                        Write output  78201.3472     26.2522      0.9352
+                    End of time step  78202.2673     27.1724      0.9202
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     484  78202.2675
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  78202.2676      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  78202.2677      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17093points
+                      refine surface  78202.2677      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  78202.3072      0.0397      0.0395
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  78202.3347      0.0671      0.0275
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  78202.3724      0.1048      0.0377
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17094points
+                          surface 02  78202.3958      0.1283      0.0234
+                                                                        S. 2:    17085points
+                      refine surface  78202.3960      0.1284      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  78202.4359      0.1684      0.0399
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  78202.4633      0.1957      0.0274
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  78202.4997      0.2321      0.0364
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17087points
+                          surface 03  78202.5232      0.2556      0.0235
+                                                                        S. 3:    17093points
+                      refine surface  78202.5233      0.2558      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  78202.5629      0.2954      0.0396
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  78202.5963      0.3288      0.0334
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  78202.6326      0.3650      0.0362
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17095points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  78202.6635
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  78202.6638      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  78202.6797      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  78202.7052      0.0417      0.0255
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  78202.7063      0.0428      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  78202.7205      0.0570      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  78202.8427      0.1791      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  78203.1397      0.4762      0.2971
+                embedding surface  1  78203.1399      0.4764      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  78205.2849      2.6214      2.1450
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  78207.5079      4.8443      2.2230
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  78211.1979      8.5343      3.6900
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  78211.2033      8.5398      0.0055
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  78211.7287      9.0651      0.5253
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  78211.8894      9.2259      0.1608
+                           Find void  78212.1581      9.4946      0.2687
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33098
+          Define boundary conditions  78212.1980      9.5345      0.0398
+                         wsmp setup1  78212.2098      9.5463      0.0119
+                                                                        n =   129399
+                                                                        nz=  4978947
+                         wsmp setup2  78213.3622     10.6987      1.1524
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  78213.4192
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  78213.4193      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5617
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.01035E-05  7.95922E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37253
+                          wsmp solve  78221.2069      7.7877      7.7876
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0654418 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2660170 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8051190 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.8908551 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14747.1263407 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2408860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083261 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2770798 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10280E+01  0.17914E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.91638E-01  0.17609E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76698E+00  0.23158E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  78237.5211     24.1019     16.3142
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35132E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  78237.7435     24.3243      0.2224
+                do leaf measurements  78237.7453     24.3261      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  78237.8049     24.3858      0.0596
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5964511 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  78237.8119
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  78237.8180      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5617
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.01035E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37253
+                          wsmp solve  78245.8232      8.0113      8.0052
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0598791 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2424600 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7996089 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.8696282 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14775.9254421 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2414730 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084491 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2219310 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10182E+01  0.13465E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.51280E-01  0.15034E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76770E+00  0.21856E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  78262.0820     24.2701     16.2588
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12556E+01  0.19693E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  78262.3061     24.4941      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  78262.3079     24.4960      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  78262.3682     24.5563      0.0603
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0765383 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  78262.3754
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  78262.3815      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5617
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37253
+                          wsmp solve  78270.3828      8.0074      8.0013
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0629530 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2524049 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7996390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9332361 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14689.9613198 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2410312 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083420 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2980421 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10203E+01  0.14820E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39310E-01  0.14963E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74728E+00  0.22719E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  78286.7185     24.3431     16.3357
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13690E+01  0.32473E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  78286.9411     24.5657      0.2226
+                do leaf measurements  78286.9429     24.5675      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  78287.0025     24.6271      0.0596
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0345794 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  78287.0096
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  78287.0156      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5617
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37253
+                          wsmp solve  78295.0105      8.0009      7.9949
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0615449 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2668331 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8013542 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.8837209 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14756.7929738 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2416461 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084131 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2639439 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10199E+01  0.16479E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38965E-01  0.15076E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73805E+00  0.22582E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  78311.3113     24.3017     16.3008
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14524E+01  0.36220E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  78311.5342     24.5246      0.2229
+                do leaf measurements  78311.5360     24.5264      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  78311.5958     24.5862      0.0597
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0134469 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  78311.6028
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  78311.6089      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5617
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37253
+                          wsmp solve  78319.6499      8.0471      8.0410
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0614810 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2546070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7984221 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.8932669 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14743.8612281 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2428670 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083919 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2595050 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10195E+01  0.17865E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40665E-01  0.15244E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73480E+00  0.22542E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  78335.9461     24.3433     16.2962
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14850E+01  0.36954E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  78336.1705     24.5677      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  78336.1723     24.5695      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  78336.2295     24.6267      0.0572
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0094398 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  78336.2326     24.6298      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  78336.2328     24.6300      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -243740749734490.16 544245138230251.38
+ def in m -7.9937877655029297 0.88882768154144287
+ dimensionless def  -2.53950766154697972E-6 2.28393936157226568E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0248278  0.2277704
+                  Compute divergence  78336.5113     24.9085      0.2785
+                        wsmp_cleanup  78336.5498     24.9470      0.0385
+              Reset surface geometry  78336.5597     24.9569      0.0099
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   78336.5683     24.9655      0.0087
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  78336.5884     24.9856      0.0201
+                   Advect surface  1  78336.5885     24.9857      0.0002
+                                                                        removing   5 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  78336.8541     25.2512      0.2655
+                                                                        removing   4 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  78337.1049     25.5021      0.2508
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  78337.3882     25.7854      0.2833
+                    Advect the cloud  78337.5782     25.9753      0.1900
+                        Write output  78338.5277     26.9249      0.9495
+                    End of time step  78339.4481     27.8453      0.9205
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     485  78339.4483
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  78339.4484      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  78339.4484      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17089points
+                      refine surface  78339.4485      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  78339.4794      0.0311      0.0309
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17089points
+                          surface 02  78339.5059      0.0576      0.0265
+                                                                        S. 2:    17083points
+                      refine surface  78339.5060      0.0577      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  78339.5378      0.0895      0.0318
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17083points
+                          surface 03  78339.5641      0.1158      0.0263
+                                                                        S. 3:    17094points
+                      refine surface  78339.5643      0.1160      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  78339.6007      0.1524      0.0364
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17094points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  78339.6323
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  78339.6326      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  78339.6487      0.0164      0.0161
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  78339.6735      0.0411      0.0247
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  78339.6745      0.0422      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  78339.6888      0.0565      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  78339.8123      0.1800      0.1235
+             Imbed surface in osolve  78340.1085      0.4761      0.2961
+                embedding surface  1  78340.1086      0.4763      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  78342.2513      2.6190      2.1427
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  78344.4730      4.8407      2.2216
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  78348.2311      8.5988      3.7582
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  78348.2404      8.6081      0.0093
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  78348.8029      9.1705      0.5624
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  78348.8866      9.2542      0.0837
+                           Find void  78349.1574      9.5250      0.2708
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33098
+          Define boundary conditions  78349.1984      9.5661      0.0411
+                         wsmp setup1  78349.2107      9.5784      0.0123
+                                                                        n =   129399
+                                                                        nz=  4978947
+                         wsmp setup2  78350.3611     10.7288      1.1505
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  78350.4193
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  78350.4195      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5617
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.34454E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37253
+                          wsmp solve  78358.3033      7.8840      7.8838
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0669699 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2477720 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7967179 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9101121 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14721.0966886 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2421329 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084019 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2725511 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10533E+01  0.18166E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.92533E-01  0.17400E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76574E+00  0.23309E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  78374.6122     24.1929     16.3089
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35142E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  78374.8376     24.4183      0.2254
+                do leaf measurements  78374.8394     24.4201      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  78374.9001     24.4808      0.0607
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5955663 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  78374.9072
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  78374.9133      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5617
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.34454E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37253
+                          wsmp solve  78382.8956      7.9884      7.9823
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0624011 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2617249 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7938890 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.8845620 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14755.6525935 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2411330 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084670 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2525921 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10189E+01  0.13678E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.51333E-01  0.14842E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76664E+00  0.21798E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  78399.1852     24.2780     16.2896
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12629E+01  0.20296E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  78399.4090     24.5017      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  78399.4108     24.5035      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  78399.4711     24.5639      0.0604
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0773202 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  78399.4783
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  78399.4845      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5617
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37253
+                          wsmp solve  78407.4918      8.0134      8.0072
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0613649 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2441969 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7996399 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.8717589 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14773.0295210 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2416139 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084639 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2274742 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10212E+01  0.15019E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39346E-01  0.14826E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74705E+00  0.22643E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  78423.7571     24.2788     16.2653
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13748E+01  0.32752E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  78423.9829     24.5045      0.2257
+                do leaf measurements  78423.9847     24.5064      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  78424.0457     24.5673      0.0609
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0344561 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  78424.0530
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  78424.0593      0.0063      0.0063
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5617
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37253
+                          wsmp solve  78432.0772      8.0242      8.0179
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0617230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2588999 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7983251 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9613340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14652.3056299 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2418208 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084271 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.3309591 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10207E+01  0.16679E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.38609E-01  0.15010E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73796E+00  0.22514E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  78448.4460     24.3930     16.3688
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14562E+01  0.36549E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  78448.6713     24.6183      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements  78448.6731     24.6201      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  78448.7337     24.6807      0.0606
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0133479 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  78448.7408
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  78448.7469      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5617
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37253
+                          wsmp solve  78456.7161      7.9753      7.9692
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0635550 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2631361 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8051791 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.8892620 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14749.2838642 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2413681 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084651 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.2713990 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10202E+01  0.18059E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40645E-01  0.15201E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73486E+00  0.22467E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  78473.0252     24.2844     16.3091
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14878E+01  0.37270E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  78473.2490     24.5082      0.2239
+                do leaf measurements  78473.2508     24.5100      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  78473.3088     24.5680      0.0580
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0094102 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  78473.3119     24.5711      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  78473.3121     24.5713      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -243920364674974.06 545039544798333.94
+ def in m -7.9010334014892578 0.88128411769866943
+ dimensionless def  -2.24540591239929216E-6 2.25743811471121638E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0218324  0.2251081
+                  Compute divergence  78473.5928     24.8520      0.2807
+                        wsmp_cleanup  78473.6319     24.8911      0.0391
+              Reset surface geometry  78473.6419     24.9011      0.0100
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   78473.6505     24.9097      0.0086
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  78473.6706     24.9298      0.0201
+                   Advect surface  1  78473.6708     24.9300      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  78473.8895     25.1487      0.2188
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  78474.0951     25.3543      0.2055
+                                                                        removing   3 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  78474.3993     25.6585      0.3042
+                    Advect the cloud  78474.5872     25.8464      0.1879
+                        Write output  78475.5329     26.7921      0.9457
+                    End of time step  78476.4500     27.7092      0.9171
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     486  78476.4502
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  78476.4503      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  78476.4503      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    17088points
+                      refine surface  78476.4504      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  78476.4833      0.0331      0.0329
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  78476.5148      0.0646      0.0315
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  78476.5477      0.0975      0.0329
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17090points
+                          surface 02  78476.5739      0.1237      0.0262
+                                                                        S. 2:    17083points
+                      refine surface  78476.5740      0.1238      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  78476.6077      0.1575      0.0337
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  78476.6390      0.1889      0.0313
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  78476.6720      0.2218      0.0329
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17084points
+                          surface 03  78476.6980      0.2478      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 3:    17091points
+                      refine surface  78476.6981      0.2479      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  78476.7357      0.2855      0.0376
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17091points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  78476.7679
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  78476.7682      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  78476.7842      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  78476.8091      0.0412      0.0250
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  78476.8103      0.0423      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  78476.8244      0.0565      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  78476.9467      0.1788      0.1223
+             Imbed surface in osolve  78477.2419      0.4740      0.2952
+                embedding surface  1  78477.2421      0.4741      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  78479.3810      2.6131      2.1389
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  78481.6127      4.8448      2.2317
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  78485.3430      8.5750      3.7302
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  78485.3500      8.5821      0.0070
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  78485.9198      9.1518      0.5698
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  78486.0181      9.2502      0.0983
+                           Find void  78486.2885      9.5206      0.2704
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33099
+          Define boundary conditions  78486.3301      9.5622      0.0416
+                         wsmp setup1  78486.3421      9.5742      0.0120
+                                                                        n =   129402
+                                                                        nz=  4979070
+                         wsmp setup2  78487.4967     10.7288      1.1546
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  78487.5541
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  78487.5543      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4645        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.04627E-05  9.98508E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37254
+                          wsmp solve  78495.3406      7.7864      7.7863
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0654650 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2623501 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8045800 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.0365489 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15619.5659104 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2427120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084059 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4205091 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10142E+01  0.16969E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.94068E-01  0.17108E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76555E+00  0.24195E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  78511.7988     24.2446     16.4582
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35230E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  78512.0233     24.4692      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  78512.0251     24.4710      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  78512.0858     24.5316      0.0607
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5797796 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  78512.0929
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  78512.0990      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4645        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.04627E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37254
+                          wsmp solve  78520.1227      8.0298      8.0237
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0630610 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2679341 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8005271 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.0735331 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15567.3985281 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2434659 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084000 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4573689 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10201E+01  0.12855E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48714E-01  0.15032E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76511E+00  0.22427E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  78536.6169     24.5240     16.4942
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12582E+01  0.21929E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  78536.8429     24.7501      0.2260
+                do leaf measurements  78536.8447     24.7519      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  78536.9054     24.8125      0.0606
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0727084 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  78536.9124
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  78536.9185      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4645        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37254
+                          wsmp solve  78544.8929      7.9805      7.9744
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0589221 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2875831 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7997270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.0238631 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15637.5402184 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2417748 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083899 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4207010 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10221E+01  0.14343E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40634E-01  0.15057E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74510E+00  0.23060E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  78561.3512     24.4388     16.4583
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13671E+01  0.32059E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  78561.5756     24.6632      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  78561.5774     24.6650      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  78561.6379     24.7255      0.0606
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0342446 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  78561.6450
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  78561.6511      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4645        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37254
+                          wsmp solve  78569.6278      7.9828      7.9767
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0623221 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2625000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7988460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.0482540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15603.0176376 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2427831 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084000 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4235492 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10215E+01  0.16149E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40759E-01  0.15186E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73589E+00  0.22850E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  78586.0880     24.4429     16.4602
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14458E+01  0.35566E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  78586.3138     24.6688      0.2258
+                do leaf measurements  78586.3156     24.6706      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  78586.3768     24.7318      0.0612
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0136442 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  78586.3840
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  78586.3902      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4645        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37254
+                          wsmp solve  78594.4346      8.0506      8.0444
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0596941 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2630661 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7982910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.0326312 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15625.1124278 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2425580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084279 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4051161 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10210E+01  0.17568E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40689E-01  0.15368E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73246E+00  0.22770E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  78610.8768     24.4928     16.4422
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14761E+01  0.36314E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  78611.1021     24.7181      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements  78611.1039     24.7199      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  78611.1620     24.7780      0.0581
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0094297 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  78611.1651     24.7811      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  78611.1653     24.7813      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -244162446732311.63 545773630909224.81
+ def in m -7.8655185699462891 0.89407104253768921
+ dimensionless def  -2.055659123829433E-6 2.24729101998465415E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0199272  0.2240338
+                  Compute divergence  78611.4455     25.0615      0.2802
+                        wsmp_cleanup  78611.4847     25.1007      0.0392
+              Reset surface geometry  78611.4948     25.1108      0.0101
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   78611.5036     25.1196      0.0088
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  78611.5239     25.1400      0.0203
+                   Advect surface  1  78611.5241     25.1401      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  78611.7275     25.3435      0.2034
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  78611.9345     25.5506      0.2071
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  78612.2036     25.8197      0.2691
+                    Advect the cloud  78612.3962     26.0122      0.1926
+                        Write output  78613.3348     26.9509      0.9386
+                    End of time step  78614.2501     27.8661      0.9153
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     487  78614.2503
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  78614.2504      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  78614.2504      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17090points
+                      refine surface  78614.2505      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  78614.2863      0.0360      0.0358
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17090points
+                          surface 02  78614.3117      0.0614      0.0254
+                                                                        S. 2:    17084points
+                      refine surface  78614.3118      0.0615      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  78614.3481      0.0978      0.0362
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17084points
+                          surface 03  78614.3734      0.1231      0.0254
+                                                                        S. 3:    17091points
+                      refine surface  78614.3736      0.1233      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  78614.4146      0.1643      0.0410
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  78614.4473      0.1970      0.0327
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  78614.4852      0.2349      0.0380
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17093points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  78614.5154
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  78614.5157      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  78614.5317      0.0163      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  78614.5570      0.0416      0.0253
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  78614.5581      0.0427      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  78614.5723      0.0569      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  78614.6945      0.1791      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  78614.9898      0.4744      0.2954
+                embedding surface  1  78614.9900      0.4746      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  78617.1289      2.6135      2.1389
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  78619.4001      4.8847      2.2712
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  78623.1346      8.6192      3.7345
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  78623.1402      8.6248      0.0056
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  78623.7079      9.1925      0.5677
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  78623.7902      9.2747      0.0822
+                           Find void  78624.0643      9.5489      0.2741
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33100
+          Define boundary conditions  78624.1077      9.5923      0.0434
+                         wsmp setup1  78624.1195      9.6041      0.0118
+                                                                        n =   129405
+                                                                        nz=  4979193
+                         wsmp setup2  78625.2775     10.7621      1.1580
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  78625.3331
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  78625.3333      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4646        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.17173E-05  8.73315E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37255
+                          wsmp solve  78633.1818      7.8487      7.8485
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0677221 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4435010 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8005879 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.7571621 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15209.3871489 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2430100 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083690 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.3207991 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10151E+01  0.16903E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.92090E-01  0.16710E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76505E+00  0.23744E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  78650.5395     25.2064     17.3577
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35248E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  78650.7644     25.4313      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  78650.7662     25.4331      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  78650.8262     25.4931      0.0600
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5873247 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  78650.8334
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  78650.8394      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4646        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.17173E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37255
+                          wsmp solve  78658.8131      7.9797      7.9737
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0621471 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4555910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8065290 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.7120411 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15267.9817233 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2428420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083270 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.2879231 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10198E+01  0.12637E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48564E-01  0.14768E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76528E+00  0.22329E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  78676.1381     25.3048     17.3250
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12468E+01  0.20713E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  78676.3613     25.5280      0.2232
+                do leaf measurements  78676.3631     25.5298      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  78676.4231     25.5898      0.0600
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0810596 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  78676.4303
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  78676.4364      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4646        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37255
+                          wsmp solve  78684.4323      8.0020      7.9959
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0629661 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4623468 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8018529 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.6882870 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15299.0108611 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2427499 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082920 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.2669551 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10220E+01  0.14105E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40837E-01  0.14819E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74457E+00  0.23048E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  78701.7370     25.3067     17.3047
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13571E+01  0.31490E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  78701.9612     25.5308      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  78701.9630     25.5327      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  78702.0233     25.5930      0.0603
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0347707 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  78702.0305
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  78702.0367      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4646        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37255
+                          wsmp solve  78710.0434      8.0128      8.0066
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0656562 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4445469 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8017199 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.7516599 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15216.5083093 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2438419 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085568 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.3164039 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10213E+01  0.15894E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41028E-01  0.14967E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73543E+00  0.22834E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  78727.3967     25.3661     17.3533
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14380E+01  0.34981E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  78727.6220     25.5914      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements  78727.6238     25.5933      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  78727.6839     25.6534      0.0601
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0139529 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  78727.6910
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  78727.6971      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4646        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37255
+                          wsmp solve  78735.6609      7.9699      7.9638
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0667851 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.4629991 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8086820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.7012680 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15282.0387251 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2421482 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082810 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.2906051 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10208E+01  0.17331E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40720E-01  0.15174E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73210E+00  0.22763E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  78752.9890     25.2980     17.3281
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14700E+01  0.35814E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  78753.2118     25.5208      0.2228
+                do leaf measurements  78753.2136     25.5226      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  78753.2710     25.5800      0.0574
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0093935 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  78753.2742     25.5831      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  78753.2743     25.5833      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -244486084809321.78 546408374752074.44
+ def in m -7.9104580879211426 0.88033723831176758
+ dimensionless def  -2.22546270915440167E-6 2.2601308822631834E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0216932  0.2252941
+                  Compute divergence  78753.5488     25.8577      0.2744
+                        wsmp_cleanup  78753.5886     25.8976      0.0399
+              Reset surface geometry  78753.5977     25.9066      0.0090
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   78753.6056     25.9146      0.0080
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  78753.6238     25.9328      0.0181
+                   Advect surface  1  78753.6239     25.9329      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  78753.8433     26.1523      0.2194
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  78754.0492     26.3582      0.2059
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  78754.3178     26.6268      0.2687
+                    Advect the cloud  78754.5111     26.8201      0.1933
+                        Write output  78755.4509     27.7599      0.9398
+                    End of time step  78756.3658     28.6748      0.9149
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     488  78756.3660
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  78756.3660      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  78756.3661      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17089points
+                      refine surface  78756.3661      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  78756.4022      0.0362      0.0360
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17089points
+                          surface 02  78756.4256      0.0596      0.0234
+                                                                        S. 2:    17084points
+                      refine surface  78756.4257      0.0598      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  78756.4613      0.0953      0.0355
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17084points
+                          surface 03  78756.4855      0.1196      0.0243
+                                                                        S. 3:    17093points
+                      refine surface  78756.4857      0.1197      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  78756.5267      0.1608      0.0410
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  78756.5568      0.1908      0.0301
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  78756.5944      0.2284      0.0376
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17096points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  78756.6255
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  78756.6258      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  78756.6418      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  78756.6668      0.0413      0.0251
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  78756.6680      0.0424      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  78756.6821      0.0566      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  78756.8044      0.1789      0.1223
+             Imbed surface in osolve  78757.0992      0.4736      0.2948
+                embedding surface  1  78757.0993      0.4738      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  78759.2337      2.6082      2.1344
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  78761.4744      4.8489      2.2407
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  78765.2063      8.5808      3.7319
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  78765.2168      8.5913      0.0105
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  78765.8076      9.1821      0.5908
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  78765.8907      9.2651      0.0831
+                           Find void  78766.1646      9.5391      0.2740
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33101
+          Define boundary conditions  78766.2072      9.5816      0.0425
+                         wsmp setup1  78766.2189      9.5934      0.0118
+                                                                        n =   129408
+                                                                        nz=  4979397
+                         wsmp setup2  78767.3665     10.7409      1.1475
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  78767.4246
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  78767.4247      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37257
+                          wsmp solve  78775.2062      7.7816      7.7815
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0688140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2498991 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8073282 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1940100 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15555.2963542 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2429631 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0087950 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5722802 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10552E+01  0.16499E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.93321E-01  0.16761E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76475E+00  0.24528E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  78791.8140     24.3895     16.6078
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35247E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  78792.0373     24.6128      0.2233
+                do leaf measurements  78792.0391     24.6146      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  78792.0997     24.6751      0.0606
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5876891 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  78792.1069
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  78792.1130      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37257
+                          wsmp solve  78800.1491      8.0422      8.0361
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0594330 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2258751 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7984939 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2164969 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15524.1109684 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2440012 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0087578 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5535510 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10204E+01  0.12281E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48007E-01  0.14591E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76287E+00  0.22707E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  78816.7387     24.6318     16.5896
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12513E+01  0.21115E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  78816.9634     24.8565      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  78816.9652     24.8583      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  78817.0257     24.9189      0.0605
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0703684 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  78817.0328
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  78817.0389      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37257
+                          wsmp solve  78825.0086      7.9758      7.9697
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0614691 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2508531 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8001089 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1282339 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15647.2396839 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2430410 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0087101 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4928691 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10227E+01  0.13878E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40012E-01  0.14692E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74302E+00  0.23238E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  78841.5374     24.5046     16.5288
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13542E+01  0.31221E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  78841.7610     24.7282      0.2236
+                do leaf measurements  78841.7628     24.7300      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  78841.8234     24.7906      0.0606
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0343270 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  78841.8311
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  78841.8373      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37257
+                          wsmp solve  78849.8130      7.9819      7.9757
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0622101 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2241371 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8042700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1718462 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15586.1565656 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2428918 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0087588 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5145671 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10221E+01  0.15720E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40119E-01  0.14834E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73402E+00  0.22957E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  78866.3635     24.5323     16.5505
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14334E+01  0.34513E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  78866.5892     24.7581      0.2257
+                do leaf measurements  78866.5911     24.7599      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  78866.6522     24.8210      0.0611
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0138117 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  78866.6595
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  78866.6657      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37257
+                          wsmp solve  78874.7112      8.0517      8.0455
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0595510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2288830 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8018031 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1797071 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15575.1973158 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2436960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0087950 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5228980 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10217E+01  0.17211E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40035E-01  0.15026E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73080E+00  0.22844E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  78891.2703     24.6108     16.5591
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14648E+01  0.35410E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  78891.4954     24.8359      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  78891.4972     24.8377      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  78891.5553     24.8958      0.0581
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0093655 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  78891.5584     24.8989      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  78891.5586     24.8991      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -244746655527829.66 547082700115208.56
+ def in m -7.6822099685668945 1.0429451465606689
+ dimensionless def  -2.31363858495439814E-6 2.19491713387625574E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0226114  0.2188681
+                  Compute divergence  78891.8357     25.1762      0.2772
+                        wsmp_cleanup  78891.8749     25.2154      0.0392
+              Reset surface geometry  78891.8850     25.2255      0.0100
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   78891.8940     25.2345      0.0090
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  78891.9140     25.2545      0.0201
+                   Advect surface  1  78891.9142     25.2547      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  78892.1195     25.4600      0.2052
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  78892.3281     25.6686      0.2086
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  78892.5974     25.9379      0.2693
+                    Advect the cloud  78892.7893     26.1298      0.1919
+                        Write output  78893.7319     27.0724      0.9426
+                    End of time step  78894.6517     27.9922      0.9198
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     489  78894.6519
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  78894.6520      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  78894.6520      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17089points
+                      refine surface  78894.6521      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  78894.6924      0.0405      0.0403
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  78894.7227      0.0708      0.0303
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  78894.7605      0.1086      0.0378
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17092points
+                          surface 02  78894.7859      0.1340      0.0254
+                                                                        S. 2:    17084points
+                      refine surface  78894.7861      0.1342      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  78894.8266      0.1747      0.0405
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  78894.8610      0.2091      0.0345
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  78894.8973      0.2454      0.0363
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17086points
+                          surface 03  78894.9229      0.2710      0.0255
+                                                                        S. 3:    17096points
+                      refine surface  78894.9230      0.2711      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  78894.9607      0.3088      0.0377
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17096points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  78894.9930
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  78894.9933      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  78895.0093      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  78895.0340      0.0410      0.0248
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  78895.0351      0.0421      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  78895.0493      0.0563      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  78895.1715      0.1785      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  78895.4674      0.4744      0.2959
+                embedding surface  1  78895.4676      0.4746      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  78897.5910      2.5980      2.1234
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  78899.8248      4.8318      2.2338
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  78903.5480      8.5550      3.7232
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  78903.5535      8.5605      0.0055
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  78904.1390      9.1460      0.5855
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  78904.2220      9.2290      0.0830
+                           Find void  78904.4935      9.5005      0.2715
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33102
+          Define boundary conditions  78904.5359      9.5429      0.0425
+                         wsmp setup1  78904.5477      9.5547      0.0117
+                                                                        n =   129408
+                                                                        nz=  4979397
+                         wsmp setup2  78905.7048     10.7118      1.1571
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  78905.7606
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  78905.7608      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.22247E-05  8.76667E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37257
+                          wsmp solve  78913.6095      7.8488      7.8487
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0635481 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2442820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8042991 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1710830 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15587.2213693 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2429540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086758 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5352821 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10566E+01  0.16215E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.93533E-01  0.16524E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76158E+00  0.24470E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  78930.1815     24.4209     16.5720
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35223E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  78930.4069     24.6463      0.2254
+                do leaf measurements  78930.4086     24.6480      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  78930.4701     24.7095      0.0615
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5866261 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  78930.4773
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  78930.4834      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.22247E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37257
+                          wsmp solve  78938.4575      7.9802      7.9741
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0600410 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2755580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8086839 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.0185740 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15802.9653612 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2427819 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086801 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4147489 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10207E+01  0.12021E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48168E-01  0.14389E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75990E+00  0.22633E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  78954.9087     24.4314     16.4512
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12556E+01  0.21298E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  78955.1328     24.6555      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  78955.1346     24.6573      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  78955.1960     24.7187      0.0615
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0701174 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  78955.2033
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  78955.2095      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37257
+                          wsmp solve  78963.2005      7.9972      7.9910
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0660849 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2348411 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8025532 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2167699 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15523.7331488 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2422869 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086591 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5716350 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10230E+01  0.13694E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39790E-01  0.14502E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74137E+00  0.23181E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  78979.8085     24.6052     16.6079
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13522E+01  0.31000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  78980.0341     24.8308      0.2256
+                do leaf measurements  78980.0359     24.8326      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  78980.0981     24.8948      0.0622
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0344954 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  78980.1054
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  78980.1116      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37257
+                          wsmp solve  78988.0844      7.9790      7.9727
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0636661 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2394650 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8001590 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1497340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15617.0670014 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2420630 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086432 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5041711 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10226E+01  0.15561E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40032E-01  0.14744E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73262E+00  0.22906E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  79004.6249     24.5195     16.5405
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14289E+01  0.34182E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  79004.8487     24.7433      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  79004.8505     24.7451      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  79004.9119     24.8065      0.0614
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0138252 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  79004.9192
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  79004.9254      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37257
+                          wsmp solve  79012.8931      7.9739      7.9677
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0634849 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2326040 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8099499 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1572900 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15606.4907809 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2426591 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086551 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5150709 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10224E+01  0.17067E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40032E-01  0.14964E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72958E+00  0.22808E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  79029.4449     24.5257     16.5518
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14592E+01  0.35044E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  79029.6687     24.7495      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  79029.6705     24.7513      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  79029.7294     24.8103      0.0590
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0092508 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  79029.7326     24.8134      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  79029.7328     24.8136      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -245429932556522.5 547474487171080.63
+ def in m -7.8389396667480469 0.97742116451263428
+ dimensionless def  -2.34094364302498951E-6 2.23969704764229889E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0229146  0.2233772
+                  Compute divergence  79030.0083     25.0891      0.2755
+                        wsmp_cleanup  79030.0486     25.1294      0.0403
+              Reset surface geometry  79030.0582     25.1390      0.0096
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   79030.0665     25.1473      0.0083
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  79030.0838     25.1646      0.0173
+                   Advect surface  1  79030.0839     25.1648      0.0001
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 1:    9 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  79030.3056     25.3865      0.2217
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  79030.5139     25.5947      0.2082
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  79030.7815     25.8624      0.2677
+                    Advect the cloud  79030.9740     26.0548      0.1924
+                        Write output  79031.9155     26.9963      0.9416
+                    End of time step  79032.8326     27.9134      0.9170
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     490  79032.8328
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  79032.8328      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  79032.8329      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17091points
+                      refine surface  79032.8329      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  79032.8687      0.0360      0.0358
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17091points
+                          surface 02  79032.8938      0.0611      0.0251
+                                                                        S. 2:    17086points
+                      refine surface  79032.8940      0.0612      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  79032.9303      0.0975      0.0363
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17086points
+                          surface 03  79032.9556      0.1228      0.0253
+                                                                        S. 3:    17096points
+                      refine surface  79032.9557      0.1229      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  79032.9948      0.1621      0.0391
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  79033.0287      0.1959      0.0338
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  79033.0649      0.2321      0.0362
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17097points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  79033.0982
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  79033.0984      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  79033.1144      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  79033.1386      0.0405      0.0243
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  79033.1398      0.0416      0.0012
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  79033.1539      0.0558      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  79033.2767      0.1785      0.1227
+             Imbed surface in osolve  79033.5725      0.4743      0.2958
+                embedding surface  1  79033.5727      0.4745      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  79035.7083      2.6102      2.1357
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  79037.9365      4.8383      2.2281
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  79041.6518      8.5536      3.7153
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  79041.6588      8.5606      0.0070
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  79042.2003      9.1021      0.5415
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  79042.3225      9.2243      0.1222
+                           Find void  79042.5948      9.4967      0.2723
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33104
+          Define boundary conditions  79042.6366      9.5385      0.0418
+                         wsmp setup1  79042.6484      9.5502      0.0118
+                                                                        n =   129408
+                                                                        nz=  4979397
+                         wsmp setup2  79043.7915     10.6933      1.1431
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  79043.8515
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  79043.8517      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.79862E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37257
+                          wsmp solve  79051.6470      7.7956      7.7954
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0647540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2246242 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8029311 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1396999 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15631.1340740 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2427421 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085931 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4837492 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10614E+01  0.16031E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.93881E-01  0.16351E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75972E+00  0.24376E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  79068.1673     24.3159     16.5203
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35236E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  79068.3907     24.5392      0.2233
+                do leaf measurements  79068.3924     24.5409      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  79068.4522     24.6008      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5864325 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  79068.4594
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  79068.4654      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.84768E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37257
+                          wsmp solve  79076.5228      8.0634      8.0574
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0597641 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2311108 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8027580 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1621461 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15599.7011520 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2431991 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086181 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5079911 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10215E+01  0.11835E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48269E-01  0.14304E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75826E+00  0.22593E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  79093.0666     24.6072     16.5438
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12553E+01  0.21258E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  79093.2925     24.8331      0.2259
+                do leaf measurements  79093.2942     24.8348      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  79093.3543     24.8950      0.0601
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0741048 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  79093.3614
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  79093.3674      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37257
+                          wsmp solve  79101.3360      7.9746      7.9686
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0635300 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2750549 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8087020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1534500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15611.8638674 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2420270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085981 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5517740 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10238E+01  0.13560E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39798E-01  0.14480E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74048E+00  0.23145E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  79117.9239     24.5624     16.5879
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13496E+01  0.30874E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  79118.1466     24.7852      0.2228
+                do leaf measurements  79118.1484     24.7870      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  79118.2084     24.8470      0.0600
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0343745 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  79118.2155
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  79118.2216      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37257
+                          wsmp solve  79126.2263      8.0107      8.0046
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0612378 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2260070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8020442 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1740990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15583.0142307 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2427919 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086071 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5151908 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10235E+01  0.15444E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40062E-01  0.14731E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73184E+00  0.22887E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  79142.7782     24.5626     16.5519
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14250E+01  0.33932E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  79143.0023     24.7868      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  79143.0041     24.7885      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  79143.0645     24.8490      0.0605
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0138934 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  79143.0717
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  79143.0779      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37257
+                          wsmp solve  79151.0817      8.0100      8.0038
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0609391 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2356181 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8035071 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1581960 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15605.2236107 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2434449 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086250 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5107331 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10228E+01  0.16950E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40067E-01  0.14942E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72888E+00  0.22791E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  79167.6287     24.5570     16.5470
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14551E+01  0.34838E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  79167.8530     24.7812      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  79167.8547     24.7830      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  79167.9122     24.8404      0.0575
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0092507 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  79167.9153     24.8436      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  79167.9155     24.8438      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -245955575954087.5 547997392538689.06
+ def in m -7.8570542335510254 0.98553574085235596
+ dimensionless def  -2.38324471882411405E-6 2.24487263815743584E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0233280  0.2239283
+                  Compute divergence  79168.1916     25.1198      0.2761
+                        wsmp_cleanup  79168.2302     25.1585      0.0386
+              Reset surface geometry  79168.2398     25.1681      0.0096
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   79168.2489     25.1772      0.0091
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  79168.2688     25.1971      0.0199
+                   Advect surface  1  79168.2690     25.1972      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  79168.4757     25.4039      0.2067
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  79168.6996     25.6279      0.2239
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  79168.9711     25.8994      0.2715
+                    Advect the cloud  79169.1604     26.0887      0.1893
+                        Write output  79170.0988     27.0271      0.9384
+                    End of time step  79171.0160     27.9442      0.9172
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     491  79171.0162
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  79171.0163      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  79171.0163      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17091points
+                      refine surface  79171.0163      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  79171.0522      0.0360      0.0359
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17091points
+                          surface 02  79171.0782      0.0620      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 2:    17085points
+                      refine surface  79171.0783      0.0622      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  79171.1167      0.1006      0.0384
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  79171.1472      0.1310      0.0305
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  79171.1832      0.1671      0.0360
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17086points
+                          surface 03  79171.2090      0.1928      0.0257
+                                                                        S. 3:    17097points
+                      refine surface  79171.2091      0.1929      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  79171.2495      0.2334      0.0404
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  79171.2784      0.2622      0.0289
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  79171.3113      0.2951      0.0329
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17099points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  79171.3454
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  79171.3457      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  79171.3616      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  79171.3859      0.0405      0.0243
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  79171.3870      0.0416      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  79171.4012      0.0557      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  79171.5234      0.1780      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  79171.8168      0.4714      0.2935
+                embedding surface  1  79171.8170      0.4716      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  79173.9421      2.5967      2.1251
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  79176.1346      4.7892      2.1925
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  79179.8510      8.5056      3.7164
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  79179.8565      8.5111      0.0055
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  79180.4118      9.0664      0.5553
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  79180.5378      9.1924      0.1260
+                           Find void  79180.8111      9.4657      0.2733
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33104
+          Define boundary conditions  79180.8541      9.5087      0.0429
+                         wsmp setup1  79180.8657      9.5203      0.0116
+                                                                        n =   129408
+                                                                        nz=  4979397
+                         wsmp setup2  79182.0218     10.6764      1.1561
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  79182.0778
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  79182.0779      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.03075E-05  9.94593E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37257
+                          wsmp solve  79189.8914      7.8136      7.8135
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0691240 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2398610 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8024130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1431899 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15626.2385093 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2425649 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086870 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5062630 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10777E+01  0.15974E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.93504E-01  0.16279E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75931E+00  0.24191E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  79206.4348     24.3570     16.5434
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35244E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  79206.6577     24.5800      0.2230
+                do leaf measurements  79206.6595     24.5818      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  79206.7195     24.6417      0.0599
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5873677 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  79206.7266
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  79206.7327      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.14510E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37257
+                          wsmp solve  79214.7028      7.9763      7.9701
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0608270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2484400 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8078601 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1889720 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15562.3003882 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2428880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0087349 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5581260 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10285E+01  0.11784E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48590E-01  0.14167E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75779E+00  0.22551E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  79231.2968     24.5702     16.5939
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12578E+01  0.21388E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  79231.5195     24.7929      0.2227
+                do leaf measurements  79231.5212     24.7946      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  79231.5807     24.8541      0.0595
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0707287 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  79231.5879
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  79231.5940      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37257
+                          wsmp solve  79239.6249      8.0370      8.0309
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0618932 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2423151 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8009140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1886220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15562.7872025 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2435508 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0087030 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5464301 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10241E+01  0.13524E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39711E-01  0.14381E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74027E+00  0.23106E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  79256.2070     24.6192     16.5821
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13501E+01  0.30910E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  79256.4318     24.8439      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  79256.4336     24.8457      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  79256.4933     24.9054      0.0597
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0344201 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  79256.5003
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  79256.5064      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37257
+                          wsmp solve  79264.4808      7.9805      7.9744
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0612092 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2586570 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8023448 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1442530 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15624.7478408 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2422299 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0086899 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5177979 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10236E+01  0.15408E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39888E-01  0.14661E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73168E+00  0.22863E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  79281.0349     24.5345     16.5541
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14240E+01  0.33839E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  79281.2576     24.7573      0.2227
+                do leaf measurements  79281.2594     24.7591      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  79281.3192     24.8188      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0139238 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  79281.3262
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  79281.3324      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37257
+                          wsmp solve  79289.3134      7.9872      7.9810
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0592520 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2244930 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8036420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1564209 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15607.7064574 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2432702 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0087118 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4962411 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10232E+01  0.16913E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39941E-01  0.14892E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72871E+00  0.22774E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  79305.8446     24.5184     16.5312
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14537E+01  0.34799E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  79306.0688     24.7425      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  79306.0705     24.7443      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  79306.1280     24.8017      0.0575
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0092424 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  79306.1311     24.8049      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  79306.1313     24.8051      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -246464414350637.03 548541352868769.81
+ def in m -7.9028711318969727 0.94994854927062988
+ dimensionless def  -2.41294911929539279E-6 2.25796318054199207E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0236201  0.2252710
+                  Compute divergence  79306.4053     25.0791      0.2740
+                        wsmp_cleanup  79306.4450     25.1187      0.0397
+              Reset surface geometry  79306.4542     25.1279      0.0092
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   79306.4622     25.1359      0.0080
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  79306.4799     25.1536      0.0177
+                   Advect surface  1  79306.4800     25.1538      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  79306.6868     25.3606      0.2068
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  79306.8948     25.5685      0.2079
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  79307.1597     25.8334      0.2649
+                    Advect the cloud  79307.3500     26.0238      0.1904
+                        Write output  79308.2942     26.9680      0.9442
+                    End of time step  79309.2104     27.8842      0.9162
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     492  79309.2106
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  79309.2107      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  79309.2107      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17091points
+                      refine surface  79309.2108      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  79309.2445      0.0339      0.0338
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  79309.2754      0.0648      0.0309
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  79309.3084      0.0978      0.0329
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17093points
+                          surface 02  79309.3342      0.1236      0.0258
+                                                                        S. 2:    17086points
+                      refine surface  79309.3343      0.1237      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  79309.3687      0.1581      0.0344
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  79309.4058      0.1952      0.0371
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  79309.4387      0.2281      0.0329
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17088points
+                          surface 03  79309.4654      0.2548      0.0267
+                                                                        S. 3:    17099points
+                      refine surface  79309.4655      0.2549      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  79309.5061      0.2955      0.0406
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  79309.5356      0.3250      0.0295
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  79309.5720      0.3614      0.0364
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17101points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  79309.6042
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  79309.6045      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  79309.6204      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  79309.6451      0.0409      0.0247
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  79309.6462      0.0421      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  79309.6604      0.0562      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  79309.7826      0.1784      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  79310.0800      0.4758      0.2974
+                embedding surface  1  79310.0802      0.4760      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  79312.2245      2.6203      2.1443
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  79314.4521      4.8479      2.2276
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  79318.1724      8.5682      3.7203
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  79318.1779      8.5737      0.0055
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  79318.7187      9.1146      0.5408
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  79318.8015      9.1973      0.0827
+                           Find void  79319.0707      9.4665      0.2692
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33104
+          Define boundary conditions  79319.1102      9.5060      0.0395
+                         wsmp setup1  79319.1235      9.5193      0.0132
+                                                                        n =   129408
+                                                                        nz=  4979397
+                         wsmp setup2  79320.2784     10.6743      1.1550
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  79320.3377
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  79320.3379      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.09226E-05  8.83308E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37257
+                          wsmp solve  79328.1541      7.8164      7.8163
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0687799 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2413540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8021002 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1609781 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15601.3336835 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2431021 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0087190 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5254829 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.11118E+01  0.15970E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.93601E-01  0.16221E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75890E+00  0.24239E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  79344.7161     24.3784     16.5620
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35274E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  79344.9402     24.6025      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  79344.9420     24.6043      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  79345.0024     24.6647      0.0605
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5872533 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  79345.0097
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  79345.0159      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.38587E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37257
+                          wsmp solve  79353.0479      8.0382      8.0320
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0585029 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2363350 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8006811 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1602242 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15602.3875625 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2433231 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0087650 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5082941 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10389E+01  0.11755E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48427E-01  0.14116E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75757E+00  0.22572E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  79369.5926     24.5829     16.5447
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12575E+01  0.21284E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  79369.8175     24.8078      0.2249
+                do leaf measurements  79369.8193     24.8096      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  79369.8797     24.8699      0.0604
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0720632 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  79369.8867
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  79369.8928      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37257
+                          wsmp solve  79377.8627      7.9760      7.9700
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0604122 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2706161 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8077090 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1769450 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15579.0463040 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2433882 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0087621 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5682790 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10244E+01  0.13490E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39569E-01  0.14383E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73984E+00  0.23117E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  79394.4669     24.5802     16.6042
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13489E+01  0.30843E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  79394.6899     24.8032      0.2230
+                do leaf measurements  79394.6917     24.8050      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  79394.7517     24.8650      0.0599
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0345944 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  79394.7588
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  79394.7649      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37257
+                          wsmp solve  79402.7628      8.0040      7.9979
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0620430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2375021 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8020189 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1872652 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15564.6747250 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2428720 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0087800 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5409601 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10240E+01  0.15374E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39836E-01  0.14653E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73136E+00  0.22854E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  79419.3405     24.5817     16.5777
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14229E+01  0.33801E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  79419.5649     24.8061      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  79419.5667     24.8079      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  79419.6271     24.8683      0.0604
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0138212 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  79419.6344
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  79419.6406      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37257
+                          wsmp solve  79427.6113      7.9769      7.9707
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0616040 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2378221 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8098738 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1396360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15631.2237331 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2424221 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0087469 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5005729 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10234E+01  0.16882E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39888E-01  0.14879E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72847E+00  0.22761E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  79444.1478     24.5135     16.5365
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14523E+01  0.34760E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  79444.3712     24.7368      0.2234
+                do leaf measurements  79444.3730     24.7386      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  79444.4303     24.7959      0.0573
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0092342 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  79444.4334     24.7991      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  79444.4336     24.7992      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -246897143895858.75 549144603439052.19
+ def in m -7.9187264442443848 0.92687022686004639
+ dimensionless def  -2.41795318467276437E-6 2.2624932697841099E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0236596  0.2257483
+                  Compute divergence  79444.7105     25.0761      0.2769
+                        wsmp_cleanup  79444.7498     25.1154      0.0393
+              Reset surface geometry  79444.7593     25.1249      0.0095
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   79444.7679     25.1335      0.0086
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  79444.7862     25.1518      0.0183
+                   Advect surface  1  79444.7864     25.1520      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  79444.9932     25.3589      0.2069
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  79445.2036     25.5692      0.2104
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  79445.4744     25.8401      0.2708
+                    Advect the cloud  79445.6675     26.0331      0.1931
+                        Write output  79446.6065     26.9721      0.9389
+                    End of time step  79447.5251     27.8907      0.9186
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     493  79447.5253
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  79447.5254      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  79447.5254      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17093points
+                      refine surface  79447.5255      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  79447.5572      0.0319      0.0317
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  79447.5894      0.0641      0.0323
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  79447.6210      0.0958      0.0316
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17094points
+                          surface 02  79447.6481      0.1228      0.0271
+                                                                        S. 2:    17088points
+                      refine surface  79447.6483      0.1230      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  79447.6816      0.1563      0.0333
+                                                                        S. 2:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  79447.7187      0.1934      0.0371
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  79447.7510      0.2257      0.0323
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17090points
+                          surface 03  79447.7776      0.2523      0.0265
+                                                                        S. 3:    17101points
+                      refine surface  79447.7777      0.2524      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  79447.8140      0.2887      0.0363
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17101points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  79447.8466
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  79447.8469      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  79447.8629      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  79447.8880      0.0414      0.0251
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  79447.8891      0.0424      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  79447.9032      0.0566      0.0141
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  79448.0254      0.1788      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  79448.3205      0.4739      0.2951
+                embedding surface  1  79448.3207      0.4741      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  79450.4555      2.6088      2.1347
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  79452.6623      4.8156      2.2068
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  79456.3685      8.5219      3.7062
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  79456.3775      8.5309      0.0090
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  79456.9174      9.0707      0.5399
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  79457.0419      9.1953      0.1245
+                           Find void  79457.3164      9.4697      0.2745
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33104
+          Define boundary conditions  79457.3597      9.5130      0.0433
+                         wsmp setup1  79457.3716      9.5250      0.0120
+                                                                        n =   129408
+                                                                        nz=  4979397
+                         wsmp setup2  79458.5269     10.6802      1.1553
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  79458.5825
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  79458.5827      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.17835E-05  7.00563E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37257
+                          wsmp solve  79466.3632      7.7807      7.7806
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0698419 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2438331 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8019140 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1312821 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15642.9548561 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2425230 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0087361 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4985640 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10824E+01  0.16042E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.93743E-01  0.16108E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75867E+00  0.24201E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  79482.8976     24.3151     16.5344
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35269E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  79483.1208     24.5382      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements  79483.1225     24.5400      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  79483.1825     24.6000      0.0600
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5876625 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  79483.1900
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  79483.1962      0.0063      0.0063
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.56985E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37257
+                          wsmp solve  79491.1687      7.9787      7.9725
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0599980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2294090 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8026900 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1407349 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15629.6819405 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2424262 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0087459 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.4844420 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10282E+01  0.11804E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48742E-01  0.14048E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75725E+00  0.22531E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  79507.6886     24.4986     16.5199
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12591E+01  0.21416E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  79507.9110     24.7210      0.2224
+                do leaf measurements  79507.9128     24.7229      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  79507.9723     24.7824      0.0595
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0749659 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  79507.9798
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  79507.9860      0.0063      0.0063
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37257
+                          wsmp solve  79516.0390      8.0592      8.0530
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0593290 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2376161 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8014400 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1992769 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15547.9808582 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2432880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0087101 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5500929 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10244E+01  0.13528E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39540E-01  0.14427E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73974E+00  0.23076E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  79532.6250     24.6453     16.5860
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13493E+01  0.30903E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  79532.8492     24.8694      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  79532.8510     24.8713      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  79532.9108     24.9311      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0344747 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  79532.9182
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  79532.9244      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37257
+                          wsmp solve  79540.8994      7.9812      7.9750
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0619819 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2642190 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8077331 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1709180 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15587.4515802 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2423620 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0087550 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5563991 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10240E+01  0.15400E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39891E-01  0.14716E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73132E+00  0.22829E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  79557.4913     24.5731     16.5919
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14231E+01  0.33890E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  79557.7137     24.7955      0.2224
+                do leaf measurements  79557.7155     24.7973      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  79557.7751     24.8570      0.0596
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0139131 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  79557.7825
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  79557.7888      0.0063      0.0063
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5616
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37257
+                          wsmp solve  79565.7921      8.0096      8.0033
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0614700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2430091 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8032720 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1743970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15582.5986289 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2423279 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0087140 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5336251 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10235E+01  0.16902E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39924E-01  0.14941E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72848E+00  0.22743E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  79582.3622     24.5797     16.5701
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14523E+01  0.34823E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  79582.5865     24.8039      0.2243
+                do leaf measurements  79582.5883     24.8058      0.0019
+       compute convergence criterion  79582.6459     24.8634      0.0576
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0092377 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  79582.6494     24.8669      0.0035
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  79582.6496     24.8671      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -247281829066370.97 549774413878411.13
+ def in m -7.9293937683105469 0.90875452756881714
+ dimensionless def  -2.42259928158351352E-6 2.26554107666015622E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0236993  0.2259834
+                  Compute divergence  79582.9214     25.1388      0.2718
+                        wsmp_cleanup  79582.9610     25.1785      0.0396
+              Reset surface geometry  79582.9694     25.1869      0.0085
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   79582.9772     25.1947      0.0078
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  79582.9953     25.2128      0.0181
+                   Advect surface  1  79582.9954     25.2129      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  79583.2004     25.4179      0.2050
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  79583.4100     25.6274      0.2096
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  79583.6773     25.8948      0.2673
+                    Advect the cloud  79583.8681     26.0856      0.1908
+                        Write output  79584.8046     27.0220      0.9365
+                    End of time step  79585.7643     27.9818      0.9597
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     494  79585.7645
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  79585.7646      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  79585.7646      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17094points
+                      refine surface  79585.7647      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  79585.8029      0.0383      0.0382
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  79585.8326      0.0681      0.0297
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  79585.8692      0.1047      0.0366
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17095points
+                          surface 02  79585.8944      0.1299      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 2:    17090points
+                      refine surface  79585.8946      0.1301      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  79585.9338      0.1693      0.0392
+                                                                        S. 2:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  79585.9637      0.1992      0.0299
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  79586.0005      0.2359      0.0368
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17091points
+                          surface 03  79586.0258      0.2613      0.0254
+                                                                        S. 3:    17101points
+                      refine surface  79586.0260      0.2615      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  79586.0626      0.2981      0.0366
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17101points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  79586.0958
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  79586.0961      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  79586.1122      0.0164      0.0161
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  79586.1366      0.0408      0.0244
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  79586.1377      0.0419      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  79586.1520      0.0562      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  79586.2754      0.1796      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  79586.5714      0.4755      0.2959
+                embedding surface  1  79586.5715      0.4757      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  79588.7193      2.6234      2.1477
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  79590.9493      4.8535      2.2301
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  79594.6447      8.5489      3.6954
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  79594.6502      8.5544      0.0055
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  79595.2265      9.1307      0.5763
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  79595.3459      9.2501      0.1194
+                           Find void  79595.6175      9.5217      0.2716
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33104
+          Define boundary conditions  79595.6584      9.5626      0.0409
+                         wsmp setup1  79595.6706      9.5747      0.0122
+                                                                        n =   129414
+                                                                        nz=  4979562
+                         wsmp setup2  79596.8204     10.7246      1.1499
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  79596.8782
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  79596.8784      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5617
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.01459E-05  8.71425E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37258
+                          wsmp solve  79604.7028      7.8245      7.8244
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0674191 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.5533571 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7958241 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2673941 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14858.6561850 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2395880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085571 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9325850 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10147E+01  0.17494E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.92161E-01  0.16811E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75922E+00  0.22797E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  79621.6707     24.7925     16.9680
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35195E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  79621.8952     25.0169      0.2244
+                do leaf measurements  79621.8969     25.0187      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  79621.9573     25.0790      0.0603
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5939456 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  79621.9644
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  79621.9705      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5617
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.01459E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37258
+                          wsmp solve  79629.9722      8.0077      8.0016
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0628130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.5686221 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8082750 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.3392680 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14764.4746541 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2395420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085618 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.0275190 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10199E+01  0.12850E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.50898E-01  0.14628E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76071E+00  0.21927E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  79647.0358     25.0714     17.0637
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12589E+01  0.20162E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  79647.2606     25.2962      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  79647.2624     25.2979      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  79647.3224     25.3580      0.0600
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0791334 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  79647.3294
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  79647.3354      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5617
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37258
+                          wsmp solve  79655.3063      7.9769      7.9708
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0634508 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.5647540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8023291 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2999568 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14815.8384594 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2392600 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085919 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9787679 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10227E+01  0.14317E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.39940E-01  0.14781E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74278E+00  0.22744E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  79672.3214     24.9920     17.0151
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13578E+01  0.31539E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  79672.5449     25.2155      0.2235
+                do leaf measurements  79672.5467     25.2173      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  79672.6065     25.2771      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0346180 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  79672.6136
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  79672.6199      0.0063      0.0063
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5617
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37258
+                          wsmp solve  79680.6359      8.0223      8.0160
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0657220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.5646651 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8001239 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2806079 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14841.2510598 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2398841 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085740 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9600139 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10223E+01  0.16042E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40018E-01  0.15063E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73393E+00  0.22597E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  79697.6314     25.0178     16.9955
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14334E+01  0.34994E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  79697.8555     25.2419      0.2241
+                do leaf measurements  79697.8573     25.2437      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  79697.9177     25.3041      0.0604
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0133674 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  79697.9249
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  79697.9310      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5617
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37258
+                          wsmp solve  79705.8989      7.9741      7.9679
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0620039 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.5780671 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7991030 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2973850 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14819.2112477 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2392590 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085392 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.9847960 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10216E+01  0.17453E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40467E-01  0.15292E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73130E+00  0.22554E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  79722.9192     24.9944     17.0203
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14635E+01  0.35850E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  79723.1423     25.2175      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements  79723.1441     25.2192      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  79723.2014     25.2766      0.0573
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0089291 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  79723.2045     25.2797      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  79723.2047     25.2799      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -247631043676324.84 550426100863921.13
+ def in m -7.9347143173217773 0.89360815286636353
+ dimensionless def  -2.41704549108232764E-6 2.26706123352050783E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0236431  0.2260712
+                  Compute divergence  79723.4810     25.5561      0.2763
+                        wsmp_cleanup  79723.5197     25.5949      0.0387
+              Reset surface geometry  79723.5292     25.6043      0.0095
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   79723.5379     25.6130      0.0087
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  79723.5568     25.6319      0.0189
+                   Advect surface  1  79723.5569     25.6320      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  79723.7604     25.8356      0.2035
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  79723.9697     26.0448      0.2092
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  79724.2388     26.3139      0.2691
+                    Advect the cloud  79724.4280     26.5031      0.1892
+                        Write output  79725.3711     27.4463      0.9432
+                    End of time step  79726.2908     28.3660      0.9197
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     495  79726.2911
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  79726.2911      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  79726.2912      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17095points
+                      refine surface  79726.2912      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  79726.3269      0.0358      0.0357
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17095points
+                          surface 02  79726.3520      0.0610      0.0252
+                                                                        S. 2:    17091points
+                      refine surface  79726.3522      0.0611      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  79726.3907      0.0996      0.0385
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  79726.4207      0.1296      0.0300
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  79726.4575      0.1665      0.0369
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17092points
+                          surface 03  79726.4835      0.1925      0.0260
+                                                                        S. 3:    17101points
+                      refine surface  79726.4837      0.1926      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   2 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  79726.5243      0.2333      0.0407
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  79726.5582      0.2672      0.0339
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  79726.5957      0.3047      0.0375
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17103points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  79726.6280
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  79726.6283      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  79726.6442      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  79726.6689      0.0409      0.0247
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  79726.6700      0.0420      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  79726.6841      0.0562      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  79726.8067      0.1788      0.1226
+             Imbed surface in osolve  79727.1028      0.4749      0.2961
+                embedding surface  1  79727.1030      0.4750      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  79729.2244      2.5964      2.1214
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  79731.4292      4.8012      2.2048
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  79735.1410      8.5130      3.7118
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  79735.1496      8.5216      0.0086
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  79735.7280      9.1000      0.5784
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  79735.8655      9.2376      0.1375
+                           Find void  79736.1351      9.5071      0.2695
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33105
+          Define boundary conditions  79736.1761      9.5481      0.0410
+                         wsmp setup1  79736.1876      9.5596      0.0115
+                                                                        n =   129417
+                                                                        nz=  4979685
+                         wsmp setup2  79737.3403     10.7123      1.1528
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  79737.3963
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  79737.3965      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4646        5618
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00712E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37259
+                          wsmp solve  79745.1861      7.7898      7.7896
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0656161 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2474880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7960122 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1858609 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14915.4924413 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2419131 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085771 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5458832 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10156E+01  0.17621E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.92538E-01  0.17955E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76383E+00  0.24095E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  79761.7673     24.3709     16.5812
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35221E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  79761.9924     24.5961      0.2252
+                do leaf measurements  79761.9942     24.5979      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  79762.0557     24.6594      0.0615
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5878453 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  79762.0628
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  79762.0689      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4646        5618
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00712E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37259
+                          wsmp solve  79770.0471      7.9843      7.9782
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0619030 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2454159 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7992270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2069442 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14887.4322837 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2420442 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085559 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5645509 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10180E+01  0.13175E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.50042E-01  0.15200E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76530E+00  0.22498E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  79786.6486     24.5858     16.6015
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12538E+01  0.20166E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  79786.8751     24.8123      0.2265
+                do leaf measurements  79786.8769     24.8141      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  79786.9391     24.8762      0.0622
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0731116 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  79786.9463
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  79786.9525      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4646        5618
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37259
+                          wsmp solve  79795.0021      8.0558      8.0496
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0643480 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2139990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7972219 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2206910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14869.1933323 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2428300 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085759 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5481119 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10207E+01  0.14491E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40089E-01  0.15283E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74646E+00  0.23116E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  79811.5867     24.6404     16.5846
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13627E+01  0.32121E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  79811.8140     24.8677      0.2273
+                do leaf measurements  79811.8158     24.8695      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  79811.8773     24.9310      0.0615
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0340784 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  79811.8844
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  79811.8904      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4646        5618
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37259
+                          wsmp solve  79819.8632      7.9788      7.9728
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0659389 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2482831 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8033509 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1873250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14913.5403931 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2417772 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085490 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5556700 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10205E+01  0.16152E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40091E-01  0.15453E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73717E+00  0.22894E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  79836.4550     24.5706     16.5918
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14420E+01  0.35734E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  79836.6811     24.7967      0.2261
+                do leaf measurements  79836.6829     24.7985      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  79836.7445     24.8601      0.0616
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0135182 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  79836.7516
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  79836.7577      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4646        5618
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37259
+                          wsmp solve  79844.7593      8.0076      8.0015
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0623279 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2367022 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7984931 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2683358 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14806.3233086 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2421660 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085869 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.6170449 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10201E+01  0.17524E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40549E-01  0.15621E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73395E+00  0.22797E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  79861.4119     24.6603     16.6526
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14727E+01  0.36583E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  79861.6382     24.8866      0.2263
+                do leaf measurements  79861.6400     24.8884      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  79861.6995     24.9479      0.0595
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0091406 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  79861.7027     24.9510      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  79861.7028     24.9512      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -247908980909061.72 551141499395032.5
+ def in m -7.9022250175476074 0.89061146974563599
+ dimensionless def  -2.25658791405814046E-6 2.2577785764421734E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0220069  0.2250853
+                  Compute divergence  79861.9801     25.2285      0.2773
+                        wsmp_cleanup  79862.0199     25.2683      0.0398
+              Reset surface geometry  79862.0276     25.2760      0.0077
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   79862.0357     25.2841      0.0081
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  79862.0533     25.3017      0.0176
+                   Advect surface  1  79862.0535     25.3019      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  79862.2569     25.5053      0.2034
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  79862.4615     25.7099      0.2046
+                                                                        S. 3:    7 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  79862.7301     25.9784      0.2685
+                    Advect the cloud  79862.9286     26.1770      0.1985
+                        Write output  79863.8751     27.1235      0.9465
+                    End of time step  79864.8004     28.0487      0.9253
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     496  79864.8005
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  79864.8006      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  79864.8007      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17095points
+                      refine surface  79864.8007      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  79864.8378      0.0373      0.0371
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17095points
+                          surface 02  79864.8623      0.0617      0.0245
+                                                                        S. 2:    17092points
+                      refine surface  79864.8624      0.0619      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  79864.8993      0.0987      0.0369
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17092points
+                          surface 03  79864.9247      0.1242      0.0254
+                                                                        S. 3:    17103points
+                      refine surface  79864.9249      0.1244      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  79864.9645      0.1639      0.0396
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  79864.9937      0.1932      0.0293
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  79865.0316      0.2311      0.0379
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17104points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  79865.0642
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  79865.0645      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  79865.0806      0.0163      0.0161
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  79865.1048      0.0406      0.0242
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  79865.1059      0.0417      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  79865.1202      0.0560      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  79865.2436      0.1793      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  79865.5396      0.4754      0.2961
+                embedding surface  1  79865.5398      0.4756      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  79867.6896      2.6254      2.1498
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  79869.9304      4.8661      2.2408
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  79873.6329      8.5686      3.7025
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  79873.6401      8.5758      0.0072
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  79874.2290      9.1648      0.5889
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  79874.3115      9.2472      0.0825
+                           Find void  79874.5840      9.5197      0.2725
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33105
+          Define boundary conditions  79874.6273      9.5630      0.0433
+                         wsmp setup1  79874.6393      9.5750      0.0120
+                                                                        n =   129417
+                                                                        nz=  4979685
+                         wsmp setup2  79875.7856     10.7213      1.1463
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  79875.8427
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  79875.8428      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4646        5618
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.03268E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37259
+                          wsmp solve  79883.6730      7.8303      7.8302
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0660961 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2381301 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7981241 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2713418 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14802.3745744 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2419050 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085659 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.6246150 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10164E+01  0.17630E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.91883E-01  0.18282E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76753E+00  0.24588E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  79900.3337     24.4910     16.6607
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35189E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  79900.5591     24.7165      0.2255
+                do leaf measurements  79900.5610     24.7183      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  79900.6213     24.7786      0.0603
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5889117 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  79900.6285
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  79900.6346      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4646        5618
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.03268E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37259
+                          wsmp solve  79908.6159      7.9874      7.9813
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0653560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2166500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7990170 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1740460 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14931.2632773 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2415621 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085540 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5056200 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10173E+01  0.13292E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.49568E-01  0.15405E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76832E+00  0.22689E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  79925.1580     24.5295     16.5421
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12490E+01  0.19981E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  79925.3834     24.7549      0.2254
+                do leaf measurements  79925.3853     24.7568      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  79925.4451     24.8166      0.0598
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0727868 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  79925.4522
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  79925.4583      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4646        5618
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37259
+                          wsmp solve  79933.4260      7.9737      7.9677
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0631902 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2353148 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8039181 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1739728 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14931.3610838 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2417340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085180 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5271022 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10198E+01  0.14586E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40190E-01  0.15305E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74744E+00  0.23253E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  79949.9886     24.5364     16.5626
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13636E+01  0.32300E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  79950.2149     24.7627      0.2264
+                do leaf measurements  79950.2167     24.7645      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  79950.2759     24.8237      0.0592
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0340506 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  79950.2830
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  79950.2891      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4646        5618
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37259
+                          wsmp solve  79958.3324      8.0494      8.0433
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0612330 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2142029 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7981679 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.2357690 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14849.2393172 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2428210 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085568 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5611959 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10197E+01  0.16217E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40295E-01  0.15475E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73831E+00  0.22992E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  79974.9295     24.6465     16.5971
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14458E+01  0.35988E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  79975.1579     24.8749      0.2284
+                do leaf measurements  79975.1597     24.8767      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  79975.2196     24.9366      0.0599
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0136054 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  79975.2267
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  79975.2327      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4646        5618
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37259
+                          wsmp solve  79983.2038      7.9771      7.9711
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0616870 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2361879 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7977791 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        11.1670702 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14940.5905975 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2414129 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085590 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.5131469 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10194E+01  0.17573E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40352E-01  0.15633E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73497E+00  0.22864E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  79999.7540     24.5273     16.5501
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14771E+01  0.36797E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  79999.9791     24.7524      0.2251
+                do leaf measurements  79999.9809     24.7542      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  80000.0382     24.8115      0.0572
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0092061 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  80000.0413     24.8146      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  80000.0414     24.8148      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -248252122334598. 551784215104786.75
+ def in m -7.9253144264221191 0.8845977783203125
+ dimensionless def  -2.28229250226702021E-6 2.26437555040632E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0222583  0.2256981
+                  Compute divergence  80000.3178     25.0912      0.2764
+                        wsmp_cleanup  80000.3566     25.1299      0.0388
+              Reset surface geometry  80000.3665     25.1399      0.0099
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   80000.3756     25.1489      0.0091
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  80000.3942     25.1675      0.0186
+                   Advect surface  1  80000.3943     25.1676      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  80000.5990     25.3723      0.2047
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  80000.8086     25.5819      0.2096
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  80001.0999     25.8732      0.2912
+                    Advect the cloud  80001.2949     26.0682      0.1950
+                        Write output  80002.2354     27.0087      0.9406
+                    End of time step  80003.1930     27.9663      0.9576
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     497  80003.1932
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  80003.1933      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  80003.1933      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17095points
+                      refine surface  80003.1934      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  80003.2319      0.0387      0.0385
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  80003.2633      0.0701      0.0314
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  80003.3006      0.1074      0.0374
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17096points
+                          surface 02  80003.3274      0.1342      0.0268
+                                                                        S. 2:    17092points
+                      refine surface  80003.3276      0.1344      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 2:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  80003.3670      0.1738      0.0394
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  80003.3986      0.2053      0.0315
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  80003.4360      0.2428      0.0374
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17093points
+                          surface 03  80003.4628      0.2696      0.0268
+                                                                        S. 3:    17103points
+                      refine surface  80003.4630      0.2698      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  80003.5053      0.3121      0.0423
+                                                                        S. 3:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  80003.5343      0.3411      0.0290
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  80003.5709      0.3777      0.0366
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17106points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  80003.6038
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  80003.6041      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  80003.6200      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  80003.6449      0.0411      0.0249
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  80003.6460      0.0422      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  80003.6602      0.0564      0.0142
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  80003.7824      0.1786      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  80004.0791      0.4753      0.2967
+                embedding surface  1  80004.0793      0.4755      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  80006.2140      2.6102      2.1347
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  80008.4491      4.8453      2.2351
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  80012.1548      8.5510      3.7057
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  80012.1603      8.5565      0.0055
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  80012.7071      9.1033      0.5468
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  80012.8436      9.2398      0.1365
+                           Find void  80013.1139      9.5100      0.2703
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33106
+          Define boundary conditions  80013.1553      9.5515      0.0414
+                         wsmp setup1  80013.1667      9.5629      0.0114
+                                                                        n =   129420
+                                                                        nz=  4979808
+                         wsmp setup2  80014.3164     10.7125      1.1497
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  80014.3732
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  80014.3734      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5618
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.01191E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37260
+                          wsmp solve  80022.1628      7.7896      7.7895
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0699310 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1157200 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8031211 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.8855200 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15860.0449240 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2415349 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083070 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1245680 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10579E+01  0.16476E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.91174E-01  0.17266E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76677E+00  0.24987E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  80038.3252     23.9520     16.1624
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35168E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  80038.5480     24.1748      0.2228
+                do leaf measurements  80038.5498     24.1766      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  80038.6094     24.2362      0.0596
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5820019 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  80038.6165
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  80038.6225      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5618
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.01191E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37260
+                          wsmp solve  80046.6281      8.0116      8.0056
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0618720 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.0921018 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7986841 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.8299181 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15941.4719111 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2420912 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082519 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.0333629 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10200E+01  0.12338E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48147E-01  0.14961E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76480E+00  0.22833E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  80062.6989     24.0824     16.0708
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12438E+01  0.20887E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  80062.9226     24.3061      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  80062.9245     24.3079      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  80062.9848     24.3682      0.0603
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0658720 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  80062.9921
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  80062.9983      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5618
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37260
+                          wsmp solve  80071.0059      8.0138      8.0076
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0634680 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1141882 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7988820 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.8989320 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15840.5278830 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2415700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083282 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1257942 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10221E+01  0.13908E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40496E-01  0.15122E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74347E+00  0.23251E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  80087.1692     24.1771     16.1633
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13480E+01  0.30990E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  80087.3929     24.4007      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  80087.3946     24.4025      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  80087.4546     24.4625      0.0600
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0341814 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  80087.4618
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  80087.4679      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5618
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37260
+                          wsmp solve  80095.4375      7.9757      7.9696
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0604780 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1034451 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8055360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.8467331 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15916.7589394 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2412789 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083051 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.0662141 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10219E+01  0.15730E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40735E-01  0.15311E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73456E+00  0.22983E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  80111.5420     24.0801     16.1044
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14286E+01  0.34546E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  80111.7650     24.3032      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements  80111.7668     24.3050      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  80111.8265     24.3646      0.0596
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0137937 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  80111.8337
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  80111.8398      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5618
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37260
+                          wsmp solve  80119.8694      8.0357      8.0296
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0617599 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1102910 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7971060 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.8454700 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15918.6127200 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2420781 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083880 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.0655210 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10216E+01  0.17159E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40740E-01  0.15491E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73129E+00  0.22873E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  80135.9728     24.1391     16.1034
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14592E+01  0.35407E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  80136.1970     24.3633      0.2242
+                do leaf measurements  80136.1988     24.3651      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  80136.2562     24.4225      0.0574
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0093566 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  80136.2593     24.4256      0.0032
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  80136.2595     24.4258      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -248573990195755.88 552434686487999.88
+ def in m -7.9465718269348145 0.87851607799530029
+ dimensionless def  -2.30980719838823624E-6 2.27044909340994692E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0225260  0.2262885
+                  Compute divergence  80136.5368     24.7031      0.2773
+                        wsmp_cleanup  80136.5754     24.7417      0.0386
+              Reset surface geometry  80136.5853     24.7516      0.0100
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   80136.5944     24.7607      0.0091
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  80136.6142     24.7805      0.0197
+                   Advect surface  1  80136.6143     24.7806      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  80136.8209     24.9872      0.2066
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  80137.0303     25.1966      0.2093
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  80137.2995     25.4658      0.2692
+                    Advect the cloud  80137.4926     25.6588      0.1931
+                        Write output  80138.4399     26.6061      0.9473
+                    End of time step  80139.3664     27.5326      0.9265
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     498  80139.3666
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  80139.3667      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  80139.3667      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17096points
+                      refine surface  80139.3668      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  80139.4020      0.0354      0.0352
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17096points
+                          surface 02  80139.4269      0.0603      0.0249
+                                                                        S. 2:    17093points
+                      refine surface  80139.4270      0.0605      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   4 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  80139.4693      0.1027      0.0422
+                                                                        S. 2:    6 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  80139.5035      0.1369      0.0343
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  80139.5413      0.1747      0.0378
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17097points
+                          surface 03  80139.5655      0.1989      0.0243
+                                                                        S. 3:    17106points
+                      refine surface  80139.5657      0.1991      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  80139.6056      0.2390      0.0399
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  80139.6357      0.2691      0.0300
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  80139.6737      0.3071      0.0380
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17107points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  80139.7077
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  80139.7080      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  80139.7241      0.0163      0.0161
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  80139.7481      0.0404      0.0240
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  80139.7492      0.0415      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  80139.7635      0.0558      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  80139.8869      0.1792      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  80140.1832      0.4754      0.2963
+                embedding surface  1  80140.1833      0.4756      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  80142.3356      2.6279      2.1523
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  80144.5592      4.8514      2.2236
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  80148.3071      8.5994      3.7480
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  80148.3165      8.6087      0.0093
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  80148.8850      9.1773      0.5686
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  80148.9680      9.2603      0.0830
+                           Find void  80149.2381      9.5304      0.2702
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33106
+          Define boundary conditions  80149.2795      9.5718      0.0414
+                         wsmp setup1  80149.2918      9.5841      0.0123
+                                                                        n =   129420
+                                                                        nz=  4979808
+                         wsmp setup2  80150.4389     10.7312      1.1471
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  80150.5004
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  80150.5006      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5618
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.05634E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37260
+                          wsmp solve  80158.3882      7.8878      7.8876
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0678861 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1058888 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7977381 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.8586161 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15899.3405899 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2422881 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082698 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.0811150 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.11107E+01  0.16166E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.89803E-01  0.17172E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76169E+00  0.24644E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  80174.5061     24.0057     16.1179
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35197E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  80174.7323     24.2318      0.2262
+                do leaf measurements  80174.7340     24.2336      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  80174.7955     24.2951      0.0615
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5816994 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  80174.8026
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  80174.8086      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5618
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.05634E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37260
+                          wsmp solve  80182.7848      7.9822      7.9762
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0616128 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1368029 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7989399 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.8723049 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15879.3224853 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2413361 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082409 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1196718 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10309E+01  0.11912E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48848E-01  0.14902E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76068E+00  0.22512E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  80198.9421     24.1395     16.1573
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12480E+01  0.20678E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  80199.1658     24.3632      0.2237
+                do leaf measurements  80199.1676     24.3650      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  80199.2291     24.4265      0.0615
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0679362 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  80199.2362
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  80199.2423      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5618
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37260
+                          wsmp solve  80207.2451      8.0089      8.0028
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0634379 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1157961 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8017330 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.8317180 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15938.8230414 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2412760 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0082211 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.0626180 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10235E+01  0.13558E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40598E-01  0.15029E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74087E+00  0.23063E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  80223.3456     24.1094     16.1004
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13403E+01  0.30407E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  80223.5709     24.3347      0.2253
+                do leaf measurements  80223.5727     24.3364      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  80223.6350     24.3988      0.0623
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0347029 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  80223.6422
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  80223.6484      0.0062      0.0062
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5618
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37260
+                          wsmp solve  80231.6631      8.0209      8.0147
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0657799 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1232791 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7981579 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.9011581 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15837.2931051 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2418361 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0083060 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.1389482 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10232E+01  0.15447E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40878E-01  0.15199E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73211E+00  0.22841E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  80247.8400     24.1978     16.1769
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14177E+01  0.33901E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  80248.0648     24.4226      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  80248.0666     24.4244      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  80248.1281     24.4859      0.0615
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0137768 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  80248.1352
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  80248.1413      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5618
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37260
+                          wsmp solve  80256.1110      7.9758      7.9697
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0615101 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1135640 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8029001 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        10.8517501 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15909.4002139 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2412271 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0081720 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           16.0795760 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10229E+01  0.16906E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.40864E-01  0.15356E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72921E+00  0.22757E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  80272.2279     24.0927     16.1169
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14485E+01  0.34825E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  80272.4509     24.3157      0.2230
+                do leaf measurements  80272.4527     24.3175      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  80272.5118     24.3766      0.0591
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0092276 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  80272.5149     24.3797      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  80272.5150     24.3798      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -248868815022980.22 553083328876753.88
+ def in m -7.9900021553039551 0.86450791358947754
+ dimensionless def  -2.45224561010088254E-6 2.28285775865827308E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0239952  0.2275281
+                  Compute divergence  80272.7882     24.6530      0.2732
+                        wsmp_cleanup  80272.8294     24.6942      0.0411
+              Reset surface geometry  80272.8382     24.7029      0.0088
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   80272.8464     24.7112      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  80272.8646     24.7294      0.0182
+                   Advect surface  1  80272.8648     24.7296      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  80273.0746     24.9394      0.2099
+                                                                        removing   1 particle from surface
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  80273.2960     25.1608      0.2213
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  80273.5664     25.4312      0.2704
+                    Advect the cloud  80273.7576     25.6224      0.1913
+                        Write output  80274.7014     26.5662      0.9438
+                    End of time step  80275.6202     27.4850      0.9188
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     499  80275.6204
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  80275.6205      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  80275.6205      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17096points
+                      refine surface  80275.6206      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  80275.6594      0.0390      0.0388
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  80275.6897      0.0693      0.0303
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  80275.7272      0.1068      0.0375
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17097points
+                          surface 02  80275.7518      0.1314      0.0246
+                                                                        S. 2:    17096points
+                      refine surface  80275.7519      0.1315      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  80275.7895      0.1691      0.0376
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17096points
+                          surface 03  80275.8142      0.1938      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 3:    17107points
+                      refine surface  80275.8144      0.1940      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  80275.8521      0.2317      0.0378
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17107points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  80275.8851
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  80275.8854      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  80275.9013      0.0162      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  80275.9258      0.0406      0.0244
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  80275.9269      0.0418      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  80275.9412      0.0561      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  80276.0634      0.1783      0.1222
+             Imbed surface in osolve  80276.3592      0.4740      0.2958
+                embedding surface  1  80276.3593      0.4742      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  80278.5090      2.6239      2.1497
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  80280.7419      4.8568      2.2329
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  80284.4300      8.5449      3.6881
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  80284.4355      8.5504      0.0055
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  80285.0149      9.1297      0.5793
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  80285.1283      9.2431      0.1134
+                           Find void  80285.3981      9.5130      0.2699
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33106
+          Define boundary conditions  80285.4398      9.5547      0.0417
+                         wsmp setup1  80285.4530      9.5679      0.0132
+                                                                        n =   129429
+                                                                        nz=  4980096
+                         wsmp setup2  80286.5995     10.7144      1.1465
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  80286.6585
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  80286.6586      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5617
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00508E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37262
+                          wsmp solve  80294.4512      7.7928      7.7926
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0697272 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3409350 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8021052 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.3249590 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14380.4927382 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2389770 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084851 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.7856102 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10139E+01  0.15913E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.91144E-01  0.16490E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76024E+00  0.24971E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  80312.2743     25.6158     17.8230
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35256E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  80312.4973     25.8389      0.2231
+                do leaf measurements  80312.4991     25.8406      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  80312.5602     25.9017      0.0611
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5841869 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  80312.5673
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  80312.5733      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5617
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00508E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37262
+                          wsmp solve  80320.5910      8.0237      8.0176
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0625091 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3529282 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7951791 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.3064251 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14402.1503082 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2390499 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085459 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.7650888 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10213E+01  0.11702E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.48317E-01  0.14507E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.75950E+00  0.22836E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  80338.3933     25.8260     17.8023
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12443E+01  0.20814E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  80338.6171     26.0498      0.2238
+                do leaf measurements  80338.6188     26.0515      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  80338.6796     26.1123      0.0608
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0749786 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  80338.6868
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  80338.6929      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5617
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37262
+                          wsmp solve  80346.6584      7.9716      7.9656
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0650651 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3949878 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7958000 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.4051180 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14287.5693832 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2383718 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084672 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.9082382 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10232E+01  0.13344E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41192E-01  0.14796E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74058E+00  0.23301E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  80364.6040     25.9172     17.9456
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13386E+01  0.30349E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  80364.8273     26.1405      0.2233
+                do leaf measurements  80364.8291     26.1422      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  80364.8892     26.2024      0.0601
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0345375 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  80364.8962
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  80364.9022      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5617
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37262
+                          wsmp solve  80372.8724      7.9763      7.9702
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0640810 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3828990 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8007212 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.3207669 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14385.3856693 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2389510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084419 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.8163328 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10231E+01  0.15210E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41325E-01  0.14999E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73172E+00  0.23041E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  80390.7264     25.8303     17.8540
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14147E+01  0.33578E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  80390.9490     26.0528      0.2226
+                do leaf measurements  80390.9508     26.0546      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  80391.0109     26.1147      0.0602
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0136388 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  80391.0180
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  80391.0240      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4647        5617
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37262
+                          wsmp solve  80399.0590      8.0410      8.0350
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0627029 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.3274858 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7951040 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.3102131 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14397.7186006 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2393081 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085049 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           17.7437558 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10225E+01  0.16691E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.41123E-01  0.15201E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72869E+00  0.22934E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  80416.8394     25.8215     17.7804
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14451E+01  0.34550E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  80417.0642     26.0463      0.2248
+                do leaf measurements  80417.0660     26.0480      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  80417.1241     26.1062      0.0581
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0090933 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  80417.1273     26.1093      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  80417.1275     26.1095      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -249090820629332.31 553790771159128.81
+ def in m -7.9967832565307617 0.87885218858718872
+ dimensionless def  -2.5110062531062534E-6 2.28479521615164614E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0246030  0.2277185
+                  Compute divergence  80417.4006     26.3827      0.2732
+                        wsmp_cleanup  80417.4397     26.4217      0.0390
+              Reset surface geometry  80417.4471     26.4291      0.0074
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   80417.4553     26.4373      0.0082
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  80417.4729     26.4549      0.0177
+                   Advect surface  1  80417.4731     26.4551      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  80417.6806     26.6626      0.2075
+                                                                        S. 2:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  80417.8900     26.8721      0.2095
+                                                                        S. 3:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  80418.1610     27.1430      0.2710
+                    Advect the cloud  80418.3551     27.3371      0.1940
+                        Write output  80419.2988     28.2808      0.9437
+                    End of time step  80420.2273     29.2093      0.9285
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step     500  80420.2275
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces  80420.2276      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01  80420.2276      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    17097points
+                      refine surface  80420.2277      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  80420.2630      0.0355      0.0353
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    17097points
+                          surface 02  80420.2877      0.0602      0.0247
+                                                                        S. 2:    17096points
+                      refine surface  80420.2879      0.0604      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 2:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  80420.3245      0.0969      0.0366
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    17096points
+                          surface 03  80420.3500      0.1225      0.0255
+                                                                        S. 3:    17107points
+                      refine surface  80420.3501      0.1226      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 3:   3 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  80420.3923      0.1648      0.0422
+                                                                        S. 3:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface  80420.4293      0.2018      0.0370
+                                                                        S. 3:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay  80420.4671      0.2396      0.0379
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    17110points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1  80420.4994
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve  80420.4997      0.0003      0.0003
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                T
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  T
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+                                                                        grid conv reached
+                                                                        +++++++++++++++++
+        compute ref. criterion on ov  80420.5159      0.0165      0.0162
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion  80420.5400      0.0406      0.0241
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Improve osolve for imposed boxes  80420.5411      0.0417      0.0011
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+    Smoothen octree after refinement  80420.5554      0.0560      0.0143
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   50016
+                   Build osolve icon  80420.6788      0.1794      0.1234
+             Imbed surface in osolve  80420.9740      0.4746      0.2952
+                embedding surface  1  80420.9742      0.4748      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54720
+                embedding surface  2  80423.1202      2.6208      2.1460
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   59424
+                embedding surface  3  80425.3628      4.8633      2.2425
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   64128
+          Assessing octree stability  80429.0630      8.5636      3.7003
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    50016 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    64128 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud  80429.0705      8.5711      0.0075
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve  80429.6330      9.1336      0.5625
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces  80429.7160      9.2166      0.0830
+                           Find void  80429.9871      9.4877      0.2711
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    33107
+          Define boundary conditions  80430.0289      9.5295      0.0418
+                         wsmp setup1  80430.0406      9.5412      0.0117
+                                                                        n =   129432
+                                                                        nz=  4980219
+                         wsmp setup2  80431.1917     10.6922      1.1510
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1  80431.2507
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  80431.2508      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4648        5617
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00581E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37263
+                          wsmp solve  80439.1207      7.8701      7.8699
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0642600 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1927860 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7979419 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.0546520 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13457.7930609 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2488310 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085189 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.3676960 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10140E+01  0.16175E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.92961E-01  0.17570E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76101E+00  0.24742E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  80457.5268     26.2762     18.4061
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.35245E+00  0.00000E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  80457.7526     26.5019      0.2258
+                do leaf measurements  80457.7544     26.5037      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  80457.8163     26.5656      0.0619
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.5829313 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      2  80457.8235
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  80457.8296      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4648        5617
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00581E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37263
+                          wsmp solve  80465.8014      7.9780      7.9718
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0656130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2009439 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7987139 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.9759278 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13539.4406531 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2481220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085220 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.2982349 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10210E+01  0.11896E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.47971E-01  0.14830E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.76021E+00  0.22795E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  80484.1378     26.3144     18.3364
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12472E+01  0.20572E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  80484.3624     26.5390      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  80484.3642     26.5407      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  80484.4255     26.6020      0.0613
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0723162 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      3  80484.4326
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  80484.4386      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4648        5617
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37263
+                          wsmp solve  80492.4077      7.9751      7.9691
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0635788 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.1970038 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.8011560 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.9806769 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13534.4871663 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2484250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085840 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.2998750 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10232E+01  0.13461E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42201E-01  0.15025E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74157E+00  0.23337E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  80510.7444     26.3118     18.3367
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.13401E+01  0.30518E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  80510.9690     26.5364      0.2246
+                do leaf measurements  80510.9707     26.5381      0.0017
+       compute convergence criterion  80511.0320     26.5994      0.0613
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0345853 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      4  80511.0391
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  80511.0451      0.0060      0.0060
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4648        5617
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37263
+                          wsmp solve  80519.0814      8.0424      8.0363
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0655131 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2022939 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7977300 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        13.0644672 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13447.6823427 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2484300 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0084672 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.3873110 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10228E+01  0.15302E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42334E-01  0.15212E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.73253E+00  0.23074E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  80537.5075     26.4684     18.4260
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14162E+01  0.33826E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  80537.7330     26.6940      0.2256
+                do leaf measurements  80537.7348     26.6958      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  80537.7967     26.7576      0.0618
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0137979 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      5  80537.8039
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system  80537.8100      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        4648        5617
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.00000E+01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     37263
+                          wsmp solve  80545.7767      7.9728      7.9667
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0620909 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               4.2181361 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.7985451 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:        12.9675939 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13548.1420850 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.2480650 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0085609 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:           18.3033969 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10222E+01  0.16756E+00
+                                                                        v : -0.42014E-01  0.15400E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.72955E+00  0.22946E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures  80564.1178     26.3139     18.3411
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.14468E+01  0.34809E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures  80564.3425     26.5387      0.2247
+                do leaf measurements  80564.3443     26.5405      0.0018
+       compute convergence criterion  80564.4032     26.5994      0.0589
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0090214 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube  80564.4063     26.6025      0.0031
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical  80564.4065     26.6026      0.0002
+ hx,dh,xk,d 2800000. 5479.4520547945203 29430. 7.11111111111111176E+22
+ poids -249345826326979.53 554483655723718.38
+ def in m -8.0251245498657227 0.91953939199447632
+ dimensionless def  -2.62725540569850375E-6 2.29289272853306348E-5
+                                                                        Isostatic velocity range = -0.0257912  0.2285242
+                  Compute divergence  80564.6855     26.8817      0.2791
+                        wsmp_cleanup  80564.7253     26.9215      0.0398
+              Reset surface geometry  80564.7357     26.9318      0.0103
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations   80564.7446     26.9408      0.0089
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces  80564.7632     26.9593      0.0186
+                   Advect surface  1  80564.7634     26.9595      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  2  80564.9708     27.1670      0.2075
+                                                                        S. 2:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 2:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                   Advect surface  3  80565.1808     27.3770      0.2100
+                                                                        S. 3:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 3:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                 Update cloud fields  80565.4404     27.6366      0.2596
+                    Advect the cloud  80565.6324     27.8285      0.1920
+                        Write output  80566.5766     28.7728      0.9442
+                    End of time step  80567.5012     29.6973      0.9246
+                          End of run  80567.5013     29.6975      0.0001
diff --git a/test/stdout_vM_lvl5.txt b/test/stdout_vM_lvl5.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dbacc19748c16492cfcebf5be7f7159e94127b6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/stdout_vM_lvl5.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,4229 @@
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ program called with no argument
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Computations  Total time   Step time   Increment
+                       Reading Input      0.0009      0.0009      0.0009
+                       Problem Setup      6.9290      6.9290      6.9280
+                     define surfaces      6.9290      6.9290      0.0000
+                          surface 01      6.9290      6.9290      0.0000
+                        define cloud      6.9421      6.9421      0.0130
+              define velocity octree      6.9422      6.9422      0.0001
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step       1      7.0615
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces      7.0624      0.0009      0.0009
+                          surface 01      7.0624      0.0010      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+                      refine surface      7.0624      0.0010      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay      7.0673      0.0058      0.0048
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1      7.0714
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve      7.0714      0.0000      0.0000
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                F
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct F
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  F
+        compute ref. criterion on ov      7.0872      0.0158      0.0158
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion      7.0963      0.0250      0.0092
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   0.000000E+00
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=      -Infinity
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Smoothen octree after refinement      7.0967      0.0253      0.0004
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+                   Build osolve icon      7.1677      0.0963      0.0710
+             Imbed surface in osolve      7.2725      0.2011      0.1049
+                embedding surface  1      7.2726      0.2012      0.0001
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   39936
+          Assessing octree stability      8.9183      1.8469      1.6457
+                                                                        current refine level     5
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=        0 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    32768 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=        0 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    39936 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  F
+                     Change 3D cloud      8.9213      1.8499      0.0030
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve     10.3643      3.2929      1.4430
+                                                                        ov%pressure:      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure:  0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces     10.4800      3.4087      0.1157
+                           Find void     10.6134      3.5420      0.1333
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid     3072
+          Define boundary conditions     10.6217      3.5503      0.0083
+                         wsmp setup1     10.6248      3.5535      0.0032
+                                                                        n =    35151
+                                                                        nz=  1198722
+                         wsmp setup2     10.8553      3.7839      0.2304
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1     10.8648
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system     10.8649      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)         917        1083
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.22294E-04  1.30880E+03
+                                                                        viscosity capped in      7168
+                          wsmp solve     13.2342      2.3694      2.3693
+  ************************************************************************
+       CONTAINS Runtime Modules of Watson Sparse Matrix Package V 9.1.7.
+        (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 1997, 2008.  All Rights Reserved.
+WARNING**: The environment variable MALLOC_TRIM_THRESHOLD_
+is not set. This may adversely affect the performance of
+WSMP. Please refer to WSMP documentation for more details.
+WARNING**: The environment variable MALLOC_MMAP_MAX_ is
+not set. This may adversely affect the performance of WSMP
+Please refer to WSMP documentation for more details.
+  ************************************************************************
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.4264500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               0.6810880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.1536419 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:         0.4089160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            11735.2406520 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.0150051 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0019119 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:            1.6873171 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.15175E+00  0.13100E+01
+                                                                        v : -0.12328E+00  0.65164E+01
+                                                                        w : -0.55999E-01  0.16432E+01
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures     14.9269      4.0621      1.6927
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.90782E+05  0.75862E+05
+                 Smoothing pressures     14.9875      4.1227      0.0606
+                                                                        smooth pressures : -0.13110E+05  0.48234E+04
+                do leaf measurements     14.9935      4.1286      0.0060
+       compute convergence criterion     15.0151      4.1503      0.0217
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 3.2582059 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> F
+                                                                        current_level -> 5
+                    slicing the cube     15.0168      4.1520      0.0017
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical     15.0169      4.1520      0.0001
+                  Compute divergence     15.0169      4.1520      0.0000
+                        wsmp_cleanup     15.0258      4.1610      0.0089
+              Reset surface geometry     15.0278      4.1629      0.0020
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations      15.0284      4.1636      0.0006
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces     15.1829      4.3181      0.1545
+                   Advect surface  1     15.1830      4.3181      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   11 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                    Erode surface  1     15.2303      4.3655      0.0473
+                 Update cloud fields     46.0719     35.2071     30.8416
+                    Advect the cloud     46.4870     35.6221      0.4150
+                        Write output     48.8053     37.9405      2.3184
+                    End of time step     49.8742     39.0093      1.0688
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step       2     49.8742
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces     49.8742      0.0000      0.0000
+                          surface 01     49.8742      0.0000      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+                      refine surface     49.8743      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay     49.8788      0.0046      0.0046
+                                                                        S. 1:   36 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1     49.8835
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve     49.8836      0.0000      0.0000
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                F
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct F
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             F
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  F
+        compute ref. criterion on ov     49.8994      0.0158      0.0158
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion     49.9100      0.0265      0.0107
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   9.026395E+01
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   9.026395E+01
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Smoothen octree after refinement     49.9147      0.0312      0.0046
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+                   Build osolve icon     49.9857      0.1022      0.0710
+             Imbed surface in osolve     50.0881      0.2046      0.1023
+                embedding surface  1     50.0881      0.2046      0.0001
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   39936
+          Assessing octree stability     51.7601      1.8766      1.6720
+                                                                        current refine level     5
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    32768 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    32768 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    39936 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    39936 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud     51.7627      1.8792      0.0026
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve     53.0325      3.1490      1.2698
+                                                                        ov%pressure:     -0.1850E+05 0.1333E+05
+                                                                        osolve%pressure: -0.1311E+05 0.4823E+04
+                      Find bad faces     53.2420      3.3584      0.2094
+                           Find void     53.3753      3.4918      0.1333
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid     3072
+          Define boundary conditions     53.3832      3.4997      0.0080
+                         wsmp setup1     53.3865      3.5030      0.0032
+                                                                        n =    35151
+                                                                        nz=  1198722
+                         wsmp setup2     53.6183      3.7348      0.2318
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1     53.6285
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system     53.6286      0.0000      0.0000
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)         917        1083
+                                                                        viscosity range   9.63581E-05  6.27944E-01
+                                                                        viscosity capped in      7168
+                          wsmp solve     56.0127      2.3842      2.3842
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0730410 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               0.6769719 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.1534011 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:         0.4040279 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            11877.2173027 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.0147259 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0019500 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:            1.3243999 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.18242E-04  0.10942E+01
+                                                                        v : -0.11415E+00  0.15268E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.52912E-01  0.76303E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures     57.3426      3.7141      1.3298
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.38678E+00  0.14668E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures     57.4039      3.7754      0.0613
+                                                                        smooth pressures : -0.11488E+00  0.90245E-03
+                do leaf measurements     57.4099      3.7814      0.0060
+       compute convergence criterion     57.4323      3.8037      0.0224
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 3.1911487 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 5
+                    slicing the cube     57.4339      3.8053      0.0016
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical     57.4339      3.8054      0.0001
+                  Compute divergence     57.4339      3.8054      0.0000
+                        wsmp_cleanup     57.4429      3.8143      0.0089
+              Reset surface geometry     57.4450      3.8165      0.0022
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations      57.4458      3.8173      0.0008
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces     57.6060      3.9775      0.1602
+                   Advect surface  1     57.6061      3.9775      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                    Erode surface  1     57.6504      4.0219      0.0443
+                 Update cloud fields     83.4390     29.8105     25.7886
+                    Advect the cloud     83.8666     30.2381      0.4276
+                        Write output     86.2290     32.6004      2.3624
+                    End of time step     87.3195     33.6910      1.0906
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step       3     87.3196
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces     87.3196      0.0000      0.0000
+                          surface 01     87.3197      0.0000      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+                      refine surface     87.3197      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay     87.3245      0.0049      0.0048
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1     87.3295
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve     87.3296      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                F
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct F
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             F
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  F
+        compute ref. criterion on ov     87.3454      0.0159      0.0158
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion     87.3565      0.0269      0.0111
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   4.351508E+01
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   1.302893E+01
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Smoothen octree after refinement     87.3610      0.0315      0.0046
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+                   Build osolve icon     87.4320      0.1024      0.0710
+             Imbed surface in osolve     87.5325      0.2030      0.1005
+                embedding surface  1     87.5326      0.2030      0.0001
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   39936
+          Assessing octree stability     89.2035      1.8740      1.6710
+                                                                        current refine level     5
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    32768 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    32768 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    39936 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    39936 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud     89.2065      1.8770      0.0030
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve     90.4735      3.1439      1.2670
+                                                                        ov%pressure:     -0.1343E+00 0.6504E-02
+                                                                        osolve%pressure: -0.1149E+00 0.9024E-03
+                      Find bad faces     90.6757      3.3461      0.2022
+                           Find void     90.8090      3.4795      0.1333
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid     3072
+          Define boundary conditions     90.8169      3.4874      0.0079
+                         wsmp setup1     90.8203      3.4908      0.0034
+                                                                        n =    35151
+                                                                        nz=  1198722
+                         wsmp setup2     91.0515      3.7220      0.2312
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1     91.0617
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system     91.0617      0.0000      0.0000
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)         917        1083
+                                                                        viscosity range   6.43125E-04  9.59614E+00
+                                                                        viscosity capped in      7168
+                          wsmp solve     93.4024      2.3407      2.3407
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0795159 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               0.6805451 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.1520360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:         0.4030600 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            11905.7413517 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.0148430 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0020211 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:            1.3323109 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.63225E-06  0.10127E+01
+                                                                        v : -0.13552E+00  0.16205E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.26949E-01  0.58584E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures     94.7403      3.6786      1.3379
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.29642E+00  0.79373E-01
+                 Smoothing pressures     94.8019      3.7402      0.0616
+                                                                        smooth pressures : -0.10843E+00  0.00000E+00
+                do leaf measurements     94.8079      3.7463      0.0060
+       compute convergence criterion     94.8301      3.7684      0.0222
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.2976647 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 5
+                    slicing the cube     94.8318      3.7701      0.0017
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical     94.8318      3.7702      0.0001
+                  Compute divergence     94.8319      3.7702      0.0000
+                        wsmp_cleanup     94.8409      3.7792      0.0090
+              Reset surface geometry     94.8431      3.7814      0.0023
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations      94.8439      3.7822      0.0008
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces     95.0041      3.9424      0.1602
+                   Advect surface  1     95.0041      3.9424      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                    Erode surface  1     95.0485      3.9868      0.0444
+                 Update cloud fields    115.7792     24.7175     20.7307
+                    Advect the cloud    116.2104     25.1487      0.4312
+                        Write output    118.5814     27.5197      2.3710
+                    End of time step    119.6718     28.6101      1.0904
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step       4    119.6719
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces    119.6719      0.0000      0.0000
+                          surface 01    119.6719      0.0000      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+                      refine surface    119.6719      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay    119.6768      0.0050      0.0049
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1    119.6818
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve    119.6818      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                F
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct F
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             F
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  F
+        compute ref. criterion on ov    119.6978      0.0160      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion    119.7089      0.0271      0.0111
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   3.303445E+01
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   1.362159E+01
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Smoothen octree after refinement    119.7137      0.0319      0.0048
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+                   Build osolve icon    119.7854      0.1036      0.0717
+             Imbed surface in osolve    119.8895      0.2078      0.1041
+                embedding surface  1    119.8896      0.2078      0.0001
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   39936
+          Assessing octree stability    121.5961      1.9143      1.7065
+                                                                        current refine level     5
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    32768 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    32768 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    39936 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    39936 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud    121.5992      1.9175      0.0031
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve    122.9167      3.2349      1.3174
+                                                                        ov%pressure:     -0.1247E+00 0.8834E-04
+                                                                        osolve%pressure: -0.1084E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces    123.0414      3.3596      0.1247
+                           Find void    123.1762      3.4944      0.1348
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid     3072
+          Define boundary conditions    123.1847      3.5029      0.0085
+                         wsmp setup1    123.1883      3.5066      0.0036
+                                                                        n =    35151
+                                                                        nz=  1198722
+                         wsmp setup2    123.4230      3.7412      0.2346
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1    123.4342
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    123.4342      0.0000      0.0000
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)         917        1083
+                                                                        viscosity range   5.59495E-04  1.02031E+02
+                                                                        viscosity capped in      7168
+                          wsmp solve    125.7785      2.3443      2.3442
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0782461 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               0.6756001 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.1535821 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:         0.4049351 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            11850.6085809 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.0147769 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0019999 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:            1.3294241 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.63763E-07  0.10012E+01
+                                                                        v : -0.14477E+00  0.16266E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.95903E-02  0.60784E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    127.1134      3.6792      1.3349
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.28159E+00  0.63161E-01
+                 Smoothing pressures    127.1751      3.7409      0.0618
+                                                                        smooth pressures : -0.10688E+00  0.00000E+00
+                do leaf measurements    127.1819      3.7477      0.0068
+       compute convergence criterion    127.2047      3.7705      0.0228
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0643483 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 5
+                    slicing the cube    127.2064      3.7722      0.0017
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical    127.2065      3.7723      0.0001
+                  Compute divergence    127.2065      3.7723      0.0000
+                        wsmp_cleanup    127.2155      3.7814      0.0091
+              Reset surface geometry    127.2177      3.7835      0.0022
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations     127.2185      3.7843      0.0008
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces    127.3790      3.9448      0.1605
+                   Advect surface  1    127.3790      3.9448      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                    Erode surface  1    127.4236      3.9894      0.0445
+                 Update cloud fields    145.6892     22.2550     18.2657
+                    Advect the cloud    146.1248     22.6906      0.4355
+                        Write output    148.5280     25.0938      2.4032
+                    End of time step    149.6117     26.1775      1.0837
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step       5    149.6117
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces    149.6117      0.0000      0.0000
+                          surface 01    149.6117      0.0000      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+                      refine surface    149.6118      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay    149.6178      0.0061      0.0061
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1    149.6229
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve    149.6230      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                F
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct F
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             F
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  F
+        compute ref. criterion on ov    149.6388      0.0159      0.0158
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion    149.6500      0.0271      0.0112
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   3.209192E+01
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   1.404212E+01
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Smoothen octree after refinement    149.6548      0.0318      0.0048
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+                   Build osolve icon    149.7257      0.1028      0.0709
+             Imbed surface in osolve    149.8298      0.2069      0.1041
+                embedding surface  1    149.8299      0.2069      0.0001
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   39936
+          Assessing octree stability    151.5003      1.8774      1.6704
+                                                                        current refine level     5
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    32768 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    32768 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    39936 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    39936 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud    151.5033      1.8804      0.0030
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve    152.8151      3.1921      1.3118
+                                                                        ov%pressure:     -0.1219E+00 0.4505E-04
+                                                                        osolve%pressure: -0.1069E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces    152.9984      3.3755      0.1834
+                           Find void    153.1318      3.5089      0.1334
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid     3072
+          Define boundary conditions    153.1398      3.5169      0.0080
+                         wsmp setup1    153.1433      3.5203      0.0034
+                                                                        n =    35151
+                                                                        nz=  1198722
+                         wsmp setup2    153.3752      3.7522      0.2319
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1    153.3861
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    153.3861      0.0000      0.0000
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)         917        1083
+                                                                        viscosity range   4.71723E-04  7.81910E+02
+                                                                        viscosity capped in      7168
+                          wsmp solve    155.7868      2.4007      2.4007
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0740390 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               0.6782150 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.1556020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:         0.4042411 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            11870.9547432 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.0148351 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0019600 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:            1.3291750 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.12700E-07  0.10000E+01
+                                                                        v : -0.14855E+00  0.16059E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.40837E-02  0.60952E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    157.1214      3.7354      1.3347
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.28456E+00  0.64289E-01
+                 Smoothing pressures    157.1845      3.7985      0.0631
+                                                                        smooth pressures : -0.10632E+00  0.00000E+00
+                do leaf measurements    157.1906      3.8046      0.0061
+       compute convergence criterion    157.2135      3.8274      0.0229
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0252260 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 5
+                    slicing the cube    157.2152      3.8291      0.0017
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical    157.2153      3.8292      0.0001
+                  Compute divergence    157.2153      3.8292      0.0000
+                        wsmp_cleanup    157.2244      3.8384      0.0092
+              Reset surface geometry    157.2269      3.8408      0.0024
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations     157.2277      3.8417      0.0008
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces    157.3890      4.0030      0.1613
+                   Advect surface  1    157.3890      4.0030      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                    Erode surface  1    157.4338      4.0478      0.0448
+                 Update cloud fields    174.2075     20.8215     16.7737
+                    Advect the cloud    174.6450     21.2589      0.4375
+                        Write output    177.0699     23.6839      2.4249
+                    End of time step    178.1885     24.8024      1.1186
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step       6    178.1887
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces    178.1888      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01    178.1888      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+                      refine surface    178.1889      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay    178.1948      0.0061      0.0059
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1    178.1996
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve    178.1998      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                F
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct F
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             F
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  F
+        compute ref. criterion on ov    178.2156      0.0160      0.0158
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion    178.2268      0.0271      0.0111
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   3.199963E+01
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   1.437570E+01
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Smoothen octree after refinement    178.2316      0.0320      0.0048
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+                   Build osolve icon    178.3027      0.1030      0.0711
+             Imbed surface in osolve    178.4074      0.2078      0.1047
+                embedding surface  1    178.4076      0.2080      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   39936
+          Assessing octree stability    180.0790      1.8794      1.6714
+                                                                        current refine level     5
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    32768 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    32768 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    39936 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    39936 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud    180.0822      1.8825      0.0032
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve    181.4342      3.2346      1.3520
+                                                                        ov%pressure:     -0.1205E+00 0.1892E-02
+                                                                        osolve%pressure: -0.1063E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces    181.6239      3.4243      0.1897
+                           Find void    181.7573      3.5577      0.1335
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid     3072
+          Define boundary conditions    181.7656      3.5660      0.0083
+                         wsmp setup1    181.7699      3.5703      0.0043
+                                                                        n =    35151
+                                                                        nz=  1198722
+                         wsmp setup2    182.0026      3.8029      0.2326
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1    182.0134
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    182.0137      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)         917        1083
+                                                                        viscosity range   4.19760E-04  1.30880E+03
+                                                                        viscosity capped in      7168
+                          wsmp solve    184.4364      2.4230      2.4228
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0818019 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               0.6810110 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.1542459 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:         0.4080091 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            11761.3263706 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.0148439 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0019732 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:            1.3421690 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.31677E-12  0.10000E+01
+                                                                        v : -0.14996E+00  0.15814E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.17733E-02  0.60421E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    185.7838      3.7704      1.3474
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.29174E+00  0.70691E-01
+                 Smoothing pressures    185.8466      3.8331      0.0627
+                                                                        smooth pressures : -0.10626E+00  0.00000E+00
+                do leaf measurements    185.8529      3.8395      0.0064
+       compute convergence criterion    185.8755      3.8621      0.0225
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0170324 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 5
+                    slicing the cube    185.8773      3.8639      0.0018
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical    185.8775      3.8641      0.0002
+                  Compute divergence    185.8775      3.8641      0.0000
+                        wsmp_cleanup    185.8866      3.8732      0.0091
+              Reset surface geometry    185.8892      3.8758      0.0026
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations     185.8903      3.8768      0.0010
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces    186.0502      4.0368      0.1599
+                   Advect surface  1    186.0503      4.0369      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                    Erode surface  1    186.0947      4.0812      0.0443
+                 Update cloud fields    201.9391     19.9256     15.8444
+                    Advect the cloud    202.3814     20.3680      0.4423
+                        Write output    204.7923     22.7789      2.4110
+                    End of time step    205.9055     23.8921      1.1132
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step       7    205.9057
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces    205.9057      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01    205.9058      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+                      refine surface    205.9058      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay    205.9122      0.0065      0.0064
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1    205.9164
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve    205.9166      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                F
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct F
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             F
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  F
+        compute ref. criterion on ov    205.9324      0.0160      0.0158
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion    205.9435      0.0271      0.0111
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   3.199995E+01
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   1.464236E+01
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Smoothen octree after refinement    205.9482      0.0319      0.0047
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+                   Build osolve icon    206.0193      0.1029      0.0711
+             Imbed surface in osolve    206.1224      0.2060      0.1031
+                embedding surface  1    206.1226      0.2062      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   39936
+          Assessing octree stability    207.7870      1.8706      1.6644
+                                                                        current refine level     5
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    32768 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    32768 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    39936 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    39936 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud    207.7902      1.8738      0.0031
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve    209.0930      3.1766      1.3028
+                                                                        ov%pressure:     -0.1200E+00 0.1606E-02
+                                                                        osolve%pressure: -0.1063E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces    209.3216      3.4053      0.2287
+                           Find void    209.4552      3.5388      0.1335
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid     3072
+          Define boundary conditions    209.4630      3.5467      0.0079
+                         wsmp setup1    209.4665      3.5501      0.0034
+                                                                        n =    35151
+                                                                        nz=  1198722
+                         wsmp setup2    209.6967      3.7803      0.2302
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1    209.7063
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    209.7065      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)         917        1083
+                                                                        viscosity range   3.80269E-04  1.30880E+03
+                                                                        viscosity capped in      7168
+                          wsmp solve    212.1489      2.4426      2.4424
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0692410 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               0.6784201 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.1543071 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:         0.4050360 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            11847.6578642 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.0148780 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0020611 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:            1.3242190 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.55090E-12  0.10000E+01
+                                                                        v : -0.15231E+00  0.15263E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.74072E-03  0.59509E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    213.4788      3.7725      1.3300
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.29933E+00  0.77822E-01
+                 Smoothing pressures    213.5429      3.8366      0.0641
+                                                                        smooth pressures : -0.10634E+00  0.00000E+00
+                do leaf measurements    213.5499      3.8436      0.0070
+       compute convergence criterion    213.5725      3.8662      0.0226
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0132731 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 5
+                    slicing the cube    213.5743      3.8680      0.0017
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical    213.5744      3.8681      0.0001
+                  Compute divergence    213.5745      3.8682      0.0000
+                        wsmp_cleanup    213.5835      3.8772      0.0090
+              Reset surface geometry    213.5860      3.8797      0.0025
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations     213.5870      3.8807      0.0010
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces    213.7466      4.0402      0.1596
+                   Advect surface  1    213.7467      4.0404      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                    Erode surface  1    213.7912      4.0849      0.0445
+                 Update cloud fields    231.0251     21.3188     17.2339
+                    Advect the cloud    231.4662     21.7599      0.4411
+                        Write output    233.8975     24.1912      2.4313
+                    End of time step    235.0059     25.2996      1.1084
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step       8    235.0061
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces    235.0062      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01    235.0062      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+                      refine surface    235.0063      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay    235.0119      0.0058      0.0056
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1    235.0174
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve    235.0176      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                F
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct F
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             F
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  F
+        compute ref. criterion on ov    235.0336      0.0162      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion    235.0446      0.0273      0.0111
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   3.199999E+01
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   1.484641E+01
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Smoothen octree after refinement    235.0495      0.0321      0.0049
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+                   Build osolve icon    235.1214      0.1040      0.0718
+             Imbed surface in osolve    235.2266      0.2092      0.1053
+                embedding surface  1    235.2268      0.2094      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   39936
+          Assessing octree stability    236.9232      1.9059      1.6964
+                                                                        current refine level     5
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    32768 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    32768 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    39936 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    39936 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud    236.9263      1.9089      0.0031
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve    238.3742      3.3568      1.4479
+                                                                        ov%pressure:     -0.1196E+00 0.9774E-03
+                                                                        osolve%pressure: -0.1063E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces    238.5092      3.4918      0.1350
+                           Find void    238.6441      3.6268      0.1349
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid     3072
+          Define boundary conditions    238.6525      3.6351      0.0084
+                         wsmp setup1    238.6566      3.6392      0.0041
+                                                                        n =    35151
+                                                                        nz=  1198722
+                         wsmp setup2    238.8919      3.8746      0.2353
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1    238.9033
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    238.9035      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)         917        1083
+                                                                        viscosity range   3.78953E-04  1.30880E+03
+                                                                        viscosity capped in      7168
+                          wsmp solve    241.3326      2.4293      2.4291
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0791759 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               0.6803219 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.1552930 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:         0.4047692 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            11855.4668610 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.0149009 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0019600 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:            1.3367021 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.59607E-12  0.10000E+01
+                                                                        v : -0.14717E+00  0.15143E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.48921E-03  0.58533E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    242.6751      3.7718      1.3425
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.30831E+00  0.85813E-01
+                 Smoothing pressures    242.7393      3.8360      0.0642
+                                                                        smooth pressures : -0.10651E+00  0.00000E+00
+                do leaf measurements    242.7457      3.8423      0.0064
+       compute convergence criterion    242.7689      3.8655      0.0232
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0118346 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 5
+                    slicing the cube    242.7706      3.8673      0.0017
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical    242.7708      3.8675      0.0002
+                  Compute divergence    242.7708      3.8675      0.0001
+                        wsmp_cleanup    242.7798      3.8765      0.0089
+              Reset surface geometry    242.7824      3.8791      0.0026
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations     242.7834      3.8801      0.0010
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces    242.9443      4.0410      0.1609
+                   Advect surface  1    242.9445      4.0411      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                    Erode surface  1    242.9893      4.0860      0.0449
+                 Update cloud fields    258.9886     20.0852     15.9992
+                    Advect the cloud    259.4362     20.5328      0.4476
+                        Write output    261.9316     23.0283      2.4954
+                    End of time step    263.0471     24.1438      1.1155
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step       9    263.0473
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces    263.0474      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01    263.0474      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+                      refine surface    263.0475      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay    263.0531      0.0058      0.0056
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1    263.0584
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve    263.0587      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                F
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct F
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             F
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  F
+        compute ref. criterion on ov    263.0745      0.0161      0.0158
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion    263.0858      0.0274      0.0113
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   3.200000E+01
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   1.499447E+01
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Smoothen octree after refinement    263.0910      0.0325      0.0051
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+                   Build osolve icon    263.1621      0.1036      0.0711
+             Imbed surface in osolve    263.2663      0.2078      0.1042
+                embedding surface  1    263.2664      0.2080      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   39936
+          Assessing octree stability    264.9355      1.8771      1.6691
+                                                                        current refine level     5
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    32768 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    32768 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    39936 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    39936 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud    264.9385      1.8800      0.0030
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve    266.2787      3.2203      1.3402
+                                                                        ov%pressure:     -0.1194E+00 0.5359E-03
+                                                                        osolve%pressure: -0.1065E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces    266.4773      3.4188      0.1985
+                           Find void    266.6108      3.5523      0.1335
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid     3072
+          Define boundary conditions    266.6190      3.5605      0.0082
+                         wsmp setup1    266.6227      3.5643      0.0038
+                                                                        n =    35151
+                                                                        nz=  1198722
+                         wsmp setup2    266.8559      3.7974      0.2331
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1    266.8667
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    266.8669      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)         917        1083
+                                                                        viscosity range   3.55086E-04  1.30880E+03
+                                                                        viscosity capped in      7168
+                          wsmp solve    269.2786      2.4119      2.4118
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0754819 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               0.6816471 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.1535859 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:         0.4066930 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            11799.3863718 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.0148981 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0019259 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:            1.3345132 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.55656E-12  0.10000E+01
+                                                                        v : -0.14947E+00  0.15290E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.52167E-03  0.57760E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    270.6193      3.7526      1.3406
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.31625E+00  0.93330E-01
+                 Smoothing pressures    270.6830      3.8163      0.0637
+                                                                        smooth pressures : -0.10672E+00  0.00000E+00
+                do leaf measurements    270.6893      3.8226      0.0064
+       compute convergence criterion    270.7124      3.8457      0.0231
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0100831 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 5
+                    slicing the cube    270.7141      3.8474      0.0017
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical    270.7143      3.8476      0.0002
+                  Compute divergence    270.7144      3.8476      0.0000
+                        wsmp_cleanup    270.7232      3.8565      0.0089
+              Reset surface geometry    270.7257      3.8590      0.0025
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations     270.7267      3.8600      0.0010
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces    270.8864      4.0197      0.1597
+                   Advect surface  1    270.8865      4.0198      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                    Erode surface  1    270.9312      4.0644      0.0446
+                 Update cloud fields    286.7809     19.9142     15.8498
+                    Advect the cloud    287.2280     20.3613      0.4471
+                        Write output    289.6612     22.7945      2.4332
+                    End of time step    290.7736     23.9069      1.1123
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      10    290.7737
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces    290.7738      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01    290.7738      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+                      refine surface    290.7739      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay    290.7799      0.0061      0.0060
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1    290.7838
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve    290.7840      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                F
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct F
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             F
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  F
+        compute ref. criterion on ov    290.7999      0.0160      0.0158
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion    290.8108      0.0270      0.0110
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   3.200000E+01
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   1.511215E+01
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+    Smoothen octree after refinement    290.8159      0.0321      0.0050
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+                   Build osolve icon    290.8870      0.1031      0.0711
+             Imbed surface in osolve    290.9907      0.2068      0.1037
+                embedding surface  1    290.9909      0.2071      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   39936
+          Assessing octree stability    292.6510      1.8671      1.6601
+                                                                        current refine level     5
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    32768 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    32768 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    39936 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    39936 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud    292.6538      1.8700      0.0029
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve    294.0016      3.2177      1.3477
+                                                                        ov%pressure:     -0.1193E+00 0.2277E-03
+                                                                        osolve%pressure: -0.1067E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces    294.2041      3.4202      0.2025
+                           Find void    294.3376      3.5538      0.1335
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid     3072
+          Define boundary conditions    294.3452      3.5614      0.0076
+                         wsmp setup1    294.3489      3.5650      0.0036
+                                                                        n =    35151
+                                                                        nz=  1198722
+                         wsmp setup2    294.5799      3.7960      0.2310
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1    294.5901
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    294.5903      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)         917        1083
+                                                                        viscosity range   3.76056E-04  1.30880E+03
+                                                                        viscosity capped in      7168
+                          wsmp solve    296.9896      2.3995      2.3993
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0699971 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               0.6794989 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.1538131 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:         0.4043159 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            11868.7567086 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.0149090 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0019891 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:            1.3248041 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.47392E-12  0.10000E+01
+                                                                        v : -0.15038E+00  0.15322E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.64845E-03  0.57307E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    298.3199      3.7298      1.3303
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.32336E+00  0.99317E-01
+                 Smoothing pressures    298.3840      3.7939      0.0641
+                                                                        smooth pressures : -0.10693E+00  0.00000E+00
+                do leaf measurements    298.3906      3.8005      0.0066
+       compute convergence criterion    298.4134      3.8233      0.0227
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0081639 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube    298.4152      3.8251      0.0018
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical    298.4153      3.8252      0.0002
+                  Compute divergence    298.4154      3.8253      0.0000
+                        wsmp_cleanup    298.4244      3.8343      0.0090
+              Reset surface geometry    298.4270      3.8369      0.0025
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations     298.4280      3.8379      0.0010
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces    298.5854      3.9953      0.1574
+                   Advect surface  1    298.5855      3.9954      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                    Erode surface  1    298.6301      4.0400      0.0446
+                 Update cloud fields    316.4626     21.8725     17.8325
+                    Advect the cloud    316.9164     22.3263      0.4538
+                        Write output    319.3705     24.7804      2.4541
+                    End of time step    320.4993     25.9092      1.1288
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      11    320.4995
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces    320.4996      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01    320.4996      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+                      refine surface    320.4996      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay    320.5056      0.0061      0.0060
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1    320.5096
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve    320.5098      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                F
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             F
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  F
+        compute ref. criterion on ov    320.5257      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion    320.5365      0.0269      0.0108
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   3.200000E+01
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   1.520419E+01
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54272
+    Smoothen octree after refinement    320.5430      0.0334      0.0065
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54272
+                   Build osolve icon    320.6775      0.1679      0.1345
+             Imbed surface in osolve    320.8657      0.3561      0.1881
+                embedding surface  1    320.8658      0.3562      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   61440
+          Assessing octree stability    323.4876      2.9780      2.6217
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    32768 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    54272 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    39936 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    61440 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  F
+                     Change 3D cloud    323.4907      2.9811      0.0032
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve    325.7133      5.2037      2.2226
+                                                                        ov%pressure:     -0.1193E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure: -0.1127E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces    325.8697      5.3601      0.1564
+                           Find void    326.0870      5.5774      0.2173
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    24576
+          Define boundary conditions    326.1008      5.5912      0.0138
+                         wsmp setup1    326.1063      5.5967      0.0055
+                                                                        n =   101400
+                                                                        nz=  3738351
+                         wsmp setup2    326.8381      6.3285      0.7318
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1    326.8688
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    326.8689      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        3641        4097
+                                                                        viscosity range   3.12793E-04  1.30880E+03
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     24576
+                          wsmp solve    329.6970      2.8282      2.8280
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0887301 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               2.4339421 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.5012250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:         3.7778420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15788.4785550 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.0778730 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0050821 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:            6.8850181 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.18699E-03  0.10000E+01
+                                                                        v : -0.15756E+00  0.14756E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.36089E-01  0.55778E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    336.5959      9.7271      6.8989
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.10275E+01  0.79132E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures    336.6703      9.8015      0.0745
+                                                                        smooth pressures : -0.12947E+00  0.00000E+00
+                do leaf measurements    336.6824      9.8136      0.0120
+       compute convergence criterion    336.7206      9.8518      0.0382
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.1457759 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> F
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube    336.7234      9.8547      0.0029
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical    336.7236      9.8548      0.0002
+                  Compute divergence    336.7237      9.8549      0.0000
+                        wsmp_cleanup    336.7525      9.8837      0.0288
+              Reset surface geometry    336.7577      9.8889      0.0052
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations     336.7588      9.8900      0.0011
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces    336.9229     10.0541      0.1641
+                   Advect surface  1    336.9231     10.0543      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                    Erode surface  1    336.9673     10.0986      0.0443
+                 Update cloud fields    354.3455     27.4767     17.3781
+                    Advect the cloud    355.0606     28.1918      0.7151
+                        Write output    358.9913     32.1226      3.9307
+                    End of time step    360.6920     33.8232      1.7007
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      12    360.6922
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces    360.6922      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01    360.6923      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+                      refine surface    360.6923      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay    360.6979      0.0057      0.0056
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1    360.7016
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve    360.7017      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                F
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             F
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  F
+        compute ref. criterion on ov    360.7177      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion    360.7360      0.0345      0.0184
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   3.200000E+01
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   2.915290E+01
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54272
+    Smoothen octree after refinement    360.7584      0.0569      0.0224
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54272
+                   Build osolve icon    360.8930      0.1914      0.1345
+             Imbed surface in osolve    361.0827      0.3811      0.1897
+                embedding surface  1    361.0829      0.3813      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   61440
+          Assessing octree stability    363.7070      3.0055      2.6242
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    54272 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    54272 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    61440 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    61440 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud    363.7100      3.0084      0.0029
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve    365.8571      5.1556      2.1471
+                                                                        ov%pressure:     -0.1434E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure: -0.1295E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces    366.0194      5.3178      0.1622
+                           Find void    366.2367      5.5352      0.2174
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    24576
+          Define boundary conditions    366.2501      5.5486      0.0134
+                         wsmp setup1    366.2558      5.5542      0.0056
+                                                                        n =   101400
+                                                                        nz=  3738351
+                         wsmp setup2    366.9886      6.2870      0.7328
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1    367.0190
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    367.0192      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        3641        4097
+                                                                        viscosity range   3.00250E-04  1.30880E+03
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     28672
+                          wsmp solve    369.8267      2.8077      2.8075
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0891190 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               2.4336569 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.5020540 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:         3.7854180 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15756.8801067 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.0790250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0054049 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:            6.8950250 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.36832E-04  0.10000E+01
+                                                                        v : -0.15431E+00  0.14290E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.17754E-01  0.55937E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    376.7362      9.7172      6.9095
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.76122E+00  0.53638E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures    376.8107      9.7917      0.0745
+                                                                        smooth pressures : -0.12744E+00  0.00000E+00
+                do leaf measurements    376.8261      9.8071      0.0154
+       compute convergence criterion    376.8655      9.8465      0.0394
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0234088 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube    376.8683      9.8493      0.0028
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical    376.8685      9.8495      0.0002
+                  Compute divergence    376.8685      9.8495      0.0000
+                        wsmp_cleanup    376.8972      9.8782      0.0287
+              Reset surface geometry    376.9027      9.8836      0.0055
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations     376.9038      9.8847      0.0011
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces    377.0676     10.0486      0.1638
+                   Advect surface  1    377.0677     10.0487      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                    Erode surface  1    377.1120     10.0930      0.0443
+                 Update cloud fields    394.6390     27.6199     17.5269
+                    Advect the cloud    395.3657     28.3467      0.7268
+                        Write output    399.3244     32.3053      3.9586
+                    End of time step    401.0014     33.9824      1.6770
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      13    401.0015
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces    401.0016      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01    401.0016      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+                      refine surface    401.0017      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay    401.0076      0.0061      0.0059
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1    401.0119
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve    401.0120      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                F
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  F
+        compute ref. criterion on ov    401.0280      0.0161      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion    401.0468      0.0350      0.0188
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   3.200000E+01
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   2.928906E+01
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54272
+    Smoothen octree after refinement    401.0691      0.0573      0.0223
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54272
+                   Build osolve icon    401.2037      0.1918      0.1346
+             Imbed surface in osolve    401.3920      0.3801      0.1883
+                embedding surface  1    401.3922      0.3804      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   61440
+          Assessing octree stability    404.0241      3.0122      2.6319
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    54272 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    54272 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    61440 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    61440 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud    404.0270      3.0151      0.0029
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve    406.1863      5.1744      2.1593
+                                                                        ov%pressure:     -0.1387E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure: -0.1274E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces    406.3555      5.3437      0.1693
+                           Find void    406.5728      5.5610      0.2173
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    24576
+          Define boundary conditions    406.5865      5.5746      0.0137
+                         wsmp setup1    406.5921      5.5802      0.0056
+                                                                        n =   101400
+                                                                        nz=  3738351
+                         wsmp setup2    407.3247      6.3128      0.7326
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1    407.3584
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    407.3586      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        3641        4097
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.98579E-04  1.30880E+03
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     28672
+                          wsmp solve    410.2218      2.8634      2.8632
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0976439 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               2.4295881 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.5020862 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:         3.7778170 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15788.5831784 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.0786929 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0055070 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:            6.8916721 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.37596E-05  0.10000E+01
+                                                                        v : -0.15112E+00  0.13944E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.10320E-01  0.55174E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    417.1276      9.7692      6.9058
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.77542E+00  0.55106E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures    417.2018      9.8434      0.0742
+                                                                        smooth pressures : -0.12755E+00  0.00000E+00
+                do leaf measurements    417.2145      9.8561      0.0127
+       compute convergence criterion    417.2548      9.8964      0.0403
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0118898 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube    417.2576      9.8992      0.0028
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical    417.2578      9.8994      0.0002
+                  Compute divergence    417.2578      9.8995      0.0000
+                        wsmp_cleanup    417.2870      9.9286      0.0292
+              Reset surface geometry    417.2923      9.9339      0.0053
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations     417.2934      9.9350      0.0011
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces    417.4575     10.0991      0.1641
+                   Advect surface  1    417.4577     10.0993      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                    Erode surface  1    417.5020     10.1436      0.0443
+                 Update cloud fields    435.9409     28.5825     18.4389
+                    Advect the cloud    436.6613     29.3030      0.7205
+                        Write output    440.7111     33.3527      4.0498
+                    End of time step    442.3959     35.0375      1.6848
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      14    442.3961
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces    442.3962      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01    442.3962      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+                      refine surface    442.3963      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay    442.4019      0.0058      0.0057
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1    442.4053
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve    442.4055      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                F
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  F
+        compute ref. criterion on ov    442.4215      0.0162      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion    442.4400      0.0347      0.0185
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   3.200000E+01
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   2.948623E+01
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54272
+    Smoothen octree after refinement    442.4623      0.0570      0.0223
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54272
+                   Build osolve icon    442.5969      0.1916      0.1346
+             Imbed surface in osolve    442.7860      0.3807      0.1891
+                embedding surface  1    442.7862      0.3809      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   61440
+          Assessing octree stability    445.3975      2.9922      2.6113
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    54272 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    54272 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    61440 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    61440 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud    445.4004      2.9951      0.0029
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve    447.5714      5.1661      2.1710
+                                                                        ov%pressure:     -0.1382E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure: -0.1276E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces    447.7872      5.3819      0.2158
+                           Find void    448.0045      5.5992      0.2173
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    24576
+          Define boundary conditions    448.0177      5.6124      0.0133
+                         wsmp setup1    448.0231      5.6178      0.0054
+                                                                        n =   101400
+                                                                        nz=  3738351
+                         wsmp setup2    448.7552      6.3499      0.7321
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1    448.7865
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    448.7866      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        3641        4097
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.94276E-04  1.30880E+03
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     28672
+                          wsmp solve    451.6416      2.8552      2.8550
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0904090 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               2.4321890 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.5038891 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:         3.7824950 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15769.0566055 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.0789418 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0054200 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:            6.8936601 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.76317E-06  0.10000E+01
+                                                                        v : -0.14878E+00  0.13828E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.10632E-01  0.54416E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    458.5494      9.7630      6.9078
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.79145E+00  0.56793E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures    458.6240      9.8376      0.0746
+                                                                        smooth pressures : -0.12765E+00  0.00000E+00
+                do leaf measurements    458.6401      9.8536      0.0160
+       compute convergence criterion    458.6793      9.8928      0.0392
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0078505 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube    458.6821      9.8956      0.0028
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical    458.6823      9.8958      0.0002
+                  Compute divergence    458.6823      9.8958      0.0000
+                        wsmp_cleanup    458.7118      9.9253      0.0295
+              Reset surface geometry    458.7171      9.9306      0.0053
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations     458.7182      9.9317      0.0011
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces    458.8828     10.0964      0.1646
+                   Advect surface  1    458.8830     10.0965      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                    Erode surface  1    458.9273     10.1409      0.0444
+                 Update cloud fields    475.7126     26.9262     16.7853
+                    Advect the cloud    476.4529     27.6664      0.7402
+                        Write output    480.5325     31.7460      4.0796
+                    End of time step    482.2407     33.4543      1.7082
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      15    482.2409
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces    482.2409      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01    482.2410      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+                      refine surface    482.2410      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay    482.2477      0.0068      0.0067
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1    482.2511
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve    482.2512      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                F
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  F
+        compute ref. criterion on ov    482.2672      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion    482.2851      0.0340      0.0179
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   3.200000E+01
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   2.967086E+01
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54272
+    Smoothen octree after refinement    482.3074      0.0563      0.0223
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54272
+                   Build osolve icon    482.4420      0.1909      0.1345
+             Imbed surface in osolve    482.6330      0.3819      0.1910
+                embedding surface  1    482.6331      0.3820      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   61440
+          Assessing octree stability    485.2482      2.9972      2.6151
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    54272 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    54272 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    61440 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    61440 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud    485.2509      2.9998      0.0027
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve    487.4471      5.1961      2.1962
+                                                                        ov%pressure:     -0.1379E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure: -0.1277E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces    487.6492      5.3981      0.2020
+                           Find void    487.8665      5.6154      0.2173
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    24576
+          Define boundary conditions    487.8794      5.6283      0.0129
+                         wsmp setup1    487.8849      5.6338      0.0055
+                                                                        n =   101400
+                                                                        nz=  3738351
+                         wsmp setup2    488.6111      6.3600      0.7262
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1    488.6442
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    488.6444      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        3641        4097
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.88088E-04  1.30880E+03
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     28672
+                          wsmp solve    491.4410      2.7968      2.7966
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0867100 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               2.4317250 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.5033760 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:         3.7859449 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15754.6871588 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.0784519 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0054822 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:            6.8920090 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.15777E-07  0.10000E+01
+                                                                        v : -0.14698E+00  0.13631E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.10792E-01  0.53755E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    498.3468      9.7025      6.9057
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.80449E+00  0.58380E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures    498.4207      9.7765      0.0740
+                                                                        smooth pressures : -0.12778E+00  0.00000E+00
+                do leaf measurements    498.4357      9.7915      0.0149
+       compute convergence criterion    498.4739      9.8297      0.0382
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0067848 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube    498.4767      9.8325      0.0028
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical    498.4769      9.8327      0.0002
+                  Compute divergence    498.4769      9.8327      0.0000
+                        wsmp_cleanup    498.5060      9.8618      0.0290
+              Reset surface geometry    498.5112      9.8670      0.0053
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations     498.5123      9.8681      0.0011
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces    498.6766     10.0324      0.1643
+                   Advect surface  1    498.6767     10.0325      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                    Erode surface  1    498.7201     10.0759      0.0434
+                 Update cloud fields    514.6166     25.9723     15.8964
+                    Advect the cloud    515.3563     26.7121      0.7397
+                        Write output    519.4697     30.8255      4.1134
+                    End of time step    521.1991     32.5549      1.7295
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      16    521.1993
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces    521.1994      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01    521.1994      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+                      refine surface    521.1994      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay    521.2058      0.0065      0.0064
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1    521.2101
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve    521.2103      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                F
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  F
+        compute ref. criterion on ov    521.2262      0.0161      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion    521.2443      0.0343      0.0181
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   3.200000E+01
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   2.983220E+01
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54272
+    Smoothen octree after refinement    521.2667      0.0566      0.0224
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54272
+                   Build osolve icon    521.4014      0.1913      0.1346
+             Imbed surface in osolve    521.5917      0.3816      0.1904
+                embedding surface  1    521.5920      0.3819      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   61440
+          Assessing octree stability    524.2117      3.0016      2.6198
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    54272 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    54272 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    61440 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    61440 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud    524.2139      3.0039      0.0022
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve    526.4142      5.2041      2.2002
+                                                                        ov%pressure:     -0.1378E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure: -0.1278E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces    526.6171      5.4070      0.2030
+                           Find void    526.8346      5.6245      0.2175
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    24576
+          Define boundary conditions    526.8473      5.6372      0.0127
+                         wsmp setup1    526.8527      5.6426      0.0054
+                                                                        n =   101400
+                                                                        nz=  3738351
+                         wsmp setup2    527.5828      6.3727      0.7301
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1    527.6167
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    527.6169      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        3641        4097
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.81409E-04  1.30880E+03
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     28672
+                          wsmp solve    530.4102      2.7935      2.7933
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0885749 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               2.4330220 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.5014760 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:         3.7836859 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15764.0933547 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.0784702 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0054588 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:            6.8910060 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u :  0.00000E+00  0.10000E+01
+                                                                        v : -0.14574E+00  0.13456E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.10627E-01  0.53222E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    537.3155      9.6988      6.9053
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.81606E+00  0.59721E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures    537.3902      9.7735      0.0747
+                                                                        smooth pressures : -0.12792E+00  0.00000E+00
+                do leaf measurements    537.4034      9.7867      0.0132
+       compute convergence criterion    537.4434      9.8267      0.0400
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0060967 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube    537.4462      9.8295      0.0028
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical    537.4464      9.8297      0.0002
+                  Compute divergence    537.4464      9.8297      0.0000
+                        wsmp_cleanup    537.4756      9.8589      0.0292
+              Reset surface geometry    537.4808      9.8641      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations     537.4819      9.8652      0.0011
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces    537.6436     10.0269      0.1617
+                   Advect surface  1    537.6437     10.0270      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                    Erode surface  1    537.6881     10.0714      0.0444
+                 Update cloud fields    554.1161     26.4994     16.4279
+                    Advect the cloud    554.8653     27.2486      0.7492
+                        Write output    559.0129     31.3962      4.1476
+                    End of time step    560.7327     33.1160      1.7198
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      17    560.7328
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces    560.7329      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01    560.7329      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+                      refine surface    560.7330      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay    560.7393      0.0065      0.0064
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1    560.7426
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve    560.7427      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                F
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  F
+        compute ref. criterion on ov    560.7587      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion    560.7768      0.0342      0.0181
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   3.200000E+01
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   2.996925E+01
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54272
+    Smoothen octree after refinement    560.7992      0.0566      0.0224
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54272
+                   Build osolve icon    560.9337      0.1911      0.1345
+             Imbed surface in osolve    561.1227      0.3801      0.1890
+                embedding surface  1    561.1229      0.3803      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   61440
+          Assessing octree stability    563.7501      3.0076      2.6273
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    54272 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    54272 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    61440 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    61440 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud    563.7524      3.0098      0.0023
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve    565.9709      5.2283      2.2185
+                                                                        ov%pressure:     -0.1377E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure: -0.1279E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces    566.1782      5.4356      0.2072
+                           Find void    566.3955      5.6530      0.2174
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    24576
+          Define boundary conditions    566.4082      5.6657      0.0127
+                         wsmp setup1    566.4137      5.6711      0.0055
+                                                                        n =   101400
+                                                                        nz=  3738351
+                         wsmp setup2    567.1428      6.4002      0.7291
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1    567.1764
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    567.1766      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        3641        4097
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.75089E-04  1.30880E+03
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     28672
+                          wsmp solve    569.9681      2.7917      2.7916
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0944800 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               2.4319880 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.5021811 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:         3.7940481 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15721.0391103 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.0784080 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0052350 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:            6.9066861 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.11323E-06  0.10000E+01
+                                                                        v : -0.14421E+00  0.13390E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.10438E-01  0.52778E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    576.8892      9.7128      6.9211
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.82527E+00  0.60808E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures    576.9634      9.7870      0.0741
+                                                                        smooth pressures : -0.12804E+00  0.00000E+00
+                do leaf measurements    576.9762      9.7999      0.0129
+       compute convergence criterion    577.0165      9.8401      0.0402
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0056287 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube    577.0194      9.8430      0.0029
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical    577.0195      9.8432      0.0002
+                  Compute divergence    577.0196      9.8432      0.0000
+                        wsmp_cleanup    577.0487      9.8723      0.0291
+              Reset surface geometry    577.0540      9.8776      0.0053
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations     577.0550      9.8786      0.0010
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces    577.2190     10.0426      0.1640
+                   Advect surface  1    577.2192     10.0428      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                    Erode surface  1    577.2625     10.0861      0.0434
+                 Update cloud fields    594.6389     27.4625     17.3764
+                    Advect the cloud    595.3967     28.2203      0.7578
+                        Write output    599.5246     32.3483      4.1280
+                    End of time step    601.2704     34.0940      1.7457
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      18    601.2705
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces    601.2706      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01    601.2706      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+                      refine surface    601.2707      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay    601.2766      0.0061      0.0060
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1    601.2799
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve    601.2800      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                F
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  F
+        compute ref. criterion on ov    601.2960      0.0161      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion    601.3139      0.0340      0.0179
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   3.200000E+01
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   3.008536E+01
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54272
+    Smoothen octree after refinement    601.3355      0.0556      0.0216
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54272
+                   Build osolve icon    601.4701      0.1902      0.1345
+             Imbed surface in osolve    601.6598      0.3799      0.1897
+                embedding surface  1    601.6600      0.3801      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   61440
+          Assessing octree stability    604.2778      2.9979      2.6178
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    54272 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    54272 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    61440 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    61440 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud    604.2800      3.0001      0.0023
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve    606.6433      5.3634      2.3633
+                                                                        ov%pressure:     -0.1376E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure: -0.1280E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces    606.8321      5.5522      0.1888
+                           Find void    607.0494      5.7695      0.2172
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    24576
+          Define boundary conditions    607.0620      5.7821      0.0126
+                         wsmp setup1    607.0674      5.7875      0.0055
+                                                                        n =   101400
+                                                                        nz=  3738351
+                         wsmp setup2    607.7977      6.5178      0.7302
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1    607.8312
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    607.8314      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        3641        4097
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.69029E-04  1.30880E+03
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     28672
+                          wsmp solve    610.6499      2.8187      2.8185
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0901132 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               2.4335821 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.5037811 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:         3.7978470 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15705.3134573 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.0787120 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0054719 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:            6.9098411 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.50588E-06  0.10000E+01
+                                                                        v : -0.14134E+00  0.13352E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.10299E-01  0.52375E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    617.5736      9.7424      6.9236
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.83809E+00  0.62122E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures    617.6483      9.8170      0.0747
+                                                                        smooth pressures : -0.12817E+00  0.00000E+00
+                do leaf measurements    617.6614      9.8302      0.0131
+       compute convergence criterion    617.7007      9.8695      0.0394
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0056752 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube    617.7037      9.8725      0.0029
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical    617.7039      9.8726      0.0002
+                  Compute divergence    617.7039      9.8727      0.0000
+                        wsmp_cleanup    617.7329      9.9017      0.0290
+              Reset surface geometry    617.7384      9.9072      0.0055
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations     617.7394      9.9082      0.0010
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces    617.9031     10.0719      0.1637
+                   Advect surface  1    617.9032     10.0720      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                    Erode surface  1    617.9468     10.1156      0.0436
+                 Update cloud fields    634.3657     26.5345     16.4189
+                    Advect the cloud    635.1310     27.2998      0.7653
+                        Write output    639.3206     31.4893      4.1895
+                    End of time step    641.0921     33.2609      1.7715
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      19    641.0922
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces    641.0923      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01    641.0923      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+                      refine surface    641.0924      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay    641.0992      0.0070      0.0068
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1    641.1024
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve    641.1026      0.0001      0.0001
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                F
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  F
+        compute ref. criterion on ov    641.1185      0.0161      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion    641.1368      0.0344      0.0183
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   3.200000E+01
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   3.018356E+01
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54272
+    Smoothen octree after refinement    641.1583      0.0559      0.0215
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54272
+                   Build osolve icon    641.2928      0.1904      0.1345
+             Imbed surface in osolve    641.4795      0.3771      0.1867
+                embedding surface  1    641.4797      0.3773      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   61440
+          Assessing octree stability    644.0961      2.9937      2.6164
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    54272 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    54272 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    61440 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    61440 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud    644.0984      2.9959      0.0023
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve    646.3426      5.2402      2.2443
+                                                                        ov%pressure:     -0.1375E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure: -0.1282E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces    646.5541      5.4516      0.2114
+                           Find void    646.7713      5.6689      0.2173
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    24576
+          Define boundary conditions    646.7838      5.6814      0.0125
+                         wsmp setup1    646.7891      5.6867      0.0053
+                                                                        n =   101400
+                                                                        nz=  3738351
+                         wsmp setup2    647.5147      6.4123      0.7256
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1    647.5480
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    647.5481      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        3641        4097
+                                                                        viscosity range   2.63387E-04  1.30880E+03
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     28672
+                          wsmp solve    650.3795      2.8315      2.8313
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0897181 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               2.4317980 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.5004609 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:         3.7887712 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15742.9350331 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.0785191 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0055020 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:            6.8950889 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.18988E-05  0.10000E+01
+                                                                        v : -0.13996E+00  0.13389E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.10105E-01  0.52009E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    657.2885      9.7405      6.9090
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.85186E+00  0.63770E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures    657.3632      9.8152      0.0748
+                                                                        smooth pressures : -0.12831E+00  0.00000E+00
+                do leaf measurements    657.3755      9.8276      0.0123
+       compute convergence criterion    657.4150      9.8670      0.0395
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0055571 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube    657.4180      9.8700      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical    657.4182      9.8702      0.0002
+                  Compute divergence    657.4182      9.8703      0.0000
+                        wsmp_cleanup    657.4471      9.8991      0.0288
+              Reset surface geometry    657.4522      9.9042      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations     657.4533      9.9053      0.0011
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces    657.6182     10.0703      0.1650
+                   Advect surface  1    657.6184     10.0704      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                    Erode surface  1    657.6618     10.1138      0.0434
+                 Update cloud fields    674.9177     27.3697     17.2559
+                    Advect the cloud    675.6797     28.1317      0.7620
+                        Write output    679.8450     32.2970      4.1653
+                    End of time step    681.5807     34.0328      1.7358
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      20    681.5809
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces    681.5810      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01    681.5810      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+                      refine surface    681.5811      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay    681.5859      0.0049      0.0048
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1    681.5892
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve    681.5893      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                F
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  F
+        compute ref. criterion on ov    681.6053      0.0161      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion    681.6233      0.0341      0.0180
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   3.200000E+01
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   3.026898E+01
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54272
+    Smoothen octree after refinement    681.6449      0.0557      0.0216
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54272
+                   Build osolve icon    681.7794      0.1902      0.1345
+             Imbed surface in osolve    681.9674      0.3782      0.1880
+                embedding surface  1    681.9676      0.3784      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   61440
+          Assessing octree stability    684.5859      2.9967      2.6183
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    54272 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    54272 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    61440 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    61440 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud    684.5882      2.9990      0.0024
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve    686.8307      5.2415      2.2425
+                                                                        ov%pressure:     -0.1375E+00 0.0000E+00
+                                                                        osolve%pressure: -0.1283E+00 0.0000E+00
+                      Find bad faces    687.0289      5.4398      0.1983
+                           Find void    687.2462      5.6571      0.2173
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    24621
+          Define boundary conditions    687.2586      5.6695      0.0124
+                         wsmp setup1    687.2640      5.6748      0.0054
+                                                                        n =   101889
+                                                                        nz=  3757095
+                         wsmp setup2    687.9993      6.4101      0.7353
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1    688.0306
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    688.0307      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        3658        4119
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.30880E+03
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     28791
+                          wsmp solve    690.8922      2.8616      2.8614
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0870979 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               2.4473710 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.5054629 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:         3.9979291 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14940.9905232 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.0763080 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0057020 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:            7.1202030 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.63375E-05  0.10000E+01
+                                                                        v : -0.13970E+00  0.13361E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.98687E-02  0.56087E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    698.0272      9.9966      7.1351
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.86359E+00  0.65168E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures    698.1014     10.0708      0.0741
+                                                                        smooth pressures : -0.12849E+00  0.43763E-04
+                do leaf measurements    698.1161     10.0855      0.0147
+       compute convergence criterion    698.1543     10.1237      0.0382
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0055830 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube    698.1572     10.1266      0.0029
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical    698.1574     10.1268      0.0002
+                  Compute divergence    698.1574     10.1269      0.0000
+                        wsmp_cleanup    698.1868     10.1563      0.0294
+              Reset surface geometry    698.1921     10.1615      0.0053
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations     698.1931     10.1625      0.0010
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces    698.3561     10.3255      0.1630
+                   Advect surface  1    698.3562     10.3256      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                    Erode surface  1    698.4005     10.3699      0.0443
+                 Update cloud fields    715.8961     27.8655     17.4956
+                    Advect the cloud    716.6584     28.6279      0.7623
+                        Write output    720.8574     32.8269      4.1990
+                    End of time step    722.5987     34.5681      1.7412
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      21    722.5988
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces    722.5989      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01    722.5989      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+                      refine surface    722.5990      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay    722.6054      0.0066      0.0065
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1    722.6087
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve    722.6089      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                F
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  F
+        compute ref. criterion on ov    722.6249      0.0161      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion    722.6427      0.0340      0.0179
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   3.200000E+01
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   3.034684E+01
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54377
+    Smoothen octree after refinement    722.6644      0.0557      0.0217
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54377
+                   Build osolve icon    722.7992      0.1905      0.1348
+             Imbed surface in osolve    722.9885      0.3798      0.1893
+                embedding surface  1    722.9887      0.3800      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   61440
+          Assessing octree stability    725.6015      2.9928      2.6128
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    54272 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    54377 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    61440 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    61440 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud    725.6040      2.9953      0.0025
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve    727.8505      5.2418      2.2464
+                                                                        ov%pressure:     -0.1375E+00 0.8459E-03
+                                                                        osolve%pressure: -0.1285E+00 0.4376E-04
+                      Find bad faces    728.0706      5.4619      0.2201
+                           Find void    728.2879      5.6792      0.2173
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    24659
+          Define boundary conditions    728.3004      5.6917      0.0125
+                         wsmp setup1    728.3058      5.6971      0.0054
+                                                                        n =   102042
+                                                                        nz=  3765411
+                         wsmp setup2    729.0382      6.4295      0.7323
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1    729.0719
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    729.0720      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        3663        4125
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.30880E+03
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     28839
+                          wsmp solve    731.9534      2.8815      2.8813
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0918279 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               2.5783439 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.5032260 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:         3.7912669 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15630.0435648 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.0764549 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0055189 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:            7.0470071 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.20467E-04  0.10000E+01
+                                                                        v : -0.13990E+00  0.13351E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.10454E-01  0.53754E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    739.0143      9.9424      7.0609
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.87665E+00  0.66824E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures    739.0900     10.0182      0.0758
+                                                                        smooth pressures : -0.12860E+00  0.92608E-03
+                do leaf measurements    739.1033     10.0314      0.0133
+       compute convergence criterion    739.1424     10.0705      0.0390
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0059488 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube    739.1452     10.0734      0.0029
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical    739.1454     10.0735      0.0002
+                  Compute divergence    739.1455     10.0736      0.0000
+                        wsmp_cleanup    739.1751     10.1033      0.0297
+              Reset surface geometry    739.1803     10.1084      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations     739.1813     10.1094      0.0010
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces    739.3460     10.2741      0.1647
+                   Advect surface  1    739.3462     10.2743      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                    Erode surface  1    739.3905     10.3186      0.0444
+                 Update cloud fields    756.6507     27.5788     17.2602
+                    Advect the cloud    757.4169     28.3450      0.7662
+                        Write output    761.6245     32.5526      4.2076
+                    End of time step    763.3996     34.3277      1.7751
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      22    763.3998
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces    763.3998      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01    763.3999      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+                      refine surface    763.3999      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay    763.4061      0.0064      0.0062
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1    763.4095
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve    763.4096      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                F
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  F
+        compute ref. criterion on ov    763.4256      0.0161      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion    763.4437      0.0342      0.0181
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   3.200000E+01
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   3.042006E+01
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54496
+    Smoothen octree after refinement    763.4651      0.0557      0.0214
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54496
+                   Build osolve icon    763.6003      0.1909      0.1352
+             Imbed surface in osolve    763.7970      0.3875      0.1967
+                embedding surface  1    763.7972      0.3877      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   61440
+          Assessing octree stability    766.3933      2.9839      2.5962
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    54377 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    54496 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    61440 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    61440 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud    766.3955      2.9861      0.0022
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve    768.6162      5.2067      2.2206
+                                                                        ov%pressure:     -0.1375E+00 0.5102E-02
+                                                                        osolve%pressure: -0.1286E+00 0.9261E-03
+                      Find bad faces    768.9049      5.4955      0.2888
+                           Find void    769.1222      5.7127      0.2172
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    24704
+          Define boundary conditions    769.1347      5.7252      0.0125
+                         wsmp setup1    769.1401      5.7306      0.0054
+                                                                        n =   102243
+                                                                        nz=  3774345
+                         wsmp setup2    769.8758      6.4663      0.7357
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1    769.9094
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    769.9095      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        3671        4135
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.30880E+03
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     28897
+                          wsmp solve    772.7621      2.8527      2.8526
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0917790 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               2.4338601 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.5063221 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:         3.9091449 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15408.5172312 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.0751650 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0057039 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:            7.0223429 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.48524E-04  0.10000E+01
+                                                                        v : -0.14008E+00  0.13429E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.11414E-01  0.52596E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    779.7982      9.8888      7.0361
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.89737E+00  0.68898E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures    779.8745      9.9652      0.0763
+                                                                        smooth pressures : -0.12870E+00  0.12999E-02
+                do leaf measurements    779.8924      9.9831      0.0179
+       compute convergence criterion    779.9327     10.0233      0.0403
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0058029 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube    779.9354     10.0261      0.0027
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical    779.9356     10.0262      0.0002
+                  Compute divergence    779.9356     10.0263      0.0000
+                        wsmp_cleanup    779.9653     10.0559      0.0297
+              Reset surface geometry    779.9705     10.0611      0.0052
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations     779.9716     10.0622      0.0011
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces    780.1364     10.2270      0.1648
+                   Advect surface  1    780.1365     10.2272      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                    Erode surface  1    780.1807     10.2713      0.0442
+                 Update cloud fields    797.4067     27.4974     17.2260
+                    Advect the cloud    798.1765     28.2671      0.7697
+                        Write output    802.3895     32.4801      4.2130
+                    End of time step    804.1444     34.2350      1.7549
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      23    804.1445
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces    804.1446      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01    804.1446      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+                      refine surface    804.1447      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay    804.1512      0.0067      0.0065
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1    804.1554
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve    804.1556      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                F
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  F
+        compute ref. criterion on ov    804.1716      0.0162      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion    804.1899      0.0345      0.0184
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   3.200000E+01
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   3.049019E+01
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54587
+    Smoothen octree after refinement    804.2116      0.0562      0.0217
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54587
+                   Build osolve icon    804.3471      0.1917      0.1355
+             Imbed surface in osolve    804.5383      0.3828      0.1911
+                embedding surface  1    804.5385      0.3831      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   61440
+          Assessing octree stability    807.1377      2.9823      2.5992
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    54496 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    54587 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    61440 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    61440 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud    807.1400      2.9845      0.0022
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve    809.5285      5.3731      2.3886
+                                                                        ov%pressure:     -0.1376E+00 0.7395E-02
+                                                                        osolve%pressure: -0.1287E+00 0.1300E-02
+                      Find bad faces    809.8064      5.6509      0.2779
+                           Find void    810.0237      5.8682      0.2173
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    24738
+          Define boundary conditions    810.0365      5.8811      0.0128
+                         wsmp setup1    810.0418      5.8864      0.0053
+                                                                        n =   102444
+                                                                        nz=  3782766
+                         wsmp setup2    810.7813      6.6258      0.7395
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1    810.8149
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    810.8151      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        3679        4142
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.55919E-05  1.30880E+03
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     28953
+                          wsmp solve    813.6950      2.8800      2.8799
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0970750 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               2.5262070 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.5073020 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:         4.1235340 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14664.1480719 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.0815229 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0054460 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:            7.3414631 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.87301E-04  0.10000E+01
+                                                                        v : -0.13856E+00  0.13424E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.12690E-01  0.53177E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    821.0505     10.2356      7.3556
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.91974E+00  0.70703E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures    821.1275     10.3125      0.0769
+                                                                        smooth pressures : -0.12888E+00  0.15522E-02
+                do leaf measurements    821.1399     10.3250      0.0124
+       compute convergence criterion    821.1801     10.3652      0.0402
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0079786 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube    821.1829     10.3680      0.0028
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical    821.1831     10.3682      0.0002
+                  Compute divergence    821.1832     10.3682      0.0000
+                        wsmp_cleanup    821.2132     10.3983      0.0301
+              Reset surface geometry    821.2183     10.4033      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations     821.2193     10.4043      0.0010
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces    821.3843     10.5693      0.1650
+                   Advect surface  1    821.3844     10.5695      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                    Erode surface  1    821.4287     10.6137      0.0442
+                 Update cloud fields    838.7706     27.9556     17.3419
+                    Advect the cloud    839.5540     28.7391      0.7834
+                        Write output    843.7910     32.9761      4.2370
+                    End of time step    845.5710     34.7561      1.7800
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      24    845.5713
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces    845.5713      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01    845.5714      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+                      refine surface    845.5714      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay    845.5770      0.0057      0.0055
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1    845.5812
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve    845.5813      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                F
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  F
+        compute ref. criterion on ov    845.5972      0.0160      0.0158
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion    845.6155      0.0344      0.0184
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   3.200000E+01
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   3.055746E+01
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54622
+    Smoothen octree after refinement    845.6368      0.0556      0.0213
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54622
+                   Build osolve icon    845.7709      0.1898      0.1341
+             Imbed surface in osolve    845.9553      0.3741      0.1843
+                embedding surface  1    845.9555      0.3743      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   61440
+          Assessing octree stability    848.5482      2.9671      2.5927
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    54587 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    54622 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    61440 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    61440 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud    848.5504      2.9693      0.0022
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve    850.7923      5.2112      2.2419
+                                                                        ov%pressure:     -0.1377E+00 0.8507E-02
+                                                                        osolve%pressure: -0.1289E+00 0.1552E-02
+                      Find bad faces    851.0893      5.5082      0.2970
+                           Find void    851.3066      5.7255      0.2173
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    24781
+          Define boundary conditions    851.3194      5.7383      0.0128
+                         wsmp setup1    851.3247      5.7436      0.0053
+                                                                        n =   102903
+                                                                        nz=  3801126
+                         wsmp setup2    852.0608      6.4796      0.7361
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1    852.0940
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    852.0942      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        3696        4160
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.57325E-05  1.30880E+03
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     29069
+                          wsmp solve    855.0549      2.9609      2.9607
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0938649 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               2.6364760 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.5152869 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:         4.1968420 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14741.1497875 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.0823469 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0056560 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:            7.5308700 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.18641E-03  0.10001E+01
+                                                                        v : -0.31056E+00  0.13631E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.13930E-01  0.61753E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    862.5999     10.5059      7.5450
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.95656E+00  0.74841E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures    862.6776     10.5836      0.0776
+                                                                        smooth pressures : -0.12903E+00  0.16688E-02
+                do leaf measurements    862.6901     10.5961      0.0125
+       compute convergence criterion    862.7315     10.6375      0.0414
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0058599 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube    862.7343     10.6403      0.0028
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical    862.7345     10.6405      0.0002
+                  Compute divergence    862.7345     10.6405      0.0000
+                        wsmp_cleanup    862.7639     10.6699      0.0294
+              Reset surface geometry    862.7690     10.6750      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations     862.7700     10.6760      0.0010
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces    862.9354     10.8414      0.1653
+                   Advect surface  1    862.9355     10.8415      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                    Erode surface  1    862.9796     10.8856      0.0441
+                 Update cloud fields    881.3039     29.2099     18.3243
+                    Advect the cloud    882.0790     29.9850      0.7751
+                        Write output    886.3283     34.2343      4.2492
+                    End of time step    888.0732     35.9792      1.7449
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      25    888.0733
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces    888.0734      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01    888.0734      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+                      refine surface    888.0735      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay    888.0802      0.0069      0.0068
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1    888.0833
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve    888.0835      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                F
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  F
+        compute ref. criterion on ov    888.0992      0.0160      0.0158
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion    888.1174      0.0341      0.0182
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   3.200000E+01
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   3.062182E+01
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54755
+    Smoothen octree after refinement    888.1390      0.0557      0.0215
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54755
+                   Build osolve icon    888.2736      0.1903      0.1346
+             Imbed surface in osolve    888.4631      0.3798      0.1895
+                embedding surface  1    888.4633      0.3801      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   61440
+          Assessing octree stability    891.0696      2.9863      2.6063
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    54622 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    54755 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    61440 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    61440 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud    891.0718      2.9885      0.0022
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve    893.3054      5.2221      2.2336
+                                                                        ov%pressure:     -0.1379E+00 0.1313E-01
+                                                                        osolve%pressure: -0.1290E+00 0.1669E-02
+                      Find bad faces    893.5907      5.5074      0.2853
+                           Find void    893.8080      5.7247      0.2173
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    24836
+          Define boundary conditions    893.8206      5.7373      0.0126
+                         wsmp setup1    893.8258      5.7425      0.0052
+                                                                        n =   103098
+                                                                        nz=  3810903
+                         wsmp setup2    894.5686      6.4853      0.7428
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1    894.5996
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    894.5998      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        3702        4169
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.30880E+03
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     29131
+                          wsmp solve    897.5516      2.9519      2.9518
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0944951 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               2.5877302 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.5145919 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:         4.1559970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14820.3742528 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.0820019 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0055420 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:            7.4407630 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.27193E-03  0.10004E+01
+                                                                        v : -0.13541E+00  0.13233E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.13883E-01  0.52902E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    905.0059     10.4063      7.4543
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.97895E+00  0.76811E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures    905.0855     10.4859      0.0796
+                                                                        smooth pressures : -0.12899E+00  0.18574E-02
+                do leaf measurements    905.0979     10.4982      0.0124
+       compute convergence criterion    905.1393     10.5397      0.0415
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0056222 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube    905.1423     10.5426      0.0029
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical    905.1424     10.5428      0.0002
+                  Compute divergence    905.1425     10.5429      0.0000
+                        wsmp_cleanup    905.1720     10.5723      0.0295
+              Reset surface geometry    905.1770     10.5774      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations     905.1781     10.5784      0.0011
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces    905.3438     10.7442      0.1658
+                   Advect surface  1    905.3440     10.7444      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                    Erode surface  1    905.3884     10.7888      0.0444
+                 Update cloud fields    923.3833     28.7836     17.9949
+                    Advect the cloud    924.1596     29.5599      0.7763
+                        Write output    928.4043     33.8047      4.2448
+                    End of time step    930.1597     35.5601      1.7554
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      26    930.1599
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces    930.1600      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01    930.1600      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+                      refine surface    930.1600      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay    930.1664      0.0065      0.0063
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1    930.1694
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve    930.1696      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                F
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  F
+        compute ref. criterion on ov    930.1854      0.0160      0.0158
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion    930.2037      0.0343      0.0183
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   3.200000E+01
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   3.068374E+01
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54874
+    Smoothen octree after refinement    930.2252      0.0558      0.0215
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54874
+                   Build osolve icon    930.3601      0.1907      0.1349
+             Imbed surface in osolve    930.5497      0.3803      0.1896
+                embedding surface  1    930.5499      0.3805      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   61440
+          Assessing octree stability    933.1667      2.9973      2.6168
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    54755 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    54874 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    61440 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    61440 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud    933.1690      2.9996      0.0022
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve    935.4066      5.2372      2.2376
+                                                                        ov%pressure:     -0.1377E+00 0.1166E-01
+                                                                        osolve%pressure: -0.1290E+00 0.1857E-02
+                      Find bad faces    935.6750      5.5056      0.2684
+                           Find void    935.8923      5.7229      0.2173
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    24881
+          Define boundary conditions    935.9050      5.7356      0.0127
+                         wsmp setup1    935.9101      5.7407      0.0051
+                                                                        n =   103245
+                                                                        nz=  3818451
+                         wsmp setup2    936.6583      6.4889      0.7482
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1    936.6903
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    936.6905      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        3708        4176
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.30880E+03
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     29180
+                          wsmp solve    939.6534      2.9630      2.9629
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0889661 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               2.5114930 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.5129402 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:         3.8328819 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15893.9700519 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.0745361 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0056670 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:            7.0268240 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.31850E-03  0.10010E+01
+                                                                        v : -0.13447E+00  0.13257E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.14663E-01  0.52529E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    946.6939     10.0036      7.0405
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.99610E+00  0.79182E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures    946.7722     10.0818      0.0782
+                                                                        smooth pressures : -0.12915E+00  0.20237E-02
+                do leaf measurements    946.7876     10.0972      0.0154
+       compute convergence criterion    946.8288     10.1384      0.0412
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0061200 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube    946.8316     10.1412      0.0028
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical    946.8318     10.1414      0.0002
+                  Compute divergence    946.8318     10.1415      0.0000
+                        wsmp_cleanup    946.8616     10.1713      0.0298
+              Reset surface geometry    946.8670     10.1767      0.0054
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations     946.8680     10.1777      0.0010
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces    947.0328     10.3425      0.1648
+                   Advect surface  1    947.0330     10.3426      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                    Erode surface  1    947.0772     10.3869      0.0443
+                 Update cloud fields    964.3846     27.6942     17.3073
+                    Advect the cloud    965.1705     28.4802      0.7859
+                        Write output    969.4308     32.7404      4.2603
+                    End of time step    971.1881     34.4978      1.7573
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      27    971.1884
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces    971.1884      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01    971.1885      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+                      refine surface    971.1885      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay    971.1945      0.0061      0.0060
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1    971.1975
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve    971.1977      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                F
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  F
+        compute ref. criterion on ov    971.2135      0.0160      0.0158
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion    971.2312      0.0337      0.0177
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   3.200000E+01
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   3.074196E+01
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54951
+    Smoothen octree after refinement    971.2527      0.0552      0.0215
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   54951
+                   Build osolve icon    971.3878      0.1903      0.1351
+             Imbed surface in osolve    971.5772      0.3797      0.1894
+                embedding surface  1    971.5774      0.3799      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   61440
+          Assessing octree stability    974.1633      2.9657      2.5858
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    54874 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    54951 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    61440 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    61440 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud    974.1655      2.9679      0.0022
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve    976.4395      5.2420      2.2740
+                                                                        ov%pressure:     -0.1379E+00 0.1214E-01
+                                                                        osolve%pressure: -0.1292E+00 0.2024E-02
+                      Find bad faces    976.7819      5.5844      0.3424
+                           Find void    976.9993      5.8018      0.2174
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    24912
+          Define boundary conditions    977.0125      5.8150      0.0132
+                         wsmp setup1    977.0188      5.8212      0.0063
+                                                                        n =   103377
+                                                                        nz=  3825897
+                         wsmp setup2    977.7639      6.5664      0.7452
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1    977.7994
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system    977.7996      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        3712        4183
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.30880E+03
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     29222
+                          wsmp solve    980.7481      2.9487      2.9485
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0923102 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               2.7005229 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.5153160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:         4.5112300 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            13850.2066060 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.0862119 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0055830 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:            7.9115460 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.33602E-03  0.10014E+01
+                                                                        v : -0.13241E+00  0.13195E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.15450E-01  0.52654E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures    988.6735     10.8741      7.9254
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.10193E+01  0.81613E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures    988.7511     10.9517      0.0776
+                                                                        smooth pressures : -0.12929E+00  0.21467E-02
+                do leaf measurements    988.7633     10.9640      0.0123
+       compute convergence criterion    988.8035     11.0041      0.0402
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0055482 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube    988.8065     11.0071      0.0029
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical    988.8067     11.0073      0.0002
+                  Compute divergence    988.8067     11.0073      0.0000
+                        wsmp_cleanup    988.8365     11.0371      0.0298
+              Reset surface geometry    988.8415     11.0422      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations     988.8426     11.0432      0.0011
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces    989.0049     11.2056      0.1623
+                   Advect surface  1    989.0051     11.2057      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                    Erode surface  1    989.0495     11.2501      0.0444
+                 Update cloud fields   1007.6192     29.8198     18.5697
+                    Advect the cloud   1008.4019     30.6025      0.7827
+                        Write output   1012.6695     34.8701      4.2676
+                    End of time step   1014.4482     36.6488      1.7787
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      28   1014.4484
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   1014.4485      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   1014.4485      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+                      refine surface   1014.4486      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   1014.4555      0.0070      0.0069
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   1014.4585
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   1014.4587      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                F
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  F
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   1014.4745      0.0160      0.0158
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   1014.4929      0.0344      0.0184
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   3.200000E+01
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   3.080282E+01
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   55049
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   1014.5144      0.0559      0.0215
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   55049
+                   Build osolve icon   1014.6499      0.1914      0.1355
+             Imbed surface in osolve   1014.8430      0.3845      0.1931
+                embedding surface  1   1014.8432      0.3847      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   61440
+          Assessing octree stability   1017.4750      3.0165      2.6318
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    54951 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    55049 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    61440 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    61440 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   1017.4773      3.0188      0.0022
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   1019.7671      5.3086      2.2898
+                                                                        ov%pressure:     -0.1379E+00 0.1184E-01
+                                                                        osolve%pressure: -0.1293E+00 0.2147E-02
+                      Find bad faces   1019.9973      5.5389      0.2302
+                           Find void   1020.2146      5.7562      0.2173
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    24954
+          Define boundary conditions   1020.2276      5.7691      0.0129
+                         wsmp setup1   1020.2328      5.7743      0.0052
+                                                                        n =   103488
+                                                                        nz=  3831960
+                         wsmp setup2   1020.9817      6.5232      0.7490
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   1021.0144
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   1021.0146      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        3717        4188
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.30880E+03
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     29259
+                          wsmp solve   1023.9782      2.9638      2.9636
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0940750 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               2.5208681 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.5125270 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:         3.8894970 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15915.4675091 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.0751019 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0056100 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:            7.0980289 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.33589E-03  0.10014E+01
+                                                                        v : -0.13688E+00  0.18349E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.15933E-01  0.52122E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   1031.0902     10.0758      7.1120
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.10395E+01  0.83535E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   1031.1685     10.1541      0.0783
+                                                                        smooth pressures : -0.12934E+00  0.21519E-02
+                do leaf measurements   1031.1831     10.1687      0.0146
+       compute convergence criterion   1031.2219     10.2075      0.0387
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0087143 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   1031.2247     10.2103      0.0029
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   1031.2249     10.2105      0.0002
+                  Compute divergence   1031.2250     10.2106      0.0000
+                        wsmp_cleanup   1031.2543     10.2399      0.0293
+              Reset surface geometry   1031.2598     10.2454      0.0055
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    1031.2608     10.2464      0.0010
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   1031.4246     10.4102      0.1638
+                   Advect surface  1   1031.4247     10.4103      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                    Erode surface  1   1031.4689     10.4545      0.0442
+                 Update cloud fields   1049.1957     28.1813     17.7268
+                    Advect the cloud   1049.9792     28.9647      0.7835
+                        Write output   1054.2468     33.2324      4.2676
+                    End of time step   1056.5334     35.5190      2.2866
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      29   1056.5336
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   1056.5337      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   1056.5337      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+                      refine surface   1056.5337      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   1056.5407      0.0071      0.0070
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   1056.5438
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   1056.5439      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                F
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  F
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   1056.5597      0.0160      0.0158
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   1056.5777      0.0339      0.0179
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   3.200000E+01
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   3.086066E+01
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   55154
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   1056.5993      0.0555      0.0216
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   55154
+                   Build osolve icon   1056.7351      0.1913      0.1358
+             Imbed surface in osolve   1056.9264      0.3826      0.1913
+                embedding surface  1   1056.9266      0.3828      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   61440
+          Assessing octree stability   1059.5585      3.0148      2.6320
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    55049 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    55154 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    61440 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    61440 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   1059.5608      3.0170      0.0023
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   1061.8677      5.3239      2.3069
+                                                                        ov%pressure:     -0.1379E+00 0.1241E-01
+                                                                        osolve%pressure: -0.1293E+00 0.2152E-02
+                      Find bad faces   1062.0513      5.5076      0.1837
+                           Find void   1062.2686      5.7249      0.2173
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    24979
+          Define boundary conditions   1062.2818      5.7380      0.0132
+                         wsmp setup1   1062.2875      5.7437      0.0057
+                                                                        n =   103572
+                                                                        nz=  3835701
+                         wsmp setup2   1063.0364      6.4926      0.7489
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   1063.0688
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   1063.0690      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        3720        4193
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.30880E+03
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     29286
+                          wsmp solve   1066.0381      2.9692      2.9691
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0939021 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               2.5703552 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.5157051 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:         3.9013648 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15714.3598020 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.0748510 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0057700 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:            7.1623049 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.30830E-03  0.10012E+01
+                                                                        v : -0.15537E+00  0.17451E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.16958E-01  0.51797E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   1073.2141     10.1453      7.1761
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.10479E+01  0.84440E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   1073.2930     10.2241      0.0788
+                                                                        smooth pressures : -0.12946E+00  0.22953E-02
+                do leaf measurements   1073.3059     10.2370      0.0129
+       compute convergence criterion   1073.3464     10.2775      0.0405
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0041218 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   1073.3494     10.2805      0.0030
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   1073.3496     10.2807      0.0002
+                  Compute divergence   1073.3496     10.2808      0.0000
+                        wsmp_cleanup   1073.3788     10.3100      0.0292
+              Reset surface geometry   1073.3840     10.3152      0.0052
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    1073.3851     10.3162      0.0011
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   1073.5492     10.4804      0.1641
+                   Advect surface  1   1073.5494     10.4805      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                    Erode surface  1   1073.5937     10.5248      0.0443
+                 Update cloud fields   1092.2181     29.1492     18.6244
+                    Advect the cloud   1092.9977     29.9289      0.7796
+                        Write output   1097.3438     34.2750      4.3461
+                    End of time step   1099.1295     36.0606      1.7857
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      30   1099.1297
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   1099.1297      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   1099.1298      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+                      refine surface   1099.1298      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   1099.1363      0.0066      0.0065
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   1099.1403
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   1099.1405      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                F
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  F
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   1099.1563      0.0160      0.0158
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   1099.1741      0.0338      0.0178
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   3.200000E+01
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   3.091828E+01
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   55182
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   1099.1956      0.0553      0.0215
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   55182
+                   Build osolve icon   1099.3315      0.1912      0.1359
+             Imbed surface in osolve   1099.5464      0.4061      0.2149
+                embedding surface  1   1099.5466      0.4063      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   61440
+          Assessing octree stability   1102.1573      3.0170      2.6108
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    55154 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    55182 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    61440 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    61440 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   1102.1595      3.0192      0.0022
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   1104.4527      5.3124      2.2932
+                                                                        ov%pressure:     -0.1380E+00 0.1276E-01
+                                                                        osolve%pressure: -0.1295E+00 0.2295E-02
+                      Find bad faces   1104.6621      5.5218      0.2094
+                           Find void   1104.8794      5.7391      0.2173
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    24995
+          Define boundary conditions   1104.8924      5.7521      0.0129
+                         wsmp setup1   1104.8978      5.7575      0.0054
+                                                                        n =   103659
+                                                                        nz=  3840060
+                         wsmp setup2   1105.6434      6.5031      0.7457
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   1105.6785
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   1105.6787      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        3723        4198
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.30880E+03
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     29317
+                          wsmp solve   1108.6557      2.9772      2.9770
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0869372 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               2.6043441 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.5165439 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:         4.1940742 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14856.4113720 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.0772722 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0057631 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:            7.4852622 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.27764E-03  0.10013E+01
+                                                                        v : -0.12748E+00  0.17243E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.17717E-01  0.51363E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   1116.1551     10.4766      7.4994
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.10743E+01  0.86780E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   1116.2331     10.5546      0.0780
+                                                                        smooth pressures : -0.12959E+00  0.24653E-02
+                do leaf measurements   1116.2476     10.5691      0.0145
+       compute convergence criterion   1116.2870     10.6085      0.0394
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0064208 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   1116.2899     10.6114      0.0029
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   1116.2901     10.6116      0.0002
+                  Compute divergence   1116.2901     10.6116      0.0000
+                        wsmp_cleanup   1116.3200     10.6415      0.0299
+              Reset surface geometry   1116.3254     10.6469      0.0054
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    1116.3264     10.6479      0.0010
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   1116.4922     10.8137      0.1658
+                   Advect surface  1   1116.4924     10.8139      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    5 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                    Erode surface  1   1116.5371     10.8586      0.0448
+                 Update cloud fields   1135.1439     29.4654     18.6067
+                    Advect the cloud   1135.9483     30.2698      0.8045
+                        Write output   1140.2598     34.5812      4.3114
+                    End of time step   1142.0499     36.3714      1.7902
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      31   1142.0501
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   1142.0502      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   1142.0502      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:     4356points
+                      refine surface   1142.0502      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   1142.0567      0.0066      0.0065
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface   1142.0605      0.0104      0.0038
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   1142.0640      0.0139      0.0036
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:     4357points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   1142.0672
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   1142.0673      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                F
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  F
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   1142.0831      0.0159      0.0157
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   1142.1010      0.0338      0.0179
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   3.200000E+01
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   3.097005E+01
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   55196
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   1142.1225      0.0554      0.0216
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   55196
+                   Build osolve icon   1142.2584      0.1913      0.1359
+             Imbed surface in osolve   1142.4718      0.4046      0.2133
+                embedding surface  1   1142.4719      0.4048      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   61440
+          Assessing octree stability   1145.1077      3.0405      2.6357
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    55182 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    55196 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    61440 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    61440 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   1145.1099      3.0427      0.0022
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   1147.4139      5.3468      2.3041
+                                                                        ov%pressure:     -0.1380E+00 0.1262E-01
+                                                                        osolve%pressure: -0.1296E+00 0.2465E-02
+                      Find bad faces   1147.6473      5.5802      0.2334
+                           Find void   1147.8647      5.7975      0.2174
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    25022
+          Define boundary conditions   1147.8776      5.8104      0.0129
+                         wsmp setup1   1147.8827      5.8155      0.0051
+                                                                        n =   103725
+                                                                        nz=  3843063
+                         wsmp setup2   1148.6293      6.5621      0.7466
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   1148.6647
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   1148.6649      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        3725        4201
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.30880E+03
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     29338
+                          wsmp solve   1151.6155      2.9508      2.9506
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0940261 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               2.5650909 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.5179472 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:         4.0105300 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15580.5382724 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.0726080 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0057750 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:            7.2663400 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.17872E-03  0.10013E+01
+                                                                        v : -0.21225E+00  0.16580E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.19314E-01  0.51231E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   1158.8958     10.2311      7.2803
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.10907E+01  0.88641E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   1158.9745     10.3098      0.0787
+                                                                        smooth pressures : -0.12968E+00  0.24838E-02
+                do leaf measurements   1158.9887     10.3240      0.0142
+       compute convergence criterion   1159.0285     10.3638      0.0399
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0171027 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   1159.0314     10.3667      0.0029
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   1159.0316     10.3669      0.0002
+                  Compute divergence   1159.0316     10.3670      0.0000
+                        wsmp_cleanup   1159.0620     10.3974      0.0304
+              Reset surface geometry   1159.0671     10.4025      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    1159.0682     10.4035      0.0011
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   1159.2332     10.5685      0.1650
+                   Advect surface  1   1159.2333     10.5686      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    4 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                    Erode surface  1   1159.2779     10.6132      0.0446
+                 Update cloud fields   1178.5115     29.8469     19.2337
+                    Advect the cloud   1179.2930     30.6283      0.7815
+                        Write output   1183.6262     34.9615      4.3332
+                    End of time step   1185.4227     36.7580      1.7965
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      32   1185.4229
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   1185.4230      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   1185.4230      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:     4357points
+                      refine surface   1185.4231      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   1185.4298      0.0069      0.0068
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:     4357points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   1185.4329
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   1185.4331      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                F
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  F
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   1185.4489      0.0159      0.0158
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   1185.4664      0.0335      0.0176
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   3.200000E+01
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   3.102160E+01
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   55217
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   1185.4878      0.0549      0.0214
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   55217
+                   Build osolve icon   1185.6238      0.1909      0.1360
+             Imbed surface in osolve   1185.8237      0.3907      0.1998
+                embedding surface  1   1185.8238      0.3909      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   61440
+          Assessing octree stability   1188.4207      2.9878      2.5969
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    55196 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    55217 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    61440 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    61440 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   1188.4230      2.9900      0.0023
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   1190.7496      5.3167      2.3267
+                                                                        ov%pressure:     -0.1384E+00 0.1338E-01
+                                                                        osolve%pressure: -0.1297E+00 0.2484E-02
+                      Find bad faces   1191.0022      5.5692      0.2525
+                           Find void   1191.2194      5.7865      0.2173
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    25044
+          Define boundary conditions   1191.2320      5.7991      0.0126
+                         wsmp setup1   1191.2366      5.8037      0.0046
+                                                                        n =   103812
+                                                                        nz=  3847134
+                         wsmp setup2   1191.9884      6.5555      0.7518
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   1192.0210
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   1192.0212      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        3729        4206
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.30880E+03
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     29367
+                          wsmp solve   1195.0068      2.9858      2.9857
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0884559 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               2.5337071 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.5225141 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:         4.2182539 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14895.3451915 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.0772550 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0057070 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:            7.4462550 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.14701E-03  0.10014E+01
+                                                                        v : -0.20775E+00  0.14845E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.19857E-01  0.51074E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   1202.4669     10.4459      7.4601
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.10969E+01  0.89242E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   1202.5451     10.5241      0.0782
+                                                                        smooth pressures : -0.12972E+00  0.24774E-02
+                do leaf measurements   1202.5617     10.5407      0.0166
+       compute convergence criterion   1202.6007     10.5797      0.0390
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0124324 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   1202.6036     10.5826      0.0029
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   1202.6038     10.5828      0.0002
+                  Compute divergence   1202.6038     10.5828      0.0000
+                        wsmp_cleanup   1202.6338     10.6128      0.0300
+              Reset surface geometry   1202.6390     10.6180      0.0052
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    1202.6402     10.6192      0.0012
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   1202.8059     10.7849      0.1658
+                   Advect surface  1   1202.8061     10.7851      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                    Erode surface  1   1202.8508     10.8298      0.0447
+                 Update cloud fields   1222.6934     30.6724     19.8427
+                    Advect the cloud   1223.4850     31.4640      0.7915
+                        Write output   1227.8251     35.8041      4.3401
+                    End of time step   1229.6465     37.6255      1.8215
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      33   1229.6467
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   1229.6468      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   1229.6468      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:     4357points
+                      refine surface   1229.6469      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   1229.6546      0.0079      0.0078
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:     4357points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   1229.6587
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   1229.6588      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                F
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  F
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   1229.6747      0.0160      0.0158
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   1229.6920      0.0334      0.0174
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   3.200000E+01
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   3.107040E+01
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   55245
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   1229.7136      0.0550      0.0216
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   55245
+                   Build osolve icon   1229.8497      0.1910      0.1361
+             Imbed surface in osolve   1230.0527      0.3940      0.2030
+                embedding surface  1   1230.0529      0.3943      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   61440
+          Assessing octree stability   1232.6882      3.0295      2.6353
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    55217 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    55245 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    61440 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    61440 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   1232.6906      3.0320      0.0024
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   1235.0299      5.3712      2.3393
+                                                                        ov%pressure:     -0.1386E+00 0.1370E-01
+                                                                        osolve%pressure: -0.1297E+00 0.2477E-02
+                      Find bad faces   1235.2244      5.5657      0.1945
+                           Find void   1235.4439      5.7852      0.2195
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    25064
+          Define boundary conditions   1235.4578      5.7991      0.0139
+                         wsmp setup1   1235.4641      5.8054      0.0063
+                                                                        n =   103899
+                                                                        nz=  3851637
+                         wsmp setup2   1236.2264      6.5677      0.7623
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   1236.2599
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   1236.2602      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        3731        4209
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.30880E+03
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     29395
+                          wsmp solve   1239.2795      3.0196      3.0193
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.1002500 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               2.5710790 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.5226541 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:         3.7609160 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16694.3238941 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.0747890 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0056911 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:            7.0357392 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.13036E-03  0.10014E+01
+                                                                        v : -0.18251E+00  0.14635E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.20598E-01  0.50819E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   1246.3290     10.0690      7.0495
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.11109E+01  0.90569E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   1246.4076     10.1477      0.0787
+                                                                        smooth pressures : -0.12983E+00  0.24966E-02
+                do leaf measurements   1246.4198     10.1598      0.0121
+       compute convergence criterion   1246.4605     10.2006      0.0407
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0102941 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   1246.4633     10.2034      0.0028
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   1246.4634     10.2035      0.0002
+                  Compute divergence   1246.4635     10.2036      0.0000
+                        wsmp_cleanup   1246.4932     10.2333      0.0297
+              Reset surface geometry   1246.4983     10.2384      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    1246.4994     10.2395      0.0011
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   1246.6638     10.4039      0.1645
+                   Advect surface  1   1246.6640     10.4041      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                    Erode surface  1   1246.7082     10.4483      0.0442
+                 Update cloud fields   1266.0914     29.8315     19.3833
+                    Advect the cloud   1266.8686     30.6087      0.7772
+                        Write output   1271.1845     34.9246      4.3159
+                    End of time step   1273.0121     36.7522      1.8276
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      34   1273.0123
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   1273.0124      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   1273.0124      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:     4357points
+                      refine surface   1273.0124      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   1273.0189      0.0066      0.0065
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:     4357points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   1273.0221
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   1273.0223      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                F
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  F
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   1273.0381      0.0160      0.0158
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   1273.0556      0.0335      0.0175
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   3.200000E+01
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   3.112065E+01
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   55287
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   1273.0772      0.0551      0.0216
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   55287
+                   Build osolve icon   1273.2134      0.1913      0.1362
+             Imbed surface in osolve   1273.4180      0.3959      0.2046
+                embedding surface  1   1273.4182      0.3961      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   61440
+          Assessing octree stability   1276.0731      3.0510      2.6550
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    55245 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    55287 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    61440 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    61440 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   1276.0755      3.0534      0.0023
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   1278.4024      5.3803      2.3269
+                                                                        ov%pressure:     -0.1389E+00 0.1418E-01
+                                                                        osolve%pressure: -0.1298E+00 0.2497E-02
+                      Find bad faces   1278.5659      5.5438      0.1635
+                           Find void   1278.7855      5.7634      0.2196
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    25086
+          Define boundary conditions   1278.7999      5.7778      0.0144
+                         wsmp setup1   1278.8063      5.7842      0.0064
+                                                                        n =   103974
+                                                                        nz=  3855270
+                         wsmp setup2   1279.5701      6.5480      0.7638
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   1279.6065
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   1279.6066      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        3735        4212
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.30880E+03
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     29419
+                          wsmp solve   1282.6048      2.9983      2.9982
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0964370 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               2.6314709 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.5209210 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:         4.1882761 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14983.5625827 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.0752611 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0057662 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:            7.5184700 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.10575E-03  0.10015E+01
+                                                                        v : -0.17926E+00  0.14982E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.21407E-01  0.50651E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   1290.1375     10.5311      7.5327
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.11197E+01  0.91320E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   1290.2170     10.6106      0.0795
+                                                                        smooth pressures : -0.12994E+00  0.25695E-02
+                do leaf measurements   1290.2290     10.6225      0.0119
+       compute convergence criterion   1290.2693     10.6628      0.0403
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0061375 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   1290.2721     10.6657      0.0028
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   1290.2723     10.6658      0.0002
+                  Compute divergence   1290.2724     10.6659      0.0000
+                        wsmp_cleanup   1290.3020     10.6956      0.0297
+              Reset surface geometry   1290.3070     10.7005      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    1290.3081     10.7016      0.0011
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   1290.4727     10.8663      0.1646
+                   Advect surface  1   1290.4729     10.8664      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                    Erode surface  1   1290.5171     10.9107      0.0443
+                 Update cloud fields   1310.1013     30.4948     19.5841
+                    Advect the cloud   1310.8765     31.2701      0.7753
+                        Write output   1315.2007     35.5943      4.3242
+                    End of time step   1317.0111     37.4047      1.8104
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      35   1317.0113
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   1317.0114      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   1317.0114      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:     4357points
+                      refine surface   1317.0115      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   1317.0185      0.0072      0.0071
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface   1317.0222      0.0109      0.0036
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   1317.0256      0.0143      0.0034
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:     4358points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   1317.0290
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   1317.0292      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                F
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  F
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   1317.0451      0.0161      0.0159
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   1317.0627      0.0337      0.0176
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   3.200000E+01
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   3.116854E+01
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   55329
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   1317.0845      0.0554      0.0218
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   55329
+                   Build osolve icon   1317.2221      0.1931      0.1377
+             Imbed surface in osolve   1317.4167      0.3876      0.1945
+                embedding surface  1   1317.4169      0.3878      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   61440
+          Assessing octree stability   1320.0712      3.0422      2.6544
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    55287 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    55329 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    61440 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    61440 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   1320.0735      3.0445      0.0023
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   1322.3806      5.3516      2.3071
+                                                                        ov%pressure:     -0.1394E+00 0.1459E-01
+                                                                        osolve%pressure: -0.1299E+00 0.2569E-02
+                      Find bad faces   1322.5912      5.5622      0.2106
+                           Find void   1322.8108      5.7817      0.2196
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    25105
+          Define boundary conditions   1322.8244      5.7954      0.0136
+                         wsmp setup1   1322.8304      5.8014      0.0060
+                                                                        n =   104025
+                                                                        nz=  3858189
+                         wsmp setup2   1323.5951      6.5661      0.7647
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   1323.6313
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   1323.6315      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        3736        4215
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.30880E+03
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     29437
+                          wsmp solve   1326.5480      2.9167      2.9165
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.1014030 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               2.7387211 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.5198281 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:         4.5010691 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14181.2814091 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.0810130 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0057769 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:            7.9481850 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.72309E-04  0.10019E+01
+                                                                        v : -0.17383E+00  0.13958E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.21875E-01  0.50592E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   1334.5098     10.8785      7.9618
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.11315E+01  0.92421E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   1334.5885     10.9572      0.0787
+                                                                        smooth pressures : -0.13008E+00  0.26737E-02
+                do leaf measurements   1334.6051     10.9738      0.0166
+       compute convergence criterion   1334.6467     11.0154      0.0416
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0086979 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   1334.6495     11.0182      0.0028
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   1334.6497     11.0184      0.0002
+                  Compute divergence   1334.6497     11.0184      0.0000
+                        wsmp_cleanup   1334.6794     11.0481      0.0297
+              Reset surface geometry   1334.6848     11.0535      0.0054
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    1334.6859     11.0546      0.0011
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   1334.8508     11.2195      0.1649
+                   Advect surface  1   1334.8509     11.2196      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    3 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                    Erode surface  1   1334.8953     11.2640      0.0444
+                 Update cloud fields   1355.5055     31.8742     20.6102
+                    Advect the cloud   1356.2951     32.6638      0.7896
+                        Write output   1360.6214     36.9900      4.3263
+                    End of time step   1362.4332     38.8019      1.8118
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      36   1362.4333
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   1362.4334      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   1362.4334      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:     4358points
+                      refine surface   1362.4335      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   1362.4405      0.0071      0.0070
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:     4358points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   1362.4438
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   1362.4439      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                F
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  F
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   1362.4599      0.0161      0.0160
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   1362.4774      0.0336      0.0175
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   3.200000E+01
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   3.121731E+01
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   55357
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   1362.4992      0.0554      0.0218
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   55357
+                   Build osolve icon   1362.6370      0.1932      0.1378
+             Imbed surface in osolve   1362.8304      0.3867      0.1935
+                embedding surface  1   1362.8306      0.3868      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   61440
+          Assessing octree stability   1365.4658      3.0221      2.6352
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    55329 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    55357 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    61440 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    61440 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   1365.4682      3.0244      0.0023
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   1367.7783      5.3345      2.3101
+                                                                        ov%pressure:     -0.1397E+00 0.1491E-01
+                                                                        osolve%pressure: -0.1301E+00 0.2674E-02
+                      Find bad faces   1368.0076      5.5638      0.2293
+                           Find void   1368.2250      5.7812      0.2174
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    25127
+          Define boundary conditions   1368.2375      5.7938      0.0125
+                         wsmp setup1   1368.2421      5.7983      0.0046
+                                                                        n =   104076
+                                                                        nz=  3861216
+                         wsmp setup2   1368.9929      6.5492      0.7508
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   1369.0267
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   1369.0269      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        3738        4216
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.30880E+03
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     29453
+                          wsmp solve   1371.9886      2.9619      2.9617
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.1038649 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               2.5754771 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.5202422 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:         3.8781161 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            16423.8071603 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.0743330 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0056958 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:            7.1580641 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.61750E-04  0.10019E+01
+                                                                        v : -0.15571E+00  0.14076E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.22057E-01  0.50932E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   1379.1608     10.1340      7.1721
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.11429E+01  0.93215E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   1379.2424     10.2157      0.0817
+                                                                        smooth pressures : -0.13016E+00  0.27814E-02
+                do leaf measurements   1379.2570     10.2302      0.0145
+       compute convergence criterion   1379.2965     10.2697      0.0395
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0141149 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   1379.2993     10.2726      0.0029
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   1379.2995     10.2728      0.0002
+                  Compute divergence   1379.2995     10.2728      0.0000
+                        wsmp_cleanup   1379.3316     10.3049      0.0321
+              Reset surface geometry   1379.3366     10.3099      0.0050
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    1379.3377     10.3110      0.0011
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   1379.5015     10.4747      0.1638
+                   Advect surface  1   1379.5016     10.4749      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                    Erode surface  1   1379.5459     10.5192      0.0443
+                 Update cloud fields   1399.7158     30.6891     20.1699
+                    Advect the cloud   1400.5090     31.4823      0.7932
+                        Write output   1404.8559     35.8292      4.3469
+                    End of time step   1406.6876     37.6609      1.8317
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      37   1406.6878
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   1406.6878      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   1406.6879      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:     4358points
+                      refine surface   1406.6879      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   1 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   1406.6950      0.0072      0.0071
+                                                                        S. 1:    2 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                      refine surface   1406.6988      0.0110      0.0038
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   1406.7021      0.0143      0.0033
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:     4359points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   1406.7055
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   1406.7056      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                F
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  F
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   1406.7214      0.0159      0.0158
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   1406.7392      0.0338      0.0178
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   3.200000E+01
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   3.126029E+01
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   55399
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   1406.7609      0.0554      0.0216
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   55399
+                   Build osolve icon   1406.8974      0.1919      0.1365
+             Imbed surface in osolve   1407.0881      0.3826      0.1907
+                embedding surface  1   1407.0883      0.3829      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   61440
+          Assessing octree stability   1409.7043      2.9988      2.6159
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    55357 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    55399 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    61440 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    61440 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   1409.7065      3.0010      0.0022
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   1412.0179      5.3124      2.3114
+                                                                        ov%pressure:     -0.1400E+00 0.1526E-01
+                                                                        osolve%pressure: -0.1302E+00 0.2781E-02
+                      Find bad faces   1412.2969      5.5914      0.2790
+                           Find void   1412.5142      5.8087      0.2173
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    25139
+          Define boundary conditions   1412.5267      5.8212      0.0125
+                         wsmp setup1   1412.5315      5.8260      0.0048
+                                                                        n =   104127
+                                                                        nz=  3863667
+                         wsmp setup2   1413.2831      6.5776      0.7516
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   1413.3176
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   1413.3178      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        3741        4219
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.30880E+03
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     29468
+                          wsmp solve   1416.2667      2.9492      2.9490
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0964942 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               2.5908401 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.5198591 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:         4.0952530 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15495.3344037 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.0747411 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0056782 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:            7.3832228 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.52428E-04  0.10019E+01
+                                                                        v : -0.21296E+00  0.22621E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.23112E-01  0.50698E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   1423.6638     10.3462      7.3971
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.11624E+01  0.95484E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   1423.7444     10.4269      0.0806
+                                                                        smooth pressures : -0.13055E+00  0.34832E-02
+                do leaf measurements   1423.7626     10.4450      0.0181
+       compute convergence criterion   1423.8004     10.4828      0.0378
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0072876 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   1423.8032     10.4856      0.0028
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   1423.8033     10.4858      0.0002
+                  Compute divergence   1423.8034     10.4858      0.0000
+                        wsmp_cleanup   1423.8341     10.5166      0.0308
+              Reset surface geometry   1423.8392     10.5216      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    1423.8403     10.5227      0.0011
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   1424.0053     10.6877      0.1650
+                   Advect surface  1   1424.0055     10.6879      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                    Erode surface  1   1424.0498     10.7323      0.0444
+                 Update cloud fields   1445.0763     31.7588     21.0265
+                    Advect the cloud   1445.8995     32.5820      0.8232
+                        Write output   1450.2527     36.9351      4.3531
+                    End of time step   1452.0798     38.7622      1.8271
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      38   1452.0800
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   1452.0801      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   1452.0801      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:     4359points
+                      refine surface   1452.0802      0.0002      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   1452.0853      0.0053      0.0052
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:     4359points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   1452.0896
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   1452.0898      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                F
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  F
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   1452.1056      0.0160      0.0158
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   1452.1232      0.0337      0.0177
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   3.200000E+01
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   3.130573E+01
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   55427
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   1452.1448      0.0552      0.0215
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   55427
+                   Build osolve icon   1452.2813      0.1918      0.1366
+             Imbed surface in osolve   1452.4687      0.3791      0.1873
+                embedding surface  1   1452.4689      0.3793      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   61440
+          Assessing octree stability   1455.0621      2.9725      2.5932
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    55399 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    55427 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    61440 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    61440 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   1455.0643      2.9747      0.0022
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   1457.3774      5.2879      2.3131
+                                                                        ov%pressure:     -0.1406E+00 0.1523E-01
+                                                                        osolve%pressure: -0.1306E+00 0.3483E-02
+                      Find bad faces   1457.6693      5.5797      0.2919
+                           Find void   1457.8867      5.7971      0.2174
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    25147
+          Define boundary conditions   1457.8996      5.8100      0.0129
+                         wsmp setup1   1457.9048      5.8153      0.0052
+                                                                        n =   104154
+                                                                        nz=  3865422
+                         wsmp setup2   1458.6593      6.5697      0.7545
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   1458.6953
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   1458.6956      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        3740        4223
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.30880E+03
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     29479
+                          wsmp solve   1461.6593      2.9640      2.9638
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0939209 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               2.6639061 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.5217431 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:         4.4999781 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            14167.2108120 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.0802050 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0056829 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:            7.8658011 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.44528E-04  0.10019E+01
+                                                                        v : -0.20827E+00  0.22524E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.23423E-01  0.56272E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   1469.5385     10.8431      7.8791
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12137E+01  0.10013E+01
+                 Smoothing pressures   1469.6199     10.9245      0.0814
+                                                                        smooth pressures : -0.13058E+00  0.36789E-02
+                do leaf measurements   1469.6380     10.9426      0.0181
+       compute convergence criterion   1469.6766     10.9813      0.0387
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0116445 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   1469.6794     10.9841      0.0028
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   1469.6796     10.9843      0.0002
+                  Compute divergence   1469.6797     10.9843      0.0000
+                        wsmp_cleanup   1469.7102     11.0149      0.0306
+              Reset surface geometry   1469.7153     11.0200      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    1469.7164     11.0211      0.0011
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   1469.8808     11.1855      0.1644
+                   Advect surface  1   1469.8810     11.1856      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                    Erode surface  1   1469.9244     11.2291      0.0435
+                 Update cloud fields   1491.0820     32.3866     21.1576
+                    Advect the cloud   1491.8729     33.1776      0.7909
+                        Write output   1496.2516     37.5562      4.3787
+                    End of time step   1498.1254     39.4301      1.8738
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+               Start of Step      39   1498.1256
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                  Loop over surfaces   1498.1256      0.0001      0.0001
+                          surface 01   1498.1257      0.0001      0.0000
+                                                                        S. 1:     4359points
+                      refine surface   1498.1257      0.0002      0.0001
+                                                                        S. 1:   0 added ptcls in refine_surface
+                      check delaunay   1498.1318      0.0062      0.0061
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:     4359points
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+          Start of iteration       1   1498.1361
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+                 Create octree solve   1498.1363      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        (1) params%griditer < 0                F
+                                                                        (2) current_level==params%levelmax_oct T
+                                                                        (3) increase_current_level             T
+                                                                        converge = (1) & (2) & (3) ->  F
+        compute ref. criterion on ov   1498.1521      0.0160      0.0158
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   32768
+        improve osolve for criterion   1498.1702      0.0341      0.0181
+                                                                        max(crit)        =   3.200000E+01
+                                                                        max(crit,w_l_i_f)=   3.134700E+01
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   55448
+    Smoothen octree after refinement   1498.1917      0.0556      0.0215
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   55448
+                   Build osolve icon   1498.3284      0.1923      0.1367
+             Imbed surface in osolve   1498.5181      0.3820      0.1897
+                embedding surface  1   1498.5183      0.3822      0.0002
+                                                                        osolve%nleaves=   61440
+          Assessing octree stability   1501.1170      2.9809      2.5987
+                                                                        current refine level     6
+                                                                        After criterion based refinement:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    55427 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    55448 leaves
+                                                                        After surfaces embedding:
+                                                                        nleaves_old=    61440 leaves
+                                                                        nleaves_new=    61440 leaves
+                                                                        C2: authorise increase of refine level =  T
+                     Change 3D cloud   1501.1192      2.9831      0.0022
+        Interpolate velo onto osolve   1503.4172      5.2811      2.2980
+                                                                        ov%pressure:     -0.1414E+00 0.1570E-01
+                                                                        osolve%pressure: -0.1306E+00 0.3679E-02
+                      Find bad faces   1503.7087      5.5726      0.2915
+                           Find void   1503.9260      5.7899      0.2173
+                                                                        whole leaf in fluid    25161
+          Define boundary conditions   1503.9387      5.8026      0.0127
+                         wsmp setup1   1503.9435      5.8074      0.0047
+                                                                        n =   104193
+                                                                        nz=  3867345
+                         wsmp setup2   1504.6986      6.5625      0.7551
+ -----------------------------------
+ start of non-linear iteratio      1   1504.7317
+ -----------------------------------
+                        build system   1504.7319      0.0002      0.0002
+                                                                        nelem per proc (min/max)        3742        4224
+                                                                        viscosity range   1.00000E-05  1.30880E+03
+                                                                        viscosity capped in     29493
+                          wsmp solve   1507.6977      2.9660      2.9658
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        wsmp: initialisation time:         0.0949180 s
+                                                                        wsmp: ordering time:               2.5654900 s
+                                                                        wsmp: symbolic fact. time:         0.5213399 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Cholesky fact. time:         4.0147929 s
+                                                                        wsmp: Factorisation            15953.0428377 Mflops
+                                                                        wsmp: back substitution time:      0.0798790 s
+                                                                        wsmp: from b to rhs vector:        0.0058281 s
+                                                                        ---------------------------------
+                                                                        wsmp: total solve time:            7.2825990 s
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        u : -0.34036E-04  0.10019E+01
+                                                                        v : -0.22691E+00  0.21529E+00
+                                                                        w : -0.23665E-01  0.56372E+00
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Calculate pressures   1514.9943     10.2626      7.2966
+                                                                        raw    pressures : -0.12096E+01  0.99530E+00
+                 Smoothing pressures   1515.0755     10.3438      0.0812
+                                                                        smooth pressures : -0.13066E+00  0.39648E-02
+                do leaf measurements   1515.0923     10.3606      0.0168
+       compute convergence criterion   1515.1319     10.4002      0.0396
+                                                                        velocity_diff_norm = 0.0070541 (tol = 0.0100000)
+                                                                        convergence on this octree reached
+                                                                        increase_current_level -> T
+                                                                        current_level -> 6
+                    slicing the cube   1515.1347     10.4030      0.0028
+Compute isostasy and adjust vertical   1515.1349     10.4032      0.0002
+                  Compute divergence   1515.1349     10.4032      0.0000
+                        wsmp_cleanup   1515.1663     10.4346      0.0314
+              Reset surface geometry   1515.1714     10.4397      0.0051
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Temperature calculations    1515.1726     10.4409      0.0012
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                        =================================
+                                                                        skip temperature calculation
+                                                                        =================================
+                 Advect the surfaces   1515.3386     10.6069      0.1660
+                   Advect surface  1   1515.3387     10.6070      0.0002
+                                                                        S. 1:    1 flips in delaunay2
+                                                                        S. 1:    0 flips in delaunay2
+                    Erode surface  1   1515.3836     10.6520      0.0449
+Killed by signal 2.
+Killed by signal 2.
+Killed by signal 2.
+Killed by signal 2.
+Killed by signal 2.